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Line #: 12


There are a total of 768 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 1 through 500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
THE SQUAD VICTORY FUND 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE NUM 143
Washington, DC 200034303

09/29/2021 13375.00 94733.00
Henry Acosta 1188 Bishop St Ste 2211
Honolulu, Hawaii 968133309
Systems Resources / Manager MEMO
07/19/2021 1.25 296.66 LIMITS
Henry Acosta 1188 Bishop St Ste 2211
Honolulu, Hawaii 968133309
Systems Resources / Manager MEMO
08/16/2021 1.25 296.66 LIMITS
Henry Acosta 1188 Bishop St Ste 2211
Honolulu, Hawaii 968133309
Systems Resources / Manager MEMO
09/20/2021 1.25 296.66 LIMITS
Lily Adams 2341 Creekwood Ct
Santa Rosa, California 954092614
none / Retired MEMO
07/06/2021 2.50 393.81 LIMITS
Lily Adams 2341 Creekwood Ct
Santa Rosa, California 954092614
none / Retired MEMO
07/19/2021 2.53 393.81 LIMITS
Lily Adams 2341 Creekwood Ct
Santa Rosa, California 954092614
none / Retired MEMO
07/19/2021 1.25 393.81 LIMITS
Lily Adams 2341 Creekwood Ct
Santa Rosa, California 954092614
none / Retired MEMO
08/23/2021 1.88 393.81 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
07/06/2021 0.63 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
08/02/2021 3.38 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
08/01/2021 0.63 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
08/30/2021 0.63 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
09/07/2021 3.38 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
09/07/2021 0.63 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
09/20/2021 12.50 517.88 LIMITS
Roberta Adams PO Box 12833
Olympia, Washington 985082833
none / none MEMO
09/27/2021 0.63 517.88 LIMITS
Husam Ahmad 35 Greenway N
Forest Hills, New York 113756039
HASA / Engineer MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 264.50 LIMITS
Husam Ahmad 35 Greenway N
Forest Hills, New York 113756039
HASA / Engineer MEMO
07/26/2021 6.25 264.50 LIMITS
Husam Ahmad 35 Greenway N
Forest Hills, New York 113756039
HASA / Engineer MEMO
08/30/2021 6.25 264.50 LIMITS
Dora Amezquita 3683 Meadowlands Ln
San Jose, California 951351650
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 12.50 201.65 LIMITS
James Apone PO Box 242213
Anchorage, Alaska 995242213
none / none MEMO
07/06/2021 3.50 270.80 LIMITS
James Apone PO Box 242213
Anchorage, Alaska 995242213
none / none MEMO
08/09/2021 3.50 270.80 LIMITS
James Apone PO Box 242213
Anchorage, Alaska 995242213
none / none MEMO
09/07/2021 3.50 270.80 LIMITS
Gene Armentrout 124 Banyan Bay Dr
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337054764
SMS of Florida / Manager MEMO
09/27/2021 6.25 384.69 LIMITS
Nancy Armitstead 1012 Trilogy Loop
Suffolk, Virginia 234353645
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 1.31 307.95 LIMITS
Nancy Armitstead 1012 Trilogy Loop
Suffolk, Virginia 234353645
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 1.88 307.95 LIMITS
Susan Arnett 205 Covey Creek Court
Stockton, California 95207
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 3.38 205.56 LIMITS
Susan Arnett 205 Covey Creek Court
Stockton, California 95207
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 3.38 205.56 LIMITS
Susan Arnett 205 Covey Creek Court
Stockton, California 95207
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 3.38 205.56 LIMITS
Caleb Ashley 3448 Chelsea Cir
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481082719
U Michigan / mathematician MEMO
07/06/2021 6.25 272.76 LIMITS
Caleb Ashley 3448 Chelsea Cir
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481082719
U Michigan / mathematician MEMO
08/01/2021 6.25 272.76 LIMITS
Caleb Ashley 3448 Chelsea Cir
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481082719
U Michigan / mathematician MEMO
09/07/2021 6.25 272.76 LIMITS
Elizabeth S Axtell 3427 Churchill Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276076809
Retired / Retired MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 420.64 LIMITS
Elizabeth S Axtell 3427 Churchill Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276076809
Retired / Retired MEMO
07/26/2021 5.00 420.64 LIMITS
Elizabeth S Axtell 3427 Churchill Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276076809
Retired / Retired MEMO
08/24/2021 6.25 420.64 LIMITS
Elizabeth S Axtell 3427 Churchill Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276076809
Retired / Retired MEMO
09/13/2021 5.00 420.64 LIMITS
Charles Ayes 39 5th Ave
New York, New York 100034339
City of New York / Architect MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 455.64 LIMITS
Robert Bagel 8618 Palomar Ave
Yucca Valley, California 922846358
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 3.38 867.13 LIMITS
Kay Baldwin 11729 Palatine Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981338109
Retired / Retired MEMO
08/30/2021 1.25 248.27 LIMITS
Hector Baptiste 1702 Conservation Trl Unit 103
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 325475087
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 5.00 678.19 LIMITS
Hector Baptiste 1702 Conservation Trl Unit 103
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 325475087
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 0.63 678.19 LIMITS
Hector Baptiste 1702 Conservation Trl Unit 103
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 325475087
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 2.50 678.19 LIMITS
Hector Baptiste 1702 Conservation Trl Unit 103
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 325475087
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 4.38 678.19 LIMITS
Hector Baptiste 1702 Conservation Trl Unit 103
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 325475087
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 3.13 678.19 LIMITS
Hector Baptiste 1702 Conservation Trl Unit 103
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 325475087
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 1.88 678.19 LIMITS
Peter Barbosa 4460 Flying C Rd
Shingle Springs, California 956829671
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 265.03 LIMITS
Peter Barbosa 4460 Flying C Rd
Shingle Springs, California 956829671
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 2.53 265.03 LIMITS
Vicki Baucom PO Box 600091
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551060002
Baker Tilly / Admin assistant MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 208.34 LIMITS
Vicki Baucom PO Box 600091
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551060002
Baker Tilly / Admin assistant MEMO
08/02/2021 3.13 208.34 LIMITS
Vicki Baucom PO Box 600091
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551060002
Baker Tilly / Admin assistant MEMO
08/23/2021 0.63 208.34 LIMITS
Vicki Baucom PO Box 600091
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551060002
Baker Tilly / Admin assistant MEMO
08/30/2021 3.13 208.34 LIMITS
Vicki Baucom PO Box 600091
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551060002
Baker Tilly / Admin assistant MEMO
09/20/2021 3.38 208.34 LIMITS
Vicki Baucom PO Box 600091
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551060002
Baker Tilly / Admin assistant MEMO
09/27/2021 0.63 208.34 LIMITS
Philip Bechtel 1871 Hertel Ave
Buffalo, New York 142141001
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 6.25 664.34 LIMITS
Philip Bechtel 1871 Hertel Ave
Buffalo, New York 142141001
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 2.50 664.34 LIMITS
Philip Bechtel 1871 Hertel Ave
Buffalo, New York 142141001
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 2.50 664.34 LIMITS
Philip Bechtel 1871 Hertel Ave
Buffalo, New York 142141001
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 2.50 664.34 LIMITS
Ray Bellamy 509 Vinnedge Ride
Tallahassee, Florida 323035141
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic / Physician MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 681.25 LIMITS
Fred Bertsch 2216 Pullman Ave
Belmont, California 940021653
Google / Engineer MEMO
07/06/2021 6.25 466.47 LIMITS
