Line #: 17A
Contributor's Name | Contributor's Address | Employer/Occupation | Memo/Description | Memo | Text | Date | Amount ($) | Aggregate ($) | Limits |
Mervyn Mosbacker |
104 Terrace Dr
Brownsville, Texas 785215621 |
N/A / Retired | 05/07/2015 | 500.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Joseph Ruiz |
2815 Calle Dulcinea
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875056424 |
Retired / Executive | 06/10/2015 | 100.00 | 525.00 |
| |||
Mary Mooney-Dillon |
3034 Jordan Rd
Oakland, California 946023531 |
SuperNutrition / CEO | 04/23/2015 | 50.00 | 550.00 |
| |||
Kurt Sauer |
550 Moreland Way
Apt 3414
Santa Clara, California 950545115 |
Paypal / Software Engineer | 05/22/2015 | 50.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Elizabeth Simons |
383 Walsh Rd
Atherton, California 940276456 |
N/A / Retired | 05/03/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Louise Murray |
80 W Valley View Dr
Morristown, New Jersey 079605634 |
College Of Saint Elizabeth / Administrator | 04/22/2015 | 500.00 | 515.00 |
| |||
Reginald Walden |
9621 Coatbridge Ln
Hagerstown, Maryland 217401766 |
U.S. Small Business Administration / Supervisory Business Opportunity Speci | 04/14/2015 | 100.00 | 121.09 |
| |||
Marvin Barrios |
228 E 45th St
# 42
New York, New York 100173303 |
C40 Cities / Head of Operations | 06/29/2015 | 5.00 | 314.74 |
| |||
Philip Horton |
18 River Falls Ct
Potomac, Maryland 208543885 |
Arnold & Porter LLP / Lawyer | 04/29/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Stephen Rapp |
237 N 6th St
Null Null
Quincy, Illinois 623012938 |
Law Office of Stephen P. Rapp / Lawyer | 05/20/2015 | 100.00 | 787.27 |
| |||
Brenda Fulton |
1501 Ocean Ave
Unit 2501
Asbury Park, New Jersey 077129304 |
Pfizer / Marketing | 05/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Marko |
620 SW 26th Rd
Miami, Florida 331292231 |
Marko & Magolnick, PA / Attorney | 06/16/2015 | 100.00 | 1300.00 |
| |||
Robin Kosberg |
10205 Epping Ln
Dallas, Texas 752296305 |
Children's Medical Center Of Dallas / Chaplain | 04/23/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Nikki Finke |
15332 Antioch St
Pacific Palisades, California 902723628 |
Self-Employed / Editor/Writer | 06/09/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Alexander Wolfman |
150 Nassau St
Apt 14B
New York, New York 100381546 |
Avenue Capital Group / Investment Management | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Bonnie Bell Downs |
230 Alban Dr
Wilmington, Delaware 198054630 |
Disable / Nurse | 05/24/2015 | 25.00 | 262.09 |
| |||
Mitchell Auslander |
65 W 13th St
New York, New York 100117908 |
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP / Lawyer | 05/13/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Ronda Bernstein |
3010 Cambridge Pl NW
Washington, DC 200072913 |
Self-Employed / Historical Consultant | 04/29/2015 | 2624.68 | 2705.00 |
| |||
Gerald Rothstein |
1050 Park Ave
New York, New York 100281031 |
Retired / Investments | 06/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Ulevitch |
135 Bluxome St
San Francisco, California 941071507 |
OpenDNS / Executive | 06/09/2015 | 2200.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Gianna Jackson |
808 Dartmoor Ave
Williamstown, New Jersey 080946312 |
TIAA-CREF / Vice President, CSR | 06/23/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Philip Doyle |
1824 Columbia Rd NW
Washington, DC 200092002 |
MaidPro Cleaning / Owner | 06/10/2015 | 25.00 | 217.00 |
| |||
Stephen Dawkins |
3 Cascade Pointe Dr SW
Atlanta, Georgia 303318501 |
Caduceus / Physician | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Christina Kamra |
2765 Sand Hill Rd
Menlo Park, California 940257019 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2745.28 |
| |||
Susan Hayes Stern |
240 E 86th St
New York, New York 100283083 |
The Hampton Foundation / Vice President Consultant | 05/26/2015 | 176.25 | 634.34 |
| |||
Joseph Baumann |
123 Central Ave
Madison, New Jersey 079401626 |
McManimon, Scotland & Baumann, LLC / Attorney | 06/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Scott Intagliata |
5146 Waterman Blvd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631081104 |
Unico, Inc. / Director | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Amanda Litman |
276 Hawthorne St
2 United States
Brooklyn, New York 112255908 |
Hillary for America / Digital | 06/04/2015 | 1.00 | 224.65 |
| |||
Randall Toussaint |
1717 N Bayshore Dr
Apt 2541
Miami, Florida 331321162 |
Panexus Haiti / Entrepreneur | 04/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Stuart Williams |
1904 45th St
Lubbock, Texas 794121734 |
Market Street / Cashier | 05/20/2015 | 5.00 | 213.00 |
| |||
Paulette Meyer |
1714 Stockton St
Ste 400
San Francisco, California 941332930 |
Self-Employed / Nonprofit Consultant | 04/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
George Alexsovich |
315 Burlingame Ave
Burlingame, California 940102847 |
Schola Cantorum / Executive Director, Nonprofit Arts Org | 06/09/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Brendan Barnicle |
2894 NW Ariel Ter
Portland, Oregon 972103138 |
Pacific Crest Securities / Analyst | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
James R. Patzke |
4651 N Greenview Ave
Apt 412
Chicago, Illinois 606407944 |
Nordic Consulting / Project Manager | 05/30/2015 | 63.85 | 263.85 |
| |||
Patricia Kwok |
PO Box 671431
Chugiak, Alaska 995671431 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 04/17/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Denise Caplan |
1331 Hilary Ln
Highland Park, Illinois 600352382 |
Goldberg Kohn / Attorney | 06/19/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Robyn Genest |
PO Box 934
Homewood, California 961410934 |
Retired / Public Servant | 06/30/2015 | 15.00 | 214.58 |
| |||
Nora Burrows |
6157 Burning Tree Ln
Fayetteville, Pennsylvania 172229272 |
Burrows Associates, Inc. / President/Retired | 05/10/2015 | 50.00 | 275.00 |
| |||
Richard C. Julian |
2710 NW 4th St
Blue Springs, Missouri 640141216 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/15/2015 | 300.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Christopher Frey |
150 Myrtle Ave
PH 3203
Brooklyn, New York 112012924 |
U.S. Attorneys Office, Southern Distri / Assistant U.S. Attorney | 06/12/2015 | 50.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
John Lee Sullivan |
2709 Fairview Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276081349 |
N/A / Student | 06/30/2015 | 2200.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Stephen T Hess |
901 N Hercules Ave
Ste D
Clearwater, Florida 337652031 |
Self-Employed / Chiropractic Physician | 06/09/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Reed Addis |
2671 Watson St
Sacramento, California 958216628 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/30/2015 | 60.00 | 2760.00 |
| |||
Rhonda Donato |
59 Oakvale Ave
Berkeley, California 947052403 |
Solutus Legal Services / Legal Recruiter | 05/03/2015 | 100.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Norma Lorence |
858 Olim St
Johnstown, Pennsylvania 159042522 |
N/A / Retired | 06/23/2015 | 200.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Tina Maness |
615 NE McAlister Rd
Burleson, Texas 760287421 |
Texas Health Huguley Hospital / Manager | 05/24/2015 | 20.00 | 3146.89 |
| |||
Jeffrey Seller |
54 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100246509 |
Self-Employed / Producer | 06/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ronald Rubin |
243 Conshohocken State Rd
Penn Valley, Pennsylvania 190721340 |
PA Real Estate Investment Trust / Executive Chairman | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kathie Emrich |
6912 Hanging Vine Way
Tallahassee, Florida 323178517 |
Retired / Attorney | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Keith Potts |
9520 Oakley Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 462601325 |
Actors' Equity Association / Actor/Musician | 06/29/2015 | 25.00 | 243.86 |
| |||
Engin Yilmaz |
5927 159th Street
1st Floor
Fresh Meadows, New York 11365 |
Frunut Global Commodities LLC / Managing Director | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Tony Leonhardt |
1885 Sunset Plaza Dr
Los Angeles, California 900691313 |
American Airlines / Flight Attendant | 06/19/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lynne Kudzy |
303 Sawmill Rd
Stamford, Connecticut 069033509 |
WebMD / Product Marketing | 06/11/2015 | 10.00 | 366.91 |
| |||
Evelyn Sahr |
5619 Lamar Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208161349 |
Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC / Attorney | 04/30/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
John Gilliam |
2210 Wilton Park Dr
Wilton Manors, Florida 333051442 |
Self-Employed / Writer | 06/30/2015 | 100.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Tracy Bernson |
169 Central Ave
Dover, New Hampshire 038204002 |
Self-Employed / Lawyer | 06/26/2015 | 10.00 | 370.00 |
| |||
B. Rodney White |
1035 Adams St
Hollywood, Florida 330191908 |
Making Projects Work, Inc. / Consultant | 04/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2819.95 |
| |||
Marge Collens |
1555 N Astor St
Apt 6W
Chicago, Illinois 606105750 |
N/A / Retired | 05/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Shannon Marler |
121 Madison St
Sulphur, Louisiana 706636321 |
ConocoPhillips / Controls Specialist | 05/03/2015 | 100.00 | 450.00 |
| |||
Lisa Moucheron |
320 Maple Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152391906 |
Philips Respironics / Production Planning Specialist | 06/02/2015 | 38.39 | 493.33 |
| |||
Courtney Hurst |
39 E Springfield St
Boston, Massachusetts 021183355 |
