FILING FEC-1513848
Committee: PIC 2021, INC.
Name | Address | Date Donation Received | Donation Amount | Donor's Aggregate Donations To Date |
A.T. Cross Company | 299 Promenade St Providence, RI 029085720 | 01/16/2021 | $2374.80 | $2374.80 |
A.T. Cross Company | 299 Promenade St Providence, RI 029085720 | 01/19/2021 | $593.70 | $2968.50 |
A.T. Cross Company | 299 Promenade St Providence, RI 029085720 | 01/20/2021 | $1979.00 | $4947.50 |
Jay Abarbanel | 2552 Aiken Ave Los Angeles, CA 900643306 | 12/31/2020 | $125.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Abarbanel | 2552 Aiken Ave Los Angeles, CA 900643306 | 12/30/2020 | $125.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Manuel Abascal | 1935 Midwick Dr Altadena, CA 910012823 | 01/11/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Manuel Abascal | 1935 Midwick Dr Altadena, CA 910012823 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $2750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jenny Abbe | 4715 Yellowstone Dr Redding, CA 960025168 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Abbors | 1016 Rudgear Rd Walnut Creek, CA 945966448 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Abbott Laboratories | 1 ABBOTT PARK Rd North Chicago, IL 60064 | 01/22/2021 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
April Abbott | 1320 Waterwitch Cove Cir Orlando, FL 328067853 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Abbott | 7305 S Elmstead Cir Sioux Falls, SD 571088253 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
A R Abboud | 209 Braeburn Rd Barrington, IL 600109637 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Combiz Abdolrahimi | 7153 Aviara Dr Carlsbad, CA 920114901 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Ma'n Abdullah | 14474 Waterway Blvd Fishers, IN 460409458 | 01/07/2021 | $252.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $252.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rasheed Abdullah | 4175 Brumby Ln Cumming, GA 300411930 | 12/08/2020 | $600.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $600.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rasheed Abdullah | 4175 Brumby Ln Cumming, GA 300411930 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $900.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emmanuel Abela | 8975 SW Ivory St Beaverton, OR 970078688 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Abhold | 2325 Martin Rd Mount Vernon, WA 982735841 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Abhold | 2325 Martin Rd Mount Vernon, WA 982735841 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Abhold | 2325 Martin Rd Mount Vernon, WA 982735841 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Abhold | 2325 Martin Rd Mount Vernon, WA 982735841 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Angela Ables | 12315 Maple Ridge Rd Oklahoma City, OK 731208932 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Angela Ables | 12315 Maple Ridge Rd Oklahoma City, OK 731208932 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anders Abrahamsson | 1080 89Th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 980043927 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Abrams | 1812 Monterey Ave Berkeley, CA 947072525 | 01/16/2021 | $305.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $305.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claudia Accardi-Figgins | 14916 Fishhawk Preserve Dr Lithia, FL 335471747 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Accettura | 190 Lakeport Rd Milledgeville, GA 310617728 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marlon Acelor | 1717 N Bayshore Dr Apt 2355 Miami, FL 331321160 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Priya Acharya | 3762 Eagle Hammock Dr Sarasota, FL 342408238 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Roberta Achtenberg | 456 Hill St San Francisco, CA 941142919 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Roberta Achtenberg | 456 Hill St San Francisco, CA 941142919 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David ACKER | 15 Hilltop Dr Melville, NY 117472016 | 01/16/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Acosta | 5614 Del Rio Ct Cape Coral, FL 339045920 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/18/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/21/2020 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/28/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/28/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/29/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/29/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/03/2021 | $25.00 | $2371.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/02/2021 | $100.00 | $2371.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/01/2021 | $126.00 | $2371.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/01/2021 | $20.00 | $2371.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $2832.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $2832.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $2832.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/04/2021 | $100.00 | $2832.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/09/2021 | $36.00 | $2832.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $36.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $2832.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $2857.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/13/2021 | $50.00 | $2907.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $2917.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Acton | 1400 Waverly Rd Villa 14 Gladwyne, PA 190351254 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $3017.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Orn Adalsteinsson | 23 Fern Hill Rd Kennett Square, PA 193482106 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carolyn Adams | 23205 SE Black Nugget Rd Issaquah, WA 980297326 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $225.21 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carolyn Adams | 23205 SE Black Nugget Rd Issaquah, WA 980297326 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.21 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacquelyn F Adams | 57 Adams Pl South Weymouth, MA 021901757 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice M Adams | 700 7Th St SW Apt 506 Washington, DC 200242403 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice M Adams | 700 7Th St SW Apt 506 Washington, DC 200242403 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Adams | 197 W Via Lola Palm Springs, CA 922624384 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marion Adams | 4 Cobblestone Way Exeter, NH 038335323 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Adams | 2839 Penncross Dr SW Marietta, GA 300645724 | 01/09/2021 | $30.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Adams | 2839 Penncross Dr SW Marietta, GA 300645724 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shana Adams | 2761 NC Highway 210 E Ste # G Hampstead, NC 284438956 | 01/06/2021 | $260.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $260.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherill Adams | 4047 Kaimuki Ave Apt A Honolulu, HI 968164563 | 12/26/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherilyn Adams | 165 Duncan St San Francisco, CA 941104322 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tonya Adams | 10023 SW Morrison St Portland, OR 972256992 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Victor Adams | 316 N Alfred St Laton, CA 90049 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Terrence Adamson | 6 Sandpiper Dr Boynton Beach, FL 334365621 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emmanuel Adejumobi | 9307 Marigold Pl Charlotte, NC 282691565 | 12/26/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Adelson | 25 N Moore St Apt 14 New York, NY 100132460 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Brian Ades | 9255 W Sunset Blvd West Hollywood, CA 900693310 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Adeyemi | 12345 Lake City Way NE # 265 Seattle, WA 981255401 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Adik | 488 Wexford Rd Valparaiso, IN 463858041 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise J Adler | 177 9Th Ave New York, NY 100114969 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise J Adler | 177 9Th Ave New York, NY 100114969 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen R Adler | 700 Park Ave Apt 8C New York, NY 100210104 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Karen R Adler | 700 Park Ave Apt 8C New York, NY 100210104 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen R Adler | 700 Park Ave Apt 8C New York, NY 100210104 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1075.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Adler | 2170 Gulf Shore Blvd N Apt 61E Naples, FL 341021646 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Adler | 3150 SW 38Th Ave Ste 530 Coral Gables, FL 331461532 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Anne-Marie Ketlynn Adrien | 64 Barkalow Ave Freehold, NJ 077282064 | 01/10/2021 | $2200.00 | $2200.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $2200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alfred Agcaoili | 585 Valmore Pl Brentwood, CA 945136909 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alfred Agcaoili | 585 Valmore Pl Brentwood, CA 945136909 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
SUSAN AGGARWAL | 1200 Brentford Ln Malvern, PA 193559776 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
SUSAN AGGARWAL | 1200 Brentford Ln Malvern, PA 193559776 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
SUSAN AGGARWAL | 1200 Brentford Ln Malvern, PA 193559776 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
SUSAN AGGARWAL | 1200 Brentford Ln Malvern, PA 193559776 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Agnelli | 55 Bickford Hill Rd Gardner, MA 014402313 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacqueline Aguanno | 1 Pierrepont St Apt 8B Brooklyn, NY 112013302 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacqueline Aguanno | 1 Pierrepont St Apt 8B Brooklyn, NY 112013302 | 01/13/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacqueline Aguanno | 1 Pierrepont St Apt 8B Brooklyn, NY 112013302 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gloria Aguila | 1879 38Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941224147 | 01/19/2021 | $242.00 | $242.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $242.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Ahearn | 14623 Hilltree Rd Santa Monica, CA 904021009 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michele Ahern | 2433 Oneida St Pasadena, CA 911075292 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Syed Ahmed | 13302 Deerbrook Dr Potomac, MD 208546408 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Henry Ahn | 6538 Collins Ave Unit 142 Miami Beach, FL 331414694 | 01/08/2021 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $2000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julie Ahronheim | 374 Frankel Blvd Merrick, NY 115665054 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne AIELLO | 219 Brannan St Unit 3G San Francisco, CA 941074032 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Hugh Aiken | 305 New Darlington Rd Media, PA 190635609 | 01/10/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Iris Ailin-Pyzik | 3673 Goose Ln Granville, OH 430239668 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Airbnb | 888 Brannan St San Francisco, CA 941034928 | 01/19/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
LEILJU AISLINN | PO Box 1348 New York, NY 100081348 | 12/22/2020 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
LEILJU AISLINN | PO Box 1348 New York, NY 100081348 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
LEILJU AISLINN | PO Box 1348 New York, NY 100081348 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
LEILJU AISLINN | PO Box 1348 New York, NY 100081348 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
LEILJU AISLINN | PO Box 1348 New York, NY 100081348 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Waheed Akbar | 406 N Hamilton St Unit 210 Saginaw, MI 486024210 | 01/15/2021 | $342.00 | $342.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $342.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Akin | 6714 Applewood Pl Derwood, MD 208551561 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peter Akmajian | 2841 E 1St St Tucson, AZ 857164102 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peter Akmajian | 2841 E 1St St Tucson, AZ 857164102 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emmanuel Akognon | 1011 Allen St Petaluma, CA 949541837 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emmanuel Akognon | 1011 Allen St Petaluma, CA 949541837 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alba Associates LLC | PO Box 700667 Saint Cloud, FL 347700667 | 12/29/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Lane Albanese | 870 Maranta Ave Sunnyvale, CA 940871160 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lane Albanese | 870 Maranta Ave Sunnyvale, CA 940871160 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Albert | 31 Story Pl Robbinsville, NJ 086914143 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy Albrecht | 2817 Wools Ridges Dr Austin, TX 78703 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pat Albright | 845 Mowry Ave Apt 122 Fremont, CA 945364121 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Albritton | 2315 Cedar Elm Ter Westlake, TX 762629031 | 01/07/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Alderman | 5620 Corsica Pl Vero Beach, FL 329677655 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kern Alexander III | Susenbergstrasse 88 Zurich 8044 Switze, ZZ 00000 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kim Alexander | 6408 Prague St Houston, TX 770072068 | 12/30/2020 | $13.00 | $213.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $13.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kim Alexander | 6408 Prague St Houston, TX 770072068 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $313.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Alexander | 3417 W 82Nd Pl Inglewood, CA 903051602 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Alexander | 3417 W 82Nd Pl Inglewood, CA 903051602 | 01/08/2021 | $132.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Alexander | 3417 W 82Nd Pl Inglewood, CA 903051602 | 01/12/2021 | $126.00 | $358.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Alexander | 3417 W 82Nd Pl Inglewood, CA 903051602 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $388.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Alexander | 3417 W 82Nd Pl Inglewood, CA 903051602 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $433.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Alexander | 3417 W 82Nd Pl Inglewood, CA 903051602 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $463.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon A Alexander | 2208 Jefferson Ave Memphis, TN 381042826 | 01/06/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon A Alexander | 2208 Jefferson Ave Memphis, TN 381042826 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francine Alfano | 1542 Vineyard Mist Dr Cary, NC 275196997 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kenny Alhadeff | 1752 NW Market St Apt 808 Seattle, WA 981075264 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kenny Alhadeff | 1752 NW Market St Apt 808 Seattle, WA 981075264 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kenny Alhadeff | 1752 NW Market St Apt 808 Seattle, WA 981075264 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kenny Alhadeff | 1752 NW Market St Apt 808 Seattle, WA 981075264 | 01/23/2021 | $100.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Arshad Ali | 1625 Larimer St Apt 703 Denver, CO 802021528 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Ali | 3108 Franklin St San Francisco, CA 941232310 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Nasim Ali | 42 Pettit Pl Princeton, NJ 085407644 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorcas Alimbini | 3474 Oak Grove Cir Stockton, CA 952094882 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Alioto | 1 Sansome St Fl 35 San Francisco, CA 941044436 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gloria Alkire | 142 Via Undine Newport Beach, CA 926635515 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karim Allana | 990 Commercial St Palo Alto, CA 943034930 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Allard | 156 Wykeham Rd Washington, CT 067931314 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Allen | 8710 Mary Lee Ln Annandale, VA 220033659 | 12/26/2020 | $100.00 | $254.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Allen | 8710 Mary Lee Ln Annandale, VA 220033659 | 01/10/2021 | $126.00 | $380.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles E Allen | 1210 Morse Ave Apt 8 Royal Oak, MI 480674550 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Allen | PO Box 941621 Atlanta, GA 311410621 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Allen | PO Box 941621 Atlanta, GA 311410621 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Allen | PO Box 941621 Atlanta, GA 311410621 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Craig Allen | 4809 S 5500 W Hooper, UT 843159651 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Allen | 1013 Elm St Perry, OK 730775027 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Allen | 1013 Elm St Perry, OK 730775027 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Doris Allen | 7075 Duncans Glen Dr Knoxville, TN 379198589 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Doris Allen | 7075 Duncans Glen Dr Knoxville, TN 379198589 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Erick Allen | 3331 Bryerstone Cir SE Smyrna, GA 300804918 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Helen Allen | 574 Caber Ct Santa Rosa, CA 954094428 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Allen | 155 W Hermosa Pl Unit 12 Palm Springs, CA 922624334 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Allen | 155 W Hermosa Pl Unit 12 Palm Springs, CA 922624334 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shane Allen | 327 Conerly Rd Braxton, MS 390449606 | 12/23/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Norma Allex | 332 Lonsdale Ave Oakwood, OH 454193248 | 12/15/2020 | $50.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norma Allex | 332 Lonsdale Ave Oakwood, OH 454193248 | 12/16/2020 | $300.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norma Allex | 332 Lonsdale Ave Oakwood, OH 454193248 | 12/16/2020 | $300.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norma Allex | 332 Lonsdale Ave Oakwood, OH 454193248 | 01/05/2021 | $75.00 | $725.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norma Allex | 332 Lonsdale Ave Oakwood, OH 454193248 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $775.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Alleyne | PO Box 3528 Milton, FL 325723528 | 12/30/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Alleyne | PO Box 3528 Milton, FL 325723528 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Allison | 226 Morning Canyon Rd Corona Del Mar, CA 926252640 | 12/28/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
KELCY ALLWEIN | 5110 Old Mill Rd Alexandria, VA 223093922 | 01/19/2021 | $60.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $60.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Allwin | 15 W 53Rd St Apt 46 New York, NY 100195401 | 01/09/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Maryanne Almirall | 40 Crescent Ave Plymouth, MA 023601123 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maryanne Almirall | 40 Crescent Ave Plymouth, MA 023601123 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Almquist | 693 New London Rd Newark, DE 197112107 | 01/01/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Almquist | 693 New London Rd Newark, DE 197112107 | 01/01/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Almquist | 693 New London Rd Newark, DE 197112107 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Victor Alonso Boshuizen | 9 Freedom Ct Deptford, NJ 080966861 | 01/06/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Victor Alonso Boshuizen | 9 Freedom Ct Deptford, NJ 080966861 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rachel Alper | 7718 Falstaff Ct McLean, VA 221022721 | 01/19/2021 | $252.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $252.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mohamed F Alsi | 3121 Hutchison Ave Los Angeles, CA 900343228 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Antonio Altamirano | 2499 Alpine Rd Menlo Park, CA 940256360 | 01/10/2021 | $256.00 | $256.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $256.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Altman | 255 W 94Th St Apt 6B New York, NY 100256985 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Altman | 255 W 94Th St Apt 6B New York, NY 100256985 | 01/21/2021 | $10.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stuart Altman | 3404 Environ Way Chapel Hill, NC 275174435 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stuart Altman | 3404 Environ Way Chapel Hill, NC 275174435 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
JACQUELYN ALTON | 30 Milan Ests Houston, TX 770564931 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
JACQUELYN ALTON | 30 Milan Ests Houston, TX 770564931 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Altuzarra | 145 Hudson St New York, NY 100132103 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel Alvarez | 7508 Masonville Dr Falls Church, VA 220423520 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dionicio Alvarez | 11025 Don January Dr El Paso, TX 799353918 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Alviani | 8 Holbeck Cor Plymouth, MA 023608241 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amalgamated Bank | 275 7Th Ave New York, NY 100016708 | 01/08/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Amazon Web Services | 1512 2Nd Ave Seattle, WA 981011508 | 01/15/2021 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
Amazon | 1516 2Nd Ave Seattle, WA 981011543 | 01/13/2021 | $276509.85 | $276509.85 |
Jesse Ambrose | 1542 Via Campo Aureo San Jose, CA 951205006 | 01/01/2021 | $104.00 | $208.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $104.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jesse Ambrose | 1542 Via Campo Aureo San Jose, CA 951205006 | 01/08/2021 | $208.00 | $416.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $208.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Ameli | 9816 Camden Rose Ct Las Vegas, NV 891345906 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Ameli | 9816 Camden Rose Ct Las Vegas, NV 891345906 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Ameli | 9816 Camden Rose Ct Las Vegas, NV 891345906 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Ameli | 9816 Camden Rose Ct Las Vegas, NV 891345906 | 01/20/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kurt Amend | 3701 N Oakland St Arlington, VA 222074838 | 01/05/2021 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
American Federation Of Teachers Staff Union Committee On Political Education | 555 New Jersey Ave NW Washington, DC 200012029 | 12/30/2020 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
American River Democratic Club | 223 Keller Cir Folsom, CA 956307624 | 01/11/2021 | $850.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $850.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joyce Ames | 20 Drake Ln Ledgewood, NJ 078529677 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $268.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amgen | 1 Amgen Center Dr Thousand Oaks, CA 913201730 | 01/27/2021 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
Magdi Amin | PO Box 27839 Washington, DC 200387839 | 12/19/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Magdi Amin | PO Box 27839 Washington, DC 200387839 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Amini | 100 S Spring St Aspen, CO 816112067 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Imran Amir | 1480 Granary Rd Blue Bell, PA 194222125 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol A Ammon | PO Box 4295 Wilmington, DE 198070295 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Deepa Anand | 2033 Manhattan Ln Casselberry, FL 327072412 | 01/09/2021 | $201.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $201.00 | $13987666.84 |
Basil Anastassiou | 23 Terrace Ave Albany, NY 122031916 | 01/05/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julie Anbender | 4320 45Th St NW Washington, DC 200162478 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Sig Anderman | 611 Washington St # 2101 San Francisco, CA 941112105 | 01/12/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Ilene Anders | 506 E Windward Landing Pl Hampstead, NC 284433263 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Anderson Chadwick | 2914 N Harrison St Arlington, VA 222071557 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Anderson Chadwick | 2914 N Harrison St Arlington, VA 222071557 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Anderson | 34 Mountainside Dr Stanardsville, VA 229732424 | 12/26/2020 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Anderson | 34 Mountainside Dr Stanardsville, VA 229732424 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Anderson | 34 Mountainside Dr Stanardsville, VA 229732424 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Anderson | 34 Mountainside Dr Stanardsville, VA 229732424 | 01/17/2021 | $55.00 | $555.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $55.00 | $13987666.84 |
David And Lyn Anderson | PO Box 5917 Ketchum, ID 833405917 | 12/19/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Heather Anderson | 225 Eastern Pkwy Apt 6D Brooklyn, NY 112386387 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Heather Anderson | 225 Eastern Pkwy Apt 6D Brooklyn, NY 112386387 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacki Anderson | 2018 Encinal Ave Alameda, CA 945014215 | 01/12/2021 | $450.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $450.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacki Anderson | 2018 Encinal Ave Alameda, CA 945014215 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $455.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Anderson | PO Box 721763 Norman, OK 730708347 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Anderson | 20055 SW Tillamook Ct Tualatin, OR 970629178 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joel Anderson | 828 W 4050 N Pleasant View, UT 844141034 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jon Anderson | 715 2Nd Ave Apt 1702 Seattle, WA 981041735 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Anderson | 8312 Fulham Ct Richmond, VA 232271713 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Anderson | 1643 Route 146 Rexford, NY 121481138 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Anderson | 1643 Route 146 Rexford, NY 121481138 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Anderson | 1643 Route 146 Rexford, NY 121481138 | 01/17/2021 | $126.00 | $526.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Anderson | 1643 Route 146 Rexford, NY 121481138 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $526.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Anderson | 1643 Route 146 Rexford, NY 121481138 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $576.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Anderson | 981 Collingwood Dr Naperville, IL 605408304 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Meredith Anderson | 1390 N Marengo Ave Pasadena, CA 911032273 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Anderson | 3521 Launcelot Way Annandale, VA 220031359 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Anderson | 4094 Pirates Bch Galveston, TX 775548040 | 01/12/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Steven Anderson | 4036 Clarendon Ave Winston Salem, NC 271069418 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Anderson | 65 Monterey Dr Tiburon, CA 949202676 | 01/04/2021 | $500.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Anderson | 65 Monterey Dr Tiburon, CA 949202676 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vanessa Anderson | 9613 Fannin Sta E Houston, TX 770454654 | 12/16/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vanessa Anderson | 9613 Fannin Sta E Houston, TX 770454654 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vicki Anderson | 65 Bradyst San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94103 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Virginia Anderson | 2812 9Th Ave W Seattle, WA 981192222 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Virginia Anderson | 2812 9Th Ave W Seattle, WA 981192222 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Anderson-Gram | 8 Venado Dr Tiburon, CA 949201626 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Anderson-Gram | 8 Venado Dr Tiburon, CA 949201626 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marianne Andreach | 5 Riggs Ct Basking Ridge, NJ 079201037 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marianne Andreach | 5 Riggs Ct Basking Ridge, NJ 079201037 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marianne Andreach | 5 Riggs Ct Basking Ridge, NJ 079201037 | 01/16/2021 | $60.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $60.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leonard Andreozzi | 6020 Flagstaff Rd Boulder, CO 803029581 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Andrew | 1617 Buckingham Dr Keller, TX 762628403 | 01/12/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Andy Andrews | 13 -1196 Kahukai St Pahoa, HI 967788235 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gary Andrews | 2600 Pualani Way Apt 1502 Honolulu, HI 968153938 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julie Andrews | 6027 Patmos Way Oceanside, CA 920567268 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathy Andrews | 943 Robinson St Jackson, MS 392032613 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Andrews | 2222 SE 48Th Ave Portland, OR 972153812 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Andrews | 1805 Canyon Rd Redlands, CA 923737203 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Angeles | 2001 Hillside Dr Burlingame, CA 940105667 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rodney L Angle | 4560 S LEISURE Ct Ellicott City, MD 21043 | 01/01/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anheuser Busch Companies | 1 Busch Pl Saint Louis, MO 631181849 | 01/25/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Gregg Ankenman | 618 Timpanogos Ln Danville, CA 945261419 | 01/09/2021 | $15.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregg Ankenman | 618 Timpanogos Ln Danville, CA 945261419 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregg Ankenman | 618 Timpanogos Ln Danville, CA 945261419 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shepard B Ansley | 229 Peachtree Hills Ave NE Unit 124 Atlanta, GA 303054413 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shepard B Ansley | 229 Peachtree Hills Ave NE Unit 124 Atlanta, GA 303054413 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shepard B Ansley | 229 Peachtree Hills Ave NE Unit 124 Atlanta, GA 303054413 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $675.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shepard B Ansley | 229 Peachtree Hills Ave NE Unit 124 Atlanta, GA 303054413 | 01/14/2021 | $75.00 | $675.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shepard B Ansley | 229 Peachtree Hills Ave NE Unit 124 Atlanta, GA 303054413 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $675.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melanie Anstett | 1484 Ferguson Way San Jose, CA 951294919 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anthem, Inc. | 120 Monument Cir Indianapolis, IN 462044906 | 12/11/2020 | $125000.00 | $125000.00 |
Melissa Anthony | 60 Dudley St Marlborough, MA 017521879 | 01/20/2021 | $240.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $240.00 | $13987666.84 |
Virginia Antipolo | PO Box 1189 Snohomish, WA 982911189 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bernadette Antoine | 243 School St Apt 1 Waltham, MA 024514547 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bernadette Antoine | 243 School St Apt 1 Waltham, MA 024514547 | 01/14/2021 | $60.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $60.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bernadette Antoine | 243 School St Apt 1 Waltham, MA 024514547 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bernadette Antoine | 243 School St Apt 1 Waltham, MA 024514547 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Louis B Antoine | 11979 SW 55Th St Reet Cooper City, FL 333303310 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karla Antonelli | 68 Harvest Dr Columbus, MS 397058879 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Antonowitsch | 2542 Westlake Ave N Unit 12 Seattle, WA 981092292 | 01/11/2021 | $268.00 | $268.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $268.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chidi Anunka | PO Box 14597 Minneapolis, MN 554140597 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chidi Anunka | PO Box 14597 Minneapolis, MN 554140597 | 01/20/2021 | $60.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $60.00 | $13987666.84 |
Juan Anzola | 2935 NE 152 St # 4G Nmb, FL 33160 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Juan Anzola | 2935 NE 152 St # 4G Nmb, FL 33160 | 01/10/2021 | $15.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Della M Apodaca | 65 Oceana Dr E Apt 2F Brooklyn, NY 112356688 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Della M Apodaca | 65 Oceana Dr E Apt 2F Brooklyn, NY 112356688 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jocelyn Apollon | 11901 Evening Ct Clarksville, MD 210291252 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jocelyn Apollon | 11901 Evening Ct Clarksville, MD 210291252 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mari Carmen Aponte | 4201 Linnean Ave NW Washington, DC 200083808 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Apple | 1 Apple Park Way Cupertino, CA 950140642 | 01/12/2021 | $43200.00 | $43200.00 |
William M Applegate | 106 Benefit St Unit 2 Providence, RI 029031205 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francis Aquila | 311 W Broadway # TH5 New York, NY 100132298 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francis Aquila | 311 W Broadway # TH5 New York, NY 100132298 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jose Aquino | 16299 Foothill Blvd Fontana, CA 923353357 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sabri Arac | 1026 Pineto Pl Pleasanton, CA 945662127 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Arbach | 45638 120Th St Sisseton, SD 572627007 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Arbitblit | 988 Creston Rd Fl 29 Berkeley, CA 947081544 | 01/10/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Wendy Arce | 474 Lake Park Ave # 72 Oakland, CA 946102730 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy Arce | 474 Lake Park Ave # 72 Oakland, CA 946102730 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne Ardery | 394 Mansfield Ave Darien, CT 068202112 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Area1 | 142 Stambaugh St Redwood City, CA 940631905 | 01/06/2021 | $1337.00 | $1337.00 |
Bapu Arekapudi | 2734 N Lincoln Ave Chicago, IL 606141321 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bapu Arekapudi | 2734 N Lincoln Ave Chicago, IL 606141321 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Arellano | 16410 Meadowbrook Ln Cerritos, CA 907032095 | 01/10/2021 | $216.00 | $241.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $216.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Arellano | 16410 Meadowbrook Ln Cerritos, CA 907032095 | 01/11/2021 | $108.00 | $349.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $108.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Argento | 6318 Nodding Night Ct Columbia, MD 210446012 | 12/28/2020 | $70.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Argento | 6318 Nodding Night Ct Columbia, MD 210446012 | 12/30/2020 | $70.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Argento | 6318 Nodding Night Ct Columbia, MD 210446012 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Argento | 6318 Nodding Night Ct Columbia, MD 210446012 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Argento | 6318 Nodding Night Ct Columbia, MD 210446012 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $320.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vincent Argiro | 2129 Wood Violet Lane North Saanich BC V8L 0C5 Canad A, ZZ 00000 | 01/08/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Amitis Ariano | 4465 Vanalden Ave Tarzana, CA 913565521 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Fleura Ariano | 4465 Vanalden Ave Tarzana, CA 913565521 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Joseph Ariyan | 594 Valley Health Plz Paramus, NJ 076523635 | 01/13/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Barbara Armand | 201 E 21St St Apt 19F New York, NY 100106426 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Garo H Armen | 3 Forbes Rd Lexington, MA 024217305 | 01/16/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Susan Armitage | 10808 E Bitterroot Ct Tucson, AZ 857476053 | 01/17/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christopher Armstrong | 2557 Waterside Dr NW Washington, DC 200082820 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Armstrong | 4829 Lavista Rd Tucker, GA 300844402 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Armstrong | 70 E 96Th St New York, NY 101280745 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martin Armstrong | 3200 Magpie St Davis, CA 956167507 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Armstrong | 5903 Mount Eagle Dr Apt 510 Alexandria, VA 223032527 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Armstrong | PO Box 2238 Davidson, NC 280362238 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Louise Aronowitz | 5 Briar Hill Rd Medfield, MA 020523304 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Louise Aronowitz | 5 Briar Hill Rd Medfield, MA 020523304 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susie Arons | 39 Maple Dr North Caldwell, NJ 070064538 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christina Arredondo | 6933 E Calle Ileo Tucson, AZ 857105433 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deborah Arrindell | 5721 S Crescent Park Apt 206 Playa Vista, CA 900944001 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacqueline Arrington | 17805 132Nd Ave Jamaica, NY 114345843 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rhonda Arrington | 310 Barnsley Rd Knoxville, TN 379341359 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Arter | 1760 Forest Dr Medina, OH 442568644 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Franklin Arthur | 25 Tyson Cir Piedmont, CA 946113536 | 12/19/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Franklin Arthur | 25 Tyson Cir Piedmont, CA 946113536 | 01/11/2021 | $292.00 | $542.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $292.00 | $13987666.84 |
Franklin Arthur | 25 Tyson Cir Piedmont, CA 946113536 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $592.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claudia Arumala | 10132 Fast Colors Ln Berlin, MD 218111493 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jose Arvelo | 1010 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 1010 Washington, DC 200015415 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Lori Asburry | 8544 Rolling Oaks Dr SE Owens Cross Roads, AL 357632000 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $286.00 |
Rachel Ascher | 121 Nassau St # 31-B New York, NY 100382496 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Elizabeth Ashwell | 301 G St SW Washington, DC 200243141 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Askew | 4133 E Siesta Ln Phoenix, AZ 850503767 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Askew | 4133 E Siesta Ln Phoenix, AZ 850503767 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Askew | 4133 E Siesta Ln Phoenix, AZ 850503767 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Askew | 4133 E Siesta Ln Phoenix, AZ 850503767 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peter Askin | 83 Tripp St Mount Kisco, NY 105494626 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peter Askin | 83 Tripp St Mount Kisco, NY 105494626 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas A Asprey | PO Box 1867 Boulder, CO 803061867 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
AT&T Services, Inc | 1120 20Th St NW # 1000 Washington, DC 200363406 | 01/16/2021 | $1000000.00 | $1000000.00 |
Eugenia C Atkinson | 265 Redondo Rd Youngstown, OH 445041858 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Atkinson | 8417 Arrowhead Farm Dr Burr Ridge, IL 605270826 | 01/21/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Terryl Atkinson | 3309 Tarleton W Durham, NC 277135402 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Terryl Atkinson | 3309 Tarleton W Durham, NC 277135402 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yolanda Atler | 3136 Gotera Dr Hacienda Heights, CA 917456615 | 01/08/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Demetrius Atsalis | PO Box 283 West Hyannisport, MA 026720283 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Atuahene | 213 Courtney Way # B Statesboro, GA 304589024 | 01/19/2021 | $400.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dieter Aue | Danziger Str.6 Bad Driburg 33014, ZZ 00000 | 01/06/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Aufderbeck | 144 Coyote Cathedral City, CA 922341003 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Aufderbeck | 144 Coyote Cathedral City, CA 922341003 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Aufderbeck | 144 Coyote Cathedral City, CA 922341003 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Augustine | 6 Orchard Ct Montclair, NJ 070423129 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Austin | 5 Calle Jose Julian Acosta San German, PR 006834012 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Austin | 5 Calle Jose Julian Acosta San German, PR 006834012 | 01/09/2021 | $60.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $60.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail Austin | 12831 13Th St Yucaipa, CA 923991844 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail Austin | 12831 13Th St Yucaipa, CA 923991844 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Austin | 1742 Carriage Lamp Ct Severn, MD 211446802 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Austin | 1742 Carriage Lamp Ct Severn, MD 211446802 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Austin | 1742 Carriage Lamp Ct Severn, MD 211446802 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $370.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phillip Austin | 2305 N Commonwealth Ave Chicago, IL 606143498 | 01/09/2021 | $75.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phillip Austin | 2305 N Commonwealth Ave Chicago, IL 606143498 | 01/09/2021 | $75.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phillip Austin | 2305 N Commonwealth Ave Chicago, IL 606143498 | 01/09/2021 | $75.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Austin | 5563 Rustic Manor Dr Brownsville, TX 785264209 | 01/25/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Ann Austinbeck | 4350 Tacoma Cir Okemos, MI 488642739 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $835.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Austinbeck | 4350 Tacoma Cir Okemos, MI 488642739 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $835.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Austinbeck | 4350 Tacoma Cir Okemos, MI 488642739 | 01/15/2021 | $750.00 | $835.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Austinbeck | 4350 Tacoma Cir Okemos, MI 488642739 | 01/15/2021 | $20.00 | $835.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Austinbeck | 4350 Tacoma Cir Okemos, MI 488642739 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $835.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Austinbeck | 4350 Tacoma Cir Okemos, MI 488642739 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $835.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Avirett-MacKenzie | 3206 Northbrook Dr Atlanta, GA 303414628 | 12/22/2020 | $400.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Avirett-MacKenzie | 3206 Northbrook Dr Atlanta, GA 303414628 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $700.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shirley Awana | 4491 Keepsake Rose Cmn Fremont, CA 945387021 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elise Axelrad | 6905 Victoria Dr Unit K Alexandria, VA 223104358 | 01/09/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elise Axelrad | 6905 Victoria Dr Unit K Alexandria, VA 223104358 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $2525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Grace Ayodele | 24919 Laguna Edge Dr Katy, TX 774943923 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Grace Ayscue | 1281 Fairlawns Ave Morgantown, WV 265053254 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Raymond Ayure | 3004 Bluejack Ct Orange Park, FL 320736651 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yasmine Aziz | 215 Hillside Ter Kingston, NY 124016145 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yasmine Aziz | 215 Hillside Ter Kingston, NY 124016145 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eunice Azzani | 207 Apollo Apt 5 Hercules, CA 945471903 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ricardo Azziz | 2461 Mountain Vista Dr Vestavia, AL 352432856 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
MATTHEW BAASTEN | 1372 Tamarisk Dr West Linn, OR 970687308 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
MATTHEW BAASTEN | 1372 Tamarisk Dr West Linn, OR 970687308 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
