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Federal Election Commission


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Committee: BLACKPAC

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Jay Porter 1043 La Quinta Ct
Napa, California 945593522
Revere / CEO * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/08/2020 50.00 1150.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Patricia Koren 37 Ramona Ave
San Francisco, California 941032214
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/01/2020 50.00 300.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Mary R. Quinn 66 Southampton Ave
Berkeley, California 947072052
N/A / Retired
10/09/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Theresa Levinson 6 Harrington Ln
Weston, Massachusetts 024931355
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 10000.00 10000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 10000.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Green Advocacy Project 1467 Hamilton Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013125

10/02/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Barbara Burke 214 University Ave
Ithaca, New York 148503818
Self-Employed / Publisher * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/09/2020 50.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Stephanie Ellis-Smith 407 W Prospect St
Seattle, Washington 981193541
Phila Engaged Giving / Philanthropic Advisor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/08/2020 500.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 500.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Kevork Vorperian 13590 Herrick Ave
Sylmar, California 913421226
All for Health / Physician * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/05/2020 25.00 300.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 25.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Jennifer Levine 1587 27th Ave
San Francisco, California 941223227
San Francisco Unified School District / Teacher * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/05/2020 50.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Rob Tagiuri 67 Sparks St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382245
Charlesbridge Associates, Inc / Founder * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/07/2020 170.25 670.25
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 170.25 39128.96 LIMITS
America Votes 1155 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200364324

10/05/2020 3285000.00 4865000.00
Faryce Moore 1351 Dean St Fl 2
Brooklyn, New York 112163403
U.S. House of Representatives / Contract Coordinator * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/07/2020 25.00 340.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 25.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Melissa Bradshaw 8908 Battery Rd
Alexandria, Virginia 223082804
HJF Inc. / Program Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 50.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Alexander Pacheco 2140 Hyde St
San Francisco, California 941091704
IBEW Local 6 / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/11/2020 20.00 225.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 20.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Andrew Mcdonald 495 9th St Apt PH
Brooklyn, New York 112154133
BerlinRosen Ltd. / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/07/2020 500.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 500.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Scott Shenker 66 Southampton Ave
Berkeley, California 947072052
University of California, Berkeley / Professor
10/09/2020 50000.00 50000.00
Sharon Flynn 1321 Upland Dr # 3128
Houston, Texas 770434718
OceanaGold Corporation / Executive * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/09/2020 100.00 800.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 100.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Michael R. Bloomberg 909 3rd Ave
New York, New York 100224731
Bloomberg Inc. / Founder
10/09/2020 4070000.00 6320000.00
Joshua Hartshorne 33 Rogers St Apt 218
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021421520
Boston College / Professor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 45.45 272.71
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 45.45 39128.96 LIMITS
John D McClain 1010 Waltham St Apt 334
Lexington, Massachusetts 024218063
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/28/2020 500.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 500.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Francis Hubbard 5 North Rd
Berkeley Heights, New Jersey 079222300
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 100.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 100.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Daniel Spelce 2572 Howe St Santa C
Santa Cruz, California 950651903
Self-Employed / Educator * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 200.00 265.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 200.00 39128.96 LIMITS
John Racine 3 Jefferson St Apt 1
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021411063
Behavioral Concepts Innovation LLC / Behavior Analyst * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 5.00 270.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 5.00 39128.96 LIMITS
John Thoren 2106 31st Ave SE
Puyallup, Washington 983741455
Self-Employed / Computer Networking * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 25.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 25.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Camilla Rockefeller 220 Liberty St
San Francisco, California 941143023
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/29/2020 5000.00 5000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 5000.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Leonard Bell 59 Tumblebrook Rd
Woodbridge, Connecticut 065252533
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/10/2020 5000.00 20000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 5000.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Scott Simpson 422 Elm St NW
Washington, DC 200012329
Take Root Media / Editor * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/02/2020 500.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 500.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Faryce Moore 1351 Dean St Fl 2
Brooklyn, New York 112163403
U.S. House of Representatives / Contract Coordinator * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/02/2020 10.00 315.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 10.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Louise Gund 41 Plaza Dr
Berkeley, California 947052413
Self-Employed / Philanthropist
10/13/2020 400000.00 400000.00
John Racine 3 Jefferson St Apt 1
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021411063
Behavioral Concepts Innovation LLC / Behavior Analyst * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/08/2020 25.00 295.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 25.00 39128.96 LIMITS
David Sylvester 2601 24th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222074908
3rd Gen Law Group LLP / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 250.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 250.00 39128.96 LIMITS
John C Carrier 1146 Birch Ave Spc 86
Seaside, California 939554446
Information Requested / Information Requested
10/13/2020 400.00 400.00
Allan Bloom 201 Transylvania Ave
Raleigh, North Carolina 276096317
Self-Employed / Psychologist * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/04/2020 50.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Katina Ancar 681 55th St
Oakland, California 946091601
University of California / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/03/2020 250.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 250.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Leslie Mardenborough 256 Hamilton Ave
New Rochelle, New York 108012820
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/10/2020 100.00 1000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 100.00 39128.96 LIMITS
America Votes 1155 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200364324