Metis Communications / Public Relations/Marketing | 06/22/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Philip Hulse |
8 Dromara Rd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631241816 |
Green Street Real Estate Ventures, LLC / Developer | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Guadalupe Petrone |
5338 Middleton Rd
San Diego, California 921091524 |
Qualcomm / Human Resources Manager | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Thomas Belt |
1111 Olympia Dr
Charlottesville, Virginia 229113539 |
Retired / Pilot | 06/04/2015 | 100.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Betsy Mangone |
2113 Montane Dr E
Golden, Colorado 804019125 |
Not Employed / Fundraiser | 04/29/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Kimberly Lienesch |
8 Woodlawn St
# 3
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 021304102 |
TJX / Sales Associate | 05/26/2015 | 10.87 | 289.45 |
| |||
Margaretta Noonan |
116 Shore Rd
Westerly, Rhode Island 028913629 |
Noonan HR Consulting LLC / Consultant | 04/18/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Richard Kelly |
162 Lisa Dr
Paoli, Pennsylvania 193011150 |
Social Security Administration / Administrative Law Judge | 06/16/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Susan Hughes |
4004 Highland Dr
Austin, Texas 787342053 |
CMMS Data Group / Sales | 06/12/2015 | 50.00 | 310.00 |
| |||
Lorraine Waldes |
797 Westwood Ave
Rivervale, New Jersey 076756639 |
URA Rx Group / Biochemist | 06/09/2015 | 100.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Tim Petrites |
631 N Shelby St
Gary, Indiana 464032253 |
Retired / Researcher | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Daniel McCarthy |
5716 Leona St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631162910 |
Hillary for America / Accountant | 06/16/2015 | 85.00 | 951.39 |
| |||
Nelson Torres |
1146 S Hayworth Ave
Los Angeles, California 900352604 |
N/A / Masters Student | 06/30/2015 | 50.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Pamela Johnson |
2911 Jennings Rd
Kensington, Maryland 208952708 |
U.S. Department of Defense / Analyst | 06/27/2015 | 25.00 | 360.00 |
| |||
Richard Laroche |
2103 Shannon Dr
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 371291334 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 04/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Brenda Buren |
4940 E Emile Zola Ave
Scottsdale, Arizona 852543519 |
City of Tempe, AZ / Police Administrator | 06/19/2015 | 100.00 | 207.09 |
| |||
Gretchen Lanka Allen |
95 Edwardel Rd
Needham, Massachusetts 02492 |
Self-Employed / Clinical Social Worker | 06/14/2015 | 500.00 | 816.10 |
| |||
Mary Rowe |
245 W 99th St
Apt 21A
New York, New York 100255678 |
Salesforce / Software Executive | 06/28/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Leeann Schnitzer |
4847A Enfield Ave
Skokie, Illinois 600772262 |
Golden Dragon Connections / Founder | 06/05/2015 | 150.00 | 0.00 |
| |||
Evelyn Storch |
18 Hillcrest Ave
West Orange, New Jersey 070522404 |
Harwood Lloyd, LLC / Lawyer | 05/26/2015 | 33.41 | 319.41 |
| |||
Russell Allen |
811 Brook St
Dighton, Massachusetts 027151106 |
Swank Inc / VP Operations | 05/06/2015 | 175.00 | 267.67 |
| |||
Keith Poole |
103 Thornhill Cir
Athens, Georgia 306071737 |
University of Georgia / Professor | 05/03/2015 | 100.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Steven Pounders |
3525 Turtle Creek Blvd
# 20BC
Dallas, Texas 752195510 |
Steven M Pounders, MD / Physician | 06/02/2015 | 2700.00 | 2767.89 |
| |||
Dolores Martin |
1249 S Diamond Bar Blvd
Diamond Bar, California 917654122 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 04/15/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Ann Weisbrod |
247 W 12th St
Aparment #3B
New York, New York 100141992 |
N/A / Retired | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
George Vradenburg |
2901 Woodland Dr NW
Washington, DC 200083542 |
N/A / Retired | 06/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Marvin Barrios |
228 E 45th St
# 42
New York, New York 100173303 |
C40 Cities / Head of Operations | 04/13/2015 | 5.00 | 314.74 |
| |||
Kyle Gerstenschlager |
75 N Gordon Way
Los Altos, California 940223039 |
N/A / Student | 06/29/2015 | 75.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Anne Moroh |
32 Black Oak Dr
Saint Louis, Missouri 631271301 |
N/A / Retired | 06/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Miguel Bustos |
2757 Harrison St
San Francisco, California 941103319 |
Wells Fargo / Regional Director | 04/12/2015 | 20.16 | 3096.65 |
| |||
Jerry Hultin |
3 Washington Square Vlg
Apt 8I
New York, New York 100121814 |
New York University / Educator | 04/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lloyd Stull |
15309 57th Pl W
Edmonds, Washington 980264228 |
Self-Employed / Author | 05/26/2015 | 61.77 | 256.77 |
| |||
Beverly Mills |
200 W 72nd St
Apt 18E
New York, New York 100233270 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/18/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Sanjeev Badola |
3053 Lake Shore Blvd
Wayzata, Minnesota 553912928 |
Omnisource / Trader | 05/22/2015 | 5.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Tenney Carter |
7204 Olde Stage Rd
Boulder, Colorado 803029411 |
Retired / Retired | 05/21/2015 | 5.00 | 202.00 |
| |||
Rebecca Raphael |
211 W Jefferson St
Syracuse, New York 132022455 |
Artsy, Inc. / Sales Director | 06/22/2015 | 18.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Charles Morris |
26 Alcala Dr
Brick, New Jersey 087237601 |
Self-Employed / Academic | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 309.90 |
| |||
Virginia Ewald |
26 Bay Ln
Water Mill, New York 119763104 |
N/A / Retired | 06/16/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Maria Otero |
3351 18th St NW
Washington, DC 200101003 |
Self-Employed / Foreign and Domestic Policy | 05/12/2015 | 50.00 | 1027.00 |
| |||
Lee Roper-Batker |
10009 Drew Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 |
Women's Foundation of Minnesota / CEO | 06/13/2015 | 75.00 | 283.41 |
| |||
David Bachetti |
211 W 18th St
New York, New York 100114559 |
N/A / Retired | 06/12/2015 | 200.00 | 700.00 |
| |||
Philip Smith |
1995 floral ave
columbus, Ohio 43224 |
Mt. Carmel / Medical Coder | 06/28/2015 | 5.00 | 224.40 |
| |||
J. Catherine Blagden |
65 Clarendon Road
Notting Hill, United Kingdom, W11
London, ____ |
Self-Employed / Freelance, Winemaker | 06/19/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
William J. White, Sr. |
345 Willow Rd
Winnetka, Illinois 600934129 |
N/A / Retired | 04/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Inga Hansen |
499 Court St
Keene, New Hampshire 034312509 |
Creative Age Publications / Editor | 04/13/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Donnell Wright |
1550 S Indiana Ave
Apt 510
Chicago, Illinois 606054828 |
SDL / VP Social Intelligence | 05/06/2015 | 25.00 | 260.00 |
| |||
Ruth De Anda |
1815 S Avondale St
Amarillo, Texas 791064503 |
Amarillo College / Academic Advisor/Social Worker | 05/03/2015 | 25.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Susan Bailey |
7820 Baymeadows Rd E
117 United States
Jacksonville, Florida 322564637 |
Philip Morris Management Inc. / Retired | 06/02/2015 | 25.00 | 202.31 |
| |||
Kendall A. Johnson |
25 Sunnyside Dr
# 1C
Yonkers, New York 107051763 |
Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, In / Chief Compliance Officer | 06/16/2015 | 250.00 | 530.00 |
| |||
Mary Fischerkeller |
159 Stanton Ct E
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152011613 |
N/A / Retired | 06/22/2015 | 10.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Lauren Kwasniewski |
133 Lee St
Carnegie, Pennsylvania 151063167 |
Atlas Resource Partners, L.P. / Records Manager | 06/29/2015 | 83.00 | 201.19 |
| |||
Jason Smith |
600 8th Ave
Fort Worth, Texas 761042020 |
Law Offices of Jason Smith / Attorney | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Boyer Jarvis |
2357 E Blaine Ave
Salt Lake Cty, Utah 841083034 |
N/A / Retired | 05/22/2015 | 50.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Nancy Nelson |
8073 S Albion St
Centennial, Colorado 801223901 |
Retired / Realtor | 04/15/2015 | 25.00 | 308.00 |
| |||
John Anthony Ambrose |
12090 Burlington Glen Dr
Chardon, Ohio 440248453 |
Not Employed / Program Manager | 06/14/2015 | 21.09 | 210.36 |
| |||
PauLa Haarvei |
20 Burtis Ave
Highwood, Illinois 600401902 |
N/A / Retired | 06/11/2015 | 100.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Jon Santos |
1067 Alta Ave NE
7 United States
Atlanta, Georgia 303072524 |
Jerusalem House / Development | 04/30/2015 | 10.00 | 213.54 |
| |||
Robert Stewart |
8703 Cranbrook Ct
Bethesda, Maryland 208173009 |
JBG Properties / Real Estate Developer | 04/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Cheryl Tiffany |
36 Elm Dr
Rochester, New York 146097734 |
Unity Health System / Physician Assistant | 04/25/2015 | 25.00 | 211.95 |
| |||
Jennifer Roderick |
6 Pioneer Rd
Arlington, Massachusetts 024748213 |
WGBH / Content Producer | 06/09/2015 | 50.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Elizabeth Stevens |
3050 Avon Ln NW
Washington, DC 200072908 |
N/A / Not Employed | 04/13/2015 | 1000.00 | 3700.00 |
| |||
Charlotte Tatum |
2925 Viale Seravezza
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875055307 |
National Park Service / Retired | 05/21/2015 | 5.00 | 367.00 |
| |||
Sharon Minto |
550 W 54th St
New York, New York 100195978 |
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, LLP / Attorney | 06/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Eric Hirschhorn |
3204 Farmington Dr
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154827 |
