All Listed Line Numbers
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
04/25/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 23.16 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
05/03/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 314.12 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
05/09/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 278.43 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
05/09/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 9.97 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
05/16/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 122.65 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
05/23/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 174.46 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
05/31/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 719.43 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
06/06/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 638.72 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
06/13/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 858.76 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
06/21/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 545.57 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
06/27/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 283.47 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106 |
06/30/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 785.37 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
04/22/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 103.88 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll Taxes | 3871.73 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 331.55 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
05/06/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 89.74 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll Taxes | 3859.71 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 331.55 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
05/20/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 103.88 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 337.76 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll Taxes | 3946.05 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
06/06/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 92.21 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 342.25 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll Taxes | 3986.71 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
06/24/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 106.35 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll Taxes | 5192.04 |
1266 E Main St
Stamford, Connecticut 069023546 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 426.07 |
Amazon.Com |
410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210 |
05/10/2022 | Office Supplies | 24.45 |
American Express Card |
New York, New York 102850001 |
05/11/2022 | Credit card payment- see below if itemiz | 2487.95 |
Chiko |
423 8Th St SE
Washington, DC 200032833 |
05/11/2022 | Meetings | 439.20 |
Comcast |
PO Box 70219
# PA19176
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760219 |
05/11/2022 | Utilities | 451.99 |
Perkins Coie LLP |
700 13Th St NW
Washington, DC 200053960 |
05/11/2022 | Legal Services | 1332.37 |
Verizon Wireless |
140 West St
New York, New York 100072141 |
05/11/2022 | Telephones | 203.14 |
American Express Card |
New York, New York 102850001 |
06/06/2022 | Credit card payment- see below if itemiz | 27034.42 |
ACF Car Service |
1627 K St NW
Ste 400
Washington, DC 200061711 |
06/06/2022 | Travel | 1063.83 |
Amazon.Com |
410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210 |
06/06/2022 | Office Supplies | 846.15 |
Barker Advertising Specialty Co Inc |
27 Realty Drive Caller Cheshire Ct
Box 222
Cheshire, Connecticut 06410 |
06/06/2022 | Merchandise | 6370.36 |
Bridgewater Chocolate |
559 Federal Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 068042017 |
06/06/2022 | Gift | 455.61 |
Comcast |
PO Box 70219
# PA19176
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760219 |
06/06/2022 | Utilities | 436.16 |
Minuteman Press |
170 Grand Street Waterbury Ct 6702
Waterbury, Connecticut 06702 |
06/06/2022 | Printing | 650.82 |
Powerstation Events |
1718 Highland Ave
Cheshire, Connecticut 064101217 |
06/06/2022 | Event Sound and Sponsorship | 618.00 |
Staples |
544 Straits Tpke
Watertown, Connecticut 067953340 |
06/06/2022 | Office Supplies | 154.16 |
Steamship Authority |
69 South St
Hyannis, Massachusetts 026014013 |
06/06/2022 | Travel | 268.00 |
Tisbury Inn LP |
9 Main St
Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts 025685400 |
06/06/2022 | Lodging | 4562.22 |
Travelocity |
3150 Sabre Dr
Southlake, Texas 760922103 |
06/06/2022 | Travel | 202.67 |
Veracity Media |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Ste 700
Washington, DC 200055800 |
06/06/2022 | Digital Services | 3675.00 |
Verizon Wireless |
140 West St
New York, New York 100072141 |
06/06/2022 | Telephones | 203.04 |
Viron Rondo Osteria |
1721 Highland Ave
Cheshire, Connecticut 064101288 |
06/06/2022 | Event Catering | 6749.55 |
