All Listed Line Numbers
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
A+G Digital |
1318 Minerva Rd
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481043927 |
05/04/2021 | Digital Consulting | 6000.00 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
04/25/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 0.36 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
05/02/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 11575.49 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
05/09/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3326.37 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
05/16/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 2248.35 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
05/23/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 9216.61 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
05/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 5558.53 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
06/06/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 4393.47 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
06/13/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 4031.13 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
06/20/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 5410.36 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
06/27/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 7471.47 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
06/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 8742.43 |
Amalgamated Bank |
1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202 |
06/25/2021 | Bank Fee | 313.34 |
American Express |
PO Box 1270
Newark, New Jersey 071011270 |
06/21/2021 | Credit Card Payment - Details below if i | 7578.42 |
Action Network Toolset |
1900 L St NW
Ste 900
Washington, DC 200365005 |
06/21/2021 | Software Rental | 4324.00 |
AT&T |
PO Box 8229
Aurora, Illinois 605728229 |
06/21/2021 | Telephone | 792.64 |
House Gift Shop |
Washington, DC 205150001 |
06/21/2021 | Supporter Gifts | 369.40 |
Life Storage |
3942 Youngstown Rd SE
Warren, Ohio 444842839 |
06/21/2021 | Storage | 86.72 |
Life Storage |
3942 Youngstown Rd SE
Warren, Ohio 444842839 |
06/21/2021 | Storage | 162.52 |
Prime Cincinnati |
580 Walnut St
Ste 100
Cincinnati, Ohio 452023127 |
06/21/2021 | Meals | 483.17 |
Spectrum |
4349 Everhard Rd NW
Canton, Ohio 447182403 |
06/21/2021 | Utilities | 410.29 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/21/2021 | Postage | 26.35 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/21/2021 | Postage | 26.35 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/21/2021 | Postage | 31.35 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/21/2021 | Postage | 38.49 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/04/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/05/2021 | Bank Fee | 1.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/06/2021 | Banking Supplies | 93.43 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/11/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/12/2021 | Bank Fee | 10.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/18/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/25/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
05/26/2021 | Bank Fee | 30.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/02/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/03/2021 | Bank Fee | 6.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/04/2021 | Bank Fee | 30.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/08/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/14/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/15/2021 | Bank Fee | 17.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/16/2021 | Bank Fee | 12.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/22/2021 | Bank Fee | 17.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/28/2021 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
Bank Of America |
525 S Jackson St
Seattle, Washington 981042828 |
06/29/2021 | Bank Fee | 45.00 |
Blue Tuesday Strategies LLC |
7253 Trawling Dr
New Albany, Ohio 430547692 |
06/02/2021 | Political Consulting | 10000.00 |
Blue Wave Political Partners LLC |
401 2Nd Ave S
Ste 303
Seattle, Washington 981042862 |
06/02/2021 | Compliance Consulting | 7500.00 |
Break Something Inc |
1380 Monroe St NW
# 409
Washington, DC 200103452 |
04/27/2021 | Online Advertising | 45000.00 |
Break Something Inc |
1380 Monroe St NW
# 409
Washington, DC 200103452 |
05/17/2021 | Online Advertising | 25000.00 |
Break Something Inc |
1380 Monroe St NW
# 409
Washington, DC 200103452 |
06/01/2021 | Online Advertising | 70000.00 |
Break Something Inc |
1380 Monroe St NW
# 409
Washington, DC 200103452 |
06/21/2021 | List Acquisition | 18425.00 |
Campaign Finance Consultants, Inc |
750 1St St NE
Ste 1070
Washington, DC 200028008 |
05/11/2021 | Fundraising Consulting | 15232.11 |
City Printing |
122 Oak Hill Ave
Youngstown, Ohio 445021428 |
05/25/2021 | Printing | 4637.29 |
Colonial Life |
828 Bistline Dr
Ste 100
West Columbia, South Carolina 291722753 |
06/04/2021 | Insurance | 269.52 |
Columbus Chamber Of Commerce |
150 S Front St
Ste 220
Columbus, Ohio 432157107 |
06/30/2021 | Membership Fee | 376.00 |
COSE Health & Wellness Trust |
1240 Huron Rd E
Ste 200
Cleveland, Ohio 441151722 |
06/02/2021 | Medical Insurance | 5703.22 |
Engage USA |
880 N East St
Unit 205
Frederick, Maryland 217015045 |
04/29/2021 | Direct Mail Services | 1500.00 |
Engage USA |
880 N East St
Unit 205
Frederick, Maryland 217015045 |
06/14/2021 | Direct Mail Services | 875.00 |
First Bank Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector
Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303424799 |
06/03/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 297.96 |
Dan Flanagan |
70105 Holmes Rd
Sisters, Oregon 977599749 |
04/29/2021 | Research Consulting | 500.00 |
Fraioli & Associates |
423 New Jersey Ave SE
# B
Washington, DC 200034034 |
05/04/2021 | Fundraising Consulting | 1907.31 |
Fraioli & Associates |
423 New Jersey Ave SE
# B
Washington, DC 200034034 |
06/02/2021 | Fundraising Consulting | 1875.00 |
GM Financial Leasing |
75 Remittance Dr
Dept 1738
Chicago, Illinois 606751738 |
05/24/2021 | Auto Travel | 778.35 |
GM Financial Leasing |
75 Remittance Dr
Dept 1738
Chicago, Illinois 606751738 |
06/24/2021 | Auto Travel | 778.35 |
Grossman Marketing Group |
30 Cobble Hill Rd
Somerville, Massachusetts 021434412 |
06/30/2021 | Printing | 4527.70 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
05/12/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 10302.96 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
05/12/2021 | Payroll- See Memo Items | 17521.00 |
Kimberly L. Bubon |
3629 Southwood Dr SE
Warren, Ohio 444842649 |
05/12/2021 | Salary | 1391.13 |
David Chase |
68 W Greenwood Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013225 |
05/12/2021 | Salary | 5263.11 |
Leslie Grubb |
4237 Paxton Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452091450 |
05/12/2021 | Salary | 2401.42 |
Alexandra Leventis |
85 W Starr Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013429 |
05/12/2021 | Salary | 3892.20 |
Isabella Levy |
348 E Whittier St
