Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission



Line #: 12


Name Address
Line Number Amount This Period Nature of Debt Text
AT&T PO Box 6463
Carol Stream, Illinois 601976463
12 30457.59 Utilities
InterpreCorps 227 N Kiwanis Ave
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 571042516
12 153.70 Interpreting Services
52 Broadway Realty Corp 52 Broadway
11th Floor Accounting
New York, New York 100041603
12 4032.00 Venue
Ayres Hotel 1900 Frontage Rd
Corona, California 928828401
12 0.00 Venue
Beers Enterprises, LLC 683 Main St
Unit A2
Osterville, Massachusetts 026551953
12 2686.38 Office Supplies
Sansoogapsan II, Inc. 17110 Northern Blvd
Flushing, New York 113582730
12 0.00 Venue
A Fare Extraordinaire, Inc. 2035 Marshall St
Houston, Texas 770982711
12 0.00 Catering, Food & Beverages
Culinaire International, Inc. 6522 E Northwest Highway, Suite A
Dallas, Texas 75231
12 0.00 Catering, Food & Beverages
HMD Consulting Group 1846 N Madison Ave
Pasadena, California 911041236
12 0.00 Communications Consulting
Motor City Pride Hart Plaza
Detroit, Michigan 48226
12 30.00 Event Registration
645 Harrison - HatchToday 645 Harrison St
Ste 200
San Francisco, California 941073624
12 3005.45 Rent
David Binder Research 44 Page St
Ste 404
San Francisco, California 941025975
12 0.00 Polling
Pico Party Rental 13414 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, California 900611144
12 21466.62 Equipment Rental
DocuSign, Inc. PO Box 123428
Dallas, Texas 753120001
12 0.00 Digital Services
Interactive Marketing Solution, Corp. 777 Summer St
Ste 502
Stamford, Connecticut 069011042
12 0.00 Subscription
The Groundwork 325 Gold St
Fl 703
Brooklyn, New York 112013040
12 0.00 Technology Services
Nashua School District #42 141 Ledge St
Nashua, New Hampshire 030603073
12 0.00 Venue
Jackie Lay 309 R St NW
Washington, DC 200011915
12 0.00 Media Consulting
SHREDCO Inc. 7835 S Rainbow Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada 891396455
12 0.00 Office Supplies
YouGov America, Inc. 805 Veterans Blvd
Ste 202
Redwood City, California 940631736
12 21480.00 Digital Consulting
Studio Instrument Rental 475 10th Ave
Fl 2
New York, New York 100181189
12 4700.00 Equipment Rental
State University of New York at Bingham 4400 Vestal Pkwy
Binghamton, New York 139024600
12 0.00 Venue
Markham Productions 1000 W 3rd St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722012006
12 65520.15 Event Production
The Sunday 2275 Corporate Cir
Fl 3
Henderson, Nevada 890747719
12 0.00 Print Advertising
Cloud Sherpas, Inc. PO Box 674635
Detroit, Michigan 482674635
12 0.00 E-mail Services
Electrum Productions 3238 38th St NW
Washington, DC 200163729
12 1646.00 Audio Visual Services
Garner Printing 1697 NE 53rd Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503132128
12 0.00 Printing
Time Warner Cable PO Box 223085
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152512085
12 0.00 Utilties
iQ Media Group, LLC 625 W Ridge Pike
Ste C-100
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 194281192
12 13609.38 Subscription
Benenson Strategy Group 720 S Colorado Blvd
Ste 500N
Denver, Colorado 802461975
12 36265.00 Polling
Impactivate Networks 26 S New York Ave
Ste 1
Atlantic City, New Jersey 084018010
12 2500.00 Venue
Partners Interpreting LLC 60 Man Mar Dr
Plainville, Massachusetts 027622270
12 416.00 Interpreting Services
TCC Air Services, Inc. 1 Atlantic St
Ste 300
Stamford, Connecticut 069012429
12 6342.86 Travel

Total Debts This Period = 214311.12

Generated Tue Feb 18 10:03:56 2025