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Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers


Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Joyce Aboussie 76 Overhills Dr
Saint Louis, Missouri 631241532
Aboussie And Associates / CEO
09/21/2018 259.60 778.70
Randy Adams 517 W 48Th St Apt 2RE
New York, New York 100361130
Junkyard Dog Productions / Producer
09/10/2018 103.90 259.80
Randy Adams 517 W 48Th St Apt 2RE
New York, New York 100361130
Junkyard Dog Productions / Producer
09/21/2018 259.60 519.40
Ann Aldrich 600 S Queen St
Martinsburg, West Virginia 254013104
Not Employed / Retired
09/23/2018 207.70 311.60
Mireille Algazi 7534 E Camino Amistoso
Tucson, Arizona 857507068
Arizona Community Physician / Physician
09/03/2018 37.47 224.82
Mireille Algazi 7534 E Camino Amistoso
Tucson, Arizona 857507068
Arizona Community Physician / Physician
09/03/2018 37.47 224.82
Mireille Algazi 7534 E Camino Amistoso
Tucson, Arizona 857507068
Arizona Community Physician / Physician
09/23/2018 52.00 276.82
Elise Ambrose 3 Bethesda Metro Ctr Ste 510
Bethesda, Maryland 208146315
Mcnamara Dowling Ambrose, Llc / Small Business Owner
09/19/2018 52.00 207.80
Susan Andersen 1 Washington Square Vlg Apt 4N
New York, New York 100121604
New York University / Professor
08/05/2018 250.00 450.00
Susan Andersen 1 Washington Square Vlg Apt 4N
New York, New York 100121604
New York University / Professor
09/06/2018 5.00 455.00
Susan Andersen 1 Washington Square Vlg Apt 4N
New York, New York 100121604
New York University / Professor
09/28/2018 100.00 555.00
Susan Andersen 1 Washington Square Vlg Apt 4N
New York, New York 100121604
New York University / Professor
09/30/2018 100.00 655.00
Fayne Ansley 149 E 39Th St
New York, New York 100160913
Self Employed / Artist
09/19/2018 25.00 225.00
Fayne Ansley 149 E 39Th St
New York, New York 100160913
Self Employed / Artist
09/21/2018 50.00 275.00
Fayne Ansley 149 E 39Th St
New York, New York 100160913
Self Employed / Artist
09/30/2018 25.00 300.00
Anargyros Anton 5300 Columbia Pike Apt 210
Arlington, Virginia 222043196
Arlington County Government / Design Engineer
09/22/2018 31.24 211.59
Anargyros Anton 5300 Columbia Pike Apt 210
Arlington, Virginia 222043196
Arlington County Government / Design Engineer
09/30/2018 52.00 263.59
Bierta Barfod 8600 30Th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981153502
Katsuta Hospital / Editor
07/31/2018 52.00 255.90
Bierta Barfod 8600 30Th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981153502
Katsuta Hospital / Editor
09/10/2018 103.90 359.80
Bierta Barfod 8600 30Th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981153502
Katsuta Hospital / Editor
09/20/2018 103.90 463.70
Bierta Barfod 8600 30Th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981153502
Katsuta Hospital / Editor
09/30/2018 103.90 567.60
Martin Barmatz 2304 Pickens Canyon Rd
La Crescenta, California 912142214
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Physicist
09/29/2018 850.00 850.00
Sue Bassin 107 Snyder Rd
Ancramdale, New York 125035157
Cricket Hill Farm / Farm Manager
07/19/2018 103.90 623.40
Sue Bassin 107 Snyder Rd
Ancramdale, New York 125035157
Cricket Hill Farm / Farm Manager
08/19/2018 103.90 727.30
Sue Bassin 107 Snyder Rd
Ancramdale, New York 125035157
Cricket Hill Farm / Farm Manager
09/19/2018 103.90 831.20
Harisha Bastiampillai 2330 Dulles Station Blvd Apt 2418
Herndon, Virginia 201716303
Tata Communications / Attorney
09/02/2018 20.86 203.41
Harisha Bastiampillai 2330 Dulles Station Blvd Apt 2418
Herndon, Virginia 201716303
Tata Communications / Attorney
09/02/2018 20.86 203.41
Mayurendra Baugh 27230 Elena Rd
Los Altos Hills, California 940223316
Self Employed / Real Estate
09/30/2018 103.90 259.80
Robin Baughman 1046 N Edgefield Ave
Dallas, Texas 752083621
VTC / Owner
09/05/2018 250.00 250.00
Greg Bender 22 3Rd St NW
Saint Michael, Minnesota 553761058
Not Employed / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Greg Bender 22 3Rd St NW
Saint Michael, Minnesota 553761058
Not Employed / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Gloria Bieler 2 Black Walnut Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105834572
Self-Employed / Psychotherapist
