Line #: 20A
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
Frank Quigley |
705 Westwood Dr
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 150449216 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Megan Greising |
2560 Olive St
Denver, Colorado 802073545 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Presley O. Reed |
37 Bellevue Dr
Boulder, Colorado 803027813 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Barbara Levinson |
1027 Lakeview Ter
Azusa, California 917022452 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 31.25 |
Deborah Ratner |
3401 Tuttle Rd
Ste 350
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441226395 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Arthur Reimers |
445 Round Hill Rd
Greenwich, Connecticut 068312618 |
08/30/2020 | Void of 3/31/2020 Stale-Dated Refund | -200.00 |
Louise Rolingher |
9929 Saskatchewan Dr
Apt 1802
Edmonton AB 0000T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Megan Greising |
2560 Olive St
Denver, Colorado 802073545 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Janet Landon |
35 Maple Ave
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 173258529 |
09/04/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Kenneth D'Evelyn |
1717 Euclid Ave
Apt 12
Berkeley, California 947091253 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Doris Marez |
46089 W Morning View Ln
Maricopa, Arizona 851396936 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Louise Rolingher |
9929 Saskatchewan Dr
Apt 1802
Edmonton AB 0000T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Stephen Hrinda |
544 Devonshire Ct
Severna Park, Maryland 211461002 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Robert Yandrofsku |
1616 14th St
Apt 5D
Denver, Colorado 802021340 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Goggy Davidowitz |
1905 N Painted Hills Rd
Tucson, Arizona 857451531 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Carolyn Stremlau |
4221 4th St NW
Washington, DC 200114843 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Darrell Berg |
6334 Waterman Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631304707 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Al Tricomi |
3627 E Ridge Run
Canandaigua, New York 144242720 |
09/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Donald Bollinger |
400 Poydras St
Ste 2480
New Orleans, Louisiana 701303218 |
09/08/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Steve Cooney |
770 Lighthouse Dr
Unit 356B
Barnegat, New Jersey 080052398 |
07/20/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Maryann Watson |
6840 Richthofen Pkwy
Denver, Colorado 802204848 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Sam Nunn |
1180 Peachtree St NE
Ste 1700
Atlanta, Georgia 303097525 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Tom Titus |
5270 Old Mason Rd
Mason, Texas 768561125 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Thomas Strickland |
1875 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 200063642 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Philip Haseley |
6820 Plaza Dr
Apt 12
Niagara Falls, New York 143042948 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Gail Polise |
43 Hidden Lake Cir
Barnegat, New Jersey 080055593 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1500.00 |
William Little |
1107 5th Ave
New York, New York 101280145 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 73.64 |
Megan McManemin |
5145 Yolanda Ln
Dallas, Texas 752296433 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 19.23 |
Bryan Traubert |
1875 N Orchard St
Chicago, Illinois 606145105 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Sarah Kilbourn |
12408 Deer Falls Dr
Austin, Texas 787297204 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Adelaide Gomer |
513 Wyckoff Rd
Ithaca, New York 148502309 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1090.91 |
Julia Kapoor |
50 Lexington Ave
Apt 18E
New York, New York 100102931 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 785.72 |
Nelson Helm, Jr |
4112 Massie Ave
Apt 3
Louisville, Kentucky 402072179 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Amy Regan |
189 Woosamonsa Rd
Pennington, New Jersey 085344001 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Lew Bryan |
5062 Kensington High St
Naples, Florida 341055636 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Garret White |
701 Oakland Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551022663 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Chris Sacca |
1140 Highland Ave
Apt 119
Manhattan Beach, California 902665335 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
David Fluck |
1330 Wisteria Dr
Apt 4611
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481044655 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 142.85 |
Judy Fiskin |
10615 Blythe Ave
Los Angeles, California 900643313 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Fredric Colman |
560 Miramonte Ave
Palo Alto, California 943061036 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1700.00 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Sigmund J. Rosenfeld |
225 Dexter St
Denver, Colorado 802205655 |
08/30/2020 | Void of 3/31/2020 Stale-Dated Refund | -2800.00 |
John Lewis |
56 Lawmarissa Rd
Waban, Massachusetts 024681131 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 857.14 |
Jill Schatz |
PO Box 481
Fort Collins, Colorado 805220481 |
09/05/2020 | Contribution Refund | 4700.00 |
Paul Bentz |
7110 Norfolk Rd
Berkeley, California 947051743 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Alice Leahey |
680 Harbor St
Apt 3
Venice, California 902914783 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1400.00 |