American Express Card |
New York, New York 102850001 |
06/21/2022 | Credit Card Payment | 16774.16 |
Chiko |
423 8Th St SE
Washington, DC 200032833 |
06/21/2022 | Meetings | 475.80 |
ExxonMobil |
920 High Ridge Rd
Stamford, Connecticut 069051915 |
06/21/2022 | Travel | 55.19 |
Idealist.Com |
389 5Th Ave
Fl 9
New York, New York 100163352 |
06/27/2022 | Software | 210.00 |
LL Bean |
925 Rose Ave
North Bethesda, Maryland 208528688 |
06/21/2022 | Office Supplies | 548.76 |
Shell Oil |
131 Brainard Rd
Hartford, Connecticut 061141603 |
06/21/2022 | Travel | 63.28 |
Signal Outdoor Advertising |
14512 Lee Rd
Unit JK
Chantilly, Virginia 201511636 |
06/21/2022 | Advertising Expense | 6900.00 |
Sugar Collaborations Catering |
1110 Congress St NE
Washington, DC 200023418 |
06/21/2022 | Event Catering Expense | 3484.49 |
The Waterbury Observer |
PO Box 910
Waterbury, Connecticut 067200910 |
06/21/2022 | Advertising Expense | 885.00 |
Veracity Media |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Ste 700
Washington, DC 200055800 |
06/21/2022 | Digital Services | 3675.00 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
04/26/2022 | Software | 2.01 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
04/28/2022 | Software | 12.75 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
04/29/2022 | Software | 10.09 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
05/04/2022 | Software | 10.09 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
05/17/2022 | Software | 3.02 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
05/26/2022 | Software | 2.01 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
05/31/2022 | Software | 22.84 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
06/06/2022 | Software | 10.09 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
06/16/2022 | Software | 3.02 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
06/27/2022 | Software | 2.01 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
06/28/2022 | Software | 12.75 |
Apple Store |
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 950142083 |
06/29/2022 | Software | 10.09 |
Authorize Gateway |
808 E Utah Valley Dr
American Fork, Utah 840039707 |
05/03/2022 | Merchant Fees | 30.00 |
Authorize Gateway |
808 E Utah Valley Dr
American Fork, Utah 840039707 |
05/04/2022 | Merchant Fees | 30.00 |
Authorize Gateway |
808 E Utah Valley Dr
American Fork, Utah 840039707 |
06/02/2022 | Merchant Fees | 30.00 |
Authorize Gateway |
808 E Utah Valley Dr
American Fork, Utah 840039707 |
06/03/2022 | Merchant Fees | 30.00 |
City Of Waterbury |
235 Grand St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021915 |
05/17/2022 | Event Security | 561.88 |
City Of Waterbury |
235 Grand St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021915 |
05/30/2022 | Event Security | 548.77 |
Asia Clermont |
78 Pierpont Rd
Apt 2C
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053843 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 359.25 |
Asia Clermont |
78 Pierpont Rd
Apt 2C
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053843 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 359.25 |
Asia Clermont |
78 Pierpont Rd
Apt 2C
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053843 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 359.25 |
Asia Clermont |
78 Pierpont Rd
Apt 2C
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053843 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 359.25 |
Asia Clermont |
78 Pierpont Rd
Apt 2C
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053843 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 359.25 |
Co Sports Academy |
93 Chipper Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067041244 |
05/20/2022 | Event Sponsorship | 1000.00 |
Eugene Coleman |
238 Transit St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067043224 |
05/02/2022 | Event Sponsorship | 500.00 |
Eugene Coleman |
238 Transit St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067043224 |
05/20/2022 | Old Skool Weekend Event Sponsorship | 250.00 |
Comcast |
PO Box 70219
# PA19176
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760219 |
05/06/2022 | Utilities | 235.97 |
30 Arbor St
Ste 103
Hartford, Connecticut 061061215 |
05/19/2022 | VAN Access | 5000.00 |
Crosby High School Business Office |
300 Pierpont Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053905 |
05/30/2022 | Meeting Event Expense | 1694.50 |
Eva Curry |
26 Hidden Pond Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067041245 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 362.99 |
Eva Curry |
26 Hidden Pond Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067041245 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 363.01 |
Eva Curry |
26 Hidden Pond Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067041245 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 363.00 |
Eva Curry |
26 Hidden Pond Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067041245 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 363.01 |
Eva Curry |
26 Hidden Pond Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067041245 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 362.99 |
David Crenshaw |
