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Federal Election Commission


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There are a total of 16503 Itemized Disbursements

Displaying 1 through 500

Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
111 Grand Avenue, LLC 319 SW 5Th St Ste 101
Des Moines, Iowa 503094635

12/04/2019 Meals 1522.32

20 Central Keene, LLC PO Box 760
Norwalk, Connecticut 068520760

10/01/2019 Rent 2000.00

20 Central Keene, LLC PO Box 760
Norwalk, Connecticut 068520760

11/01/2019 Rent 2000.00

20 Central Keene, LLC PO Box 760
Norwalk, Connecticut 068520760

12/01/2019 Rent 2000.00

2400 North Central Holding LLC 3326 N 3Rd Ave Ste 200
Phoenix, Arizona 850134336

11/06/2019 Rent 10950.00

2400 North Central Holding LLC 3326 N 3Rd Ave Ste 200
Phoenix, Arizona 850134336

11/29/2019 Rent 5950.00

4415 Euclid LLC 4415 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 441033759

10/11/2019 Rent 28000.00

4K Media Live, LLC 11047 Otsego St Apt 210
North Hollywood, California 916015624

12/17/2019 Internet Advertising 1720.45

888 Alice LLC 1628 Webster St
Oakland, California 946123353

10/16/2019 Rent 17198.00

888 Alice LLC 1628 Webster St
Oakland, California 946123353

11/14/2019 Rent 6849.00

888 Alice LLC 1628 Webster St
Oakland, California 946123353

11/29/2019 Rent 6849.00

89 Realty Trust 89 Cambridge St Ste 201
Charlestown, Massachusetts 021291205

12/02/2019 Rent 12000.00

89 Realty Trust 89 Cambridge St Ste 201
Charlestown, Massachusetts 021291205

12/23/2019 Rent 156.22

A & B Printing And Mailing 2908 S Highland Dr Ste B
Las Vegas, Nevada 891091059

11/04/2019 Printing 782.15

Rio Aagaard-Shively PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 125.76

Rio Aagaard-Shively PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Rio Aagaard-Shively PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Emaly Abdou PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 388.90

Emaly Abdou PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 734.10

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 2120.69

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 100.00

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 2215.57

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 2160.61

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 2215.57

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 2160.60

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Ebenezer Abolarin PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 2215.57

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1692.59

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 100.00

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1767.04

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1713.88

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1767.04

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1713.87

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Alexandra Abrahams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1767.04

Melanie Abrams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1429.31

Melanie Abrams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Melanie Abrams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1378.15

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1428.20

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1368.15

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1426.39

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1360.34

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Casey Accardi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1421.08

Jon Achelpohl PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 757.79

Jon Achelpohl PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Jon Achelpohl PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/01/2019 Merchant Service Fee 9426.60

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/02/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6808.00

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/03/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6950.57

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/06/2019 Merchant Service Fee 22009.93

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/07/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6522.33

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/08/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5364.26

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/09/2019 Merchant Service Fee 8331.24

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/10/2019 Merchant Service Fee 8213.75

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/13/2019 Merchant Service Fee 24504.41

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/14/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6233.70

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/15/2019 Merchant Service Fee 11976.21

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/16/2019 Merchant Service Fee 13266.46

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/17/2019 Merchant Service Fee 7082.37

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/20/2019 Merchant Service Fee 15165.05

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/21/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4274.18

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/22/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5145.27

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/23/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4481.56

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/24/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4542.26

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/27/2019 Merchant Service Fee 16614.89

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/28/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6556.85

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/29/2019 Merchant Service Fee 9257.97

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/30/2019 Merchant Service Fee 9666.75

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

10/31/2019 Merchant Service Fee 8893.53

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/03/2019 Merchant Service Fee 13316.67

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/04/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5073.84

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/05/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4523.95

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/06/2019 Merchant Service Fee 2933.42

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/07/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4489.19

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/10/2019 Merchant Service Fee 16662.97

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/11/2019 Merchant Service Fee 2898.32

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/12/2019 Merchant Service Fee 3202.61

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/13/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5897.82

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/14/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5024.46

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/17/2019 Merchant Service Fee 12042.50

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/18/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4545.28

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/19/2019 Merchant Service Fee 3583.00

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/20/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6320.11

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/21/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4964.54

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/24/2019 Merchant Service Fee 9159.71

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/25/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4909.75

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/26/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6262.24

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/27/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4883.02

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/28/2019 Merchant Service Fee 2727.47

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

11/30/2019 Merchant Service Fee 15536.65

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/01/2019 Merchant Service Fee 3321.38

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/02/2019 Merchant Service Fee 2897.35

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/03/2019 Merchant Service Fee 7072.02

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/04/2019 Merchant Service Fee 7821.63

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/05/2019 Merchant Service Fee 7639.80

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/08/2019 Merchant Service Fee 11954.07

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/09/2019 Merchant Service Fee 4818.18

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/10/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5621.29

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/11/2019 Merchant Service Fee 7039.23

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/12/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5111.64

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/15/2019 Merchant Service Fee 18478.37

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/16/2019 Merchant Service Fee 9203.59

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/17/2019 Merchant Service Fee 9870.44

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/18/2019 Merchant Service Fee 6826.17

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/19/2019 Merchant Service Fee 12992.87

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/22/2019 Merchant Service Fee 23955.11

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/23/2019 Merchant Service Fee 10722.75

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/24/2019 Merchant Service Fee 5333.08

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/25/2019 Merchant Service Fee 3002.22

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/26/2019 Merchant Service Fee 7648.57

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/29/2019 Merchant Service Fee 60986.28

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/30/2019 Merchant Service Fee 27032.84

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

12/31/2019 Merchant Service Fee 56245.79

Action Mailers 90 Commerce Dr
Aston, Pennsylvania 190143201

10/16/2019 Direct Mail Services 180968.58

Action Mailers 90 Commerce Dr
Aston, Pennsylvania 190143201

10/23/2019 Direct Mail Services 37860.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 2452.27

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 100.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 2543.33

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 2488.29

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 2543.33

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 2488.28

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Victoria Adams PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 2543.33

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 151.92

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1505.75

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1453.86

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Hanna Addis PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1505.75

AdQuire Media 12 E 49Th St Fl 11TH
New York, New York 100171028

11/20/2019 Internet Advertising 1240.00

AdQuire Media 12 E 49Th St Fl 11TH
New York, New York 100171028

12/31/2019 Internet Advertising 2822.50

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

10/15/2019 Travel 67391.32

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

10/21/2019 Travel 74129.10

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

10/25/2019 Travel 27950.20

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

10/30/2019 Travel 22423.95

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

11/06/2019 Travel 35709.78

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

11/07/2019 Travel 98359.14

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

11/13/2019 Travel 32842.70

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

11/15/2019 Travel 39962.03

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

11/25/2019 Travel 102197.50

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

12/05/2019 Travel 66174.37

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

12/11/2019 Travel 36919.18

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

12/23/2019 Travel 75978.80

Advanced Aviation 3100 Clarendon Blvd Ste 200
Arlington, Virginia 222015302

12/24/2019 Travel 40480.20

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 2583.48

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Travel 100.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Telephone 50.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Reimbursement - See Below if Itemized 227.97

Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

10/25/2019 Travel 13.06
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

10/25/2019 Travel 26.74
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

10/25/2019 Travel 14.33
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

10/25/2019 Travel 15.99
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

10/25/2019 Travel 17.49
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 24.59
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 16.14
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 18.71
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 30.92
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 14.91
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 17.96
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

10/25/2019 Travel 17.13
Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 2583.48

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 2637.93

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Travel 300.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 2583.48

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Richa Agarwal PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 2637.95

Joel Aguero PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1361.03

Joel Aguero PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Joel Aguero PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Violeta Aguilar-Wyrick PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1667.35

Violeta Aguilar-Wyrick PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Violeta Aguilar-Wyrick PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1372.41

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1424.46

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1362.41

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1424.47

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1362.41

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Nelowfar Ahmadi PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1424.46

Noah Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 311.08

Noah Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 385.19

Noah Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 385.19

Noah Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 385.20

Noah Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 385.19

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1434.97

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1480.82

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1424.97

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1470.82

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1424.97

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Quemars Ahmed PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1470.82

AKA Properties, LLC PO Box 153
Muscatine, Iowa 527610003

10/01/2019 Rent 500.00

AKA Properties, LLC PO Box 153
Muscatine, Iowa 527610003

11/01/2019 Rent 500.00

AKA Properties, LLC PO Box 153
Muscatine, Iowa 527610003

12/01/2019 Rent 500.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 792.44

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 100.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1579.78

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1528.31

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1579.78

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1528.32

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Areeb Akbari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1579.78

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1499.40

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1527.15

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1489.40

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1527.15

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1489.40

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Ubong Akpaninyie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1527.16

Alaska Democratic Party 2602 Fairbanks St
Anchorage, Alaska 995032824

12/02/2019 Ballot Access Filing Fee 2500.00

Melanie Alba PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1417.57

Melanie Alba PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Melanie Alba PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Melanie Alba PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 2277.20

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 3121.87

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 100.00

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 3160.52

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 3121.88

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 3160.52

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 3121.87

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Alycia Albergottie PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 3160.53

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1870.90

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Travel 100.00

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Telephone 50.00

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 2293.00

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Reimbursement - See Below if Itemized 64.19

Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

12/06/2019 Travel 10.32
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

12/06/2019 Travel 19.94
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

12/06/2019 Travel 15.78
Lyft 2300 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941102013

12/06/2019 Travel 18.15
Robin Alberts-Marigza PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 2337.49

Amelia Albrecht PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 137.15

Amelia Albrecht PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Amelia Albrecht PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Tomas Alcala PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1948.32

Tomas Alcala PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Tomas Alcala PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Tomas Alcala PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1992.79

Irina Alejandro Guardiola PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1484.22

Irina Alejandro Guardiola PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 100.00

Irina Alejandro Guardiola PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1428.32

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1470.20

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1418.32

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1470.21

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1418.33

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Eden Alem PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1470.21

Alexander Schneider PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/04/2019 Travel 372.00

Alexander Schneider PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/12/2019 Travel 651.00

Alexander Schneider PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Meal Reimbursement - See Below if Itemiz 65.40

Alexander Schneider PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/30/2019 Travel 630.00

Mohammed Algailany PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1413.20

Mohammed Algailany PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Mohammed Algailany PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 2505.75

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 100.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 2594.99

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 2543.35

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 100.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 2594.97

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 2533.91

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Iram Ali PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 2581.20

Arsham Aliaskari PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 331.15

Alice Lee 2979 21St St
San Francisco, California 941102729

11/13/2019 Design Services 450.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1337.98

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1390.02

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1327.98

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1390.02

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1327.99

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Angel Alicea PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1390.01

Alivia Cotton 46 Eastman St
Concord, New Hampshire 033015409

11/12/2019 Translation Services 216.72

Alivia Cotton 46 Eastman St
Concord, New Hampshire 033015409

12/17/2019 Translation Services 525.02

Allen Neighborhood Center 1611 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, Michigan 489122701

12/13/2019 Facilities & Rental Expenses 243.00

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

10/21/2019 Utilities 280.04

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

11/04/2019 Utilities 104.82

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

11/06/2019 Utilities 91.84

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

11/18/2019 Utilities 23.92

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

11/18/2019 Utilities 189.95

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

11/18/2019 Utilities 193.48

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

11/26/2019 Utilities 56.70

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

12/09/2019 Utilities 133.14

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

12/11/2019 Utilities 21.02

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

12/11/2019 Utilities 211.17

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

12/16/2019 Utilities 123.13

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

12/17/2019 Utilities 267.35

Alliant Energy 4902 N Biltmore Ln
Madison, Wisconsin 537182148

12/26/2019 Utilities 37.04

Allied Universal Security Services PO Box 828854
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191828854

10/16/2019 Office Equipment 150.00

Allied Universal Security Services PO Box 828854
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191828854

11/19/2019 Office Equipment 150.00

Allied Universal Security Services PO Box 828854
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191828854

12/23/2019 Office Equipment 150.00

Alosa Rental Properties PO Box 1182
Concord, New Hampshire 033021182

10/01/2019 Rent 1500.00

Alosa Rental Properties PO Box 1182
Concord, New Hampshire 033021182

11/01/2019 Rent 1500.00

Alosa Rental Properties PO Box 1182
Concord, New Hampshire 033021182

12/01/2019 Rent 1500.00

Leah Alpert PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 3043.76

Leah Alpert PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 100.00

Leah Alpert PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Leah Alpert PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 3095.23

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1413.91

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1452.76

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1403.91

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1452.76

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1403.90

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1452.77

Jose Altamirano PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 200.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1626.22

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1668.09

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1616.22

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1668.08

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1616.22

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Adam Altendorf PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1668.09

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1372.41

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1424.46

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1362.41

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1424.46

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1362.41

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Isabel Alter PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1424.46

Arianna Alvarez PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1113.70

Arianna Alvarez PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Travel 125.00

Arianna Alvarez PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Telephone 50.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

10/29/2019 Bank Fee 779.25

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

10/29/2019 Bank Fee 2362.50

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/06/2019 Bank Fee 45.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/06/2019 Bank Fee 45.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/08/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/12/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/18/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/26/2019 Bank Fee 1266.95

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

11/26/2019 Bank Fee 2128.19

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

12/10/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

12/18/2019 Bank Fee 1048.10

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

12/18/2019 Bank Fee 1113.25

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Telephone 50.00

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Salary 1334.06

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Travel 125.00

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Salary 1384.11

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Salary 1320.02

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Travel 125.00

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Telephone 50.00

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 1376.99

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 1316.25

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Travel 125.00

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Telephone 50.00

Estella Amaya PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 1376.98

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

11/29/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 1.04

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/02/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.59

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/03/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.45

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/05/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.45

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/06/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.45

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/11/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.45

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/16/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.45

Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

12/24/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.90

Amber Marince 6 Samuels Ct
Dunbarton, New Hampshire 030464624

11/12/2019 Translation Services 254.15

Amber Marince 6 Samuels Ct
Dunbarton, New Hampshire 030464624

11/26/2019 Translation Services 109.60

Isabel Ambrosoli PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Salary 83.03

Isabel Ambrosoli PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Salary 376.18

