FILING FEC-1291471
From | Address | Employer | Occupation | Date Contributed | Amount Contributed |
Naomi Aberly |
32 Derne St Apt 5A Boston, Massachusetts 021144212 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Stephen Agnew |
70 Ford Ave Milltown, New Jersey 088501534 |
Employer: Cornerstone School | Occupation: Teacher | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Patricia Anderson |
220 Sherman St NW Olympia, Washington 985024944 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Patricia Anderson |
220 Sherman St NW Olympia, Washington 985024944 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 10.00 |
Charles Atkins |
200 E 66th St Apt C1505 New York, New York 100650167 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1350.00 |
Charles Atkins |
200 E 66th St Apt C1505 New York, New York 100650167 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1350.00 |
Marjie Barrows |
225 Cervantes Blvd San Francisco, California 941231109 |
Employer: Foran Glennon | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Marjie Barrows |
225 Cervantes Blvd San Francisco, California 941231109 |
Employer: Foran Glennon | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 50.00 |
Jonathan Bellack |
362 Park St Montclair, New Jersey 070432236 |
Employer: Google | Occupation: Product Management | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Paul T. Benton |
PO Box 1341 Biloxi, Mississippi 395331341 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Fletcher Blanchard |
197 Elm St Northampton, Massachusetts 010602915 |
Employer: Smith College | Occupation: Professor | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
David Bloom |
2624 3rd St San Francisco, California 941073115 |
Employer: Apple | Occupation: Software Engineer | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Greg Bosseler |
20 N Orange Ave Ste 1600 Orlando, Florida 328014624 |
Employer: Morgan and Morgan | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 500.00 |
Greg Bosseler |
20 N Orange Ave Ste 1600 Orlando, Florida 328014624 |
Employer: Morgan and Morgan | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 500.00 |
Greg Bosseler |
20 N Orange Ave Ste 1600 Orlando, Florida 328014624 |
Employer: Morgan and Morgan | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 500.00 |
Heather Breen |
710 Washington St Wausau, Wisconsin 544035667 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Physician | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Jeffrey A. Breit |
600 22nd St Ste 402 Virginia Beach, Virginia 234514094 |
Employer: Breit, Drescher, Impreventon, and Walk | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
John Cabot |
PO Box 236 Prides Crossing, Massachusetts 019650236 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Investment Consultant | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Patricia Campbell |
80 Lakeside Dr Groton, Massachusetts 014502077 |
Employer: Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc. | Occupation: Educational Researcher | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Roy D. Campbell |
835 Avondale St Jackson, Mississippi 392163316 |
Employer: Bradley Arant | Occupation: Partner | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
David Clark |
110 Olympia Flds Jackson, Mississippi 392112509 |
Employer: Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Roy Cockrum |
4509 Ball Camp Pike Knoxville, Tennessee 379213317 |
Employer: Knight Blanc LLC | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Darrel Collins |
123 Mathis St Fitzgerald, Georgia 317508532 |
Employer: Collins Cardiology | Occupation: Physician | 11/13/2018 | 1500.00 |
Patrice Comey |
1350 Beverly Rd Ste 115 McLean, Virginia 221013917 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1700.00 |
Alain Corcos |
771 Pinetree Rd Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152431043 |
Employer: UPMC Mercy Hospital | Occupation: Surgeon | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Edward Costello |
177 9th Ave Apt 3D New York, New York 100114971 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Samuel Creasey |
1605 Devine St Jackson, Mississippi 392021314 |
Employer: Morgan & Morgan | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Robert T. Cunningham |
308 Magnolia Ave Ste 103 Fairhope, Alabama 365322449 |
Employer: Cunningham Bounds, LLC | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Andrew Currie |
PO Box 391 Boulder, Colorado 803060391 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Claire Davis |
10325 Bushman Dr Oakton, Virginia 221242828 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 1200.00 |
M. Quinn Delaney |
436 14th St Ste 1417 Oakland, California 946122716 |
Employer: Akonadi Foundation | Occupation: Founder | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Denis Devlin |
55 Three Mile Rd Etna, New Hampshire 037503809 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Hiram C. Eastland, Jr. |
307 Cotton St Greenwood, Mississippi 389304309 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Niko Elmaleh |
150 Columbus Ave New York, New York 100235963 |
Employer: World-Wide Holdings Corp. | Occupation: Real Estate Developer | 11/13/2018 | 1250.00 |
Polly Estabrook |
134 S Van Ness Ave Los Angeles, California 900043910 |
Employer: Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Occupation: Electrical Engineer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Stephen C. Frobouck |
