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Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers

Committee: DMFI PAC

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Jeremy Abramson 24 Vermont Ave
White Plains, New York 106063522
The Premier Collection / Vice President * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/09/2022 500.00 500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/13/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Steven Ackerman 100 Banks Ave
Rockville Centre, New York 115703939
Brook Plaza / Healthcare Specialist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/01/2022 100.00 280.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 100.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Steven Ackerman 100 Banks Ave
Rockville Centre, New York 115703939
Brook Plaza / Healthcare Specialist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/14/2022 180.00 280.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/20/2022 180.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Aaron Albert 261 William Kelley Rd
Stoughton, Massachusetts 020723074
Harodite Industries Inc / President * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/08/2022 1000.00 1000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/13/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Donald Bookstein 285 Columbus Ave Unit 407
Boston, Massachusetts 021165294
Self Employed / Property Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/13/2022 1000.00 1000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/13/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Rachelle Butler 473 W End Ave Apt 8A
New York, New York 100244978
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/31/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Harvey Cohen 4590 Merganser Ct
Naples, Florida 341197970
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/05/2022 100.00 1100.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2022 100.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Harvey Cohen 4590 Merganser Ct
Naples, Florida 341197970
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/27/2022 1000.00 1100.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/30/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Richard Courtheoux 566 Woodlawn Ave
Glencoe, Illinois 600222040
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/01/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Cheryl Feinberg 75 Merrall Dr
Lawrence, New York 115591518
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/23/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/27/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Lawrence Friedland 180 E End Ave Apt 9B
New York, New York 101287765
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/28/2022 1000.00 1000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/28/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stuart Goldman 6005 Stuart Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212094019
Self Employed / Podiatrist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/09/2022 500.00 1500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stuart Goldman 6005 Stuart Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212094019
Self Employed / Podiatrist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/09/2022 500.00 1500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/13/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stuart Goldman 6005 Stuart Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212094019
Self Employed / Podiatrist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/09/2022 500.00 1500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/13/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Robin Gottesman 37 Sunflower Dr
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 074582041
Self Employed / Photogrpher * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/08/2022 1000.00 1000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/13/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Lawrence D Greenberg 4 Nottingham Ln
Weston, Massachusetts 024931344
Alydar Capital LLC / Financial Advisor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/01/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Anne Hameroff 5136 N Calle Ladero
Tucson, Arizona 857184918
Hameroff Law Group / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/03/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Philip Kaiser 2718 S Florence Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741145737
Self Employed / Restaurateur * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/01/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stephen Kamzan 12360 E Makohoh Trl
Tucson, Arizona 857499595
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/01/2022 360.00 414.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 360.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stephen Kamzan 12360 E Makohoh Trl
Tucson, Arizona 857499595
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/16/2022 54.00 414.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/20/2022 54.00 79892.82 LIMITS
James Kaplan 2821 N Pine Grove Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606576109
Quarles & Brady LLP / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/28/2022 2500.00 2500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/28/2022 2500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Ned Kaplin 70 Portland Rd
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 194282717
Briara Trading Co / Vice President * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/02/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Barbara Kasman 1 Red Oak Ln
Norwalk, Connecticut 068501709
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/24/2022 1000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/27/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Barbara Kasman 1 Red Oak Ln
Norwalk, Connecticut 068501709
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/03/2022 4000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/06/2022 4000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Linda Keston 701 Halliday Ave
Los Angeles, California 900492041
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/31/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Brian LaBovick 5220 Hood Rd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334188910
LaBovick Law Group / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/23/2022 1000.00 1000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/27/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stephen Lanset 32 Cedar Ln Apt C
Highland Park, New Jersey 089042077
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/07/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Gary Mark Lauder 88 Mercedes Ln
Atherton, California 940274036
Lauder Partners, LLC / Venture Capitalist
03/15/2022 5000.00 5000.00
Ellen Merlo 150 E 69Th St
New York, New York 100215704
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/15/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/20/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
David Nacht 2533 N Wagner Rd
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481031759
Nacht Law PC / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/03/2022 500.00 1500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
David Nacht 2533 N Wagner Rd
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481031759
Nacht Law PC / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/03/2022 500.00 1500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
David Nacht 2533 N Wagner Rd
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481031759
Nacht Law PC / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/03/2022 500.00 1500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/06/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Jayne Peister 37 Leslie Pl
New Rochelle, New York 108041214
Sanofi / Marketing Specialist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/02/2022 500.00 500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Cary Perlman 1934 N Cleveland Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606145216
