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There are a total of 600 Itemized Disbursements

Displaying 1 through 500

Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/04/2021 Act Blue fees 1592.76

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/11/2021 Act Blue fees 3279.69

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/18/2021 Act Blue fees 3631.10

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

04/26/2021 Act Blue fees 3781.80

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/02/2021 Act Blue fees 4490.84

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/09/2021 Act Blue fees 2091.95

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/16/2021 Act Blue fees 6242.00

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/23/2021 Act Blue fees 8092.25

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

05/30/2021 Act Blue fees 6449.48

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/06/2021 Act Blue fees 2860.51

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/13/2021 Act Blue fees 6185.62

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/20/2021 Act Blue fees 7111.69

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/27/2021 Act Blue fees 4242.52

ActBlue Technical Services, Inc. 14 Arrow St Ste 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

06/30/2021 Act Blue fees 4635.32

Merced A Aguilar Jimenez 385 Knickerbocker Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112373884

06/04/2021 cleaning bronx office May 600.00

Amalgamated Bank 275 7th Ave
New York, New York 100018400

04/27/2021 bank service charge 127.90

Amalgamated Bank 275 7th Ave
New York, New York 100018400

05/28/2021 bank service charge 82.75

Amalgamated Bank 275 7th Ave
New York, New York 100018400

06/25/2021 bank service charge 82.75

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

04/12/2021 FSA charges 311.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

04/15/2021 FSA administrative fee 75.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

04/19/2021 FSA charges 15.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

04/26/2021 FSA charges 330.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

05/03/2021 FSA charges 15.60

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

05/10/2021 FSA charges 236.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

05/14/2021 FSA administrative fee 75.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

05/17/2021 FSA charges 39.28

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

06/01/2021 FSA charges 271.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

06/07/2021 FSA charges 40.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

06/14/2021 FSA monthly fee 75.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

06/21/2021 FSA administrative fee 79.00

Ameriflex PO Box 870217
Kansas City, Missouri 641870217

06/28/2021 FSA charges 118.00

Whitney Benns 2801 Victor St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631042334

04/13/2021 workshop dsign and facilitation 5500.00

Whitney Benns 2801 Victor St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631042334

04/16/2021 workshop dsign and facilitation 5500.00

Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

05/25/2021 reimburse food supplies 132.87

BUFFER BUSINESS 2443 Fillmore St # 380-7163
San Francisco, California 941151814

04/13/2021 software subscription 99.00

BUFFER BUSINESS 2443 Fillmore St # 380-7163
San Francisco, California 941151814

05/13/2021 software subscription 99.00

BUFFER BUSINESS 2443 Fillmore St # 380-7163
San Francisco, California 941151814

06/14/2021 software subscription 99.00

Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

04/14/2021 reimbursement campaign expenses 350.64

99 Cents & Up 8914 Northern Blvd
Jackson Heights, New York 113721613

04/14/2021 supplies for Jackson Heights fire surviv 244.62
99 Cents & Up 8914 Northern Blvd
Jackson Heights, New York 113721613

05/06/2021 supplies for Jackson Heights fire surviv 106.02
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

05/24/2021 shipping charges 136.28

Federal Express 942 Shady Grove Rd S
Memphis, Tennessee 381204117

05/04/2021 shipping charges 136.28
Caryn Cast 2323 Borden Ave # 231
Long Island City, New York 111014508

04/13/2021 design fee 1000.00

Karyn Cast 2323 Borden Ave # 231
Long Island City, New York 111014508

04/17/2021 design fee 1000.00

Cest Bon Collective 164 Norman Ave Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112223481

04/20/2021 security consultant 3000.00

Cest Bon Collective 164 Norman Ave Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112223481

05/05/2021 security consultant 3000.00

Cest Bon Collective 164 Norman Ave Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112223481

06/04/2021 security consultant 3000.00

Charles Schwab 2423 E Lincoln Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850161215

04/09/2021 401 K employee contributions 1400.00

Charles Schwab 2423 E Lincoln Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850161215

04/23/2021 401 K employee contributions 1300.00

Charles Schwab 2423 E Lincoln Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850161215

05/05/2021 401 K employee contributions 1335.00

Charles Schwab 2423 E Lincoln Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850161215

05/25/2021 401 K employee contributions 1200.00

Charles Schwab 2423 E Lincoln Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850161215

06/14/2021 401 K employee contributions 1335.00

Charles Schwab 2423 E Lincoln Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850161215

