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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 38617 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 18501 through 19000

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Patrick MacDonald 1464 Essex St Apt 7
San Diego, California 921033654
Duane Morris, LLP / Attorney
04/13/2015 100.00 222.64
Betsy Cohen 40 East 78th Street Apartment 11B
New York, New York 10075
Merchantry / CFO, Technology
04/12/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Lisa Cowell Shams 1234 Stradella Rd
Los Angeles, California 900772612
Westfield / Executive
04/12/2015 5.00 2700.00
Danny Kraus 5146 Bengali St
Danville, California 945065015
Self-Employed / Marketing
05/28/2015 25.00 350.00
Charles Washington Menekseli Sokak 2/1 Limanreis - Narlidere, Turkey
Izmir, ____
N/A / Retired
06/26/2015 100.00 200.00
Ron Meyer 100 Universal City Plz
Universal City, California 916081002
NBC Universal / Vice Chairman
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Margaret Jackson PO Box 762
Shelburne, Vermont 054820762
N/A / Retired
05/29/2015 100.00 225.00
Brian Harrison 2716 Thayer St
Evanston, Illinois 602011345
Yale University / Visiting Fellow
04/12/2015 250.00 2950.00
Joan Rothman 11 Mamaroneck Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105832811
N/A / Retired
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Bowles 5003 W Azeele St
Tampa, Florida 336092514
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/28/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Marsha Stanton 10443 Gulf Beach Hwy Apt 6
Pensacola, Florida 325079103
Self-Employed / Explorer
04/12/2015 250.00 260.00
Arlene M. Snyder 2315 Woodlawn Rd
Northbrook, Illinois 600626076
N/A / Not Employed
05/19/2015 500.00 1653.99
Elizabeth Norton 3725 Harrison St NW
Washington, DC 200151815
Stone Soup Films / Filmmaker
04/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dawn Halfaker 3403 Macomb St NW
Washington, DC 200163159
Halfaker & Associates, LLC / CEO
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Patricia McMahon 1511 Route 114
North Sutton, New Hampshire 03260
Town Of Sutton / Select Board
06/13/2015 155.00 205.40
Delney Hilen 3011 E Laurelhurst Dr NE
Seattle, Washington 981055330
Retired / Lawyer
04/24/2015 10.00 2960.00
Arthur Woods PO Box 15088
Fort Wayne, Indiana 468855088
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 300.00 300.00
Lawrence Mages 216 Linden Ave
Wilmette, Illinois 600912841
N/A / Retired
06/07/2015 500.00 500.00
Cecily R. Burke 18 Telescope
Newport Coast, California 926571504
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Terry Sambrook 12 Timber Marsh Ln
Hilton Head, South Carolina 299262787
Retired / Logistics
04/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Thomas Hoch 2100 James Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554052405
Hennepin Theatre Trust / Arts Administrator
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Samatha Miranda 4700 Tassajara Rd Apt 3111
Dublin, California 945684529
GoldToe Inc. / Store Manager
06/29/2015 20.00 203.00
Michelle Clement 393 S Main St
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 535279390
Self-Employed / Quilter
04/24/2015 500.00 500.00
Anne F. Donovan 118 4th St SE
Washington, DC 200031012
Jones Day / Manager of Business Relations
06/15/2015 25.00 228.00
Myrna M. Toney PO Box 224
Richland Ctr, Wisconsin 535810224
Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction / Education Program Coordinator
05/11/2015 100.00 370.00
Mark Weiner 140 Fox Run
East Greenwich, Rhode Island 028185100
Financial Innovations / President
04/12/2015 5.00 2705.00
Lenn Kupferberg 17 Brook Meadow Cir
Framingham, Massachusetts 017013787
N/A / Retired
06/26/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Rosemarie R. Howe 3303 Water St NW Unit 5A
Washington, DC 200073577
Rosemarie Home Interiors / Designer
05/06/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Alexander Avant 10717 Wilshire Blvd Apt 509
Los Angeles, California 900244425
Creative Artists Agency / Talent Agent
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Philip Doyle 1824 Columbia Rd NW
Washington, DC 200092002
MaidPro Cleaning / Owner
05/06/2015 50.00 217.00
Terri Wurmser 4300 Roland Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212102747
House of Ruth Maryland, Inc. / Development Director
04/13/2015 100.00 300.00
Sam Whitehorn 5812 32nd St NW
Washington, DC 200151641
McBee Strategic / Attorney/Consultant/Lobbyist
05/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Marcy Feller 41 Pleasant St
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026572000
N/A / Retired
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Benjamin Bailey 497 Prospect St
Maplewood, New Jersey 070401305
Opperman Weiss / Advertising
06/25/2015 250.00 1275.00
Marty Torrey 10 Arbor Ln
Clifton Park, New York 120655911
U.S. Navy / Retired
04/13/2015 250.00 467.00
Herbert Minke 30 W Superior St
Duluth, Minnesota 558022191
MN Power / Energy Policy
06/30/2015 100.00 310.00
David Townsend 380 Wyndgate Rd
Sacramento, California 958645945
Townsend Raimundo Besler and Usher / Political Consultant
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Enid R Weishaus 633 N Midland Ave
Nyack, New York 109601032
Self-Employed / Life Coach
06/13/2015 250.00 650.00
Yvonne Elkin 7233 Canyon Hill Ct
San Diego, California 921262050
Self-Employed / Project Management Consultant
06/26/2015 187.00 472.00
Larry Ashlock 435 Sycamore Rd
Elizabethtown, Kentucky 427019597
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/28/2015 500.00 500.00
Maureen Dobert 126 Captains Ct
Moriches, New York 119551700
N/A / Retired
05/07/2015 250.00 250.00
Arvind Rajan 3745 21st St
San Francisco, California 941142914
Cricket Health, Inc / Entrepreneur
06/07/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cheryl Lockhart 450 N Mountain Side Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857459126
Retired / Teacher
05/26/2015 36.23 203.72
Audrey Irmas 10800 Wilshire Blvd Apt 2002
Los Angeles, California 900244250
N/A / Retired
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mike Huang 100 Riverside Blvd Apt 27B
New York, New York 100690429
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP / Attorney
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brooke Neidich 299 W 12th St
New York, New York 100141801
Sidney Garber Jewlers / Owner/Creative Director
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Conrad Zbikowski 1120 S 2nd St United States
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554151397
University of Minnesota / Student
06/19/2015 25.00 216.56
Michelle Milo 3127 W Hallandale Beach Blvd Ste 102
Hallandale Beach, Florida 330095150
Sea Spine Orthopedic Institute / Human Resources
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kathy Weinman 21 Adelaide Street, Unit 1
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130
Collora LLP / Lawyer
06/07/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Timothy Pittman 829 W Rice Dr
Tempe, Arizona 852831788
Honeywell / IT project mgr
06/28/2015 100.00 210.00
Hester Clark 609 River Mist Dr
Oxon Hill, Maryland 207453478
Hester Group / Owner
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jill Chesler 3130 Rubino Dr Apt 115
San Jose, California 951256392
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 100.00 3036.37
Marcia Herman 600 Hanley Way
Los Angeles, California 900491931
N/A / Retired
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Laureen Harris 25 West Dr
Plandome, New York 110301428
Cronin, Cronin, Harris & O'Brien / Attorney
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrea Engelmann 2001 E Camino Parocela
Palm Springs, California 922648229
Retired / Healthcare
04/12/2015 100.00 648.38
John Anthony Ambrose 12090 Burlington Glen Dr
Chardon, Ohio 440248453
Not Employed / Program Manager
05/28/2015 19.37 210.36
Judith Sabot 1331 Oblong Rd
Williamstown, Massachusetts 012673094
Self-Employed / Dairy Farmer
05/21/2015 270.16 270.16
Tina Gandhi 343 E 74th St Apt 15C
New York, New York 100213767
USQD / Exporter Business Owner
05/26/2015 106.25 296.14
Robert Neal Smith 140 N Lakeview Dr
Cazenovia, Wisconsin 539247056
Information Requested / Civil Servant
04/14/2015 100.00 220.87
Oscar Flores 50 Mayfair Way
White Plains, New York 106031028
WJC Foundation / Chef
05/09/2015 50.00 2700.00
Frances Fusco PO Box 128
Hillsdale, New York 125290128
Self-Employed / Communications Director/Coach
