Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/03/2021 Email Services 48.20

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/21/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 2121.97

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

04/15/2021 Payroll Taxes 1640.70

Middle Seat PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

05/18/2021 Digital Advertising 3000.00

Storage Sense 15440 Telegraph Rd
Redford, Michigan 482393528

05/17/2021 Storage Rent 120.00

Good Guy Electric, LLC 1460 Gratiot Ave
Detroit, Michigan 482072723

04/23/2021 Repairs 600.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/13/2021 Software 1.99

Avima Design 269 Walker St Ste 804
Detroit, Michigan 482074258

05/20/2021 Printing 10735.00

Hyatt Regency Los Angeles 6225 W Century Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900455311

06/16/2021 Travel 265.86

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/17/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1720.01

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/28/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1346.86

Jack Schulz 749 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, Michigan 482161056

05/07/2021 Catering 282.60

AT&T PO Box 5014
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975014

04/23/2021 Telephone & Internet Service 42.76

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

04/15/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 4325.14

Denzel McCampbell 10013 West Parkway
Detroit, Michigan 482391391

04/15/2021 Salary 890.15
LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

04/15/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

04/15/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

04/15/2021 Health Care Reimbursement 285.95
Middle Seat PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

05/18/2021 Digital Advertising 5000.00

The Action Network 1900 L St NW Ste 900
Washington, DC 200365005

05/17/2021 Email Services 906.00

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

05/03/2021 Software 2050.00

Mullens Flowers 17015 Foothill Blvd
Fontana, California 923353574

06/16/2021 Thank You Gift 129.18

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/07/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 587.39

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/01/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1702.25

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

04/02/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 5.57

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/30/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 307.13

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/03/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 960.63

DoubleTree by Hilton 222 N Vineyard Ave
Ontario, California 917644428

06/15/2021 Travel 229.14

Jack Schulz 749 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, Michigan 482161056

05/07/2021 Catering 25.17

MBA Consulting Group 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 143
Washington, DC 200034303

04/06/2021 Compliance Services 1800.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

05/14/2021 Payroll Fees 62.47

USPS 1401 W Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 482331002

04/26/2021 Postage 59.31

DC Livery 5252 Cherokee Ave Ste 102
Alexandria, Virginia 223122059

05/20/2021 Travel 78.69

The Action Network 1900 L St NW Ste 900
Washington, DC 200365005

06/15/2021 Email Services 850.00

Fox Rent A Car 5500 W Century Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900455914

06/15/2021 Travel 365.77

MBA Consulting Group 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 143
Washington, DC 200034303

06/02/2021 Compliance Services 1800.00

Mullens Flowers 17015 Foothill Blvd
Fontana, California 923353574

06/16/2021 Thank You Gift 118.52

USPS 1401 W Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 482331002

06/09/2021 Postage 34.75

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

04/09/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1.45

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/24/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 7392.47

Zoom Video Communications 55 Almaden Blvd Fl 6
San Jose, California 951131608

05/03/2021 Software 111.29

Jack Schulz 749 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, Michigan 482161056

05/07/2021 Catering 90.45

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/05/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1675.36

MBA Consulting Group 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 143
Washington, DC 200034303

04/29/2021 Compliance Services 1824.67

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/12/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 214.56

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

05/14/2021 Payroll Taxes 1557.15

Yemen Cafe 8740 Joseph Campau St
Hamtramck, Michigan 482123721

04/28/2021 Catering 760.00

Hyatt Regency Los Angeles 6225 W Century Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900455311

06/16/2021 Travel 185.86

TOSKR, Inc. 1330 Broadway Fl 3
Oakland, California 946122503

06/02/2021 Texting Services 271.52

PeopleKeep 383 W Vine St Ste 300
Salt Lake City, Utah 841234745

05/06/2021 Software 108.95

Mullens Flowers 17015 Foothill Blvd
Fontana, California 923353574

06/16/2021 Thank You Gift 109.10

Storage Sense 15440 Telegraph Rd
Redford, Michigan 482393528

06/17/2021 Storage Rent 120.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