MATTHEW BAASTEN | 1372 Tamarisk Dr West Linn, OR 970687308 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
MATTHEW BAASTEN | 1372 Tamarisk Dr West Linn, OR 970687308 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Babb | 1909 Kitty Cir Edmond, OK 730347920 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edmond Babinsky | 46 Treetop Park Westborough, MA 015811149 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anthony Baca | 2541 Oro Vista Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 871072949 | 01/15/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Augustine Baca | 901 Field St SW Albuquerque, NM 871213255 | 01/09/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margie Bachner | 18 Metzger Dr West Orange, NJ 070526630 | 01/16/2021 | $175.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $175.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Backoff | 179 E Deshler Ave Columbus, OH 432062623 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Bacon | N6802 190Th St Spring Valley, WI 547678601 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brian Bacot | PO Box 11567 St Thomas, VI 008014567 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Badaines | 438 Circle Hill Dr Knoxville, TN 379194202 | 01/12/2021 | $750.00 | $765.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Badaines | 438 Circle Hill Dr Knoxville, TN 379194202 | 01/15/2021 | $5.00 | $775.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Badaines | 438 Circle Hill Dr Knoxville, TN 379194202 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $775.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Akhtar Badshah | 13406 NE 33Rd Ln Bellevue, WA 980051454 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cristiana Baez | 6 Rue Alfred De Vigny Paris FL 75008 Fra, ZZ 00000 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cyrus Baghelai | 5619 Old Chester Ct Bethesda, MD 208141023 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Frawley Bagley | 1539 29Th St NW Washington, DC 200073061 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Elizabeth Frawley Bagley | 1539 29Th St NW Washington, DC 200073061 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Baie | 265 Poplar St Denver, CO 802206142 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Bailey | 517 Ellsworth Dr Silver Spring, MD 209104268 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
John Bailey | 3738 E High Ln Seattle, WA 981125004 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Bailey | 3738 E High Ln Seattle, WA 981125004 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Howard Bain | 20 Endicott Ln Highwood, IL 600402049 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Henry Baird | 1841 Millard St Bethlehem, PA 180175115 | 01/01/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Henry Baird | 1841 Millard St Bethlehem, PA 180175115 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Robert Baker | 481 Meridan Hill Rd North Stratford, NH 035906332 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allyson Baker | 3308 Rowland Pl NW Washington, DC 200083225 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Bill Baker | 16620 232Nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 980777411 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deena Baker | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 , | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Baker | 24507 Moorhen Ct Valencia, CA 913553526 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
LaVonne Baker | 46 -065 Konohiki St Kaneohe, HI 967446132 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
LaVonne Baker | 46 -065 Konohiki St Kaneohe, HI 967446132 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lindsay Baker | 35 A Windle Park Tarrytown, NY 105913935 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vicki G Baker | 3015 Harrison Ave Astoria, OR 971032744 | 01/11/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vicki G Baker | 3015 Harrison Ave Astoria, OR 971032744 | 01/17/2021 | $55.00 | $355.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $55.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vicki G Baker | 3015 Harrison Ave Astoria, OR 971032744 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $405.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Bakos | 25833 State Road 2 South Bend, IN 466194736 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Bakos | 25833 State Road 2 South Bend, IN 466194736 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Bakos | 25833 State Road 2 South Bend, IN 466194736 | 01/13/2021 | $30.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Bakos | 25833 State Road 2 South Bend, IN 466194736 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Bakos | 25833 State Road 2 South Bend, IN 466194736 | 01/15/2021 | $30.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ravishankar Balaji | 1064 Moffett Cir Palo Alto, CA 943033837 | 12/26/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ravishankar Balaji | 1064 Moffett Cir Palo Alto, CA 943033837 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ravishankar Balaji | 1064 Moffett Cir Palo Alto, CA 943033837 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ravishankar Balaji | 1064 Moffett Cir Palo Alto, CA 943033837 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nelson Baldeon | 5630 NW 114Th Path # 4-202 Doral, FL 331784175 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Fred Baldi | 2303 Jester Ct Tobyhanna, PA 184668312 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Fred Baldi | 2303 Jester Ct Tobyhanna, PA 184668312 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine Baldridge | 222 Harrison Ave Warwick, RI 028882753 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine Baldridge | 222 Harrison Ave Warwick, RI 028882753 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Baldwin | 761 Federal St Belchertown, MA 010079360 | 01/15/2021 | $75.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Baldwin | 761 Federal St Belchertown, MA 010079360 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Baldwin | 761 Federal St Belchertown, MA 010079360 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $320.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Baldwin | 761 Federal St Belchertown, MA 010079360 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $320.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Baldwin | 761 Federal St Belchertown, MA 010079360 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $320.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Baldwin | 1828 E Manzanita Dr Phoenix, AZ 850203946 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leonora Baldwin | 3050 Locke Ln Houston, TX 770196202 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Balfour | 6249 Copper Lake Ct Boynton Beach, FL 334375504 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Polly L Ball | 44489 Town Center Way Ste D Palm Desert, CA 922602789 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert S Ball | 357 Route 63 Westmoreland, NH 034674422 | 12/18/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvonne Baller | 31129 Sunrise Trl Stacy, MN 550795021 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvonne Baller | 31129 Sunrise Trl Stacy, MN 550795021 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $370.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcia Balonick | 367 Charal Ln Highland Park, IL 600355103 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
Barbara B Balser | 750 Park Ave NE # 42-PH Atlanta, GA 303263266 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
S Carol Bam | 35 Ox Yoke Dr Rutland, VT 057019497 | 01/11/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Ban | 8314 63Rd Street Ct W University Place, WA 984673950 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Bang | 2061 S La Quinta Ct La Habra, CA 906312023 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Bank Of America | 100 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 282022135 | 01/12/2021 | $1000000.00 | $1000000.00 |
Hannah Banks | 107 Garland Rd Newton, MA 024591741 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Hannah Banks | 107 Garland Rd Newton, MA 024591741 | 01/11/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Banks | 77 Marseille Laguna Niguel, CA 926775407 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Banks | 77 Marseille Laguna Niguel, CA 926775407 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Bannan | 2382 Alta Vista Dr Vista, CA 920847024 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrea Bannister | 2072 Cobblestone Cir NE Brookhaven, GA 303194911 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $540.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrea Bannister | 2072 Cobblestone Cir NE Brookhaven, GA 303194911 | 01/20/2021 | $10.00 | $540.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Bannon | 253 Range Rd Cumberland, ME 040213100 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Bannon | 253 Range Rd Cumberland, ME 040213100 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Bannon | 253 Range Rd Cumberland, ME 040213100 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $215.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Banta | 5810 Great Lawn Pl Lithia, FL 335474124 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Armindo Banze | 17562 SW Devonshire Way Sherwood, OR 971409210 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Madelyn Baran | 5 Ashley Ct Novato, CA 949451550 | 01/16/2021 | $305.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $305.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joann Barber | 1411 Gracy Farms Ln Apt 82 Austin, TX 787582227 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joann Barber | 1411 Gracy Farms Ln Apt 82 Austin, TX 787582227 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joann Barber | 1411 Gracy Farms Ln Apt 82 Austin, TX 787582227 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $445.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joann Barber | 1411 Gracy Farms Ln Apt 82 Austin, TX 787582227 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $445.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert C Barber | 25 Arlington St Cambridge, MA 021402701 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Robert C Barber | 25 Arlington St Cambridge, MA 021402701 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tawanda Barber | 900 Southerly Rd Apt 314 Towson, MD 212042939 | 01/05/2021 | $30.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tawanda Barber | 900 Southerly Rd Apt 314 Towson, MD 212042939 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tawanda Barber | 900 Southerly Rd Apt 314 Towson, MD 212042939 | 01/13/2021 | $25.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tawanda Barber | 900 Southerly Rd Apt 314 Towson, MD 212042939 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tawanda Barber | 900 Southerly Rd Apt 314 Towson, MD 212042939 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $355.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tawanda Barber | 900 Southerly Rd Apt 314 Towson, MD 212042939 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gordon Bardet | 69 De Sabla Rd Hillsborough, CA 940106801 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Barest | 14572 Stirrup Ln Wellington, FL 334148217 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Barest | 14572 Stirrup Ln Wellington, FL 334148217 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alton Barfield Jr | 1304 Beverly Dr Raleigh, NC 276104208 | 01/12/2021 | $450.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $450.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslee Barfield | 247 Stonewall Hts Abingdon, VA 242102923 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslee Barfield | 247 Stonewall Hts Abingdon, VA 242102923 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole A Barham | 13782 Monaco Way Palm Bch Gdns, FL 334101235 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole A Barham | 13782 Monaco Way Palm Bch Gdns, FL 334101235 | 01/04/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mike Barkey | 11632 Hickory Stick Ct Sparta, MI 493458416 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregory T Barmore | 93 Governors Point Rd Harpswell, ME 040794339 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Molly Barnes Goodman | 532 Colorado Ave Palo Alto, CA 943062508 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Amy Barnes | 107 E Bryn Mawr Cir Oak Ridge, TN 378308274 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Barnes | 365 Coventry Pl Ashland, OR 975201009 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Barnes | 365 Coventry Pl Ashland, OR 975201009 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Barnes | 365 Coventry Pl Ashland, OR 975201009 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teveia Barnes | 10 Owlswood Rd Tiburon, CA 949201548 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teveia Barnes | 10 Owlswood Rd Tiburon, CA 949201548 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
Teveia Barnes | 10 Owlswood Rd Tiburon, CA 949201548 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
Teveia Barnes | 10 Owlswood Rd Tiburon, CA 949201548 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $1005.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teveia Barnes | 10 Owlswood Rd Tiburon, CA 949201548 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $1005.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Barnett | 1901 Miller Landing Rd Tallahassee, FL 323129013 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Barnett | 15 Star Island Dr Miami Beach, FL 331395147 | 01/20/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Lisa Blue Baron | 4047 Cochran Chapel Rd Dallas, TX 752091501 | 01/14/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Linda Barr-Wright | PO Box 61 Franklin Park, IL 601310061 | 12/16/2020 | $1500.00 | $1500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $1500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Barr-Wright | PO Box 61 Franklin Park, IL 601310061 | 01/24/2021 | $15.00 | $1515.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Barrengos | 256 Houghton Brook Rd Putney, VT 053469107 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francis Barresi | 64 Ridge Rd Halifax, MA 023381160 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roxroy Barrett | 4470 Brickyard Ln La Crosse, WI 546012346 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carlos Barrezueta | 612 Maple Ave Elizabeth, NJ 072022608 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Mary Barris | PO Box 712 Palisades, NY 109640712 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Barry | 4 Shaker Dr Bourne, MA 025324240 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brett Barth | PO Box 8020 Garden City, NY 115308020 | 01/10/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Natalie Barth | 1172 Park Ave Apt 6A New York, NY 101281213 | 01/10/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Andrea Barthello | 1502 Stonewall Rd Alexandria, VA 223024221 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Bartholomew | 3936 N Southport Ave Chicago, IL 606132606 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Bartholomew | 3936 N Southport Ave Chicago, IL 606132606 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Bartholomew | 2444 Sharon Oaks Dr Menlo Park, CA 940256829 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Bartholomew | 3936 N Southport Ave Chicago, IL 606132606 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lorrie Bartlett | 8406 Mulholland Dr Los Angeles, CA 900461018 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aaron Barton | 2717 Harris Pl S Seattle, WA 981445316 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberley Barton | 23476 Laureldale Rd Shaker Heights, OH 441222107 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maureen Barton | PO Box 16 Taconic, CT 060790016 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maureen Barton | PO Box 16 Taconic, CT 060790016 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Barton | 1540 Nez Perce Loop NE Rio Rancho, NM 871441515 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $409.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Barton | 1540 Nez Perce Loop NE Rio Rancho, NM 871441515 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $409.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Barton | 1540 Nez Perce Loop NE Rio Rancho, NM 871441515 | 01/08/2021 | $59.00 | $409.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $59.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Barton | 1540 Nez Perce Loop NE Rio Rancho, NM 871441515 | 01/11/2021 | $30.00 | $439.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Barton | 1540 Nez Perce Loop NE Rio Rancho, NM 871441515 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $469.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brittany Bartrum | 1875 Highway 582 Pine Top, KY 418439038 | 01/19/2021 | $189.00 | $224.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $189.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bibhash Barua | 1140 Dove Ct Naperville, IL 605408007 | 01/14/2021 | $50.09 | $200.18 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.09 | $13987666.84 |
Bibhash Barua | 1140 Dove Ct Naperville, IL 605408007 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $250.18 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Baruch | 4110 Spring Is Okatie, SC 299094055 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gigliola Baruffi | 1560 Thurston Ave Apt 1106 Honolulu, HI 968223722 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gigliola Baruffi | 1560 Thurston Ave Apt 1106 Honolulu, HI 968223722 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda BaskinRush | PO Box 222898 West Palm Beach, FL 334222898 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda BaskinRush | PO Box 222898 West Palm Beach, FL 334222898 | 01/17/2021 | $11.00 | $311.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $11.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda BaskinRush | PO Box 222898 West Palm Beach, FL 334222898 | 01/19/2021 | $24.00 | $335.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $24.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harold Bassler | 7511 Solstice Cir Apt 223 Orlando, FL 328215413 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon Basso | 25876 N Il Route 59 Tower Lakes, IL 600101045 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1045.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Batdorf | 12454 Deep Spring Ln Houston, TX 770772926 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Christopher Bates | 12525 Erroll Ln Bristow, VA 201362121 | 12/17/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christopher Bates | 12525 Erroll Ln Bristow, VA 201362121 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nat Bates | 300 Seaview Dr Richmond, CA 948014161 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Rosalie Bates | 7125 County Road 172 Alvin, TX 775119854 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Suzy Bates | 11590 SW Fairfield St Beaverton, OR 970051507 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Don Batisky | 660 Glen Iris Dr NE Apt 406 Atlanta, GA 303082870 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Batties | 1900 Lyttonsville Rd Apt 1107 Silver Spring, MD 209102242 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Batties | 1900 Lyttonsville Rd Apt 1107 Silver Spring, MD 209102242 | 01/07/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Batties | 1900 Lyttonsville Rd Apt 1107 Silver Spring, MD 209102242 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Battin | 53 West St Bangor, ME 044015845 | 12/15/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Battin | 53 West St Bangor, ME 044015845 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nita Battise | PO Box 525 Livingston, TX 773510009 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $356.00 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/05/2021 | $15.00 | $381.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/07/2021 | $10.00 | $381.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/15/2021 | $3.00 | $389.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $3.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $389.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $411.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Batts | 5104 Diamond Heights Blvd # B San Francisco, CA 941311708 | 01/19/2021 | $2.00 | $411.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $2.00 | $13987666.84 |
Earl Baucom | 17 Bridle Path Sudbury, MA 017762248 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Bauer | 2800 Pinehurst Cir Ames, IA 500104562 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mayurendra Baugh | 27230 Elena Rd Los Altos Hills, CA 940223316 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Catherine Bauman | 301 Mission St San Francisco, CA 941052243 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Bauman | 301 Mission St San Francisco, CA 941052243 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Bauman | 301 Mission St San Francisco, CA 941052243 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bauman | 347 Covered Bridge Rd King Of Prussia, PA 194061769 | 01/08/2021 | $200.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bauman | 347 Covered Bridge Rd King Of Prussia, PA 194061769 | 01/08/2021 | $40.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $40.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sue Ann Baxter | 898 W Ashbourne Dr Eagle, ID 836166433 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Bayer | PO Box 26729 New Orleans, LA 701866729 | 01/07/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Bayer | PO Box 26729 New Orleans, LA 701866729 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John A Bayerl | 5508 Arbor Chase Dr Ann Arbor, MI 481033516 | 01/07/2021 | $300.00 | $1200.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
John A Bayerl | 5508 Arbor Chase Dr Ann Arbor, MI 481033516 | 01/07/2021 | $900.00 | $1200.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $900.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey J Baymor | 29030 SW Town Center Loop E Ste 202 Wilsonville, OR 970709490 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Robert Beals | 90 Southern Ky Moneta, VA 241212808 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jim Bean | 114 N Wake St Hillsborough, NC 272782442 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy Bear | 1219 14Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941222101 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy Bear | 1219 14Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941222101 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Beard | 178 Midwood St Brooklyn, NY 112255010 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rebecca Beatty | 403 Woodhaven Dr Monroeville, PA 151461315 | 01/17/2021 | $1300.00 | $1300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janet Beauchamp | 3714 N Hollymount Way Meridian, ID 836461756 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
PAUL BEAUDRY | 6 Deer Run Brookfield, MA 015061765 | 01/16/2021 | $30.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
PAUL BEAUDRY | 6 Deer Run Brookfield, MA 015061765 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Becky Beaver | 3500 Jefferson St Ste 210 Austin, TX 787316200 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Timothy Beaver | 10125 51St Ave SW Seattle, WA 981461049 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dawn Beck | 33 Sequoia Dr Rochester, NY 146244521 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kerry Beck | 1021 20Th St S Arlington, VA 222022107 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Beck | PO Box 1668 Apple Valley, CA 923070032 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lani Becker | 339 11Th Sq SW Vero Beach, FL 329623444 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Beckerman | 6 N Gate Rd Mendham, NJ 079453105 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Beckerman | 6 N Gate Rd Mendham, NJ 079453105 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joanne Beckham | 512 Dolphin Dr Panama City Beach, FL 324131119 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joanne Beckham | 512 Dolphin Dr Panama City Beach, FL 324131119 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jill Beckman | 195 E Dovetail Dr Coralville, IA 522413356 | 01/09/2021 | $132.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jill Beckman | 195 E Dovetail Dr Coralville, IA 522413356 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $282.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon Beckman | 3188 Old Ranch Dr Santa Rosa, CA 954058229 | 12/28/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marianne Beckwith | 127 Hilltop Way Scotts Valley, CA 950663710 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Beddingfield | PO Box 3023 Idyllwild, CA 925493023 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Beddingfield | PO Box 3023 Idyllwild, CA 925493023 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Bednar | 1202 El Dorado St Placentia, CA 928704129 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Bednar | 1202 El Dorado St Placentia, CA 928704129 | 01/08/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Beebe | 4210 Harriet Rd Bethpage, NY 117146213 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Beebe | 4210 Harriet Rd Bethpage, NY 117146213 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Beebe | 4210 Harriet Rd Bethpage, NY 117146213 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $580.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Beebe | 4210 Harriet Rd Bethpage, NY 117146213 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $680.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Beebe | 4210 Harriet Rd Bethpage, NY 117146213 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $780.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Beemer-Wegner | 204 Palmer Dr Los Gatos, CA 950321380 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Leslie Beemer-Wegner | 204 Palmer Dr Los Gatos, CA 950321380 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Beemer-Wegner | 204 Palmer Dr Los Gatos, CA 950321380 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Beenen | 4765 Dellwood Ln Beaumont, TX 777063517 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kira Beer | 32 Alta Vista Ave Mill Valley, CA 949411316 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sydney Beers | 231 W 39Th St # 1200 New York, NY 100181070 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Crni Begic | 20 E Bolster Ln Saratoga Springs, NY 128662053 | 01/01/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Crni Begic | 20 E Bolster Ln Saratoga Springs, NY 128662053 | 01/09/2021 | $150.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorothy Beglin | 4921 W 105Th Pl Oak Lawn, IL 604535230 | 12/09/2020 | $450.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $450.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorothy Beglin | 4921 W 105Th Pl Oak Lawn, IL 604535230 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorothy Beglin | 4921 W 105Th Pl Oak Lawn, IL 604535230 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorothy Beglin | 4921 W 105Th Pl Oak Lawn, IL 604535230 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Behm | 31 Fox Hollow Dr Deive Cherry Hill, NJ 080032219 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nikki Behner | 19907 State Route 530 NE Arlington, WA 982234530 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Beirne | 25 Central Park W Apt 31O New York, NY 100237213 | 12/10/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Alan Bekelman | 7315 Wisconsin Ave Ste 800 Bethesda, MD 208143202 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Bekelman | 7315 Wisconsin Ave Ste 800 Bethesda, MD 208143202 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Bekelman | 7315 Wisconsin Ave Ste 800 Bethesda, MD 208143202 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Bekelman | 7315 Wisconsin Ave Ste 800 Bethesda, MD 208143202 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Davy Belk | 391 N Estates Starkville, MS 397596173 | 01/09/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Bell | 870 S East St Amherst, MA 010023047 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $575.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leonard Bell | 59 Tumblebrook Rd Woodbridge, CT 065252533 | 01/11/2021 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
Linda Bell | 59 Tumblebrook Rd Woodbridge, CT 065252533 | 01/11/2021 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
Michelle Bell | 8121 Georgia Ave Ste 700 Silver Spring, MD 209104933 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Bell | 8121 Georgia Ave Ste 700 Silver Spring, MD 209104933 | 01/16/2021 | $15.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Satwant Bell | 5906 Reservoir Heights Ave Alexandria, VA 223111010 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa Bell | PO Box 32628 San Jose, CA 951522628 | 12/22/2020 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa Bell | PO Box 32628 San Jose, CA 951522628 | 01/01/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa Bell | PO Box 32628 San Jose, CA 951522628 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa Bell | PO Box 32628 San Jose, CA 951522628 | 01/11/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa Bell | PO Box 32628 San Jose, CA 951522628 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marsha Beller | 139 Alston Ave New Haven, CT 065152001 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bellis | 13990 Alabama Ave S Savage, MN 553784902 | 01/07/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bellis | 13990 Alabama Ave S Savage, MN 553784902 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Belmont | 228 S Alfred St Alexandria, VA 223143639 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Belmont | 228 S Alfred St Alexandria, VA 223143639 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Al Belmonte | 715 Clubhouse Dr Aptos, CA 950035431 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Beltz | 1913 Massachusetts Ave NE Saint Petersburg, FL 337033401 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Bembury | 8 Church St Erving, MA 013449735 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy W Benchley | 5024 Cathedral Ave NW Washington, DC 200162646 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Cynthia Bender | 810 N 6Th St Chillicothe, IL 615231756 | 01/11/2021 | $25.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Bender | 810 N 6Th St Chillicothe, IL 615231756 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Bender | 810 N 6Th St Chillicothe, IL 615231756 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Bender | 810 N 6Th St Chillicothe, IL 615231756 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Bender | 3000 Ohm Way Denver, CO 802094833 | 01/09/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
James Benerofe | 28 Ethelridge Rd White Plains, NY 106054124 | 01/06/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Benerofe | 28 Ethelridge Rd White Plains, NY 106054124 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Benincasa | 157 Lambertville Hq Rd Stockton, NJ 085591912 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Benincasa | 157 Lambertville Hq Rd Stockton, NJ 085591912 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benjamin | 2159 Birchwood Dr NE Cedar Rapids, IA 524022815 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benjamin | 2159 Birchwood Dr NE Cedar Rapids, IA 524022815 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tiffany Benjamin | 4645 Boulevard Pl Indianapolis, IN 462083549 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Benner | PO Box 446 Linthicum, MD 210900446 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Benner | PO Box 446 Linthicum, MD 210900446 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Bennett | 3 Sara Ln Middletown, MD 217697885 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rebecca Bennett | 2 Pomander Walk NW Washington, DC 200072730 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shirley Bennett | 126 Stardream Dr San Antonio, TX 782163542 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shirley Bennett | 126 Stardream Dr San Antonio, TX 782163542 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tanya Bennett | 1540 W Highland Ave Chicago, IL 606601310 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Tanya Bennett | 1540 W Highland Ave Chicago, IL 606601310 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jerry Bennington | 4909 Eldorado Springs Dr Boulder, CO 803039644 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Bennion | 5 Oxford Pl Belmont, CA 940022580 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Christina Benson | 454 S Crescent Dr Beverly Hills, CA 902124506 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Bentley | 2539 Laurel Glen Dr Lakeland, FL 338035477 | 01/21/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benton | 9890 E Cactus Trl Scottsdale, AZ 852552542 | 01/06/2021 | $25.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benton | 9890 E Cactus Trl Scottsdale, AZ 852552542 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benton | 9890 E Cactus Trl Scottsdale, AZ 852552542 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benton | 9890 E Cactus Trl Scottsdale, AZ 852552542 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Benton | 9890 E Cactus Trl Scottsdale, AZ 852552542 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jon And Sharon Bentz | 4721 E Birkdale Ln Spokane, WA 992231574 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jon And Sharon Bentz | 4721 E Birkdale Ln Spokane, WA 992231574 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Benvie | 10 City Pl Apt 26H White Plains, NY 106013352 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Berdy | 40 Taunton Rd Scarsdale, NY 105835610 | 01/08/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Esther Berezofsky | 460 Browning Ln Cherry Hill, NJ 080033106 | 01/11/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Dennis Berg | 935 E Causeway Blvd Apt 403 Vero Beach, FL 329632282 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mitchell W Berger | 350 E Las Olas Blvd Ste 1000 Ft Lauderdale, FL 333014215 | 12/07/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Tim Berger | 1 Switzer Rd Mahwah, NJ 074302987 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tim Berger | 1 Switzer Rd Mahwah, NJ 074302987 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Connie Berglund | PO Box 776 Pine Valley, CA 919620776 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Bergman | 757 Sarah Ln Northbrook, IL 600622172 | 01/05/2021 | $144.00 | $272.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $144.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Bergman | 757 Sarah Ln Northbrook, IL 600622172 | 01/10/2021 | $31.00 | $272.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $31.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Bergman | 757 Sarah Ln Northbrook, IL 600622172 | 01/10/2021 | $36.00 | $272.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $36.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Bergman | 757 Sarah Ln Northbrook, IL 600622172 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $272.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Bergman | 757 Sarah Ln Northbrook, IL 600622172 | 01/16/2021 | $54.00 | $326.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $54.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frances Bergman | 1085 S Lakemont Avenue Apt Winter Fl 307 Winter Park, FL 32792 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leonard Bergman | 1312 Alderton Ln Las Vegas, NV 891446525 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane C Bergner | 5659 Bent Branch Rd Bethesda, MD 208161049 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
Jane C Bergner | 5659 Bent Branch Rd Bethesda, MD 208161049 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Bergsgaard | 1231 W Placita De La Cotonia Green Valley, AZ 856228337 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Berk | 114 Beethoven Ave Waban, MA 024681728 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Berkey | 13248 50Th St S Wellington, FL 334146921 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Berkey | 13248 50Th St S Wellington, FL 334146921 | 01/22/2021 | $100.00 | $352.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brenda Berkman | 216 E 105Th St # 2 New York, NY 100294702 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Jill Berkowitz | 2107 Burdock Rd Baltimore, MD 212091001 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Bonnie Berliner | 20 Thistle Holw Avon, CT 060013961 | 01/04/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie Berliner | 20 Thistle Holw Avon, CT 060013961 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teri Berliner | 901 Cherryfield Ave Columbus, OH 432351770 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teri Berliner | 901 Cherryfield Ave Columbus, OH 432351770 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marjorie Berlinghof | 1433 Gentlemens Way Dresher, PA 190251031 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Marcia Berlinsky | 18 Central St Arlington, MA 024764809 | 12/26/2020 | $120.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcia Berlinsky | 18 Central St Arlington, MA 024764809 | 12/26/2020 | $120.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie Berman | 1500 Rustic Ln Pacific Palisades, CA 902723966 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $1033.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie Berman | 1500 Rustic Ln Pacific Palisades, CA 902723966 | 01/17/2021 | $1008.00 | $1033.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1008.00 | $13987666.84 |
SANDRA BERMANN | 57 Hemlock Cir Princeton, NJ 085405405 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
SANDRA BERMANN | 57 Hemlock Cir Princeton, NJ 085405405 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elmy Bermejo | 484 38Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941211534 | 01/06/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elmy Bermejo | 484 38Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941211534 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
DONALD BERNARDO | 20544 Marion Rd Saratoga, CA 950705816 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeff Bernstein | 1 Montgomery St Ste 3000 San Francisco, CA 941045500 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Amy Bernzweig | 11 Horizon Dr Huntington, NY 117434409 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Berrey | 3915 Chippenham Rd Durham, NC 277075094 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Berrey | 3915 Chippenham Rd Durham, NC 277075094 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angelica Berrie | FOUNDATION FRANK BURR Blvd Ste 48 Teaneck, NJ 07666 | 01/16/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Berry | PO Box 2781 Lebanon, TN 370882781 | 01/06/2021 | $25.00 | $281.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Berry | PO Box 2781 Lebanon, TN 370882781 | 01/04/2021 | $256.00 | $281.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $256.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Berry | 781 Florence Ln Healdsburg, CA 954483719 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mysti Berry | 615 Randolph St San Francisco, CA 941323025 | 01/04/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Bertrand | 651 Canterbury Dr Augusta, GA 309093311 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Bertrand | 651 Canterbury Dr Augusta, GA 309093311 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stefani Bertuzzy | 3210 Cummings Ln Chevy Chase, MD 208153242 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ray Besing | 140 W Edgewood Pl San Antonio, TX 782093703 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Oben Besong | 841 Table Rock Dr Prosper, TX 750788539 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Constance Best | PO Box 1000 Boonville, CA 954151000 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vernon Bethea | 4331 7 Lks W West End, NC 273769307 | 01/08/2021 | $300.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vernon Bethea | 4331 7 Lks W West End, NC 273769307 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Bethel | 19410 Sweet Oak Tyler, TX 75709 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathy Bethune | 1134 Drew St Lakeland, FL 338108101 | 01/07/2021 | $75.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathy Bethune | 1134 Drew St Lakeland, FL 338108101 | 01/07/2021 | $75.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Greg Bettencourt | 1127 Castle Way Menlo Park, CA 940255001 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Greg Bettencourt | 1127 Castle Way Menlo Park, CA 940255001 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Greg Bettencourt | 1127 Castle Way Menlo Park, CA 940255001 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $1200.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Don Betz | 5601 Wynstone Dr Edmond, OK 730349122 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Manjeshwar Bhat | 1518 Via Campo Aureo San Jose, CA 951205006 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Manjeshwar Bhat | 1518 Via Campo Aureo San Jose, CA 951205006 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Bhatt | 500 N Lake Shore Dr Apt 2108 Chicago, IL 606114234 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Arun Bhikshesvaran | 5755 Cape Cod Dr Frisco, TX 750365087 | 01/20/2021 | $101.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $101.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bharat Bhise | 151 E 58Th St Apt 38BC New York, NY 100221287 | 12/28/2020 | $150000.00 | $150000.00 |
Arun Bhumitra | 23211 Hawthorne Blvd Ste 300 Torrance, CA 905053769 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Aniruddha Bhutkar | 1350 Quintana Way Fremont, CA 945393692 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Bias | 2412 N Florida St Arlington, VA 222071772 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Bias | 2412 N Florida St Arlington, VA 222071772 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Hasan Biberaj | 234 W 56Th St New York, NY 100194302 | 01/19/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $5000.00 | $13987666.84 |
George And Leslie Biddle | 131 E 95Th St New York, NY 101281723 | 01/10/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 11/30/2020 | $17860.40 | $19074.02 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 11/30/2020 | $1213.62 | $19074.02 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/03/2020 | $950.00 | $20024.02 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/09/2020 | $375.00 | $20399.02 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/10/2020 | $950.00 | $21349.02 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/15/2020 | $13971.18 | $36351.07 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/15/2020 | $1030.87 | $36351.07 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/31/2020 | $450.00 | $48147.85 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/31/2020 | $10597.16 | $48147.85 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 12/31/2020 | $749.62 | $48147.85 |
Biden For President | PO Box 58178 Philadelphia, PA 191028178 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $48347.85 |