06/14/2021 401 K employee contributions 1470.00

Bedati D Choudhury 316 E 92nd St Apt 2FE
New York, New York 101285412

06/01/2021 design fee merch 450.00

Confetti Kids 3190 Westchester Ave
Bronx, New York 104614506

06/26/2021 enterainment 500.00

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

04/20/2021 Bronx Office utility 50.24

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

04/20/2021 Bronx Office utility 243.33

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

04/20/2021 Bronx Office utility 83.80

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

04/26/2021 utilities Bronx office 119.08

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

05/15/2021 Bronx Office power 100.45

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

05/15/2021 Bronx Office power 137.92

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

05/15/2021 Bronx Office power 69.40

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

06/13/2021 Bronx Office utility 106.47

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

06/13/2021 Bronx Office utility 69.77

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

06/13/2021 Bronx Office utility 96.57

Consolidated Edison PO Box 1702 PO BOX 1702
New York, New York 101161702

06/13/2021 Bronx Office utility 65.16

Socretes Rodriguez Cruz 1307 Goshen Ripton Rd
Goshen, Vermont 057338463

06/21/2021 union station HSRail presser 2073.87

Nicole Cutright 1720 Elm Ave
Torrance, California 905037235

05/20/2021 brand consultant 3360.00

Nicole Cutright 1720 Elm Ave
Torrance, California 905037235

06/24/2021 consultant merchandising 3360.00

Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

05/25/2021 equipment parts 21.75

Emblem Health 55 Water St
New York, New York 100410004

04/17/2021 health insurance premium 18265.38

Emblem Health 55 Water St
New York, New York 100410004

05/25/2021 health insurance premiums 18268.35

Emblem Health 55 Water St
New York, New York 100410004

06/29/2021 health insurance premium 1217.89

Eveready Graphics 1500 Ericson Pl
Bronx, New York 104615414

06/30/2021 printing invoices 190742 & 190750 855.76

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/16/2021 store merch tax the rich sweatshirts 24191.94

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/16/2021 photo store web site 57.00

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/16/2021 store merch supporter crewnecks 21275.41

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/16/2021 store fulfillment March 2021 61396.90

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/16/2021 store merch GND hoodies 23982.67

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/30/2021 bandanas and socks store merch. 3623.22

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/30/2021 sweatshirt hoodies 11658.22

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

04/30/2021 Store merch GND hats curved trim 1290.55

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

05/08/2021 store merch GND pins 487.81

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

05/08/2021 store merch fulfilment April 2021 38307.58

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/03/2021 store merch caps 1456.06

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/08/2021 fulfillment store May 2021 27365.72

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/23/2021 store merch Hart plaza Poster 1100.85

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/23/2021 store merch Abolish Ice Tees 295.37

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/23/2021 store merch Abolish Ice Tees 6695.20

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/23/2021 store merch abolish Ice Tees 2303.37

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/23/2021 store merch Abolish Ice Tees 1624.22

Financial Innovations, Inc. 1 Weingeroff Blvd
Cranston, Rhode Island 029104009

06/30/2021 web services store 75.00

FrontRunner Productions, Inc. 4081 Seaport Blvd
West Sacramento, California 956913416

06/15/2021 DC presser set up & staging 10886.79

Lauren Harris 1515 Park Pl # 307
Brooklyn, New York 112133108

06/20/2021 design fee merch 1000.00

Yuri Lee 241 Taaffe Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112054332

05/01/2021 Earth Day Mural 500.00

Lustre Development LLC 2430 Westchester Ave
Bronx, New York 104613539

04/05/2021 April rent Bronx office 8175.00

Lustre Development LLC 2430 Westchester Ave
Bronx, New York 104613539

05/03/2021 Bronx office Rent 8175.00

Lustre Development LLC 2430 Westchester Ave
Bronx, New York 104613539

06/02/2021 Bronx office Rent 8175.00

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 18210 Crane Nest Dr
Tampa, Florida 336472748

05/24/2021 term life premium 188.80

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 18210 Crane Nest Dr
Tampa, Florida 336472748

06/25/2021 term life insurance premium 188.90

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

04/13/2021 email consulting monthly fee 5000.00

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

04/13/2021 ad commision 33740.68

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

04/20/2021 balance invoice 3623 ad commission 1257.63

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

04/20/2021 invoice 3432 email consulting March 5000.00

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

05/05/2021 email consulting monthly fee 5000.00

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

06/04/2021 email consulting monthly fee 5000.00

Middle Seat Consulting PO Box 21600
Washington, DC 200099600

06/09/2021 ad commission 6775.45

Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

05/28/2021 transportation 154.97

LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/24/2021 transportation 49.99
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/07/2021 transportation 104.98
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

06/29/2021 reimburse expenses 176.41

LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

06/05/2021 transportation 99.98
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

06/15/2021 transportation 76.43
New York State Insurance Fund 199 Church St
New York, New York 100071100

04/15/2021 disability insrance premium 806.75

Alexandria OCASIO-CORTEZ PO Box 680080
Corona, New York 113680080

04/21/2021 mileage & tolls first quarter 2163.83

Optimum PO Box 70340
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760340

04/26/2021 cable & internet Bronx office 548.36

Optimum PO Box 70340
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760340

06/23/2021 cable & internet Bronx office 548.36

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

04/14/2021 payroll service fee 114.35

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

04/14/2021 payroll taxes 13572.05

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

04/14/2021 direct deposit payroll 39496.21

Randy Abreu 2305 Sedgwick Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104685754

04/15/2021 payroll check 2524.31
Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

04/15/2021 payroll check 2058.19
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

04/15/2021 payroll check 1990.32
Ivet Contreras 1350 Grand Summit Dr Apt 265
Reno, Nevada 895232582

04/15/2021 payroll check 2165.63
Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

04/15/2021 payroll check 2607.91
Eos Strategies 9453 243rd St
Floral Park, New York 110013908

04/15/2021 contractor check 4166.67
Marvin Gonzales 195 Clifton Pl # 1F
Brooklyn, New York 112161104

04/15/2021 payroll check 1670.26
Nicholas Hara 129 Main St Apt 2W
Irvington, New York 105331749

04/15/2021 payroll check 2804.34
Lauren Hitt 118 3rd St NE
Washington, DC 200027316

04/15/2021 payroll check 877.56
Sandy Liariano 4686 Park Ave
Bronx, New York 104585646

