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There are a total of 395684 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 1 through 500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Sandra Aamodt 30100 Positas Rd
Winters, California 956949754
Self Employed / Science Communication * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 1000.00 2200.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 1000.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Katherine Aaron 484 1St St
Brooklyn, New York 112152606
Self Employed / Producer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/26/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/27/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Katherine Aaron 484 1St St
Brooklyn, New York 112152606
Self Employed / Producer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/26/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/26/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Katherine Aaron 484 1St St
Brooklyn, New York 112152606
Self Employed / Producer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/19/2019 50.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/19/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Katherine Aaron 484 1St St
Brooklyn, New York 112152606
Self Employed / Producer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/26/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/26/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Katherine Aaron 484 1St St
Brooklyn, New York 112152606
Self Employed / Producer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/14/2019 5.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/14/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/18/2019 5.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/14/2019 5.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/14/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/18/2019 5.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/18/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/03/2019 28.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/03/2019 28.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/09/2019 10.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/09/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/14/2019 5.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/18/2019 5.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/18/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 10.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 15.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor
12/30/2019 20.35 382.36
Melissa Aaron 913 W Arrow Hwy
Claremont, California 917114816
Cal Poly Pomona / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 382.36
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Patrice Aaron 2800 Stein Ct
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481059600
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/22/2019 500.00 1750.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/22/2019 500.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Patrice Aaron 2800 Stein Ct
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481059600
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/15/2019 250.00 1750.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 250.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Peter Aaron 215 Reserve Blvd Apt 202
Charlottesville, Virginia 229011598
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/12/2019 15.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Peter Aaron 17 Greendale Rd
Hudson, New York 125344202
Self Employed / Architectural Photographer
10/28/2019 515.00 515.00
Peter Aaron 215 Reserve Blvd Apt 202
Charlottesville, Virginia 229011598
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/30/2019 10.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/30/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Peter Aaron 215 Reserve Blvd Apt 202
Charlottesville, Virginia 229011598
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/10/2019 15.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/10/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Peter Aaron 215 Reserve Blvd Apt 202
Charlottesville, Virginia 229011598
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/17/2019 10.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/17/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Peter Aaron 215 Reserve Blvd Apt 202
Charlottesville, Virginia 229011598
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/29/2019 10.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Peter Aaron 215 Reserve Blvd Apt 202
Charlottesville, Virginia 229011598
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/11/2019 10.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/11/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/09/2019 15.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/09/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/30/2019 15.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/30/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/04/2019 15.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/04/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/09/2019 15.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/10/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/18/2019 28.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/18/2019 28.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/27/2019 25.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/27/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/04/2019 25.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/04/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/13/2019 25.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 15.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/23/2019 15.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/23/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Shirley L Aaron 101 Cherry Ave
Havana, Florida 323331311
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 50.00 798.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Susan Aaron 614 Stonebridge Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805037779
Bellwether Education Partners / Executive Assistant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 25.00 275.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/01/2019 10.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/13/2019 25.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/16/2019 50.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/16/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/02/2019 25.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/03/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/25/2019 35.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/25/2019 35.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/03/2019 50.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/03/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/04/2019 28.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/04/2019 28.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/23/2019 18.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/23/2019 18.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/26/2019 18.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/26/2019 18.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 100.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ellen Aarons 4752 Constance Dr
San Diego, California 921153110
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 50.00 864.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Vilde Aaslid 17 Park St
Newport, Rhode Island 028402103
University Of Rhode Island / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/30/2019 15.00 210.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/30/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Vilde Aaslid 17 Park St