Joshua Biden | 3818 Sequoyah Ave Knoxville, TN 379198347 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marjolijn Bielders Vries | 6932 Valley View Rd Edina, MN 554391648 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Biggar | 3 Bay Rd E Setauket, NY 117333222 | 12/28/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Christy Bill | 2095 Scott Blvd Santa Clara, CA 950503488 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christy Bill | 2095 Scott Blvd Santa Clara, CA 950503488 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa A Billingham | 5562 Cedar Break Dr Centreville, VA 201203325 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Billioux | 225 Arrowhead Trl Easley, SC 296429519 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Billioux | 225 Arrowhead Trl Easley, SC 296429519 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carrie Billy | 121 Oronoco St Alexandria, VA 223142015 | 01/04/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eryn Bingle | 73 Club Rd Riverside, CT 068782003 | 01/12/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Kenneth Bird | 1754 N Frankwood Ave Reedley, CA 936548803 | 01/06/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ted J Bischak | 390 Santa Isabel Ave Costa Mesa, CA 926271476 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ted J Bischak | 390 Santa Isabel Ave Costa Mesa, CA 926271476 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lona Bishop | PO Box 20753 Roanoke, VA 240180076 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lona Bishop | PO Box 20753 Roanoke, VA 240180076 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherrill Bishop | PO Box 477 Harrison, AR 726020477 | 12/08/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherrill Bishop | PO Box 477 Harrison, AR 726020477 | 01/05/2021 | $10.00 | $520.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherrill Bishop | PO Box 477 Harrison, AR 726020477 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $520.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherrill Bishop | PO Box 477 Harrison, AR 726020477 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $570.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Bishow | 26 Oak Hill Ct Owings Mills, MD 211171421 | 12/16/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bisno | 1000 Venetian Way Apt 603 Miami Beach, FL 331391010 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bisno | 1000 Venetian Way Apt 603 Miami Beach, FL 331391010 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bisno | 1000 Venetian Way Apt 603 Miami Beach, FL 331391010 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Bitler | 454 Fort Washington Ave Apt 40A New York, NY 100334623 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Bitler | 454 Fort Washington Ave Apt 40A New York, NY 100334623 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Bitterman | 229 Kaalawai Pl Honolulu, HI 968164435 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Sascha Bittner | 75 De Soto St San Francisco, CA 941272810 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Victoria Bjorklund | 76 Prospect Ave Sea Cliff, NY 115791006 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allida Black | 2001 N Kenilworth St Arlington, VA 222053130 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Bruce Black | 1154 Colbert St Charlottesville, VA 229013249 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bruce Black | 1154 Colbert St Charlottesville, VA 229013249 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bruce Black | 1154 Colbert St Charlottesville, VA 229013249 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Black | 817 Main Noblesville, IN 46060 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Black | 817 Main Noblesville, IN 46060 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Black | 817 Main Noblesville, IN 46060 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Black | 817 Main Noblesville, IN 46060 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jonathan Black | 408 Tennessee Ave Alexandria, VA 223051328 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Black | 3790 Hollybrook Rd Rockford, TN 378533434 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Bridget Black | 2905 Corporate Cir Flower Mound, TX 750282266 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peter Black | 55 Maple St Sherborn, MA 017701044 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sean Black | PO Box 32 Toccoa, GA 305771400 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Blackett | 2215 N Sumack Cir Cedar City, UT 847217708 | 01/20/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Blackman | 4119 24Th St San Francisco, CA 941143614 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bruce H Blair | 1185 S Ridgeland Ave Oak Park, IL 603042152 | 01/11/2021 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bruce H Blair | 1185 S Ridgeland Ave Oak Park, IL 603042152 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stuart Blair | 2625 Regatta Ln Davis, CA 956186409 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christy Blake | 251 Riveredge Cv Cordova, TN 380187735 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christy Blake | 251 Riveredge Cv Cordova, TN 380187735 | 01/22/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Blakely | 280 Bluff View Dr Belleair Bluffs, FL 337701305 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Blakely | 27210 Ohlone Ln Los Altos Hills, CA 940221986 | 01/10/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Maureen Blanc | 224 Upper Ter San Francisco, CA 941174516 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Royal Bland | 100 Jordan Loop Nolanville, TX 765594547 | 12/16/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Royal Bland | 100 Jordan Loop Nolanville, TX 765594547 | 12/23/2020 | $30.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Royal Bland | 100 Jordan Loop Nolanville, TX 765594547 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $430.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Arthur M Blank | 3223 Howell Mill Rd NW Atlanta, GA 303274105 | 12/10/2020 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Shoshana Blank | 17350 W Sunset Blvd Apt 405C Pacific Palisades, CA 902724106 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mordecai Blaustein | 8741 Marburg Manor Dr Lutherville, MD 210934779 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mordecai Blaustein | 8741 Marburg Manor Dr Lutherville, MD 210934779 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carolyn Bliss | 1 W Edith Ave Apt B208 Los Altos, CA 940222788 | 12/29/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Block | 1522 Moonlight Dr Longmont, CO 805041775 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Block | 77 E Walton St Apt 28-B Chicago, IL 606115273 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Block | 77 E Walton St Apt 28-B Chicago, IL 606115273 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Block | 77 E Walton St Apt 28-B Chicago, IL 606115273 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Block | 77 E Walton St Apt 28-B Chicago, IL 606115273 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Block | 77 E Walton St Apt 28-B Chicago, IL 606115273 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Block | 1645 Pacific Ave Apt 6F San Francisco, CA 941092892 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Bloom | PO Box 9276 Berkeley, CA 947090276 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Judith Bloom | PO Box 9276 Berkeley, CA 947090276 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Bloom | 5160 Midland Trce Midland, GA 318203426 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Bloom | 37 Rosebank Ave Kentfield, CA 949041628 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cameron Bloomer | 7 Lexington Ave Apt 12D New York, NY 100105530 | 01/21/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bludworth | 1619 Parkridge Cir Apt 161 Crofton, MD 211142801 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bludworth | 1619 Parkridge Cir Apt 161 Crofton, MD 211142801 | 01/18/2021 | $200.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew S Bluhm | 900 N Michigan Ave Ste 1900 Chicago, IL 606116536 | 01/19/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Leslie Bluhm | 1300 N State Pkwy Apt 102 Chicago, IL 606108654 | 01/19/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Neil G Bluhm | 900 N Michigan Ave Ste 1900 Chicago, IL 606116536 | 01/19/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Meredith Bluhm-Wolf | 900 N Michigan Ave Ste 1900 Chicago, IL 606116536 | 01/19/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
M Robert Blum | 310 Circle Park Pl Chapel Hill, NC 275178163 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
M Robert Blum | 310 Circle Park Pl Chapel Hill, NC 275178163 | 01/11/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard C Blum | 909 Montgomery St Ste 400 San Francisco, CA 941334652 | 12/21/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Richard C Blum | 909 Montgomery St Ste 400 San Francisco, CA 941334652 | 01/19/2021 | $62500.00 | $162500.00 |
Rochelle Blumenfeld | 1 Rosemont Ave Berkeley, CA 947081220 | 01/16/2021 | $305.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $305.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Boardman | PO Box 1027 Nantucket, MA 025541027 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Boas | 1940 San Antonio Ave Berkeley, CA 947071620 | 01/05/2021 | $33.00 | $283.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $33.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Boas | 1940 San Antonio Ave Berkeley, CA 947071620 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $283.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Afia Boateng | 2202 Oak Grove Cir Garland, TX 750403987 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Bobbitt | 920 Venice Blvd Apt 329 Venice, CA 902914969 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Bobbitt | 920 Venice Blvd Apt 329 Venice, CA 902914969 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Boben | 159 Wilson Dr Lancaster, PA 176034755 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Boben | 159 Wilson Dr Lancaster, PA 176034755 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Boben | 159 Wilson Dr Lancaster, PA 176034755 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Bochert | 4927 Saint Annes Dr Middleton, WI 535978823 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Bochert | 4927 Saint Annes Dr Middleton, WI 535978823 | 01/16/2021 | $20.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Douglas Bock | 1416 Krishire Dr Charleston, IL 619204315 | 01/12/2021 | $20.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick Bodell | 3907 School St Wenatchee, WA 988019009 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick Bodell | 3907 School St Wenatchee, WA 988019009 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Bodey | 3166 Gloucester Dr Bethlehem, PA 180201321 | 01/20/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Bodey | 3166 Gloucester Dr Bethlehem, PA 180201321 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Bodnar | 319 Morgan St Phoenixville, PA 194603529 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Bodnar | 319 Morgan St Phoenixville, PA 194603529 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $332.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Bodnar | 319 Morgan St Phoenixville, PA 194603529 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $357.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Boyd Boehlje | 1326 Boone St Pella, IA 502191128 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Boeing | 100 N Riverside Plz Chicago, IL 606061501 | 12/24/2020 | $1000000.00 | $1000000.00 |
Robert Boggan | 4512 Wilshire Ct Gainesville, GA 305049229 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rhonda Boggs | 7 Marianne Ct Saint Peters, MO 633762203 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Bohannon | 2510 Virginia Ave NW Washington, DC 200371902 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Mark Bohannon | 2510 Virginia Ave NW Washington, DC 200371902 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marlene Bohn | 27 Nichols Rd East Falmouth, MA 025366416 | 01/16/2021 | $1255.00 | $1255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1255.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Boiani | 14814 Lymington Cir Orlando, FL 328264101 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Bolander | 8526 Hill Spring Dr Lutherville Timoni, MD 210934530 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Luchies Bolden | 1602 Oakwood Ave Columbus, OH 432071341 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Luchies Bolden | 1602 Oakwood Ave Columbus, OH 432071341 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosemary Boller | 13 W 13Th St New York, NY 100117954 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
Rosemary Boller | 13 W 13Th St New York, NY 100117954 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bolles | 224 Eakin Dr NW Bainbridge Island, WA 981101751 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bolles | 224 Eakin Dr NW Bainbridge Island, WA 981101751 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Bolling | 3706 Newhouse St Houston, TX 770193718 | 01/08/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
James Bolosh | 160 W 62Nd St Apt 45E New York, NY 100237541 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
David Bolte | 4109 Ashby Ave Des Moines, IA 503104111 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Bombeck | PO Box 7554 Phoenix, AZ 850117554 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Bombeck | PO Box 7554 Phoenix, AZ 850117554 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Bombeck | PO Box 7554 Phoenix, AZ 850117554 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $345.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Clayton Bond | 17160 Indiana St Detroit, MI 482212445 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $375.00 |
Clayton Bond | 17160 Indiana St Detroit, MI 482212445 | 01/15/2021 | $10.00 | $385.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jodi Hanson Bond | 4901 Montgomery Ln Apt 407 Bethesda, MD 208145576 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Tony Bonilla | 2727 Morgan Ave Corpus Christi, TX 784051821 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Bonini | 2000 Marshallfield Ln Redondo Beach, CA 902784214 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marc Bonnefoi | 30 E Craig St Basking Ridge, NJ 079201140 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol N Bonnie | 1 Maple St San Francisco, CA 941181815 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Vicki Bonnington | PO Box 51 West Stockbridge, MA 012660051 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vicki Bonnington | PO Box 51 West Stockbridge, MA 012660051 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sue Bookbinder | 224 Monterey Dr Naples Naples, FL 341194623 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sue Bookbinder | 224 Monterey Dr Naples Naples, FL 341194623 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Bookout | 1212 San Mateo Dr Punta Gorda, FL 339506328 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Bookout | 1212 San Mateo Dr Punta Gorda, FL 339506328 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roberta Paula Books | 6 Demarest Ct Englewood Cliffs, NJ 076321904 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Ahmed Boomrod | 1 Golfcrest Ct Dearborn, MI 481241116 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Booth | 2945 Pacific Ave Apt 1 San Francisco, CA 941151036 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
Anna-Marie Booth | 2945 Pacific Ave Apt 1 San Francisco, CA 941151036 | 01/07/2021 | $150.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Booth | 2945 Pacific Ave Apt 1 San Francisco, CA 941151036 | 01/11/2021 | $17.00 | $467.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $17.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Booth | 2945 Pacific Ave Apt 1 San Francisco, CA 941151036 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $477.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Booth | 2945 Pacific Ave Apt 1 San Francisco, CA 941151036 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $477.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecil Booth | 1837 N Mohawk St Chicago, IL 606145213 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecil Booth | 1837 N Mohawk St Chicago, IL 606145213 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Booth | 2025 E Greenwich Ave Unit 320 Milwaukee, WI 532114433 | 01/10/2021 | $201.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $201.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bootz | 19 Cook Ln Croton On Hudson, NY 105201901 | 01/11/2021 | $125.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bootz | 19 Cook Ln Croton On Hudson, NY 105201901 | 01/11/2021 | $125.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Bootz | 19 Cook Ln Croton On Hudson, NY 105201901 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christian Borges | 4 Westminster Ter West Orange, NJ 070522722 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christian Borges | 4 Westminster Ter West Orange, NJ 070522722 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $520.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Borkovitz | 302 Julip Run St Davids, PA 190874731 | 01/17/2021 | $305.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $305.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann S Borne | 7030 Woodcroft Ln Fort Wayne, IN 468042886 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Mark Borovitz | 2160 Century Park E Apt 411 Los Angeles, CA 900672210 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Borovitz | 2160 Century Park E Apt 411 Los Angeles, CA 900672210 | 01/03/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Borovitz | 2160 Century Park E Apt 411 Los Angeles, CA 900672210 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Borovitz | 2160 Century Park E Apt 411 Los Angeles, CA 900672210 | 01/16/2021 | $350.00 | $1450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Bosick | 1035 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 947072625 | 01/11/2021 | $6250.00 | $6250.00 |
Paul Boskind | 135 W 52Nd St Ph 1 New York, NY 100197696 | 01/12/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Scott Bosley | 2893 Woodgate Ln Kalamazoo, MI 490084814 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Boss | PO Box 230771 Anchorage, AK 995230771 | 01/16/2021 | $350.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Orlan Boston | 1700 Meridian Ave Apt 502 Miami Beach, FL 331391842 | 12/17/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monty Botosan | 21 Laurel Lk E Weston, CT 068831736 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sami Bou-Mikael | 1705 Milan St New Orleans, LA 701154733 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sami Bou-Mikael | 1705 Milan St New Orleans, LA 701154733 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeff Bouma | 2601 E Thomas Rd Ste 235 Phoenix, AZ 850168236 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bowen | 11 B Beaconsfield Road Canterbury Kent CT2 7HF United Kin Gdom, ZZ 00000 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denneace Bowen | 3110 Judson St Pmb 41 Gig Harbor, WA 983351254 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Bower | PO Box 1638 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 920671638 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marci Bowers | 2414 Hale Dr Burlingame, CA 940105520 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Phillipa Bowers | 4672 Venus St New Orleans, LA 701225006 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Zenetta Bowers | 27 Behlmann Lake Ct Florissant, MO 630342862 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Bowman | 830 Greensward Ct Apt H110 Delray Beach, FL 334459038 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Walter Bowman | 2018 Mariposa St San Francisco, CA 941072318 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chuck Box | 535 Pemberton Rd Bristol, TN 376207753 | 12/18/2020 | $288.00 | $288.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $288.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara S Boxer | 136 Yale Dr Rancho Mirage, CA 922703677 | 12/26/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elise Boyan | 605 Garraty Rd San Antonio, TX 782096148 | 12/09/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Lesley Boyd | 7404 Epping Ave Ft Washington, MD 207442118 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Trevondia Boykin | 4850 Eisenhower Ave Unit 101 Alexandria, VA 223047302 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Trevondia Boykin | 4850 Eisenhower Ave Unit 101 Alexandria, VA 223047302 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Boylan | 27555 Prestancia Cir Salinas, CA 939081609 | 01/20/2021 | $200.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Boyle | 7702 88Th Pl SE Mercer Island, WA 980405747 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Bozung | 2203 Ocean Ave Santa Monica, CA 904052274 | 01/19/2021 | $40.00 | $208.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $40.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dennis Braasch | 4 Huntington Ct Greenville, SC 296154213 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Braaten | 2000 4Th St N Apt 324 Wahpeton, ND 580753438 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Braaten | 2000 4Th St N Apt 324 Wahpeton, ND 580753438 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Braaten | 2000 4Th St N Apt 324 Wahpeton, ND 580753438 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Braaten | 2000 4Th St N Apt 324 Wahpeton, ND 580753438 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Terry Brackett | 1859 Loma Linda St Sarasota, FL 342392206 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
MARGARET BRADBURY | 54 Maplewood St Larchmont, NY 105381633 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Bradford | 15003 Huntersville Concord Rd Huntersville, NC 280786272 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorotha Bradley | 3301 N Christmas Ave Tucson, AZ 857161157 | 12/18/2020 | $450.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $450.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine Brittain Bradley | 2211 30Th St NW Washington, DC 200082703 | 01/14/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Kathy Bradley-Wells | 6321 Chew Rd Upper Marlboro, MD 207729705 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Alfonso Bradoch | 722 SW 13Th St Corvallis, OR 973334236 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frances Bradshaw | 1631 Oakcrest Dr Ogden, UT 844033131 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gerald Brady | 2108 Castro St San Francisco, CA 941312225 | 01/08/2021 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
Michael Joseph Brady Sr | 32748 Olde Franklin Dr Farmington Hills, MI 483341746 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Braithwaite | 122 Turner Ridge Cir Durham, NC 277139677 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kerry Brame | 1779 Avery Plaza St Severance, CO 805503234 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Neal Bramson | 3927 Wentworth Dr Durham, NC 277075024 | 01/09/2021 | $30.00 | $630.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Neal Bramson | 3927 Wentworth Dr Durham, NC 277075024 | 01/08/2021 | $600.00 | $630.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $600.00 | $13987666.84 |
Neal Bramson | 3927 Wentworth Dr Durham, NC 277075024 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $680.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Branch | PO Box 806 Olean, NY 147600806 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ed Brandman | 6 Wolf Hill Ter Martinsville, NJ 088362056 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Enid Branscum | 1416 Canterbury St Norman, OK 730697434 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daphne Brantley | 6468 Swift Creek Rd Lithonia, GA 300586078 | 01/16/2021 | $105.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $105.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daphne Brantley | 6468 Swift Creek Rd Lithonia, GA 300586078 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daphne Brantley | 6468 Swift Creek Rd Lithonia, GA 300586078 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $405.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daphne Brantley | 6468 Swift Creek Rd Lithonia, GA 300586078 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $405.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Beverly Brasher | 22827 Spatswood Ln Katy, TX 774495405 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Brasher | 561 SAGG MAIN St Box 590 Sagaponack, NY 11962 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Derick I Brathwaite | 360 W 34Th St New York, NY 100012403 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Bratsafolis | 440 W End Ave New York, NY 100245358 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Bratsafolis | 440 W End Ave New York, NY 100245358 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Evangeline Bratt | 4300 W River Pkwy Minneapolis, MN 554063696 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Bratton | 408 Arballo Dr San Francisco, CA 941322161 | 01/07/2021 | $1250.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Bratton | 408 Arballo Dr San Francisco, CA 941322161 | 01/16/2021 | $150.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna-Marie Bratton | 408 Arballo Dr San Francisco, CA 941322161 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $1650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Braund | 3844 Woodbury Lndg Powell, OH 430656160 | 12/10/2020 | $228.00 | $228.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $228.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Braund | 3844 Woodbury Lndg Powell, OH 430656160 | 01/11/2021 | $114.00 | $342.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $114.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bravia Capital Partners | 3773 Howard Hughes Pkwy Ste 500S Las Vegas, NV 891696014 | 12/14/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Pablo Bravo | 2333 Judah St San Francisco, CA 941221538 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Buddy Bray | 3240 Waits Ave Fort Worth, TX 761092332 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Tom Breault | 10 Fairway Dr Brunswick, ME 040111737 | 01/05/2021 | $150.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Breault | 10 Fairway Dr Brunswick, ME 040111737 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Breault | 10 Fairway Dr Brunswick, ME 040111737 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $420.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Breault | 10 Fairway Dr Brunswick, ME 040111737 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $420.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Breault | 10 Fairway Dr Brunswick, ME 040111737 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $420.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Breckenridge | 4139 Willmar Dr Palo Alto, CA 943063836 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elbert Breeding | 2317 Poor House Rd Madison, VA 227272909 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marta Brenden | 419 Mansfield Rd Silver Spring, MD 209105560 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Brennan | 1611 High St Durham, NC 277071529 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Richard Brennan | 268 E Broadway Apt A1601 New York, NY 100022692 | 01/11/2021 | $275.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $275.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Brenneman | 114 Columbia Ave Metuchen, NJ 088401306 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rebecca Brenneman | 3820 Meridian Ave N Seattle, WA 981038345 | 01/11/2021 | $225.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $225.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tricia Brentjens | 140 Old Short Hills Rd Short Hills, NJ 070782127 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Bressman | 130 E End Ave Apt 9B New York, NY 100287553 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Brewer | 1449 Elwood Dr Los Gatos, CA 950321045 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Brewer | 1449 Elwood Dr Los Gatos, CA 950321045 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Brewington | 5032 Lyons View Pike Knoxville, TN 379196407 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Jacquelyn Brezeale | PO Box 30931 Honolulu, HI 968200931 | 12/23/2020 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacquelyn Brezeale | PO Box 30931 Honolulu, HI 968200931 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jacquelyn Brezeale | PO Box 30931 Honolulu, HI 968200931 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank Briber | 113 Concord Rd Wayland, MA 017781403 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Brigden | 4 W Lee St Seattle, WA 981193320 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Peter Briger | 1 Market St Fl 42 San Francisco, CA 941051420 | 12/08/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
David Briggs | 2801 Lee Hwy Unit 403 Arlington, VA 222014071 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Briggs | 2801 Lee Hwy Unit 403 Arlington, VA 222014071 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Briggs | 2801 Lee Hwy Unit 403 Arlington, VA 222014071 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Briggs | 2801 Lee Hwy Unit 403 Arlington, VA 222014071 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Briggs | 1126 Holly Oak Cir San Jose, CA 951201541 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Regina Brimner | 129 Peregrine Ln Lyons, CO 805404211 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Simeon Brinberg | 45 Sutton Pl S New York, NY 100222444 | 01/14/2021 | $20.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Simeon Brinberg | 45 Sutton Pl S New York, NY 100222444 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Simeon Brinberg | 45 Sutton Pl S New York, NY 100222444 | 01/14/2021 | $140.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $140.00 | $13987666.84 |
Simeon Brinberg | 45 Sutton Pl S New York, NY 100222444 | 01/14/2021 | $70.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jonathan Brinckman | 8017 N Willamette Blvd # 4954 Portland, OR 972034954 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jonathan Brinckman | 8017 N Willamette Blvd # 4954 Portland, OR 972034954 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Brinkmann | 1561 Broadway St Indianapolis, IN 462022712 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Briody | 4420 173Rd Ave SE Bellevue, WA 980066512 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Briody | 4420 173Rd Ave SE Bellevue, WA 980066512 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yuval Brisker | 3105 Scarborough Rd Cleveland Heights, OH 441184049 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1360.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yuval Brisker | 3105 Scarborough Rd Cleveland Heights, OH 441184049 | 01/10/2021 | $360.00 | $1360.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $360.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patty Brissenden | 1604 Mono Ave Minden, NV 894234018 | 01/17/2021 | $1250.00 | $1260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patty Brissenden | 1604 Mono Ave Minden, NV 894234018 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $1260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Brittingham | 6 Canal Park Apt 701 Cambridge, MA 021412213 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frances Broaddus-Crutchfield | 1196 Huguenot Trl Midlothian, VA 231139114 | 12/17/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Frances Broaddus-Crutchfield | 1196 Huguenot Trl Midlothian, VA 231139114 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frances Broaddus-Crutchfield | 1196 Huguenot Trl Midlothian, VA 231139114 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $1045.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Meghan BROADSTONE | 12 Lovell Rd Watertown, MA 024723377 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Meghan BROADSTONE | 12 Lovell Rd Watertown, MA 024723377 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tim Broas | 1230 23D St NW Apt 507 Washington, DC 20037 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Tim Broas | 1230 23D St NW Apt 507 Washington, DC 20037 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Brock | 19909 Hamil Cir Montgomery Village, MD 208865651 | 12/26/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Brockway-Hahn | 3404 Urban St Los Alamos, NM 875442027 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brooke Brody | 15720 Seneca Rd Darnestown, MD 208743542 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Evan Brody | 19495 Biscayne Blvd Ste 850 Aventura, FL 331802320 | 12/08/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Mary Beth Broeren | 122 Williams And Broad Dr Brownsboro, AL 357419312 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Beth Broeren | 122 Williams And Broad Dr Brownsboro, AL 357419312 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $520.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Les Bromwell | 505 Tulip Ln Vero Beach, FL 329632209 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Les Bromwell | 505 Tulip Ln Vero Beach, FL 329632209 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Bromwell | 505 Tulip Ln Vero Beach, FL 329632209 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Brondolo | 235 E 40Th St # 32 New York, NY 100161744 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gila Bronner | 284 Prospect Ave Highland Park, IL 600353354 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Gay Brookes | 122 W 75Th St New York, NY 100231938 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Brooks | 11100 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 400 Los Angeles, CA 900250520 | 12/26/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Brooks | 11100 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 400 Los Angeles, CA 900250520 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Brooks | 11100 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 400 Los Angeles, CA 900250520 | 01/26/2021 | $500.00 | $1500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/31/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie Brooks | 1717 S Prairie Ave Apt 1410 Chicago, IL 606164343 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lavonne Brooks | 20 Gazelle Rd Reno, NV 895116644 | 12/30/2020 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lavonne Brooks | 20 Gazelle Rd Reno, NV 895116644 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lavonne Brooks | 20 Gazelle Rd Reno, NV 895116644 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lavonne Brooks | 20 Gazelle Rd Reno, NV 895116644 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Brooks | 25 S Grandview Beach Rd Indian River, MI 497499633 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $355.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Brooks | 25 S Grandview Beach Rd Indian River, MI 497499633 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $355.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Brooks | 25 S Grandview Beach Rd Indian River, MI 497499633 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $380.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Brooks | 25 S Grandview Beach Rd Indian River, MI 497499633 | 01/21/2021 | $50.00 | $430.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/02/2021 | $100.00 | $243.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/02/2021 | $100.00 | $243.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $343.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $353.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $353.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $358.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $408.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Brooks | 4585 Benderton Ct Upper Arlington, OH 432203019 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $433.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Randy Brooks | 8237 Via Verona Orlando, FL 328367701 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Randy Brooks | 8237 Via Verona Orlando, FL 328367701 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon A Brooks | 425 Rochdale St Auburn, MA 015011012 | 01/14/2021 | $125.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon A Brooks | 425 Rochdale St Auburn, MA 015011012 | 01/14/2021 | $125.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel Broom | 258 Pine Orchard Rd Roaf Branford, CT 064055516 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Broome | 583 Cooper Dr Benicia, CA 945101301 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Broome | 583 Cooper Dr Benicia, CA 945101301 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Broome | 583 Cooper Dr Benicia, CA 945101301 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vicki Broussard | 135 Oakridge St Lafayette, LA 705063219 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tamara Brown Neuhaus | 126 Arguello Blvd San Francisco, CA 941181405 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Alden Brown | 600 4Th St SW Apt 406 Rochester, MN 559023246 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann W Brown | 2734 Rhone Dr Palm Beach Gardens, FL 334101203 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Brown | 2500 Pacific Ave San Francisco, CA 941151126 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Cameron Brown | 19 Kensington Ave Apt 401 Jersey City, NJ 073045025 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Constance Brown | 465 Pheasant Run Louisville, CO 800271142 | 01/22/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dan Brown | 302 W Alexandria Ave Alexandria, VA 223024203 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dan Brown | 302 W Alexandria Ave Alexandria, VA 223024203 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deidre Brown | 39 Channing Ave Providence, RI 029065510 | 12/10/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Deidre Brown | 39 Channing Ave Providence, RI 029065510 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
Dennis Brown | 575 Deming St South Windsor, CT 060743716 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Douglas Brown | 92 Bullard St Sherborn, MA 017701435 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gordon Brown | 5000 Lexington Cir Loomis, CA 956507108 | 01/15/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jamaal Brown | 8901 Amberglen Blvd Austin, TX 787291158 | 01/10/2021 | $125.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jamaal Brown | 8901 Amberglen Blvd Austin, TX 787291158 | 01/10/2021 | $125.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Lobis Brown | 33 Riverside Dr New York, NY 100238012 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Brown | 4068 Stein Ave Mobile, AL 366082014 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Brown | 4068 Stein Ave Mobile, AL 366082014 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Brown | 4068 Stein Ave Mobile, AL 366082014 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Brown | 380 Sawgrass Way Fayetteville, GA 302158087 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tara Brown | PO Box 1755 Bodega Bay, CA 949231755 | 01/07/2021 | $375.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $375.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tara Brown | PO Box 1755 Bodega Bay, CA 949231755 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $380.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teryl Brown | 237 Devon Ave Pleasant Hill, CA 945232521 | 01/18/2021 | $20.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
WILL Brown | 2333 Kapiolani Blvd Apt 2907 Honolulu, HI 968264468 | 01/18/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
WILL Brown | 2333 Kapiolani Blvd Apt 2907 Honolulu, HI 968264468 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brown-Forman Corporation | 850 Dixie Hwy Louisville, KY 402101038 | 01/20/2021 | $3723.99 | $3723.99 |
Ernest C Browne IV | 10272 Dunsford Dr Lone Tree, CO 801249759 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ernest C Browne IV | 10272 Dunsford Dr Lone Tree, CO 801249759 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jackson Browne | 12746 Kling St Studio City, CA 916041125 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jackson Browne | 12746 Kling St Studio City, CA 916041125 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathleen Brownell | 5 Acorn Ln Barrington, IL 600102300 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nora Brownell | 105 Pommander Walk Alexandria, VA 223143844 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marjorie Brownstein | 4170 N Marine Dr Chicago, IL 606132365 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claire Broyhill | 380 Edwards Ridge Rd Chapel Hill, NC 275178777 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sue Brucker | 805 N Roxbury Dr Beverly Hills, CA 902103017 | 01/15/2021 | $180.00 | $385.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $180.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sue Brucker | 805 N Roxbury Dr Beverly Hills, CA 902103017 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $385.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Bruegger | PO Box 670344 Dallas, TX 753670344 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Robert Bruininks | 100 3Rd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 554012525 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Bruininks | 100 3Rd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 554012525 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Bruinooge | 29375 Port Royal Way Laguna Niguel, CA 926777945 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Brumbaugh | 2000 Salzedo St Coral Gables, FL 331344333 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Brumbaugh | 2000 Salzedo St Coral Gables, FL 331344333 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
LaTosca Brunner | 240 Buckskin Dr Waxahachie, TX 751674837 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
LaTosca Brunner | 240 Buckskin Dr Waxahachie, TX 751674837 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Jon Bruno | 79285 Mandarina La Quinta, CA 922538537 | 12/30/2020 | $1500.00 | $1500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $1500.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Jon Bruno | 79285 Mandarina La Quinta, CA 922538537 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Jon Bruno | 79285 Mandarina La Quinta, CA 922538537 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $2030.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marian Bruns | 4943 Croydon Pl Newark, CA 945601405 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sheila B Brutoco Young | 930 Parrott Dr Hillsborough, CA 940107415 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sheila B Brutoco Young | 930 Parrott Dr Hillsborough, CA 940107415 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ted Bruya | 308 S 1St St Odessa, WA 991599816 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Bryan | 6589 N Lake Blvd # 188 Tahoe Vista, CA 96148 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Bryan | 3760 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 958166727 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Bryant | 4620 N Park Ave Apt 1508W Chevy Chase, MD 208157506 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Bryant | 4620 N Park Ave Apt 1508W Chevy Chase, MD 208157506 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Bryant | 91307 PO East Point, GA 30364 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Bryant | 91307 PO East Point, GA 30364 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Bryant | 220 Olde Brook Ct Norman, OK 730724548 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Bryant | 220 Olde Brook Ct Norman, OK 730724548 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Prisby Bryson | 345 Glen Iris Dr NE Atlanta, GA 303121508 | 01/13/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Steven Bryson | 970 W 190Th St Torrance, CA 905021000 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steven Bryson | 970 W 190Th St Torrance, CA 905021000 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ed Bu | 327 Adams St Decatur, GA 300305205 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Calli Bucci | 1702 Delaware Ave Santa Monica, CA 904044712 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dale Buchbinder | 8407 Meadowsweet Rd Pikesville, MD 212086406 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dale Buchbinder | 8407 Meadowsweet Rd Pikesville, MD 212086406 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christopher Buckley | 40 Wallacks Dr Stamford, CT 069027125 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeannie Buckner | 2512 Bantas Point Ln Wayzata, MN 553912306 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeannie Buckner | 2512 Bantas Point Ln Wayzata, MN 553912306 | 01/16/2021 | $30.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mike Bucsko | 27162 Via Chicuelina Apt B San Juan Capistran, CA 926754293 | 01/14/2021 | $66.00 | $273.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $66.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mike Bucsko | 27162 Via Chicuelina Apt B San Juan Capistran, CA 926754293 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $273.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Regina Budd | PO Box 1514 Goldsboro, NC 275331514 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $277.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Regina Budd | PO Box 1514 Goldsboro, NC 275331514 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $277.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Regina Budd | PO Box 1514 Goldsboro, NC 275331514 | 01/12/2021 | $20.00 | $277.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roberta Buell | 1150 Lombard St Apt 9 San Francisco, CA 941099103 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roberta Buell | 1150 Lombard St Apt 9 San Francisco, CA 941099103 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
PAUL BUERGER | PO Box 60781 San Angelo, TX 769060781 | 01/14/2021 | $96.00 | $234.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $96.00 | $13987666.84 |
PAUL BUERGER | PO Box 60781 San Angelo, TX 769060781 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $284.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
PAUL BUERGER | PO Box 60781 San Angelo, TX 769060781 | 01/19/2021 | $46.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $46.00 | $13987666.84 |