06/12/2015 187.00 1849.00
Mary Ebrahimi 4850 Ocean Dr
Corpus Christi, Texas 784122656
N/A / Retired
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joanna Seibert 27 River Ridge Rd
Little Rock, Arkansas 722271524
Retired / Physician, Episcopal Deacon
05/26/2015 81.42 326.42
Janet Treisman 9903 Santa Monica Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 902121671
N/A / Homemaker
04/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Fay Samuels 93 Paula Dr
Angier, North Carolina 275019028
N/A / Retired
05/21/2015 216.00 216.00
Marie Azam 5746 Cazaux Dr
Los Angeles, California 900682432
EMAW Inc / Founder
05/16/2015 250.00 850.00
Rodabe Amaria 1301 Richmond Ave Apt 407
Houston, Texas 770065496
MD Anderson Cancer Center / Physician
04/26/2015 500.00 500.00
David Wickham 509 Linden Ave
Sistersville, West Virginia 261751022
N/A / Not Employed
04/23/2015 10.00 256.00
Pauline Igwe 11507 Bowlan Ln
Houston, Texas 770352209
Human Services Center / Program Director
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Thomas Cunningham 9570 Mandus Olson Rd NE
Bainbridge Is, Washington 981101573
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Bryan Hall 2850 Stonecrest Dr
Abilene, Texas 796063438
Von Willer Law Firm, PLLC / Lawyer
06/30/2015 10.00 210.00
Margaret Daun 700 E Pleasant St Apt 2A
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532023622
City of Milwaukee / Lawyer
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Kay Casstevens 1418 Foxhall Rd NW
Washington, DC 200072005
National Gallery Of Art / Museum Official
04/24/2015 1300.00 2700.00
Ann McNamee 300 Olive Hill Ln
Woodside, California 940623628
Retired / Professor
05/26/2015 286.93 2986.93
Dennis Tuttle 930 W Agatite Ave Apt 2
Chicago, Illinois 606404059
Workforce Software / IT Project Manager
06/12/2015 37.00 237.00
Xingyue Li 1901 Wellington Rd
Woodridge, Illinois 605174621
Gogo / Software engineer
05/28/2015 50.00 470.16
Marlene Davis 29261 Briarbank Ct
Southfield, Michigan 480344627
Self-Employed / Education Consultant
06/25/2015 50.00 550.00
Gary Passon 1390 S Kihei Rd
Kihei, Hawaii 967538138
N/A / Retired
06/13/2015 100.00 300.00
Carolyn Barber 107 Borden St
Shrewsbury, New Jersey 077024424
N/A / Homemaker
04/19/2015 50.00 1050.00
Leslie Newquist 227 Apolena Ave
Newport Beach, California 926621215
Self-Employed / Management Consultant
06/12/2015 100.00 950.00
Theresa Blitch 126 Pressley Ave
Summerville, South Carolina 294835936
Dorchester District Two / Teacher
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Tanya Domi 3950 Blackstone Ave
Bronx, New York 104713703
City University of New York / Public Affairs & Communications
06/30/2015 5.00 600.00
Andrew Sendall 801 Riverside Dr Apt 4B
New York, New York 100327343
Citi / Director
04/12/2015 100.00 2900.00
Carrie Dorr 531 Cook St
Denver, Colorado 802064426
Pure Barre / Founder
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ruth Fleischmann 8 Angier Rd
Lexington, Massachusetts 024201609
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Ashley Woolheater 2101 16th St NW Apt 416
Washington, DC 200096585
Beacon Global Strategies LLC / Consultant
04/23/2015 10.00 249.55
Carol Farley Munson 2521 SE Ankeny St
Portland, Oregon 972141726
Hazelden Betty Ford / Counselor
05/12/2015 100.00 450.00
Katherine Sailer 300 Central Park W Apt 16F
New York, New York 100241593
N/A / Homemaker
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrew Newman 220 Topton Way
Saint Louis, Missouri 631053638
N/A / Retired
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cyril Castillo 4235 W Cortez St
Chicago, Illinois 606513537
Uber / Driver
06/28/2015 25.00 201.00
Patricia Brennan 1694 Husted Ave
San Jose, California 951241924
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/19/2015 500.00 500.00
Bobby Dover PO Box 1005
Deer Park, Texas 775361005
Dover & Fox, PC / Attorney
06/12/2015 55.00 315.00
Michael Wilson PO Box 450
New York, New York 101130450
Self-Employed / Film Director
05/04/2015 1500.00 1650.00
Emmanuel Urquijo 957 Bloomfield Ave
Glen Ridge, New Jersey 070281301
Atlantic Health / Analyst
05/12/2015 25.00 280.00
Charles Crain 1230 Fairmont St NW Unit 1
Washington, DC 200095322
BIO / Senior Manager, Tax & Financial Servic
06/30/2015 10.00 374.59
Clifton Goodlett 302 Tyne Blvd
Old Hickory, Tennessee 371381225
N/A / Retired
05/21/2015 250.00 250.00
Frances McNeely 6001 E Calle Ojos Verde
Tucson, Arizona 857501946
N/A / Retired
06/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Daniel Harris Meyer 1 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100105518
Union Square Hospitality Group / CEO * In-Kind: Food & Beverages
06/13/2015 583.03 583.03
Michael Barutt 837 W Roscoe St Apt 4W
Chicago, Illinois 606572793
Publicis / Media Strategy
04/13/2015 100.00 210.00
Kathy Scott 1088 E Fleetwood Ct
Boise, Idaho 837065176
Retired / Trainer
05/26/2015 95.70 395.70
Alexia Worsham 21534 Madrone Dr
Los Gatos, California 950338961
Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital S / Senior Health Care Program Analyst
05/27/2015 90.28 205.28
Scott Taylor 3773 17th St
San Francisco, California 941142021
EA, Inc. / VP, COO
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael Mahoney 29 Chenery St
San Francisco, California 941312706
Genentech USA Inc. / Director, Meeting & Convention Service
06/03/2015 1.00 204.00
Patricia J. Smith PO Box 2049
Ocean Shores, Washington 985692049
Self-Employed / Writer/Photography
05/01/2015 375.00 700.00
Cherilyn Massah 4708 Michelle Dr
Arlington, Texas 760165339
Defense Contract Audit Agency / Auditor
06/29/2015 37.00 292.00
Joyce Chapman 22352 Highway 62
Shady Cove, Oregon 975399718
Retired / Executive Director
06/28/2015 28.00 201.52
Sean King 7202 Billy Goat Dr
New Albany, Ohio 430545042
Defense Information Systems Agency / Accountant
06/30/2015 15.00 210.00
Robert Raymar 90 Glen Eagle Dr
Watchung, New Jersey 070696202
Hellring Lindeman / Attorney
04/23/2015 1600.00 2700.00
Michael Shelton 426 Partridge Cir
Sarasota, Florida 342361912
N/A / Retired
05/11/2015 500.00 500.00
George Yeich 1517 Hill Rd 3K United States
Reading, Pennsylvania 196021411
Walmart / Manager
04/23/2015 25.00 1278.80
Debra Leon 5914 RFD
Long Grove, Illinois 600478279
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/19/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Franz Litz 1210 Carlyle Dr
Niskayuna, New York 123092532
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/16/2015 100.00 310.00
Debra Baroni 1031 E 4th St
Long Beach, California 908021635
Kelly OCG / Data Analytics
06/27/2015 30.00 205.00
Belinda Walker 3560 Lowry Rd
Los Angeles, California 900271434
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/06/2015 1500.00 1500.00
Luis Li 355 S Grand Ave Fl 35
Los Angeles, California 900713161
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP / Attorney
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Yvonne Chanatry 1276 N Wayne St Apt 1223
Arlington, Virginia 222015857
AHIP / VP, Marketing
06/13/2015 25.00 275.00
Joanna Popper 400 S Pointe Dr Apt 1702
Miami Beach, Florida 331397360
Self-Employed / Marketing
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Steven Leinwand 675 E St NW Apt 210
Washington, DC 200042248
American Institutes for Research / Researcher/Educator
06/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marijean Lauzier 516 Tremont St Unit 4
Boston, Massachusetts 021166368
N/A / Retired
06/05/2015 100.00 2800.00
Randall Rochester 140 Lakeside Dr W
Port Orange, Florida 321286623
Self-Employed / Chiropractor
06/30/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Diane English 1100 Corsica Dr
Pacific Palisades, California 902724014
Self-Employed / Writer Producer Director
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bradley Failor 2313 Memphis St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191252515
The George Washington University / Copywriter
05/28/2015 25.00 225.00
Lucy Halperin 25 Stratford Rd
Harrison, New York 105281122
Tee Pee Olives / CEO
06/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jason Wright 45 W 67th St Apt 19A
New York, New York 100236263
Apax Partners / Partner
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mark Paulk 2807 38th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111012605
Harry Winston / Sales Executive
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Fera Simone 8511 Rogues Rd
Warrenton, Virginia 201878347
American University / Professor
06/26/2015 700.00 2700.00
