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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 29


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
Perkins Coie LLP 1201 3rd Ave Ste 4900
Seattle, Washington 981013095

02/12/2016 Legal Services: Non-Contribution Account 15000.00

Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 24.56

Connor Shaw 244 12th St SE Apt A
Washington, DC 200031486

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1281.76

Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1451.77

Margaret Ann Morgan 1300 13th St NW Apt 703
Washington, DC 200054477

03/08/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 16.25

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/08/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 10.66
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/08/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 5.59
DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority 1225 I St NW Ste 400
Washington, DC 200055958

01/26/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 7476.32

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

01/12/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 5554.99

Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

01/12/2016 Email Services: Non-Contribution Account 420.00
Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 521.96
Peer Choice Awards, LLC 3975 University Dr Ste 200
Fairfax, Virginia 220302520

01/12/2016 Award Entry Fee: Non-Contribution Accoun 255.00
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

01/12/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Rising Tide 1250 H St NW Ste 400
Washington, DC 200055903

01/12/2016 List Aquisition: Non-Contribution Accoun 500.00
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 57.06
Microsoft 205 108th Ave NE Ste 400
Bellevue, Washington 980045770

01/12/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 253.80
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 25.00
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 990.20
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

01/12/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
JetBlue 2701 Queens Plz N
Long Island City, New York 111014021

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 91.10
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 173.10
Best Buy 3100 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200102415

01/12/2016 Computer: Non-Contribution Account 1216.11
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 466.20
Amazon 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

01/12/2016 Equipment: Non-Contribution Account 52.95
Media Matters For America 455 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200012774

03/15/2016 Rent: Non-Contribution Account 6741.50

James McClure 5410 Connecticut Ave NW Apt 609
Washington, DC 200152835

02/08/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1789.71

MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1452.48

Media Matters For America 455 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200012774

03/08/2016 Rent: Non-Contribution Account 6741.50

CQ Roll Call 77 K St NE Fl 8
Washington, DC 200024681

03/08/2016 Subscription: Non-Contribution Account 6477.18

Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1372.53

LexisNexis PO Box 72477090
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191700001

03/08/2016 Subscription: Non-Contribution Account 2109.71

VOYA PO Box 990063
Hartford, Connecticut 061990063

01/08/2016 Retirement Contribution: Non-Contributio 3595.83

Group Benefit Service PO Box 64802
Baltimore, Maryland 212644802

03/01/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 1092.21

MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

03/29/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 76.25

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/26/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 14.78
VOYA PO Box 990063
Hartford, Connecticut 061990063

02/25/2016 Retirement Contribution: Non-Contributio 3709.54

Media Matters For America 455 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200012774

02/12/2016 Rent: Non-Contribution Account 6741.50

Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

03/29/2016 Payroll: Non-Contribution Account 95126.37

Philip J. Shelly 398 Knollcrest Dr
Galesburg, Illinois 614011112

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1153.12
Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1462.81
Karen Smith-Murphy 3101 Edgewood Rd
Kensington, Maryland 208952746

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1646.66
Michael Schub 2400 16th St NW Apt 122
Washington, DC 200096607

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 428.60
Samuel F. Ritzman 2201 L St NW Apt 518
Washington, DC 200371412

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3819.91
Joseph R. Wiley 719 Euclid St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200012200

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1491.15
Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1726.12
Susan E. Madrak 4343 E Thompson St Apt 2
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191371628

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1725.18
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/29/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1422.43
Justin Price 52 Castle Cary Ct
Columbia, South Carolina 292094624

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1215.57
Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1563.81
Elizabeth Price 220 12th Pl NE
Washington, DC 200026302

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2252.13
Elliot Fink 1036 Paper Mill Ct NW
Washington, DC 200073619

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 377.01
Connor Shaw 244 12th St SE Apt A
Washington, DC 200031486

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1281.75
Joshua Dolin 2112 O St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200371014

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1662.93
Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1242.01
Daphne Zhang 211 Morgan St NW Apt A
Washington, DC 200011295

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1757.10
Benjamin Fischbein 1350 Florida Ave NW Apt 303
Washington, DC 200096024

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2621.27
Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1304.14
Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 6502.05
Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1171.44
Elizabeth S. Shappell 1718 P St NW Apt 213
Washington, DC 200361311