Newport, Rhode Island 028402103
University Of Rhode Island / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/23/2019 15.00 210.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/23/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Vilde Aaslid 17 Park St
Newport, Rhode Island 028402103
University Of Rhode Island / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 15.00 210.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Vilde Aaslid 17 Park St
Newport, Rhode Island 028402103
University Of Rhode Island / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 210.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Amir Aavani 3700 Casa Verde St Apt 2323
San Jose, California 951343335
Google / Software Engineer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/10/2019 25.00 295.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/10/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Amir Aavani 3700 Casa Verde St Apt 2323
San Jose, California 951343335
Google / Software Engineer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/11/2019 25.00 295.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/11/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Amir Aavani 3700 Casa Verde St Apt 2323
San Jose, California 951343335
Google / Software Engineer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/10/2019 25.00 295.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/10/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/08/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/08/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/16/2019 6.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/16/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/17/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/17/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/21/2019 2.50 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/21/2019 2.50 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/31/2019 3.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/31/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/04/2019 3.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/04/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/14/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/14/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/15/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/17/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/16/2019 6.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/17/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/15/2019 2.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/17/2019 2.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/21/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/21/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/21/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/21/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/22/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/24/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/25/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/25/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/03/2019 3.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/03/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/07/2019 15.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/08/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/13/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/13/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/15/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/16/2019 6.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/16/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 3.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 3.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/20/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/22/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/23/2019 10.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/23/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/29/2019 2.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 2.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/29/2019 3.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Esperanza Abacan 240 Linden St Apt 102
Redwood City, California 940613159
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 15.00 445.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrea Abarca Coutts 577 County Rd
West Wareham, Massachusetts 025761521
Community College Of Rhode Island / Adjunct Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/29/2019 10.00 314.20
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrea Abarca Coutts 577 County Rd
West Wareham, Massachusetts 025761521
Community College Of Rhode Island / Adjunct Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/30/2019 10.00 314.20
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/30/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrea Abarca Coutts 577 County Rd
West Wareham, Massachusetts 025761521
Community College Of Rhode Island / Adjunct Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 10.00 314.20
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrea Abarca Coutts 577 County Rd
West Wareham, Massachusetts 025761521
Community College Of Rhode Island / Adjunct Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/02/2019 10.00 314.20
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/02/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrea Abarca Coutts 577 County Rd
West Wareham, Massachusetts 025761521
Community College Of Rhode Island / Adjunct Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/15/2019 10.00 314.20
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrea Abarca Coutts 577 County Rd
West Wareham, Massachusetts 025761521
Community College Of Rhode Island / Adjunct Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 10.00 314.20
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Aly Abayazeed 8 Sterling Ct
Northborough, Massachusetts 015321775
UMASS / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/30/2019 50.00 475.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/30/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Aly Abayazeed 8 Sterling Ct
Northborough, Massachusetts 015321775
UMASS / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 50.00 475.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Beverly Abbe 582 Tie Chute Ln
Florence, Montana 598336504
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/09/2019 25.00 275.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/09/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Beverly Abbe 582 Tie Chute Ln
Florence, Montana 598336504
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/09/2019 25.00 275.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/10/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Beverly Abbe 582 Tie Chute Ln
Florence, Montana 598336504
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/09/2019 25.00 275.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/09/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jennifer Abbey 128 W 27Th St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554081501
Carmichael Lynch / Project Management * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/05/2019 50.00 260.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/05/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Leslie Abbey 124 Hudson St
New York, New York 100132387
Self Employed / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/08/2019 250.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/08/2019 250.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ross Abbey 128 W 27Th St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554081501