04/15/2021 payroll check 1666.68
Frank Llewellyn 155 Borden Ave Apt 6A
Long Island City, New York 111016209

04/15/2021 payroll check 1217.04
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

04/15/2021 payroll check 1875.18
Jeremy Parkin 1202 E Pine St Unit 306
Seattle, Washington 981223929

04/15/2021 payroll check 2602.70
Justin Perez 3495 Broadway Apt 26
New York, New York 100315639

04/15/2021 payroll check 1743.11
Kathryn Riley 32-19 42 St. Apt 2
Astoria, New York 11301

04/15/2021 contractor check 297.00
Tanushri Shankar 1314 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 702
Washington, DC 200054813

04/15/2021 payroll check 975.72
Danielle Sorensen 83 Havemeyer St Fl 3
Brooklyn, New York 112113342

04/15/2021 payroll check 1540.02
Jonathan Soto 325 Quincy Ave # 1
Bronx, New York 104653011

04/15/2021 payroll check 1826.37
Leo Sussan 8810 35th Ave Apt F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725759

04/15/2021 contractor check 1000.00
TeamFind, Inc. 10710 61st CT NE
Redmond, Washington 98052

04/15/2021 payroll check 2868.75
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

04/15/2021 payroll check 1018.45
PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

04/29/2021 payroll service fee 112.00

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

04/29/2021 payroll taxes 14495.84

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

04/29/2021 direct deposit payroll 34465.49

Randy Abreu 2305 Sedgwick Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104685754

04/30/2021 payroll check 2354.32
Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

04/30/2021 payroll check 1888.19
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

04/30/2021 payroll check 1820.31
Ivet Contreras 1350 Grand Summit Dr Apt 265
Reno, Nevada 895232582

04/30/2021 payroll check 2075.97
Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

04/30/2021 payroll check 2437.90
Eos Strategies 9453 243rd St
Floral Park, New York 110013908

04/30/2021 contractor check 4166.67
Marvin Gonzales 195 Clifton Pl # 1F
Brooklyn, New York 112161104

04/30/2021 payroll check 1464.27
Nicholas Hara 129 Main St Apt 2W
Irvington, New York 105331749

04/30/2021 payroll check 2634.34
Lauren Hitt 118 3rd St NE
Washington, DC 200027316

04/30/2021 payroll check 633.39
Sandy Liariano 4686 Park Ave
Bronx, New York 104585646

04/30/2021 payroll check 1591.69
Frank Llewellyn 155 Borden Ave Apt 6A
Long Island City, New York 111016209

04/30/2021 payroll check 1117.27
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

04/30/2021 payroll check 1669.17
Jeremy Parkin 1202 E Pine St Unit 306
Seattle, Washington 981223929

04/30/2021 payroll check 2432.70
Justin Perez 3495 Broadway Apt 26
New York, New York 100315639

04/30/2021 payroll check 1541.56
Katherine Riley 32-19 42 St. Apt 2
Astoria, New York 11103

04/30/2021 contractor check 162.00
Tanushri Shankar 1314 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 702
Washington, DC 200054813

04/30/2021 payroll check 805.72
Danielle Sorensen 83 Havemeyer St Fl 3
Brooklyn, New York 112113342

04/30/2021 payroll check 2237.19
Jonathan Soto 325 Quincy Ave # 1
Bronx, New York 104653011

04/30/2021 payroll check 1620.38
Leo Sussan 8810 35th Ave Apt F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725759

04/30/2021 contractor check 1000.00
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

04/30/2021 payroll check 812.45
PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

05/13/2021 payroll service fee 114.35

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

05/13/2021 payroll taxes 14529.13

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

05/13/2021 direct deposit payroll 37915.92

Randy Abreu 2305 Sedgwick Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104685754

05/14/2021 payroll check 2524.32
Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

05/14/2021 payroll check 2058.20
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

05/14/2021 payroll check 2058.19
Ivet Contreras 1350 Grand Summit Dr Apt 265
Reno, Nevada 895232582

05/14/2021 payroll check 2245.97
Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

05/14/2021 payroll check 2643.91
Eos Strategies 9453 243rd St
Floral Park, New York 110013908

05/14/2021 contractor check 4166.67
Marvin Gonzales 195 Clifton Pl # 1F
Brooklyn, New York 112161104

05/14/2021 payroll check 1670.26
Nicholas Hara 129 Main St Apt 2W
Irvington, New York 105331749

05/14/2021 payroll check 2804.33
Lauren Hitt 118 3rd St NE
Washington, DC 200027316

05/14/2021 payroll check 839.38
Sandy Liariano 4686 Park Ave
Bronx, New York 104585646

05/14/2021 payroll check 1666.68
Frank Llewellyn 155 Borden Ave Apt 6A
Long Island City, New York 111016209

05/14/2021 payroll check 1287.27
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

05/14/2021 payroll check 1875.18
Alice Moye Honeyman 182 Jefferson St Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112063456

05/14/2021 contractor check 550.26
Jeremy Parkin 1202 E Pine St Unit 306
Seattle, Washington 981223929

05/14/2021 payroll check 2602.69
Justin Perez 3495 Broadway Apt 26
New York, New York 100315639

05/14/2021 payroll check 1711.55
Katherine Riley 32-19 42 St. Apt 2
Astoria, New York 11103

05/14/2021 contractor check 129.60
Tanushri Shankar 1314 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 702
Washington, DC 200054813

