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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 38617 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 17501 through 18000

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Eric Johnson 4833 Montgomery Ave.
Downers Grove, Illinois 60515
N/A / Homemaker
06/16/2015 236.23 236.23
Norma Krayem 7904 16th St NW
Washington, DC 200121210
Squire Patton Boggs / Principal
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Otis Mc Ghee 8444 Spencers Trace Ct
Jacksonville, Florida 322445931
Information Requested / Information Requested Insufficient Funds
05/28/2015 -100.00 400.00
Susan Thomas 1871 Camino A Los Cerros
Menlo Park, California 940255918
Self-Employed / Marketing
04/29/2015 2600.00 2781.33
Peter Kellner 15 Jubilee Place United Kingdom SW3 3TD
London, ____
N/A / Retired
05/11/2015 500.00 2700.00
Nancy Gelles 1 Grove Isle Dr Apt 1803
Miami, Florida 331334106
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Nir Kaissar 2032 Belmont Rd NW Apt 507
Washington, DC 200095416
Unison Advisors LLC / Investment Manager
05/06/2015 500.00 500.00
Steven Schram 3030 K St NW
Washington, DC 200075104
Shapiro Lifschitz And Schram, PC / Attorney
05/07/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Leslie Gilbert-Lurie 16030 Ventura Blvd Ste 380
Encino, California 914362778
Self-Employed / Writer
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jessica Fasman 4335 York Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900413219
Self-Employed / Costume Supervisor
04/13/2015 100.00 300.00
James Stuart 170 Westview Rd
Winnetka, Illinois 600933733
N/A / Retired
06/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Dan Reicher 359 El Cerrito Ave
Piedmont, California 946114103
Stanford University / Executive Director and Professor
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carolyn Summers 63 Ferndale Dr
Hastings On Hudson, New York 107061909
Debevoise & Plimpton / Attorney
06/24/2015 400.00 400.00
Dennis Picciano 10 Main Ter
Bloomfield, New Jersey 070034012
City Of Passaic / EMT
06/19/2015 25.00 214.14
Sarah Martin 200 Leeder Hill Dr Apt 217
Hamden, Connecticut 065172726
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Elizabeth Forminard 13 Pitney Dr
Mendham, New Jersey 079453026
Johnson & Johnson LLP / Attorney
06/29/2015 500.00 500.00
William Vrattos 3 E 71st St Apt 7-8C
New York, New York 100214154
York Capital Management / Partner/Portfolio Manager
05/07/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Laura Strathmann 5823 N Mesa St
El Paso, Texas 799124607
State of Texas / Judge
06/30/2015 1300.00 2700.00
Scott Dacko 6410 Waring Ave
Los Angeles, California 900383521
Cineca / Producer
06/16/2015 250.00 0.00
John Terlingo 2728 Welborn St Apt 231
Dallas, Texas 752194843
Indoor Cycling Studio / Owner
06/30/2015 101.00 201.00
Omer Er 300 Mass Ave NW Apt 1101
Washington, DC 200012692
Middle Bridge Partners / Managing Partner
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Patti Tackett 2674 Rodman Dr
Los Osos, California 934024210
U.S. Army / Retired, Law Student
05/20/2015 10.00 205.00
Judith Wenger 108 Felder Dr
Hammond, Louisiana 704035111
Anderson & Boutwell / Attorney
06/26/2015 10.00 201.00
Francisco Domenech Garden Hills Norte Calle Montebell
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00966
Politank / Lawyer
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anne Sandbach PO Box 4957
Petaluma, California 949554957
Steven Barclay Agency / Administrator
06/30/2015 111.00 211.00
Susan Hertzberg 25 Montrose Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105831129
Boston Heart Diagnostics / Executive
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frances Fusco PO Box 128
Hillsdale, New York 125290128
Self-Employed / Communications Director/Coach
04/22/2015 100.00 1849.00
Steven Stone 5 Terry Hill Ln
Saint Louis, Missouri 631312422
Stone, Leyton & Gershman / Attorney
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dennis Wold 4615 Orchid Ln N
Plymouth, Minnesota 554462117
Fairview Health Services / Medical Laboratory Scientist
06/15/2015 5.00 273.42
Thomas O Fitzpatrick 6453 Woodcrest Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191512408
Mincey & Fitzpatrick, LLC. / Attorney
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Mark Skidmore 150 E 18th St
New York, New York 100032444
Bully Pulpit Interactive / Advertising
04/18/2015 100.00 500.40
Bridget Stennis 6019 Wooster Ave
Los Angeles, California 900561433
Volkswagen Santa Monica / Sales Person
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Kerry Brown 3661 Alomar Dr
Sherman Oaks, California 914234946
Self-Employed / Producer
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Boarman 615 Tower Bank Rd
Severna Park, Maryland 211463511
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/05/2015 25.00 575.00
Alban Salaman 4210 Ingomar St NW
Washington, DC 200151948
Holland & Knight / Attorney
04/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Pamela Buffett 1016 Chevy Chase Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902102708
N/A / Retired
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Stephen Maack 2872 Nicada Dr
Los Angeles, California 900772024
REAP Change Consultants / Owner and Lead Consultant
06/15/2015 77.00 327.70
John Jepsen 74 W 131st St
New York, New York 100373633
DAI / Consultant
05/11/2015 250.00 250.00
Vikas Arora 3905 Alta Mesa Dr
Studio City, California 916044010
Avery Dennison Corp. / Lawyer
05/05/2015 250.00 250.00
David Noll 9151 Larston St
Houston, Texas 770556413
Hagan Noll & Boyle LLC / Attorney
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Judith Kelley 821 NW 11th Ave Apt 321
Portland, Oregon 972093230
N/A / Retired
05/20/2015 2025.00 2025.00
Joseph Cervantes 2610 S Espina St
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880015616
Cervantes Law Firm PC / Attorney
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Heather Freyer 284 Douglass St
San Francisco, California 941142439
Youngs Market Co / Executive Vice President of Sales
06/22/2015 26.09 2626.09
Tanya van Sant 125 Cedar St
New York, New York 100061017
ArtBase / President
06/10/2015 10.00 1210.00
David Filimonow 12114 Andrew Sater Rd
Everett, Washington 982085849
Seattle Times / Single Copy Driver
05/27/2015 50.00 201.00
Denis Mukoka 102 Choptank Ct Unit A5
Cary, North Carolina 275133206
Wake County Public School System / Building Assistant Manager/Custodian
06/05/2015 3.00 892.09
Hanu Tran 37 N Orange Ave Ste 500
Orlando, Florida 328012459
Discovery Litigation Services / Consultant
06/03/2015 250.00 250.00
Julia Hartz 3450 Sacramento St
San Francisco, California 941181914
Eventbrite / President
06/16/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Sue Acri PO Box 3340
Ocean City, Maryland 218433340
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/25/2015 100.00 260.00
Michael Peck 107 S West St
Alexandria, Virginia 223142824
MAPA Group / Founder & Principal
06/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rafael Velasquez 200 Biscayne Boulevard Way Apt 4612
Miami, Florida 331312165
Self-Employed / Real Estate Broker/Agent
05/11/2015 500.00 500.00
Brady King 1819 Belmont Rd NW Apt 1
Washington, DC 200095191
American Institute of CPAs / Director, Political Affairs
06/11/2015 500.00 500.00
Daniel Bergeson 40 Bear Gulch Dr
Portola Valley, California 940287905
Bergeson, LLP / Attorney
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joan Mandelbaum 4 Sheffield Ct
Livingston, New Jersey 070394208
N/A / Retired
05/26/2015 141.25 641.25
Martin Durbin 3307 Wake Dr
Kensington, Maryland 208953218
America's Natural Gas Alliance / Executive
06/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Margo Winkler 840 Loma Vista Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902102920
N/A / Homemaker
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lorrie Mackain 401 SE 4th Ave
Delray Beach, Florida 334834429
Infogroup / Sales
05/25/2015 250.00 625.00
Mary Moran 5501 Sayle St Apt 159
Greenville, Texas 754026372
Lawrence Merchandising / Retail Merchandiser
06/23/2015 75.00 675.00
Deepa Lalla 2790 Louis Rd
Palo Alto, California 943033659