Fred Bertsch 2216 Pullman Ave
Belmont, California 940021653
Google / Engineer MEMO
08/01/2021 6.25 466.47 LIMITS
Fred Bertsch 2216 Pullman Ave
Belmont, California 940021653
Google / Engineer MEMO
09/07/2021 6.25 466.47 LIMITS
David Block 135 Ocean Pkwy Apt 12M
Brooklyn, New York 112182592
Taxmaster Financial / Accountant MEMO
07/12/2021 3.38 1009.68 LIMITS
David Block 135 Ocean Pkwy Apt 12M
Brooklyn, New York 112182592
Taxmaster Financial / Accountant MEMO
08/16/2021 3.38 1009.68 LIMITS
David Block 135 Ocean Pkwy Apt 12M
Brooklyn, New York 112182592
Taxmaster Financial / Accountant MEMO
09/20/2021 3.38 1009.68 LIMITS
Robin Bloomgarden 3690 Wood Ave
Eugene, Oregon 974022174
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 529.65 LIMITS
Robin Bloomgarden 3690 Wood Ave
Eugene, Oregon 974022174
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 12.50 529.65 LIMITS
Paul Blumenstein 345 Velarde St
Mountain View, California 940412243
Axiom / Lawyer MEMO
07/26/2021 12.50 250.00 LIMITS
Paul Blumenstein 345 Velarde St
Mountain View, California 940412243
Axiom / Lawyer MEMO
08/30/2021 12.50 250.00 LIMITS
Paul Blumenstein 345 Velarde St
Mountain View, California 940412243
Axiom / Lawyer MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 250.00 LIMITS
David Boyer 3 Kerry Gdns
Belfast, Maine 049156167
none / none MEMO
07/06/2021 1.25 193.00 LIMITS
David Boyer 3 Kerry Gdns
Belfast, Maine 049156167
none / none MEMO
08/09/2021 1.25 193.00 LIMITS
David Boyer 3 Kerry Gdns
Belfast, Maine 049156167
none / none MEMO
09/07/2021 1.25 193.00 LIMITS
George Boynton 1 Oaknoll Ct
Iowa City, Iowa 522465250
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 3.13 256.26 LIMITS
Fiona Brady 4410 Cayuga Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104713437
Freelance / Editor MEMO
07/12/2021 3.13 337.56 LIMITS
Fiona Brady 4410 Cayuga Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104713437
Freelance / Editor MEMO
08/16/2021 3.13 337.56 LIMITS
Fiona Brady 4410 Cayuga Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104713437
Freelance / Editor MEMO
09/13/2021 3.13 337.56 LIMITS
Martha Bragin 353 2nd St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112152443
City University of New York / Professor MEMO
07/26/2021 1.25 426.93 LIMITS
Martha Bragin 353 2nd St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112152443
City University of New York / Professor MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 426.93 LIMITS
Martha Bragin 353 2nd St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112152443
City University of New York / Professor MEMO
08/23/2021 1.25 426.93 LIMITS
Martha Bragin 353 2nd St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112152443
City University of New York / Professor MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 426.93 LIMITS
Martha Bragin 353 2nd St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112152443
City University of New York / Professor MEMO
09/27/2021 1.25 426.93 LIMITS
Martha Bragin 353 2nd St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112152443
City University of New York / Professor MEMO
09/27/2021 3.38 426.93 LIMITS
Charles Brainard 101 W 12th St Apt 8W
New York, New York 100118116
self / not employed MEMO
08/23/2021 6.25 577.00 LIMITS
Rushton Brandis 1090 Lake Front Dr Apt 632
Sacramento, California 958315633
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 422.33 LIMITS
Rushton Brandis 1090 Lake Front Dr Apt 632
Sacramento, California 958315633
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 1.88 422.33 LIMITS
Rushton Brandis 1090 Lake Front Dr Apt 632
Sacramento, California 958315633
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 1.88 422.33 LIMITS
Rushton Brandis 1090 Lake Front Dr Apt 632
Sacramento, California 958315633
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 3.38 422.33 LIMITS
Gladys Bransford PO Box 1066
Cobb, California 954261066
none / Retired MEMO
07/12/2021 0.50 254.16 LIMITS
Gladys Bransford PO Box 1066
Cobb, California 954261066
none / Retired MEMO
07/26/2021 125.00 254.16 LIMITS
Gladys Bransford PO Box 1066
Cobb, California 954261066
none / Retired MEMO
08/30/2021 0.50 254.16 LIMITS
Gladys Bransford PO Box 1066
Cobb, California 954261066
none / Retired MEMO
08/31/2021 0.50 254.16 LIMITS
Gladys Bransford PO Box 1066
Cobb, California 954261066
none / Retired MEMO
09/13/2021 0.50 254.16 LIMITS
Gladys Bransford PO Box 1066
Cobb, California 954261066
none / Retired MEMO
09/27/2021 0.50 254.16 LIMITS
John Braxton 4712 Windsor Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191433517
Community college of Philadelphia / Teacher MEMO
08/30/2021 6.25 211.25 LIMITS
Patrick Broderick 4494 Palmer Rd
Manlius, New York 131048737
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 1.88 222.56 LIMITS
Patrick Broderick 4494 Palmer Rd
Manlius, New York 131048737
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 1.88 222.56 LIMITS
Patrick Broderick 4494 Palmer Rd
Manlius, New York 131048737
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/07/2021 1.88 222.56 LIMITS
Eric Buhle 407 N 44th St
Seattle, Washington 981037107
Biomark / ecologist MEMO
08/23/2021 2.50 878.75 LIMITS
Susie Buhler 100 Bleecker St Apt 26A
New York, New York 100122207
Trinity School / Teacher MEMO
07/12/2021 0.63 252.56 LIMITS
Susie Buhler 100 Bleecker St Apt 26A
New York, New York 100122207
Trinity School / Teacher MEMO
08/16/2021 0.63 252.56 LIMITS
Susie Buhler 100 Bleecker St Apt 26A
New York, New York 100122207
Trinity School / Teacher MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 252.56 LIMITS
Susan Burkhardt 807 Davis St Unit 1801
Evanston, Illinois 602017103
Self / Psychotherapist MEMO
09/20/2021 3.13 208.26 LIMITS
Mario Burnias 68 E Mission St
San Jose, California 951126319
TransparentBusiness / VP of Bus. Dev. MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 530.01 LIMITS
JohnAllen Burtner 17335 Hillside Ave
Sonoma, California 954763426
Teysha Wines / Owner/Winemaker MEMO
07/06/2021 0.63 231.44 LIMITS
JohnAllen Burtner 17335 Hillside Ave
Sonoma, California 954763426
Teysha Wines / Owner/Winemaker MEMO
08/09/2021 0.63 231.44 LIMITS
JohnAllen Burtner 17335 Hillside Ave
Sonoma, California 954763426
Teysha Wines / Owner/Winemaker MEMO
09/07/2021 0.63 231.44 LIMITS
jane Burton 2303 Walter Dr
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481033452
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 1.25 236.90 LIMITS
jane Burton 2303 Walter Dr
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481033452
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 1.65 236.90 LIMITS
Kent Butler 3231 Barker Ave
Bronx, New York 104676334
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
06/30/2021 0.63 220.69 LIMITS
Kent Butler 3231 Barker Ave
Bronx, New York 104676334
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/02/2021 0.63 220.69 LIMITS
Kent Butler 3231 Barker Ave
Bronx, New York 104676334
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/30/2021 0.63 220.69 LIMITS
Rosaura Camacho-Olguin 182 Granville Way
San Francisco, California 941271134
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 1.88 235.83 LIMITS
Rosaura Camacho-Olguin 182 Granville Way
San Francisco, California 941271134
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 1.88 235.83 LIMITS
Clifford Campen 120 McJunkin Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152391842
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/31/2021 31.25 296.44 LIMITS
Conrad Carvalho 126 Jacks Hill Rd
Oxford, Connecticut 064781133
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 3.13 241.18 LIMITS
Karen Castle 750 Whittenton St
Taunton, Massachusetts 027801384
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 1.88 285.69 LIMITS
Karen Castle 750 Whittenton St
Taunton, Massachusetts 027801384
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 1.88 285.69 LIMITS
Karen Castle 750 Whittenton St
Taunton, Massachusetts 027801384
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 3.13 285.69 LIMITS
Karen Castle 750 Whittenton St
Taunton, Massachusetts 027801384