05/14/2021 payroll check 975.72
Danielle Sorensen 83 Havemeyer St Fl 3
Brooklyn, New York 112113342

05/14/2021 payroll check 2260.92
Jonathan Soto 325 Quincy Ave # 1
Bronx, New York 104653011

05/14/2021 payroll check 1826.37
Leo Sussan 8810 35th Ave Apt F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725759

05/14/2021 contractor check 1000.00
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

05/14/2021 payroll check 1018.45
PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

05/27/2021 payroll service fee 114.35

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

05/27/2021 payroll taxes 14402.71

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

05/27/2021 direct deposit payroll 35682.56

Randy Abreu 2305 Sedgwick Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104685754

05/28/2021 payroll check 2354.31
Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

05/28/2021 payroll check 1888.19
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

05/28/2021 payroll check 1752.44
Ivet Contreras 1350 Grand Summit Dr Apt 265
Reno, Nevada 895232582

05/28/2021 payroll check 2075.98
Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

05/28/2021 payroll check 2437.91
Eos Strategies 9453 243rd St
Floral Park, New York 110013908

05/28/2021 contractor check 4166.67
Marvin Gonzales 195 Clifton Pl # 1F
Brooklyn, New York 112161104

05/28/2021 payroll taxes 1464.26
Nicholas Hara 129 Main St Apt 2W
Irvington, New York 105331749

05/28/2021 payroll check 2634.34
Lauren Hitt 118 3rd St NE
Washington, DC 200027316

05/28/2021 payroll check 883.39
Sandy Liariano 4686 Park Ave
Bronx, New York 104585646

05/28/2021 payroll check 1591.68
Frank Llewellyn 155 Borden Ave Apt 6A
Long Island City, New York 111016209

05/28/2021 payroll check 1117.27
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

05/28/2021 payroll check 1669.17
Alice Moye Honeyman 182 Jefferson St Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112063456

05/28/2021 contractor check 1053.00
Jeremy Parkin 1202 E Pine St Unit 306
Seattle, Washington 981223929

05/28/2021 payroll check 2432.70
Justin Perez 3495 Broadway Apt 26
New York, New York 100315639

05/28/2021 payroll check 1541.56
Katherine Riley 32-19 42 St. Apt 2
Astoria, New York 11103

05/28/2021 contractor check 167.67
Tanushri Shankar 1314 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 702
Washington, DC 200054813

05/28/2021 payroll check 805.72
Danielle Sorensen 83 Havemeyer St Fl 3
Brooklyn, New York 112113342

05/28/2021 payroll check 2213.47
Jonathan Soto 325 Quincy Ave # 1
Bronx, New York 104653011

05/28/2021 payroll check 1620.37
Leo Sussan 8810 35th Ave Apt F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725759

05/28/2021 contractor check 1000.00
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

05/28/2021 payroll check 812.46
PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

06/14/2021 payroll service fee 114.35

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

06/14/2021 payroll taxes 15594.76

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

06/14/2021 direct deposit payroll 39356.73

Randy Abreu 2305 Sedgwick Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104685754

06/15/2021 payroll check 2524.32
Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

06/15/2021 payroll check 2058.20
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

06/15/2021 payroll check 1990.31
Ivet Contreras 1350 Grand Summit Dr Apt 265
Reno, Nevada 895232582

06/15/2021 payroll check 2245.97
Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

06/15/2021 payroll check 2643.90
Marvin Gonzales 195 Clifton Pl # 1F
Brooklyn, New York 112161104

06/15/2021 payroll check 1670.27
Nicholas Hara 129 Main St Apt 2W
Irvington, New York 105331749

06/15/2021 payroll check 2804.34
Lauren Hitt 118 3rd St NE
Washington, DC 200027316

06/15/2021 payroll check 839.39
Sandy Liariano 4686 Park Ave
Bronx, New York 104585646

06/15/2021 payroll check 1666.69
Frank Llewellyn 155 Borden Ave Apt 6A
Long Island City, New York 111016209

06/15/2021 payroll check 1287.27
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

06/15/2021 payroll check 1875.18
Alice Moye Honeyman 182 Jefferson St Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112063456

06/15/2021 contractor check 1051.92
Jeremy Parkin 1202 E Pine St Unit 306
Seattle, Washington 981223929

06/15/2021 payroll check 2852.70
Justin Perez 3495 Broadway Apt 26
New York, New York 100315639

06/15/2021 payroll check 1961.55
Katherine Riley 32-19 42 St. Apt 2
Astoria, New York 11103

06/15/2021 contractor check 565.92
Rebecca Rodriguez 9453 243rd St
Floral Park, New York 110013908

06/15/2021 payroll check 3591.05
Tanushri Shankar 1314 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 702
Washington, DC 200054813

06/15/2021 payroll check 1225.72
Danielle Sorensen 83 Havemeyer St Fl 3
Brooklyn, New York 112113342

06/15/2021 payroll check 2657.20
Jonathan Soto 325 Quincy Ave # 1
Bronx, New York 104653011

06/15/2021 payroll check 1826.38
Leo Sussan 8810 35th Ave Apt F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725759

06/15/2021 contractor check 1000.00
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

06/15/2021 payroll check 1018.45
PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

06/29/2021 payroll service fee 114.35

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

06/29/2021 payroll taxes 15550.78

PC Payroll, Inc. 1170 State Route 17M
Chester, New York 109181481

06/29/2021 direct deposit payroll 39104.27

Randy Abreu 2305 Sedgwick Ave Apt 1C
Bronx, New York 104685754

06/29/2021 payroll check 2524.32
Fiorella Bini 2056 20th St Apt 1B
Astoria, New York 111053578

