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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17A


There are a total of 38617 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 17001 through 17500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Amy Kroll 4718 Upton St NW
Washington, DC 200162370
Morgan & Morgan / Lawyer
05/21/2015 500.00 2700.00
Christopher Williamson 3800 Enders Ln
Bowie, Maryland 207167330
U.S. Department of Labor / Special Assistant
04/12/2015 100.00 201.00
Laurice Levine 24130 Madura Dr NE
Kingston, Washington 983469225
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakla / Thalassemia Outreach
05/20/2015 5.00 205.00
Jermaine A Athill 16 Old Glory Way
Fort Mitchell, Alabama 368565597
Department of Defense, US Army / Military
06/02/2015 46.69 202.99
James Maloney 4179 20th St
San Francisco, California 941142824
Port of San Francisco / Maririme Marketing Manager
06/22/2015 250.00 250.00
Joseph Maresca PO Box 836
Rhinebeck, New York 125720836
Self-Employed / Fine Artist
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Barry Karas 1820 16th St NW
Washington, DC 200093304
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 2600.00 2700.00
Casey McKeever 636 Lewis Ave
Woodland, California 956955153
California Department of Social Servic / Administrative Law Judge
04/12/2015 25.00 221.93
Eddie Arteaga 910 E Grand Ave Apt 5
El Segundo, California 902454140
The College Board / Senior Education Manager
06/11/2015 50.00 210.00
Tamerlin Godley 1300 Glen Oaks Blvd
Pasadena, California 911051005
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP / Lawyer
06/05/2015 2200.00 3200.00
James Abbey-Magee 1 West St
New York, New York 100041021
MacKay Shields LLC / Director
06/13/2015 100.00 210.00
Jayson Gerbec 1466 Forestbrook Ln
Painesville, Ohio 440771214
Classic Auto group / Sales
06/05/2015 5.00 236.00
Orla Coleman 114 E 90th St
New York, New York 101281550
Self-Employed / Art Consultant
06/12/2015 150.00 650.00
Celeste Harris 1500 Carters Grove Rd
Clemmons, North Carolina 270128689
Maynard Harris / Attorney
05/14/2015 216.00 216.00
Elizabeth Lord 4428 25th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222074002
Morris Manning / Lawyer
06/12/2015 37.00 237.00
Ernest Johnston 400 S Plymouth Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900204708
Warner Bros / Film Marketing
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Daniel Rourke 1737 Riggs Pl NW Apt C
Washington, DC 200096164
U.S. Department of Agriculture / Policy Advisor
04/21/2015 50.00 225.00
Young Min Kim 2468 Hammett Ave
Fort Lee, New Jersey 070243904
N/A / Homemaker
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Pamela Catlett 1617 Lake Front Rd
Lake Oswego, Oregon 970344615
Self-Employed / Management Consultant
06/09/2015 10.00 510.00
Alexandra Schuster 1008 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385358
Harvard University / Student
06/18/2015 100.00 275.00
Tricia Reeb 85 Sorrel Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63124
Community School / RN
06/14/2015 264.53 264.53
Suzanne Hock 237 Jacksonville Rd # 73
Hatboro, Pennsylvania 190402630
Johnson & Johnson / Sales Strategy
04/17/2015 100.00 320.00
Howard Neal 6409 Castle Dr
Oakland, California 946112537
Neal & Associates / Attorney
05/21/2015 50.00 290.00
Rosa Jimenez-Vazquez 1193 Orchard Dr
Crozet, Virginia 229322923
Retired; VCU School of Social Work / Educator
06/12/2015 50.00 215.00
Charles Becker 876 Blackmer Blvd
Stockbridge, Vermont 057729702
Vermont Law School / Student
06/22/2015 10.00 210.00
Richard Bohm 90 Scenic Dr
Hastings On Hudson, New York 107061218
Debevoise & Plimpton / Attorney
06/24/2015 400.00 400.00
Steven Napolitano 110 Gordonhurst Ave
Montclair, New Jersey 070431716
Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom LL / Lawyer
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Sorian 323 E St NE
Washington, DC 200024924
Fleishman Hillard / Public Affairs
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bonnie Glaser 1325 Wedgewood Manor Way
Reston, Virginia 201941328
CSIS / Policy Analyst
04/12/2015 100.00 600.00
Frances Gregory 3812 Cloee Cir
Hillsborough, North Carolina 272787916
Retired / Technical Writer
06/30/2015 30.00 205.00
Devon Rains 80 Hedding Rd Apt 4
Epping, New Hampshire 030422541
Velcro USA / Pricing Administrator
04/30/2015 25.00 202.00
Kristi Argyilan 1000 Polo Club Rd
Independence, Minnesota 553599231
Target Corp / Marketing
05/21/2015 100.00 350.00
Joyce Chapman 22352 Highway 62
Shady Cove, Oregon 975399718
Retired / Executive Director
06/12/2015 18.00 201.52
William Benjamin 6 Frognal Lane United Kingdom NW3 7DU
London, ____
Ares Management Ltd / Investment Manager
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Laura Ashlock 800 E Dimond Blvd Ste 3-500
Anchorage, Alaska 995152044
Retired / Physician
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Davies 2412 Tracy Pl NW
Washington, DC 200081627
N/A / Retired
06/06/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Maggie Biddle 1307 Vineyard Hvn
State College, Pennsylvania 168032423
The Atherton Hotel / Owner
06/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Peter Hayward 203 Adahi Rd SE
Vienna, Virginia 221805937
TEKsystems / Technical Engineer
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
H. Marcia Smolens 3 Jackson St
San Francisco, California 941112021
HMS Associates / Consultant
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Judy Pollard 1800 Eagle Creek Pl
Louisville, Kentucky 402223993
Retired / Teacher
06/29/2015 100.00 201.23
John Mandile 17 Brooks St
Winchester, Massachusetts 018903800
Sigma / Partner
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jennifer Blumin 39 White St Fl 3
New York, New York 100133538
Skyline Group NYC Inc. / Event Space Developer
05/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Leo Henton 20627 11th Ave W
Lynnwood, Washington 980368715
Boeing / Engineer
06/11/2015 100.00 441.16
Suzanne Lovell, Ph.D. 5000 Harville Rd
Santa Rosa, California 954092518
Not Employed / Not Employed
06/28/2015 100.00 205.00
Gretchen Wetzel 61 Sunset Chimney Rd
Raymond, Maine 040716725
Retired / Midwife
05/29/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Nirmal Pahadi 11234 Evans Trl Apt 204
Beltsville, Maryland 207053920
Prince George's Community College / Teacher, Artist
06/27/2015 10.00 1010.00
Joyce Robinson 541 White Springs Rd
Fort Mill, South Carolina 297088165
Sunrise Software / Technical Support
04/12/2015 250.00 500.00
Jane Maxwell 167 Lake Ave
Newton, Massachusetts 024592138
Jane Maxwell Studio / Artist
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Judith Rubin 911 Park Ave
New York, New York 100750337

06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alana Baum 1723 N Dayton St
Chicago, Illinois 606145511
Self-Employed / Clinical Psychologist
04/12/2015 1500.00 1500.00
Tim Ihlenfeld Buschmann 7740 Maple Ridge Ct
Franklin, Wisconsin 531329641
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Elise Zoli 52 Jeffreys Neck Rd
Ipswich, Massachusetts 019381344
Goodwin Procter LLP / Attorney
04/17/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michele Young 8525 Given Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 452431159
Gregory S. Young Co. LPA / Lawyer
04/21/2015 250.00 250.00
Gerardo Negron 10038 Toulouse Dr
Shreveport, Louisiana 711068521
Willis Knighton / Physician
05/12/2015 250.00 275.00
Alex Streett 712 Hilllcott Dr.
