Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
1-800-Flowers Old Cournty Road Suite 500
Carle Place, New York 11514

07/01/2019 Flowers 58.28

1-800-Flowers Old Cournty Road Suite 500
Carle Place, New York 11514

07/12/2019 Flowers 65.50

1-800-Flowers Old Cournty Road Suite 500
Carle Place, New York 11514

08/21/2019 Flowers 73.33

Menal Abdella 101 83rd Ave NE # 1-313
Fridley, Minnesota 554321856

09/27/2019 Canvassing 411.74

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/02/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 118.41

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/07/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 218.00

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/11/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 553.68

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/14/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 1769.57

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/15/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 2424.47

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/16/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 1795.28

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/17/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 2384.73

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/18/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 11798.09

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/21/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 7811.18

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/22/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 1143.98

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/23/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 471.91

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/24/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 244.38

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/25/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 234.85

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/28/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 470.19

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/29/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 228.94

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/30/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 238.12

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

07/31/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 373.84

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/01/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 92.05

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/04/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 545.91

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/07/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 174.13

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/11/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 183.54

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/15/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 1049.39

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/18/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 1182.24

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/19/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 221.50

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/21/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 527.73

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/22/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 192.12

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/26/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 214.46

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

08/28/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 200.60

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/01/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 312.03

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/04/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 263.09

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/08/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 212.12

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/15/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 376.56

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/18/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 655.71

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/22/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 517.02

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/26/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 264.65

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/29/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 690.90

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

09/30/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 461.42

Allianz Travel Insurance 9950 Mayland Dr
Richmond, Virginia 232331463

09/26/2019 Travel Expenses 38.23

Allianz Travel Insurance 9950 Mayland Dr
Richmond, Virginia 232331463

09/26/2019 Travel Expenses 37.57

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552605

09/09/2019 Travel Expenses 486.60

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552605

09/11/2019 Travel Expenses 426.30

Amtrak 50 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20002

07/01/2019 Travel Expenses 118.00

Amtrak 50 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20002

07/01/2019 Travel Expenses 192.00

Amtrak 50 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20002

07/03/2019 Travel Expenses 250.00

Amtrak 50 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20002

07/05/2019 Travel Expenses 63.00

Amtrak 50 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20002

07/15/2019 Travel Expenses 136.00

Ben & Jerry's 3070 Excelsior Blvd
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554164607

07/10/2019 Catering 1944.45

Ben & Jerry's 3070 Excelsior Blvd
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554164607

09/05/2019 Catering 1555.56

Big City Limo Service 1550 Larperter Avenue W.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55113

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 135.00

Big City Limo Service 1550 Larperter Avenue W.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55113

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 135.00

Blue State Digital 406 7th St NW
Washington, DC 200042260

09/12/2019 Internet Technology 1900.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

07/03/2019 Bank Fee 9.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

07/09/2019 Bank Fee 25.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

07/22/2019 Bank Fee 25.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

07/31/2019 Bank Fee 40.50

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

08/06/2019 Bank Fee 25.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

08/27/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

08/29/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

08/31/2019 Bank Fee 8.25

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/03/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/05/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/09/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/09/2019 Bank Fee 9.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/12/2019 Bank Fee 25.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/16/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/19/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/19/2019 Bank Fee 25.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/23/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/24/2019 Bank Fee 9.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/27/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/30/2019 Bank Fee 15.00

Bremer Bank PO Box 1000
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 550421000

09/30/2019 Bank Fee 23.25

BumperActive 5925 Burnet Rd
Austin, Texas 787573224

09/09/2019 Campaign Merchandise: T-shirts, Stickers 956.23

BumperActive 5925 Burnet Rd
Austin, Texas 787573224

09/09/2019 Campaign Merchandise: T-shirts 1556.08

BumperActive 5925 Burnet Rd
Austin, Texas 787573224

09/09/2019 Campaign Merchandise: T-shirts, Stickers 6683.25

BumperActive 5925 Burnet Rd
Austin, Texas 787573224

09/09/2019 Website Setup 450.00

Whitney Burns 5206 Ferndale St
Springfield, Virginia 221513011

09/05/2019 Financial Compliance 19718.75

CulinAerie 1131 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200054111

09/10/2019 Catering 1843.57

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

07/01/2019 Travel Expenses 346.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