James Curry |
5415 Tenino Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803034129 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Alma Taylor-Smyth |
1396 Alki Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981161812 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Craig Reed |
1435 Moonlight Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805041758 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Richard Katz |
336 Central Park W
Apt 11B
New York, New York 100257117 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Kerry McCue |
4588 Park Blvd
San Diego, California 921162649 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Mason Silber |
120 Ridge St
Apt 4B
New York, New York 100028903 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 76.92 |
Alison Teal |
25 River Oaks Ln
Basalt, Colorado 816219375 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2.50 |
Jane McConnell |
5763 Woodbourne Hollow Rd
Boulder, Colorado 803013032 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 38.00 |
Evelyn Michaud |
2007 Eagle Ridge Ct
Apt B
Urbana, Illinois 618028036 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
George Vine |
2056 Lyans Dr
La Canada Flintrid, California 910111537 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Risa Silverston |
57 Ridge Ave
Newton Center, Massachusetts 024592506 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Laura Donnelley |
3501 Moore St
Los Angeles, California 900663042 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Edward Gerstein |
375 1st St
Brooklyn, New York 112151979 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2000.00 |
Kate Drummond |
160 Morgan St
Jersey City, New Jersey 073026237 |
09/29/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Lisa Hanauer |
2267 Jaime Rose Way
Dayton, Ohio 454595154 |
09/15/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Frank Quigley |
705 Westwood Dr
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 150449216 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Bryan Traubert |
1875 N Orchard St
Chicago, Illinois 606145105 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jason Barbose |
5226 Market St
Oakland, California 946083255 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
John Donald |
510 Concord Dr
Menlo Park, California 940252908 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Will Gisel |
213 N Racine Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606071644 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1150.00 |
Billi Hanlon |
3310 French Ave
West Sacramento, California 956915204 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Karla Jurvetson |
350 2nd St
Ste 4
Los Altos, California 940223602 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
L. T. Bryan |
1010 Waltham St
Lexington, Massachusetts 024218044 |
09/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Joseph Dixon |
8509 17th Pl NE
Seattle, Washington 981153219 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 7.14 |
Martin L. Wisott |
3690 Wolff St
Denver, Colorado 802122060 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1666.67 |
Milton S. Schneider |
345 Fishers Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190103603 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Barry Boothe |
2435 Divisadero St
San Francisco, California 941151117 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Sigmund J. Rosenfeld |
225 Dexter St
Denver, Colorado 802205655 |
08/30/2020 | Void of 3/31/2020 Stale-Dated Refund | -2800.00 |
Andrea Meyers |
116 Estabrook Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017425603 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 769.23 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Carol White |
4631 E Phillips Pl
Denver, Colorado 80209 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Joanne M. Landers |
4797 Stratford Ave
Fremont, California 945383336 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Richard Neubig |
3970 Red Hawk Ln
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481038857 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Christine Rales |
2840 Woodland Dr NW
Washington, DC 200082742 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 192.31 |
Perry Berkowitz |
2215 Glencoe Ave
Venice, California 902914038 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Doug Maines |
105 NW 43rd St
Seattle, Washington 981074327 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
William Wittenberg |
5 Pinewood St
Lexington, Massachusetts 024216001 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Philip Haseley |
6820 Plaza Dr
Apt 12
Niagara Falls, New York 143042948 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Michal Strutin |
1429 Lamore Dr
San Jose, California 951301121 |
07/27/2020 | Contribution refund | 50.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Ethan Stone |
1380 Curtis St
Apt B
Berkeley, California 947021004 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 15.63 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Richard Simms |
2249 Stonegate Dr
Denton, Texas 762058277 |
08/03/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
John Harris |
774 Mays Blvd
Ste 10
Incline Village, Nevada 894519613 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Edward Gerstein |
375 1st St
Brooklyn, New York 112151979 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 800.00 |
Hormuzd Khosravi |
4737 NW Rainier Ter
Portland, Oregon 972292360 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Mary L Wolff |
970 Aurora Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803027262 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Richard Rankin |
73 Groveland Ave