Isabel Ambrosoli PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/20/2019 Salary 376.19

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/01/2019 Travel 630.00

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/11/2019 Office Expenses Reimbursement - See Belo 11.22

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/16/2019 Travel 1764.00

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Travel Reimbursement - See Below if Item 28.44

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/05/2019 Travel 616.00

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/08/2019 Reimbursement - See Below if Itemized 70.06

Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

11/08/2019 Travel 19.57
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

11/08/2019 Travel 18.67
Uber Technologies 182 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051611

11/08/2019 Travel 5.82
Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/19/2019 Travel 724.00

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

11/22/2019 Travel & Office Expenses Reimbursement - 114.42

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/02/2019 Travel 859.50

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/06/2019 Reimbursement - See Below if Itemized 45.31

Seven One Seven Parking Enterprises 171 Carnegie Way NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303031026

12/06/2019 Travel 6.00
Westin Hotels 10400 Fernwood Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208171102

12/06/2019 Travel 28.00
Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/12/2019 Travel 686.00

Amelia Som De Cerff PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

12/30/2019 Travel 651.00

American Express PO Box 1270
Newark, New Jersey 071011270

10/02/2019 Credit Card - See Below if Itemized 454092.65

2Nd Annual Latino Voices Together Gala 220 SE 6Th St
Des Moines, Iowa 503094844

10/02/2019 Event Tickets 28.16
Adobe Systems 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

10/02/2019 Subscription 16.12
Adobe Systems 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

10/02/2019 Subscription 22.30
Adobe Systems 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

10/02/2019 Subscription 1650.07
Adventure Rentals And Leasing, LLC 5120 N Brady St
Davenport, Iowa 528063949

10/02/2019 Travel Credit -202.14
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 30.00
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 35.00
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 50.00
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 167.30
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 221.30
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 232.30
Alaska Airlines PO Box 24948
Seattle, Washington 981240948

10/02/2019 Travel 253.30
All Star Pizza Bar 1245 Cambridge St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391338

10/02/2019 Meals 133.31
All Star Pizza Bar 1245 Cambridge St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391338

10/02/2019 Meals 245.62
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 134.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 134.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 138.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 150.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 150.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 150.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 159.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 198.00
Allegiant Air 1201 N Town Center Dr Ste 110
Las Vegas, Nevada 891446305

10/02/2019 Travel 198.00
Allied Productions & Sales 2425 Enterprise Dr Ste 900
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 551201172

10/02/2019 Event Equipment 300.00
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 6.98
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 8.29
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 10.59
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 10.60
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 10.95
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 12.99
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 12.99
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 13.80
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 13.95
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 24.58
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 26.12
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 32.08
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 34.93
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 38.50
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 39.99
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 42.48
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 43.29
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 49.99
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 54.95
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 58.37
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 60.61
Amazon.Com 1516 2Nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

10/02/2019 Office Expenses 61.62
Amanda Abrams 152 Windmill Trl
Rochester, New York 146242457

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Bill Abright 190 Oak Ave
San Anselmo, California 949602752

11/04/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Linda Adams 27 Barton Ave
Belchertown, Massachusetts 010079458

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Naveen Akunuri 47 Colonial Way
Short Hills, New Jersey 070781843

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Mary Alapa 301 Buddington Rd Lot 75
Groton, Connecticut 063403257

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Betty Allison 117 Oram St
Arlington, Texas 760102835

11/05/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

James Clarke Allred PO Box 251967
Little Rock, Arkansas 722251967

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 200.00

Griffin Anderson 208 Anchor Dr
Yorktown, Virginia 236923140

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Griffin Anderson 208 Anchor Dr
Yorktown, Virginia 236923140

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Griffin Anderson 208 Anchor Dr
Yorktown, Virginia 236923140

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Kevin Armonio 2708 Oak Rd Apt 6
Walnut Creek, California 945972856

11/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Joan M Arnoldi 5774 Beechnut Dr
Cincinnati, Ohio 452305120

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Katharine Atterbury 28 Schermerhorn St
Brooklyn, New York 112014803

12/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Hailey Baez 16602 Palm Royal Dr Apt 1520
Tampa, Florida 336472686

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Jeffrey Bailey 240 S Quinsigamond Ave
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 015454432

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Leandro Balidoy 51 Rue Des Ecoles
Paris 75005 France, Foreign Country 00000

11/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Leandro Balidoy 51 Rue Des Ecoles
Paris 75005 France, Foreign Country 00000

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 100.00

Leandro Balidoy 51 Rue Des Ecoles
Paris 75005 France, Foreign Country 00000

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Ellen Ball PO Box 456
Fort Hall, Idaho 832030456

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Victor Barbieri 9 Ash Ave
Corte Madera, California 949251016

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

Margaret Barclay Antequera 204-A Jalatlaco
Oaxaca 68080 Mexic, Foreign Country 00000

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 250.00

Ralph Barlow 3264 Mountain View Ave
Los Angeles, California 900661043

11/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Ralph Barlow 3264 Mountain View Ave
Los Angeles, California 900661043

11/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Ralph Barlow 3264 Mountain View Ave
Los Angeles, California 900661043

11/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

David Bartlett 1602 Ivar Ave Apt 518
Los Angeles, California 900286350

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 28.00

Ed Baur 30170 Robin Rd # B
Fort Bragg, California 954378798

11/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Tina Bayne 424 Appaloosa Ct
Cincinnati, Ohio 452312773

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 3.00

Robert Beard 2459 Smoketown Rd
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 178377925

11/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Kathleen Beem 1612 Hoyt Ave
Everett, Washington 982012012

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Noella Bergener 5 Currents
Newport Coast, California 926572159

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Susan Bergeron 38740 Blailey Dr Unit C1
Ponchatoula, Louisiana 704547141

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Shirlee Berman 2114 W Walton St
Chicago, Illinois 606224812

10/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Ann Berry 3663 Park Center Blvd Apt 1311
St Louis Park, Minnesota 554162522

12/04/2019 Refund of Contributions 500.00

David Bethea 95 Maywood Rd
New Rochelle, New York 108044730

10/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 35.00

Christy Bezuijen 7655 Treelawn Dr
Brecksville, Ohio 441411125

12/31/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Richard Bissell 1759 Daiquiri Turn
Sanford, North Carolina 273328378

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Carlin Black 5881 Castano Dr
San Jose, California 951293062

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Peter Blakemore 4747 Patricia Dr
Eureka, California 955036422

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Margie F Bogdanow 12 Linnaean St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021381613

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Caley Boone 471 W Vance Dr
Kanab, Utah 847416284

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Kerry Bossin 12602 Park St
Cerritos, California 907031142

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Judith Brantley 2905 Creeks Edge Pkwy
Austin, Texas 787336351

10/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Tom Brennan 804 Harmon Cove Tower
Secaucus, New Jersey 070941710

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Anthony Britt 51 Main St Apt 2
Malden, Massachusetts 021487686

12/05/2019 Refund of Contributions 15.00

Lm Brown 11030 White Oak Ln
Oakdale, California 953619539

11/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 40.76

Roberta Brown 1022 Thoreau Ct
Modesto, California 953504125

11/19/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Brett Burger 14372 Crane St NW
Andover, Minnesota 553048491