Russellville, Arkansas 72802
Streett Law / Attorney
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kimberly Frederick 5233 Cornish St Unit B
Houston, Texas 770072764
Deloitte Consulting LLP / Senior Manager
05/20/2015 50.00 1058.35
Leni Eccles PO Box 6
Belvedere, California 949200006
Community Volunteer, Retired / Education and Health Care
06/30/2015 100.00 1100.00
Bruce Broillet 100 Wilshire Blvd Fl 21
Santa Monica, California 904011162
Greene Broilet & Wheeler / Attorney
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alicia Nocera 429 Laurel Oak Drive
Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143
Thomas E. Crenney & Associates, LLC / Lawyer
05/27/2015 302.15 302.15
Beth Shaw 120 W 45th St Fl 39
New York, New York 100364041
Self-Employed / Financial Writer
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Suzanne Palmieri 1907 Luzerne Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 209102132
U.S. Government / Profressional
05/03/2015 10.00 270.00
John Tedstrom 5255 Marlborough Dr
San Diego, California 921162036
John Tedstrom Associates, LLC / Founder & CEO
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Judith Browne 211 86th St
Virginia Beach, Virginia 234511819
N/A / Retired
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Helen Gray 2515 S Solano Dr
Las Cruces, New Mexico 880015603
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 100.00 225.00
Jan Soderberg 200 Silverlode Dr
Aspen, Colorado 816112504
Pearl Aircraft Corporation / Business Executive
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mary Schilling 500 Frances Thacker
Williamsburg, Virginia 231858235
Retired / University Administrator
04/13/2015 100.00 345.16
Steven Kravitz 2600 Island Blvd Apt 1602
Aventura, Florida 331605210
N/A / Retired
06/14/2015 2700.00 3200.00
Patricia Brown Holmes 6737 S Bennett Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606491031
Schiff Hardin LLP / Lawyer
05/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cheryl Clayton 57 Forsyth St NW Apt 8G
Atlanta, Georgia 303032206
Green&Clean / Small Business Owner
06/29/2015 5.00 207.00
Sandra Kapetan 11099 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900493224
N/A / Retired
05/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Juliet Rogers 1170 Innsbrook Ct
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481088671
Blue Cottage Consulting / CEO
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Katherine Hernacki 32 Roanoke Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303054354
The Hernacki Law Firm, LLC / Attorney
06/30/2015 250.00 500.00
Aaron Rhyne 1229 N Flores St 8 United States
West Hollywood, California 900692930
Aaron Rhyne Designs / Designer
06/02/2015 67.89 201.89
Robin Elwood 16264 Morningside Dr
Edmond, Oklahoma 730133036
University of Oklahoma / Physician
06/28/2015 25.00 575.00
Jacqueline Snook 185 Rolex Pt
Lake Mary, Florida 327463591
Optimal Phone Interpreters / COO
04/29/2015 100.00 517.49
Lynda Rae Resnick 11444 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900641549
Roll Global LLC / Co-Chairman
06/24/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Donn Hoffman 201 N Figueroa St Ste 1200
Los Angeles, California 900124361
County of Los Angeles / Prosecutor
06/08/2015 150.00 250.00
Susan Berrington 5920 Granby Rd
Rockville, Maryland 208551419
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Gina Malaver 12617 177th Ave NE Unit A
Redmond, Washington 980522384
Microsoft / Senior Program Manager
06/30/2015 180.00 215.00
Tonya M. Ferrucci 61 Lowes Ln
Chepachet, Rhode Island 028142205
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/07/2015 2700.00 0.00
Beverly Miller 1776 Forest Pkwy
Denver, Colorado 802201334
N/A / Retired
05/09/2015 2450.00 2700.00
Glen Wyatt 7010 Santa Monica Blvd
West Hollywood, California 900381012
Seismic Productions / Owner
06/13/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Zachary Herz 500 Seminary Row
New York, New York 100275843
Columbia University / Graduate Student
05/26/2015 36.41 571.41
Diane Cox PO Box 2752
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741012752
Self-Employed / Oil & Gas
04/17/2015 100.00 400.00
Linda Zimmerman 4 Shadow View Ct
Los Lunas, New Mexico 870317636
Self-Employed / Therapist
06/10/2015 250.00 500.00
James Maurer PO Box 209
Lincolnville, Maine 048490209
ACM / Publisher
06/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Jenna Morton 36 Quiet Moon Ln
Las Vegas, Nevada 891357863
Morton Group / Restauranteur
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Klawiter 1511 W Montrose Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606131291
DLA Piper LLP / Lawyer
05/06/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Linda Fetzer 17 Emerald Bay
Laguna Beach, California 926511206
Greenfence / Vice President
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frank Laurents 454 W 36th St 3FE United States
New York, New York 100186314
Fitch Ratings / Marketing Director
05/30/2015 216.30 416.30
Gabriella G. Spacciapoli 223 High Rd
Newbury, Massachusetts 019512216
Pet Au Pair / Dog Walker/Student
04/24/2015 50.00 400.00
Robert Moroni 3111 62nd St
Saugatuck, Michigan 494539701
The Segal Group / Employee Benefit Consultant
06/07/2015 36.69 261.69
Trevan Biddulph 2315 E Arnett Dr
Salt Lake City, Utah 841093459
Intermountain Healthcare / Nurse
06/29/2015 25.00 300.00
Douglas Steenland 3065 University Ter NW
Washington, DC 200163462
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeffrey Krupen 58 Euston Rd
Garden City, New York 115304131
Jeffrey Krupen MD / MD
06/24/2015 250.00 250.00
Sarah McLain 52 Monmouth Ave
Medford, Massachusetts 021552328
Harvard University / Faculty Assistant
04/12/2015 25.00 249.00
Richard Koral 703 Foothill Rd
Beverly Hills, California 902103437
Self-Employed / Distributor
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Denise Andrews 21 Beach Ln
Orange, Massachusetts 013649734
Denise Andrews / Consultant
05/15/2015 50.00 255.25
Miles Plant 360 E 88th St Apt 5C
New York, New York 101284983
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP / Attorney
05/06/2015 100.00 1000.00
Victoria Chan PO Box 1880
San Gabriel, California 917781880
Harris Law Group / Attorney
04/22/2015 2695.00 2705.00
Betty Sitt 449 Avenue T
Brooklyn, New York 112234002
N/A / Homemaker
06/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anurag Gupta 401 Stevens Ave
Portland, Maine 041032608
Maine Health / Physician
05/09/2015 500.00 500.00
Neal Manne 2947 Inwood Dr
Houston, Texas 770193221
Susman Godfrey LLP / Lawyer
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Freances Moreno 7818 El Manor Ave
Los Angeles, California 900451430
Information Requested / Sales
05/08/2015 261.00 261.00
Teresa Manzella 205 W End Ave Apt 22F
New York, New York 100234814
Self-Employed / Career Counselor
06/13/2015 50.00 275.00
Holly Reese 505 Chalda Way
Moraga, California 945562350
Self-Employed / Acupuncture
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Vickee Adams 4307 161st St
Urbandale, Iowa 503232262
Wells Fargo / Public Relations
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jayson Gerbec 1466 Forestbrook Ln
Painesville, Ohio 440771214
Classic Auto group / Sales
06/18/2015 3.00 236.00
John Richards 1801 Wyoming Ave NW Apt 34
Washington, DC 200091844
Greenberg Traurig / Lawyer
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Leland Hanson 9013 N Curtis Ave
Portland, Oregon 972177121
N/A / Retired
05/26/2015 141.33 1141.33
Martin Skea 1661 Crescent Pl NW Apt 410
Washington, DC 200094048
Wells Fargo / Customer Service
04/17/2015 25.00 2700.00
Kathleen Bibbins 464 W Lockwood Ave
Webster Groves, Missouri 631192927
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Reginald Walden 9621 Coatbridge Ln
Hagerstown, Maryland 217401766
U.S. Small Business Administration / Supervisory Business Opportunity Speci
04/14/2015 100.00 121.09
Kimberly Lane 709 Stanbridge St
Norristown, Pennsylvania 194015505
Self-Employed / Information Requested
04/23/2015 50.00 550.00
Cheryl Clayton 57 Forsyth St NW Apt 8G
Atlanta, Georgia 303032206
Green&Clean / Small Business Owner
06/24/2015 5.00 207.00
Laura Fox 433 W Stafford St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191444407
Fidelity National Title / Lawyer
05/01/2015 500.00 500.00
Mitch Colleran 801 Sutter St Apt 403
San Francisco, California 941096108
Eventbrite / Technology
06/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Helen Springer 53 Clifton Dr
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 193482737
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Jan Gyure 35696 Camden Ct