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2907.83
Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1451.77
David Brock 2310 California St NW
Washington, DC 200081637

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 4521.56
Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1467.74
Sean England 334 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025712

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1351.84
Shawn C. Drury 1 Canterbury Sq Apt 201
Alexandria, Virginia 223043073

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1567.25
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

03/29/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 161.27
MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1452.47
Amanda Taylor 1825 Florida Ave NW Apt 21
Washington, DC 200091745

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2177.23
Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1372.53
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

03/29/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 34179.31
Caryn Lenhoff 1747 Church St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200361334

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1475.38
Daniel J. Shelton 122 Bates St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011114

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 413.33
Margaret Ann Morgan 1300 13th St NW Apt 703
Washington, DC 200054477

03/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1541.77
Lauren Green 1400 E West Hwy Apt 919
Silver Spring, Maryland 209103260

03/29/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1257.90
Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 6502.05

VOYA PO Box 990063
Hartford, Connecticut 061990063

03/10/2016 Retirement Contribution: Non-Contributio 3872.52

Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

02/12/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 572.01

Embassy Suites Hotel 5055 International Blvd
North Charleston, South Carolina 294185963

01/15/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 508.40
Wild Onion Media 217 Camaro Way
San Marcos, Texas 786663035

02/11/2016 Video Consulting and Travel Expenses: No 8217.34

MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 292.71

United Airlines, Inc. 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 200.00
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 10.51
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 15.28
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 16.93
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 10.80
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 15.91
West Wing Writers 1150 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200364138

03/09/2016 Communications Consulting: Non-Contribut 17000.00

MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

02/23/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 56.09

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/15/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 29.14
David Brock 2310 California St NW
Washington, DC 200081637

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 4521.56

Granholm Mulhern Associates 21 Chelsea Ct
Oakland, California 946112416

01/05/2016 Communications Consulting: Non-Contribut 15000.00

Katherine Paris 15830 S Park Blvd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441201671

03/17/2016 Strategic Consulting: Non-Contribution A 2700.00

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

02/18/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 4641.90

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 200.00
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 498.20
Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

02/08/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 236.98
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

02/01/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 174.15
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 487.20
Hotels.com 5400 LBJ Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

02/07/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 31.00
Expedia, Inc. 333 108th Ave NE
Bellevue, Washington 980045703

02/05/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 344.50
Qdoba 7244 W Bonfils Ln
Lakewood, Colorado 802263487

02/03/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 327.38
Hotels.com 5400 LBJ Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

02/07/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 432.20
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

02/01/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

01/30/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
We the Pizza 305 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200031148

02/06/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 211.15
We the Pizza 305 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200031148

02/01/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 158.75
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 498.20
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

02/02/2016 Email Services: Non-Contribution Account 420.00
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/15/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 58.23

Boston Logan International Airport 1 Harborside Dr
Boston, Massachusetts 021282907

03/15/2016 Parking: Non-Contribution Account 44.00
West Wing Writers 1150 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200364138

03/09/2016 Communications Consulting: Non-Contribut 47000.00

Samuel F. Ritzman 2201 L St NW Apt 518
Washington, DC 200371412

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3819.90

Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

03/22/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 33.67

Central Parking System 720 Olive St Ste 1650
Saint Louis, Missouri 631012329

01/26/2016 Parking: Non-Contribution Account 180.00

Adrienne Watson 440 K St NW Apt 714
Washington, DC 200012890

02/11/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 749.36

Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

01/18/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 260.98
Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

01/08/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 260.98
Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

03/15/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 66.65

Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/14/2016 Payroll: Non-Contribution Account 76091.16

Caryn Lenhoff 1747 Church St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200361334

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1471.04
Michael Schub 2400 16th St NW Apt 122
Washington, DC 200096607

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1387.85
Sean England 334 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025712

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1099.64
Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1127.04
Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1246.20
Joshua Dolin 2112 O St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200371014

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1605.18
Philip Shulman 615 Park St Apt 611
Des Moines, Iowa 503091639

01/14/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1482.24
Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 6484.68
Benjamin Fischbein 1350 Florida Ave NW Apt 303
Washington, DC 200096024

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2603.17
Daniel J. Shelton 122 Bates St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011114