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/07/2021 1.88 285.69 LIMITS
Christine Chase 3009 NE Hope Dr
Bend, Oregon 977017739
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 3.38 616.18 LIMITS
Christine Chase 3009 NE Hope Dr
Bend, Oregon 977017739
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 3.38 616.18 LIMITS
Christine Chase 3009 NE Hope Dr
Bend, Oregon 977017739
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 616.18 LIMITS
Steve Chatterton 898 Heritage Ct W
Vadnais Heights, Minnesota 551273678
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 2.50 212.50 LIMITS
Steve Chatterton 898 Heritage Ct W
Vadnais Heights, Minnesota 551273678
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 2.50 212.50 LIMITS
Steve Chatterton 898 Heritage Ct W
Vadnais Heights, Minnesota 551273678
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/07/2021 2.50 212.50 LIMITS
Keith Cheng 2530 Dumont Cir
San Jose, California 951221007
CH Reynolds / Broadcast Tech MEMO
07/06/2021 3.88 223.68 LIMITS
Keith Cheng 2530 Dumont Cir
San Jose, California 951221007
CH Reynolds / Broadcast Tech MEMO
08/09/2021 3.88 223.68 LIMITS
Keith Cheng 2530 Dumont Cir
San Jose, California 951221007
CH Reynolds / Broadcast Tech MEMO
09/07/2021 3.88 223.68 LIMITS
Michael Chiulli 12 Avon Rd
Geneseo, New York 144541002
Le Roy Central School District / Science Teacher MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 476.37 LIMITS
Kathy Christman 657 Worcester St Apt 703
Southbridge, Massachusetts 015501371
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 5.50 193.75 LIMITS
Larry Clevenger 2653 W Iowa St
Chicago, Illinois 606224589
United Airlines / Aviation MEMO
07/06/2021 2.22 222.00 LIMITS
Larry Clevenger 2653 W Iowa St
Chicago, Illinois 606224589
United Airlines / Aviation MEMO
08/09/2021 2.22 222.00 LIMITS
Larry Clevenger 2653 W Iowa St
Chicago, Illinois 606224589
United Airlines / Aviation MEMO
09/07/2021 2.22 222.00 LIMITS
Kevin Coffee 141 John St
Lowell, Massachusetts 018521144
National Park Service / Supervisory Park Ranger MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 325.01 LIMITS
Paul Coleman 14905 E Kit Fox Pl
Fountain Hills, Arizona 852681248
Arizona State University / Professor MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 162.50 LIMITS
Harold Collins 912 Greenwood Dr
Burleson, Texas 760288218
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 2.50 222.50 LIMITS
Rita Collins 645 Q St NW
Washington, DC 200013406
W.H.C. / R.N. MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 227.40 LIMITS
Joan Combes 648 Via Ondulando
Ventura, California 930031327
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/26/2021 1.25 184.04 LIMITS
Joan Combes 648 Via Ondulando
Ventura, California 930031327
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/02/2021 3.38 184.04 LIMITS
Joan Combes 648 Via Ondulando
Ventura, California 930031327
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/02/2021 3.13 184.04 LIMITS
Joan Combes 648 Via Ondulando
Ventura, California 930031327
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/23/2021 3.13 184.04 LIMITS
Joan Combes 648 Via Ondulando
Ventura, California 930031327
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/31/2021 3.13 184.04 LIMITS
Joan Combes 648 Via Ondulando
Ventura, California 930031327
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 184.04 LIMITS
Ronald Comer 422 Sheffield Dr
Wallingford, Pennsylvania 190866942
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 6.25 346.25 LIMITS
Barbara Cone 24 Bellis Cir
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021403208
self / visual artist MEMO
09/20/2021 6.25 862.50 LIMITS
William Coomber 17 Venado Dr
Tiburon, California 949201634
none / none MEMO
07/26/2021 1.25 889.64 LIMITS
William Coomber 17 Venado Dr
Tiburon, California 949201634
none / none MEMO
08/30/2021 1.25 889.64 LIMITS
William Coomber 17 Venado Dr
Tiburon, California 949201634
none / none MEMO
09/27/2021 1.25 889.64 LIMITS
Jane Cooper PO Box 40
Hillsboro, Ohio 451330040
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 25.00 674.00 LIMITS
Jane Cooper PO Box 40
Hillsboro, Ohio 451330040
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 25.00 674.00 LIMITS
Jane Cooper PO Box 40
Hillsboro, Ohio 451330040
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/07/2021 25.00 674.00 LIMITS
Chris Corning 6507 Amigo Ave
Tarzana, California 913356003
los angeles community college district / professor MEMO
07/06/2021 1.88 272.56 LIMITS
Chris Corning 6507 Amigo Ave
Tarzana, California 913356003
los angeles community college district / professor MEMO
08/09/2021 1.88 272.56 LIMITS
Chris Corning 6507 Amigo Ave
Tarzana, California 913356003
los angeles community college district / professor MEMO
09/07/2021 1.88 272.56 LIMITS
John Cottrell 1310 Edgewood Dr
Richardson, Texas 750815917
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 0.63 397.30 LIMITS
John Cottrell 1310 Edgewood Dr
Richardson, Texas 750815917
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 0.63 397.30 LIMITS
John Cottrell 1310 Edgewood Dr
Richardson, Texas 750815917
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 397.30 LIMITS
Katelin Craig 348 W Wendell St Apt 1
Chicago, Illinois 606102547
The Paladin Political Group / Associate MEMO
07/26/2021 1.88 319.56 LIMITS
Katelin Craig 348 W Wendell St Apt 1
Chicago, Illinois 606102547
The Paladin Political Group / Associate MEMO
08/23/2021 1.88 319.56 LIMITS
Katelin Craig 348 W Wendell St Apt 1
Chicago, Illinois 606102547
The Paladin Political Group / Associate MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 319.56 LIMITS
Kelsey Cummings 4939 Deerwood Dr
Santa Rosa, California 954031403
Sonic.net LLC / System Architect MEMO
07/19/2021 3.13 456.28 LIMITS
Kelsey Cummings 4939 Deerwood Dr
Santa Rosa, California 954031403
Sonic.net LLC / System Architect MEMO
08/23/2021 3.13 456.28 LIMITS
Kelsey Cummings 4939 Deerwood Dr
Santa Rosa, California 954031403
Sonic.net LLC / System Architect MEMO
09/20/2021 3.13 456.28 LIMITS
Erin Daniels 19421 Annalee Ave
Carson, California 907462618
Apollo Couriers Inc. / courier MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 315.56 LIMITS
Erin Daniels 19421 Annalee Ave
Carson, California 907462618
Apollo Couriers Inc. / courier MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 315.56 LIMITS
Erin Daniels 19421 Annalee Ave
Carson, California 907462618
Apollo Couriers Inc. / courier MEMO
09/27/2021 3.38 315.56 LIMITS
Juan Danner 59 W 105th St Apt 2B
New York, New York 100254049
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 2.50 246.26 LIMITS
Juan Danner 59 W 105th St Apt 2B
New York, New York 100254049
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 2.50 246.26 LIMITS
Juan Danner 59 W 105th St Apt 2B
New York, New York 100254049
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 2.50 246.26 LIMITS
John David 300 W 23rd St Apt 13K
New York, New York 100112211
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 6.25 218.25 LIMITS
Amanda Davids 25801 Belladonna
South Lyon, Michigan 481788916
Busch's / Store Manager MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 227.56 LIMITS
Amanda Davids 25801 Belladonna
South Lyon, Michigan 481788916
Busch's / Store Manager MEMO
08/23/2021 0.63 227.56 LIMITS
Amanda Davids 25801 Belladonna
South Lyon, Michigan 481788916
Busch's / Store Manager MEMO
09/20/2021 0.63 227.56 LIMITS
Robert Davis 210 Crocker Ave
Piedmont, California 946101215
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/19/2021 12.50 686.46 LIMITS
Robert Davis 210 Crocker Ave
Piedmont, California 946101215
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/16/2021 12.50 686.46 LIMITS
Robert Davis 210 Crocker Ave
Piedmont, California 946101215
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/13/2021 12.50 686.46 LIMITS
Tom Davis 1607 Wilshire Dr NE
Rochester, Minnesota 559064364
RCTC / teacher MEMO
07/06/2021 0.63 342.56 LIMITS
Tom Davis 1607 Wilshire Dr NE
Rochester, Minnesota 559064364
RCTC / teacher MEMO
08/01/2021 0.63 342.56 LIMITS
Tom Davis 1607 Wilshire Dr NE
Rochester, Minnesota 559064364
RCTC / teacher MEMO