18 Overlook Dr Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152382146 |
Employer: Anderson Group | Occupation: President | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Alvin From |
3753 Thomas Point Rd Annapolis, Maryland 214035012 |
Employer: The From Company, LLC | Occupation: Strategic Consultant | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Irene Fuentez |
536 Redan St Houston, Texas 770096218 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Garret Gray |
315 Fazio Dive Oxford, Mississippi 38655 |
Employer: Next Gear Solutions | Occupation: Chief Executive Officer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Terry Grossman |
203 W 90th St Apt 9B New York, New York 100241229 |
Employer: Noramax Productions | Occupation: Writer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Jamie Guest |
1626 Montana Ave Apt 693 Santa Monica, California 904031808 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Performer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Jeffrey Gural |
300 Central Park W Apt 9E New York, New York 100241591 |
Employer: GFP Real Estate | Occupation: Real Estate | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Paul Haahr |
4019 Cesar Chavez St San Francisco, California 941311918 |
Employer: Google | Occupation: Programmer | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Chelsea Handler |
10866 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1100 Los Angeles, California 900244342 |
Employer: Chelsea Handler Productions | Occupation: Producer | 11/13/2018 | 2500.00 |
Martin Heinsdorf |
121 W 72nd St Apt 4C New York, New York 100233211 |
Employer: Data, Inc. | Occupation: Programmer | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Martin Heinsdorf |
121 W 72nd St Apt 4C New York, New York 100233211 |
Employer: Data, Inc. | Occupation: Programmer | 11/13/2018 | 1.50 |
Doug Horne |
412 N Cedar Bluff Rd Knoxville, Tennessee 379233631 |
Employer: Horne PropertiesInc | Occupation: Developer | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Megan Hull |
2226 Hall Pl NW Washington, DC 200071848 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Management Consultant | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Keith Johnson |
725 N 57th Ave Omaha, Nebraska 681322039 |
Employer: State of Nebraska | Occupation: Staff | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Edward Jones |
PO Box 4391 Killeen, Texas 765404391 |
Employer: KISD Killeen Texas | Occupation: School Bus Driver | 11/13/2018 | 500.00 |
Edward Jones |
PO Box 4391 Killeen, Texas 765404391 |
Employer: KISD Killeen Texas | Occupation: School Bus Driver | 11/13/2018 | 100.00 |
Edward Jones |
PO Box 4391 Killeen, Texas 765404391 |
Employer: KISD Killeen Texas | Occupation: School Bus Driver | 11/13/2018 | 250.00 |
Edward Jones |
PO Box 4391 Killeen, Texas 765404391 |
Employer: KISD Killeen Texas | Occupation: School Bus Driver | 11/13/2018 | 250.00 |
George Jordan |
1087 Augusta Dr Oxford, Mississippi 386556187 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Susan Kay |
2640 Benedict Canyon Dr Beverly Hills, California 902101023 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Daniel Kramer |
2420 14th St NW Apt 716 Washington, DC 200093757 |
Employer: CH Management Corp. | Occupation: Business Owner | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Nathan La Porte |
1455 W Sunnyside Ave Chicago, Illinois 606405405 |
Employer: Northwestern University | Occupation: Chemist | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Jonathan Larsen |
150 E Wynnewood Rd Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 190961529 |
Employer: National Comprehensive Cancer Network | Occupation: Program Coordinator | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Charles Lenzmeier |
1442 88th Ave NE Clyde Hill, Washington 980043350 |
Employer: Microsoft Corporation | Occupation: Software Architect | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Janet Lipsey |
20 Minor Ct San Rafael, California 949033716 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Voice Over Actor | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Ferdinand Massari |
33 Crescent Ave Beverly, Massachusetts 019154143 |
Employer: Kintai Therapeutics | Occupation: Physician | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Rebecca Mayne |
180 Elgin St Newton, Massachusetts 024592302 |
Employer: None | Occupation: Homemaker | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Steven Mies |
5204 Edmondson Ave Dallas, Texas 752095902 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Mike Moore Law Firm, LLC |
10 Canebrake Blvd Ste 150 Flowood, Mississippi 392322212 |
11/13/2018 | 1000.00 | ||
Elin Miller |
PO Box 1 Umpqua, Oregon 974860001 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Farmer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Elin Miller |
PO Box 1 Umpqua, Oregon 974860001 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Farmer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Olan Mills, II |
735 Broad St Chattanooga, Tennessee 374021804 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Deirdre Murphy |
407 Carolina Cir Durham, North Carolina 277072252 |
Employer: Environmental Protection Agency | Occupation: Toxicologist | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Mark Nation |
1442 Mt Laurel Dr Winter Springs, Florida 327083839 |
Employer: The Nation Law Firm | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 2300.00 |