U.S. Department of Commerce / Federal Employee | 04/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Walter Hutcherson |
626 W Randolph St
Apt 502
Chicago, Illinois 606612229 |
JonesTrading / Broker | 06/23/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Kristina Lyons |
800 Boylston St
Boston, Massachusetts 021991900 |
Self-Employed / Business Owner/Writer-Producer | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sheri Lapan |
1804 Cool Spring Dr
Alexandria, Virginia 223081630 |
Self-Employed / Military Family Advocate, Mother, Care | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Susan Chadick |
423 E Spring St
Fayetteville, Arkansas 727014313 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/24/2015 | 150.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Brooke Effron |
35 E 85th St
Apt 9C
New York, New York 100280963 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Maya Seiden |
2616 Moreland Pl NW
Washington, DC 200151122 |
BGR Group / Vice President | 04/30/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Riffat Chughtai |
4306 Michel Ct
Murrysville, Pennsylvania 156689491 |
UPMC / Healthcare Management | 04/25/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Johna Ohtagaki |
6500 40th Ave
University Park, Maryland 207822152 |
U.S. Department of State / Senior Advisor | 04/29/2015 | 5.00 | 535.00 |
| |||
Beth Krom |
7 Banyan Tree
Irvine, California 926122231 |
City of Irvine / City Council Member | 06/14/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Nick Schmit |
401 M St NW
Unit 2
Washington, DC 200014607 |
U.S. Government / Government Employee - Protocol | 06/29/2015 | 2600.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Deborah K Willhite |
1814 River Heights Dr
Little Rock, Arkansas 722021430 |
Arkansas Insurance Department / COO | 05/26/2015 | 51.95 | 226.95 |
| |||
Nikki Brown Short |
7109 Wedgewood Ct
Daphne, Alabama 365267589 |
MedChoice / Pharmacist | 06/30/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Stuart Ruderfer |
177 E 75th St
Apt 6F
New York, New York 100213232 |
Civic Entertainment Group / CEO | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Dawn Lewallen |
2300 McCue Rd
Apt 220
Houston, Texas 770564636 |
Stewart Title Guaranty / Compliance Counsel/ Sr Underwriter | 04/15/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Franklin Urteaga |
718 7th St NW
Fl 2
Washington, DC 200013782 |
Oigetit.Com / Founder & CEO | 04/21/2015 | 100.00 | 2800.00 |
| |||
Alison Rosenthal |
130 Golden Oak Dr
Portola Valley, California 940287912 |
Wealthfront / VP Partnerships | 04/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Craig |
PO Box 11701
Saint Louis, Missouri 631050501 |
N/A / Not Employed | 06/16/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Robert J. Katz |
860 5th Ave
New York, New York 100655856 |
N/A / Retired | 05/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Reginald Bazile |
5018 42nd St NW
Washington, DC 200164106 |
DDOT / Special Assistant | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Ronda Bernstein |
3010 Cambridge Pl NW
Washington, DC 200072913 |
Self-Employed / Historical Consultant | 04/17/2015 | 35.00 | 2705.00 |
| |||
Andrew Breslin |
330 E 38th St
Apt 32N
New York, New York 100162743 |
Third Avenue Cafe LLC / Restauranteur | 05/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Tamara Martin |
691 S Camino Real
Palm Springs, California 922647616 |
Self-Employed / Talent Agent | 04/29/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Berta Briones |
12700 Lake Ave
3006 United States
Lakewood, Ohio 441071576 |
NES / Physician | 06/19/2015 | 3.00 | 219.60 |
| |||
Steven Miles |
8918 200th St SW
Edmonds, Washington 980266631 |
Glacier Enviro / Executive | 06/04/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Sarah Lower |
4143 E Ford Ave
Gilbert, Arizona 852340391 |
NYSE Governance Services / System Administrator | 04/12/2015 | 25.00 | 230.46 |
| |||
Lawrence J Boeder |
1100 W Adams St
Unit 3S
Chicago, Illinois 606072925 |
Lawrence Boeder Interior Design / Interior Designer | 05/10/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Marianne Dillow |
304 Oak St
Anna, Illinois 629061733 |
N/A / Retired | 06/05/2015 | 25.00 | 296.25 |
| |||
Michael Spurlock |
600 12th Ave S
Nashville, Tennessee 372036615 |
N/A / Not Employed | 05/26/2015 | 42.17 | 242.17 |
| |||
Martha Mcclatchie |
1318 Holly Ave
Los Altos, California 940245624 |
N/A / Community Volunteer | 06/22/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Margery Sved |
PO Box 37247
Raleigh, North Carolina 276277247 |
Self-Employed / Information Requested | 06/09/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Larry Trachtenberg |
61 W 62nd St
Apt 15J
New York, New York 100237020 |
Self-Employed / Private Investor | 04/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Patricia Gaston |
3301 Monroe St NE
Unit L120
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871101875 |
N/A / Retired | 05/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Orville Marlett |
9 Bordeaux
Newport Beach, California 926606806 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 05/06/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Clint Lavender |
2563 Prairie View Dr
Winter Garden, Florida 347875470 |
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney | 05/22/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Alison Brunner |
39 Ashler Ave
Los Gatos, California 950304313 |
Law Foundation of Silicon Valley / Attorney | 06/22/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Zubin Kumana |
4655 Wild Indigo St
Apt 315
Houston, Texas 770277081 |
Smith & Burgess, LLC / Chemical Engineer | 05/06/2015 | 100.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Topsy Smalley |
3400 Paul Sweet Rd
Unit D115
Santa Cruz, California 950651542 |
Cabrillo College / Librarian | 04/15/2015 | 5.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Mark Gwizdz |
31500 Kathryn St
Garden City, Michigan 481351334 |
Buddy's Pizza / Waiter | 05/03/2015 | 25.00 | 258.00 |
| |||
Kathleen Matthews |
9 E Kirke St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154216 |
Marriott Corporation / Senior Vice President | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jordan Berkus |
9336 Civic Center Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902103604 |
United Talent / Talent Agent | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Louise Fitzgerald |
330 E 38th St
Apt 48Q
New York, New York 100162784 |
Subchapter S Corporation / Management Consultant | 06/05/2015 | 10.00 | 360.84 |
| |||
John H. Bradley |
53 Bridle Path
Dover, New Hampshire 038204444 |
Newmarket International / Consultant | 06/29/2015 | 100.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Nicole Rabner |
4347 Hawthorne St NW
Washington, DC 200163570 |
WilmerHale, LLP / Attorney | 06/19/2015 | 100.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Forrest Hainline |
3720 Broderick St
San Francisco, California 941231009 |
Goodwin Procter LLP / Lawyer | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Christine Busheme |
6556 Dover Cove Dr
Orlando, Florida 328223053 |
Fairwinds / VP of Real Estate | 05/29/2015 | 250.00 | 515.00 |
| |||
Joann Loulan |
151 Los Trancos Cir
Portola Valley, California 940288118 |
Self-Employed / Counselor | 04/30/2015 | 2200.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
William Daniel |
4003 Carenon Ln
Valrico, Florida 335966480 |
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney | 05/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kaye Koonce |
176 Peachtree St
Charleston, South Carolina 294033345 |
Retired / Attorney | 05/12/2015 | 50.00 | 2770.16 |
| |||
Vincent Agustin |
5212 Chapel Dr NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871144666 |
Walgreens / Pharmacist | 06/30/2015 | 10.00 | 213.21 |
| |||
Bianca Caban |
450 E 83rd St
Apt 3J
New York, New York 100286249 |
Koban Holding LLC / Founding Partner | 06/19/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Russell Meyers |
550 Sandhurst Dr W
Apt 101
Roseville, Minnesota 551134662 |
N/A / Retired | 06/08/2015 | 2650.00 | 2750.00 |
| |||
Cedric Cordell Adams |
4037 Prescott Ave
Dallas, Texas 752192242 |
C. Cordell Adams, MD PA / Physician | 05/10/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Steven Corkin |
157 W Canton St
Boston, Massachusetts 021181215 |
AEW Capital Management, LP / Real Estate Investment | 06/28/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Brandon Schlenker |
100 Grand Ave
1212 United States
Oakland, California 946123078 |
Yerdle / Software Engineer | 05/29/2015 | 25.00 | 241.96 |
| |||
Samuel Bradley |
4824 27th Pl N
Arlington, Virginia 222072710 |
N/A / Retired | 05/21/2015 | 5.00 | 440.00 |
| |||
Andrei Cherny |
112 W Kaler Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850217239 |
Aspiration / Executive | 04/21/2015 | 5.00 | 2705.00 |
| |||
Dana McGraw |
4311 Beeman Ave
Studio City, California 916041521 |
The Walt Disney Company / Analytics | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
William Nitze |
1537 28th St NW
Washington, DC 200073059 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Linda Pence |
4930 Laurel Cir
Indianapolis, Indiana 462262131 |
Pence Hensel LLC / Lawyer | 06/19/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Barry Aycock, PhD |
PO Box 456
Parma, Missouri 638700456 |
Self-Employed / Agricultural Consultant | 06/08/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Andrea Timmons |
7185 Mesquite Rdg
Sanger, Texas 762667588 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 06/29/2015 | 25.00 | 486.69 |
| |||
Andrew Allison |
1308 Hardouin Ave
Austin, Texas 787032500 |