08/27/2019 Travel Expenses 839.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/06/2019 Travel Expenses 339.30

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/10/2019 Travel Expenses 841.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/10/2019 Travel Expenses 906.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 71.00

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 513.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/19/2019 Travel Expenses 343.10

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/19/2019 Travel Expenses 343.10

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/23/2019 Travel Expenses 386.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/26/2019 Travel Expenses 556.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/26/2019 Travel Expenses 556.60

Delta Airlines 1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989

09/26/2019 Travel Expenses 566.30

Deluxe Business Systems 3680 Victoria St N
Shoreview, Minnesota 551262906

09/04/2019 Banking Supplies 337.68

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/02/2019 Digital Communications Consulting 5000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/02/2019 Fundraising Consulting 12000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/09/2019 Digital Advertising 16550.45

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/22/2019 Digital Advertising 21743.37

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/22/2019 Digital Advertising 4158.49

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/22/2019 Digital Advertising 10134.31

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/22/2019 Digital Advertising 10949.01

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

07/24/2019 Digital Advertising 12210.71

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/01/2019 Graphic Design and Printing 2274.12

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/01/2019 Travel and Fundraising Expenses 2823.01

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/06/2019 Digital Communications Consulting 5000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/06/2019 Fundraising Consulting 12000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/13/2019 Print Advertisement 856.50

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/23/2019 Graphic Design and Printing 749.63

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/29/2019 Print Advertisement 830.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/30/2019 Fundraising Consulting 12000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

08/30/2019 Digital Consulting 5000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

09/19/2019 Digital Advertising 5000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

09/23/2019 Printing 699.63

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

09/30/2019 Travel Expenses 348.27

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

09/30/2019 Digital Advertising 5000.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

09/30/2019 Video Production 1198.00

E Street Group LLC 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2050
Washington, DC 200032493

09/30/2019 List Rental 187.14

EPG Security Group 2928 N 2nd St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554111606

08/05/2019 Security Services 1725.00

EPG Security Group 2928 N 2nd St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554111606

09/05/2019 Security Services 6525.00

EPG Security Group 2928 N 2nd St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554111606

09/23/2019 Security Services 2475.00

Nicholas Espinosa 609 Jefferson St NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554132101

07/05/2019 Digital Communications 5000.00

Nicholas Espinosa 609 Jefferson St NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554132101

07/05/2019 Digital Communications 10000.00

Financial Innovations Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

09/05/2019 Shipping 413.43

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

07/01/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 3.23

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

07/03/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 9.95

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

08/03/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 8.78

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

08/05/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 9.95

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

09/03/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 15.98

Fueled Collective (COCO) 1010 W Lake St # 100
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554082860

07/02/2019 Office Rent 1365.00

Fueled Collective (COCO) 1010 W Lake St # 100
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554082860

08/02/2019 Office Rent 1665.00

Fueled Collective (COCO) 1010 W Lake St # 100
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554082860

09/03/2019 Office Rent 1665.00

Cynthia Marlene Galaz 1322 Webster St Ste 300
Oakland, California 946123218

09/05/2019 Travel Expenses 262.00

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552605

09/05/2019 Travel Expenses 262.00
Gateway Garage 400 S 3rd St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554151118

07/05/2019 Parking 6.00

Gold Room Restaurant 528 Hennepin Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554031810

07/24/2019 Catering 1941.56

Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

07/02/2019 Internet Utility 60.20

Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

08/02/2019 Internet Utility 41.02

Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

09/03/2019 Internet Utility 36.00

Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

09/03/2019 Domain Names 12.00

Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

09/04/2019 Domain Names 72.00

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 22.99

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 46.59

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 458.65

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/13/2019 Travel Expenses 475.89

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/14/2019 Travel Expenses 45.98

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/14/2019 Travel Expenses 848.34

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 200014520

09/14/2019 Travel Expenses 1272.51

Grant Street Consulting 110 W Grant St Apt 20G
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032313

07/24/2019 Fundraising Consulting 5000.00

Grant Street Consulting 110 W Grant St Apt 20G
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032313