Farmington Hills, Michigan 483351214
Ravid and Associates / Paralegal
06/29/2015 25.00 412.54
Joseph Trapasso 5340 36th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222071816
FCA US LLC / Senior Vice President, External Affair
06/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Edward Blake 1880 Century Park E Ste 549
Los Angeles, California 900671600
N/A / Retired
04/17/2015 1500.00 2700.00
Elizabeth Clark 118 E 93rd St Apt 9D
New York, New York 101281665
Self-Employed / Writer
06/08/2015 500.00 500.00
Mary Clare Rohret 4118 SE 24th St
Des Moines, Iowa 503202670
United States Air Force / Retired RN
06/05/2015 100.00 495.00
Heidi Dugan 2735 Arbuckle St
Houston, Texas 770053931
Greenwood King / Realtor
05/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael Kang 3701 Main St Ste 3A
Flushing, New York 113544160
Michael Kang Architecture, PLLC / Architect
05/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Maria Orms 13015 Marion Dr
Thornton, Colorado 802411936
Time Warner Cable / Engineer
04/12/2015 50.00 350.00
Tonia Licciardi 649 River Rd
Piscataway, New Jersey 088544641
Accurate Reconstruction / Marketing
05/06/2015 50.00 250.00
Barbara Anderson PO Box 205
San Quentin, California 949640205
Les Mills Us / VP Product
06/30/2015 50.00 300.00
John Lavelle 816 Gatemore Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102937
Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP / Attorney
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Hull 751 Laurel St
San Carlos, California 940703113
RICOH / Manager
05/09/2015 500.00 500.00
Tristan Jackson 17518 NE 98th Way
Redmond, Washington 980528692
Bungie / Software Engineer
06/30/2015 125.00 235.00
Patricia Marsolais 1449 Bella Vista Dr
Dallas, Texas 752183508
City Of Dallas / Director
06/26/2015 75.00 1140.00
Herb Alpert 1414 6th St
Santa Monica, California 904012510
Self-Employed / Musician
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rebecca Lum 236 Yosemite Cir
Vacaville, California 956873479
Solano Community College / Math Teacher
06/15/2015 100.00 270.16
Wendy Dean 1118 S Emerson St
Arlington, Virginia 222043223
Self-Employed / Attorney/Real Estate Agent
04/15/2015 2700.00 2760.60
Matthew McGrath 2500 Q St NW Apt 225
Washington, DC 200074358
Albright Stonebridge Group / Consultant
04/13/2015 200.00 220.00
Kyle Creekmore PO Box 3068
Fort Smith, Arkansas 729133068
N/A / Homemaker
05/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Jinx McAllister 1522 E Holly St
Boise, Idaho 837128354
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 50.00 261.23
Nathan Simms 124 Old Larkspur Way
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 275163413
GlaxoSmithKline / State Policy Director
06/27/2015 100.00 525.00
Dennis Davison 7113 Darby Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208172913
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP / Attorney
04/22/2015 1000.00 2000.00
Constance Citro 144 12Th St SE
Washington, DC 200031413
National Academy of Sciences / Research Director
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Elizabeth Stern 168 E 74th St Apt 5B
New York, New York 100213561
Global Giving Advisors / Consultant
04/14/2015 50.00 2805.00
Barbi Appelquist 610 24th St
Santa Monica, California 904023136
Cohen Gardner LLP / Attorney
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jean Norum 1400 Clearbrook Ln
Charlottesvle, Virginia 229118552
University of Virginia / Analyst
05/01/2015 500.00 500.00
Michael Sozan 1529 14th St NW Apt 608
Washington, DC 200053787
Center for American Progress / Government Affairs
06/05/2015 500.00 600.00
Gerald Gilyard PO Box 865
Yakima, Washington 989070865
Yakima Specialties Inc / Job Coach
05/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Chi Kin Liao 6524 162nd St Apt 5D
Fresh Meadows, New York 113652608
EJ Electric / Electrician
06/22/2015 5.00 205.00
Darlene Schweitzer 9526 E Greenway St
Mesa, Arizona 852072627
N/A / Retired
06/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Steven Cooper 525 Sixth St Apt A
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Sev1Tech / Risk Manager
06/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Ebs Burnough 435 W 23rd St Rm 1BB
New York, New York 100111411
EBS International, LLC / Consultant
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Trena Payton PO Box 250
Dupont, Washington 983270250
ABN Technologies / Project Manager
06/10/2015 10.00 210.00
Nancy Sheehan 4650 Marsh Hawk Dr
Klamath Falls, Oregon 976018650
OEA/NEA / Union Representative
05/22/2015 25.00 216.33
Stacy Muscarello 1 E Wacker Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606011474
N/A / Homemaker
05/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Thomas W. Greeson 10328 Sager Ave Unit 116
Fairfax, Virginia 220303568
Reed Smith LLP / Attorney
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Wendy Greuel 4433 Agnes Ave
Studio City, California 916074102
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lydia E. Morales 7602 Erin Way
Cupertino, California 950144343
N/A / Retired
04/24/2015 16.00 232.00
John W. Haley 2025 3rd Ave N
Birmingham, Alabama 352033323
Hane Wynn / Attorney
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nelly Montes de Lukas 2027 Tinker Dr Usa
Fort Washington, Maryland 207442644
Retired / Accountant
05/20/2015 25.00 250.00
Mark Canton 844 Seward Street 1St Floor
Los Angeles, California 90038
Atmosphere Entertainment / Film Producer
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Catherine Read 10328 Sager Ave Unit 116
Fairfax, Virginia 220303568
Creative Read, Inc. / Social Media Consultant
06/08/2015 2600.00 2800.00
Leslie Dewees 335 Bowery 17th Floor
New York City, New York 10003
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jennifer Levine 3750 N Lake Shore Dr # 65
Chicago, Illinois 606134238
Pritzker Family Foundation / Director
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Debra Yogodzinski 215 I St NE Apt 411
Washington, DC 200024485
Rogers Yogodzinski LLP / Attorney
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joseph Salinas 2025 Woodhead St
Houston, Texas 770196125
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic / Physician
05/01/2015 250.00 350.00
Elizabeth Sobel 852 Hauser Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900364726
White Memorial Hospital / RN
06/18/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Edie Twining 10 Houston St
Boston, Massachusetts 021322335
Clarks / Designer
05/11/2015 100.00 201.00
Elizabeth Reynolds 343 Gold St Apt 1017
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Hillary for America / Communications
06/08/2015 129.50 329.50
Joseph Openshaw 4018 Lakewood Drive
Bessemer, Alabama 35020
N/A / Retired
06/02/2015 21.09 291.71
Carolyn Gilson 601 Ocean Blvd
Golden Beach, Florida 331602217
Self-Employed / TV Writer/Producer
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kathleen Steele Danner 2918 Valley View Ter
Jefferson City, Missouri 651091069
State of Missouri / Director, Division of Professional Reg
06/04/2015 2600.00 2700.00
Carol Kanin 65 Stuart Rd
Newton, Massachusetts 024591210
Niki Tsongas Committee / Finance Director
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Deborah Armstrong 2015 Dietz Pl NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871073240
Delta Consulting Group / Business Owner
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Georgianna Land 629 Kappock St Apt 4N
Bronx, New York 104637710
Retired / Education Administrator
06/23/2015 1700.00 2705.00
Richard Daigle 4 Carmichael St Suite 111 No 308
Essex Junction, Vermont 05452
UVM Health Network / Physician
06/29/2015 500.00 1000.00
Vida Mylson 7 Brookside Dr
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 074581906
Electronic Arts / Sales/Marketing
06/18/2015 500.00 1000.00
Anne F. Donovan 118 4th St SE
Washington, DC 200031012
Jones Day / Manager of Business Relations
04/25/2015 10.00 228.00
Kelly Coller 13290 Tahiti Way #123
Marina del Rey, California 90290
NYX cosmetics / VP of Retail Marketing
06/30/2015 101.00 201.00
Perry Belfer 1330 Beacon St
Brookline, Massachusetts 024463282
Newton-Wellesley Eating Disorders / Psychologist
05/15/2015 25.00 205.25
Miriam McCrea 272 Newtown Tpke
Wilton, Connecticut 068974715
N/A / Retired
05/19/2015 200.00 400.00
Vernon Jordan, Jr. 1333 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 200361500
Akin Gump / Senior Counsel * In-Kind: Event Supplies
04/20/2015 857.55 3557.55
Sarah Sterner 1676 Fellsmere Ln
Cincinnati, Ohio 45240
Hillary for America / Organizer
06/08/2015 125.27 227.52
Amy Moore 37423 Palmar St
Clinton Twp, Michigan 480363624
Plante Moran / IT Manager
