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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 38617 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 14501 through 15000

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Haley Ebeling 3510 N Hamilton Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606186121
N/A / Homemaker
06/11/2015 25.00 209.89
Kristin Kuhlmann 3204 Conner Dr
Canyon, Texas 790154210
West Texas A&M University / Assistant Professor
04/19/2015 250.00 500.00
Marcella Dresdale 29 Prescott Ave
Bronxville, New York 107083014
N/A / Homemaker
06/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Yaniv Cohen 515 SW 17th Ave
Miami, Florida 331353878
Shiraz Events / Vice President
06/23/2015 250.00 250.00
Erick Mullen 1421 Locust Rd NW
Washington, DC 200121213
Mercury / Managing Director
04/14/2015 500.00 1205.60
William Redmond 448 6th St
Brooklyn, New York 112154046
Self-Employed / Advisor
04/13/2015 250.00 500.00
Paul Berry 5452 S Cornell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606155624
N/A / Student
05/14/2015 5.00 201.00
Melanie Greenwald 5313 Lagorce Dr
Miami Beach, Florida 331402133
N/A / Homemaker
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kevin P. Costello 414 Beacon St
Boston, Massachusetts 021151115
Boston Capital / Executive Vice President
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jordan Alexson 83 Nottinghill Rd
Brighton, Massachusetts 021354011
Red Barn / Barista
04/12/2015 25.00 251.09
Anil Mujumdar PO Box 1962
Birmingham, Alabama 352011962
Zarzaur Mujumdar & Debrosse / Attorney
06/12/2015 10.00 1226.68
Shari Yost 2741 Brandywine St NW
Washington, DC 200081041
Yost Gold Consulting / Consultant
04/22/2015 500.00 500.00
Dave Krick PO Box 902
Boise, Idaho 837010902
Self-Employed / Restauranteur
06/30/2015 150.00 250.00
Bonnie Jenkins 3695 Ketchum Ct
Woodbridge, Virginia 221931064
U.S. Department of State / Foreign Affairs
05/14/2015 25.00 510.00
Colby Shannon 6224 Winter Park Dr
North Richland Hil, Texas 761805355
Texas American Insurers / Insurance Sales
06/29/2015 50.00 201.00
Sam Linn 6619 Mercer St
Houston, Texas 770053737
Columbia Law School / Student
05/28/2015 36.41 3332.10
Carina Trowbridge 255 Marina Blvd
San Francisco, California 941231212
Not Employed / Lawyer
04/13/2015 250.00 350.00
Alexander Munson 2180 Post St Unit 313
San Francisco, California 941156002
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/10/2015 300.00 300.00
Claire Lee 155 Jasmine Ct
Mountain View, California 940435288
Silicon Valley Bank / Managing Director
04/12/2015 100.00 3800.00
Barbara Geisman 1517 Washington Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631031841
Thompson Coburn LLP / Attorney
05/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Morgan Barnes 13 Apricot Ct
North Potomac, Maryland 208782326
View Care / Coder
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Stanley Plotnick 62 Dutchess Lake Ct
Holmes, New York 125315162
The Recent Group / CEO
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard Miller-Murphy 1735 York Ave Apt 35E
New York, New York 101286863
NY Blood Center / Director of Marketing
06/30/2015 75.00 275.00
Josh Birkenhauer 622 Ogden Ct Apt 160
Oxford, Ohio 450562156
06/11/2015 10.00 214.70
Jean Wolff 10531 Garwood Pl
Los Angeles, California 900243302
Self-Employed / Artist
06/19/2015 300.00 500.00
Leroy Pingho 12008 Great Elm Dr
Potomac, Maryland 208541229
Overture / Executive
06/07/2015 1000.00 2500.00
Michelle Dorothy 4692 Kirkpatrick Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223114915
U.S. House of Representatives / Chief of Staff
06/30/2015 250.00 350.00
Gary Thompson 1941 Peck Ln
Cheshire, Connecticut 064104405
Southington Board of Education / Custodian
06/12/2015 50.00 240.00
Andrew Pincus 3149 Newark St NW
Washington, DC 200083344
Mayer Brown LLP / Lawyer
04/12/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Colleen McCreary 366 Hillsborough Blvd
Hillsborough, California 940107040
Climate Corporation / Chief People Officer
06/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Martha Dickie 503 Brookhaven Trl