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/10/2015 89.54 2889.54
Patrick Duffy PO Box 14983
Las Vegas, Nevada 891144983
Diamond Resorts International / Executive
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michelle Ott 14820 Stonebriar Way
Orlando, Florida 328265327
Self-Employed / Chiropractor
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cera Osterhout 742 W Swanzey Rd
Swanzey, New Hampshire 034463247
Citywide Home Loans / Mortgage Underwriter
04/15/2015 25.00 201.00
Dina Farouki 9005 Old Dominion Dr
McLean, Virginia 221021015
N/A / Homemaker
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David R Sicular 19 W 87th St
New York, New York 100243005
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garris / Lawyer
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Bonnie Jenkins 3695 Ketchum Ct
Woodbridge, Virginia 221931064
U.S. Department of State / Foreign Affairs
05/15/2015 25.00 510.00
Elizabeth Emery 476 E Canal St
Peru, Indiana 469702538
N/A / Disabled
05/03/2015 25.00 208.00
Armando Oliver 10 2 Salamanca Street Torrimar
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00966
University of Puerto Rico / Ophthalmologist
05/25/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Thomas Prather 8857 New Castle Dr
Fort Myers, Florida 339085658
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/26/2015 216.00 216.00
Allen Benedetti 1910 Sacramento St
Vallejo, California 945903122
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 5.00 205.00
Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. 85 Mount Vernon St
Boston, Massachusetts 021081330
Continental Cablevision / Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brian Coriz PO Box 310
Santo Domingo Pueb, New Mexico 870520310
Santo Domingo Pueblo / Tribal Official
06/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frann Lichtenstein 1B N West Oak Dr
Houston, Texas 770562119
Self-Employed / Investments
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mark Rudd 12 W 10th St Apt 1
New York, New York 100118446
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/23/2015 100.00 2800.00
David Silvers 550 SE Mizner Blvd
Boca Raton, Florida 334326078
Teknobooks / CEO
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Margaret Jaret 328 Fairhills Dr
San Rafael, California 949011111
Self-Employed / Management Consultant
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Timothy Mason 133 E Davis St Ste 350
Culpeper, Virginia 227013090
TS Mason, LLC / Consultant
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lisa Haven 842 McIntire Ave
Zanesville, Ohio 437013347
Ohio University / English Professor
05/03/2015 100.00 201.00
Marjorie Kaiser 938 David Pl
Anchorage, Alaska 995013223
Self-Employed / CPA
05/31/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Tomas Lee 506 Southhill Blvd Unit A
Daly City, California 940141473
Infoimage Inc / Manager
04/22/2015 100.00 2965.00
Alexander Casdin 131 E 66th St
New York, New York 100656129
Reneo Capital Management LP / Founder & CEO
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane French 733 Winchester Rd
Broomall, Pennsylvania 190083432
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania / Certification Representative
04/12/2015 100.00 285.00
Linda Luksza 1890 McCloud Ave
Reno, Nevada 895121923
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/06/2015 100.00 300.00
Michele Curry 468 Riverside Dr Apt 43
New York, New York 100276851
Self-Employed / Writer
04/16/2015 400.00 400.00
Stephen Bittel 801 Arthur Godfrey Rd
Miami Beach, Florida 331403323
Terranova Corporation / Chairman
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gary Kremen 1259 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, California 940254208
Dog Patch, LLC / Engineer
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cheryl Porro 1604 Treat Ave
San Francisco, California 941105241
Salesforce.Org / SVP, Technology & Products
05/29/2015 20.00 705.00
Jennifer Brown 159 Charlton St
Arlington, Massachusetts 024767243
Self-Employed / Novelist
05/26/2015 83.10 201.10
Bruce Rollman 2106 Beechwood Blvd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152171814
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 250.00 250.00
Suzanne Phillips 4525 Barber Mill Rd
Clayton, North Carolina 275207705
Johnston County Schools / Professional Tutor
05/05/2015 50.00 216.41
Elise Hoffmann 21 Dupont Cir NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200361548
Marshfield Associates / Money Manager
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeffrey Weber 1060 Fifth Ave, Apt. 2A
New York, New York 10128
York Capital Management / Hedge Fund President & COO
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ryan Wilson 1058 Piedmont Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303093746
The Gathering Spot / CEO
05/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Boyce Davis 313 E School St
Lincoln, Arkansas 727448846
Self-Employed/Property Management / Publisher/Trial Lawyer/Entrepreneur
06/17/2015 200.00 700.00
Judson Starr 1537 30th St NW Apt D12
Washington, DC 200077009
Venable LLP / Attorney
05/05/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Samantha Green 10740 Queens Blvd Apt 5H
Forest Hills, New York 113754207
Hall Capital Partners LLC / Associate, Corporate Analytics
06/12/2015 75.00 205.00
Patricia Favreau PO Box 1412
West Tisbury, Massachusetts 025751412
Church Pension Group / Communications
04/14/2015 100.00 300.00
Philip Allison 5235 Diamond Heights Blvd Apt 221
San Francisco, California 941312142
N/A / Retired
06/26/2015 50.00 280.00
Bruce Starr 30 E 20th St Fl 6
New York, New York 100031310
BMF Media / Partner
06/16/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Stanley Grossman 2 Cedar Ter
Acton, Massachusetts 017202944
BIL / Director
05/04/2015 100.00 2700.00
Mary Scott 1152 E Phil Ellena St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191503119
N/A / Retired
04/29/2015 300.00 300.00
Robert Evans 100 Stamford Pl
Stamford, Connecticut 069026740
N/A / Retired
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John K Forester 781 Austin Ave
Oradell, New Jersey 076491407
General Aviation Company / Owner
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susan Gelman 11 W Lenox St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154208
N/A / Homemaker
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Genevieve Jopanda 15 Henry St
San Francisco, California 941141214
CA State Board of Equalization / Director of External Affairs
06/05/2015 250.00 250.00
Philip Pink 4341 Avondale Ave
Dallas, Texas 752193116
Omniom / Network Engineer
04/18/2015 750.00 750.00
Vinca Lafleur 3142 Quesada St NW
Washington, DC 200151680
West Wing Writers / Writer
06/19/2015 500.00 3200.00
Marlene Davis 29261 Briarbank Ct
Southfield, Michigan 480344627
Self-Employed / Education Consultant
05/05/2015 500.00 550.00
Juliana Hill 676 Gage Ln
North Wales, Pennsylvania 194542737
N/A / Student
06/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Robert Hess, III 4702 W McNeil St
Laveen, Arizona 853399643
Hess III Consulting / Consultant
05/25/2015 25.00 100.00
Brian Gallagher 100 Park Ter W Apt 5F
New York, New York 100341345
The Community Development Trust / Senior Vice President - Housing Financ
05/12/2015 250.00 450.00
Brenda Turner 1000 Centennial Dr
Chattanooga, Tennessee 374054256
Retired / Education
04/12/2015 350.00 350.00
Carol Phillips 11721 Mayfair Field Dr
Lutherville, Maryland 210937011
Self-Employed / Physician
04/23/2015 25.00 210.00
Poppi Massey 3632 Inverness Dr
Houston, Texas 770191102
Self-Employed / Investments
05/27/2015 700.00 2700.00
Tomi Youngblood 287 Sugar House Retreat
Mt Pleasant, South Carolina 294642766
Retired / Healthcare
06/24/2015 100.00 1700.00
Gene Stupnitsky 420 S Rossmore Ave
Los Angeles, California 900204742
Disney / Writer
04/13/2015 100.00 350.00
Donald D Gabay 20320 Fairway Oaks Dr (Boca West)
Boca Raton, Florida 334343248
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan / Counsel
05/11/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Agnes Gund 765 Park Ave Apt 14B
New York, New York 100214271