Main Street Hub, Inc. / Entrepreneur | 06/03/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Philippe Reines |
3251 Prospect St NW
Apt 414
Washington, DC 200073245 |
ZFS / Advisor | 04/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Erica Forman |
401 Bergen St
Brooklyn, New York 112172009 |
Bryan Cave LLP / Lawyer | 06/16/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Kathryn Hayley |
7 Briarwood Ln
Lincolnshire, Illinois 600692500 |
Rosewood Advisory Services LLC / Business Advisory Services | 06/11/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Charles Lovett |
2640 NE 135th St
Apt 215
North Miami, Florida 331813540 |
Miami Country Day School / Teacher | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Antonia Hernandez |
1561 E Mountain St
Pasadena, California 911043910 |
California Community Foundation / Attorney | 04/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Katharine Gleysteen |
2812 NW Paul Benjamin Rd
Bremerton, Washington 983121506 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Ernesto Lanza |
212 Deep Trail Ln
Rockville, Maryland 208507753 |
Greenberg Traurig LLP / Attorney | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Arjun Jaikumar |
15 Upland Rd
Apt 1
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021402754 |
WilmerHale, LLP / Attorney | 06/09/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Norman M. Kaplan |
3831 Turtle Creek Blvd
Apt 20E
Dallas, Texas 752194415 |
University of Texas / Physician | 04/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Hildy Fentin |
2231 Del Mar Scenic Pkwy
Del Mar, California 920143633 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/12/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Karen Ann Freeman |
23508 39th Pl W
Brier, Washington 980368252 |
King County, WA / Policy Analyst | 06/29/2015 | 5.00 | 235.00 |
| |||
Janeile Cannon |
1769 Pine Creek Cir
Haslett, Michigan 488408211 |
N/A / Retired | 05/26/2015 | 606.02 | 1006.02 |
| |||
Derek Howe |
175 Bradford Street Ext
Unit 202
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026571971 |
Boston University / Vice President | 06/26/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Steven Corwin |
1330 1st Ave
PH 3
New York, New York 100214869 |
New York Presbyterian / CEO | 04/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Marie Kunkle |
1400 Hickory Hill Rd
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 193179367 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/03/2015 | 100.00 | 560.00 |
| |||
Amanda Lovin |
8331 Mill Race Dr
Ooltewah, Tennessee 373638839 |
Volkswagen Group of America / IT Manager | 06/16/2015 | 50.00 | 425.23 |
| |||
Sarah McLain |
52 Monmouth Ave
Medford, Massachusetts 021552328 |
Harvard University / Faculty Assistant | 05/13/2015 | 25.00 | 249.00 |
| |||
Tammy Lee Stanoch |
3300 Hazelwood W
Wayzata, Minnesota 553912508 |
Self-Employed / Management Consultant | 06/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ronnie Igel |
239 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750810 |
Rodeph Sholom School / Teacher | 06/29/2015 | 36.69 | 386.69 |
| |||
Alexander Jutkowitz |
404 Park Ave S
New York, New York 100168404 |
Group SJR / Executive | 05/10/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kathy Kaye |
200 Central Park S
New York, New York 100191436 |
Brown Harris Stevens Development Marke / Executive VP -Sales & Marketing | 06/30/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Karen Azoff |
8502 Wedderburn Station Dr
Vienna, Virginia 221806874 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Donald Donovan |
919 3rd Ave
New York, New York 100223902 |
Debevoise & Plimpton / Attorney | 06/24/2015 | 400.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Do Young Kim |
1190 6th Ave
Fl 4
New York, New York 100362736 |
Self-Employed / Real estate | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jon David Willingham |
55 W 14th St
Apt 5E
New York, New York 100117409 |
Office Of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. / Managing Director | 04/12/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Kelly Maer |
215 Beach Front
Apt 2
Manasquan, New Jersey 087363351 |
Duane Morris Government Strategies / Lobbyist | 06/11/2015 | 1527.45 | 2872.55 |
| |||
Gillian Edel |
1235 Piedra Morada Dr
Pacific Palisades, California 902721904 |
Self-Employed / Real Estate | 04/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jesse Litzler |
714 Round Hill Dr
Merced, California 953488421 |
Self-Employed / Sales | 06/12/2015 | 50.00 | 441.25 |
| |||
Grady Carter |
9240 Rosewater Ln
Jacksonville, Florida 322569602 |
First Coast Medical Center / Physician | 05/22/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Carrie Billy |
4316 Marionet St
Alexandria, Virginia 223121324 |
American Indian Higher Education Conso / CEO | 05/06/2015 | 200.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Jennifer McCann |
210 Main St
Nyack, New York 109602479 |
Not Employed / Volunteer | 04/15/2015 | 25.00 | 957.78 |
| |||
Tina Thomas |
455 Capitol Mall
Ste 801
Sacramento, California 958144420 |
Thomas Law Group / Attorney | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Tanina Rostain |
271 Park St
New Haven, Connecticut 065114751 |
Georgetown University Law Center / Professor | 06/05/2015 | 800.00 | 800.00 |
| |||
Michael Anderson |
1144 Mohawk Bluff Dr
Ohatchee, Alabama 362719232 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/22/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
David Cloyd |
512 Sanddollar Ct
Fort Collins, Colorado 805253128 |
David G Cloyd,MD, PLLC / Physician | 05/10/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Caitlin Ferrell |
207 East 27th Street
Apt LC
New York, New York 10016 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/29/2015 | 10.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Christine Rickert |
24165 E Greystone Ln
Woodway, Washington 980205226 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/06/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kevin Turner |
350 W 50th St
New York, New York 100196664 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP / Consultant | 06/03/2015 | 109.90 | 459.90 |
| |||
Jon Grand |
1833 Waldorf Dr
Royal Palm Beach, Florida 334116117 |
Elite Orthopedics / Owner | 05/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Daniel Maury |
250 W 16th St
Apt 3G
New York, New York 100116105 |
UBS / Managing Director | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Farley Anderson |
2433 279th Dr SE
Sammamish, Washington 980754114 |
N/A / Retired | 06/22/2015 | 56.49 | 256.49 |
| |||
James Lewis |
4526 Sunburst St
Bellaire, Texas 774012609 |
Lewis Law Office, P.C. / Lawyer | 05/30/2015 | 2200.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Bart Adams |
1101 N Calvert St
Apt 806
Baltimore, Maryland 212023894 |
Pandora Jewelry LLC / Project Coordinator | 06/16/2015 | 130.60 | 280.60 |
| |||
Lynn Schulman |
10440 Queens Blvd
Apt 19E
Forest Hills, New York 113753693 |
Woodhull Medical Center / Hospital Executive | 05/12/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Teresa Burton |
10877 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 1200
Los Angeles, California 900244332 |
CityView / Attorney | 06/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Bhupendra Patel |
5 Bridle Path Ct
Glen Head, New York 115453304 |
Mount Sinai Queens / Physician | 05/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David LaFuria |
8232 Weller Ave
McLean, Virginia 221021718 |
Lukas, Nace, Gutierrez & Sachs / Attorney | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sharon Edelman |
1003 Pillory Dr
Vienna, Virginia 22182 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/22/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Damien Prosser |
5012 Barcelona St
Orlando, Florida 328071353 |
Morgan & Morgan / Lawyer | 05/22/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Brigette Lau |
405 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, California 940255240 |
The Social Capital Partnership / Partner | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Melissa Spohler |
158 E 78th St
New York, New York 100750406 |
Self-Employed / Producer | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Susan Resendez |
13614 Laramie Vly
San Antonio, Texas 782535477 |
USAA / Workload Management | 04/13/2015 | 100.00 | 517.89 |
| |||
Carole Olson |
1180 S Highland Ave
Los Angeles, California 900191750 |
Self-Employed / Clinical Psychologist | 06/30/2015 | 50.00 | 510.00 |
| |||
Martin Maddaloni |
3100 N Ocean Blvd
Ft Lauderdale, Florida 333087116 |
Retired / Labor Representative | 06/11/2015 | 250.00 | 750.00 |
| |||
Susan Hayes Stern |
240 E 86th St
New York, New York 100283083 |
The Hampton Foundation / Vice President Consultant | 06/23/2015 | 104.90 | 634.34 |
| |||
Jennifer Okimoto |
839 Marin Dr
Mill Valley, California 949413986 |
IBM / Management Consultant | 06/29/2015 | 300.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Chamath Palihapitiya |
405 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, California 940255240 |
The Social Capital Partnership / Founder & Managing Partner | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Suzanne Loranc |
175 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100167328 |
FJM Communications / Crisis Communications Consultant | 06/19/2015 | 3.00 | 378.00 |
| |||
Cristina Pereda |
2627 S Bayshore Dr
Apt 808
Miami, Florida 331335440 |
Miami Dade Public Schools / Teacher | 05/10/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Alexia Worsham |
21534 Madrone Dr
Los Gatos, California 950338961 |
Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital S / Senior Health Care Program Analyst | 05/01/2015 | 25.00 | 205.28 |
