All Listed Line Numbers
Committee: BERNIE 2016
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
Deametrious St. John |
2625 Daffodil St NE
Canton, Ohio 447053205 |
04/04/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 155.00 |
Dean Martin |
490 Saint Moritz Dr
Apt 2D
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 601374324 |
04/20/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 240.20 |
Two Thirteen Building LLC |
213 S Wheaton Ave
Wheaton, Illinois 601875207 |
04/20/2016 | Printing | 240.20 |
Deb Ward Lyons |
248 N Willard St
Burlington, Vermont 054011638 |
04/08/2016 | Rent | 4250.00 |
Leslye Dedopoulos |
55 Main St
Apt 306
Newmarket, New Hampshire 038571675 |
04/05/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 182.15 |
United States Postal Service |
11 Elmwood Ave
Burlington, Vermont 054014366 |
04/05/2016 | Postage | 182.15 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/04/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 1.08 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/04/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 7.44 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/11/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 7.04 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/18/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 4.76 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/25/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 18.00 |
Democracy Engine LLC |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/30/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 14.16 |
Robert Dempsey |
1142 Marshall Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551046433 |
04/26/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 996.19 |
Delta Airlines |
6000 N Terminal Pkwy
Atlanta, Georgia 303207400 |
04/26/2016 | Air Travel | 175.00 |
Southwest Airlines |
Southwest Airlines P.O. Box 36647-
Dallas, Texas 75235 |
04/26/2016 | Air Travel | 75.00 |
Wicked Hop |
345 N Broadway
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532025879 |
04/26/2016 | Catering | 746.19 |
Denise Fan |
5715 Fallston St
Los Angeles, California 900421937 |
04/16/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 3500.00 |
Daniel Deriso |
715 Wadsworth St
Apt 3
Montevallo, Alabama 351153593 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 283.33 |
Daniel Deriso |
715 Wadsworth St
Apt 3
Montevallo, Alabama 351153593 |
04/27/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 253.65 |
Daniel DeVan |
78 Front St
Apt 4
Marblehead, Massachusetts 019453291 |
04/07/2016 | Rent | 2650.00 |
Devine Mulvey Longabaugh Inc |
2141 Wisconsin Ave NW
Ste H
Washington, DC 200072275 |
04/27/2016 | Video Production | 321271.52 |
DirecTV |
2230 E Imperial Hwy
El Segundo, California 902453504 |
04/01/2016 | Internet Services | 23.02 |
Divine Mountain Realty |
1006 N Old Trail Rd
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania 17870 |
04/13/2016 | Rent | 500.00 |
Emily DiVito |
4360 10th St NE
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33703 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1109.67 |
Dr Adolph Reed Jr |
33 Price Ave
Apt 3
Narberth, Pennsylvania 190722158 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 2001.04 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/20/2016 | Air Travel | 448.20 |
Amtrak |
60 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024285 |
04/20/2016 | Train Travel | 74.75 |
Amtrak |
60 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024285 |
04/20/2016 | Train Travel | 107.90 |
Amtrak |
60 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024285 |
04/20/2016 | Train Travel | 74.75 |
Amtrak |
60 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024285 |
04/20/2016 | Train Travel | 87.50 |
National Rental Car |
9020 Aviation Blvd
Inglewood, California 903012907 |
04/20/2016 | Auto Travel | 225.10 |
National Rental Car |
9020 Aviation Blvd
Inglewood, California 903012907 |
04/20/2016 | Auto Travel | 128.64 |
United Airlines |
233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147 |
04/20/2016 | Air Travel | 703.20 |
Dr Adolph Reed Jr |
33 Price Ave
Apt 3
Narberth, Pennsylvania 190722158 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 162.25 |
30 T St NE
Unit 2
Washington, DC 200021500 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2644.95 |
Draplin Design Company LLC |
107 SE Washington St
Ste 540
Portland, Oregon 972142205 |
04/28/2016 | Graphic Design | 781.50 |
Drexel University |
3141 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191042816 |
04/25/2016 | Event Site Rental | 34102.00 |
Duggal |
10 W 24th St
New York, New York 100103201 |
04/15/2016 | Printing | 2389.81 |
Cole Edwards |
201 Avendida Cabrillo
Unit J
San Clemente, California 92672 |
04/07/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 248.34 |
Elijah Browning |
6764 River St
Benzonia, Michigan 496169700 |
04/09/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 6000.00 |
Ellis Ventures |
625 Cherry St
Terre Haute, Indiana 478073125 |
04/05/2016 | Rent | 500.00 |
Jeremy Ellwood |
11401 Kingsley Dr
Grand Blanc, Michigan 484391270 |
04/19/2016 | Payroll | 1116.91 |
Embros Realty Company |
218 Capitol St
Charleston, West Virginia 253012206 |
04/20/2016 | Rent | 3000.00 |
Enrique Balvastro |
20118 N 67th Ave
# 300-443
Glendale, Arizona 853084621 |
04/14/2016 | Event Security | 437.50 |
Eponymous Associates, LLC |
15 Washington Ave Brooklyn Navy Ya
New York, New York 11205 |
04/16/2016 | Event Site Rental | 3725.00 |
Erie County Convention Center Authority |
809 French St
Erie, Pennsylvania 165011275 |
04/19/2016 | Event Site Rental | 1856.40 |
Ernest Boston Jr |
121 Allen St
Darlington, South Carolina 295325201 |
04/27/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 256.33 |
Christopher Espinoza |
350 Richmond Ter
Apt 1K
Staten Island, New York 103011515 |
04/20/2016 | Payroll | 746.39 |
Evolutionary Media Group |
3920 Fountain Ave
Los Angeles, California 900292218 |
04/22/2016 | Media Production | 2065.32 |
Mackenzie Ewing |
5532 NE 50th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972181943 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1513.18 |
F.C. Donath Properties LLC |
35 King St
Ste 5
Burlington, Vermont 054014787 |
04/28/2016 | Rent | 1710.00 |
Francis Fallon |
89 Somers St
# 1
Brooklyn, New York 112332805 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 20.47 |
Larissa Fallon |
620 St Rt 2073
Kingsley, Pennsylvania 188267017 |
04/04/2016 | Payroll | 894.35 |
Larissa Fallon |
620 St Rt 2073
Kingsley, Pennsylvania 188267017 |
04/05/2016 | Payroll | 894.35 |
Farley Printing Co. Inc. |
1014 S 6th St
Louisville, Kentucky 402033320 |
04/15/2016 | Printing | 624.38 |
Farley Printing Co. Inc. |
1014 S 6th St
Louisville, Kentucky 402033320 |
04/21/2016 | Printing | 2023.48 |
Beth Farvour |
3105 W Sholes Dr
Mequon, Wisconsin 530922849 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 109.50 |
Melanie Fenzel |
9 Dalton St
Newburyport, Massachusetts 019503907 |
04/12/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 660.00 |
Boston Logan Inter. Airport |
1 Harborside Dr
Ste 200S
East Boston, Massachusetts 021282905 |
04/12/2016 | Parking | 600.00 |
Iris Ferguson |
1201 Q St NW
Apt 302
Washington, DC 200094341 |
04/05/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 60.00 |
Iris Ferguson |
1201 Q St NW
Apt 302
Washington, DC 200094341 |
04/07/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 37.00 |
Morris Ferrell |
41 W Edgemont Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850031008 |
04/05/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1248.28 |
Delta |
3400 E Sky Harbor Blvd
Phoenix, Arizona 850344403 |
04/05/2016 | Air Travel | 651.10 |
Uber |
131 8th St
Brooklyn, New York 112153115 |
04/05/2016 | Auto Travel | 521.38 |
Morris Ferrell |
41 W Edgemont Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850031008 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1026.29 |
Uber |
3400 E Sky Harbor Blvd
Phoenix, Arizona 850344403 |
04/28/2016 | Auto Travel | 497.05 |
Tezlyn Figaro-Turner |
24333 Cinco Terrace Dr
Apt 936
Katy, Texas 774942673 |
04/04/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 2643.00 |
Delta |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
04/04/2016 | Air Travel | 235.00 |
Tezlyn Figaro Turner |
24333 Cinco Terrace Bld
Katy, Texas 77494 |
04/04/2016 | Per Diem | 2360.00 |
Tezlyn Figaro-Turner |
24333 Cinco Terrace Dr
Apt 936
Katy, Texas 774942673 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 998.00 |
[CONVERTED] Tezlyn Figaro Turner |
24333 Cinco Terrace Dr
Katy, Texas 774941993 |
04/28/2016 | Per Diem | 600.00 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
04/04/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 17.32 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
04/04/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 253.15 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
04/04/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 28.78 |
First Data Merchant Services |
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Ste 2000
Atlanta, Georgia 303421651 |
04/04/2016 | Merchant Bank Fees | 19.95 |
First United Methodist Church |
600 State St
Salem, Oregon 973013848 |
04/20/2016 | Rent | 1000.00 |
Five Maples |
78 River Rd
Putney, Vermont 053469448 |
04/06/2016 | Printing/Postage | 23192.63 |
Five Maples |
78 River Rd
Putney, Vermont 053469448 |
04/08/2016 | Postage | 70041.44 |
Five Maples |
78 River Rd
Putney, Vermont 053469448 |
04/13/2016 | Printing | 11811.06 |
Flags Over Indiana |
3120 S Rogers St
Bloomington, Indiana 474034350 |
04/26/2016 | Event Supplies | 389.09 |
Sarah Ford |
1609 S 5th St
Apt 2
Terre Haute, Indiana 478021604 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 480.00 |
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center |
400 W College Ave
Appleton, Wisconsin 549115831 |
04/01/2016 | Event Site Rental | 10834.75 |
Francisco Valenzuela |
20118 N 67th Ave
# 300-443
Glendale, Arizona 853084621 |
04/14/2016 | Event Security | 481.25 |
Freeman Expositions |
1600 Viceroy Dr
Ste 100
Dallas, Texas 752352312 |
04/08/2016 | Sound/Stage/Lighting | 2986.31 |
Zoe Frolik |
28 Lamoille St
Essex Jct, Vermont 054523729 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 79.10 |
Frontier Communications |
PO Box 20550
Rochester, New York 146020550 |
04/12/2016 | Telephone/Internet | 727.97 |
Frontier Communications |
PO Box 20550
Rochester, New York 146020550 |
04/12/2016 | Telephone/Internet | 272.47 |
Frontier Communications |
PO Box 20550
Rochester, New York 146020550 |
04/12/2016 | Telephone/Internet | 247.40 |
G-Way Management, LLC |
839 Classon Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112386103 |
04/06/2016 | Rent | 4000.00 |
Aja Gaddie |
7120 Mount Vernon St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152081133 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1122.27 |
Aja Gaddie |
7120 Mount Vernon St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152081133 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1253.50 |
Atticus Garden |
192 E Patterson Ave
Columbus, Ohio 432023029 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 972.90 |
Olivia Garrett |
PO Box 241982
Anchorage, Alaska 995241982 |
04/05/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 15.56 |
Bryan Garrett-Farb |
215 Alvarado Rd
Berkeley, California 947051512 |
04/05/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 407.81 |
Garvey Schubert Barer |
1000 Potomac St NW
Washington, DC 200073592 |
04/22/2016 | Legal Fees | 111668.69 |
Heather Gautney |
Goshen, New Hampshire 03752 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 2199.57 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/13/2016 | Air Travel | 378.60 |
Best Western Pepper Tree Inn |
3850 State St
Santa Barbara, California 931053112 |
04/13/2016 | Lodging | 889.00 |
Manhattan NYC Affinia Hotel |
371 7th Ave
New York, New York 100013984 |
04/13/2016 | Lodging | 284.63 |
Manhattan NYC Affinia Hotel |
371 7th Ave
New York, New York 100013984 |
04/13/2016 | Lodging | 256.74 |
United Airlines |
233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147 |
04/13/2016 | Air Travel | 212.60 |
Lisa Gerlach |
1120 31st St
Des Moines, Iowa 503113903 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 458.04 |
Gettysburg College |
300 N Washington St
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 173251400 |
04/20/2016 | Event Site Rental | 530.00 |
Thomas Giancola |
9 Graham Ave