09/23/2018 250.00 250.00
Robert Blum 3911 N Mount Royal Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857499392
NOAO / Astronomer
09/03/2018 25.00 225.00
Robert Blum 3911 N Mount Royal Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857499392
NOAO / Astronomer
09/03/2018 25.00 225.00
Robert Blum 3911 N Mount Royal Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857499392
NOAO / Astronomer
09/22/2018 50.00 275.00
Judith Borck 4444 Via Pinzon
Palos Verdes Estat, California 902741558
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 103.90 203.90
Achiezer Brandt 10 De Sabla Rd Apt 909
San Mateo, California 944021239
Amazon.Com, Inc / Scientist
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Achiezer Brandt 10 De Sabla Rd Apt 909
San Mateo, California 944021239
Amazon.Com, Inc / Scientist
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Kathleen Butterfield 1600 Krameria St
Denver, Colorado 802201553
City Of Denver / Finance Supervisor
09/22/2018 103.90 363.50
Pauline Carbonel 433 Calle De Aragon
Redondo Beach, California 902776725
Not Employed / Retired
07/31/2018 26.05 337.75
Pauline Carbonel 433 Calle De Aragon
Redondo Beach, California 902776725
Not Employed / Retired
09/05/2018 103.90 441.65
Pauline Carbonel 433 Calle De Aragon
Redondo Beach, California 902776725
Not Employed / Retired
09/19/2018 103.90 545.55
Pauline Carbonel 433 Calle De Aragon
Redondo Beach, California 902776725
Not Employed / Retired
09/30/2018 26.05 571.60
Leslie Carothers 1735 New Hampshire Ave NW Apt 503
Washington, DC 200092560
Not Employed / Retired Attorney
09/26/2018 1000.00 1000.00
Hollie Carroll 21675 Pontiac Trl
South Lyon, Michigan 481788233
Resource Residential / Field Operations Manager
08/28/2018 26.05 208.40
Hollie Carroll 21675 Pontiac Trl
South Lyon, Michigan 481788233
Resource Residential / Field Operations Manager
09/28/2018 26.05 234.45
David Champion 10460 47Th Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981782004
Champion & Associates / Owner
09/21/2018 519.10 778.70
Maren Christensen 12 Yawl St
Marina Del Rey, California 902927159
Not Employed / Attorney
09/19/2018 1038.10 1038.10
Kristina Clark 951 Glenwood Ave SE Apt 1002
Atlanta, Georgia 303161899
Self Employed / Science/Medical Writer
09/01/2018 20.86 208.60
Kristina Clark 951 Glenwood Ave SE Apt 1002
Atlanta, Georgia 303161899
Self Employed / Science/Medical Writer
09/01/2018 20.86 208.60
John Codd 14 Hazlett St
Morristown, New Jersey 079603709
Fairleigh Dickinson University / Attorney
08/24/2018 52.00 302.00
Judith Conley 3710 Green Fields Dr
Sugar Land, Texas 774791916
Not Employed / Retired
09/30/2018 52.00 208.20
Michele Crosby 7 Edgehill Rd
Stow, Massachusetts 017751407
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. / Associate Director, Contracts
07/01/2018 25.00 203.90
Michele Crosby 7 Edgehill Rd
Stow, Massachusetts 017751407
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. / Associate Director, Contracts
07/07/2018 25.00 228.90
Michele Crosby 7 Edgehill Rd
Stow, Massachusetts 017751407
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. / Associate Director, Contracts
08/01/2018 25.00 253.90
Michele Crosby 7 Edgehill Rd
Stow, Massachusetts 017751407
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. / Associate Director, Contracts
08/07/2018 25.00 278.90
Michele Crosby 7 Edgehill Rd
Stow, Massachusetts 017751407
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. / Associate Director, Contracts
09/05/2018 25.00 303.90
Michele Crosby 7 Edgehill Rd
Stow, Massachusetts 017751407
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. / Associate Director, Contracts
09/14/2018 10.48 314.38
Marie Contreras Danner 3009 Eggers Dr
Fremont, California 945365217
Superior Courts CA,Alameda County / Certified Trial Court Interpreter
08/02/2018 26.05 208.40
Marie Contreras Danner 3009 Eggers Dr
Fremont, California 945365217
Superior Courts CA,Alameda County / Certified Trial Court Interpreter
09/02/2018 26.05 260.50
Marie Contreras Danner 3009 Eggers Dr
Fremont, California 945365217
Superior Courts CA,Alameda County / Certified Trial Court Interpreter
09/02/2018 26.05 260.50
Ralph Daugherty 9800 Touchton Rd Apt 237
Jacksonville, Florida 322468301
