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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17A


There are a total of 38617 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 16501 through 17000

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Linda Henigin 2046 Edgewood Dr
Palo Alto, California 943033107
Not Employed / Teacher
06/12/2015 50.00 219.00
Will Kolb 441 S Ravinia Dr
Dallas, Texas 752115115
Quadrille Fabrics / Vice President of Sales
05/02/2015 50.00 250.00
Craig Kaplan 214 E 18th St
New York, New York 100033605
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Keith Cocozza 251 Inwood Rd
Fairfield, Connecticut 068251638
Time Warner Inc. / SVP Communications
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alexander Varela 222 Picadilly Dr
Kyle, Texas 786406020
Federal Government / Retired
05/08/2015 5.00 219.00
Carolyn Douglas 345 E 84th St Apt 1
New York, New York 100284434
Self-Employed / Psychiatrist
06/29/2015 50.00 2850.09
Charles Rothstein 5002 Lake Bluff Rd
West Bloomfield, Michigan 483232432
Bay City Capital / Venture Capitalist
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mark Gallant 1200 Washington St Apt 207
Boston, Massachusetts 021182132
Self-Employed / Certified Public Accountant
06/21/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Susan Levin 45 Tappan Rd
San Anselmo, California 949601026
Self-Employed / Artist
04/27/2015 10.00 1060.00
Timothy Pittman 829 W Rice Dr
Tempe, Arizona 852831788
Honeywell / IT project mgr
06/01/2015 25.00 210.00
Ryan Hall 1935 Shenandoah Rd
Toledo, Ohio 436071674
KUKA Robotics / Automotion Manufacturer
05/08/2015 5.00 201.00
Cheryl Weissman 747 W Bittersweet Pl
Chicago, Illinois 606132309
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/21/2015 25.00 201.98
Peter Vaill 3701 Bryant Ave S Apt 215
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554091079
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/04/2015 250.00 250.00
Katherine Koltai 145 W 67th St Apt 38C
New York, New York 100235941
N/A / Retired
05/02/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Diane Fellows 784 Park Ave
New York, New York 100213553
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur
04/27/2015 1350.00 2700.00
Areta Crowell 995 E Green St # 311
Pasadena, California 911062410
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 10.00 530.00
Caroline Strickland 12996 Fruitville Rd
Sarasota, Florida 342409281
Kerkering Barberio / CPA
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Douglas Durkin 39 Arkansas St
San Francisco, California 941072434
Douglas Durkin Design / Interior Designer
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Kratz 211 N End Ave Apt 11Q
New York, New York 102821229
Facebook / Client Partner
06/30/2015 500.00 575.00
Cynthia Hayes 1100 Club Village Dr
Columbia, Missouri 652034409
Cynergy Health / Physician
06/21/2015 50.00 728.30
Seth Kahan 6007 Corbin Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208163402
Self-Employed / Strategy
06/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Angelica Harrison 275 Greenwich St Apt 5A
New York, New York 100072152
American Heart Association / Fundraiser
04/12/2015 25.00 205.00
Michael Rhee 246 Larch Ave
Dumont, New Jersey 076281300
Alpine Wealth Management Group / CEO
05/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Christina Hastie 75 Wood St Apt 3
Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania 187023600
U.S. Social Security Administration / CST
06/22/2015 40.00 202.00
Judy Hofflund 587 Perugia Way
Los Angeles, California 900773708
N/A / Retired
05/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Janice Enright 1300 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 200361703
Ickes & Enright / Consultant
06/01/2015 2450.00 2700.00
Nancy Lytle 4100 Dancing Cloud Ct Unit 266
Destin, Florida 325413396
Halfpenny Technologies / Database Administrator
05/27/2015 5.00 314.71
Jean Casner 23 Farm Rd
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
National Basketball Association / Vice President, HR
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
John Vavricka 1157 Hunakai St
Honolulu, Hawaii 968164612
RTI International / Education Technology
06/16/2015 100.00 310.00
Alan Kessler 204 Daisy Ln
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 190961654
Duane Morris, LLP / Attorney
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ruth Lande Shuman 1120 Park Ave #16C
New York, New York 10128
Publicolor / President
04/14/2015 500.00 500.00
Milton Haber 505 E 79th St Apt 6C
New York, New York 100750721
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/03/2015 250.00 250.00
Justin Sosne 649 G St SE
Washington, DC 200032723
BowerGroupAsia / Consultant
06/29/2015 125.00 225.00
Leonard L. Hierath 601 S University Blvd
Denver, Colorado 802093318
Hierath Products, LLC / Product Development
04/28/2015 250.00 250.00
Jennifer Goldstone 41 W 96th St
New York, New York 100256519
Birthright Israel Foundation / NonProfit
05/27/2015 100.00 900.00
Donna Stefans 137 Woodbury Rd
Woodbury, New York 117971417
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/13/2015 250.00 500.00
Cara Greene 45 Rugby Rd
Roslyn Hts, New York 115771820
Refused / Social Worker
04/29/2015 150.00 250.00
Bob Feiner 6605 Dogwood Creek Dr
Austin, Texas 787461320
Dell Inc. / Vice President, Services
06/02/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Susan Bromwell 505 Tulip Ln
Vero Beach, Florida 329632209
N/A / Homemaker
06/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Ellis Rubinstein 25 Murray St Apt 7B
New York, New York 100072361
New York Academy of Sciences / President & CEO
04/14/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Molly Schen 50 Farquhar St
Roslindale, Massachusetts 021311405
Facing History And Ourselves / Educator
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Martha Sweterlitsch 118 N Vine St
Westerville, Ohio 430811549
Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff L / Attorney
05/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Michael Aho 1350 Beverly Rd Apt 611
McLean, Virginia 221013922
U.S. Deparment of State / Political Officer
06/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Mark Gill 125 S Barrington Pl
Los Angeles, California 900493305
Millennium Films / President
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ryan Deal 4018 Abbeydale Dr
Charlotte, North Carolina 282054604
Arts & Science Council / Arts Administration
04/23/2015 10.00 201.00
James Pi 22 Brighton Road North
Manhasset, New York 10022
Victoria Cruises / Chairman
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kelly Simenson 927 W Eastwood Ave Apt Ge
Chicago, Illinois 606404058
Information Requested / Attorney
04/29/2015 200.00 700.00
Algernon V. Bhoomz 66 Orange Rd
Montclair, New Jersey 070422112
Columbia / CEO
04/17/2015 50.00 410.00
Susan Chema 1606 19th St NW
Washington, DC 200091602
Jacobs Engineering / Attorney
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
F. Stephen Malott 1337 Founders Bnd Apt 206
Rapid City, South Dakota 577018139
South Dakota School of Mines / Administrator
06/12/2015 50.00 350.00
Christina Zacharia 4 Sherbrooke Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105834430

04/27/2015 2500.00 2500.00
Marina Sakellariadis 639 West End Avenue Apartment 14A
New York, New York 10025
N/A / Not Employed
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sarah Barnett 19200 Martinsburg Rd
Dickerson, Maryland 208429201
The Humane Society of the United State / Senior Reputation Manager
05/03/2015 25.00 201.00
Francisco L Borges 12250 Tillinghast Cir
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334181553
Landmark Partners / Chairman
06/04/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Jerry Lan 6 Via Avoria
Newport Coast, California 926571620
06/24/2015 10.00 1010.00
Lisa Hawkins 10 Hanover Sq Apt 2C
New York, New York 100053523
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/13/2015 100.00 2859.40
Margaret Walters 1811 Moonlight Dr
Killeen, Texas 765433940
U.S. Government / Accountant
04/12/2015 100.00 471.25
Julia Frost PO Box 3519
Wrightwood, California 923973519
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/25/2015 500.00 500.00
Nina Weissberg 39237 Mount Gilead Rd
Leesburg, Virginia 201756728
Weissberg Corporation / Real Estate
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Robert Grabe 256 E Vine St
Alamo, Tennessee 380011921
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2015 50.00 250.00
Doris Conant 445 N Wells St Ste 403
Chicago, Illinois 606544534
N/A / Not Employed