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Edith Dobelle 1 Crofut St
Pittsfield, Massachusetts 012016801
Community leader / Nonprofit Board Member
05/03/2015 2700.00 2800.00
John Rains 1201 W Peachtree St NE Ste 3900
Atlanta, Georgia 303093464
Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore LLP / Attorney
04/22/2015 100.00 2800.00
Patricia Goss 15 Marsh Rd
Tiburon, California 949202541
Retired / Consultant
05/04/2015 2690.00 2700.00
Dennis Trunfio 225 5th Ave Apt 12E
New York, New York 100101142
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP / Accountant
05/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cassie Epstein 3478 Derby Ln
Weston, Florida 333313509
N/A / Student
06/15/2015 151.25 1151.25
James Duff 501 S Beverly Dr Fl 3
Beverly Hills, California 902124520
Self-Employed / Writer
06/05/2015 1350.00 4050.00
Dan Michaels 6001 Foxland Dr
Brentwood, Tennessee 370275727
FairTrade Services, LLC / SVP Marketing and Promotions
06/29/2015 38.72 201.72
Davia Temin 750 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100221200
Temin and Company / President & CEO
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sabrina Buell 2529 Vallejo St
San Francisco, California 941234640
Zlot Buell + Associates / Art Advisor
04/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Melissa Butler Avda del Rosario 31 Malaga, Spain 28604
Marbella, ____
American College / Teacher
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marianne Dillow 304 Oak St
Anna, Illinois 629061733
N/A / Retired
04/29/2015 50.00 296.25
Ira Statfeld 25 Lagorce Cir
Miami Beach, Florida 331414519
Lotus Star / Trust Executive/ Attorney
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rocio Nuyda 8001 Jamieson Ave
Reseda, California 913351522
N/A / Retired
06/15/2015 50.00 1090.00
Barbara Hohlt 40 E 10th St
New York, New York 100036200
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 150.00 250.00
Deborah O'Donnell 1920 Queen Anne Ave N Apt 238
Seattle, Washington 981092550
University of Washington Medicine / Director of Clinical Risk Management
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Patrick Ryan 500 E 77th St Apt 3018
New York, New York 101620010
Second Front Systems / Co-Founder
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Benjamin Abney 5314 S Yale Ave Ste 205
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741356269
Titan Properties, LLC / Real Estate
04/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Keith Wichinski 8030 Broadway St 102E United States
San Antonio, Texas 782092677
Self-Employed / Nurse Practitioner
06/23/2015 121.09 221.09
Marieke Rothschild 3130 Alpine Rd # 288-442
Portola Valley, California 940287549
N/A / Retired
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Deborah Bryant 226 Countryside Dr
Irving, Texas 750624683
Retired / Human Resources Adminstrator
05/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Danielle Finn 4325 Orion Dr Apt B
Kapolei, Hawaii 967073686
Dtric Insurance / Vice President
06/29/2015 126.00 241.00
Ashley Pittman 4301 Overhill Dr
Dallas, Texas 752054328
Ashley Pittman Collection / Designer
04/29/2015 2600.00 2800.00
Laura Bianchi Payne 10061 Bianchi Way Unit B
Cupertino, California 950144278
N/A / Homemaker
04/24/2015 10.00 272.00
Edmond Fitzgerald 390 1st Ave Apt 11C
New York, New York 100104935
Davis Polk / Lawyer
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Omar Martinez 207 Calle Cornell Apt 317B
San Juan, Puerto Rico 009274101
Martinez & Martinez / Lawyer
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anthony Long 1533 Dogwood Ln
Boonville, Indiana 476019420
Long & Mathies Law Firm, PC / Lawyer
06/18/2015 250.00 2950.00
Joanna Spilker 1801 Century Park E Ste 2101
Los Angeles, California 900672323
J. Spilker & Associates / Consultant
05/26/2015 81.33 1081.33
Anne Regan 1654 Euclid St NW Apt 104
Washington, DC 200095634
DBI Architects / Designer
05/03/2015 500.00 500.00
Rita Castagna 2110 Northern Blvd
Manhasset, New York 110303502
N/A / Homemaker
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Holly J. Brown 2714 Apollo Cir
Olympia Fields, Illinois 604611809
Northern Lights Limousine Service / Owner
06/29/2015 200.00 201.00
Christine Singer 4 Cherokee Trl
Andover, New Jersey 078215816
N/A / Retired
06/27/2015 37.00 201.69
Leonard Stein 2218 Clay St
San Francisco, California 941151930
Splunk Inc. / Executive
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrea Engelmann 2001 E Camino Parocela
Palm Springs, California 922648229
Retired / Healthcare
06/05/2015 25.00 648.38
Christine Wotipka PO Box 19296
Stanford, California 943099296
Stanford University / Professor
04/12/2015 60.00 230.00
Stephen Benjamin PO Box 11581
Columbia, South Carolina 292111581
The City of Columbia, SC / Mayor
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Eric Peterson 2261 Market St
San Francisco, California 941141600
UCSF / Library Supervisor
04/12/2015 400.00 800.00
George Brown 341 N Avalon Dr
Los Altos, California 940222322
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP / Attorney
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Vikash Reddy 57 W 105th St
New York, New York 100254003
Teachers College / Graduate Student
06/30/2015 250.00 988.50
Elizabeth Stone 555 Bryant St
Palo Alto, California 943011704
SheKnows Media / CCO
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Yue Mei Jiang 78 Kensington Cir
Manhasset, New York 110304106
Chung Fat Supermarket Inc / Manager
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lyndy Jones 208 W Secretariat Dr
Tempe, Arizona 852841354
All About Kids Pediatrics / Pediatrician
06/11/2015 50.00 201.00
Marsha Ingber 1155 23rd St NW Apt 7K
Washington, DC 200373308
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/08/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Barbara Steuert 50 Concord Ave
Glen Rock, New Jersey 074521603
H&E Telephone Federal Credit Union / Banking
06/13/2015 25.00 376.31
Nancy Nelson 8073 S Albion St
Centennial, Colorado 801223901
Retired / Realtor
04/22/2015 3.00 308.00
Angela Lai 25700 Deerfield Dr
Los Altos Hills, California 940223552
Google / Engineer
06/23/2015 257.82 3035.15
Ikram Khan 3006 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 465
Las Vegas, Nevada 891096210
Quality Care Consultants / Medical Doctor
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Julia Franz 440 20th St
Santa Monica, California 904022434
NBC Universal / Television Producer
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mori Ghazzawi 2042 Peach Orchard Dr Apt 401
Falls Church, Virginia 220432023
Knowlogy / Vice President
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael A. Kelly 128 Dorrance St Ste 300
Providence, Rhode Island 029032814
Kelly & Mancini PC / Founding Partner
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Beth Strickland 2823 Q St NW
Washington, DC 200073073
Self-Employed / Architect
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susanne Goldstein 330 Beacon St Apt C95
Boston, Massachusetts 021161193
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/01/2015 250.00 250.00
Isabelle Georgeaux 1 Maritime Plz Ste 1200
San Francisco, California 941113502
Pont Neuf Productions / Film Producer
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jacqueline Gran 1325 13th St NW
Washington, DC 200054431
New Leaders / Education Policy
04/22/2015 360.00 360.00
Howard Lederman 2239 Cummings Ave
Berkley, Michigan 480721081
Ledermanlaw, PC / Lawyer
05/25/2015 30.00 256.41
Miriam King 12602 Jarrettsville Pike
Phoenix, Maryland 211312315
University of Baltimore / Senior Vice President
06/30/2015 25.00 226.00
Marc Stanley 7403 Midbury Dr
Dallas, Texas 752303205
Stanley Law Group / Attorney
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Graylin 14 Robinson Park
Winchester, Massachusetts 018903746
LoopPay Samsung / Executive Management
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nicholas Pancrazio 276 Carlton Ave Apt 2
Brooklyn, New York 112054604
HFA / Compliance
06/26/2015 30.00 219.33
Wilbert Lewis 677 Kings Rd
Madison Hts, Virginia 245722523
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 25.00 315.00
Jeffrey Herman 455 W 37th St Apt 804