Landstar / Computer Programmer
09/29/2018 259.60 415.50
Krista Davis 6006 Seaview Ave NW Apt H
Seattle, Washington 981072674
Groundbase / Software Engineer
09/19/2018 259.60 259.60
Suzi Dietz 3905 Ventura Canyon Ave
Sherman Oaks, California 914234712
Self-Employed / Producer
07/19/2018 100.00 707.80
Suzi Dietz 3905 Ventura Canyon Ave
Sherman Oaks, California 914234712
Self-Employed / Producer
08/19/2018 100.00 807.80
Suzi Dietz 3905 Ventura Canyon Ave
Sherman Oaks, California 914234712
Self-Employed / Producer
09/18/2018 100.00 907.80
Anita Donofrio 55 High Ridge Ave
Ridgefield, Connecticut 068774901
Self Employed / Developer
09/19/2018 1000.00 1000.00
Anita Donofrio 55 High Ridge Ave
Ridgefield, Connecticut 068774901
Self Employed / Developer
09/30/2018 1000.00 2000.00
Catherine Doyle 138 W 17Th St Apt 3
New York, New York 100115412
Not Employed / Homemaker
09/21/2018 250.00 250.00
Ashley Durkin-Rixey 6207 Tecumseh Pl
Berwyn Heights, Maryland 207402339
Stanton Communications / Senior Account Executive
09/08/2018 26.05 208.40
Edith Farwell 645 Turnpike Rd
Norwich, Vermont 050559500
Sustainability Leaders Network / Executive Director
09/21/2018 103.90 203.90
Phyllis Feder 101 Central Park W
New York, New York 100234250
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 103.90 311.70
Tania Fernandez 446 South Pkwy
Clifton, New Jersey 070141243
Not Employed / None
09/10/2018 52.00 255.90
Tania Fernandez 446 South Pkwy
Clifton, New Jersey 070141243
Not Employed / None
09/30/2018 103.90 359.80
Jean Forray 5 Moody Bridge Rd
Hadley, Massachusetts 010359732
Western New England University / College Professor
09/21/2018 1038.10 1038.10
Maplewood, New Jersey 07040
Not Employed / None
08/31/2018 197.32 394.64
Maplewood, New Jersey 07040
Not Employed / None
08/31/2018 197.32 394.64
Dianne Garner 4105 Lakewood Ave
Bradenton, Florida 342088030
Retired / Retired
09/05/2018 26.05 208.40
N. Giberson 336 Pacific Ave
Solana Beach, California 920751158
Not Employed / Retired Asst Supt, County Office Of Ed
09/30/2018 259.60 259.60
Susan Gibson 420 E Massachusetts Ave
Southern Pines, North Carolina 283876138
Not Employed / Not Employed
09/25/2018 103.90 350.85
Susan Gibson 420 E Massachusetts Ave
Southern Pines, North Carolina 283876138
Not Employed / Not Employed
09/25/2018 107.00 350.85
Patricia Green 2034 Hermitage Hills Dr
Gambrills, Maryland 210542006
Not Employed / Retired Superintendent Of Schools
07/31/2018 25.00 225.00
Patricia Green 2034 Hermitage Hills Dr
Gambrills, Maryland 210542006
Not Employed / Retired Superintendent Of Schools
09/10/2018 25.00 250.00
Patricia Green 2034 Hermitage Hills Dr
Gambrills, Maryland 210542006
Not Employed / Retired Superintendent Of Schools
09/21/2018 100.00 350.00
Adrienne Grey 216 N 1St St
Campbell, California 950082030
Self / Supply Chain Consultant
09/11/2018 259.60 259.60
Sandra Grove 1510 Dora Ln
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551066809
State Of Minnesota / ALJ
09/30/2018 26.05 206.00
Julie Hahn 24 Ashfield Rd
Atherton, California 940273806
Self-Employed / Portfolio Manager
09/10/2018 20.18 3134.28
Maurice Hamilton 1200 Indiana Ave Unit 12
South Pasadena, California 910303639
Not Employed / Retired
09/07/2018 52.00 311.80
Maurice Hamilton 1200 Indiana Ave Unit 12
South Pasadena, California 910303639
Not Employed / Retired
09/21/2018 103.90 415.70
Shahab Handjani 250 West St Apt 11A
New York, New York 100137512
Cargill / Trader
07/19/2018 103.90 623.40
Shahab Handjani 250 West St Apt 11A
New York, New York 100137512
Cargill / Trader
08/19/2018 103.90 727.30
Shahab Handjani 250 West St Apt 11A
New York, New York 100137512
Cargill / Trader
09/18/2018 103.90 831.20
Barry Hardwick 679 Sanville Dr
Lewis Center, Ohio 430358476
JPMorgan Chase / Vice President Risk Management Operati
09/18/2018 26.05 208.40
Gina Harman 51 5Th Ave Apt 15BF
New York, New York 100034352
Accion, The US Network / CEO
07/31/2018 259.60 363.50
Gina Harman 51 5Th Ave Apt 15BF
New York, New York 100034352
Accion, The US Network / CEO
09/10/2018 103.90 467.40
Robert Harrell 1108 Gemini Cir
Portales, New Mexico 881306105
NM Ninth Judicial District Court / IT Systems Analyst
09/22/2018 103.90 259.70
Diane Hart 4419 Fulton Ave Apt 26
Sherman Oaks, California 914235115
