Line #: 17A
Contributor's Name | Contributor's Address | Employer/Occupation | Memo/Description | Memo | Text | Date | Amount ($) | Aggregate ($) | Limits |
Janet McCullar |
3200 Steck Ave
Ste 300
Austin, Texas 787578034 |
Law Office of Janet McCullar / Attorney | 05/11/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Brian Odo |
2882 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, California 941183408 |
B.O.L. Global, Inc. / Accountant | 06/17/2015 | 25.00 | 426.05 |
| |||
Michele Holland |
PO Box 460039
Denver, Colorado 802460039 |
Self-Employed / Massage Therapist | 06/11/2015 | 25.00 | 214.59 |
| |||
Ellen Bush |
206 Salinger Close
Moosic, Pennsylvania 185071912 |
Morgan Stanley / Financial Advisor | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Julie Yorn |
2000 Avenue of the Stars
Fl 3
Los Angeles, California 900674704 |
LBI / Producer | 05/19/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Jose Maldonado |
10942 S Halsted St
Chicago, Illinois 606283128 |
OVC / Owner | 05/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Andrew Der |
435 W 57th St
Apt 10S
New York, New York 100191736 |
Verizon Ventures / Marketing & Business Development | 06/11/2015 | 250.00 | 405.00 |
| |||
Louise Weller |
19537 Dartmouth Pl
Northville, Michigan 481672512 |
N/A / Retired | 06/20/2015 | 10.00 | 201.29 |
| |||
Bonnie Ward |
27 Blackford Dr
Exeter, New Hampshire 038334599 |
Affinion Group / Group Vice President, Information Tech | 05/29/2015 | 452.35 | 702.35 |
| |||
Luis Rivera |
850 N Randolph St
Arlington, Virginia 222031978 |
Department of Education / Financial Analyst | 06/27/2015 | 7.00 | 240.00 |
| |||
Kelly Noonan |
49 Beverly Park Cir
Beverly Hills, California 902101566 |
Self-Employed / Actress | 05/08/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Cynthia Desch |
17310 W Footville Brodhead Rd
Brodhead, Wisconsin 535209714 |
TMG / Organization Development | 05/31/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Julie Stephens |
102 Nelson Rd
Scotts Valley, California 950663013 |
Plantronics / Senior IT Project Manager | 05/21/2015 | 100.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Ann Francke |
52 Antrobus Rd
London, United Kingdom W45HZ
London, ____ |
Chartered Management Institute / CEO | 06/20/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Kathy Chaix |
919 Bayside Dr
Apt O8
Newport Beach, California 926607417 |
Partner, Chaix Wines / Wine Producer | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lorraine Waldes |
797 Westwood Ave
Rivervale, New Jersey 076756639 |
URA Rx Group / Biochemist | 06/09/2015 | 100.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
James B. Heaton |
150 W Eugenie St
Apt 46
Chicago, Illinois 606145843 |
Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott / Attorney | 05/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Florence Mond |
26 Coolwater Rd
Bell Canyon, California 913071005 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Judy Coats |
26 Ryddington Pl
Dallas, Texas 752301972 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Gigi Chavez de Arnavat |
47 Monroe Ave
Larchmont, New York 105383735 |
Goldman Sachs / Attorney | 06/15/2015 | 2600.00 | 2800.00 |
| |||
Deanna Rutter |
2995 Woodside Rd
# 400-216
Woodside, California 940622446 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Patricia Haddad |
2662 Riverside Ave
Somerset, Massachusetts 027265153 |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts / Legislator | 05/31/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Laura Ricketts |
1615 W Rosehill Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606604017 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Daniel Arellano |
1902 Elmen St
Houston, Texas 770196144 |
MD Anderson / Nurse Practitioner | 05/01/2015 | 25.00 | 235.00 |
| |||
Eric Ratinoff |
401 Watt Ave
Sacramento, California 958647272 |
Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff / Attorney | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Carol Holcomb |
1430 Francisco St
Apt 11
San Francisco, California 941232244 |
Self-Employed / Appraiser | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Tess Elkins |
317 Shore Dr
Apt C
Highlands, New Jersey 077321227 |
Self-Employed / Custom Apparel | 04/12/2015 | 25.00 | 2050.00 |
| |||
Teri Voyna |
4355 Aspen Hills Cir
Bettendorf, Iowa 527222180 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 344.10 |
| |||
Sonya Halpern |
1498 Willis Mill Rd SW
Atlanta, Georgia 303113205 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Dawna Olson |
1507 7th St
United States
Santa Monica, California 904012605 |
Information Requested / Executive Assistant & Estate Manager | 06/22/2015 | 5.00 | 290.91 |
| |||
Jerome Donohoe |
2865 Sheridan Pl
Evanston, Illinois 602011725 |
N/A / Retired | 05/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Charles Crain |
1230 Fairmont St NW
Unit 1
Washington, DC 200095322 |
BIO / Senior Manager, Tax & Financial Servic | 04/12/2015 | 200.00 | 374.59 |
| |||
Richard Alan Korb |
601 W 113th St
Apt 10G
New York, New York 100259715 |
Columbia University / Senior Lecturer in German | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 335.00 |
| |||
David Richards |
18 Forest Ln
Scarsdale, New York 105836464 |
Steptoe & Johnson, LLP / Attorney | 04/28/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Alexander Sternhell |
900 7th St NW
Washington, DC 200013886 |
Sternhell Group / Government Affairs | 04/21/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Kimberly Frederick |
5233 Cornish St
Unit B
Houston, Texas 770072764 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP / Senior Manager | 05/23/2015 | 20.00 | 1058.35 |
| |||
Maryann Goetz |
1541 Bridgeton Dr
Columbus, Ohio 432203907 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/08/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
David Blakeley |
8320 Nolandwood Ln
Villa Rica, Georgia 301804191 |
N/A / Retired | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Patricia Davies |
1226 92nd Ave SE
Lake Stevens, Washington 982583726 |
Everett Community College / Teacher | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Alan Levitt |
3514 Inverness Dr
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208155621 |
Retired / Communications | 04/28/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Glenn Hutchins |
9 W 57th St
Fl 32
New York, New York 100192703 |
Silver Lake Technology / President | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Rajesh Venkataramani |
24 Abingdon Villas
United Kingdom W8 6BX
London, ____ |
Goldman Sachs / Partner | 05/16/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Danielle Gaglio |
95 Minivale Rd
Stamford, Connecticut 069071207 |
Private Family / Nanny | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Karen Sullards |
12801 Arthur Ln
Little Rock, Arkansas 722115602 |
Retired School Principal / Educational Consultant | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 375.00 |
| |||
Vikash Reddy |
57 W 105th St
New York, New York 100254003 |
Teachers College / Graduate Student | 06/16/2015 | 100.00 | 988.50 |
| |||
Charles Weiss |
6309 Crathie Ln
Bethesda, Maryland 208161001 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 375.00 | 375.00 |
| |||
Debra Morebello |
1240 India St
Unit 1501
San Diego, California 921018553 |
Sharp Healthcare / RN | 06/25/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Jeanne Patrice Willoughby |
7503 Calderon Ct
Unit J
Alexandria, Virginia 223062267 |
Heather Podesta + Partners / Lawyer/Lobbyist | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Blair S. Fleischmann |
9575 Cunningham Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 452431619 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/01/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Farhod Nikjeh |
3545 Landmark Trl
Palm Harbor, Florida 346845015 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Renae Acord |
8616 E Via De Los Libros
Scottsdale, Arizona 852583509 |
Bed Bath and Beyond / Customer Service | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lillian Forte |
347 Lincoln Pl
Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112385732 |
N/A / Retired | 06/09/2015 | 300.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Michele Manatt |
1825 Solitaire Ln
Mc Lean, Virginia 221014235 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/30/2015 | 2600.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
John Anthony Ambrose |
12090 Burlington Glen Dr
Chardon, Ohio 440248453 |
Not Employed / Program Manager | 06/01/2015 | 10.00 | 210.36 |
| |||
Martha Schlager |
5126 Tilden St NW
Washington, DC 200161942 |
Chemonics / Director | 06/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nora Denzel |
1020 108th Ave NE
Apt 1002
Bellevue, Washington 980048672 |
Outerwall / CEO | 04/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Christopher Koob |
18810 Canoe Brk
San Antonio, Texas 782581637 |
Koob Consulting Group / President | 05/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mildred King |
1617 68th Ave
Oakland, California 946213413 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/13/2015 | 200.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Katherine Welch |
84 King Ave
Piedmont, California 946113827 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/15/2015 | 25.00 | 2725.00 |
| |||
Vicki Crawford |
88 Birdie Way
Crested Butte, Colorado 812249649 |
Self-Employed / Event Management | 06/12/2015 | 250.00 | 260.00 |
| |||
Dolores Suarez Rodriguez |
14593 SW 29th Pl
Davie, Florida 333301004 |
N/A / Retired | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Judith Swanson |
738 NE Floral Pl
Portland, Oregon 972322564 |
