Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17

Committee: MALCOLM PAC

Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

04/04/2021 Service Fee 124.36

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

04/11/2021 Service Fee 242.16

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

04/18/2021 Service Fee 620.64

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

04/25/2021 Service Fee 1306.46

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

05/02/2021 Service Fee 1457.54

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

05/09/2021 Service Fee 737.08

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

05/16/2021 Service Fee 840.97

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

05/23/2021 Service Fee 1683.83

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

05/30/2021 Service Fee 1778.40

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

06/06/2021 Service Fee 937.88

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

06/13/2021 Service Fee 1256.64

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

06/20/2021 Service Fee 2578.87

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

06/27/2021 Service Fee 1996.98

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

06/30/2021 Service Fee 2850.41

AFMStrategy LLC 155 Ridge St Apt 6F
New York, New York 100021830

04/21/2021 Fundraising Consulting 26628.00

AFMStrategy LLC 155 Ridge St Apt 6F
New York, New York 100021830

06/02/2021 Fundraising Consulting 10000.00

AFMStrategy LLC 155 Ridge St Apt 6F
New York, New York 100021830

06/15/2021 Fundraising Consulting 10000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

04/06/2021 Digital Ad Buy 33740.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

04/07/2021 Retainer 8000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

04/15/2021 Digital Ad Buy 33000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

04/28/2021 Digital Ad Buy 33000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

05/12/2021 Retainer 8000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

05/12/2021 Digital Ad Buy 34000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

06/03/2021 Retainer 8000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

06/03/2021 Digital Ad Buy 50000.00

Aisle 518 Strategies, LLC 5515 S Hyde Park Blvd Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606371544

06/07/2021 Digital Ad Buy 20000.00

American Airlines, Inc. 4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603

05/19/2021 Travel 201.20

Blue Bird Consulting LLC PO Box 2153
Purcellville, Virginia 201342153

04/15/2021 Compliance, Data Consulting Services 483.87

Blue Bird Consulting LLC PO Box 2153
Purcellville, Virginia 201342153

06/03/2021 Compliance, Data Consulting Services 1500.00

Hilary Caldwell 312 Madison St
State College, Pennsylvania 168012739

06/22/2021 Food, Beverage & Rental Fee for Fundrais 481.37

Matthew Daggett 965 N 6Th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191231466

06/23/2021 Reimbursement of Expenses 439.85

Thrifty Car Rental PO Box 26120
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731260120

06/20/2021 Transportation 439.85
Dorothy 6 Blast Furnace Cafe 224 E 8Th Ave
Homestead, Pennsylvania 151201516

05/03/2021 Food & Beverage 406.00

Enterprise Rent-A-Car 600 Corporate Park Dr
Saint Louis, Missouri 631054204

06/25/2021 Transportation 517.11

Expedia Group Inc. 333 108Th Ave NE Ste 300
Bellevue, Washington 980045736

06/03/2021 Travel & Lodging 204.18

Fearless Video 4709 Harford Rd Ste A9
Baltimore, Maryland 212143261

04/07/2021 Media Production 4000.00

Christian Fuscarino 42 Myron Ave
Neptune, New Jersey 077536756

06/24/2021 Food, Beverages, Service 998.01

Hotels.Com, LP 10190 Covington Cross Dr Ste 200
Las Vegas, Nevada 891447044

04/01/2021 Lodging 250.97

Hotels.Com, LP 10190 Covington Cross Dr Ste 200
Las Vegas, Nevada 891447044

05/03/2021 Lodging 185.84

Hotels.Com, LP 10190 Covington Cross Dr Ste 200
Las Vegas, Nevada 891447044

05/19/2021 Lodging 297.68

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

04/08/2021 Transportation 13.99

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

04/19/2021 Transportation 12.94

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

04/22/2021 Transportation 11.85

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

04/23/2021 Transportation 13.99

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

05/03/2021 Transportation 21.99

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

05/06/2021 Transportation 13.66

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

05/07/2021 Transportation 20.99

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

05/10/2021 Transportation 11.92

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

05/26/2021 Transportation 14.66

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

05/26/2021 Transportation 23.66

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/07/2021 Transportation 22.90

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/09/2021 Transportation 14.84

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/10/2021 Transportation 13.92

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/14/2021 Transportation 8.99

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/15/2021 Transportation 29.90

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/16/2021 Transportation 10.90

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/17/2021 Transportation 10.68

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/17/2021 Transportation 37.62

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/17/2021 Transportation 28.99

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/22/2021 Transportation 11.78

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/22/2021 Transportation 28.93

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/23/2021 Transportation 17.95

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/24/2021 Transportation 13.77

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/28/2021 Transportation 10.98

Lyft, Inc. 185 Berry St
San Francisco, California 941075705

06/28/2021 Transportation 12.74

Catherine McParland PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

05/24/2021 Campaign Finance Consulting 3000.00

Catherine McParland PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

06/03/2021 Campaign Finance Consulting 3000.00

Catherine McParland PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

06/16/2021 Campaign Finance Consulting 3500.00

MDD Consulting, LLC PO Box 22497
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102497

