September 15, 2019 Ms. Jill Sugarman Assistant Branch Chief, Authorized Reports Analysis Division Federal Election Commission Washington, DC 20463 Re: John Tierney for Congress Dear Ms. Sugarman: On behalf of John Tierney for Congress, (C00318196) ("the Committee"), I respond to the Commission's request for additional information dated May 29, 2019. You have asked for clarification regarding the "residual funds balance and the current status of the candidate and the committee" and "the committee's status in regard to winding down." The Committee has been the principal campaign committee of former U.S. Representative John Tierney, who is no longer and does not intend to become again a candidate for federal office. Still, the Committee remains a "political committee" under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ("the Act"). It has accordingly spent its residual funds for lawful purposes, as the Act expressly permits, and has not spent funds for personal use. Its spending has included contributions to other candidates for federal office, other political committees, and organizations described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Committee has also incurred the administrative expenses necessary to make these disbursements, and to prepare and file the reports still required with the Commission. Regarding the "residual funds balance," the Committee had $153,593.63 cash-on-hand as of June 30, 2019. While no provision of the Act or Commission regulations requires the Committee to dispose of these funds or convert to a multicandidate committee by a date certain, the Committee is amending its Statement of Organization to convert to a multicandidate political committee and will continue to engage in lawful political activity in full compliance with the Act. We hope this responds to your questions. If you have further questions, please contact the Committee. Very truly yours, Brian G. Svoboda Counsel to John Tierney for Congress