Multnomah County District Attorney's O / Deputy District Attorney | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Terry Gatewood |
2962 Searchlight Ln
Palm Springs, California 922646827 |
Blue Tiger Recovery LLC / CEO | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Scott Wallace |
6901 Mountain Gate Dr
Bethesda, Maryland 208173900 |
Self-Employed / Nonprofit Director | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Karen McGuire |
1475 Sawdust Rd
Apt 4206
Spring, Texas 773802149 |
InterCom / Multimedia Project Manager | 06/17/2015 | 36.69 | 201.69 |
| |||
Paul Frick |
2911 29th St NW
Washington, DC 200083416 |
Home Front Communications / Partner | 05/28/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Frank Sims |
1783 Garraux Pl NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272449 |
Retired / Executive | 05/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Carol Moritz |
3009 Arlington Ave
Davenport, Iowa 528031308 |
Mid-American Glass / Director, Sales & Marketing | 06/15/2015 | 50.00 | 245.00 |
| |||
Jane Nakagawa |
6532 Via Siena
Rancho Palos Verde, California 902756546 |
Intertrend / VP, Strategic Planning | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Dawna Olson |
1507 7th St
United States
Santa Monica, California 904012605 |
Information Requested / Executive Assistant & Estate Manager | 06/22/2015 | 10.00 | 290.91 |
| |||
Lewis Lurie |
5491 N University Dr
Coral Springs, Florida 330674644 |
American Horizon Financial / Owner | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Michelle Small |
3330 Wenonah Ave
Berwyn, Illinois 604023346 |
Self-Employed / Property Rentals | 06/12/2015 | 250.00 | 275.00 |
| |||
Gina Mitten |
1615 Hunter Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631172225 |
State of Missouri / State Representative | 06/30/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Steven E. Veverka |
1176 Goodrich Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551052726 |
GPSS / CEO | 05/01/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Constance Seay |
2129 E 23rd St
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741142905 |
ConOak Partners / Owner | 06/19/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Maheshkumar Patel |
3433 Legacy Run
Owensboro, Kentucky 423015898 |
Self-Employed / C Store | 05/16/2015 | 25.00 | 202.00 |
| |||
Jowilla Forman |
2246 34th St
Los Alamos, New Mexico 875442014 |
Retired / Office Worker | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Lynette Bradley |
1654 Jamestown Ave
Evans, Georgia 308095480 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/09/2015 | 25.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
T. Eric Galloway |
42 W 39th St
Fl 14
New York, New York 100182082 |
Arete Management / Owner | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Susan Russo |
91 Biarritz St
Lido Beach, New York 115615101 |
Theresa Foundation / Teacher/Administrator | 04/23/2015 | 50.00 | 375.00 |
| |||
Jean Pierre-Paul |
3866 Pine Lake Dr
Weston, Florida 333322103 |
Rush Lending / Engineer | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Katherine Lee |
186 Little Noyac Path
Water Mill, New York 119762117 |
Food Network / TV Host/Chef | 04/15/2015 | 1000.00 | 2200.00 |
| |||
Mortimer Downey |
10205 Martinhoe Dr
Vienna, Virginia 221815368 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/13/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Karen Scates |
3033 E Clarendon Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850167014 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/30/2015 | 55.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
Kurt Wootton |
310 7th St
San Francisco, California 941034030 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/30/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Marc Pinto |
8 Blackmer Rd
Englewood, Colorado 801136109 |
Janus Capital / Investments | 05/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Price |
108 Deepwood Dr
Georgetown, Texas 786288302 |
Si-Bone / Clinical Research Associate | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Brandee Barker |
720 Hobart St
Menlo Park, California 940255706 |
Pramana Collective / Founder | 04/28/2015 | 5.00 | 2705.00 |
| |||
Elizabeth Lawrence |
619 Sterling Pl
Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112384887 |
Luria Academy of Brooklyn / Office Manager | 05/23/2015 | 10.00 | 202.40 |
| |||
Stephanie Sherwood |
719 N Rexford Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902103313 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/14/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mark Miller |
9436 Palm Bay Cir
Raleigh, North Carolina 276177758 |
Northrop Grumman / Project Manager | 06/30/2015 | 125.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Barbara O. Murray |
4595 Fairway Dr
Soquel, California 950733010 |
Retired / Psychologist | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Marc Sharfman |
968 Brightwater Cir
Maitland, Florida 327514223 |
Marc Sharfman MD PA / Medical Doctor | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nora Daley |
1476 S Prairie Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606053342 |
N/A / Philanthropist | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Stacie Christian |
12908 W Llano Dr
Litchfield Park, Arizona 853405109 |
Hensel Phelps Construction Company / Office Manager | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Valli Benesch |
2856 Vallejo St
San Francisco, California 941234617 |
Fritzi Realty / Corporate Executive | 04/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Carmen Arguelles |
53 Griffing Rd
East Quogue, New York 119423105 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Brandon Berg |
1310 Minor Ave
Apt 307
Seattle, Washington 981012879 |
Insperity / Customer Account Manager | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Andrew Burrows |
2033 23rd St
2nd Floor United States
Astoria, New York 111053245 |
Not employed / Administrative Assistant/Receptionist | 06/17/2015 | 5.00 | 246.09 |
| |||
Frances Hennen |
307 Myrick St
Le Sueur, Minnesota 560584379 |
Minnesota State University-Mankato / Professor | 06/25/2015 | 50.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Larry Yu |
175 Coronado Ave
Los Altos, California 940222224 |
Accel / Marketing Partner | 05/16/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Jerry Ogle |
134 Oliver Dr
Madisonville, Tennessee 373546693 |
N/A / Retired | 04/24/2015 | 10.00 | 269.54 |
| |||
Keenan Albenberg |
2252 Waneka Lake Trl
Lafayette, Colorado 800263157 |
CCA / Software Developer | 06/30/2015 | 100.00 | 394.49 |
| |||
Eileen M. Verity |
33 Woods Ave
East Rockaway, New York 115181146 |
Self-Employed / Lawyer/Licensed Social Worker | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Christophe Hinckley |
2436 Norwood Pl
Tavares, Florida 327785197 |
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney | 05/20/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
George Giagtzoglou |
5717 Chevy Chase Pkwy NW
Washington, DC 200152521 |
Abslimited / Manager | 05/12/2015 | 216.00 | 216.00 |
| |||
Jeanne Patterson |
3889 NW 120th Ter
Portland, Oregon 972298345 |
Ready For Hillary 2016 / Oregon Volunteer | 06/25/2015 | 25.00 | 216.93 |
| |||
Gretchen Sierra-Zorita |
7117 Nevis Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208174765 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Paul Berry |
5452 S Cornell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606155624 |
N/A / Student | 04/21/2015 | 10.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Michael Wood |
328 Howard St W
Live Oak, Florida 320642306 |
North Florida Chiropractic Center / Chiropractor | 05/23/2015 | 400.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Matthew Keith |
9340 SW 32nd Pl
Gainesville, Florida 326088630 |
Penfact / Software Engineer | 06/24/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Gary Goyke |
130 Lakewood Blvd
Madison, Wisconsin 537045914 |
State of Wisconsin / State Representative | 05/16/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Anne Wolf |
8 Meadowbrook Ln
Old Westbury, New York 115681112 |
Self-Employed / Speech Pathologist | 05/05/2015 | 150.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Connie Thill |
PO Box 4082
Sheridan, Wyoming 828011282 |
Self-Employed / CPA | 06/30/2015 | 25.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Gail Nunn |
PO Box 2651
Apple Valley, California 923070050 | / CEO | 05/31/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Donna Hardiman |
1000 Park Avenue, APT 7C
New York, New York 10028 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/24/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mary Beth Stanton |
1203 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 200011225 |
Heather Podesta + Partners / Lobbyist | 04/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Richard Squire |
26822 Malibu Cove Colony Dr
Malibu, California 902654320 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/29/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Jeanne Pierpaoli |
8 Fawn Dr
Woodbridge, Connecticut 065251706 |
N/A / Retired | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Robert Mas |
9645 NW 1st Ct
Apt 1-205
Pembroke Pines, Florida 330246266 |
Sunstate Bank / Senior BSA/AML Analyst | 05/23/2015 | 20.00 | 761.95 |
| |||
Zoe Dunning |
4469 23rd St
San Francisco, California 941143113 |
Future State / Change Management Consultant | 06/22/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Joan Litzow |
18 Windingwood Ln
Acton, Massachusetts 017204776 |
Retired / Attorney | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 2800.00 |
| |||
Bradford Powers |
1428 1st St
New Orleans, Louisiana 701305713 |
Tulane University / Researcher | 04/13/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Maxine Griffith |