Melissa L Nio 910 N Grove Ave
Oak Park, Illinois 603021342
None / Stay at home mother
05/21/2015 75.00 227.49
Chase Davidson 130 M St NE Apt 624
Washington, DC 200027929
U.S. Department of State / Diplomat
06/30/2015 25.00 255.00
Caroline Croft 4391 Embassy Park Dr NW
Washington, DC 200163625
U.S. Department of State / Senior Advisor
06/03/2015 250.00 300.00
Wendy Hawkins 19269 SW Gassner Rd
Beaverton, Oregon 970076017
N/A / Retired
04/16/2015 200.00 350.00
Richard Callow 1517 Washington Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631031841
Public Eye Inc / Publicist
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cheryl Marrow 875 Morrison Ave Apt 7G
Bronx, New York 104734419
Koried / Event Consultant
04/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Geri Murray 509 E Lincoln Ave
Des Plaines, Illinois 600181475
N/A / Homemaker
04/24/2015 50.00 216.63
Miguel Avalos 605 E 14th St Apt 3F
New York, New York 100093204
Women Management, Modeling / Senior Agent/Manager
06/25/2015 50.00 900.00
Melvin Gitler 205 W End Ave
New York, New York 100234804
N/A / Retired
06/12/2015 5.00 1118.58
Mary Muecke 64 Groveland Ter
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554031103
Medtronic, PLC / Senior Marketing Manager
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marc J. Sonnenfeld 234 Cuylers Ln
Haverford, Pennsylvania 190411749
Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP / Partner
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Paula Sippel 96 Van Wies Point Rd
Glenmont, New York 120774218
National Labor College / President
04/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Tamerlin Godley 1300 Glen Oaks Blvd
Pasadena, California 911051005
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP / Lawyer
06/05/2015 500.00 3200.00
Shelli Crow-Johnson PO Box 2337
Topeka, Kansas 666012337
Mize Houser / CPA
06/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Michael Tang 3901 Main St Ste 203
Flushing, New York 113545435
Self-Employed / Lawyer
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bonnie Berger 220 Boylston St Apt 1618
Boston, Massachusetts 021163951
N/A / Homemaker
04/24/2015 2700.00 2739.30
Richard B Wolf 625 Biltmore Way Apt 901
Coral Gables, Florida 331347538
N/A / Retired
05/21/2015 450.00 450.00
Suzanne Bachner 153 E 57th St Apt 14F
New York, New York 100222124
Self-Employed / Writer/Director/Producer
06/12/2015 83.00 249.67
Linda Pedreira 1478 Utopia Pkwy
Whitestone, New York 113572930
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Kris Durmer 2123 California St NW Apt C2
Washington, DC 200081804
United States Government / Lawyer
06/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
David Hall 1795 NE 40th St
Oakland Park, Florida 333345451
Eden Roc Resort / Catering Director
06/27/2015 100.00 350.00
Mary Margaret Valenti 4635 Ashby St NW
Washington, DC 200071042
N/A / Homemaker
04/24/2015 2000.00 2400.00
Thomas Woteki 143 Kentucky Ave SE
Washington, DC 200031447
Acentia / Chief Architect
04/20/2015 1000.00 2000.00
Brandon Werner 15804 NE 67th Pl
Redmond, Washington 980524831
Microsoft / Program Manager
04/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Amy Dean 2600 Island Blvd Apt 1706
Aventura, Florida 331605210
Self-Employed / Mediator/Arbitrator
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frank Russell 3240 Hardisty Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452083007
Self-Employed / Architect
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Christina Limbach 6 Juniper Ave
Patchogue, New York 117722469
National General Ins. / Claims Support
06/26/2015 81.25 331.25
Frank Kolb 709 Devonshire Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209125855
Delta Dental Plans Association / Director of Federal Affairs
04/24/2015 500.00 2100.00
Tobyn Leigh 804 N Prairie St
Galesburg, Illinois 614012752
Self-Employed / Adjunct Professor
04/13/2015 25.00 234.64
Jill Chesler 3130 Rubino Dr Apt 115
San Jose, California 951256392
N/A / Retired
06/27/2015 10.00 3036.37
Joan Keps 5100 W 102nd St Apt 113
Bloomington, Minnesota 554372566
N/A / Retired
05/01/2015 450.00 450.00
Tara Grumm 5828 189th Ave SE
Issaquah, Washington 980278624
Microsoft / Marketing
04/30/2015 100.00 350.00
Javier Benavente 1372 Bay Harbor Dr Apt 302
Palm Harbor, Florida 346853427
Self-Employed / Management & Engineering Consultant
06/26/2015 500.00 500.00
Karol Ames 1709 Clower Creek Dr Apt BR206
Sarasota, Florida 342318997
Not Employed / Historian/Artist
05/28/2015 100.00 511.42
Cynthia Burleson 221 County Road 4748
Kempner, Texas 765397011
Self-Employed / Information Requested
06/19/2015 500.00 500.00
Barbara Fuller 17750 Sharon Valley Rd
Manchester, Michigan 481588575
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrew L. Barroway 280 King of Prussia Rd
Radnor, Pennsylvania 190875110
Merion Investment Management LP / Managing Partner
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lynn Patti 13 Gorham Place
Trumbull, Connecticut 06611
Retired / RN
06/25/2015 62.29 379.69
Annmarie Kearney-Wood 111 Paumanake Ave
Babylon, New York 117021911
Stark Amron & Liner, LLP / Lawyer
06/13/2015 10.00 365.00
Jackie Sticha 1483 Almond Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551082521
Como Friends / President
04/20/2015 100.00 100.00
Pattie S. Gardner 17050 Northup Way Apt 3
Bellevue, Washington 980083066
Self-Employed / Paralegal
06/09/2015 250.00 250.00
Stuart L. Berman 695 Cherrydale Dr
Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania 194442316
Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP / Attorney
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brian Rice 112 Ardmore Dr
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554225210
Rice, Michels & Walther LLP / Attorney
06/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Jordan Alexson 83 Nottinghill Rd
Brighton, Massachusetts 021354011
Red Barn / Barista
06/28/2015 25.00 251.09
Ricardo Echeverria 600 S Indian Hill Blvd
Claremont, California 917115444
Shernoff Bidart Echeverria Bentley, LL / Attorney
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Regina Brown 21 Hoyt St
South Salem, New York 105901322
N/A / Homemaker
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Risa A Levine 25 Broad St Apt 4R
New York, New York 100042774
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/08/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Alain Chuard 1010 Bryant St
Palo Alto, California 943012712
Google / Product Manager
04/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gloria Tristani 4219 Leland St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156048
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/03/2015 500.00 1500.00
Michael Gottlieb 5301 Wisconsin Ave NW Boies, Schiller, & Flexner Llp
Washington, DC 200152015
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP / Attorney
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lawrence Winnerman 12317 10th Pl NE
Seattle, Washington 981254832
Microsoft / Program Manager
04/30/2015 50.00 309.00
Heidi Tucker 8632 113th Ln NE
Kirkland, Washington 980335769
Inside View / Vice President
06/04/2015 250.00 250.00
Jennifer McCann 210 Main St
Nyack, New York 109602479
Not Employed / Volunteer
06/30/2015 25.00 957.78
Amy Lepon 698 Jaquelyn St
Ashland, Oregon 975201479
N/A / Retired
06/15/2015 45.00 545.00
Sheila Frank 22651 Shenandoah Pl
Tehachapi, California 935619629
Retired / Clinical Psychologist
06/10/2015 100.00 415.00
Learka Bosnak 832 N Orange Dr
Los Angeles, California 900383326
Teles Properties / Realtor
04/24/2015 10.00 510.00
Marc Weingarten 25 E 86th St
New York, New York 100280553
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP / Lawyer
04/20/2015 500.00 500.00
Shari Wolf 617 Avenida Mirola
Palos Verdes Estat, California 902744305
Natural Grace Funerals / Funeral Director
06/19/2015 20.00 232.00
Eleanor Maddock 73 Bayshore Dr
New London, Connecticut 063202902
University of Connecticut / Graduate Student
06/12/2015 75.00 530.46
James Robinson 9719 Ohern Plz Apt 14
Omaha, Nebraska 681272265
AAA Life Insurance / Underwriter
06/30/2015 50.00 220.00
Cindy Kacher 2500 N Lincoln St
Arlington, Virginia 222075024
Self-Employed / Domestic Engineer
06/13/2015 150.70 287.39
Susan Brown 640 Davis St Unit 48
San Francisco, California 941111950
Retired / Teacher
06/30/2015 100.00 755.00
Ying Lock 1530 27th Ave
San Francisco, California 941223228
Engineer / Retired
05/29/2015 100.00 250.00
Susan Andersen 1 Washington Square Vlg Apt 4N
