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Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers


Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Charles R Wall 360 Eagle Pines Dr
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Not Employed / Retired
01/28/2020 10000.00 10000.00
Reid Hoffman 3130 Alpine Rd Ste Pm 288
Portola Valley, California 940287541
Greylock Partners / Partner
01/10/2020 500000.00 500000.00
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/10/2020 100.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/14/2020 100.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/30/2020 100.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2020 100.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Dan Lufkin 711 5th Ave
New York, New York 100223111
Allen & Company / Managing Director
01/28/2020 100000.00 100000.00
Joe Gebbia 5214 F Diamond Heights Blvd # 307
San Francisco, California 941312175
Airbnb / Chief Product Officer
01/30/2020 100000.00 100000.00
Ronald Conway 425 Belvedere Ave
Belvedere Tiburon, California 949202428
SV Angel Venture Capital / Managing Partner
01/15/2020 250000.00 250000.00
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/05/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Charles Townsend 63 Alfred Drown Rd
Barrington, Rhode Island 028061854
Bluewater Wireless / General Partner
01/06/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/09/2020 75.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/14/2020 75.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/29/2020 250.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2020 250.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Richard C. Blum 909 Montgomery St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941334618
Blum Capital Partners / Chairman
01/24/2020 1000000.00 1000000.00
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/16/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/21/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Peter May 146 Central Park W
New York, New York 100236297
Trian Partners / President
01/28/2020 100000.00 100000.00
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/05/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Douglas Hickey 140 Sea Cliff Ave
San Francisco, California 941211125
Binwise / Chief Executive Officer
01/14/2020 100000.00 100000.00
Kevin Rowe 417 Los Altos Way
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875011233
K Rowe Investments, LLC / Managing Member * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/29/2020 1000.00 6000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/16/2020 50.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/21/2020 50.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Christopher Ream 555 Byron St Apt 409
Palo Alto, California 943012038
Not Employed / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/24/2020 10000.00 10000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 10000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
C. Mitchell Goldman 630 W Germantown Pike Ste 120
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 194621074
Mid-Atlantic Dental Partners / Chief Executive Officer
01/27/2020 25000.00 25000.00
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/02/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Lisa Minsky-Primus 272 W 86th St Apt PH
New York, New York 100243132
Aspire Heathcare / Physician
01/24/2020 400000.00 400000.00
William Clyde Oldaker 818 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 1100
Washington, DC 200062702
Oldaker & Willison PLLC / Founding Partner
01/07/2020 5000.00 5000.00
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/23/2020 100.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 100.00 248066.00 LIMITS
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/01/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/09/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/14/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Clark Ervin 4949 Hillbrook Ln NW
Washington, DC 200163208
Squire Patton Boggs / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/29/2020 1500.00 1500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2020 1500.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Michael Sacks 209 E Lake Shore Dr Apt 11E
Chicago, Illinois 606111307
Grosvenor Capital Management / Chief Executive Officer
01/16/2020 100000.00 100000.00
Joe Kiani 52 Discovery
Irvine, California 926183105
Masimo / Chief Executive Officer
01/13/2020 750000.00 750000.00
John McCormick 26 Suburban Ave
Pelham, New York 108032636
Blackstone / Asset Management * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/04/2020 50000.00 50000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 50000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Greg Wendt 1 Market St Ste 2000
San Francisco, California 941051411
Capital Group / Portfolio Manager
01/21/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/21/2020 100.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 100.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Christopher Conway 1051 Filbert St Ph 7D
San Francisco, California 941332507
SV Angel Venture Capital / Co-Managing Partner
01/24/2020 25000.00 25000.00
Dennis Mehiel 7 Renaissance Sq Fl 5
White Plains, New York 106013056
Four M Investments LLC / President
01/22/2020 25000.00 25000.00
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/28/2020 250.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2020 250.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Robert Friedman 2450 Broadway Ste 550
Santa Monica, California 904043583
The YF Group / President
01/13/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Fred Huebscher 924 16th St
Hermosa Beach, California 902543233
Political Scientists / Political Consultant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/24/2020 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
CDR Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 771750
Miami, Florida 331770030

01/27/2020 50000.00 0.00
Alan Mendelson 76 De Bell Dr
Atherton, California 940272253
Latham & Watkins LLP / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/22/2020 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Hamilton E. James 345 Park Ave
New York, New York 101540004
Blackstone / Executive Vice Chairman
01/02/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Kevin Rowe 417 Los Altos Way
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875011233
K Rowe Investments, LLC / Managing Member * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/03/2020 5000.00 6000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 5000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Brett Fromson 49 E 9th St
New York, New York 100036349
Lakeville Associates / General Partner * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/15/2020 5000.00 5000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/16/2020 5000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Bernard Aronson 7611 Takoma Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209124128
ACON Investments LLC / Investor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/13/2020 15000.00 15000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/14/2020 15000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Kenneth Fisher 299 Park Ave Fl 42
New York, New York 101710002
Fisher Brothers Financial / Co-Managing Partner
01/29/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Alexander Bok 35 Melrose St
Boston, Massachusetts 021165304
Cadenza Innovation, Inc. / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/22/2020 2000.00 2000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 2000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/08/2020 1000.00 7000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Eric Rosand 3106 Q St NW
Washington, DC 200073027
PVE Solutions / President * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/14/2020 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/16/2020 1000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/13/2020 25.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/14/2020 25.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Natalie Lichtenstein 4617 36th St NW
Washington, DC 200084201
Not Employed / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/17/2020 5000.00 5000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/21/2020 5000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Earl Potter 325 Paseo De Peralta
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875011860
Five & Dime General Stores / Chairman * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/24/2020 2000.00 2000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 2000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Craig Reynolds 1720 Mars Hill Rd NW Ste 8-152
Acworth, Georgia 301017127
Masimo,Inc / Board Director * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/06/2020 25000.00 25000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2020 25000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/02/2020 50.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/05/2020 50.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Jessica Densmore 133 Brown St Apt 4
Waltham, Massachusetts 024535128
Harris & Murphy, LLP / Paralegal * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/12/2020 25.00 1125.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/14/2020 25.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Holly Haggerty 8570 Whisper Ct
Littleton, Colorado 801259652
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/30/2020 5000.00 5000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/31/2020 5000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Daniel Tierney 737 N Michigan Ave Ste 2100
Chicago, Illinois 606115641
Wicklow Capital / Chief Executive Officer
01/24/2020 100000.00 100000.00
Hong Pang 18 Stanwich Rd
Greenwich, Connecticut 068304858
None / Homemaker * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/26/2020 50000.00 50000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 50000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Peter Kraus 4906 Shadywood Ln
Dallas, Texas 752092024
Waters & Kraus / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/24/2020 10000.00 10000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/27/2020 10000.00 248066.00 LIMITS
Verdun Perry 26 Vela Way
Edgewater, New Jersey 070201564
Blackstone / Investor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
01/06/2020 50000.00 50000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
01/09/2020 50000.00 248066.00 LIMITS

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $4137625
Total Memo Amount $247625
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 58
Number of Transactions (Memo) 36

Generated Fri Oct 11 10:54:01 2024