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susan Pease Langford 1544 Niskey Lake Trl SW
Atlanta, Georgia 303316318
Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP / Attorney
06/30/2015 200.00 300.00
Mary Weinstock 241 S Warson Rd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631241207
N/A / Retired
06/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Roger Ballentine 5315 Manning Pl NW
Washington, DC 200165311
Green Strategies, Inc. / Attorney
04/21/2015 500.00 500.00
Lemnwie Tasie 354 N Summit Ave Apt 102
Gaithersburg, Maryland 208773123
CSAAC / Residential Counselor
05/12/2015 1000.00 10.00
Sumner J. Waring, III 450 Jan Kelly Ln
Houston, Texas 770246511
Service Corporation International / Funeral Service
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Saeed Amidhozour 440 N Wolfe Rd
Sunnyvale, California 940853869
Plug And Play / CEO
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael Angelo 11 S Central Ave Apt 2415
Phoenix, Arizona 850042687
Squire Patton Boggs LLP / Attorney
06/13/2015 100.00 210.00
Helene Toiv 3601 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 200082406
N/A / Retired
06/02/2015 100.00 201.00
Mary King 9101 La Cresada Dr Apt 1711
Austin, Texas 787494040
N/A / Retired
06/18/2015 5.00 242.00
Meghen Kurtzig 10 Leona Dr
San Rafael, California 949032841
Self-Employed / Writer
06/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dale McDonald 141 Belden St
Falls Village, Connecticut 060311122
Self-Employed / Farmer
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Allen Benedetti 1910 Sacramento St
Vallejo, California 945903122
N/A / Retired
05/03/2015 50.00 205.00
Mark Munoz 3224 N Mountain View Ave
San Bernardino, California 924052528
U.S. Department of State / Intelligence Research Specialist
05/23/2015 25.00 373.98
Melissa Yeager 4010 94th Ave NE
Yarrow Point, Washington 980041318
Cardeas Pharma / Chief Operating Officer
06/22/2015 5.00 2705.00
Georgia Court 1350 Main St Unit 1109
Sarasota, Florida 342365692
N/A / Retired
05/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Carlyle Lippincott 1412 S Congress Ave
Austin, Texas 787042435
Gueros Inc / Restaurant Owner
06/01/2015 0.00 2700.00
Marilyn Ditty 27867 Mazagon
Mission Viejo, California 926921217
Age Well Senior Services / CEO
06/18/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Holly Harris 206 E St
Douglas, Alaska 998245337
Earthjustice / Attorney
06/14/2015 102.00 252.00
Lisa Groos 640 W 237th St
Bronx, New York 104631440
N/A / Homemaker
05/26/2015 136.25 311.25
Sadie Cunningham 3713 Secretariat Dr
Florissant, Missouri 630343303
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/25/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Annemarie Frank 1 Beach Dr SE Unit 2710
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337013929
HSN, Inc / VP, Marketing
04/12/2015 100.00 201.00
Ann Kaufman 5100 San Felipe St Unit 261E
Houston, Texas 770563694
N/A / Retired
04/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Clare Richardson 3021 Mornington Dr NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303271221
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund / President Emeritus
04/21/2015 100.00 300.00
Doug Rose 10130 Crosier Ln
Blue Ash, Ohio 452425721
Cincinnati Childrens / Physician
05/08/2015 500.00 510.00
John Tannous 1818 Kalorama Rd NW Apt 1
Washington, DC 200095193
The Advisory Board Company / Researcher
06/01/2015 15.00 202.00
Andrew Burrows 2033 23rd St 2nd Floor United States
Astoria, New York 111053245
Not employed / Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
05/26/2015 54.40 246.09
Kelly Robbins 343 Joost Ave
San Francisco, California 941313128
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Sinaiko 15313 Earlham St
Pacific Palisades, California 902724344
Retired / Healthcare Executive
04/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cynthia Torres 6613 Caprezzo Way
Elk Grove, California 957573064
Los Rios Community College District / Professor
04/14/2015 50.00 201.00
Eric Balliet 4004 5th St N Apt 4
Arlington, Virginia 222033340
Arlington County Government / Communications
05/12/2015 25.00 205.00
Erik Smith 1140 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 200364010
Blue Engine Message & Media / President
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Barbro Osher 431 E Strawberry Dr
Mill Valley, California 949413262
Bernard Osher Foundation / President
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lori Ordover 131 Hemlock Hill Rd
New Canaan, Connecticut 068403004
Self-Employed / Artist
04/24/2015 10.00 2710.00
Holly Wilson 9011 Randall Rd SW
Huntsville, Alabama 358022923
N/A / Homemaker
06/19/2015 314.00 903.72
Raymond Purifoy 1716 N Pierce St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722075108
Clinton Foundation / Assistant Manager of Clinton Museum St
04/12/2015 50.00 276.29
John Leisinger 16622 Virginia Ave
Williamsport, Maryland 217951331
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/26/2015 25.00 250.00
Ryan McLeod 306 W 48th St Apt 16B
New York, New York 100361384
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz / Attorney
06/04/2015 39.40 305.81
Victoria Nemchinova 18205 Biscayne Blvd Ste 2205
Miami, Florida 33140
Beach Front Realty / Realtor
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeffrey Volk 205 E 63rd St
New York, New York 100657425
N/A / Not Employed
04/13/2015 2600.00 2700.00
Deborah Smith 3780 S Clyde Morris Blvd Apt 1201
Port Orange, Florida 321298992
ICF nternational / Infant Toddler Specialist
05/26/2015 177.39 395.57
Cathy Jolly 632 E 108th St
Kansas City, Missouri 641314033
Jackson County / Senior Advisor
06/25/2015 500.00 500.00
Michael Butera 9955 Fragrant Lilies Way
Laurel, Maryland 207235605
National Assoc. for Music Education / Executive Director & CEO
05/21/2015 25.00 275.00
Benjamin Zimmerman 20 Sidney Pl Apt B
Brooklyn, New York 112014671
Freedom 3 Capital, LLC / Credit Analyst
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Todd Epperson 2500 Rockbrook Dr Unit 7
Lewisville, Texas 750678400
UT Southwestern Medical Center / Director of Project Management
05/02/2015 100.00 250.00
Jl Pottenger, Jr. 27 Thimble Farm Rd
Branford, Connecticut 064055641
Yale University Law School / Clinical Professor & Supervising Attor
06/05/2015 1500.00 1500.00
Jennifer Joyce 3805A Fillmore St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631163113
City of St. Louis / Circuit Attorney
05/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane Baker 584 Maple Ave
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 189014451
Self-Employed / Water Garden Designer & Installer
05/08/2015 1300.00 1300.00
Phillip Stapp 6436 N Tuxedo St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462204448
Angie's List / Senior Manager
04/24/2015 50.00 431.90
Sarah Lower 4143 E Ford Ave
Gilbert, Arizona 852340391
NYSE Governance Services / Salesforce.com System Administrator
05/26/2015 46.77 230.46
Stacey Siegel 24 Vanad Dr
Roslyn, New York 115762527
Village of East Hills / Trustee
06/21/2015 200.00 250.00
Camille Cicinelli PO Box 9087
La Jolla, California 920389087
Retired / Internet Executive
06/16/2015 100.00 310.00
Mike Lair 5115 NW 8th St
Ankeny, Iowa 500238012
John Deere / Painter
05/02/2015 25.00 389.00
Shin Inouye 8500 16th St
Silver Spring, Maryland 209102994
DHS/USCIS / Press Secretary
06/02/2015 20.16 218.93
Hannah Jacobs 33 Riverside Dr Apt 13A
New York, New York 100238021
Family Member Inc. / Founder & President
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lori Goodman 9827 Gloucester Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902101015
Self-Employed / Home Manager
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Simon Packwood 6451 Waverly Way
Fort Worth, Texas 761167357
Textron / Auditor
04/28/2015 25.00 201.00
Gene Anderson 4263 Quail Rd
Riverside, California 925074814
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 50.00 250.00
Devin Schain 4929 Bethesda Ave
Bethesda, Maryland 208145203
National Education Initiative / CEO
06/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ali Cinar 279 Gorge Rd
Cliffside Park, New Jersey 070101317
Global Policy Institute / President
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Loida Nicolas Lewis 1060 5th Ave
New York, New York 101280104
TLC Beatrice LLC / Lawyer
04/12/2015 250.00 5200.00
Carol Stinnett 799 River Rd
Yardley, Pennsylvania 190671848
N/A / Retired
06/05/2015 100.00 300.00
Robert Nance 2017 Cedar Ridge Rd
Edmond, Oklahoma 730136059
Riggs, Abney, Neal, Turpen, Orbison & / Attorney