Austin, Texas 787465452
Almanza Blackburn Dickie LLP / Attorney
04/22/2015 250.00 250.00
Arthur I Indursky 755 Park Ave
New York, New York 100214255
Grubman Indursky Shire & Meiselas, P.C / Attorney
05/06/2015 2500.00 2500.00
Jay Dolan Barry 4 Meadowbrook Cir
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 015455035
Self-Employed / Video Production
04/19/2015 500.00 500.00
Jude Weston PO Box 4158
Blue Jay, California 923174158
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/05/2015 250.00 250.00
Jamie Hazlett 910 E Main St
Medford, Oregon 975047136
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/23/2015 5.00 245.00
Prakiti KC 4527 Mayfair St
Bellaire, Texas 774012603
Self-Employed / Information Requested
04/14/2015 500.00 500.00
Brenda Gullett 2709 N Candlewood Dr
Fayetteville, Arkansas 727034790
Self-Employed / Trainer/Speaker
04/19/2015 20.16 260.48
Edward Hard 5740 Classic Pl
Carmichael, California 956085563
State of California / Manager
06/12/2015 250.00 300.00
Asif Rehmatulla 6501 Burke Woods Dr
Burke, Virginia 220153921
RHDC International / Vice President
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Denis Mukoka 102 Choptank Ct Unit A5
Cary, North Carolina 275133206
Wake County Public School System / Building Assistant Manager/Custodian
05/18/2015 3.00 892.09
Julie Shackleton 64 Frost St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021402224
Self-Employed / Lawyer
04/30/2015 50.00 237.00
Chris Peck 175 W Saint James St Unit 402
San Jose, California 951102407
Facebook, Inc. / Event Operations Manager
04/15/2015 250.00 250.00
Kimberly Springer 8777 Big Bend Blvd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631193778
Self-Employed / Lawyer
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Stella Parris 12224 Dearborn St
Leawood, Kansas 662091506
Parris Communictions / Assistant CEO
05/15/2015 250.00 250.00
William Talmadge 215 Talmadge Rd
Hampton, Georgia 302281877
McGuire Woods Consulting / Consultant
05/27/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Terry Yeary 701 Flat Fork Rd
Wartburg, Tennessee 378873236
Flat Fork Sellers / Sole Proprietor
06/12/2015 10.00 297.00
Nancy Linn Patton PO Box 8490
Avon, Colorado 816208403
N/A / Retired
05/06/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Nancy Halpern 130 E 94th St
New York, New York 101281757
KNH Associates / Consultant
06/07/2015 500.00 500.00
Stephen Rodde 4100 Hagen Rd
Napa, California 945583856
Flor Investments / Investor
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Dawn Klein-Evans 22221 Creekview Dr
Gaithersburg, Maryland 208821302
N/A / Not Employed
05/12/2015 100.00 425.00
John Park 1049 Rosedale Rd
Valley Stream, New York 115812704
Self-Employed / Retail Store
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brandon Ehrhart 10020 Trainstation Cir Apt 311
Lone Tree, Colorado 801245364
DISH Network L.L.C. / Attorney
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dakotah Smith 2055 26th St S Apt 205
Arlington, Virginia 222062890
Consort Partners / Public Relations
06/23/2015 182.00 202.00
Clark Kinlin 7320 Governors Hill Ln
Charlotte, North Carolina 282115016
Corning Incorporated / Executive Vice President
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
April Orlando 8279 Day Lily Pl
Sanford, Florida 327718129
U.S. Legal Support / Sales Manager
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Paul Scott O'Neill 1000 Potomac St NW Ste 150A
Washington, DC 200073728
DCBA Law & Policy LLP / Policy Advisor
06/29/2015 500.00 700.00
Meredith Bland 9236 41st Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981153802
Self-Employed / Freelance Writer
06/23/2015 50.00 300.00
Ashley Woolheater 2101 16th St NW Apt 416
Washington, DC 200096585
Beacon Global Strategies LLC / Consultant
04/12/2015 50.00 249.55
Steve McElroy 1113 Bridge Rd
Charleston, West Virginia 253141307
West Virginia Legislature / Crimes Victory Advocate
06/10/2015 10.00 235.00
Karen Collishaw 3 Thorburn Rd
Gaithersburg, Maryland 208782627
Community Health Accreditation Partner / Nonprofit Management
04/15/2015 200.00 210.00
Joshua Van der Ploeg 31022 Beechwood St.
