Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17

Committee: ABBY FOR IOWA

Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

09/30/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 6056.65

Benjamin Teese 226 Shamrock Rd
Charlottesvle, Virginia 229033726

09/16/2021 Fundraising Services 1750.00

Hertz PO Box 26120
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731260120

08/12/2021 Travel 612.24

Raina Marie 21 E Granger Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503151220

09/23/2021 Event Production Services 195.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

09/15/2021 Payroll Taxes and Services 7816.69

Daniel Wasta PO Box 1943
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061943

08/12/2021 Mileage, Travel & Postage Reimbursement 2836.42

Oyama Sushi 5350 Council St NE # F
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524022473

08/20/2021 Travel 123.50

Des Lux 800 Locust St
Des Moines, Iowa 503093622

08/12/2021 Travel 602.78
801 Grand 801 Grand Ave Ste 200
Des Moines, Iowa 503098013

08/12/2021 Travel 443.77
Oyama Sushi 5350 Council St NE # F
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524022473

08/12/2021 Travel 110.30
Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

08/31/2021 Travel 407.60

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

09/09/2021 Internet Service 49.95

Eichenbaum Skinner Strategies, LLC 2425 L St NW Apt 839
Washington, DC 200372430

08/20/2021 Media Production 7661.53

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/07/2021 Travel 30.00

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/13/2021 Travel 22.84

Goodstock & Company 1774 W Greenleaf Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606262421

09/03/2021 Printing 2520.00

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

09/16/2021 Travel 468.40

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/15/2021 Travel 5.25

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

08/18/2021 Travel 28.26

Sandler, Reiff, Lamb, Rosenstein & Birk 1090 Vermont Ave NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200054970

08/12/2021 Legal Services 1077.50

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

07/23/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 940.10

Hotels.com 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

08/25/2021 Travel 832.57

MissionWired 650 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200013796

09/16/2021 Digital Advertising 15075.00

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

08/11/2021 Shipping 12.05

Alex Salisbury 869 Rundell St
Iowa City, Iowa 522406255

09/23/2021 Mileage Reimbursement 165.76

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/27/2021 Shipping 25.30

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/07/2021 Travel 32.29

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/07/2021 Travel 30.00

Sandler, Reiff, Lamb, Rosenstein & Birk 1090 Vermont Ave NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200054970

09/03/2021 Legal Services 595.00

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/16/2021 Shipping 18.67

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/15/2021 Travel 7.09

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

09/01/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 13569.95

Khadijah Naeem PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/01/2021 Salary 3109.76
Molly Banta PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/01/2021 Salary 4239.14
Julianne Frosolone PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/01/2021 Salary 6221.05
United Airlines 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

08/18/2021 Travel 296.20

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

08/25/2021 Shipping 13.72

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

07/26/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 6472.65

Molly Banta PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/20/2021 Travel Reimbursement - See Below If Item 743.40

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/20/2021 Travel 415.20
American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

09/20/2021 Travel 328.20
UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/23/2021 Shipping 54.55

NGP VAN, Inc. PO Box 392264
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152519264

08/07/2021 Software Subscription 7314.00

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

09/23/2021 Travel 18.32

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/30/2021 Travel 43.91

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/07/2021 Travel 8.99

Sorenson Strategies 1111 New Jersey Ave SE Apt 522
Washington, DC 200033868

09/03/2021 Fundraising Consulting 8000.00

Marriott International 10400 Fernwood Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208171102

09/16/2021 Travel 12.64

Alex Salisbury 869 Rundell St
Iowa City, Iowa 522406255

09/10/2021 Mileage Reimbursement 609.84

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/15/2021 Travel 41.10

Aparium Hotel Group, LLC 833 W Washington Blvd
Chicago, Illinois 606072331

08/31/2021 Travel 253.23

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/22/2021 Shipping 17.34

Trilogy Interactive LLC PO Box 4177
Mountain View, California 940400177

08/31/2021 Texting Services 3884.00

MissionWired 650 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200013796

07/27/2021 Digital Advertising 34040.00

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/07/2021 Travel 31.12

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/29/2021 Travel 3.00

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

09/20/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 2844.46

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/13/2021 Travel 7.03

The Townsend Hotel 100 Townsend St
Birmingham, Michigan 480096068

09/07/2021 Travel 1256.46

Spiros Consulting 1735 New Hampshire Ave NW Apt 102
Washington, DC 200092556

09/02/2021 Research Consulting 10000.00

Marriott International 10400 Fernwood Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208171102

09/16/2021 Travel 36.89

Beauty Edit 1305 3rd St SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524012309

08/23/2021 Event Production Services 178.69

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/14/2021 Travel 33.56

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

08/16/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1579.26

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

08/27/2021 Travel 322.41

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

09/13/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1160.14

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

08/16/2021 Travel 39.91

Wildfire Mail 290 Broadway Ste 132
Methuen, Massachusetts 018446827

08/27/2021 Printing 1900.00

Aparium Hotel Group, LLC 833 W Washington Blvd
Chicago, Illinois 606072331

08/31/2021 Travel 14.53

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/21/2021 Shipping 32.12

MissionWired 650 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200013796

07/26/2021 Digital Advertising 50600.00

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

08/17/2021 Shipping 12.05

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

08/30/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1516.16

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

08/02/2021 Payroll Taxes and Services 9515.37

Hone Strategies 403 E Melbourne Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 209013627

