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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

01/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 0.11

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

01/10/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 84.25

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

01/17/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 99.56

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

01/24/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 83.49

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

01/31/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 77.76

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

02/07/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 60.40

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

02/14/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 83.86

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

02/21/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 85.39

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

02/28/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 54.31

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

03/06/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 206.93

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

03/13/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 147.65

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

03/20/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 164.11

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

03/27/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 113.54

ActBlue Technical Services 366 Summer St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443132

03/31/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 134.61

Artcraft Press, Inc. 210 S Seward Ave
Auburn, New York 130214222

01/28/2016 Printing 154.40

Capitol Compliance Associates, Inc. 918 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032140

01/04/2016 Compliance Services 2000.00

Capitol Compliance Associates, Inc. 918 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032140

02/01/2016 Compliance Services 2500.00

Capitol Compliance Associates, Inc. 918 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032140

02/29/2016 Compliance Services 2500.00

Capitol Compliance Associates, Inc. 918 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032140

02/29/2016 Reimburse Expenses, Below if itemized 16.19

Congressional Progressive Caucus 2263 Rayburn Hob
Washington, DC 205150506

01/25/2016 Meeting Registration Fee 275.00

New York, New York 102761452

01/28/2016 Email List at Fair Market Value 2700.00

John C. Estabrook 7 Wood St
Auburn, New York 130214657

03/04/2016 Photography Services 360.00

Excellus Health Plan PO Box 5266
Binghamton, New York 139025266

01/04/2016 Health Insurance 360.09

Excellus Health Plan PO Box 5266
Binghamton, New York 139025266

02/04/2016 Health Insurance 720.18

Excellus Health Plan PO Box 5266
Binghamton, New York 139025266

02/26/2016 Health Insurance 720.18

Excellus Health Plan PO Box 5266
Binghamton, New York 139025266

03/25/2016 Health Insurance 720.18

Facebook, Inc. 1 Hacker Way
Sacramento, California 942050001

02/01/2016 Online Services 195.52

Facebook, Inc. 1 Hacker Way
Sacramento, California 942050001

02/01/2016 Online Services 4.48

Facebook, Inc. 1 Hacker Way
Sacramento, California 942050001

03/01/2016 Online Services 7.07

Eric R. Kingson 4602 Watergap
Manlius, New York 131049327

03/25/2016 Office Supplies 151.24

Michelle Martinez 8133 Golden Sands Dr
Orlando, Florida 328196914

01/07/2016 Fundraising Consulting Services 2150.00

Michelle Martinez 8133 Golden Sands Dr
Orlando, Florida 328196914

02/01/2016 Fundraising Consulting Services 6000.00

Michelle Martinez 8133 Golden Sands Dr
Orlando, Florida 328196914

02/12/2016 Fundraising Consulting Services 1875.00

Michelle Martinez 8133 Golden Sands Dr
Orlando, Florida 328196914

02/29/2016 Fundraising Consulting Services 750.00

Michelle Martinez 8133 Golden Sands Dr
Orlando, Florida 328196914

03/21/2016 Fundraising Consulting Services 1125.00

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

02/22/2016 Software 1650.00

Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

01/07/2016 Reimburse Expenses, Below if itemized 514.38

Enterprise Rent A Car 2730 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 200013817

01/07/2016 Travel 514.38
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

01/15/2016 Payroll 5459.40

Elizabeth Gerace 8 Elm Hill Way
Camillus, New York 130311610

01/15/2016 Payroll 1267.56
Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

01/15/2016 Payroll 2991.84
Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

01/15/2016 Payroll 1200.00
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

01/15/2016 Payroll Taxes 2643.63

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

01/15/2016 Payroll Service Fee 101.14

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

01/29/2016 Payroll 3356.48

Elizabeth Gerace 8 Elm Hill Way
Camillus, New York 130311610

01/29/2016 Payroll 1267.56
Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

01/29/2016 Payroll 2088.92
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

01/29/2016 Payroll Taxes 1858.29

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

01/29/2016 Payroll Fee 81.61

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

02/12/2016 Payroll 4016.57

Elizabeth Gerace 8 Elm Hill Way
Camillus, New York 130311610

02/12/2016 Payroll 1267.56
Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

02/12/2016 Payroll 2149.01
Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

02/12/2016 Payroll 600.00
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

02/12/2016 Payroll Taxes 1843.29

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

02/12/2016 Payroll Service Fee 81.12

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

02/29/2016 Payroll 4016.57

Elizabeth Gerace 8 Elm Hill Way
Camillus, New York 130311610

02/29/2016 Payroll 1267.56
Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

02/29/2016 Payroll 2149.01
Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

02/29/2016 Payroll 600.00
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

02/29/2016 Payroll Service Fee 81.61

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

02/29/2016 Payroll Taxes 1728.49

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

03/15/2016 Payroll 4616.57

Elizabeth Gerace 8 Elm Hill Way
Camillus, New York 130311610

03/15/2016 Payroll 1267.56
Greg C. Guevara 8336 Weedsport Sennett Rd
Weedsport, New York 131669761

03/15/2016 Payroll 600.00
Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

03/15/2016 Payroll 2149.01
Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

03/15/2016 Payroll 600.00
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

03/15/2016 Payroll Taxes 1711.29

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

03/15/2016 Payroll Service Fee 80.14

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

03/31/2016 Payroll 3618.19

Elizabeth Gerace 8 Elm Hill Way
Camillus, New York 130311610

03/31/2016 Payroll 869.18
Greg C. Guevara 8336 Weedsport Sennett Rd
Weedsport, New York 131669761

03/31/2016 Payroll 600.00
Monica L.C. Owens 215 Ridgecrest Rd
Syracuse, New York 132141539

03/31/2016 Payroll 2149.01
Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

03/31/2016 Payroll 600.00
Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

03/31/2016 Voided - See Corrected Reissue Same Day -600.00
Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

03/31/2016 Payroll Taxes 1475.21

Paychex, Inc. 215 Greenfield Pkwy Ste 100
Liverpool, New York 130886670

03/31/2016 Payroll Service Fee 80.36

Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

02/22/2016 Reimburse Expenses, Below if itemized 107.99

Brian Quinlan 514 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, New York 132102061

03/31/2016 Payroll - Reissued Check 525.00

Sandler, Reiff, Lamb, Rosenstein & Birk 1025 Vermont Ave NW Ste 300
Washington, DC 200056302

01/04/2016 Legal Services 2000.00

Sandler, Reiff, Lamb, Rosenstein & Birk 1025 Vermont Ave NW Ste 300
Washington, DC 200056302

03/28/2016 Legal Services 3000.00

The Pastorum Group 1111 Fairmont St NW
Washington, DC 200095319

02/01/2016 Communications Consulting Services 3000.00

The Pastorum Group 1111 Fairmont St NW
Washington, DC 200095319

02/01/2016 Communications Consulting Services 3000.00

The Pastorum Group 1111 Fairmont St NW
Washington, DC 200095319

03/28/2016 Communications Consulting Services 3000.00

United Airlines 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

01/25/2016 Travel 352.20

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 80680.03
Total Memo Amount 25598.16
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 63
Number of Transactions (Memo) 21

Generated Fri Feb 7 12:49:53 2025