Riverside, Illinois 605461909 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Josie Merck |
171 Cat Rock Rd
Cos Cob, Connecticut 068071202 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Mary K. Cashman |
9219 Tesoras Dr
Unit 402
Las Vegas, Nevada 891441553 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 357.14 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Reza Abbaszadeh |
301 Mission St
Apt 50A
San Francisco, California 941056656 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2500.00 |
Colleen Haas |
69 Crecienta Dr
Sausalito, California 949651882 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jeff Calderone |
3625 Shoshone St
Denver, Colorado 802113018 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1200.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Joseph Kotzin |
PO Box 480039
Los Angeles, California 900481039 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Artec Durham |
1916 N Izabel St
Flagstaff, Arizona 860044164 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Spencer Commons |
311 El Carmelo Ave
Palo Alto, California 943062344 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Ravinder Syal |
608 Buttonwood Dr
Texas City, Texas 775913043 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Craig Reed |
1435 Moonlight Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805041758 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Karl Frisch |
3113 Buccaneer Ct
Apt 202
Fairfax, Virginia 220315013 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Janice Krasnow |
629 Rolling Dale Rd
Annapolis, Maryland 214016738 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Helen Stewart |
3751 S Quebec St
Denver, Colorado 802371338 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Jana Caldwell |
2010 46th Ave
Unit 28
Greeley, Colorado 806343253 |
09/21/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Marilyn Barrett |
3130 Veteran Ave
Los Angeles, California 900343037 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Rutherford Seydel |
348 Manor Ridge Dr NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303053508 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2200.00 |
Jo Manternach |
4840 Thunderbird Dr
Apt 482
Boulder, Colorado 803033831 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Thomas A. McDonnell |
4909 Sunset Dr
Kansas City, Missouri 641122309 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 7200.00 |
Dave Jury |
1335 Armstrong Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805041772 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Kathleen McNeill |
3436 Blue Blossom Dr
Medford, Oregon 975049639 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Sigmund J. Rosenfeld |
225 Dexter St
Denver, Colorado 802205655 |
08/30/2020 | Reissue of Voided 3/31/2020 Contribution | 2800.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Ravinder Syal |
608 Buttonwood Dr
Texas City, Texas 775913043 |
08/13/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Timothy Eddy |
68 Fernwood Rd
Larchmont, New York 105381751 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Leah Elsmore |
1304 Forest Trails Dr
Castle Pines, Colorado 801088283 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Molly Frank |
4611 Homestead St
Littleton, Colorado 801232769 |
09/03/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Tracy Baumgartner |
813 Northwinds Dr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102048 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Marie Schryver |
801 N Monroe St
Arlington, Virginia 222012367 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Ruth Zubrensky |
3404 N Summit Ave
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532112931 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Ken Schick |
5135 Falcon Chase Ln
Sandy Springs, Georgia 303422155 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 142.85 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
B. F. Buckwalter |
6258 Main St
Honey Brook, Pennsylvania 193449124 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Antonio Fiol-Silva |
15 E Willow Grove Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191183425 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
William Little |
1107 5th Ave
New York, New York 101280145 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 3.75 |
Rosemary Kelly |
2649 Mirasol Loop
Round Rock, Texas 786812460 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Diane Trombetta |
23428 Summit Rd
Los Gatos, California 950339203 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 40.91 |
Denise M. Hoctor |
1332 Niblick Way
Fruita, Colorado 815219415 |
09/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Hormuzd Khosravi |
4737 NW Rainier Ter
Portland, Oregon 972292360 |
09/29/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Barbara Price |
2813 California St
Denver, Colorado 802053029 |
07/20/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Joel Malina |
200 Sunset Park
Ithaca, New York 148502182 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Ben Earle |
221 Colchester Ave
Burlington, Vermont 054011410 |
07/06/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Michael Kendrick |
PO Box A2
Snowmass Village, Colorado 816155016 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Chuck Morris |
1901 Monaco Pkwy
Denver, Colorado 802201647 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Neal Goldfarb |
1301 Fairmont St NW
Washington, DC 200096940 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 76.92 |
Karen M. Lockwood |
860 Cave Ridge Rd
Edinburg, Virginia 228243746 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 12.50 |
Ellen Hoberman |
5068 Calvin Ave