Salem, New Hampshire 030791617 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1080.05 |
Thomas Giancola |
9 Graham Ave
Salem, New Hampshire 030791617 |
04/15/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 238.66 |
Thomas Giancola |
9 Graham Ave
Salem, New Hampshire 030791617 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1330.05 |
Cameron Gilbert |
2313 W Galena St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532051454 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll | 1058.85 |
Thomas Gilroy |
205 Fairview Dr
Pleasantville, New York 105703720 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 334.05 |
Lena Glickman |
106 W Tulpehocken St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191442620 |
04/14/2016 | Payroll | 486.61 |
3601 S Broad St
Ste 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191485250 |
04/04/2016 | Event Site Rental | 35000.00 |
3601 S Broad St
Ste 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191485250 |
04/06/2016 | Event Site Rental | 45600.00 |
Ronald Goldstein |
6 Barberry Ln
Rye, New York 105803904 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 700.00 |
Javier Gonzalez |
3744 W 112th St
Inglewood, California 903032708 |
04/15/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 991.06 |
Fed Ex |
271 N Milwaukee St
Boise, Idaho 837049132 |
04/15/2016 | Office Supplies | 582.10 |
Javier Gonzalez |
2130 Huntington Dr
Ste 213
South Pasadena, California 910304973 |
04/15/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 260.00 |
Jennifer Grace |
17 Taylor Dr
Aiken, South Carolina 298018676 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 282.05 |
Craig Grella |
454 Meridian Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152282614 |
04/27/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 3000.00 |
Harvey Grillo |
1935 Nelson Ave
Memphis, Tennessee 381045419 |
04/01/2016 | Payroll | 2136.13 |
Guardian |
PO Box 677458
Dallas, Texas 752677458 |
04/26/2016 | Insurance | 16943.01 |
Derek Gumb |
3622 217th St
Bayside, New York 113612213 |
04/07/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 28.00 |
Derek Gumb |
3622 217th St
Bayside, New York 113612213 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 553.07 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
San Francisco, California 941031331 |
04/13/2016 | Auto Travel | 231.72 |
Derek Gumb |
3622 217th St
Bayside, New York 113612213 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 75.09 |
Derek Gumb |
3622 217th St
Bayside, New York 113612213 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 259.01 |
Theresa Haas |
2400 Westheimer Rd
Apt 317
Houston, Texas 770981372 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 562.45 |
Uber |
5714 Star Ln
Houston, Texas 770577114 |
04/13/2016 | Auto Travel | 211.57 |
Theresa Haas |
2400 Westheimer Rd
Apt 317
Houston, Texas 770981372 |
04/13/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 185.25 |
Michael Hall |
4 Wenlock Rd
Fairport, New York 144503070 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1210.94 |
Michael Hall |
4 Wenlock Rd
Fairport, New York 144503070 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1210.93 |
Harding Hills Center |
4500 Westown Pkwy
Ste 115
West Des Moines, Iowa 502666727 |
04/07/2016 | Utilities | 240.47 |
Krista Harness |
2 Towne St
Montpelier, Vermont 056024231 |
04/04/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 65.29 |
Krista Harness |
2 Towne St
Montpelier, Vermont 056024231 |
04/13/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 26.51 |
Krista Harness |
2 Towne St
Montpelier, Vermont 056024231 |
04/20/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 34.22 |
Harris Plus |
8516 Rainswood Dr
Landover, Maryland 207852322 |
04/20/2016 | Printing/Postage | 52979.06 |
Benjamin Harris |
6119 Fox Point Rd
Fredericksburg, Virginia 224078332 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 78.88 |
Kendell Harris |
3243 N 24th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532061215 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll | 577.04 |
Timothy Haynes |
35 E Market St
Marshallville, Ohio 446459468 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1341.05 |
Haystaq DNA, LLC |
907 N St NW
Ste C1
Washington, DC 200014829 |
04/12/2016 | Voter File Modeling | 167048.00 |
Haystaq DNA, LLC |
907 N St NW
Ste C1
Washington, DC 200014829 |
04/21/2016 | Voter File Modeling | 299582.60 |
Haystaq DNA, LLC |
907 N St NW
Ste C1
Washington, DC 200014829 |
04/29/2016 | Voter File Modeling | 179847.01 |
Heavyweight Production House, Inc. |
661 N Spaulding Ave
Los Angeles, California 900361805 |
04/07/2016 | Media Production | 3000.00 |
Heavyweight Production House, Inc. |
661 N Spaulding Ave
Los Angeles, California 900361805 |
04/26/2016 | Event Site Rental | 53653.38 |
Helim Yildiz |
29 Markle Ct
Bridgeport, Connecticut 066044816 |
04/21/2016 | Rent | 1000.00 |
Sara Henderson |
7334 Gossamer St
Union City, Georgia 302915191 |
04/05/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 429.78 |
Henry McMillan, Jr. |
1528 E Duval St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191381104 |
04/28/2016 | Event Entertainment | 1450.00 |
HighPeaksSound |
386 Burgoyne Rd
Saratoga Springs, New York 128665493 |
04/28/2016 | Sound/Stage/Lighting | 12438.60 |
Paul Himmelstein |
55 Santa Ynez Cir
Novato, California 949472880 |
04/01/2016 | Payroll | 1434.74 |
David Hinckley |
267 Southridge St
Springfield, Vermont 051563446 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1093.25 |
Burlington International Airport |
1200 Airport Dr
South Burlington, Vermont 054036028 |
04/28/2016 | Parking | 588.00 |
Jasmine Hintz |
12490 Kokomo Cir
Victorville, California 923927483 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 237.34 |
Nadim Houssain |
880 Penny Royal Ln
San Rafael, California 949032330 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 117.50 |
Nadim Houssain |
880 Penny Royal Ln
San Rafael, California 949032330 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1431.24 |
American Airlines |
PO Box 619616
Dfw Airport, Texas 752619616 |
04/20/2016 | Air Travel | 272.60 |
Enterprise |
5500 International Blvd
Charleston, South Carolina 294186900 |
04/20/2016 | Auto Travel | 1158.64 |
Michael Howland-Dewar |
137 West Ln
Guilford, Connecticut 064373230 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 241.16 |
Howling Milo, LLC |
PO Box 5757
Eugene, Oregon 974050757 |
04/04/2016 | Rent | 2600.00 |
Lynn Hua |
4937 Wyoming St
Westminster, California 92683 |
04/05/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 189.78 |
Reginald Hubbard |
641 Steele St
Denver, Colorado 802063941 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 100.96 |
Reginald Hubbard |
641 Steele St
Denver, Colorado 802063941 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 194.74 |
Reginald Hubbard |
641 Steele St
Denver, Colorado 802063941 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 105.22 |
Lindsay Hunn |
129 Boot Hill Rd
East Fairfield, Vermont 054484839 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 814.74 |
Staples |
5110 28th St SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495122049 |
04/28/2016 | Office Supplies | 211.98 |
Super 8 Motel |
3423 US Highway 9W
Highland, New York 125281902 |
04/28/2016 | Lodging | 112.82 |
Super 8 Motel |
3423 US Highway 9W
Highland, New York 125281902 |
04/28/2016 | Lodging | 112.82 |
Minha Husaini |
1512 S Stelling Rd
Cupertino, California 950145206 |
04/04/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 975.53 |
Alamo |
3250 Airport Blvd
Ste 10
West Columbia, South Carolina 291705112 |
04/04/2016 | Auto Travel | 265.02 |
Expedia |
333 108th Ave NE
Bellevue, Washington 980045703 |
04/04/2016 | Air Travel | 380.60 |
Hustle, Inc |
57 Post St
Ste 703
San Francisco, California 941045025 |
04/05/2016 | Software | 282206.48 |
Ian Chan |
12805 14th Ave
College Point, New York 113561925 |
04/15/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 500.00 |
IBEW Local Union #481 Building Corporat |
1828 N Meridian St
Ste 227
Indianapolis, Indiana 462021452 |
04/07/2016 | Rent | 1200.00 |
Idaho Democratic Party |
812 W Franklin St
Boise, Idaho 837025530 |
04/09/2016 | Event Site Rental | 19218.45 |
Idaho Ink Spot |
PO Box 693
Eagle, Idaho 836160693 |
04/08/2016 | Printing | 1614.84 |
2101 E Coliseum Blvd
Rmc 208
Fort Wayne, Indiana 468051445 |
04/29/2016 | Event Site Rental | 2300.00 |
Shelby Iseler |
2328 University Ave
Apt 306
Des Moines, Iowa 503114356 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1033.17 |
Beaver Valley Chev |
1780 South 525 W
Beaver, Utah 84713 |
04/28/2016 | Auto Travel | 272.47 |
Jared Lowe |
20118 N 67th Ave
# 300-443
Glendale, Arizona 853084621 |
04/14/2016 | Event Security | 481.25 |
Monte Jarvis |
4311 SE 37th Ave
Apt 8
Portland, Oregon 972023267 |
04/08/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 8000.00 |
Monte Jarvis |
4311 SE 37th Ave
Apt 8
Portland, Oregon 972023267 |
04/09/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 630.53 |
Costco |
4849 NE 138th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972303401 |
04/09/2016 | Catering | 279.27 |
Monte Jarvis |
4311 SE 37th Ave
Apt 8
Portland, Oregon 972023267 |
04/26/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1332.42 |
Fred Meyer |
3030 NE Weidler St
Portland, Oregon 972321851 |
04/26/2016 | Office Supplies | 49.99 |
Fred Meyer |
3030 NE Weidler St
Portland, Oregon 972321851 |
04/26/2016 | Office Supplies | 257.74 |
Fred Meyer |
3030 NE Weidler St
Portland, Oregon 972321851 |
04/26/2016 | Catering | 250.80 |
Portland Parks & Recreation PBOT |
1134 SW 5th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972041912 |
04/26/2016 | Event Site Rental | 400.00 |
Monte Jarvis |
4311 SE 37th Ave
Apt 8
Portland, Oregon 972023267 |
04/29/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 8000.00 |
Jet Service Envelope |
80 East Rd
Barre, Vermont 056415391 |
04/11/2016 | Printing | 19499.17 |
Jet Service Envelope |
80 East Rd
Barre, Vermont 056415391 |
04/22/2016 | Printing | 458.64 |
Jianna Caines |
PO Box 1355
New York, New York 100260964 |
04/20/2016 | Rent | 1750.00 |
Jim Moury |
118 Riverview Blvd
Lexington, North Carolina 272927900 |
04/20/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 221.51 |
Houser Rental |
1511 S Stratford Rd
Winston Salem, North Carolina 271032921 |
04/20/2016 | Event Supplies | 221.51 |
Joanne Mickelson |
3109 Serrano Dr
Carlsbad, California 920098365 |
04/05/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 486.00 |
FedEx Office |
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, California 921017822 |
04/05/2016 | Printing | 486.00 |
John Fuhrer |
206 Irving Ave
Apt 2R
Brooklyn, New York 112374663 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 500.87 |
John Fuhrer |
206 Irving Ave
Apt 2R
Brooklyn, New York 112374663 |
04/20/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 230.00 |
Daniel Johnson |
734 1/2 Hyperion Ave
Los Angeles, California 900293104 |
04/07/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 984.89 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 60.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
American Airlines |
4255 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552603 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 25.00 |
Joshua Johnson |
PO Box 14312
Seattle, Washington 981140312 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1243.67 |
Rhonda Jones |
225 W 123rd St
Apt 5A
New York, New York 100275770 |
04/20/2016 | Payroll | 779.47 |
Sharhonda Jones |
225 W 123rd St
Apt 5A
New York, New York 100275770 |
04/20/2016 | Payroll | 726.39 |
Josh Phillips |
45 Bannock St
Apt B
Denver, Colorado 802231578 |
04/05/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 3542.47 |
Burrito Betty |
2410 N Elizabeth
Pueblo, Colorado 810033638 |
04/05/2016 | Catering | 277.76 |
Josh Phillips |
45 Bannock St
Apt B
Denver, Colorado 802231578 |
04/05/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 651.52 |
Office Depot |
705 S Colorado Blvd
Denver, Colorado 802468005 |
04/05/2016 | Office Supplies | 289.96 |
Office Depot |
2730 S Colorado Blvd
Unit 106
Denver, Colorado 802226615 |
04/05/2016 | Office Supplies | 1201.08 |
Office Depot |
7305 E 26th Ave. unit 1
Denver, Colorado 80238 |
04/05/2016 | Office Supplies | 363.58 |
Office Depot |
1150 S Ironton St
Denver, Colorado 800127022 |
04/05/2016 | Office Supplies | 364.40 |
Office Depot |
3511 N Salida Ct
Unit 30
Aurora, Colorado 800115024 |