Garden City, Michigan 48135
White & Case LLP / Attorney
05/15/2015 250.00 500.00
Amy Garrison 802 Glen Leven Dr
Nashville, Tennessee 372044305
N/A / Homemaker
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kasie Cregger 438 Dalewood Ave
Salem, Virginia 241534161
Meridium / Accountant
05/26/2015 159.65 369.65
Dianne Grossman 24 Wrights Mill Rd
Armonk, New York 105041130
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kristin Hansen 1510 Gabriel Dr United States
Waukesha, Wisconsin 531883658
ACLU of Wisconsin / Fundraiser
05/16/2015 25.00 230.00
Mary Davin 306 Dafney Dr
Lafayette, Louisiana 705034511
WCH of Acadiana / Registered Nurse
06/27/2015 25.00 211.89
Brian Hansen 530 Manning Walk
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191063705
Goldstein Funeral Chapel / Funeral Services
06/02/2015 220.16 345.16
Chase Williams PO Box 572
Gates Mills, Ohio 440400572
Hawken School / Teacher
06/26/2015 10.00 427.63
Fred Poust 277 W End Ave Apt 4A
New York, New York 100232608
Forbes Media / Executive
05/18/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Laura Miles 163 Wayzata Blvd W Apt 323
Wayzata, Minnesota 553911566
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/15/2015 300.00 800.00
Joel Moser 16 W 77th St
New York, New York 100245126
AQM Capital LLC / Finance
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Rhondda Grant 545 Race St
Denver, Colorado 802064122
N/A / Homemaker
04/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Carey Lorenzo 67 Rivergate Way
Long Branch, New Jersey 077408502
N/A / Not Employed
06/12/2015 10.00 240.00
Tracy Martin 255 NW 100th Ave
Plantation, Florida 333247060
Wells Fargo / REO Asset Manager
05/28/2015 50.00 425.00
Claire Luisi 7415 Beverly Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208142333
N/A / Retired
04/19/2015 250.00 250.00
Vivian Mei Fong PO Box 111
Demorest, Georgia 305350111
N/A / Retired
06/02/2015 500.00 750.00
Joyce Cooper PO Box 658
Greenwood, Florida 324430658
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 25.00 210.00
Linda Janger 138 S Lasky Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902121704
Self-Employed / Real Estate
05/04/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancie Senet 218 Elberon Ave
Allenhurst, New Jersey 077111050
Nancie Senet, Ph.D. / Psychologist
06/29/2015 200.00 225.00
Louise Sunshine 10 Venetian Way
Miami Beach, Florida 331398827
Self-Employed / Real Estate Entrepreneur
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
George B. Cauthen PO Box 12511
Columbia, South Carolina 292112511
Nelson Mullins LLP / Attorney
06/12/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Terrence Davis 570 Matterhorn Way
Alpharetta, Georgia 300225426
Holland & Knight / Attorney
05/06/2015 250.00 250.00
Fran Bottorff 7 Rosewood Dr
Atherton, California 940272138
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/25/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jhan Dunn 1860 Stearns Rd
Paradise, California 959696502
Glenn County Office of Education / Administrator
04/22/2015 100.00 250.00
Kathryn McCance PO Box 42
Wilson, Wyoming 830140042
University of Utah-Elsevier / Professor Emeritus
06/13/2015 200.00 800.00
Angela Pih 1226 Selby Ave
Los Angeles, California 900245020
Self-Employed / Marketing
06/30/2015 50.00 470.00
Iman Farrior 5835 Indian Trl
Houston, Texas 770571306
Lasso Enterprises LLC / Attorney/Real Estate Investor
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Chloe Fratesi 3601 Mobile St
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 716019668
Self-Employed / Information Requested
06/30/2015 200.00 1266.35
Anna Mutoh 50 Murray St Apt 721
New York, New York 100072263
Goldman Sachs / Finance
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marvin Barrios 228 E 45th St # 42
New York, New York 100173303
C40 Cities / Head of Operations
06/23/2015 5.00 314.74
Judith Hand 17615 Parlange Pl
San Diego, California 921282081
Retired / Biologist and Writer
05/01/2015 400.00 650.00
Jane Gray Todd 8217 Easy St
Sherwood, Arkansas 721209319
N/A / Retired
04/16/2015 50.00 322.16
Judith Hand 17615 Parlange Pl
San Diego, California 921282081
Retired / Biologist and Writer