New York, New York 100121604
New York University / Professor
06/09/2015 187.00 2781.25
Jason Lavitt 1 Chester Ct
Huntington, New York 117435836
Super Enterprises / President
05/29/2015 700.00 1700.00
Blake Corley 101 10th St E Apt 530
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551012567
N/A / Student
06/27/2015 10.00 843.76
Jared Beu 13102 Humphrey Dr
Austin, Texas 787297422
Men's Wearhouse / Wardrobe Consultant/Student at Univers
06/30/2015 55.00 800.21
Thomas Schillinger 26 NE 26th St
Wilton Manors, Florida 333051028
N/A / Retired
06/04/2015 450.00 450.00
Ghada Irani 338 St Pierre Rd
Los Angeles, California 900773433
N/A / Homemaker
06/12/2015 2600.00 5100.00
Gina Boonshoft 321 W 104th St
New York, New York 100254132
Self-Employed / Freeelance Film, TV, Music Production
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Henry Cisneros 2002 W Houston St
San Antonio, Texas 782073419
City View / Chairman
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Patricia Marsolais 1449 Bella Vista Dr
Dallas, Texas 752183508
City Of Dallas / Director
06/30/2015 105.00 1140.00
Dora Monserrate 101 Ave San Patricio Ste 1120
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 009682646
Self-Employed / Partner
05/27/2015 1500.00 4200.00
Marla S Perkel PO Box 1043
North Truro, Massachusetts 026521043
N/A / Retired
04/20/2015 200.00 300.00
J. Scott Benson 709 1st St
Coronado, California 921181203
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 2600.00 2636.69
Denis Mukoka 102 Choptank Ct Unit A5
Cary, North Carolina 275133206
Wake County Public School System / Building Assistant Manager/Custodian
06/23/2015 15.00 892.09
Lisa Cowell Shams 1234 Stradella Rd
Los Angeles, California 900772612
Westfield / Executive
06/10/2015 250.00 2700.00
Samuel Turner PO Box 220
Maurertown, Virginia 226440220
Turner & Goss, LLC. / Attorney
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jodi Wechsler 353 E 72nd St Apt 19A
New York, New York 100214606
iFind Group / Recruiter
04/16/2015 500.00 500.00
Shirley Stone 60 Isla Bahia Dr
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333162331
N/A / Retired
05/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
James Robinson 9719 Ohern Plz Apt 14
Omaha, Nebraska 681272265
AAA Life Insurance / Underwriter
04/12/2015 100.00 220.00
David Joslyn 3140 Sumac Ridge Rd
Malibu, California 902655128
McCullough, Campbell & Lane / Attorney
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lida Masoudpour 10309 Iron Gate Rd
Potomac, Maryland 208544731
New Venture Fund / Deputy Director
05/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Katrina Salazar 10234 Sorenstam Dr
Sacramento, California 958296599
California Correctional Peace Officers / Controller
04/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Charlotte Parkinson 7809 Rock Rose Ct
Indianapolis, Indiana 462373728
Covance / Quality Assurance Lead/MT(ASCP)
06/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Todd Glassman 12 Creemer Rd
Armonk, New York 105042402
Sony Music / EVP Promotion
05/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tammy Tucker 3600 Via Palomino
Palos Verdes Estat, California 902741165
Anthem / Vice President
04/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Perry Beneduce 406 Philadelphia Blvd
Sea Girt, New Jersey 087502610
Diane Turton, Realtors / Marketing Director
04/12/2015 10.00 204.55
Urs Kaufmann 300 W 23rd St Apt 12B
New York, New York 100112211
Not Employed / Hospitality
06/13/2015 10.00 206.00
Corinne Bair 199 Gregory Blvd Apt E14
Norwalk, Connecticut 068552648
Charter Communications / Director
04/12/2015 250.00 300.00
Brian Tabit 800 P St NW
Washington, DC 200013366
Federal Reserve Board of Governors / Supervisory Policy Analyst
04/28/2015 500.00 500.00
David Furlano 1160 Devonshire Dr
San Diego, California 921074023
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/13/2015 300.00 300.00
Laura Brindley 8474 85th Ave SE
Mercer Island, Washington 980405606
Wellesley / Student
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sara Harrington 89 Parker Ave
Atherton, California 940275415
LinkedIn / Lawyer
06/17/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jannette Milton 7330 Vistalmar St
Coral Gables, Florida 331436442
N/A / Homemaker
05/01/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Juliet Bailin 15 Hampton Dr
Woodbridge, Connecticut 065251540
Harvard / Student
06/04/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Kraut 2601 Aberdeen Ave
Los Angeles, California 900271221
Kraut Law Group / Attorney
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Maxine Myers 93 Giordano Dr
West Orange, New Jersey 070524118
N/A / Retired
06/17/2015 100.00 225.00
Ronald Meyer 5278 Pimlico Dr
Tallahassee, Florida 323091958
Meyer, Brooks, Demma and Blohm, P.A. / Attorney
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michelle List PO Box 428
Balsam, North Carolina 287070428
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 250.00 270.00
John C Austin 4919 Windridge Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 462261441
AngiesList / Advertising Operations
06/04/2015 450.00 450.00
Kenneth Fetterman 42977 Ridgeway Dr
Broadlands, Virginia 201484548
Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & / Attorney
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Roberts 1201 W Church St
Elmira, New York 149051925
N/A / Retired
05/04/2015 500.00 500.00
Marilyn Benoit 43 Prospect Bay Dr W
Grasonville, Maryland 216381184
Devereux / Physician
04/14/2015 500.00 500.00
Brian Jebb 207 W 21st St Apt 2
New York, New York 100113132
Allen & Overy / Lawyer
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael McKeown 3 Englewood Ave Apt Gb
Brookline, Massachusetts 024452051
Syros Pharmaceuticals / Scientist
06/30/2015 10.00 220.00
Bretton Barber 371 E Windsor Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850041234
Barber Law Group / Attorney
06/05/2015 25.00 265.41
Todd Bartels 1650 Lemoyne St
Los Angeles, California 900262640
Self-Employed / Actor/Writer
05/05/2015 2450.00 2700.00
Jennifer White 1846 Ingleside Ter NW
Washington, DC 200101010
U.S. House of Representatives / Professional Staff Member
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Keith Glover PO Box 203
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 190040203
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Peter Garrett 4405 Klingle St NW
Washington, DC 200163578
U.S. Department of HHS / Communications Director
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Victoria J. Perkins 11000 Huntover Dr
Rockville, Maryland 208523610
Clark Enterprises, Inc. / Attorney
06/24/2015 100.00 300.00
Maria Otero 3351 18th St NW
Washington, DC 200101003
Self-Employed / Foreign and Domestic Policy
06/30/2015 25.00 1027.00
Cynthia Drew 119 E 84th St Apt 8D
New York, New York 100280942
Self-Employed / Financial Analyst
04/20/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Evan Ashcraft 59 Kalen Dr
Overland, Missouri 631145601
Enterprise Bank & Trust / Banking
04/12/2015 250.00 295.00
Thomas Schumacher 23 Park Ave Apt 2C
New York, New York 100163871
Disney Theatrical / Producer
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Smith-Nissley 19 Myrtle Bank Rd
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 299261809
N2 International Solutions / President
06/12/2015 1000.00 2000.00
Kyle Faget 915 Curve St
Carlisle, Massachusetts 017411050
Sanofi / Attorney
06/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Y. Trung Tran 6611 S 5th Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850415755
ON Semiconductor / Retired Principal Engineer
05/21/2015 100.00 250.00
Marc LaCasse 250 W 3rd St Unit 5
Boston, Massachusetts 021271339
LaCasse Law / Owner and Founder
06/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Julie Deal 7545 State Highway 27
Herman, Minnesota 562483007
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anita McGahan PO Box 654
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026570654
University of Toronto / Professor
06/28/2015 500.00 500.00
Toby Singer 5519 Center St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153438
Jones Day / Attorney
05/26/2015 500.00 500.00
Mary Manning 9145 Berrington Pl
Montgomery, Alabama 361178479
Retired / Public Education
04/16/2015 1000.00 1010.00
Anne Marie McNeill, MD, PhD 2071 Port Bristol Cir
Newport Beach, California 92660
Newport Beach Dermatology And Plastic / Physician
06/12/2015 2563.31 2907.39
Suzanne Barnes 55 East 86th Street Apartment 12B