Not Employed / None
09/19/2018 259.60 389.55
Marie Blanche Hebert P.O. Box 101 North Bay Ontario P1B8G8 Canad
A, Foreign Country 00000
Not Employed / Self-Named Activist
09/21/2018 259.60 415.50
Barbara Hickingbottom 211 N Sierra Ave
Solana Beach, California 920751151
Xencor / Physician
08/28/2018 103.90 207.80
Barbara Hickingbottom 211 N Sierra Ave
Solana Beach, California 920751151
Xencor / Physician
09/28/2018 103.90 311.70
Evalie Horner 91 Benthaven Pl
Boulder, Colorado 803056200
Self / Psychotherapist
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Evalie Horner 91 Benthaven Pl
Boulder, Colorado 803056200
Self / Psychotherapist
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Nancy Hoving 150 E 73Rd St
New York, New York 100214362
Not Employed / Retired
09/19/2018 52.00 207.90
Roberta Humphreys 594 Pond View Dr
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 551201924
Not Employed / Retired Astronomer
09/07/2018 52.00 259.80
Roberta Humphreys 594 Pond View Dr
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 551201924
Not Employed / Retired Astronomer
09/23/2018 52.00 311.80
Jon Ichinaga PO Box 6802
Torrance, California 905040802
Not Employed / Retired
09/24/2018 259.60 259.60
Jesse Jennell 348 Hauser Blvd Apt 323
Los Angeles, California 900363296
Equity Residential / Property Management
07/03/2018 259.60 1557.60
Jesse Jennell 348 Hauser Blvd Apt 323
Los Angeles, California 900363296
Equity Residential / Property Management
08/03/2018 259.60 1817.20
Jesse Jennell 348 Hauser Blvd Apt 323
Los Angeles, California 900363296
Equity Residential / Property Management
09/03/2018 259.60 2336.40
Jesse Jennell 348 Hauser Blvd Apt 323
Los Angeles, California 900363296
Equity Residential / Property Management
09/03/2018 259.60 2336.40
Jesse Jennell 348 Hauser Blvd Apt 323
Los Angeles, California 900363296
Equity Residential / Property Management
09/30/2018 259.60 2596.00
Jennifer Jones 4 Sherman Ter
Woburn, Massachusetts 018013615
Endicott College / Fundraiser
08/28/2018 26.05 208.40
Jennifer Jones 4 Sherman Ter
Woburn, Massachusetts 018013615
Endicott College / Fundraiser
09/28/2018 26.05 234.45
Thomas C Jones 150 S 5Th Ave Ste 201
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481041948
Hagerty Holding Corp. / Insurance Executive
09/30/2018 500.00 500.00
Sharon Kahn 820 Highway 39 Unit 2
Ingram, Texas 780255559
Not Employed / Not Employed
08/28/2018 103.90 257.80
Sharon Kahn 820 Highway 39 Unit 2
Ingram, Texas 780255559
Not Employed / Not Employed
09/28/2018 103.90 361.70
Milly Kayyem 10104 Empyrean Way
Los Angeles, California 900673826
Not Employed / Retired
09/05/2018 52.00 259.80
Ernest Keet PO Box 1199
Saranac Lake, New York 129837199
Vanguard Atlantic Ltd. / President
09/30/2018 250.00 250.00
Brooke Kennedy 323 E 50Th St
New York, New York 100227901
Cbs Tv / Director
09/19/2018 1038.10 1038.10
Robert Kerr 4302 S Magnolia St
Spokane, Washington 992034329
SEP / Physician
09/03/2018 26.05 234.45
Robert Kerr 4302 S Magnolia St
Spokane, Washington 992034329
SEP / Physician
09/03/2018 26.05 234.45
Sue Kimball 6828 E Calle Luciente
Tucson, Arizona 857153208
Not Employed / Retired
09/14/2018 259.60 259.60
Sue Kimball 6828 E Calle Luciente
Tucson, Arizona 857153208
Not Employed / Retired
09/30/2018 1038.10 1297.70
Elena King 7041 Wyndale St NW
Washington, DC 200151428
Not Employed / Retired
09/19/2018 1000.00 1000.00
Lisa Kohl 11 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100232504
Not Employed / Psychologist
09/21/2018 250.00 250.00
Constance Laflamme 30 Chattanooga St
San Francisco, California 941143025
Paradigm Healthcare / Public Health
09/21/2018 259.60 259.60
Carole Lake 4003 Edgefield Ct
Austin, Texas 787312902
Retired / Nope
07/05/2018 103.90 623.40
Carole Lake 4003 Edgefield Ct
Austin, Texas 787312902
Retired / Nope
08/05/2018 103.90 727.30
Carole Lake 4003 Edgefield Ct
Austin, Texas 787312902
Retired / Nope
09/05/2018 103.90 831.20
Amber Landeau-Keinan 159 W 91St St
New York, New York 100241301
Not Employed / Student
09/29/2018 259.60 259.60
Jessica Lansdale 760 W End Ave Apt 9C
New York, New York 100255532
DASNY / Architect
09/08/2018 26.05 208.40
Deborah Slaner Larkin 1680 SKIPAREE Rd
North Pownal, Vermont 05260