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Danielle Burhop 126 Bayberry Ln
Manchester, New Hampshire 031041757

10/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Margaret Burnett 14 Lundy Ct
Sacramento, California 958223206

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Donna Burns 7 E 35Th St
New York, New York 100163810

11/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Derrick Callahan 4615 Corday Way Apt 2
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152241918

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Nancy Callahan 15 E Woodcrest Ave
Maple Shade, New Jersey 080523342

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Jim Campbell PO Box 370
Corvallis, Montana 598280370

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Reba Campbell 1718 Olive Ave
Vista, California 920835549

11/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Crystal Campisi 381 Via Primavera Dr
San Jose, California 951113822

11/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Cheryl Carlisle 1808 Hawksledge Ct
Hinckley, Ohio 442339242

10/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Cheryl Carlisle 1808 Hawksledge Ct
Hinckley, Ohio 442339242

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Francesca Carrier 1925 Commonwealth Ave Apt 1317
Boston, Massachusetts 021355972

10/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Llana Carroll 7825 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191183526

11/05/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Denise Casto 1305 Park Garden Ln
Reston, Virginia 201941998

11/04/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Patricia Castro 373 Pine Ln Apt 4106
Los Altos, California 940221683

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Sandra Cate 633 San Bruno Ave
San Francisco, California 941072631

11/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Deborah Chang 265 Roxbury Rd Apt 124
Niantic, Connecticut 063571114

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Ellen Chasens 2600 Granada Blvd
Coral Gables, Florida 331345550

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Diane Cherella 14219 Pacosin Ct
Bokeelia, Florida 339223528

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Diane Cherella 14219 Pacosin Ct
Bokeelia, Florida 339223528

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Patty Clark 1036 S Burnside Ave
Los Angeles, California 900196718

12/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Barry Claxton 29331 Deep Shadow Dr
Agoura Hills, California 913011523

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 12.50

Casey Clowes 122 S Hardy Dr Apt 22
Tempe, Arizona 852812583

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Megan Conley 240 9Th St
Brooklyn, New York 112153902

10/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 32.43

Michael Corbett 718 2Nd Ave Apt 8
New York, New York 100162905

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 97.32

Kristen Cote 184 81St St
Brooklyn, New York 112093502

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Theresa Cote 20240 Hummingbird Hill Rd
Colfax, California 957139628

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

W. A. Cramer 240 S Martin Jischke Dr
West Lafayette, Indiana 479072032

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Laurie Craw 23 Fannin St
Cave Spring, Georgia 301243038

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 2000.00

Susan Crockenberg 1321 Thompsons Point Rd
Charlotte, Vermont 054459447

12/05/2019 Refund of Contributions 105.00

Katina Cummings 1394 Main St Apt 1
St Johnsbury, Vermont 058191852

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 30.00

Nina B Dabek 119 Mill Ln
Amherst, Massachusetts 010022931

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Govind Dandekar 2522 Trinity St
Vancouver BC V5K 1, Foreign Country 00000

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Jed Dannenbaum 2545 Verbena Dr
Los Angeles, California 900683016

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

David Dasef 4013 Fessenden St NW
Washington, DC 200164215

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

David Dasef 4013 Fessenden St NW
Washington, DC 200164215

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

David Dasef 4013 Fessenden St NW
Washington, DC 200164215

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Jim Dauerty 41 Aronimink Dr
Newark, Delaware 197113801

11/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Chris DeCock 9152 162Nd Pl NE
Redmond, Washington 980527573

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Frederique Delacoste 42 Mercers Rd
London N19 4PR Uni, Foreign Country 00000

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Susanne Demko 1304 Oakdale Rd
Charlotte, North Carolina 282161511

11/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 2000.00

Peter Dias 3956 Linmar Ln
Carlsbad, California 920084124

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Cynthia Dingle PO Box 53
Elgin, Pennsylvania 164130053

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Maggie Dixon 22380 NW Meier Rd
Hillsboro, Oregon 971248016

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Maggie Dixon 22380 NW Meier Rd
Hillsboro, Oregon 971248016

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Kelly Dodd PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 90.19

Jesse Doiron 1859 N Warren Ave
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532021638

10/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 36.00

Jeanne Dolan 24 Winterberry Way
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023603655

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Jeanne Dolan 24 Winterberry Way
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023603655

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Jeanne Dolan 24 Winterberry Way
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023603655

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Jeanne Dolan 24 Winterberry Way
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023603655

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Jeanne Dolan 24 Winterberry Way
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023603655

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Charlotte Donat 803 Hibbard Rd
Wilmette, Illinois 600912046

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Tyler Douse 225 E 84Th St Apt 1A
New York, New York 100282974

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 17.50

Molly Dragiewicz 84 Toolona St
Dixfield, Maine 04224

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Laura Dudley 4237 Merriman Loop
Howell, Michigan 488435212

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 30.00

Rachel Eamigh 728 Asbury Ln
Altoona, Pennsylvania 166018711

12/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 300.00

Jennifer Elf 10322 NE 190Th St
Bothell, Washington 980112916

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Michele Ellard 1602 Calumet St
Flint, Michigan 485035342

10/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Anne Elliott 1950 Upas St Unit 304
San Diego, California 921043277

12/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 30.00

George Fahmie 4545 Pontiac Trl
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481059386

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

James Fail 5616 Hamstead Xing
Raleigh, North Carolina 276127020

10/31/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Julia Falk 8939 Caminito Verano
La Jolla, California 920371606

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/05/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Maureen Fater 29785 Magnolia Dr
Flat Rock, Michigan 481341377

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Kenneth Fedder 223 Red Mountain Dr
Cloverdale, California 954255437

10/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Elyssa Feder 1825 New Hampshire Ave NW Apt 207
Washington, DC 200093204

11/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 35.01

Diana Fein PO Box 422
Sandia Park, New Mexico 870470422

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Karen Fenton PO Box 70397
Richmond, California 948070397

10/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Theodosia H. Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Theodosia H. Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Theodosia H. Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001

10/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Theodosia H. Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001

10/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Theodosia H. Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001

10/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Theodosia H. Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Anne Fey 1125 147Th Pl NE
Bellevue, Washington 980074014

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 6.00

Anne Fey 1125 147Th Pl NE
Bellevue, Washington 980074014

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Anne Fey 1125 147Th Pl NE
Bellevue, Washington 980074014

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Robin Field 19 Woodman Way
Newburyport, Massachusetts 019503523

11/19/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Melinda Fine 110 Bleecker St
New York, New York 100122101

10/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Melinda Fine 110 Bleecker St
New York, New York 100122101

10/31/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Jill Fitzgerald 312 E 22Nd St Apt 3D
New York, New York 100105700

12/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Chancie Fuerstinger 7118 99Th St E
Puyallup, Washington 983731293

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Nina Fusillo 5 Davis Ave
Brookline, Massachusetts 024457681

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 35.00

Jason Gacek 1833 5Th Ave SE
Olympia, Washington 985011803

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 11.25

Lisa Garbrick 6109 Fremont Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981035646

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 30.00

Shawna Garvon 2962 Adam Ln
Grawn, Michigan 496379502

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Susan Garza 3 E Maple Ave
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571916

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Robert Gendron 3900 B Loch Raven Blvd
Baltimore, Maryland 212182108