255 W 94th St
New York, New York 100256999 |
Columbia University / University Administrator | 05/26/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Ron Wendt |
246 W 29th St
Fl 5
New York, New York 100015201 |
Ron Wendt Design,Ltd / Event Design | 04/24/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Patricia Ives |
140 W Zia Rd
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875055766 |
Cuddy & / Attorney | 06/28/2015 | 250.00 | 1250.00 |
| |||
Byron Lott |
126 Cypress Dr
Rincon, Georgia 313265102 |
N/A / Retired | 04/20/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Gene Anderson |
4263 Quail Rd
Riverside, California 925074814 |
N/A / Retired | 05/29/2015 | 100.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Lisa Henderson |
1430 Diamond St
San Francisco, California 941311826 |
Salesforce / Marketing Executive | 05/28/2015 | 25.00 | 2275.00 |
| |||
David Cox |
1299 California St
Apt 22C
San Francisco, California 941095038 |
N/A / Retired | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Robert Martwick |
5710 W Sunnyside Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606303337 |
Finkel, Martwick & Colson, P.C. / Attorney | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Frank Scioscia |
2160 Mills Ave
Menlo Park, California 940256546 |
Stanford University / Director of Development | 06/22/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Paul Prokop |
1862 Rising Glen Rd
Los Angeles, California 900691231 |
Self-Employed / Film and Theater Producer | 04/12/2015 | 1000.00 | 4200.00 |
| |||
Terry Prescott |
144 Suydam St
Brooklyn, New York 112212730 |
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP / WP Coordinator | 06/09/2015 | 50.00 | 318.78 |
| |||
Mark Phariss |
3400 Westover Dr
Plano, Texas 750937991 |
Expert Global Solutions / Attorney | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Michael Monroe |
2200 19th St NW
Washington, DC 200091452 |
NABTU / Chief of Staff | 05/01/2015 | 50.00 | 412.55 |
| |||
Gisela Gamper |
491 Broadway
Apt 3
New York, New York 100124412 |
Self-Employed / Photographer | 04/12/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Alain Perez |
8150B NW 90th St
Medley, Florida 331662116 |
Event Star / CEO | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ronald Sandgrund |
546 Donn Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803034325 |
BurgSimpson / Writer, Teacher, Lawyer | 05/26/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Jesse McElwain |
1831 1st St NW
Apt 2
Washington, DC 200011376 |
U.S. Green Building Council / Consultant | 05/20/2015 | 100.00 | 135.00 |
| |||
Connie Cook |
933 Sleepy Hollow Dr
Cedar Hill, Texas 751041755 |
Retired / RN | 06/01/2015 | 25.00 | 219.00 |
| |||
Denise Zaraya |
311A 15th St
Brooklyn, New York 112156642 |
Integral Ad Science / Marketing | 05/21/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Emmanuel Irono |
1508 E Capitol St NE
Washington, DC 200031507 |
Motir Services Inc. / President & CEO | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Brendon Martin |
364 Mission Ave
Villa Park, Illinois 601811903 |
Google / Administrator | 05/23/2015 | 20.00 | 2710.00 |
| |||
Patrick Pavone |
2 Water St
Apt 8B
New York, New York 100048806 |
Olmstead Properties / Real Estate Investment | 06/22/2015 | 25.00 | 1025.00 |
| |||
Julie Potts |
3001 N Monroe St
Arlington, Virginia 222075351 |
American Farm Bureau / Executive VP | 05/11/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Lindz Hellstrom |
4801 Bethel Creek Dr
Vero Beach, Florida 329631415 |
N/A / Retired | 06/13/2015 | 3.00 | 218.00 |
| |||
Pam Mandelker |
1 Briarcliff
Saint Louis, Missouri 631241701 |
Center of Creative Arts / Director of Advancement at COCA | 06/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jake Swanton |
1912 8th St NW
Apt A
Washington, DC 200013184 |
Pew Charitable Trusts / Government Relations | 05/21/2015 | 500.00 | 525.00 |
| |||
Mark Itkin |
9240 Swallow Dr
Los Angeles, California 900691128 |
William Morris Endeavor / Talent Agent | 04/29/2015 | 5400.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Seymour Wilens |
9461 Sunrise Lakes Blvd
Apt 107
Sunrise, Florida 333221226 |
N/A / Retired | 06/04/2015 | 50.00 | 275.00 |
| |||
Robert Kline |
210 Berkshire Rd
Richmond, Virginia 232213239 |
N/A / Retired | 05/23/2015 | 50.00 | 750.00 |
| |||
Margaret Mainzer |
177 Maple St
West Roxbury, Massachusetts 021321323 |
Back Bay Association / President | 04/15/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Helen Bryant |
5886 Samuel St
La Mesa, California 919422550 |
San Diego Unified School District / Teacher | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 275.00 |
| |||
Madhu Chatwani |
2001 Palm Ave
Manhattan Beach, California 902662639 |
DaVita Healthcare Partners / Physician | 06/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Elizabeth Pekin |
16281 Via Venetia E
Delray Beach, Florida 334846487 |
Momentum Funding / Business | 05/21/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Bruce Deifik |
251 S Green Valley Pkwy
Unit 2121
Henderson, Nevada 890122340 |
Integrated Properties, Inc / Real Estate Investments | 04/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
D. Michael Carr |
PO Box 893052
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731893052 |
N/A / Retired | 05/16/2015 | 20.00 | 271.26 |
| |||
Joan Strassmann |
7125 Pershing Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631304322 |
Washington University / Professor | 05/20/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Simon Packwood |
6451 Waverly Way
Fort Worth, Texas 761167357 |
Textron / Auditor | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
John Peigare |
808 Kerr St
Columbus, Ohio 432151559 |
Beacon Property Management / General Manager | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Christopher Ferranti |
1481 Gamay Cir
Oakley, California 945611984 |
Bank of the West / Marketing Operations Manager | 06/13/2015 | 50.00 | 201.49 |
| |||
Joshua Snyder-Hill |
946 Oak St
Columbus, Ohio 432053112 |
Capital One / Senior Manager | 06/13/2015 | 50.00 | 610.00 |
| |||
Beverly Coney |
2142 Hilltop Pl
Falls Church, Virginia 220431728 |
N/A / Disabled | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Eva Hassett |
172 Ashland Ave
Buffalo, New York 142221902 |
International Institute of Buffalo / NonProfit | 06/30/2015 | 101.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Kathryn Woodruff |
7012 Sandy Hook Cir
Chanhassen, Minnesota 553179315 |
Minnesota Attorney General / Attorney | 04/29/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Robert Heller |
1056 Fifth Avenue, Apt 14C
New York, New York 10028 |
Retired / Lawyer | 06/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kerry Blume |
3505 NE Rainier Loop
Flagstaff, Arizona 860041746 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 255.10 |
| |||
Parks Shackelford |
3001 N Monroe St
Arlington, Virginia 222075351 |
Florida Crystals Corporation / Vice President | 06/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Louise Fitzgerald |
330 E 38th St
Apt 48Q
New York, New York 100162784 |
Subchapter S Corporation / Management Consultant | 04/14/2015 | 5.00 | 360.84 |
| |||
Claire Bean |
20 Locke Rd
Waban, Massachusetts 024681416 |
Northeast Bank / Chief Operations Officer | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Daniel Adkins |
5480 SW 60th Ave
Davie, Florida 333146118 |
Mardi Gras Gaming / Vice President | 05/31/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Judith Embrescia |
12 W Hanna Ln
Bratenahl, Ohio 441081163 |
Self-Employed / Interior Design | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jere Glover |
1005 York Ln
Annapolis, Maryland 214034222 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kevin Stec |
237 9th Ave
New York, New York 100016606 |
SAGE / Special Events Director | 06/17/2015 | 3.00 | 229.00 |
| |||
Alexander Osmond |
240 W 16th St
Apt E2
New York, New York 100116185 |
Credit Suisse / Finance | 06/01/2015 | 25.00 | 270.00 |
| |||
David Geffen |
12011 San Vicente Blvd
Ste 606
Los Angeles, California 900494948 |
The David Geffen Company / Founder | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Janet Wilson |
80 Long Meadow Cir
Pittsford, New York 145341120 |
Retired / Investor | 05/30/2015 | 37.40 | 1037.40 |
| |||
Barbara Persons |
595 Somerhill Dr NE
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337163465 |
United States Air Force / Nurse Practioner | 06/27/2015 | 250.00 | 750.00 |
| |||
Andrew Marcus |
1878 Villard St
Eugene, Oregon 974032050 |
University of Oregon / Dean | 06/17/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Jean E. Jensen |
1476 Tanglewood Pkwy
Fort Myers, Florida 339192035 |
N/A / Retired | 05/06/2015 | 100.00 | 215.00 |
| |||
Jessica Falk |
300 E 62nd St
New York, New York 100658253 |
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP / Attorney | 06/20/2015 | 10.00 | 208.41 |
| |||
Bina Fink Kohl |
1355 Seagrape Cir
Weston, Florida 333262726 |
Self-Employed / Public Relations | 05/31/2015 | 5400.00 | 0.00 |
| |||
Christine Jahnke |
5726 MacArthur Blvd NW
Washington, DC 200165303 |
Self-Employed / Speech Coach | 05/23/2015 | 250.00 | 3217.91 |
| |||
Audrey Levin |
2751 Motor Ave
Los Angeles, California 900643458 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Gary Bynum |
1704 Sweetbriar Ave
Nashville, Tennessee 372125527 |
Informatics Corporation of America / Director of Human Resources | 06/12/2015 | 75.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Kelly Wesemann |
615 N 1st St
Apt 123
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554011270 |
Medtronic / Research | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Lynn Charytan |
7625 Fontaine St
Potomac, Maryland 208543302 |