Not Employed / None
09/10/2018 259.60 2335.80
Ann Lewis 4550 N Park Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208157232
Not Employed / Retired
07/31/2018 103.90 407.80
Ann Lewis 4550 N Park Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208157232
Not Employed / Retired
08/28/2018 103.90 511.70
Ann Lewis 4550 N Park Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208157232
Not Employed / Retired
09/28/2018 103.90 615.60
Ann Lewis 4550 N Park Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208157232
Not Employed / Retired
09/30/2018 259.60 875.20
Deborah Lima 29382 Vista Plaza Dr
Laguna Niguel, California 926771826
Not Employed / Retired Grandmother
09/05/2018 259.60 259.60
Cathy Lindy 930 Cape Marco Dr Unit 506
Marco Island, Florida 341456344
Not Employed / None
08/01/2018 1000.00 2038.10
Cathy Lindy 930 Cape Marco Dr Unit 506
Marco Island, Florida 341456344
Not Employed / None
09/10/2018 250.00 2288.10
Jan Loganbill 239 S Adams St
Hinsdale, Illinois 605213906
Retired / Retired
09/11/2018 250.00 250.00
Enrique Lombrozo 8015 Entrada De Luz W
San Diego, California 921272514
Not Employed / Retired
09/21/2018 500.00 603.90
Stephen Magyari 3783 20Th St Apt 1
San Francisco, California 941102252
Pandora Media, Inc. / Sr Enterprise Risk Manager
09/19/2018 103.90 207.90
Stephen Magyari 3783 20Th St Apt 1
San Francisco, California 941102252
Pandora Media, Inc. / Sr Enterprise Risk Manager
09/21/2018 259.60 467.50
Shail Maingi 214 Union St
Schenectady, New York 123051406
St. Peter's Health Partners / Oncologist And Advicate
09/30/2018 259.60 259.60
Robin Maloney 59 Pond Path
Lake Grove, New York 117551828
Bay Shore School District / High School Teacher
09/02/2018 25.00 231.30
Robin Maloney 59 Pond Path
Lake Grove, New York 117551828
Bay Shore School District / High School Teacher
09/02/2018 25.00 231.30
Linda Mayer PO Box 1384
Cannon Beach, Oregon 971101384
Not Employed / Retired
09/04/2018 26.05 244.93
Linda Mayer PO Box 1384
Cannon Beach, Oregon 971101384
Not Employed / Retired
09/04/2018 26.05 244.93
Linda Mayer PO Box 1384
Cannon Beach, Oregon 971101384
Not Employed / Retired
09/06/2018 10.48 255.41
Eileen McCarthy 1530 Beacon St Apt 1502
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462637
Not Employed / Retired
08/28/2018 26.05 208.40
Eileen McCarthy 1530 Beacon St Apt 1502
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462637
Not Employed / Retired
09/28/2018 26.05 234.45
Mark McGee 50989 Highway 27 Lot 290
Davenport, Florida 338978581
The Walt Disney Co. / Tour Guide
09/07/2018 26.05 208.40
Casey McKeever 636 Lewis Ave
Woodland, California 956955153
State Of California / Attorney
09/18/2018 26.05 337.75
Astrid McWilliams 76464 Via Firenze
Indian Wells, California 922107828
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 259.60 259.60
Tracy Mercer 416 S Spring St Apt 405
Los Angeles, California 900131963
Amasia Entertainment / Producer
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Tracy Mercer 416 S Spring St Apt 405
Los Angeles, California 900131963
Amasia Entertainment / Producer
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Judith Spencer Merrill 10717 Cromwell Dr
Dallas, Texas 752295112
Not Employed / Retired
07/31/2018 259.60 259.60
Gary Miner 1801 Pennsylvania St Apt D421
Denver, Colorado 802031433
Retired / Retired
07/31/2018 50.00 250.00
Linda Mobley 13700 Sutton Park Dr N Apt 818
Jacksonville, Florida 322244202
Cason United Methodist Church / Clergy
07/04/2018 26.05 208.30
Linda Mobley 13700 Sutton Park Dr N Apt 818
Jacksonville, Florida 322244202
Cason United Methodist Church / Clergy
08/04/2018 26.05 234.35
Linda Mobley 13700 Sutton Park Dr N Apt 818
Jacksonville, Florida 322244202
Cason United Methodist Church / Clergy
09/06/2018 26.05 260.40
John Mottmann 1634 12Th St
Los Osos, California 934022204
Not Employed / Not Employed
09/30/2018 259.60 259.60
Soma Mukhopadhyay 4000 Shoal Creek Blvd # B
Austin, Texas 787563515
Halo / Teacher
09/01/2018 26.05 234.45
Soma Mukhopadhyay 4000 Shoal Creek Blvd # B
Austin, Texas 787563515
Halo / Teacher
09/01/2018 26.05 234.45
Lissa Muscatine 7020 Glenbrook Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208141223
Politics And Prose Bookstore / Co-Owner
