All Listed Line Numbers
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
The Hilton Memphis |
939 Ridge Lake Blvd
Memphis, Tennessee 381209407 |
10/28/2021 | Travel | 510.84 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
11/09/2021 | Travel | 20.23 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/29/2021 | Payroll Fees | 123.28 |
Spiros Consulting |
1735 New Hampshire Ave NW
Apt 102
Washington, DC 200092556 |
11/08/2021 | Research Consulting | 2000.00 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
11/02/2021 | Software | 24.84 |
Capitol Compliance Associates |
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Unit 15180
Washington, DC 200037508 |
10/26/2021 | Compliance Services | 2500.00 |
Capitol Compliance Associates |
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Unit 15180
Washington, DC 200037508 |
11/22/2021 | Compliance Services | 2500.00 |
Break Something, Inc. |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Fl 7
Washington, DC 200055802 |
10/04/2021 | Digital Consulting | 5000.00 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/29/2021 | Travel | 796.80 |
| |
915 S 500 E
Ste 200
American Fork, Utah 840033373 |
12/02/2021 | Merchant Fees | 40.00 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/15/2021 | Payroll Fees | 138.12 |
1150 Atlantic St
Milford, Michigan 483817034 |
12/29/2021 | Postage | 7.95 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
11/12/2021 | Payroll | 5046.12 |
Natalie Jenkins |
1148 S Washington Ave
Apt 227
Royal Oak, Michigan 480673220 |
11/12/2021 | Salary | 2109.93 |
Jeremy Levinson |
166 W Lincoln St
Apt 2E
Birmingham, Michigan 480091971 |
11/12/2021 | Salary | 2936.19 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
12/14/2021 | Payroll | 5046.12 |
Natalie Jenkins |
1148 S Washington Ave
Apt 227
Royal Oak, Michigan 480673220 |
12/14/2021 | Salary | 2109.93 |
Jeremy Levinson |
166 W Lincoln St
Apt 2E
Birmingham, Michigan 480091971 |
12/14/2021 | Salary | 2936.19 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
11/09/2021 | Travel | 24.96 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/29/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 2221.36 |
United Airlines |
233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147 |
10/05/2021 | Travel | 208.40 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
11/02/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
Bethesda Bagels |
120 M St SE
Washington, DC 200033515 |
11/22/2021 | Catering | 317.92 |
Strathdee Group |
PO Box 15096
Washington, DC 200030096 |
10/04/2021 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 6464.44 |
AirBnB |
888 Brannan St
San Francisco, California 941034928 |
10/29/2021 | Travel | 414.70 |
HotelTonight |
901 Market St
Ste 310
San Francisco, California 941031752 |
10/15/2021 | Travel | 139.00 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
11/03/2021 | Merchant Fees | 9.95 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
12/22/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.17 |
Amalgamated Bank |
275 7th Ave
New York, New York 100016708 |
12/27/2021 | Bank Fees | 90.50 |
American Chemistry Council |
700 2nd St NE
Washington, DC 200028100 |
10/14/2021 | Catering | 375.00 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
11/29/2021 | Payroll | 5046.13 |
Jeremy Levinson |
166 W Lincoln St
Apt 2E
Birmingham, Michigan 480091971 |
11/29/2021 | Salary | 2936.19 |
Natalie Jenkins |
1148 S Washington Ave
Apt 227
Royal Oak, Michigan 480673220 |
11/29/2021 | Salary | 2109.94 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
11/08/2021 | Travel | 51.47 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
10/31/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1979.35 |
Clark Hill PLC |
500 Woodward Ave
Ste 3500
Detroit, Michigan 482263485 |
11/08/2021 | Legal Consulting | 556.50 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
12/19/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1292.61 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
11/01/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
10/04/2021 | Software | 147.98 |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, California 943041126 |
11/22/2021 | Office Supplies | 26.49 |
Blossoms |
33866 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090914 |
12/02/2021 | Flowers | 249.00 |
We the Pizza |
305 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200031148 |