04/05/2016 | Office Supplies | 324.17 |
Josh Phillips |
45 Bannock St
Apt B
Denver, Colorado 802231578 |
04/09/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 102.00 |
Julia Barnes |
300 Bedford St
Ste 111
Manchester, New Hampshire 031011102 |
04/20/2016 | Payroll | 249.69 |
Julia Barnes |
300 Bedford St
Ste 111
Manchester, New Hampshire 031011102 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1009.67 |
Julia Barnes |
300 Bedford St
Ste 111
Manchester, New Hampshire 031011177 |
04/27/2016 | Per Diem | 160.00 |
Julia Barnes |
300 Bedford St
Ste 111
Manchester, New Hampshire 031011177 |
04/27/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 94.62 |
Julia Barnes |
300 Bedford St
Ste 111
Manchester, New Hampshire 031011177 |
04/27/2016 | Per Diem | 140.00 |
Uber |
1447 Market Street 4th Floor
San Francisco, California 941031308 |
04/27/2016 | Auto Travel | 288.04 |
Julian Dahlquist |
221 7th St S
Moorhead, Minnesota 565602740 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1097.08 |
Julian Dahlquist |
221 7th St S
Moorhead, Minnesota 565602740 |
04/26/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 609.68 |
Julian Dahlquist |
221 7th St S
Moorhead, Minnesota 565602740 |
04/26/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 534.39 |
JW Southern LLC |
25 C Holick Rd
Munfordville, Kentucky 427659324 |
04/21/2016 | Rent | 1075.00 |
Kang S Lee Holdings, LTD |
8154 Marseille Dr
Corpus Christi, Texas 784146053 |
04/08/2016 | Rent | 2600.00 |
Kantor / Davidoff |
415 Madison Ave
Fl 16
New York, New York 100177936 |
04/05/2016 | Legal Services | 10000.00 |
Kantor / Davidoff |
415 Madison Ave
Fl 16
New York, New York 100177936 |
04/26/2016 | Legal Services | 10000.00 |
Karajoel LLC |
300 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025702 |
04/12/2016 | Rent | 6000.00 |
Alexandra Karambelas |
61 Front St
Burlington, Vermont 054014302 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 756.19 |
Alexandra Karambelas |
61 Front St
Burlington, Vermont 054014302 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 756.18 |
Kat Wright |
107 Buell St
Apt 3
Burlington, Vermont 054013811 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 619.25 |
Dazlzler Brooklyn Hotel |
85 Flatbush Avenue Ext
Brooklyn Hgts, New York 112012905 |
04/13/2016 | Lodging | 275.52 |
Dazlzler Brooklyn Hotel |
85 Flatbush Avenue Ext
Brooklyn Hgts, New York 112012905 |
04/13/2016 | Lodging | 275.52 |
Kathryn Davis |
525 Martin Cave Ln
Goreville, Illinois 629392713 |
04/21/2016 | Rent | 1500.00 |
Kevin Keefe |
4201 Cathedral Ave NW
Washington, DC 200164901 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1933.93 |
Courtyard Marriott |
Exchange Terrace
Providence, Rhode Island 02903 |
04/25/2016 | Lodging | 154.51 |
Courtyard Marriott |
Exchange Terrace
Providence, Rhode Island 02903 |
04/25/2016 | Lodging | 115.64 |
Kevin Keefe |
4201 Cathedral Ave NW
Apt 502E
Washington, DC 200164974 |
04/25/2016 | Per Diem | 440.00 |
1 Penn Plz
New York, New York 101190002 |
04/25/2016 | Printing | 418.06 |
4005 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC 200167774 |
04/25/2016 | Postage | 455.81 |
Keith Lilly |
317 W 114th St
Apt 4A
New York, New York 100262735 |
04/20/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 970.00 |
Harlem House Community Ctr |
175 W 137th St
New York, New York 100302501 |
04/20/2016 | Event Site Rental | 800.00 |
Kentucky Power |
Canton, Ohio 44702 |
04/22/2016 | Utilities | 674.00 |
Kerri Asbury |
1033 S St
Ste 200
Sacramento, California 958116551 |
04/27/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 280.00 |
Sierra 2 Center for the Performing Arts |
2791 24th St
Rm 10
Sacramento, California 958183255 |
04/27/2016 | Event Site Rental | 280.00 |
Kia Kiani |
7725 Gateway
Unit 1513
Irvine, California 926181591 |
04/28/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 487.50 |
OC Plaza |
2575 McCabe Way
Irvine, California 926144235 |
04/28/2016 | Event Site Rental | 487.50 |
Kim Ngov |
138 S Easton Rd
Glenside, Pennsylvania 190384001 |
04/07/2016 | Rent | 4000.00 |
Kimberly Miller |
2317 Carlyle Pl
Los Angeles, California 900652023 |
04/27/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 291.00 |
Bell Community Center Hall |
6250 Pine Ave
Bell, California 902011219 |
04/27/2016 | Event Site Rental | 291.00 |
Klock Entertainment |
1310 Crooked Hill Rd
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171109714 |
04/29/2016 | Sound/Stage/Lighting | 550.00 |
Krells, Inc |
8408 Arlington Blvd
Ste 300
Fairfax, Virginia 220314608 |
04/01/2016 | Rent | 3000.00 |
Krells, Inc |
8408 Arlington Blvd
Ste 300
Fairfax, Virginia 220314608 |
04/04/2016 | Rent | 1000.00 |
Adam Kustra |
5719 Pennsylvania Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631112229 |
04/18/2016 | Payroll | 1575.57 |
L.D. Bland & Associates, LLC |
318 W 118th St
Fl 1
New York, New York 100261003 |
04/12/2016 | Canvassing/Telephone Calls | 346914.05 |
L.D. Bland & Associates, LLC |
318 W 118th St
Fl 1
New York, New York 100261003 |
04/18/2016 | Canvassing/Telephone Calls | 343828.63 |
Emma LaBounty |
633 Harpeth Trace Dr
Nashville, Tennessee 372213147 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 200.00 |
LaGuardia Community College |
3110 Thomson Ave
Long Island City, New York 111013007 |
04/08/2016 | Event Site Rental | 5000.00 |
Lake Elsinore Unified School District |
545 Chaney St
Lake Elsinore, California 925302712 |
04/27/2016 | Event Site Rental | 440.00 |
Laura Sire |
21181 Sailors Bay Ln
Huntington Beach, California 926466920 |
04/27/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 400.00 |
Back Bay Conference |
3415 Michelson Dr
Irvine, California 926121605 |
04/27/2016 | Event Site Rental | 400.00 |
Martin Lautz |
1708 Pierce St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191452117 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1401.59 |
James Lawson |
385 Applewood Farm RD
Campobello, South Carolina 29322 |
04/01/2016 | Payroll | 616.60 |
John Lazarz |
547 Manchester Rd
Auburn, New Hampshire 030323123 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1849.11 |
LC Interpreting Services |
314 E 80th St
Apt 2B
New York, New York 100750986 |
04/22/2016 | Interpreting Services | 4200.00 |
Evan Lebrun |
24 Tenney Rd
Goffstown, New Hampshire 030453100 |
04/18/2016 | Payroll | 1875.57 |
Evan Lebrun |
24 Tenney Rd
Goffstown, New Hampshire 030453100 |
04/20/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 1632.00 |
AirBnB |
888 Brannan St
San Francisco, California 941034928 |
04/20/2016 | Lodging | 1632.00 |
Lee Hemingway |
1894 Gilman Rd
Hinesburg, Vermont 054619292 |
04/28/2016 | Rent | 1500.00 |
Erica Lee |
261 Pine St
Apt 41
Manchester, New Hampshire 031035348 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 27.94 |
Karen Lee |
201 Nassau Dr
Springfield, Massachusetts 011291435 |
04/01/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1091.37 |
Karen Lee |
201 Nassau Dr
Springfield, Massachusetts 011291435 |
04/01/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 671.46 |
Leisure Cruise Recordings, Inc. |
300 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 112494118 |
04/29/2016 | Event Entertainment | 9114.64 |
Lori Lemieux |
1488 Parker St
Springfield, Massachusetts 011291011 |
04/12/2016 | Utilities | 35.19 |
Marc Levitt |
1615 Q St NW
Washington, DC 200096331 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 342.10 |
David Lewis |
62 Q St NW
Unit 2
Washington, DC 200012295 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 200.77 |
Elizabeth Lewis |
2024 Virginia Ave
McLean, Virginia 221014940 |
04/07/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 2108.05 |
Uber |
1455 Market St
San Francisco, California 941031331 |
04/07/2016 | Auto Travel | 457.73 |
Lexis-Nexis |
PO Box 72477090
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191700001 |
04/11/2016 | Research | 1710.00 |
Keith Lilly |
317 W 114th St
Apt 4A
New York, New York 100262735 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 3328.28 |
Jacob Limon |
1802 Ann Arbor Ave
Austin, Texas 787043229 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1368.01 |
Lisa Axelrod |
11136 Chandler Blvd
Apt 390
North Hollywood, California 916013294 |
04/27/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 702.40 |
LA Department of Recs and Parks |
11430 Chandler Blvd
North Hollywood, California 916013161 |
04/27/2016 | Event Site Rental | 391.00 |
Staples |
12505 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, California 916042413 |
04/27/2016 | Office Supplies | 311.40 |
LiveVox, Inc. |
450 Sansome St
Ste 900
San Francisco, California 941113317 |
04/11/2016 | Software | 110000.00 |
LiveVox, Inc. |
450 Sansome St
Ste 900
San Francisco, California 941113317 |
04/21/2016 | Software | 100000.00 |
Kyle Machado |
16441 Jody Cir
Westminster, California 926837864 |
04/18/2016 | Payroll | 390.76 |
Caithlin Madigan |
3030 Macomb St NW
Washington, DC 200083317 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 810.66 |
Laz Valet Parking |
15 Lewis St
Hartford, Connecticut 061032502 |
04/20/2016 | Parking | 280.00 |
Eric Magee |
6315 N 103rd St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532251403 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll | 858.85 |
Joe Magee |
Waterbury, Vermont 05676 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 430.45 |
Brandon Maheu |
66 Northport Ave
Belfast, Maine 049156007 |
04/06/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 1643.56 |
Brandon Maheu |
66 Northport Ave
Belfast, Maine 049156007 |
04/06/2016 | Per Diem | 500.00 |
Brandon Maheu |
66 Northport Ave
Belfast, Maine 049156007 |
04/06/2016 | Mileage Reimbursement | 456.57 |
Hotel Vermont |
41 Cherry St
Burlington, Vermont 054018458 |
04/06/2016 | Lodging | 210.79 |
Maiden Lane LLC |
210 College St
Ste 201
Burlington, Vermont 054018376 |
04/07/2016 | Parking | 25.00 |
Maiden Lane LLC |
210 College St
Ste 201
Burlington, Vermont 054018376 |
04/28/2016 | Rent | 1625.00 |
Main Street Lofts Yonkers LLC |
66 Main St
Apt 211
Yonkers, New York 107017085 |
04/08/2016 | Rent | 2500.00 |
Maine Democratic Party |
PO Box 5258
Augusta, Maine 043325258 |
04/25/2016 | Event Sponsorship | 5000.00 |
Malden Public Schools |
200 Pleasant St
Malden, Massachusetts 02148 |
04/06/2016 | Event Site Rental | 1100.00 |
Chris Malloy |
52 Hickory Ln
Somersworth, New Hampshire 038781123 |
04/27/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 86.20 |
Mammen Group |
1901 L St NW
Washington, DC 200363533 |
04/18/2016 | Direct Mail | 70823.18 |
Mammen Group |
1901 L St NW
Washington, DC 200363533 |
04/21/2016 | Direct Mail | 530813.82 |
Mammen Group |
1901 L St NW
Washington, DC 200363533 |
04/22/2016 | Direct Mail | 232450.88 |
Marik von Rennenkampff |
1904 T St NW
Apt A
Washington, DC 200091273 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 65.65 |
Marik von Rennenkampff |
1904 T St NW
Apt A
Washington, DC 200091273 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 202.84 |
Marist College |
3399 North Rd
Poughkeepsie, New York 126011350 |
04/11/2016 | Event Site Rental | 13600.00 |
MAS Corporation |
894 Ave Munoz Rivera
Ste 201
San Juan, Puerto Rico 009274399 |
04/22/2016 | Rent | 3000.00 |
Maverick Strategies and Mail |
3723 N Vernon St
Arlington, Virginia 222074542 |
04/05/2016 | Printing | 20943.66 |
Maverick Strategies and Mail |
3723 N Vernon St
Arlington, Virginia 222074542 |
04/21/2016 | Printing | 61973.34 |
Mayfair Medical Properties |
636 Korisa Dr
Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 190062224 |
04/07/2016 | Rent | 4000.00 |
Destini McDowell |
5735 S Calumet Ave
Apt 3E
Chicago, Illinois 606371278 |
04/12/2016 | Payroll | 530.19 |
James McLaughlin |
PO Box 256
Kingstree, South Carolina 295560256 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 2318.73 |
Aneesa McMillan |
407 Gary Ave
Selma, Alabama 367015606 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 834.67 |
Aneesa McMIllan |
407 Gary Ave
Selma, Alabama 367015606 |
04/13/2016 | Per Diem | 440.00 |
Uber |
633 W 27th St
New York, New York 100011105 |
04/13/2016 | Auto Travel | 268.18 |
Aneesa McMillan |
407 Gary Ave
Selma, Alabama 367015606 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 489.48 |
14425 SE Johnson Rd
Milwaukie, Oregon 972672341 |
04/23/2016 | Direct Mail | 1513.00 |
MetroCast Cablevision |
PO Box 9253
Chelsea, Massachusetts 021509253 |
04/15/2016 | Phones/Internet | 137.33 |
MetroCast Cablevision |
PO Box 9253
Chelsea, Massachusetts 021509253 |
04/22/2016 | Phones/Internet | 163.71 |