09/07/2021 0.63 342.56 LIMITS
Rosana De soto 112 Willow St Apt 2C
Brooklyn, New York 112012210
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 1.88 302.81 LIMITS
Rosana De soto 112 Willow St Apt 2C
Brooklyn, New York 112012210
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 1.88 302.81 LIMITS
Rosana De soto 112 Willow St Apt 2C
Brooklyn, New York 112012210
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 302.81 LIMITS
Rosana De soto 112 Willow St Apt 2C
Brooklyn, New York 112012210
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 6.25 302.81 LIMITS
Roslyn Diamond PO Box 573
North Eastham, Massachusetts 026510573
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 637.50 LIMITS
Roslyn Diamond PO Box 573
North Eastham, Massachusetts 026510573
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 12.50 637.50 LIMITS
Roslyn Diamond PO Box 573
North Eastham, Massachusetts 026510573
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 637.50 LIMITS
Whit Dickey 375 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100252172
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 1.88 1034.51 LIMITS
Whit Dickey 375 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100252172
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 1.88 1034.51 LIMITS
Whit Dickey 375 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100252172
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 1034.51 LIMITS
Lowell Dodge 6900 Rozena Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805037308
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 6.25 231.25 LIMITS
Lowell Dodge 6900 Rozena Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805037308
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 6.25 231.25 LIMITS
Lowell Dodge 6900 Rozena Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805037308
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 6.25 231.25 LIMITS
Arthur Donart 804 Lucas Ave
Thomson, Illinois 612857734
none / none MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 284.03 LIMITS
Arthur Donart 804 Lucas Ave
Thomson, Illinois 612857734
none / none MEMO
08/31/2021 1.88 284.03 LIMITS
Janet Drew 15 Avon Ave
York, Maine 039091146
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 1.88 736.44 LIMITS
Janet Drew 15 Avon Ave
York, Maine 039091146
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 1.88 736.44 LIMITS
Janet Drew 15 Avon Ave
York, Maine 039091146
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 736.44 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
06/30/2021 0.63 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
07/12/2021 1.88 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
08/02/2021 1.88 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
08/02/2021 0.63 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
08/09/2021 1.88 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
08/30/2021 1.88 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
08/31/2021 0.63 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
09/13/2021 1.88 405.19 LIMITS
howard Egerman 3226 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
ssa / cr MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 405.19 LIMITS
Therese Eke 47 Point Beach Dr
Milford, Connecticut 064607642
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 352.78 LIMITS
Therese Eke 47 Point Beach Dr
Milford, Connecticut 064607642
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 352.78 LIMITS
Therese Eke 47 Point Beach Dr
Milford, Connecticut 064607642
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/27/2021 3.38 352.78 LIMITS
Pablo Espinoza 550 59th St
Oakland, California 946091528
Community United Against Violence / Nonprofit Exec Director MEMO
08/16/2021 5.69 397.69 LIMITS
Nancy Feinstein 1438 Josephine St
Berkeley, California 947031116
self / consultant MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 367.06 LIMITS
Nancy Feinstein 1438 Josephine St
Berkeley, California 947031116
self / consultant MEMO
08/30/2021 0.63 367.06 LIMITS
Nancy Feinstein 1438 Josephine St
Berkeley, California 947031116
self / consultant MEMO
09/27/2021 0.63 367.06 LIMITS
Eric Forney PO box 22o6
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076
Stillwater Public schools / Teacher MEMO
07/06/2021 0.63 445.12 LIMITS
Eric Forney PO box 22o6
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076
Stillwater Public schools / Teacher MEMO
07/12/2021 2.13 445.12 LIMITS
Eric Forney PO box 22o6
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076
Stillwater Public schools / Teacher MEMO
08/01/2021 0.63 445.12 LIMITS
Eric Forney PO box 22o6
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076
Stillwater Public schools / Teacher MEMO
08/09/2021 2.13 445.12 LIMITS
Eric Forney PO box 22o6
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076
Stillwater Public schools / Teacher MEMO
09/07/2021 0.63 445.12 LIMITS
Eric Forney PO box 22o6
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076
Stillwater Public schools / Teacher MEMO
09/13/2021 2.13 445.12 LIMITS
Kenneth Fry 5247 Ferrari Ave
Ave Maria, Florida 341429541
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 3.13 2135.33 LIMITS
Ignacio Galarza 113 S 44th West Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741277742
Ediblend / Delivery MEMO
06/30/2021 2.50 429.23 LIMITS
Ignacio Galarza 113 S 44th West Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741277742
Ediblend / Delivery MEMO
07/06/2021 2.50 429.23 LIMITS
joe Garrod 26741 Neff Ct
Santa Clarita, California 913516926
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 1.88 221.26 LIMITS
Burhman Gates 412 Garden Grove St
Vicksburg, Mississippi 391805455
usace / engineer MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 471.76 LIMITS
Sarah Gates` 40 Winchester St # STREETAPT8
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462868
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 6.25 404.03 LIMITS
Sarah Gates` 40 Winchester St # STREETAPT8
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462868
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 3.38 404.03 LIMITS
Sarah Gates` 40 Winchester St # STREETAPT8
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462868
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 4.38 404.03 LIMITS
Abosede George 3 Fordham Hill Oval Apt 6C
Bronx, New York 104684710
Barnard College / historian MEMO
07/06/2021 1.88 286.28 LIMITS
Abosede George 3 Fordham Hill Oval Apt 6C
Bronx, New York 104684710
Barnard College / historian MEMO
08/09/2021 1.88 286.28 LIMITS
Abosede George 3 Fordham Hill Oval Apt 6C
Bronx, New York 104684710
Barnard College / historian MEMO
09/07/2021 1.88 286.28 LIMITS
Mary Gerber 970 Vermont St Apt 3
Oakland, California 946101654
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 6.25 230.00 LIMITS
Mary Gerber 970 Vermont St Apt 3
Oakland, California 946101654
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 6.25 230.00 LIMITS
Robert Gerber PO Box 343
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 194280343
GSK / Microbiologist MEMO
08/23/2021 2.53 262.78 LIMITS
Robert Gerdes 147 Eagle Rock Ave
Roseland, New Jersey 070681319
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 12.50 524.00 LIMITS
Tim Gergen 3003 Big Town Blvd
Mesquite, Texas 751502411
Self / Self employed MEMO
08/23/2021 3.38 641.90 LIMITS
Anna Godduhn 570 McFadden Ln
Fairbanks, Alaska 997096113
AK Dept Fish&Game / researcher MEMO
08/02/2021 6.25 508.75 LIMITS
Anna Godduhn 570 McFadden Ln
Fairbanks, Alaska 997096113
AK Dept Fish&Game / researcher MEMO
08/30/2021 6.25 508.75 LIMITS
Adam Goode 302 Cornwall Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152382644
Google LLC / Software Engineer MEMO
08/02/2021 6.25 201.80 LIMITS
Adam Goode 302 Cornwall Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152382644
Google LLC / Software Engineer MEMO
08/30/2021 6.25 201.80 LIMITS
Adam Goode 302 Cornwall Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152382644
Google LLC / Software Engineer MEMO
09/27/2021 6.25 201.80 LIMITS
Clark Goslee 50 Starforest Rd
Black Mountain, North Carolina 287118948