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 413.33
MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1446.39
Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1302.95
Mary K. Jennings 1668 Beekman Pl NW Apt C
Washington, DC 200096540

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1903.97
Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1712.69
Elliot Fink 1036 Paper Mill Ct NW
Washington, DC 200073619

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 353.50
Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1461.86
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/14/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 111.68
Samuel F. Ritzman 2201 L St NW Apt 518
Washington, DC 200371412

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3802.17
Connor Shaw 244 12th St SE Apt A
Washington, DC 200031486

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1281.75
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1436.95
David Brock 2310 California St NW
Washington, DC 200081637

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 4503.83
Joseph R. Wiley 719 Euclid St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200012200

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1485.87
Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1556.80
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/14/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 28568.24
Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1056.07
Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1366.42
Adrienne Watson 440 K St NW Apt 714
Washington, DC 200012890

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2665.36
Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

01/14/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1154.29
Wild Onion Media 217 Camaro Way
San Marcos, Texas 786663035

03/01/2016 Video Consulting: Non-Contribution Accou 7000.00

Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1726.11

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Au 600 5th St NW
Washington, DC 200012610

02/17/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 1030.00

Blue State Digital 406 7th St NW Fl 3
Washington, DC 200042260

03/15/2016 Digital Software: Non-Contribution Accou 581.63

DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority 1225 I St NW Ste 400
Washington, DC 200055958

03/15/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 4456.75

Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

03/22/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 43.48

Luca Strategy Group, LLC 3007 19th St S
Arlington, Virginia 222045265

03/31/2016 Operations Consulting: Non-Contribution 30000.00

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

03/15/2016 Management Consulting: Non-Contribution 19092.42

VOYA PO Box 990063
Hartford, Connecticut 061990063

02/02/2016 Retirement Contribution: Non-Contributio 3939.84

Dewey Square Group PO Box 60340
Charlotte, North Carolina 282600340

02/12/2016 Video Consulting and Travel Expenses: No 10053.59

Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1467.74

Dewey Square Group PO Box 60340
Charlotte, North Carolina 282600340

03/01/2016 Video Consulting and Travel Expenses: No 10020.01

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

02/12/2016 Management Consulting: Non-Contribution 19092.42

Blue State Digital 406 7th St NW Fl 3
Washington, DC 200042260

02/11/2016 Digital Software: Non-Contribution Accou 583.21

Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1563.80

MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

03/22/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 29.05

DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority 1225 I St NW Ste 400
Washington, DC 200055958

02/23/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 1960.62

Benjamin Fischbein 1350 Florida Ave NW Apt 303
Washington, DC 200096024

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2621.25

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

01/05/2016 Database Software: Non-Contribution Acco 594.00

Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

02/23/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 32.00

Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

03/15/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 37.17

Bonner Group 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012783

01/15/2016 Fundraising Consulting: Non-Contribution 30000.00

Bonner Group 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012783

03/29/2016 Fundraising Consulting: Non-Contribution 4491.68

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

02/11/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 8101.08

Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/23/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 76.98
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

01/22/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 70.95
Livestream 195 Morgan Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112371000

02/11/2016 Subscription: Non-Contribution Account 399.00
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/25/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 98.19
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

01/15/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Qdoba 7244 W Bonfils Ln
Lakewood, Colorado 802263487

01/13/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 322.48
Thinkstock, LLC 501 N College St
Charlotte, North Carolina 282022213

01/27/2016 Graphics Services: Non-Contribution Acco 197.96
Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

01/24/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 1106.96
UPS 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012621

01/27/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 382.39
WiseGuys Pizza 300 Massachusetts Ave NW # 1
Washington, DC 200012640

01/28/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 257.30
UPS 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012621

01/26/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 210.45
American Association of Political Consu 8400 Westpark Dr Ste 2
McLean, Virginia 221023522

01/22/2016 Award Entry Fee: Non-Contribution Accoun 450.00
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

01/22/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 83.85
ZippityPrint.com 1600 E 23rd St
Cleveland, Ohio 441144208

01/21/2016 Printing: Non-Contribution Account 809.27
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/28/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 75.59
Microsoft 205 108th Ave NE Ste 400
Bellevue, Washington 980045770

01/25/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 253.80
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