ComCast / Attorney | 06/16/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Melissa Gasson |
17 Broadway
Apt 1J
Harrison, New York 105283649 |
Self-Employed / Massage Therapist | 06/30/2015 | 2500.00 | 2500.00 |
| |||
Janet Howard |
1201 N Nash St
Apt 403
Arlington, Virginia 222093695 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Scott Hartman |
274 Goodman St N
Apt 618
Rochester, New York 146071287 |
University of Rochester Medical Center / Physician | 06/26/2015 | 25.00 | 525.00 |
| |||
Lauren Jiloty |
11010 101st Pl NE
Kirkland, Washington 980334473 |
Bgc3 LLC / Senior Executive Assistant | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Diane Cox |
PO Box 2752
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741012752 |
Self-Employed / Oil & Gas | 04/14/2015 | 100.00 | 400.00 |
| |||
Monica Ellis |
8907 Titleist Trl
Lorton, Virginia 220793135 |
Global Environment & Technology Founda / CEO | 05/14/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Katharine Guardabassi |
65 Commonwealth Avenue
Apartment 2A
Boston, Massachusetts 021162304 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 04/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Michael Beckson |
2049 N Curson Ave
Los Angeles, California 900462209 |
Beckson Design Associates / Designer | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Edward I Altman |
3 Sheridan Sq
Apt 16A
New York, New York 100146834 |
New York University / Professor | 04/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Richard Liskov |
31 W 52nd St
c/o Holland & Knight
New York, New York 100196118 |
Holland & Knight / Attorney | 06/25/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Philip Friedl |
701 Loma Dr
Hermosa Beach, California 902544656 |
JLL / Executive | 04/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Debra Sutphen |
6125 Stonehill Dr
Rocklin, California 956773342 |
Sierra College / Administrator | 05/31/2015 | 100.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Henry Lord |
313 Audubon Ct
New Haven, Connecticut 065101203 |
Self-Employed / Investor | 06/24/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Celeste Cantu |
42595 Calle Capistrano
Temecula, California 925903513 |
SAWPA / General Manager | 06/17/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Andrew Lewinter |
1975 Woodson Loop
Eugene, Oregon 974057019 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 05/12/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Jennifer Svoboda |
4112 Norton Ave
Oakland, California 946024016 |
Student / Nurse | 06/15/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Arthur Ascher |
11565 Mizzon Dr
Unit 818
Windermere, Florida 347865525 |
N/A / Retired | 05/01/2015 | 50.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Phillip Marchesiello |
2810 Adams Mill Rd NW
Washington, DC 200092204 |
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP / Lawyer | 06/30/2015 | 350.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Todd Michaels |
330 Alhambra Cir
Coral Gables, Florida 331345004 |
Haggard Law Firm / Attorney | 04/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mirna Mina Arteaga |
6120 SW 25th St
Miami, Florida 331553121 |
Self-Employed / Teacher | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nancy Cera |
1633 Victoria Pointe Ln
Weston, Florida 333271313 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/30/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Sandra Ward |
30 College Ave SE
Apt 22
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495034455 |
N/A / Not Employed | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 900.00 |
| |||
Howard Egerman |
3216 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608 |
Social Security Administration / Claims Representative | 05/26/2015 | 5.00 | 393.19 |
| |||
Navtej Dhillon |
3108 18th St NW
Washington, DC 200102608 |
AMC / Principal | 06/30/2015 | 1700.00 | 2200.00 |
| |||
Nicolaas Moolenijzer |
208 Pecan Hollow Dr
Coppell, Texas 750192972 |
Luminator Holding LP / General Manager | 06/28/2015 | 101.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Dara Ann Tesoroni |
167 Perry St
New York, New York 100142438 |
Tesoroni & Leroy / Attorney | 04/27/2015 | 100.00 | 210.44 |
| |||
Dennis Wold |
4615 Orchid Ln N
Plymouth, Minnesota 554462117 |
Fairview Health Services / Medical Laboratory Scientist | 05/15/2015 | 5.00 | 273.42 |
| |||
Karl Walters |
PO Box 2669
Key West, Florida 330452669 |
KAWA Construction, Inc. / General Contractor | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nancy Gibson |
7822 Crossbay Dr
Severn, Maryland 211441631 |
Marian House / Clinical Counselor | 06/28/2015 | 50.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Lynne Tarnopol |
765 Park Ave
Fl 3B
New York, New York 100214271 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/17/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Catherine Hughes |
1010 Wayne Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 209105600 |
Radio One / Chairperson and Founder | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Edward J. Zipprich |
229 River Rd
Red Bank, New Jersey 077012367 |
N/A / Retired | 06/26/2015 | 1350.00 | 1350.00 |
| |||
William Chadwick Rains |
Flat 45 City Mill Apartments, Lee
United Kingdom E8 4FB
London, ____ |
Illuminationworks / Lighting Consultant | 04/14/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Helene Nseir |
20 Dunham Dr
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 156015937 |
Berkshire Hathaway / Realtor | 05/11/2015 | 25.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Madeleine Albright |
1318 34th St NW
Washington, DC 200072801 |
Albright Stonebridge Group / Chair | 04/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
James Ansorge |
112 E 83rd St
New York, New York 100280880 |
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicke / Attorney | 05/20/2015 | 100.00 | 215.00 |
| |||
Cary Sherburne |
PO Box 25648
Miami, Florida 331025648 |
Self-Employed / Writer | 06/30/2015 | 150.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Sue Shapiro |
14 E 4th St
New York, New York 100121155 |
Self-Employed / Psychologist | 06/01/2015 | 100.00 | 208.00 |
| |||
Carol Goralnik |
15 Brookside Ln
Saint Louis, Missouri 631241814 |
Self-Employed / Artist | 06/27/2015 | 100.00 | 210.00 |
| |||
Michele Pourtemour |
4847 Lomina Ave
Lakewood, California 907132332 |
M&R Services / Owner | 06/12/2015 | 50.00 | 305.00 |
| |||
Charles Diamond |
1999 Avenue of the Stars
Ste 700
Los Angeles, California 900674621 |
O'Melveny & Myers LLP / Attorney | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mary Rea Pipa |
2 Deerfield Dr
Elysburg, Pennsylvania 178249472 |
N/A / Retired | 06/30/2015 | 75.00 | 336.69 |
| |||
Laurie Shedler |
255 King St
Apt 1409
San Francisco, California 941075436 |
Salesforce / Regional Vice President | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Raymar Steven |
600 W. 111 St. # 2-D
New York, New York 10025 |
Fordham University / Professor | 05/26/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Berta Briones |
12700 Lake Ave
3006 United States
Lakewood, Ohio 441071576 |
NES / Physician | 06/13/2015 | 3.00 | 219.60 |
| |||
Caroline Johnssen |
Allmendingenstr 47
Switzerland 3608
Thun, ____ |
N/A / Graduate Student | 06/28/2015 | 125.00 | 201.69 |
| |||
Ina Kimbraugh |
PO Box 3564
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 275153564 |
N/A / Retired | 04/17/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Mary L. Davis |
351 Calle La Mesa
Moraga, California 945561605 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Tom Creed |
516 Beirut Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902724356 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 05/23/2015 | 18.00 | 2439.00 |
| |||
Francis Beidler, III |
20 Stone Gate Rd
Lake Forest, Illinois 600452433 |
Congaree River LLC / Investment Manager | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
John Fitzgivens |
660 Ralph McGill Blvd NE
Apt 2603
Atlanta, Georgia 303121155 |
Not Employed / Senior Business Analyst -IT | 06/13/2015 | 3.00 | 210.70 |
| |||
Margaret Vais |
1415 S Halsted St
Apt 3B
Chicago, Illinois 606075163 |
Centro / Designer | 06/30/2015 | 216.00 | 216.00 |
| |||
Nancy Brown |
23007 E Cliff Dr
Santa Cruz, California 950625453 |
Cabrillo College / Instructor | 05/06/2015 | 375.00 | 850.00 |
| |||
Richard Bernstein |
1834 Oak Berry Cir
Wellington, Florida 334146112 |
Greenberg Traurig / Of Counsel | 06/09/2015 | 18.00 | 240.00 |
| |||
Joseph Corral |
3462 N Moorings Way
Coconut Grove, Florida 331336538 |
New Urban Properties / Developer | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Daniella Ballou-Aares |
439 2nd St SE
Washington, DC 200031946 |
U.S. Department of State / Diplomat | 06/28/2015 | 100.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
Kathryn Ammon |
2538 SE 24th Pl
Cape Coral, Florida 339043314 |
Retired / Nurse | 06/22/2015 | 200.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Debra Ann Byrd |
45 Tiemann Pl
Apt 3G
New York, New York 100273322 |
Take Wing And Soar Productions / Theatrical Producer | 06/09/2015 | 10.00 | 268.89 |
| |||
Anne Tiesenga |
55 W Delaware Pl
Apt 807
Chicago, Illinois 606106079 |
Retired / Sales | 06/28/2015 | 102.55 | 302.55 |
| |||
Jadine Nielsen |
1 Keahole Pl
Apt 3611
Honolulu, Hawaii 968253425 |
N/A / Retired | 05/21/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
ERin Dick |
4110 Bledsoe Ave
Los Angeles, California 900665432 |
The RAND Corporation / Communications And Public Relations | 05/01/2015 | 25.00 | 251.00 |
| |||
Jason Young |
660 Rose Ave
Apt 5
Venice, California 902912789 |
Self-Employed / Musician | 06/26/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Jay Sandrich |
10100 Santa Monica Blvd
Ste 1050
Los Angeles, California 900674143 |