Tarzana, California 913564442 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2.50 |
Mary L Wolff |
970 Aurora Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803027262 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Janet Glasser |
3065 Red Deer Trl
Lafayette, Colorado 800269326 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Cecilia Barajas |
211 Polhemus Ave
Atherton, California 940275408 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 384.61 |
Louise Rolingher |
9929 Saskatchewan Dr
Apt 1802
Edmonton AB 0000T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Robert C. Adler |
6625 Zumirez Dr
Malibu, California 902654312 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Gail Glickman |
175 W 90th St
Apt 19K
New York, New York 100241253 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Phillip Lawson |
755 Kenesaw Ave
Knoxville, Tennessee 379196662 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1200.00 |
Jennifer Dunn |
12363 Turquoise Terrace St
Castle Pines, Colorado 801088151 |
09/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Michael Clarke |
1549 Aster Ct
Superior, Colorado 800276032 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Mervyn Lapin |
232 W Meadow Dr
Vail, Colorado 816575079 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Isabel Stusser |
601 W Comstock St
Seattle, Washington 981193422 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2200.00 |
Tori Thomas |
1150 Chain Bridge Rd
McLean, Virginia 221012213 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Patricia Friedmann |
7686 Keats Ln
Cincinnati, Ohio 452241460 |
09/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Brenda Bobo |
14 Martinique
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 295724112 |
09/21/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Garret White |
701 Oakland Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551022663 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Kristi Heyka |
9727 Golden Eagle Ave
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 801295771 |
07/13/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
John Sherman |
1912 NW Aspen Ave
Portland, Oregon 972101213 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Mary Pellington |
2418 E Historic Highway 66
Gallup, New Mexico 873014767 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Paul Tidrick |
2704 Quanah Dr
Round Rock, Texas 786817133 |
09/16/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Sigmund J. Rosenfeld |
225 Dexter St
Denver, Colorado 802205655 |
08/30/2020 | Reissue of Voided 3/31/2020 Contribution | 2800.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Jeanette Roach |
6 Sea View Ave
Piedmont, California 946113519 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 19.23 |
Mike Johnston |
7693 W Plymouth Pl
Littleton, Colorado 801284418 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Joseph Andrade |
122 Northwest Blvd
Miami, Florida 331264153 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Janet Landon |
35 Maple Ave
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 173258529 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Chrsitina Hurley |
69 Orient Ave
Arlington, Massachusetts 024742515 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Amy Hahn |
19 School St
Hatfield, Massachusetts 010389701 |
07/13/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Stephen Ruskin |
104 Harbor St
Glencoe, Illinois 600221911 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Mark Heffernan |
120 W Patent Rd
Bedford Hills, New York 105072225 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Rick Melvoin |
1 Garden Ln
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382338 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 5.00 |
Janet Landon |
35 Maple Ave
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 173258529 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Michael Sonnenfeldt |
145 Central Park W
New York, New York 100236296 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 700.00 |
Paul Vidich |
122 Spring St
Apt 2N
New York, New York 100123880 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Keith Trickett |
1510 E 9th Ave
Apt 206
Denver, Colorado 802183543 |
07/20/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Jim Linville |
18 Ettinger Rd
Weston, Vermont 051616500 |
08/03/2020 | Contribution refund | 500.00 |
Philip Broenniman |
554 7th St
Brooklyn, New York 112156804 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 62.50 |
Robert Russel |
400 SE 5th Ave
Apt 705N
Boca Raton, Florida 334326088 |
09/15/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Ben Earle |
221 Colchester Ave
Burlington, Vermont 054011410 |
07/06/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Linda Ach |
124 Commonwealth Ave
San Francisco, California 941182604 |
09/29/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Denise Abrams |
1515 Arch St
Berkeley, California 947081828 |
07/13/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Charles Y. Tanabe |
852 S Williams St
Denver, Colorado 802094541 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 9.09 |
Judy Plott |
419 Ferry Point Rd
Annapolis, Maryland 214031305 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
William Bir |
88 Townsend St
Apt 227
San Francisco, California 941076022 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Bill Smith |
16307 Golden Sage Ln
Cypress, Texas 774291652 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 90.00 |
Sigmund Anderman |
611 Washington St
San Francisco, California 941112105 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Alice Shartran |
2428 N Meade Ave
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809076534 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Jane W. Butcher |