United States Solar Corporation / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 125.00 375.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 125.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Billie Abbitt 922 Pratt St
Longmont, Colorado 805014547
Royal Philips / Business Analyst * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/17/2019 100.00 900.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/17/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Billie Abbitt 922 Pratt St
Longmont, Colorado 805014547
Royal Philips / Business Analyst * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/17/2019 100.00 900.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/17/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Billie Abbitt 922 Pratt St
Longmont, Colorado 805014547
Royal Philips / Business Analyst * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 100.00 900.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/10/2019 15.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/10/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/13/2019 100.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/13/2019 100.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/13/2019 100.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/13/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/13/2019 100.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/13/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/13/2019 100.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
David Abbitt 15124 Del Gado Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914034436
Netflix / Production Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/13/2019 100.00 1615.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Kaitlin Abbitt 922 Pratt St
Longmont, Colorado 805014547
Automattic Inc / Project Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/16/2019 100.00 501.49
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/16/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Elizabeth Abbott 936 Vernon Ave
Winston Salem, North Carolina 271065844
KFTC / Community Organizer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/07/2019 25.00 218.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/07/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Elizabeth Abbott 936 Vernon Ave
Winston Salem, North Carolina 271065844
KFTC / Community Organizer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 18.00 218.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 18.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/11/2019 25.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/16/2019 25.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/16/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/20/2019 50.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/20/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/29/2019 50.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/11/2019 100.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/11/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/14/2019 25.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jean Abbott 2877 Tincup Cir
Boulder, Colorado 803057180
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/26/2019 50.00 660.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/26/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joanna Abbott 903 Maxwell St
Healdsburg, California 954483506
Sacramento City USD / School Psychologist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 100.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abbott 202 N St Apt 1
Boston, Massachusetts 021275618
12/03/2019 234.34 344.34
Jodi Abbott 202 N St Apt 1
Boston, Massachusetts 021275618
AMA / MD * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 10.00 344.34
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joe Abbott 735 Bailey Ave
Wabasha, Minnesota 559811536
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/29/2019 25.00 200.75
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/29/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joe Abbott 735 Bailey Ave
Wabasha, Minnesota 559811536
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/29/2019 25.00 200.75
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joe Abbott 735 Bailey Ave
Wabasha, Minnesota 559811536
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/29/2019 25.00 200.75
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
John Abbott 3950 W Chandler Blvd Apt 4042
Chandler, Arizona 852263832
Siemens / Engineer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 150.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 150.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Judith Abbott 7041 Topaz St
Alta Loma, California 917015444
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/07/2019 50.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/07/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Judith Abbott 7041 Topaz St
Alta Loma, California 917015444
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/07/2019 10.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/07/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Judith Abbott 7041 Topaz St
Alta Loma, California 917015444
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/07/2019 10.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/08/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Kristen Abbott 4837 NE 32Nd Pl
Portland, Oregon 972117029
VCA / Veterinarian * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/29/2019 50.00 828.79
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/29/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Kristen Abbott 4837 NE 32Nd Pl
Portland, Oregon 972117029
VCA / Veterinarian * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 150.00 828.79
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 150.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Kristen Abbott 4837 NE 32Nd Pl
Portland, Oregon 972117029
VCA / Veterinarian * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 250.00 828.79
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 250.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicholas Abbott 3440 S 87Th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532274516
WI Dept Workforce Development / Civil Servant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/06/2019 10.00 328.96
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/06/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicholas Abbott 3440 S 87Th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532274516
WI Dept Workforce Development / Civil Servant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/11/2019 6.00 328.96
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicholas Abbott 3440 S 87Th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532274516
WI Dept Workforce Development / Civil Servant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/24/2019 5.00 328.96
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/24/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicholas Abbott 3440 S 87Th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532274516
WI Dept Workforce Development / Civil Servant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/04/2019 5.00 328.96
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/04/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicholas Abbott 3440 S 87Th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532274516
WI Dept Workforce Development / Civil Servant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 10.00 328.96
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicholas Abbott 3440 S 87Th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532274516
WI Dept Workforce Development / Civil Servant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 20.00 328.96