Mexican Village Restaurant |
3668 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900043527 |
04/05/2016 | Catering | 801.06 |
Michael David Properties LLC |
139 Cove Neck Rd
Oyster Bay, New York 117711824 |
04/11/2016 | Rent | 2500.00 |
Michael Overholser |
1115 Penn St NE
Washington, DC 200022645 |
04/21/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 299.10 |
Michael Palm |
28 Alder Ln
Burlington, Vermont 054014902 |
04/06/2016 | Rent | 2955.00 |
Mid Hudson Interpreter Service |
82 Washington St
Ste 214
Poughkeepsie, New York 126012305 |
04/22/2016 | Interpreting Services | 630.00 |
Midwest Radio, Inc. |
3839 Merle Hay Rd
Ste 230
Des Moines, Iowa 503101321 |
04/25/2016 | Rent | 1460.00 |
Christine Mikiewicz |
62 Downer Ave
Apt 1
Boston, Massachusetts 021252043 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 273.65 |
Reed Millar |
2901 E Minnehaha Pkwy
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554171315 |
04/07/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 988.04 |
Delta |
1030 Delta Blvd
Atlanta, Georgia 303541989 |
04/07/2016 | Air Travel | 285.00 |
307 Kamani St
Ste A
Honolulu, Hawaii 968135308 |
04/07/2016 | Rent | 314.07 |
Peggy Miller |
4036 N 24th Pl
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532096606 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll | 858.85 |
Minnesota Revenue |
6501 Mail Sta
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551460001 |
04/22/2016 | Payroll Taxes | 1011.72 |
Minnesota UI Fund |
PO Box 64621
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551640621 |
04/18/2016 | Payroll Taxes | 500.00 |
Jose Miranda |
2833 W Palmyra St
2833 W Palmyra St
Tucson, Arizona 857051143 |
04/07/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 8526.32 |
Best Buy |
3820 S Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, Nevada 891197501 |
04/07/2016 | Office Supplies | 693.08 |
Big 5 Sporting Goods |
2797 S Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, Nevada 891091576 |
04/07/2016 | Office Supplies | 226.96 |
Dominos |
3100 E Lake Mead Blvd
North Las Vegas, Nevada 890300108 |
04/07/2016 | Catering | 1871.88 |
Dominos |
4515 E Bonanza Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada 891103386 |
04/07/2016 | Catering | 1884.17 |
Dominos |
4966 S Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, Nevada 891191502 |
04/07/2016 | Catering | 3628.34 |
Jose Miranda |
2833 W Palmyra St
2833 W Palmyra St
Tucson, Arizona 857051143 |
04/13/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 3553.50 |
Costco Wholesale |
222 S Martin L King Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada 891064305 |
04/13/2016 | Event Supplies | 3358.60 |
Jose Miranda |
2833 W Palmyra St
2833 W Palmyra St
Tucson, Arizona 857051143 |
04/15/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 4988.11 |
Costco |
19105 Highway 99
Lynnwood, Washington 980365228 |
04/15/2016 | Catering | 4943.33 |
Johnny Misheff |
PO Box 1097
Hudson, New York 125349097 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 584.38 |
Whole Foods |
214 3rd St
Brooklyn, New York 112152702 |
04/25/2016 | Catering | 230.22 |
Johnny Misheff |
PO Box 1097
Hudson, New York 125349097 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 417.29 |
Anargiros Mitropoulos |
170 Washington St
Northvale, New Jersey 076472110 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 111.75 |
Mizu |
2010 Jimmy Durante Blvd
Ste 230
Del Mar, California 920142272 |
04/11/2016 | Campaign Paraphernalia | 1160.00 |
Monroe Community Sports Centre Corp |
2700 Brighton Henrietta Tl Rd
Rochester, New York 146232716 |
04/22/2016 | Event Site Rental | 6000.00 |
Alonso Montes |
4033 Pelham Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891104468 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 896.59 |
Cynthia Montes |
707 5th Ave
La Habra, California 906316005 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 2713.07 |
Cynthia Mones |
707 5th Ave
La Habra, California 906316005 |
04/13/2016 | Per Diem | 2440.00 |
Uber |
182 Howard St
# 8
San Francisco, California 941051611 |
04/13/2016 | Auto Travel | 206.29 |
Raymone Moody |
3400 N 14th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532062856 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll | 1058.85 |
Morel Ink |
4824 NE 42nd Ave
Portland, Oregon 972181661 |
04/13/2016 | Printing | 678.00 |
Morgan D Hill |
26B College Pkwy
Colchester, Vermont 054463011 |
04/13/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 467.55 |
| |
PO Box 9218
Berkeley, California 947090218 |
04/01/2016 | Merchant Fees | 1709.79 |
Munroe Realtors |
117 Main St
Wakefield, Rhode Island 028793511 |
04/04/2016 | Rent | 1500.00 |
Al-Sharif Nassef |
8690 Hopewell Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 452424508 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 618.00 |
Al-Sharif Nassef |
8690 Hopewell Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 452424508 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1779.01 |
Jonathan Nathan |
1766 Chisholm Rd
McPherson, Kansas 674607049 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1242.44 |
Nathaniel Greene |
2107 E Stratford Rd
Olathe, Kansas 660622307 |
04/25/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 275.23 |
National Newspaper Publishers Associati |
1816 12th St NW
Fl 2
Washington, DC 200094422 |
04/07/2016 | Print Advertising | 71156.55 |
National Nurses United |
PO Box 894392
Los Angeles, California 901890001 |
04/12/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 15741.74 |
National Nurses United |
PO Box 894392
Los Angeles, California 901890001 |
04/13/2016 | Rent | 70.00 |
National Nurses United |
PO Box 894392
Los Angeles, California 901890001 |
04/22/2016 | Rent | 3098.00 |
National Union |
22427 Network Pl
Chicago, Illinois 606731224 |
04/22/2016 | Insurance | 18687.00 |
Native Energy, Inc |
3 Main St
Ste 212
Burlington, Vermont 054015216 |
04/25/2016 | Carbon Offsets | 3726.00 |
Patrick Neuman |
48 Pioneer Cir
Attleboro, Massachusetts 027036518 |
04/05/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 32.55 |
New Direction Strategies |
5000 Mountain Springs Dr
Apt 1605
Cane Ridge, Tennessee 370135784 |
04/01/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 8500.00 |
New Direction Strategies |
5000 Mountain Springs Dr
Apt 1605
Cane Ridge, Tennessee 370135784 |
04/29/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 8500.00 |
New York City Department of Parks & Rec |
830 5th Ave
Rm 200
New York, New York 100657001 |
04/06/2016 | Event Site Rental | 5000.00 |
New York City Department of Parks & Rec |
830 5th Ave
Rm 200
New York, New York 100657001 |
04/07/2016 | Event Site Rental | 500.00 |
New York City Department of Parks & Rec |
830 5th Ave
Rm 200
New York, New York 100657001 |
04/08/2016 | Event Site Rental | 5000.00 |
New York City Department of Parks & Rec |
830 5th Ave
Rm 200
New York, New York 100657001 |
04/12/2016 | Event Site Rental | 2500.00 |
New York City Department of Parks & Rec |
830 5th Ave
Rm 200
New York, New York 100657001 |
04/12/2016 | Event Site Rental | 1000.00 |
Nick Carter |
299 S Union St
Burlington, Vermont 054014516 |
04/09/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 305.00 |
Nina Turner |
16204 Sunny Glenn Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 441283771 |
04/26/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 404.72 |
Nine Hundred S&T, LLC |
2215 Marsh Rd
Wilmington, Delaware 198102844 |
04/06/2016 | Rent | 3550.00 |
Joe Njoroge |
9183 Jewel Crystal Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891296102 |
04/02/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 124.00 |
Joe Njoroge |
9183 Jewel Crystal Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891296102 |
04/15/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 56.41 |
Joe Njoroge |
9183 Jewel Crystal Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891296102 |
04/20/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 113.00 |
Joe Njoroge |
9183 Jewel Crystal Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891296102 |
04/28/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 256.98 |
Yvonne North |
2769 N 34th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532102518 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll | 858.85 |
Northwind Lofts, LLLP |
100 W Franklin Ave
Ste 100
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554042433 |
04/05/2016 | Rent | 1454.58 |
NSP Northeast Plaza, LLC |
1518 E 3rd St
Ste 200
Charlotte, North Carolina 282043191 |
04/14/2016 | Rent/Utilities | 1549.53 |
Robert Nunn |
8101 Cantrell Rd
Apt 1008
Little Rock, Arkansas 722272469 |
04/02/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 57.52 |
NV Energy |
Ih 80 & Stonehouse Exit 212
Valmy, Nevada 89438 |
04/01/2016 | Utilities | 124.15 |
NY Space Finders, Inc |
2803 Astoria Blvd
Astoria, New York 111022041 |
04/05/2016 | Rent | 1000.00 |
Oakstop |
1721 Broadway
Ste 201
Oakland, California 946122124 |
04/21/2016 | Rent | 5050.00 |
Carl Nathan Ober |
13227 Postrider Ct
Hagerstown, Maryland 217421728 |
04/27/2016 | Travel Reimbursement | 220.99 |
Starhotels Michelangelo |
14 Via della Stazione di S. Pietro
Rome 00165 Italy, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/27/2016 | Catering | 12.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/01/2016 | Media Buy | 50000.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/05/2016 | Media Buy | 1309146.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/07/2016 | Media Buy | 6118581.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/12/2016 | Media Buy | 248000.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/12/2016 | Media Buy | 3711000.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/14/2016 | Media Buy | 4235600.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/19/2016 | Media Buy | 571518.00 |
Old Towne Media Inc |
PO Box 31150
Alexandria, Virginia 223109150 |
04/22/2016 | Media Buy | 1061600.00 |
Peyton Olsen |
209 E 8th St
Apt 1
Little Rock, Arkansas 722023993 |
04/25/2016 | Staff Reimbursement | 64.25 |
Optimum |
PO Box 9256
Chelsea, Massachusetts 021509256 |
04/26/2016 | Internet Services | 200.29 |
Optimum |
PO Box 9256
Chelsea, Massachusetts 021509256 |
04/26/2016 | Internet Services | 200.29 |
Optimum |
PO Box 9256
Chelsea, Massachusetts 021509256 |
04/26/2016 | Internet Services | 196.65 |
Optimum |
PO Box 9256
Chelsea, Massachusetts 021509256 |
04/26/2016 | Internet Services | 196.61 |
OR Working Families Party |
333 SE 2nd Ave
Portland, Oregon 972141028 |
04/22/2016 | Canvassing | 8131.08 |
Overnight Printing & Graphics, Inc |
2412 1st Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981341422 |
04/05/2016 | Printing | 4110.00 |
Overnight Printing & Graphics, Inc |
2412 1st Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981341422 |
04/18/2016 | Printing | 1420.89 |
P. Scott Adams |
835 Hanover St
Ste 201
Manchester, New Hampshire 031045401 |
04/13/2016 | Utilities | 307.00 |
Pacific Office Automation |
1064 4th Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981341303 |
04/13/2016 | Office Equipment Lease | 505.41 |
Pacific Office Automation |
1064 4th Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981341303 |
04/22/2016 | Office Equipment Lease | 21.92 |
PAD Consulting |
307 E 5th St
Des Moines, Iowa 503091925 |
04/22/2016 | Political Strategy Consulting | 10000.00 |
Park & DJ, LLC |
3450 Ellicott Center Dr
Ste 103
Ellicott City, Maryland 210434666 |
04/07/2016 | Rent | 3800.00 |
Nicolas Pastore |
207 W 110th St
New York, New York 100264135 |
04/29/2016 | Payroll | 1542.42 |
Paychex, Inc |
911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311 |
04/01/2016 | Payroll Taxes | 393.57 |
Paychex, Inc |
911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311 |
04/06/2016 | Payroll Taxes | 3678.34 |
Paychex, Inc |
911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311 |
04/07/2016 | Payroll Fees | 836.91 |
Paychex, Inc |
911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311 |
04/14/2016 | Payroll Taxes | -159.05 |
Paychex, Inc |
911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll Taxes | 974.93 |
Paychex, Inc |
911 Panorama Trl S
Rochester, New York 146252311 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1154251.68 |
Mohammad Abbas |
2601 E Victoria St
Spc 145
Rancho Dominguez, California 902207103 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1142.65 |
Indra Acharya |
221 Harbor Rd
# 1
Shelburne, Vermont 054827618 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 546.93 |