595 Aurora Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803027127 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1700.00 |
Russell Carson |
930 5th Ave
Apt 20A
New York, New York 100212680 |
09/08/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Richard Neubig |
3970 Red Hawk Ln
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481038857 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 83.34 |
Brian Junio |
107 Primrose Ln
Vallejo, California 945916841 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Marsha Laufer |
1750 S Ocean Blvd
Lantana, Florida 334626222 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Gordon Gund |
14 Nassau St
Princeton, New Jersey 085424533 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Brenda Bobo |
14 Martinique
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 295724112 |
09/21/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Garret White |
701 Oakland Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551022663 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Norman Spieler |
5550 Topanga Canyon Blvd
Ste 350
Woodland Hills, California 913677454 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1175.00 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Arthur Reimers |
445 Round Hill Rd
Greenwich, Connecticut 068312618 |
08/30/2020 | Reissue of Voided 3/31/2020 Refund | 200.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Bijan Sabet |
30 Nobscot Rd
Weston, Massachusetts 024931147 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 384.62 |
Mary C. Cannon |
13050 W Bluemound Rd
Unit 309
Elm Grove, Wisconsin 531222660 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
James Lewis Anderson |
1415 Elder Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803042627 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Katja Goldman |
145 Central Park W
New York, New York 100236296 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 700.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Stephen Meyer |
2583 Music Ln
Grand Junction, Colorado 815051404 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Arlene Jarett |
1024 Great Springs Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190101724 |
07/27/2020 | Contribution refund | 50.00 |
Barry Boothe |
2435 Divisadero St
San Francisco, California 941151117 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Elreen Bower |
613 Muskingum Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902724255 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Louise Rolingher |
9929 Saskatchewan Dr
Apt 1802
Edmonton AB 0000T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
William T. Hankinson |
2400 E Cherry Creek South Dr
Unit 502
Denver, Colorado 802093259 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1010.00 |
Christopher Pickens |
2021 N Kentucky St
Arlington, Virginia 222053217 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 71.43 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
J. Michael Fitzpatrick |
6301 Robin Hill Rd
Nashville, Tennessee 372053527 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Robert Harries |
500 W Chestnut Hill Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191183714 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Marisa Beeney |
105 5th Ave
Apt 6E
New York, New York 100031015 |
07/20/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1500.00 |
Deborah Streett-Idell |
10755 Scripps Poway Pkwy
San Diego, California 921313924 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 76.93 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Joshua Stillman |
275 W 96th St
New York, New York 100256200 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Ben Earle |
221 Colchester Ave
Burlington, Vermont 054011410 |
07/06/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Lawrence Marx |
955 Cranbrook Ct
Apt 262
Davis, California 956161248 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Jane Boone |
7 Cherry Hills Dr
Englewood, Colorado 801134811 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Bill Smith |
16307 Golden Sage Ln
Cypress, Texas 774291652 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Richard Robbins |
1120 Nye St
Ste 400
San Rafael, California 949012946 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Margaret Sullivan |
4132 Alhama Dr
Woodland Hills, California 913646001 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1500.00 |
Pete Metropulos |
14074 W 71st Pl
Arvada, Colorado 800041067 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Brendon Cechovic |
3112 W 36th Ave
Denver, Colorado 802112710 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Eric Ruttenberg |
687 Hunter Creek Rd
Aspen, Colorado 81611 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1640.00 |
Nicholas Lembo |
155 3rd St
Brooklyn, New York 112314822 |
09/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 116.67 |
Elizabeth McCubrey |
456 Sugarfoot St
Castle Pines, Colorado 801083414 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Fischer Gabrielle |
399 W Fullerton Pkwy
Chicago, Illinois 606142876 |
09/22/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Philip Livingston |
156 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750435 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 950.00 |
Horace Sears Kenney |
918 Race St
Denver, Colorado 802063736 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Margaret Dennis |
11115 Fawsett Rd
Potomac, Maryland 208541723 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 9.00 |
Jeffrey R. Huggett |
4008 Wood End Dr
Edina, Minnesota 554241441 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Lyle Stewart |