01/22/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 6.45
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/13/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 6.21
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/14/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 5.40
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/17/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 50.58
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/13/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 5.40
Vonage PO Box 392415
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152519415

01/16/2016 Telephone: Non-Contribution Account 619.86
UPS 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012621

01/26/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 36.60
JetBlue 2701 Queens Plz N
Long Island City, New York 111014021

01/13/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 480.00
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

01/25/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 6.45
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

01/17/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 843.70
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/28/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 79.10
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

01/12/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 633.70
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

01/15/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

01/22/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 105.88
West Wing Writers 1150 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200364138

03/09/2016 Communications Consultant and Transcript 17845.00

Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1189.37

Justin Price 52 Castle Cary Ct
Columbia, South Carolina 292094624

03/29/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 374.43

Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/29/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 179.94
Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 105.43

Media Matters For America 455 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200012774

01/26/2016 Office Supplies: Non-Contribution Accoun 1380.00

MBA Consulting Group 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 143
Washington, DC 200034303

02/11/2016 Compliance & Accounting Services: Non-Co 5136.75

Sean England 334 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025712

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1351.84

Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

03/15/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 26.11

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/15/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 16.38
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/15/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 9.73
Franklin Forum 455 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200012774

03/11/2016 Contribution: Non-Contribution Account 100000.00

Michael Schub 2400 16th St NW Apt 122
Washington, DC 200096607

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1389.77

Perkins Coie LLP 1201 3rd Ave Ste 4900
Seattle, Washington 981013095

03/01/2016 Legal Services and Travel: Non-Contribut 15011.72

Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/28/2016 Payroll: Non-Contribution Account 80397.44

Philip Shulman 615 Park St Apt 611
Des Moines, Iowa 503091639

01/28/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 2269.59
Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1467.74
Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1246.45
Connor Shaw 244 12th St SE Apt A
Washington, DC 200031486

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1281.75
Elliot Fink 1036 Paper Mill Ct NW
Washington, DC 200073619

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 353.99
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

01/28/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1537.87
Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1726.12
MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1452.48
Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1462.81
Adrienne Watson 440 K St NW Apt 714
Washington, DC 200012890

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2954.58
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/28/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 29497.17
Daniel J. Shelton 122 Bates St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011114

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 413.33
Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1451.77
Caryn Lenhoff 1747 Church St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200361334

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1475.38
David Brock 2310 California St NW
Washington, DC 200081637

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 4521.55
Joseph R. Wiley 719 Euclid St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200012200

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1491.16
Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1127.04
Michael Schub 2400 16th St NW Apt 122
Washington, DC 200096607

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1389.76
Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1056.08
Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1372.54
Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 6502.06
Joshua Dolin 2112 O St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200371014

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1614.72
Sean England 334 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025712

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1351.84
Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1563.80
Samuel F. Ritzman 2201 L St NW Apt 518
Washington, DC 200371412

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3819.91
Benjamin Fischbein 1350 Florida Ave NW Apt 303
Washington, DC 200096024

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2621.27
Mary K. Jennings 1668 Beekman Pl NW Apt C
Washington, DC 200096540

01/28/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3263.02
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/28/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 111.66
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

02/11/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1480.52

Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

02/17/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 28757.76

Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

02/17/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 111.68
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

02/17/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 28646.08
Central Parking System 720 Olive St Ste 1650
Saint Louis, Missouri 631012329

03/22/2016 Parking: Non-Contribution Account 360.00

Quick Messenger Service 4829 Fairmont Ave Ste B
Bethesda, Maryland 208146097

02/11/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 315.74

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

03/22/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 2146.18

Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/22/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 55.07
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

03/22/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 876.20
Peer Choice Awards 3975 University Dr Ste 200
Fairfax, Virginia 220302520

03/22/2016 Office Supplies: Non-Contribution Accoun 597.00
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

03/22/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Google 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, California 940431351

03/22/2016 Email Services: Non-Contribution Account 427.23
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

03/22/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

02/23/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 20.07

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/19/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 8.32
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/13/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 11.75
Dewey Square Group PO Box 60340
Charlotte, North Carolina 282600340