09/05/2019 Fundraising Consulting 5000.00

Grant Street Consulting 110 W Grant St Apt 20G
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032313

09/27/2019 Fundraising Consulting 5000.00

Gray Line Minnesota 22750 Pillsbury Ave
Lakeville, Minnesota 550448345

08/26/2019 Transportation 895.00

Guthrie Theatre 818 S 2nd St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554151252

09/10/2019 Audio/Visual 4278.00

Holy Land Brand 2513 Central Ave NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554183725

08/13/2019 Catering 409.86

Hustle Inc. 343 Sansome St Ste 600
San Francisco, California 941045603

07/12/2019 Text Service 5511.30

Hustle Inc. 343 Sansome St Ste 600
San Francisco, California 941045603

07/24/2019 Text Service 6000.00

Hyatt Place Des Moines 418 6th Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503092407

09/21/2019 Travel Expenses 323.68

Hyatt Place Des Moines 418 6th Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503092407

09/23/2019 Travel Expenses 312.48

Intuit 2700 Coast Ave
Mountain View, California 940431140

07/02/2019 Bookkeeping Software 70.00

Intuit 2700 Coast Ave
Mountain View, California 940431140

08/02/2019 Bookkeeping Software 70.00

Intuit 2700 Coast Ave
Mountain View, California 940431140

09/03/2019 Bookkeeping Software 70.00

Ali Gainey Isse 7050 137th Ave NW
Ramsey, Minnesota 553036075

07/24/2019 Policy Consulting 3000.00

Knock Knock LLC 1800 10th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554042001

07/05/2019 Canvassing 50000.00

Knock Knock LLC 1800 10th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554042001

09/12/2019 Canvassing 50000.00

LGC Security 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 540
Washington, DC 200032493

09/24/2019 Security Services 216.00

Loews Minneapolis Hotel 601 1st Ave N
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554031409

08/29/2019 Travel Expenses 382.44

Loews Minneapolis Hotel 601 1st Ave N
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554031409

09/05/2019 Travel Expenses 1569.43

Loews Philadelphia Hotel 1200 Market St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191073615

07/15/2019 Travel Expenses 219.94

Loews Philadelphia Hotel 1200 Market St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191073615

07/15/2019 Travel Expenses 748.50

Loews Philadelphia Hotel 1200 Market St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191073615

07/15/2019 Travel Expenses 818.10

More Belief LLC 3747 Minnehaha Ave Ste 201
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554062858

07/29/2019 Graphic Design 750.00

Museum of Alternative Arts 700 Delaware Ave SW
Washington, DC 200244288

09/12/2019 Facilty Rental and Catering 8352.24

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

07/02/2019 Database Services 250.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

08/02/2019 Database Services 250.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

08/30/2019 Internet Technology 950.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

09/03/2019 Database Services 250.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

09/12/2019 Internet Technology 950.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

09/18/2019 Data Services 50.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

09/18/2019 Data Services 50.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 200052134

09/18/2019 Database Software 4350.00

Our Streets Minneapolis 1428 Washington Ave S # 204
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554541038

07/01/2019 Event Sponsorship 540.00

Paychex 3060 Williams Dr Ste 200
Fairfax, Virginia 220314642

07/10/2019 Payroll Processing 58.00

Paychex 3060 Williams Dr Ste 200
Fairfax, Virginia 220314642

08/05/2019 Payroll Processing Fee 30.00

Paychex 3060 Williams Dr Ste 200
Fairfax, Virginia 220314642

08/12/2019 Payroll Processing 58.00

Paychex 3060 Williams Dr Ste 200
Fairfax, Virginia 220314642

09/10/2019 Payroll Processing 58.00

Pillsbury United Communities 125 W Broadway Ave Ste 130
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554112246

09/05/2019 Room Rental 390.00

Pimento Jamaican Kitchen 2524 Nicollet Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554044278

08/28/2019 Catering 1486.41

Safari Restaurant 3010 4th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554082409

09/04/2019 Catering 808.39

Safari Restaurant 3010 4th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554082409

09/05/2019 Catering 2425.17

Sandler Reiff Lamb 1090 Vermont Ave NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200054970