05/21/2015 250.00 650.00
Matthew Griffin 4243 24th St Apt 1
San Francisco, California 941143650
Chevron Corporation / Marketing
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Richard Baldwin 5551 Kamet Ct
Ventura, California 930031102
Self-Employed / Air Quality Consultant
06/09/2015 100.00 300.00
Beci Austin PO Box 17414
Little Rock, Arkansas 722227414
Retired / Teacher
06/12/2015 25.00 214.00
Ronny Marshall 1419 N Coronado St
Los Angeles, California 900262307
Union Bank / Business Analyst
05/11/2015 50.00 1017.91
John Schwabacher 390 Conil Way
Portola Valley, California 940287405
N/A / Retired
06/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Eric Salas 270 Jay St Apt 3E
Brooklyn, New York 112011938
The Home Depot / Pro Account Representative
05/19/2015 25.00 350.00
Pamela Guth 4035 Fox Farm Rd
Missoula, Montana 598023080
Self-Employed / Hospitality Design
06/30/2015 250.00 300.00
Penelope Floodas PO Box 544
Howe, Texas 754590544
N/A / Retired
05/01/2015 300.00 300.00
Gloria Cabe 9039 Sligo Creek Pkwy
Silver Spring, Maryland 209013301
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/30/2015 250.00 350.00
Mark Murphy 726 Treasure Dr
Pittsburg, California 945652974
Gumps / Retail
05/28/2015 5.00 343.64
Joel Beam 5 Alma St Apt 5
San Francisco, California 941174365
Forward Management / Portfolio Manager
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sarah Meyers 5108 Edgemoor Ln
Bethesda, Maryland 208142306
N/A / Information Requested
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Amir Farokhi 422 Glen Iris Dr NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303082919
College Advising Corps / COO
06/29/2015 250.00 450.00
E. Ann Francis 1376 Cochran Crossing
McDonough, Georgia 302528071
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/25/2015 250.00 250.00
Glenn Bonci 2501 12th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981192116
Self-Employed / Consultant
06/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Rudeina Baasiri 3333 Allen Pkwy Unit 2205
Houston, Texas 770191848
Winston & Strawn LLP / Patent Advisor
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David A. Hurdis 76 Harbour Island Rd
Narragansett, Rhode Island 028824322
Retired / Engineer
06/26/2015 100.00 500.00
Mark Murphy 726 Treasure Dr
Pittsburg, California 945652974
Gumps / Retail
04/22/2015 10.00 343.64
Michelle Carchedi 676 Gage Ln
North Wales, Pennsylvania 194542737
Schiffrin Management Inc / Director
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bradley Watt 2255 N Wickham Rd Ste 109
Melbourne, Florida 329358012
Self-Employed / Chiropractor
05/19/2015 500.00 500.00
Tonia Licciardi 649 River Rd
Piscataway, New Jersey 088544641
Accurate Reconstruction / Marketing
06/30/2015 100.00 250.00
Glen Paul Freedman 480 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE # 811JOHN
Atlanta, Georgia 303125324
Grady Health System / Foundation Office Manager
05/30/2015 103.27 601.83
Ilene Greenberg 24 Crafts Rd
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 024671824
Self-Employed / Volunteer
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Benjamin Decosta 1343 Cascade Falls Ct SW
Atlanta, Georgia 303113674
Decosta Consulting, LLC / Aviation Consultant
04/19/2015 500.00 500.00
Janida Emerson 739 E Bryan Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 841052212
Salt Lake County / Associate Director, Behavioral Health
06/30/2015 76.00 201.00
Susan Benedetto 106 Central Park S
New York, New York 100191563
N/A / Not Employed
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
George Yeich 1517 Hill Rd 3K United States
Reading, Pennsylvania 196021411
Walmart / Manager
05/28/2015 500.00 1278.80
Bennett Stitt 6545 Mt Carmel Rd
Covington, Tennessee 380197631
celine / Information Requested
05/26/2015 101.42 251.42
Kerry McKenney 4822 30th St S
Arlington, Virginia 222061508
Monument Strategies / Consultant
04/19/2015 50.00 201.00
Brian Odo 2882 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, California 941183408
B.O.L. Global, Inc. / Accountant
05/11/2015 25.00 426.05
Brendon Martin 364 Mission Ave
Villa Park, Illinois 601811903
Google / Administrator
06/13/2015 500.00 2710.00
Bruce Marold 1301 South Blvd
