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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

01/07/2018 Credit card processing fee 129.16

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

01/14/2018 Credit card processing fee 381.22

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

01/21/2018 Credit card processing fee 218.69

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

01/28/2018 Credit card processing fee 351.95

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

02/04/2018 Credit card processing fee 373.94

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

02/11/2018 Credit card processing fee 799.28

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

02/18/2018 Credit card processing fee 496.67

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

02/25/2018 Credit card processing fee 1259.01

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

03/04/2018 Credit card processing fee 1750.41

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

03/11/2018 Credit card processing fee 963.13

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

03/18/2018 Credit card processing fee 958.32

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

03/25/2018 Credit card processing fee 2535.32

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031

03/31/2018 Credit card processing fee 2570.58

Washington, DC 200012604

02/20/2018 Event tickets 499.00

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552605

02/22/2018 Travel 377.00

Apollo Artistry 1730 N Clark St Apt 1706
Chicago, Illinois 606145858

01/09/2018 Printing and Copying 100.00

Apollo Artistry 1730 N Clark St Apt 1706
Chicago, Illinois 606145858

02/09/2018 Printing and Copying 370.00

Atlantic Communications, Inc. 403 S Yonge St
Ormond Beach, Florida 321746237

03/12/2018 Telephone Service 337.05

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/25/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 58.12

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/28/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 321.60

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/02/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 50.78

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/04/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 77.75

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/25/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 11.11

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/01/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 29.82

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/02/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 19.20

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/04/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 50.02

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/05/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 13.12

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/09/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 12.31

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/10/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 41.97

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/11/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 137.88

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/12/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 47.05

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/13/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 6.87

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/14/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 15.96

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/15/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 40.04

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/18/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Travel 10.87

Lauren Baer 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/23/2018 Candidate In-Kind: Office maintenance & 1375.00

Jonathan Beltran PMB 104-211 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/12/2018 Payroll 1219.36

Jonathan Beltran PMB 104-211 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/30/2018 Travel reimbursement 166.00

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

01/30/2018 Travel Reimbursement 164.20
Jonathan Beltran PMB 104-211 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/31/2018 Payroll 1252.44

Jonathan Beltran PMB 104-211 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/15/2018 Payroll 1252.44

Jonathan Beltran PMB 104-211 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/28/2018 Payroll 1252.44

Jonathan Beltran PMB 104-211 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/15/2018 Payroll 1252.44

Blue State Digital 1000 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 200054903

01/02/2018 Software 475.88

Blue State Digital 1000 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 200054903

01/16/2018 Software 450.00

Blue State Digital 1000 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 200054903

01/22/2018 Software 25.88

Blue State Digital 1000 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 200054903

02/15/2018 Software 475.88

Jonathan Caplan 10301 S Gardens Dr
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334185850

03/25/2018 Painting 2625.00

Crane Agency 400 Chesterfield Ctr Ste 320
Chesterfield, Missouri 630174800

02/12/2018 Liability Insurance 1459.64

DCCC 430 S Capitol St SE Fl 2
Washington, DC 200034024

03/13/2018 Event Expense 30.30

DCCC 430 S Capitol St SE Fl 2
Washington, DC 200034024

03/14/2018 Event Expense 115.35

Diaz Maintenance Service 4015 Pinella Cir Apt 661
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334106728

03/23/2018 Office maintenance - See candidate in-ki 1375.00
Elrod Strategies, LLC 1401 R St NW Apt 404
Washington, DC 200097824

02/01/2018 Communications Services 2000.00

Elrod Strategies, LLC 1401 R St NW Apt 404
Washington, DC 200097824

02/27/2018 Communications Services 2133.00

FLF ATC LLC. 601 Heritage Dr # 227
Jupiter, Florida 334582777

01/25/2018 Rent 5562.20

Florida Democratic Party 214 S Bronough St
Tallahassee, Florida 323011705

02/23/2018 Software 1000.00

Florida Department Of Revenue 210-A N. Tyndall Pkwy
Panama City, Florida 324046432

01/12/2018 4th Q 2017 SUI 395.22

Florida Power & Light (FPL) 700 Universe Blvd
Juno Beach, Florida 334082657

03/12/2018 Utilities 249.53

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

01/16/2018 Travel 362.60

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

01/28/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 1/28/2 321.60
JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

02/07/2018 Travel 341.20

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

02/09/2018 Travel 396.60

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

02/09/2018 Travel 140.60

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

02/21/2018 Travel 21.96

JetBlue 11829 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, New York 113757212

03/12/2018 Travel 108.60

Johnson Campaigns, Inc. 2740 NE 29Th St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333061732

01/02/2018 Outside Contract Services 3000.00

Johnson Campaigns, Inc. 2740 NE 29Th St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333061732

01/23/2018 Outside Contract Services 3000.00

Johnson Campaigns, Inc. 2740 NE 29Th St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333061732

02/23/2018 Outside Contract Services 3000.00

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/12/2018 Payroll Expenses 1656.74

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/31/2018 Payroll Expenses 1695.69

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/05/2018 Locksmith services (unitemized) 115.00

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/06/2018 Travel 60.82

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/12/2018 Office Supplies 121.42

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/15/2018 Payroll Expenses 1695.69

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/28/2018 Payroll Expenses 1695.69

Rebecca Larrison 6231 PGA Blvd PMB 104-211
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/15/2018 Payroll 1695.69

Rebecca Lipson 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/12/2018 Payroll Expenses 2067.53

Rebecca Lipson 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/31/2018 Payroll Expenses 2146.24