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 5.00 390.00 LIMITS
Clark Goslee 50 Starforest Rd
Black Mountain, North Carolina 287118948
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 5.00 390.00 LIMITS
Clark Goslee 50 Starforest Rd
Black Mountain, North Carolina 287118948
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/07/2021 5.00 390.00 LIMITS
Jon Greuel 2118 Blake Ave
Dallas, Texas 752283317
Garland ISD / Teacher MEMO
07/19/2021 0.63 384.56 LIMITS
Jon Greuel 2118 Blake Ave
Dallas, Texas 752283317
Garland ISD / Teacher MEMO
08/16/2021 0.63 384.56 LIMITS
Jon Greuel 2118 Blake Ave
Dallas, Texas 752283317
Garland ISD / Teacher MEMO
09/20/2021 0.63 384.56 LIMITS
Stephen Gulick 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Apt 3C47
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191303017
Community College of Philadelphia / Professor MEMO
06/30/2021 25.00 206.25 LIMITS
Mary Hackney 1185 Mokuhano St
Honolulu, Hawaii 968252841
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 12.50 470.00 LIMITS
Mary Hackney 1185 Mokuhano St
Honolulu, Hawaii 968252841
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 12.50 470.00 LIMITS
Mary Hackney 1185 Mokuhano St
Honolulu, Hawaii 968252841
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 470.00 LIMITS
Gene Halverson 712 Umatilla Way
Vancouver, Washington 986615944
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 1.25 235.63 LIMITS
Gene Halverson 712 Umatilla Way
Vancouver, Washington 986615944
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 1.25 235.63 LIMITS
Gene Halverson 712 Umatilla Way
Vancouver, Washington 986615944
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 1.25 235.63 LIMITS
Nancy Hanna 1627 Elm Ave
Richmond, California 948051613
OEZSA / Admin Assistant MEMO
08/09/2021 1.25 249.20 LIMITS
Donald Harland PO Box 2080
Candler, North Carolina 287152080
Hospital / Nurse MEMO
07/06/2021 3.75 597.51 LIMITS
Donald Harland PO Box 2080
Candler, North Carolina 287152080
Hospital / Nurse MEMO
08/09/2021 3.75 597.51 LIMITS
Donald Harland PO Box 2080
Candler, North Carolina 287152080
Hospital / Nurse MEMO
09/07/2021 3.75 597.51 LIMITS
John Harper 60 Hitchin Post Rdg
Silver City, New Mexico 880618747
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 12.50 243.75 LIMITS
Lana Harris 1657 W 900 S
Spanish Fork, Utah 846609273
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/19/2021 3.13 584.39 LIMITS
Kenneth Hassell 509 Bartlett Cir
Hillsborough, North Carolina 272786764
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 275.00 LIMITS
Gregory Heau 5885 S Kenton Way
Englewood, Colorado 801113950
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 6.25 2046.38 LIMITS
Gregory Heau 5885 S Kenton Way
Englewood, Colorado 801113950
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 2046.38 LIMITS
William Helm 2222 Monroe Ave
San Diego, California 921164124
Taoist Sanctuary / Martial arts/TCM practitioner MEMO
09/20/2021 12.50 212.50 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 1.88 367.41 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 1.88 367.41 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 367.41 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 367.41 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 367.41 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 1.25 367.41 LIMITS
David Herbert 1 Ponca Ln
Browns Mills, New Jersey 080156505
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 1.25 367.41 LIMITS
ginny Hildebrand 7114 Meade St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082453
self / Dog Groomer MEMO
09/13/2021 3.38 290.89 LIMITS
Richard Hirsh 4726 N Maplewood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606252933
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 1.00 199.90 LIMITS
sharon Hood 205 S Locust St # 11
Pesotum, Illinois 618639556
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 3.38 346.90 LIMITS
sharon Hood 205 S Locust St # 11
Pesotum, Illinois 618639556
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 3.38 346.90 LIMITS
sharon Hood 205 S Locust St # 11
Pesotum, Illinois 618639556
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 3.38 346.90 LIMITS
Phinis Hundley 3576 Bardstown Rd
Hodgenville, Kentucky 427489314
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 12.50 401.07 LIMITS
Christopher Hunter 1624 Meander Dr
Simi Valley, California 930655750
California State University Channel Is / Student Assistant MEMO
07/19/2021 1.88 572.56 LIMITS
Christopher Hunter 1624 Meander Dr
Simi Valley, California 930655750
California State University Channel Is / Student Assistant MEMO
08/16/2021 1.88 572.56 LIMITS
Christopher Hunter 1624 Meander Dr
Simi Valley, California 930655750
California State University Channel Is / Student Assistant MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 572.56 LIMITS
Sahadeva Ishaya 315 Alvord Ave N
Kent, Washington 980304735
Self / Meditation teacher MEMO
08/31/2021 13.50 505.00 LIMITS
Nabil Jacir 58 Merrywood Ln
Short Hills, New Jersey 070782220
Atlantic health system / Surgeon MEMO
08/31/2021 25.00 1050.00 LIMITS
Philip Jack 262 Ward Ave
Staten Island, New York 103042144
JVL Wildcat Academy / Educator MEMO
07/26/2021 6.25 284.63 LIMITS
Aaron Jacobs 73-1165 Ahulani St
Kailua Kona, Hawaii 967408419
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 1.88 403.02 LIMITS
Aaron Jacobs 73-1165 Ahulani St
Kailua Kona, Hawaii 967408419
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 403.02 LIMITS
Aaron Jacobs 73-1165 Ahulani St
Kailua Kona, Hawaii 967408419
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 12.50 403.02 LIMITS
Forrest Jafuta 2645 S Norfolk Cir
Fitchburg, Wisconsin 537191626
none / none MEMO
09/13/2021 6.25 223.75 LIMITS
Paul Jameson 419 College Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017425418
none / not employed MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 225.25 LIMITS
Paul Jameson 419 College Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017425418
none / not employed MEMO
07/19/2021 2.25 225.25 LIMITS
Paul Jameson 419 College Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017425418
none / not employed MEMO
08/16/2021 2.25 225.25 LIMITS
Paul Jameson 419 College Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017425418
none / not employed MEMO
09/20/2021 2.25 225.25 LIMITS
Eli Jaxon-Bear 374 Helman St
Ashland, Oregon 975201138
Leela Foundation / Teacher MEMO
07/06/2021 6.25 306.25 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/06/2021 1.88 481.86 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 6.25 481.86 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 1.88 481.86 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 1.88 481.86 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 1.88 481.86 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/07/2021 1.88 481.86 LIMITS
Stephen Jervey 12 Pomeroy Rd
North Reading, Massachusetts 018643108
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 481.86 LIMITS
Santiago Jimenez 14238 112th Pl NE
Kirkland, Washington 980341002
Genie / Production specialist MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 209.88 LIMITS
Erica Johanson 50 Stony Brook Rd
Hopewell, New Jersey 085252709
Allergan / Medical Writing MEMO
09/20/2021 3.38 254.63 LIMITS
Donald Johnson 10009 NE 26th St
Vancouver, Washington 986627697
Extensis / Technical Writer MEMO
06/30/2021 3.38 258.70 LIMITS
Michael Johnson 311 S 199th St
Des Moines, Washington 981482448
none / none MEMO
06/30/2021 1.88 353.44 LIMITS
Michael Johnson 311 S 199th St
Des Moines, Washington 981482448
none / none MEMO
07/26/2021 1.88 353.44 LIMITS
Karen Jones 66 Willow St
Jersey City, New Jersey 073054867
Peninsula Prep Academy Charter School / Educator MEMO
09/27/2021 6.25 364.25 LIMITS
John Jordan 130 N Fruitport Rd
Spring Lake, Michigan 494561917
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 3.38 766.02 LIMITS
Gerald Joseph 6349 Meadowvista Dr
Carmichael, California 956080976
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 12.50 312.50 LIMITS
Gerald Joseph 6349 Meadowvista Dr