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 180175037
Retired / Writer
05/20/2015 250.00 2950.00
Hannah Polauf 544 A 16th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11215
N/A / Student
06/19/2015 1500.00 1500.00
Albert Moore 5501 N Stanton St Apt 1
El Paso, Texas 799126440
SG Bank / Managing Director
04/12/2015 250.00 1336.49
Virginia Koury 139 Shorecliff Rd
Corona Del Mar, California 926252657
N/A / Homemaker
06/07/2015 1000.00 1075.00
Jo Soos 17900 Old Locke Rd
Mountainburg, Arkansas 729462716
Self-Employed / Soos Stained Glass
04/19/2015 120.16 320.16
Robert Adams 9753 Keeneland Row
La Jolla, California 920371163
University of California San Diego / Anthopologist
06/25/2015 100.00 425.00
Tracy Bernstein 4409 Klingle St NW
Washington, DC 200163578
The Bernstein Companies / Consultant
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
James Dorsey 10475 Hadley Ave N
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551101204
Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. / Lawyer
06/03/2015 2200.00 2700.00
Max Gunawan 8 Gallagher Ln
San Francisco, California 941034176
Lumio, LLC / Designer
04/22/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Ronald Paler 6133 E Phelps Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 852541395
LabCorp / Physician
06/12/2015 100.00 230.00
William Jeffers 3118 Minart Dr
Winston Salem, North Carolina 271062638
Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools / Teacher - NEA Director
04/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Joseph Lee 21 Paloma Ave
Venice, California 902912404
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP / Attorney
04/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Mia Bauer 196 E 75th St Apt 3B
New York, New York 100213256
Self-Employed / Business Owner
06/25/2015 100.00 499.35
Lenore Wax 341 N Poinsettia Pl
Los Angeles, California 900362506
N/A / Retired
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Noa Krakoff 103 Quincy St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153320

05/17/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Richard E Dahab 10 Lakeview Ave N
Brightwaters, New York 117181419
Dahab Associates Incorporated / Investment Consultant
06/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peter F Vallone, Sr. 1833 21st Dr
Astoria, New York 111053935
Constantinople and Vallone / Partner
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marcy Baxter 400 Creekside Dr
Marshall, Texas 756726245
CASA of Harrison County / Director of Non-Profit
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susan McCann 210 Main St
Nyack, New York 109602479
Cablevision / Direct Sales
05/16/2015 100.00 325.00
Nancy Stagg 1422 W Pennsylvania Ave
San Diego, California 921033707
Foley & Lardner LLP / Attorney
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lawrence Reger 5010 Garfield St NW
Washington, DC 200163469
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2015 300.00 300.00
Stephanie Reiter 700 Niles Pond Rd
Honesdale, Pennsylvania 184316610
Camp Towanda / Camp Director
05/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Elizabeth Ricci 10360 Pendery Dr
Montgomery, Ohio 452425349
N/A / Retired
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ruth Weiss 321 Ardsley Rd
Longmeadow, Massachusetts 011062507
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Richard Anderson 375 Saint James Ave
Springdale, Arkansas 727647144
Social Security Admin / Claims Representative
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Darrell Cannon PO Box 9170
Arlington, Virginia 222191170
Assertive Privacy / Consultant
06/12/2015 25.00 325.00
Richard Rodine 2011 Cedar Springs Rd Apt 202
Dallas, Texas 752011521
N/A / Retired
05/19/2015 50.00 300.00
Alan Bernstein 301 S Rimpau Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900204827
Harper Management / Property Management
04/30/2015 100.00 300.00
Amy Lesch 249 Monterey Ave
Pelham, New York 108032329
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts / Investments
06/19/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Linda Meacher 3 Second Mesa Dr
Placitas, New Mexico 870439402
Retired / Scientist