New York, New York 10028
N/A / Homemaker
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kristi Bugher 5390 County Road 11 NW
Alexandria, Minnesota 563088065
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Donald Margulies 142 Huntington St
New Haven, Connecticut 065112017
Self-Employed / Playwright
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Henry Xin 201 Walthery Ave
Ridgewood, New Jersey 074502816
Wellman Healthcare LLC / Executive Management
06/12/2015 187.00 532.00
Gina Muss 949 Creekstone Dr
Mobile, Alabama 366089452
Genesis Consulting / IT Consultant
06/30/2015 251.00 351.00
Desiree A. Liggins 2638 W Windstar Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857131100
United States Army / Supply NCO
04/20/2015 25.00 282.43
Crosby Crane 800 S Dakota Ave
Tampa, Florida 336062853
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/22/2015 500.00 500.00
MIchele Boudreaux 548 Sunnyvale Dr
Healdsburg, California 954483023
Corporate Soul, LLC / Owner
06/09/2015 50.00 201.00
Marisa Rosenthal 280 Park Ave S Apt 8J
New York, New York 100106129
Jardin Jewelry / Sales and Design
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Theodore Alcarez 913-915 Willow Ave #4B
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
Figliulo & Partners LLC / Executive Director, People + Culture
06/19/2015 92.89 292.89
Michal Regunberg 449 Franklin St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393168
Solomon McCown & Co. / Public Relations
04/12/2015 250.00 1450.00
Peiqi Liu 24 N Hill Ct
Oakland, California 946182305
Sangamo / Scientist
06/13/2015 50.00 250.00
Gabriel London 219 E 83rd St Apt 1R
New York, New York 100282813
Found Object / Social Impact Campaign Director
06/09/2015 75.00 325.00
Kathryn Westgard 205 State St
Guilford, Connecticut 064372432
N/A / Homemaker
06/28/2015 50.00 210.00
Ilirjan Rusi 72 Cromwell Cir
Staten Island, New York 103041102
Benjamin Maintenance / President
06/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Maureen Liccione 30 Lawrence Dr
Brightwaters, New York 117181900
Jaspan Schlesinger LLP / Attorney
06/13/2015 160.00 2860.00
Mary Claire Rowe 725 Purdue Dr
Tyler, Texas 757035146
Retired / Writer
05/04/2015 50.00 215.00
Julian Yap 1401 Q St NW Apt 602
Washington, DC 200097821
Serial Box Publishing / Attorney
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lucy Johns 561 Greenwich St Apt 10
San Francisco, California 941332924
Self-Employed / Health Care Planning and Policy
05/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Bachetti 211 W 18th St
New York, New York 100114559
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 250.00 700.00
Kirk Pessner 1435 Bellevue Ave Apt 301
Burlingame, California 940103958
Miller & Olson, LLP / COO
04/16/2015 100.00 225.00
Stacey Lawson 48 Baywood Ter
San Rafael, California 949015233
Ygrene Energy Fund, Inc. / CEO
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Parvine Chowfla 1881 N Nash St Unit 1503
Arlington, Virginia 222091569
Retired / Travel Agent
05/29/2015 25.00 250.00
Robert Holgate 74 Brady St Unit 7
San Francisco, California 941035400
Self-Employed / Designer
04/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Todd Noteboom 2727 Dean Pkwy
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554164318
Stinson Leonard Street LLP / Attorney
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Helenann Hirsch 645 N Bonhill Rd
Los Angeles, California 900492301
Not Employed / Attorney
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Donna Brown 113 Vigil Ln
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875055921
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Kendall A. Johnson 25 Sunnyside Dr # 1C
Yonkers, New York 107051763
Special Citizens Futures Unlimited, In / Chief Compliance Officer
06/13/2015 55.00 530.00
Marilyn Michaels 97 Davis Lane
Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/30/2015 2700.00 2716.09
Lance Timbreza 761 Centauri Dr
Grand Junction, Colorado 815061805
Daniels Law Group LLC / Attorney
04/14/2015 100.00 250.00
Susan McCone 80 Green Hill Rd
Washington, Connecticut 067931217
St Johns Church / Episcopal Priest
06/17/2015 2200.00 3200.00
Jennifer Petrillo 303 County Road 579
Asbury, New Jersey 088021241
Rutgers University / Physician
04/13/2015 100.00 201.00
Irl Scissors 9444 Old Bonhomme Rd
Olivette, Missouri 631323407
Gateway Government Relations / Consultant
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Timothy Parsons 8485 Harrison Pike
Cleves, Ohio 450028709
Cincinnati Children's Hospital / Pharmacist
06/30/2015 120.00 205.00
Danna Raupp 10 Hillside Rd
North Hampton, New Hampshire 038622117
N/A / Not Employed
06/28/2015 74.00 201.00
Annie Levene 1245 13th St NW
Washington, DC 200055181
Rising Tide Interactive / Partner
04/16/2015 250.00 250.00
Susan Cornell Wilkes 250 Turners Xrd S Apt 327
Golden Valley, Minnesota 554161144
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/13/2015 100.00 385.00
William Dombrowski 110 Bank St Apt 4A
New York, New York 100142153
Misys / Consultant
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lisa Bernstein 4401 Cathedral Ave NW
Washington, DC 200163562
Learnzillion / Educator
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Phillip Pettis PO Box 52023
Atlanta, Georgia 303550023
Self-Employed / Home Builder
05/13/2015 600.00 600.00
Stacey Becker 7331 Baker St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152061000
Carnegie Mellon University / Research Administrator
05/16/2015 50.00 201.59
Barbara Norfleet 1 Bowdoin St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021381705
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/27/2015 200.00 1200.00
Anne Zachritz 828 NW 16th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731066402
Andrews Davis, P.C. / Attorney
04/12/2015 100.00 210.00
Henry Richardson 5773 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 770571501
DEFINE body & mind / Owner/Founder
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Johnna Adams 2590 35th St Apt 4K
Astoria, New York 111034828
Tata Group / Writer
04/13/2015 250.00 1250.00
Samatha Miranda 4700 Tassajara Rd Apt 3111
Dublin, California 945684529
GoldToe Inc. / Store Manager
06/30/2015 20.00 203.00
Richie Jackson 400 W 12th St
New York, New York 100141798
Jackson Group Entertainment / TV Producer/Writer
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Christine Singer 4 Cherokee Trl
Andover, New Jersey 078215816
N/A / Retired
06/19/2015 16.00 201.69
Eileen Reiss 6007 Park Pl
Schenectady, New York 123035316
Eddy Village Green / Social Worker
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Jacqueline Duffy 1314 W Pleasant St
Knoxville, Iowa 501383316
Knoxville Comunity S / Teacher
06/30/2015 116.00 216.00
Mary-Ellen Fargnoli 727 Monroe St Apt 204
Hoboken, New Jersey 070306372
Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals / Sales
06/30/2015 25.00 249.00
Barbara Sockey 46739 Abington Ter
Potomac Falls, Virginia 201657547
N/A / Retired
04/23/2015 10.00 410.00
Teri Voyna 4355 Aspen Hills Cir Usa
Bettendorf, Iowa 527222180
N/A / Homemaker
06/28/2015 62.69 344.10
Edward Leonard 1501 Doyle Carlton Dr Apt 410
Tampa, Florida 336024308
Florida Wellness Medical Group / Chiropractic Physician
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Debra Giammona 2126 Kinross Cv
Germantown, Tennessee 381393427
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital / Computer Programmer
04/13/2015 250.00 383.56
Kacie Hall 2036 S Patterson St
Sioux City, Iowa 511062958
Walmart / Manager
06/03/2015 75.80 201.80
Vincent Agustin 5212 Chapel Dr NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871144666
Walgreens / Pharmacist
06/10/2015 5.00 213.21
Jocelyn Cunningham 76 Middle Beach Rd W
Madison, Connecticut 064432913
Deloitte & Touche LLP / Consultant
06/19/2015 250.00 250.00
Fatima Zohra Rachidi 20500 McGees Ferry Way
Sterling, Virginia 201655141
The Gabriel Company, LLC / Senior Vice President
04/20/2015 500.00 500.00
John Fogelman 10880 Wilshire Blvd Ste 800
Los Angeles, California 900244124
FactoryMade Ventures / Proprietor
04/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Edge 207 Marshall Ter
Danville, Virginia 245412808
Dollar General / Manager
06/28/2015 30.00 208.85
Laura Faer 726 Neilson St
Berkeley, California 947071814
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/26/2015 100.00 250.00
Lynne MacDonald 907 Ivy Ct
Bellevue, Nebraska 680054720
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
