FILING FEC-1641692
Line Description | Amount | Line Description | Amount |
6(c). Net Contributions | 200791.19 | 15. Other Receipts | 0.00 |
7(c) Net Operating Expenditures | 70767.60 | 16. Total Receipts | 278630.89 |
9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee | 0.00 | 17. Operating Expenditures | 70767.60 |
10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee | 38217.12 | 18. Transfers to Other Authorized Committees | 0.00 |
11(a). Contributions from Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees | 153041.19 | 19(a). Repayments of Loans Made or Guaranteed by Candidate | 0.00 |
11(b). Contributions from Political Party Committees | 0.00 | 19(b). Other Loan Repayments | 0.00 |
11(c). Contributions from Other Political Committees | 49050.00 | 19(c). Total Loan Repayments | 0.00 |
11(d). Contributions from the Candidate | 0.00 | 20(a). Refunds of Contributions to Individuals/Persons | 1300.00 |
11(e). Total Contributions | 202091.19 | 20(b). Refunds of Contributions to Political Party Committees | 0.00 |
12. Transfers from Other Authorized Committees | 76539.70 | 20(c). Refunds of Contributions to Other Political Committees | 0.00 |
13(a). Loans Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate | 0.00 | 20(d). Total Contributions Refunds | 1300.00 |
13(b). All Other Loans | 0.00 | 21. Other Disbursements | 22200.00 |
13(c). Total Loans | 0.00 | 22. Total Disbursements | 94267.60 |
14. Offsets to Operating Expenditures | 0.00 | 23. Cash on Hand at Beginning of Reporting Period | 12436.71 |
27. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period | 196800.00 |
Line Description | Amount | Line Description | Amount |
6(c). Net Contributions | 0.00 | 15. Other Receipts | 0.00 |
7(c) Net Operating Expenditures | 10.00 | 16. Total Receipts | 69410.65 |
9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee | 0.00 | 17. Operating Expenditures | 10.00 |
10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee | 0.00 | 18. Transfers to Other Authorized Committees | 66728.33 |
11(a). Contributions from Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees | 0.00 | 19(a). Repayments of Loans Made or Guaranteed by Candidate | 0.00 |
11(b). Contributions from Political Party Committees | 0.00 | 19(b). Other Loan Repayments | 0.00 |
11(c). Contributions from Other Political Committees | 0.00 | 19(c). Total Loan Repayments | 0.00 |
11(d). Contributions from the Candidate | 0.00 | 20(a). Refunds of Contributions to Individuals/Persons | 0.00 |
11(e). Total Contributions | 0.00 | 20(b). Refunds of Contributions to Political Party Committees | 0.00 |
12. Transfers from Other Authorized Committees | 69410.65 | 20(c). Refunds of Contributions to Other Political Committees | 0.00 |
13(a). Loans Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate | 0.00 | 20(d). Total Contributions Refunds | 0.00 |
13(b). All Other Loans | 0.00 | 21. Other Disbursements | 0.00 |
13(c). Total Loans | 0.00 | 22. Total Disbursements | 66738.33 |
14. Offsets to Operating Expenditures | 0.00 | 23. Cash on Hand at Beginning of Reporting Period | 0.00 |
27. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period | 2672.32 |