05/06/2015 25.00 491.69
Rita Schwartz 129 Hicks St
Brooklyn, New York 112012304
Self-Employed / Government Relations
04/19/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Patricia Cherry 6622 N Le Mai Ave
Lincolnwood, Illinois 607123102
Self-Employed / Information Requested
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Angelene Simonello 300 Boylston St Unit 713
Boston, Massachusetts 021163962
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2015 225.00 225.00
Daniel Kornstein 29 Beechwood Rd
Hartsdale, New York 105301623
Kornstein Veisz Wexler and Pollard LLP / Lawyer
06/02/2015 500.00 500.00
Alonna Travin 23 Rose Ln
Chappaqua, New York 105142004
Self-Employed / Writer
06/30/2015 75.00 211.41
Joan McKown 3013 N Florida St
Arlington, Virginia 222071809
Jones Day / Attorney
04/24/2015 10.00 2710.00
Lara Simpson 815 Portsmouth Dr
Pearland, Texas 775843017
The University of Texax Public Health, / Faculty Associate/Epidemiologist
04/23/2015 25.00 201.10
Paul Berry 5452 S Cornell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606155624
N/A / Student
05/28/2015 5.00 201.00
Donell Cohen PO Box 15682
Beverly Hills, California 902091682
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center / Health System Manager
06/29/2015 100.00 250.00
John Fitzgivens 660 Ralph McGill Blvd NE Apt 2603
Atlanta, Georgia 303121155
Not Employed / Senior Business Analyst -IT
05/28/2015 89.70 210.70
Jeff Bleich 109 Monte Ave
Piedmont, California 946113718
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP / Attorney
04/19/2015 1000.00 2000.00
Muslim Lakhani 1018 Eaton Dr
McLean, Virginia 221021746
ML Resources LLC / Information Requested
06/30/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Keely Field 3325 Castle Heights Ave Apt 314
Los Angeles, California 900342770
Saban Capital Group / Paralegal
04/24/2015 25.00 245.00
Angela Gascho 5337 Foxhound Way
San Diego, California 921306939
Academy of Our Lady of Peace / Educator
06/19/2015 250.00 750.00
William Neudorfer 6614 81st St
Cabin John, Maryland 208181205
Zaras & Neudorfer Architects / Architect
05/15/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Barbara Short 3550 SW Bond Ave Unit 1208
Portland, Oregon 972394718
Self-Employed / Psychologist
05/06/2015 100.00 300.00
John Sachs 2900 45th St NW
Washington, DC 200163559
Latham & Watkins LLP / Attorney
04/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ramona Warren 5221 Huckleberry Ln NW
Gig Harbor, Washington 983357143
Self-Employed / Physician
06/09/2015 25.00 525.00
Celina Vasquez 5020 Fall River Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761031210
Dallas County Community College Direct / Educator
06/03/2015 1072.00 2703.00
Andrew Bowen 5000 Montrose Blvd Unit 20A
Houston, Texas 770066564
Oracle Corporation / Talent Management Consultant
04/23/2015 100.00 250.00
Deborah K Willhite 1814 River Heights Dr
Little Rock, Arkansas 722021430
Arkansas Insurance Department / COO
06/23/2015 25.00 226.95
Manikoth Kurup 126 Lindenhurst
Richmond, Virginia 232386163
Self-Employed / Physician
05/15/2015 300.00 300.00
Lisa Henderson 1430 Diamond St
San Francisco, California 941311826
Salesforce / Marketing Executive
06/29/2015 500.00 2275.00
Lily Stasik 804 Stables Ct W
Highwood, Illinois 600402055
Kenosha Unified School District & Coll / Teacher
06/13/2015 50.00 206.17
Debra Buckingham 3641 Walnut Ave
Long Beach, California 908074309
VWR / Laboratory Sales
05/16/2015 50.00 250.00
Patrick Russell 7570 W Marconi Ave
Peoria, Arizona 853821504
Cisco Systems Inc. / Finance Manager
06/30/2015 200.00 400.00
Paula Bennett 1156 Napoli Dr
Pacific Palisades, California 902724040
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diane Kenney 1217 Lyndhurst Greens Dr
Sun City Center, Florida 335737161
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/11/2015 220.00 220.00
Jillian Hargrove 3955 7th Ave Apt 38
San Diego, California 921033231
N/A / Student
06/30/2015 78.00 201.54
Seth Waxman 3417 Ordway St NW
Washington, DC 200163171
WilmerHale / Attorney
04/16/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Martha Blalock 1311 Corcoran St NW
Washington, DC 200094310
National Institues of Health / Creative Director