06/29/2021 payroll check 2058.19
Patrick Bush 3254 44th St Apt 2F
Astoria, New York 111032325

06/29/2021 payroll check 1990.31
Ivet Contreras 1350 Grand Summit Dr Apt 265
Reno, Nevada 895232582

06/29/2021 payroll check 2245.97
Kathryn Dale 135 53 75 Ave #1G
Flushing, New York 11367

06/29/2021 payroll check 2893.91
Marvin Gonzales 195 Clifton Pl # 1F
Brooklyn, New York 112161104

06/29/2021 payroll check 1670.26
Nicholas Hara 129 Main St Apt 2W
Irvington, New York 105331749

06/29/2021 payroll check 2804.33
Lauren Hitt 118 3rd St NE
Washington, DC 200027316

06/29/2021 payroll check 839.38
Sandy Liariano 4686 Park Ave
Bronx, New York 104585646

06/29/2021 payroll check 1666.68
Frank Llewellyn 155 Borden Ave Apt 6A
Long Island City, New York 111016209

06/29/2021 payroll check 1287.27
Kohar Minassian 96 Scholes St
Brooklyn, New York 112061817

06/30/2021 payroll check 1875.17
Alice Moye Honeyman 182 Jefferson St Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112063456

06/29/2021 contractor check 1612.17
Jeremy Parkin 1202 E Pine St Unit 306
Seattle, Washington 981223929

06/30/2021 payroll check 2602.70
Justin Perez 3495 Broadway Apt 26
New York, New York 100315639

06/30/2021 payroll check 1711.56
Katherine Riley 32-19 42 St. Apt 2
Astoria, New York 11103

06/30/2021 contractor check 503.28
Rebecca Rodriguez 9453 243rd St
Floral Park, New York 110013908

06/30/2021 payroll check 3591.04
Tanushri Shankar 1314 Massachusetts Ave NW Unit 702
Washington, DC 200054813

06/30/2021 payroll check 975.72
Danielle Sorensen 83 Havemeyer St Fl 3
Brooklyn, New York 112113342

06/30/2021 payroll check 2407.19
Jonathan Soto 325 Quincy Ave # 1
Bronx, New York 104653011

06/30/2021 payroll check 1826.37
Leo Sussan 8810 35th Ave Apt F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725759

06/30/2021 contractor check 1000.00
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

06/30/2021 payroll check 1018.45
Queens Latino 7615 35th Ave Apt 1P
Jackson Heights, New York 113724618

04/13/2021 Advertising Expenses 1530.00

Reach Tecnologies 4316 12th St
Long Island City, New York 111016804

04/21/2021 voter canvass software subscription 489.94

Reach Tecnologies 4316 12th St
Long Island City, New York 111016804

05/21/2021 voter canvass software subscription 489.94

Reach Tecnologies 4316 12th St
Long Island City, New York 111016804

06/21/2021 voter canvass software subscription 489.94

Raven Rodriquez 66 Howard Ave
New Haven, Connecticut 065192811

05/14/2021 staff training 1815.00

Jordan Rosenberg 123 Waverly Ave Apt 3
Brooklyn, New York 112053394

04/13/2021 Design services 1125.00

Salesforce.com, Inc. 415 Mission St Fl 3
San Francisco, California 941052504

04/29/2021 db software subscription 5543.94

Salesforce.com, Inc. 415 Mission St Fl 3
San Francisco, California 941052504

06/30/2021 data base services 5543.94

Sandler, Reiff, Lamb, Rosenstein & Birk 1090 Vermont Ave NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200054970

04/21/2021 legal fees 5095.00

Sandler, Reiff, Lamb, Rosenstein & Birk 1090 Vermont Ave NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200054970

06/24/2021 legal fees 4610.00

Shopify 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor
Ottawa ON Canada, Foreign Country 00000

04/30/2021 shopify Fees 3076.64

Shopify 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor
Ottawa ON Canada, Foreign Country 00000

05/31/2021 shopify Fees 2569.40

Shopify 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor
Ottawa ON Canada, Foreign Country 00000

06/30/2021 shopify Fees 1832.56

Tappan Research LLC 315 Flatbush Ave # 517
Brooklyn, New York 112172813

06/09/2021 Research Report 25124.00

TextMarks 87 N Raymond Ave Fl 8
Pasadena, California 911033932

04/05/2021 software subscription 139.00

TextMarks 87 N Raymond Ave Fl 8
Pasadena, California 911033932

05/04/2021 software subscription 139.00

TextMarks 87 N Raymond Ave Fl 8
Pasadena, California 911033932

06/04/2021 software subscription 139.00

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

04/16/2021 event security 424.61

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

04/30/2021 security Astoria Park event 424.61

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

05/14/2021 security 419.17

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

05/14/2021 staff security training 108.88

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

06/03/2021 security 424.61

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

06/15/2021 security services 783.90

Three Bridges NY, LLC 343 4th Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112152719

06/30/2021 security June 26 783.90

Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

04/02/2021 reimbursement 828.02

CSI Rentals 154 Bogart St ground level
Brooklyn, New York 112061717

03/17/2021 back drop & light rental 198.83
CSI Rentals 154 Bogart St ground level
Brooklyn, New York 112061717