S.D. Christman Lavin 9 Lattingtown Woods Ct
Locust Valley, New York 115601319
SUNY Stony Brook / Thinker
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Kenneth Downing 1330 Club Cir
Dallas, Texas 752082619
Neiman Marcus / Senior Executive Fashion Director
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jay Feldman 417 NE 29th St
Wilton Manors, Florida 333342045
Fannie Mae / Sales Representative
04/13/2015 250.00 466.00
Betsy Cohn 1111 Park Avenue Apartment 11B
New York, New York 10128
N/A / Homemaker
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jo Ann Nestor 3547 Bayshore Blvd NE
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337035511
Charles Rutenberg / Owner
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Janet Graham 25 Fairview Ave
Verona, New Jersey 070441341
Fairview Insurance / Marketing
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Chloe Moretz 9663 Santa Monica Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 902104303
Self-Employed / Actor
06/28/2015 250.00 350.00
George Yeich 1517 Hill Rd 3K United States
Reading, Pennsylvania 196021411
Walmart / Manager
06/19/2015 10.00 1278.80
Algernon V. Bhoomz 66 Orange Rd
Montclair, New Jersey 070422112
Columbia / CEO
06/13/2015 150.00 410.00
Emily Bengtson 3524 13th St NW
Washington, DC 200102287
Hillary for America / Digital Strategist
04/12/2015 25.00 269.90
Bonnie Datt 666 Greenwich St
New York, New York 100146329
Self-Employed / Writer
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Melissa Myers 1152 Cambridge Way
Pickerington, Ohio 431478817
Nationwide Children's Hospital / Nurse/Medic - Critical Care Transport
06/03/2015 10.00 202.29
Tanya Saban 10100 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 2600
Los Angeles, California 900674000
Saban Capital Group / Director of Development, Saban Family
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Bowd 157 Commercial St
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026572031
Self-Employed / Hotelier
06/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joanne Alcorn 5 Eagles Nest
Winter Haven, Florida 338811233
N/A / Retired
04/27/2015 250.00 250.00
Carol Daniel 11 Southwind Ct
Niceville, Florida 325784807
Retired / Teacher
04/24/2015 10.00 227.25
Stacy Maddox 1023 N Royal St Unit 108
Alexandria, Virginia 223141589
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/12/2015 250.00 450.00
Susan Winer 950 W Berwyn Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606402580
Strategic Philanthropy,Ltd / Principal
06/28/2015 50.00 450.00
Susan Bailey 7820 Baymeadows Rd E 117 United States
Jacksonville, Florida 322564637
Philip Morris Management Inc. / Retired
06/27/2015 5.00 202.31
J. Eric Thompson 2062 Club Lake Dr
Orange Park, Florida 320652642
Oakleaf Family Chiropractic / Chiropractor
05/22/2015 500.00 500.00
Carey Lorenzo 67 Rivergate Way
Long Branch, New Jersey 077408502
N/A / Not Employed
06/27/2015 25.00 240.00
Elizabeth McEldowney 1637 E Montoya Ln
Phoenix, Arizona 850244325
Western Refining / Controller
06/30/2015 5.00 205.00
Troy Carter 10351 Washington Blvd
Culver City, California 902323149
Atom Factory / Media Executive
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frederick Scarboro 3011 Oregon Knolls Dr NW
Washington, DC 200152211
Arete Capital / Partner
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carolyn Geer 151 Central Park W Apt 12W
New York, New York 100231577
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 150.00 300.00
Ian Sigalow 301 E 64th St Apt 9G
New York, New York 100656776
Greycroft LLC / Venture Capitalist
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Eric Johnson 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd Apt 11A
Dallas, Texas 752195513
Dallas Independent School District / Educator
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joy Peterson 807 Heyrman St
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543022421
U.S. Postal Service / Retired Mail Carrier
05/08/2015 50.00 201.89
Kristin Hansen 1510 Gabriel Dr United States
Waukesha, Wisconsin 531883658
ACLU of Wisconsin / Fundraiser
04/12/2015 25.00 230.00
Lynne Garrison 1800 Old Fort Rd
Greenville, North Carolina 278349373
Greenville Plastic Surgery / Physician
05/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Clinton Creasy 51 Hawthorne St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024781951
Retired / Hair Care
04/16/2015 100.00 327.50
Corey Day 1367 Willow St Apt 242
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032576
Minnesota DFL / Executive Director
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Wayne Miles 4670 Williams Wharf Rd
Saint Leonard, Maryland 206853044
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/29/2015 100.00 300.00
Karen Hofmesiter 2121 Kirby Dr Unit 97
Houston, Texas 770196067
Global Leadership Network / CEO
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Eric Gershman 8695 NW 76th Pl
Tamarac, Florida 333212457
Self-Employed / Physician
04/13/2015 5.00 201.89
Mary De La Pena 1342 Stanford St Apt 8
Santa Monica, California 904042541
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/08/2015 200.00 350.00
Kyle Brazil 1415 2nd Ave
New York, New York 100213773
Cornell University / Graduate Student
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Marius Muresanu 276 Riverside Dr Apt 6G
New York, New York 100255208
Self-Employed / Fine Arts
06/23/2015 250.00 250.00
Raymond Rolwing 518 Palmer Ct
Crestview Hills, Kentucky 410173481
University of Cincinnati / Professor
04/27/2015 250.00 400.00
Janice Radder 2660 Carman Crest Dr
Hollywood, California 900682607
Self-Employed / Psychologist
04/25/2015 25.00 225.00
Jan McQuary 100 Alsace Cv
Little Rock, Arkansas 722239573
Retired / Teacher
06/30/2015 250.00 270.16
Susan Lynham 8 Balwyn Pl
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 190043109

06/03/2015 2450.00 2700.00
Lynn Schafran 54 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100246509
Legal Momentum / Attorney
06/29/2015 500.00 500.00
Ann Langley 728 Battery Pl
Alexandria, Virginia 223143827
Retired / Health Policy Consultant
04/12/2015 100.00 325.00
Lola Levoy 2170 Century Park E Apt 1412
Los Angeles, California 900672246
Beverly Hills Escrow / Escrow Officer
04/20/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Judith Campbell 54 Samson Ave
Madison, New Jersey 079402840
New York Life Insurance Company / Retired
06/22/2015 100.00 400.00
Mary Ellen Moorman 5001 Walking Stick Rd
Ellicott City, Maryland 210438036
McTague Associates, Inc. / Sales/Customer Service
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Pamela Smith 1206 Stonnell Pl
Alexandria, Virginia 223023128
N/A / Homemaker
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peggie Porter 1511 Crystal Rd
Charlotte, North Carolina 282055527
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Patricia Talmadge 789 Hammond Dr
Atlanta, Georgia 303288161
N/A / Retired
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
James Fernandes 9043 Laurel Ridge Dr
Mount Dora, Florida 327579108
Lake Health Care Center / Chiropractic Physician
05/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Alpert 145 Laurel Grove Ave
Kentfield, California 949041540
ICONIQ Capital / Wealth Manager
06/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Matthew Harris 100 W 80th St Apt 9B
New York, New York 100246347
Bain Capital / Investing
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ellen Brantley 3210 Edgerstoune Ln
Little Rock, Arkansas 722054312
N/A / Retired
04/27/2015 1000.00 1020.16
Kirvin Satterwhite 823 N Avenida Palos Verdes
Palm Springs, California 922625713
Caregivers Home Health / Owner
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ellen Lautenberg 10 Woody Ln
Westport, Connecticut 068802259
N/A / Volunteer
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alice Rutherford 60 Vista Wood Dr
Dadeville, Alabama 368534717
N/A / Retired
05/29/2015 25.00 524.54
Christopher Ferranti 1481 Gamay Cir
Oakley, California 945611984
Bank of the West / Marketing Operations Manager
06/13/2015 31.49 201.49
Susan Cameron 835 S Lucerne Blvd Apt 206
Los Angeles, California 900053793
N/A / Retired
04/20/2015 500.00 500.00
Garbo Lee 96 Baxter St Apt 12C
New York, New York 100134486
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2015 100.00 300.00
Karima Zedan 732 Cornelia Pl
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191184109
Comcast Corporation / Program Director, Internet Essentials