06/07/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kristen Leis 2900 Cross Country Rd
Charlotte, North Carolina 282700747
Parker Poe / Business Development & Marketing Direc
04/19/2015 50.00 50.00
Nancy Nelson 8073 S Albion St
Centennial, Colorado 801223901
Retired / Realtor
06/12/2015 100.00 308.00
Eric Sklar PO Box 607
Rutherford, California 945730607
Preslar Ventures, Inc / Vintner
04/12/2015 250.00 500.00
David Rison 105 Caveson Dr
Summerville, South Carolina 294834906
N/A / Retired
04/30/2015 75.00 331.00
Quincy Jones 10850 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1200
Los Angeles, California 900244324
Self-Employed / Producer
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sindy Yeh 9703 Hidden Valley Rd
Vienna, Virginia 221816095
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 250.00 250.00
Glen Paul Freedman 480 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE # 811JOHN
Atlanta, Georgia 303125324
Grady Health System / Foundation Office Manager
05/30/2015 106.93 601.83
Leo Henton 20627 11th Ave W
Lynnwood, Washington 980368715
Boeing / Engineer
06/19/2015 31.00 441.16
Alexandra Singer 2370 Washington St
San Francisco, California 941151937
N/A / Homemaker
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Amrit Kohli 2248 108th Ave
Oakland, California 946034013
Queer Folk, Inc. / Professional Musician
06/03/2015 130.32 305.32
Anthony Nieves 3360 Poinciana Ave
Coconut Grove, Florida 331336545
MARCA / Advertising
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Catherine Peery PO Box 28
Pescadero, California 940600028
Peery Associates / Pension Consultant
06/10/2015 5.00 2977.82
Jesse Litzler 714 Round Hill Dr
Merced, California 953488421
Self-Employed / Sales
04/23/2015 10.00 441.25
Kathleen Gaylord 2301 Anthony St
South St Paul, Minnesota 550755832
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/07/2015 100.00 250.00
Darlene Ewing 219 Molina St
Sunnyvale, Texas 751829593
Self-Employed / Attorney
04/13/2015 100.00 300.00
Glenn Krevlin 1185 Park Ave Apt 12D
New York, New York 101281312
Glenhill Capital / Investments
05/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Barbara Price 10750 Wilshire Blvd Apt 1304
Los Angeles, California 900244477
N/A / Homemaker
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kristin Goodfellow 1111 W Highland Ave
Redlands, California 923736656
Voyager Search / CEO
05/15/2015 200.00 400.00
Dorothy A. Sanchez 5615 Danny Kaye Dr
San Antonio, Texas 782402316
N/A / Retired
05/11/2015 225.00 325.00
Leonard Cool 2049 Warwick Hills Dr
Orlando, Florida 328265299
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 300.00 300.00
Cheng-Yu Ma 150 El Camino Del Mar
San Francisco, California 941211214
Retired / Chemist
06/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Catherine Klein 35 Fox Run Ln
Greenwich, Connecticut 068313706
Self-Employed / Producer
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Christina Wallace 36 Clark St Apt 6E
Brooklyn, New York 112012354
American Museum Of Natural History / Director
04/19/2015 500.00 580.00
Ellen Zucker 71 Saint Marys St Unit 2
Brookline, Massachusetts 024468207
Burns & Levinson / Attorney
04/12/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Anne Wynne 552 Breakneck Hill Rd
Middlebury, Connecticut 067621409
Quene LLC / Contractor
06/12/2015 10.00 245.00
Russell Semmel 250 W 85th St Apt 2C
New York, New York 100243209
Neville Peterson LLP / Attorney
06/03/2015 100.00 300.00
Angela Battaglia 6120 71st Ave
Ridgewood, New York 113855923
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Cou / Program Director
06/30/2015 250.00 600.00
Omar Medina 494 Suwanee Cir
Tampa, Florida 336063829
Medina Law Firm / Attorney
06/23/2015 250.00 500.00
Lisa Moucheron 320 Maple Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152391906
Philips Respironics / Production Planning Specialist
06/10/2015 50.00 493.33
Shaunda Patterson-Strachan 3196 Westover Dr SE
Washington, DC 200203720
Carlton Fields Jorden Burt / Attorney
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ophelia Camina 901 Main St Ste 5100
Dallas, Texas 752025603
Susman Godfrey LLP / Attorney