194 Prospect St
Apt 2D
Waterbury, Connecticut 067102341 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 249.13 |
David Crenshaw |
194 Prospect St
Apt 2D
Waterbury, Connecticut 067102341 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 249.13 |
David Crenshaw |
194 Prospect St
Apt 2D
Waterbury, Connecticut 067102341 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 249.12 |
David Crenshaw |
194 Prospect St
Apt 2D
Waterbury, Connecticut 067102341 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 249.13 |
David Crenshaw |
194 Prospect St
Apt 2D
Waterbury, Connecticut 067102341 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 249.13 |
430 S Capitol St SE
Fl 2
Washington, DC 200034024 |
06/30/2022 | In-Kind: Catering | 300.00 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
04/26/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.38 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
04/26/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 10.22 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/03/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.12 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/10/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 2.07 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/12/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 8.48 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/12/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.32 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/17/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 1.40 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/26/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 397.74 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
05/26/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.62 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/07/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 229.11 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/14/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.10 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/21/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 3.96 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/23/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.04 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/28/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 116.00 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/30/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.42 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/30/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.83 |
237 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011801 |
06/30/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 0.07 |
8391 Beverly Blvd
Ste 638
Los Angeles, California 900482633 |
05/05/2022 | In-Kind: Technology Services | 2900.00 |
8391 Beverly Blvd
Ste 638
Los Angeles, California 900482633 |
05/05/2022 | In-Kind: Technology Services | 2900.00 |
8391 Beverly Blvd
Ste 638
Los Angeles, California 900482633 |
05/19/2022 | In-Kind: Technology Services | 5800.00 |
8391 Beverly Blvd
Ste 638
Los Angeles, California 900482633 |
06/06/2022 | In-Kind: Technology Services | 8700.00 |
8391 Beverly Blvd
Ste 638
Los Angeles, California 900482633 |
06/10/2022 | In-Kind: Technology Services | 5800.00 |
Dropbox |
1800 Owens St
San Francisco, California 941582388 |
06/24/2022 | Software | 127.49 |
Dwayne Pittman |
57 Edson Ave
Waterbury, Connecticut 067051912 |
05/20/2022 | Juneteenth Celebration Event Sponsorship | 1000.00 |
Barbara Ellis |
221 North St
Litchfield, Connecticut 067592401 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 3359.54 |
Barbara Ellis |
221 North St
Litchfield, Connecticut 067592401 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 3359.54 |
Barbara Ellis |
221 North St
Litchfield, Connecticut 067592401 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 3359.54 |
Barbara Ellis |
221 North St
Litchfield, Connecticut 067592401 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 3359.54 |
Barbara Ellis |
221 North St
Litchfield, Connecticut 067592401 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 3359.54 |
Eversource |
PO Box 56002
# MA2205-6002
Boston, Massachusetts 022056002 |
05/19/2022 | Utilities | 86.76 |
Eversource |
PO Box 56002
# MA2205-6002
Boston, Massachusetts 022056002 |
06/21/2022 | Utilities | 26.78 |
First Bank |
300 SW Broad St
Southern Pines, North Carolina 283875407 |
05/03/2022 | Merchant Fees | 29.90 |
First Bank |
300 SW Broad St
Southern Pines, North Carolina 283875407 |
06/03/2022 | Merchant Fees | 29.90 |
1600 Ampitheatre Parkway Mountain
Mountain View, California 94043 |
05/05/2022 | Email Services | 178.67 |
1600 Ampitheatre Parkway Mountain
Mountain View, California 94043 |
06/02/2022 | Email Services | 178.67 |
Megan Handau |
43 Fleetwood Dr
New Fairfield, Connecticut 068123305 |
06/06/2022 | Strategic Consulting Services | 560.00 |
Hartford Courant |
285 Broad St
Hartford, Connecticut 061053785 |
04/26/2022 | Subscriptions | 15.96 |
Hartford Courant |
285 Broad St
Hartford, Connecticut 061053785 |
04/27/2022 | Subscriptions | 15.96 |
Hartford Courant |
285 Broad St
