Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
4th & Pine Development Group, LLC PO Box 4
Jamestown, New York 147020004

01/28/2016 Office Rent 525.00

4th & Pine Development Group, LLC PO Box 4
Jamestown, New York 147020004

03/01/2016 Office Rent 525.00

4th & Pine Group, LLC 9-11 East Fourth Street
Jamestown, New York 14701

01/04/2016 Office Rent 1050.00

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 25.28

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

01/06/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 649.54

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

01/07/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 11.68

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

01/14/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 15.06

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

01/26/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 78.51

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

01/29/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 25.64

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

02/05/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 414.46

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

02/11/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 18.66

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

02/22/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 85.48

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

02/25/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 77.01

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

03/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 378.75

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

03/10/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 264.28

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

03/17/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 61.46

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

03/24/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 245.95

ActBlue Technical Services 14 Arrow St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106

03/31/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 179.20

Sean Auyash 307 Fairmount Ave
Ithaca, New York 148504815

02/26/2016 Reimbursement (vendors that aggregate ov 97.20

Office Max 318 E Fairmount Ave
Lakewood, New York 147502013

02/26/2016 Office Supplies 97.20
Greysen Carlson 432 NE Thornberry Pl
Lees Summit, Missouri 640641664

02/19/2016 Mileage Reimbursement 720.48

Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

02/25/2016 Reimbursement (vendors that aggregate ov 156.05

Priceline Hotels 800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, Connecticut 06854

02/25/2016 Travel 96.05
Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

02/26/2016 Office Supplies 86.34

Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

03/31/2016 Office Supplies 424.05

Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

03/31/2016 Event Supplies 99.91

Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

03/31/2016 Postage 23.95

Nathan Doherty 5803 33rd Ave
Hyattsville, Maryland 207823142

02/02/2016 Reimbursement (vendors that aggregate ov 319.93

Quality Inn Denver 200 W 48th Ave
Denver, Colorado 802161802

02/02/2016 Travel 319.93
First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 443.65

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 338.40

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 168.95

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 97.60

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 13.49

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

01/04/2016 Credit Card Processing Fees 10.30

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

02/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 373.35

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

02/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 185.74

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

02/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 133.65

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

02/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 74.51

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

02/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 2.17

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

03/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 199.37

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

03/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 178.14

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

03/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 14.85

First Data 5565 Glenridge Connector NE Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651

03/03/2016 Credit Card Processing Fee 0.55

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

01/04/2016 Email Services 35.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

02/02/2016 Email Services 35.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/03/2016 Email Services 35.00

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/07/2016 Website Services 12.69

Gumbinner & Davies 2001 S St NW Ste 301
Washington, DC 200091164

02/11/2016 Printing of Campaign Materials 220.00

Holiday Inn Elmira-Rivervie 760 E Water St
Elmira, New York 149013317

01/19/2016 Travel 105.23

Holiday Inn Elmira-Rivervie 760 E Water St
Elmira, New York 149013317

03/14/2016 Travel 142.60

Holiday Inn Elmira-Rivervie 760 E Water St
Elmira, New York 149013317

03/17/2016 Meals 25.00

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

02/16/2016 Travel 23.37

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/10/2016 Travel 28.58

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/14/2016 Travel 24.25

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/15/2016 Travel 20.08

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/16/2016 Travel 24.98

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/21/2016 Travel 25.05

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/21/2016 Travel 15.14

Kwik Fill 342 Forest Ave
Jamestown, New York 147017906

03/21/2016 Travel 30.04

Midstate Printing Group, LLC 1 Bank St Ste 401
Stamford, Connecticut 069013074

01/26/2016 Printing of Campaign Materials 1378.00

Midstate Printing Group, LLC 1 Bank St Ste 401
Stamford, Connecticut 069013074

02/26/2016 Printing of Campaign Materials 2245.00

New Blue Interactive, LLC 1146 19th St NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363703

01/01/2016 Consultant - Digital Media 2500.00

New Blue Interactive, LLC 1146 19th St NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363703

01/14/2016 Consultant - Digital Media 3500.00

New Blue Interactive, LLC 1146 19th St NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363703

01/27/2016 Consultant - Digital Media 2500.00

New Blue Interactive, LLC 1146 19th St NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363703

01/27/2016 Consultant - Digital Media 10000.00

New Blue Interactive, LLC 1146 19th St NW Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363703

02/11/2016 Consultant - Digital Media 2500.00

New York State Democratic Commttee 420 Lexington Ave Rm 845
New York, New York 101700038