10/14/2020 577000.00 5442000.00
Janice Rau 545 Raven Ave
Gaithersburg, Maryland 208773254
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
09/30/2020 25.00 630.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/01/2020 25.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Leonard Bell 59 Tumblebrook Rd
Woodbridge, Connecticut 065252533
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/01/2020 10000.00 15000.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 10000.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Sonjia Smith 815 Broomley Rd
Charlottesville, Virginia 229017821
Self-Employed / Philanthropist
10/06/2020 15000.00 15000.00
Joshua Jacobs 1392 Beacon St
Waban, Massachusetts 024681603
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Manager * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/08/2020 50.00 250.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 50.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Shari Behnke 3701 E Valley St
Seattle, Washington 981124351
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/06/2020 2500.00 2500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 2500.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Claire Silberman 360 Furman St Apt 1216
Brooklyn, New York 112014579
N/A / Retired * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/09/2020 500.00 500.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/13/2020 500.00 39128.96 LIMITS
William Reynolds 1404 K St SE Apt 2
Washington, DC 200033225
Civix Strategy Group / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution: See Below
10/01/2020 25.00 700.00
ActBlue PO Box 441146
West Somerville, Massachusetts 021440031
Conduit total listed in Agg. field Note: Above Contribution earmarked through this organization. MEMO
10/05/2020 25.00 39128.96 LIMITS
Doug Edwards 907 Manor Way
Los Altos, California 940245622
N/A / Retired
10/13/2020 10000.00 10000.00
Democracy PAC 700 13th St NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200055998

10/02/2020 500000.00 1500000.00
Unite The Country 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW Unit 4383
Washington, DC 200446556

10/02/2020 1000000.00 1633000.00
Communications Workers of America-COPE 501 3rd St NW
Washington, DC 200012760

10/08/2020 10000.00 10000.00
LCV Victory Fund 740 15th St NW Fl 7
Washington, DC 200051048

10/13/2020 400000.00 950000.00
BlackPAC and EMILY's List Women Vote! J 1800 M St NW Ste 375N
Washington, DC 200365862

10/09/2020 135000.00 135000.00
Amy Goldman Fowler 164 Mountain View Rd
Rhinebeck, New York 125722820
Sol Goldman Investments / Author MEMO
09/15/2020 125000.00 125000.00 LIMITS
Edith Cofrin 1074 Berkshire Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303063002
Self-Employed / Investor MEMO
09/15/2020 1000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Edith Allen 53 Richfield Rd
Arlington, Massachusetts 024742924
N/A / Retired MEMO
09/03/2020 15000.00 15000.00 LIMITS
Edith Cofrin 1074 Berkshire Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303063002
Self-Employed / Investor MEMO
08/18/2020 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Priorities USA Action 1030 15th St NW Ste 950 West
Washington, DC 200051503
Refund of Independent Expenditure Expense
10/08/2020 395000.00 952000.00
Priorities USA Action 1030 15th St NW Ste 950 West
Washington, DC 200051503
Refund of Independent Expenditure Expense
10/01/2020 375000.00 557000.00
Priorities USA Action 1030 15th St NW Ste 950 West
Washington, DC 200051503
Refund of Independent Expenditure Expense
10/09/2020 798857.00 1750857.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $12158007.7
Total Memo Amount $178750.7
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 52
Number of Transactions (Memo) 38

Generated Tue Feb 18 20:50:56 2025