05/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Cristina Mauro 2208 Townes Ln
Austin, Texas 787032330
N/A / Homemaker
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Justin Sosne 649 G St SE
Washington, DC 200032723
BowerGroupAsia / Consultant
06/02/2015 100.00 225.00
Rachel Dalton 25 Lawrence Ln
Harrison, New York 105281107
Premier Parties / Party Planner
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shari Simon Greenberg 10081 Summerlakes Dr
Carmel, Indiana 460329545
Self-Employed / Philanthropist
06/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mary Ellen Girgenti 218 Woodbine Ave
Wilmette, Illinois 600913332
Not Employed / Philanthropist
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Poindexter 8707 SW Firview Pl
Beaverton, Oregon 970077781
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/30/2015 115.00 340.00
Paula Gold 25 Rocky Point Rd
Lakeport, California 954536606
Vanguard Properties / Real Estate Broker
05/03/2015 2700.00 0.00
Ernesto Sigmon 416 W Saulnier St
Houston, Texas 770194427
Sigmon Law, PLLC / Lawyer
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
George Mavrikes 5101 MacArthur Blvd NW
Washington, DC 200163315
Blue Skye Construction / Executive
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peter Cappas 10716 Manor Dr
Saint John, Indiana 463739011
Medline Industries / Sales Support Specialist
06/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Anzalone 3418 Boxwood Dr
Montgomery, Alabama 361112107
ALG Polling / Consultant
04/17/2015 500.00 525.00
Erin Weltin 7011 Meadow Lake Ave
Dallas, Texas 752143523
AgilityCG / Principal
04/26/2015 500.00 500.00
Ruth Kovnat 407 Camino Del Monte Sol
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875052805
N/A / Retired
06/28/2015 250.00 250.00
Tara Mohr 952 Ashbury St
San Francisco, California 941174409
Self-Employed / Author
04/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jasmine Forman 17 Sky Sail Dr
Rancho Mirage, California 922703464
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Earl Steinberg 3913 Leland St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208155035
xG Health Solutions / Health Care Executive
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nitsa Oz 24 Blodgett Ave
Pawtucket, Rhode Island 028605620
Self-Employed / Writer
06/01/2015 25.00 203.80
Barbara Schiffrin 127 Knightsbridge Rd
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 190961212
Cashmere Goat / Owner
06/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Yvonne Martinie 123 Bauman Ct
Graham, North Carolina 272538459
N/A / Homemaker
04/13/2015 100.00 300.00
Nancy Miller Thompson 1782 11th Ave
Sacramento, California 958184164
Miller & Owen / Partner
05/08/2015 1350.00 2700.00
William St. Clair 246 W 22nd St Apt 16
New York, New York 100112772
Amazon Web Services, Inc. / Solutions Architect
04/12/2015 250.00 429.34
Raysa Fanjul 1 N Clematis St Ste 200
West Palm Beach, Florida 334015551
N/A / Homemaker
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Oscar Norton 4605 Lindell Blvd Apt 1201
Saint Louis, Missouri 631083713
The Cancer Treatment Center / Physician
06/16/2015 250.00 750.00
Jay Dolan Barry 4 Meadowbrook Cir
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 015455035
Self-Employed / Video Production
04/19/2015 250.00 500.00
Adam Sires 609 N Kilkea Dr
Los Angeles, California 900482213
Nourmand & Associates / Realtor
05/03/2015 400.00 900.00
Thomas Shea 2800 E Sunrise Blvd Apt 4A
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333043324
New Partners / Consultant
06/22/2015 1200.00 1200.00
Paul Begala 1591 Highland Glen Pl
McLean, Virginia 221014158
Hat Creek Enterprises / Political Consultant
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Pat Qualls 2208 Morningside Dr
Jonesboro, Arkansas 724048045
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/07/2015 500.00 500.00
Patricia Wegner 6950 Farrcove Ct
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 220607417
Retired Federal Employee / Paralegal
06/30/2015 125.00 255.00
Robert Miiller 2770 S Lowell Blvd
Denver, Colorado 802362232
Paul T Bergner / Design Manager
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
David Owen 7 Saddle Hl
Honeoye Falls, New York 144729337
AT&T Mobility / Engineer
06/04/2015 100.00 430.00
Barry Boss 7509 Brookville Rd
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154053
Cozen O'Connor / Attorney
06/24/2015 500.00 500.00
Laura Cornish 143 Wyndham Dr
Portola Valley, California 940287240
N/A / Homemaker
06/14/2015 52.09 2952.09
Judith Niemyer 1103 S Carolina Ave SE
Washington, DC 200032205
Not Employed / Physician
04/17/2015 25.00 2700.00
Emily Syfrett 225 W 5th Ave
Tallahassee, Florida 323036126
Blue Sol Yoga and Massage / Yoga Teacher
05/21/2015 25.00 231.77
David Riden 7223 Wellsley Manor Way
Knoxville, Tennessee 379195898
East Tennessee Children's Hospital / Physician
05/02/2015 250.00 500.00
Charles Cleveland 9330 Baseline Rd Ste 100
Rancho Cucamonga, California 917015827
Law Offices of Cleveland & Metz / Lawyer
06/22/2015 250.00 250.00
Andrew Forsyth 288 Sandpiper Dr
Palm Beach, Florida 334803327
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Melissa Myers 1152 Cambridge Way
Pickerington, Ohio 431478817
Nationwide Children's Hospital / Nurse/Medic - Critical Care Transport
06/30/2015 75.00 202.29
Marianne Smith 4414 Albemarle St NW
Washington, DC 200162014
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/29/2015 50.00 201.00
John Sabat 245 W 99th St Apt 22B
New York, New York 100255491
Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC / Quantitative Portfolio Manager
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jane Rallo 509 Fox Ridge Rd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631313402
Self-Employed / Property Manager
06/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael Fallon 4 North St
Southborough, Massachusetts 017722044
Harvard Medical School / Financial Associate
06/27/2015 75.00 225.00
Linda Henigin 2046 Edgewood Dr
Palo Alto, California 943033107
Not Employed / Teacher
04/21/2015 25.00 219.00
Catherine Pino 3520 Maple Ct
Falls Church, Virginia 220412016
D&P Creative Strategies, LLC / Business Owner
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frances Fusco PO Box 128
Hillsdale, New York 125290128
Self-Employed / Communications Director/Coach
05/12/2015 50.00 1849.00
Joel David Gallagher 1 Smyrna Road United Kingdom NW6 4LY
London, ____
Ketchum / CEO Europe
05/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Elizabeth McEldowney 1637 E Montoya Ln
Phoenix, Arizona 850244325
Western Refining / Controller
06/09/2015 50.00 205.00
Angelo K. Tsakopoulos 7700 College Town Dr
Sacramento, California 958262348
AKT Development / Chairman
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Cobb 3525 Greenbrier Dr
Dallas, Texas 752255004
Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC / Attorney
06/01/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Beth Libow 4852 Indian Ln NW
Washington, DC 200163204
Retired / Attorney
05/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Leslie Jacobs 2750 Montgomery Way
Sacramento, California 958183948
UOP / Attorney
06/07/2015 500.00 500.00
Alek Williams 3793 Millenia Blvd Apt 305
Orlando, Florida 328396480
Publix / Service Staff
04/12/2015 50.00 213.62
Mary Jo George 709 48th St
Western Springs, Illinois 605581751
N/A / Philanthropist
05/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrew Forsyth 288 Sandpiper Dr
Palm Beach, Florida 334803327
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 2700.00 5400.00
DeEtte Howard 38 Lonsdale Road United Kingdom SW13 9EB
London, ____
N/A / Not Employed
05/08/2015 100.00 350.00
Laura Bianchi Payne 10061 Bianchi Way Unit B
Cupertino, California 950144278
N/A / Homemaker
06/09/2015 10.00 272.00
Anna Kelly 454 Hanover St
Boston, Massachusetts 021131443
Beacon Strategies Group / Consultant
06/11/2015 300.00 300.00
Walter Nixon 1412 Graham Rd
Jacksonville, Arkansas 720763835
Arkansas Public Service Commission / Attorney
06/17/2015 50.00 220.16
Ray West 754 Norvell St
El Cerrito, California 945303246
Activision, Inc / Game Designer
04/13/2015 100.00 225.00
Howard Yellen 55 Sanchez St
San Francisco, California 941141112
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ravi Deepak 17 Lessies Dr
Poquoson, Virginia 236621641
Science and Technology Corp / Information Requested
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Janine Guillot 2424 Castro St
San Francisco, California 941312204
Incapture LP / COO
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David J. Fishelson 259 W 4th St Apt 3