12/08/2021 | Catering | 390.91 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
12/22/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.31 |
Apollo Artistry |
1165 N Clark St
Ste 700
Chicago, Illinois 606102821 |
12/16/2021 | Web Hosting | 100.00 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
10/27/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.67 |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, California 943041126 |
12/20/2021 | Office Supplies | 26.49 |
Hannah C. Quick |
876 Chester St
Birmingham, Michigan 480091943 |
10/13/2021 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 2735.47 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
12/05/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1351.44 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
11/03/2021 | Software | 152.64 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
12/26/2021 | Merchant Fees | 923.94 |
| |
915 S 500 E
Ste 200
American Fork, Utah 840033373 |
11/02/2021 | Merchant Fees | 40.00 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
10/04/2021 | Software | 25.15 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
11/26/2021 | Travel | 22.63 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
12/29/2021 | Merchant Fees | 2.15 |
JS Strategies |
3814 N Greenview Ave
Apt 2
Chicago, Illinois 606137048 |
10/20/2021 | Strategic Consulting Services | 5500.00 |
Paragon Solutions |
2141 E Broadway Rd
Ste 202
Tempe, Arizona 852821895 |
12/02/2021 | Merchant Fees | 64.67 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/15/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 2326.44 |
Trader Joe's |
750 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032199 |
12/07/2021 | Catering | 430.38 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
12/15/2021 | Software | 24.91 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
12/20/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
10/12/2021 | Travel | 46.22 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
10/17/2021 | Merchant Fees | 894.60 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
11/03/2021 | Merchant Fees | 19.95 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
11/01/2021 | Travel | 29.93 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
10/03/2021 | Merchant Fees | 323.88 |
| |
915 S 500 E
Ste 200
American Fork, Utah 840033373 |
10/04/2021 | Merchant Fees | 40.00 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/01/2021 | Payroll Fees | 186.86 |
Amalgamated Bank |
275 7th Ave
New York, New York 100016708 |
11/26/2021 | Bank Fees | 91.00 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
12/29/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.33 |
NGP VAN, Inc. |
1445 New York Ave NW
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158 |
12/03/2021 | Software | 3790.00 |
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. |
55 Almaden Blvd
Fl 6
San Jose, California 951131608 |
10/18/2021 | Software | 47.67 |
Mission Control |
624 Hebron Ave
Ste 200
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060335006 |
12/07/2021 | Printing - Campaign Materials | 2727.90 |
430 S Capitol St SE
Fl 2
Washington, DC 200034024 |
12/02/2021 | Catering | 24.82 |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351 |
12/15/2021 | Software | 152.64 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
12/20/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
10/10/2021 | Merchant Fees | 879.47 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/12/2021 | Travel | 214.20 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
11/08/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
12/03/2021 | Merchant Fees | 9.95 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/05/2021 | Travel | 458.40 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
10/04/2021 | Merchant Fees | 19.95 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
11/15/2021 | Payroll Fees | 123.28 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
11/30/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 2220.25 |
Hannah C. Quick |
876 Chester St
Birmingham, Michigan 480091943 |
10/04/2021 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 3594.87 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
11/28/2021 | Merchant Fees | 290.75 |
Public Storage |
5060 Coolidge Hwy
Royal Oak, Michigan 480731027 |
12/03/2021 | Storage Rental | 208.00 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