Constance Buhl | 2317 N 63Rd St Seattle, WA 981035448 | 12/01/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/01/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robyn Buist | 203 Whistling Swan Ln Downingtown, PA 193354505 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ross Bulla | 2173 Smith Harbour Dr Denver, NC 280378089 | 11/30/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Eleina Bulow | 2937 Turtle Head Peak Dr Las Vegas, NV 891351639 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleina Bulow | 2937 Turtle Head Peak Dr Las Vegas, NV 891351639 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleina Bulow | 2937 Turtle Head Peak Dr Las Vegas, NV 891351639 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kristin Bumpus | 2 Hampden Ct Middletown, DE 197098300 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Bunderson | 1304 Ridgewood Ave Omaha, NE 681241315 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Burack | 8993 Grape Creek Rd Walkersville, MD 217938810 | 12/26/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ryan Burch | 3800 SW 185Th Ave # 6810 Beaverton, OR 970781570 | 01/10/2021 | $205.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $205.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ronald Burd | 710 Harvard Rd Bala Cynwyd, PA 190042108 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Ronald Burd | 710 Harvard Rd Bala Cynwyd, PA 190042108 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kristen Bures | 4 Butler Dr S Burlington, VT 054037237 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary K Burkart | 472 Old Charles Town Rd Berryville, VA 226111971 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary K Burkart | 472 Old Charles Town Rd Berryville, VA 226111971 | 01/20/2021 | $200.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ingrid Burke | 98 Summit Ave Montclair, NJ 070432223 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Miguel Burke | 9720 Ramzi Dr Conroe, TX 773031100 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Miguel Burke | 9720 Ramzi Dr Conroe, TX 773031100 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Miguel Burke | 9720 Ramzi Dr Conroe, TX 773031100 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dori Burks | 115 South Ln Moreland Hills, OH 440221145 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dori Burks | 115 South Ln Moreland Hills, OH 440221145 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Virginia Burley | 10137 Palermo Ct Yucaipa, CA 923996000 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Al Burlingame | 26 Alexander Ave Sausalito, CA 949652512 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norma Burlingame | 10419 Huntington Estates Dr Houston, TX 770993609 | 01/04/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Burnett | 1108 Wiltshire Ave San Antonio, TX 782092855 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Burnett | 1800 Rosewood Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 871203957 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melinda Burnette | 1326 Healys Mill Rd Hartfield, VA 230712129 | 01/09/2021 | $126.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melinda Burnette | 1326 Healys Mill Rd Hartfield, VA 230712129 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melinda Burnette | 1326 Healys Mill Rd Hartfield, VA 230712129 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $276.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melinda Burnette | 1326 Healys Mill Rd Hartfield, VA 230712129 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $326.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Burnham | 4185 W Eaglerock Dr Ste C-280 Wenatchee, WA 988019603 | 01/19/2021 | $150.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Burns | 204 Westchester Ave Tuckahoe, NY 107072125 | 01/05/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Burns | PO Box 10160 South Lake Tahoe, CA 961583160 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Burns | 8012 Crooked Chute Ct Raleigh, NC 276127324 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Burns | 8012 Crooked Chute Ct Raleigh, NC 276127324 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Burns | 1434 Deerwood Path Eagan, MN 551221841 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Burns | 1301 N Dearborn St Apt 1505 Chicago, IL 606108697 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Leslie Burns | 1301 N Dearborn St Apt 1505 Chicago, IL 606108697 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Burns | 1301 N Dearborn St Apt 1505 Chicago, IL 606108697 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Justyna B Burr | 1363 N Poes Rd Flint Hill, VA 226271703 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruby Burrell | 15019 Hunter Mountain Ln Silver Spring, MD 209066216 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Ruby Burrell | 15019 Hunter Mountain Ln Silver Spring, MD 209066216 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruby Burrell | 15019 Hunter Mountain Ln Silver Spring, MD 209066216 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Burris | 770 Lexington Ave New York, NY 100658165 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Burris | 770 Lexington Ave New York, NY 100658165 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Burris | 770 Lexington Ave New York, NY 100658165 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rachel Burris | 770 Lexington Ave New York, NY 100658165 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
MariN Burros | 7215 Helmsdale Rd Bethesda, MD 208174645 | 12/22/2020 | $1200.00 | $1205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $1200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Bury | 191 Flanders Netcong Rd Flanders, NJ 078369738 | 12/09/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Bury | 191 Flanders Netcong Rd Flanders, NJ 078369738 | 12/17/2020 | $10.00 | $1010.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Bury | 191 Flanders Netcong Rd Flanders, NJ 078369738 | 01/15/2021 | $8.00 | $1023.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $8.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Bury | 191 Flanders Netcong Rd Flanders, NJ 078369738 | 01/15/2021 | $5.00 | $1023.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dana Bushman | 359 Pacific Heights Dr Santa Rosa, CA 954037513 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vinita Busse | PO Box 4109 Incline Village, NV 894504109 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Phyllis Bustamante | 125 Lovato Ln Santa Fe, NM 875054635 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phyllis Bustamante | 125 Lovato Ln Santa Fe, NM 875054635 | 01/21/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deborah Butler | 52 Ridge Rd Concord, NH 033013021 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Diane Butler | 730 Longfellow Cir O Fallon, MO 633667448 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jim Butler | 1517 Alameda Dr Austin, TX 787043101 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Butler | 4070 Blueberry Dr Erie, PA 165106663 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Butler | 4070 Blueberry Dr Erie, PA 165106663 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine Butler | 4856 Hogan Dr Wilmington, DE 198081743 | 01/08/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine Butler | 4856 Hogan Dr Wilmington, DE 198081743 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dottery Butler-Washington | 2024 Downshire Ct Waldorf, MD 206033886 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Lisa Buttenheim | 240 E 39Th St Apt 16B New York, NY 100167204 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Buttenheim | 240 E 39Th St Apt 16B New York, NY 100167204 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Butterfield | 1600 Krameria St Denver, CO 802201553 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Butterfield | 1600 Krameria St Denver, CO 802201553 | 01/22/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Butterly | 196 Douglas Rd Norwich, VT 050559649 | 12/26/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Butterworth | 81 Walker St New York, NY 100133566 | 11/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 11/30/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas Butterworth | 81 Walker St New York, NY 100133566 | 01/01/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Bybee | 18923 168Th Ave NE Woodinville, WA 980728014 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barry Bycoff | 303 Columbus Ave Unit 802 Boston, MA 021165289 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brook Byers | 2750 Sand Hill Rd Menlo Park, CA 940257020 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Josephine Bynder | 500 Mohawk Dr Apt 480 Boulder, CO 803033755 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew W Byrd Sr | 1 AMERICAN Ctr Ste 500 Nashville, TN 37203 | 12/08/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Barry Byrne | 123 NW 23Rd St Gainesville, FL 326072616 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barry Byrne | 123 NW 23Rd St Gainesville, FL 326072616 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Byrne | 6329 Summercrest Dr Columbia, MD 210454469 | 01/15/2021 | $238.00 | $238.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $238.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew C Byrnes | 1277 Westwood St Redwood City, CA 940611924 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Daniel Anthony Byrnes | 3414 Oak Ridge Rd Crystal Lake, IL 600121060 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steven Byrnes | 6319 Mystic Bridge Dr Houston, TX 770212259 | 12/26/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nick Cabot | 2635 NW Foothill Dr Corvallis, OR 973303129 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Esmeralda Cabrera | 322 Woodvale Ave Staten Island, NY 103093557 | 12/23/2020 | $100.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Esmeralda Cabrera | 322 Woodvale Ave Staten Island, NY 103093557 | 12/23/2020 | $100.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Caccia | 1 Morton Sq Apt 4AW New York, NY 100147801 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Caccia | 1 Morton Sq Apt 4AW New York, NY 100147801 | 01/03/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Caccia | 1 Morton Sq Apt 4AW New York, NY 100147801 | 01/07/2021 | $300.00 | $1300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ana Caceres | 19 Brantley Way Sicklerville, NJ 080811126 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ana Caceres | 19 Brantley Way Sicklerville, NJ 080811126 | 01/09/2021 | $150.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Caddell | 2337 Bay View Ave Carmel, CA 939239117 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Cade | 195 Islington Rd Auburndale, MA 024661023 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Cade | 195 Islington Rd Auburndale, MA 024661023 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Cade | 195 Islington Rd Auburndale, MA 024661023 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Cafardi | 2277 Jefferson Ave Norwood, OH 452123234 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon Caffrey | 18 Orchard Vw Chadds Ford, PA 193179236 | 01/14/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon Caffrey | 18 Orchard Vw Chadds Ford, PA 193179236 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kristin Cain | 1157 Canton Ave Milton, MA 021862429 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anita Cal | 5104 Kester Ave Sherman Oaks, CA 914031369 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Haroen Calehr | 8 Twin Circle Dr Houston, TX 770422032 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Callahan | 159 Sylvan Oakes Dr Hollidaysburg, PA 166482940 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Callahan | 10 Braunview Way Orchard Park, NY 141272046 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Callahan | 10 Braunview Way Orchard Park, NY 141272046 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Loretta Callan | 430 E Packwood Ave Maitland, FL 327515700 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Loretta Callan | 430 E Packwood Ave Maitland, FL 327515700 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $505.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dwight Callaway | 30 Hawaii Ave NE Washington, DC 200114905 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wesley Callender | 1088 Manning St Great Falls, VA 220661921 | 12/09/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christian Camaisa | 5305 La Crescenta Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 | 01/20/2021 | $1000.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christian Camaisa | 5305 La Crescenta Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Camana | 4622 Grandview Ter La Mesa, CA 919416845 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Camana | 4622 Grandview Ter La Mesa, CA 919416845 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Camana | 4622 Grandview Ter La Mesa, CA 919416845 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Beverly J Cambra | 84 Chateau Dr Somerset, MA 027261510 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $326.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Cameron | 405 Good Barn Rd Vass, NC 283949279 | 12/19/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janet Campagna | 75 E End Ave Apt 10A New York, NY 100287915 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann-Marie Campbell | 4738 Gambrell Rd SE Mableton, GA 301261703 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brett Campbell | 957 S Corniche Du Lac Covington, LA 704337295 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith E Campbell | 54 Samson Ave Madison, NJ 079402840 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melanie Campbell | 117 E Glendale Ave Alexandria, VA 223012003 | 01/10/2021 | $350.00 | $350.00 |
Neal Campbell | 265 Leeds Dr Barrington, IL 600104016 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steve Campbell | 1507 Harrison St Lowell, IN 463561941 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria M Campos-Pons | 905 20Th Ave S Apt 1015 Nashville, TN 372032669 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Jeanne-Louise Camus | 642 Barrachi Way Sonoma, CA 954766837 | 01/09/2021 | $1250.00 | $2300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeanne-Louise Camus | 642 Barrachi Way Sonoma, CA 954766837 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $2300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Canaga | 357 N Orlando Ave Los Angeles, CA 900482515 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
Jennifer Canaga | 357 N Orlando Ave Los Angeles, CA 900482515 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Canaga | 357 N Orlando Ave Los Angeles, CA 900482515 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $555.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Hamilton Candee | 117 Laidley St San Francisco, CA 941312767 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Hamilton Candee | 117 Laidley St San Francisco, CA 941312767 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $20.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $20.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Candia | 3500 Slate Ct Bakersfield, CA 933133009 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
MaryEva Candon | 2122 California St NW Unit 562 Washington, DC 200081830 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Tushara Canekeratne | 1 Wyndemere Dr Southborough, MA 017721110 | 01/10/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Tonya Canfield | 5627 Shoeman Rd Haslett, MI 488409723 | 01/15/2021 | $20.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tonya Canfield | 5627 Shoeman Rd Haslett, MI 488409723 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tonya Canfield | 5627 Shoeman Rd Haslett, MI 488409723 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tonya Canfield | 5627 Shoeman Rd Haslett, MI 488409723 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cannae Holdings LLC | 1701 Village Center Cir Las Vegas, NV 891346368 | 01/06/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 12/21/2020 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 12/22/2020 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 12/24/2020 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 01/11/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donna Canode | 116 Nova Ct Erie, CO 805166414 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Canute | 3 Glen Ln Sudbury, MA 017762573 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Capital Group | 333 S Hope St Fl 53 Los Angeles, CA 900711418 | 12/30/2020 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
James Cappiello | 96 Woburn St Andover, MA 018106017 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Cappiello | 96 Woburn St Andover, MA 018106017 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christopher Cappy | 560 W End Ave Apt 5E New York, NY 100242749 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Christopher Cappy | 560 W End Ave Apt 5E New York, NY 100242749 | 01/11/2021 | $10.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Enrico Capraro | 12336 Quince Valley Dr North Potomac, MD 208784726 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Enrico Capraro | 12336 Quince Valley Dr North Potomac, MD 208784726 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Enrico Capraro | 12336 Quince Valley Dr North Potomac, MD 208784726 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teresa Carabeo | 211 E 13Th St Apt 4B New York, NY 100035694 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Carabetta | 10 Balston Dr Verona, NJ 070441408 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dolores Caradonna | 162 Falmouth Ct Unit A Ridge, NY 119611249 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dolores Caradonna | 162 Falmouth Ct Unit A Ridge, NY 119611249 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yolanda Caraway | 29 K St SE Apt 926 Washington, DC 200033328 | 12/18/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yolanda Caraway | 29 K St SE Apt 926 Washington, DC 200033328 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
Marco Carbone | 10788 Rochester Ave Los Angeles, CA 900245037 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Marie Carbone | 49 Munroe St Apt 304 Lynn, MA 019011531 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie Carbone | 49 Munroe St Apt 304 Lynn, MA 019011531 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teddi Carbonneau | 4246 SE Ogden St Portland, OR 972068452 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teddi Carbonneau | 4246 SE Ogden St Portland, OR 972068452 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jose Cardenas | 4730 London Ave Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 | 01/18/2021 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $2000.00 | $13987666.84 |
JoAnn Cardwell | 3339 W Locanda Cir New Smyrna Beach, FL 321685384 | 01/08/2021 | $85.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $85.00 | $13987666.84 |
JoAnn Cardwell | 3339 W Locanda Cir New Smyrna Beach, FL 321685384 | 01/15/2021 | $85.00 | $340.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $85.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caremark RX Inc. | PO Box 287 Lincoln, RI 028650393 | 01/22/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Benton Carey | 730 Plum Hollow Dr College Station, TX 778454475 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Carey | 614 Loveville Rd Apt E3H Hockessin, DE 197071618 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Carey | 614 Loveville Rd Apt E3H Hockessin, DE 197071618 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $1110.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Carey | 614 Loveville Rd Apt E3H Hockessin, DE 197071618 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $1110.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Carey | 614 Loveville Rd Apt E3H Hockessin, DE 197071618 | 01/16/2021 | $35.00 | $1110.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $35.00 | $13987666.84 |
K Rea Carey | 2432 20Th St NW Washington, DC 200091544 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Kimberly Carey | 6400 Canoga Ave Ste 163 Woodland Hills, CA 913672435 | 12/03/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Susan Carey | PO Box 124 Hawaii National Pa, HI 967180124 | 01/05/2021 | $35.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $35.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Carey | PO Box 124 Hawaii National Pa, HI 967180124 | 01/04/2021 | $140.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $140.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Carey | PO Box 124 Hawaii National Pa, HI 967180124 | 01/04/2021 | $35.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $35.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Carey | PO Box 124 Hawaii National Pa, HI 967180124 | 01/16/2021 | $20.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kristin Carkeek | 58 E Canterbury Ct Phoenix, AZ 850224204 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Carlin | 37 Cascade Rd Stamford, CT 069034228 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Cris Carlos | 501 Shannon Brg Dyer, IN 463111670 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $340.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cory Carlson | 5405 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle, WA 981182529 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cory Carlson | 5405 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle, WA 981182529 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Carlson | 261 Ginko Ter Sunnyvale, CA 940866564 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie Carlson | 261 Ginko Ter Sunnyvale, CA 940866564 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sally Carlson | 15 Sycamore Ave Mill Valley, CA 949412721 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Carlton | 5473 Adams Ave San Diego, CA 921152207 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Carlton | 5473 Adams Ave San Diego, CA 921152207 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Diana Carmona | 7935 SW 86Th St Miami, FL 331437017 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Henry Carnegie | 101 Sea Island Dr Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 320823736 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $440.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Forrest Caro | 320 Richmond Ave San Jose, CA 951282336 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Orrin Carpenter | 2813 Richard Ave Concord, CA 945205511 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Orrin Carpenter | 2813 Richard Ave Concord, CA 945205511 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Carpenter | 8532 Hollywood Blvd Ste 300 Los Angeles, CA 900691414 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Carpenter | 8532 Hollywood Blvd Ste 300 Los Angeles, CA 900691414 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Suzanne Carpenter | 4898 Hickory Hill Rd Ann Arbor, MI 481059744 | 01/08/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Connie Carper | 836 Summerlake Dr Fort Mill, SC 297150022 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Connie Carper | 836 Summerlake Dr Fort Mill, SC 297150022 | 01/08/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Connie Carper | 836 Summerlake Dr Fort Mill, SC 297150022 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adriana Carr | 5190 Serene View Way Parker, CO 801342802 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Carr | 1809 Varnum St NW Washington, DC 200114249 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Carr | 1809 Varnum St NW Washington, DC 200114249 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $256.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
J Carr | 1809 Varnum St NW Washington, DC 200114249 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $306.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Carradine | 2095 Parkview Dr South Holland, IL 604733785 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mildred Carrethers | 8 Grantley Ct Dallas, TX 752301969 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Albert Carrillo Jr | 1604 Shell Ave Midland, TX 797058641 | 01/11/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Albert Carrillo Jr | 1604 Shell Ave Midland, TX 797058641 | 01/16/2021 | $80.00 | $380.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $80.00 | $13987666.84 |
Albert Carrillo Jr | 1604 Shell Ave Midland, TX 797058641 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $380.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Albert Carrillo Jr | 1604 Shell Ave Midland, TX 797058641 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $430.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gilbert Carrion | 1281 Puerta Del Sol San Clemente, CA 926736310 | 01/03/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $10000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie C Carroll | PO Box 4219 Oak Ridge, TN 378314219 | 12/29/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie C Carroll | PO Box 4219 Oak Ridge, TN 378314219 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie C Carroll | PO Box 4219 Oak Ridge, TN 378314219 | 01/14/2021 | $10.00 | $610.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie C Carroll | PO Box 4219 Oak Ridge, TN 378314219 | 01/15/2021 | $20.00 | $630.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dennis Carroll | 1380 1500Th St Lincoln, IL 626565127 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dennis Carroll | 1380 1500Th St Lincoln, IL 626565127 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dennis Carroll | 1380 1500Th St Lincoln, IL 626565127 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jenny Carroll | 2825 Balmoral Rd Mountain Brk, AL 352231235 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jenny Carroll | 2825 Balmoral Rd Mountain Brk, AL 352231235 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Carroll | 5605 Willoughby Newton Dr Unit 34 Centreville, VA 201201940 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Carroll | 2 Broad St Westport, CT 068801101 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Carroll | 80 River Dr Titusville, NJ 085601727 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Carson | 13945 Mira Montana Dr Del Mar, CA 920143113 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Abbie M Carter | 12811 Delsanto St Houston, TX 770453527 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Craig Carter | 35 Meridian Dr Garner, NC 275296875 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Carter | 2369 N Nelson St Arlington, VA 222075152 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
Susan Carter | 2369 N Nelson St Arlington, VA 222075152 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Carter | 2369 N Nelson St Arlington, VA 222075152 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Carter | 2369 N Nelson St Arlington, VA 222075152 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $575.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jimmy Cartmill | 341 Calle Molino Pacheco, CA 945535262 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jimmy Cartmill | 341 Calle Molino Pacheco, CA 945535262 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bettie Cartwright | 3711 San Felipe St Unit 14A Houston, TX 770274040 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Mary Cartwright | 1715 Norris Dr Austin, TX 787042807 | 12/18/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Mary Cartwright | 1715 Norris Dr Austin, TX 787042807 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $1070.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Arthur Carver | 4 Lawrence St Boston, MA 021166211 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joel Carver | 302 W Allen Ave Springdale, AR 727645306 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joel Carver | 302 W Allen Ave Springdale, AR 727645306 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Louis Casadonte | 1300 Newkirk Ct # E-106 Vienna, VA 221821373 | 01/17/2021 | $1.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adam Casagrande | 1566 Blanford Cir Norfolk, VA 235051707 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Beverly J Casazza | 317 Prune Tree Dr Healdsburg, CA 954484337 | 01/15/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harlow Case | 1923 Biltmore St NW Washington, DC 200091509 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Merri Casem | 8754 Mesa Oak Dr Riverside, CA 925083171 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary McCall Cash | 124 Geneva St Decatur, GA 300301843 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $208.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary McCall Cash | 124 Geneva St Decatur, GA 300301843 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $208.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 12/21/2020 | $25.00 | $202.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 12/21/2020 | $59.00 | $202.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $59.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 12/21/2020 | $118.00 | $202.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $118.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 01/01/2021 | $100.00 | $302.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 01/06/2021 | $144.00 | $590.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $144.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 01/06/2021 | $144.00 | $590.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $144.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcelle Casimir | PO Box 150 Irvington, NJ 071110150 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $635.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrea Cassel | 726 Loveville Rd Apt 81 Hockessin, DE 197071524 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrea Cassel | 726 Loveville Rd Apt 81 Hockessin, DE 197071524 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Heather Cassity | 126 Lake Shore Dr Pasadena, MD 211225204 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kay Casstevens | 1418 Foxhall Rd NW Washington, DC 200072005 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Leslie Castellino | 8400 Jonquil Way Citrus Heights, CA 956103327 | 01/16/2021 | $325.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chester Caster | 4017 Ryan Pl Schenectady, NY 123032819 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Candi Castleberry | 6700 Saroni Dr Oakland, CA 946112345 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Cicero Caston | 1116 E Mcvicar Ave Kingman, AZ 864091367 | 12/17/2020 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cicero Caston | 1116 E Mcvicar Ave Kingman, AZ 864091367 | 12/16/2020 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Loretta Castrillo | 50 Witherbee Ave Revere, MA 021511719 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Anthony Castro | 8 Park Pl Mansfield, TX 760635306 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leonicia A Castro | 49 Bache St San Francisco, CA 941105923 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mauro Castro | 2795 SW 31St Ave Miami, FL 331332935 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecil Cates | 55 Union Pl # 114 Summit, NJ 079012563 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan F Cathcart | 1665 Homet Rd Pasadena, CA 911063540 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan F Cathcart | 1665 Homet Rd Pasadena, CA 911063540 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan F Cathcart | 1665 Homet Rd Pasadena, CA 911063540 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Catmull | 2209 Pacific Ave San Francisco, CA 941151434 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anita S Cauffman | 8375 S Strain Ridge Rd Bloomington, IN 474018415 | 01/19/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jo Cauley | 2409 Berkley Dr Madison, WI 537193406 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jo Cauley | 2409 Berkley Dr Madison, WI 537193406 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sybil Cayir | 1047 Village Dr Chino Hills, CA 917092270 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Denise Cece-York | 8 Wildwood Ln Norwalk, CT 068501108 | 12/18/2020 | $240.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $240.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kevin Cecil | 5012 Rossmoor Dr Louisville, KY 402192839 | 01/16/2021 | $15.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kevin Cecil | 5012 Rossmoor Dr Louisville, KY 402192839 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kevin Cecil | 5012 Rossmoor Dr Louisville, KY 402192839 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kevin Cecil | 5012 Rossmoor Dr Louisville, KY 402192839 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kevin Cecil | 5012 Rossmoor Dr Louisville, KY 402192839 | 01/23/2021 | $5.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Cedilnik | 2610 Union St Apt 2D Flushing, NY 113541713 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Cedilnik | 2610 Union St Apt 2D Flushing, NY 113541713 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ronni Cell | 16409 E 38Th Street Ct S Independence, MO 640556792 | 01/14/2021 | $350.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Centene Management Company | 7700 Forsyth Blvd Ste 600 Saint Louis, MO 631051800 | 12/15/2020 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
John Cermak | 1771 Chastain Pkwy E Pacific Palisades, CA 902721935 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Cerutti | 4320 Rimini Way El Dorado Hills, CA 957625470 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deepak Chadaga | 634 Bridge St Coppell, TX 750192013 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jocelyn A Chadwick | 75 Florence Ave Arlington, MA 024765945 | 01/05/2021 | $58.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $58.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jocelyn A Chadwick | 75 Florence Ave Arlington, MA 024765945 | 01/05/2021 | $58.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $58.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jocelyn A Chadwick | 75 Florence Ave Arlington, MA 024765945 | 01/10/2021 | $58.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $58.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jocelyn A Chadwick | 75 Florence Ave Arlington, MA 024765945 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $282.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa Chadwick | 4449 Major Ave Waterford, MI 483291939 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adris Chakraborty | 8 Belvedere Ct Manhasset, NY 110304107 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 12/03/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/03/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $1350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kanishka Chakraborty | 395 Sanctuary Ct Johnson City, TN 376154192 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elise F Chambers | 1209 Blackstone Pl Lynchburg, VA 245031975 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Chambers | PO Box 530255 Atlanta, GA 303530255 | 12/10/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Merle C Chambers | 3200 E Cherry Creek South Dr Ste 540 Denver, CO 802093435 | 12/23/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Rhonda Chambers | 3932 Knollwood Dr Mountain Brk, AL 352435925 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Evelyn Chan | 4966 Arroyo Lindo Ave San Diego, CA 921171601 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Evelyn Chan | 4966 Arroyo Lindo Ave San Diego, CA 921171601 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Russell Chan | 2900 N Course Dr Pompano Beach, FL 330693893 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Krishan X Chandar | 5950 Buckboard Ln Solon, OH 441392308 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Krishan X Chandar | 5950 Buckboard Ln Solon, OH 441392308 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sujata Chande | 9005 W 119Th St Palos Park, IL 604641006 | 01/19/2021 | $251.00 | $251.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $251.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Chandler | 376 Kalthoff Cmn Livermore, CA 945506462 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marguerite Chandler | 1382 Newtown Langhorne Rd # N-112 Newtown, PA 189402418 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marguerite Chandler | 1382 Newtown Langhorne Rd # N-112 Newtown, PA 189402418 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marguerite Chandler | 1382 Newtown Langhorne Rd # N-112 Newtown, PA 189402418 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $335.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Chaney | 4 P Bronx, NY 10452 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Chaney | 4 P Bronx, NY 10452 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Chaney | 4 P Bronx, NY 10452 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Chanfrau | 226 Country Club Dr Ormond Beach, FL 321765418 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Chanfrau | 226 Country Club Dr Ormond Beach, FL 321765418 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aaron Chang | 312 E Stocker St Apt 7 Glendale, CA 912071351 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aaron Chang | 312 E Stocker St Apt 7 Glendale, CA 912071351 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dana Chang | 107 W Glenwood Dr Birmingham, AL 352093941 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Chapleau | PO Box 269 Grafton, MA 015190269 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Chapman Colb | 3210 Rodman St NW Washington, DC 200083113 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Chapman | 1735 New Hampshire Ave NW Apt 102 Washington, DC 200092556 | 12/02/2020 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/02/2020 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Chapman | 205 Benton Dr Apt 7110 Allen, TX 750138588 | 12/23/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Josephine H Charles | 24101 Berkley St Oak Park, MI 482373607 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $332.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Josephine H Charles | 24101 Berkley St Oak Park, MI 482373607 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $382.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Chartraw | 2720 3Rd Ave Apt 712 Seattle, WA 981211298 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Ann Chastain | 35 Myth Rd Eastsound, WA 982458533 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chater Communications | 12405 Powerscourt Dr Saint Louis, MO 631313673 | 12/29/2020 | $350000.00 | $350000.00 |
Chater Communications | 12405 Powerscourt Dr Saint Louis, MO 631313673 | 02/12/2021 | $150000.00 | $500000.00 |
Leslie Chatham | PO Box 6132 San Rafael, CA 949030132 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Leslie Chatham | PO Box 6132 San Rafael, CA 949030132 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Chaudet | 2168 21St Ct N Arlington, VA 222013608 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shilpi Chavda | 1430 Althea Dr Houston, TX 770185118 | 12/17/2020 | $120.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Irene Chavez | 650 Llagas Vista Dr Morgan Hill, CA 950373446 | 12/26/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sant Chawla | 3339 Clerendon Rd Beverly Hills, CA 902101061 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Ida B Cheeks | 11800 S Artesian Ave Chicago, IL 606551518 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Chema | 1701 E 12Th St Ste 504 Cleveland, OH 441143235 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Clifford Chen | 1466 Shady Ave Pittsburgh, PA 152171349 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Clifford Chen | 1466 Shady Ave Pittsburgh, PA 152171349 | 01/16/2021 | $15.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Chen | 1714 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Annapolis, MD 214095854 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Chen | 1714 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Annapolis, MD 214095854 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lan Jen Chen | 4447 Hannaford St Dayton, OH 454392715 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lan Jen Chen | 4447 Hannaford St Dayton, OH 454392715 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $276.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steve Chen | 125 Charcoal Irvine, CA 926202229 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maryalice Cheney | 26 Summit St Philadelphia, PA 191182833 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Cheney | 105 Kay Ct Kill Devil Hills, NC 279489144 | 01/07/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Cheney | 1688 Crystal Downs Ave Las Vegas, NV 891232412 | 12/27/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Cheney | 1688 Crystal Downs Ave Las Vegas, NV 891232412 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deb Cherry | 3068 Falcon Dr Burton, MI 485191484 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
STEVEN CHERRY | 210 Alden Rd Sunderland, VT 052504510 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marian Chertow | 35 Huntington St New Haven, CT 065111332 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $259.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bill Chester | 4537 Ladigo Ln Fort Worth, TX 761266443 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Chester | 300 Heneretta Dr Hurst, TX 760542242 | 01/16/2021 | $180.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $180.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Chewning | 522 Wisteria Dr Florence, SC 295015756 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Chewning | 522 Wisteria Dr Florence, SC 295015756 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sachin Chheda | 2903 N Stowell Ave Milwaukee, WI 532113350 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Sachin Chheda | 2903 N Stowell Ave Milwaukee, WI 532113350 | 01/09/2021 | $5.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sachin Chheda | 2903 N Stowell Ave Milwaukee, WI 532113350 | 01/09/2021 | $5.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sachin Chheda | 2903 N Stowell Ave Milwaukee, WI 532113350 | 01/19/2021 | $5.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Chiappetta | 11985 N Courtney Ave Fresno, CA 937309724 | 01/20/2021 | $225.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $225.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avecita Chicchon | 565 Atlanta Ave San Jose, CA 951251609 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steven Chickering | 5820 Knobcone Ct Richmond, CA 948033582 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anjan Chimaladinne | 25312 Fairbanks Pl Chantilly, VA 201526006 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Allison Chin | 38474 Goose Creek Ln Leesburg, VA 201756637 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allison Chin | 38474 Goose Creek Ln Leesburg, VA 201756637 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eddie Chin | 6738 108Th St Apt D43 Forest Hills, NY 113752363 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eddie Chin | 6738 108Th St Apt D43 Forest Hills, NY 113752363 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eddie Chin | 6738 108Th St Apt D43 Forest Hills, NY 113752363 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caroline Chinlund | 445 W 19Th St Apt #PH-D New York, NY 100113844 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caroline Chinlund | 445 W 19Th St Apt #PH-D New York, NY 100113844 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debbie Chirnomas | 6 Tucker Meadow Rd Woodbridge, CT 065251943 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debbie Chirnomas | 6 Tucker Meadow Rd Woodbridge, CT 065251943 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Chisari | 350 Revere Beach Blvd Unit 98O Revere, MA 021514800 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Clifford Chiu | 2501 El Greco Cv Austin, TX 787031510 | 12/21/2020 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Clifford Chiu | 2501 El Greco Cv Austin, TX 787031510 | 01/12/2021 | $50000.00 | $75000.00 |
Clifford Chiu | 2501 El Greco Cv Austin, TX 787031510 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $75025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darlene Chiu | 1488 El Camino Real South San Francisc, CA 940801203 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Chizzonite | 104 Richards Rd South Kent, CT 067851304 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Chizzonite | 104 Richards Rd South Kent, CT 067851304 | 01/21/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Myung Cho | 196 Rock Ave Park Ridge, NJ 076561424 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Chodos | 636 Meadow Rose Ct Hummelstown, PA 170369701 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Chodos | 636 Meadow Rose Ct Hummelstown, PA 170369701 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caroline Choe | PO Box 811787 Los Angeles, CA 900810014 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Jeffrey A Choney | 49 Pine St Wellesley, MA 024813203 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Anliang Chow | 1410 Ebb Ct Oxnard, CA 930352330 | 01/11/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Blakeley Chowning | 2225 N New Hampshire Ave Los Angeles, CA 900271136 | 01/01/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Chrisman | 4060 Kisha Ave Pahrump, NV 890618787 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Chrisman | 4060 Kisha Ave Pahrump, NV 890618787 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Chrisman | 4060 Kisha Ave Pahrump, NV 890618787 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aimee Christensen | PO Box 4089 Ketchum, ID 833404081 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Juanita Christian | 3505 Lakeview Pl Ann Arbor, MI 481059747 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tassos Chronopoulos | 27 Ramsgate Dr Palos Park, IL 604641420 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Church | 175 W 60Th St Apt 37A New York, NY 100237563 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Churchwell | 4108 Indigo St Palm Springs, CA 922620524 | 01/21/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Ciccomascolo | 159 Morris Ave Providence, RI 029062404 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Lori Ciccomascolo | 159 Morris Ave Providence, RI 029062404 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Ciccomascolo | 159 Morris Ave Providence, RI 029062404 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Cilo | 729 Coolidge St Westfield, NJ 070901325 | 01/11/2021 | $50.00 | $975.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Cilo | 729 Coolidge St Westfield, NJ 070901325 | 01/12/2021 | $900.00 | $975.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $900.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Cilo | 729 Coolidge St Westfield, NJ 070901325 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $975.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheryl Cinefro | 39 N Liberty Dr South Barrington, IL 600109328 | 12/24/2020 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheryl Cinefro | 39 N Liberty Dr South Barrington, IL 600109328 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheryl Cinefro | 39 N Liberty Dr South Barrington, IL 600109328 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Diane Cirincione | 3001 Bridgeway Ste K368 Sausalito, CA 949651408 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Citron | 62 Harrison Island Rd 62 Harrison Okatie, SC 29909 | 12/09/2020 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Logan Clare | 933 S Tremaine Ave Los Angeles, CA 900191768 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alfred Clark | 6323 Wiscasset Rd Bethesda, MD 208162110 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Clark | PO Box 221 Stonington, CT 063780221 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