Latham & Watkins LLP / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/28/2022 750.00 750.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/28/2022 750.00 79892.82 LIMITS
RMS Investment Group LLC 3401 Tuttle Rd Ste 350
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441226395
LLC - Members below if itemized. Permissible funds.
02/25/2022 5000.00 5000.00
Albert Ratner 3401 Tuttle Rd Ste 350
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441226395
RMS Investment Group LLC / Partner MEMO
02/25/2022 5000.00 5000.00 LIMITS
Amnon Rodan 6114 La Salle Ave # 442
Oakland, California 946112802
Rodan & Fields / Chairman Emeritus
03/11/2022 5000.00 5000.00
Stacy Rosenberg 6207 Camino De La Costa
La Jolla, California 920376523
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/01/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Hannah Rothstein 473 W End Ave
New York, New York 100244934
City University Of New York / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/31/2022 100.00 322.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2022 100.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Hannah Rothstein 473 W End Ave
New York, New York 100244934
City University Of New York / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/09/2022 22.00 322.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/13/2022 22.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Hannah Rothstein 473 W End Ave
New York, New York 100244934
City University Of New York / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/15/2022 100.00 322.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/20/2022 100.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Hannah Rothstein 473 W End Ave
New York, New York 100244934
City University Of New York / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/21/2022 100.00 322.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/27/2022 100.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Bruce H Schneider 17 Elmridge Dr
Scarsdale, New York 105836627
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/23/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/23/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Lynn Schusterman 2200 S Utica Pl
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741147006
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/03/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Stacy H Schusterman 110 W 7Th St
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741191031
Schusterman Interests LLC / Chair * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/03/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/06/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Scott Shay 75 E End Ave Apt 8E
New York, New York 100287914
Signature Bank / Chairperson * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/20/2022 5000.00 5000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/23/2022 5000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Betsy Sheerr 201 S Narcissus Ave Apt 803
West Palm Beach, Florida 334015698
Sheerr Communications Inc / Owner * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/31/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Robert Shlachter 4431 SW Eleanor Ln
Portland, Oregon 972211272
Stoll Berne / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/21/2022 1000.00 1000.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/27/2022 1000.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Richard Sussman 7924 Lakenheath Way
Potomac, Maryland 208542735
Self Employed / Insurance * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/21/2022 250.00 250.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/27/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Jeffrey Wellek 1414 Sheridan Rd
Highland Park, Illinois 600353463
NJB Investments LLC / Finance Specialist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/16/2022 500.00 500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/20/2022 500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Diane Wohl 141 Heather Ln
Mill Neck, New York 117651010
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/23/2022 2500.00 2500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/27/2022 2500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Howard Wohl 141 Heather Ln
Mill Neck, New York 117651010
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/23/2022 2500.00 2500.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/27/2022 2500.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Martin Zwick 6816 SE 19Th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972025638
Portland State University / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/26/2022 25.00 480.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/30/2022 25.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Martin Zwick 6816 SE 19Th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972025638
Portland State University / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/31/2022 180.00 480.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2022 180.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Martin Zwick 6816 SE 19Th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972025638
Portland State University / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
02/15/2022 25.00 480.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
02/20/2022 25.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Martin Zwick 6816 SE 19Th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972025638
Portland State University / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
03/14/2022 250.00 480.00
ACTBLUE PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
03/20/2022 250.00 79892.82 LIMITS
Washington, DC 200330079
Non-Contribution Account
02/14/2022 50000.00 50000.00
Abe Friedman 38 Monte Ave
Piedmont, California 946113717
PJT Camberview / Partner Non-Contribution Account
03/20/2022 20000.00 20000.00
Jon Glaser 11601 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1925
Los Angeles, California 900251754
JMG Capital Management Llc / CIO Non-Contribution Account
02/20/2022 20000.00 20000.00
Lawrence D Greenberg 4 Nottingham Ln
Weston, Massachusetts 024931344
Alydar Capital LLC / Financial Advisor Non-Contribution Account
02/06/2022 20000.00 20000.00
Philip Kaiser 2718 S Florence Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741145737
Self Employed / Restaurateur Non-Contribution Account
02/06/2022 5000.00 5000.00
Ned Kaplin 70 Portland Rd
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 194282717
Briara Trading Co / Vice President Non-Contribution Account
02/06/2022 5000.00 5000.00
Linda Keston 701 Halliday Ave
Los Angeles, California 900492041
Not Employed / Not Employed Non-Contribution Account
01/31/2022 5000.00 5000.00
Gary Mark Lauder 88 Mercedes Ln
Atherton, California 940274036
Lauder Partners, LLC / Venture Capitalist Non-Contribution Account
03/15/2022 495000.00 495000.00
RMS Investment Group LLC 3401 Tuttle Rd Ste 350
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441226395
Non-Contribution Account
02/25/2022 20000.00 20000.00
Amnon Rodan 6114 La Salle Ave # 442
Oakland, California 946112802
Rodan & Fields / Chairman Emeritus Non-Contribution Account
03/11/2022 145000.00 145000.00
Stacy H Schusterman 110 W 7Th St
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741191031
Schusterman Interests LLC / Chair Non-Contribution Account
03/01/2022 1000000.00 2000000.00
Stacy H Schusterman 110 W 7Th St
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741191031
Schusterman Interests LLC / Chair Non-Contribution Account
03/02/2022 1000000.00 2000000.00
Scott Shay 75 E End Ave Apt 8E
New York, New York 100287914
Signature Bank / Chairperson Non-Contribution Account
01/23/2022 45000.00 45000.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $2918346
Total Memo Amount $78346
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 68
Number of Transactions (Memo) 53

Generated Thu Feb 13 20:44:15 2025