08/19/2021 Communications Consulting 9160.00

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/07/2021 Shipping 12.05

The Townsend Hotel 100 Townsend St
Birmingham, Michigan 480096068

09/07/2021 Travel 6.36

Thrive Strategies 919 Florida Ave NW Apt 504
Washington, DC 200015047

09/09/2021 Fundraising Consulting 8000.00

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

08/02/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 2482.95

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/14/2021 Travel 31.63

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

09/01/2021 Payroll Taxes and Services 7493.72

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

08/27/2021 Travel 322.41

Matthew Braun 4900 N Kenneth Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606302619

08/26/2021 Research Consulting 450.00

MissionWired 650 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200013796

09/17/2021 Digital Advertising 5000.00

Hotels.com 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

09/27/2021 Travel 230.83

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

08/02/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 10948.33

Khadijah Naeem PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

08/02/2021 Salary 10948.33
MissionWired 650 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200013796

08/19/2021 Digital Advertising 50000.00

Hotels.com 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

09/29/2021 Travel 957.52

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/08/2021 Shipping 24.10

Beauty Edit 1305 3rd St SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524012309

09/28/2021 Event Production Services 96.30

UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/29/2021 Shipping 32.97

Jjo Media, LLC 7457 Franklin Rd Ste 210
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483013609

08/04/2021 Digital Consulting 10000.00

MBA Consulting PO Box 15845
Washington, DC 200030845

08/11/2021 Compliance Services 5000.00

Benjamin Teese 226 Shamrock Rd
Charlottesvle, Virginia 229033726

09/03/2021 Fundraising Services 1750.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

08/13/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 3109.76

Khadijah Naeem PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

08/13/2021 Salary 3109.76
UPS 316 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031173

09/14/2021 Shipping 37.74

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

08/09/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1463.86

Centro 1003 Locust St
Des Moines, Iowa 503092805

09/20/2021 Catering 260.21

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

08/31/2021 Travel 407.60

Hotels.com 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

09/21/2021 Travel 1541.74

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

08/17/2021 Travel 24.57

Benjamin Teese 226 Shamrock Rd
Charlottesvle, Virginia 229033726

08/30/2021 Travel Reimbursement - See Below If Item 338.20

United Airlines 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

08/30/2021 Travel 338.20
Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/03/2021 Travel 59.98

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

09/23/2021 Travel 21.59

Trilogy Interactive LLC PO Box 4177
Mountain View, California 940400177

08/19/2021 Texting Services 11591.00

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

09/29/2021 Travel 717.40

Hotels.com 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

09/08/2021 Travel 708.84

Trilogy Interactive LLC PO Box 4177
Mountain View, California 940400177

08/11/2021 Texting Services 19714.00

Daniel Wasta PO Box 1943
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061943

09/03/2021 Telecommunications & Mileage Reimburseme 439.35

Marriott International 10400 Fernwood Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208171102

09/16/2021 Travel 10.75

Raina Marie 21 E Granger Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503151220

08/17/2021 Event Production Services 175.00

Clyde's Fine Diner 111 E Grand Ave Ste 111
Des Moines, Iowa 503091885

08/30/2021 Catering 228.32

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

08/13/2021 Payroll Taxes and Services 1826.82

Jazlyn Talley PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

08/23/2021 Salary 1531.09

Hotels.com 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

09/14/2021 Travel 303.47

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

08/27/2021 Travel 19.63

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/03/2021 Travel 30.00

Hands Up Communications PO Box 933
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524060933

08/18/2021 Interpreting Services 210.00

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

09/29/2021 Travel 717.40

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/07/2021 Travel 46.92

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/15/2021 Travel 19.04

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

08/20/2021 Travel 310.40

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/14/2021 Travel 21.47

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/27/2021 Travel 18.85

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/10/2021 Travel 29.97

Benjamin Teese 226 Shamrock Rd
Charlottesvle, Virginia 229033726

08/18/2021 Fundraising Services 1750.00

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

09/27/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 3359.13

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

09/28/2021 Travel 68.98

Marriott International 10400 Fernwood Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208171102

09/01/2021 Travel 262.09

MissionWired 650 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200013796

09/03/2021 Digital Advertising 18800.00

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

08/20/2021 Travel 310.40

DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

08/30/2021 Travel 36.09

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/14/2021 Travel 15.77

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

09/07/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 2081.08

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

09/15/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 16110.87

Natalia Baigorri PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/15/2021 Salary 1831.68
Molly Banta PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/15/2021 Salary 4239.14
Julianne Frosolone PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/15/2021 Salary 3426.48
Khadijah Naeem PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/15/2021 Salary 3109.76
Christian Slater PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/15/2021 Salary 1909.77
Jazlyn Talley PO Box 1843
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524061843

09/15/2021 Salary 1594.04
DoorDash 134 Sussex Ave Ste # 109
Newark, New Jersey 071033615

09/27/2021 Travel 27.54

MBA Consulting PO Box 15845
Washington, DC 200030845

09/01/2021 Compliance Services 5000.00

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

09/16/2021 Travel 468.40

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

08/23/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 2645.38

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/15/2021 Travel 52.69

American Airlines 1 Skyview Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761551801

08/20/2021 Travel 310.40

Uber 555 Market St
San Francisco, California 941052800

09/14/2021 Travel 4.29

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 415109.91
Total Memo Amount 45977.36
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 134
Number of Transactions (Memo) 17

Generated Sun Feb 16 10:52:21 2025