Julia Ackerly |
55 Southern Blvd
Newbury, Massachusetts 019512115 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1358.60 |
Rolando Aguirre |
317 W 9th Ave
Fort Morgan, Colorado 807012055 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1397.35 |
Patrick Alcorn |
15624 Wing Lake Dr
Minnetonka, Minnesota 553455649 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1282.57 |
Kyle Aldrich |
234 Jewett Ave
# 7
Jersey City, New Jersey 073041804 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2161.45 |
John Alessi |
65 Lazell St
Hingham, Massachusetts 020434403 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 219.26 |
Curtis Allain |
40 Beachway St
Whitmore Lake, Michigan 481899598 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1017.86 |
Nida Allam |
10716 Golf Link Dr
Raleigh, North Carolina 276177453 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1474.06 |
Adrian Allen |
5206 Four Rivers Ct
Houston, Texas 770915659 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 3028.27 |
Tyler Allen |
2052 Promontory Point Ln
Gold River, California 956707277 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1293.33 |
Matthew Amato |
303 Reservoir Ave
Revere, Massachusetts 021515813 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1181.82 |
Whitney Anderson |
715 S Washington St
Apt B31
Alexandria, Virginia 223144229 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1550.00 |
Erika Andiola |
4501 E Wood St
Phoenix, Arizona 850409201 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1905.57 |
Sheila Angelo |
716 Monroe St NE
Apt 509
Washington, DC 200171725 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1519.88 |
Justin Ansley |
211 Walnut Ln
Bossier City, Louisiana 711115132 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1070.66 |
Tony Anthony |
2301 E St NW
Washington, DC 200372829 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2456.36 |
Adriana Arevalo |
2891 Rothesay Ave
Henderson, Nevada 890441547 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1426.46 |
Elizabeth Arnold |
1501 Green St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191304039 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 585.95 |
Philip Aroneanu |
1451 Park Rd NW
Apt 311
Washington, DC 200102827 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2744.30 |
Adrian Arrivillaga |
74 S Willard St
Apt 1
Burlington, Vermont 054013425 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 753.43 |
Megan Arsenault |
29 Benton Rd
Hooksett, New Hampshire 031061838 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1121.97 |
Kiyana Asemanfar |
6039 Sandbrook Dr
Rancho Palos Verde, California 902752257 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1205.06 |
Alex Askew |
6030 Clear Springs Rd
Virginia Beach, Virginia 234644638 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1457.53 |
Ananiya Asrat |
3912 S Pitkin Way
Aurora, Colorado 800133216 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1151.01 |
Juan Ayon |
140 Pheasant Woods
Colchester, Vermont 054461891 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1229.81 |
Charla Bailey |
713 Walnut St
North Little Rock, Arkansas 721144967 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 700.00 |
Clem Balanoff |
907 W Ainslie St
Chicago, Illinois 606403811 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2697.76 |
Jordan Barbeau |
410 Monterey Pl
Los Altos, California 940222658 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1700.31 |
Julia Barnes |
300 Bedford St
Manchester, New Hampshire 031011102 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2973.00 |
Michael Barney |
1060 Sebring Rd
Beaver, Pennsylvania 150099386 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1948.07 |
Alissa Barrett |
9711 E River Rd
Mt Pleasant, Michigan 488589842 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1044.11 |
Chris Barth |
286 Old Lancaster Rd
Sudbury, Massachusetts 017762214 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 714.37 |
Amy-Gabrielle Bartolac |
9561 Downing Pl
North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania 156425617 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 287.39 |
Cara Bates |
2403 Shamrock Dr
Columbia, Missouri 652025514 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1381.04 |
Rania Batrice |
1409 S Lamar St
Apt 825
Dallas, Texas 752156847 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 3037.39 |
Tyler Beaulieu |
10 Romasco Ln
# 1
Portland, Maine 041012607 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1481.45 |
Barber Ben |
15 Sherbrooke Rd
Hartsdale, New York 105302942 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 557.34 |
Matthew Berg |
1705 2nd St NE
Washington, DC 200022123 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2658.66 |
Trevor Bernardo |
4170 Highway 357
Inman, South Carolina 293497825 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1254.29 |
Kassandra Bessert |
22101 NE 150th Ave
Battle Ground, Washington 986044600 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2714.19 |
Paul Betancourt |
663 1/2 10th Ave
San Francisco, California 941183609 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2500.81 |
Akriti Bhargava |
16 Dickenson Ct
Plainsboro, New Jersey 085362338 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 513.69 |
John Birmingham |
72 Cherry St
Burlington, Vermont 054014415 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1136.05 |
Robyn Bishop |
112 Brenton Ct
Stephens City, Virginia 226554819 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1240.59 |
George Blair |
55 Connor Rd
Montpelier, Vermont 056024205 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 714.37 |
Karen Blyton |
1304 6th St NW
Washington, DC 200013465 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1440.03 |
Jarret Bodo |
25 Scott Dr
Melville, New York 117471013 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1269.82 |
Zach Boisvert |
24 Union St
Montague, Massachusetts 013519539 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1884.23 |
Ernest Boston |
121 Allen St
Darlington, South Carolina 295325201 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1568.76 |
Christopher Bowen |
2035 Sunnyside Ave
Burlington, Iowa 526012532 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1841.65 |
Nicholas Brana |
7145 Merrimac Dr
McLean, Virginia 221013408 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1575.10 |
River Breibach |
653 Wilson St
Dubuque, Iowa 520016519 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1354.78 |
Hawley Brett |
443 Broadway
Apt 2
Somerville, Massachusetts 021452647 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1201.17 |
Michael Briggs |
119 4th St SE
Washington, DC 200031013 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 4254.69 |
Samuel Briggs |
5200 Berryleaf Grv
Columbus, Ohio 432314976 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2021.39 |
Mariel Brown-Fallon |
78 Greenfield Rd
Colrain, Massachusetts 013409639 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1066.86 |
Dylan Budnick |
4424 N Vancouver Ave
Portland, Oregon 972172942 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 428.54 |
Wrenn Bunker |
2227 Date St
Honolulu, Hawaii 968264011 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1045.87 |
Matthew Burdine |
3745 SW Austin St
Seattle, Washington 981263237 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1126.01 |
Evan Burger |
201 3rd Ave
Slater, Iowa 502447767 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1682.25 |
Kevin Burgess |
18503 Skahill Rd
Cascade, Iowa 520338596 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1245.43 |
Adrian Burnett |
633 Main St
LL-C 222
Burlington, Vermont 054051753 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 418.19 |
Kyle Butts |
121 Sherry Ln
New Milford, Connecticut 067764142 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1257.63 |
Melissa Byrne |
Western Wood, New Hampshire 01234 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1929.37 |
Robert Byrne |
38 Orchard Ter
# 2
Burlington, Vermont 054013819 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1029.43 |
Julio Cabrera |
2465 NW Raleigh St
Portland, Oregon 972102648 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1601.88 |
Joe Caiazzo |
21 Constitution Rd
Stoneham, Massachusetts 021802159 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1748.54 |
Luis Calderin |
55 Farrington Parkway
Burlington, Vermont 054082529 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2714.47 |
Johanna E Caldwell |
4 Elm Ter
Burlington, Vermont 054014615 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1102.69 |
Ariana Cano |
30 N Champlain St
Burlington, Vermont 054014361 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 403.41 |
Ricky Cardenas |
6555 Washington Ave
Apt K
Whittier, California 906014517 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1334.57 |
Arturo Carmona |
5298 Martin St
Mira Loma, California 917521839 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 3625.52 |
Spencer Carnes |
1672 Eldorado Dr
Superior, Colorado 800278292 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1085.76 |
Nicholas Carter |
299 S Union St
Burlington, Vermont 054014516 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 2161.65 |
Mike Casca |
127 18th St SE
Washington, DC 200031614 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1697.05 |
Emily Cavanagh |
1383 Hayes Dr
Yorktown Heights, New York 105985707 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1859.87 |
Elliot Cavnaugh |
7835 Camino Noguera
San Diego, California 921222030 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1097.46 |
Christopher Cayer |
41 Myrtle St
Apt 1
Portland, Maine 041013008 |
04/15/2016 | Payroll | 1087.36 |
David Francis |
7543 113th St
Forest Hills, New York 113755551 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Virginia L Franco |
6142 Romany Dr
San Diego, California 921204610 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 172.00 |
David Fraser |
9037 S 16th Pl
Phoenix, Arizona 850428009 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
John Fraser |
7532 Rigby Ct
Lakewood Ranch, Florida 342022453 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Dan Frazier |
245 Evergreen Ave
Mill Valley, California 949413348 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Brian Freeman |
3674 SE Durango Pl
Gresham, Oregon 970807357 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Michael Freemark |
1309 Oakland Ave
Durham, North Carolina 277053243 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Michael Freemark |
1309 Oakland Ave
Durham, North Carolina 277053243 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Jensachim Frei |
26 Redfield Cir
Derry, New Hampshire 030384839 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 928.34 |
Marsha D Fretwell |
78 Charlyn Dr
Asheville, North Carolina 288032073 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 208.55 |
Ann Frick |
4100 Wake Robin Dr
Glen Ellen, California 954429721 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 129.00 |
Robert Friedland |
#1002 - 6651 Minoru Boulevard
Richmond BC 000 V6, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 399.60 |
Robert Friedlander |
860 United Nations Plz
Apt 23A
New York, New York 100171821 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Esti Friedman |
21 woodland hts
Toronto ON M6S 2W3, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 347.67 |
Bonnie Friedmann |
4809 67th St
San Diego, California 921152933 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 742.39 |
Elizabeth Fritz |
112 N Maple St
Watertown, Wisconsin 530944010 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 123.00 |
Jorg Fritze |
Friedrichstr. 64 d
Mulheim an der Ruhr 45468 Germ
any, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 479.00 |
Adran Fsoter |
4651 Clark Rue
Montreal QC H2T 2T, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 719.00 |
Michiko Fukuda |
2818 Passy Ave
San Diego, California 921223137 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 167.00 |
Peter D. Galbraith |
68 Bartlett Bay Rd
South Burlington, Vermont 054037737 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Jason Galiano |
3451 24th Ave W
Apt 425
Seattle, Washington 981992218 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2000.00 |
Jason Galiano |
3451 24th Ave W
Apt 425
Seattle, Washington 981992218 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
kevin gallagher |
75 timberland cres.