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 20.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Maysoon Abdelhady 447 Lawton Ave
Cliffside Park, New Jersey 070101913
WME / Comedian
11/26/2019 88.83 288.25
Maysoon Abdelhady 447 Lawton Ave
Cliffside Park, New Jersey 070101913
WME / Comedian * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/19/2019 50.00 288.25
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/19/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Maysoon Abdelhady 447 Lawton Ave
Cliffside Park, New Jersey 070101913
WME / Comedian * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 5.00 288.25
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Arwa Abdelmoula 1545 Montrose St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191462114
Ballard Spahr LLP / Associate
10/11/2019 44.66 244.66
Arwa Abdelmoula 1545 Montrose St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191462114
Ballard Spahr LLP / Associate * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/11/2019 200.00 244.66
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 200.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mike Abdelnaby 10160 Hummingbird Cir
Villa Park, California 928614155
Mike's Chevron / Owner
12/06/2019 100.00 1800.00
Mike Abdelnaby 10160 Hummingbird Cir
Villa Park, California 928614155
Mike's Chevron / Owner
12/20/2019 600.00 1800.00
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/18/2019 15.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/23/2019 20.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/23/2019 20.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/31/2019 3.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/31/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/18/2019 15.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/18/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/05/2019 35.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/05/2019 35.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/05/2019 15.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/05/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ann Abdelnour 1947 W Winona St
Chicago, Illinois 606402660
Morr Sharp / Sales * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/18/2019 15.00 228.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/18/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mustaf Abdirahman 22 27Th Ave SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554144233
M-Health University Of Minnesota Physi / Registered Staff Nurse * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/13/2019 50.00 313.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mustaf Abdirahman 22 27Th Ave SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554144233
M-Health University Of Minnesota Physi / Registered Staff Nurse * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/26/2019 25.00 313.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/27/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mustaf Abdirahman 22 27Th Ave SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554144233
M-Health University Of Minnesota Physi / Registered Staff Nurse * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/11/2019 25.00 313.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/11/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mustaf Abdirahman 22 27Th Ave SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554144233
M-Health University Of Minnesota Physi / Registered Staff Nurse * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/24/2019 50.00 313.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/24/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mustaf Abdirahman 22 27Th Ave SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554144233
M-Health University Of Minnesota Physi / Registered Staff Nurse * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/03/2019 30.00 313.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/03/2019 30.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Russ Abdrakhmanov PO Box 3780
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 080340584
12/04/2019 49.66 384.55
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician
10/02/2019 34.85 303.35
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/04/2019 15.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/06/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/16/2019 15.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/16/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/13/2019 15.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/13/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/13/2019 10.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/13/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 30.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 30.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/09/2019 30.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/09/2019 30.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 18.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 18.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 15.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Dorina R. Abdulah 475 Boylston St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592739
BIDMC / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 30.00 303.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 30.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Musarrat Abdulhussein 2273 Alaqua Dr
Longwood, Florida 327793123
Cmr / Owner * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/11/2019 500.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 500.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Yeuhi Abe 218 Thorndike St Apt 202
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021411508
Boston Dynamics / Roboticist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/02/2019 100.00 285.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/02/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Yeuhi Abe 218 Thorndike St Apt 202
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021411508
Boston Dynamics / Roboticist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/03/2019 50.00 285.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/03/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Yeuhi Abe 218 Thorndike St Apt 202
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021411508
Boston Dynamics / Roboticist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/21/2019 50.00 285.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nicole Abeckett 6218 Lexington Ave
Los Angeles, California 900381714
SameSide / Management
10/09/2019 64.79 217.79
Nicole Abeckett 6218 Lexington Ave
Los Angeles, California 900381714
SameSide / Management * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 217.79
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Benjamin Abel 72 Payne Ave
North Tonawanda, New York 141206013
USPS / Mail Carrier * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/30/2019 10.00 203.24
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/30/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Benjamin Abel 72 Payne Ave
North Tonawanda, New York 141206013
USPS / Mail Carrier * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 15.00 203.24
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Deborah Abel 42 Chandler St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024785028
Ab Initio / Software Developer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 250.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 250.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ferdinand Abel 136 Chapman Ln
Brewster, Massachusetts 026311580