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Martha Pelaez 2805 Santa Esperanza
Mission, Texas 785727542
Castrillon Family Clinic / Administrator
05/01/2015 500.00 500.00
Jason Gallourakis 2711 Redding Rd
Columbus, Ohio 432213131
Nationwide / Assistant Vice President
04/12/2015 250.00 500.00
Lindy Staub 706 E Walnut St
Sisseton, South Dakota 572622139
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Mike Anderson 1733 Wells Dr NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871124874
Self-Employed / Anesthetist
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Lillie Schechter 4929 Feagan St
Houston, Texas 770077261
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/16/2015 50.00 350.00
Nancy Miller Thompson 1782 11th Ave
Sacramento, California 958184164
Miller & Owen / Partner
05/11/2015 1350.00 2700.00
Katheryn Michael 6103 Wigmore Ln Unit F
Alexandria, Virginia 223155202
Retired Federal Government Employee / Nurse
06/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Helene Rosenfeld 201 E 69th St
New York, New York 100215471
N/A / Homemaker
06/30/2015 250.00 350.00
Lilli Kalmenson 5031 Brewster Dr
Tarzana, California 913563901
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Diane Keafer 11772 Willow View Ct
Pickerington, Ohio 431479623
American Electric Power / Engineer
04/12/2015 10.00 216.23
Edwin Mueller 5204 NW 141st St
Vancouver, Washington 986851589
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Ryan Mensing 160 Cabrini Blvd Apt 117
New York, New York 100331145
Moody's Corporation / Attorney
06/17/2015 200.00 300.00
Steve McElroy 1113 Bridge Rd
Charleston, West Virginia 253141307
West Virginia Legislature / Crimes Victory Advocate
04/13/2015 25.00 235.00
Hovannes Kechian 4016 Edenhurst Ave
Los Angeles, California 900391431
County Of Los Angeles / GAIN Services Worker
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Isabelle Gell-Levey 19 Emery St
Medford, Massachusetts 021555306
Brandeis University / PhD Student
04/26/2015 10.00 250.00
David Welden 828 Indiana Ave
Iowa Falls, Iowa 501261600
N/A / Retired
06/19/2015 100.00 575.00
Jonathan Gifford 12848 Council Bluff Dr
Austin, Texas 787272614
Standard Pacific Mortgage / Mortgage Lender
06/30/2015 100.00 236.69
Annie Neal 901 Leblanc Ct
Nashville, Tennessee 372215325
Meharry Medical College / Retired Education Administrator/Profes
05/01/2015 250.00 625.00
Timothy Beavers 7090 SW 16th St
Plantation, Florida 333175082
McFann and Beavers PA / Attorney
06/29/2015 100.00 310.00
Kathryn Wengel 1941 Blue Water Ter S
Pompano Beach, Florida 330627683
Johnson & Johnson / Vice President
06/28/2015 50.00 300.00
Galit Sacajiu 247 W 87th St
New York, New York 100242847
ARC of Rockland / Physician
06/19/2015 100.00 285.00
Carolyn Ruth 7830 E Lake Rd
Erie, Pennsylvania 165111631
N/A / Retired
05/04/2015 500.00 500.00
Mark Yockey 23 E 74th St Apt 16A
New York, New York 100212618
Artisan Partners / Managing Director
04/24/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Zacharia Manare 1103 N Jamestown Rd Apt C
Decatur, Georgia 300333659
N/A / Retired
05/08/2015 500.00 500.00
Sholeh Sadru 20 Rochelle
Newport Coast, California 926570108
Planet Beauty / Owner
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Phyllis A Scarsone 2474 Burgundy St
New Orleans, Louisiana 701177851
N/A / Retired
06/18/2015 500.00 500.00
Elli Klein 6809 Mayfaire Club Dr Unit 203
Wilmington, North Carolina 284058330
Not Employed / Planner
06/29/2015 146.00 221.48
Marcia Wilf 1 Claridge Dr PH 24
Verona, New Jersey 070443050
Self-Employed / Education Consultant/Philanthropist/An
04/27/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Roslyn Meyer 50 Old Quarry Rd
Guilford, Connecticut 064373706
Self-Employed / Psychologist/Photographer
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William R. Sweeney, Jr. 815 N Patrick St Unit 311
Alexandria, Virginia 223146436
International Foundation for Electoral / Chief Executive Officer
05/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
David Klein 900 Bay Dr Apt 202
Miami Beach, Florida 331415630
Self-Employed / Interior Designer
04/12/2015 100.00 275.00
Denise Coughlin 4 Washington Pl
Plattsburgh, New York 129014234
Clinton Community College / Professor of Sociology / Human Service
06/23/2015 100.00 205.00
Dmitriy Niyazov 5649 Lake Park Way Unit 306
La Mesa, California 919421934
First King International / Information Requested
05/18/2015 216.00 216.00
Wilma Hughes 26 County Road 4070
Oxford, Mississippi 386556307
Self-Employed / Real Estate
04/16/2015 250.00 250.00
Smita Shah 840 N Lake Shore Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606112489
SPAAN Tech / Engineer
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rafael Lantigua, MD 102 Orchard Ave
Emerson, New Jersey 076301221
Columbia University / Physician
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Doug Haloftis 4626 Cherokee Trl
Dallas, Texas 752091907
Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP / Attorney
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Maxine Myers 93 Giordano Dr
West Orange, New Jersey 070524118
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 50.00 225.00
James Fielding 701 N Patencio Rd
Palm Springs, California 922624357
Dreamworks Animation / Consumer Products
06/30/2015 50.00 250.00
Jeffrey Wright 200 Park Ave S Fl 8
New York, New York 100031526
Self-Employed / Actor
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Charles Morris 26 Alcala Dr
Brick, New Jersey 087237601
Self-Employed / Academic
05/30/2015 49.90 309.90
Emily Syfrett 225 W 5th Ave
Tallahassee, Florida 323036126
Blue Sol Yoga and Massage / Yoga Teacher
04/13/2015 10.00 231.77
Dale Vieregge 1444 Church St NW United States
Washington, DC 200051973
Aquilent, Inc. / Lead Consultant, Digital Strategy & Co
05/11/2015 5.00 213.19
Paula Rodgers 3002 Dona Susana Dr
Studio City, California 916044352
Kaiser Permanente / Physician
06/13/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Wayne Jebian 13130 Lorene Ct
Mountain View, California 940403966
CVS Health / Cashier
06/28/2015 76.00 255.00
Martha Pulley 3224 Patterson Ave
Richmond, Virginia 232212317
N/A / Retired
06/25/2015 25.00 1025.00
Lyle Poncher 11111 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 1800
Los Angeles, California 900250465
Voyager Management / Investment Manager
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Speck 25 Sutton Pl
New York, New York 100222423
Columbia University / Physician
06/12/2015 50.00 201.25
Matt Terry 8833 Perimeter Park Blvd
Jacksonville, Florida 322161109
MFG / VP, Business Development
05/22/2015 500.00 500.00
Jane Robertson Evia 1906 Lacy Ln
Blacksburg, Virginia 240602623
Virginia Tech / Professor
04/13/2015 25.00 203.00
Laurie Hernandez 1340 Crest Rd
Libertyville, Illinois 600481515
Baxter Healthcare / Executive
06/09/2015 25.00 2316.41
Veronica Stuart 900 228th Ave NE Unit 8D
Sammamish, Washington 980743332
Amazon.com, Inc / Senior UX Researcher
06/30/2015 50.00 228.00
Ward Wagner 1753 Flagler Manor Cir
West Palm Bch, Florida 334115111
N/A / Retired
04/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Tamara Lloyd 6215 Kennedy Dr
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156507
N/A / Retired
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Wilhelm 1617 35th St NW
Washington, DC 200072316
Retired / Consultant
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Wickham 509 Linden Ave
Sistersville, West Virginia 261751022
N/A / Not Employed
06/30/2015 18.00 256.00
David Cramer 630 Leonard St
Brooklyn, New York 112226211
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP / Legal Assistant
06/28/2015 120.00 220.00
Judith Doherty 1620 N Washington Ave
Scranton, Pennsylvania 185091957
N/A / Homemaker
04/26/2015 200.00 1000.00
Theodore Novak 203 N La Salle St
Chicago, Illinois 606011267
DLA Piper LLP / Attorney
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Melissa Bishop-murphy 5107 Crescent Cove Ln
Mableton, Georgia 301267623
Pfizer, Inc. / Government Relations Director
06/04/2015 500.00 500.00
William A. Slaughter 420 Rex Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191183723
Ballard Spahr LLP / Attorney
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Stephen Musselwhite 102 N Mitchell Rd
Vinton, Virginia 241791838
Musselwhite & Associates, Inc. / Real Estate Investor
05/11/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jay Footlik 5308 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, Virginia 222051116