11/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Fumiyo Genova 11 Crescent Rd
Lexington, Massachusetts 024216344

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Fumiyo Genova 11 Crescent Rd
Lexington, Massachusetts 024216344

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Anirvan Ghosh 165 Tremont St Unit 301
Boston, Massachusetts 021111153

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Mary Gillespie 2407 Louisiana St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722062239

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Lisa Gilroy 310 Greenwich St Apt 35B
New York, New York 100132717

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Doree Goodman 39 Bagy Wrinkle Cv
Warren, Rhode Island 028854114

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Carol Goodwin 106 SW 109Th Pl
Micanopy, Florida 326673441

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Mark Graf 202 E Green Ave
Deer Creek, Illinois 617339425

10/09/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Rachel Gray 301 SW 19Th St
Battle Ground, Washington 986042855

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Deborah Groening 241 Howland Canal
Venice, California 902914510

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Deborah Groening 241 Howland Canal
Venice, California 902914510

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Walter Groff 31 Lake Trl E
Morristown, New Jersey 079606751

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Jane Grossman 1665 Green Ash Rd
Reno, Nevada 895112701

12/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Jane Grossman 1665 Green Ash Rd
Reno, Nevada 895112701

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Ishawn Gullapalli 43442 Rockforest Ct
Sterling, Virginia 201662166

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Barbara Guyett 9713 W Caley Ave
Littleton, Colorado 801233107

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Susan Hamm 3008 NW 58Th St
Seattle, Washington 981072553

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 85.00

Christopher Hannigan 7311 4Th Ave N
St Petersburg, Florida 337107517

11/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Christine Hardin 2349 Pier Ave
Santa Monica, California 904056051

11/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Christine Hardin 2349 Pier Ave
Santa Monica, California 904056051

11/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Christine Hardin 2349 Pier Ave
Santa Monica, California 904056051

11/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Marc Harper 4240 Verdigris Cir
San Jose, California 951341545

12/05/2019 Refund of Contributions 50.00

Marc Harper 4240 Verdigris Cir
San Jose, California 951341545

12/05/2019 Refund of Contributions 50.00

Rebecca Harrington 353 N 113Th St
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 532264003

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Rebecca Harrington 353 N 113Th St
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 532264003

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Rebecca Harrington 353 N 113Th St
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 532264003

10/09/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Rebecca Harrington 353 N 113Th St
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 532264003

10/09/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Dayna Harris 28 Bernhard Dr
Weston, Connecticut 068831963

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 11.25

James Hart 1337 Josephine St
Berkeley, California 947031113

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Elizabeth Haynes 1609 Meadow Ranch Rd
McKinney, Texas 750718010

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Sylvia Heer 13388 Via Stephen
Poway, California 920644841

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Roxane W. Helstrom 8294 Avenida Navidad
San Diego, California 921224459

10/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 28.00

Amy Hennessy 64 Jackson St
Newnan, Georgia 302631942

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Garnet Holden 12764 Rodriguez Ct
Grass Valley, California 959459381

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Nancy Hougham 2 Ridge Ln
Belleville, Illinois 622231242

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Nancy Hougham 2 Ridge Ln
Belleville, Illinois 622231242

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Abdifatah Hussein 6334 Rainier Ave S Apt 304
Seattle, Washington 981182782

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Hilary Hutchinson 13000 SW Aragon St
Beaverton, Oregon 970050875

12/31/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Hilary Hutchinson 13000 SW Aragon St
Beaverton, Oregon 970050875

12/31/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Rashd Ibrahim 108 Periwinkle Way
Waterloo, Iowa 507011801

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 64.53

Rashd Ibrahim 108 Periwinkle Way
Waterloo, Iowa 507011801

12/04/2019 Refund of Contribution 141.85

Joyce Imgarten PO Box 76
Mineral, Washington 983550076

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 28.00

Rachel Iskow 3506 24Th St
Sacramento, California 958184423

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 30.00

Tara Ivanovitch 4867 Chadwick Ln
Missoula, Montana 598088689

12/31/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Barry Jackson 200 Hermosa Dr NE Apt 108
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081069

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 35.00

Alayne Jacobs 7726 W Cathedral Canyon Dr
Tucson, Arizona 857435147

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Terri James 445 N Rossmore Ave Apt 212
Los Angeles, California 900042461

12/05/2019 Refund of Contributions 250.00

Jeff Janacek 650 Main St N Apt 304
Stillwater, Minnesota 550826765

12/05/2019 Refund of Contributions 50.00

Ellen Jarvis 17800 Caddy Dr
Derwood, Maryland 208551004

10/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

Raza Jeddy PO Box 14038 Line 2
Birmingham, Alabama 352024001

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Rian Jeffers 200 Summit Blvd Unit 121
Broomfield, Colorado 800218277

12/04/2019 Refund of Contributions 100.00

Gari Jensen 4965 E Missouri Ave
Denver, Colorado 802463245

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Ellis Johnson 1412 Mcgavock Pike
Nashville, Tennessee 372163209

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Susan Johnson 13757 400Th St
North Branch, Minnesota 550566298

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Connie Jones 3150 68Th Ter S
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337125416

11/19/2019 Refund of Contribution 52.00

Karen Jones 1477 Lochmoor Blvd
Grosse Pointe Wood, Michigan 482361760

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Thomas Jovin Zur Akelei 17
Gottingen 37077 Ge, Foreign Country 00000

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 20.00

Thomas Jovin Zur Akelei 17
Gottingen 37077 Ge, Foreign Country 00000

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Karla T Jurvetson 27200 Altamont Rd
Los Altos Hills, California 940224227

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 13.92

Sandra C. Kao 102 Westwick Ct Unit 7
Sterling, Virginia 201656109

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Avi Kaplan 730 24Th St NW Apt 421
Washington, DC 200372546

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 175.00

Carol Katzoff 433 Jacqueline Dr
Santa Rosa, California 954055409

11/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Carol Katzoff 433 Jacqueline Dr
Santa Rosa, California 954055409

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Randy Keller 201 Vanderpool Ln Apt 2
Houston, Texas 770246124

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 7.50

Randy Keller 201 Vanderpool Ln Apt 2
Houston, Texas 770246124

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Andrea Kelley 844 Boyce Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013003

11/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Lynn Kelley 930 Baker Ave
Mankato, Minnesota 560012601

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Marguerite Kennedy PO Box 171375
Boston, Massachusetts 021173214

10/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 79.40

Edward C. Kern 25 Osgood St Unit 11
Somerville, Massachusetts 021432852

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 182.89

Brian Kidder 528 Cheyenne Dr
Sunnyvale, California 940874461

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Karl E Klare 80 Inman St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391213

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

Toni Knight 4936 Tartan Dr
Metairie, Louisiana 700032641

12/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Chris Koch 28299 Old Country Club Rd
Easton, Maryland 216018405

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Janice Kocjan PO Box 3748
Page, Arizona 860403748

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Janice Kocjan PO Box 3748
Page, Arizona 860403748

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Joanne Koferl 3131 Graceland Dr NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871101715

10/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Joanne Koferl 3131 Graceland Dr NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871101715

10/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Jong Koh 8400 Callie Ave Unit 103
Morton Grove, Illinois 600535000