New York, New York 100184097
Starr Companies / Insurance Executive
05/03/2015 250.00 350.00
Carol Phillips 11721 Mayfair Field Dr
Lutherville, Maryland 210937011
Self-Employed / Physician
05/23/2015 20.00 210.00
Wendy Dean 1118 S Emerson St
Arlington, Virginia 222043223
Self-Employed / Attorney/Real Estate Agent
06/23/2015 60.60 2760.60
Nicholas Mastrioanni, II 200 U.S. 1
Jupiter, Florida 33477
U.S. Immigration Fund / President & CEO
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anne Wynne 552 Breakneck Hill Rd
Middlebury, Connecticut 067621409
Quene LLC / Contractor
05/27/2015 25.00 245.00
Jordan Owens 1-1384 King St. W. Ontario, Canada M6K1H5
Toronto, ____
The Gandalf Group / Market Researcher
06/15/2015 180.87 205.87
Matthew Trotta 32 E Lake Dr
Annapolis, Maryland 214034413
CP Direct, Inc. / Printer
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sandra Ward 30 College Ave SE Apt 22
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495034455
N/A / Not Employed
06/26/2015 25.00 900.00
Joel Simpson 27 Oak Hills Rd
Edison, New Jersey 088203611
O.Berk Company / Sales
04/13/2015 100.00 201.00
Jodee Winterhof 6515 Utah Ave NW
Washington, DC 200152446
Human Rights Campaign / Vice President
04/17/2015 250.00 475.00
Jerry Ogle 134 Oliver Dr
Madisonville, Tennessee 373546693
N/A / Retired
05/13/2015 10.00 269.54
Philip Weingold 425 E 58th St
New York, New York 100222300
Greenberg Traurig LLP / Attorney
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cyril Castillo 4235 W Cortez St
Chicago, Illinois 606513537
Uber / Driver
05/11/2015 25.00 201.00
Roy Hackworth 2500 Brandt Forest Ct
Greensboro, North Carolina 274551983
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Christa Campbell 9461 Charleville Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 902123017
Self-Employed / Actress
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alicia De Jong Davis 4101 N Stanton St
El Paso, Texas 799021337
Self-Employed / Gerontologist
06/05/2015 25.00 275.16
Sharyl Mackey 270 E Pearson St
Chicago, Illinois 606112686
N/A / Not Employed
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lloyd Blevins 245 Wood Shoals Ct
Alpharetta, Georgia 300227537
Retired / Truck Driver
06/23/2015 35.00 1025.00
Patricia Refo 6311 E Naumann Dr
Paradise Valley, Arizona 852534234
Snell & Wilmer / Attorney
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Angela Battaglia 6120 71st Ave
Ridgewood, New York 113855923
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Cou / Program Director
04/17/2015 250.00 600.00
Erick Soler 180 Sheridan St
Bridgeport, Connecticut 066102758
VA Medical Center / Sterile Processing Tech
06/10/2015 37.00 201.00
Connie Cook 933 Sleepy Hollow Dr
Cedar Hill, Texas 751041755
Retired / RN
06/29/2015 100.00 219.00
James Blatt 9000 W Sunset Blvd Ste 704
West Hollywood, California 900695807
Law Offices Of James E. Blatt / Attorney
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Charles Morgan 691 E Lake Sue Ave
Winter Park, Florida 327895834
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jenny Warburg 1211 Carolina Ave
Durham, North Carolina 277053203
Self-Employed / Photographer
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michele Ovesey 160 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100242106
N/A / Not Employed
06/09/2015 10.00 264.00
Gary Thompson 1941 Peck Ln
Cheshire, Connecticut 064104405
Southington Board of Education / Custodian
05/01/2015 25.00 240.00
Timothy Howlin 3418 NE 19th Ave
Oakland Park, Florida 333061027
U.S. Department of State / Diplomatic Courier
04/12/2015 500.00 500.00
Nicole Power 31 Oliver St 5B United States
New York, New York 100381042
Google / Applications Engineer
05/30/2015 10.00 208.69
Richard Baldwin 5551 Kamet Ct
Ventura, California 930031102
Self-Employed / Air Quality Consultant
06/30/2015 50.00 300.00
Jane Gell 2801 New Mexico Ave NW Apt 421
Washington, DC 200073908
Treliant Risk Advisors / Consultant
06/26/2015 10.00 2760.00
Shelby Patrick 13225 Westmeath Ln
Clarksville, Maryland 210291349
N/A / Student
05/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sherri Kraham Talabany 2710 Daniel Rd
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153151
Self-Employed / Lawyer
05/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Miranda Rhoads 7248 Creathwood Cv
Germantown, Tennessee 381385711
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/27/2015 250.00 250.00
Eric Horwitz 134 W 23rd St Apt 2
New York, New York 100112850
Gem / CEO
06/16/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Molly Kohnstamm 5738 SW Riverpoint Ln
Portland, Oregon 972395916
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Alberto Arias 432 30th St
West Palm Beach, Florida 334075120
N/A / Retired
05/27/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Mindy Gray 925 Park Ave
New York, New York 100280210
N/A / Homemaker
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrew Mendelson 205 W 76th St Apt 4D
New York, New York 100238222
RBC Capital Markets, LLC / Investment Banker
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Steven Goble 17350 Temple Ave Spc 4
La Puente, California 917444625
Provident Escrow, Inc. / Retired
05/26/2015 67.49 259.78
Debra Cooper 290 W End Ave
New York, New York 100238106
The Corcoran Group / Real Estate
04/18/2015 500.00 1500.00
Eli Goldstein 13 Radcliff Rd
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 190042630
Silver Light Investments LLC / Finance/Investments
05/25/2015 500.00 500.00
Gail Evans 126 Jessie St
Santa Cruz, California 950605112
Retired / University Dean
06/30/2015 61.00 201.00
Elizabeth Stilwell 5232 Boardwalk Pl
Indianapolis, Indiana 462205384
Retired Indiana University Health / Fundraiser
06/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Hope Warschaw 514 Palisades Beach Rd
Santa Monica, California 904022604
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shonagh Clements 2811 January Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631391635
Telephone Contact Inc. / Attorney
06/30/2015 500.00 1500.00
Arthur Strassle 348 Diamond St
San Francisco, California 941142821
Overland Advisors / Financial Analyst
06/26/2015 1350.00 2700.00
Matthew Marks 830 Greenwich St
New York, New York 100145109
Self-Employed / Art Dealer
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Elizabeth Dunaier 222 Funston Ave
San Francisco, California 941182105
ImpactAssets / Chief Growth Officer
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Joseph Tariman 620 W Aldine Ave Apt 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606576957
DePaul University / Professor
05/03/2015 100.00 250.00
Melvin Gitler 205 W End Ave
New York, New York 100234804
N/A / Retired
06/26/2015 10.00 1118.58
Ellen Naranjo 2309 County Rd 26A
Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
Driscoll Children's Hospital / Registered Nurse
06/22/2015 36.69 204.58
Thomas Kochan 136 Eliot St
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 024671436
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Professor
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Herman Hoying 1724 Reynard Ln
Calistoga, California 945151123
Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP / Attorney
05/30/2015 36.41 1151.51
Rhonda Miracle 6028 W Dorian Ct
Boise, Idaho 837093004
N/A / Professor
06/10/2015 15.00 208.09
Anna Henderson 1334 Mills St
Menlo Park, California 940253210
Self-Employed / Volunteer
06/30/2015 101.00 201.00
Eileen Naples 174 Carroll St 1C United States
Brooklyn, New York 112313525
City of New York / Attorney
06/30/2015 5.00 363.90
Judith V Greenstate 5141 Neptune Sq
Oxnard, California 930351954
N/A / Retired
05/11/2015 250.00 250.00
Karen Seitz 205 E 59th St Apt 12A
New York, New York 100222531
BTIG, LLC / Marketing
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Christine Falvo 330 W 39th St Apt 7J
New York, New York 100181784
Rubenstein Communications, Inc. / Chief Operating Officer
06/30/2015 167.00 202.00
Ann Kern 58 Bayview Rd
Castroville, California 950129725
Central California Alliance For Health / Provider Services Network Manager
04/17/2015 250.00 460.00
Barbara Baill 1165 Diamond Ct