06/30/2015 75.00 205.00
Mark Stary 3405 Stanford Ave
Dallas, Texas 752257619
ACESaba.com / Project Designer
06/02/2015 2700.00 2767.89
Carl W. Laystrom 6240 SW 15th St
Plantation, Florida 333174618
Doumar Allsworth Cross / Attorney
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mack Paul 3705 Shadybrook Dr
Raleigh, North Carolina 276097025
Morningstar Law Group / Lawyer
04/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Victoria Ferrara 2150 Post Rd
Fairfield, Connecticut 068245669
The Ferrara Law Group PC / Attorney
06/27/2015 5.00 1060.00
Susan Hailey 3 Surrey Ln
Atherton, California 940273130
Medidata Solutions / VP Talent Acquisition
04/13/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Deborah Fine 188 Ludlow St Apt 4M
New York, New York 100021681
JPMorgan Chase & Co. / Philanthropy Manager
05/10/2015 250.00 250.00
Vanessa Vergara 5329 S Merrimac Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606381328
N/A / Homemaker
04/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Connie Hiaasen 6200 Banyan Ter
Plantation, Florida 333172565
Bushkin & Hiaasen, P. A. / Attorney
05/24/2015 20.00 317.83
Eric Shuman 5348 Isleworth Country Club Dr
Windermere, Florida 347868924
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt / CFO
05/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mary Dulaney 1329 Fall Creek Loop
Cedar Park, Texas 786135820
N/A / Retired
04/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Christopher Gladstone 2450 Belmont Rd NW
Washington, DC 200081610
Quadrangle / Real Estate
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cera Osterhout 742 W Swanzey Rd
Swanzey, New Hampshire 034463247
Citywide Home Loans / Mortgage Underwriter
06/29/2015 116.00 201.00
Maheshkumar Patel 3433 Legacy Run
Owensboro, Kentucky 423015898
Self-Employed / C Store
06/13/2015 18.00 202.00
Adam Bly 148 Greene St Apt 2E
New York, New York 100123292
Seed Scientific / CEO
04/12/2015 250.00 750.00
Washington, DC 200164310
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/05/2015 1500.00 2700.00
Adam Rosman 101 W 87th St Apt 1105
New York, New York 100240559
First Data Corporation / Attorney
04/30/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Dorothy Parker 3304 E 44th Ave Apt 242
Spokane, Washington 992237091
N/A / Retired
05/22/2015 5.00 300.00
Kenneth Cheng 125 E Broadway Apt 6D
New York, New York 100026346
Sino-American Business Group / Chairman
05/15/2015 700.00 2700.00
Ellen Ewing 1135 Flanders Rd
Reno, Nevada 895114781
Self-Employed / Clinical Psychologist
06/30/2015 50.00 275.00
Jane Oates 113 W Mason Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223011911
Apollo Education Group / Executive
04/22/2015 1000.00 1300.00
Jerry Goldfeder 360 Central Park W
New York, New York 100256541
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP / Attorney
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anthony Robertson 316 Jackson St
Petoskey, Michigan 497702362
Odawa Casino Resort / Director of Table Games
06/29/2015 5.00 331.00
Melinda Medlin 1668 Beekman Pl NW Apt D
Washington, DC 200096540
The Rock Creek Group / Financial Services
04/29/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Thomas Sexton 21 Carmel Dr
Little Rock, Arkansas 722124401
Information Requested / CEO
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Kenneth Wilcox 2 Applewood Ln
Portola Valley, California 940287950
Retired / Banker
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Meg Aceves 5731 Tehama Ave
Richmond, California 948045044
State of California / Criminalist Manager
06/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Jason Claire Av de la Gare 44 Vaud, Switzerland 1003
Lausanne, ____
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/29/2015 500.00 500.00
Donna Malone 559 Cedar Grove Rd
Arkadelphia, Arkansas 719238281
Malone Supreme Angus Ranch / Manager/Owner
06/26/2015 10.00 344.16
Michael Colona 4387 Laclede Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631082248
State of Missouri / State Representative
06/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Stacey Rubin 54 Tiffany Ave
San Francisco, California 941104918
Emerson Collective / Managing Director
04/15/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Susan Schnabel 1714 Alta Mura Rd
Pacific Palisades, California 902722703
aPriori Capital / Investor
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Stewart 7040 Avenida Encinas Ste 104
Carlsbad, California 920114653
SD1 Incorporated / President
06/02/2015 5.00 310.00
Robert Kline 210 Berkshire Rd
Richmond, Virginia 232213239
N/A / Retired
06/16/2015 50.00 750.00
Anthony McAdoo 3637 Hyacinth St
Eugene, Oregon 974047013
University of Oregon / Education Administration
06/18/2015 50.00 201.00
Joanne Kresic 6699 Robinson Ln
Warrenton, Virginia 201867467
Montessori / Teacher
05/10/2015 500.00 500.00
Gregg Kaminsky 230 W 56th St Apt 53A
New York, New York 100190077
Self-Employed / Travel
04/12/2015 25.00 2700.00
Helen Spiro 1106 32nd Ave E
Seattle, Washington 981123705
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Vicki Crawford 88 Birdie Way
Crested Butte, Colorado 812249649
Self-Employed / Event Management
06/29/2015 10.00 260.00
Ahmad Al-Akhras 1311 Le Anne Marie Cir
Columbus, Ohio 432357594
MMRTC / Chief Program Officer
05/22/2015 50.00 525.00
Jon Haber 4914 43rd St NW
Washington, DC 200164021
Cascade Strategy, Inc. / Consultant
05/21/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Emily DenAdel Emery 135 Conselyea St Apt 3A
Brooklyn, New York 112111387
Twilio / Technology
06/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Philip Goldstein 746 Mamaroneck Ave Apt 1316
Mamaroneck, New York 105431989
McGuireWoods LLP / Attorney
06/09/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Topsy Smalley 3400 Paul Sweet Rd Unit D115
Santa Cruz, California 950651542
Cabrillo College / Librarian
06/04/2015 5.00 201.00
Hannah Linkenhoker 133 S Doheny Dr Apt 403
Los Angeles, California 900482941
NMA Consulting Partners / Consultant
06/18/2015 500.00 1000.00
Damon Bethea 534 Guylyn Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152353924
United Way of Allegheny County / Mentoring Project Director
06/11/2015 25.00 296.49
Linda Smith 67 Moose Hill Pkwy
Sharon, Massachusetts 020671730
Standard Modern Inc. / General Manager & President
05/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Matthew Witten 8 Barstow Rd Apt 2J
Great Neck, New York 110213548
Winthrop-University Hospital / Physicist
04/15/2015 2450.00 2700.00
Keely Field 3325 Castle Heights Ave Apt 314
Los Angeles, California 900342770
Saban Capital Group / Paralegal
05/06/2015 5.00 245.00
David Bolger 1900 Purdy Ave Apt 1414
Miami Beach, Florida 331391436
Self-Employed / Artist
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Patricia Marsolais 1449 Bella Vista Dr
Dallas, Texas 752183508
City Of Dallas / Director
04/14/2015 50.00 1140.00
Patricia Coleman 7526 Dogwood Falls Rd
Houston, Texas 770954106
Retired / LVN
06/16/2015 20.00 255.00
Robert A McDonald 44 Maxwell Rd
Garden City, New York 115301845
Collins, McDonald & Gann, P.C. / Partner
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Beverly Coney 2142 Hilltop Pl
Falls Church, Virginia 220431728
N/A / Disabled
06/28/2015 100.00 225.00
Abdulkerim Karaoglu 505 W 37th St
New York, New York 100181257
The Vertical Group / Sales Trader
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Kaufman 5413 Trent St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208155513
Rini O'Neil, PC / Attorney
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Enid Brenner Prasad 23 Lowndes Lodge, 13-16 Cadogan Pl United Kingdom SW1X 9RZ
London, ____
N/A / Homemaker
05/10/2015 250.00 750.00
Orlando L. Alvarez, Jr. 11301 Edgewater Dr
Cleveland, Ohio 441026142
Sisters Of Charity Health System / Executive
05/15/2015 250.00 750.00
Joanne LaMont 6 Wintergreen Ct
Woodbury, Connecticut 067983218
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 100.00 200.00
Hee Sun Kim 737 Post St Apt 517
San Francisco, California 941096197
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/04/2015 2700.00 2710.00
Justin Gilbert 1902 Roxburgh Ct
Adelphi, Maryland 207832045
Domino's Pizza / Head of Franchise Operations
06/29/2015 500.00 500.00
Robert Cochran 3766 Lunar Cir
Lompoc, California 934361948
Santa Barbara County / Accountant
06/05/2015 100.00 210.00
Lyndsey Grover 5338 Mercedes Ave
Dallas, Texas 752065818
UT / Physician
04/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Len Minars 550 Sandhurst Dr W Apt 101
Roseville, Minnesota 551134662
N/A / Retired
06/08/2015 250.00 2950.00
Patricia Marsolais 1449 Bella Vista Dr
Dallas, Texas 752183508