03/25/2021 camera rental 250.30
CSI Rentals 154 Bogart St ground level
Brooklyn, New York 112061717

03/26/2021 light rental 378.89
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

05/21/2021 photo supplies 431.44

Kimpton Hotel George 15 E St NW
Washington, DC 200011706

04/20/2021 travel expenses 388.44
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/07/2021 transportation 43.00
Corey Torpie 2434 28th St Apt 31
Astoria, New York 111021947

05/28/2021 supplies 38.10

B & H Photo 420 9th Ave
New York, New York 100011614

05/23/2021 photo supplies 38.10
Johanna Toruno 1401 N St NW Apt 806
Washington, DC 200054816

04/13/2021 design fee merch 1500.00

Tullis World Wide Protection, Inc 6127 Franconia Station Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223102522

06/21/2021 security services 650.00

UBER 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/26/2021 transportation 42.21

Veyond! 153 Townsend St Fl 6
San Francisco, California 941073909

04/25/2021 card payment 158127.48

Adobe, Inc. 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

04/13/2021 software subscription 32.64
Alaska Airlines 19300 International Blvd
Seatac, Washington 981885304

04/02/2021 transportation 435.81
Amazon.com 1516 2nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

03/29/2021 supplies 56.85
Amazon.com 1516 2nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

03/30/2021 supplies 5.00
Amazon.com 1516 2nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

04/01/2021 prime membership 19.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

04/01/2021 transportation 316.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

04/13/2021 transportation 159.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

04/14/2021 transportation 159.00
B & H Photo 420 9th Ave
New York, New York 100011614

03/26/2021 Cell phone purchase 543.23
B & H Photo 420 9th Ave
New York, New York 100011614

04/19/2021 video supplies 1522.07
Best Buy Richfield 7601 Penn Ave S
Richfield, Minnesota 554238500

03/27/2021 supplies 189.63
Canto, Inc 625 Market St
San Francisco, California 941053302

04/22/2021 photo & video editing site yearly fee 5000.00
Connected Chef 09 5th St #4
Queens, New York 11101

03/27/2021 food supplies 450.00
Deputy 3280 Peachtree Rd NE Fl 7
Atlanta, Georgia 303052430

04/07/2021 software subscription 67.50
E-Z Pass 1150 South Ave
Staten Island, New York 103143404

04/05/2021 tolls 160.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

03/27/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

03/29/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

03/31/2021 Facebook Ads 20000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

04/01/2021 Facebook Ads 5075.92
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

04/02/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

04/13/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

04/19/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

04/22/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Formagrid , Inc DBA Airtable 799 Market St Fl 8
San Francisco, California 941032044

04/22/2021 software subscription 627.52
Frontapp,INC. 550 15th St
San Francisco, California 941035033

04/08/2021 software subscription 441.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/25/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/27/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/29/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/31/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/01/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/02/2021 G Suite software subscription 641.37
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/03/2021 test payment google cloud 0.03
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/06/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/08/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/13/2021 Google Ads 1500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/15/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/16/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/17/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/19/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/20/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/21/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/23/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/24/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Grasshopper 320 Summer St
Boston, Massachusetts 022101701

04/05/2021 software subscription communication 78.58
Heroku (Sales Force) 50 Fremont St Ste 300
San Francisco, California 941052231

04/25/2021 software subscription web services 34.85
Hotels.com. LP 5400 Lbj Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

04/02/2021 room rentals 681.24
Impremedia 15 Metrotech Ctr Ste 7
Brooklyn, New York 112013856

04/07/2021 Vacination information ads 1400.00
Just Create LLC 930 Fox St Apt 1H
Bronx, New York 104594317

04/15/2021 photo shoot 3850.00
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

03/29/2021 transportation 75.41
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/02/2021 transportation 9.99
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/03/2021 transportation 133.92
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/05/2021 transportation 89.59
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/06/2021 transportation 40.65
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/13/2021 transportation 170.92
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/14/2021 transportation 35.99
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/19/2021 transportation 65.39
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

04/14/2021 organizing software subscription 3266.25
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

04/21/2021 organizing software sub 3266.25
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

04/21/2021 compliance software sub 6695.79
Papyrs.com Lichttoren 32
Eindhoven 5611 BJ,, Foreign Country 00000

04/14/2021 web services 1068.00
Premera Blue Cross 7001 220th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 980432160

03/30/2021 insurance premium 530.46
Diana Regal 8810 35th Ave Apt 3F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725774

03/27/2021 video editing 537.00
Diana Regal 8810 35th Ave Apt 3F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725774

04/01/2021 video editing 1200.00
Diana Regal 8810 35th Ave Apt 3F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725774

04/14/2021 video editing 1155.00
Diana Regal 8810 35th Ave Apt 3F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725774

04/19/2021 video editing 540.00
Shofur 3340 Peachtree Rd NE Ste 100
Atlanta, Georgia 303261025

04/13/2021 vehicle renta; 849.75
Sing Tao Newspapers LTD 188 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100133200

04/15/2021 vacination ads 728.00
Slack 500 Howard St
San Francisco, California 941053000

04/13/2021 communication software subscription 217.18
Staples Direct 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024474

04/01/2021 supplies 323.97
Staples Direct 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024474

04/13/2021 supplies 32.59
Staples Direct 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024474

04/23/2021 supplies 38.76
T-Mobile 3625 132nd Ave SE
Bellevue, Washington 980061325