Rebecca Lipson 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/15/2018 Payroll Expenses 2146.22

Rebecca Lipson 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/28/2018 Payroll Expenses 2146.24

Rebecca Lipson 6231 PGA Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/15/2018 Payroll 2146.22

Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

01/30/2018 Travel Reimbursement 60.82
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/09/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/9/20 12.31
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/10/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/10/2 41.97
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/11/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/11/2 137.88
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/12/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/12/2 47.05
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/13/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/13/2 6.87
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/14/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/14/2 15.96
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/15/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/15/2 40.04
Lyft 548 Market St Ste 68514
San Francisco, California 941045401

03/18/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/18/2 10.87
Mission Control, Inc. 624 Hebron Ave Ste 200
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060335006

01/26/2018 Printing and Copying 1570.00

Mission Control, Inc. 624 Hebron Ave Ste 200
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060335006

01/26/2018 Printing and Copying 474.00

Mission Control, Inc. 624 Hebron Ave Ste 200
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060335006

02/01/2018 Printing and Copying 710.00

Mission Control, Inc. 624 Hebron Ave Ste 200
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060335006

03/09/2018 Printing and Copying 2360.00

Mission Control, Inc. 624 Hebron Ave Ste 200
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060335006

03/20/2018 Printing and Copying 31624.04

Mothership Strategies 1328 Florida Ave NW Ste C
Washington, DC 200094827

01/02/2018 Fundraising Consulting Services 10000.00

Mothership Strategies 1328 Florida Ave NW Ste C
Washington, DC 200094827

01/05/2018 Fundraising Consulting Services 7500.00

Mothership Strategies 1328 Florida Ave NW Ste C
Washington, DC 200094827

02/26/2018 Fundraising Consulting Services 7500.00

NGP VAN 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

02/15/2018 Software 2190.00

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/02/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/05/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/11/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/16/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/17/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/22/2018 Postage and Shipping 17.52

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/25/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/29/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

01/29/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/01/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/07/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/08/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/09/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/12/2018 Postage and Shipping 260.00

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/14/2018 Postage and Shipping 87.80

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/16/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/20/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/22/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

02/26/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/02/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/05/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/07/2018 Postage and Shipping 48.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/08/2018 Postage and Shipping 17.42

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/12/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/16/2018 Postage and Shipping 165.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/19/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/22/2018 Postage and Shipping 93.05

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/26/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/26/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/28/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Pak Mail 6231 PGA Blvd Ste 104
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334184033

03/29/2018 Postage and Shipping 9.70

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/12/2018 Payroll Taxes 1776.54

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/12/2018 Workers Compensation 25.70

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/12/2018 Payroll Processing Fee 85.28

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/31/2018 Payroll Taxes 1961.04

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/31/2018 Workers Compensation 25.70

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/31/2018 Payroll Processing Fee 65.30

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/15/2018 Payroll Taxes 1756.34

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/15/2018 Workers Compensation 29.87

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/15/2018 Payroll Processing Fee 65.09

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/28/2018 Payroll Taxes 2089.94

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/28/2018 Workers Compensation 25.98

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/28/2018 Payroll Processing Fee 67.99

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

03/15/2018 Payroll Taxes 2014.88

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

03/15/2018 Workers Compensation 34.76

Paychex, Inc. 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

03/16/2018 Payroll Processing Fee 67.78

PBC Human Rights Campaign PO Box 267
West Palm Beach, Florida 334020267

01/12/2018 Event tickets 300.00

PCMS, LLC PO Box 65322
Washington, DC 200355322

02/15/2018 Accounting Fees 1682.45

PCMS, LLC PO Box 65322
Washington, DC 200355322

03/07/2018 Accounting Fees 1655.39

RevUp 101 Redwood Shores Pkwy Ste 125
Redwood City, California 940651177

01/02/2018 Software 1000.00

RevUp 101 Redwood Shores Pkwy Ste 125
Redwood City, California 940651177

02/01/2018 Software 1000.00

RevUp 101 Redwood Shores Pkwy Ste 125
Redwood City, California 940651177

03/01/2018 Software 1000.00

Ora Rosenbaum 11 Island Ave Apt 1911
Miami Beach, Florida 331391342

02/28/2018 Payroll 1346.23

Ora Rosenbaum 11 Island Ave Apt 1911
Miami Beach, Florida 331391342

03/15/2018 Payroll 1474.07

Staples 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024478

01/12/2018 Office Supplies 16.50

Staples 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024478

02/07/2018 Office Supplies 439.26

Staples 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024478

02/16/2018 Office Supplies 146.41

Staples 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024478

03/26/2018 Office Supplies 25.68

Staples 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024478

03/28/2018 Office Supplies 26.74

T&M Services 31 NE 1St St
Pompano Beach, Florida 330606601

02/09/2018 Office maintenace 2650.00

Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/25/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 1/25/2 58.12
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/02/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 2/2/20 50.78
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/04/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 2/4/20 77.75
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/25/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 2/25/2 11.11
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/1/20 29.82
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/02/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/2/20 19.20
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/04/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/2/20 50.02
Uber 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/05/2018 Travel - See Candidate In-kind on 3/5/20 13.12
Venable, LLP 600 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200015358

01/05/2018 Legal Fees 1686.40

Venable, LLP 600 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200015358

01/18/2018 Legal Fees 1971.20

Venable, LLP 600 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200015358

02/26/2018 Legal Fees 2077.20

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 163384.7
Total Memo Amount 2544.49
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 150
Number of Transactions (Memo) 20

Generated Tue Feb 18 23:27:46 2025