Lummis for Wyoming, Inc. is reporting a loan balance on this report of $140,500 still owed to the candidate, Cynthia M. Lummis, from loans advanced to the committee during the primary election in Wyoming in 2020. The Committee currently has two (2) requests for additional information (RAFI) letters dated 2/3/2021 and 3/4/2021 from the FEC regarding the campaign''s compliance with candidate personal loan repayment requirements. The constitutionality of those requirements is currently the subject of litigation in Ted Cruz for Senate v. Federal Election Commission, Civ. No. 19-908 (NJR, APM, TJK), which could render the aforementioned RFAIs moot. Accordingly, Lummis for Wyoming, Inc. will reevaluate the position taken in this report with regard to the candidate loan balance and the RFAIs once the litigation, including any appeals, are exhausted. - William R. Cubin, Treasurer