12/31/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.07 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
11/07/2021 | Merchant Fees | 553.80 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
10/13/2021 | Travel | 8.72 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
12/17/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
10/24/2021 | Merchant Fees | 896.77 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
11/08/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
NGP VAN, Inc. |
1445 New York Ave NW
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158 |
10/20/2021 | Software | 3790.00 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
12/31/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1738.12 |
NGP VAN, Inc. |
1445 New York Ave NW
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052158 |
11/03/2021 | Software | 3790.00 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/05/2021 | Travel | 458.40 |
Apollo Artistry |
1165 N Clark St
Ste 700
Chicago, Illinois 606102821 |
10/18/2021 | Web Hosting | 100.00 |
Break Something, Inc. |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Fl 7
Washington, DC 200055802 |
11/01/2021 | Digital Consulting | 5000.00 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
10/04/2021 | Merchant Fees | 9.95 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
11/15/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 2220.26 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
11/30/2021 | Payroll Fees | 123.28 |
Bienvenu Catering |
PO Box 21610
Washington, DC 200099610 |
10/04/2021 | Catering | 1695.00 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
11/24/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1.34 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
12/03/2021 | Merchant Fees | 19.95 |
Hertz |
8501 Williams Rd
Estero, Florida 339283325 |
10/13/2021 | Travel | 33.78 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/28/2021 | Payroll | 5046.13 |
Jeremy Levinson |
166 W Lincoln St
Apt 2E
Birmingham, Michigan 480091971 |
10/28/2021 | Salary | 2936.19 |
Natalie Jenkins |
1148 S Washington Ave
Apt 227
Royal Oak, Michigan 480673220 |
10/28/2021 | Salary | 2109.94 |
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. |
55 Almaden Blvd
Fl 6
San Jose, California 951131608 |
12/20/2021 | Software | 47.67 |
Katherine's Catering |
359 Metty Dr
Ste 2
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481038822 |
10/13/2021 | Catering | 262.35 |
United Airlines |
233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147 |
10/06/2021 | Travel | 58.40 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
10/20/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
Public Storage |
5060 Coolidge Hwy
Royal Oak, Michigan 480731027 |
11/03/2021 | Storage Rental | 208.00 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/04/2021 | Travel | 448.40 |
Break Something, Inc. |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Fl 7
Washington, DC 200055802 |
11/01/2021 | Digital Consulting | 5000.00 |
Public Storage |
5060 Coolidge Hwy
Royal Oak, Michigan 480731027 |
10/04/2021 | Storage Rental | 208.00 |
Key Acquisition Partners |
199 E Montgomery Ave
Ste 100
Rockville, Maryland 208502361 |
11/16/2021 | List Purchase | 835.00 |
Break Something, Inc. |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Fl 7
Washington, DC 200055802 |
12/01/2021 | Digital Consulting | 5000.00 |
Spiros Consulting |
1735 New Hampshire Ave NW
Apt 102
Washington, DC 200092556 |
10/04/2021 | Research Consulting | 4000.00 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
11/24/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.08 |
Members Dining Room |
Washington, DC 20004 |
12/03/2021 | Catering | 216.60 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
11/14/2021 | Merchant Fees | 774.39 |
American Graphics Printing Co. |
34895 Groesbeck Hwy
Clinton Township, Michigan 480353366 |
12/06/2021 | Printing - Campaign Materials | 1215.88 |
430 S Capitol St SE
Fl 2
Washington, DC 200034024 |
10/26/2021 | Catering & Venue | 100.60 |
Heathers Club |
900 Upper Scotsborough Way
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483043830 |
12/13/2021 | Facility Rental | 798.57 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
11/10/2021 | Travel | 61.52 |
HotelTonight |
901 Market St
Ste 310
San Francisco, California 941031752 |
10/13/2021 | Travel | 255.00 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
12/15/2021 | Payroll Taxes | 2220.26 |