03/22/2016 Video Consulting and Travel Expenses: No 10260.77

VOYA PO Box 990063
Hartford, Connecticut 061990063

01/25/2016 Retirement Contribution: Non-Contributio 3682.49

Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

02/11/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 28.21

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/29/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 10.05
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 6.41
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 6.86
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Au 600 5th St NW
Washington, DC 200012610

03/18/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 1270.00

LexisNexis PO Box 72477090
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191700001

02/12/2016 Subscription: Non-Contribution Account 2109.71

Lauren Green 1400 E West Hwy Apt 919
Silver Spring, Maryland 209103260

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 261.54

Budget 141 Industrial Park Rd
Greer, South Carolina 296516628

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 216.03
MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

02/11/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 55.88

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/26/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 42.02
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/27/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 13.86
Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

02/11/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 111.46

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

01/05/2016 Management Consulting: Non-Contribution 19092.42

West Wing Writers 1150 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200364138

03/09/2016 Communications Consulting: Non-Contribut 27000.00

Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

01/12/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 217.57

Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/22/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 152.50

Boston Logan International Airport 1 Harborside Dr
Boston, Massachusetts 021282907

03/22/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 58.00
LexisNexis PO Box 72477090
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191700001

01/12/2016 Subscription: Non-Contribution Account 2109.71

VOYA PO Box 990063
Hartford, Connecticut 061990063

03/25/2016 Retirement Contribution: Non-Contributio 4542.51

Caryn Lenhoff 1747 Church St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200361334

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1475.38

Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

03/22/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 140.53

Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/22/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 101.95
Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1462.82

Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 532.90

MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

01/12/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 79.59

Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1056.07

Elliot Fink 1036 Paper Mill Ct NW
Washington, DC 200073619

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 354.00

Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 447.71

Enterprise Rent a Car 1200 Airport Dr
South Burlington, Vermont 054036028

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 349.89
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

03/11/2016 Payroll: Non-Contribution Account 96368.14

Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1217.91
Susan E. Madrak 4343 E Thompson St Apt 2
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191371628

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1969.54
Elizabeth S. Shappell 1718 P St NW Apt 213
Washington, DC 200361311

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1221.43
MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1452.48
Justin Price 52 Castle Cary Ct
Columbia, South Carolina 292094624

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1793.10
Sean England 334 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025712

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1351.83
Caryn Lenhoff 1747 Church St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200361334

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1475.38
Amanda Taylor 1825 Florida Ave NW Apt 21
Washington, DC 200091745

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1450.59
Margaret Ann Morgan 1300 13th St NW Apt 703
Washington, DC 200054477

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1693.57
Joseph R. Wiley 719 Euclid St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200012200

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1491.16
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/11/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1989.37
Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1563.80
Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1467.74
Lauren Green 1400 E West Hwy Apt 919
Silver Spring, Maryland 209103260

03/11/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1488.63
David Brock 2310 California St NW
Washington, DC 200081637

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 4521.55
Samuel F. Ritzman 2201 L St NW Apt 518
Washington, DC 200371412

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3819.90
Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 6502.06
Benjamin Fischbein 1350 Florida Ave NW Apt 303
Washington, DC 200096024

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2621.25
Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1726.11
Karen Smith-Murphy 3101 Edgewood Rd
Kensington, Maryland 208952746

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1806.80
Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1372.54
Elizabeth Price 220 12th Pl NE
Washington, DC 200026302

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2252.13
Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1451.77
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

03/11/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 159.57
Shawn C. Drury 1 Canterbury Sq Apt 201
Alexandria, Virginia 223043073

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1693.42
Michael Schub 2400 16th St NW Apt 122
Washington, DC 200096607

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1389.76
Daphne Zhang 211 Morgan St NW Apt A
Washington, DC 200011295

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1891.89
Elliot Fink 1036 Paper Mill Ct NW
Washington, DC 200073619

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 377.01
John Brammer 1483 Newton St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200103229

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1693.61
Joshua Dolin 2112 O St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200371014

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1614.72
Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1462.82
Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1171.43
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

03/11/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 34276.18
Daniel J. Shelton 122 Bates St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011114

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 413.33
Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1242.01
Connor Shaw 244 12th St SE Apt A
Washington, DC 200031486

03/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1281.75
Philip Shulman 615 Park St Apt 611
Des Moines, Iowa 503091639

02/11/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 2848.53

Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

02/18/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 104.37

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/29/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 21.69
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