03/27/2021 cell phone usage 169.60
Tableau Software LLC 1621 N 34th St
Seattle, Washington 981039193

04/13/2021 soft ware licenses 12 months 15112.95
Taqueria Tlaxcalli 2103 Starling Ave
Bronx, New York 104624307

03/29/2021 catering 77.75
Target 7535 W Broadway Ave
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 554281287

04/23/2021 supplies 56.80
The Rocket Science Group, LLC 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Ste 5000
Atlanta, Georgia 303082172

04/13/2021 email subscription communication dept 33.74
The Rocket Science Group, LLC 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Ste 5000
Atlanta, Georgia 303082172

04/17/2021 email software sub fundraising 4293.00
Thompson Reuters -West PO Box 6292 PO BOX 6292
Carol Stream, Illinois 601976292

04/20/2021 research service sub scription 2578.06
Toskr, Inc. 1330 Broadway Fl 3
Oakland, California 946122503

04/14/2021 texting services 1787.82
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/29/2021 catering 89.79
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/03/2021 catering 36.39
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/06/2021 catering 59.31
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/08/2021 catering 88.54
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/13/2021 catering 88.51
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/15/2021 catering 43.40
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/16/2021 catering 94.77
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/17/2021 catering 28.69
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/20/2021 catering 74.26
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/21/2021 catering 73.54
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/23/2021 catering 82.44
ZOOM US 8222 Vickers St
San Diego, California 921112107

04/16/2021 video conferencing software fee 153.51
Veyond! 153 Townsend St Fl 6
San Francisco, California 941073909

05/25/2021 card payment 153042.61

Ad-vance Printing Services 135-04 Rockaway BLVD
South Owego, New York 11420

04/26/2021 campaign materials 225.00
Adobe, Inc. 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

05/12/2021 software subscription 16.32
Adobe, Inc. 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

05/13/2021 software subscription 16.32
Amazon.com 1516 2nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

05/01/2021 prime 19.00
Ambetter 7700 Forsyth Blvd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631051807

05/22/2021 health insurance premium 3214.09
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

05/03/2021 travel 219.00
Best Buy Richfield 7601 Penn Ave S
Richfield, Minnesota 554238500

05/06/2021 equipment 706.60
Best Buy Richfield 7601 Penn Ave S
Richfield, Minnesota 554238500

05/08/2021 supplies 19.59
Cosmic JS 3208 Bonniebrook Dr
Plano, Texas 750754723

05/08/2021 web site services 198.00
Deputy 3280 Peachtree Rd NE Fl 7
Atlanta, Georgia 303052430

05/05/2021 scheduling software subscription 72.00
E-Z Pass 1150 South Ave
Staten Island, New York 103143404

04/27/2021 tolls 160.00
E-Z Pass 1150 South Ave
Staten Island, New York 103143404

05/13/2021 tolls 160.00
Evans & KATZ PO Box 33079
Washington, DC 200330079

04/29/2021 compliance services 4338.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

04/26/2021 Face book ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/01/2021 Facebook Ads 8696.29
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/17/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/19/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/20/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/21/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/22/2021 Facebook Ads 20000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/24/2021 Facebook Ads 20000.00
Federal Express 942 Shady Grove Rd S
Memphis, Tennessee 381204117

05/14/2021 shipping 3.37
Frontapp,INC. 550 15th St
San Francisco, California 941035033

05/08/2021 reception software sub 441.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/26/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/28/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

04/29/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/01/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/03/2021 Google Suite software sub 672.41
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/03/2021 cloud services 0.06
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/07/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/10/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/12/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/15/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/18/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/19/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/20/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/22/2021 Google Ads 500.00
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

05/24/2021 Google Ads 1000.00
Grasshopper 320 Summer St
Boston, Massachusetts 022101701

05/04/2021 web services 78.42
Heroku (Sales Force) 50 Fremont St Ste 300
San Francisco, California 941052231

05/12/2021 web services 34.85
Intuit 2700 Coast Ave
Mountain View, California 940431140

05/13/2021 software 538.11
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

04/26/2021 transportation 87.78
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/03/2021 transportation 58.84
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/08/2021 transportation 16.41
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/10/2021 transportation 280.74
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/11/2021 transportation 90.95
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/17/2021 transportation 56.33
LYFT, Inc. 185 Berry St Ste 5000
San Francisco, California 941072503

05/24/2021 transportation 79.71
Meadows Group LLC 15107 Olde Tavern Ct
Houston, Texas 770682618

05/03/2021 video shoot 1750.00
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

04/29/2021 action kit software sub 10343.13
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

05/01/2021 compliance software sub 1611.20
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

05/08/2021 mobilize organizing software sub 3266.25
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158

05/19/2021 action kit software sub 10343.13
Piattino Newark Liberty Airport Terminal B B3 Satellite
Newark, New Jersey 07114

05/18/2021 travel expenses 351.86
Premera Blue Cross 7001 220th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 980432160

04/29/2021 health insurance premium 530.46
Diana Regal 8810 35th Ave Apt 3F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725774

04/29/2021 video editing 1410.00
Diana Regal 8810 35th Ave Apt 3F
Jackson Heights, New York 113725774

05/22/2021 video editing 180.00
Scale to Win 13742 Harper St
Santa Ana, California 927031419

05/07/2021 text services 1078.27
Slack 500 Howard St
San Francisco, California 941053000

05/13/2021 communication software sub 209.04
Staples Direct 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024474