City Of Dallas / Director
04/22/2015 100.00 1140.00
Eric Balliet 4004 5th St N Apt 4
Arlington, Virginia 222033340
Arlington County Government / Communications
06/29/2015 15.00 205.00
Zafer A Akin 136 Hope Ave
Staten Island, New York 103053050
Akin Law Group PLLC / Attorney
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ayse Kenmore 152 Montauk Hwy
East Hampton, New York 119372811
N/A / Retired
06/19/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Redmond 2507 101st Ln NE
Bellevue, Washington 980042631
SMI, Inc. / Executive
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Phillip Goldenberg 2728 W COLTER ST. PERIWINKLE LOT B
PHOENIX, Arizona 85017
Southwest Key Programs, Inc. / Youth Care Worker
06/26/2015 1.99 276.41
Barbara Ruffino 4701 Willard Ave Apt 310
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154608
Cygnus / Consultant
06/29/2015 50.00 376.85
Andre Spearman 1001 L St NW
Washington, DC 200014350
Neiman Marcus / Retail Sales
06/14/2015 250.00 500.00
Denise Graveline 1416 Crittenden St NW
Washington, DC 200114339
Self-Employed / Speaker Coach & Consultant
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Erica Hansen 360 Adams St
Oakland, California 946103130
Permanente Medical Group / Physician
06/30/2015 187.00 473.41
Gary Passon 1390 S Kihei Rd
Kihei, Hawaii 967538138
N/A / Retired
06/28/2015 100.00 300.00
Virginia Levenback 4124 Milton St
Houston, Texas 770052738
Retired / Attorney
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carey Lorenzo 67 Rivergate Way
Long Branch, New Jersey 077408502
N/A / Not Employed
05/22/2015 5.00 240.00
Steve Sheu 2736 W Pratt Blvd
Chicago, Illinois 606454507
Deloitte Consulting LLP / Tax Accountant
05/15/2015 300.00 300.00
Jacquelyne K. Weatherspoon 1 Oneil Ct
Exeter, New Hampshire 038332810
Decisions In Democracy International / Consultant, CEO Founder
06/12/2015 5.00 258.28
Carol West 6922 Spanker Dr
Burke, Virginia 220154539
Retired, U.S. Navy / Retired, Captain, USN
06/09/2015 1000.00 1000.00
David Sexton PO Box 336
Naples, Florida 341060336
Self-Employed / Asset Manager
06/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Donald Loncasty 8302 Cherokee Ln
Leawood, Kansas 662061436
Kansas City Chorale / Manager
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Margaret MacNeil PO Box 653
Truro, Massachusetts 026660653
MFM Interiors / Owner
06/26/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Claudia Lewis 8484 Harold Way
Los Angeles, California 900691903
Fox Searchlight Pictures / Film Executive
06/08/2015 136.41 2836.41
Rosario Doriott Dominguez 1451 24th St
Denver, Colorado 802052104
Baker & Hostetler LLP / Attorney
05/03/2015 100.00 201.00
Mark Kellam 3840 Wyoming St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631164841
Self-Employed / Data Analyst
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tamara Lohmann 5565 Oak Hills Dr
Burlington, Iowa 526018668
Retired / Education
06/29/2015 125.00 225.00
Jennifer Thomas 176 Prince Royal Dr
Corte Madera, California 949252031
Virgin America / Corporate Communications
04/23/2015 10.00 385.00
Linda Welsh 11205 Terrace Bluff Dr
Austin, Texas 787542023
National American University / Associate Dean of Doctoral Students
05/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Mike Lair 5115 NW 8th St
Ankeny, Iowa 500238012
John Deere / Painter
05/22/2015 10.00 389.00
Charles Good 3180 Cobblestone Ln Apt 7
Springfield, Illinois 627117969
State of Illinois / Manager
05/15/2015 30.00 30.00
Brian Casentini 1498 Sunset Plaza Dr
Los Angeles, California 900691342
Saban Brands / Media Executive
05/06/2015 500.00 500.00
Andria McClellan 531 Warren Cres # Usa
Norfolk, Virginia 235072128
N/A / Community Volunteer
06/10/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Mary Ricks 65 Clarendon Road Notting Hill United Kingdom W11 4J
London, ____
Kennedy Wilson / President & CEO
06/19/2015 250.00 2950.00
Diann Weinman 4310 NW 6th Dr
Des Moines, Iowa 503132712
N/A / Retired
04/16/2015 200.00 350.00
Shirley Freifeld 11 Hunt Ln
Weston, Connecticut 068832433
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kristin Hansen 1510 Gabriel Dr United States
Waukesha, Wisconsin 531883658
ACLU of Wisconsin / Fundraiser
06/14/2015 45.00 230.00
Bettina Plevan 1111 Park Ave
New York, New York 101281234
Proskauer Rose LLP / Attorney
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Turow 112 Blaine St
Seattle, Washington 981092834
Amazon / Senior Product Manager
04/12/2015 50.00 250.00
Cecelia Adams 1224 E Palmer Ave
Glendale, California 912053736
Self-Employed / Writer
05/21/2015 25.00 308.83
Deborah Nelson 16766 E Cochise Ln
Cuba, Illinois 614279215
N/A / Retired
05/22/2015 100.00 300.00
Marc Anthony White, Jr. 10 Ballast Ln
Marblehead, Massachusetts 019453808
J.P. Morgan Chase / Attorney
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mahshid Zahed 2110 Apricot Dr
Irvine, California 926184401
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/27/2015 10.00 202.00
Lori Thompson 2669 Bayonne St
Sullivans Island, South Carolina 294829669
Self-Employed / Real Estate
04/22/2015 200.00 600.00
Roland Phillips 30 E 85th St
New York, New York 100280408
Centerview Partners / Finance
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Moore 235 Williams St
Uxbridge, Massachusetts 015691130
Retired / State Senator
06/05/2015 1000.00 1100.00
Ted Hallowell 4322 Date Ave
La Mesa, California 919416413
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 10.00 205.00
Florence Ruth Brown 49 Brown Castle Ranch
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875081302
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/24/2015 100.00 250.00
Julia McGinnis Hari 424 Fernleaf Ave
Corona Del Mar, California 926252111
University of California / Retired
06/14/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Michener Unit 9530 Box 593 Belgium
DPO, AE 096240593
CropLife International / Policy Director
05/21/2015 50.00 300.00
George Allen 704 Pinebrook Dr
Virginia Beach, Virginia 234624723
Automotive Mechanic / Retired
05/29/2015 100.00 500.00
Kathleen Barry 828 Arlington Ave
Berkeley, California 947071927
N/A / Retired
04/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William St. Clair 246 W 22nd St Apt 16
New York, New York 100112772
Amazon Web Services, Inc. / Solutions Architect
05/26/2015 63.25 429.34
Adam Shea 651 17th St
Manhattan Beach, California 902664808
Parish, Shea & Boyle LLP / Attorney
05/12/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Jean-Patrick Maignan 510 NE 167th St
North Miami Beach, Florida 331623910
Cargoogistic USA / Manager
05/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane Monaco 7144 Cloister Rd
Toledo, Ohio 436172210
Heidelberg University / Assistant Professor
06/10/2015 25.00 201.70
Elizabeth Emery 476 E Canal St
Peru, Indiana 469702538
N/A / Disabled
06/05/2015 25.00 208.00
Beth Krom 7 Banyan Tree
Irvine, California 926122231
City of Irvine / City Council Member
06/14/2015 250.00 500.00
Melissa Otto 30 West St Apt 6A
New York, New York 100043053
TIAA-CREF / Equities
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bobbe Bridge 2833 Magnolia Blvd W
Seattle, Washington 981992410
Center for Children & Youth Justice / CEO
06/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Maria Ruggiero 4 Hilltop Rd
Watertown, Massachusetts 024723227
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 5.00 1065.00
Terri Frederick 8099 El Mundo St
Houston, Texas 770544163
N/A / Not Employed
05/26/2015 162.69 1012.69
Francois Delori 44 Tower Rd
Lincoln, Massachusetts 017733300
MEEI / Research Scientist
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Aurelio 86 Cove Neck Rd
Oyster Bay, New York 117711820
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Nathaniel LeDoux 2189 Chapman Ranch Dr
Henderson, Nevada 890122548
N/A / Retired
04/25/2015 100.00 900.00
Keely Field 3325 Castle Heights Ave Apt 314
Los Angeles, California 900342770
Saban Capital Group / Paralegal
04/23/2015 25.00 245.00
Alissa Grad 666 5th Ave
New York, New York 101030001
Golub Capital / Finance
06/19/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Nancy Bard 5085 Lowell St NW
Washington, DC 200162616
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Chase Williams PO Box 572
Gates Mills, Ohio 440400572
Hawken School / Teacher
05/26/2015 105.60 427.63
Debra Brown PO Box 1028
Pagosa Springs, Colorado 811471028
Colorado Dream Homes, Inc / General Contractor
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Lynn Greer 1014 Saturn Ct
Incline Village, Nevada 894518714
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 77.89 2427.89
Greg Pape 83 Edgewood Dr
