Line #: 17
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/15/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 155.53 |
Call Time |
2627 E College Ave
Visalia, California 932923205 |
04/02/2024 | Software Subscription | 725.00 |
Old Town Media |
114 Quay St
# VA
Alexandria, Virginia 223142609 |
04/25/2024 | Advertising | 62920.00 |
Dr. Don's Buttons |
3906 W Morrow Dr
Glendale, Arizona 853087531 |
04/15/2024 | Printing | 1664.55 |
MailChimp |
675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
Ste 5000
Atlanta, Georgia 303082172 |
04/29/2024 | Email Services | 110.00 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
04/02/2024 | Software Subscription | 50.96 |
ABC Printers Inc. |
1375 Cross St SE
Salem, Oregon 973022519 |
04/15/2024 | Printing | 2460.00 |
Abby Marcia Kellner-Rode |
25360 Walker Rd
Bend, Oregon 977019653 |
04/25/2024 | In-Kind: Office Supplies | 8.99 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/29/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 328.01 |
Payroll Data Processing |
5005 W Laurel St
Ste 212
Tampa, Florida 336073836 |
04/30/2024 | Payroll - See Below if Itemized | 1744.59 |
Kelie McWilliams |
PO Box 8750
Bend, Oregon 977088750 |
04/30/2024 | Salary | 1744.59 |
ABC Printers Inc. |
1375 Cross St SE
Salem, Oregon 973022519 |
04/15/2024 | Printing | 340.00 |
Payroll Data Processing |
5005 W Laurel St
Ste 212
Tampa, Florida 336073836 |
04/30/2024 | Payroll Taxes & Fees | 462.14 |
AirBNB |
888 Brannan St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941035070 |
04/16/2024 | Travel | 80.36 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/04/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 192.68 |
USPS Portland |
745 NW Hoyt St
Portland, Oregon 972280899 |
04/19/2024 | Shipping | 212.00 |
USPS Portland |
745 NW Hoyt St
Portland, Oregon 972280899 |
04/09/2024 | Shipping | 122.40 |
Arrowhead Strategies LLC |
1845 Kalorama Rd NW
Washington, DC 200095889 |
04/10/2024 | Fundraising Consulting | 7000.00 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/18/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 277.65 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
04/01/2024 | Software Subscription | 1.99 |
MBA Consulting Group |
PO Box 15845
Washington, DC 200030845 |
04/09/2024 | Compliance Services | 5000.00 |
1701 K St NW
Ste 600
Washington, DC 200063821 |
04/02/2024 | Polling | 34400.00 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/11/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 300.10 |
Old Town Media |
114 Quay St
# VA
Alexandria, Virginia 223142609 |
05/01/2024 | Advertising | 70150.40 |
Payroll Data Processing |
5005 W Laurel St
Ste 212
Tampa, Florida 336073836 |
04/15/2024 | Payroll - See Below if Itemized | 1744.59 |
Kelie McWilliams |
PO Box 8750
Bend, Oregon 977088750 |
04/15/2024 | Salary | 1744.59 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
04/02/2024 | Software Subscription | 257.40 |
Payroll Data Processing |
5005 W Laurel St
Ste 212
Tampa, Florida 336073836 |
04/01/2024 | Payroll Taxes & Fees | 468.14 |
Ionos |
100 N 18th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191032778 |
04/15/2024 | Software Subscription | 2.50 |
Payroll Data Processing |
5005 W Laurel St
Ste 212
Tampa, Florida 336073836 |
04/15/2024 | Payroll Taxes & Fees | 468.14 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/25/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 455.70 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/08/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 144.53 |
USPS Portland |
745 NW Hoyt St
Portland, Oregon 972280899 |
04/01/2024 | Shipping | 341.55 |
Ionos |
100 N 18th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191032778 |
04/22/2024 | Software Subscription | 5.10 |
Amalgamated Bank |
1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202 |
04/26/2024 | Bank Fee | 121.20 |
Ionos |
100 N 18th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191032778 |
04/15/2024 | Software Subscription | 20.00 |
Payroll Data Processing |
5005 W Laurel St
Ste 212
Tampa, Florida 336073836 |
04/01/2024 | Payroll - See Below if Itemized | 1744.59 |
Kelie McWilliams |
PO Box 8750
Bend, Oregon 977088750 |
04/01/2024 | Salary | 1744.59 |
Ionos |
100 N 18th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191032778 |
04/12/2024 | Software Subscription | 47.06 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/22/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 233.88 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
05/01/2024 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 431.15 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 195192.88 |
Total Memo Amount | 5233.77 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 38 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 3 |