06/25/2021 Bank Fee 161.00

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

04/16/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.52

Zoom Video Communications 55 Almaden Blvd Fl 6
San Jose, California 951131608

06/01/2021 Software 15.89

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

06/04/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 10.66

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/19/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 271.08

USPS 1401 W Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 482331002

05/03/2021 Postage 7.95

Delta Air Lines, Inc. PO Box 20536
Atlanta, Georgia 303202536

06/03/2021 Travel 526.80

AT&T PO Box 5014
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975014

04/12/2021 Telephone & Internet Service 15.13

Jack Schulz 749 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, Michigan 482161056

05/07/2021 Catering 25.52

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

05/14/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 5833.01

Denzel McCampbell 10013 West Parkway
Detroit, Michigan 482391391

05/14/2021 Salary 798.02
LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

05/14/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

05/14/2021 Health Care Reimbursement 285.95
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

05/14/2021 Salary 1574.52
LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

05/14/2021 Health Care Reimbursement 1600.00
Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

04/27/2021 Bank Fee 144.75

Unbought Power, LLC 5219 Timberview Ter
Orlando, Florida 328193924

05/03/2021 Fundraising Consulting 6000.00

Bumperactive.com 5907 Burnet Rd
Austin, Texas 787573224

06/02/2021 Printing 6624.37

Corona Rose Flowers 844 W 6th St
Corona, California 928823237

06/16/2021 Thank You Gift 107.69

AT&T PO Box 5014
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975014

06/23/2021 Telephone & Internet Service 42.76

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

06/11/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 4.00

Summit Campaign Strategies 87 Summit Cir
Shelburne, Vermont 054826753

05/05/2021 Digital Consulting 11500.00

North Arrow Consulting, LLC 5541 Yorkshire Rd
Detroit, Michigan 482242140

04/14/2021 General Campaign Consulting 7000.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/13/2021 Software 1.99

Jack Schulz 749 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, Michigan 482161056

05/07/2021 Catering 200.00

MBA Consulting Group 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 143
Washington, DC 200034303

06/30/2021 Compliance Services 1800.00

Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW
Washington, DC 200061202

05/28/2021 Bank Fee 145.75

DoubleTree by Hilton 222 N Vineyard Ave
Ontario, California 917644428

06/15/2021 Travel 229.14

PNC Bank 650 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200034318

05/03/2021 Bank Fee 47.00

Corona Rose Flowers 844 W 6th St
Corona, California 928823237

06/16/2021 Thank You Gift 107.69

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

06/30/2021 Payroll Fees 39.98

Zoom Video Communications 55 Almaden Blvd Fl 6
San Jose, California 951131608

04/01/2021 Software 111.29

PNC Bank 650 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200034318

04/01/2021 Bank Fee 47.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

06/02/2021 Email Services 48.57

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

06/18/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 8.78

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

06/03/2021 Software 2050.00

The Action Network 1900 L St NW Ste 900
Washington, DC 200365005

04/15/2021 Email Services 3885.00

Summit Campaign Strategies 87 Summit Cir
Shelburne, Vermont 054826753

06/08/2021 Digital Consulting 11500.00

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/26/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 582.98

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

05/28/2021 Payroll Fees 42.48

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

05/28/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 20.26

USPS 1401 W Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 482331002

04/30/2021 Postage 14.08

North Arrow Consulting, LLC 5541 Yorkshire Rd
Detroit, Michigan 482242140

06/04/2021 General Campaign Consulting 7000.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

06/15/2021 Payroll Fees 62.47

Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

06/02/2021 Shipping Reimbursement - See Below if It 9.50

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

06/30/2021 Payroll Taxes 1243.08

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/02/2021 Email Services 48.00