Berea, Ohio 440171411
Retired / Retired/Quadriplegic C-4
06/30/2015 103.00 195.70
David Rison 105 Caveson Dr
Summerville, South Carolina 294834906
N/A / Retired
06/23/2015 75.00 331.00
Matthew S. Ulliman 9111 Springboro Pike
Miamisburg, Ohio 453424420
Ulliman Schutte Construction / Sales Executive
05/10/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Tiejun Xia 3909 Compton Dr
Richardson, Texas 750823652
Verizon / DMTS
05/22/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Ellen Athas 6413 31st Pl NW
Washington, DC 200152349
Environmmental Protection Agency / Attorney
05/15/2015 250.00 500.00
Howard Egerman 3216 Davis St
Oakland, California 946012608
Social Security Administration / Claims Representative
06/16/2015 25.00 393.19
Cindi Doeschot 150 S Madison St Unit 209
Denver, Colorado 802093046
Self-Employed / Energy Consultant
06/05/2015 200.00 300.00
Seth Harrison 47 Hulfish St Ste 441
Princeton, New Jersey 085423713
Apple Tree Partners / Managing Partner
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cynthia Trigg 238 Terrace View Drive
Stateline, Nevada 89449
N/A / Retired
05/12/2015 2000.00 2550.00
Lawrence Winnerman 12317 10th Pl NE
Seattle, Washington 981254832
Microsoft / Program Manager
06/24/2015 37.00 309.00
Robert Puckett 721 Hinman Ave Apt 1W
Evanston, Illinois 602022585
Hull Investments / Adminstrator
05/20/2015 25.00 210.00
Donna Van Fleet 1073 Bible Hill Rd
Brownsville, Vermont 050379731
N/A / Retired
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lynne Kudzy 303 Sawmill Rd
Stamford, Connecticut 069033509
WebMD / Product Marketing
05/26/2015 41.41 366.91
Laura Bianchi Payne 10061 Bianchi Way Unit B
Cupertino, California 950144278
N/A / Homemaker
06/22/2015 10.00 272.00
Mark Pedersen 2812 E Rude St
Weedsport, New York 131669828
First Niagara Bank / Banking
04/12/2015 100.00 225.00
Analuisa Martinez 7817 Falstaff Rd
McLean, Virginia 221022724
Self-Employed / Sales
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Edward Koplar 500 S Warson Rd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631241253
Koplar Communications, LLC / CEO
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire 375 E 2nd St Apt 619
Los Angeles, California 900124154
Berkhemer Clayton Inc. / Retained Executive Search
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shari Wolf 617 Avenida Mirola
Palos Verdes Estat, California 902744305
Natural Grace Funerals / Funeral Director
05/04/2015 37.00 232.00
Judy Trabulsi 828 W 6th St
Austin, Texas 787035420
GSD&M / Co-Founder
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rosalia Lantigua 40 Memorial Hwy
New Rochelle, New York 108018312
Self-Employed / Billing Service
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brian O'Dwyer 52 Duane St
New York, New York 100071207
O'Dwyer & Bernstein LLP / Attorney
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Amanda Litman 276 Hawthorne St 2 United States
Brooklyn, New York 112255908
Hillary for America / Digital
06/29/2015 49.40 224.65
Sheila Myers 2151 Heritage Loop
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 295771939
Verizon Communications / Retired
05/26/2015 109.42 209.42
Anne Speakman 48 Orchard St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021401308
Self-Employed / Communications
04/18/2015 50.00 212.00
Louise Fitzgerald 330 E 38th St Apt 48Q
New York, New York 100162784
Subchapter S Corporation / Management Consultant
06/03/2015 24.09 360.84
Crandall Bowles 6725 Old Providence Rd
Charlotte, North Carolina 282267735
N/A / Retired
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brenda Price 7059 Woodberry Dr
Hamilton, Ohio 450116641
AurGroup Financial Credit Union / EVP/COO
04/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Alejandro Nunez 15445 Cobalt St Spc 225
Sylmar, California 913420551
Health Net / Project Coordinator
06/29/2015 50.00 279.16
Kevin King 3580 Jackson St
San Francisco, California 941181808
Self-Employed / Artist
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marjorie Roberts PO Box 6347
St Thomas, Virgin Islands 008046347
Marjorie Rawls Roberts, PC / Attorney
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Charnjit Singh, MD 91 Suffolk Ln
Garden City, New York 115301535
Self-Employed / Physician
06/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Philip Doyle 1824 Columbia Rd NW
Washington, DC 200092002
MaidPro Cleaning / Owner
06/22/2015 30.00 217.00
Nick Scandalios 65 W 13th St Apt 4F
New York, New York 100117949
Nederlander Productions / Theatre Executive
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tom Young 2196 Lambert Dr
Pasadena, California 911072407
Creative Artists Agency / Agent
06/30/2015 101.00 201.00
Jason Gisi 3225 Clearwater Dr
Prescott, Arizona 863057175
Self-Employed / Real Estate
05/11/2015 2700.00 4050.00
David Rudd 3846 Macomb St NW
Washington, DC 200163703
Palmetto Group / Consultant
04/29/2015 500.00 2000.00
Janet A Blanchard 22326 Valley Oaks Dr
Beverly Hills, Michigan 480252527
Meridian International Center / Advisor
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Chane 5012 Whispering Holw
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334183536
Greenberg Traurig LLP / Attorney
05/06/2015 500.00 500.00
Jennifer Klein 4523 Hawthorne St NW
Washington, DC 200163574
Self-Employed / Lawyer
06/22/2015 60.00 2760.00
John O'Connor 125 Broad St c/o Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
New York, New York 100042400
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP / Lawyer
06/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Daniel McDow 1034 Bryce Ln
West Melbourne, Florida 329048718
GPMac, Snoedel & East Coast Screens / Owner
06/29/2015 125.00 225.00
Serena Wiltshire 2901 Normanstone Ln NW
Washington, DC 200082725
N/A / Not Employed
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peggie Kohnert 2701 Werlein Ave
Houston, Texas 770053959
Self-Employed / Realtor
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Scott Edel 1235 Piedra Morada Dr
Pacific Palisades, California 902721904
Loeb & Loeb / Attorney
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Megan Rouse 7962 Shannon Ct
Dublin, California 945681365
Self-Employed / Financial Planner
06/29/2015 25.00 201.00
Rosemary Boller 13 W 13th St 3GS United States
New York, New York 100117954
Levin & Glasser, P.C. / Lawyer
05/26/2015 149.90 399.90
Jon Derek Croteau PO Box 1127
Manchester, Vermont 052541127
Witt/Kieffer / Consultant
04/12/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Pat Maloney, Jr. 126 Bushnell Ave
San Antonio, Texas 782125202
Law Offices of Pat Maloney / Attorney
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shelley Davimos 11 Wharf Ave
Red Bank, New Jersey 077016613
Soccer Centers / Information Requested
06/09/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Charles Jensen 211 Chestnut Ridge St
Winter Springs, Florida 327084342
Retired / Senior Executive/CPA
06/30/2015 51.00 201.00
Joan Biella 80 Norwood Ave
Kensington, California 947071150
Retired / Librarian
06/03/2015 15.00 201.00
Nick Garfinkle 607 N Gardner St
Los Angeles, California 900365712
Self-Employed / Writer
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cyrus Tashakkori 1612 Astor Pl
Austin, Texas 787211305
Pioneer Green Energy / Solar Developer
06/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Matthew Blocher 4938 Eskridge Ter NW
Washington, DC 200163443
The JBG Companies / Real Estate Investment
06/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Betsy Sheerr 225 S 4th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191063814
Sheerr Communications / Owner
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mindy Sander 3560 Fern Cir
Seal Beach, California 907402846
N/A / Homemaker
06/30/2015 75.00 691.72
Soledad Hurst 500 Jalanda Ln
Aspen, Colorado 816118705
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brandon Hurlbut 1000 New Jersey Ave SE Apt 812
Washington, DC 200033368
Boundary Stone Partners / Advisor
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gregory Willenborg 1268 N Fairfax Ave
West Hollywood, California 900465206
Willenborg Productions / Television Producer
06/22/2015 373.50 3073.50
Kevin Burke 2259 Cottage Grove Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303172715
Atlanta BeltLine Inc / Landscape Architecture
06/05/2015 50.00 300.00
Claire Newton 36 W Cedar St
Boston, Massachusetts 021081212
Shilepsky Hartley Michon Robb LLP / Attorney
04/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Bart Gordon 2442 Belmont Rd NW
Washington, DC 200081610
K&L Gates LLP / Lawyer
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sue Shapiro 14 E 4th St