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Louis Bowen 3602 Allenton Rd
Wildwood, Missouri 630693132
Asia Capital Management Limited / Banker
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brinda Kempton 1848 E Loma Alta Dr
Altadena, California 910012140
Warner Bros Entertainment, Inc. / Vice President, Residuals
04/14/2015 100.00 0.00
Stella Gilbertson 265 W Westminster
Lake Forest, Illinois 600452126
N/A / Student
06/28/2015 11.09 201.09
Heidi Sterner 3402 Cinnamon Creek Ave
North Las Vegas, Nevada 890313520
United Healthcare Nevada / Sales
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Danielle Greenberg PO Box 557
Cross River, New York 105180557
PepsiCo / Scientist
04/12/2015 500.00 550.00
Lisa Henderson 1430 Diamond St
San Francisco, California 941311826
Salesforce / Marketing Executive
06/30/2015 1200.00 2275.00
Ben Kreader 4027 Holly Knoll Dr
Los Angeles, California 900273219
21st Century Fox / IT Vice President
05/22/2015 100.00 250.00
Kathryn Ackley 336 S Harvey Ave
Oak Park, Illinois 603023522
Self Employed / Author
06/09/2015 250.00 1791.27
Gail Newel 343 Soquel Ave
Santa Cruz, California 950622355
Central California Faculty Medical Gro / Physician
06/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Herma Kay 1440 Montgomery St Apt 41
San Francisco, California 941333222
UC Berkley School of Law / Professor of Law
04/27/2015 500.00 500.00
Debbie Sassoon 1945 S La Cienega Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900341601
The Coffee Bean / Director of Product Innovation
06/18/2015 1350.00 4050.00
Sujo Offield 8 10th St Apt 3706
San Francisco, California 941031442
Retired / Hairstylist
06/12/2015 50.00 250.00
Kathlyn Barksdale PO Box 122
Conyers, Georgia 300120122
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kerry Rieder-McLaughlin 2957 Heather Lane
Montgomery, Illinois 60538
Law Offices of McLaughlin & Associates / Human Resources Consultant
06/17/2015 50.00 244.18
James H. Pugh, Jr. 359 Carolina Ave
Winter Park, Florida 327893145
Epoch Properties / Real Estate
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Annie Sinkfield 14535 Owl Ct
Victorville, California 923947622
N/A / Retired
05/18/2015 236.16 236.16
Alice Rutherford 60 Vista Wood Dr
Dadeville, Alabama 368534717
N/A / Retired
06/17/2015 25.00 524.54
Anna Mattson 2982 Bayshore Dr
Tallahassee, Florida 323092204
Spider Data Services / Software Consulting
06/10/2015 100.00 600.00
Joseph Farray 221 Shearwater Isle
Foster City, California 944041431
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/04/2015 300.00 300.00
Toni Verstandig 5212 Upton Ter NW
Washington, DC 200161944
Aspen Institute / Executive Director, Middle East Progra
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Julia Spiro 1404 1/2 N Laurel Ave
West Hollywood, California 900463811
Warner Bros / Creative Executive
04/13/2015 100.00 400.00
Susan Newton 3625 10th St N Unit 704
Arlington, Virginia 222014461
Credit Union National / Executive
04/16/2015 1045.00 1045.00
Gary Walters 333 S Doheny Dr
Los Angeles, California 900483753
Bold Films / Film Producer
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Patricia Kenner 720 Park Ave
New York, New York 100214954
Campus Coach Lines / President
04/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Joseph Sucher 3116 Gracefield Rd Apt 421
Silver Spring, Maryland 209045811
N/A / Retired
04/30/2015 101.00 201.00
Anna Youngerman 3956 Versailles Ct
Eagan, Minnesota 551231490
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of MN / Director, Advocacy/Policy
04/20/2015 500.00 525.00
Y. Trung Tran 6611 S 5th Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 850415755
ON Semiconductor / Retired Principal Engineer
04/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Francis Butler 1318 Delafield Pl NW
Washington, DC 200114419
American Plant / Manager
04/12/2015 250.00 450.00
Jose C Lopez 7120 4th St NW
Los Ranchos, New Mexico 871076642
Minuteman Design Service / Owner
06/03/2015 50.00 2750.00
Gail Spangenberg 440 E 23rd St Apt 11C
New York, New York 100105004
National Council for Adult Learning / Educator, Non-Profit Executive
06/13/2015 100.00 400.00
Virginia McAllister 1923 E Joyce Blvd Apt 135
Fayetteville, Arkansas 727035168
N/A / Retired
05/04/2015 1000.00 1000.00
James R. Patzke 4651 N Greenview Ave Apt 412
Chicago, Illinois 606407944
Nordic Consulting / Project Manager
06/12/2015 50.00 263.85
Rudolph Murillo 630 Margarita Ave
Coronado, California 921182321
UC San Diego / Director of Government Relations
04/20/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Rebeen Pasha 9318 Jan St
Manassas Park, Virginia 201112476
Self-Employed / International Health & Development
06/04/2015 500.00 950.00
Patrice Horstman 2200 N Marion Dr
Flagstaff, Arizona 860011371
Hufford and Horstman / Lawyer
04/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Patricia Fersch 105 Stanton St Apt 2L
New York, New York 100021577
Fersch Petitti LLC / Attorney
05/16/2015 100.00 318.09
Guy Cecil 1432 T St NW
Washington, DC 200093906
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Chris Larkin 2607 NE 8th Ave Apt 43
Wilton Manors, Florida 333342591
Anthem, Inc. / Engineer
04/12/2015 50.00 272.89
Andre Rattray 1027 Lake Doe Blvd
Apopka, Florida 327031668
Fairwinds Credit Union / Financial Services
06/04/2015 250.00 250.00
Daniel Michalek 1459 Alma Loop
San Jose, California 951251771
Apollo Education Group, Inc. / Paralegal
04/23/2015 50.00 247.49
Matthew Karatz 1129 Angelo Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902102703
Quarter Group, LLC / Real Estate
06/17/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Christopher Rothko 37 W 83rd St
New York, New York 100245201
Self-Employed / Writer/Arts Management
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lauren Bazel 4321 Tarpon Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223093134
The Alpine Group / Consultant
06/15/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Mary Guy 7065 W Pineview Dr
Littleton, Colorado 801259633
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/08/2015 100.00 250.00
Samuel Wismer PO Box 1340
St Petersburg, Florida 337311340
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/05/2015 250.00 250.00
Carrie Solages 9 Dawson Dr
Valley Stream, New York 115812939
Solages & Solages PC / Attorney
05/31/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mary Carpenter 12245 N Antelope Run Rd
Prescott, Arizona 863059447
N/A / Retired
05/01/2015 450.00 450.00
David Berg 1057 Goodale Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 432123830
David M Berg Ltd / Designer
06/15/2015 58.72 333.72
Kath Delaney 275 Lake Dr
Kensington, California 947081152
Madera Group / Consultant
06/28/2015 25.00 210.00
Carolyn Kelly 1008 S 47th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191433602
N/A / Retired
04/16/2015 250.00 250.00
Ernesto Anguilla 51 Cypress St
Newton, Massachusetts 024592232
Bain Capital, LLC / SVP Global Communications
06/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alice Oliver 404 Gulf St
Milford, Connecticut 064607201
Yale University / Retired
05/28/2015 100.00 360.00
Angela Perkins 615 N Beverly Ln
Arlington Heights, Illinois 600045704
Salter / CFO
06/22/2015 250.00 250.00
Anthony Newland PO Box 1971
Palm Springs, California 922631971
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mimi Crowell 30 5th Ave Apt 6F
New York, New York 100118809
Self-Employed / Psychoanalyst
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Barbara Moody PO Box 55
Salem, Arkansas 725760055
N/A / Volunteer
06/04/2015 1579.84 2870.16
Patricia Gunderson 24266 Willimet Way
Hayward, California 945441139
University of California, San Francisc / Human Resources Analyst
04/16/2015 100.00 225.00
Suzie Bell 699 County Road 140
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 726329111
Retired / Speech language pathologist
05/29/2015 25.00 232.89
Jane Norris 4021 Sunnybrook Dr
Nashville, Tennessee 372053834
N/A / Retired
05/28/2015 200.00 600.00
Bridget Siegel 222 W 83rd St Apt 8G
New York, New York 100244915
Self-Employed / Writer/Consultant
04/16/2015 25.00 2123.98
Gurdit Saini 838 N Broad St
Carlinville, Illinois 626261076
Self-Employed / Business
06/15/2015 5.00 205.00
Chris Mancill 615 N Jefferson St
Arlington, Virginia 222051125
Amgen / Executive Director, Health Policy
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $38840010.85
Total Memo Amount $259175.84
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Thu Feb 13 15:23:09 2025