3751 S Quebec St
Denver, Colorado 802371338 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Mary Steele |
24561 La Hermosa Ave
Laguna Niguel, California 926772104 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 3575.00 |
William Rawn |
233 Commonwealth Ave
Apt 7
Boston, Massachusetts 021161721 |
09/04/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Joseph Andrade |
122 Northwest Blvd
Miami, Florida 331264153 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Jewel Laros |
2391 N Lake Star Dr
Tucson, Arizona 857498709 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Bruce McCombe |
4260 Gunnville Rd
Clarence, New York 140311909 |
09/04/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Janice Moulton |
13078 Mindanao Way
Apt 308
Marina del Rey, California 902928787 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Linda Simmons |
3441 W 104th Pl
Westminster, Colorado 800312222 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Sharon Davidson |
20125 S Ridge Rd
Oregon City, Oregon 970459672 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Ian Lutz |
490 Wheeler Camp Rd
Perkinsville, Vermont 051519304 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Steven Coyer |
56 Ground Plum
Avon, Colorado 81620 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Edward Meir |
4 Laforge Rd
Darien, Connecticut 068205203 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Arlene Jarett |
1024 Great Springs Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190101724 |
07/27/2020 | Contribution refund | 50.00 |
Bryson Wiese |
39 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750240 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Eric Ruttenberg |
687 Hunter Creek Rd
Aspen, Colorado 81611 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Tootsie Bell |
130 S Greer St
Memphis, Tennessee 381113429 |
09/29/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Carolyn Greene |
2965 Colby Dr
Boulder, Colorado 803056303 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Caroline Landry |
1509 Poplar Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803044600 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Kristine Fulscher |
588 County Road 55
Amherst, Colorado 807219601 |
07/20/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Mary Windels |
48 Goodwin Cir
Hartford, Connecticut 061055207 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Tejinder Singh |
4313 Elm St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156056 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Paul Vidich |
122 Spring St
Apt 2N
New York, New York 100123880 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Bill Smith |
16307 Golden Sage Ln
Cypress, Texas 774291652 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1.11 |
Peter Norris |
19 Blueberry Ridge Ln
Chilmark, Massachusetts 025352801 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 36.11 |
Thomas Yatteau |
PO Box 14363
Santa Rosa, California 954026363 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Alejandro Foung |
824 Douglass St
San Francisco, California 941143607 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 5600.00 |
Byron Rex Stephenson |
1001 S Williams St
Denver, Colorado 802094544 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2200.00 |
Donna Lynne |
60 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100246108 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2700.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Richard Talmadge |
22 Bisbee Ln
Bedford Hills, New York 105072206 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Helen Stewart |
3751 S Quebec St
Denver, Colorado 802371338 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Rigney Cunningham |
PO Box 1564
East Orleans, Massachusetts 026431564 |
09/21/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Katherine Bernhardt |
2262 Juniper Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803041923 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Bennet Yee |
709 Tiana Ln
Mountain View, California 940412512 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 700.00 |
Frances Chvatal |
150 E Chestnut St
Walla Walla, Washington 993624105 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Jenn Livermore |
135 Retiro Way
San Francisco, California 941231216 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Barbara Levinson |
1027 Lakeview Ter
Azusa, California 917022452 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 31.25 |
Richard Inden |
2256 Brentwood St
Lakewood, Colorado 802145543 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Barbara Manning |
8321 Colonial Rd
Brooklyn, New York 112094319 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 75.00 |
Carol Glenn |
1717 Arlington Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503143312 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Mark Secord |
2316 Fairview Ave E
Apt C
Seattle, Washington 981026525 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Irene Jillson |
4700 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162378 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Christine Wulf |
139 Whitaker Ln
Hingham, Massachusetts 020431617 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 99.50 |
Barbara Levinson |
1027 Lakeview Ter
Azusa, California 917022452 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 62.50 |
Arlene Jarett |
1024 Great Springs Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190101724 |
07/27/2020 | Contribution refund | 50.00 |
Suhit Das |
16710 NE 5th St
Vancouver, Washington 986843712 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Adam Gunther |
1733 Ocean Ave
Ste 350
Santa Monica, California 904013261 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 357.14 |