| |||
Michelle Small |
3330 Wenonah Ave
Berwyn, Illinois 604023346 |
Self-Employed / Property Rentals | 06/26/2015 | 25.00 | 275.00 |
| |||
Myfe Moore |
603 River Rd
San Antonio, Texas 782123123 |
Self-Employed / Ranching, Real Estate | 05/22/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Nehama Blonder |
900 Palisade Ave
Apt 20L
Fort Lee, New Jersey 070244140 |
N/A / Retired | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Judith Steinberg |
PO Box 9608
Aspen, Colorado 816129608 |
N/A / Retired | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2773.19 |
| |||
Aaron Mehrens-Wallace |
527 St John's Ave
Billings, Montana 59101 |
Walmart / Assistant Store Manager | 04/13/2015 | 100.00 | 210.47 |
| |||
Hesung Koh |
200 Leeder Hill Dr
Apt 445B
Hamden, Connecticut 065172723 |
East Rock Institute / Chair & Founder | 06/05/2015 | 1500.00 | 1500.00 |
| |||
Jane Toll |
2500 Bay Ave
Miami Beach, Florida 331404226 |
N/A / Retired | 04/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Amber Ussery |
1121B N Calvert St
Apt 323
Baltimore, Maryland 212024157 |
USAID / Program Analyst | 06/30/2015 | 25.00 | 215.00 |
| |||
Victoria Eslinger |
1717 Crestwood Dr
Columbia, South Carolina 292053209 |
Nexsen Pruet / Attorney | 06/11/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Andrea Engelmann |
2001 E Camino Parocela
Palm Springs, California 922648229 |
Retired / Healthcare | 05/29/2015 | 50.00 | 648.38 |
| |||
Eileen Mancera |
200 Riverside Blvd
Apt 6D
New York, New York 100690907 |
Venor Capital / Finance | 04/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Steven Macon |
1305A Waller St
Austin, Texas 787021050 |
Dell Inc. / Marketing | 06/12/2015 | 100.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Rolando Briones |
410 Westmoreland Dr
San Antonio, Texas 782134158 |
Briones Engineering / President | 06/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sandy Pina |
24054 Sweet William Ln
Murrieta, California 925622100 |
RCR Companies / Chairman of the Board | 05/03/2015 | 250.00 | 750.00 |
| |||
Damion S Loperfito |
7173 Winding Lake Cir
Oviedo, Florida 327655663 |
Damion S. Loperfito, DC, Dynamic Care / Chiropractor | 05/25/2015 | 1500.00 | 1500.00 |
| |||
Bounlonh Soukamneuth |
1402 Brickell Bay Dr
Apt 801
Miami, Florida 331313614 |
Impact Investment Shujog / NGO | 04/14/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Frederick Peters |
3615 Newark St NW
Washington, DC 200163179 |
Williams & Connolly LLP / Attorney | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Blair Wheat |
7710 Scarborough Blvd South Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 462562057 |
LHP Software / General Counsel | 06/29/2015 | 100.00 | 215.00 |
| |||
Ryan Hall |
1935 Shenandoah Rd
Toledo, Ohio 436071674 |
KUKA Robotics / Automotion Manufacturer | 04/23/2015 | 10.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Ed Potter |
203 Westminster Dr NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303093312 |
The Coca-Cola Company / Director, Global Workplace Rights | 05/10/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
David M Zyadet |
2907 Woodstock Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 209101249 |
Montgomery County, MD / Physician | 06/05/2015 | 25.00 | 421.69 |
| |||
Jane Marcus |
207 W Walnut St
Alexandria, Virginia 223012533 |
Senior Services of Alexandria / Development Director | 06/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Laura Hernandez |
7309 Aemilian Way
Austin, Texas 787304214 |
AT&T / Executive Director | 05/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Patricia Lehr |
5181 Gardena Ave
San Diego, California 921101339 |
Retired / Clinical Project Manager | 05/15/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Catherine Peery |
PO Box 28
Pescadero, California 940600028 |
Peery Associates / Pension Consultant | 06/30/2015 | 5.00 | 2977.82 |
| |||
Cherie Morris |
3527 Winfield Ln NW
Washington, DC 200072378 |
Self-Employed / Certified Divorce Coach | 06/22/2015 | 33.69 | 2733.69 |
| |||
Anny Morrobel-Sosa |
255 Huguenot St
Apt 1914
New Rochelle, New York 108018300 |
Lehman College, City University of New / Provost | 06/29/2015 | 187.00 | 787.00 |
| |||
Robert Russo |
136 Hicks St
Brooklyn, New York 112012366 |
Hillary for America / Director of Correspondence and Briefin | 04/29/2015 | 25.00 | 433.14 |
| |||
Sarah Lower |
4143 E Ford Ave
Gilbert, Arizona 852340391 |
NYSE Governance Services / System Administrator | 04/24/2015 | 25.00 | 230.46 |
| |||
Karen Emmerson |
2480 16th St NW
Apt 904
Washington, DC 200096707 |
Edge Research / Market Research | 06/11/2015 | 25.00 | 271.85 |
| |||
Joseph Siino |
218 Main St
Kirkland, Washington 980336108 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/22/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Ann Leslie Jones |
1821 186th Pl
Homewood, Illinois 604303705 |
Marian Catholic High School / Librarian & Coach | 06/23/2015 | 55.00 | 305.00 |
| |||
Nancy Wollam-Huhn |
29475 Bryce Rd
Pepper Pike, Ohio 441245769 |
University Hospitals of Cleveland / Physician | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
William Phillips |
2280 Gale Rd
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481059512 |
Not Employed / Engineer | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Alan Mandel |
1108 Olive St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631011922 |
Mandel & Mandel / Attorney | 06/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Dana Wright-Penrod |
203 Caveat Ct
Havre De Grace, Maryland 210782346 |
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur | 06/28/2015 | 25.00 | 238.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Quintana |
400 W Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, California 908028162 |
WMS / CEO | 06/29/2015 | 51.00 | 211.00 |
| |||
Ying Lock |
1530 27th Ave
San Francisco, California 941223228 |
Engineer / Retired | 05/22/2015 | 150.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Alexandra Edsall |
8201 Saint Martins Ln
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191184120 |
Not Employed / Attorney | 06/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Matthew Chenowth |
1269 N Hayworth Ave
Apt 8
West Hollywood, California 900465221 |
True Partners Consulting / Consultant | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Bradley Failor |
2313 Memphis St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191252515 |
The George Washington University / Copywriter | 06/29/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Laura D'Andrea Tyson |
2015 Los Angeles Ave
Berkeley, California 947072428 |
University of California, Berkeley / Professor | 05/03/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Peter Wirth |
1035 Camino De Cruz Blanca
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875050390 |
Sawtell, Wirth & Biedscheid, P.C. / Lawyer | 04/23/2015 | 500.00 | 792.82 |
| |||
Russ Alba |
3020 W Villa Rosa Park
Tampa, Florida 336112840 |
Black Swan Legal Counsel / Attorney | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Hochberg |
1638 Buckingham Rd
Teaneck, New Jersey 076662901 |
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP / Attorney | 06/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Bonnie Jenkins |
3695 Ketchum Ct
Woodbridge, Virginia 221931064 |
U.S. Department of State / Foreign Affairs | 04/15/2015 | 25.00 | 510.00 |
| |||
James Taylor |
5431 Yarwell Dr
Houston, Texas 770964009 |
N/A / Retired | 05/03/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Irene Cipolla |
10421 68th Dr
Apt B24
Forest Hills, New York 113753444 |
Saatchi & Saatchi / Senior Project Manager | 06/30/2015 | 5.00 | 206.69 |
| |||
Ikeita Cantu Hinojosa |
1443 Woodacre Dr
McLean, Virginia 221012534 |
DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority / Associate General Counsel & Policy Adv | 06/09/2015 | 100.00 | 478.70 |
| |||
Renata Sos |
345 Birchwood Dr
Moraga, California 945562304 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/29/2015 | 2690.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Suzie McKay |
7405 Crystal Clear Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada 891130740 |
Self-Employed / Indigenous Arts, LLC | 06/30/2015 | 25.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Kevin Stec |
237 9th Ave
New York, New York 100016606 |
SAGE / Special Events Director | 05/20/2015 | 5.00 | 229.00 |
| |||
Kawanaa Carter |
3810 Random Ln
Sacramento, California 958641640 |
Folsom Neurological Surgery / Neurosurgeon | 05/05/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Carol McKee |
PO Box 15593
Irvine, California 926235593 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/24/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Mei-Mei Tuan |
39 Lloyd Rd
Montclair, New Jersey 070421705 |
Notch Partners LLC / Consultant | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Paulette Maehara |
16 Arcadia Pl
Bluffton, South Carolina 299093132 |
N/A / Retired | 06/27/2015 | 187.00 | 437.00 |
| |||
Peter Weiner |
3050 Buena Vista Way
Berkeley, California 947082020 |
Paul Hastings, LLP / Attorney | 06/02/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Sarah Jo Parker |
9808 Essex Pl
Fort Smith, Arkansas 729089028 |
N/A / Retired | 04/13/2015 | 120.16 | 220.16 |
| |||
Scott Schaefer |
52 Arreton Rd
Princeton, New Jersey 085401426 |
Conventus Capital / Securities Trader | 06/11/2015 | 500.00 | 1500.00 |
| |||
Matthew Bennett |
5711 26th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222071409 |
Third Way / Public Affairs | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Nazie Eftekhari |
20 Merilane Ave
Edina, Minnesota 554361336 |
HealthEZ / CEO | 06/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Walter Boyd |