Carmichael, California 956080976
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 12.50 312.50 LIMITS
Fletcher Kauffman 1804 Westmoreland Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900065114
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/12/2021 3.13 375.04 LIMITS
Fletcher Kauffman 1804 Westmoreland Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900065114
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/09/2021 3.13 375.04 LIMITS
Fletcher Kauffman 1804 Westmoreland Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900065114
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/13/2021 3.13 375.04 LIMITS
Laura Keating 408 Monroe St Apt 2
Hoboken, New Jersey 070301757
Ab Initio / Software Developer MEMO
07/26/2021 1.88 190.70 LIMITS
Laura Keating 408 Monroe St Apt 2
Hoboken, New Jersey 070301757
Ab Initio / Software Developer MEMO
08/30/2021 1.88 190.70 LIMITS
Laura Keating 408 Monroe St Apt 2
Hoboken, New Jersey 070301757
Ab Initio / Software Developer MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 190.70 LIMITS
Laura Keating 408 Monroe St Apt 2
Hoboken, New Jersey 070301757
Ab Initio / Software Developer MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 190.70 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 4.00 277.95 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 277.95 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 0.63 277.95 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 4.00 277.95 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 0.63 277.95 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 4.00 277.95 LIMITS
Robert Keenan 3312 San Amadeo Unit B
Laguna Woods, California 926372952
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 277.95 LIMITS
Caren Keller 200 W 20th St Apt 1212
New York, New York 100113564
JCC / manager MEMO
07/19/2021 12.50 1830.00 LIMITS
Caren Keller 200 W 20th St Apt 1212
New York, New York 100113564
JCC / manager MEMO
08/23/2021 12.50 1830.00 LIMITS
Caren Keller 200 W 20th St Apt 1212
New York, New York 100113564
JCC / manager MEMO
09/20/2021 12.50 1830.00 LIMITS
Carol Kelly 2 Ruben Duren Way
Bedford, Massachusetts 017301666
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 25.00 475.00 LIMITS
Carol Kelly 2 Ruben Duren Way
Bedford, Massachusetts 017301666
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 475.00 LIMITS
Gene Kelly 612 Montclaire Ave
Edwardsville, Illinois 620252606
Mercy Health Ministry / Web Developer MEMO
08/02/2021 2.50 241.66 LIMITS
Jane Kelly 323 E 9th St # ST.2B
New York, New York 100037725
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/20/2021 3.38 265.31 LIMITS
Maureen Kemmerer 10 Little Pond Rd
Merrimac, Massachusetts 018602254
Self / Clinical Social Worker MEMO
07/26/2021 3.38 382.56 LIMITS
Maureen Kemmerer 10 Little Pond Rd
Merrimac, Massachusetts 018602254
Self / Clinical Social Worker MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 382.56 LIMITS
Maureen Kemmerer 10 Little Pond Rd
Merrimac, Massachusetts 018602254
Self / Clinical Social Worker MEMO
09/27/2021 3.38 382.56 LIMITS
Emil Kilpatrick 1 McKenzie Cir
Bella Vista, Arkansas 727155109
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/12/2021 31.25 375.00 LIMITS
Emil Kilpatrick 1 McKenzie Cir
Bella Vista, Arkansas 727155109
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/09/2021 31.25 375.00 LIMITS
Emil Kilpatrick 1 McKenzie Cir
Bella Vista, Arkansas 727155109
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/13/2021 31.25 375.00 LIMITS
Evelyn Kimbrough 849 N Farragut St
Portland, Oregon 972171323
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/19/2021 0.63 186.30 LIMITS
Evelyn Kimbrough 849 N Farragut St
Portland, Oregon 972171323
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/16/2021 0.63 186.30 LIMITS
Evelyn Kimbrough 849 N Farragut St
Portland, Oregon 972171323
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/20/2021 0.63 186.30 LIMITS
John Kingsbury 3534 Stonebridge Dr
Madison, Wisconsin 537194040
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 12.50 512.50 LIMITS
Gilbert Kirk 678 Boone Hollow Rd
Powell, Missouri 657309134
walmart / truck driver MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 457.88 LIMITS
Gilbert Kirk 678 Boone Hollow Rd
Powell, Missouri 657309134
walmart / truck driver MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 457.88 LIMITS
Gilbert Kirk 678 Boone Hollow Rd
Powell, Missouri 657309134
walmart / truck driver MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 457.88 LIMITS
Gilbert Kirk 678 Boone Hollow Rd
Powell, Missouri 657309134
walmart / truck driver MEMO
09/27/2021 0.63 457.88 LIMITS
Deborah Kleinberg 43 Rogers Ln
Yorktown Heights, New York 105986530
East Ramapo CSD / Library Media Specialist MEMO
07/26/2021 2.50 261.77 LIMITS
Deborah Kleinberg 43 Rogers Ln
Yorktown Heights, New York 105986530
East Ramapo CSD / Library Media Specialist MEMO
08/23/2021 2.50 261.77 LIMITS
Deborah Kleinberg 43 Rogers Ln
Yorktown Heights, New York 105986530
East Ramapo CSD / Library Media Specialist MEMO
09/27/2021 0.63 261.77 LIMITS
Deborah Kleinberg 43 Rogers Ln
Yorktown Heights, New York 105986530
East Ramapo CSD / Library Media Specialist MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 261.77 LIMITS
Deborah Kleinberg 43 Rogers Ln
Yorktown Heights, New York 105986530
East Ramapo CSD / Library Media Specialist MEMO
09/27/2021 2.50 261.77 LIMITS
LaRetta Kwandt PO Box 345
Dexter, Oregon 974310345
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/20/2021 3.13 276.65 LIMITS
Ann Lamb 8713 Dunaire Dr
Knoxville, Tennessee 379236836
Lamb Enterprises LLC / technical editor MEMO
07/19/2021 6.25 350.00 LIMITS
Ann Lamb 8713 Dunaire Dr
Knoxville, Tennessee 379236836
Lamb Enterprises LLC / technical editor MEMO
08/16/2021 6.25 350.00 LIMITS
Ann Lamb 8713 Dunaire Dr
Knoxville, Tennessee 379236836
Lamb Enterprises LLC / technical editor MEMO
09/20/2021 6.25 350.00 LIMITS
Gerry Lang PO Box 2852
Westport, Connecticut 068800852
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 31.25 992.50 LIMITS
Gerry Lang PO Box 2852
Westport, Connecticut 068800852
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 31.25 992.50 LIMITS
Gerry Lang PO Box 2852
Westport, Connecticut 068800852
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 31.25 992.50 LIMITS
Gerry Lang PO Box 2852
Westport, Connecticut 068800852
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 31.25 992.50 LIMITS
Nevyn Langlinais 303 E 51st St
Austin, Texas 787512004
self / Yoga Teacher MEMO
07/12/2021 0.19 206.12 LIMITS
Nevyn Langlinais 303 E 51st St
Austin, Texas 787512004
self / Yoga Teacher MEMO
07/26/2021 1.25 206.12 LIMITS
Nevyn Langlinais 303 E 51st St
Austin, Texas 787512004
self / Yoga Teacher MEMO
08/16/2021 0.19 206.12 LIMITS
Nevyn Langlinais 303 E 51st St
Austin, Texas 787512004
self / Yoga Teacher MEMO
08/30/2021 1.25 206.12 LIMITS
Nevyn Langlinais 303 E 51st St
Austin, Texas 787512004
self / Yoga Teacher MEMO
09/27/2021 1.25 206.12 LIMITS
Jonathan Lee PO Box 145
New London, Pennsylvania 193600145
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/23/2021 31.25 231.25 LIMITS
Taigen Leighton 4845 N Talman Ave Apt 2
Chicago, Illinois 606252762
self / Zen priest author professor MEMO
07/26/2021 100.00 4800.00 LIMITS
Leonora Letchworth 110 Oakwood Ln
Ithaca, New York 148502042
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 345.27 LIMITS
Cynthia Loewy 4721 41st St
Sunnyside, New York 111043644
Retired / Retired MEMO
07/12/2021 6.25 356.25 LIMITS
Victoria Lowe 108 White Tail Dr
Fort Davis, Texas 797342529
none / none MEMO
09/27/2021 3.38 733.84 LIMITS
Sandra Lucas 5228 Adelaide Way
Carmichael, California 956088002
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 1.25 190.75 LIMITS
Thomas Lucas 13316 SW 2nd Ter
Yukon, Oklahoma 730997164
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 3.38 400.38 LIMITS
Terrence Lydell 1552 148th Ave NW
Andover, Minnesota 553043459
none / Not employed - retired MEMO
07/12/2021 3.75 462.13 LIMITS
Edward Madigan 48982 Paradise Ave
Morongo Valley, California 922569237