01/15/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 15.26
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/06/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 18.96
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/02/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 19.80
Allenswood Group 2001 N Kenilworth St
Arlington, Virginia 222053130

03/15/2016 Video Consulting: Non-Contribution Accou 11500.00

Central Parking System 720 Olive St Ste 1650
Saint Louis, Missouri 631012329

03/08/2016 Parking: Non-Contribution Account 180.00

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 16236.90

Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 68.89
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 560.20
UPS 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012621

03/01/2016 Office Supplies: Non-Contribution Accoun 4.87
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 95.82
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 51.12
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 47.27
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 406.20
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 69.88
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 353.70
Amazon 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/01/2016 Office Supplies: Non-Contribution Accoun 543.51
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 55.06
Hotels.com 5400 LBJ Fwy Ste 500
Dallas, Texas 752401019

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 968.40
Best Buy 3100 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200102415

03/01/2016 Hardware: Non-Contribution Account 7525.93
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 568.20
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 673.70
UPS 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012621

03/01/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 11.16
Extended Stay America 11525 N Community House Rd Ste 100
Charlotte, North Carolina 282773610

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 492.53
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 22.59
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 67.56
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 48.75
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 70.48
United Airlines, Inc. 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 521.60
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 712.20
Microsoft 205 108th Ave NE Ste 400
Bellevue, Washington 980045770

03/01/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 270.86
Qdoba 7244 W Bonfils Ln
Lakewood, Colorado 802263487

03/01/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 388.68
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 228.60
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

03/01/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 96.75
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 81.08
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 22.95
Chop't 730 7th St NW
Washington, DC 200013716

03/01/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 350.40
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 767.20
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

03/01/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 73.91
Granholm Mulhern Associates 21 Chelsea Ct
Oakland, California 946112416

02/12/2016 Communications Consulting and Travel Exp 16922.92

Granholm Mulhern Associates 21 Chelsea Ct
Oakland, California 946112416

02/11/2016 Travel Expenses: Non-Contribution Accoun 1336.60

Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

02/23/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 10147.10

Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

02/15/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 1141.05
Amazon 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

02/17/2016 Equipment: Non-Contribution Account 74.93
Amazon 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

02/13/2016 Equipment: Non-Contribution Account 12.09
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

02/14/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 87.52
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

02/11/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 137.93
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 25.04
Chop't 730 7th St NW
Washington, DC 200013716

02/11/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 381.20
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/19/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 228.10
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

02/19/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 519.20
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 16.05
United States Postal Service 800 K St NW
Washington, DC 200018000

02/17/2016 Shipping: Non-Contribution Account 90.30
Thinkstock, LLC 501 N College St
Charlotte, North Carolina 282022213

02/15/2016 Graphics Services: Non-Contribution Acco 197.96
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

02/19/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 90.45
Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

02/14/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 151.83
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

02/19/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

02/15/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 67.64
Best Buy 3100 14th St NW
Washington, DC 200102415

02/18/2016 Hardware: Non-Contribution Account 1797.74
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

02/19/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 679.20
Amazon 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

02/18/2016 Equipment: Non-Contribution Account 110.04
United Airlines, Inc. 233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147

02/11/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 763.20
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

02/18/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 794.60
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

02/18/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 38.99
Delta Airlines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

02/14/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 1146.20
Orbitz 500 W Madison St Ste 1000
Chicago, Illinois 606612559

02/11/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 76.31
Vonage PO Box 392415
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152519415

02/16/2016 Telephone: Non-Contribution Account 619.86
Buca di Beppo 1825 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 200095708

02/18/2016 Meals: Non-Contribution Account 446.12
Expedia, Inc. 333 108th Ave NE
Bellevue, Washington 980045703

02/19/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 58.47
American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Ft Worth, Texas 761552605

02/05/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 25.04
Adobe Creative Cloud 345 Park Ave
San Jose, California 951102704

02/15/2016 Software: Non-Contribution Account 49.99
Angelo Carusone 2501 Porter St NW Apt 520
Washington, DC 200081253

02/03/2016 Digital Consulting: Non-Contribution Acc 13740.00

Lauren Green 1400 E West Hwy Apt 919
Silver Spring, Maryland 209103260

03/29/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 414.14

Joshua Dolin 2112 O St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200371014