Hartford, Connecticut 061053785 |
05/24/2022 | Subscriptions | 15.96 |
Hartford Courant |
285 Broad St
Hartford, Connecticut 061053785 |
05/25/2022 | Subscriptions | 15.96 |
Hartford Courant |
285 Broad St
Hartford, Connecticut 061053785 |
06/21/2022 | Subscriptions | 15.96 |
Hartford Courant |
285 Broad St
Hartford, Connecticut 061053785 |
06/22/2022 | Subscriptions | 15.96 |
Hearst Media |
300 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100193741 |
05/06/2022 | Subscriptions | 14.95 |
Hearst Media |
300 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100193741 |
06/07/2022 | Subscriptions | 29.99 |
HP.Com Store |
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, California 943041126 |
04/21/2022 | Office Supplies | 4.24 |
HP.Com Store |
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, California 943041126 |
05/17/2022 | Office Supplies | 4.24 |
HP.Com Store |
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, California 943041126 |
06/17/2022 | Office Supplies | 4.24 |
Intuit Inc |
110 Juliad Ct
Fredericksburg, Virginia 224061171 |
05/13/2022 | Software | 80.80 |
Intuit Inc |
110 Juliad Ct
Fredericksburg, Virginia 224061171 |
06/13/2022 | Software | 80.80 |
Key Acquisition Partners, LLC |
199 E Montgomery Ave
Ste 100
Rockville, Maryland 208502361 |
04/29/2022 | Mail Program | 1220.00 |
Key Acquisition Partners, LLC |
199 E Montgomery Ave
Ste 100
Rockville, Maryland 208502361 |
06/17/2022 | Mail Program | 564.59 |
Kieloch Consulting Inc |
228 2Nd St SE
Washington, DC 200031943 |
05/02/2022 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 5000.00 |
Kieloch Consulting Inc |
228 2Nd St SE
Washington, DC 200031943 |
06/01/2022 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 5000.00 |
Microsoft Store |
7 Backus Ave
Danbury, Connecticut 068107422 |
05/16/2022 | Office Supplies | 106.34 |
National Democratic Club |
30 Ivy St SE
Washington, DC 200034006 |
05/05/2022 | Catering | 75.00 |
National Democratic Club |
30 Ivy St SE
Washington, DC 200034006 |
06/03/2022 | Catering | 75.00 |
New York Times |
620 8Th Ave
New York, New York 100181618 |
04/29/2022 | Subscriptions | 17.17 |
New York Times |
620 8Th Ave
New York, New York 100181618 |
05/27/2022 | Subscriptions | 17.17 |
New York Times |
620 8Th Ave
New York, New York 100181618 |
06/24/2022 | Subscriptions | 17.17 |
Laura Orban |
95 Stony Hill Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 068043730 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 2245.79 |
Laura Orban |
95 Stony Hill Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 068043730 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 2245.79 |
Laura Orban |
95 Stony Hill Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 068043730 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 2245.79 |
Laura Orban |
95 Stony Hill Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 068043730 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 2245.79 |
Laura Orban |
95 Stony Hill Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 068043730 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 2245.79 |
Paragon Solutions |
1101 Connecticut Ave NW
Ste Pm 450
Washington, DC 200364359 |
05/02/2022 | Merchant Fees | 23.82 |
Paragon Solutions |
1101 Connecticut Ave NW
Ste Pm 450
Washington, DC 200364359 |
06/02/2022 | Merchant Fees | 40.87 |
Philip Nargi |
69 Eastridge Drive Waterbury Ct 67
Waterbury, Connecticut 06702 |
05/02/2022 | Rent | 1550.00 |
Philip Nargi |
69 Eastridge Drive Waterbury Ct 67
Waterbury, Connecticut 06702 |
06/01/2022 | Rent | 1550.00 |
Polish Express Mass Media LLC |
274 Broad St
New Britain, Connecticut 060534096 |
05/02/2022 | Advertising | 795.00 |
Rebecca Ridgway |
142 Town St
West Cornwall, Connecticut 067961611 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 988.95 |
Rafael Rosario |
1078 Meriden Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053100 |
05/02/2022 | Communication Consulting Services | 2500.00 |
Rafael Rosario |
1078 Meriden Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053100 |
05/25/2022 | Communication Consulting Services | 2500.00 |
Rafael Rosario |
1078 Meriden Rd
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053100 |
06/27/2022 | Communication Consulting Services | 2500.00 |
RWT Production LLC |
8932 Orange Hunt Ln
Annandale, Virginia 220034125 |
04/29/2022 | Mail Program | 7255.32 |
RWT Production LLC |
8932 Orange Hunt Ln
Annandale, Virginia 220034125 |
06/17/2022 | Mail Program | 4991.03 |
Sterling Security |
211 Schraffts Dr
Waterbury, Connecticut 067053222 |
05/02/2022 | Security Services | 127.62 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
04/20/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
04/25/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
04/29/2022 | Bank Fee | 28.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/02/2022 | Bank Fee | 35.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/04/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/09/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/10/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/16/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/23/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