DANIEL Clark | 1011 Madison Ln Falls Church, VA 220464602 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Clark | 433 Casa Verde Way Monterey, CA 939405248 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $1045.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Clark | 433 Casa Verde Way Monterey, CA 939405248 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1045.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Clark | 433 Casa Verde Way Monterey, CA 939405248 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $1045.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harry Clark | 30 E Elm St Greenwich, CT 068306529 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith And David Clark | 243 Promenade Ave Warwick, RI 028868322 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $370.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith And David Clark | 243 Promenade Ave Warwick, RI 028868322 | 01/16/2021 | $200.00 | $370.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kelly Clark | 7600 NE Zachariasen Ct Hansville, WA 983407764 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kelly Clark | 7600 NE Zachariasen Ct Hansville, WA 983407764 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kelly Clark | 7600 NE Zachariasen Ct Hansville, WA 983407764 | 01/14/2021 | $550.00 | $1300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $550.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kelly Clark | 7600 NE Zachariasen Ct Hansville, WA 983407764 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kelly Clark | 7600 NE Zachariasen Ct Hansville, WA 983407764 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Natalie Clark | 7601 Paddock Trl Sachse, TX 750486699 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phyllis Clark | 18816 Darter Dr Canyon Country, CA 913512947 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
India Clarke | 112 Beverly Pl Oakwood, OH 454193403 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
India Clarke | 112 Beverly Pl Oakwood, OH 454193403 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lucy Clarke | 220 Orchard Pl Ridgewood, NJ 074504932 | 01/11/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Clarke | 12809 Illinois Woods Ln Orlando, FL 328247504 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole Clarkson | 328 Greenley Rd New Canaan Ct New Canaan, CT 06840 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Claussen | 1903 Lacy Ln Blacksburg, VA 240602622 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cristina Clay | 38620 Morrisonville Rd Lovettsville, VA 201803106 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
Cristina Clay | 38620 Morrisonville Rd Lovettsville, VA 201803106 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cristina Clay | 38620 Morrisonville Rd Lovettsville, VA 201803106 | 01/07/2021 | $50.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cristina Clay | 38620 Morrisonville Rd Lovettsville, VA 201803106 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cristina Clay | 38620 Morrisonville Rd Lovettsville, VA 201803106 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $470.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Claycomb | 212 S High St Morgantown, WV 265015926 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Cleary | 40 Thundermist Rd Bar Harbor, ME 046097181 | 01/05/2021 | $125.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Cleary | 40 Thundermist Rd Bar Harbor, ME 046097181 | 01/09/2021 | $30.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Coleen Cleeve | 3124 Goldenoak Cir Round Rock, TX 786812290 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Coleen Cleeve | 3124 Goldenoak Cir Round Rock, TX 786812290 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Coleen Cleeve | 3124 Goldenoak Cir Round Rock, TX 786812290 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Coleen Cleeve | 3124 Goldenoak Cir Round Rock, TX 786812290 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Cleeves | 4369 Xavier St Denver, CO 802122421 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne B Clegg | 115 Inman Cir NE Atlanta, GA 303093333 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Randy Clemens | 1698 Braid Hills Dr Pasadena, MD 211223521 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Randy Clemens | 1698 Braid Hills Dr Pasadena, MD 211223521 | 01/11/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Clement | 4199 Pine Rock Pl Santa Rosa, CA 954094014 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Clement | 4199 Pine Rock Pl Santa Rosa, CA 954094014 | 01/05/2021 | $75.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Clement | 4199 Pine Rock Pl Santa Rosa, CA 954094014 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Clement | 4199 Pine Rock Pl Santa Rosa, CA 954094014 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $385.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Clement | 4199 Pine Rock Pl Santa Rosa, CA 954094014 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $385.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie B Clement | 150 Windward Dr Felton, DE 199435357 | 12/16/2020 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie B Clement | 150 Windward Dr Felton, DE 199435357 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $2525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie B Clement | 150 Windward Dr Felton, DE 199435357 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $2550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tamara Clemmons | 2895 Swallowtail Way Chico, CA 959738375 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frances Cleveland | 369 Fairview Ave Boulder Creek, CA 950069414 | 12/09/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maurice Clifton | 1103 Audubon Dr South Abington Tow, PA 184112852 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maurice Clifton | 1103 Audubon Dr South Abington Tow, PA 184112852 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maurice Clifton | 1103 Audubon Dr South Abington Tow, PA 184112852 | 01/15/2021 | $5.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maurice Clifton | 1103 Audubon Dr South Abington Tow, PA 184112852 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eugenia Cline | 223 Massachusetts St Westfield, NJ 070901765 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steve And Debra Close | 3526 S Mirror St Amarillo, TX 791187755 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steve And Debra Close | 3526 S Mirror St Amarillo, TX 791187755 | 01/23/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail Clott | 200 E 66Th St Apt E1107 New York, NY 100650195 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeanne Clougher | 615 Pawn Way Seffner, FL 335843933 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeanne Clougher | 615 Pawn Way Seffner, FL 335843933 | 01/04/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeanne Clougher | 615 Pawn Way Seffner, FL 335843933 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $650.00 |
Jeanne Clougher | 615 Pawn Way Seffner, FL 335843933 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeanne Clougher | 615 Pawn Way Seffner, FL 335843933 | 01/15/2021 | $200.00 | $950.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Clouston | 6339 Azalea Ln Dallas, TX 752303411 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Cloyd | 512 Sanddollar Ct Fort Collins, CO 805253128 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Cloyd | 512 Sanddollar Ct Fort Collins, CO 805253128 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
DON COBB | 18 Carob Dr Newbury Park, CA 913203359 | 01/18/2021 | $20.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sue Bell Cobb | 837 Williamsburg Dr Pike Road, AL 360643427 | 01/07/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Coca-Cola Corporation | 800 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 711 Washington, DC 200062735 | 01/22/2021 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
Susan Cochran | 350 Hunters Ln Hendersonville, TN 370758743 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Cochran | 350 Hunters Ln Hendersonville, TN 370758743 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yali Cockburn | 14725 NE 20Th St Bellevue, WA 980073732 | 01/18/2021 | $52.00 | $216.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $52.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roy Cockrum | 300 S Gay St Apt 401 Knoxville, TN 379021171 | 12/04/2020 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Donald Cocquyt | 2020 S Victoria Ave Ste A Ventura, CA 930036686 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Cocquyt | 2020 S Victoria Ave Ste A Ventura, CA 930036686 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Coffey | 30 Deer Ridge Dr Murphy, NC 289062434 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Coffey | 30 Deer Ridge Dr Murphy, NC 289062434 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Matt Coffin | 17 Meridian Rd Norwalk, CT 068531618 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Matt Coffin | 17 Meridian Rd Norwalk, CT 068531618 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Matt Coffin | 17 Meridian Rd Norwalk, CT 068531618 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Matt Coffin | 17 Meridian Rd Norwalk, CT 068531618 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Cofino | 1120 Beall Landing Ct Houston, TX 770080100 | 01/16/2021 | $305.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $305.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Cohen | 1311 S Carlisle St Unit B Philadelphia, PA 191464810 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew N Cohen | 1031 Via Del Pozo Los Altos, CA 940221040 | 12/21/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Andrew M Cohen | 1808 Hackett Ave Long Beach, CA 908153427 | 01/05/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheri Cohen | 5020 5Th Ave Unit 11 Key West, FL 330405723 | 12/16/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheri Cohen | 5020 5Th Ave Unit 11 Key West, FL 330405723 | 01/05/2021 | $150.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Diane Cohen | 662 Reba Dale Ct Spartanburg, SC 293073863 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Diane Cohen | 662 Reba Dale Ct Spartanburg, SC 293073863 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Diane Cohen | 662 Reba Dale Ct Spartanburg, SC 293073863 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Cohen | 73 Scarlet Oak Dr Wilton, CT 068971014 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Leslie Cohen | 1304 Chicory Cv Austin, TX 787466709 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Cohen | 1304 Chicory Cv Austin, TX 787466709 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Cohen | 1304 Chicory Cv Austin, TX 787466709 | 01/29/2021 | $200.00 | $625.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/31/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Cohen | 49 E 86Th St # TH8C New York, NY 100281060 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Cohen | 3344 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA 303264801 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Cohen | 3344 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA 303264801 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norton Cohen | 32 Ladue Mdws Saint Louis, MO 631417559 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phyllis Cohen | 6619 Mercer St Apt D1105 Houston, TX 770053737 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phyllis Cohen | 6619 Mercer St Apt D1105 Houston, TX 770053737 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
Phyllis Cohen | 6619 Mercer St Apt D1105 Houston, TX 770053737 | 01/20/2021 | $5.00 | $505.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Cohen | 1249 E 3545 S Salt Lake City, UT 841062436 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Cohen | 1249 E 3545 S Salt Lake City, UT 841062436 | 01/16/2021 | $10.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Trudi Cohen | 1065 Amalfi Dr Pacific Palisades, CA 902724029 | 12/09/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marthe Cohn | 4015 Exultant Dr Rancho Palos Verde, CA 902756038 | 01/20/2021 | $40.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $40.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Colao | 210 Woodland Dr Lincroft, NJ 077381332 | 01/11/2021 | $132.00 | $264.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Calvin Colbert | 7038 Northaven Rd Dallas, TX 752303505 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Evelyn Colbert | 551 Valley Rd Pmb 15 Montclair, NJ 070431832 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kate Colby | PO Box 288 Clifton, TX 766340288 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andy Cole | 14902 Preston Rd Ste Pm 404 Dallas, TX 752549105 | 12/28/2020 | $750.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angela V Coleman | 25544 Creekmore Ter South Riding, VA 201526050 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angela V Coleman | 25544 Creekmore Ter South Riding, VA 201526050 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angela V Coleman | 25544 Creekmore Ter South Riding, VA 201526050 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Benjamin Coleman | 6306 Crescentville Rd Philadelphia, PA 191201617 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Candy Coleman | 2792 Inverness Dr La Jolla, CA 920372042 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carter Coleman | 955 Parsons St SW Atlanta, GA 303143131 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carter Coleman | 955 Parsons St SW Atlanta, GA 303143131 | 01/19/2021 | $1250.00 | $1500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Corie Coleman | 11922 Elm St San Antonio, FL 335768086 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Corie Coleman | 11922 Elm St San Antonio, FL 335768086 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Corie Coleman | 11922 Elm St San Antonio, FL 335768086 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roberta Coleman | 9871 Corso Bello Dr Naples, FL 341137744 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roberta Coleman | 9871 Corso Bello Dr Naples, FL 341137744 | 01/12/2021 | $20.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roberta Coleman | 9871 Corso Bello Dr Naples, FL 341137744 | 01/15/2021 | $15.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Coleman | 654 Madison Ave New York, NY 100658404 | 01/12/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Terry Coleman | 912 5Th Ave Eastman, GA 310236510 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ivette Collazo | 50 Waverly St Unit A Brighton, MA 021351211 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Oren Collett | 5505 Edgefield Way Salida, CA 953689433 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harvey M Collier Sr | 6302 Shopton Ct Temple Hills, MD 207482425 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $501.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harvey M Collier Sr | 6302 Shopton Ct Temple Hills, MD 207482425 | 12/17/2020 | $1.00 | $501.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $1.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nathan Collier | 220 N Main St Gainesville, FL 326015693 | 01/08/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Ronald Collier | 200 11Th Ave N Apt 104 Nashville, TN 372033547 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne Marie Collins | 239 Mankin Ave Huntingdon Valley, PA 190068707 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne Marie Collins | 239 Mankin Ave Huntingdon Valley, PA 190068707 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Collins | 9743 S Jeffery Ave Chicago, IL 606174758 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Collins | 9743 S Jeffery Ave Chicago, IL 606174758 | 01/20/2021 | $20.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Collins | 9743 S Jeffery Ave Chicago, IL 606174758 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Collins | 9743 S Jeffery Ave Chicago, IL 606174758 | 01/20/2021 | $20.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kimberly Collins | 9743 S Jeffery Ave Chicago, IL 606174758 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Collins | 2089 NW Pine Tree Way Stuart, FL 349948829 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Collins | 3359 Westphal Dr Johns Island, SC 294557138 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mridula Collis | 1760 NE 157Th Ter North Miami Beach, FL 331625635 | 01/19/2021 | $90.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $90.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elaine Colon Goble | 1341 Royal Saint George Dr Orlando, FL 328288027 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mike Combs | 308 EVERSOLE Rd Busy, KY 41723 | 01/16/2021 | $1500.00 | $1505.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sonja Combs | 1020 N Stafford St Apt 306 Arlington, VA 222014670 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Comcast Corporation | 1701 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 191032833 | 12/23/2020 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
Comcast Corporation | 1701 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 191032833 | 01/22/2021 | $500000.00 | $1000000.00 |
Sunny Comfort | 24 Rock Ln Harrison, NY 105281408 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sunny Comfort | 24 Rock Ln Harrison, NY 105281408 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Compton | 1901 Kalorama Rd NW Apt 3 Washington, DC 200091436 | 01/16/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Compton | 1901 Kalorama Rd NW Apt 3 Washington, DC 200091436 | 01/21/2021 | $1000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ryan Compton | 802 Hermitage Ct Alexandria, VA 223024023 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brent Comstock | 747 O St Unit 340 Lincoln, NE 685081552 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dennis Conaghan | 2442 Mar East St Belvedere Tiburon, CA 949201203 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wes Condell | 12313 105Th St Largo, FL 337731918 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
LUAN CONG | 12 Goldenrod Trl Trumbull, CT 066111548 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
LUAN CONG | 12 Goldenrod Trl Trumbull, CT 066111548 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
CHERIS CONGO | 32 Harlech Dr Greenville, DE 198072508 | 01/17/2021 | $1250.00 | $1350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Conlan | 1271 Maralee Ln # B Bellingham, WA 982269022 | 01/14/2021 | $600.00 | $625.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $600.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Conlan | 1271 Maralee Ln # B Bellingham, WA 982269022 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $625.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie Conn | 50 S Penn St Apt 405 Hatboro, PA 190403238 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie Conn | 50 S Penn St Apt 405 Hatboro, PA 190403238 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Connell Nielsen | 20 Ravine Way Novato, CA 949473622 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Connell | 1629 Via Entrada Del Lago San Marcos, CA 920785255 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bill Conner | 4903 Chimney Springs Dr Greensboro, NC 274076115 | 12/23/2020 | $750.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bill Conner | 4903 Chimney Springs Dr Greensboro, NC 274076115 | 12/23/2020 | $100.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bill Conner | 4903 Chimney Springs Dr Greensboro, NC 274076115 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $950.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deborah Conrad | 2800 Willow Wood Cir Valdosta, GA 316024107 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $202.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathryn Conrow | 212 Bittersweet Dr West Bend, WI 530954908 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ryan Constien | 5311 E 116Th St N Sperry, OK 740734511 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean-Pierre Conte | 4 Embarcadero Ctr Ste 1900 San Francisco, CA 941114191 | 12/04/2020 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/09/2021 | $150.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/05/2021 | $25.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $290.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/15/2021 | $10.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dee Contreras | 2569 Aspen Valley Ln Sacramento, CA 958352129 | 01/15/2021 | $15.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Cook | 951 E Lois Ln Phoenix, AZ 850201190 | 01/18/2021 | $59.00 | $222.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $59.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Cook | 951 E Lois Ln Phoenix, AZ 850201190 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $222.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Cook | 951 E Lois Ln Phoenix, AZ 850201190 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $322.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darrell Cook | 4240 Ritchey Rd Loudon, TN 377744110 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Cook | 1615 C Piccard Dr Rockville, MD 208506721 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deborah Cook | 1305 River Rd Bucksport, ME 044164456 | 01/16/2021 | $130.00 | $262.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $130.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Cook | 36145 Meadowdale Dr Solon, OH 441393064 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Cook | 2724 King St Alexandria, VA 223024009 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
Michael Cook | 2724 King St Alexandria, VA 223024009 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Cook | 2724 King St Alexandria, VA 223024009 | 01/20/2021 | $20.00 | $320.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Cook | 1112 Camino San Acacio Santa Fe, NM 875055957 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peg Cook | 396 Englewood Dr Kerrville, TX 780286411 | 01/20/2021 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tim Cook | 246 Jefferson St Chelsea, MI 481181021 | 01/09/2021 | $288.00 | $288.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $288.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Cooley | 814 Holly Ave Saint Paul, MN 551047136 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Coombs | 208 S Princeton Ave Wenonah, NJ 080901939 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/07/2021 | $1386.00 | $1386.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1386.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $1831.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Coombs | 324 W Larkspur St Munhall, PA 151202229 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $1881.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Cooney | 8370 Greensboro Dr Unit 406 Mc Lean, VA 221023516 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vivian Cooney | 127 Van Houton Ave Chatham, NJ 079281242 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Coons | 3269 Gardenwood Dr Leland, NC 284516514 | 12/20/2020 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Coons | 3269 Gardenwood Dr Leland, NC 284516514 | 12/15/2020 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Coons | 3269 Gardenwood Dr Leland, NC 284516514 | 12/16/2020 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Coons | 3269 Gardenwood Dr Leland, NC 284516514 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Coons | 3269 Gardenwood Dr Leland, NC 284516514 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allan Cooper | 31 Via Noela Rancho Mirage, CA 922702765 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caroline Cooper | 15 New St Apt 301 West Hartford, CT 061074228 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Jonathan Cooper | 4428 Perry St Denver, CO 802122359 | 12/18/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Cooper | PO Box 25 Putnam, IL 615600025 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Cooper | PO Box 25 Putnam, IL 615600025 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Cooper | PO Box 25 Putnam, IL 615600025 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nelleke C Cooper | 4392 Grove St Sonoma, CA 954768915 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nelleke C Cooper | 4392 Grove St Sonoma, CA 954768915 | 01/13/2021 | $10.00 | $1010.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thisbe Cooper | 551 Sand Run Rd Davis, WV 262608162 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thisbe Cooper | 551 Sand Run Rd Davis, WV 262608162 | 01/05/2021 | $300.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Danielle Cooperstein | 323 W Jones St Raleigh, NC 276031365 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Danielle Cooperstein | 323 W Jones St Raleigh, NC 276031365 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alicia G Copeland | 1874 E Rancho Grande Dr Covina, CA 917243338 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Youlonda Copeland-Morgan | 1412 Rancho Hills Dr Chino Hills, CA 917096250 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brian Copenhaver | 916 Monterey Valley Dr Chapel Hill, NC 275169132 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brian Copenhaver | 916 Monterey Valley Dr Chapel Hill, NC 275169132 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brian Copenhaver | 916 Monterey Valley Dr Chapel Hill, NC 275169132 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $1275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Coray | 102 Goodwin Cir Hartford, CT 061055202 | 12/19/2020 | $50.00 | $216.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Coray | 102 Goodwin Cir Hartford, CT 061055202 | 12/19/2020 | $50.00 | $216.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Coray | 102 Goodwin Cir Hartford, CT 061055202 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $266.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marcia J Corbett | 6294 Kennett Pl Mission, KS 662024289 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Nancy Corbett | 4001 9Th St N Ph Arlington, VA 222031955 | 12/08/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Corbett | 4001 9Th St N Ph Arlington, VA 222031955 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Corbett | 4001 9Th St N Ph Arlington, VA 222031955 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Corbett | 4001 9Th St N Ph Arlington, VA 222031955 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Corbett | 4001 9Th St N Ph Arlington, VA 222031955 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $1125.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Corbett | 127 N Oak Grove Dr Madison, WI 537171196 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Corcoran | 7842 Marquette St Dallas, TX 752254401 | 12/28/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Corcoran | 7842 Marquette St Dallas, TX 752254401 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Corcoran | 7842 Marquette St Dallas, TX 752254401 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Manuel Cordero | PO Box 800968 Coto Laurel, PR 007800968 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Cordova | 4600 Albany Ct NW Albuquerque, NM 871143472 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Corish | 1021 Madison Lakes Pkwy Madison, GA 306505080 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Cork | 22 S Founders Ln Rosemary Beach, FL 324618516 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Gretchen Corkrean | 1273 Schooner Way Woodbury, MN 551259292 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gretchen Corkrean | 1273 Schooner Way Woodbury, MN 551259292 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joanne Corman | 2185 SW Mayflower Dr Palm City, FL 349907527 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joanne Corman | 2185 SW Mayflower Dr Palm City, FL 349907527 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Cornelius | 1040 W Granville Ave Apt 807 Chicago, IL 606602123 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jordan Corngold | 2926 Waverly Dr Los Angeles, CA 900394105 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Louis Corpening | 4827 Campbell Rd Las Cruces, NM 880076836 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregory Corrado | 453 Mississippi St San Francisco, CA 941072927 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Patricia Corrales | 1330 Locust Rd NW Washington, DC 200121319 | 12/10/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Patricia Corrales | 1330 Locust Rd NW Washington, DC 200121319 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Patricia Corrales | 1330 Locust Rd NW Washington, DC 200121319 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elaine Cory | 250 Hammond Pond Pkwy Chestnut Hill, MA 024671533 | 01/09/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elaine Cory | 250 Hammond Pond Pkwy Chestnut Hill, MA 024671533 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $10010.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rebecca Costanzo | PO Box 368 East Aurora, NY 140520368 | 01/04/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Cotham | 1600 N Jackson St Little Rock, AR 722075446 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Cotsirilos | 21 Chestnut St Portland, ME 041014973 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Cotsirilos | 21 Chestnut St Portland, ME 041014973 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Cotsirilos | 21 Chestnut St Portland, ME 041014973 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Karen Cotter | 6068 Vaux Rd Beaufort, SC 299068604 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Karen Cotter | 6068 Vaux Rd Beaufort, SC 299068604 | 01/17/2021 | $125.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betsy Cotton | 65 Evergreen Ln Berkeley, CA 947051438 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Betty Cotton | 86 Sheldrake Rd Scarsdale, NY 105833410 | 01/07/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alain Couder | 517 Driver Way Incline Village, NV 894518945 | 01/10/2021 | $600.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $600.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alain Couder | 517 Driver Way Incline Village, NV 894518945 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $605.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Courchesne | 1002 W Brookes Ave San Diego, CA 921033824 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Courtney | 1060 Park Pacifica Ave Pacifica, CA 940443732 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Bill Couzens | PO Box 958 Middleburg, VA 201180958 | 11/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 11/30/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Covin | 4131 44Th St Sacramento, CA 958202829 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cameron L Cowan | 9733 The Corral Dr Potomac, MD 208541509 | 01/06/2021 | $1000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cameron L Cowan | 9733 The Corral Dr Potomac, MD 208541509 | 01/06/2021 | $1000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Cox Otto | N4971 Oakview Dr West Salem, WI 546699308 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Cox Otto | N4971 Oakview Dr West Salem, WI 546699308 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adelaide Cox | PO Box 325 Mount Vernon, NY 105520325 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Cox | 144 Bradford Dr Macon, GA 312101267 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christina Cox | 45 -090 Namoku St Apt 715 Kaneohe, HI 967445322 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Cox | 12 E 3Rd St Apt 8 Washburn, WI 548919581 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Cox | 5128 E Keynote St Long Beach, CA 908082523 | 01/06/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Coxe | 1029 Daybreak Dr Ogden, UT 844034804 | 12/08/2020 | $396.00 | $396.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $396.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Coxe | 1029 Daybreak Dr Ogden, UT 844034804 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $421.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angelica Cprek | 150 S Spring Mill Rd Villanova, PA 190851309 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Crabbin | 421 Alta Dena Ct Saint Louis, MO 631304003 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Larry Crabtree | 3636 Baxter Rd Joelton, TN 370808754 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Berenice Craig | 11909 Preserve Vista Ter Austin, TX 787385312 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Berenice Craig | 11909 Preserve Vista Ter Austin, TX 787385312 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marjorie Craig | 10280 Shoreham Ct San Jose, CA 951273755 | 01/10/2021 | $600.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $600.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frank N Crain | 27800 Canal Rd Apt 406 Orange Beach, AL 365614084 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Cramer | 1864 Far Hills Ct Grand Haven, MI 494172505 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Crane | 1313 SE 18Th Ave Ocala, FL 344714107 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Crawford | 200 N Pickett St Apt 1105 Alexandria, VA 223042118 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Crawford | 200 N Pickett St Apt 1105 Alexandria, VA 223042118 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Philip Crawford | 2827 W Beech Ave Visalia, CA 932776148 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Creary | 2370 Jupiter Dr Los Angeles, CA 900462026 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Creary | 2370 Jupiter Dr Los Angeles, CA 900462026 | 01/17/2021 | $35.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $35.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Creary | 2370 Jupiter Dr Los Angeles, CA 900462026 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Creary | 2370 Jupiter Dr Los Angeles, CA 900462026 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Creed | 516 Beirut Ave Pacific Palisades, CA 902724356 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $430.00 |
Tom Creed | 516 Beirut Ave Pacific Palisades, CA 902724356 | 01/09/2021 | $18.00 | $448.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $18.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Criddle | 3060 County Road 328 Caldwell, TX 778367380 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Criddle | 3060 County Road 328 Caldwell, TX 778367380 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Criddle | 3060 County Road 328 Caldwell, TX 778367380 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Criddle | 3060 County Road 328 Caldwell, TX 778367380 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 12/21/2020 | $25.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 12/22/2020 | $20.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 12/23/2020 | $10.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 12/26/2020 | $10.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 12/28/2020 | $10.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 12/31/2020 | $25.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/05/2021 | $25.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/04/2021 | $25.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/14/2021 | $20.00 | $395.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/14/2021 | $10.00 | $395.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $445.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/18/2021 | $10.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Crilly | 1641 Sunny Brook Ln NE Apt C211 Palm Bay, FL 329056561 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Fred Crispen | 357 Eagle Dr Panama City Beach, FL 324072823 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anthony Critchlow | 1201 Pine St Unit 126 Oakland, CA 946071463 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anthony Critchlow | 1201 Pine St Unit 126 Oakland, CA 946071463 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Critz | 201 Frederick St Johnstown, PA 159022833 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel Crocker | 5804 Cedar Pkwy Chevy Chase, MD 208154252 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jim Crocker | 5450 E Mclellan Rd Unit 206 Mesa, AZ 852053432 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caroline Croft | 4397 Embassy Park Dr NW Washington, DC 200163625 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Antonio Crombie | 1250 4Th St SW # UW111 Washington, DC 200242320 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosanne Crooke | 65 Garnet Hill Dr Sedona, AZ 863363729 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Beth Crookham | 20 N 15Th St Wilmington, NC 284014903 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Cross | 1118 Badger Vine Ln Arlington, TX 760054515 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
ARETA CROWELL | 995 E Green St # 311 Pasadena, CA 911062410 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
ARETA CROWELL | 995 E Green St # 311 Pasadena, CA 911062410 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
ARETA CROWELL | 995 E Green St # 311 Pasadena, CA 911062410 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Indy Crowley | 12563 232Nd Way NE Redmond, WA 980535623 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Crudup | 25334 Saint James Southfield, MI 480751243 | 01/13/2021 | $425.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $425.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Crum | 1405 Orwell Dr Roseville, CA 957477041 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Crum | 1405 Orwell Dr Roseville, CA 957477041 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dorothy E Crum | 6963 E Kentford Cir Wichita, KS 672261026 | 01/19/2021 | $88.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $88.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Crumpler | 1222 S Pierce St Little Rock, AR 722042635 | 01/16/2021 | $675.00 | $685.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $675.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Crumpler | 1222 S Pierce St Little Rock, AR 722042635 | 01/16/2021 | $10.00 | $685.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas A Cruse | 111 Harries St Dayton, OH 454021779 | 01/16/2021 | $125.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lea Crusey | 13 4Th St NE Washington, DC 200025929 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Monica Cruz | 919 W 25Th Ave Covington, LA 704331319 | 01/15/2021 | $200.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Cruz | 919 W 25Th Ave Covington, LA 704331319 | 01/20/2021 | $20.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carl Culicchia | 300 Anthony Ave Unit 609 Mundelein, IL 600602456 | 01/08/2021 | $300.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allen Cullum | 4670 N Versailles Ave Dallas, TX 752096016 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chester Culver | 2501 Grand Ave Des Moines, IA 503125342 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Earl Cummings | 61 Open Sands Ct Sugar Land, TX 774792730 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janyth Cummings | 3055 Harbor Dr Apt 1001 Fort Lauderdale, FL 333162462 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Cummings | 1818 Green Ridge St Scranton, PA 185092130 | 12/17/2020 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $2000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tom Cummings | 1818 Green Ridge St Scranton, PA 185092130 | 12/26/2020 | $100.00 | $2100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Cunningham | 318 E 70Th St Apt 1FW New York, NY 100210088 | 01/06/2021 | $800.00 | $1200.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $800.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Cunningham | 318 E 70Th St Apt 1FW New York, NY 100210088 | 01/06/2021 | $400.00 | $1200.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claudia Cunningham | 2428 Bennett Point Rd Queenstown, MD 216581118 | 12/19/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Denise Cunningham | 7 Pepper Bush Cir Savannah, GA 314113010 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Cunningham | 8 Reservoir St New Haven, CT 065111228 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Cunningham | 8 Reservoir St New Haven, CT 065111228 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret J Cunningham | 43 Highwood Rd West Orange, NJ 070524000 | 01/21/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Cunningham | 65 Page Rd Needham, MA 024923619 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Cunningham | 65 Page Rd Needham, MA 024923619 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Cunningham | 65 Page Rd Needham, MA 024923619 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Cunningham | 65 Page Rd Needham, MA 024923619 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laura Cunninghwm | PO Box 2766 Yountville, CA 945992766 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Crystina Cupp | 321 Lovell Ave SW Bainbridge Island, WA 981102533 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Curran | 4594 SW Sand Ave Palm City, FL 349901391 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Curran | 4594 SW Sand Ave Palm City, FL 349901391 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phyllis Currie | 6408 S Sherbourne Dr Los Angeles, CA 900562120 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Phyllis Currie | 6408 S Sherbourne Dr Los Angeles, CA 900562120 | 01/19/2021 | $750.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Raymond Curry Jr | 1212 Griswold St Unit 701 Detroit, MI 482261853 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Terry Curry | 1655 N Alabama St Indianapolis, IN 462021516 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ginger Curtis | 1004 Lockwood Ave Petoskey, MI 497703156 | 01/12/2021 | $360.00 | $360.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $360.00 | $13987666.84 |
Keith Curtis | 2512 Shepherds Ln Virginia Beach, VA 234541179 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Keith Curtis | 2512 Shepherds Ln Virginia Beach, VA 234541179 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregory Cusack | 909 Page St Apt 8 San Francisco, CA 941172378 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Cushing | 4924 Altamont Rd S Birmingham, AL 352224400 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maribeth Cusick | 513 Strawberry Hill Rd Concord, MA 017425440 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Maribeth Cusick | 513 Strawberry Hill Rd Concord, MA 017425440 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maribeth Cusick | 513 Strawberry Hill Rd Concord, MA 017425440 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Cwik | 12318 Semillon Blvd San Diego, CA 921312208 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Helen Cypress | 7085 Veneto Dr Boynton Beach, FL 334373741 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Cywar | 1627 Mountain View Ave Oceanside, CA 920545512 | 01/16/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Czekaj-Farber | 11 Crooked Mile Rd Westport, CT 068801124 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert D'Amico | 536 Atwells Ave Ste 1 Providence, RI 029091075 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paolo D'Andrea | 14 Hampton Dr Oak Brook, IL 605231714 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna D'Onofrio | 457 Middle Rd Hudson, NY 125344109 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Colin Dabreo | 333 Rector Pl Apt 809 New York, NY 102801217 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ronald Dabrowski | 518 N Lincoln St Arlington, VA 222011734 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Sandra Dadula | 120 Pasito Ter Sunnyvale, CA 940861742 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Sandra Dadula | 120 Pasito Ter Sunnyvale, CA 940861742 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Sandra Dadula | 120 Pasito Ter Sunnyvale, CA 940861742 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Billa Dahaby | 8734 Huntington Dr San Gabriel, CA 917751265 | 01/15/2021 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
MAHMOUD DAHDOUL | 1820 Swoods Ct La Habra, CA 90631 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
MAHMOUD DAHDOUL | 1820 Swoods Ct La Habra, CA 90631 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeff Dahncke | 872 Boyce Ave Palo Alto, CA 943013003 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeff Dahncke | 872 Boyce Ave Palo Alto, CA 943013003 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adrienne M Dale | 112 S Linden Ave Highlands, NJ 077321602 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $900.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darrell Daley | 2411 Keller Farm Dr Boulder, CO 803041338 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jad Daley | 1623 Francis Hammond Pkwy Alexandria, VA 223023915 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jad Daley | 1623 Francis Hammond Pkwy Alexandria, VA 223023915 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dale Dallaire | 25252 Oribi Pl Aldie, VA 201053406 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dale Dallaire | 25252 Oribi Pl Aldie, VA 201053406 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dale Dallaire | 25252 Oribi Pl Aldie, VA 201053406 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dale Dallaire | 25252 Oribi Pl Aldie, VA 201053406 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bale Dalton | 411 Harrold St Fort Worth, TX 761072943 | 12/12/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Colleen Daly | 2808 34Th Pl NW Washington, DC 200071405 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Colleen Daly | 2808 34Th Pl NW Washington, DC 200071405 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Evelyn S Daly | PO Box 784 Coupeville, WA 982390784 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Evelyn S Daly | PO Box 784 Coupeville, WA 982390784 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janet Daly | 3028 Hunts Point Rd Hunts Point, WA 980041121 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Daly | 5225 Cleveland Ave Apt 3 Lincoln, NE 685042744 | 12/27/2020 | $252.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $252.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Daly | 5225 Cleveland Ave Apt 3 Lincoln, NE 685042744 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $352.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Daly | 777 Goat Farm Rd Pittsford, VT 057639866 | 01/18/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Daly | 5225 Cleveland Ave Apt 3 Lincoln, NE 685042744 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $452.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Dalziel | 125 Fall Breeze Trl Travelers Rest, SC 296903925 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Dalziel | 125 Fall Breeze Trl Travelers Rest, SC 296903925 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Uday Damdavate | 851 Van Ness Ave San Francisco, CA 941097864 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ernesto Damiani | Vizzoni 15 Gropparello 29025, ZZ 00000 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ernesto Damiani | Vizzoni 15 Gropparello 29025, ZZ 00000 | 01/28/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/31/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gopi Dandamudi | 2800 Harborview Dr Gig Harbor, WA 983351909 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Danetz | 5700 NW 24Th Ave Apt 601 Boca Raton, FL 334962855 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Danetz | 5700 NW 24Th Ave Apt 601 Boca Raton, FL 334962855 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Danetz | 5700 NW 24Th Ave Apt 601 Boca Raton, FL 334962855 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Danetz | 5700 NW 24Th Ave Apt 601 Boca Raton, FL 334962855 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $865.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Danetz | 5700 NW 24Th Ave Apt 601 Boca Raton, FL 334962855 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $865.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mike Daniel | PO Box 2125 Gaffney, SC 293422125 | 01/11/2021 | $1100.00 | $2350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mike Daniel | PO Box 2125 Gaffney, SC 293422125 | 01/11/2021 | $1250.00 | $2350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sean Daniel | 11444 VIEW OLYMPIC Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Tracy A Daniel | 7537 Pinnacle Pt Montgomery, AL 361176958 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tracy A Daniel | 7537 Pinnacle Pt Montgomery, AL 361176958 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Zeeda Daniele | 13020 Pacific Promenade Playa Vista, CA 900944017 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Zeeda Daniele | 13020 Pacific Promenade Playa Vista, CA 900944017 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