PO Box 132
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 220600132 |
Wounded Warrior Project / Disabled Veteran | 06/16/2015 | 5.00 | 1092.40 |
| |||
Alexandra Hahn |
PO Box 362
68 Ram Island Drive
Shelter Island Hei, New York 119650362 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Venetia Kudrle |
4650 Fremont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554195263 |
Retired / Health Care Executive | 06/13/2015 | 187.00 | 457.00 |
| |||
Marilyn K. Brown |
4609 Pebble Creek Ct
Pensacola, Florida 325264380 |
N/A / Retired | 04/13/2015 | 10.00 | 216.59 |
| |||
Frances Balfour |
1160 Rockledge Ln
Apt 5
Walnut Creek, California 945952892 |
Capital Group / Executive Assistant | 06/11/2015 | 25.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Brian Selmo |
304 14th St
Santa Monica, California 904022114 |
FPA / Investor | 05/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Adelaide Camillo |
1735 York Ave
Apt 33G
New York, New York 101286862 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Cecelia Adams |
1224 E Palmer Ave
Glendale, California 912053736 |
Self-Employed / Writer | 05/26/2015 | 108.19 | 308.83 |
| |||
David Rosen |
5002 Thames Ct
Midland, Texas 797051797 |
Self-Employed / Geologist | 05/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Charles Lingo |
3709 Westmont Ave
Nashville, Tennessee 372151051 |
Nissan North America / Information Systems | 04/13/2015 | 100.00 | 275.00 |
| |||
Geoffrey John Colvin |
1185 Park Ave
Apt 10G
New York, New York 101281311 |
CEW Partners / Investor | 04/22/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Ky Fiser |
8639 Labron Ave
Dallas, Texas 752091703 |
Fiser Wealth Management / CFP | 05/06/2015 | 1000.00 | 2812.31 |
| |||
Deana Katz |
8325 E Pepper Tree Ln
Scottsdale, Arizona 852504801 |
Retired / Consultant | 06/09/2015 | 750.00 | 3450.00 |
| |||
George Stagmeier |
2544 Saint Heather Way
Orlando, Florida 328065072 |
Morgan & Morgan / Lawyer | 05/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Randall Schai |
5721 Presley Way
Oakland, California 946181632 |
Jones Day / Attorney | 04/16/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Susan Z Mandel |
PO Box 4298
Greenwich, Connecticut 068310405 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Steven Macon |
1305A Waller St
Austin, Texas 787021050 |
Dell Inc. / Marketing | 06/30/2015 | 100.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Michael Philipp |
22 Marsh Point Rd
Amelia Island, Florida 320346424 |
Ambata Services / Investments | 06/10/2015 | 100.00 | 310.00 |
| |||
Jody Hoffer Gittell |
404 South St
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 038015242 |
Brandeis University / Professor | 05/06/2015 | 100.00 | 750.00 |
| |||
Valerie Jackson |
1003 Benton Pl NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272210 |
Jackmont Hospitality, Inc. / Owner | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Joyce Waters-Smith |
1338 Driftwood Point Rd
Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 324593022 |
N/A / Retired | 06/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Brian Zellman |
6240 Sunrise Dr NE
Fridley, Minnesota 554324932 |
AppleOne / Shipping & Receiving | 05/11/2015 | 5.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Isabelle Gell-Levey |
19 Emery St
Medford, Massachusetts 021555306 |
Brandeis University / PhD Student | 05/29/2015 | 20.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Patti Harburger |
1704 Surrey Ln NW
Washington, DC 200072017 |
N/A / Retired | 06/05/2015 | 2650.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Matthew Gutwein |
859 Woodruff Place West Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 462011951 |
Health and Hospital Corporat / President and CEO | 06/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Douglas Holmes |
102 Boyd Ct
Danville, California 945262569 |
ASG Software Solutions / Software Developer | 06/24/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Richard Schechter |
3207 Georgetown St
Houston, Texas 770052905 |
Richard Schechter, P.C. / Attorney | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jaclyn Seiden |
8383 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 1000
Beverly Hills, California 902112439 |
Self-Employed / Actor/Singer | 04/22/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Stephen Hunt |
511 S 44th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191043907 |
University of Pennsylvania / Physician | 04/14/2015 | 25.00 | 276.00 |
| |||
Srini Vangimalla |
8225 Saint Marlo Fairway Dr
Duluth, Georgia 300971674 |
Serenity Infotech, Inc. / Executive | 05/13/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Maria Carmenza McLean |
5703 Overlea Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208161918 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 204.55 |
| |||
Elizabeth Chung |
5974 White Flint Dr
Frederick, Maryland 217022338 |
Asian American Center of Frederick / Executive Director | 05/04/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Raul Herrera |
6494 Lake Meadow Dr
Burke, Virginia 220153930 |
Arnold & Porter LLP / Attorney | 06/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
George Maguire |
333 Central Park W
Apt 93
New York, New York 100257105 |
Debevoise & Plimpton / Attorney | 06/24/2015 | 400.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Connor Pinkston |
400 Clementina St
San Francisco, California 941034163 |
Luxe / Data Scientist | 05/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Epstein |
3478 Derby Ln
Weston, Florida 333313509 |
Self-Employed / Executive | 06/11/2015 | 1000.00 | 1072.25 |
| |||
David Park |
2404 19th St NW
Unit 66
Washington, DC 200091599 |
New Venture Fund / Communications | 06/16/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Pauline Sobelman |
405 Kemeys Ave
Briarcliff Manor, New York 105102052 |
USI / Consultant | 05/25/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Pearl Rosenthal |
139 El Altillo
Los Gatos, California 950321146 |
N/A / Retired | 06/16/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Michael Burke |
4001 Fannin St
Apt 4707
Houston, Texas 770044088 |
N/A / Retired | 05/12/2015 | 15.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
Carolyn Harris |
4949 Hillbrook Ln NW
Washington, DC 200163208 |
Columbia University / Education | 06/13/2015 | 100.00 | 700.00 |
| |||
Eric Brown |
830 W 3rd St
Apt 2142
Austin, Texas 787013873 |
Jackson Walker LLP / Attorney | 06/10/2015 | 17.89 | 202.16 |
| |||
Megan Bradley |
2421 Steinway St
Apt 3
Astoria, New York 111033641 |
Raison Pure NYC / Senior Account Manager | 06/19/2015 | 50.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
David Wark |
1588 Northrop St
Falcon Heights, Minnesota 551081322 |
Self-Employed / Psychologist | 06/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
JoAnn Balzer |
3918 Old Santa Fe Trl
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875054538 |
N/A / Retired | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 150.00 |
| |||
Orville H Schell, III |
1045 Keeler Ave
Berkeley, California 947081403 |
Asia Society / Professor | 05/03/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Shirley McCarthy |
16 Rockland Park
Branford, Connecticut 064054778 |
Yale University / Physician | 06/03/2015 | 1500.00 | 1500.00 |
| |||
Marianne Rammal |
377 E 33rd St
Apt 20B
New York, New York 100169483 |
Self-Employed / Information Requested | 04/22/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Thomas Belt |
1111 Olympia Dr
Charlottesville, Virginia 229113539 |
Retired / Pilot | 04/14/2015 | 250.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Kaivan Shroff |
21 Tarryhill Rd
Tarrytown, New York 105916513 |
N/A / Student | 06/16/2015 | 200.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
Mark Hansen |
4444 Hadfield Ln NW
Washington, DC 200072033 |
Kellogg Huber Hansen Todd Evans & Fige / Attorney | 05/04/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Abby Ginzberg |
1136 Evelyn Ave
Albany, California 947062316 |
Self-Employed / Documentary Filmmaker | 06/15/2015 | 500.00 | 550.00 |
| |||
David Weil |
888 7th Ave
New York, New York 101060001 |
TPG-Axon Capital / Finance | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Maria A Luna |
839 Riverside Dr
Apt 4A
New York, New York 100326425 |
Retired / Accountant | 05/05/2015 | 270.00 | 270.00 |
| |||
Jennifer McCann |
210 Main St
Nyack, New York 109602479 |
Not Employed / Volunteer | 05/27/2015 | 259.10 | 957.78 |
| |||
H. Pamela Hudgins, Ph.D. |
218 Sundance Ln
Milton, Delaware 199681361 |
Retired / Clinical Psychologist | 06/26/2015 | 50.00 | 297.55 |
| |||
Nivardo Mora |
5110 Orduna Dr
Coral Gables, Florida 331462039 |
Southern Warehouse, Inc / Owner | 04/18/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Maxwell Egan |
309 Washington St
Apt 2105
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 194284910 |
Morgan Stanley / Investment Analyst | 04/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Wanda Cober |
355 W Westchester Pkwy
Apt 224
Grand Prairie, Texas 750525292 |
N/A / Retired | 05/21/2015 | 400.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
David Brock |
455 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200012621 |
American Bridge 21st Century / Chairman | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sharyn Brown |
520 S 4th St
Las Vegas, Nevada 891016520 |
SB Specialties, Inc. / Owner | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Dierdra Kearney |
331 E 29th St
Apt 6L
New York, New York 100168343 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/04/2015 | 300.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Elizabeth Metcalf |
3251 35th St., 3rd fl.