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1614.72

Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

03/08/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 8.02

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/08/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 8.02
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

02/29/2016 Payroll: Non-Contribution Account 78250.67

Connor Shaw 244 12th St SE Apt A
Washington, DC 200031486

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1281.75
Daniel J. Shelton 122 Bates St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011114

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 413.32
Elliot Fink 1036 Paper Mill Ct NW
Washington, DC 200073619

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 353.99
Joshua Dolin 2112 O St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200371014

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1614.73
David Brock 2310 California St NW
Washington, DC 200081637

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 4521.56
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

02/29/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 111.68
Adrienne Watson 440 K St NW Apt 714
Washington, DC 200012890

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3559.67
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

02/29/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1211.31
Caryn Lenhoff 1747 Church St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200361334

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1475.38
Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1242.01
Ryan Migeed 1810 California St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200091826

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1189.37
Camden Weber 1001 N Vermont St Apt 810
Arlington, Virginia 222014767

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1171.44
Elizabeth Price 220 12th Pl NE
Washington, DC 200026302

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2252.13
Rebecca C. Charen 1445 Otis Pl NW Apt 215
Washington, DC 200103212

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1372.53
Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

02/29/2016 Payroll Taxes: Non-Contribution Account 29116.96
Karla Towle 2637 16th St NW Apt 203
Washington, DC 200094219

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1563.81
MJ Okma 1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1452.47
Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1462.82
Sean England 334 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025712

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1351.84
Joseph R. Wiley 719 Euclid St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200012200

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1491.15
Lauren Green 1400 E West Hwy Apt 919
Silver Spring, Maryland 209103260

02/29/2016 Salary & Mileage: Non-Contribution Accou 1062.16
Anthony Baker 4308 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200114730

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1726.12
Samuel F. Ritzman 2201 L St NW Apt 518
Washington, DC 200371412

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 3819.91
Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1467.74
Michael Schub 2400 16th St NW Apt 122
Washington, DC 200096607

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1389.76
Benjamin Fischbein 1350 Florida Ave NW Apt 303
Washington, DC 200096024

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2621.25
Wilson B. Woodhouse 618 E St SE
Washington, DC 200032786

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 6502.05
Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

02/29/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1451.76
Elizabeth Kim 1349 Euclid St NW Apt 101
Washington, DC 200094822

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1127.04

Philip Shulman 615 Park St Apt 611
Des Moines, Iowa 503091639

02/23/2016 Mileage: Non-Contribution Account 297.33

Payroll Data Processing 4224 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336295611

01/29/2016 Payroll Services: Non-Contribution Accou 151.67

Elizabeth Cohen 1715 15th St NW Apt 15
Washington, DC 200093876

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 72.43

Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 15.84
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 12.41
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 8.86
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

03/01/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 10.32
Comet Ping Pong 5037 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 200082024

01/06/2016 Catering: Non-Contribution Account 3584.64

Group Benefit Service PO Box 64802
Baltimore, Maryland 212644802

01/12/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 1262.54

Elizabeth Price 220 12th Pl NE
Washington, DC 200026302

03/17/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 441.83

Westin Southfield Detroit 1500 Town Ctr
Southfield, Michigan 480751141

03/17/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 111.87
Westin Southfield Detroit 1500 Town Ctr
Southfield, Michigan 480751141

03/17/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 224.87
Forward Solution Strategy Group 5248 Tancreti Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223048702

01/21/2016 Management Consulting: Non-Contribution 19092.42

Group Benefit Service PO Box 64802
Baltimore, Maryland 212644802

03/22/2016 Insurance: Non-Contribution Account 1157.28

John Brammer 1483 Newton St NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200103229

03/29/2016 Refunded Retirement Contribution: Non-Co 63.44

Daniel J. Shelton 122 Bates St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011114

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 413.32

Justin Price 52 Castle Cary Ct
Columbia, South Carolina 292094624

03/08/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 53.62

Adrienne Watson 440 K St NW Apt 714
Washington, DC 200012890

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 2954.58

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Au 600 5th St NW
Washington, DC 200012610

01/25/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 1030.00

Lauren Green 1400 E West Hwy Apt 919
Silver Spring, Maryland 209103260

03/08/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 102.51

Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/29/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 238.49