09/27/2019 Legal Services 2047.50

Shopify 33 New Montgomery Street Suite 750
San Francisco, California 94105

07/02/2019 Website Hosting 29.00

Squarespace 8 Clarkson Street
New York, New York 100144301

07/05/2019 Website 26.00

Squarespace 8 Clarkson Street
New York, New York 100144301

08/05/2019 Website 26.00

Squarespace 8 Clarkson Street
New York, New York 100144301

09/09/2019 Website 26.00

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

07/31/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 373.83

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

08/31/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 58.03

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

09/30/2019 Credit Card Processing Fees 34.05

T-Mobile USA 12920 SE 38th St
Bellevue, Washington 980061350

07/15/2019 Mobile Phone Service 105.00

T-Mobile USA 12920 SE 38th St
Bellevue, Washington 980061350

08/14/2019 Mobile Phone Service 105.00

T-Mobile USA 12920 SE 38th St
Bellevue, Washington 980061350

09/16/2019 Mobile Phone Service 105.56

Betty A. Tisel 4155 Garfield Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554091436

09/05/2019 Mailing Expenses 191.62

U.S. Postal Service 100 S 1st St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554012037

08/12/2019 Postage 154.00

U.S. Postal Service 100 S 1st St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554012037

08/14/2019 Postal Fee 1.05

United Airlines 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

09/09/2019 Travel Expenses 671.30

University of Minnesota 200 Oak St SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554552009

08/03/2019 Facility Rental 304.00

University of Minnesota 200 Oak St SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554552009

09/10/2019 Facility Rental 500.00

Warwick Hotel 65 W 54th St
New York, New York 100195404

07/03/2019 Travel Expenses 266.61

Warwick Hotel 65 W 54th St
New York, New York 100195404

07/03/2019 Travel Expenses 379.27

Westin Hotels New York 270 W 43rd St
New York, New York 100363912

09/15/2019 Travel Expenses 660.77

Xogmaal Production 12751 Aberdeen St NE Apt B
Blaine, Minnesota 554494824

09/13/2019 Video Recording 1400.00

Yemen Cafe 7130 5th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112091609

09/28/2019 Catering 952.66

Lawrence Fisk 23597 165th Ave
Fort Ripley, Minnesota 564492040

09/18/2019 Contribution Refund 25.00

Carl Gipson 728 Spartacus Ct
Cary, North Carolina 275187031

07/21/2019 Contribution Refund 1000.00

Ihab Herraka 18130 Longwater Run Dr
Tampa, Florida 336472211

08/15/2019 Contribution Refund 300.00

Elizabeth Jardina 333 El Cerrito Ave
Hillsborough, California 940106817

07/18/2019 Contribution Refund 900.00

Michael Kass 1730 Cowper St
Palo Alto, California 943013803

09/22/2019 Contribution Refund 50.00

Nik Palo 585 Khyber Ln
Venice, Florida 342934421

08/27/2019 Contribution Refund 2000.00

Anibal Velasquez 68 W 91st St
New York, New York 100241420

07/16/2019 Contribution Refund 500.00

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 420 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 205150001

07/29/2019 Donation 7500.00

Jewish Community Action 2375 University Ave W Ste 150
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551141633

07/29/2019 Donation 1000.00

Saint Paul, Minnesota 551071623

07/10/2019 Unlimited Transfer 2500.00

Saint Paul, Minnesota 551071623

07/24/2019 Unlimited Transfer 15000.00

OutFront Minnesota 310 E 38th St Ste 209
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554091337

09/12/2019 Donation 5000.00

Seattle, Washington 981113912

07/19/2019 Contribution 2000.00

Seattle, Washington 981113912

07/19/2019 Contribution 500.00

Shawnee, Kansas 662163800

09/27/2019 Contribution 2000.00

WOMENWINNING FEDERAL PAC 2610 University Ave W Ste 325
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551141040

07/02/2019 Contribution 5000.00

WOMENWINNING FEDERAL PAC 2610 University Ave W Ste 325
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551141040

07/10/2019 Contribution 5000.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 491012.39
Total Memo Amount 262
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 228
Number of Transactions (Memo) 1

Generated Sat Feb 8 07:58:33 2025