Marguerite Snowdon |
PO Box 639
Wilson, Wyoming 830140639 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 62.50 |
Valerie Williams |
PO Box 1665
Silverthorne, Colorado 804981665 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Thomas Clark |
2930 E 7Th Avenue Pkwy
Denver, Colorado 802063840 |
07/13/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Tejinder Singh |
4313 Elm St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156056 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 71.43 |
John Ruiz |
3157 Foxtail Ln
Evans, Colorado 806209460 |
09/15/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Donna Burk |
324 Bagshaw Ct
San Jose, California 951234301 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Penny Faro |
707 N Hayden Island Dr
Unit 209
Portland, Oregon 972178158 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Sarah Ahn |
1222 Wildwood Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803055657 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Mary Windels |
48 Goodwin Cir
Hartford, Connecticut 061055207 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 357.14 |
Louise Rolingher |
9929 Saskatchewan Dr
Apt 1802
Edmonton AB 0000T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Lester Pace |
111 W Main St
Carrboro, North Carolina 275102025 |
07/27/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Frank Quigley |
705 Westwood Dr
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 150449216 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Robert Friedman |
2450 Broadway
Ste 550
Santa Monica, California 904043583 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Kenneth Goldman |
PO Box 1808
Telluride, Colorado 814351808 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2300.00 |
Louise Rolingher |
9929 Saskatchewan Dr
Apt 1802
Edmonton AB 0000T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Carolyn S. Taylor |
3732 Primavera Ave
Los Angeles, California 900653314 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Louise Parent |
765 Park Ave
New York, New York 100214254 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1200.00 |
Ted Loring |
3102 18th St
Eureka, California 955012768 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Hershel Kleinberg |
4555 Magnolia Manor Way
Alexandria, Virginia 223121400 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Admiral Flunder |
20626 38th Dr SE
Bothell, Washington 980217264 |
09/21/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Robert Russel |
400 SE 5th Ave
Apt 705N
Boca Raton, Florida 334326088 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Thomas Blankley |
4721 Kapaka St
# B
Princeville, Hawaii 967225529 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Gregg Modell |
366 Wade Rd
Liberty, New York 127542825 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Carolyn Murray |
190 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100241008 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2000.00 |
Sheala Pyshny |
1914 Bergeron Ct
Vancouver, Washington 986616562 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Mike Binyon |
3057 Coyote Ct
Moab, Utah 845323317 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Mary Windels |
48 Goodwin Cir
Hartford, Connecticut 061055207 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 384.61 |
Dewey Morgan |
1420 SW 52nd St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731196204 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Loren Kieve |
2655 Steiner St
San Francisco, California 941151141 |
09/02/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Arlene Jarett |
1024 Great Springs Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190101724 |
07/27/2020 | Contribution refund | 50.00 |
Eric Ruttenberg |
687 Hunter Creek Rd
Aspen, Colorado 81611 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Judy Pruzinsky |
127 Segre Pl
Santa Cruz, California 950603160 |
09/29/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Blanca O'Leary |
1500 Silver King Dr
Aspen, Colorado 816111049 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 32.50 |
Nancy Mack |
910 SE Sunnymead Way
Pullman, Washington 991632430 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Kevin McKenna |
48 Grant St
Lexington, Massachusetts 024203705 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Robert Blume |
1801 California St
Ste 4200
Denver, Colorado 802022642 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Marie Gordon |
11001 E Crestridge Cir
Englewood, Colorado 801113814 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Marie Matuszak |
4172 Deepwood Ln
Toledo, Ohio 436145512 |
07/13/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Bruce Friedman |
6103 N Pinnacle Ridge Dr
Tucson, Arizona 857183502 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Sarah Kilbourn |
12408 Deer Falls Dr
Austin, Texas 787297204 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Amy J. Coyer |
PO Box 1979
Avon, Colorado 816201979 |
09/15/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Judy Fiskin |
10615 Blythe Ave
Los Angeles, California 900643313 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
William Little |
1107 5th Ave
New York, New York 101280145 |
08/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Enrique Gomez |
9770 NW 29th Ter
Doral, Florida 331721078 |
08/03/2020 | Contribution refund | 250.00 |
Ethan Stone |
1380 Curtis St
Apt B
Berkeley, California 947021004 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 78.13 |
Thomas Slone |
368 Capricorn Ave
Oakland, California 946112058 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Kathleen MacKenzie |
475 W 12th Ave