New York, New York 100143276
Theater / Producer
04/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Debra Wattenberg-Rosen 1056 Fifth Ave Apt. 10D
New York, New York 10028
Self-Employed / Dermatologist
04/17/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Daniel Mortimer 2256 N Cleveland Ave Apt 206
Chicago, Illinois 606143732
The Cheesecake Factory / Server
05/21/2015 5.00 335.00
Frank Howell 316 Degraw St United States
Brooklyn, New York 112314712
TIAA Cref / Human Resources
06/21/2015 141.25 213.91
Santiago Luna-Corral 3017 Gates Rd NW
Washington, DC 200082118
Occasions Caterers / Pastry Chef
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Karen Kennard 2803 Clearview Dr
Austin, Texas 787032844
City of Austin / Attorney
04/27/2015 250.00 500.00
Lucy Helm 4640 Beach Dr SW
Seattle, Washington 981163946
Starbucks Corporation / Executive Vice President, General Coun
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Norman Oberstein 9685 Wendover Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902101237
Lenz Foundatiom / VP non profit
06/30/2015 100.00 1700.00
Judith Borcz PO Box 620509
Redwood City, California 940620509
N/A / Homemaker
04/28/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Urs Kaufmann 300 W 23rd St Apt 12B
New York, New York 100112211
Not Employed / Hospitality
06/11/2015 100.00 206.00
Dennis Beard 1721 W Barry Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606576778
Generation Brands / Product Designer
06/12/2015 25.00 300.00
Stacy Maddox 1023 N Royal St Unit 108
Alexandria, Virginia 223141589
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/12/2015 50.00 450.00
Janice Radder 2660 Carman Crest Dr
Hollywood, California 900682607
Self-Employed / Psychologist
06/13/2015 100.00 225.00
Robin Cook 520 W Melrose St Apt 5B
Chicago, Illinois 606573792
State Restaurant / General Manager
04/28/2015 25.00 331.69
Mahvash Yazdi 30263 Avenida De Calma
Rancho Palos Verde, California 902754504
Feasible Management Consulting / President
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Zulima Espinel 1237 Warren Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981093253
Starbucks / Policy Counsel
06/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jean Jacobs 90 E End Ave Apt 14A
New York, New York 100288005
Not Employed / Teacher
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Grace Galliano 10842 N 9th Pl
Phoenix, Arizona 850205832
Retired / Faculty
06/30/2015 100.00 295.00
Ellen Green 326 Parkway Ct
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554191463
N/A / Retired
04/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
John Corvino 19691 Shrewsbury Rd
Detroit, Michigan 482211845
Wayne State University / Professor
05/02/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Aparna Abburi 7405 Oxford Dr
Clayton, Missouri 631052915
Centene Corporation / Senior Vice President
04/27/2015 500.00 500.00
Beth McLaughlan 111 Townhouse
Hershey, Pennsylvania 170332320
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/21/2015 25.00 208.09
Kimberly Lienesch 8 Woodlawn St # 3
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 021304102
TJX / Sales Associate
06/22/2015 20.00 289.45
Lance Dickerson 2005 Heritage Well Ln
Pflugerville, Texas 786602966
Dell / Event Marketing
06/30/2015 130.00 205.00
Luis Rivera 850 N Randolph St
Arlington, Virginia 222031978
Department of Education / Financial Analyst
06/27/2015 7.00 240.00
Suzanne Loranc 175 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100167328
FJM Communications / Crisis Communications Consultant
06/30/2015 50.00 378.00
Sheri Tagliaferri 1 Rolling Ln
Medway, Massachusetts 020531532
Oracle Corporation / Sales
06/02/2015 25.00 201.00
Jane Smedley 16 Barber St
Swoyersville, Pennsylvania 187042002
Hourigan Kluger & Quinn, P.C. / Attorney
04/26/2015 250.00 250.00
Lung Fong Chen 16612 33rd Ave
Flushing, New York 113581408
Retired / Accountant
06/01/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Shari Davis 348 14th St
Santa Monica, California 904022114
Santa Monica College / Adjunct Professor
04/26/2015 100.00 2800.00
Susan Power 70 W Madison St
Chicago, Illinois 606024252
Susan V. Power / Information Requested
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Janet Russo 7701 Newport Ln
Parkland, Florida 330672341
N/A / Homemaker
06/09/2015 25.00 261.69
Lisa Pritzker 3575 Washington St
San Francisco, California 941181848
Self-Employed / Foundation President
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Eloise Dycus 8222 S Yale Ave Apt 212
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741372205
N/A / Retired
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Pitfield 332 Shawmut Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 021182004
Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP / Lawyer
06/11/2015 1000.00 2000.00
John Wang 300 W 135th St Apt 10F
New York, New York 100302762
Asian American Business Development Ce / Marketing Consultant
04/17/2015 100.00 300.00
Joyce Townsend 115 W Rosewood Ave
San Antonio, Texas 782122330
Self-Employed / Grant Writer
05/21/2015 100.00 209.94
Jeff Greene 1058 Bluewood Ter
Weston, Florida 333272056
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/22/2015 250.00 300.00
Joanne Molen 1704 Castleberry Ln
Las Vegas, Nevada 891566866
N/A / Retired
06/26/2015 100.00 300.00
Nora Fugate 1012 Skye Ln
Palm Harbor, Florida 346831455
N/A / Homemaker
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Garrett Riley 3033 Crossfield Rd
Henrico, Virginia 232331741
Henrico County Public Schools / Instructional Assistant
04/23/2015 10.00 201.00
Joslyn Smith 300 Sebring Rd
Newfield, New York 148679542
Crossmore Law Office / Legal Assistant
05/12/2015 25.00 201.69
Suzanne Reimolds 430 W 1st St Unit 101
Tempe, Arizona 852812886
Insight Global / Instructional Designer
06/04/2015 50.00 300.00
Christine Martire 319 Vine St Apt 407
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191061130
PALCI / Senior Program Officer
06/30/2015 250.00 750.00
Dustin Wilsor 135 Fleming Ave Fl 2
Newark, New Jersey 071054011
Gymboree Play & Music / Teacher
06/29/2015 65.00 202.87
Jack Sawyer 2330 Parker St
Berkeley, California 947042818
Self-Employed / Co-Op Organizer
05/26/2015 10.87 2711.87
Edward Abellana PO Box 231808
Encinitas, California 920231808
Argen Corporation / Accountant
05/21/2015 400.00 5400.00
Mohamad Bhuiyan 3891 Flatlands Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112343008
Self-Employed / Construction
06/22/2015 250.00 250.00
Debra Crapo 8 Big Rock Rd
Rye, New Hampshire 038702607
Self-Employed / Realtor/Broker
04/12/2015 50.00 372.32
John Parks 4124 N Longview Ave
Portland, Oregon 972173355
U.S. Postal Service / Mail Handler
05/12/2015 50.00 277.00
Mary Schlegel 4410 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200165561
N/A / Retired
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Paula McDaniel 521 Lamplighter Way
Lansdale, Pennsylvania 194464055
Intertek USA / Business Development
06/21/2015 57.29 457.29
Pamela Hoerster 4423 Champions Ct
League City, Texas 775737261
Pamela S. Hoerster / Attorney
06/16/2015 250.00 750.00
Pat Dunn 2535 Clell Mattingly Rd
Saint Francis, Kentucky 400627006
Retired / Attorney
06/30/2015 67.89 204.30
Chi Tran 633 General Armstrong Rd
King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania 194061643
Wells Fargo / Banker
04/12/2015 25.00 201.00
Delaine Eastin 4228 Dogwood Pl
Davis, California 956186066
Self-Employed / Speaker/Consultant
05/28/2015 500.00 500.00
Michael Goldberg 2995 Woodside Rd Ste 400
Woodside, California 940622448
Self-Employed / Business Executive
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mark Berman 401 E 80th St
New York, New York 100750655
MB Family Advisors, LLC / Investment Management
05/08/2015 2200.00 2700.00
Daniel Reynolds 50 Murray St
New York, New York 100072252
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP / Attorney
06/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Noah Dorson 415 W. Mercer St. #503
Seattle, Washington 98119
Seattle Public Schools / Instructional Assistant
06/30/2015 77.89 245.71
Judith Miller 5215 Chamberlin Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156646
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jorge Baldor 1999 McKinney Ave Apt 1804
Dallas, Texas 752011707
ResidentCheck / Sales
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Annabelle Imber Tuck 34 Marcella Dr
Little Rock, Arkansas 722239172
Retired / Public Service Fellow and Jurist-In-Re
06/30/2015 100.00 350.00
Sima Sharifian 427 Brown Saddle St
Houston, Texas 770571411
Lila Construction / Owner