N/A / Retired | 05/23/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Larry Thomas |
2600 Crystal Dr
Apt 524
Arlington, Virginia 222023570 |
American University / Director | 05/12/2015 | 20.00 | 565.00 |
| |||
Karen Milligan |
824 Arago Ave
Coos Bay, Oregon 974202864 |
N/A / Disabled | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 308.91 |
| |||
Wendy Makrides |
2410 Thornton Rd
Austin, Texas 787044908 |
Celgene Corp / Medical Affairs Director | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 600.00 |
| |||
Min Fen Lai Horng |
5667 Blair Dr
Cleveland, Ohio 441432063 |
American-Asian Import & Export Company / Scrap Metal Business | 04/27/2015 | 200.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Anita Trosky |
230 S Gunlock Ave
Tampa, Florida 336092932 | / Consulting/Development | 05/28/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Albert Lepage |
1500 Ocean Dr
Apt 902
Miami Beach, Florida 331393133 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Deirdre Lyell |
735 Dolores St
Stanford, California 943058427 |
Stanford University / Medical Doctor | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
George Rudes |
7590 Fairmont Ct
Boca Raton, Florida 334965902 |
N/A / Retired | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Craig Hennin |
1307 S Wabash Ave
Apt 212
Chicago, Illinois 606052621 |
Anthem Inc / Marketing Director | 04/24/2015 | 50.00 | 241.92 |
| |||
Rick Signorelli |
35 W Spofford Ave
Dolgeville, New York 133291438 |
N/A / Retired | 05/12/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Stephanie Smith |
PO Box 413
Rancho Santa Fe, California 920670413 |
Hillary for America / Regional Director | 04/12/2015 | 300.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Lena Evans |
PO Box 5005
Rancho Santa Fe, California 920675005 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/30/2015 | 1750.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lisa Connelly |
555 W 23rd St
New York, New York 100111011 |
Be-Thin, Inc. / COO | 06/30/2015 | 151.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Gabriel Brener |
611 E Hopkins Ave
Aspen, Colorado 816111911 |
Self-Employed / Investor | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Howard Abrams |
12959 Talbot Ln
Huntington Woods, Michigan 480701049 |
University of Detroit Mercy School of / Professor | 06/26/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Jessica Loeser |
778 W 231st St
Bronx, New York 104631033 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sarah Lowery |
145 W 58th Street, #12H
New York, New York 10019 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 06/30/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Kathleen McGraw |
8602 W 86th Cir
Arvada, Colorado 800051516 |
Retired / Home Worker | 04/23/2015 | 10.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Jin Li |
2 Mott St
Rm 202
New York, New York 100135097 |
Law Offices of Jin Li, P.C. / Managing partner | 05/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Mark Taylor |
250 10th St NE
Apt 3416
Atlanta, Georgia 303093792 |
Georgia Institute of Technology / College Professor | 06/28/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Amalia Dayan |
77 E 77th St
New York, New York 100751852 |
Luxembourg Dayan LLC / Art Gallerist | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Paul Brandfass |
703 Dearborn Rd
Valparaiso, Indiana 463858433 |
Porter Regional Hospital / Certified Nursing Assistant | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 640.00 |
| |||
Martha Maroney |
3433 McNary Pkwy
Apt 605
Lake Oswego, Oregon 970351093 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Nancy Berman |
200 S Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, California 900041036 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/12/2015 | 266.00 | 266.00 |
| |||
Allyson Randolph |
216 W 102nd St
Apt 4C
New York, New York 100254467 |
CCS Fundraising / Consultant | 06/30/2015 | 21.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Roger Weinhouse |
876 5th St
Manhattan Beach, California 902666664 |
Retired / Physician | 06/20/2015 | 50.00 | 230.00 |
| |||
Mary J. Smith |
2108 Timber Pointe Rd
Charlottesvle, Virginia 229117217 |
Self-Employed / Lawyer | 05/23/2015 | 100.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Margaret Bergstrand |
86 Fernwood Rd
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 024672907 |
School of Museum of Fine Arts / Student | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ignacio Rodriguez-Arpels |
1 N Vista De La Luna
Laguna Beach, California 926516752 |
06/17/2015 | 500.00 | 1000.00 |
| ||||
Amy Bonitatibus |
123 Ferndale Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105831924 |
JPMorgan Chase / Communications | 06/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Stephen Driscoll |
47 Shores Edge
Pembroke, Massachusetts 023592119 |
Self-Employed / CTOR | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Walter Boyd |
PO Box 132
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 220600132 |
Wounded Warrior Project / Disabled Veteran | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 1092.40 |
| |||
Howard Wolfson |
20 W 86th St
New York, New York 100243604 |
Bloomberg Associates / Consultant | 04/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2731.49 |
| |||
Andrew P Cownie |
4216 Greenwood Dr
Des Moines, Iowa 503122552 |
Sip Sip Bite LLC / President | 05/01/2015 | 2500.00 | 2500.00 |
| |||
Daniel Delp |
22634 Benner Ave
Torrance, California 905052818 |
N/A / Retired | 06/26/2015 | 100.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Sarah Min |
307 7th Ave
Rm 2104
New York, New York 100016089 |
Self-Employed / Project Manager | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Rosemary Sweeney |
83 Larchmont Ave
Waban, Massachusetts 024682013 |
RMR / Accountant | 04/14/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Phillip Keene |
501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562 |
Time Warner Cable / Actor | 05/17/2015 | 1350.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Krista Canfield |
24580 Ruth Lee Ct
Los Altos, California 940244726 |
Gogobot / VP of Corporate Communications | 06/17/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Jon Seele |
635 W Briar Pl
Chicago, Illinois 606574989 |
Northern Trust / IT | 06/01/2015 | 5.00 | 455.00 |
| |||
Pauline Sobelman |
405 Kemeys Ave
Briarcliff Manor, New York 105102052 |
USI / Consultant | 05/28/2015 | 25.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Patrick Whitesell |
8383 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 902112425 |
William Morris Endeavor / Co-CEO | 05/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Charles Clarkson |
3100 University Blvd S
Jacksonville, Florida 322162758 |
The Clarkson Group / Business | 04/25/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Swanee Hunt |
168 Brattle St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021383309 |
Hunt Alternatives / Chair | 05/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Bruce Carter |
1649 W 22nd St
Miami Beach, Florida 331404512 |
Florida International University / Dean's Distinguished Fellow | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Welden |
828 Indiana Ave
Iowa Falls, Iowa 501261600 |
N/A / Retired | 04/30/2015 | 100.00 | 575.00 |
| |||
John Williams |
PO Box 425
Booneville, Arkansas 729270425 |
Self-Employed / Lawyer | 06/30/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Linda Lehr |
5 Carrington Pl
Clifton, New Jersey 070132657 |
Retired / Programmer Analyst | 06/23/2015 | 1150.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nicole Seligman |
550 Madison Ave
New York, New York 100223211 |
Sony / Executive | 05/11/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Tony Wu |
777 7th St NW
Apt 902
Washington, DC 200015711 |
Covington & Burling / Programmer | 06/13/2015 | 50.00 | 2230.00 |
| |||
Heidi Tooke |
2212 Hammock Pine Blvd
Clearwater, Florida 337614259 |
The Law Firm for Family Law / Paralegal | 06/12/2015 | 50.00 | 238.72 |
| |||
Edward Labaton |
140 Broadway
New York, New York 100051108 |
Labaton Sucharow LLP / Attorney | 04/21/2015 | 200.00 | 1200.00 |
| |||
Deborah Theisen |
642 Crosshill Rd
Royersford, Pennsylvania 194682982 |
Synergy Environmental / Compliance Specialist | 04/14/2015 | 100.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Beverly Miller |
6370 Caminito Del Cervato
San Diego, California 921116853 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 203.09 |
| |||
Andrew D Flug |
819 Oriental Blvd
Brooklyn, New York 112353026 |
Exis Capital Management / Director of Operations | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sankey Williams |
307 Brentford Rd
Haverford, Pennsylvania 190411718 |
University of Pennsylvania / Physician | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jessica Bronfein |
11300 John Carroll Rd
Owings Mills, Maryland 211171658 |
N/A / Retired | 06/18/2015 | 25.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Eric Bell |
332 Ridgemont Ave
San Antonio, Texas 782095451 |
Group 42 / VP Corporate Development | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ellen Seidman |
414 Greene St
Ogdensburg, New York 136692634 |
Retired / Registered Nurse | 06/25/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon |
45 W 60th St
Apt 35A
New York, New York 100237949 |
Guerra Associates / Consultant | 04/17/2015 | 500.00 | 1400.00 |
| |||
Bryan Burton |
441 Webb Rd
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 193179722 |
West Chester University / Professor | 05/21/2015 | 5.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Paul Hale |
7423 Lavendale Ave
Dallas, Texas 752303653 |
SpectraCorp / CEO | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kathleen Smith |
3100 Parkside Ln