09/30/2018 259.60 259.60
Madhu Narang PO Box 151
Garden City, New York 115300151
Not Employed / Retired
09/20/2018 103.90 207.90
Duc Nguyen 2906 Auburn Falls Ln
Houston, Texas 770844268
Quad Personnel Consultants Ltd. / Advisor
09/23/2018 519.10 519.10
Elizabeth Nordblad 1219 Camino Manadero 1219 Manadero
Santa Barbara, California 93111
Not Employed / Elementary School Teacher
09/26/2018 259.60 259.60
Robin Ogilvie 5213 Edgeware Dr
Agoura, California 913012318
Not Employed / Retired
09/21/2018 259.60 519.20
Maura Pally 30 Park Ave Apt 12F
New York, New York 100163836
Clinton Foundation / Executive Vice President
09/19/2018 250.00 250.00
Aaron Pecoraro 1050 N Paulina St # 3
Chicago, Illinois 606223861
BuitIn Chicago / Creative Director
09/21/2018 259.60 259.60
Gary Peters 3255 S Dahlia St
Denver, Colorado 802227303
Not Employed / Retired
09/19/2018 52.00 208.00
Lois Anne Polan 107 Victory Ave Apt 1
Lexington, Kentucky 405021535
Self Employed / Garden Designer
09/30/2018 103.90 207.80
Susie Pomares 7542 Grape St
Houston, Texas 770744222
Not Employed / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 244.93
Susie Pomares 7542 Grape St
Houston, Texas 770744222
Not Employed / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 244.93
Susie Pomares 7542 Grape St
Houston, Texas 770744222
Not Employed / Retired
09/21/2018 103.90 348.83
Jonathan Richard 1512 Larimer St Apt 5
Denver, Colorado 802021611
Self-Employed / Clinical Psychologist
08/28/2018 52.00 208.00
Shirley Ritenour 3165 Nostrand Ave Apt 6E
Brooklyn, New York 112293243
Self / Singer And Consultant
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Shirley Ritenour 3165 Nostrand Ave Apt 6E
Brooklyn, New York 112293243
Self / Singer And Consultant
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Shirley Ritenour 3165 Nostrand Ave Apt 6E
Brooklyn, New York 112293243
Self / Singer And Consultant
09/10/2018 5.29 239.74
Lyn Roberts 8408 Bangor Bnd
Austin, Texas 787587902
Not Employed / Retired
08/01/2018 26.05 208.40
Lyn Roberts 8408 Bangor Bnd
Austin, Texas 787587902
Not Employed / Retired
09/01/2018 26.05 260.50
Lyn Roberts 8408 Bangor Bnd
Austin, Texas 787587902
Not Employed / Retired
09/01/2018 26.05 260.50
Luis Alfredo Romero 4 Woodland Ter
Orangeburg, New York 109622318
Lopez & Romero, P.C. / Lawyer
09/05/2018 103.90 363.50
Luis Alfredo Romero 4 Woodland Ter
Orangeburg, New York 109622318
Lopez & Romero, P.C. / Lawyer
09/21/2018 259.60 623.10
Luis Alfredo Romero 4 Woodland Ter
Orangeburg, New York 109622318
Lopez & Romero, P.C. / Lawyer
09/30/2018 103.90 727.00
Nora Rooney 297 Juanita Way
San Francisco, California 941271744
Not Employed / Retired
09/19/2018 103.90 207.80
Alexandra Rosen 50 Taylor Rd
Mount Kisco, New York 105494508
Not Employed / Not Employed
07/31/2018 519.10 519.10
James Runke 180 N Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606017401
Self-Employed / Physician
09/06/2018 103.90 467.40
James Runke 180 N Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606017401
Self-Employed / Physician
09/13/2018 103.90 571.30
James Runke 180 N Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606017401
Self-Employed / Physician
09/21/2018 1038.10 1609.40
Carolyn Ryals 104 Cannery Row
Morehead City, North Carolina 285579407
Not Employed / Retired Cpa & Federal Employee
09/19/2018 259.60 363.50
Sarah Sanchala 299 13Th St Apt 1D
Brooklyn, New York 112154934
NY State Assembly / Government Affairs
09/30/2018 259.60 285.65
Delaina Sawyers 333 Aoloa St Apt 210
Kailua, Hawaii 967343026
Not Employed / Retired Social Science Research
09/21/2018 207.70 207.70
Ana Segura 648 SE 25Th Ave
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333012618
Not Employed / Retired Attorney
09/21/2018 103.90 244.33
Ana Segura 648 SE 25Th Ave
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333012618
Not Employed / Retired Attorney
09/30/2018 52.00 296.33
Heather Setzler 1405 Opal Ct
Raleigh, North Carolina 276152897
Duke University Health System / Physician Assistant
09/05/2018 52.00 311.80
Natalie Shawn 301 Glendale Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105831509
Not Employed / Not Employed
07/31/2018 500.00 500.00
Phyllis Sherman 1485 Edgcumbe Rd