Kathleen Daniello | 107 Palm Dr Union City, CA 945874229 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Daniello | 107 Palm Dr Union City, CA 945874229 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Craig Daniels | 124 Westgate Dr Lexington, KY 405041417 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
JEFFREY DANIELS | 3802 NE 207Th St Aventura, FL 331804704 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
JEFFREY DANIELS | 3802 NE 207Th St Aventura, FL 331804704 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Daniels-Watkins | 26138 Lehigh St Inkster, MI 481413198 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Daniels-Watkins | 26138 Lehigh St Inkster, MI 481413198 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Danielson | 5912 California Ave SW Apt 302 Seattle, WA 981361652 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dwayne Dantzler | 405 Pierce Run Newark, DE 197024309 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jill Darbeloff | 289 Russell St Carlisle, MA 017411714 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jill Darbeloff | 289 Russell St Carlisle, MA 017411714 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine M Darbeloff | 541 N Edinburgh Ave Los Angeles, CA 900482309 | 01/05/2021 | $288.00 | $313.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $288.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine M Darbeloff | 541 N Edinburgh Ave Los Angeles, CA 900482309 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $313.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine M Darbeloff | 541 N Edinburgh Ave Los Angeles, CA 900482309 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $413.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kenneth Dardick | 1027 Mansfield City Rd Storrs Mansfield, CT 062682772 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Darnell | 8345 NW 66Th St # A8914 Miami, FL 331662696 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Darnell | 8345 NW 66Th St # A8914 Miami, FL 331662696 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Darnell | 8345 NW 66Th St # A8914 Miami, FL 331662696 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Darnell | 8345 NW 66Th St # A8914 Miami, FL 331662696 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Darr | 205 Craig Dr Blacksburg, VA 240601806 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
John Darrah | 2816 W 11Th St Panama City, FL 324011417 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sarah Dash | 142 Prospect St Trenton, NJ 086184685 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sarah Dash | 142 Prospect St Trenton, NJ 086184685 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Dasilva-Tillmann | 3105 Merriewood Ln Greenville, NC 278340015 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bernard David | PO Box 15 Rockland, DE 197320015 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Israel David | 1418 Drake Rd Wilmington, DE 198035152 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard David | 7 Links Dr Lake Success, NY 110201144 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Davidson | 4727 Essex Ave Chevy Chase, MD 208155549 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Barbara E Davidson | 1546 Roberts Rd Medford, OR 975045340 | 12/15/2020 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $2000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jesse Davidson | 4122 24Th St Apt 9D Long Island City, NY 111014074 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roy Davidson | 1616 Covington Dr Brentwood, TN 370277329 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roy Davidson | 1616 Covington Dr Brentwood, TN 370277329 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
BETTY DAVIES | 1604 Fort Mason Way Dacula, GA 300196790 | 01/08/2021 | $242.00 | $242.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $242.00 | $13987666.84 |
BETTY DAVIES | 1604 Fort Mason Way Dacula, GA 300196790 | 01/14/2021 | $292.00 | $534.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $292.00 | $13987666.84 |
BETTY DAVIES | 1604 Fort Mason Way Dacula, GA 300196790 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $604.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole-Ann Davies | 4313 Bradley Ln Chevy Chase, MD 208155232 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole-Ann Davies | 4313 Bradley Ln Chevy Chase, MD 208155232 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole-Ann Davies | 4313 Bradley Ln Chevy Chase, MD 208155232 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Juan Davila | 118 Shawnee Trl Harker Heights, TX 765482002 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dan Davis | 305 TERRE Ln Danville, PA 17821 | 01/16/2021 | $180.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $180.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emeline Davis | 5958 Graciosa Dr Los Angeles, CA 900683031 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Gloria Davis | PO Box 10 Andover, ME 042160010 | 01/15/2021 | $300.00 | $410.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gloria Davis | PO Box 10 Andover, ME 042160010 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $410.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Hepsie H Davis | 14517 189Th Avenue Ct E Bonney Lake, WA 983916152 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Davis | 13602 N Riverbluff Ln Spokane, WA 992089250 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Davis | 1526 Calle Cristina San Dimas, CA 917734458 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kaitlin Davis | 432 Stablestone Dr Chesterfield, MO 630172511 | 01/15/2021 | $292.00 | $292.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $292.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurence D Davis | 9814 Belcrest Ln Indianapolis, IN 462568129 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurence D Davis | 9814 Belcrest Ln Indianapolis, IN 462568129 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leroy Davis | 4312 Azie Ave Baker, LA 707144630 | 01/01/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Davis | 12952 Yerba St North Hollywood, CA 916051935 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Davis | 12952 Yerba St North Hollywood, CA 916051935 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Davis | 3817 Madison Ave Brookfield, IL 605131561 | 01/11/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peggy Davis | 8975 W Warm Spgs # 10-2066 Las Vegas, NV 891482889 | 01/17/2021 | $120.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Davis | 114 N Almont Dr Apt 7 Beverly Hills, CA 902111818 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Davis | 6405 Harold Woods Ln Edina, MN 554361165 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Davis | 6405 Harold Woods Ln Edina, MN 554361165 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Davis | 6405 Harold Woods Ln Edina, MN 554361165 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Davis | 6405 Harold Woods Ln Edina, MN 554361165 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Davis | 6405 Harold Woods Ln Edina, MN 554361165 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Davis | 1208 Kiowa Dr W Gainesville, TX 762409405 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Davis | 1208 Kiowa Dr W Gainesville, TX 762409405 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Davis | 1208 Kiowa Dr W Gainesville, TX 762409405 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Davis-Keeton | 4027 Embers Lndg Pensacola, FL 325053457 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Davis-Keeton | 4027 Embers Lndg Pensacola, FL 325053457 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Davis-Keeton | 4027 Embers Lndg Pensacola, FL 325053457 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charlotte Davis-Theriault | 5507 Waverly Ave La Jolla, CA 920377647 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charlotte Davis-Theriault | 5507 Waverly Ave La Jolla, CA 920377647 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charlotte Davis-Theriault | 5507 Waverly Ave La Jolla, CA 920377647 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $345.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Davis-Vaughn | 6211 W Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX 752253460 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Douglas Davison | 8727 Ridge Rd Bethesda, MD 208173233 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Susan Davison | 601 E 700 N Kaysville, UT 840371564 | 01/09/2021 | $126.00 | $251.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Davison | 601 E 700 N Kaysville, UT 840371564 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $351.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail B Daw | 1578 Beat Line Rd Warrior, AL 351802710 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail B Daw | 1578 Beat Line Rd Warrior, AL 351802710 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Dawn | 124 Blazing Star Ct Roseville, CA 956612504 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrew Dawn | 124 Blazing Star Ct Roseville, CA 956612504 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Dawson | 357 W 122Nd St New York, NY 100275101 | 12/08/2020 | $252.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $252.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Dawson | 357 W 122Nd St New York, NY 100275101 | 12/16/2020 | $100.00 | $352.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne Day | 1329 Kirby Rd McLean, VA 221012410 | 01/15/2021 | $2500.00 | $2525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne Day | 1329 Kirby Rd McLean, VA 221012410 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $2525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy G Day | 34250 Ada Dr Solon, OH 441395804 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francis Dayrit | 231 Point Carpenter Rd Fort Mill, SC 297076875 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Arrow De Groot | 28418 16Th Ave S Apt 306 Federal Way, WA 980033196 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marco De Los Santos | 5810 Worth Pkwy Apt 2105 San Antonio, TX 782575509 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marco De Los Santos | 5810 Worth Pkwy Apt 2105 San Antonio, TX 782575509 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marco De Los Santos | 5810 Worth Pkwy Apt 2105 San Antonio, TX 782575509 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Deaderick | 22 E 41St St Savannah, GA 314019102 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Deakin | 2110 E Washington Rd Washington, NH 032803511 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Deakin | 2110 E Washington Rd Washington, NH 032803511 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Deakin | 2110 E Washington Rd Washington, NH 032803511 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lara Deam | 162 Throckmorton Ave Mill Valley, CA 949411919 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Barbara Deavers | 2825 Edgewood Dr Reno, NV 895033933 | 01/05/2021 | $88.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $88.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Deavers | 2825 Edgewood Dr Reno, NV 895033933 | 01/19/2021 | $60.00 | $261.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $60.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret DeBell | 1702 19Th St NW Washington, DC 200091606 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon Debidour | 235 A N Moorpark Rd # 1241 Thousand Oaks, CA 913604304 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharon Debidour | 235 A N Moorpark Rd # 1241 Thousand Oaks, CA 913604304 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael DeChenne | 3884 Paseo Grande Moraga, CA 945561555 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael DeChenne | 3884 Paseo Grande Moraga, CA 945561555 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael DeChenne | 3884 Paseo Grande Moraga, CA 945561555 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael DeChenne | 3884 Paseo Grande Moraga, CA 945561555 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lauren DeChiara | 334 Blank Ln Water Mill, NY 119762152 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lauren DeChiara | 334 Blank Ln Water Mill, NY 119762152 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Decker | 3301 Drexel Dr Dallas, TX 752052914 | 01/19/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carlos Declet Jimenez | PO Box 79444 Carolina, PR 009849444 | 01/23/2021 | $25.00 | $223.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Defontenay | 5100 Dorset Ave Apt 213 Chevy Chase, MD 208155461 | 12/10/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Defontenay | 5100 Dorset Ave Apt 213 Chevy Chase, MD 208155461 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert DeGennaro | 303 E Pike St Seattle, WA 981223699 | 01/07/2021 | $252.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $252.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen DeJardin | PO Box 8000 Pmb 81 Sisters, OR 977598000 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary DeJong | 1882 18Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941224508 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary DeJong | 1882 18Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941224508 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary DeJong | 1882 18Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941224508 | 01/04/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary DeJong | 1882 18Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941224508 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary DeJong | 1882 18Th Ave San Francisco, CA 941224508 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carlos Del Toro | 9380 Mount Vernon Cir Alexandria, VA 223093219 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Marlene Delacruz | 40 Paddock Way Holland, PA 189662545 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Quinn Q Delaney | 436 14Th St Ste 1417 Oakland, CA 946122716 | 12/21/2020 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Delaware North Co, Inc | 250 Delaware Ave Buffalo, NY 142022014 | 01/19/2021 | $15000.00 | $15000.00 |
David Delgado | 1434 Carlyle St Toledo, OH 436053802 | 12/18/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Delgado | 1434 Carlyle St Toledo, OH 436053802 | 01/05/2021 | $95.00 | $481.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $95.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Delgado | 1434 Carlyle St Toledo, OH 436053802 | 01/09/2021 | $36.00 | $481.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $36.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Delgado | 1434 Carlyle St Toledo, OH 436053802 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $481.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lauren Della Monica | 113 South St # 1181 Litchfield, CT 067594007 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Dema Delp | 3674 N 100 E Marshall, IN 478598817 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecilia Delury | 64 Covered Bridge Rd Carmichael, CA 956085218 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecilia Delury | 64 Covered Bridge Rd Carmichael, CA 956085218 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecilia Delury | 64 Covered Bridge Rd Carmichael, CA 956085218 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vincent DeMarco | 4313 Harcourt Rd Baltimore, MD 212143411 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Sherri Dembowski | 6564 Ducketts Ln Elkridge, MD 210756125 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sherri Dembowski | 6564 Ducketts Ln Elkridge, MD 210756125 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda L Demer | 12442 Stanwood Pl Los Angeles, CA 900661522 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda L Demer | 12442 Stanwood Pl Los Angeles, CA 900661522 | 01/07/2021 | $200.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
James M Demers | 24 Foxcross Cir Concord, NH 033016920 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James M Demers | 24 Foxcross Cir Concord, NH 033016920 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James M Demers | 24 Foxcross Cir Concord, NH 033016920 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Demmitt | 38144 Holland Ave Fremont, CA 945365234 | 01/05/2021 | $95.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $95.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cindy Dempsey | 4328 Morriswood Dr Nashville, TN 372044422 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynne Denby | 6290 Belmont Trail Ct San Diego, CA 921306819 | 01/09/2021 | $20.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynne Denby | 6290 Belmont Trail Ct San Diego, CA 921306819 | 01/09/2021 | $20.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynne Denby | 6290 Belmont Trail Ct San Diego, CA 921306819 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynne Denby | 6290 Belmont Trail Ct San Diego, CA 921306819 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynne Denby | 6290 Belmont Trail Ct San Diego, CA 921306819 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynne Denby | 6290 Belmont Trail Ct San Diego, CA 921306819 | 01/09/2021 | $20.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Zhaohua Deng | 1 Isabella Ct Hockessin, DE 197079298 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Dennis | 6321 Bandera Ave Apt Dallas, TX 752253639 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jackie Dennis | 34 Wildwood Dr Cape Elizabeth, ME 041071158 | 01/19/2021 | $104.00 | $208.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $104.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Dennis | 1851 NW Doral St McMinnville, OR 971282447 | 12/09/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Dennis | 1851 NW Doral St McMinnville, OR 971282447 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $1010.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ramona Dennis | 667 Halifax Rd Holts Summit, MO 650431760 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ramona Dennis | 667 Halifax Rd Holts Summit, MO 650431760 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Syeachia Dennis | 1611 S Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 741044909 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Curtis Dennison | 35 Fairmont Dr Daly City, CA 940153072 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Denson | 3054 N Oxford St Arlington, VA 222075325 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Denson | 3054 N Oxford St Arlington, VA 222075325 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Atul Deodhar | 2620 NW 83Rd Pl Portland, OR 972294151 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph DeOliveira | 681 Herbertsville Rd Brick, NJ 087241151 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph DeOliveira | 681 Herbertsville Rd Brick, NJ 087241151 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslye Deroos | 104 Patton Pl Chapel Hill, NC 275176567 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maureen DeRosa | 42 Turnberry Dr Slingerlands, NY 121599250 | 01/16/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph DeSantis | 5 Centre Ct Wilmington, DE 198071146 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Muralidharan Desikachari | 7212 Stover Ct Alexandria, VA 223063511 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Deterding | 7471 Brockway Dr Boulder, CO 803034611 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Ann Detmering | 2700 Fenwood Rd Houston, TX 770053438 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sudipta Devanath | 3119 Cherry Hill Ln Suffolk, VA 234353583 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Mary Anne DeVarti | 197 Washington St Keyport, NJ 077351035 | 12/30/2020 | $125.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Anne DeVarti | 197 Washington St Keyport, NJ 077351035 | 12/30/2020 | $125.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Anne DeVarti | 197 Washington St Keyport, NJ 077351035 | 01/05/2021 | $25.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Anne DeVarti | 197 Washington St Keyport, NJ 077351035 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marynell DeVaughn | 901 N Monroe St Apt 1507 Arlington, VA 222012360 | 01/19/2021 | $72.00 | $244.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $72.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Devereux | 8383 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 902112425 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Devereux | 8383 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 902112425 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kelly Devers | 1336 Wallach Pl NW Washington, DC 200094451 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Devitt | 231 Brett Brae Clinton, NY 133231066 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Devries | 1547 Palos Verdes Mall Pmb 25 Walnut Creek, CA 945972228 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Russell Deyo | 722 Clayton Ave Bay Head, NJ 087425305 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tarlochan Dhadialla | 3908 Verdure Ln Zionsville, IN 460777815 | 01/06/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tarlochan Dhadialla | 3908 Verdure Ln Zionsville, IN 460777815 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amarpal Dhaliwal | 6208 Emmons Ln Tampa, FL 336471148 | 12/28/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jatinderpal Dhaliwal | 5000 Corral Ct Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917372451 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Muhammad Dhanidina | 18202 Saint Andrews Pl Torrance, CA 905045440 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
VIDYASAGAR DHARMAPURI | 804 Wildwood Ct Oak Brook, IL 605231522 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
VIDYASAGAR DHARMAPURI | 804 Wildwood Ct Oak Brook, IL 605231522 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aida Dia | 520 E 20Th St Apt 3H New York, NY 100098312 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aida Dia | 520 E 20Th St Apt 3H New York, NY 100098312 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Diamond | 277 Pine View Ln York, PA 174039561 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sean Diamond | 15521 Marietta Cir Westfield, IN 460748875 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $251.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sean Diamond | 15521 Marietta Cir Westfield, IN 460748875 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $251.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Diaz | 15 Cumberland Ave Ormond Beach, FL 321745323 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Diaz | 2652 Workman St Los Angeles, CA 900312329 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer DiBrienza | 186 Park Ave Palo Alto, CA 943061107 | 12/07/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Mary Dickert | 5491 Schuman Rd Cross Plains, WI 535289361 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Len Dickinson | 150 U Rd Wisner, NE 687913514 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Dickman | 210 Cardinal Cir W Saint Marys, GA 315584100 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Dickman | 210 Cardinal Cir W Saint Marys, GA 315584100 | 01/15/2021 | $1000.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debbie Dicks | 3434 SE 13Th Ave Portland, OR 972022803 | 01/08/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 12/15/2020 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Diesslin | 1501 Woodbine St Arlington, TX 760124246 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $900.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Diffey | 1111 Sherbrook Dr West Chester, PA 193828068 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Dillin | 5500 Friendship Blvd Apt N1910 Chevy Chase, MD 208157213 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Dillin | 5500 Friendship Blvd Apt N1910 Chevy Chase, MD 208157213 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Dillon | 408 S Croskey St Unit E Philadelphia, PA 191461165 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Dillon | 408 S Croskey St Unit E Philadelphia, PA 191461165 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sara Dimston | 4405 Bunny Run Austin, TX 787461018 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francine Diner | 1707 Sparrow Ln Weston, FL 333271658 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jesse Diner | 10762 Hawks Vista St Plantation, FL 333248212 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Dines | 6441 San Onofre Dr Camarillo, CA 930128268 | 01/05/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lynn Dines | 6441 San Onofre Dr Camarillo, CA 930128268 | 01/21/2021 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sonia Dinnall | 10 Ridgeway Cir Springfield, MA 011181128 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sonia Dinnall | 10 Ridgeway Cir Springfield, MA 011181128 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Dinwoodie | 1252 Irvine Blvd Fl 2 Tustin, CA 927803531 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yrthya Dinzey-Flores | 315 Clinton Ave Brooklyn, NY 112054725 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel DiPietro | 557 7Th St Brooklyn, NY 112153708 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Dippel | 35 Danbury Ave Westport, CT 068806822 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Dippel | 35 Danbury Ave Westport, CT 068806822 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Dively | 1210 Raintree Pl Winter Park, FL 327892564 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aubrey Divens | 9663 Santa Monica Blvd # 948 Beverly Hills, CA 902104303 | 01/14/2021 | $15.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aubrey Divens | 9663 Santa Monica Blvd # 948 Beverly Hills, CA 902104303 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aubrey Divens | 9663 Santa Monica Blvd # 948 Beverly Hills, CA 902104303 | 01/14/2021 | $15.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aubrey Divens | 9663 Santa Monica Blvd # 948 Beverly Hills, CA 902104303 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $265.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
David E Dix | 1158 Pin Oak Dr Kent, OH 442406254 | 01/14/2021 | $672.00 | $672.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $672.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jill Dixon | 276 Academy Dr Vestal, NY 138502402 | 12/26/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jill Dixon | 276 Academy Dr Vestal, NY 138502402 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sheree Dixon | 3270 W Paces Park Dr NW Atlanta, GA 303272748 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Dlott | 2714 Prairie Meadow Dr Champaign, IL 618227613 | 01/09/2021 | $75.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lori Docherty | 373 Corte Madera Ave Corte Madera, CA 949251308 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
John Dockery | 6416 South St Falls Church, VA 220422341 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Dockery | 6416 South St Falls Church, VA 220422341 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lowell Dodge | 6900 Rozena Dr Longmont, CO 805037308 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Doerr | 751 Laurel St # 717 San Carlos, CA 940703113 | 01/15/2021 | $125000.00 | $125000.00 |
John Doerr | 751 Laurel St # 717 San Carlos, CA 940703113 | 01/15/2021 | $125000.00 | $125000.00 |
Michelle Doka | 255 Gum Hollow Rd Oak Ridge, TN 378305624 | 01/10/2021 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $2000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shelley Dolan | 119 Spruce St Fl ETC Chaska, MN 553181855 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Shelley Dolan | 119 Spruce St Fl ETC Chaska, MN 553181855 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shelley Dolan | 119 Spruce St Fl ETC Chaska, MN 553181855 | 01/20/2021 | $5.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mindie Dolson | 3435 Alliance Rd Arcata, CA 955214851 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mindie Dolson | 3435 Alliance Rd Arcata, CA 955214851 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mindie Dolson | 3435 Alliance Rd Arcata, CA 955214851 | 01/16/2021 | $30.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Curt Dombek | 333 S Hope St Fl 43 Los Angeles, CA 900711422 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Domel | 4025 Greenhill Pl Austin, TX 787598114 | 01/10/2021 | $292.00 | $292.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $292.00 | $13987666.84 |
Guillermo C Dominguez | 321 Lake Carnegie Ct Laredo, TX 780411984 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Guillermo C Dominguez | 321 Lake Carnegie Ct Laredo, TX 780411984 | 01/20/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eileen Donahoe | 10 Palmer Ln Portola Valley, CA 940287918 | 01/10/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Rosemary Donahue | 33 Tanglewood Dr W Orchard Park, NY 141273504 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosemary Donahue | 33 Tanglewood Dr W Orchard Park, NY 141273504 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosemary Donahue | 33 Tanglewood Dr W Orchard Park, NY 141273504 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tim Donahue | 5 Carrie Lynn Ln York, ME 039095148 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elise Donalson | 4269 Farmdale Ave Studio City, CA 916042734 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marther Doneghy | 708 Maryland Ave NE Washington, DC 200025234 | 12/29/2020 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marther Doneghy | 708 Maryland Ave NE Washington, DC 200025234 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gloria H Donnell | 472 S Main St Versailles, KY 403831493 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra D Donnell | 137 Golden Gate Ave Belvedere, CA 949202464 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Anita And Nick Donofrio | 55 High Ridge Ave Ridgefield, CT 068774901 | 01/18/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Anita M Donofrio | 55 High Ridge Ave Ridgefield, CT 068774901 | 01/21/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nicholas M Donofrio | PO Box 428 Ridgefield, CT 068770428 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tj Donohue | 22 Country Club Dr West Simsbury, CT 060922211 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tj Donohue | 22 Country Club Dr West Simsbury, CT 060922211 | 01/26/2021 | $100.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/31/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Donovan | 1885 Swedesford Rd Malvern, PA 193558734 | 11/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 11/30/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Donovan | 1885 Swedesford Rd Malvern, PA 193558734 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Donovan | 1885 Swedesford Rd Malvern, PA 193558734 | 01/06/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Donovan | 11569 Winchester Dr Palm Beach Gardens, FL 334102647 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nathaniel Donson | 898 Helen St Teaneck, NJ 076662514 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nathaniel Donson | 898 Helen St Teaneck, NJ 076662514 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dolly Dooley | 4332 Seascape Ln Murfreesboro, TN 371282507 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Doordash Inc | 901 Market St Fl 6 San Francisco, CA 941031729 | 02/01/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Connie Doran | 4315 E Lake Harriet Blvd Minneapolis, MN 554091725 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleanor Doran | 245 Harrison St Friday Harbor, WA 982508019 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleanor Doran | 245 Harrison St Friday Harbor, WA 982508019 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleanor Doran | 245 Harrison St Friday Harbor, WA 982508019 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $595.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleanor Doran | 245 Harrison St Friday Harbor, WA 982508019 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $595.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Doran | 2 Water Club Way Apt 503 North Palm Beach, FL 334083741 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Doran | 2 Water Club Way Apt 503 North Palm Beach, FL 334083741 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pat Doran | 1298 SW Lakeside Dr Topeka, KS 666041613 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Matt Dornauer | 1849 N Hudson Ave Unit 5 Chicago, IL 606145201 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sally Dornaus | 8 3 Ponds Rd Wayland, MA 017782013 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
D Matthew Dorny | 1846 E Gray Fox Dr Draper, UT 840205629 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheryl Dorsey | 1239 Vermont Ave NW Apt 1003 Washington, DC 200053653 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Dorsey | 116 W Maple Tree Dr Westampton, NJ 080609600 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Dorsey | 116 W Maple Tree Dr Westampton, NJ 080609600 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Renia Dotson | 1636 Anne Stokes Rd Greenville, MS 387016907 | 12/31/2020 | $248.00 | $248.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $248.00 | $13987666.84 |
Renia Dotson | 1636 Anne Stokes Rd Greenville, MS 387016907 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $298.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roderick Dottin | 1542 Powells Tavern Pl Herndon, VA 201702833 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roderick Dottin | 1542 Powells Tavern Pl Herndon, VA 201702833 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Doucette | 334 Jackson St Sunnyvale, CA 940854327 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $232.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Douglas | 817 48Th St Sacramento, CA 958193552 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Douglas | 817 48Th St Sacramento, CA 958193552 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Douglas | 612 Ferryview Ln NE Bainbridge Island, WA 981107500 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Douglas | 612 Ferryview Ln NE Bainbridge Island, WA 981107500 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tj Douglas | 180 Moss Hill Rd Jamaica Plain, MA 021303008 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Mary Douma | 4906 Balcones Dr Austin, TX 787315417 | 12/19/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Dout | 3020 Bridgeway # 279 Sausalito, CA 949651439 | 01/19/2021 | $43.00 | $243.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $43.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Dover | 1 Bratenahl Pl Apt 503 Bratenahl, OH 441081153 | 01/15/2021 | $1000.00 | $1018.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Dover | 147 Reserve Dr Piedmont, SC 296736733 | 01/10/2021 | $105.00 | $315.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $105.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Dover | 147 Reserve Dr Piedmont, SC 296736733 | 01/09/2021 | $210.00 | $315.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $210.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Dover | 147 Reserve Dr Piedmont, SC 296736733 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $365.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosanna Dovgala | 30 Duffield Dr Ewing, NJ 086282008 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosanna Dovgala | 30 Duffield Dr Ewing, NJ 086282008 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dow Chemical Company | 2211 Hh Dow Way Sylvia Stoesser Ct Midland, MI 48640 | 12/15/2020 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Dow Chemical Company | 2211 Hh Dow Way Sylvia Stoesser Ct Midland, MI 48640 | 12/21/2020 | $150000.00 | $250000.00 |
Dow Chemical Company | 2211 Hh Dow Way Sylvia Stoesser Ct Midland, MI 48640 | 01/15/2021 | $250000.00 | $500000.00 |
Keith Dow | 114 Gisler Ct Folsom, CA 956305428 | 01/15/2021 | $30.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Keith Dow | 114 Gisler Ct Folsom, CA 956305428 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Doris Dowden | 4890 Buckhaven Rd Reno, NV 895190961 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Diane Dowling | 5610 Wisconsin Ave Apt 402 Chevy Chase, MD 208154429 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Nick Dowling | 402 N Jackson St Arlington, VA 222011257 | 01/11/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Marisa Dowling | 308 2Nd St SE Apt 3 Washington, DC 200031918 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marilyn Downs | 5100 Ranchito Ave Sherman Oaks, CA 914231235 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Doyle | 3 Bakers Hill Rd Weston, MA 024931708 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen M Doyle | 1115 5Th Ave New York, NY 101280100 | 01/16/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tim Doyle | 117 N Edison St Arlington, VA 222031216 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Dragon | 800 Deerfield Rd Apt 305 Highland Park, IL 600353546 | 01/07/2021 | $210.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $210.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph/Joyce Drake | 13476 SE 242Nd St Kent, WA 980425138 | 01/10/2021 | $120.00 | $229.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph/Joyce Drake | 13476 SE 242Nd St Kent, WA 980425138 | 01/09/2021 | $109.00 | $229.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $109.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marlane Drake | 1333 Burdette St New Orleans, LA 701184017 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chris Draper | 108 Old Driftway Ln Califon, NJ 078303045 | 01/08/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Steven Dreyer | 35 Alfred Ln New Rochelle, NY 108043001 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steven Dreyer | 35 Alfred Ln New Rochelle, NY 108043001 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
DRIVE - International Brotherhood Of Teamsters | 25 Louisiana Ave NW Washington, DC 200012130 | 02/02/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Erminia Drobkin | 2040 Edgewood Ave Las Vegas, NV 891022203 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Heyward Drummond | 24033 Laceys Tavern Ct Aldie, VA 201053453 | 12/08/2020 | $242.00 | $242.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $242.00 | $13987666.84 |
Heyward Drummond | 24033 Laceys Tavern Ct Aldie, VA 201053453 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $342.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Drummond | 4390 Parliament Pl Bowie, MD 20720 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Drummond | 4390 Parliament Pl Bowie, MD 20720 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lupe Dryburgh | 125 Ricardo Ave Piedmont, CA 946113937 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lupe Dryburgh | 125 Ricardo Ave Piedmont, CA 946113937 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Veronica Dubin | 105 Walnut Ridge Rd Wilmington, DE 198071635 | 01/15/2021 | $30.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Veronica Dubin | 105 Walnut Ridge Rd Wilmington, DE 198071635 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Veronica Dubin | 105 Walnut Ridge Rd Wilmington, DE 198071635 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cornelius DuBose | 2144 Sunset Vista Ave Henderson, NV 890522305 | 01/05/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cornelius DuBose | 2144 Sunset Vista Ave Henderson, NV 890522305 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cornelius DuBose | 2144 Sunset Vista Ave Henderson, NV 890522305 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gene Dubowchik | 65 Spring St Rockfall, CT 064812048 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gene Dubowchik | 65 Spring St Rockfall, CT 064812048 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeanne Duckett | 8816 Garland St Franklin, OH 450053006 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Caroline Duckham | 17800 Old Summit Rd Los Gatos, CA 950338390 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lorraine Duclos | 2642 Hemlock St Vancouver V6H 2V5, ZZ 00000 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Ducote | 5041 E Sterling Ranch Cir Davie, FL 333147251 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Ducote | 5041 E Sterling Ranch Cir Davie, FL 333147251 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $1150.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrea Dudley | PO Box 507 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 038960507 | 01/16/2021 | $650.00 | $700.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $650.00 | $13987666.84 |
Donald Dudley | 59 Walton Dr Snyder, NY 142264530 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Dudley | 177 N Knoll Rd Southern Pines, NC 283872907 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $217.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
PAUL DUEBER | PO Box 549 Cannon Beach, OR 971100549 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Duffy | 10187 Carol Ln Dimondale, MI 488219515 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sean Duffy | 1886 Newton St NW Washington, DC 200101017 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa M Duffy | 15 Pilgrim Way East Walpole, MA 020321335 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theresa M Duffy | 15 Pilgrim Way East Walpole, MA 020321335 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Lourdes Duke | PO Box 177 East Hampton, NY 119370177 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Lourdes Duke | PO Box 177 East Hampton, NY 119370177 | 01/17/2021 | $75.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Lourdes Duke | PO Box 177 East Hampton, NY 119370177 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marilyn Duke | 7 Warwick Pl Glendale, OH 452464600 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charlene Dukes | 10602 Wood Pointe Ter Glenn Dale, MD 207692123 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Hazel N Dukes | 10 W 135Th St Apt 5H New York, NY 100372610 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $475.00 |
Hazel N Dukes | 10 W 135Th St Apt 5H New York, NY 100372610 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Hazel N Dukes | 10 W 135Th St Apt 5H New York, NY 100372610 | 01/04/2021 | $25.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Dumont | 43 Maple Ave Nahant, MA 019081154 | 01/15/2021 | $200.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Dumont | 43 Maple Ave Nahant, MA 019081154 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Duncan | 306 Caley Ct King Of Prussia, PA 194061548 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosemarie Duncan | 1329 Hamilton St NW Washington, DC 200116921 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rosemarie Duncan | 1329 Hamilton St NW Washington, DC 200116921 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul R Dunkason | 11739 Cottonwood Dr Apple Valley, CA 923088927 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul R Dunkason | 11739 Cottonwood Dr Apple Valley, CA 923088927 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bobbi Dunn | 917 Rugby Rd Charlottesville, VA 229031605 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daryl Dunn | 1621 Liberty Pkwy NW Atlanta, GA 303189385 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith S Dunn | 30 Main St Apt 9G Brooklyn, NY 112018215 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lewis Dunn | 917 Rugby Rd Charlottesville, VA 229031605 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lewis Dunn | 917 Rugby Rd Charlottesville, VA 229031605 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Suzanne Copas Dunn | 3809 Felps Ct Colleyville, TX 760343703 | 01/17/2021 | $650.00 | $650.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $650.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lee Dunst | 115 E 86Th St Apt 53 New York, NY 100281057 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Leslie Dunsworth | 8 Milan Ct Sacramento, CA 958315130 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Dunsworth | 8 Milan Ct Sacramento, CA 958315130 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sanjyot Dunung | 401 E 34Th St Apt S13J New York, NY 100164961 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
David Duong | 1211 Embarcadero Ste 300 Oakland, CA 946065106 | 01/11/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Dupont Specialty Products USA, LLC | 974 Centre Rd Wilmington, DE 198051269 | 01/26/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
DuPont SpinCo Ag | 974 Centre Rd Chestnut Run Plz Bldg 735/1215-1 Wilmington, DE 19805 | 03/11/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