wasaga beach ON Ca, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2000.00 |
Mark Gallagher |
RR#1 065053 4 Sideroad
Meaford ON 00N 4L-, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 852.00 |
Richard Gallant |
Gnaschwitzerstr. 1
Doberschau-Gau??ig OT Schlungw 026
92 Germany, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 254.53 |
Gisela Gamper |
491 Broadway
Apt 3
New York, New York 100124412 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Kenneth Gantt |
PO Box 341
Toano, Virginia 231680341 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Mariela Garcia |
612 N 5th St
Montebello, California 906403504 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Jonni Gardey |
6913 Baker Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871092775 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
David Garibaldi |
PO Box 421254
Plymouth, Minnesota 554420254 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
David Garibaldi |
PO Box 421254
Plymouth, Minnesota 554420254 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Wayne Garritano |
9730 S Marquette Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606174946 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Wayne Garritano |
9730 S Marquette Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606174946 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Gary Gebhardt |
1351 Rue St Gregoire Apt 201
Montreal QC 000 H2, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 700.00 |
Peter L. Gebhardt |
3618 Routh St
Dallas, Texas 752194732 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Richard Geckler |
17763 Layton Path
Lakeville, Minnesota 550445217 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Brian R Geisel |
2025 Drummond Pond Rd
Milton, Georgia 300043152 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Christopher George |
PO Box 69
Fairfax, California 949780069 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 240.88 |
Maryam Ghiai |
32 Brewsland Crescent
Thornhill ON Canad, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Michelle Giger |
4808 College Heights Dr NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871202435 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Richard Gilberg |
100 Hudson St
Apt 7B
New York, New York 100133040 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Alexander Gilchrist |
16 Lane Gate Rd
Wappingers Falls, New York 125901824 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 245.00 |
Juanita Gilmore |
3230 Castera Ave
Glendale, California 912081608 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Peggy Gilmour |
1550 S 13th St W
Apt B
Missoula, Montana 598014903 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Jil Girvin |
2112 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, California 947041012 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Jil Girvin |
2112 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, California 947041012 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Jil Girvin |
2112 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, California 947041012 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Guillermo Gisinger |
3 Elwell Ave
Budd Lake, New Jersey 078282817 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Claudia M. Giuliani |
167 Oakdale Ave
Mill Valley, California 949415301 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1005.00 |
M E E Gladis |
1517 Oak Ave
Davis, California 956161002 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 121.62 |
Sallie Gladney |
204 W 34th St
Houston, Texas 770187610 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
John Gladwin |
6125 Fairview Pl
Agoura Hills, California 913011853 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 357.80 |
Barbara Gleason |
PO Box 83---8 Flintlock Way
Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Matthew Godsey |
1211 W Cucharras St
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809044337 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
John Goeckermann |
6393 Hugo Rd
Grants Pass, Oregon 975268775 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Ronald Goff |
PO Box 763
Tecumseh, Oklahoma 748730763 |
04/25/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Doris Goguen |
19 Reservoir Rd
Walpole, New Hampshire 036084633 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 47.00 |
Doris Goguen |
19 Reservoir Rd
Walpole, New Hampshire 036084633 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 47.00 |
Doris Goguen |
19 Reservoir Rd
Walpole, New Hampshire 036084633 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 135.00 |
chad Gold |
506 Santa Monica Blvd
Ste 226
Santa Monica, California 904012412 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Theodore Goldberg |
Jungfrudansen 32
Solna Stockholm 17, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2100.00 |
Daniel Goldman |
775 Hellmuth Avenue
London ON N6A 3T6, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 550.00 |
Giovani Gomez |
344 N Fickett St
Los Angeles, California 900333025 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 69.03 |
Joshua Gonzalez |
11638 Homestead Ave NE
Alliance, Ohio 446011100 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jodi Good |
37 N Charlotte St
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 176033743 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 600.00 |
Bradley Goodman |
3605-1199 Marinaside Crescent
Vancouver BC Canad, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 378.70 |
Charles Goodman |
1725 Grand View Dr
Berkeley, California 947051639 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 160.00 |
Carlie Goodrich |
7110 NE Tillamook St
Portland, Oregon 972135365 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 284.00 |
Malkanthi Goonewardena |
74-46 260th street, Glen oaks
New York, New York 11004 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Malkanthi Goonewardena |
74-46 260th street, Glen oaks
New York, New York 11004 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
William Gordon |
16181 Ridgewood Dr
Sonora, California 953708753 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 52.00 |
Stephen Gorian |
60 Alexandra Crescent
Bayview NSW 02104, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 318.00 |
Anna Gosling |
1602 E Frankford Rd
Apt 1207
Carrollton, Texas 750075270 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 12.50 |
Jason Gossell |
6511 Spelling Bee
Columbia, Maryland 210454636 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
6 Playa Verde
Tiburon, California 949201122 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2850.00 |
William Grace |
74 Cardiff Rd
Toronto ON M4P 2P3, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 700.00 |
Joyce Graham |
1214 13th St
Eureka, California 955012036 |
04/25/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
William Graham |
1 Rue des Vaches
Reuilly-Sauvigny 0, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1440.00 |
Philip J Grajko |
266 Starnes Cove Rd
Candler, North Carolina 287159626 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 0.09 |
Timothy Gray |
1116 Berry St
Calistoga, California 945151602 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
James Green |
4553 River Pkwy
Apt D
Atlanta, Georgia 303393843 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 135.00 |
Ryan Green |
7825 Wild Horse Canyon Rd
Wrightwood, California 923979675 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Miriam Greenblatt |
2754 Roslyn Ln
Highland Park, Illinois 600351408 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Lumina Greenway |
17 Camden Ct
Wakefield, Rhode Island 028798261 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 192.50 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Christine Grem |
7136 S Sunnycrest Rd
Seattle, Washington 981782652 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Tim Grey |
2306 Carter Rd SW
Roanoke, Virginia 240153524 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Timothy Grier |
Box 542 Bellevue
2417 - 211 St., Bellevue Crowsnest
Pass AB T0K 0C0 Ca, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 824.63 |
Everett Griffiths |
848 N Rainbow Blvd
# 2218
Las Vegas, Nevada 891071103 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2670.00 |
Jennifer Grigg |
83 Grove Avenue
London 00N10 Great, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 557.83 |
Charles Grinstead |
Bendstrasse 37A
Herzogenrath 52134, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 742.68 |
Carolyn Grissett |
24636 Walnut Dr
Elkmont, Alabama 356206448 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Carolyn Grissett |
24636 Walnut Dr
Elkmont, Alabama 356206448 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Carolyn Grissett |
24636 Walnut Dr
Elkmont, Alabama 356206448 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
John Grocock |
12596 weat dakota ave #211
Denver, Colorado 80228 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
John Grocock |
12596 weat dakota ave #211
Denver, Colorado 80228 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Joseph Grohowski |
143 Sanford St
Glens Falls, New York 128013121 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1100.00 |
Arlene Gross |
55 Rue St. JAcques
Paris 75005 France, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Eric Grove |
353 Mainsail Dr
Hampton, Virginia 236642207 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 42.91 |
Brian Groves |
2560 Flint Dr
Wilmington, North Carolina 284017770 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Andrea Grumbine |
15 High Ridge Rd
New Paltz, New York 125612911 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Ryan Grutze |
4613 West 16th Avenue
Vancouver BC 000 V, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 438.08 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Elizabeth Guccione |
3 Whitewood Road
Toronto Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Sandra Guerra |
4106 Adeline St
Emeryville, California 946083629 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 20.00 |
Sandra Guerra |
4106 Adeline St
Emeryville, California 946083629 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 20.00 |
Charlotte Guerriero |
402 Simmons Rd
Middleboro, Massachusetts 023466338 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 5.00 |
Rosemarie Guieb |
27335 Guadaloupe Ln
Ramrod Key, Florida 330425414 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Gabrielle Guise |
101 Hulls Farm Rd
Southport, Connecticut 068901027 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Gabrielle Guise |
101 Hulls Farm Rd
Southport, Connecticut 068901027 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Lee Gumienny |
Bou 3 Apt 302-201
Seonggeon-dong 685
Seoul Korea, Repub, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 901.89 |
Linda Guthrie |
1250 NE 160th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972305752 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Juan Gutierrez |
1100 S Lamar Blvd
Austin, Texas 787040119 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Nichole Haase |
117 Sonoma Aisle
Irvine, California 926183906 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Thinker Bill Hackett |
2502 Orella St
Apt A
Santa Barbara, California 931053899 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Melissa Hadder |
10399 Frederick Pike
Vandalia, Ohio 453779714 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 24.00 |
Robert J Haegele |
1455 Oak Manor Rd
Aurora, Illinois 605059794 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Elaine Hagen |
20671 Ponderosa Way
Tuolumne, California 953799735 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.44 |
Kevin D. D Hagerty |
1770 Belcastro St
Las Vegas, Nevada 891171540 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 181.68 |
John Haiman |
1744 Jefferson Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551052052 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 55.85 |
Houman Hajibaik |
12201 Dana
Irvine, California 926181121 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
John T Hale |
162 Pineridge Dr
Bainbridge, Georgia 398178261 |
04/02/2016 | Contribution Refund | 235.00 |
Caleb Haley |
12B Sanchez St
San Francisco, California 941141113 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 365.00 |
Andy Hall |
216 S Broadway St
Little York, Illinois 614539774 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Ayres Hall |
138 Locks Pond Rd
Shutesbury, Massachusetts 010729793 |
04/02/2016 | Contribution Refund | 837.58 |
Deidre Hall |
1223 Wilshire Blvd
# 825
Santa Monica, California 904035406 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Foster Hall |
5001 Inspiration Dr SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871083522 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 840.00 |
Melody Haller |
3033 Three Springs Rd
Mount Hamilton, California 951409748 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 61.27 |
Jeffrey Hallett |
9341 Preston Trl E
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 320823306 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Nathan Hamblen |
5053 rue Boyer
Montreal QC 00H 2J, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 402.00 |
Elisabeth Hamilton |
16 bis rue Sibuet
Paris ?le-de-France 75012 Fran
ce, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 272.19 |
Trish Hamlin |
12 Mountain Brook Rd
Cornwall, New York 125181809 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 7.86 |
Barbara Hammer |
238-31790 Union Ave.
Abbotsford BC 00V 2T- 4L Canad
a, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 946.40 |
Jared Hammond |
129 Fair St
Red Bank, Tennessee 374155017 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Jeff Hampton |
5614 Edgemar Ave
Los Angeles, California 900432820 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Jacob Hancock |
220 N 10th St
Apt 4D
Brooklyn, New York 112116987 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Jerome Handler |
120 Blithe Ct
Charlottesville, Virginia 229018923 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 235.00 |
Chris Hanley |
3545 Jasmine St
Denver, Colorado 802071351 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Chris Hanley |
3545 Jasmine St
Denver, Colorado 802071351 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
John Hannah |
4847 Melrose Ave.
Montreal QC Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Miranda Hansen |
2459 E Mitchell St
Tucson, Arizona 857193228 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Tim Hansen |
5244 Chowen Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554102120 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Harry Harbin |
1100 Quaker Hill Dr
Apt 402
Alexandria, Virginia 223144752 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 161.00 |
Mark Hare |
PO Box 112
Amesville, Ohio 457110112 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Abbai Haregot |
6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd
San Ramon, California 945832324 |
04/02/2016 | Contribution Refund | 489.00 |
Kenneth Hargett |
Vangede Bygade 115 St TV
Gentofte 02820 Den, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 410.00 |
Ellen Harmansky |
1664 Osterville Rd
West Barnstable, Massachusetts 026681743 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Lauren Harmeier |
2706 Fentonridge Dr
Austin, Texas 787455957 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Linda Harmon |
PO Box 257
Hanapepe, Hawaii 967160257 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Sara Harmon |
2916 Shady Ave
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152172773 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Bryan K Harrell |
Yoyogi 4-57-12-301
Shibuya-Ku Tokyo J, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Francis Harrington |
786 Hemenway St
Marlborough, Massachusetts 017526713 |
04/02/2016 | Contribution Refund | 730.00 |
Brandon Harris |
2313 Avenue H
Grand Prairie, Texas 750508300 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
John Harris |
5816 Oakes Ave
Superior, Wisconsin 548805769 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jennifer Harrison |
190 Marion Ln
Eugene, Oregon 974043064 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Jennifer Harrison |
190 Marion Ln
Eugene, Oregon 974043064 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Lydia Harry |
9440 Clover Hill Ln
Rixeyville, Virginia 227372401 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Lydia Harry |
9440 Clover Hill Ln
Rixeyville, Virginia 227372401 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Adam Hartke |
2227 W Saint Louis St
Wichita, Kansas 672035113 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 263.00 |
Veta Hartman |
744 Windflower Dr
Longmont, Colorado 805042770 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Ben Hasche |
2321 E Harriet Lea
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 571034626 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Charles Hasseltine |
Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 20.00 |
Taylor Hawkins |
22 Trinity Dr
Milford, Massachusetts 017571822 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Kate Hayne |
101 California Ave
Mill Valley, California 949413588 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Jesse Heath |
6905 Cedarbrooke Ct
Falls Church, Virginia 220423824 |
04/02/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1058.50 |
Orie Hebard |
14 Main St S
Kirkland, Washington 980336044 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Orie Hebard |
14 Main St S
Kirkland, Washington 980336044 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Patrick Heffernan |
1273 Old Bridle Path
Oakville ON 00L 6M, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 957.75 |
Dinah Hefko |
418 Humboldt St
Brooklyn, New York 112112419 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Jason Heinbeck |
10 Park Ln
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 021302906 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 135.00 |
Jessica Helgerson |
19433 NW Reeder Rd
Portland, Oregon 972311404 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Christian Hellberg |
Kiskontie 15 a D 49
Helsinki 00280 Fin, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Jack Helscel |
2304 E Wichita St
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 740124667 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Anne E. Hemingway Hemingway Feuer |
18661 Belview Dr
Cutler Bay, Florida 331576919 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 44.79 |
Anne M. Henderson |
57 Summit Way
Milton, Vermont 054689066 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1360.43 |
Derek Henderson |
35461 490th Ave
Ottertail, Minnesota 565719538 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 54.00 |
6125 97th St
Apt 12G
Rego Park, New York 113741240 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Michael L Henderson |
1915 Scenic Ln
Mattoon, Illinois 619388602 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 183.00 |
P Casey Casey Hennessy |
PO Box 1598
Block Island, Rhode Island 028071598 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Daniel Henry |
244 Pemberly Blvd
Summerville, South Carolina 294867779 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
Elizabeth Hentz |
22 Daniel Dr
Epping, New Hampshire 030421700 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Michael Herman |
1449 S Church St
Charlotte, North Carolina 282034802 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Zarra Hermann |
28 Marion St
# 3
Portland, Maine 041012625 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Jose Hermosillo |
560 Lincoln Ave
Pomona, California 917674010 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jose Hermosillo |
560 Lincoln Ave
Pomona, California 917674010 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Stephen Hersh |
18 Emwilton Pl
Ossining, New York 105624810 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Richard Herzog |
530 Broadway E
Apt 312
Seattle, Washington 981026229 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
William Hesse |
Geding Sovej 21
Tilst 08381 Denmar, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2700.00 |
Jana Hesser |
18 Emeline St
Providence, Rhode Island 029063306 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 123.00 |
Sarah Heusner |
7B Windy Rdg
Hinesburg, Vermont 054618912 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Amy Hijjawi |
1752 N Sayre Ave
Chicago, Illinois 607074323 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 202.00 |
Victoria Hill |
22618 Locust Way
Brier, Washington 980368120 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
John W. W. Hillman |
6 Celina Rd
Massapequa Pk, New York 117621116 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Donald Hindley |
10 Pequot Rd
Wayland, Massachusetts 017783508 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 800.00 |
Steve Hindman |
1200 32nd St
Bellingham, Washington 982256918 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Breeanna Hines |
4319 W Tulare Ave
Visalia, California 932773813 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 153.00 |
Nicholas Hirons |
1305 Queen ST E
Toronto ON 000 M4-, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
David Hirscg |
25 Clapboard Ridge Rd
Greenwich, Connecticut 068303403 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Michael Hirst |
62 Andrew St
Manhasset, New York 110302310 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Michael Hitzhusen |
Van Leijenberghlaan 159
Amsterdam GE 1082, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 526.75 |
Joseph Hodes |
2706 29th St
Lubbock, Texas 794103322 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Liz Hodes |
175 lex ave
Nyc, New York 10016 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Mark Hodge |
3419 W 23rd Ave
Vancouver BC Canad, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1454.09 |
John Hodgson |
10435 Saskaatchewan Drive
edmonton AB Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 642.00 |
Christopher Hogan |
226 Glen Ave SW
Vienna, Virginia 221806211 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2690.00 |
John Holden |
738 Filbert St
San Francisco, California 941332730 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Arnold Holland |
4011 Alcove Ave
Studio City, California 916042346 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Lucy Holland |
PO Box 584
Lenox, Massachusetts 012400584 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1600.00 |
Karen Hollingsworth |
PO Box 459
North Branch, Minnesota 550560459 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Karen Hollingsworth |
PO Box 459
North Branch, Minnesota 550560459 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 13.50 |
Karen Hollingsworth |
PO Box 459
North Branch, Minnesota 550560459 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Paul Holmbeck |
Rungstedvej 18
Aarhus C 8000 Denm, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2700.00 |
John Holmes |
1755 N Damen Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606475539 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 900.00 |
Walt Holohan |
7304 Schoyer Ave
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152182336 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
W. Jefferson Jefferson Holt |
PO Box 1029
Carrboro, North Carolina 275101029 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1572.63 |
Neil A. Holtzman |
2270 Eastridge Ave
Menlo Park, California 940256713 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Ryan Hong |
1843 Greenfield Ave
Apt 4
Los Angeles, California 900254412 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Kathryn Hood |
3436 Doyle Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276073302 |
04/25/2016 | Contribution Refund | 123.00 |
Casey Hoover |
4727 Marsh Hawk Dr
Bakersfield, California 933121909 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Casey Hoover |
4727 Marsh Hawk Dr
Bakersfield, California 933121909 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Beverly J Hopkins |
927 Newport Ave
Apt A
Long Beach, California 908045125 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Beverly J Hopkins |
927 Newport Ave
Apt A
Long Beach, California 908045125 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 875.00 |
Evelyn Hopkins |
929 Scenic Hwy
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee 373501429 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2693.70 |
Evelyn Hopkins |
929 Scenic Hwy
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee 373501429 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Melanie Hopkins |
929 Scenic Hwy
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee 373501429 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2487.60 |
Elizabeth Horner |
608 140th Ct SE
Apt A205
Bellevue, Washington 980078023 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Neil Horwitz |
4 Mohawk Ter
Westford, Massachusetts 018861291 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 540.00 |
Alec Howard |
1 Rossow St
# 302D1
Arcata, California 955218227 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1723.51 |
Caroline Howard |
2227 California St
Oceanside, California 920545709 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Susan T Hoyt |
291 Palmer Hill Rd
Waitsfield, Vermont 056737185 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 4280.00 |
Frank Hribar |
8201 Hart Rd
Mentor, Ohio 440607926 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 325.00 |
Alexander Hucal |
570 Bay St
Unit 1405
Toronto ON M5G 0B2, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Scott Hughes |
4912 Havenside Way
Mansfield, Texas 760636827 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Leif Huhn |
55 Hermann St
Apt 305
San Francisco, California 941026248 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 28.45 |
Matthew Humphrey |
19353 16 avenue
Surrey BC 00V 3Z-, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 123.63 |
Ken Hund |
6945 Bell Rd
Shawnee, Kansas 662179774 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 67.00 |
Dr. Donald H. Hunneman |
Klappfeldstrasse 11
37130 Germany, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1215.00 |
Gerard Hurley |
66 Broadway
Tivoli, New York 125835736 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 390.00 |
Valerie Hurwitz |
4200 E Bluegrass Dr
Muncie, Indiana 473039158 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Adnan Husain |