New York, New York 100121155
Self-Employed / Psychologist
04/12/2015 108.00 208.00
Gladys Gallagher 3500 13th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222014908
N/A / Retired
05/07/2015 250.00 250.00
Joshua Pellerin 3909 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy Ste G2
Lafayette, Louisiana 705035280
Pellerin Energy Group / CEO
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Stuart Williams 1904 45th St
Lubbock, Texas 794121734
Market Street / Cashier
04/12/2015 5.00 213.00
Linda Aaker 6204 Shadow Mountain Cv
Austin, Texas 787314110
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 300.00 5400.00
Stanley Wallen 150 fox Ridge Dr apt 101
Vincennes, Indiana 47591
Retired / teacher
06/22/2015 136.69 236.69
Lara Simpson 815 Portsmouth Dr
Pearland, Texas 775843017
The University of Texax Public Health, / Faculty Associate/Epidemiologist
05/12/2015 10.00 201.10
Debbie King 135 Falmouth Ct
Aptos, California 950035817
Self-Employed / Management Consultant
06/30/2015 151.00 201.00
Linda Ourach 229 Sparrow Dr
Hamilton, New Jersey 086902461
Retired / Nurse Practitioner
06/23/2015 50.00 272.67
Pamela Africk 43 Royal Palm Dr
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333011408
Best Practices USA / CEO
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Kiernan 645 Esplanade
Pelham, New York 108032405
Debevoise & Plimpton / Attorney
06/24/2015 400.00 400.00
Nancy Burton 208 Defoe Dr
Columbia, Missouri 652030208
N/A / Retired
05/22/2015 100.00 285.00
Sarvarinder Gill 29124 Lone Tree Pl
Hayward, California 945446400
Coyote Creek Consulting / Business Development
05/10/2015 250.00 250.00
Juliette Kayyem 30 Lee St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021392204
Self-Employed / Security
04/30/2015 1000.00 1500.00
Robin Lloyd 1631 16th St NW Apt 2
Washington, DC 200093028
N/A / Not Employed
05/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gregg Patrick 14880 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, Texas 770832509
The Bridge Church / Pastor
06/03/2015 2700.00 0.00
Drucilla Ramey 1372 Masonic Ave
San Francisco, California 941174012
Retired / Attorney
06/16/2015 500.00 1500.00
James R. Patzke 4651 N Greenview Ave Apt 412
Chicago, Illinois 606407944
Nordic Consulting / Project Manager
05/12/2015 50.00 263.85
Suhas Subramanyam 255 King St Apt 340
San Francisco, California 941071760
Jones Day / Attorney
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Victor Blanco 2361 Porch Swing St
Chula Vista, California 919151807
SBG Technology Solutions / Director of Contracts
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Trevor Poremba 1054 Venice Dr
Bryan, Texas 778087592
Texas A&M University System / Legal Assistant
05/20/2015 25.00 2409.68
Karl Hofmann 7505 Whittier Blvd
Bethesda, Maryland 208176618
Population Services International / NGO President
06/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lisa Hernandez Gioia 3941 49th St
Sunnyside, New York 111041023
Hillary for America / Finance
06/26/2015 10.00 260.99
Joseph Gonzalez 423 Termino Ave
Long Beach, California 908141701
Kaiser Permanente / Medical
05/06/2015 100.00 250.00
Melissa Janfaza 70 Possum Rd
Weston, Massachusetts 024932318
Information Requested / Social Worker
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frank Nolan 373 Cumberland St
San Francisco, California 941142515
Vanguard Properties / VP Operations
05/03/2015 50.00 2750.00
David Stewart 264 Scripps Ct
Palo Alto, California 943064540
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ann Leslie Jones 1821 186th Pl
Homewood, Illinois 604303705
Marian Catholic High School / Librarian & Coach
04/18/2015 250.00 305.00
James Bianco 49 Russell Ave
Suffield, Connecticut 060781601
Control Module / Executive
05/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Angela Darby Dickerson 3807 105th St
Lubbock, Texas 794238102
Texas Tech University / Law School Dean and Professor
06/03/2015 2200.00 2700.00
Virginia Poe PO Box 3371
Orlando, Florida 328023371
SuiteSeats / President
05/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Pat O'Brien 3041 Ole Bartlett Ct
Bartlett, Tennessee 381348387
Sherwin Williams / Retired
04/15/2015 25.00 225.00
Margaret Fisher 3502 Scadlock Ln
Sherman Oaks, California 914034316
Apple Inc. / Education
05/20/2015 100.00 550.00
James Arnold 10117 Woodsong Way
Tampa, Florida 336184213
Morgan & Morgan / Lawyer
05/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Judy Harpel 1102 North Boulevard
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
J Howard Design Inc. / Interior Design
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mary-Ellen Fargnoli 727 Monroe St Apt 204
Hoboken, New Jersey 070306372
Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals / Sales
04/12/2015 50.00 249.00
Pamela Johnson 2911 Jennings Rd
Kensington, Maryland 208952708
U.S. Department of Defense / Analyst
06/30/2015 50.00 360.00
Amber Ussery 1121B N Calvert St Apt 323
Baltimore, Maryland 212024157
USAID / Program Analyst
05/03/2015 25.00 215.00
Patrick Apodaca 1646 Rancho Guadalupe Trl NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871073370
PNMR Services Company / Attorney
05/05/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Rita Hewko 10212 NE 68th St Apt B210
Kirkland, Washington 980336918
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 10.00 211.00
Tom Sacks-Wilner 4 Meadowside Ct
Medford, New Jersey 080559348
N/A / Retired
06/23/2015 143.50 1951.80
Carol Daniel 11 Southwind Ct
Niceville, Florida 325784807
Retired / Teacher
06/14/2015 60.00 227.25
Sam Gores 360 N Crescent Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902104874
Paradigm / Chairman/CEO
04/25/2015 2700.00 5400.00
James Carroll 500 Boylston St Fl 23
Boston, Massachusetts 021163740
Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom LL / Lawyer
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Suzanne Reimolds 430 W 1st St Unit 101
Tempe, Arizona 852812886
Insight Global / Instructional Designer
06/11/2015 100.00 300.00
Jeffrey Gural 125 Park Ave Fl 12
New York, New York 100175690
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank / Real Estate
05/01/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peter Scher 4012 Oliver St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153433
JP Morgan Chase & Co. / Vice Chairman
06/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gerard Sweeney 69 I U Willets Rd
Old Westbury, New York 115681533
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/29/2015 2700.00 3000.00
Michele Rottenberg 1234 Duey Ave Unit 55
South Bend, Indiana 466171491
Not Employed / Volunteer
06/16/2015 5.00 263.54
Luis Rivera 850 N Randolph St
Arlington, Virginia 222031978
Department of Education / Financial Analyst
05/07/2015 5.00 240.00
Amy Laughlin 420 Dorchester Rd
San Mateo, California 944021110
Laughlin Legal / Attorney
06/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Daniel O'Hara 3208 Sterling Rd
Mountain Brk, Alabama 352133508
Alabama Symphony Orchestra / Manager of Corporate Relations
06/10/2015 100.00 500.00
Mark Sostarich 6 S Church St
Elkhorn, Wisconsin 531211708
Self-Employed / Lawyer
06/29/2015 101.00 402.00
Edward Moses 5456 Conner Dr
Oxnard, California 930339110
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban D / Regional Public Housing Director
04/18/2015 700.00 700.00
Brandon Perlberg 34 Orlando Road United Kingdom SW4 0LF
London, ____
Ernst & Young / Consultant/Attorney
05/05/2015 100.00 217.89
Arlin Pedrick PO Box 191653
San Francisco, California 941191653
N/A / Retired
04/22/2015 250.00 350.00
Consuela Hertz 1520 Dunwoody Club Dr
Atlanta, Georgia 303504436
Eric J. Hertz, P.C. / Attorney
05/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Victoria Betancourt 810 French St
Santa Ana, California 927013718
Coenybeare / President
06/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Doug Morris 1488 Laurel Hollow Rd
Syosset, New York 117919633
Sony Music Entertainment / CEO
05/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
James Lauer 171 Jupiter St
Encinitas, California 920241450
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/29/2015 100.00 2700.00
Lee Mitau 1908 Girard Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032945
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sanford Horwitz 2121 Ponce De Leon Blvd Fl 11
Coral Gables, Florida 331345224
Goldstein Schechter Koch / CPA
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Scott Fechter 165 Southpark Blvd
St Augustine, Florida 320864101
Scott Fechter Chiropractic / Chiropractor
05/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Matt James 120 Lucero Way