Williamsburg, Virginia 231857696 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/23/2015 | 100.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
James Anderson |
PO Box 194
Grampian, Pennsylvania 168380194 |
Vectrus / Systems Administrator | 04/14/2015 | 100.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Fred Fairfield |
PO Box 255729
Uphams Corner, Massachusetts 021255729 |
The Canton Corp / Contractor | 06/30/2015 | 75.00 | 325.00 |
| |||
Priscilla Yue |
1590 Sacramento St
San Francisco, California 941093875 |
KPFF / Project BIM Manager | 05/13/2015 | 50.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
Erin Stevens |
165 Jefferson Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11216 |
Hillary for America / New York State Director | 06/20/2015 | 64.90 | 660.64 |
| |||
John Ellwood |
780 Hilldale Ave
Berkeley, California 947081318 |
Retired / Professor Emeritus | 04/12/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Holly Parker |
26 W 17th St
Douglas Elliman Real Estate
New York, New York 100115710 |
Douglas Elliman / Real Estate Salesperson | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jennifer Ball |
1575 Grand Ave
Pacifica, California 940443922 |
Not Employed / Writer | 05/07/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Susan Parker |
2833 SW Fern St
Portland, Oregon 972011723 |
Frank's Garage / Advertising/Marketing | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Marcia W. Levine |
2678 Rochester Rd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441222165 |
N/A / Not Employed | 05/21/2015 | 2450.00 | 2950.00 |
| |||
William Perez |
187 Edgar St
Woodbridge, New Jersey 070952114 |
CenturyLink / Engineer | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Mark Gwizdz |
31500 Kathryn St
Garden City, Michigan 481351334 |
Buddy's Pizza / Waiter | 05/23/2015 | 20.00 | 258.00 |
| |||
Brent Mills |
1512 Lexington St
Chattanooga, Tennessee 374053119 |
Self-Employed / Photographer | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Samuels |
240 Park Ave S
New York, New York 100031414 |
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garris / Attorney | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
JIll Braufman |
4 E 66th St
New York, New York 100656548 |
05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| ||||
Dawn Lawson |
12213 12th Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981682219 |
Lake Washington School District / Teacher | 05/20/2015 | 5.00 | 215.54 |
| |||
Alvin Taylor |
5041 36th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981262805 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
William Audy |
130 Northdale Rd
West Roxbury, Massachusetts 021325511 |
A Z Service Station / Owner | 05/13/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Ezekiel Palmer |
1408 E Pineloch Ave
Orlando, Florida 328068607 |
Archie Copeland Inc / Insurance Agent | 04/12/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Sandra Basile |
35 Harvey Cedar Way
Waretown, New Jersey 087582733 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 150.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Henry Bernstein |
1119 Burgundy St
New Orleans, Louisiana 701162423 |
N/A / Retired | 04/22/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kate Engelbrecht |
7 Bond St
New York, New York 100122311 |
Self-Employed / Author/Producer | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Janice Cook Roberts |
945 5th Ave
New York, New York 100212661 |
KKR / Finance | 06/24/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Eric Franklin |
1046 Ladera Ln
Montecito, California 931081630 |
N/A / Student | 06/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Shukang Xue |
26 Farm Ln
Great Neck, New York 110201314 |
Business / Manager | 06/28/2015 | 750.00 | 1500.00 |
| |||
Aaron Tidman |
925 H St NW
Apt 304
Washington, DC 200014975 |
Mintz Levin / Lawyer | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Eric Batts |
5104 Diamond Heights Blvd
# B
San Francisco, California 941311708 |
N/A / Retired | 05/01/2015 | 10.00 | 213.00 |
| |||
Christopher Ambrose |
8208 Cinder Bed Rd
# A
Lorton, Virginia 220791102 |
VA Trading, LLC / Computer Liquidation | 05/23/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Ted Dominick |
1075 75th Street Ocean E
Marathon, Florida 330503111 |
LM Development / Project Manager | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Peter Slavin |
119 Waban Ave
Waban, Massachusetts 024682159 |
Mass General Hospital / President | 06/30/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Anny Morrobel-Sosa |
255 Huguenot St
Apt 1914
New Rochelle, New York 108018300 |
Lehman College, City University of New / Provost | 05/28/2015 | 100.00 | 787.00 |
| |||
Dustin Brookshire |
3292 Clairmont North NE
Brookhaven, Georgia 303291022 |
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice / Legal Project Manager | 06/25/2015 | 47.09 | 255.32 |
| |||
Marcella Myers |
2744 42nd Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554061816 |
St. Catherine University / Biology Professor | 05/21/2015 | 25.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
David Whitaker |
717 N Lewis Ave
Fayetteville, Arkansas 727011611 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 04/12/2015 | 50.00 | 371.76 |
| |||
Donald Passman |
3118 Todd Dr
Madison, Wisconsin 537132922 |
N/A / Retired | 05/29/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Jeff Johnson |
519 Leawood Dr
Frankfort, Kentucky 406014453 |
N/A / Retired | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 311.23 |
| |||
Jeremy Bash |
2101 L St NW
Washington, DC 200371526 |
Beacon Global Strategies / Managing Director | 04/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Erin Peterson |
498 Iris St
Redwood City, California 940622053 |
NGINX, Inc. / Director of Integrated Marketing | 04/15/2015 | 100.00 | 251.00 |
| |||
Meredith Ackley |
1147 Ramona St
Palo Alto, California 943012446 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/20/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Richard Minzner |
4462 Avenida Del Sol NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871106179 |
Rodey Law Firm / Attorney | 05/13/2015 | 300.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Jed Ober |
8 Adams St NW
Washington, DC 200011026 |
Democracy International / Director, Elections and Political Tran | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Robert Henry |
11 Stony Brook Rd
Marblehead, Massachusetts 019452517 |
MITRE Corporation / Risk Analyst | 06/30/2015 | 91.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
James R. Borynack |
165 Worth Ave
Palm Beach, Florida 334804406 |
Wally Findlay Galleries / Art Dealer | 04/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2725.00 |
| |||
Ray Miller |
23923 Devonfield Ln
Daphne, Alabama 365268718 |
Alabama Department of Transportation / Review Appraiser | 04/14/2015 | 100.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Anne Brodke |
4275 S Parkview Dr
Salt Lake City, Utah 841243446 |
N/A / Homemaker | 06/10/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Elli Klein |
6809 Mayfaire Club Dr
Unit 203
Wilmington, North Carolina 284058330 |
Not Employed / Planner | 05/12/2015 | 20.16 | 221.48 |
| |||
Lance Buhl |
892 Fearrington Post
Pittsboro, North Carolina 273125037 |
Retired / Consultant | 05/26/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Adam Lipson |
914 Route 9W S
Nyack, New York 109605008 |
Network & Security Technologies / Executive | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Anthony Rosenfield |
2323 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, Florida 330206708 |
Global America Title Services, LLC / Lawyer | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Michael LaRocca |
1986 Spanish Pines Driive
Dunedin, Florida 34698 |
Self-Employed / Director of Chiropractic | 05/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Daniel Silverberg |
7809 Morningside Dr NW
Washington, DC 200121448 |
U.S. House of Representatives / Advisor | 05/07/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Paul Blanc |
43 Clifford Ter
San Francisco, California 941174503 |
University of California San Francisco / Physician | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Charles Levenback |
4124 Milton St
Houston, Texas 770052738 |
Maryland Anderson Cancer Center / Physican | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Kevin Stec |
237 9th Ave
New York, New York 100016606 |
SAGE / Special Events Director | 04/13/2015 | 50.00 | 229.00 |
| |||
Scot Clark |
1360 E Tachevah Dr
Palm Springs, California 922624953 |
Riverside County, CA / Homicide Prosecutor | 06/01/2015 | 1000.00 | 1050.00 |
| |||
Paul Tudor Jones, II |
92 Harbor Dr
Greenwich, Connecticut 068307018 |
Tudor Investment Corporation / Money Manager | 05/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Stephen Kharfen |
3801 Connecticut Ave NW
Apt 409
Washington, DC 200084560 |
U.S. Senate / Librarian | 06/13/2015 | 201.60 | 489.75 |
| |||
Debra Roepke |
616 Tivoli Psge
Alexandria, Virginia 223141900 |
National Rural Electric Cooperative As / Manager | 06/11/2015 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Aileen Meyer |
4201 Cathedral Ave NW
Apt 623E
Washington, DC 200164993 |
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP / Attorney | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jose Loredo |
12900 Auralia Rd
North Miami, Florida 331812368 |
Carlton Field Jorden Burt / Attorney | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeff Robbins |
5146 Glenbrook Rd
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 183606398 |
N/A / Retired | 06/11/2015 | 450.00 | 450.00 |
| |||
Patty Elvey |
405 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, California 940255240 |