05/06/2021 supplies 43.54
Staples Direct 500 Staples Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024474

05/10/2021 supplies 120.60
T-Mobile 3625 132nd Ave SE
Bellevue, Washington 980061325

04/27/2021 cell phone usage 169.60
Taqueria Tlaxcalli 2103 Starling Ave
Bronx, New York 104624307

05/22/2021 catering 68.15
Target 7535 W Broadway Ave
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 554281287

05/17/2021 supplies 100.11
The Rocket Science Group, LLC 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Ste 5000
Atlanta, Georgia 303082172

05/10/2021 email software 33.74
Thompson Reuters -West PO Box 6292 PO BOX 6292
Carol Stream, Illinois 601976292

04/27/2021 westlaw sub 1927.08
Toskr, Inc. 1330 Broadway Fl 3
Oakland, California 946122503

05/08/2021 text services 146.17
Toskr, Inc. 1330 Broadway Fl 3
Oakland, California 946122503

05/17/2021 text services 644.14
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/26/2021 catering 57.48
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/01/2021 catering 83.41
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/03/2021 refund credit -4.02
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/10/2021 catering 89.20
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/11/2021 catering 73.76
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/13/2021 catering 101.29
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/15/2021 catering 51.01
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/16/2021 catering 78.32
UBER EATS 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/18/2021 catering 90.92
UBER 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/26/2021 transporation 65.44
UBER 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

04/27/2021 transportation 54.31
UBER 1455 Market St Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941031355

05/17/2021 catering 15.02
Urban Stems 1625 L St NW
Washington, DC 200365665

05/11/2021 flowers 87.11
Zip Car 35 Thomson Pl
Boston, Massachusetts 022101202

05/12/2021 transportation 22.86
Veyond! 153 Townsend St Fl 6
San Francisco, California 941073909

06/25/2021 card payment 244055.10

Adobe, Inc. 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

06/12/2021 software subscription 32.64
Amazon.com 1516 2nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

06/14/2021 supplies 280.87
Amazon.com 1516 2nd Ave
Seattle, Washington 981011543

06/21/2021 refund credit -150.25
Ambetter 7700 Forsyth Blvd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631051807

06/16/2021 health insurance premium 698.38
Americcan Airlines 4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603

06/12/2021 travel 308.40
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/03/2021 travel 239.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/05/2021 travel 208.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/08/2021 travel 70.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/08/2021 travel 239.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/08/2021 travel 286.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/08/2021 travel 239.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/08/2021 refund credit -445.00
Amtrak 1 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011401

06/16/2021 travel 648.00
B & H Photo 420 9th Ave
New York, New York 100011614

05/27/2021 photo supplies 598.80
CMC Interactive 75 Broad St Ste 2200
New York, New York 100042844

05/25/2021 401K administrative fee 468.63
Cosmic JS 3208 Bonniebrook Dr
Plano, Texas 750754723

06/08/2021 web services 198.00
Dead Bat 7608 Fullerton Rd
Springfield, Virginia 221532814

06/17/2021 tee shirts 205.00
Deputy 3280 Peachtree Rd NE Fl 7
Atlanta, Georgia 303052430

06/04/2021 software subscription 76.50
E-Z Pass 1150 South Ave
Staten Island, New York 103143404

06/03/2021 tolls 220.00
Evans & KATZ PO Box 33079
Washington, DC 200330079

06/16/2021 compliance services 375.00
Expedia 1111 Expedia Group Way W
Seattle, Washington 981191111

06/05/2021 travel 405.26
Expedia 1111 Expedia Group Way W
Seattle, Washington 981191111

06/11/2021 travel 865.30
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/25/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/26/2021 Facebook Ads 20000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/28/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/29/2021 Facebook Ads 10000.00
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

05/31/2021 Facebook Ads 11808.34
Facebook 156 University Ave
Palo Alto, California 943011688

06/09/2021 Facebook Ads 9969.45
Daniel M Barr 566 Brentwater Rd
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 170112007

04/22/2021 overlimt refund 3677.76

Dena Byrum 1208 Gregorie Cmns
Johns Island, South Carolina 294558756

06/06/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 50.00

Patricia Foschi 538 Garcia St
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875052884

06/06/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 50.00

Celeste Gabriel 3825 Savory Way
Oceanside, California 920578327

06/27/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 1500.00

Robert Hoyt 14933 73rd Ave NE
Kenmore, Washington 980284656

04/18/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 1000.00

Rolando Lantigua 441 W 48th St
New York, New York 100361252

06/13/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 1000.00

Tony Leota 919 Arkblack Ter
Odenton, Maryland 211133689

05/23/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 50.00

David Montgomery 441 Toms Creek Rd
Hopkins, South Carolina 290619262

06/30/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 500.00

Christopher Odette 5020 S Lake Shore Dr Apt 2612
Chicago, Illinois 606153657

06/07/2021 store refund 31.62

David Rabiroff 531 Hahaione St
Honolulu, Hawaii 968251457

04/11/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 500.00

Nancy Scheidt 160 S Laverne Ave
Fresno, California 937275643

04/11/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 250.00

Jaimie Wint 184 Davis Mill Holw
Dallas, Georgia 301576263

05/09/2021 recovery of ActBlue refund 100.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 1424347.01
Total Memo Amount 780652.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 173
Number of Transactions (Memo) 339

Generated Wed Feb 19 02:52:06 2025