James Durham | 2850 SW Fairmount Blvd Portland, OR 972391435 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Durham | 2850 SW Fairmount Blvd Portland, OR 972391435 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Durham | 2850 SW Fairmount Blvd Portland, OR 972391435 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $375.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karoline Durr | 167 Spring St Apt 8 New York, NY 100123842 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ice Paul Duso | 102 N Ole Hickory Trl Carrollton, GA 301173509 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Smita Dutta | 131 N Wakefield St Arlington, VA 222032622 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Suvendra Dutta | 38 Vine St Lexington, MA 024202216 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Suvendra Dutta | 38 Vine St Lexington, MA 024202216 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Dwyer | 301 Belvoir Ave Chattanooga, TN 374115104 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Dye | 417 Murphree St Troy, AL 360812116 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Dye | 417 Murphree St Troy, AL 360812116 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Everett/Karen Dyer | 1346 Barrowdale Rd Rydal, PA 190462418 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Everett/Karen Dyer | 1346 Barrowdale Rd Rydal, PA 190462418 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Dykstta | 5312 138Th St Crestwood, IL 604181617 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Dykstta | 5312 138Th St Crestwood, IL 604181617 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Dykstta | 5312 138Th St Crestwood, IL 604181617 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Dykstta | 5312 138Th St Crestwood, IL 604181617 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joanne Dzengielewski | 3810 Green St Middleboro, MA 023467351 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $206.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy Eagens | 1255 Orleans Dr # 209 Sunnyvale, CA 940891138 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert & Mary Eager | 7608 Hackamore Dr Potomac, MD 208543819 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Margaret Earley | 409 Winterberry Dr Middletown, DE 197098681 | 01/19/2021 | $542.00 | $542.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $542.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allen Easter | 11120 Stratford Dr Apt 207 Oklahoma City, OK 731207241 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Allen Easter | 11120 Stratford Dr Apt 207 Oklahoma City, OK 731207241 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $235.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peggy Easton | 1766 Hinckley Hills Rd Hinckley, OH 442339308 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Eber | 209 KENT DT Petaluma, CA 94953 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Eber | 209 KENT DT Petaluma, CA 94953 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $1035.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Eber | 209 KENT DT Petaluma, CA 94953 | 01/16/2021 | $5.00 | $1035.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Eber | 209 KENT DT Petaluma, CA 94953 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $1035.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Saint James Ebersol | 147 Prospect St Litchfield, CT 067592503 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Saint James Ebersol | 147 Prospect St Litchfield, CT 067592503 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $525.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chaz Ebert | 1341 W Fullerton Ave Ste 143 Chicago, IL 606142362 | 01/16/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Chaz Ebert | 1341 W Fullerton Ave Ste 143 Chicago, IL 606142362 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chaz Ebert | 1341 W Fullerton Ave Ste 143 Chicago, IL 606142362 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Eby | 250 Juanita Way San Francisco, CA 941271736 | 01/01/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Echaveste | 1511 Arch St Berkeley, CA 947081828 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $375.00 |
Maria Echaveste | 1511 Arch St Berkeley, CA 947081828 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Echaveste | 1511 Arch St Berkeley, CA 947081828 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maria Echaveste | 1511 Arch St Berkeley, CA 947081828 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Miriam B Echeverria | 14236 SW Stellers Jay Ln Portland, OR 972242830 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Eckels | 6703 Wimbledon Estates Dr Spring, TX 773797648 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darrell Eckersley | 5325 E Killdee St Long Beach, CA 908083549 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darrell Eckersley | 5325 E Killdee St Long Beach, CA 908083549 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darrell Eckersley | 5325 E Killdee St Long Beach, CA 908083549 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Darrell Eckersley | 5325 E Killdee St Long Beach, CA 908083549 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Todd Eckland | 2250 Broadway Apt 18A New York, NY 100245871 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Todd Eckland | 2250 Broadway Apt 18A New York, NY 100245871 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Eckstein | 6529 CHERRYHILL Park Wsy Memphis, TN 38120 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Eddie | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 , | 01/13/2021 | $125000.00 | $125000.00 |
John Eddie | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 , , | 01/27/2021 | $125000.00 | $250000.00 |
Martha Eddy | 523 W 121St St New York, NY 100275901 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Eddy | 523 W 121St St New York, NY 100275901 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Eddy | 523 W 121St St New York, NY 100275901 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $305.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Frederick S Edelman | 201 Natchez Trce Madison, WI 537052524 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deborah Edginton | 221 E 5Th St Ste 306 Cedar Falls, IA 506132615 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Deborah Edginton | 221 E 5Th St Ste 306 Cedar Falls, IA 506132615 | 01/07/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Edison-Smith | 2615 2Nd St E West Fargo, ND 580787985 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Edison-Smith | 2615 2Nd St E West Fargo, ND 580787985 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurel Edkins | 9 Cedar St North Reading, MA 018642701 | 01/15/2021 | $40.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $40.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurel Edkins | 9 Cedar St North Reading, MA 018642701 | 01/16/2021 | $40.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $40.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bryant Edwards | 1846 Bryn Mawr Dr Fayetteville, NC 283043863 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheryl Edwards | 1409 Eiderdown Ct Woodbridge, VA 221913779 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Douglas Edwards | 272 Valley Gate Rd Simi Valley, CA 930655318 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Douglas Edwards | 272 Valley Gate Rd Simi Valley, CA 930655318 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ella J Edwards | 7215 Wrightsville Ave Apt 201 Wilmington, NC 284037247 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ella J Edwards | 7215 Wrightsville Ave Apt 201 Wilmington, NC 284037247 | 01/15/2021 | $200.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ella J Edwards | 7215 Wrightsville Ave Apt 201 Wilmington, NC 284037247 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Edwards | 40 West St Indianapolis, IN 462275157 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $251.00 |
George Edwards | 40 West St Indianapolis, IN 462275157 | 01/10/2021 | $1.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lorraine Edwards | 405 Union Wharf Boston, MA 021091207 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Edwards | 4260 Apple Valley Ln West Bloomfield, MI 483232800 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $295.45 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Edwards | 4260 Apple Valley Ln West Bloomfield, MI 483232800 | 01/05/2021 | $10.00 | $295.45 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elaine Egan | 150 E 44Th St New York, NY 100174068 | 12/14/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Egan | 33 Oxford Dr East Windsor, NJ 085201705 | 12/29/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Egan | 33 Oxford Dr East Windsor, NJ 085201705 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Egan | PO Box 1796 Nevada City, CA 959591796 | 01/03/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Egan | PO Box 1796 Nevada City, CA 959591796 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Egdahl | 430 2Nd Ave N Naples, FL 341028469 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia Egdahl | 430 2Nd Ave N Naples, FL 341028469 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maureen Egen | 1150 Park Ave New York, NY 101281244 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $215.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Maureen Egen | 1150 Park Ave New York, NY 101281244 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $215.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Howard Egerman | 3216 Davis St Oakland, CA 946012608 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Howard Egerman | 3216 Davis St Oakland, CA 946012608 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ryan Ehly | 811 4Th St NW Unit 1112 Washington, DC 200014925 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roger Ehrenberg | 323 W 22Nd St New York, NY 100112891 | 01/05/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
David Ehrenwerth | 1680 Murray Ave Apt 47 Pittsburgh, PA 152171479 | 01/15/2021 | $10.00 | $435.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Ehrenwerth | 1680 Murray Ave Apt 47 Pittsburgh, PA 152171479 | 01/15/2021 | $375.00 | $435.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $375.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Eigenberg | 1638 W Bloomingdale Ave Chicago, IL 606221452 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark D Ein | 624 Chain Bridge Rd McLean, VA 221011810 | 01/22/2021 | $100000.00 | $100155.00 |
Alan Einhorn | 23157 Oakglen Ln Estero, FL 341352010 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Alan Einhorn | 23157 Oakglen Ln Estero, FL 341352010 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alan Einhorn | 23157 Oakglen Ln Estero, FL 341352010 | 01/21/2021 | $10.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kathleen Einspanier | 729 Amherst Cir Newtown Square, PA 190732602 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
LizAnn Eisen | 305 Hidden Hollow Rd Unit 301 Jackson, WY 83001 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Bonnie Eisenberg | 3514 Glenmoor Dr Chevy Chase, MD 208155638 | 01/18/2021 | $89.00 | $353.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $89.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bonnie Eisenberg | 3514 Glenmoor Dr Chevy Chase, MD 208155638 | 01/19/2021 | $89.00 | $353.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $89.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joann Eisenberg | 2343 N Cleveland Ave Chicago, IL 606143315 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Seth Eisenberg | 20275 W Oak Haven Cir Miami, FL 331792846 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Heidi Eisips | 1204 Hermosa Way San Jose, CA 951253511 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stuart Eizenstat | 5610 Wisconsin Ave Apt 603 Chevy Chase, MD 208154432 | 12/17/2020 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Stuart Eizenstat | 5610 Wisconsin Ave Apt 603 Chevy Chase, MD 208154432 | 01/14/2021 | $5000.00 | $30000.00 |
A Ejtemai | 1921 Woodford Rd Vienna, VA 221823729 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
A Ejtemai | 1921 Woodford Rd Vienna, VA 221823729 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
A Ejtemai | 1921 Woodford Rd Vienna, VA 221823729 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $420.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Okon Ekong | 10110 Lavender Flower Ct Manassas, VA 201106670 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marilyn Elam | 7718 Meadowbriar Ln Houston, TX 770634824 | 01/13/2021 | $225.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $225.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Elbow | 1533 N Kenilworth St Arlington, VA 222052820 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Elger | 2820 Valley Ave West Bend, WI 530955335 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Elger | 2820 Valley Ave West Bend, WI 530955335 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Elger | 2820 Valley Ave West Bend, WI 530955335 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $285.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anthony Elghossain | 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 423 Washington, DC 200034303 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Elgin | 3801 Canterbury Rd Unit 1101 Baltimore, MD 212182380 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andy Elisburg | 335 S Biscayne Blvd Ph LPH05 Miami, FL 331312376 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen D Elkins | 5 Penna Rd Johnson City, NY 137905012 | 01/23/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Toni Elkins | 1511 Adger Rd Columbia, SC 292051407 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Elkman | 3400 Laurel Ave Manhattan Beach, CA 902663444 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann-Lynn Ellerkamp | 511 Emery Rd Louisville, KY 402061405 | 01/07/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann-Lynn Ellerkamp | 511 Emery Rd Louisville, KY 402061405 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harlene Ellin | 714 S Dearborn St Fl 6 Chicago, IL 606051816 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Ellingboe | 8 Liberty St Larkspur, CA 949391520 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Ellingboe | 8 Liberty St Larkspur, CA 949391520 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Ellingboe | 8 Liberty St Larkspur, CA 949391520 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Camella Elliot | 4840 El Secreto Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peggy Ellis | 340 E 64Th St Apt 30D New York, NY 100657507 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janet Ellison | 1283 E South Temple Apt 303 Salt Lake City, UT 841021733 | 12/16/2020 | $225.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $225.00 | $13987666.84 |
ORLO ELLISON | 293 Berthoud Trl Broomfield, CO 800209677 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Janice Ellsworth | 3 Dennis Dr Nantucket, MA 025544168 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Ellsworth | 453 Greystone Dr Farmington, UT 840253225 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Ellsworth | 453 Greystone Dr Farmington, UT 840253225 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Adel Elmaghraby | 1120 Glenlake Way Louisville, KY 402455222 | 01/10/2021 | $210.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $210.00 | $13987666.84 |
Russell Elmer | 1631 University Way San Jose, CA 951261555 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Danny Elmore | 9813 Milkweed Ln Fort Worth, TX 761771425 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Elphingstone | 2833 Rosedale Ave Dallas, TX 752051530 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Elphingstone | 2833 Rosedale Ave Dallas, TX 752051530 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Zita Elrod | 1948 Edenbridge Way Nashville, TN 372155809 | 12/18/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Elwood | 18600 Wolf Creek Dr Edmond, OK 730124101 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Emami | 1650 Lafayette St Santa Clara, CA 950503915 | 12/22/2020 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $2000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brenda Emanuel | 15208 Winstead Ln Silver Spring, MD 209055736 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brenda Emanuel | 15208 Winstead Ln Silver Spring, MD 209055736 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brenda Emanuel | 15208 Winstead Ln Silver Spring, MD 209055736 | 01/08/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brenda Emanuel | 15208 Winstead Ln Silver Spring, MD 209055736 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alexander Emborsky | 328 Bellevue Ave E Apt 205 Seattle, WA 981025250 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emergent BioSoluations | 1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 1225 Washington, DC 200041015 | 01/28/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Robert Emerick | 6476 Airlie Rd Warrenton, VA 201874151 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Emerick | 6476 Airlie Rd Warrenton, VA 201874151 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Victoria Emerick | 28129 Hickory Ln Langhorne, PA 190474704 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel Emerson | 537 N Clay Ave Saint Louis, MO 631223907 | 01/10/2021 | $120.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jen Emerson | 3450 Sacramento St San Francisco, CA 941181914 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Norman Emerson | 11514 Yarmouth Ave Ste 500 Granada Hills, CA 913442101 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Norman Emerson | 11514 Yarmouth Ave Ste 500 Granada Hills, CA 913442101 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Emmet | 1755 Park Rd NW Washington, DC 200102101 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Emrich | 322 Cassell Ct Wilmington, DE 198036402 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Emrich | 322 Cassell Ct Wilmington, DE 198036402 | 01/21/2021 | $200.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Habib M Enayetullah | 7021 Benjamin St McLean, VA 221011550 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Enderle | 63081 Casey Pl Bend, OR 977039008 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Enders | 530 E 86Th St Apt 13C New York, NY 100287535 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Enders | 530 E 86Th St Apt 13C New York, NY 100287535 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Enders | 530 E 86Th St Apt 13C New York, NY 100287535 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen Eneman | 1191 Elinor Rd Hewlett, NY 115572523 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Engbrock | 13735 Bayberry Dr Broomfield, CO 800206164 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lillian English Hentz | 4800 N 13Th St Philadelphia, PA 191413427 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Enloe | 3303 Water St NW Unit 5D Washington, DC 200073577 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Enloe | 3303 Water St NW Unit 5D Washington, DC 200073577 | 01/17/2021 | $550.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $550.00 | $13987666.84 |
Steven Enoch | 1405 NE 60Th Ave Portland, OR 972134215 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Flordan Enriquez | 17441 Ascona Dr Canyon Country, CA 913874243 | 01/13/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Enterprise Holdings PAC | 600 Corporate Park Dr Saint Louis, MO 631054204 | 12/24/2020 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Enterprise Rent-A-Car | 600 Corporate Park Dr Group 7799 Saint Louis, MO 631054204 | 01/23/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Environment America Action Fund | 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 400 Washington, DC 200034350 | 01/27/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
David Epstein | 200 Locust St Apt 17A Philadelphia, PA 191060107 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Esta Epstein | 776 Boylston St Ph 1B Boston, MA 021997853 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Katherine M Erdman | 2226 Pine Grove Ct Ann Arbor, MI 481032338 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine M Erdman | 2226 Pine Grove Ct Ann Arbor, MI 481032338 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Katherine M Erdman | 2226 Pine Grove Ct Ann Arbor, MI 481032338 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvonne Erdogan | 325 Glen Ridge Dr Murphy, TX 750944224 | 01/21/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Erekson | 2 Madison Ln Acton, MA 017203113 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregg Erickson | 4095 Stone Point Dr NE Rochester, MN 559065446 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Ericson | 242 Wyckoff St Brooklyn, NY 112172229 | 01/10/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Judith Erlanger | 28 Piper Rd Acton, MA 017204439 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Erlanger | 28 Piper Rd Acton, MA 017204439 | 01/14/2021 | $15.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Erlanger | 28 Piper Rd Acton, MA 017204439 | 01/19/2021 | $15.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $15.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Errett | 575 Valley St San Francisco, CA 941312235 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy Errett | 575 Valley St San Francisco, CA 941312235 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $255.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Erwert | 265 NE Hillwood Dr Hillsboro, OR 971243466 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Natasha Esch | 1776 Park Ave Ste Pm 4 Park City, UT 840605149 | 12/23/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Andrea Escher | 501 Laguna Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 871041116 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Len Eschweiler | 140 Montego Ky Novato, CA 949495325 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sigrid Esfeld | 17022 SE 47Th Ct Bellevue, WA 980065804 | 12/14/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sigrid Esfeld | 17022 SE 47Th Ct Bellevue, WA 980065804 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kim Eshaia | 1750 Avenida Del Mundo Unit 1102 Coronado, CA 921183096 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Scott Eshom | 600 S Lee St Alexandria, VA 223143820 | 01/01/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Eskin | 1047 Woodlawn Ave Iowa City, IA 522454447 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Eskin | 1047 Woodlawn Ave Iowa City, IA 522454447 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sandra Eskin | 1047 Woodlawn Ave Iowa City, IA 522454447 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tamar Eskin | 8209 Woburn Abbey Rd Glenn Dale, MD 207692023 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Anna Espinosa | 2305 Mcdonald Ln Morgan Hill, CA 950379646 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
S Dallen Esselstrom | 4040 NE 23Rd Ave Portland, OR 972121507 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jose Estabil | 206 Waverley Ave Newton, MA 024582422 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Albert Ettinger | 7100 N Greenview Ave Chicago, IL 606262629 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Albert Ettinger | 7100 N Greenview Ave Chicago, IL 606262629 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Colleen Evans | 483 N Calle Rolph Palm Springs, CA 922620709 | 12/30/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Colleen Evans | 483 N Calle Rolph Palm Springs, CA 922620709 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
James Evans | 4146 Burlingame Rd Cazenovia, NY 130359741 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Evans | 183 Grayson Ave Savannah, GA 314198143 | 12/27/2020 | $750.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Evans | 901 N Frederick St Arlington, VA 222051213 | 01/12/2021 | $126.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Evans | 901 N Frederick St Arlington, VA 222051213 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $452.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Timothy Evans | 901 N Frederick St Arlington, VA 222051213 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $452.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Evans | 3217 Lowry Rd Los Angeles, CA 900272206 | 12/15/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Everytown For Gun Safety Action Fund | 800 3Rd Ave New York, NY 100227649 | 01/15/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Aristotle Evia | 12018 Chase Crossing Cir Apt 102 North Bethesda, MD 208524760 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $246.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joel Ewanick | 422 Vista Grande Newport Beach, CA 926604004 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roland Ewubare | 1630 Randall Mill Pl NW Atlanta, GA 303273136 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daisy Exposito-Ulla | 115 E 87Th St Apt 33C New York, NY 101281140 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Fred Eychaner | 2401 N Halsted St Chicago, IL 606142451 | 01/15/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Michael Fabiano | 521 Colecroft Ct Alexandria, VA 223142148 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $700.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fabiano | 521 Colecroft Ct Alexandria, VA 223142148 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $700.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fabiano | 521 Colecroft Ct Alexandria, VA 223142148 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $700.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fabiano | 521 Colecroft Ct Alexandria, VA 223142148 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $700.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fabiano | 521 Colecroft Ct Alexandria, VA 223142148 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carroll Fadal | 2632 Eldridge Ln Waco, TX 767101091 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
James B Fadim | 1448 N Lake Shore Dr # 18-C Chicago, IL 606101798 | 01/16/2021 | $325.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $325.00 | $13987666.84 |
Victoria Faerstein | 158 Greenfield Ave Los Angeles, CA 900493205 | 01/11/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ali Fahami | 3 Westchester Ct Trabuco Canyon, CA 926794955 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeff Fair | 335 River Bottom Rd Athens, GA 306066431 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alison Faletti-Allard | 2620 Virginia Pkwy Flower Mound, TX 750224515 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jessica Falk | 300 E 62Nd St New York, NY 100658253 | 01/06/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jessica Falk | 300 E 62Nd St New York, NY 100658253 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jessica Falk | 300 E 62Nd St New York, NY 100658253 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph L Falk | 1770 Micanopy Ave Miami, FL 331333323 | 12/03/2020 | $20000.00 | $20000.00 |
Michael Falkowski | 69 Clark Hill Rd Milford, CT 064606767 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Madeline Faloon | 68 Tournament Way The Hills, TX 787381105 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Madeline Faloon | 68 Tournament Way The Hills, TX 787381105 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chieh-Min Fan | 155 Haverhill Rd Topsfield, MA 019831030 | 01/11/2021 | $75.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lois Fankhauser | 1758 Sunapple Way Columbus, OH 432321696 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Fannin | 1824 Joan Dr Lexington, KY 405052545 | 12/17/2020 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Fannin | 1824 Joan Dr Lexington, KY 405052545 | 12/20/2020 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Fannin | 1824 Joan Dr Lexington, KY 405052545 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Fannin | 1824 Joan Dr Lexington, KY 405052545 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robin Fannin | 1824 Joan Dr Lexington, KY 405052545 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Farber | 3460 14Th St NW Apt 432 Washington, DC 200104410 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Julia Farber | 3460 14Th St NW Apt 432 Washington, DC 200104410 | 01/11/2021 | $10.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shahla Farhat | 2927 Bissonnet St Houston, TX 770054016 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Faringer | 144 Authors Ave Henrietta, NY 144679363 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peggie Fariss | 418 Heliotrope Ave Corona Del Mar, CA 926252924 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Shahab Farivar | 6634 Byrns Pl Mclean, VA 221014419 | 01/13/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Robin Farley | 3819 24Th St N Arlington, VA 222075006 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Farmer | 503 Hilaire Rd Saint Davids, PA 190874412 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Farmer | 503 Hilaire Rd Saint Davids, PA 190874412 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $950.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Farmer | 503 Hilaire Rd Saint Davids, PA 190874412 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvette Farmer | 5246 Harvey Ln Ellicott City, MD 210436857 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Farnsworth | 1269 Noonan Dr Sacramento, CA 958222571 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Farquhar | 128 N Cassady Ave Bexley, OH 432091456 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
Dorcas Farquhar | 4739 44Th Ave SW Apt 402 Seattle, WA 981164480 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Omid Farr | 8175 Arville St # 156 Las Vegas, NV 891397111 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lindsay Farrell | 19 Davids Ln Ossining, NY 105625940 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Moina Faruqui | 221 Constitution Ave NE Washington, DC 200027332 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara W Faulkner | 340 Old Mill Rd Spc 122 Santa Barbara, CA 931103782 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Greg And Lesa Faulkner | 288 Pacific Ave # 4A San Francisco, CA 941111828 | 01/09/2021 | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
Natasha Favarote | 612 N Cherokee Ave Los Angeles, CA 900041009 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Loris Favorite | 221 E Falcon Dr Pueblo West, CO 810071684 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $620.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Loris Favorite | 221 E Falcon Dr Pueblo West, CO 810071684 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $620.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvonne Fawell | 440 Douglas Ave Naperville, IL 605404414 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvonne Fawell | 440 Douglas Ave Naperville, IL 605404414 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Justine Fedak | 770 W Gladys Ave Apt 801 Chicago, IL 606615444 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Vincent Fedele | PO Box 1839 Sebastopol, CA 954731839 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Federal Express Corporation | 3875 Airways Blvd Memphis, TN 381165070 | 01/18/2021 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Of San Francisco | 333 Bush St Ste 2700 San Francisco, CA 941042806 | 01/19/2021 | $50000.00 | $50000.00 |
Jerry Federico | 3632 Laguna Vista Dr Waco, TX 767081726 | 12/27/2020 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Feeney | 1851 Mill Creek Rd Manahawkin, NJ 080504323 | 01/16/2021 | $400.00 | $575.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anne Feider | 3511 W 88Th St Bloomington, MN 554311820 | 01/20/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Feierstein | 1600 N Oak St Apt 614 Arlington, VA 222092753 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
John Feighner | 7110 Woodcroft Ln Fort Wayne, IN 468042879 | 01/07/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Feinstein | 86 W Hamilton Ave Englewood, NJ 076312344 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Feinstein | 86 W Hamilton Ave Englewood, NJ 076312344 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Feinstein | 86 W Hamilton Ave Englewood, NJ 076312344 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dianne Feinstein | 909 Montgomery St Ste 400 San Francisco, CA 941334652 | 01/19/2021 | $62500.00 | $62500.00 |
Emily Feistritzer | 1701 K St NW Ste 250 Washington, DC 200061548 | 01/18/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emily Feistritzer | 1701 K St NW Ste 250 Washington, DC 200061548 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carole L Feld | 2556 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 200082822 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Diana Feldman | 911 Park Ave New York, NY 100750337 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paul Feldman | 46 Bonwood Rd Needham, MA 024921652 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Feldman | 360 Furman St Apt 712 Brooklyn, NY 112014716 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jenn Fellman | 3603 E 3Rd St Duluth, MN 558041815 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $213.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jenn Fellman | 3603 E 3Rd St Duluth, MN 558041815 | 01/19/2021 | $4600.00 | $4813.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $4600.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Fendig | 3803 Thornapple St Chevy Chase, MD 208154109 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charles Fendig | 3803 Thornapple St Chevy Chase, MD 208154109 | 01/23/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jimmy Ferguson | 8108 Big View Dr Austin, TX 787301537 | 01/20/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Ferguson | 24484 Gable Ranch Ln Valencia, CA 913541596 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rick Ferguson | 5552 Legends Dr Braselton, GA 305176265 | 01/13/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theodosia Ferguson | 1642 Milvia St Berkeley, CA 947092001 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $279.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theodosia Ferguson | 1642 Milvia St Berkeley, CA 947092001 | 01/08/2021 | $149.00 | $279.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $149.00 | $13987666.84 |
Theodosia Ferguson | 1642 Milvia St Berkeley, CA 947092001 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $329.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Fernald | 4 Evergreen Rd Hampton, NH 038421115 | 12/26/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Edward Fernald | 4 Evergreen Rd Hampton, NH 038421115 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marseyas Fernandez | 2910 Hudson St New Orleans, LA 701146506 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rich Fernandez | 7 Woodledge Rd Needham, MA 024923915 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rich Fernandez | 7 Woodledge Rd Needham, MA 024923915 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joaquin Fernandez-Castro | 10308 Horsehaven St Sun Valley, CA 913523751 | 12/30/2020 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gayl Ferraro | 243 Heritage Isles Way Bradenton, FL 342129365 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gayl Ferraro | 243 Heritage Isles Way Bradenton, FL 342129365 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Antonio Ferre | PO Box 11924 San Juan, PR 009221924 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joaquim Ferreira | 2016 Perry St NE # ME Washington, DC 200183054 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joaquim Ferreira | 2016 Perry St NE # ME Washington, DC 200183054 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stacy Ferreira | 45621 Grand Central Sq Sterling, VA 201663062 | 12/14/2020 | $240.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $240.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stacy Ferreira | 45621 Grand Central Sq Sterling, VA 201663062 | 01/05/2021 | $120.00 | $360.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $120.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stacy Ferreira | 45621 Grand Central Sq Sterling, VA 201663062 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $460.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yolanda Ferrell-Brown | 200 E 71St St Apt 15K New York, NY 100210096 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Cynthia Ferrer | 2603 Oak Lawn Ave Ste 300 Dallas, TX 752194064 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sheila Ffolliott | 2425 L St NW Apt 934 Washington, DC 200372431 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Pamela Fickes-Miller | 16 Westpoint Rd Colorado Springs, CO 809064255 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Fickes-Miller | 16 Westpoint Rd Colorado Springs, CO 809064255 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Fickes-Miller | 16 Westpoint Rd Colorado Springs, CO 809064255 | 01/17/2021 | $105.00 | $455.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $105.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Fickett | 83 Vaquero Dr Boulder, CO 803034912 | 01/17/2021 | $1275.00 | $1275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1275.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Fickett | 83 Vaquero Dr Boulder, CO 803034912 | 01/18/2021 | $25.00 | $1300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Fidelity National Financial Inc. | 601 Riverside Ave Jacksonville, FL 322042901 | 01/06/2021 | $750000.00 | $750000.00 |
Nancy Field | 326 W 88Th St New York, NY 100242204 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Field | 326 W 88Th St New York, NY 100242204 | 01/16/2021 | $200.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Field | 326 W 88Th St New York, NY 100242204 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tracy M Field | 1329 Lanier Blvd NE Atlanta, GA 303063342 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alex Fielding | 83 Ikena Kai Pl Kula, HI 967908814 | 12/26/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alex Fielding | 83 Ikena Kai Pl Kula, HI 967908814 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dana Fields Muldrow | 146 Rutland Rd Brooklyn, NY 112255373 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dana Fields Muldrow | 146 Rutland Rd Brooklyn, NY 112255373 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marilyn And Larry Fields | 840 N Lake Shore Dr Apt 1401 Chicago, IL 606112493 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Vivian Figures | 2054 Clemente Ct Mobile, AL 366172928 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
JAY FIKES | 5750 Lone Horse Dr Reno, NV 895029004 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Filas | 4313 Hilltop Ln Johnsburg, IL 600516129 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Fillo | 58 Constitution Hl W Princeton, NJ 085406776 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Fillo | 58 Constitution Hl W Princeton, NJ 085406776 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Findling | 4256 Knollton Rd Indianapolis, IN 462283348 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mariann Finegold | 441 Ashton Ave Millbrae, CA 940302365 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elissa Fink | 3724 Cascadia Ave S Seattle, WA 981447220 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elissa Fink | 3724 Cascadia Ave S Seattle, WA 981447220 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jesse Finkelman | 19 Londonderry Ln Lincolnshire, IL 600693902 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jesse Finkelman | 19 Londonderry Ln Lincolnshire, IL 600693902 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $1100.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Finley III | 3360 Ocean Dr Corpus Christi, TX 784111457 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Finley III | 3360 Ocean Dr Corpus Christi, TX 784111457 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
George Finley III | 3360 Ocean Dr Corpus Christi, TX 784111457 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Finley | 1521 Nottingham Cir Medford, OR 975047202 | 12/28/2020 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Finn | 6900 W Harrison Rd Alma, MI 488019549 | 01/21/2021 | $1000.00 | $1020.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Finney | 3179 Theodore E Wixom, MI 483932092 | 01/15/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Finney | 3179 Theodore E Wixom, MI 483932092 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen Finney | 2020 12Th St NW Washington, DC 200097573 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Anthony Fiori | 336 W End Ave Apt 16C New York, NY 100238119 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Fisch | 61 Hemlock Rd Short Hills, NJ 070781823 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anna Fisch | 61 Hemlock Rd Short Hills, NJ 070781823 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dean Fischer | 11 Muirwood Dr Glen Ellyn, IL 601373911 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dean Fischer | 11 Muirwood Dr Glen Ellyn, IL 601373911 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Fischer | 834 Jackson Ave River Forest, IL 603051414 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Fischer | 834 Jackson Ave River Forest, IL 603051414 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ellen P Fischer | 5 Lenon Dr Little Rock, AR 722075134 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Randy Fiser | 3 Tingey Sq SE Apt 1009 Washington, DC 200034950 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Fishel | 15 Shaded Glen Ct Owings Mills, MD 211173048 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Fishel | 15 Shaded Glen Ct Owings Mills, MD 211173048 | 01/08/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lawrence Fishel | 15 Shaded Glen Ct Owings Mills, MD 211173048 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Helen Fisher | 1914 N 24Th St Boise, ID 837020203 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $260.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kenneth Fisher | 2232 Camino Del Rosario Santa Barbara, CA 931081511 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary-Christy Fisher | 87 Ogden St New Haven, CT 065111323 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Fisher | 1120 Park Ave # 18A New York, NY 101281242 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephen Fisher | 4449 Sherwood Forest Ct Ann Arbor, MI 481039473 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Fishman | 7724 Virginia Ln Falls Church, VA 220433110 | 01/17/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Austin Fite | 1474 Paseo De Oro Pacific Palisades, CA 902721961 | 12/21/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
David Fite | 970 W Broadway # 387 Jackson, WY 830016402 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Fitz | 1100 Sacramento St Apt 508 San Francisco, CA 941081973 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lauri Fitz-Pegado | 3401 38Th St NW Apt 309 Washington, DC 200163039 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geraldine Fitzgerald | PO Box 67 Garrett Park, MD 208960067 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geraldine Fitzgerald | PO Box 67 Garrett Park, MD 208960067 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geraldine Fitzgerald | PO Box 67 Garrett Park, MD 208960067 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ed Fitzharris | 415 W Sunset Rd Barrington, IL 600104145 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ed Fitzharris | 415 W Sunset Rd Barrington, IL 600104145 | 01/09/2021 | $30.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Fitzpatrick | 527 W 7Th St Ste 801 Los Angeles, CA 900142521 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Flam | 18 Garden Cove Rd # 2427 Edgartown, MA 02539 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cecil Flamer | 3801 Canterbury Rd Baltimore, MD 212182370 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Flanagan | 314 Bedford St Lexington, MA 024203300 | 01/15/2021 | $1000.00 | $1050.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Flanagan | 314 Bedford St Lexington, MA 024203300 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1075.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Flanders | 7536 Parkview Mtn Littleton, CO 801273829 | 12/15/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Roselyn Flannigan | 4330 Cedar Ridge Trl Houston, TX 770593114 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Petrina Fleary | 603 Lincoln Pl Fl 2 Brooklyn, NY 112164142 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marc Fleischaker | 3030 K St NW Apt 103 Washington, DC 200075156 | 12/29/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marc Fleischaker | 3030 K St NW Apt 103 Washington, DC 200075156 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marc Fleischaker | 3030 K St NW Apt 103 Washington, DC 200075156 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $800.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Balint Fleischer | 32 Baddacook Pond Rd Groton, MA 014501472 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fletcher | 414 The Strand Hermosa Beach, CA 902544453 | 01/17/2021 | $1300.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fletcher | 414 The Strand Hermosa Beach, CA 902544453 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Fletcher | 414 The Strand Hermosa Beach, CA 902544453 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $1400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julie Flores | 10078 Calle Chulita NW Albuquerque, NM 871141851 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Oscar Flores | 50 Mayfair Way White Plains, NY 106031028 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Florez | 75 Willett St Albany, NY 122101037 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Christine Florez | 75 Willett St Albany, NY 122101037 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Krystle Flower | 908 W Hillsdale Blvd San Mateo, CA 944033840 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Flowers | 8121 Longneedle Pl Montgomery, AL 361175143 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Flowers | 8121 Longneedle Pl Montgomery, AL 361175143 | 01/16/2021 | $200.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Flowers | 4119 NE 60Th St Seattle, WA 981157518 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie Flowers | 645 Pacific Ave Unit 407 Long Beach, CA 908021341 | 01/05/2021 | $2500.00 | $2520.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marie Flowers | 645 Pacific Ave Unit 407 Long Beach, CA 908021341 | 01/08/2021 | $20.00 | $2520.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joe Floyd | 355 Fir View Ln Billings, MT 59106 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kent Flury | 6029 Windsor Dr Fairway, KS 662053348 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth G Flynn | 20 Van Kleeck Ave Beacon, NY 125083525 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Flynn | 312 Cuero Pl Highland Village, TX 750777205 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Fredericka Flynt | 2216 Cumming Rd Augusta, GA 309044322 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregory Foley | 201 Gateway Pl Rancho Mission Vie, CA 926941831 | 12/15/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gregory Foley | 201 Gateway Pl Rancho Mission Vie, CA 926941831 | 01/13/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Foley | 377 W 11Th St Ph D New York, NY 100142389 | 01/12/2021 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