Wendy Nation |
1442 Mt Laurel Dr Winter Springs, Florida 327083839 |
Employer: The Nation Law Firm | Occupation: Office Manager | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Wendy Nation |
1442 Mt Laurel Dr Winter Springs, Florida 327083839 |
Employer: The Nation Law Firm | Occupation: Office Manager | 11/13/2018 | 1700.00 |
Joyce O'Bannon |
919 SW Grand Reserves Blvd Port Saint Lucie, Florida 349862344 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Michael O'Bannon |
819 7th St NW Ste 400 Washington, DC 200013763 |
Employer: EOP Group Inc | Occupation: President | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Janet S. Ott |
PO Box 55953 Jackson, Mississippi 392965953 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Luther S. Ott, Sr. |
PO Box 55953 Jackson, Mississippi 392965953 |
Employer: St. Columb's Episcopal Church | Occupation: Clergy | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Karen Parker |
901 Private Rd Winnetka, Illinois 600931525 |
Employer: Industrial Service Products | Occupation: Business | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Melissa Patterson |
725 N Old Canton Rd Canton, Mississippi 390468844 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2500.00 |
Sam Phillips |
8 Hatch Rd Medford, Massachusetts 021553411 |
Employer: Residential | Occupation: Software Developer | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 568 Poli |
1237 Pass Rd Gulfport, Mississippi 395016234 |
11/13/2018 | 2500.00 | ||
Martha Reed |
PO Box 446 Pascagoula, Mississippi 395680446 |
Employer: None | Occupation: Homemaker | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
David Rhodes |
305 E 24th St New York, New York 100104011 |
Employer: School of Visual Arts | Occupation: Academic | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Carl Rigney |
4847 Hopyard Rd Apt 4-386 Pleasanton, California 945883360 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Robert Roche |
11225 Gammila Dr Las Vegas, Nevada 891410435 |
Employer: Roche Enterprises Ltd. | Occupation: Founder | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Haim Schoppig |
600 Malden Ave E Apt 303 Seattle, Washington 981124595 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
David Schoppik |
630 1st Ave Apt 11L New York, New York 100163789 |
Employer: NYU School of Medicine | Occupation: Professor | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Mary Jo Schuler |
315 N Euclid Ave Oak Park, Illinois 603022109 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1700.00 |
Yvonne Scolari |
11003 Francine Ct Mountain Ranch, California 952469710 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 1500.00 |
Naomi Sobel |
6 Everett St Apt 2 Boston, Massachusetts 021302815 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Investor | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Jonathan Soros |
70A Greenwich Ave Apt 199 New York, New York 100118300 |
Employer: JS Capital LLC | Occupation: CEO | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Veronica Starling |
2210 Talbert Dr Yazoo City, Mississippi 391942545 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Registered Nurse | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Angela Thomas |
331 Wrenfield Way Ridgeland, Mississippi 391575187 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Author | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Lu-Shawn Thompson |
25 Cambridge Pl Brooklyn, New York 112381907 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Glen Tullman |
250 E Pearson St Chicago, Illinois 606117225 |
Employer: 7wireVentures | Occupation: Managing Partner | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Ellis Turnage |
PO Box 216 Cleveland, Mississippi 387320216 |
Employer: Turnage Law Office | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Michael Wangler |
578 Washington Blvd # 426 Marina Del Rey, California 902925442 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Physician | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Clyde Watson |
55 Three Mile Rd Etna, New Hampshire 037503809 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Writer | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Julia Weaver |
334 Lovers Ln Ocean Springs, Mississippi 395642826 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Business Consultant | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Pat Welch |
6513 SW Janet Way Corvallis, Oregon 973339323 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Researcher | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Teresa Welch |
6513 SW Janet Way Corvallis, Oregon 973339323 |
Employer: Self Employed | Occupation: Editor | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Nina Mitchell Wells |
24 Canoe Brook Dr Livingston, New Jersey 070396135 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Retired | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Theodore V. Wells, Jr. |
1285 Avenue Of The Americas New York, New York 100196028 |
Employer: Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison, | Occupation: Partner | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Scott Whitley |
4315 W Beachway Dr Tampa, Florida 336094202 |
Employer: Morgan & Morgan | Occupation: Attorney | 11/13/2018 | 2700.00 |
Julia Winiarski |
9 Bonita Ave Napa, California 945592149 |
Employer: Not Employed | Occupation: Not Employed | 11/13/2018 | 1000.00 |
Total Itemized Contributions = 163511.50 |