06/02/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Steve Kagen, MD 1712 S Mason St
Appleton, Wisconsin 549145535
Self-Employed / Physician
04/12/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Craig Benson 1739 P St NW
Washington, DC 200361303
Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison / Attorney
06/08/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Daniel Chen 367 Bedford Ave
Staten Island, New York 103065127
Fushimi Tepunnes / Management
06/01/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gabrielle Palitz 173 Riverside Drive #7D
New York, New York 10024
GEMS Group Productions / Theater Producer
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rachel Abramson 325 16th St
Brooklyn, New York 112155504
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/18/2015 250.00 250.00
Bixby Elliot 228 W 13th St
New York, New York 100117725
Google / Recruiter
06/18/2015 100.00 231.41
Charles Nauen 2109 Doswell Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551081731
Lockridge Grindal Nauen / Attorney
06/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Mayisha Akbar 453 W Caldwell St
Compton, California 902204609
Self-Employed / Sales
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Bruce Coats 9090A Providence St
Chappell Hill, Texas 774266300
Optum / Nurse
06/29/2015 51.00 239.00
John Buysse 4837 Fair Elms Ave
Western Springs, Illinois 605581710
Ogilvy & Mather / Junior Brand Strategist
06/25/2015 5.00 226.00
Jon Adelstein 275 S Main St Ste 9
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 189014815
Adelstein & Kaliner / Attorney
05/05/2015 120.16 240.32
Frank Dudenhefer 5200 Saint Charles Ave
New Orleans, Louisiana 701154943
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John West 65 E Scott St Apt 10A
Chicago, Illinois 606105275
JW Landscapes LLC / Owner
04/21/2015 20.16 2960.64
Laurie Riemer 20143 NE 19th Pl
North Miami Beach, Florida 331791610
Self-Employed / Mediator/Arbitrator/Lawyer
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lia Mandaglio 820 Hudson St Apt 2-7
Hoboken, New Jersey 070305016
Out Leadership / Lawyer
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Duane Welch PO Box 231057
New York, New York 100230018
Charter Brokerage LLC / Trade
04/12/2015 250.00 688.56
Neeracha Taychakhoonavudh 531 Grace Dr
Menlo Park, California 940255724
Salesforce / SVP, Partner Programs
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane Bell-Rettger 27 Harrington Rd
Moraga, California 945562815
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 25.00 202.82
Kathryn Davis 625 Clouds Way
Rock Hill, South Carolina 297323290
Winthrop University / Professor
06/25/2015 25.00 225.00
Clifford Schecter 3528 Shaw Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452081416
Self-Employed / Public Relations Professional
06/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Nicholas Namba 525 N Lombardy St
Arlington, Virginia 222031026
Smithsonian Institution (Trust) / Vice President
06/30/2015 101.00 201.00
James Kagen 605 E 82nd St
New York, New York 100287955
Self-Employed / Health Care Consulting
06/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dorothy Stoneman 366 Marsh St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024781132
Youth Build USA / Non-Profit Administrator
06/10/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Anita Finlay 11912 Riverside Dr Unit 19
Valley Village, California 916076005
Self-Employed / Writer/Actor
06/25/2015 25.00 220.16
David Lee 1951 Mill Creek Rd
Luray, Virginia 228355326
Page Memorial Hospital / Physician
06/28/2015 16.09 424.14
Peter Schildkraut 7304 Western Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153108
Arnold & Porter LLP / Attorney
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lisa Bankoff 30 5th St NE Unit 301
Atlanta, Georgia 303081153
Not Employed / Community Volunteer
04/28/2015 500.00 500.00
Kimberly Webb 1034 N Martel Ave
West Hollywood, California 900466639
Bebe, Inc. / VP Marketing
06/18/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Carol Rudder 15532 Harbor Point Ln
North Little Rock, Arkansas 721139515
Retired / High School Counselor
06/30/2015 316.00 948.00
Tara Elliott 5 Kaolin Pl
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 193179227
WilmerHale, LLP / Attorney
06/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Leigh Bailey 4333 Druid Ln
Dallas, Texas 752051028
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/02/2015 103.21 2978.73
Leonard Perillo 1300 Clay St Ste 600
Oakland, California 946121427
Self-Employed / Investor
04/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrea Timmons 7185 Mesquite Rdg
Sanger, Texas 762667588
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/30/2015 250.00 486.69
Jagannadha Raju Datla 3155 Deering Bay Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605644914
AmIsh Group Inc / SAP Data Migration Consultant
05/19/2015 20.00 201.00
Meridee Moore 3580 Jackson St
San Francisco, California 941181808
Watershed Asset Management / CIO
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Douglas Snyder 351 N Vista St
Los Angeles, California 900365740
Not Employed / Technical Writer
06/18/2015 100.00 500.00
Robert Scardapane 209 Onizuka Ct
Somerset, New Jersey 088731761
05/07/2015 100.00 267.50
Victoria A. Adams 2330 Medford Ct E
Fort Worth, Texas 761091131
N/A / Homemaker
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kendra Davis 603 W View Ter
Alexandria, Virginia 223012745
Refugees International / Vice President
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dianne Rosenberg 3436 Vista Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 452081014

05/19/2015 2500.00 2500.00
Jason Williams 25 Charlton Street APT C-718
Everett, Massachusetts 02149
Stand for Children / Massachusetts Executive Director
06/14/2015 46.09 201.09
Roberto Maldonado 230 Dwyer Ave Unit 301
San Antonio, Texas 782041022
Maldonado Galvan Morales Hakeem & Diaz / Attorney
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Eduardo Serafin 610 Georgia St
Vallejo, California 945906124
UC Berkeley ITS Tech Transfer / Transportation Engineer & Planner
06/16/2015 10.00 373.63
Kathryn Allen 268 W Belvidere Rd
Grayslake, Illinois 600302307
Allen Investments / Financial Advisor
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
George Donohue 5717 Bay View Pkwy
Churchton, Maryland 207339716
George Mason University / Professor, Engineering
04/27/2015 10.00 360.00
Susan Silbermann 108 5th Ave Apt 17B
New York, New York 100116906
Pfizer / Manager
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jan Hunt 7500 Bull Run Dr
Saint Louis, Missouri 631231905
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 1350.00 4050.00
Sean Burton 10877 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1200
Los Angeles, California 900244332
CityView / President
06/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tracy Brown 104 Wigwam Rd
Locust, New Jersey 077602369
Resources Real Estate / Sales Agent
06/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Erol Yayboke 3 Dodge St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021392903
Harvard University / Program Manager
04/15/2015 50.00 201.00
Juanita Lott 35 El Alamo Ct
Danville, California 945261455
Epicor Software Corporation / Executive Vice President
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Terry Adirim 212 Deep Trail Ln
Rockville, Maryland 208507753
St. Christopher's Hospital for Childre / Physician
04/12/2015 250.00 350.00
Robert Kline 210 Berkshire Rd
Richmond, Virginia 232213239
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 50.00 750.00
G. Scott Rafshoon 3466 Sunderland Cir NE
Brookhaven, Georgia 303191950
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP / Attorney
04/27/2015 500.00 500.00
Garrett Bragg 7372 Stonegate Blvd
Parkland, Florida 330763971
Polaris Management, LLC / Health Care Donor
05/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Catharine MacKinnon 1575 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382801
Michigan/Harvard Law Schools / Law Professor, Lawyer
06/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Erin Stevens 165 Jefferson Ave #3
Brooklyn, New York 11216
Hillary for America / New York State Director
06/18/2015 100.00 660.64
Christy Rosen 601 Lido Park Dr Apt 8F
Newport Beach, California 926634405
Self-Employed / Real Estate
06/11/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Jenna Scott 7413 W Argyle St United States
Harwood Heights, Illinois 607063421
Morton West High School / Teacher
05/26/2015 234.92 239.92