Portola Valley, California 940287428
Next Generation / President
04/13/2015 250.00 275.00
Soleil Frye 10960 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1900
Los Angeles, California 900243805
QT Productions / Actress/Spokesperson
04/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Janet Canterbury 10700 SW 89 Ave
Miami, Florida 33176
Retired / Peofessor of Medicine Emeritus
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Lance Lee 8424 Dooley Ferry Rd
Texarkana, Arkansas 718548920
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
David Lieberman 98 Morningside Ave
New York, New York 100275133
Flatbush Pictures / Editor
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carol Bailey 3738 E High Ln
Seattle, Washington 981125004
Integrative Law Firm / Lawyer, Managing Partner
06/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bill McNeill 4519 103rd Ln NE
Kirkland, Washington 980337639
Self-Employed / Orthodontist
06/05/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Mukasey 919 3rd Ave
New York, New York 100223902
Debevoise & Plimpton / Attorney
06/24/2015 400.00 400.00
Zachary Sternberg 6 E 43rd St C/O Spruce House Capital
New York, New York 100174651
Spruce House Capital / Investor
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael Santeramo 16 Ballad Ln
Stony Brook, New York 117902602
Nassau County / Deputy Commissioner
05/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Ruth Block 500 SE Mizner Blvd Unit A903
Boca Raton, Florida 334326079
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/06/2015 500.00 500.00
Mary Chamberlayne 3113 Calmes Neck Ln
Boyce, Virginia 226202617
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 55.00 205.00
Glenn Close PO Box 360
Bedford Hills, New York 105070360
Self-Employed / Actress
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kevin High 227 Rutledge Ave
Charleston, South Carolina 294035777
Walk Away Stats / Business Owner
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shaun McMahon 208 Bolton St Apt 12
Boston, Massachusetts 021271371
Illuminate, Inc. / Project Director
04/12/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Hiram Carlo Rivera-Lopez 404 Const. Ave Apt. 1704
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901
Self-Employed / Lawyer
05/10/2015 250.00 250.00
Linda Arden 70 Forest St # 7G
Stamford, Connecticut 069011831
Green / Financial Administrator
06/13/2015 100.00 215.00
Stacy Frank 3841 W Kennedy Blvd
Tampa, Florida 336092729
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ellen Hahn 414 Wilson Ave
Middletown, New Jersey 077481538
Two River Theater / Fundraising
06/30/2015 100.00 208.00
Brennan Veys 726 S Patrick St
Alexandria, Virginia 223144021
Hilton Worldwide / Manager, Corporate Strategy
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Delney Hilen 3011 E Laurelhurst Dr NE
Seattle, Washington 981055330
Retired / Lawyer
06/02/2015 260.00 2960.00
Hubert Farbes 410 17th St Ste 2200
Denver, Colorado 802024432
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP / Attorney
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Louise Weller 19537 Dartmouth Pl
Northville, Michigan 481672512
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 52.29 201.29
Sharon Bash 936 Church St
San Francisco, California 941143029
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Beckwith 7510 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900463408
The Beckwith Company / Public Relations
06/16/2015 500.00 500.00
Brent Leerdam 4605 Tutu Park Mall Ste 133-331
Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands 008021736
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/13/2015 50.00 212.00
Vinca Lafleur 3142 Quesada St NW
Washington, DC 200151680
West Wing Writers / Writer
04/12/2015 500.00 3200.00
Tina Smith 621 NW Shamrock Ave
Lee's Summit, Missouri 64081
Retired / Attorney
06/05/2015 167.89 217.89
Laura Sachar 24 Tintern Ln
Scarsdale, New York 105836616
StarVest / Venture Capitalist
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bobby McKenzie 4058 Radcliff Dr
Canton, Michigan 481887236
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/10/2015 2650.00 2700.00
Michael Richards 4400 4th St N Apt 104
Arlington, Virginia 222033006
U.S. Department of State / Diplomat
06/30/2015 100.00 300.00
Gabrielle Hanna 41 Pleasant St
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026572000
Coldwell Banker Pat Shultz Real Estate / Real Estate Associate
04/18/2015 1350.00 2700.00
Bruce Green 30 5th Ave Apt 3F
New York, New York 100118804
N/A / Retired
05/05/2015 2200.00 2700.00
John Mancuso 1830 Redwood Grove Ter
Lake Mary, Florida 327464414
Advantacare of Florida / Medical
05/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joan Growe 1201 Yale Pl Apt 2002
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554031960
N/A / Retired
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Robb hudson 919 Florida Ave NW Apt 204
Washington, DC 200015043
FERC / analyst
05/03/2015 5.00 202.85
Craig Hennin 1307 S Wabash Ave Apt 212
Chicago, Illinois 606052621
Anthem Inc / Marketing Director
06/10/2015 5.00 241.92
Jeremiah Hernandez 282 Union Avenue
Belleville, New Jersey 07109
American Theatre Wing / Development & Events Coordinator
06/30/2015 17.00 225.79
Judith Avery 2222 Hyde St Apt 7
San Francisco, California 941091589
N/A / Retired
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Johnson 5383 Rollingridge Rd
Rch Palos Vrd, California 902751774
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/28/2015 100.00 300.00
Leroy Pingho 12008 Great Elm Dr
Potomac, Maryland 208541229
Overture / Executive
06/12/2015 1000.00 2500.00
Marianne Burdison 14407 Sandifer St
Austin, Texas 787251871
Centene / Senior Director
06/22/2015 250.00 500.00
Suzanne Hock 237 Jacksonville Rd # 73
Hatboro, Pennsylvania 190402630
Johnson & Johnson / Sales Strategy
05/03/2015 100.00 320.00
Joe Velasquez 1617 Inlet Ct
Reston, Virginia 201904429
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/22/2015 11.09 2711.09
Karen Schneider 15260 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks, California 914035307
S+L PR / Publicist
06/09/2015 25.00 2725.00
Beverly Miller 6370 Caminito Del Cervato
San Diego, California 921116853
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 13.09 203.09
Carla Jones-Batka 5904 Mount Eagle Dr Apt 418
Alexandria, Virginia 223032536
Retired / Airline Employee
04/23/2015 25.00 210.00
Matthew McLeod 200 W 15th St Apt 7B
New York, New York 100116662
Google, Inc / Strategy & Operations
06/19/2015 25.00 225.00
Steven Shaber 1717 Park Dr
Raleigh, North Carolina 276051610
Poyner Spruill, LLP / Attorney
05/06/2015 250.00 250.00
Ashley Porter 4515 Rainbow Court
Loves Park, Illinois 61111
Creative Visions Foundation / Partnership Director
06/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Julianne Thomas 4749 Mount Vernon Rd SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524033941
Retired / Pediatrician
04/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Ari Ruben 60 W 57th St Apt 15G
New York, New York 100193953
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP / Attorney
04/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Cathleen Stone 12 Lime St
Boston, Massachusetts 021081103
N/A / Retired
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Pilar Ossorio 6943 Harmony Way
Middleton, Wisconsin 535625119
University of Wisconsin / Professor
06/24/2015 300.00 300.00
Barbara Landow 8011 Summer Mill Ct
Bethesda, Maryland 208172962
N/A / Homemaker
04/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sallie Bingham 462 S 4th St Ste 2000
Louisville, Kentucky 402023445
Self-Employed / Writer
05/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Heather Hyde Wargo 101 Eucalyptus St Apt 1104
Lake Jackson, Texas 775664697
Brazosport ISD / Music Teacher
06/23/2015 5.00 316.00
Nancy Sheehan 4650 Marsh Hawk Dr
Klamath Falls, Oregon 976018650
OEA/NEA / Union Representative
04/25/2015 25.00 216.33
Jane Boyer 7402 Wycliffe Dr
Prospect, Kentucky 400598888
N/A / Retired
04/21/2015 250.00 250.00
Gary Thompson 1941 Peck Ln
Cheshire, Connecticut 064104405
Southington Board of Education / Custodian
06/28/2015 25.00 240.00
John Kanis 911 N Kings Rd 109 United States
West Hollywood, California 900694348
TLG / General Manager
06/16/2015 147.82 247.82
Annette Cooper 320 Gilbert Dr
Santa Rosa, California 954054747
Keegan & Coppin Company, Inc. / Real Estate Advisor
04/14/2015 250.00 250.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $38840010.85
Total Memo Amount $259175.84
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Fri Jan 24 18:54:26 2025