Lex Machina / Corporate Manager | 05/21/2015 | 25.00 | 273.00 |
| |||
Tomas Lee |
506 Southhill Blvd
Unit A
Daly City, California 940141473 |
Infoimage Inc / Manager | 06/20/2015 | 40.00 | 2965.00 |
| |||
Elizabeth Bailey |
2623 Evans Rd
Winston Salem, North Carolina 271278743 |
Breslow Starling / CPA | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Virginia Foote |
26 Dana St
# 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021384208 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/11/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Barbara Weniger |
57 Spring St
Arlington, Massachusetts 024767923 |
Lakota Bakery / Owner | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Vera Camden |
3066 Scarborough Rd
Cleveland Hts, Ohio 441184065 |
Kent State University / Professor | 05/20/2015 | 50.00 | 235.60 |
| |||
Patricia Hines Cownie |
141 37th St
Des Moines, Iowa 503124303 |
N/A / Homemaker | 05/01/2015 | 2300.00 | 5000.00 |
| |||
Stephen Kesselman |
521 Commonwealth Ave
Newton Centre, Massachusetts 024591601 |
LeClair Ryan, PC / Attorney | 06/30/2015 | 101.00 | 302.00 |
| |||
Stephen Anthony |
7800 Maryknoll Ave
Bethesda, Maryland 208172952 |
Covington & Burling LLP / Lawyer | 06/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
David Haus |
59 Buell Dr
Apt A
Rochester, New York 146212930 |
N/A / Disabled | 06/16/2015 | 5.00 | 201.89 |
| |||
Jay Oppenheimer |
3212 Cornell Ave
Dallas, Texas 752052934 |
Self-Employed / Real Estate Investment | 06/22/2015 | 10.00 | 2710.00 |
| |||
Juanita P. Baranco |
4070 Sandy Lake Dr
Lithonia, Georgia 300383800 |
Baranco Automotive Group / Executive President & COO | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Robert Cogorno |
1715 Riggs Pl NW
Washington, DC 200096250 |
Elmendorf/Ryan / Consultant | 05/26/2015 | 1700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Nancy Littman |
11601 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900250509 |
Self-Employed / Grant Writer | 04/15/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Andy Stern |
1441 Rene Rd
Villanova, Pennsylvania 190852122 |
Kline & Specter, PC / Attorney | 06/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Linda Hulbert |
6801 Telemark Trl
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554361048 |
N/A / Retired | 05/13/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Holly Turner |
Unit 8600 Box 1193
DPO, AP 965151193 |
U.S. Department of State / Foreign Service Officer | 06/30/2015 | 50.00 | 242.88 |
| |||
Lianne Paolino |
76 Dorrance St
# 5
Providence, Rhode Island 029032227 |
N/A / Homemaker | 04/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Paul J Taubman |
271 Central Park West
Apartment 12E
New York, New York 10024 |
PJT Partners / CEO | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Lisa Herman |
1100 Swathmore Dr NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303273742 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 05/11/2015 | 500.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Donna Dennis |
223 Dolphin Pt
Apt 4
Clearwater Beach, Florida 337672108 |
Clearwater Beach Chamber of Commerce / Visitor Center Manager | 04/12/2015 | 25.00 | 261.89 |
| |||
Deborah Hendricks |
PO Box 280
Albion, California 954100280 |
Albion K Inc. / Owner | 05/07/2015 | 500.00 | 800.00 |
| |||
Michel O. Weisz |
11901 SW 91st Ave
Miami, Florida 331764315 |
Berger Singerman / Partner | 04/28/2015 | 2000.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Donna Cheesebrough |
10210 NE 60th St
Kirkland, Washington 980337438 |
Microsoft Corporation / Executive | 06/14/2015 | 87.82 | 207.82 |
| |||
Carolyn Douglas |
345 E 84th St
Apt 1
New York, New York 100284434 |
Self-Employed / Psychiatrist | 04/12/2015 | 500.00 | 2850.09 |
| |||
Veronica Roth |
3930 Shorecrest Dr
Dallas, Texas 752091716 |
Self-Employed / Marketing Strategist | 04/21/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Melissa Bomes |
1330 Thayer Ave
Los Angeles, California 900245124 |
LACMA / Development | 06/02/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ashley Pittman |
4301 Overhill Dr
Dallas, Texas 752054328 |
Ashley Pittman Collection / Designer | 04/28/2015 | 100.00 | 2800.00 |
| |||
Margit Westerman |
1724 Humboldt Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032809 |
Georgetown University / Student | 06/01/2015 | 139.80 | 802.80 |
| |||
Lawrence Winnerman |
12317 10th Pl NE
Seattle, Washington 981254832 |
Microsoft / Program Manager | 05/20/2015 | 25.00 | 309.00 |
| |||
Carolyn Geer |
151 Central Park W
Apt 12W
New York, New York 100231577 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/23/2015 | 150.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Clara Chung |
60 Riverside Blvd
Apt 307
New York, New York 100690203 |
Self-Employed / Consultant | 05/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Patricia Herndon |
3053 Monaghan Dr
Ormond Beach, Florida 321742002 |
Self-Employed / Marketing Professional | 06/30/2015 | 40.75 | 258.24 |
| |||
J. Vincent Swift |
804 Durham Ct
Canton, Georgia 301154762 |
Retired / IT Consultant | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Janace Pierce |
1142 Opal St
San Diego, California 921091830 |
N/A / Retired | 04/22/2015 | 200.00 | 225.00 |
| |||
Julie Plec |
104 N Kilkea Dr
Los Angeles, California 900483524 |
Self-Employed / Executive Producer | 06/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Robert Wagner |
523 Natures Way
Melbourne, Florida 329047726 |
Continuance Health Solutions, Inc / CIO | 06/28/2015 | 250.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Jeffrey Fine |
1155 23rd St NW
Ph 2
Washington, DC 200373301 |
CIBT, Inc. / Chairman | 04/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Harvey Reese |
258 16th St
Santa Monica, California 904022216 |
Self-Employed / Investor | 06/02/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Seth Kretzer |
9902 Adeline Ln
Houston, Texas 770545634 |
Law Office of Seth Kretzer / Attorney | 06/01/2015 | 700.00 | 1650.00 |
| |||
Debbie Maragoudakis |
585 Bloomfield Ave
Apt 90
West Caldwell, New Jersey 070067555 |
Certified Audit of Circulations, Inc. / Audit Director | 06/18/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Jesse Creed |
316 N Flores St
Los Angeles, California 900482610 |
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP / Attorney | 05/17/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Varo Asorian |
25254 Denny Rd
Torrance, California 905057051 |
Keller Williams Realty / Realtor/Invester | 04/12/2015 | 1500.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Fariba Taghi |
5403 Sugar Hill Dr
Houston, Texas 770562029 |
Iraj Taghi Custom Home / Residential Home Builder | 06/02/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Kyle Burns |
826 S Spaulding Ave
Los Angeles, California 900364608 |
Self-Employed / Filmmaker | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 291.89 |
| |||
Elise Rabekoff |
2450 Belmont Rd NW
Washington, DC 200081610 |
Quadrangle Development / Lawyer | 04/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Evo Pasquesi |
221 Bloom St
Highland Park, Illinois 600351442 |
Retired / Carpenter | 05/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Christine Tryba-Cofrin |
1752 Inverness Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303063138 |
Retired / Speech Pathologist | 05/07/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Brigid O'Farrell |
1001 Ocean Blvd
Moss Beach, California 940389782 |
Self-Employed / Sociologist | 04/28/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
H. Lee Godfrey |
4 Longfellow Ln
Houston, Texas 770051822 |
Retired / Lawyer | 06/01/2015 | 450.00 | 4950.00 |
| |||
Matthew Thackston |
1359 C St NE
Washington, DC 200026464 |
Democratic Congressional Campaign Comm / Mid-Atlantic Finance Director | 04/23/2015 | 25.00 | 281.55 |
| |||
Chris Rogers |
10056 Iron Pointe Drive Ext
Millsboro, Delaware 199664268 |
Self-Employed / Management Consultant | 05/28/2015 | 25.00 | 426.90 |
| |||
Karen Watson |
319 Mount Holyoke Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902724602 |
Wme|Img / Business Affairs/Development | 04/21/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Mary Chamberlayne |
3113 Calmes Neck Ln
Boyce, Virginia 226202617 |
N/A / Retired | 05/12/2015 | 100.00 | 205.00 |
| |||
David Pauli |
PO Box 1038
Ross, California 949571038 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Rebecca Tillet |
46 Maher Ln
Newtown, Pennsylvania 189409686 |
Janssen Pharmaceutica / VP, Communication | 06/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Ann Morrison |
495 Brickell Ave
Miami, Florida 331312769 |
Retired / Journalist | 04/28/2015 | 1000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Kimberly Janusz |
6800 Gleneagle Dr
Miami Lakes, Florida 330146506 |
KAJ Financial Services / Accountant | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Patricia Bracknell |
344 SW Hayes Ave
Bend, Oregon 977022112 |
St Charles Health System / Manager, Clinical Informatics | 04/15/2015 | 100.00 | 206.09 |
| |||
Tony Conway |
1525 Moores Mill Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303271435 |
Self-Employed / Special Events Planner | 06/25/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Joslyn Smith |
300 Sebring Rd
Newfield, New York 148679542 |
Crossmore Law Office / Legal Assistant | 04/17/2015 | 50.00 | 201.69 |
| |||
Joseph De La Viesca |
18655 S Dixie Hwy
Cutler Bay, Florida 331576804 |
JAV Auto Tag Agency / Owner | 05/26/2015 | 2500.00 | 2500.00 |
| |||
Jane Herndon |
931 Sable Run
Carmel, Indiana 460329433 |
Ice Miller LLP / Lawyer | 06/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Allan Stokke |
4605 Seashore Dr
Newport Beach, California 926632521 |
Self-Employed / Attorney | 05/13/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Sarah Sterner |