Columbus, Ohio 432062325 |
05/12/2021 | Salary | 2990.84 |
Oliver Young |
20650 Fairmount Blvd
Apt 9B
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441184852 |
05/12/2021 | Salary | 1582.30 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
05/26/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 9981.94 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
05/26/2021 | Payroll- See Memo Items | 17521.01 |
Kimberly L. Bubon |
3629 Southwood Dr SE
Warren, Ohio 444842649 |
05/26/2021 | Salary | 1391.13 |
David Chase |
68 W Greenwood Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013225 |
05/26/2021 | Salary | 5263.11 |
Leslie Grubb |
4237 Paxton Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452091450 |
05/26/2021 | Salary | 2401.43 |
Alexandra Leventis |
85 W Starr Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013429 |
05/26/2021 | Salary | 3794.27 |
Isabella Levy |
348 E Whittier St
Columbus, Ohio 432062325 |
05/26/2021 | Salary | 3088.77 |
Oliver Young |
20650 Fairmount Blvd
Apt 9B
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441184852 |
05/26/2021 | Salary | 1582.30 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
06/11/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 10348.57 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
06/11/2021 | Payroll- See Memo Items | 19086.04 |
Kimberly L. Bubon |
3629 Southwood Dr SE
Warren, Ohio 444842649 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 1391.13 |
David Chase |
68 W Greenwood Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013225 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 5263.11 |
Leslie Grubb |
4237 Paxton Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452091450 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 2401.42 |
Alexandra Leventis |
85 W Starr Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013429 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 3794.27 |
Isabella Levy |
348 E Whittier St
Columbus, Ohio 432062325 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 3088.77 |
Alexandra Wilcox |
1845 Summit Pl NW
Apt 503
Washington, DC 200092346 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 1565.04 |
Oliver Young |
20650 Fairmount Blvd
Apt 9B
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441184852 |
06/11/2021 | Salary | 1582.30 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
06/28/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 10948.46 |
Gusto |
525 20Th St
San Francisco, California 941074345 |
06/28/2021 | Payroll- See Memo Items | 20737.59 |
Kimberly L. Bubon |
3629 Southwood Dr SE
Warren, Ohio 444842649 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 1391.13 |
David Chase |
68 W Greenwood Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013225 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 5263.11 |
Leslie Grubb |
4237 Paxton Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452091450 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 2401.43 |
Tevin Jones |
14725 4Th St
Unit 406
Laurel, Maryland 207073985 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 1651.54 |
Alexandra Leventis |
85 W Starr Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432013429 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 3794.27 |
Isabella Levy |
348 E Whittier St
Columbus, Ohio 432062325 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 3088.77 |
Alexandra Wilcox |
1845 Summit Pl NW
Apt 503
Washington, DC 200092346 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 1565.04 |
Oliver Young |
20650 Fairmount Blvd
Apt 9B
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441184852 |
06/28/2021 | Salary | 1582.30 |
Kimberly Wood And Associates |
3247 Stillwater Dr
Medina, Ohio 442566216 |
05/11/2021 | Fundraising Consulting | 7500.00 |
Kimberly Wood And Associates |
3247 Stillwater Dr
Medina, Ohio 442566216 |
06/14/2021 | Fundraising Consulting | 7500.00 |
Isabella Levy |
348 E Whittier St
Columbus, Ohio 432062325 |
05/11/2021 | Reimbursement - See below if itemized | 803.43 |
Doubletree |
44 E Federal St
Youngstown, Ohio 445031827 |
05/11/2021 | Lodging | 773.66 |
Sean F. Lowe |
2932 Walter Road
Westlake, Ohio 441454959 |
05/18/2021 | Reimbursement - See below if itemized | 125.67 |
Sean F. Lowe |
2932 Walter Road
Westlake, Ohio 441454959 |
06/02/2021 | Reimbursement - See below if itemized | 64.03 |
Sean F. Lowe |
2932 Walter Road
Westlake, Ohio 441454959 |
06/21/2021 | Reimbursement - See Below if Itemized | 78.75 |
Mission Control |
624 Hebron Ave
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060332470 |
06/30/2021 | Printing | 971.00 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
04/28/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 88.33 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
04/29/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 26.89 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
04/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 15.28 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/03/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 10.92 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/03/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 10.95 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/03/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 17.04 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/06/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 45.20 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/09/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.54 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/10/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 5.26 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/11/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 9.54 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/12/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 1.11 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/13/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.41 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/14/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 2.38 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/17/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 40.60 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/18/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 13.08 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/19/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.95 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/20/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.63 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/21/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 1.79 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/24/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 19.59 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/25/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 11.22 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/26/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 84.33 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/26/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 2.08 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/27/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 10.10 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