Astoria, New York 11106 |
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney | 05/27/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Daria Zhukova |
1151 Maybrook Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902102717 |
Iris Foundation / Businesswoman | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nat Simons |
812 Mendocino Ave
Berkeley, California 947071923 |
Meritage Group / Investment Manager | 05/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jonathan Oriole |
555 NE 34th St
Apt 504
Miami, Florida 331374054 |
Tritura Information Governance / Trial Support Coordinator | 06/22/2015 | 5.00 | 267.28 |
| |||
Srinivasan Ramiah |
30 River Ct
Apt 2109
Jersey City, New Jersey 073102109 |
N/A / Computer Programmer | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lois Abraham |
PO Box 2830
Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico 875572830 |
N/A / Retired | 06/12/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Sue Cain |
4610 Churchwood Dr
Nashville, Tennessee 372201108 |
N/A / Retired | 06/10/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Carla Feinkind |
5710 Astony Ct
Hinsdale, Illinois 605214989 |
N/A / Not Employed | 06/05/2015 | 50.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Jayana Dils |
2385 E Tropicana Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada 891196543 |
Self-Employed / Nurse | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Scott Bommer |
927 5th Ave
Fl 11
New York, New York 100212679 |
SAB Capital Management / Founder | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Alexander Free |
PO Box 2752
Mount Vernon, Washington 982737752 |
N/A / Retired | 05/20/2015 | 5.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Leah Pimentel |
1795 Silver Ave
San Francisco, California 941242258 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/19/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ruben Gonzales |
4212 4th St NW
Washington, DC 200114844 |
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institut / Fundraiser | 05/11/2015 | 200.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Marcia Johnson |
160 Grandview Rd
Boyertown, Pennsylvania 195128576 |
N/A / Not Employed | 06/13/2015 | 10.00 | 260.00 |
| |||
Carol Phillips |
11721 Mayfair Field Dr
Lutherville, Maryland 210937011 |
Self-Employed / Physician | 05/03/2015 | 10.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Stacey Sher |
3661 Alomar Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914234946 |
Self-employed / Producer | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Joseph Musker |
1801 T St NW
Apt C
Washington, DC 200097159 |
Centene Corporation / VP, Federal Affairs | 04/29/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Mindy Sander |
3560 Fern Cir
Seal Beach, California 907402846 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/27/2015 | 50.00 | 691.72 |
| |||
Shonni Silverberg |
285 Central Park W
New York, New York 100243006 |
Columbia University College of Physici / Physician | 05/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jamie Heine |
1117 Fairmont St NW
Washington, DC 200095319 |
Covington & Burling LLP / Lawyer | 06/05/2015 | 100.00 | 594.20 |
| |||
Frank Burney |
300 Convent St
Ste 2500
San Antonio, Texas 782053716 |
Martin & Drought PC / Managing Partner | 06/03/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Ross Bleckner |
38 W 9th St
Apt 11
New York, New York 100118914 |
Self-Employed / Artist | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Bailey |
1030 Tower Rd
Beverly Hills, California 902102149 |
Self-Employed / Real Estate | 04/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Shay Hitchcock |
5742 Bedford Loop W
Southaven, Mississippi 386725502 |
Social Security Administration / Manager | 05/30/2015 | 62.80 | 432.80 |
| |||
John Turner |
3713 Chesapeake St NW
Washington, DC 200161813 |
Self-Employed / Economist | 04/17/2015 | 2450.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Yu Hung Vanessa Chang |
3368 Olsen Dr
San Jose, California 951171555 |
Self-Employed / Information Requested | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Heather Hyde Wargo |
101 Eucalyptus St
Apt 1104
Lake Jackson, Texas 775664697 |
Brazosport ISD / Music Teacher | 06/24/2015 | 5.00 | 316.00 |
| |||
Laurel Gutierrez |
2415 Hill Ln
Redondo Beach, California 902785113 |
Raytheon / Engineer | 05/20/2015 | 50.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Tracy Pakulniewicz |
21 Dudley Ct
Bethesda, Maryland 208145427 |
AFSC / Strategic Communications | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Joanne Laszczych |
77 Green St
Brooklyn, New York 112225831 |
Blackivy Group / Assistant | 06/16/2015 | 50.00 | 560.00 |
| |||
C Luna |
4949 Upton Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554101809 |
Minnetonka School District / Teacher | 06/30/2015 | 170.00 | 235.00 |
| |||
John C Land |
2 Pine Straw Ln
Manning, South Carolina 291022207 |
Land Parker & Welch, PA / Attorney | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kathryn Stein |
10801 Great Arbor Dr
Potomac, Maryland 208544249 |
MacriGenics, inc / Scientist | 06/23/2015 | 46.69 | 346.69 |
| |||
Les Borzy |
3009 Allen Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631041528 |
Wells Fargo Advisors / Regional Business Manager | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mary Panszi |
4411 Lakeridge Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 462349542 |
Lewis Wagner, LLP / Attorney | 06/10/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Peggy McCay |
2714 Carmar Dr
Los Angeles, California 900461009 |
Corday Productions / Actress | 04/23/2015 | 10.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Richard Georgi |
PO Box 6700
Jackson, Wyoming 830026700 |
Grove International Partners / Investor | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Christopher Haygood |
106 N Boardwalk
Stillwater, Oklahoma 740752508 |
Oklahoma State University / Professor | 05/05/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Lesley Seymour |
72 Cooper Ln
Larchmont, New York 105381820 |
More Magazine / Editor/Journalist | 04/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Eric Alexander |
9752 Sinclair Ln
Jonesboro, Georgia 302384141 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/29/2015 | 50.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Morris Little |
19 Wieuca Trce NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303423856 |
Taylor English / Attorney | 05/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Beverly Minaldi |
PO Box 1611
Nederland, Texas 776271611 |
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur | 05/05/2015 | 375.00 | 375.00 |
| |||
Cynthia Creem |
110 Huntington Rd
Newton, Massachusetts 024582462 |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts / Senator | 05/25/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Priscilla Belsinger |
2435 Wayland Rd
Berwyn, Pennsylvania 193122140 |
N/A / Retired | 06/03/2015 | 100.00 | 587.00 |
| |||
Jerri Langer |
8008 Oakside Ln
Citrus Heights, California 956100719 |
Cokala Tax Information Reporting / Owner | 05/20/2015 | 25.00 | 236.76 |
| |||
Justin Whited |
1205 Preston Run
Goodlettsville, Tennessee 370721939 |
UNYQ Management / Chief Operating Officer | 05/22/2015 | 25.00 | 226.00 |
| |||
Helen Lee Henderson |
3100A R St NW
Washington, DC 200072937 |
Self-Employed / Philanthropist | 05/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Robert Morgan |
612 Moulton Ave
Apt B
Los Angeles, California 900313900 |
Self-Employed / Artist and Costume Supervisor For Film | 04/23/2015 | 500.00 | 510.00 |
| |||
Shemin Proctor |
11232 Bybee St
Silver Spring, Maryland 209023206 |
Andrews Kurth LLP / Attorney | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Theresa Dryfoos |
75 Mill St
Rhinebeck, New York 125721822 |
N/A / Retired | 04/21/2015 | 300.00 | 1100.00 |
| |||
Miyoung Lee |
32 W 18th St
New York, New York 100114612 |
N/A / Not Employed | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Carl Nelson |
35 N Fawn Dr
Newark, Delaware 197112565 |
N/A / Management Analyst | 04/12/2015 | 25.00 | 222.50 |
| |||
Sean King |
7202 Billy Goat Dr
New Albany, Ohio 430545042 |
Defense Information Systems Agency / Accountant | 04/12/2015 | 25.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Yulong Zhang |
1218 Flushing Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112371747 |
Reiko Wireless Inc / CEO | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Michael Gelman |
11 W Lenox St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154208 |
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman / Founding Partner | 05/05/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Suzaane Pratt |
76 Sparks St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382238 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Matthew B Weiss |
211 N End Ave
Apt 4N
New York, New York 102820020 |
Weiss Realty Company / Real Estate Broker | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mary-Helen Binger |
227 Masters Ct
Apt 2
Walnut Creek, California 945981923 |
N/A / Not Employed | 06/30/2015 | 75.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Simon |
3507 Crescent Ave
Dallas, Texas 752053924 |
Simon Greenstone Panatier Bartlett / Partner | 05/11/2015 | 1700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Laura Kagen |
605 E 82nd St
New York, New York 100287955 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Carol Jankowsky |
1021 Basil Rd
McLean, Virginia 221011819 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lynn Ellenberg |
295 Central Park W
New York, New York 100243008 |
Silverstein Properties, Inc. / Tax Director | 06/09/2015 | 100.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Eli Zabar |
52 E 92nd St
New York, New York 101281316 |
Self-Employed / Retail | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Rudra Singh |
200 42nd Ave
San Mateo, California 944035002 |
Self-Employed / Software Engineer | 05/20/2015 | 25.00 | 202.00 |
| |||
Clarice Turner |
10 Brook Bay Rd
Mercer Island, Washington 980404622 |
Starbucks Coffee Company / Senior Vice President | 06/11/2015 | 200.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ryan Schultz |
3940 Eola Dr NW
Salem, Oregon 973044146 |
Cherry City Metals / Manager | 04/12/2015 | 25.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Alan Cohen |