Sean Foley | 3110 Hawthorne St NW Washington, DC 200083539 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Teresa Folger | 2309 NW 56Th Ter Oklahoma City, OK 731127725 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Fontana | 3219 Chicharra Way Coulterville, CA 953119717 | 01/17/2021 | $179.00 | $229.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $179.00 | $13987666.84 |
William Fontana | 3219 Chicharra Way Coulterville, CA 953119717 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $239.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elisabeth Fontenelli | 200 W 54Th St Apt 7CD New York, NY 100195567 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Fontenelli | 445 Club Dr Bay Head, NJ 087425015 | 01/16/2021 | $350.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Fontenelli | 445 Club Dr Bay Head, NJ 087425015 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Melenese Ford(Personal) | 606 Post Rd E # 777 Westport, CT 068804540 | 01/09/2021 | $1250.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ford, Inc | 1 American Rd Dearborn, MI 481262701 | 02/10/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Diane Ford | PO Box 308 Circle Pines, MN 550140308 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Francis Ford | 8 Walbridge Rd Paxton, MA 016121430 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Katharine Ford | 900 Yeamans Hall Rd Charleston, SC 294102443 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Liberty Ford | 9115 Chapel Valley Rd Dallas, TX 752205029 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Ford | 495 Vincente Ave # 600 Berkeley, CA 947071519 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Michael Foreman | 24 Talcott Rd Rye Brook, NY 105731421 | 01/02/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wayne Forgie Jr | 3030 Leadership Pkwy Reno, NV 895032094 | 01/04/2021 | $200.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wayne Forgie Jr | 3030 Leadership Pkwy Reno, NV 895032094 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wayne Forgie Jr | 3030 Leadership Pkwy Reno, NV 895032094 | 01/11/2021 | $200.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ruth Forman | 23061 Mosby St Woodland Hills, CA 913643806 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Susan Forman | 5236 S Zunis Ave Tulsa, OK 741056429 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Forman | 5236 S Zunis Ave Tulsa, OK 741056429 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gina Formento | 14353 Flomar Dr Whittier, CA 906031840 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monique Y Fortenberry | 1623 6Th St NW Washington, DC 200012419 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Noah Fortinsky | 1701 Kalorama Rd NW Apt 212 Washington, DC 200093507 | 12/17/2020 | $1250.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $1250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Forys | 8 Parkdale Dr Lancaster, NY 140862630 | 01/09/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Fossier | 111 W Kenneth Rd Glendale, CA 912021436 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Cheryl Foster | 132 B Half Moon Trl Hendersonville, NC 287920084 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $220.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark Foster | 16351 E Ida Ave Centennial, CO 800154062 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Foster | 9760 Sandringham Dr Clarence, NY 140312500 | 12/17/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Foster | 13 James Falls Dr Richmond, VA 232213942 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary F Foster-Schoales | 10 Pape Dr Atlantic Highlands, NJ 077162549 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharilee Fountain | 201 Norton St Weymouth, MA 021911326 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sharilee Fountain | 201 Norton St Weymouth, MA 021911326 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eileen Fournier | 810 Hidden Forest Ct Fairless Hills, PA 190304123 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joseph Foust | 30 Kenyon Brook Dr Worthington, OH 430853629 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Amy G Fowler | 164 Mountain View Rd Rhinebeck, NY 125722820 | 12/31/2020 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Daniel FOWLER | 350 Indiana St Ste 850 Golden, CO 804015072 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel FOWLER | 350 Indiana St Ste 850 Golden, CO 804015072 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Fowler | 3200 Sunset Dr Charlotte, NC 282091210 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Fowler | 3200 Sunset Dr Charlotte, NC 282091210 | 01/19/2021 | $95.00 | $245.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $95.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peggy Fowler-Petrie | 333 Upper Lake Rd Lake Sherwood, CA 913615140 | 01/19/2021 | $210.00 | $210.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $210.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Fox | 1412 W Belmont Ave Chicago, IL 606572111 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carol Fox | 1412 W Belmont Ave Chicago, IL 606572111 | 01/05/2021 | $280.00 | $330.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $280.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Fox | 1757 Sunset Blvd Houston, TX 770051713 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Janis Fox | 15 Candace Ave Waltham, MA 024536958 | 01/16/2021 | $70.00 | $270.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Una Fox | 3419 Via Lido Ste 659 Newport Beach, CA 926633908 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vivica A Fox | PO Box 3538 Granada Hills, CA 913940538 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
Vivica A Fox | PO Box 3538 Granada Hills, CA 913940538 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
Vivica A Fox | PO Box 3538 Granada Hills, CA 913940538 | 01/13/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
Susie Foy | 1407 Meriden Ln Austin, TX 787033828 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert France | 3410 Royden Pl Charlotte, NC 282261111 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mimose Francois | 247 Winn St Burlington, MA 018032627 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann L Frank | 25733 River Dr Franklin, MI 480251944 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eileen Frank | 90 Broad St Fl 3 New York, NY 100043342 | 01/13/2021 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
Michael Frank | 2818 Baltane Rd West Bloomfield, MI 483233100 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Richard Frank | 7 Brookwood Rd Lexington, MA 024202107 | 12/18/2020 | $350.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Frank | 7 Brookwood Rd Lexington, MA 024202107 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geela Franklin | 584 Maple St West Hempstead, NY 115523341 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $276.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geela Franklin | 584 Maple St West Hempstead, NY 115523341 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $276.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Franklin Jr | 4330 Forest Ln NW Washington, DC 200071136 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 12/16/2020 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 12/25/2020 | $10.00 | $290.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 12/25/2020 | $10.00 | $290.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 12/25/2020 | $10.00 | $290.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 12/25/2020 | $10.00 | $290.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 12/31/2020 | $10.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 01/05/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 01/05/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 01/13/2021 | $25.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $425.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Franklin | 6317 Pohick Station Dr Fairfax Station, VA 220391649 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Franson | 22035 SE 21St Pl Sammamish, WA 980757144 | 01/15/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Franson | 22035 SE 21St Pl Sammamish, WA 980757144 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Frantz | 5 N278 Grey Barn Rd Saint Charles, IL 601756260 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Frantz | 864 Holly Dr S Annapolis, MD 214095550 | 01/18/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Fraser Patterson | 1536 Placer Ct Naperville, IL 605654134 | 01/19/2021 | $75.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ralph Frasier | 1607 Martin Luther King Pkwy Durham, NC 277073593 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Veronica M Frazier | PO Box 670989 Dallas, TX 753670989 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/15/2020 | $10.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/14/2020 | $200.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/16/2020 | $100.00 | $310.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/23/2020 | $100.00 | $510.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/26/2020 | $100.00 | $510.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $1110.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/29/2020 | $100.00 | $1110.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $1110.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 01/11/2021 | $199.00 | $1309.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $199.00 | $13987666.84 |
Avis Frazier-Thomas | 8544 Burton Way Los Angeles, CA 900483385 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $1334.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joe Freddoso | 1113 Trammel Ct Wake Forest, NC 275874622 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Frederick | 44 Woodland Dr Greenwich, CT 068306432 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Bridges Fredericks | 4773 Tapestry Dr Fairfax, VA 220321917 | 12/02/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Michael Bridges Fredericks | 4773 Tapestry Dr Fairfax, VA 220321917 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Julia Fredriksen | 5949 Oakdale Rd Mclean, VA 221013331 | 01/19/2021 | $132.00 | $289.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Freeberg | 3781 Seascape Dr Huntington Beach, CA 926492521 | 01/09/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Freeberg | 3781 Seascape Dr Huntington Beach, CA 926492521 | 01/09/2021 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Freeberg | 3781 Seascape Dr Huntington Beach, CA 926492521 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $475.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lloyd Freeberg | 3781 Seascape Dr Huntington Beach, CA 926492521 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $725.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stuart D Freedman | 18 Fiske Pl Brooklyn, NY 112152205 | 01/08/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wendy Freedman | 11663 Kiowa Ave Apt 306 Los Angeles, CA 900496239 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elaine Freeman | 1026 Rolandvue Rd Towson, MD 212046815 | 01/22/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Hannah Freeman | 141 Greene 771 Rd Jonesboro, AR 724059744 | 01/09/2021 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $400.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Freeman | 22 Brownell St Pittsburgh, PA 152321640 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jennifer Freeman | 22 Brownell St Pittsburgh, PA 152321640 | 01/08/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judy Freeman | 1171 Woods Fork Rd Hartville, MO 656677266 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Freeman | 111 Rockville Pike Ste 1100 Rockville, MD 208505139 | 01/18/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
William H Freeman | PO Box 23857 Nashville, TN 372023857 | 01/04/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
William H Freeman | PO Box 23857 Nashville, TN 372023857 | 01/08/2021 | $25000.00 | $50000.00 |
William H Freeman | PO Box 23857 Nashville, TN 372023857 | 01/16/2021 | $20745.89 | $70745.89 |
Angela French | 63 Jennison Rd Milford, NH 030554210 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1020.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angela French | 63 Jennison Rd Milford, NH 030554210 | 01/09/2021 | $10.00 | $1020.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $10.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angela French | 63 Jennison Rd Milford, NH 030554210 | 01/19/2021 | $5.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cynthia French | 6 Joyce Ct # 6 Irvine, CA 926174078 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lana French | 2715 N Willis St Visalia, CA 932911867 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lana French | 2715 N Willis St Visalia, CA 932911867 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lana French | 2715 N Willis St Visalia, CA 932911867 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lana French | 2715 N Willis St Visalia, CA 932911867 | 01/07/2021 | $200.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lana French | 2715 N Willis St Visalia, CA 932911867 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carrie Frey | 18 S Roberts Rd Bryn Mawr, PA 190102622 | 12/22/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Carrie Frey | 18 S Roberts Rd Bryn Mawr, PA 190102622 | 01/06/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michele Friday | 1180 Saint Christopher Dr Ashland, KY 411017055 | 01/17/2021 | $55.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $55.00 | $13987666.84 |
Suellen W Fried | 4003 Homestead Dr Prairie Village, KS 662081547 | 01/09/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Frieden | 1 Old Church Rd Apt 8 Greenwich, CT 068304869 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Audrey Friedland | 200 E 16Th St New York, NY 100033707 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Clifford Friedman | 26 Santillane Ave Apt 401 Coral Gables, FL 331343124 | 01/10/2021 | $225.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $225.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dagmar Friedman | 4 Arlington Ct Kensington, CA 947071107 | 12/22/2020 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Friedman | 226 N Bryan St Arlington, VA 222011419 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eleanor Friedman | 17 W 54Th St Apt 1B New York, NY 100195455 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Ira Friedman | 130 Chadwick Rd Teaneck, NJ 076664206 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ira Friedman | 130 Chadwick Rd Teaneck, NJ 076664206 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jay Friedman | 4238 Holborn Ave Annandale, VA 220033735 | 01/08/2021 | $600.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $600.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Friedman | 638 Crescent Ave San Mateo, CA 944021018 | 01/16/2021 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
RON FRIEDMAN | 2385 Roscomare Rd Unit B1 Los Angeles, CA 900771818 | 01/19/2021 | $33.00 | $223.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $33.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eileen Friestad | 11745 Red Bud Trl Berrien Springs, MI 491039600 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Catherine Frogge | 310 E Highland Ave Phoenix, AZ 850121706 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jack Frost | 1000 Reynolds Ave Conway, AR 720324226 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martin Frost | 417 N Saint Asaph St Alexandria, VA 223142317 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Daniel Fry | 135 Duval St Melbourne Beach, FL 329513816 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Frye | 12227 Lavon Dr Tomball, TX 773757842 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Frye | 12227 Lavon Dr Tomball, TX 773757842 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Frye | 12227 Lavon Dr Tomball, TX 773757842 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Debra Frye | 12227 Lavon Dr Tomball, TX 773757842 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marilyn Fuchs | 2607 Clarion Ct Odenton, MD 211133877 | 12/08/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marilyn Fuchs | 2607 Clarion Ct Odenton, MD 211133877 | 01/18/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ricki Fuechsel | 1600 N Oak St Apt 520 Arlington, VA 222092762 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ricki Fuechsel | 1600 N Oak St Apt 520 Arlington, VA 222092762 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail S Fuller | 5125 S Sweetbriar Dr Sioux Falls, SD 571082807 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gail S Fuller | 5125 S Sweetbriar Dr Sioux Falls, SD 571082807 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $240.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $70.00 | $13987666.84 |
Laurie S Fulton | 510 Cameron St Alexandria, VA 223142504 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Funai | 6875 Leimomi St Kapaa, HI 967468301 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Funai | 6875 Leimomi St Kapaa, HI 967468301 | 01/16/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rex Fuqua | 3350 Riverwood Pkwy SE Atlanta, GA 303396401 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Furner | 2732 Glendessary Ln Santa Barbara, CA 931052962 | 01/18/2021 | $280.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $280.00 | $13987666.84 |
Celia Fushille | 929 Fassler Ave Pacifica, CA 940443659 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Fye | 229 W 116Th St Apt 2A New York, NY 100262799 | 11/30/2020 | $10000.00 | $10000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 11/30/2020 | $10000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gillian Fynn | 1326 Derby St Berkeley, CA 947022309 | 12/09/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Barbara Gaba | 124 Woodmere Rd Mays Landing, NJ 083302902 | 12/28/2020 | $252.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $252.00 | $13987666.84 |
Emily Gabel | 440 W Elm Ave Burbank, CA 915063204 | 01/21/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dan Gabriel | 700 N Randolph St Arlington, VA 222032174 | 01/24/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Fred Gabrielsen | 3580 Brookview Rd Philadelphia, PA 191544040 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vinodkumar Gadley | 2451 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 891084502 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $489.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vinodkumar Gadley | 2451 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 891084502 | 01/17/2021 | $364.00 | $489.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $364.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vinodkumar Gadley | 2451 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 891084502 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $489.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vinodkumar Gadley | 2451 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 891084502 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $514.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marc Gaelen | 90 Slope Dr Short Hills, NJ 070781952 | 01/16/2021 | $350.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $350.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lauren Gailey | 237 W Steuben St Pittsburgh, PA 152052501 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Bruce Darrow Gaither | 2605 S Saint Louis Ave Tulsa, OK 741142721 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Felix Galaviz | 27124 Belfast Ln Hayward, CA 945422431 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Felix Galaviz | 27124 Belfast Ln Hayward, CA 945422431 | 01/07/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jane Gallagher | 54 Dobe Point Rd Stafford, VA 225545826 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick Gallagher | 8665 Georgia Ave Silver Spring, MD 209103405 | 12/08/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick Gallagher | 8665 Georgia Ave Silver Spring, MD 209103405 | 12/26/2020 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick Gallagher | 8665 Georgia Ave Silver Spring, MD 209103405 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick J Gallagher | 4 Janock Rd Milford, MA 017572122 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patrick Gallagher | 8665 Georgia Ave Silver Spring, MD 209103405 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $1250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Thomas Gallagher | 9716 Winter Palace Dr Las Vegas, NV 891458636 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sonja Gallagher-Besecker | PO Box 262 East Stroudsburg, PA 183010262 | 01/09/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Gallant | 5132 Nebraska Ave NW Washington, DC 200082047 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lorraine Gallard | 2808 P St NW Washington, DC 200073066 | 01/27/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Marina I Gallas | 11611 San Vicente Blvd Ste 740 Los Angeles, CA 900496529 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $481.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $132.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marina I Gallas | 11611 San Vicente Blvd Ste 740 Los Angeles, CA 900496529 | 01/12/2021 | $199.00 | $481.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $199.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mark T Gallogly | 300 Central Park W New York, NY 100241513 | 01/07/2021 | $125000.00 | $125000.00 |
John Galto | 1 Shaw Ln Irvington, NY 105331107 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Galto | 1 Shaw Ln Irvington, NY 105331107 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Galto | 1 Shaw Ln Irvington, NY 105331107 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Galto | 1 Shaw Ln Irvington, NY 105331107 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Claudia Galup | 106 Bridlewood Pl NE Concord, NC 280259500 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Olivia Galvan | 124 Mission Grove Pkwy N Riverside, CA 925066227 | 12/26/2020 | $264.00 | $264.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $264.00 | $13987666.84 |
Olivia Galvan | 124 Mission Grove Pkwy N Riverside, CA 925066227 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $314.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tushna Gamadia | 435 E 14Th St Apt 11E New York, NY 100092712 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Aly Gamay | 1102 Mill Rdg Mc Lean, VA 221022157 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Stephanie Gambini | 16924 159Th Pl SE Renton, WA 980588678 | 01/18/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Gambini | 16924 159Th Pl SE Renton, WA 980588678 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Faatimah Gamble | 814 S 15Th St Philadelphia, PA 191462140 | 12/16/2020 | $750.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Faatimah Gamble | 814 S 15Th St Philadelphia, PA 191462140 | 01/21/2021 | $100.00 | $850.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wanda Gamble | 21013 Kittanning Ln Ashburn, VA 201476465 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sameer Gandhi | 2525 Webster St San Francisco, CA 941151330 | 12/17/2020 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Kunal Gangopadhyay | 9423 Seven Courts Dr Nottingham, MD 212364711 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $215.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sumit Ganguli | 23 Sweetwater Dr Belle Mead, NJ 085025132 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Isheeta Ganguly | 225 E E 36Th St Apt 10L New York, NY 100163602 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christopher Ganoe | 416 Castleman Dr Winchester, VA 226013191 | 01/21/2021 | $5.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann Garcelon | 4827 S Kenwood Ave Chicago, IL 606152015 | 01/18/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michele Garcia | 6 N Michigan Ave Unit 1411 Chicago, IL 606024892 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michele Garcia | 6 N Michigan Ave Unit 1411 Chicago, IL 606024892 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Oscar Garcia | 2019 Johnston St Los Angeles, CA 900313440 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Priscilla Garcia | 1208 MOUNTAIN RD Pl NE Ste D Albuquerque, NM 87110 | 01/10/2021 | $126.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Priscilla Garcia | 1208 MOUNTAIN RD Pl NE Ste D Albuquerque, NM 87110 | 01/07/2021 | $100.00 | $226.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Priscilla Garcia | 1208 MOUNTAIN RD Pl NE Ste D Albuquerque, NM 87110 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $326.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Priscilla Garcia | 1208 MOUNTAIN RD Pl NE Ste D Albuquerque, NM 87110 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $351.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Garcia | 2936 Linden Ave Berkeley, CA 947052328 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Garcia | 2936 Linden Ave Berkeley, CA 947052328 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Stephanie Garcia | 2936 Linden Ave Berkeley, CA 947052328 | 01/20/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vivian Garcia | 619 62Nd St Oakland, CA 946091211 | 01/20/2021 | $25.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Vivian Garcia | 619 62Nd St Oakland, CA 946091211 | 01/21/2021 | $20.00 | $205.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $20.00 | $13987666.84 |
Beth Gardner Goldoff | 19 Grace Ct Apt 2B Brooklyn, NY 112014164 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Behna Gardner | 1747 Espanola Dr Miami, FL 331333301 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Gary Gardner | 104 Locksley Rd Lynnfield, MA 019401414 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Gardner | 9 W 8Th St Apt 5 New York, NY 100119012 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Gardner | 9 W 8Th St Apt 5 New York, NY 100119012 | 01/06/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jeffrey Gardner | 9 W 8Th St Apt 5 New York, NY 100119012 | 01/07/2021 | $25.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Molly Gardner | 5990 Fergus Kyle, TX 786408866 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Molly Gardner | 5990 Fergus Kyle, TX 786408866 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Terri Gardner | 10036 S Longwood Dr Chicago, IL 606432006 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Valerie Gardner | 18 Mccormick Ln Atherton, CA 940273034 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Michael Garet | 1713 18Th St NW Apt C Washington, DC 200092580 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Larry Garetto | 142 Augusta Dr Palos Heights, IL 604632905 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Garfinkle | 1966 NE 201St St Miami, FL 331791665 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Anthony Gargano | 10814 Grand Journey Ave Raleigh, NC 276148684 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geoffrey Garin | 4708 Jamestown Rd Bethesda, MD 208162923 | 12/28/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harry Garland | 27555 Purissima Rd Los Altos Hills, CA 940222527 | 01/07/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Garlett | 12713 SE 8Th St Vancouver, WA 986836129 | 01/05/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Pamela Garlett | 12713 SE 8Th St Vancouver, WA 986836129 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Garlick | 15450 Mckinley Rd Big Rapids, MI 493079162 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alys Garman | 64 Brams Point Rd Hilton Head Island, SC 299262003 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dana Garmany | 6132 E Indian Bend Rd Paradise Valley, AZ 852533440 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dana Garmany | 6132 E Indian Bend Rd Paradise Valley, AZ 852533440 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Susan Garreis | 24 Cawdor Ln New Castle, DE 197202347 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Susan Garreis | 24 Cawdor Ln New Castle, DE 197202347 | 01/05/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Susan Garreis | 24 Cawdor Ln New Castle, DE 197202347 | 01/09/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
M Susan Garreis | 24 Cawdor Ln New Castle, DE 197202347 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Paula Garrett | 4210 Wythe Ln Indianapolis, IN 462504239 | 01/07/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rick Garrett | 201 N Euclid Ave Ste B Upland, CA 917868308 | 01/18/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Garrick | 4217 Oakridge Dr Jackson, MS 392163420 | 12/09/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Garrick | 4217 Oakridge Dr Jackson, MS 392163420 | 12/30/2020 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jan Garrick | 4217 Oakridge Dr Jackson, MS 392163420 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Alander Garris | 1801 Laurel Rd Unit 906 Lindenwold, NJ 080216737 | 12/09/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/13/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Garrison | 1757 Blossom Trl Plano, TX 750744201 | 12/27/2020 | $750.00 | $750.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $750.00 | $13987666.84 |
Candace Garry | 1312 Aspen Way Mendota Heights, MN 551181751 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
India Gary-Martin | 13206 Redspire Dr Silver Spring, MD 209066739 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Melinda F Gates | 10230 NE Points Dr Ste 200 Kirkland, WA 980337897 | 01/15/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Sarah M Gates | 40 Winchester St Brookline, MA 024462868 | 01/14/2021 | $81.00 | $293.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $81.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sarah M Gates | 40 Winchester St Brookline, MA 024462868 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $293.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sarah M Gates | 40 Winchester St Brookline, MA 024462868 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $318.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Sarah M Gates | 40 Winchester St Brookline, MA 024462868 | 01/19/2021 | $81.00 | $399.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $81.00 | $13987666.84 |
Tracy Gates | 2184 Beecher Cir SW Atlanta, GA 303112502 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
William H Gates | 10230 NE Points Dr Ste 200 Kirkland, WA 980337897 | 01/15/2021 | $250000.00 | $250000.00 |
Karyn Gaugler | 200 E 62Nd St New York, NY 100658209 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Gavenda | PO Box 8062 Merizo, GU 969160562 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Helene Gayle | 130 N Garland Ct Apt 2411 Chicago, IL 606024784 | 01/09/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Rita Gaylin | 4617 Norwood Dr Chevy Chase, MD 208155348 | 12/23/2020 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rita Gaylin | 4617 Norwood Dr Chevy Chase, MD 208155348 | 01/05/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Rita Gaylin | 4617 Norwood Dr Chevy Chase, MD 208155348 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Gaynor | 8 Kingswood Dr New Hope, PA 189382214 | 12/24/2020 | $200.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Robert Gaynor | 8 Kingswood Dr New Hope, PA 189382214 | 01/08/2021 | $50.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvette Gaynor | 11527 N Lou Al Dr Houston, TX 770242704 | 01/08/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Yvette Gaynor | 11527 N Lou Al Dr Houston, TX 770242704 | 01/16/2021 | $45.00 | $345.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $45.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Gearen | 721 Ontario St Oak Park, IL 603022100 | 12/15/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michael Geary | 4703 31St St S Arlington, VA 222061606 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harry Gedney | 2259 Laurens Dr Concord, NC 280277637 | 01/10/2021 | $225.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $225.00 | $13987666.84 |
Harry Gedney | 2259 Laurens Dr Concord, NC 280277637 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $230.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $5.00 | $13987666.84 |
Brian Gehlbach | 2001 Forest Hill Cir Coralville, IA 522413437 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Gelfand | 9468 Newbridge Dr Potomac, MD 208544466 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Kamal Gella | 926 Windan Ln Johnstown, PA 159051524 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Almira Gelwick | 5318 Weslayan St Houston, TX 770051048 | 01/11/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Virginia Gen | 5000 Paul Thomas Dr Austin, TX 787175498 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
General Motors | 300 Renaissance Ctr Detroit, MI 482431402 | 01/14/2021 | $500000.00 | $500000.00 |
Barbara Genevaz | 26 Rue De PICPUS Paris 75012 France, ZZ 00000 | 01/16/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angelo J Genova | 494 Broad St Newark, NJ 071023229 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Sally Gentille | 5916 Maplewood Park Pl Bethesda, MD 208141744 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cheryl George | 2501 Stratford Dr Austin, TX 787465755 | 01/11/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
Eugene George | 3308 Viola Way Bumpass, VA 230249319 | 01/06/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Karen George | 2328 Rice Boulevard 2328 Rice Blvd Houston, TX 77005 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Varghese George | 12812 Circle Dr Rockville, MD 208503715 | 12/23/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Varghese R George | 12812 Circle Dr Rockville, MD 208503715 | 12/30/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Varghese R George | 12812 Circle Dr Rockville, MD 208503715 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Varghese George | 12812 Circle Dr Rockville, MD 208503715 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Varghese George | 12812 Circle Dr Rockville, MD 208503715 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Poppi Georges-Massey | 3632 Inverness Dr Houston, TX 770191102 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Susan Gerard | 126 W Northview Ave Phoenix, AZ 850218734 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Craig Gerber | 846 S Hudson Ave Los Angeles, CA 900053819 | 01/13/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Kevin Gerfen | 2222 Copperfield Stillwater, OK 740742190 | 12/17/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Kevin Gerfen | 2222 Copperfield Stillwater, OK 740742190 | 01/03/2021 | $126.00 | $376.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/03/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ann L. Gerhardt MD | PO Box 19274 Sacramento, CA 958190274 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peggy Gerlock | PO Box 1909 Friday Harbor, WA 982501909 | 01/11/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jim Gernand | 112 Hilltop Dr Redwood City, CA 940622737 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jim Gernand | 112 Hilltop Dr Redwood City, CA 940622737 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Ralph J Gerson | 394 Cranbrook Rd Bloomfield Hills, MI 483043408 | 01/12/2021 | $100000.00 | $100000.00 |
Daniel Gerstein | 3415 Burgundy Rd Alexandria, VA 223031216 | 01/10/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Patty Gerstenblith | 910 Sheridan Rd Wilmette, IL 600911938 | 01/16/2021 | $1000.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patty Gerstenblith | 910 Sheridan Rd Wilmette, IL 600911938 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $1025.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nancy Gertner | 51 Abbottsford Rd Brookline, MA 024466705 | 01/12/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Belinda Getler | 2471 Vallejo St San Francisco, CA 941234638 | 01/11/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Dilip Ghate | 2708 Fort Scott Dr Arlington, VA 222022305 | 01/10/2021 | $201.00 | $201.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $201.00 | $13987666.84 |
Krishna Ghodiwala | 2400 16Th St NW Apt 324 Washington, DC 200096615 | 12/18/2020 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Charlene Giannetti | 1158 5Th Ave Apt 12D New York, NY 100296917 | 01/05/2021 | $200.00 | $400.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Chantel Gibbons | 14 Forest Grove Pl Fort Walton Beach, FL 325486355 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Judith Gibbons | PO Box 2247 # US Setauket, NY 117330726 | 01/08/2021 | $25000.00 | $25000.00 |
Gerville Gerry Gibbs | 2314 S Branch Rd Branchburg, NJ 088534117 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marvin Gibbs | 4086 Edgebrook Dr Unit 6 Jb Andrews, MD 207625339 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marvin Gibbs | 4086 Edgebrook Dr Unit 6 Jb Andrews, MD 207625339 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Gibbs | 409 Tennessee Glen Way Mill Valley, CA 949413697 | 12/16/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Patricia Gibbs | 409 Tennessee Glen Way Mill Valley, CA 949413697 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Cathy Gibson | 1966 N Alexandria Ave Los Angeles, CA 900271702 | 01/08/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
David Gibson | 463 Bluebird Canyon Dr Laguna Beach, CA 926513304 | 01/20/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Elizabeth Gibson | 128 Solar Park Pawlet, VT 057618908 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Marge Gibson | N2160 Wrollwood Rd Antigo, WI 54409 | 01/11/2021 | $2500.00 | $2500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $2500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Gibson | 3 Gateway Walk Charleston, SC 294011923 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Susan Gibson | 3 Gateway Walk Charleston, SC 294011923 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $280.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Valda Gibson | 4032 Moheb St SW Atlanta, GA 303316419 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $450.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Valda Gibson | 4032 Moheb St SW Atlanta, GA 303316419 | 01/20/2021 | $50.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Nick Gideonse | 5505 SE Belmont St Portland, OR 972151839 | 01/16/2021 | $75.00 | $207.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $75.00 | $13987666.84 |
Peter Gifford | 4080 Mayberry Dr Reno, NV 895192132 | 01/17/2021 | $125.00 | $275.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $125.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Gilbert | 3949 Oberlin Ct Tucker, GA 300846022 | 01/12/2021 | $126.00 | $252.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/12/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Gilbert | 3949 Oberlin Ct Tucker, GA 300846022 | 01/16/2021 | $100.00 | $352.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Monica Gilbert | 3949 Oberlin Ct Tucker, GA 300846022 | 01/19/2021 | $126.00 | $478.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $126.00 | $13987666.84 |
Leslie Gilbert-Lurie | 16030 Ventura Blvd Ste 380 Encino, CA 914362778 | 12/09/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Leslie Gilbert-Lurie | 16030 Ventura Blvd Ste 380 Encino, CA 914362778 | 12/23/2020 | $25000.00 | $26000.00 |
Kristin Gilbertson | 40 W 57Th St Fl 28 New York, NY 100194012 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Alycia Gilde | 3952 Olympiad Dr View Park, CA 900431134 | 01/20/2021 | $200.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Gile | 1351 N Curson Ave Apt 208 Los Angeles, CA 900464094 | 01/12/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
Johnnie Giles | 644 Birchwood Ct Danville, CA 945062156 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lisa Gilford | 3025 Arrowhead Dr Los Angeles, CA 900681601 | 12/02/2020 | $5000.00 | $5000.00 |
Lisa Gilford | 3025 Arrowhead Dr Los Angeles, CA 900681601 | 01/12/2021 | $5000.00 | $10000.00 |
Bobby Gill | 527 Chiswick Dr Ridgeland, MS 391574158 | 12/15/2020 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
Gene Gill | 4201 Avenue T 1/2 Galveston, TX 775508651 | 01/05/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Gill | 2222 Winslow Cottage Cir NE Marietta, GA 300626711 | 12/15/2020 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Joan Gill | 2222 Winslow Cottage Cir NE Marietta, GA 300626711 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $600.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lena Gill | 8061 N Fork Blvd Easton, MD 216017444 | 12/31/2020 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/31/2020 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lena Gill | 8061 N Fork Blvd Easton, MD 216017444 | 01/13/2021 | $100.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Wanda E Gill | 807 Manor House Dr Upper Marlboro, MD 207749003 | 01/16/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Christine Gillean | 17109 Brittany Pl Milford, DE 199633403 | 12/23/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/27/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Gillespie | 2407 Louisiana St Little Rock, AR 722062239 | 01/17/2021 | $155.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $155.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Gillespie | 2407 Louisiana St Little Rock, AR 722062239 | 01/17/2021 | $105.00 | $295.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $105.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Gillette | 1122 S 5Th Ave Bozeman, MT 597155162 | 01/16/2021 | $1300.00 | $1300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1300.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lance Gilliam | 1177 West Loop S Ste 940 Houston, TX 770279021 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Gillispie | 8939 Waterside Cir IN46278 Indianapolis, IN 462781158 | 01/15/2021 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $500.00 | $13987666.84 |
Eric Gillispie | 8939 Waterside Cir IN46278 Indianapolis, IN 462781158 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $530.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $30.00 | $13987666.84 |
Mary Gilman | 590 N Dover Rd Covina, CA 917223625 | 01/09/2021 | $250.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Geoffrey Gilmore | 66 Brookdale Pl Newtown, PA 189401314 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Richard Gilmore | 15B Kallitheas Road Athens 14578 Greec, ZZ 00000 | 01/08/2021 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $300.00 | $13987666.84 |
John Gimpert | 856 Turnbridge Cir Naperville, IL 605408345 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Philip Gingell | 1909 W School St Chicago, IL 606572034 | 01/07/2021 | $50.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Philip Gingell | 1909 W School St Chicago, IL 606572034 | 01/07/2021 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $200.00 | $13987666.84 |
Lillian C Giornelli | 3445 Peachtree Rd NE # US Atlanta, GA 303263238 | 01/16/2021 | $1000.00 | $1000.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $1000.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Giovinco | 1093 Main St Linfield, PA 194681106 | 12/18/2020 | $250.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 12/20/2020 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Giovinco | 1093 Main St Linfield, PA 194681106 | 01/05/2021 | $250.00 | $500.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 | $250.00 | $13987666.84 |
Linda Giovinco | 1093 Main St Linfield, PA 194681106 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $550.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $50.00 | $13987666.84 |
Dan Gira | 1122 Del Sol Ave Santa Barbara, CA 931092108 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $300.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/14/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Angela Giral | 460 Riverside Dr Apt 22 New York, NY 100276821 | 01/15/2021 | $264.00 | $364.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $264.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Girves | 3651 Lagoon Ln Hilliard, OH 430267837 | 01/15/2021 | $100.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $100.00 | $13987666.84 |
Jean Girves | 3651 Lagoon Ln Hilliard, OH 430267837 | 01/15/2021 | $25.00 | $225.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/17/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Gish | 360 Malcolm Ave Belmont, CA 940022029 | 01/19/2021 | $150.00 | $250.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/19/2021 | $150.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Gish | 360 Malcolm Ave Belmont, CA 940022029 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Gish | 360 Malcolm Ave Belmont, CA 940022029 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Martha Gish | 360 Malcolm Ave Belmont, CA 940022029 | 01/21/2021 | $25.00 | $325.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/24/2021 | $25.00 | $13987666.84 |
Michelle Gittlen | 1 Minturn Rd Bronxville, NY 107081411 | 01/07/2021 | $238.00 | $238.00 |
ActBlue | PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 021440031 | 01/10/2021 |