Centersoft Corp / Office Worker MEMO
06/28/2021 2.83 177.59 LIMITS
Edward Madigan 48982 Paradise Ave
Morongo Valley, California 922569237
Centersoft Corp / Office Worker MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 177.59 LIMITS
Edward Madigan 48982 Paradise Ave
Morongo Valley, California 922569237
Centersoft Corp / Office Worker MEMO
07/06/2021 3.13 177.59 LIMITS
David Makinster 322 Russell St
Hadley, Massachusetts 010359539
GCC / educator MEMO
07/12/2021 3.38 204.26 LIMITS
David Makinster 322 Russell St
Hadley, Massachusetts 010359539
GCC / educator MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 204.26 LIMITS
Betty Mandell 920A Maple St
Columbia, South Carolina 292051629
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 231.25 LIMITS
Betty Mandell 920A Maple St
Columbia, South Carolina 292051629
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 6.25 231.25 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 3.38 513.17 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 0.63 513.17 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/19/2021 1.25 513.17 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 0.63 513.17 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 1.25 513.17 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 0.63 513.17 LIMITS
Freeman Marlow 325 SE 51st St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731293445
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/13/2021 1.25 513.17 LIMITS
Michael Martin 1830 W Virginia Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850071008
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 6.25 384.63 LIMITS
Michael Martin 1830 W Virginia Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850071008
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 3.38 384.63 LIMITS
Paul Mathews 2251 Highland Ave S Apt 608
Birmingham, Alabama 352052989
ALDOT / Traffic Management Center MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 207.86 LIMITS
David McCann 3100 Enola Rd
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 170159544
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 219.39 LIMITS
David McCann 3100 Enola Rd
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 170159544
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 0.63 219.39 LIMITS
David McCann 3100 Enola Rd
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 170159544
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 0.63 219.39 LIMITS
Kathleen McClure 240 W 98th St
New York, New York 100255552
self / musician MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 1151.89 LIMITS
Kathleen McClure 240 W 98th St
New York, New York 100255552
self / musician MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 1151.89 LIMITS
Kathleen McClure 240 W 98th St
New York, New York 100255552
self / musician MEMO
08/02/2021 3.13 1151.89 LIMITS
Kathleen McClure 240 W 98th St
New York, New York 100255552
self / musician MEMO
08/30/2021 3.13 1151.89 LIMITS
Al McCullough 1413 Highpoint Ter
Birmingham, Alabama 352351624
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 1.25 253.66 LIMITS
Larry McGahey PO Box 45
Newberry, Michigan 498680045
none / none MEMO
07/06/2021 3.13 409.41 LIMITS
Larry McGahey PO Box 45
Newberry, Michigan 498680045
none / none MEMO
08/09/2021 3.13 409.41 LIMITS
Larry McGahey PO Box 45
Newberry, Michigan 498680045
none / none MEMO
09/07/2021 3.13 409.41 LIMITS
Jerry Mcmurry 11361 Oak Creek Dr
Lakeside, California 920401234
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/16/2021 12.50 412.50 LIMITS
Jose Medina 728 Driggs Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112114343
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 274.13 LIMITS
Jose Medina 728 Driggs Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112114343
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 12.50 274.13 LIMITS
Tierney Melia 126 Bergen St
Brooklyn, New York 112016310
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/12/2021 0.63 276.93 LIMITS
Tierney Melia 126 Bergen St
Brooklyn, New York 112016310
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/09/2021 0.63 276.93 LIMITS
Nina Mendez 3215 Evergreen Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212142338
Buffalo Collegiate Charter School / Teacher MEMO
06/30/2021 2.50 737.50 LIMITS
Nina Mendez 3215 Evergreen Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212142338
Buffalo Collegiate Charter School / Teacher MEMO
08/02/2021 2.50 737.50 LIMITS
Nina Mendez 3215 Evergreen Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212142338
Buffalo Collegiate Charter School / Teacher MEMO
08/30/2021 2.50 737.50 LIMITS
Setauket, New York 117333220
Fonar Corporation / lawyer MEMO
07/06/2021 12.50 1286.01 LIMITS
Setauket, New York 117333220
Fonar Corporation / lawyer MEMO
08/02/2021 6.25 1286.01 LIMITS
John Meyers 2952 Burton Cir
Cambria, California 934283904
State of California / Psychiatrist MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 1175.00 LIMITS
John Meyers 2952 Burton Cir
Cambria, California 934283904
State of California / Psychiatrist MEMO
08/02/2021 12.50 1175.00 LIMITS
John Meyers 2952 Burton Cir
Cambria, California 934283904
State of California / Psychiatrist MEMO
08/31/2021 12.50 1175.00 LIMITS
Erwin Michel 2650 Pearce Dr Unit 408
Clearwater, Florida 337641134
none / none MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 293.14 LIMITS
Erwin Michel 2650 Pearce Dr Unit 408
Clearwater, Florida 337641134
none / none MEMO
08/16/2021 6.25 293.14 LIMITS
Erwin Michel 2650 Pearce Dr Unit 408
Clearwater, Florida 337641134
none / none MEMO
08/23/2021 6.25 293.14 LIMITS
Erwin Michel 2650 Pearce Dr Unit 408
Clearwater, Florida 337641134
none / none MEMO
09/07/2021 3.38 293.14 LIMITS
David Mikhael 3655 Artesia Blvd
Torrance, California 905043347
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/28/2021 2.20 256.77 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
06/30/2021 1.25 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
06/30/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
07/06/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
07/12/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
07/26/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
07/26/2021 0.50 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
08/16/2021 0.38 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
08/23/2021 0.38 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
08/23/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
08/30/2021 0.50 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
08/30/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
08/31/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
09/13/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
09/20/2021 0.63 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
09/20/2021 0.38 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
09/27/2021 0.38 557.11 LIMITS
David Mikhael 511 N Guadalupe Ave
Redondo Beach, California 902772952
CVS / Shift Supervisor MEMO
09/27/2021 0.50 557.11 LIMITS
Jaenia Mikulka 16 Cameron Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021401102
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 12.50 800.00 LIMITS
Jaenia Mikulka 16 Cameron Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021401102
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/23/2021 31.25 800.00 LIMITS
Walter Milliken 2387 Hilgard Ave
Berkeley, California 947091311
Retired / Retired MEMO
07/06/2021 6.25 205.67 LIMITS
Walter Milliken 2387 Hilgard Ave
Berkeley, California 947091311
Retired / Retired MEMO
08/09/2021 6.25 205.67 LIMITS
Walter Milliken 2387 Hilgard Ave
Berkeley, California 947091311
Retired / Retired MEMO
09/07/2021 6.25 205.67 LIMITS
Robert Moler 12003 Bobwhite Dr
Catharpin, Virginia 201431322
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 256.25 LIMITS
Robert Moler 12003 Bobwhite Dr
Catharpin, Virginia 201431322
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
07/26/2021 6.25 256.25 LIMITS
Robert Moler 12003 Bobwhite Dr
Catharpin, Virginia 201431322
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 12.50 256.25 LIMITS