Los Altos, California 940245535
Perceptus, Inc. / Executive Coach
06/10/2015 500.00 500.00
Ed Buck 1234 N Laurel Ave Apt 17
West Hollywood, California 900465117
N/A / Retired
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susan Arnold 2017 Fox Creek Rd
Berwyn, Pennsylvania 193122115
Self-Employed / Trustee Work
06/09/2015 250.00 250.00
Jennifer A. Baptista 479 Providence St Apt C1
Warwick, Rhode Island 028860676
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/10/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Cara Greene 45 Rugby Rd
Roslyn Hts, New York 115771820
Refused / Social Worker
06/13/2015 100.00 250.00
Shari Gore PO Box 489
Ingram, Texas 780250489
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/14/2015 500.00 500.00
Lukana Justin 2620 NW 41st St
Boca Raton, Florida 334342515
Office Depot / Marketing
05/13/2015 10.00 255.00
Edward Fire 55 Maple St
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 440223142
N/A / Retired
04/17/2015 250.00 300.00
Leland Cooke, III 2205 Bancroft St
San Diego, California 921045607
N/A / Not Employed
04/22/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Christine Ling 341 N Avalon Dr
Los Altos, California 940222322
HTS / Project Manager
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sheila Bronfman 5213 N Grandview St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722071905
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/05/2015 20.16 2753.57
James W. Hackett 70 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064135

06/10/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Stephen Boyd 400 Massachusetts Ave NW Apt 1212
Washington, DC 200016817
New City Energy / Technology Executive
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Thomas Koshy 359 Valley View Rd
Kingston, New York 124017507
N/A / Retired
04/29/2015 100.00 225.00
Brian Odo 2882 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, California 941183408
B.O.L. Global, Inc. / Accountant
05/26/2015 51.05 426.05
Christine Spagnoli 1303 Hill St
Santa Monica, California 904054723
Greene Broilet & Wheeler / Attorney
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Steve Tidrick 6114 La Salle Ave
Oakland, California 946112802
Tidrick Law Firm / Lawyer
04/13/2015 5.00 2700.00
Lesley Pitts 29 Highland Ter Apt 2908
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023606341
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 100.00 201.00
Shari Gee 700 W 10th Ave
Bristow, Oklahoma 740101827
N/A / Not Employed
04/22/2015 100.00 225.00
Doug Newland 6709 Port Orchard Dr
Columbia, Missouri 652038412
Farm Service Agency / Program Specialist
05/12/2015 200.00 700.00
Janet Jett 4933 Crestwood Way
Sacramento, California 958222501
Gap Inc / IT Director
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Alisa Kesten 201 Lyncroft Rd
New Rochelle, New York 108044105
Volunteer New York! / Executive Director
05/09/2015 50.00 2750.00
Elizabeth Elliott 2120 E Pratt St
Baltimore, Maryland 212312029
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 500.00 691.49
Patricia Marsolais 1449 Bella Vista Dr
Dallas, Texas 752183508
City Of Dallas / Director
05/05/2015 5.00 1140.00
Cecile Kent 22 Woodruff Rd
Morristown, New Jersey 079604620
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 50.00 201.00
Jackie P. Chan 28B Imperial Cullinan Tower 3, 10 Hong Kong
Kowloon, ____
Nomura International Hong Kong Limited / Finance
06/30/2015 25.00 249.82
Sharon Davis 10430 Wilshire Blvd Apt 605
Los Angeles, California 900244653
N/A / Retired
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Naomi Tudor 1396 Darryl Dr
San Jose, California 951301314
Stanford University / Administrative Associate
04/13/2015 100.00 201.00
Margaret Parypa 8606 SE 55th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972060752
Retired / Nurse
04/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Charles Jensen 211 Chestnut Ridge St
Winter Springs, Florida 327084342
Retired / Senior Executive/CPA
06/06/2015 25.00 201.00
Joshua Carothers 6505 Meoqui Ct NW
Los Ranchos, New Mexico 871075613
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates / Orthopaedic Surgeon
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Karl Nurse 176 21st Ave SE
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337052827
Bay Tech Label / President
06/24/2015 500.00 500.00
Erik Edler 3414 Snowden Ave
Long Beach, California 908082940
Seal Beach Therapy / Psychotherapist
05/03/2015 100.00 350.00
Alicia Rivera 871 Isle Pt
Sanford, Florida 327715443
Rivera Chiropractic / Chiropractor
05/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Dena Rae Hancock 8510 Captains Ct
Indianapolis, Indiana 462368926
Self-Employed / Sales
06/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Leesa Wagner 860 United Nations Plz Apt 37A
New York, New York 100171823
LWPartners / Vice President
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Scott Simowitz 1770 NW 124th Way
Coral Springs, Florida 330717888
Moskowitz Mandell Salim & Simowitz, P. / Attorney
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Leah Fischer 16030 Ventura Blvd Ste 380
Encino, California 914362778
N/A / Homemaker
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carole Gaunt 912 5th Ave
New York, New York 100214159
Not Employed / Writer
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jannie Lau 132 Trianon Ln
Villanova, Pennsylvania 190851441
InterDigital, Inc. / Lawyer
06/28/2015 2450.00 2950.00
Daron Romanek 1 N La Salle St Ste 425
Chicago, Illinois 606023945
Romanek & Romanek / Attorney
05/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Stephen Brown 2708 Green Holly Springs Ct
Oakton, Virginia 221241457
N/A / Retired
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susan Andrews 41 Hudson Point Ln
Ossining, New York 105625942
Presbyterian Church USA / Pastor
05/06/2015 250.00 350.00
Angelica Harrison 275 Greenwich St Apt 5A
New York, New York 100072152
American Heart Association / Fundraiser
06/10/2015 5.00 205.00
Emily Raymond 4311 Corliss Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981037654
N/A / Homemaker
05/04/2015 250.00 250.00
Elizabeth Nikels 16345 Los Gatos Blvd Unit 38
Los Gatos, California 950324544
Daughters of Charity Health System / Public Relations
04/29/2015 250.00 250.00
Edolphus Towns 286 Highland Blvd
Brooklyn, New York 112071922
Gray Global Advisors, LLC / Senior Advisor
05/11/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Joyce W Kachergis 615 Stone Wall Rd
Pittsboro, North Carolina 273125862
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 10.00 365.00
Nancy Heaps 46 Pinecrest Vlg
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 017482176
Newton-Wellesley Hospital / RN
05/15/2015 10.00 201.50
Robin Cook 520 W Melrose St Apt 5B
Chicago, Illinois 606573792
State Restaurant / General Manager
06/30/2015 36.69 331.69
George Filippidis 85 Northgate Cir
Melville, New York 117472822
ARES / Manufacturing
04/22/2015 270.00 270.00
Debbie Robbins 32 Calhoun Dr
Greenwich, Connecticut 068314437
N/A / Homemaker
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Hetty Weinstein 21 Carrotwood Ct
Fort Myers, Florida 339197531
Retired / Pediatrician
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Connie Cook 933 Sleepy Hollow Dr
Cedar Hill, Texas 751041755
Retired / RN
04/12/2015 10.00 219.00
George H. Young, III 115 E 78th St
New York, New York 100750301
Lazard Ltd. / Investment Banker
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rosalyn Levy Jonas 6716 Melody Ln
Bethesda, Maryland 208173115
N/A / Information Requested
05/24/2015 20.00 1120.00
Charles Hunter 3932 W Alabama St Apt 5
Houston, Texas 770275155
The Hayes Law Firm, PC / Attorney
06/12/2015 50.00 587.00
Daniel Arellano 1902 Elmen St
Houston, Texas 770196144
MD Anderson / Nurse Practitioner
04/17/2015 25.00 235.00
Robert Holley 4515 Willard Ave Apt 1409S
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153619
Moroccan American Center for Policy / Consultant
06/11/2015 200.00 400.00
Lina Spencer 312 11th Ave Apt 35D
New York, New York 100011246
N/A / Homemaker
06/06/2015 250.00 250.00
Sybil Robson Orr 9200 W Sunset Blvd Ste 1232
Los Angeles, California 900693612