Denver, Colorado 802043685 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
David R. Capell |
2190 Century Hl
Los Angeles, California 900673502 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 27.78 |
Mary Haak |
916 Canterbury Ln
Apt 1202
Prescott, Arizona 863014700 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Diane Sherman |
30866 Broad Beach Rd
Malibu, California 902652663 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2500.00 |
Charles Askins |
10103 Marlboro Pike
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 207723630 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Phyllis Jackson |
412 Meadow Ln
Cincinnati, Ohio 452154125 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Diane Parker |
6125 N Ocean Blvd
Ocean Ridge, Florida 334355209 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Jim Cox |
38745 Elna Way
Cathedral City, California 922342319 |
09/16/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Queen Rougeau |
3729 Winderwood Cir
Memphis, Tennessee 381284320 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Admiral Flunder |
20626 38th Dr SE
Bothell, Washington 980217264 |
09/21/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Charles Cahn |
91 Central Park W
Apt 13
New York, New York 100234609 |
09/05/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Fredric Colman |
560 Miramonte Ave
Palo Alto, California 943061036 |
09/28/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1700.00 |
Gary Cuddeback |
1680 Hard Rock Pt
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809193895 |
09/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Rich Bosley |
3336 Brent Ln
Norton, Ohio 442036306 |
09/03/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
John Pielemeier |
3500 Rittenhouse St NW
Washington, DC 200152412 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 87.50 |
Margaret Rogers |
470 Theresa Dr
Boulder, Colorado 803034736 |
08/17/2020 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Thomas Clark |
2930 E 7Th Avenue Pkwy
Denver, Colorado 802063840 |
08/10/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Marianna Koval |
41 Walker St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382412 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Dale Otterman |
7919 Warwick Gardens Ln
University Park, Florida 342012381 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Sophia Hughes |
120 Riverside Blvd
Apt 5T
New York, New York 100690508 |
09/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Eric Ruttenberg |
687 Hunter Creek Rd
Aspen, Colorado 81611 |
09/09/2020 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Megan McManemin |
5145 Yolanda Ln
Dallas, Texas 752296433 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 19.23 |
J. Michael Fitzpatrick |
6301 Robin Hill Rd
Nashville, Tennessee 372053527 |
09/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
Apt 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1200.00 |
Charles Lenzmeier |
1610 Little Raven St
Unit PH1
Denver, Colorado 802026180 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Daniel Berler |
2472 17th St NW
# 404
Washington, DC 200092703 |
09/18/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Tootsie Bell |
130 S Greer St
Memphis, Tennessee 381113429 |
09/29/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Kenneth D'Evelyn |
1717 Euclid Ave
Apt 12
Berkeley, California 947091253 |
09/15/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Harrison Jones |
6119 Purple Aster Ln NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871118082 |
09/07/2020 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Karen Lehner |
775 E Blithedale Ave
Apt 352
Mill Valley, California 949411554 |
09/30/2020 | Contribution Refund | 76.92 |
Renata Hornick |
9403 173rd St
Tinley Park, Illinois 604875817 |
08/31/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Holly Haggerty |
8570 Whisper Ct
Littleton, Colorado 801259652 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Edward W. Brice, Jr |
PO Box 290521
Boston, Massachusetts 021290209 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2000.00 |
Julia Hall |
2811 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 700
Santa Monica, California 904034804 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 5600.00 |
Mary L Wolff |
970 Aurora Ave
Boulder, Colorado 803027262 |
08/24/2020 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Foongpeng Notgarnie |
1232 S Duquesne Cir
Aurora, Colorado 800186102 |
09/14/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Carol Studdard Has |
3117 243Rd Street Ct E
Spanaway, Washington 983879388 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Nancy S. Cleveland |
236 Berkley Rd
Devon, Pennsylvania 193331514 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2700.00 |
Kristine Fulscher |
588 County Road 55
Amherst, Colorado 807219601 |
07/20/2020 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Lawrence Schaner |
412 E North Water St
Chicago, Illinois 606115560 |
09/11/2020 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Araminta Napier |
4410 SW 91st Dr
Gainesville, Florida 326087136 |
09/22/2020 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Gaye Pigott |
1405 42nd Ave E
Seattle, Washington 981123807 |
08/23/2020 | Contribution Refund | 5600.00 |
Philip Haseley |
6820 Plaza Dr
Apt 12
Niagara Falls, New York 143042948 |
09/25/2020 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
L. Lukis |
294 Grove Ln E
Wayzata, Minnesota 553911680 |
09/26/2020 | Contribution Refund | 2800.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 255938.48 |
Total Memo Amount | 0 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 404 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 0 |