Miroya Monsour 1075 Harrison City Export Rd
Jeannette, Pennsylvania 156444309
self / physician MEMO
07/12/2021 6.25 281.25 LIMITS
Miroya Monsour 1075 Harrison City Export Rd
Jeannette, Pennsylvania 156444309
self / physician MEMO
08/23/2021 12.50 281.25 LIMITS
Bethany Moreton 616 Turnpike Rd N
Fairlee, Vermont 050454414
Dartmouth College / Professor MEMO
08/31/2021 12.50 322.00 LIMITS
Robert Mosley 924 N Conklin Rd
Lake Orion, Michigan 483621712
Self / Social worker MEMO
08/30/2021 2.53 187.53 LIMITS
Glenna Mote Yates 315 Tunnel Ave
Richmond, California 948013941
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 1.88 328.81 LIMITS
Glenna Mote Yates 315 Tunnel Ave
Richmond, California 948013941
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 1.88 328.81 LIMITS
Glenna Mote Yates 315 Tunnel Ave
Richmond, California 948013941
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 328.81 LIMITS
Mary Mountz 918 San Rafael Ave
Mountain View, California 940431926
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
07/12/2021 0.63 272.56 LIMITS
Mary Mountz 918 San Rafael Ave
Mountain View, California 940431926
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
08/09/2021 0.63 272.56 LIMITS
Mary Mountz 918 San Rafael Ave
Mountain View, California 940431926
Not employed / Not employed MEMO
09/07/2021 0.63 272.56 LIMITS
Ronald Mourant 37 William J Hts
Framingham, Massachusetts 017026133
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 25.00 375.00 LIMITS
Ronald Mourant 37 William J Hts
Framingham, Massachusetts 017026133
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 25.00 375.00 LIMITS
Ronald Mourant 37 William J Hts
Framingham, Massachusetts 017026133
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/30/2021 25.00 375.00 LIMITS
Ronald Mourant 37 William J Hts
Framingham, Massachusetts 017026133
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/27/2021 25.00 375.00 LIMITS
James Mullany PO Box 1064
Sandia Park, New Mexico 870471064
State of New Mexico / Geoscientist MEMO
08/09/2021 12.50 325.00 LIMITS
Eric Nestler 308 N 7th St
Brooklyn, New York 112113158
Analog Devices, Inc. / Engineer MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 244.32 LIMITS
Alan Newell PO Box 75 Latham
Latham, New York 121100075
none / none MEMO
07/19/2021 3.13 522.53 LIMITS
Alan Newell PO Box 75 Latham
Latham, New York 121100075
none / none MEMO
08/02/2021 3.38 522.53 LIMITS
Joy Newmann 741 Jenifer St
Madison, Wisconsin 537033530
University of Wisconsin-Madison / retired Professor of Social Work MEMO
08/31/2021 50.00 312.50 LIMITS
Joy Newmann 741 Jenifer St
Madison, Wisconsin 537033530
University of Wisconsin-Madison / retired Professor of Social Work MEMO
09/27/2021 12.50 312.50 LIMITS
Jesus Nieto 4975 Comanche Dr Apt 4
La Mesa, California 919428116
San Diego State University / Associate Professor MEMO
08/30/2021 1.88 486.51 LIMITS
Jesus Nieto 4975 Comanche Dr Apt 4
La Mesa, California 919428116
San Diego State University / Associate Professor MEMO
09/07/2021 6.25 486.51 LIMITS
Jesus Nieto 4975 Comanche Dr Apt 4
La Mesa, California 919428116
San Diego State University / Associate Professor MEMO
09/20/2021 1.88 486.51 LIMITS
Safiya Noble 2139 Wellington Rd
Los Angeles, California 900161826
UCLA / Professor MEMO
07/12/2021 2.50 651.19 LIMITS
Safiya Noble 2139 Wellington Rd
Los Angeles, California 900161826
UCLA / Professor MEMO
08/09/2021 2.50 651.19 LIMITS
Safiya Noble 2139 Wellington Rd
Los Angeles, California 900161826
UCLA / Professor MEMO
09/13/2021 2.50 651.19 LIMITS
christian Nolan 1970 NE 30th St
Lighthouse Point, Florida 330647627
Chem tec / Sales MEMO
08/23/2021 1.88 227.38 LIMITS
Nancy Nordhoff 835 6th St
Langley, Washington 982608646
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 93.75 2493.75 LIMITS
Michael Norman 11440 S Cindy Ct
Plainfield, Illinois 605857573
Pallet Management / Sales Rep MEMO
07/19/2021 6.25 299.64 LIMITS
Robert Oelman 96 NE 4th Ave
Delray Beach, Florida 334834529
self / photographer MEMO
06/30/2021 12.50 212.50 LIMITS
Andy Omdal 801 Garfield St
Mount Vernon, Washington 982733237
Skagit State Bank / banker MEMO
07/06/2021 3.13 230.06 LIMITS
Andy Omdal 801 Garfield St
Mount Vernon, Washington 982733237
Skagit State Bank / banker MEMO
08/01/2021 3.13 230.06 LIMITS
Andy Omdal 801 Garfield St
Mount Vernon, Washington 982733237
Skagit State Bank / banker MEMO
09/07/2021 3.13 230.06 LIMITS
John Orbeck 2933 67th Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota 55901
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
06/30/2021 6.25 642.44 LIMITS
John Orbeck 2933 67th Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota 55901
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/02/2021 6.25 642.44 LIMITS
John Orbeck 2933 67th Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota 55901
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/16/2021 3.13 642.44 LIMITS
John Orbeck 2933 67th Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota 55901
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
08/31/2021 6.25 642.44 LIMITS
John Orbeck 2933 67th Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota 55901
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
09/20/2021 3.13 642.44 LIMITS
Dennis Otterstetter 1938 Lake Blvd
Shelton, Washington 985842880
Retired / Retired MEMO
07/06/2021 2.50 236.00 LIMITS
Dennis Otterstetter 1938 Lake Blvd
Shelton, Washington 985842880
Retired / Retired MEMO
08/01/2021 2.50 236.00 LIMITS
Dennis Otterstetter 1938 Lake Blvd
Shelton, Washington 985842880
Retired / Retired MEMO
09/07/2021 2.50 236.00 LIMITS
John Ozimek 688 Potomac Ave
Buffalo, New York 142221241
Ingram Micro / Computer programmer MEMO
09/20/2021 1.00 575.06 LIMITS
John Ozimek 688 Potomac Ave
Buffalo, New York 142221241
Ingram Micro / Computer programmer MEMO
09/27/2021 1.88 575.06 LIMITS
Kathryn Parmentier 465 Pin Oak Dr
Sunnyvale, California 940866765
none / Retired MEMO
07/26/2021 6.25 351.88 LIMITS
Kathryn Parmentier 465 Pin Oak Dr
Sunnyvale, California 940866765
none / Retired MEMO
08/23/2021 6.25 351.88 LIMITS
Kathryn Parmentier 465 Pin Oak Dr
Sunnyvale, California 940866765
none / Retired MEMO
09/27/2021 6.25 351.88 LIMITS
Roger Peterson 1540 W 3rd St
Santa Rosa, California 954016084
none / none MEMO
07/06/2021 6.25 281.25 LIMITS
Joseph Petrotta 6275 Caminito Salado
San Diego, California 921117223
Servicenow / Software Engineer MEMO
07/06/2021 0.63 227.56 LIMITS
Joseph Petrotta 6275 Caminito Salado
San Diego, California 921117223
Servicenow / Software Engineer MEMO
08/01/2021 0.63 227.56 LIMITS
Joseph Petrotta 6275 Caminito Salado
San Diego, California 921117223
Servicenow / Software Engineer MEMO
09/07/2021 0.63 227.56 LIMITS
Bonnie Pfeifer 220 Barrows Rd
Sumner, Maine 042923805
Retired / Retired MEMO
07/19/2021 1.25 442.78 LIMITS
Bonnie Pfeifer 220 Barrows Rd
Sumner, Maine 042923805
Retired / Retired MEMO
08/02/2021 2.53 442.78 LIMITS
Bonnie Pfeifer 220 Barrows Rd
Sumner, Maine 042923805
Retired / Retired MEMO
08/16/2021 1.25 442.78 LIMITS
Bonnie Pfeifer 220 Barrows Rd
Sumner, Maine 042923805
Retired / Retired MEMO
09/20/2021 1.25 442.78 LIMITS
JACK PLOTNICK 1220 Havenhurst Dr Apt 5
West Hollywood, California 900464900
self / actor MEMO
08/09/2021 3.38 272.83 LIMITS
JACK PLOTNICK 1220 Havenhurst Dr Apt 5
West Hollywood, California 900464900
self / actor MEMO
08/31/2021 12.50 272.83 LIMITS
Lisa Polsby 850 Balton Ct
Naperville, Illinois 605632101
JBVA / Psychiatrist MEMO
06/30/2021 3.13 423.27 LIMITS
Lisa Polsby 850 Balton Ct
Naperville, Illinois 605632101
JBVA / Psychiatrist MEMO
07/26/2021 3.13 423.27 LIMITS
Donald Porche 4511 Mimosa Tree Ln Apt 1207
Raleigh, North Carolina 276127063
Mastec AT / Satellite technician MEMO
08/23/2021 3.13 315.52 LIMITS
Donald Porche 4511 Mimosa Tree Ln Apt 1207
Raleigh, North Carolina 276127063
Mastec AT / Satellite technician MEMO
09/20/2021 0.63 315.52 LIMITS

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $13375
Total Memo Amount $21686.65
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 1
Number of Transactions (Memo) 499

Generated Sun Feb 16 22:19:10 2025