Jonathan Bell 120 Coggeshall Avenue 3rd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
Greenberg Traurig LLP / Attorney
06/12/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Kazuko West 2900 Purchase St
Purchase, New York 105772131
Keio Academy of New York / Assistant Head of School
06/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Jennifer Banda 2629 Main St
Santa Monica, California 904054001
360 Agency / Principal
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Melissa Siekierski 3737 N Fremont St Pt 2
Chicago, Illinois 606133921
Ernst & Young / Financial Services Consultant
04/14/2015 100.00 425.00
Susan Luck 4771 Tradewinds Dr
Sanibel, Florida 339572603
N/A / Retired
06/23/2015 200.00 500.00
Tracee de Hahn 203 E Main St
Christiansburg, Virginia 240733007
Virginia Tech / Administrator
06/11/2015 25.00 226.00
Langston Emerson 1125 11th St NW
Washington, DC 200016418
PEGCC / VP, Government Affairs
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Klimas 1212 M St NW Apt 501
Washington, DC 200055197
KurtDavid Inc. / Real Estate Agent
06/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Sarah Barnett 19200 Martinsburg Rd
Dickerson, Maryland 208429201
The Humane Society of the United State / Senior Reputation Manager
05/03/2015 5.00 201.00
Rafael Hernandez 7800 Carteret Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208171918
Morrison & Foerster / Lawyer
04/27/2015 500.00 500.00
Norma Ahern 100 Bay Pl Apt 803
Oakland, California 946104443
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/14/2015 300.00 300.00
Debra Guston 725 Undercliff Ave
Edgewater, New Jersey 070201419
Guston Guston / Attorney
06/16/2015 50.00 232.69
James Rubin 120 E 80th St
New York, New York 100750306
State of New York / Commissioner, HCR
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
M. Cherif Bassiouni 680 N Lake Shore Dr Apt 605
Chicago, Illinois 606114474
Self-Employed / Professional
06/30/2015 250.00 450.00
Helen Latimore 6150 S Ingleside Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606372620
N/A / Retired
06/18/2015 50.00 400.00
Tiphaine Rabaux 285 Quincy St
Brooklyn, New York 112161464
Self-Employed / UX Consultant
06/30/2015 25.00 230.00
Rachel Burr-Pray 512 Rose Ave # 216 Venice CA 90291
Venice, California 90291
Self-Employed / LGBT Affirmative Psychotherapist
06/26/2015 50.00 230.00
Jeffrey Mason 2039 Savannah Walk Lane
Suwanee, Georgia 30024
Q2 / Solutions Consultant
04/12/2015 100.00 350.00
Connie Cook 933 Sleepy Hollow Dr
Cedar Hill, Texas 751041755
Retired / RN
06/09/2015 16.00 219.00
Roberta Schneiderman 203 E 72nd St Apt 17C
New York, New York 100214551
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ai Mori 1680 9th Ave
San Francisco, California 941223621
State of California / Attorney
05/11/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Eileen M. Verity 33 Woods Ave
East Rockaway, New York 115181146
Self-Employed / Lawyer/Licensed Social Worker
06/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Lisa Goodbee 3222 E 1st Ave Apt 726
Denver, Colorado 802065858
Goodbee & Associates / Civil Engineer
06/29/2015 1500.00 1500.00
James J. Blanchard, Jr. 22326 Valley Oaks Dr
Beverly Hills, Michigan 480252527
DLA Piper LLP / Attorney
04/17/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Glenn Smith 15 Sedgewick Pl
The Woodlands, Texas 773821742
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Mary Fogarty PO Box 1330
Southwest Harbor, Maine 046791330
Retired / Social Worker
04/21/2015 500.00 500.00
Missy Thompson 548 Portland Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551022219
Xanthus Partners / Consultant
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Anne Mills 26115 McBean Pkwy Unit 6
Valencia, California 913553715
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Shin Inouye 8500 16th St
Silver Spring, Maryland 209102994
DHS/USCIS / Press Secretary
04/26/2015 10.00 218.93
Joy London 103 Cambridge Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112382401
EY / Knowledge Manager
05/27/2015 25.00 2790.00
Venetia Kudrle 4650 Fremont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554195263
Retired / Health Care Executive
06/02/2015 10.00 457.00
David Haus 59 Buell Dr Apt A
Rochester, New York 146212930
N/A / Disabled
06/27/2015 7.00 201.89
Moshood Karimu 3041 Bel Pre Rd
Silver Spring, Maryland 209062407
Aspen Hill Pediatrics / Physician
04/12/2015 250.00 750.00
Lon Johnston 808 N Van Buren Ave
Dallas, Texas 752083927
Texas A&M University-Commerce / Professor
06/04/2015 50.00 201.69
Charles Good 3180 Cobblestone Ln Apt 7
Springfield, Illinois 627117969
State of Illinois / Manager
04/28/2015 30.00 30.00
Cathy Kennedy 2040 Chelsea Lane
State College, Pennsylvania 16801
N/A / Retired
06/08/2015 123.70 210.39
Sean A O'Keefe 145 Cedarwood Ln
Newington, Connecticut 061113102
Builder's Hardware / President
05/27/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Edward Dusek 22 Brewster St
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026571631
Manitou Architects / Architect
06/18/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Kelly Bischoff 820 S Columbus St Unit 215
Alexandria, Virginia 223144298
U.S. Navy / Active Duty Officer
05/11/2015 15.00 202.40
Patricia Hynes 1148 5th Ave
New York, New York 101280807
Self-Employed / Lawyer
04/17/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Steven Manekin 3503 Arborwood Ct
Baltimore, Maryland 212081501
Ellin & Tucker, Chtd. / CPA
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Evelyn Storch 18 Hillcrest Ave
West Orange, New Jersey 070522404
Harwood Lloyd, LLC / Lawyer
05/24/2015 15.00 319.41
John Goodman 4045 Highwood Ct NW
Washington, DC 200072131
Accenture Federal / Executive
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Wendy Goldberg 215 W 92nd St Apt 4I
New York, New York 100257476
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP / Lawyer
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Michael Heller 761 Mustin Ln
Villanova, Pennsylvania 190852013
Cozen O'Connor / CEO
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Margit Westerman 1724 Humboldt Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032809
Georgetown University / Student
05/03/2015 25.00 802.80
James Oberweis 1121 Heatherton Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632226
Oberweis Securities / President
04/21/2015 2700.00 2725.00
Stanley Zanarotti 170 Gore St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021411136
Dimensional Insight, Inc. / Co-Founder and CTO
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Less Farr 1440 Ditty Ave
Santa Rosa, California 954032633
N/A / Retired
06/20/2015 100.00 600.00
Marsha Rothenberg 7197 Highbridge Rd
Fayetteville, New York 130669784
The Dental Group / Owner
04/12/2015 100.00 2700.00
Gary Gruver 1314 R St NW
Washington, DC 200094323
Catalist, LLC / CFO
04/25/2015 250.00 500.00
Ray Penko 4046 swift ave
San Diego, California 92104
Disabled / Teacher/Social Work
04/24/2015 50.00 278.09
Lilly Tartikoff Karatz 680 Stone Canyon Rd
Los Angeles, California 900772925
Self-Employed / Activist and Fundraiser
06/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cristina Antelo 2313 1st St NW
Washington, DC 200011017
Podesta Group / Attorney
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kevin Casey 5224 W State Road 46
Sanford, Florida 327719230
U.S. Department of State / Retired Writer/Editor
06/11/2015 25.00 202.00
Joshua Wesoky 165 Perry St Apt 3B
New York, New York 100142387
Self-Employed / Real Estate Sales
04/17/2015 1000.00 2000.00
Dwain Dent 1120 Penn St
Fort Worth, Texas 761023417
The Dent Law Firm / Attorney
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sherri Goodman 4045 Highwood Ct NW
Washington, DC 200072131
Consortium For Ocean Leadership / President & CEO
06/22/2015 2450.00 2950.00
Peter S. Knight 180 E 79th St Apt 2E
New York, New York 100750437
Generation Investment / President
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jennifer Gilg 2528 N 52nd St
Omaha, Nebraska 681044308
Federal Public Defender's Office / Attorney
04/14/2015 116.00 201.00
Paul Berry 5452 S Cornell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606155624
N/A / Student
05/20/2015 5.00 201.00
David Haus 59 Buell Dr Apt A
Rochester, New York 146212930
N/A / Disabled
06/12/2015 10.00 201.89
David Flechner 350 W 42nd St Apt 49D
New York, New York 100366962
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP / Lawyer
06/13/2015 100.00 250.00
Mohammed Aminullah 52 James St
New Hyde Park, New York 110402417
Sarah Pharmacy / Pharmacist
06/13/2015 10.00 5410.00
Ted Gagliano 2451 Briarcrest Rd