Self-Employed / Producer
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Vivek Kaliraman 3701 Hillcrest Dr
Los Angeles, California 900165703
Independent Consultant / Mobile Health
06/30/2015 114.00 201.00
Sunil Kilam 259 Pilgrim Loop
Fremont, California 945396277
Kilam Inc. / Director
05/03/2015 500.00 500.00
Maggie Craddock 335 E King St Apt 401B
Malvern, Pennsylvania 193552570
Workplace Relationships / Executive Coach
06/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Duane McWaine 340 Hauser Blvd Apt 426
Los Angeles, California 900365643
Anthem / Physician
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Debra Crapo 8 Big Rock Rd
Rye, New Hampshire 038702607
Self-Employed / Realtor/Broker
04/25/2015 8.00 372.32
Katherine Rumbaugh 11508 College View Dr
Wheaton, Maryland 209022501
Coca-Cola / Government Affairs
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Phyllis Andrews 2083 Imperial Cir
Naples, Florida 341101036
Retired / Reading Specialist
06/12/2015 25.00 375.00
Jonathan Kanter 6203 Walhonding Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208162138
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft / Attorney
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marivonne Basten 30 E 81st St 7-B United States
New York, New York 100280222
The ONE Campaign / Attorney
05/24/2015 50.00 446.30
Paul McConnell 42 Larkin Pond Rd N
West Kingston, Rhode Island 028922003
Financial Innovations, Inc. / Manager
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Bubes 1601 31st St NW
Washington, DC 200072925
Washington Fine Properties / Real Estate
05/27/2015 1350.00 2700.00
Richard Lovett 2000 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles, California 900674700
CAA / Partner
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Elizabeth Tran 7201 W Bayaud Pl
Lakewood, Colorado 802262013
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/17/2015 300.00 300.00
Gigi Lee Chang 53 N Moore St
New York, New York 100132314

05/11/2015 1500.00 2700.00
Elaine Schuster 101 Jungle Rd
Palm Beach, Florida 334804809
Self-Employed / Philanthropist
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sharon Levitsky 127 Cortland Dr
Saddle River, New Jersey 074582800
N/A / Homemaker
05/05/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Steven Macon 1305A Waller St
Austin, Texas 787021050
Dell Inc. / Marketing
04/12/2015 100.00 400.00
Thomas Laughlin 706 Degraw St Apt 1
Brooklyn, New York 112173113
Scott+Scott / Partner
06/08/2015 100.00 394.55
Michelle List PO Box 428
Balsam, North Carolina 287070428
N/A / Retired
05/26/2015 20.00 270.00
Courtney Keefe 2315 Rutger St Apt D
Saint Louis, Missouri 631042442
The Soulard School / Elementary Teacher
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kath Delaney 275 Lake Dr
Kensington, California 947081152
Madera Group / Consultant
04/12/2015 25.00 210.00
Zayda Cardenas 501 N Clinton St
Chicago, Illinois 606546589
Maestro Cares / Director of Development
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Terry Williams 1739 Highway 31 N
Beebe, Arkansas 720129786
N/A / Homemaker
04/29/2015 1300.00 1300.00
Jared Hendricks 130 E 18th St Apt 14S
New York, New York 100032424
Centerbridge Partner / Investor
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Patrick Downey 3752 Slippery Rock Ct
Westfield, Indiana 460627132
Brown & Brown, Inc. / Insurance Sales
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeanne Hermann 101 Putnam Cir
Strasburg, Pennsylvania 175791020
Self-Employed / Antique Dealer
05/03/2015 50.00 386.25
Chris Boelens 8573 Raspberry Dr
Frederick, Colorado 805046799
United Airlines / Flight Attendant
04/13/2015 100.00 252.89
Jessica Falk 300 E 62nd St
New York, New York 100658253
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP / Attorney
05/04/2015 5.00 208.41
Rudy Reyes, Jr. PO Box 804
Notre Dame, Indiana 465560804
University of Notre Dame / University Administrator
04/15/2015 25.00 201.00
Karen Gunderson 11245 Alameda Ave
Inver Grove Height, Minnesota 550775435
Self-Employed / Event planner
06/10/2015 10.00 262.00
Christine Stoneman 2706 Farm Rd
Alexandria, Virginia 223022823
U.S. Department of Justice / Attorney
04/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Meredith Darrow 1104 Nowita Pl
Venice, California 902913521
Self-Employed / Art Dealer
04/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Maria Lancaster 1307 Jones Ave
Tybee Island, Georgia 313289634
Savannah Bee Company / Executive Vice President
05/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Nancy Sulla 4005 Gulf Shore Blvd N 703 United States
Naples, Florida 341032603
IDE Corp. / CEO - Educational Consulting
04/18/2015 100.00 319.57
Ana Byrne 1 Old Chimney Rd SE
Huntsville, Alabama 358016144
Self-Employed / Psychologist
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Howard Lederman 2239 Cummings Ave
Berkley, Michigan 480721081
Ledermanlaw, PC / Lawyer
06/27/2015 40.00 256.41
Pamela Blackfield 1621 Hilts Ave Apt 4
Los Angeles, California 900245918
Self-Employed / Interior Designer
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jessica Quillin 601 Holland Lane Apt 802
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Enterprise Knowledge / Content Strategist
06/06/2015 116.09 206.09
Norma Erwin 4729 Henican Pl
Metairie, Louisiana 700031111
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/24/2015 216.00 216.00
Robert Witeck 1914 N Johnson St
Arlington, Virginia 222073741
Witeck Communications, Inc. / Public Relations
04/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Madeleine Simmons 1182 Haven Brook Ln NE
Brookhaven, Georgia 303192667
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/26/2015 500.00 500.00
Elizabeth Kahl 2216 Mercer St
Baldwinsville, New York 130271014
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Alan Clammer 931 Monroe Dr NE Ste A102-287
Atlanta, Georgia 303081793
N/A / Retired
05/03/2015 100.00 450.00
Emin Halac 613 Echols St SE
Vienna, Virginia 221804830
USA Marble and Granite / CEO
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Pascale Bullitt 104 W 70th St Apt 5C
New York, New York 100234456
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP / Lawyer
05/07/2015 2700.00 2800.00
Melissa Carbone 2019 N Berendo St
Los Angeles, California 900271906
Ten Thirty One Productions, LLC / CEO
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ann Pappas 1624 Mountain Dr
Little Rock, Arkansas 722275837
RAPA / Physician
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Randall M Lipton 7211 Delmar Blvd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631304105
The Lipton Group, Inc. / President
06/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bernard Miller 4545 W Touhy Ave Apt 515
Lincolnwood, Illinois 607121779
N/A / Retired
05/25/2015 2675.00 2725.00
Damon Bethea 534 Guylyn Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152353924
United Way of Allegheny County / Mentoring Project Director
05/29/2015 25.00 296.49
Ron Kollen 500 5th Ave
New York, New York 101100002
Walt Disney Company / Vice President, International
06/27/2015 1000.00 3000.00
Hudson Young 1740 13th St NW
Washington, DC 200094355
Self-Employed / Manager
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jane Beale 860 United Nations Plz
New York, New York 100171810
Self-Employed / Executive Coach
05/26/2015 100.00 325.00
Brenda Lytle 3701 Holly Ln Apt 202
Raleigh, North Carolina 276128051
N/A / Retired
06/10/2015 10.00 210.00
Stephen Clark 15832 Valley Vista Blvd
Encino, California 914363453
Virago Productions, Inc. / Lighting Designer
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Joe Solmonese 1217 T St NW
Washington, DC 200094428
Gavin/Solomonese / Partner
06/29/2015 700.00 2700.00
Richard Altman 8742 Summerhill Lane Unit B82
Glen Ellen, California 95442
Self-Employed / Securities
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michele Laven Feldmann 82 Iselin Ter
Larchmont, New York 105382534
iHeartMedia / Management - Media
05/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Paul Ashton 1510 Columbia Rd NW
Washington, DC 200094214
Justice Policy Institute / Development/Research Assoc.