05/31/2022 | Bank Fee | 28.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/02/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/06/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/13/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/21/2022 | Bank Fee | 35.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/27/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/28/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/29/2022 | Bank Fee | 15.00 |
TD Bank |
21 W Main St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067022013 |
06/30/2022 | Bank Fee | 13.00 |
Nicholas Teeling |
86 Main St
Winsted, Connecticut 060981711 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 2088.03 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 3227.50 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
05/02/2022 | Petty Cash Account | 1000.00 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 3227.50 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 3227.50 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 3227.50 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
06/17/2022 | Petty Cash Account | 1500.00 |
Chanita Thompson |
40 Maple St
Waterbury, Connecticut 067021522 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 3227.50 |
Jasmine Torres |
303 Grassy Hill Rd
Woodbury, Connecticut 067983116 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 236.66 |
Jasmine Torres |
303 Grassy Hill Rd
Woodbury, Connecticut 067983116 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 429.25 |
Jasmine Torres |
303 Grassy Hill Rd
Woodbury, Connecticut 067983116 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 429.25 |
Town Of Cheshire |
84 S Main St
Cheshire, Connecticut 064103108 |
05/30/2022 | Event Security | 344.00 |
Malika Watson |
154 Northridge Dr
Apt 12
Waterbury, Connecticut 067081130 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 183.70 |
Malika Watson |
154 Northridge Dr
Apt 12
Waterbury, Connecticut 067081130 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 183.70 |
Malika Watson |
154 Northridge Dr
Apt 12
Waterbury, Connecticut 067081130 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 183.70 |
Malika Watson |
154 Northridge Dr
Apt 12
Waterbury, Connecticut 067081130 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 183.70 |
Malika Watson |
154 Northridge Dr
Apt 12
Waterbury, Connecticut 067081130 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 183.70 |
Wix.Com |
500 Terry A Francois Blvd
San Francisco, California 941582354 |
05/16/2022 | Software | 178.66 |
Rebecca Yungk |
38 Mason Dr
New Britain, Connecticut 060521930 |
04/29/2022 | Payroll | 459.25 |
Rebecca Yungk |
38 Mason Dr
New Britain, Connecticut 060521930 |
05/13/2022 | Payroll | 459.25 |
Rebecca Yungk |
38 Mason Dr
New Britain, Connecticut 060521930 |
05/31/2022 | Payroll | 459.25 |
Rebecca Yungk |
38 Mason Dr
New Britain, Connecticut 060521930 |
06/15/2022 | Payroll | 459.25 |
Rebecca Yungk |
38 Mason Dr
New Britain, Connecticut 060521930 |
06/30/2022 | Payroll | 459.25 |
Zoom |
55 Almaden Blvd
San Jose, California 951131608 |
04/29/2022 | Software | 212.59 |
Zoom |
55 Almaden Blvd
San Jose, California 951131608 |
05/31/2022 | Software | 212.59 |
Zoom |
55 Almaden Blvd
San Jose, California 951131608 |
06/29/2022 | Software | 212.59 |
Seth Alexander |
244 Dorset Rd
Waban, Massachusetts 024681428 |
06/30/2022 | Refund of Excessive Funds | 100.00 |
Mark Heising |
383 Walsh Rd
Atherton, California 940276456 |
06/27/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contribution | 2900.00 |
Peter Kellner |
39 Quidnet Rd
Nantucket, Massachusetts 025542404 |
06/27/2022 | Refund of 6/21 Contribution | 313.52 |
Erica Lawson |
394 Pacific Ave
Fl 2
San Francisco, California 941111715 |
06/27/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contributions | 2900.00 |
Jeffrey Lawson |
394 Pacific Ave
Fl 2
San Francisco, California 941111715 |
06/27/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contributions | 900.00 | 1613705SB500145495 |
Leni May |
146 Central Park W
New York, New York 100236297 |
06/30/2022 | Refund of Excessive Funds | 2900.00 |
Peter W May, III |
146 Central Park W
New York, New York 100236297 |
06/30/2022 | Refund of Excessive Funds | 2900.00 |
Gloria Page |
171 Main St
# 253
Los Altos, California 940222912 |
06/30/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contributions | 1400.00 |
David Peeler |
15 Buckingham St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382219 |
06/30/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contributions | 2900.00 |
Lynn Schusterman |
110 W 7Th St
Ste 2000
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741191076 |
06/27/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contributions | 2900.00 |
Stacy Schusterman |
110 W 7Th St
Ste 2000
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741191076 |
06/27/2022 | Refund of Excessive Contributions | 2900.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 233255.51 |
Total Memo Amount | 44979.79 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 202 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 27 |