01/28/2016 Voter File Access 6500.00

Next Level Partners, LLC 410 1st St SE Ste 310
Washington, DC 200031819

01/06/2016 Consultant - Compliance 1750.00

Next Level Partners, LLC 410 1st St SE Ste 310
Washington, DC 200031819

01/06/2016 Consultant - Compliance 2250.00

Next Level Partners, LLC 410 1st St SE Ste 310
Washington, DC 200031819

02/12/2016 Consultant - Compliance 2250.00

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

01/01/2016 Software 2250.00

Office Max 318 E Fairmount Ave
Lakewood, New York 147502013

02/08/2016 Office Supplies 152.28

Office Max 318 E Fairmount Ave
Lakewood, New York 147502013

03/07/2016 Office Supplies 177.10

Office Max 318 E Fairmount Ave
Lakewood, New York 147502013

03/10/2016 Office Supplies 57.45

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/05/2016 Payroll - Invoice 63.25

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/05/2016 Payroll - Taxes 5202.97

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/05/2016 Payroll 9293.27

Greysen Carlson 432 NE Thornberry Pl
Lees Summit, Missouri 640641664

01/05/2016 Payroll 2664.15
Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

01/05/2016 Payroll 4784.72
Nathan Doherty 5803 33rd Ave
Hyattsville, Maryland 207823142

01/05/2016 Payroll 1844.40
Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

01/29/2016 Payroll 9293.27

Greysen Carlson 432 NE Thornberry Pl
Lees Summit, Missouri 640641664

01/29/2016 Payroll 2664.15
Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

01/29/2016 Payroll 4784.72
Nathan Doherty 5803 33rd Ave
Hyattsville, Maryland 207823142

01/29/2016 Payroll 1844.40
Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/01/2016 Payroll - Taxes 5083.14

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/01/2016 Payroll - Invoice 173.75

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/16/2016 Payroll - Taxes 98.48

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

02/29/2016 Payroll 11453.65

Sean Auyash 307 Fairmount Ave
Ithaca, New York 148504815

02/29/2016 Payroll 2160.38
Greysen Carlson 432 NE Thornberry Pl
Lees Summit, Missouri 640641664

02/29/2016 Payroll 2664.15
Brian Cordova 1700 State St Apt 105
Jamestown, New York 14701

02/29/2016 Payroll 4784.72
Nathan Doherty 5803 33rd Ave
Hyattsville, Maryland 207823142

02/29/2016 Payroll 1844.40
Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

03/01/2016 Payroll - Taxes 6248.47

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

03/01/2016 Payroll - Invoice 63.25

Paychex 911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311

03/10/2016 Payroll - Invoice 54.00

Priceline Hotels 800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, Connecticut 06854

03/16/2016 Travel 100.33

Priceline Hotels 800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, Connecticut 06854

03/16/2016 Travel 60.21

Prism Communications 1000 Potomac St NW Ste 420
Washington, DC 200073545

01/01/2016 Consultant - Media 4831.77

Candy Sargent 851 Mill Rd
Jamestown, New York 147019548

01/01/2016 Rent 585.00

Candy Sargent 851 Mill Rd
Jamestown, New York 147019548

02/12/2016 Rent 585.00

Candy Sargent 851 Mill Rd
Jamestown, New York 147019548

03/01/2016 Rent 585.00

Spiros Consulting 1735 New Hampshire Ave NW Apt 102
Washington, DC 200092556

01/01/2016 Consultant - Survey Research 2500.00

United States Postal Service (USPS) 2 W Fairmount Ave
Lakewood, New York 147509998

01/26/2016 Shipping 196.00

United States Postal Service (USPS) 2 W Fairmount Ave
Lakewood, New York 147509998

03/07/2016 Shipping 91.78

Verizon Wireless 1 Verizon Way
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 079201025

01/13/2016 Telephone Service 37.80

Verizon Wireless 1 Verizon Way
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 079201025

02/16/2016 Telephone Service 37.80

Verizon Wireless 1 Verizon Way
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 079201025

03/14/2016 Telephone Service 37.80

Windstream PO Box 9001908
Louisville, Kentucky 402901908

01/21/2016 Telephone Services 111.40

Windstream PO Box 9001908
Louisville, Kentucky 402901908

03/09/2016 Telephone Services 103.89

Patricia Greenwald 875 Park Ave Apt 9C
New York, New York 100750382

02/05/2016 Contribution Refund 250.00

Bruce S. Hudson 114 Miles Ave
Syracuse, New York 132103116

03/10/2016 Contribution Refund 600.00

Bruce S. Hudson 114 Miles Ave
Syracuse, New York 132103116

03/10/2016 Contribution Refund 400.00

Arthur F. Kuckes 114 E Court St
Ithaca, New York 148504211

01/28/2016 Contribution Refund 600.00

Marcia Weber 138 W Hill Ter
Painted Post, New York 148701002

03/17/2016 Contribution Refund 99.00

Marcia Weber 138 W Hill Ter
Painted Post, New York 148701002

03/17/2016 Contribution Refund 10.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 108531.85
Total Memo Amount 30553.37
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 109
Number of Transactions (Memo) 13

Generated Thu Feb 6 10:44:24 2025