1676 Fellsmere Ln
Cincinnati, Ohio 45240 |
Hillary for America / Organizer | 06/29/2015 | 102.25 | 227.52 |
| |||
Howard Lederman |
2239 Cummings Ave
Berkley, Michigan 480721081 |
Ledermanlaw, PC / Lawyer | 04/13/2015 | 25.00 | 256.41 |
| |||
Daniel Shoskes |
25 Fairway Trl
Moreland Hills, Ohio 440222378 |
Cleveland Clinic / Surgeon | 04/12/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Michael Dozler |
1423 5th St NW
Apt 2
Washington, DC 200012489 |
U.S. Government / Foreign Affairs Officer | 06/02/2015 | 61.89 | 263.49 |
| |||
Frederick Grover |
3000 E. Cedar Ave., #10 Polo Place
Denver, Colorado 80209 |
CO School of Medicine/Denver VAMC / Surgeon | 05/07/2015 | 500.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Jane Oates |
113 W Mason Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223011911 |
Apollo Education Group / Executive | 06/01/2015 | 100.00 | 1300.00 |
| |||
Calvin Smyre |
PO Box 181
Columbus, Georgia 319020181 |
Georgia General Assembly / State Representative | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Wendell P Weeks |
10806 Hidden Meadow Trl
Corning, New York 148309493 |
Corning Incorporated / Chairman/CEO | 05/13/2015 | 1350.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Dane Froiland |
425 Kneale Ave S
Thief River Falls, Minnesota 567013216 |
Pennington Square Inc / Cashier | 04/12/2015 | 75.00 | 226.00 |
| |||
Jan Birenbaum |
20052 Sunset Dr
Saratoga, California 950706468 |
N/A / Retired | 04/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Christine Reddin |
619 Lakestone Dr
Raleigh, North Carolina 276096339 |
Information Requested / Information Requested | 06/26/2015 | 25.00 | 2725.00 |
| |||
Greg Rooney |
6136 32nd St NW
Washington, DC 200152460 |
The Bernstein Companies / Real Estate | 05/23/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Matthew Pritzker |
233 S Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606067147 |
Self-Employed / Investments | 04/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeanne Pierpaoli |
8 Fawn Dr
Woodbridge, Connecticut 065251706 |
N/A / Retired | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Maria Pizana |
11403 Cat Spgs
Boerne, Texas 780068487 |
Retired / Psychologist | 05/29/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Michele Holland |
PO Box 460039
Denver, Colorado 802460039 |
Self-Employed / Massage Therapist | 04/27/2015 | 25.00 | 214.59 |
| |||
Jonathan Forster |
9709 Eldwick Way
Potomac, Maryland 208542036 |
Greenberg Traurig LLP / Attorney | 04/21/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jeanette Pablo |
3358 Stuyvesant Pl NW
Washington, DC 200152454 |
Navitas Strategies / Consultant | 06/29/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Willy Walker |
3601 Newark St NW
Washington, DC 200163179 |
Walker & Dunlop / Banker | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Jose Rodriguez |
195 W Seminole Blvd
Sanford, Florida 327711305 |
Dorado Services, Inc. / Vice President of Operations | 06/01/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Shephard Lane |
1685 Royal Palm Way
Boca Raton, Florida 334327439 |
Pharmatrix Acquisition Corp. / Attorney | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Ruth Rudy |
179 Rudy Ln
Centre Hall, Pennsylvania 168289122 |
N/A / Retired | 05/06/2015 | 300.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Ann MacNaughton |
1931 Vassar St
Houston, Texas 770985429 |
Merrill Lynch / Wealth Management Advisor | 05/28/2015 | 270.00 | 2430.00 |
| |||
Robert Kleiger, MD |
4333 Laclede Ave
Apt C
Saint Louis, Missouri 631082252 |
Washington University / Professor | 06/12/2015 | 200.00 | 600.00 |
| |||
R. James Royer |
33 Commerce Rd
Carlstadt, New Jersey 070722504 |
Allied Printing Resources / Executive | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Philip Walker |
3824 Cedar Springs Rd
Dallas, Texas 752194136 |
Keller Williams Realty / Real Estate Agent | 05/07/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Anne Landrum |
350 Kaelepulu Dr
Apt B
Kailua, Hawaii 967343352 |
Retired / Fundraiser | 06/12/2015 | 100.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Thomas Abt |
167 Elm St
# 3
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021391426 |
Harvard Kennedy School / Senior Research Fellow | 05/29/2015 | 10.00 | 2979.50 |
| |||
Jacob Gottlieb |
888 7th Ave
Fl 22
New York, New York 101062400 |
Visium / Finance | 04/17/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Maryam Qudrat |
2931 Woodwardia Dr
Los Angeles, California 900772124 |
California State University Long Beach / Professor | 06/16/2015 | 1000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Jeffery Hughes |
1231 Battersea Ave
Spring Hill, Florida 346095511 |
Register Chevrolet / Sales | 05/29/2015 | 200.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Hazel Gluck |
2821 N Ocean Blvd
Ft Lauderdale, Florida 333087558 |
Not Employed / Lobbyist | 04/27/2015 | 25.00 | 375.00 |
| |||
Timothy Griffin |
438 Stokes Store Rd
Forsyth, Georgia 310294105 |
Navicent Health / Monitor Technician | 04/30/2015 | 10.00 | 201.00 |
| |||
McDuffie Nichols |
9702 Meggs Point Pl
Montgomry Vlg, Maryland 208861146 |
AECOM / Economic Development Consultant | 06/09/2015 | 40.00 | 240.00 |
| |||
Tanya Domi |
3950 Blackstone Ave
Bronx, New York 104713703 |
City University of New York / Public Affairs & Communications | 06/01/2015 | 25.00 | 600.00 |
| |||
Caroline Newell |
1225 N Wells St
Chicago, Illinois 606101792 |
Katten Muchin Rosenman / Strategic Projects Manager | 04/13/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Mary Reilly |
1436 Fairview Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303064612 |
Self-Employed / Community Volunteer | 04/26/2015 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
| |||
Laure Woods |
884 Portola Rd
Ste A7
Portola Valley, California 940287265 |
Self-Employed / Philanthropist | 04/24/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Diane Doolittle Galacki |
3 Union St
Matawan, New Jersey 077472811 |
AT&T / Software Engineer | 06/16/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Susan Huang |
1150 Park Avenue
Apartment 2A
New York, New York 10128 |
Morgan Stanley & Co / Banker | 04/27/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Terry West |
PO Box 698
Shawnee, Oklahoma 748020698 |
The West Law Firm / Attorney | 05/18/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Charles Yoon |
124 Catalpa Rd
Wilton, Connecticut 068972004 |
Yoon & Kim LLP / Lawyer | 04/30/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
James R. Long, Jr. |
PO Box 272638
Tampa, Florida 336882638 |
Morgan & Morgan / Process Server | 06/01/2015 | 250.00 | 250.00 |
| |||
Jorge Lopez |
461 Arvida Pkwy
Miami, Florida 331562318 |
Cornerstone / Real Estate Development | 05/26/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
Barbara Wolfort |
70 Ridgecreek Trl
Moreland Hills, Ohio 440222379 |
Not Employed / Volunteer | 05/28/2015 | 200.00 | 1600.00 |
| |||
John Poggi |
1521 4th St
Bellingham, Washington 982257726 |
N/A / Retired | 05/13/2015 | 35.00 | 1070.00 |
| |||
Charles Good |
3180 Cobblestone Ln
Apt 7
Springfield, Illinois 627117969 |
State of Illinois / Manager | 05/15/2015 | 30.00 | 30.00 |
| |||
JoAnn Orfanos |
5408 253rd St
Little Neck, New York 113621805 |
Leviton Manufacturing / Senior Manufacturing/Financial Admin S | 06/20/2015 | 25.00 | 300.00 |
| |||
Joshua Hardy |
2400 M St NW
612 United States
Washington, DC 200371494 |
Navigant Consulting / Senior Consultant - Healthcare | 06/26/2015 | 10.00 | 565.60 |
| |||
Tessa Smith McGovern |
101 Roseville Rd
Westport, Connecticut 068803719 |
Self-Employed / Writer, Web Series Host, Teacher | 04/21/2015 | 500.00 | 730.00 |
| |||
Haliyamtu Amani |
18319 Lost Knife Cir
Apt 302
Montgomery Village, Maryland 208860304 |
Robert Half Technology / Software Engineer | 04/30/2015 | 10.00 | 202.00 |
| |||
Christopher Ruggerio |
Boulevard de la Tour 12, 4th Floor
Switzerland 1205
Geneva, ____ |
World Intellectual Property Organizati / Lawyer | 05/18/2015 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 |
| |||
Scott Ross |
PO Box 332
West Point, Mississippi 397730332 |
Ross Kelley & Martin, PLLC / Attorney | 05/12/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
William Galston |
5616 Durbin Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208141014 |
The Brookings Institution / Senior Fellow | 04/28/2015 | 2700.00 | 2700.00 |
| |||
John Bryant |
4002 Moheb St SW
Atlanta, Georgia 303316419 |
Self-Employed / CEO | 06/01/2015 | 500.00 | 500.00 |
| |||
Nicole Lievsay |
1722 Willowby Dr
Houston, Texas 770081220 |
Harris County Hospital District / Healthcare Administration | 05/26/2015 | 50.00 | 350.00 |
| |||
Burger Zapf |
3100 SE Pruitt Rd
Port St Lucie, Florida 349525901 |
Self-Employed / Physician | 05/16/2015 | 50.00 | 300.50 |
| |||
Kerri Chamberlin |
3159 E Cedar Dr
Chandler, Arizona 852499688 |
Marivopa County / Attorney | 06/29/2015 | 100.00 | 211.95 |
| |||
Margie Adam |
76 Maryland Ave
Berkeley, California 947071736 |
Self-Employed / Integrative Counselor | 06/20/2015 | 250.00 | 553.00 |
| |||
Jeff Taylor |
4305 62 St East
Bradenton, Florida 34205 |
DeWayne thomas Publishing / President | 06/22/2015 | 10.00 | 213.30 |
| |||
Rosalind Wiener Wyman |
10430 Bellagio Rd
Los Angeles, California 900773819 |
N/A / Retired | 06/19/2015 | 2700.00 | 5400.00 |
| |||
Daniel McCarthy |
5716 Leona St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631162910 |
Hillary for America / Accountant | 06/03/2015 | 60.09 | 951.39 |
| |||
Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) | $38840010.85 |
Total Memo Amount | $259175.84 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 500 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 0 |