Budget Car Rental 6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, New Jersey 070543826

03/29/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 95.20
Boston Logan International Airport 1 Harborside Dr
Boston, Massachusetts 021282907

03/29/2016 Parking 87.00
Wild Onion Media 217 Camaro Way
San Marcos, Texas 786663035

03/22/2016 Video Consulting: Non-Contribution Accou 7000.00

Bonner Group 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012783

02/17/2016 Fundraising Consulting and Travel Expens 49658.67

Blue State Digital 406 7th St NW Fl 3
Washington, DC 200042260

02/18/2016 Digital Software: Non-Contribution Accou 581.63

Bonner Group 455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012783

03/08/2016 Fundraising Consulting: Non-Contribution 72156.25

Benjamin Williams 2568 Sherman Ave NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012237

02/11/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 379.50

Anchorage Inn 108 Dorset St
Burlington, Vermont 054081908

02/07/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 379.50
Union Source PO Box 15084
Washington, DC 200030084

02/11/2016 Printing: Non-Contribution Account 2185.55

Granholm Mulhern Associates 21 Chelsea Ct
Oakland, California 946112416

03/22/2016 Communications Consulting and Travel Exp 17011.29

Allenswood Group 2001 N Kenilworth St
Arlington, Virginia 222053130

02/12/2016 Video Consulting: Non-Contribution Accou 11500.00

Allenswood Group 2001 N Kenilworth St
Arlington, Virginia 222053130

02/11/2016 Video Consulting: Non-Contribution Accou 11500.00

Perkins Coie LLP 1201 3rd Ave Ste 4900
Seattle, Washington 981013095

03/22/2016 Legal Services: Non-Contribution Account 15000.00

Joseph R. Wiley 719 Euclid St NW Apt 3
Washington, DC 200012200

02/11/2016 Salary: Non-Contribution Account 1491.16

Daniel Wessel 6429 Spring Ter
Falls Church, Virginia 220423118

03/01/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 1731.04

MBA Consulting Group 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 143
Washington, DC 200034303

02/26/2016 Compliance & Accounting Services: Non-Co 5141.17

Katherine Paris 15830 S Park Blvd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441201671

03/17/2016 Strategic Consulting: Non-Contribution A 10800.00

American Express 200 Vesey St
New York, New York 102811013

03/25/2016 Credit Card Payment, See Below 790.00

American Express 200 Vesey St
New York, New York 102811013

03/25/2016 Membership Fees: Non-Contribution Accoun 395.00
American Express 200 Vesey St
New York, New York 102811013

03/25/2016 Membership Fees: Non-Contribution Accoun 395.00
West Wing Writers 1150 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 505
Washington, DC 200364138

03/09/2016 Communications Consulting: Non-Contribut 17000.00

Adrienne Watson 440 K St NW Apt 714
Washington, DC 200012890

02/23/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 851.43

Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

02/06/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 8.00
Budget 1 Airport Rd
Manchester, New Hampshire 031037450

02/09/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 216.60
Holiday Inn Nashua 9 Northeastern Blvd
Nashua, New Hampshire 030623112

02/07/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 222.36
Southwest Airlines, Co. 2702 Love Field Dr
Dallas, Texas 752351908

02/06/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 8.00
Uber Technologies 1455 Market St Fl 4
San Francisco, California 941031355

02/06/2016 Travel: Non-Contribution Account 13.92
Holiday Inn Nashua 9 Northeastern Blvd
Nashua, New Hampshire 030623112

02/07/2016 Lodging: Non-Contribution Account 299.41
Joseph O'Connell 85 Manchester St Apt 107
Concord, New Hampshire 033015125

03/08/2016 Reimbursement, See Below If Itemized: No 68.00

Boston Logan International Airport 1 Harborside Dr
Boston, Massachusetts 021282907

03/08/2016 Parking: Non-Contribution Account 58.00
Union Source PO Box 15084
Washington, DC 200030084

03/29/2016 Printing: Non-Contribution Account 317.25

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 1358335.05
Total Memo Amount 505241.78
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 152
Number of Transactions (Memo) 336

Generated Sat Feb 8 22:04:54 2025