04/02/2021 Campaign Consulting 5500.00

MDD Consulting, LLC PO Box 22497
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102497

05/03/2021 Campaign Consulting 5500.00

MDD Consulting, LLC PO Box 22497
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102497

06/01/2021 Campaign Consulting 5500.00

NGPVAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

04/07/2021 Database Services 810.00

NGPVAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

05/03/2021 Database Services 4374.00

NGPVAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

06/08/2021 Database Services 1458.00

Pendry West Hollywood 8430 W Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood, California 900691910

06/21/2021 Lodging 677.35

Priceline.Com LLC 800 Connecticut Ave
Norwalk, Connecticut 068541631

05/19/2021 Lodging 2381.64

Red Horse Strategies 55 Washington St Ste 702
Brooklyn, New York 112011063

06/01/2021 Website / Graphic Design 8000.00

Tyler Rowell 2313 N Gower St
Los Angeles, California 900682242

06/19/2021 Catering - Bar Staff 1800.00

Steven Segar 2313 N Gower St
Los Angeles, California 900682242

06/19/2021 Talent Procurement and Security for Fund 2460.00

Ashley Session PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

05/24/2021 Political Strategy Consulting 3500.00

Ashley Session PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

06/03/2021 Political Strategy Consulting 3500.00

Ashley Session PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

06/17/2021 Political Strategy Consulting 3500.00

SKDKnickerbocker LLC 1150 18Th St NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 200363845

04/14/2021 Strategic Planning Consulting 7500.00

SKDKnickerbocker LLC 1150 18Th St NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 200363845

05/07/2021 Strategic Planning Consulting 7500.00

SKDKnickerbocker LLC 1150 18Th St NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 200363845

06/03/2021 Strategic Planning Consulting 7500.00

Staples, Inc. Store #0128 5407 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900364203

06/18/2021 Office Supplies 253.47

Staples, Inc. Store #0128 5407 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900364203

06/18/2021 Office Supplies 71.29

Stevens & Lee P.C. 1500 Market St Frnt 18
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191022109

04/13/2021 Legal Fees 216.00

Stevens & Lee P.C. 1500 Market St Frnt 18
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191022109

04/13/2021 Legal Fees 1188.00

The Blue Deal LLC. 8510 SW 149Th Ave Apt 1109
Miami, Florida 331931445

04/21/2021 Graphic Design 400.00

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. 222 Delaware Ave
Wilmington, Delaware 198011621

04/01/2021 Bank Fee 206.00

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. 222 Delaware Ave
Wilmington, Delaware 198011621

05/03/2021 Bank Fee 199.00

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. 222 Delaware Ave
Wilmington, Delaware 198011621

06/01/2021 Bank Fee 147.10

TruVerse, Inc. Dba Amplify.Ai 221 Main St Unit 324
Los Altos, California 940239007

05/12/2021 Digital Advertising 744.42

TruVerse, Inc. Dba Amplify.Ai 221 Main St Unit 324
Los Altos, California 940239007

05/12/2021 Digital Advertising 7428.26

TruVerse, Inc. Dba Amplify.Ai 221 Main St Unit 324
Los Altos, California 940239007

05/12/2021 Digital Advertising 7685.24

TruVerse, Inc. Dba Amplify.Ai 221 Main St Unit 324
Los Altos, California 940239007

06/17/2021 Digital Advertising 10995.39

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/24/2021 Transportation 37.20

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/24/2021 Transportation 14.81

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/24/2021 Transportation 31.11

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/24/2021 Transportation 16.39

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/14/2021 Transportation 6.10

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/14/2021 Transportation 13.80

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/14/2021 Transportation 9.25

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/14/2021 Transportation 6.73

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/18/2021 Transportation 51.39

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/21/2021 Transportation 25.02

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/22/2021 Transportation 28.64

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/24/2021 Transportation 4.00

Uber Technologies Inc. 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

06/30/2021 Transportation 13.47

United States Postal Service John Wanam 1234 Market St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191073741

04/15/2021 Postage 110.00

United States Postal Service John Wanam 1234 Market St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191073741

05/10/2021 Postage 110.00

United States Postal Service John Wanam 1234 Market St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191073741

06/16/2021 Postage 110.00

Leonora Valvo 2265 Hillcrest Dr
Ventura, California 930012410

06/19/2021 Beverage Contribution 969.00

Working Families Party National Politic 77 Sands St # 6
Brooklyn, New York 112011431

06/30/2021 Campaign Management Services 17143.00

Sunvy Yalamarthy PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

06/17/2021 Campaign Consulting 140.00

Sunvy Yalamarthy PO Box 22395
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191102395

06/29/2021 Campaign Consulting 290.00

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 55 Almaden Blvd Ste 600
San Jose, California 951131612

04/20/2021 Communication Services 383.39

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 55 Almaden Blvd Ste 600
San Jose, California 951131612

05/20/2021 Communication Services 383.39

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 55 Almaden Blvd Ste 600
San Jose, California 951131612

06/21/2021 Communication Services 383.39

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 433956.08
Total Memo Amount 439.85
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 119
Number of Transactions (Memo) 1

Generated Fri Feb 7 09:17:26 2025