Hertz |
8501 Williams Rd
Estero, Florida 339283325 |
10/06/2021 | Travel | 100.00 |
Strathdee Group |
PO Box 15096
Washington, DC 200030096 |
11/03/2021 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 7991.04 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/04/2021 | Travel | 448.40 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
10/25/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
Oracle America Inc. Political Action Co |
1015 15th St NW
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200052635 |
11/16/2021 | Facility Rental | 140.00 |
Paragon Solutions |
2141 E Broadway Rd
Ste 202
Tempe, Arizona 852821895 |
10/04/2021 | Merchant Fees | 406.65 |
Apollo Artistry |
1165 N Clark St
Ste 700
Chicago, Illinois 606102821 |
11/16/2021 | Web Hosting | 100.00 |
Amalgamated Bank |
275 7th Ave
New York, New York 100016708 |
10/29/2021 | Bank Fees | 135.50 |
Strathdee Group |
PO Box 15096
Washington, DC 200030096 |
12/01/2021 | Fundraising Consulting Services | 8375.60 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
11/24/2021 | Merchant Fees | 3.32 |
Break Something, Inc. |
1 Thomas Cir NW
Fl 7
Washington, DC 200055802 |
10/18/2021 | Digital Consulting | 31332.70 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
12/08/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.19 |
Haley Stevens |
3100 Hartung St
Rochester Hills, Michigan 483094017 |
10/29/2021 | Reimbursement - Event Sponsorship | 200.00 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
12/15/2021 | Payroll Fees | 123.28 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
11/21/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1175.61 |
Hertz |
8501 Williams Rd
Estero, Florida 339283325 |
10/06/2021 | Travel | 70.83 |
RWT Production LLC |
8932 Orange Hunt Ln
Annandale, Virginia 220034125 |
11/08/2021 | Printing - Campaign Materials | 4031.19 |
Paragon Solutions |
2141 E Broadway Rd
Ste 202
Tempe, Arizona 852821895 |
11/02/2021 | Merchant Fees | 94.48 |
Perkins Coie |
700 13th St NE
Ste 800
Washington, DC 200024438 |
10/05/2021 | Legal Consulting | 1650.70 |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, California 943041126 |
10/25/2021 | Office Supplies | 26.49 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
10/04/2021 | Travel | 54.94 |
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. |
55 Almaden Blvd
Fl 6
San Jose, California 951131608 |
11/18/2021 | Software | 47.67 |
Delta Airlines |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
10/29/2021 | Travel | 796.80 |
Heathers Club |
900 Upper Scotsborough Way
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483043830 |
12/01/2021 | Facility Rental | 500.00 |
Paychex |
29065 Cabot Dr
Ste 100
Novi, Michigan 483773034 |
10/14/2021 | Payroll | 5046.12 |
Natalie Jenkins |
1148 S Washington Ave
Apt 227
Royal Oak, Michigan 480673220 |
10/14/2021 | Salary | 2109.93 |
Jeremy Levinson |
166 W Lincoln St
Apt 2E
Birmingham, Michigan 480091971 |
10/14/2021 | Salary | 2936.19 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
11/17/2021 | Merchant Fees | 4.02 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355 |
10/15/2021 | Travel | 50.11 |
430 S Capitol St SE
Fl 2
Washington, DC 200034024 |
12/01/2021 | Catering | 54.85 |
ActBlue Technical Services |
366 Summer St
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132 |
12/12/2021 | Merchant Fees | 1374.74 |
The UPS Store |
33717 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, Michigan 480090913 |
12/22/2021 | Shipping | 11.60 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
2125 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200094464 |
11/03/2021 | Merchant Fees | 0.05 |
Jack Wright |
5255 Church Hill Dr
Troy, Michigan 480853421 |
12/05/2021 | Refund | 15.00 |
Nancy Rubin |
1120 Stone Canyon Rd
Los Angeles, California 900772918 |
11/07/2021 | Refund | 1500.00 |
Grace for New York |
PO Box 656555
Fresh Meadows, New York 113656555 |
10/06/2021 | Refund | 6000.00 |
Oakland County Democratic Party |
555 Horace Brown Dr
Ste 202
Madison Heights, Michigan 480711867 |
10/22/2021 | Event Sponsorship | 250.00 |
Oakland County Democratic Party |
555 Horace Brown Dr
Ste 202
Madison Heights, Michigan 480711867 |
11/08/2021 | Contribution | 1000.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 194295.92 |
Total Memo Amount | 25230.62 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 156 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 10 |