Self Employed / ATM Owner * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/22/2019 50.00 750.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/22/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ferdinand Abel 136 Chapman Ln
Brewster, Massachusetts 026311580
Self Employed / ATM Owner * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 50.00 750.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Helga Abel 11630 Glen Arm Rd Apt L36
Glen Arm, Maryland 210579439
None / Not Employed
10/28/2019 50.00 370.00
Helga Abel 11630 Glen Arm Rd Apt L36
Glen Arm, Maryland 210579439
None / Not Employed
11/18/2019 50.00 370.00
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/05/2019 6.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/06/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/12/2019 3.25 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2019 3.25 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/20/2019 5.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/20/2019 3.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/28/2019 10.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/28/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/05/2019 6.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/05/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/12/2019 3.25 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/12/2019 3.25 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/20/2019 3.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/20/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/20/2019 5.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/20/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/28/2019 10.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/28/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/05/2019 6.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/05/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/12/2019 3.25 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/12/2019 3.25 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/20/2019 5.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/20/2019 3.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 10.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/29/2019 25.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Jodi Abel 1236 Dorset Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231397811
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 466.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
John Abel 1001 Taughannock Blvd
Ithaca, New York 148509572
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/01/2019 50.00 300.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
John Abel 1001 Taughannock Blvd
Ithaca, New York 148509572
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/01/2019 50.00 300.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/03/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
John Abel 1001 Taughannock Blvd
Ithaca, New York 148509572
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/01/2019 50.00 300.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/01/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joseph Abel 74 Fayette St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391112
Sungage Financial / VP Of Operations * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/15/2019 25.00 503.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/15/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joseph Abel 74 Fayette St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391112
Sungage Financial / VP Of Operations * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/25/2019 6.00 503.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/27/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joseph Abel 74 Fayette St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391112
Sungage Financial / VP Of Operations * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/12/2019 10.00 503.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/12/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joseph Abel 74 Fayette St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391112
Sungage Financial / VP Of Operations * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/25/2019 6.00 503.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/25/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joseph Abel 74 Fayette St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391112
Sungage Financial / VP Of Operations * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/04/2019 15.00 503.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/04/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Joseph Abel 74 Fayette St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391112
Sungage Financial / VP Of Operations * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/25/2019 6.00 503.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/25/2019 6.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Teri Abel 100 Ascot Glen Rd
Irmo, South Carolina 290638972
AppleOne / Temporary Worker * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 25.00 207.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Teri Abel 100 Ascot Glen Rd
Irmo, South Carolina 290638972
AppleOne / Temporary Worker * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 12.50 207.50
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 12.50 17174793.20 LIMITS
Miriam Abelaye 1310 Aloha Oe Dr
Kailua, Hawaii 967344508
None / Homemaker
12/02/2019 100.00 400.00
Theresa Abell 3568 Latimore Rd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441225050
Lancorp / Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/31/2019 20.00 492.75
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/31/2019 20.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Theresa Abell 3568 Latimore Rd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441225050
Lancorp / Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 20.00 492.75
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 20.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Theresa Abell 3568 Latimore Rd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441225050
Lancorp / Manager
12/31/2019 90.99 492.75
Theresa Abell 3568 Latimore Rd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441225050
Lancorp / Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 20.00 492.75
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 20.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/12/2019 3.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/12/2019 3.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/16/2019 10.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/16/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/17/2019 10.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/17/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/18/2019 10.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/18/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/19/2019 15.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/19/2019 15.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/22/2019 10.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/22/2019 10.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/23/2019 25.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/23/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 5.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 5.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 10.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 28.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 28.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs
12/30/2019 31.27 247.27
Donald Abels 7857 Jefferson Hwy Apt 1405
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708091491
LSU / Student Affairs * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 247.27
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Lara Abelsohn 1 Lincoln Pl Apt 3D