124 Rideau St.
Kingston ON K6K 2Z, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 994.88 |
Heidi Hussa |
658 Chestnut St
Kearny, New Jersey 070323015 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Heidi Hussa |
658 Chestnut St
Kearny, New Jersey 070323015 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Ryan Hycnar |
937 Evergreen Ln
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 547298894 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Eric Idarius |
PO Box 388
Talmage, California 954810388 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Carol Iglauer |
4046 Magnolia Pl
Saint Louis, Missouri 631103915 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Bernard II |
1473 S Dayton Cir
Aurora, Colorado 802477339 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Goce Iliev |
PO Box 587
North Conway, New Hampshire 038600587 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
George Inhulsen |
350 Spring Valley Rd
Old Bridge, New Jersey 088573510 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Anne Ireland |
700 S Myrtle Ave
Apt 138
Monrovia, California 910168410 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Linda Ireland |
6977 Everest Ln
Evergreen, Colorado 804395323 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Linda Ireland |
6977 Everest Ln
Evergreen, Colorado 804395323 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Celeste N Irons |
14482 N Becky Rd
Dolan Springs, Arizona 864419547 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 195.00 |
Pam Irvin |
1785 Bragg St
Atlanta, Georgia 303414809 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Kristen Irvine |
1923 Felmey Rd
Winfield, Pennsylvania 178899419 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Kristen Irvine |
1923 Felmey Rd
Winfield, Pennsylvania 178899419 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Kristen Irvine |
1923 Felmey Rd
Winfield, Pennsylvania 178899419 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Kristen Irvine |
1923 Felmey Rd
Winfield, Pennsylvania 178899419 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Adonis Irwin |
1957 N Bronson Ave
Apt 108
Los Angeles, California 900685607 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 577.00 |
Elizabeth Irwin |
601 W 113th St
New York, New York 100259700 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Joseph Irwin |
6921 N Vernon St
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 481272227 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jerelyn Isaacs |
154 Bonnafield Dr
Hermitage, Tennessee 370761062 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Jerelyn Isaacs |
154 Bonnafield Dr
Hermitage, Tennessee 370761062 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Shirin Ishu Bayati |
3042 13th St N
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337041910 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Deborah Israel |
9004 E Nacoma Dr
Sun Lakes, Arizona 852487469 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Deborah Israel |
9004 E Nacoma Dr
Sun Lakes, Arizona 852487469 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Marsha Jackson |
1819 Simms Ln
Hanover, Maryland 210761135 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
Marsha Jackson |
1819 Simms Ln
Hanover, Maryland 210761135 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
John Jacobs |
1032 W Sheridan Rd
Loyola U
Chicago, Illinois 606601537 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Etienne Jacquot |
936 E Moyamensing Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191474239 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Thomas Jimenez |
42 Pukihae St
Hilo, Hawaii 967202454 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 926.88 |
Brad Johnson |
12305 Rosewood Dr
Overland Park, Kansas 662093159 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Bruce Johnson |
2903 Haig Dr SE
Olympia, Washington 985017110 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Dale Johnson |
560 E New York St
Aurora, Illinois 605053555 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Danny Johnson |
201 Madison Grove Pl
Cary, North Carolina 275198163 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Norman Johnson |
10903 Ocean Dr
Culver City, California 902304909 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2631.00 |
Daniel Jones |
5732 S 98th Plz
Apt 2B
Omaha, Nebraska 681273240 |
04/25/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Kit Jones |
2308 Ryan Place Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761102545 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Mary E Jones |
433 Joralemon St
Belleville, New Jersey 071092154 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Russell Jones |
Hermann-Albrecht-Strasse 14
Loerrach Switzerla, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 600.00 |
Kristin Jordan |
4920 N Hudson St
Portland, Oregon 972033458 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1668.36 |
Margaret Jordan |
2010 Newport Way NW
Issaquah, Washington 980275392 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 23.00 |
Everett Jylkka |
12 Stockholm Ave
Rockport, Massachusetts 019661246 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Silke K?_mmerer |
Obertshausen Offenbach 63179 Germa
ny, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Narma Kaid |
11745 Ridge Run Way
San Diego, California 921316134 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 5.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 7.50 |
Armin Kaikobad |
1712 N McAllister Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852811406 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Russell Kalita |
8317 N Swenson St
Portland, Oregon 972031114 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Kathryn Kampa |
465 Brickell Ave
Apt 4406
Miami, Florida 331314019 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 241.43 |
Richard Kane |
844 Wildflower Dr
Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania 187027934 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 33.00 |
Marianne Karger |
6 The Birches
Hemel Hempstead England United Kin
gdom, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2079.00 |
Frank Kassela |
5156 Scenic Ridge Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 891481406 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Carl Katz |
2870 168 Street
Surrey V3Z 0A7 Can, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 255.00 |
Karen Kauffeld |
405 S Beach Rd
South Burlington, Vermont 054037731 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Caryn Kauffman |
90 Rossmore Rd
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 021303664 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 38.87 |
Martin Kavalar |
Reichenberger Str. 62
Berlin 10999 Germa, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 834.00 |
Edith Kearney |
PO Box 1174
Damariscotta, Maine 045431174 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Diane Keith |
4775 Beverly Ct
Riverside, California 925061920 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Anna Kelly |
17380 Butler Rd
Fort Myers, Florida 339672963 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Diane Kelly |
24 Oriole Ave
Keene, New Hampshire 034311612 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Margaret Kelly |
P.O. Box 1583
Kahnawake QC J0L 1, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 692.04 |
Rourke Kennedy |
39 Spruce Ln
Oakdale, Connecticut 063701330 |
04/16/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Rourke Kennedy |
39 Spruce Ln
Oakdale, Connecticut 063701330 |
04/16/2016 | Contribution Refund | 42.50 |
Rourke Kennedy |
39 Spruce Ln
Oakdale, Connecticut 063701330 |
04/16/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Rourke Kennedy |
39 Spruce Ln
Oakdale, Connecticut 063701330 |
04/16/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Douglas Kent |
5394 av du Parc, #2
Montreal QC H2V 4G, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1235.00 |
Jerome P Kent |
1166 Middletown Lincroft Rd
Middletown, New Jersey 077483217 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Matt Keon |
40-44 Clipstone St
London Great Brita, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 382.68 |
Jim Kerner |
50 S 1st St
Apt B
Bergenfield, New Jersey 076212455 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Kathleen Kerwin |
42 Southwold Mansions
London 000W9 Unite, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 492.45 |
Jayram Keshavan |
32 Pearl St
Medford, Massachusetts 021554520 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Jonah M Kessel |
Flat A, 2F, #3 Caperidge Dr
Peninsula Village
Discovery Bay 0000, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 565.58 |
Chanel Khan Khan Cook |
262 Hadley Rd
Jaffrey, New Hampshire 034525823 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 20.00 |
Behrooz Khankhanian |
20435 Keswick St
Winnetka, California 913062407 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Mohammed Khatib |
2260 California St
Mountain View, California 940401554 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Mohammed Khatib |
2260 California St
Mountain View, California 940401554 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Mohammed Khatib |
2260 California St
Mountain View, California 940401554 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Mohammed Khatib |
2260 California St
Mountain View, California 940401554 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Mohammed Khatib |
2260 California St
Mountain View, California 940401554 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Farnaz Khoromi |
5141 Renaissance Ave
Unit B
San Diego, California 921225567 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 13.50 |
Jang won Kim |
3f 113-3, yuldong,Bundang-gu,
Seongnam-Si, Korea, Republic o
f, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Miby Kim |
196 whites hill road
Norwich, New York 13815 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Terence Kim |
302 Hyungin Skyville Bibongro 46
Seoul Korea, Repub, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1200.00 |
Charles King |
227 Daisy Farms Dr
Scarsdale, New York 105836701 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
Natalie King |
190 50 111th RD
Queens, New York 11412 |
04/15/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
John Kirk |
100 Warren St
Needham, Massachusetts 024923116 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2700.00 |
Susan Kirk |
100 Warren St
Needham, Massachusetts 024923116 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2700.00 |
Catherine Kirkland |
123 S Allen St
Albany, New York 122082227 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 70.74 |
Walter Kittredge |
11 Batchelder Ave
North Reading, Massachusetts 018641105 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1214.00 |
Gale Klein |
20500 Cot Rd
Lutz, Florida 335583800 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 33.00 |
Gale Klein |
20500 Cot Rd
Lutz, Florida 335583800 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 33.00 |
Gale Klein |
20500 Cot Rd
Lutz, Florida 335583800 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 33.00 |
Daniel Kloke |
3804 Copper Ave NE
Apt 1
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871081049 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 600.00 |
Elise Knapp |
309 Saint Ronan St
Unit B5
New Haven, Connecticut 065112329 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Robert Koche |
Van Walbeeckstraat 3-1
Amsterdam Netherla, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1104.44 |
Janeen Koconis |
17, rue Saint-Roch
Addison, Texas 75001 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Alex Kolesar |
2525 Arapahoe Ave
# E4-433
Boulder, Colorado 803026720 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Niki Korda |
PO box 224
Dorset ON P0A 1E0, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1627.00 |
Heather Korostoff Korostoff Murray |
63 Conant Rd
Lincoln, Massachusetts 017733906 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 133.60 |
Lucy Kostrzewa |
884 9th Ave
Trinidad, California 955709752 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 407.28 |
Craig Kovatch |
4060 9th Ave NE
Apt 607
Seattle, Washington 981056474 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Aaron Kraft |
7601 Scotts Pl NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871095325 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Aaron Kraft |
7601 Scotts Pl NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871095325 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Regina Kramel |
620 NE Boulevard
Gainesville, Florida 32601 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 68.00 |
Laura Jean Kreissl |
390 Mt. Belcher
Salt Spring Island BC 00V 8K- 2J C
anada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1305.00 |
Alan Krisch |
3616 Chatham Way
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481052874 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 425.00 |
Michael Kubiak |
27 S Palomar Dr
Redwood City, California 940623236 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 37.50 |
Michael Kubiak |
27 S Palomar Dr
Redwood City, California 940623236 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 75.00 |
Beverly A. Kubon |
1606 Paula Ave
Wheaton, Illinois 601899164 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Venkatram Kuditipudi |
740 Woodstock Ln
Los Altos, California 940223964 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 126.45 |
John Kunkel |
PO Box 711
Fairfield, Connecticut 068240711 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Hariny Kuttuva |
8883 197th St W
Lakeville, Minnesota 550445019 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Lawrence Labriola |
200 Johnson Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105836315 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Douglas Lacy |
3535 Lebon Dr
Apt 4416
San Diego, California 921226403 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 197.22 |
Oscar E Lafarga |
300 Farmington Dr
Plantation, Florida 333172631 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Chris Laine |
siedlerstrasse 6
Fussach Vorarlberg 06972 Austr
ia, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 3000.00 |
David Lake |
67 W Shore Rd
Belvedere, California 949202461 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Katherine Lake |
118 W Main St
Apt 1
Marshalltown, Iowa 501585844 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Shiraz Lall |
295 E Long St
Apt 325
Columbus, Ohio 432153326 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1037.22 |
Alex Lalor |
2617 Scofield St
Apt 2
Madison, Wisconsin 537044849 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Theodore Landrum |
303-228 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg 00R 3B- 1, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1484.25 |
Gary Landrus |
1208 - 105 Harrison Garden Blvd.