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551161702
Not Employed / Retired
09/21/2018 259.60 259.60
Barbara Skrivanek 2200 Nevada Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554262659
Fairview Health Services / Accountant
07/31/2018 259.60 259.60
Martha Nell Smith 502 Lincoln Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209125824
University Of Maryland / Professor & Writer
09/30/2018 103.90 207.80
Arlene Snyder 2315 Woodlawn Rd
Northbrook, Illinois 600626076
Not Employed / Retired
09/19/2018 103.90 311.70
Rick Spanel 6290 Camino Verde Dr
San Jose, California 951191604
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 519.10 519.10
Mary Stallard 239 Piney Way
Morro Bay, California 934422834
Not Employed / None
09/20/2018 103.90 207.80
Mary Stallard 239 Piney Way
Morro Bay, California 934422834
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 103.90 311.70
Carla Steinborn 4602 Iris St
Rockville, Maryland 208532849
Not Employed / None
09/19/2018 311.50 311.50
Mary Swanson PO Box 82
Emigrant, Montana 590270082
Retired / Retired
08/01/2018 26.05 208.40
Mary Swanson PO Box 82
Emigrant, Montana 590270082
Retired / Retired
09/01/2018 26.05 260.50
Mary Swanson PO Box 82
Emigrant, Montana 590270082
Retired / Retired
09/01/2018 26.05 260.50
J Edwin Swezey 9 Rue De Malabry, Bactiment Lamart Residence La Tour De Robinson Le P
Lessis Robinson Ha, Foreign Country 00000
Not Employed / Translator
07/28/2018 52.00 509.90
J Edwin Swezey 9 Rue De Malabry, Bactiment Lamart Residence La Tour De Robinson Le P
Lessis Robinson Ha, Foreign Country 00000
Not Employed / Translator
08/30/2018 52.00 561.90
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
07/02/2018 26.05 260.30
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
07/28/2018 52.00 312.30
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
07/31/2018 26.05 338.35
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
08/02/2018 26.05 364.40
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
08/28/2018 52.00 416.40
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
09/02/2018 26.05 468.50
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
09/02/2018 26.05 468.50
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
09/07/2018 10.48 478.98
Patrick Synmoie 243 Carlton Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054001
City Clerk / Attorney
09/28/2018 52.00 530.98
Siva Tallavajhala 101 Shearwater Ct E Apt 68
Jersey City, New Jersey 073055416
Retired / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Siva Tallavajhala 101 Shearwater Ct E Apt 68
Jersey City, New Jersey 073055416
Retired / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Kimberly Taylor 657 Heritage Dr
Weston, Florida 333264547
FIU / Professor
09/05/2018 26.05 208.40
Kimberly Taylor 657 Heritage Dr
Weston, Florida 333264547
FIU / Professor
09/21/2018 52.00 260.40
Debbie Thakor 465 Bellevue Ave Apt 25
Oakland, California 946105005
Not Employed / Retired
09/05/2018 100.00 203.90
Cheryl Tiffany 50 Chestnut St Apt 902
Rochester, New York 146042322
Not Employed / Retired Physician Assistant
09/21/2018 129.85 259.80
Donald Tompkins 1976 Port Cardigan Pl
Newport Beach, California 926605346
Self-Employed / Landscape Architect
09/21/2018 103.90 203.90
Tom Towey 50 Wyndham Close
White Plains, New York 106052111
Univision / Computer Programmer
09/21/2018 228.46 228.46
Sharon Turner 3745 Glendon Ave Apt 311
Los Angeles, California 900346278
Surfx Technologies / Office Manager
09/04/2018 26.05 234.45
Sharon Turner 3745 Glendon Ave Apt 311
Los Angeles, California 900346278
Surfx Technologies / Office Manager
09/04/2018 26.05 234.45
David Turock 4444 El Mar Dr Apt 303
Lauderdale By The, Florida 333083774
Not Employed / Retired
09/21/2018 1000.00 1000.00
Mary Uren 7305 Chimney Cors
Austin, Texas 787312116
Not Employed / None
08/02/2018 26.05 208.40
Mary Uren 7305 Chimney Cors
Austin, Texas 787312116
Not Employed / None
09/01/2018 26.05 260.50
Mary Uren 7305 Chimney Cors
Austin, Texas 787312116
Not Employed / None
09/01/2018 26.05 260.50
Mary Uren 7305 Chimney Cors
Austin, Texas 787312116
Not Employed / None
09/02/2018 26.05 312.60
Mary Uren 7305 Chimney Cors
Austin, Texas 787312116
Not Employed / None
09/02/2018 26.05 312.60