Brooklyn, New York 112173552
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/09/2019 100.00 370.35
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/10/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Kim Abelson 2856 Riedel Rd
San Jose, California 951352019
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/20/2019 100.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Kim Abelson 2856 Riedel Rd
San Jose, California 951352019
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/18/2019 50.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/18/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Judith Abend 2515 South Ct
Palo Alto, California 943014241
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/20/2019 25.00 375.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/20/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Mark Aberdeen 810 Carmon Ct
Winder, Georgia 306802953
AFL / Operations Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/18/2019 10.00 300.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ariel Aberg-Riger 29 Ardmore Pl
Buffalo, New York 142131447
Spark No. 9 / Creative Director * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/30/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/30/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Ariel Aberg-Riger 29 Ardmore Pl
Buffalo, New York 142131447
Spark No. 9 / Creative Director * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/30/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/30/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Michelle Aberle 2510 Gundry Ave
Signal Hill, California 907553522
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/27/2019 10.00 420.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrew Abernathy 3646 35Th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981991613
The Omni Group / Computer Programmer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/16/2019 10.10 205.80
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/16/2019 10.10 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrew Abernathy 3646 35Th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981991613
The Omni Group / Computer Programmer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/14/2019 10.10 205.80
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/14/2019 10.10 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrew Abernathy 3646 35Th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981991613
The Omni Group / Computer Programmer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/14/2019 10.10 205.80
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/15/2019 10.10 17174793.20 LIMITS
Andrew Abernathy 3646 35Th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981991613
The Omni Group / Computer Programmer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/31/2019 25.00 205.80
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/31/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Nell Abernathy 15 Harvard St Apt 2
Charlestown, Massachusetts 021293703
Roosevelt Institute / Policy And Researh * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/29/2019 500.00 913.82
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 500.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Tom Abernathy 846 NE 97Th St
Seattle, Washington 981152137
Microsoft Corp. / Writer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/18/2019 25.00 739.44
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Tom Abernathy 846 NE 97Th St
Seattle, Washington 981152137
Microsoft Corp. / Writer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/18/2019 25.00 739.44
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/18/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Tom Abernathy 846 NE 97Th St
Seattle, Washington 981152137
Microsoft Corp. / Writer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/18/2019 25.00 739.44
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/18/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Tom Abernathy 846 NE 97Th St
Seattle, Washington 981152137
Microsoft Corp. / Writer * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/28/2019 100.00 739.44
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 100.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Modesto Abety 3215 Bird Ave
Miami, Florida 331334450
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/29/2019 27.00 398.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/29/2019 27.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Modesto Abety 3215 Bird Ave
Miami, Florida 331334450
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/28/2019 27.00 398.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/28/2019 27.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Modesto Abety 3215 Bird Ave
Miami, Florida 331334450
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/29/2019 28.00 398.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/29/2019 28.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Pauline Abijaoude 7 W 21St St
New York, New York 100107025
Paul Weiss / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/01/2019 25.00 363.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Pauline Abijaoude 7 W 21St St
New York, New York 100107025
Paul Weiss / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/01/2019 25.00 363.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/03/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Pauline Abijaoude 7 W 21St St
New York, New York 100107025
Paul Weiss / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/01/2019 25.00 363.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/01/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Pauline Abijaoude 7 W 21St St
New York, New York 100107025
Paul Weiss / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/16/2019 28.00 363.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/16/2019 28.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Julian Abiodun 1330 14Th St # 1-4
Santa Monica, California 904041752
Self Employed / Software * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/22/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/22/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Julian Abiodun 1330 14Th St # 1-4
Santa Monica, California 904041752
Self Employed / Software * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/22/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/24/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Julian Abiodun 1330 14Th St # 1-4
Santa Monica, California 904041752
Self Employed / Software * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
12/22/2019 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
12/22/2019 25.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Hester Able 3701 N Millbend Dr
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/09/2019 10.00 760.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/09/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Hester Able 3701 N Millbend Dr
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/19/2019 50.00 760.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/20/2019 50.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Hester Able 3701 N Millbend Dr
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/09/2019 10.00 760.00
ActBlue PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
11/10/2019 10.00 17174793.20 LIMITS
Hester Able 3701 N Millbend Dr
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
None / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
11/19/2019 50.00 760.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $10323292.49
Total Memo Amount $8230523.87
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 258
Number of Transactions (Memo) 242

Generated Wed Feb 19 04:27:58 2025