330 Cloudes Mill Ct
Alexandria, Virginia 223043024 |
Retired / Economist | 06/28/2015 | 150.00 | 2850.00 |
| |||
Maria Guerin |
4621 Osage Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191432113 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 150.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Claudia Kennedy |
4 Magazine Pl
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 299283911 |
Retired / U.S. Army Officer | 06/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Dayna Bochco |
3000 Olympic Blvd
Santa Monica, California 904045073 |
State of California / Commissioner | 04/22/2015 | 5.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mary Rea Pipa |
2 Deerfield Dr
Elysburg, Pennsylvania 178249472 |
N/A / Retired | 06/23/2015 | 36.69 | 336.69 |
| |||
Matthew Goudeau |
PO Box 1140
Marfa, Texas 798431140 |
Chinati Foundation / Nonprofit Fundraiser | 06/30/2015 | 175.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Stephen Kang |
1001 Avenida Pico
Unit C504
San Clemente, California 926736957 |
Chan & Kang LLP / Attorney | 05/04/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Gay Brookes |
122 W 75th St
Apt B
New York, New York 100231944 |
BMCC, CUNY / Retired Professor | 06/29/2015 | 100.00 | 455.00 |
| |||
Debra Giammona |
2126 Kinross Cv
Germantown, Tennessee 381393427 |
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital / Computer Programmer | 04/23/2015 | 50.00 | 383.56 |
| |||
Charles Burson |
121 Lake Forest Dr
Saint Louis, Missouri 631171303 |
N/A / Retired | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Cheryl Porro |
1604 Treat Ave
San Francisco, California 941105241 |
Salesforce.Org / SVP, Technology & Products | 04/16/2015 | 500.00 | 705.00 |
| |||
Eddie Egan |
11766 Wilshire Blvd
United States
Los Angeles, California 900256548 |
Self-Employed / Marketing | 06/29/2015 | 100.00 | 256.33 |
| |||
Leah Ife |
488 State St
Brooklyn, New York 112171803 |
N/A / Retired | 06/22/2015 | 50.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Mark Erwin |
907 Huntington Park Drive
Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 |
Self-Employed / Finance | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Thomas Gunn |
228 Gay Ave
Clayton, Missouri 631053622 |
Self-Employed / Businessman | 06/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Linda Debottari |
2751 Rgncy Oaks Blvd
Apt S112
Clearwater, Florida 337591518 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Amy Foote |
18 Chedworth Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105833310 |
Foote Law Firm / Lawyer | 05/26/2015 | 63.50 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Bader |
7305 Pinehurst Pkwy
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153140 |
Brookings / Scholar | 06/24/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Beth Shepherd |
8111 Mulberry Ln
Charlevoix, Michigan 497209377 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David OBrien |
2810 Teresita St
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880053893 |
Retired / U.S. Air Force Officer | 06/30/2015 | 151.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Marcus Mason |
1030 15th St NW
Ste 1080
Washington, DC 200051503 |
The Madison Group, LLC / Partner | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Delney Hilen |
3011 E Laurelhurst Dr NE
Seattle, Washington 981055330 |
Retired / Lawyer | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 2960.00 |
| |||
Frank Castro |
2328 SW 20th St
Miami, Florida 331452508 |
Healthcare Real Estate / Realtor | 06/23/2015 | 250.00 | 2950.00 |
| |||
Robert Kelley |
1613 SE 10th St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333161421 |
Kelley/Uustal PLC / Attorney | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
J. Livingston Kosberg |
PO Box 27376
Houston, Texas 772277376 |
Remington Financial / Financial Advisor | 06/10/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nicholas Mizaur |
1160 1st St NE
Apt 1236
Washington, DC 200024874 |
Beacon Policy Advisors / Research Analyst | 04/22/2015 | 25.00 | 201.55 |
| |||
Michael Cartwright |
1070 Vaughn Crest Dr
Franklin, Tennessee 370697211 |
American Addiction Center / CEO | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Debra Crapo |
8 Big Rock Rd
Rye, New Hampshire 038702607 |
Self-Employed / Realtor/Broker | 04/25/2015 | 8.00 | 372.32 |
| |||
Jake Smith |
149 S Alta Vista Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900362823 |
Collective Digital Studio / Senior Vice President | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Breno Pagani |
111 Pahaquarry Rd
Hopatcong, New Jersey 078431445 |
Abra Fence, Inc. / President | 05/05/2015 | 5000.00 | 0.00 |
| |||
Russell Retzack |
1441 S 68th St
Apt 239
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532144997 |
N/A / Retired | 05/29/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Wayne Jebian |
13130 Lorene Ct
Mountain View, California 940403966 |
CVS Health / Cashier | 06/29/2015 | 18.00 | 255.00 |
| |||
Frances Harkins |
209 Kentucky Street
Vallejo, California 94510 |
North Capital, Inc / Certified Financial Planner, Accredite | 05/27/2015 | 118.19 | 218.19 |
| |||
Selena Caldera |
6404 Cascada Dr
Austin, Texas 787508157 |
Central Health / Senior Strategy Analyst | 06/30/2015 | 110.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Jeff Dossett |
1914 E Lynn St
Seattle, Washington 981122618 |
GOOD Worldwide Inc. / President | 06/16/2015 | 20.00 | 240.00 |
| |||
Michael Leeds |
PO Box 220409
Great Neck, New York 110220409 |
Flightstar, Inc. / Aviation Management | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Anila Ali |
21 Santa Rida
Irvine, California 926068874 |
Lawndale Elementary School District / Teacher | 06/11/2015 | 1000.00 | 1005.00 |
| |||
Chloe Fratesi |
3601 Mobile St
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 716019668 |
Self-Employed / Information Requested | 05/27/2015 | 166.35 | 1266.35 |
| |||
Jonathan Cedarbaum |
5208 Saratoga Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153725 |
WilmerHale / Lawyer | 04/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Paul Bierman |
633 Valleybrook Dr
Memphis, Tennessee 381202707 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/08/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Christine Singer |
4 Cherokee Trl
Andover, New Jersey 078215816 |
N/A / Retired | 06/13/2015 | 25.00 | 201.69 |
| |||
Cynthia Hayes |
1100 Club Village Dr
Columbia, Missouri 652034409 |
Cynergy Health / Physician | 06/12/2015 | 25.00 | 728.30 |
| |||
Monita Wong |
3404 Dayton Cmn
Fremont, California 945385416 |
N/A / Retired | 06/30/2015 | 100.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Jon LeBoeuf |
1401 17th St NW
Apt 307
Washington, DC 200366435 |
United States Government / Staff Officer | 06/30/2015 | 50.00 | 385.00 |
| |||
Leonard Frederick |
1311 W Alamo Dr
Chandler, Arizona 852241818 |
Frederick and Sons LLC / AC Service Technician | 04/29/2015 | 1000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Darlene Hagan |
1034 N New Hvn
Mesa, Arizona 852055009 |
Hunter Hagan & Company, Ltd / CPA | 06/30/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Julie Aronson |
980 Sheridan Rd
Glencoe, Illinois 600221344 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/03/2015 | 200.00 | 2900.00 |
| |||
Michael Macovski |
700 Live Oak Dr
Mc Lean, Virginia 221011569 |
Georgetown University / Professor | 05/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Carol Sarosik |
PO Box 555
Douglas, Michigan 494060555 |
Retired / Volunteer | 04/29/2015 | 100.00 | 392.01 |
| |||
Amanda McKinney |
1812 Hunter Dr
Shorewood, Illinois 604045330 |
Leo Burnett Worldwide Company, Inc. / Advertising | 05/29/2015 | 397.40 | 853.95 |
| |||
Pamela Hornik |
137 Park Ave
Palo Alto, California 943061108 |
N/A / Volunteer | 06/11/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Marina Ortiz |
513 Crown Point Dr
El Paso, Texas 799124829 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Karen Noval |
J. Gutenberg 160
Argentina 5500
Mendoza, ____ |
Universidad de Congreso / Vice President of Strategic Planning | 06/09/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Christy Conrad |
3012 Jade Dr
Harrison, Arkansas 726011864 |
FedEx Freight / Attorney | 06/29/2015 | 101.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Jennifer Harris |
55 E 92nd St
New York, New York 101281315 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/24/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Edward G. Avila |
229 Wood St
Swansea, Massachusetts 027773619 |
Roberts Carroll Feldstein& Peirce / Shareholder | 06/10/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
James Adler |
825 W End Ave # 10D
New York, New York 100255349 |
Information Requested / Investor | 06/23/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
David Halbrooks |
2924 E Linnwood Ave
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532113407 |
Law Office of David Halbrooks / Attorney | 05/03/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Pamela Ecker |
2775 Markbreit Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452091926 |
Cincinnati State College / College Professor | 06/16/2015 | 75.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
Michele U. Farley |
19 Harwich Ln
West Hartford, Connecticut 061171437 |
N/A / Retired | 06/30/2015 | 25.00 | 219.30 |
| |||
Diana Phillips |
810 Benjamin Way
Healdsburg, California 954484569 |
N/A / Retired | 04/24/2015 | 100.00 | 465.12 |
| |||
Mary Anne Richardson |
21 Pinecroft Rd
Asheville, North Carolina 288041821 |
Retired / Educator | 06/15/2015 | 75.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Anne Marcom |
3607 N Versailles Ave
Dallas, Texas 752096200 |
Credit Union of Texas / Vice President, Member Operations | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Christina Hioureas |
610 W 42nd St
# N36J
New York, New York 100361956 |
Chadbourne & Parke / Lawyer | 06/26/2015 | 2200.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Betty Blackwell |
4440 Morris St NE
Apt 322
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871116951 |
Retired / Administrative Assistant | 05/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) | $38840010.85 |
Total Memo Amount | $259175.84 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 500 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 0 |