Beverly Hills, California 902101819
20th Century Fox / Feature Post President
05/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tomas Lee 506 Southhill Blvd Unit A
Daly City, California 940141473
Infoimage Inc / Manager
06/04/2015 775.00 2965.00
Annie Chavez 12201 Apache Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871123410
Sandia Corporation / Government Relations Officer
04/14/2015 250.00 400.00
Melissa Taylor 734 Elm Tree Dr
Morrow, Ohio 451528630
Trihealth / Health Care
05/21/2015 25.00 225.00
Ruth Craig 5 Bell Waver Way
Oakland, California 946192405
Self-Employed / Author
04/12/2015 100.00 375.00
David Fury 16705 Ashley Oaks
Encino, California 914363207
Twentieth Century Fox-TV / Writer/Producer
04/27/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Diane Land 210 Lavaca St Apt 2605
Austin, Texas 787014592
DT Land Group, Inc. / Real Estate
05/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Angelica Harrison 275 Greenwich St Apt 5A
New York, New York 100072152
American Heart Association / Fundraiser
06/18/2015 100.00 205.00
Erin Golden PO Box 997
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026570997
N/A / Disabled
04/25/2015 100.00 225.50
Maria Ruggiero 4 Hilltop Rd
Watertown, Massachusetts 024723227
N/A / Retired
04/24/2015 10.00 1065.00
Jonathan Warman 294 Cumberland St
Brooklyn, New York 112381016
Segovia / Engineer
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Francisco Gonzalez PO Box 4494
Greenwich, Connecticut 068310409
RBC Capital Markets / Banking
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marjorie Troob 14 Peck Pl
Chappaqua, New York 105143221
Rocks By Jolie B. Ray / Jewelry Designer/Retailer
04/28/2015 500.00 1000.00
Rachel McPherson 607 6th St
Brooklyn, New York 112153701
The Good Dog Foundation / President
06/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jacob Ryan 275 New Boston Rd
Sturbridge, Massachusetts 015661341
Quaboag on the Common / Certified Nursing Assistant
06/14/2015 167.00 302.00
James Nichols 3240 Peralta St Apt 22
Oakland, California 946084152
Apsalar, Inc. / Advertising
05/21/2015 1000.00 1589.54
Ken Wasch 3019 Friends Rd
Annapolis, Maryland 214017223
SIIA / Attorney
06/08/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jorge Rodriguez 600 NE 36th St
Miami, Florida 331373929
HomeServe USA / IT Manager
06/30/2015 90.00 202.00
Michael McKeown 3 Englewood Ave Apt Gb
Brookline, Massachusetts 024452051
Syros Pharmaceuticals / Scientist
04/12/2015 100.00 220.00
Shannon Wilson 2424 Castro St
San Francisco, California 941312204
N/A / Retired
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Wong 1585 Broadway
New York, New York 100368200
Morgan Stanley / Investment Banker
04/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Richard Sapkin 9 Wildrose Trl
Englewood, Colorado 801134199
Edgemark / Real Estate
05/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gray Newman 171 W 79th St
New York, New York 100246449
Retired / Economist
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ann Tedford 616 E St NW Apt 923
Washington, DC 200042275
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 250.00 250.00
Kevin Xu 900 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900151338
Mebo International / CEO
06/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Allyson Henry 6621 SW Admiral Way
Seattle, Washington 981162608
Self-Employed / Therapist
05/09/2015 100.00 3300.00
Brenda Fiala 100 Old Short Hills Road
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Wunderman / Strategy
05/27/2015 53.50 2753.50
Toni Paniagua 1527 T Street NW, #1
Washington, DC 20009
Promontory Financial Group / Executive Assistant
06/26/2015 20.00 201.00
Michael Smith 1233 Lake Whitney Dr
Windermere, Florida 347866069
Morgan & Morgan / Attorney
05/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ryan Richman 733 Fox Hollow Way
Manchester, New Hampshire 031046414
Timberlane Regional School District / Teacher
04/26/2015 10.00 215.75
Shiao Mei Meng 21118 34th Ave
Bayside, New York 113611511
Queens Lumber / President
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Trejo 171 W 79th St
New York, New York 100246449
Self-Employed / Teacher
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Thomas Malvey 6 Schoolcraft St
Guilderland, New York 120849748
N/A / Retired
06/28/2015 25.00 212.50
Laurie Black 2500 6th Ave
San Diego, California 921036628
LJ Black Consulting / Strategic Communications and Advocacy
06/18/2015 1000.00 3700.00
Ruthe Ponturo 985 Park Ave Apt 6
New York, New York 100280994
N/A / Not Employed
06/11/2015 100.00 300.00
John Brandon Wood 1401 N Taft St Apt 922
Arlington, Virginia 222012653
One Planet Infrastructure / VP of Business Development
06/03/2015 2600.00 2700.00
Daniel Wexler 1371 Jamaica Dr
Sanibel, Florida 339572607
Self-Employed / Real Estate
06/29/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Robert Garofalo 840 W Roscoe St Apt 4W
Chicago, Illinois 606576895
Lurie Children's Hospital / Physician
06/26/2015 250.00 450.00
Carrie Kithianis 97 Fieldfare Way
Charleston, South Carolina 294146933
Charleston VAMC / Physician
04/12/2015 50.00 248.72
Lauren Hoover 1761 Church St NW
Washington, DC 200361301
University of San Diego / Student
06/02/2015 250.00 250.00
Stephen Hendrickson 1 Charles St S Unit PH2A
Boston, Massachusetts 021165447
N/A / Retired
04/27/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Michael Lazerow 116 W 71st St
New York, New York 100234005
Self-Employed / Information Requested
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jacqueline Burns 356 Mount Hope Blvd
Hastings Hdsn, New York 107062607
New York State Unified Court System / Court Attorney
06/23/2015 15.00 250.10
Prashant Patel 2553 Corbyton Ct
Orlando, Florida 328287516
Third Eye Vision-IT & Security Systems / Information Requested
06/30/2015 75.00 260.00
Pedram Salimpour 15477 Ventura Blvd Ste 202
Sherman Oaks, California 914033013
Self-Employed / Doctor
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nicholas Rathbun 3755 58th St
Woodside, New York 113772471
Burberry / Manager
06/18/2015 100.00 228.69
Michael P. Kessler 45 E 72nd St Apt 11B
New York, New York 100214178
Proskauer Rose LLP / Attorney
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kevin Gonzalez 10 Barclay St
New York, New York 100072708
Barnes & Noble / VP, Comp & Benefits
04/17/2015 1000.00 2000.00
Daniel O'Hara 3208 Sterling Rd
Mountain Brk, Alabama 352133508
Alabama Symphony Orchestra / Manager of Corporate Relations
04/15/2015 100.00 500.00
Gloria J. Guba 2363 Aronimink Cir
Fayetteville, Pennsylvania 172229242
Retired / School Administrator
04/12/2015 100.00 391.49
Juan Francisco Ochoa 103 Kite Dr
Laredo, Texas 780458107
Taco Palenque / Owner
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Olivier van Doorne 447 W 18th St Apt 7A
New York, New York 100113855
SelectNY / Creative Director/President
06/28/2015 50.00 2750.00
Linda Schofel 911 Regal Blvd
Livingston, New Jersey 070398249
Newman, McDonough, Schofel & Giger, P. / Attorney
06/12/2015 7.00 245.50
George Buskirk, Jr. 2150 S 950 E
Zionsville, Indiana 460779546
Chief of the National Guard / Legal Counsel
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeanne L. Ward 3523 Park St
Jacksonville, Florida 322057726

05/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tree Mangen 1001 Amalfi Dr
Pacific Palisades, California 902724029
Self-Employed / Artist
06/23/2015 100.00 2800.00
Anne F. Donovan 118 4th St SE
Washington, DC 200031012
Jones Day / Manager of Business Relations
06/28/2015 18.00 228.00
Walt Cain 107 Rhode Island Ave NE
Washington, DC 200021309
U.S. Federal Government / Attorney
06/29/2015 60.00 205.00
Philip Myburgh 62 Pearl St Fl 3
New York, New York 100042435
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/15/2015 50.00 250.00
Patricia Schilling 23 Morning Glory
Irvine, California 926033714
Tugboat Software / Software Engineer
06/14/2015 104.54 269.54
Lynn Wyatt 3638 Meadow Lake Ln
Houston, Texas 770274111
Not Employed / Philanthropist
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Christopher Padilla 5204 Hattiesburg Ave NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871204523
Smith's Food And Drug Centers / Customer Service Manager
05/26/2015 89.20 201.20
Kerry Pakucko 2033 Coliseum St
New Orleans, Louisiana 701305161
Retired / Paramedic
04/13/2015 200.00 400.00
Lucia Evans 61 Overhill Rd
Henniker, New Hampshire 032424028
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 500.00 500.00
Alexandra Alger 32 Tompkins Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112314404
Not Employed / Journalist