06/09/2015 250.00 250.00
Mara Burr 200 Clifford Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223052705
Albright Stonebridge Group / Senior Vice President
04/22/2015 500.00 750.00
Kenneth Floryan 71 Penn Dr
West Hartford, Connecticut 061191153
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 100.00 300.00
Wilfred Dvorak 5 S Park Ln
Kingston, Rhode Island 028811793
N/A / Retired
05/12/2015 300.00 300.00
Joseph Gonzalez 423 Termino Ave
Long Beach, California 908141701
Kaiser Permanente / Medical
06/11/2015 100.00 250.00
Jim Miles 44 Bristol Ct
Little Rock, Arkansas 722112164
Covenant Medical Benefits / Owner
06/29/2015 250.00 500.16
Robert Ellison 17298 Avenida De La Herradura
Pacific Palisades, California 902722003
Latham & Watkins LLP / Attorney
04/18/2015 300.00 300.00
Jeanne Oppel 147 Watchung Ave
Chatham, New Jersey 079281829
Retired / School Administration
06/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Bernard Miller 4545 W Touhy Ave Apt 515
Lincolnwood, Illinois 607121779
N/A / Retired
05/25/2015 25.00 2725.00
Peter Fenn 3347 Tennyson St NW
Washington, DC 200152442
Fenn Communications Group / Political Consultant
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Helene Nseir 20 Dunham Dr
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 156015937
Berkshire Hathaway / Realtor
06/11/2015 25.00 325.00
Suzanne Nash 6417 Ruffin Rd
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208155322
Mom's Organic Market / Attorney
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kala Smith 765 Bedford Rd
Tarrytown, New York 105911203
Self-Employed / Artist
04/24/2015 50.00 850.00
C.C. Townsend 63 Alfred Drown Rd
Barrington, Rhode Island 028061854
Aloha Partners / Executive
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Loretta Fabricant 2311 Keystone Blvd
North Miami, Florida 331812406
Fabricant And Co / Certified Public Accountant
05/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Harley Diamond 363 Washington Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112381117
New York City Housing Authority / Attorney
05/27/2015 100.00 100.00
Dennis Tuttle 930 W Agatite Ave Apt 2
Chicago, Illinois 606404059
Workforce Software / IT Project Manager
06/11/2015 50.00 237.00
James Diesen 623 Charles Pinckney St
Orange Park, Florida 320738752
Self-Employed / Administrator
05/26/2015 500.00 500.00
Leo Daly 3065 Whitehaven St NW
Washington, DC 200083613
Self-Employed / Architect
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Julie Jacobson 88 South 900 East Suite 401
Salt Lake Cty, Utah 841021898
N/A / Retired
05/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jenell Larson 13246 W Skinner Rd
Brodhead, Wisconsin 535208855
N/A / Not Employed
05/13/2015 25.00 225.00
Robert Thompson 16316 Alpine Dr E
Enumclaw, Washington 980228043
retired / retired
06/29/2015 25.00 275.00
Monsour Taghdisi 5921 Shady River Dr
Houston, Texas 770571312
Prestige Builders Inc / Home Developer
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sheila Bronfman 5213 N Grandview St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722071905
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/05/2015 2679.84 2753.57
Thomas Mueller 1212 W Oak Ave
Fullerton, California 928334130
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 187.00 840.33
Carolyn Post 330 Larkin Valley Rd
Watsonville, California 950768551
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/29/2015 500.00 500.00
Mark Nadeau PO Box 390
Cave Creek, Arizona 853270390
DLA Piper / Partner
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Yonina Jacobson 167 Summit Ln
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 190042918
Self-Employed / Lawyer
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
James K. Milward 4745 SW 173rd Ave
Beaverton, Oregon 970782144
Retired / System Administrator
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Sylvia Green 16 Harcourt St Apt 7G
Boston, Massachusetts 021166492
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 250.00 375.00
Jack Li 80 Elm Ridge Rd
Princeton, New Jersey 085407433
Sino-US Culture & Sports Center / CEO
05/26/2015 2700.00 2800.00
James Eugene Frieda 12 Old Brewery Mews United Kingdom NW3 1PZ
London, ____
Moore Europe Capital Management / Partner and Global Strategist
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lorraine Sheinberg 8840 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 300
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Self-Employed / Filmmaker
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joan Malarkey 1 Burket Ct
Silver Spring, Maryland 209101355
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
James Spoo 1663 Cloud Peak Dr
Sparks, Nevada 894368633
City of Sparks, NV / Judge
06/09/2015 200.00 600.00
Raj Goyle 80 Franklin St Apt 2
New York, New York 100133430
Bodhala / CEO
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Brodsky 66 E Cedar St
Chicago, Illinois 606111179
Advisory Research, Inc. / Investment Managment
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carina Grasso 415 Sycamore St
Celebration, Florida 347474668
Self-Employed / Physician
05/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Tom Sacks-Wilner 4 Meadowside Ct
Medford, New Jersey 080559348
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 10.00 1951.80
Laura Wilber 422 Skokie Blvd
Wilmette, Illinois 600913003
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/29/2015 225.00 225.00
Madalyn Schenk 600 Port of New Orleans Pl # 86
New Orleans, Louisiana 701301665
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 500.00 1000.00
Ronald Homer 53 Rawson Rd
Brookline, Massachusetts 024454509
RBC Global Asset Management, Inc / Portfolio Manager
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Elizabeth Heller 4912 McPherson Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631081608
Goldenberg Heller / Attorney
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mary Zeis 1193 Saxonburg Blvd
Glenshaw, Pennsylvania 151163213
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Thomas Chen 3110 Whitestone Expy
Flushing, New York 113542531
Crystal Window & Door Systems / CEO
05/27/2015 2700.00 5000.00
Lawrence Winnerman 12317 10th Pl NE
Seattle, Washington 981254832
Microsoft / Program Manager
06/10/2015 37.00 309.00
Phyllis Sharpton 5024 E Janice Way
Scottsdale, Arizona 852542275
Capgemini / Consultant
04/13/2015 50.00 300.00
Gerard Restaino 1346 the Hideout
Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania 184369535
Self-Employed / Arbitrator
06/15/2015 250.00 1105.00
Kate Mitchell 1980 Grant Ave Apt 7
San Francisco, California 941332080
Scale Venture Partners / Investor
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sunil R. Hingorani 1225 NE 91st St
Seattle, Washington 981153132
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center / Physician, Scientist
04/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marian Woodall 21753 Boones Borough Dr
Bend, Oregon 977018820
Retired / Speech Coach
06/09/2015 200.00 300.00
Brian Zellman 6240 Sunrise Dr NE
Fridley, Minnesota 554324932
AppleOne / Shipping & Receiving
05/04/2015 5.00 201.00
Margery Miller 214 Murray Ln
Richardson, Texas 750805826
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/22/2015 100.00 2700.00
Daryl Libow 4852 Indian Ln NW
Washington, DC 200163204
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP / Lawyer
05/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lina Lopez 3047 Ash Park Loop
Winter Park, Florida 327928132
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Ned Hopkins 4432 Saint Andrews Dr
Stockton, California 952191886
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 51.00 201.00
Millie Herrera 7737 N Kendall Dr Apt C303
Miami, Florida 331567717
The Miami Group & Associates / Management Consultant
04/18/2015 100.00 500.00
Reta Jo Lewis 555 Massachusetts Ave NW Apt 1005
Washington, DC 200014722
Polis Global Group, LLC / Lawyer/Global Business Adviser
04/19/2015 2600.00 2700.00
James Spoo 1663 Cloud Peak Dr
Sparks, Nevada 894368633
City of Sparks, NV / Judge
06/09/2015 200.00 600.00
Samuel Bradley 4824 27th Pl N
Arlington, Virginia 222072710
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 25.00 440.00
Christina Kringstein 20 E 94th St
New York, New York 101280612
N/A / Homemaker
05/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rute Caetano 32B Wooster St
Bethel, Connecticut 068011876
Ventura, Ribeiro & Smith / Lawyer
05/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michelle Schimel 79 Park Ave
Port Washington, New York 110504035
State of New York / Assemblywoman
04/18/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Barry Klayman 705 Periwinkle Ln
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 190961657
Cozen O'Connor / Attorney
06/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Stewart Casper 6 Sunset Ln
Pound Ridge, New York 105762318
Casper & De Toledo LLC / Attorney
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
T. Michael Morgan 1237 Windsong Rd
Orlando, Florida 328093034
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Garbo Lee 96 Baxter St Apt 12C
New York, New York 100134486
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/29/2015 200.00 300.00
Sridar Iyengar 85 Fair Oaks Ln
Atherton, California 940273808
Self-Employed / Business Advisor
04/30/2015 1600.00 2700.00
Pat Williams 3533 Lincoln Hills Pt
Missoula, Montana 598023381
Retired / U.S. Congressman
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Mark Reynolds 14 Aztec St
San Francisco, California 941105103
N/A / Information Requested
06/29/2015 130.00 212.00
Patricia Fish 12031 SW Breyman Ave
Portland, Oregon 972198414
N/A / Retired
06/25/2015 500.00 500.00
Imran Farooq 1475 W 5th St
San Bernardino, California 924112610
UC Riverside / Economic Development
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alan Cohen 330 Cloudes Mill Ct