10/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 20.00

Jong Koh 8400 Callie Ave Unit 103
Morton Grove, Illinois 600535000

10/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 20.20

Vinette Kopetz 1417 Sterling Rd
Charlotte, North Carolina 282091543

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Alexandra Kownurko 3301 Baring St Apt 9
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191042587

10/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 57.61

Alexandra Kownurko 3301 Baring St Apt 9
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191042587

11/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Renee Lafarge 111 Sunrise Ln Novato
Novato, California 949496808

11/19/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Donald Laird 2845 Mclean Ct
Eugene, Oregon 974051916

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 200.00

Ruth Lamb 15 Northup Dr
Queensbury, New York 128042213

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 800.00

Ruth Lamb 15 Northup Dr
Queensbury, New York 128042213

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

Ruth Lamb 15 Northup Dr
Queensbury, New York 128042213

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

John Larse 24 Seascape Vlg
Aptos, California 950036100

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Sara K Laschever 108 Fairhaven Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017423518

12/04/2019 Refund of Contributions 35.00

Micheal Le Vine 9 Landing Ln
Port Jefferson, New York 117771106

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Evan Lee 38 Echo Lake Rd
Mount Desert, Maine 046606426

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 145.00

Evan Lee 38 Echo Lake Rd
Mount Desert, Maine 046606426

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Evan Lee 38 Echo Lake Rd
Mount Desert, Maine 046606426

10/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Marlene Lee 612 Huntridge Dr
Columbia, Missouri 652013653

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Steven Lei 51 Beideman St
San Francisco, California 941153966

11/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Lori Leigh 5406 NE 12Th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972114304

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 25.00

Alexandra Leigon 2510 Ann Rou Rd
Tavares, Florida 327785290

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Harry Leonard 38 Emmet Ave
East Rockaway, New York 115182206

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Gail Leveque 5114 E Lee St
Tucson, Arizona 857124102

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Cinda Liggon 212 Mount Union Rd
Fayetteville, Pennsylvania 172229562

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 500.00

Samuel Lipson 131 Newburg St
Roslindale, Massachusetts 021313318

12/09/2019 Refund of Contributions 14.00

Michael Long 416 King St
Santa Cruz, California 950603412

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

James Luger 630 Tennis Club Dr Apt 402
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333114063

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Val Mahan 10220 Forest Lake Dr
Great Falls, Virginia 220663609

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 250.00

Pat Malone 2006 Voltaire Dr
Austin, Texas 787522152

11/21/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Helen Manfred 104 Macklenburg Dr
Penllyn, Pennsylvania 194221105

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Adin Mann 801 Crystal St
Ames, Iowa 500108406

11/04/2019 Refund of Contribution 150.00

Rena Marrocco 1135 York Dr
Vista, California 920847251

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 100.00

Rena Marrocco 1135 York Dr
Vista, California 920847251

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 100.00

Rena Marrocco 1135 York Dr
Vista, California 920847251

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Rena Marrocco 1135 York Dr
Vista, California 920847251

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Rena Marrocco 1135 York Dr
Vista, California 920847251

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 30.06

Mahshid Marsh 13116 Trio Ct
Grass Valley, California 959459379

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Richard Marsh 5624 Frontier Way
Carmichael, California 956085133

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 31.50

Amanda Marshall 691 Hampshire Rd
Westlake Village, California 913612393

11/19/2019 Refund of Contribution 11.03

Margaret Marshall 119 Grand St
Redwood City, California 940621631

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 28.00

Joelle Martel 1731 N Tallowood Dr
Lake Charles, Louisiana 706056409

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 200.00

Odie Martin PO Box 244
Mebane, North Carolina 273020244

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Ross Martin 411 SW Morrison St
Portland, Oregon 972041406

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 1.02

Ross Martin 411 SW Morrison St
Portland, Oregon 972041406

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 2.00

Ross Martin 411 SW Morrison St
Portland, Oregon 972041406

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 4.00

Ross Martin 411 SW Morrison St
Portland, Oregon 972041406

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 5.00

Ross Martin 411 SW Morrison St
Portland, Oregon 972041406

11/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

Sherri Masson 760 Milford Glen Dr
Milford, Michigan 483812002

11/05/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Harold Maupin 1814 Potomac Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032418

10/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Maria Maurer 12945 SW Hawks Beard St
Tigard, Oregon 972231956

10/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Michael May PO Box 863
Oroville, Washington 988440863

12/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 48.92

Michael May PO Box 863
Oroville, Washington 988440863

12/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 97.58

Joann McCabe 3731 Pine Canyon Dr
Eugene, Oregon 974054429

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Allyssa McCleery 300 Clematis St
West Palm Beach, Florida 334014625

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Robert McCrary 69100 Mccallum Way Apt C206
Cathedral City, California 922345857

12/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 200.00

Helen McHale 518 E 16Th St
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 740035803

10/29/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Erik McShane 3907 E Coconino St
Phoenix, Arizona 850443819

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 31.50

Rachel Meyer 2733 Franklin St.
Vancouver V5K 1X7, Foreign Country 00000

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Deborah Michel 19 Preston Rd
Woodside, California 940622637

10/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Sara Millard 29 South St
Manasquan, New Jersey 087363000

12/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Randel Miller 1009 S Main St
Jonesboro, Arkansas 724013560

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Nancy Mills 1854 Ingleside Ter NW
Washington, DC 200101071

12/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Amit Mistry 101 Polk St Unit 611
San Francisco, California 941024757

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 880.00

Gail Mitchem 1090 Eddy St Apt 503
San Francisco, California 941097609

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Dean Moore 4500 19Th St Lot 345
Boulder, Colorado 803040622

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Robert Moore 4 Tolson St
Annapolis, Maryland 214011342

12/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 5.00

Louis Moser Benediktenwandstrasse 30
Munchen 81545 Germ, Foreign Country 00000

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Kari Moyer 131 Broadway
West Hempstead, New York 115521409

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 250.00

Barry Musselwhite 1720 Old Saint Marks Church Rd Apt 3-1A
Burlington, North Carolina 272159416

12/08/2019 Refund of Contributions 250.00

Mara Nabers 21700 Oxnard St Ste 2030
Woodland Hills, California 913677545

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 400.00

Nancy Nelson 3609 S Square
Williamsburg, Virginia 231882808

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Elizabeth Newman 7605 Glenvale Dr
Omaha, Nebraska 681344468

12/18/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Linda Newmark 356 20Th Ave
San Francisco, California 941212205

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 35.00

Kelly Ngo 426 Bellevue Ave E Apt 4
Seattle, Washington 981024731

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 28.00

Gloria Nipping 3042 Fashion Ave
Long Beach, California 908102519

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Miriam Normile 222 Park Pl Apt 510
Waukesha, Wisconsin 531864775

11/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Victor Nussenzweig 110 Bleecker St
New York, New York 100122101

10/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Victor Nussenzweig 110 Bleecker St
New York, New York 100122101

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Geraldine O'Bryan 6041 W Maple St
Romulus, Michigan 481742343

12/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Larry O'Connor 115 Elm St
Hatfield, Massachusetts 010383806

11/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Christopher Odette 4197 Locust Ln
Swartz Creek, Michigan 484731558