TOSKR, Inc. 1330 Broadway Fl 3
Oakland, California 946122503

06/23/2021 Texting Services 146.03

Delta Air Lines, Inc. PO Box 20536
Atlanta, Georgia 303202536

06/02/2021 Travel 248.40

Stripe 510 Townsend St
San Francisco, California 941034918

06/25/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 3.92

USPS 1401 W Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 482331002

06/04/2021 Postage 94.05

Middle Seat PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

05/27/2021 Digital Advertising 35000.00

North Arrow Consulting, LLC 5541 Yorkshire Rd
Detroit, Michigan 482242140

05/12/2021 General Campaign Consulting 7000.00

Storage Sense 15440 Telegraph Rd
Redford, Michigan 482393528

04/16/2021 Storage Rent 120.00

Middle Seat PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

05/21/2021 Digital Advertising 20000.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

05/28/2021 Payroll Taxes 1601.49

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

04/30/2021 Payroll Fees 42.48

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

06/15/2021 Payroll Taxes 1723.79

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

06/30/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 3149.04

LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

06/30/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

06/30/2021 Salary 1574.52
ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/14/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 1994.58

Delta Air Lines, Inc. PO Box 20536
Atlanta, Georgia 303202536

06/02/2021 Travel 348.40

PNC Bank 650 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200034318

06/01/2021 Bank Fee 47.00

Mohammad Awad 16580 London Ln
Fontana, California 923352455

06/12/2021 Catering 2500.00

USPS 1401 W Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 482331002

04/16/2021 Postage 12.54

Unbought Power, LLC 5219 Timberview Ter
Orlando, Florida 328193924

06/08/2021 Fundraising Consulting 6000.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

05/28/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 4149.75

LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

05/28/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

05/28/2021 Salary 1574.52
Denzel McCampbell 10013 West Parkway
Detroit, Michigan 482391391

05/28/2021 Salary 1000.71
Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

04/30/2021 Payroll Taxes 1608.95

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

06/15/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 4730.50

LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

06/15/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

06/15/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

06/15/2021 Health Care Reimbursement 285.95
Denzel McCampbell 10013 West Parkway
Detroit, Michigan 482391391

06/15/2021 Salary 1295.51
Pinch Provisions PO Box 401
Mount Prospect, Illinois 600560401

06/24/2021 Office Supplies 45.00

Summit Campaign Strategies 87 Summit Cir
Shelburne, Vermont 054826753

04/05/2021 Digital Consulting 13500.00

Bumperactive.com 5907 Burnet Rd
Austin, Texas 787573224

05/12/2021 Printing 368.33

Ahmad Malley 3 Trafalgar
Palm Desert, California 92260

06/13/2021 Catering 2900.00

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

04/15/2021 Payroll Fees 62.47

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/10/2021 Credit Card Processing Fees 331.46

Unbought Power, LLC 5219 Timberview Ter
Orlando, Florida 328193924

04/06/2021 Fundraising Consulting 6000.00

AT&T PO Box 5014
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975014

05/24/2021 Telephone & Internet Service 42.76

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

04/06/2021 Software 2050.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

06/14/2021 Software 1.99

Payroll Data Processing 3501 E Frontage Rd Ste 350
Tampa, Florida 336071723

04/30/2021 Payroll - See Below if Itemized 4002.35

Denzel McCampbell 10013 West Parkway
Detroit, Michigan 482391391

04/30/2021 Salary 853.31
LaMar Thompson-Hightower 650 Virginia Park St Apt 307
Detroit, Michigan 482022027

04/30/2021 Salary 1574.52
Carolina Toro-Ramon 1531 Hubbard St
Detroit, Michigan 482093316

04/30/2021 Salary 1574.52
Penina Jeune 499 Ocean Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112262975

04/19/2021 Contribution Refund 1000.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 246107.34
Total Memo Amount 26189.79
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 123
Number of Transactions (Memo) 21

Generated Tue Feb 11 23:42:35 2025