Alexandria, Virginia 223043024
Retired / Economist
04/19/2015 1000.00 2850.00
Patricia Kelley 3954 S Pinehurst Cir
Denver, Colorado 802353125
Regis University / Affiliate Faculty
04/12/2015 250.00 300.00
Ted Hallowell 4322 Date Ave
La Mesa, California 919416413
N/A / Retired
06/09/2015 25.00 205.00
Christine Lord 130 Worden Ave
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481034032
Retired / Administrator
05/04/2015 500.00 500.00
Michael Moradzadeh 34 Linda Vista Ave
Tiburon, California 949201981
Retired / Attorney
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Craig Taylor 1804A 15th Ave
Seattle, Washington 981222629
Microsoft / Finance Director
04/12/2015 10.00 365.00
Frankie Gibson 9989 Oakton Terrace Rd
Oakton, Virginia 221242940
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 10.00 211.78
Tomas Revollo 1639 W Balmoral Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606401121
N/A / Retired
06/13/2015 37.00 212.00
Gina DiDomenico 428 Cypress Ave
Pasadena, California 911033629
Latham & Watkins LLP / Attorney
04/18/2015 500.00 500.00
Roger Lahr 3415 Hampton Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631391916
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane Jaffee 50 East 89th Stree 24F
New York, New York 10128
TCW / Financial Services
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kim Chirls 30 W 86th St Apt 6A
New York, New York 100243628
Thomson Reuters / Publisher
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Scott Miller 125 Broad St
New York, New York 100042400
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP / Attorney
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Adam Sieff 505 Montgomery St Ste 2000
San Francisco, California 941116538
Latham & Watkins LLP / Attorney
04/17/2015 250.00 250.00
Ted Hallowell 4322 Date Ave
La Mesa, California 919416413
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 10.00 205.00
Lynette Bradley 1654 Jamestown Ave
Evans, Georgia 308095480
N/A / Homemaker
04/12/2015 50.00 201.00
Lisen Stromberg 244 Seale Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013731
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Carol Cross 1987 Golf View Dr
Dunedin, Florida 346983239
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 75.00 350.00
Holly Millar 1740 Broadway Apt 701
San Francisco, California 941092414
Self-Employed / Property Manager
04/22/2015 5.00 570.00
Steven Shaker 8205 Cherry Ridge Rd
Fairfax Station, Virginia 220393011
Gemini Industries / Senior Advisor
04/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Viola Garza 1310 Cynthia Ln
Pharr, Texas 785776411
Cowen & Garza / Attorney
05/30/2015 140.70 240.70
Jody Rosenzweig PO Box 577
Garrett Park, Maryland 208960577
Walker & Dunlop / VP Asset Management
04/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Lenore Becker PO Box 1987
Tubac, Arizona 856461987
Sotheby's International Realty / Realtor
05/27/2015 100.00 335.00
Shirley McFarlin 700 Atkins Rd
Little Rock, Arkansas 722113305
N/A / Retired
05/07/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Annabelle Pla 3320 Brenham St
Tustin, California 927821906
N/A / Homemaker
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shane Seger 2 Lynwood Pl Apt 1
New Haven, Connecticut 065114742
Yale University / Communications Officer
05/26/2015 36.41 331.41
Maria Camacho 368 N Ridgewood Pl
Los Angeles, California 900041611
La River Revitalization Corporation / Director
04/19/2015 2600.00 2700.00
Janet Hanson 3 Pond Rd
Nantucket, Massachusetts 025542727
Hanson Ventures / Founder
06/23/2015 47.09 2747.09
Ann Graham 1021 Grand St
Hoboken, New Jersey 070302150
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/14/2015 50.00 1050.00
Alper Karakus 7 Jarico Dr Fl 1
Wallington, New Jersey 070572235
Vodanet Systems LLC / President
05/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ronald A. Fried 3803 Porter St NW
Washington, DC 200162949
VITAS Healthcare / Executive Vice President
05/13/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Orin Yarbrough 1664 Jeffords St
Clearwater, Florida 337564540
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/13/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Dana Settle 2922 N Beachwood Dr
Los Angeles, California 900681926
Greycroft LLC / Venture Capitalist
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Amy Foote 18 Chedworth Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105833310
Foote Law Firm / Lawyer
06/16/2015 1636.50 2700.00
Peter Kellner 15 Jubilee Place United Kingdom SW3 3TD
London, ____
N/A / Retired
05/12/2015 1200.00 2700.00
Annmarie Hewitt 44 Woodsong
Plymouth, Massachusetts 023605528
Rockland Trust / Banker
06/29/2015 250.00 250.00
Raymond Purifoy 1716 N Pierce St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722075108
Clinton Foundation / Assistant Manager of Clinton Museum St
05/20/2015 50.00 276.29
Catherine Haggerty 27 Main St.
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
Self-Employed / Designer, Event Planner
06/15/2015 250.70 250.70
Selim Rusi 177 Benedict Rd
Staten Island, New York 103041205
Platinum Maintenance / President
06/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mina Bissell 854 Euclid Ave
Berkeley, California 947081306
University of California, Berkeley / Faculty, Distinguished Scientist
04/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Dana Wright-Penrod 203 Caveat Ct
Havre De Grace, Maryland 210782346
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur
06/10/2015 25.00 238.00
Anthony Thompson 9107 Rustown Dr
Dallas, Texas 752284443
N/A / Not Employed
05/18/2015 1000.00 2775.00
Ira Shapiro 9437 Reach Rd
Potomac, Maryland 208542853
Ira Shapiro Global Strategies, LLC / Consultant
05/04/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Joyce Chapman 22352 Highway 62
Shady Cove, Oregon 975399718
Retired / Executive Director
05/20/2015 25.00 201.52
Karen Meyer 1108 Exton Cv
Austin, Texas 787333429
N/A / Homemaker
05/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Leonardo DiCaprio 9255 W Sunset Blvd Ste 615
West Hollywood, California 900693303
Appian Way Productions / Actor
06/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bixby Elliot 228 W 13th St
New York, New York 100117725
Google / Recruiter
06/11/2015 10.00 231.41
Laird Nelson 1835 Queen Anne Ave N Apt 305
Seattle, Washington 981092867
Amazon / Attorney
06/29/2015 101.00 201.00
Lisa Groos 640 W 237th St
Bronx, New York 104631440
N/A / Homemaker
04/19/2015 100.00 311.25
Raenell Shirley 3725 Heron Island Dr
New Port Richey, Florida 346553032
JPMorgan Chase / Vice President
04/22/2015 100.00 437.39
Debra Hirshberg 2658 Dartmoor Rd
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 441184236
N/A / Retired
05/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Jose Antonio Lopez Harnecker 1216 28th St NW
Washington, DC 200073315
LCC International / Consultant
06/15/2015 250.00 850.00
Asif Mahmood 9 Dovetail Ln
Bradbury, California 910081048
Self-Employed / Doctor
05/05/2015 1700.00 5400.00
Jennifer Crompton 6 Fairholt Street United Kingdom SW7 1EG
London, ____
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Robinson 301 Mission St Apt 54C
San Francisco, California 941056657
Citizens for Safety / Nonprofit Executive
04/19/2015 5.00 2705.00
K.J. McCorry 4055 Dawn Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803040984
Officiency, Inc. / Productivity Consultant
06/22/2015 25.00 275.00
James Lipscomb 7486 E Sonoran Trl
Scottsdale, Arizona 852661525
N/A / Not Employed
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jason A Sosnoff 179 Dekalb Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112054003
Self-Employed / Writer/Producer
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Dunn 13308 Council Bluff Dr
Austin, Texas 787271701
Self-Employed / Product Development Consultant
06/26/2015 1000.00 1100.00
Paul Harper 2250 NW 114th Ave
Doral, Florida 331724177
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 500.00 500.00
Jacqueline Moessner 26 Grove St
New York, New York 100145306
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton / Attorney
05/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Dale Leibach 1825 I St NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 200065415
Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communication / Communications
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Adam Kramer 7602 Coyote Cave Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada 891133299
Switch / Vice President
05/01/2015 25.00 2725.00
Joseph Doher 2023 Hickory Tree Rd
Saint Cloud, Florida 347728906
Self-Employed / Real Estate Broker
05/27/2015 250.00 250.00
Marie Schwartz 20 Sears Rd
Brookline, Massachusetts 024457410
TeenLife Media / CEO & Founder
06/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Arnold Drucker 59 Glenwood Rd
Plainview, New York 118031137
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/29/2015 115.00 2815.00
Michael Riccardi 735 Corinthian Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191302614
ALM / Editor
04/12/2015 50.00 253.25
Michael Fogarty 6145 Lincoln Ave
Morton Grove, Illinois 600532990
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Steven H Bluttal 125 E 88th St
New York, New York 101281156
Self-Employed / Curator
04/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Dianne Ambrose 340 Brickleberry Rdg
Athens, Georgia 306055725
Retired / Social Worker
05/20/2015 5.00 201.00
Mark Schneider 7250 Spring Side Way
McLean, Virginia 221013416
Sidley Austin LLP / Attorney
06/06/2015 500.00 500.00
Javier Paz 5905 Westside Dr
El Paso, Texas 799324004
El Paso Independent School District / Teacher
04/19/2015 5.00 464.25

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $38840010.85
Total Memo Amount $259175.84
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Wed Feb 19 04:12:27 2025