12/19/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Linda Ost 7609 Terry John Ave
Bakersfield, California 933082783

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Linda Ost 7609 Terry John Ave
Bakersfield, California 933082783

10/08/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Beverly Owens 9700 Woolrich Ave
Fairhope, Alabama 365327414

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Muzamil Pabani 8510 Braun Walk
San Antonio, Texas 782502622

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Mary Paine 4503 Hillside St
Lincoln, Nebraska 685065651

11/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Mark C Pampanin 303 S Avenue 57 Apt 6
Los Angeles, California 900425224

12/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Alanna Pardee 1475 N Humboldt St Apt 12
Denver, Colorado 802182336

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 5600.00

Benjamin Patton 531 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, California 943053003

10/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

George Patton 1009 Fairway Cir
Jonesboro, Arkansas 724014350

11/04/2019 Refund of Contribution 7.00

Nancy Pearce 12 Bailey Rd
Old Lyme, Connecticut 063711701

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Craig R. Perkins 2802 NE 185Th St
Lake Forest Park, Washington 981554143

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Jan Perlin 7843 Route 81
Oak Hill, New York 124605122

10/09/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Albert Perry 1644 Madison Ave
Charlotte, North Carolina 282165439

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Linda Pike 47 Monroe St
Pembroke, Massachusetts 023593213

10/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 30.00

Megan Pillsbury 219 Carmel Ave
Piedmont, California 946114009

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Joe Plitnick 6336 Grayson St
Englewood, Florida 342248599

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Joe Plitnick 6336 Grayson St
Englewood, Florida 342248599

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Joe Plitnick 6336 Grayson St
Englewood, Florida 342248599

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Joe Plitnick 6336 Grayson St
Englewood, Florida 342248599

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Joe Plitnick 6336 Grayson St
Englewood, Florida 342248599

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 75.00

Joe Plitnick 6336 Grayson St
Englewood, Florida 342248599

11/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 200.00

Andrea Singer Pollack PO Box 22066
Denver, Colorado 802220066

11/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 1000.00

Dan Pomeroy 22 Houghton St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021434011

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 87.42

Christina Portillo 8308 Vance Pl
El Paso, Texas 799074231

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Ian Post 212 New York Ave Apt B
Salisbury, Maryland 218013687

11/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 70.00

Adithya Pugazhendhi 1033 High St Apt 407
Madison, Wisconsin 537151934

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Adithya Pugazhendhi 1033 High St Apt 407
Madison, Wisconsin 537151934

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Adithya Pugazhendhi 1033 High St Apt 407
Madison, Wisconsin 537151934

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Adithya Pugazhendhi 1033 High St Apt 407
Madison, Wisconsin 537151934

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Adithya Pugazhendhi 1033 High St Apt 407
Madison, Wisconsin 537151934

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Adithya Pugazhendhi 1033 High St Apt 407
Madison, Wisconsin 537151934

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Isidro Quintero 1503 E Saint Francis Ave
Alton, Texas 785733958

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 250.00

Lawrence Raffalovich 40 Autumn Dr
Slingerlands, New York 121599356

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 5.00

Lawrence Raffalovich 40 Autumn Dr
Slingerlands, New York 121599356

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 5.00

Lawrence Raffalovich 40 Autumn Dr
Slingerlands, New York 121599356

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 5.00

Lawrence Raffalovich 40 Autumn Dr
Slingerlands, New York 121599356

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 5.00

Lawrence Raffalovich 40 Autumn Dr
Slingerlands, New York 121599356

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 6.00

Lawrence Raffalovich 40 Autumn Dr
Slingerlands, New York 121599356

11/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 6.00

Dale Rafferty 14769 Sugar Cane Way
Clearwater, Florida 337602377

11/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Elizabeth Rand 1612 Dearing Pl
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 354013341

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Elizabeth Rand 1612 Dearing Pl
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 354013341

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Lynn Rankinen 692 Brockton Cir
Eagan, Minnesota 551231676

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 52.00

Lynn Rankinen 692 Brockton Cir
Eagan, Minnesota 551231676

10/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 52.00

Lester Rapaport 274 Morgan Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112112753

10/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Nancy Resetar 17240 Tamara Ln
Royal Oaks, California 950769009

12/11/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Ellen J. Rice 27 Hovey Ln
Brunswick, Maine 040117840

10/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 54.04

Mary Robertson 1775 Four Mile Cove Pkwy Apt 1210
Cape Coral, Florida 339902434

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 2000.00

Natalie Robertson 7923 Kings Shore Dr
Denver, North Carolina 280377546

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Natalie Robertson 7923 Kings Shore Dr
Denver, North Carolina 280377546

10/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Edgardo Rodriguez 18 Academy St
Plainfield, Connecticut 063741702

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Edgardo Rodriguez 18 Academy St
Plainfield, Connecticut 063741702

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Katya Rogers 16150 NE 113Th Ct
Redmond, Washington 980522693

12/04/2019 Refund of Contributions 500.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Amy Rohr 3251 Hillrise Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880114707

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Mary Claire Rohret 826 Polk Blvd
Des Moines, Iowa 503122223

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 35.00

Bobbie Rosenfarb 10775 Esmeraldas Dr
San Diego, California 921242009

11/07/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Charles Roser 373 Merion Rd
Merion Station, Pennsylvania 190661531

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 64.75

Carolyn Ruth 7830 E Lake Rd
Erie, Pennsylvania 165111631

11/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Mike Ryman 1941 S Central Ave
Tracy, California 953768148

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Richard Sack 3 Rue De Turbigo
Paris 75001 France, Foreign Country 00000

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Richard Sack 3 Rue De Turbigo
Paris 75001 France, Foreign Country 00000

10/24/2019 Refund of Contribution 80.00

Alfonso Salinas 19120 Lady Bird Johnson St
Manor, Texas 786532182

12/03/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Marvin Salles 2867 La Cadena Ct
Palm Springs, California 922640411

12/15/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Raphael Samach 20 Waterside Plz Apt 16A
New York, New York 100102614

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Raphael Samach 20 Waterside Plz Apt 16A
New York, New York 100102614

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Raphael Samach 20 Waterside Plz Apt 16A
New York, New York 100102614

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Raphael Samach 20 Waterside Plz Apt 16A
New York, New York 100102614

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Raphael Samach 20 Waterside Plz Apt 16A
New York, New York 100102614

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Raphael Samach 20 Waterside Plz Apt 16A
New York, New York 100102614

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Amy Samelson 2112 Fruitdale Ave
San Jose, California 951282710

12/22/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Edward Savela 3055 Karl Daly Rd
Irondale, Alabama 352104218

10/13/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Sharron J Sawyer 825 South St
Roslindale, Massachusetts 021312473

12/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Warren Scherer 13 Stony Gate Oval
New Rochelle, New York 108042540

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Warren Scherer 13 Stony Gate Oval
New Rochelle, New York 108042540

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Warren Scherer 13 Stony Gate Oval
New Rochelle, New York 108042540

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Warren Scherer 13 Stony Gate Oval
New Rochelle, New York 108042540

10/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Stefanie Schneider 3628 E 17Th Ave Apt 9
Denver, Colorado 802061833