Mary Uren 7305 Chimney Cors
Austin, Texas 787312116
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 26.05 338.65
Paul Valette 1508 Menlee Dr
Silver Spring, Maryland 209042733
Not Employed / Not Employed
09/26/2018 337.45 337.45
Helen Veit 3551 39Th St NW Apt D
Washington, DC 200163074
George Washington University / Editor
09/05/2018 259.60 363.50
Carol Venditto 851 Manatawna Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191281112
Not Employed / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Carol Venditto 851 Manatawna Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191281112
Not Employed / Retired
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
Carol Venditto 851 Manatawna Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191281112
Not Employed / Retired
09/11/2018 5.00 239.45
Janelle Via-McKown PO Box 196
Bartlett, Texas 765110196
Not Employed / Retired
09/30/2018 52.00 415.70
Trlica Wafer 7515 San Jose Ave
Dallas, Texas 752416448
Not Employed / None
09/02/2018 36.43 218.58
Trlica Wafer 7515 San Jose Ave
Dallas, Texas 752416448
Not Employed / None
09/02/2018 36.43 218.58
Trlica Wafer 7515 San Jose Ave
Dallas, Texas 752416448
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 26.05 244.63
Sandra Wagenfeld 2 Judy Point Ln
Westport, Connecticut 068806419
Not Employed / Retired
07/31/2018 259.60 259.60
Sandra Wagenfeld 2 Judy Point Ln
Westport, Connecticut 068806419
Not Employed / Retired
08/28/2018 259.60 519.20
Sandra Wagenfeld 2 Judy Point Ln
Westport, Connecticut 068806419
Not Employed / Retired
09/28/2018 259.60 778.80
Suzyn Waldman 8 Foster Ct
Croton On Hudson, New York 105203303
WFAN Radio / Sportsbroadcaster
09/21/2018 259.60 259.60
Gary Wasserson 1433 Flat Rock Rd
Penn Valley, Pennsylvania 190721239
Wasserson Design / Executive
09/21/2018 1038.10 1038.10
Juliana Wells 1102 Eureka Ave
Davis, California 956161923
Not Employed / Retired Educator
09/21/2018 259.60 259.60
John West 65 E Scott St Apt 10A
Chicago, Illinois 606105275
JW Landscapes LLC / Owner
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
John West 65 E Scott St Apt 10A
Chicago, Illinois 606105275
JW Landscapes LLC / Owner
09/02/2018 26.05 234.45
John West 65 E Scott St Apt 10A
Chicago, Illinois 606105275
JW Landscapes LLC / Owner
09/21/2018 26.05 260.50
Joy Wexels 2515 Ginny Way
Lafayette, Colorado 800269160
Retired / Retired
09/10/2018 26.05 208.40
David Whitlock 14 Clifton St # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021402429
AOBiome Therapeutics / Scientist
09/21/2018 103.90 207.80
Marilyn Williams 793 Center St # 357
Lewiston, New York 140921705
Not Employed / Not Employed
07/31/2018 103.90 203.90
Ellen Winsor 736 E Shore Rd
Jamestown, Rhode Island 028351845
Not Employed / None
09/21/2018 250.00 250.00
Sharon Worosilomd 1000 Avenue At Port Imperial Apt 706
Weehawken, New Jersey 070866981
The New Jersey Pain Management Institu / Physician
07/31/2018 250.00 250.00
Sharon Worosilomd 1000 Avenue At Port Imperial Apt 706
Weehawken, New Jersey 070866981
The New Jersey Pain Management Institu / Physician
09/10/2018 5.29 255.29
Marie Wyatt 297 7Th St Apt 3
Brooklyn, New York 112153209
Graham Windham / Social Worker
09/21/2018 103.90 244.33
Akram Yassin 14406 Gale Ave
Hacienda Heights, California 917451915
Self-Employed / Engineer
08/04/2018 50.00 206.30
Akram Yassin 14406 Gale Ave
Hacienda Heights, California 917451915
Self-Employed / Engineer
09/02/2018 50.00 306.30
Akram Yassin 14406 Gale Ave
Hacienda Heights, California 917451915
Self-Employed / Engineer
09/02/2018 50.00 306.30
Christina Yorn 16255 Ventura Blvd
Encino, California 914362302
Self-Employed / CEO
09/10/2018 259.60 259.60
Christina Yorn 16255 Ventura Blvd
Encino, California 914362302
Self-Employed / CEO
09/21/2018 259.60 519.20
Stripe 185 Berry St Ste 550
San Francisco, California 941079105
Revenue Processing Fees Refund
07/12/2018 11.72 776.27
Stripe 185 Berry St Ste 550
San Francisco, California 941079105
Revenue Processing Fees Refund
08/16/2018 0.47 776.74

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $42326.37
Total Memo Amount $0
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 269
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Thu Jan 16 21:03:59 2025