Toronto ON Canada, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 830.00 |
Priscilla B. Lane |
5529 SE Morrison St
Portland, Oregon 972151850 |
04/28/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
PO Box 521
Fort Garland, Colorado 811330521 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
PO Box 521
Fort Garland, Colorado 811330521 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Gloria J Languedoc |
13448 SW Devonshire Dr
Beaverton, Oregon 970050970 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 432.17 |
Marian Lanz |
901 NE 80th St
Miami, Florida 331384653 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Dana Lapointe |
1028 Boulevard
# 182
West Hartford, Connecticut 061191801 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Ed Larsen |
3 Beverly Rd
Boonton, New Jersey 070052402 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Ed Larsen |
3 Beverly Rd
Boonton, New Jersey 070052402 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
creston A Lea |
123 Charlotte St
Burlington, Vermont 054014842 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 35.00 |
Karrie League |
1305 W 22nd St
Austin, Texas 787055332 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Stephen Lechner |
2506 Crescent St
Fl 3
Astoria, New York 111022938 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 117.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Betty Lee |
110W 26TH. ST
New York, New York 100016801 |
04/19/2016 | Contribution Refund | 15.00 |
Kenneth Lee |
30G, Block 1, Illumination Terrace
Hong Kong Hong Kon, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 447.50 |
Laurie Lee |
605 Left Fork Rd
Boulder, Colorado 803029252 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1050.00 |
1547 Blockford Ct E
Tallahassee, Florida 323178461 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
1547 Blockford Ct E
Tallahassee, Florida 323178461 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Karen LeFevre |
598 Golf Course Rd
South Burlington, Vermont 054037507 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Christina Lego |
6003 Middlebrook Rd
Middlebrook, Virginia 244592424 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Jacqueline Leighton |
19 Merrivale Rd
Great Neck, New York 110201707 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Kristina Leitholt |
1529 La Rossa Cir
San Jose, California 951251224 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 28.45 |
June Leland |
PO Box 1030
New Port Richey, Florida 346561030 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Robert Lemons |
2402 Mystic Cove Cir
Apopka, Florida 32712 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Gabriela Leon |
10435 Melvin Ave
Northridge, California 913262224 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 670.32 |
Edwin Dean Leonard |
228 Deer Hollow Rd
Poughquag, New York 125704839 |
04/02/2016 | Contribution Refund | 875.00 |
Ian Lesnet |
binjiangxincun 48 dong 702
Shenzhen 00051 Chi, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1277.00 |
David L Levering |
900E Harrison Ave. Apt33 CA
Pomona, California 917672008 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
Ian Lewis |
25/26 Victoria Street
Fitzroy Fifth 0306, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 355.00 |
Stephen Lewis |
1169 Palms Blvd
Venice, California 902913524 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 56.00 |
Stephen Lewis |
1169 Palms Blvd
Venice, California 902913524 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 27.00 |
Georges Lewy |
avenue Buysdelle, 74
Brussels 01180 Bel, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 680.50 |
C. Michael Liberato |
3142 Biber St
East Lansing, Michigan 488231677 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Jonas Lindholm-Uzzi |
257 Mill Rd
Germantown, New York 125265414 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Robert Lindner |
194 N Main St
South Deerfield, Massachusetts 013731039 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Lou Lippincott |
703 Cooper St
Florence, New Jersey 085182711 |
04/08/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Daniel Little |
7109 W Washington Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada 891284226 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Patrick Liva |
1270 Cleveland Ave
Unit B137
San Diego, California 921033379 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Mary Logan |
119 N 18th St
New Castle, Indiana 473623902 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 16.00 |
Mary Logan |
119 N 18th St
New Castle, Indiana 473623902 |
04/05/2016 | Contribution Refund | 16.00 |
Donna V. Lomp |
15 Antonellis Cir
Newton, Massachusetts 024593707 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2915.00 |
Janet L. Long |
11 Wilson St
Greensboro, Vermont 058418150 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Janet L. Long |
11 Wilson St
Greensboro, Vermont 058418150 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Rosemary Loomis |
6 Summit Rd
Lexington, Massachusetts 024216004 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
Eduardo Lopez |
12006 Patton Rd
Downey, California 902422537 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 150.00 |
Rebecca Love mud |
2693 Nuevo Ct
Moab, Utah 845323501 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Kayla Luft |
18824 Bothell Way NE
Bothell, Washington 980111933 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Latoya Lugo |
4001 Chaucer Dr
Durham, North Carolina 277051501 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Louis Lujan |
1220 Robinson Ave
San Diego, California 921034401 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Zachariah Lund |
3800 Elimsport Rd
Montgomery, Pennsylvania 177528988 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 30.00 |
Joanna Lusk |
23 Banks St
Apt 2
Somerville, Massachusetts 021443104 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
David Lutian |
419 W Rutland Rd
Milford, Connecticut 064612470 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Jeremy Lykins |
5740 SW 38th St
Topeka, Kansas 666101252 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 3243.50 |
Jennifer K Lynch |
390 1st Ave
New York, New York 100104933 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Nancy Lynn |
6 Commodore Dr
# C441
Emeryville, California 946081649 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Daniel Lynton |
15163 W Harvard Cir
Lakewood, Colorado 802285533 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 82.04 |
Colleen Lyon |
2817 Cherry Ln
Fort Collins, Colorado 805211403 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Briar Lyons |
420 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 101700002 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 290.50 |
Thomas Macaulay |
5510 Scarff Rd
New Carlisle, Ohio 453448667 |
04/11/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Sheryl MacDonald |
2636 SW Bertha Blvd
Portland, Oregon 972391935 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Mary MacLeod |
3547 Alpine Ave NW
# 225
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495441635 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Spencer Madsen |
14118 Marquesas Way
Apt A
Marina Del Rey, California 902926080 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 29.00 |
Spencer Madsen |
14118 Marquesas Way
Apt A
Marina Del Rey, California 902926080 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 102.00 |
Terry Mahaffey |
35214 SE Ridge St
Unit A
Snoqualmie, Washington 980659031 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 5.00 |
John F. Maher |
8 Dunstable Rd
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 700.00 |
Samy Mahmoud |
3047 23rd St
Astoria, New York 111023326 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 75.00 |
Robert Mahon |
18 Broad St
Stockton, New Jersey 085592106 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Hanna Mahoney |
50 Graham St
Apt 2
Cincinnati, Ohio 452191608 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Julie Maizels |
71 Star Dancer Trl
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875061208 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 347.36 |
Jimmy Mak |
9B Hibiscus Court Worldwide Garden
Shatin Hong Kong, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Hassan Makki |
457 N Denwood St
Dearborn, Michigan 481281570 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Hassan Makki |
457 N Denwood St
Dearborn, Michigan 481281570 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Rick Mallory |
151 Main Street
Punta Gorda, Florida 33980 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 400.00 |
Paul Malysz |
740 S Madison St
Hinsdale, Illinois 605214361 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Sergio Mandiola |
1250 S Beverly Glen Blvd
Apt 211
Los Angeles, California 900245221 |
04/12/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Matthew Maniscalco |
Levendaal 145A
Leiden 2311 Nether, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 760.00 |
Allie Mann |
27843 Cross Creek Dr
Salisbury, Maryland 218012428 |
04/07/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Emily S Manning |
5705 Ranny Rd
Baltimore, Maryland 212094407 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Emily S Manning |
5705 Ranny Rd
Baltimore, Maryland 212094407 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Tara Margolin |
9461 Charleville Blvd
# 366
Beverly Hills, California 902123017 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 374.84 |
Matias Mariani |
Sao Paulo-Sp 00541, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
William W Markey |
7600 Montgomery Blvd NE
Apt 1055
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871091524 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1.49 |
Ryan Marks |
420 E Waterside Dr
Unit 308
Chicago, Illinois 606018000 |
04/17/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Denise Markus |
2509 34th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554061733 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 54.00 |
Denise Markus |
2509 34th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554061733 |
04/30/2016 | Contribution Refund | 54.00 |
Ruth Marrion |
80 Adams Ave
North Andover, Massachusetts 018454305 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 153.37 |
William Marti |
22317 Mission Cir
Chatsworth, California 913111256 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 694.20 |
Charlie Martin |
20 Spring St
Salem, New Hampshire 030792549 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 125.00 |
Mike Martin |
60 Truman Ave
Princeton, New Jersey 085401699 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Stanley Martin |
16371 Parkside Dr
Parker, Colorado 801343746 |
04/21/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Gerry Martocci |
76 Calle Aragon
Unit H
Laguna Woods, California 926373972 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Antonio Mateiro |
4 Scarlet Oak Rd
Califon, New Jersey 078303010 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 2698.50 |
Cheryl Mathieu |
68 Darlands Drive
Barnet 00EN5 Great, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 300.00 |
Carlos Matos |
3609 Clawson Rd
Unit B
Austin, Texas 787047742 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Carlos Matos |
3609 Clawson Rd
Unit B
Austin, Texas 787047742 |
04/13/2016 | Contribution Refund | 25.00 |
Gary Mattson |
4758 Sage Thrasher Way
Sparks, Nevada 894361662 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 88.00 |
Gary Mattson |
4758 Sage Thrasher Way
Sparks, Nevada 894361662 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Keith Mau |
316 20th Ave SE
Olympia, Washington 985012968 |
04/06/2016 | Contribution Refund | 270.00 |
Deborah Mauldin |
260 Highway 83
Harpersville, Alabama 350785606 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1700.00 |
Stephen May |
3301 Garden Ave
Los Angeles, California 900392130 |
04/27/2016 | Contribution Refund | 10.00 |
Charles Mayer |
10390 rue Saint-Denis
Montreal QC H3L 2J, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 13.50 |
Charles Mayer |
10390 rue Saint-Denis
Montreal QC H3L 2J, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/26/2016 | Contribution Refund | 5.00 |
Marshall Mayer |
524 Clarke St
Helena, Montana 596016228 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 110.73 |
Mary E Mayo |
710 Lori Ln
Las Vegas, New Mexico 877014917 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
Marty McBride |
1414 La Grande Ave
Yuba City, California 959916516 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Marty McBride |
1414 La Grande Ave
Yuba City, California 959916516 |
04/24/2016 | Contribution Refund | 50.00 |
Anna McCann |
7652 Brisk Ocean Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada 891788421 |
04/01/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1500.00 |
Veronica Mccarthy |
549 Queens Mirror Cir
Casselberry, Florida 327074414 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 175.00 |
Karen McCarty |
20555 Red Wing Blvd
Hastings, Minnesota 550339007 |
04/20/2016 | Contribution Refund | 350.00 |
Lance McCarty |
801 Bay Rd
Bay City, Michigan 487061960 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1000.00 |
Marshall McComb |
1641 Washington Ave
Baker City, Oregon 978142735 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 84.54 |
Gloria McCormick |
8067 SE Rofini Ct
Milwaukie, Oregon 972673451 |
04/03/2016 | Contribution Refund | 200.00 |
John McCreery |
55-13-202 Miyagaya, Nishi-ku
Yokohama Japan, Foreign Country 00000 |
04/10/2016 | Contribution Refund | 1300.00 |
Evan McDermott |
9089 Burleigh Lane
Union, Kentucky 41091 |
04/18/2016 | Contribution Refund | 250.00 |
Tish McFadden-Harriss |
200 Ashland Acres Rd
Ashland, Oregon 975209378 |
04/04/2016 | Contribution Refund | 500.00 |
Melissa McGinn |
300 Summit Ave
San Rafael, California 949012343 |
04/14/2016 | Contribution Refund | 100.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 38566103.6 |
Total Memo Amount | 3677530.87 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 818 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 182 |