12/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 10.00

Sally M. Schuessler 225 Schuessler Ln
Preston Hollow, New York 124693021

11/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 400.00

Daniel M Shannon 177 R Wales St
Abington, Massachusetts 023511824

10/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Daniel M Shannon 177 R Wales St
Abington, Massachusetts 023511824

10/30/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Jean Sharpe 350 Cherry St
Bedford Hills, New York 105071102

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Sondra Shaye 886 Union St
Brooklyn, New York 112151820

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 40.00

Sondra Shaye 886 Union St
Brooklyn, New York 112151820

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 40.00

Sondra Shaye 886 Union St
Brooklyn, New York 112151820

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 40.00

James Shelley 4404 S Rhett Ave
North Charleston, South Carolina 294055240

10/06/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Irene Sherman 1763 Pee Rd Apt 503
Koloa, Hawaii 967568540

12/01/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Spencer Shoup 11200 E Dartmouth Ave Apt 369
Denver, Colorado 800144871

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Spencer Shoup 11200 E Dartmouth Ave Apt 369
Denver, Colorado 800144871

11/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Susan P Sidel 9 Horseshoe Rd
Chelmsford, Massachusetts 018241011

12/17/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Mary Simmons 783 Kendall Ct
Lakewood, Colorado 802142328

12/09/2019 Refund of Contributions 50.00

Gretchen Sisson 710 Steiner St
San Francisco, California 941171617

12/26/2019 Refund of Contribution 54.47

Mary Smith 3733 Hayes Tower Rd
Gaylord, Michigan 497359612

11/12/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Mary Smith 3733 Hayes Tower Rd
Gaylord, Michigan 497359612

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Patricia Smith 705 Maggie Mae Ln
Lawrenceville, Georgia 300458656

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Patricia Smith 705 Maggie Mae Ln
Lawrenceville, Georgia 300458656

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Patricia Smith 705 Maggie Mae Ln
Lawrenceville, Georgia 300458656

10/16/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Paula Smith 2271 Clark Ave
Long Beach, California 908152523

10/14/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

Rachel Smith 6 Garden Ct
Succasunna, New Jersey 078761250

12/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 118.98

Frank Smizik 42 Russell St
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462414

11/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Judy Snyder 9013 W 48Th Ter
Merriam, Kansas 662031219

12/23/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Rita Solnet 11834 Bayfield Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334986204

10/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Judy Spinelli 5936 Palcheff Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761268377

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 100.00

Jane Staab 486 Pleasant Lake Ave
Harwich, Massachusetts 026451016

10/27/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

John Stallworth 4131 Spicewood Springs Rd # K-6
Austin, Texas 787598661

12/25/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Martha Stein 150 Andover St
San Francisco, California 941105608

12/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 15.00

Lisa Steiner 77 Massachusetts Ave # 68-623A
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021394301

10/02/2019 Refund of Contribution 25.00

Phil Stokes 4070 Cactus Rd
Shingle Springs, California 956829463

11/20/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Eileen Sweeny 58 Peak Rd
Stone Ridge, New York 124845436

11/10/2019 Refund of Contribution 50.00

Alda Tavares 5 Sage Ct
Carolina Shores, North Carolina 284672424

10/28/2019 Refund of Contribution 500.00

American Express PO Box 1270
Newark, New Jersey 071011270

10/02/2019 Credit Card - See Below if Itemized 2070.00

Sacramento, California 958117012

10/02/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 500.00
Lexington County Democratic Party SC 115 Library Hill Ln Ste B
Lexington, South Carolina 290723894

10/02/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 255.00
Nye County Democratic Central Committee 1201 S Highway 160 Ste 105
Pahrump, Nevada 89048

10/02/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 75.00
Nye County Democratic Central Committee 1201 S Highway 160 Ste 105
Pahrump, Nevada 89048

10/02/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 100.00
Nye County Democratic Central Committee 1201 S Highway 160 Ste 105
Pahrump, Nevada 89048

10/02/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 120.00
Red Rock Democratic Party PO Box 370514
Las Vegas, Nevada 891370514

10/02/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 450.00
American Express PO Box 1270
Newark, New Jersey 071011270

10/29/2019 Credit Card - See Below if Itemized 3307.00

Columbia, South Carolina 292505965

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 150.00
Columbia, South Carolina 292505965

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 150.00
Columbia, South Carolina 292505965

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 450.00
Dubuque County Democratic Party 2728 Asbury Rd Ste 515
Dubuque, Iowa 520012974

10/29/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 300.00
Horry County Democratic Party 311 Beaty St Ste C
Conway, South Carolina 295265051

10/29/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 707.00
Nevada State Democratic Party 409 Horn St
Las Vegas, Nevada 891072121

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 1500.00
American Express PO Box 1270
Newark, New Jersey 071011270

12/03/2019 Credit Card - See Below if Itemized 1691.56

Elko County Democratic Central Committe PO Box 1942
Elko, Nevada 898031942

12/03/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 278.36
Manchester Democratic City Committee 91 Alexander Dr
Manchester, New Hampshire 031094501

12/03/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 75.00
Miami-Dade Democratic Party 9543 S Dixie Hwy
Miami, Florida 331562802

12/03/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 500.00
Ohio Democratic Party 340 E Fulton St
Columbus, Ohio 432155418

12/03/2019 Contribution 250.00
American Express PO Box 1270
Newark, New Jersey 071011270

12/16/2019 Credit Card - See Below if Itemized 2950.00

Polk County Democratic Central Committe 2030 SE Sylvan Rd
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

12/16/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 2950.00
Sacramento, California 958117012

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 2500.00

Democratic Executive Committee Of Flori 214 S Bronough St
Tallahassee, Florida 323011705

10/01/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 5000.00

Democratic Party Of Washoe County 1465 Terminal Way Ste 1
Reno, Nevada 895023200

10/21/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 1500.00

Freedom, Incorporated 1202 Brooklyn Ave
Kansas City, Missouri 641271912

12/06/2019 Donation 750.00

Georgia Federal Elections Committee PO Box 89202
Atlanta, Georgia 303120202

10/22/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 5000.00

Iowa Democratic Party 5661 Fleur Dr
Des Moines, Iowa 503212841

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 6900.00

Linn County Democrats PO Box 574
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524060574

10/18/2019 Non-Federal Contribution 750.00

Native Energy, Inc. 3 Main St Ste 212
Burlington, Vermont 054015216

12/10/2019 Donation 16758.00

Nevada State Democratic Party 409 Horn St
Las Vegas, Nevada 891072121

10/29/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 3125.00

Nevada State Democratic Party 409 Horn St
Las Vegas, Nevada 891072121

11/07/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 16875.00

Progressive Leadership Alliance Of Neva 2330 Paseo Del Prado Ste C109
Las Vegas, Nevada 891024336

11/01/2019 Donation 1500.00

Vermont State Democratic Federal Campai PO Box 1220
Montpelier, Vermont 056011220

10/18/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 1500.00

Seattle, Washington 981940027

10/09/2019 Unlimited Transfer to State Party Commit 2500.00

Young Democrats Of America PAC PO Box 77496
Washington, DC 200138496

12/06/2019 Contribution 2500.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 33609629.37
Total Memo Amount 1927278.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 951
Number of Transactions (Memo) 84

Generated Tue Jan 21 21:41:55 2025