05/28/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.38 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/01/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.08 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/02/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 15.70 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/03/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 0.59 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/04/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 4.69 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/07/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 5.79 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/08/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 8.88 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/11/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.85 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/14/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 0.55 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/15/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 8.37 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/16/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 4.99 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/17/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 4.24 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/21/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 0.53 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/22/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 4.48 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/23/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 2.18 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/24/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.52 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/24/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.46 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/24/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 84.33 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/25/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.12 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/29/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 5.99 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.46 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 3.18 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 5.91 |
Shopify |
33 New Montgomery St
Ste 750
San Francisco, California 941054537 |
06/30/2021 | Credit Card Fees | 2.30 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
04/29/2021 | Postage | 0.97 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
04/30/2021 | Postage | 7.95 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/03/2021 | Postage | 20.90 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/18/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/18/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/19/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/20/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/21/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/24/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/25/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/25/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/26/2021 | Postage | 500.00 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/26/2021 | Postage | 58.35 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/27/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
05/28/2021 | Postage | 1205.12 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/01/2021 | Postage | 224.92 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/02/2021 | Postage | 246.13 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/02/2021 | Postage | 186.19 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/02/2021 | Postage | 58.35 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/03/2021 | Postage | 107.45 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/04/2021 | Postage | 113.19 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/07/2021 | Postage | 132.57 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/08/2021 | Postage | 108.28 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/08/2021 | Postage | 100.92 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/08/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/09/2021 | Postage | 71.40 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/10/2021 | Postage | 43.42 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/11/2021 | Postage | 75.92 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/14/2021 | Postage | 84.77 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/15/2021 | Postage | 42.78 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/15/2021 | Postage | 22.75 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/15/2021 | Postage | 1.29 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/16/2021 | Postage | 98.98 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/16/2021 | Postage | 46.01 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/17/2021 | Postage | 39.55 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/21/2021 | Postage | 36.32 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/22/2021 | Postage | 95.89 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/23/2021 | Postage | 31.15 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/24/2021 | Postage | 38.25 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/25/2021 | Postage | 46.65 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/28/2021 | Postage | 37.61 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/29/2021 | Postage | 77.80 |
U.S. Postal Service |
43 W Park Ave
Niles, Ohio 444469540 |
06/30/2021 | Postage | 32.44 |
Venable LLP |
PO Box 62727
Baltimore, Maryland 212642727 |
06/21/2021 | Legal Consulting | 2967.20 |
Wilke Communications |
16411 Matthews Rd
Monkton, Maryland 211111504 |
04/27/2021 | Direct Mail Services | 95361.00 |
Wilke Communications |
16411 Matthews Rd
Monkton, Maryland 211111504 |
05/11/2021 | Direct Mail Services | 3500.00 |
Wilke Communications |
16411 Matthews Rd
Monkton, Maryland 211111504 |
05/27/2021 | Direct Mail Services | 2100.00 |
Wilke Communications |
16411 Matthews Rd
Monkton, Maryland 211111504 |
06/21/2021 | Direct Mail Services | 3500.00 |
Oliver Young |
20650 Fairmount Blvd
Apt 9B
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441184852 |
06/14/2021 | Mileage Reimbursement | 184.80 |
Oliver Young |
20650 Fairmount Blvd
Apt 9B
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441184852 |
06/14/2021 | Auto Travel Reimbursement | 52.92 |
Marilyn Costanzo |
4044 Sara Dr
Apt 108
Uniontown, Ohio 446858164 |
05/23/2021 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Donna Edwards |
435 Amber Dr SE
Warren, Ohio 444845809 |
05/23/2021 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Joan Fogel |
1480 Rayne Ln
Columbus, Ohio 432203128 |
06/06/2021 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 538925.5 |
Total Memo Amount | 82390.58 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 167 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 39 |