04/14/2015 500.00 500.00
Wilson Golden 3136 White Magnolia Chase
Gainesville, Georgia 305045587
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/04/2015 500.00 500.00
Jane Quinn 14995 SW Gearhart Dr
Beaverton, Oregon 970076620
Retired / Educator
06/29/2015 15.00 215.00
Thomas Maciula 4322 Williamsburg Rd
Dallas, Texas 752201932
Fidelity Investments / Bond Salesman
05/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Wiener 4445 Rodeo Trl
Williamston, Michigan 488959439
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Gifford 12848 Council Bluff Dr
Austin, Texas 787272614
Standard Pacific Mortgage / Mortgage Lender
04/12/2015 100.00 236.69
Peter Heegaard 184 Bank St SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554141042
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Robyn Coles 776 Boylston St
Boston, Massachusetts 021997841
TRATE Properties / Business Owner
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Xanthi Scrimgeour 4 Linden St
Northampton, Massachusetts 010603208
Communicate Health / Chief Strategist
05/08/2015 300.00 300.00
Michael Fox 225 5th Ave
New York, New York 100101102
Eaglevale Partners LP / Partner
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Angel Guerrero 6400 Christie Ave
Emeryville, California 946081009
Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory / Education
04/28/2015 2650.00 2700.00
L. Lisa McPherson 327 Porth Cir
Lexington, South Carolina 290729718
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Karen Benjamin 167 Crisman
Boulder, Colorado 803029732
N/A / Homemaker
06/14/2015 100.00 825.00
Sara Schreiber 2101 16th St NW Apt 724
Washington, DC 200096588
America Votes / Managing Director
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Heather Somaini 3212 Maplewood Ave
Los Angeles, California 900661728
Lionsgate / Chief of Staff
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jacqueline Snook 185 Rolex Pt
Lake Mary, Florida 327463591
Optimal Phone Interpreters / COO
05/26/2015 67.49 517.49
Tom Amis 47 W Lenox St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154208
Mercer Thompson LLC / Attorney
06/02/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Olga Milan-Howells 2397 Diamond St
San Francisco, California 941312607
Sterling Premier Properties / Real Estate Broker
05/24/2015 20.00 2720.00
Cera Osterhout 742 W Swanzey Rd
Swanzey, New Hampshire 034463247
Citywide Home Loans / Mortgage Underwriter
06/09/2015 10.00 201.00
Sarah Trahern 1718 Rosewood Ave
Nashville, Tennessee 372125816
Country Music Association / CEO
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Haliyamtu Amani 18319 Lost Knife Cir Apt 302
Montgomery Village, Maryland 208860304
Robert Half Technology / Software Engineer
06/29/2015 72.00 202.00
Angela Pih 1226 Selby Ave
Los Angeles, California 900245020
Self-Employed / Marketing
04/28/2015 50.00 470.00
Laura Bianchi Payne 10061 Bianchi Way Unit B
Cupertino, California 950144278
N/A / Homemaker
06/14/2015 100.00 272.00
Samantha Lugo PO Box 811
Guanica, Puerto Rico 006530811
Infinity Strategic / President & COO
04/12/2015 500.00 686.69
David Rein 10 Sands Ct
Port Washington, New York 110501438
N/A / Retired
06/29/2015 50.00 350.00
Nicholas Villarreal Styles 701 Loma Dr
Hermosa Beach, California 902544656
N/A / Student
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Marla Schaefer 1500 S Ocean Blvd Apt 903S
Boca Raton, Florida 334328524
Retired / CEO
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ronnie Igel 239 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750810
Rodeph Sholom School / Teacher
06/30/2015 25.00 386.69
Randall Brewer 11240 Magnolia Glen Road
Shreveport, Louisiana 71106
Duke University / MD
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frances Baca 271 Hacienda Carmel
Carmel, California 939237947
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/14/2015 100.00 250.00
Radell Nelson 333 Ramona Ave
El Cerrito, California 945303739
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/23/2015 200.00 600.00
Marilyn Teitelbaum 4909 Laclede Ave Apt 1401
Saint Louis, Missouri 631081428
Schuchat Cook & Werner / Attorney
06/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joan Grande 952 N Alpine Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902102931
HMC Comm / Executive
05/09/2015 1000.00 1250.00
Jack Martin 500 W 5th St Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Austin, Texas 787013830
Hill and Knowlton Strategies / Chairman
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jennifer Squires 924 G St SE
Washington, DC 200032818
Booz Allen / Consultant
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Teri Voyna 4355 Aspen Hills Cir Usa
Bettendorf, Iowa 527222180
N/A / Homemaker
05/26/2015 36.41 344.10
Sharon Worosilo, MD 1000 Avenue at Port Imperial Apt 706
Weehawken, New Jersey 070866981
New Jersey Pain Management Institute / Physician
04/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane Sollee 917 1st St N Apt 101
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 322507199
N/A / Retired
06/08/2015 250.00 250.00
Tracy Bernson 169 Central Ave
Dover, New Hampshire 038204002
Self-Employed / Lawyer
05/20/2015 100.00 370.00
Trilby Idzerda 620 N Bancroft St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462012904
State of Indiana / Real Estate Customer Service
06/02/2015 36.69 262.23
Thomas Malvey 6 Schoolcraft St
Guilderland, New York 120849748
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 25.00 212.50
Cheryl Solometo 1 Summerwind Dr
Glen Head, New York 115453013
Mid-Market Securities / Banker
05/11/2015 25.00 201.00
Will Scheffer 200 Park Ave S Fl 8
New York, New York 100031526
Anima Sola Productions / Writer
06/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sarah Miyata 231 Wesley Ave
Oak Park, Illinois 603023209
Northwestern Medicine / Nurse Practitioner
05/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Matthew Willner 63 Preston Rd
Somerville, Massachusetts 021432734
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology / Graduate Student
06/29/2015 47.09 297.09
Debra Greene 348 Mirabelle Dr
Pensacola, Florida 325145311
Escambia County School District / Teacher
06/02/2015 69.27 238.98
Kitty Flanagan 1630 Hampton Oaks Bnd
Marietta, Georgia 300664451
N/A / Homemaker
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Steve Tisch 10866 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900244300
New York Giants / Chairman
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Wagner 48 Lyman Rd
Northampton, Massachusetts 010604228
Self-Employed / Videographer
06/26/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Turpen 801 NW 38th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731187113
Riggs, Abney, Neal, Turpen, Orbison & / Attorney
04/17/2015 2600.00 2800.00
Paul Hendershot 22105 E Wellesley Ave Trlr 3
Otis Orchards, Washington 990279252
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/24/2015 150.00 250.00
Joseph Biderman 275 Amalfi Dr
Santa Monica, California 904021125
Self-Employed / Mediator
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Ann Donahue 10990 Wilshire Blvd Fl 8
Los Angeles, California 900243918
Self-Employed / Writer
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Karen Benjamin 167 Crisman
Boulder, Colorado 803029732
N/A / Homemaker
06/30/2015 50.00 825.00
Oscar Flores 50 Mayfair Way
White Plains, New York 106031028
WJC Foundation / Chef
05/03/2015 50.00 2700.00
Jay Lesenger 529 W 42nd St Apt 7T
New York, New York 100366230
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/27/2015 250.00 250.00
Tim Petrites 631 N Shelby St
Gary, Indiana 464032253
Retired / Researcher
04/14/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Susan Grant 151 E 90th St Ste 502
New York, New York 101282349
S & G Star Corp / Sales
06/18/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kara Dowd 3030 Tennyson St NW
Washington, DC 200152232
National Geographic / Marketing
06/05/2015 500.00 500.00
Jennifer M Palmieri 1403 Central Ave E
Edgewater, Maryland 210374539
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Linda Ourach 229 Sparrow Dr
Hamilton, New Jersey 086902461
Retired / Nurse Practitioner
05/26/2015 72.67 272.67
Enid R Weishaus 633 N Midland Ave
Nyack, New York 109601032
Self-Employed / Life Coach
06/24/2015 400.00 650.00
Ryan Hall 1935 Shenandoah Rd
Toledo, Ohio 436071674
KUKA Robotics / Automotion Manufacturer
04/17/2015 25.00 201.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $38840010.85
Total Memo Amount $259175.84
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Thu Feb 6 16:04:31 2025