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sheila Kloefkorn 54 W Pecan Pl
Tempe, Arizona 852842268
KEO Marketing Inc / Marketing
04/16/2015 500.00 500.00
Paul Berry 5452 S Cornell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606155624
N/A / Student
06/28/2015 112.00 201.00
Laurie Phillips 26 Crest Rd
Lafayette, California 945493349
Self-Employed / Educator
04/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancie Senet 218 Elberon Ave
Allenhurst, New Jersey 077111050
Nancie Senet, Ph.D. / Psychologist
04/12/2015 25.00 225.00
Eileen Sullivan 201 Thames Pkwy Apt 1G
Park Ridge, Illinois 600683676
Not Employed / School Administrator
06/03/2015 56.09 225.26
Alexander Lasry 4 E 74th St
New York, New York 100212605
Milwaukee Bucks / Vice President
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Linda Newman 1313 Woodbrooke Dr
New Castle, Indiana 473621768
N/A / Retired
06/22/2015 225.00 375.00
Jeffrey Ouyang 502 Calibre Woods Dr NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303293943
Equifax Inc. / Statistical Consultant
06/29/2015 177.00 202.00
Michael McKenna 869 James Rd
Middlebury, Vermont 057539538
Self-Employed / Strategic Communications Consultant
04/24/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Timothy Griffin 438 Stokes Store Rd
Forsyth, Georgia 310294105
Navicent Health / Monitor Technician
05/21/2015 5.00 201.00
Kelly Farnan 7144 State Route 10
Sharon Springs, New York 134592320
Bassett Healthcare / Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
05/27/2015 96.30 722.20
Logan Landry 278 Sugarwood Blvd
Houma, Louisiana 703608351
PosiGen Solar / VP of Operations
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Lisa Hicks 831 N Oak Cliff Blvd
Dallas, Texas 752083122
MV Transportation / Attorney
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Burke 1930 Broadway Apt 5N
New York, New York 100236940
Retired / Teacher
06/30/2015 100.00 336.09
Stephanie Lahue 320 Friendly Shores Rd
Wilmington, North Carolina 284093611
Senior Health Associates / Manager
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Billy Bob Barnett 310 Calvary Dr
Euless, Texas 760404109
Self-Employed / Entertainment
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dale Vieregge 1444 Church St NW United States
Washington, DC 200051973
Aquilent, Inc. / Lead Consultant, Digital Strategy & Co
05/30/2015 38.09 213.19
Feniosky Pena-Mora 2828 Broadway Apt 10-D
New York, New York 10025
Columbia University / Professor
06/29/2015 1950.00 2700.00
Nathan Watt PO Box 81
Walnut Creek, California 945970081
U.S. Government / Criminal Investigator
04/13/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Joyce Knott 1354 Bowater Rd
Rock Hill, South Carolina 297329521
Pilcher/Knott Marketing, Inc. / Account Executive
06/12/2015 37.00 212.00
Harry Sauberman 9 Overlook Dr
Newport Coast, California 926571300
Self-Employed / Owner
05/29/2015 100.00 350.00
Margaret Morgan 8 Balwyn Pl
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 190043109

05/31/2015 250.00 2700.00
Harris Baylen 549 W 123rd St Apt 15B
New York, New York 100275040
N/A / Retired
06/26/2015 10.00 531.49
Matthew Smyth 136 E 57th St
New York, New York 100222707
Matthew Patrick Smyth Inc / Interior Designer
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lon Johnston 808 N Van Buren Ave
Dallas, Texas 752083927
Texas A&M University-Commerce / Professor
06/28/2015 25.00 201.69
Nancy McGregor 2947 Inwood Dr
Houston, Texas 770193221
Not Employed / Lawyer
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
MaryScott Hagle 1304 Cortlandt St
Houston, Texas 770084241
Dawn Mountain / Nonprofit Administration
05/27/2015 100.00 2845.78
Craig Franciscus 3447 Delta Rd
Airville, Pennsylvania 173029331
York Hospital / Nurse
04/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Mark Reynolds 14 Aztec St
San Francisco, California 941105103
N/A / Information Requested
06/26/2015 25.00 212.00
Anne Simpson 420 Snapping Turtle Ct E
Atlantic Beach, Florida 322336616
Information Requested / Consultant
05/19/2015 500.00 500.00
Mahnaz Ispahani Bartos 120 E 75th St
New York, New York 100213240
Self-Employed / Small Business Owner
06/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Prasad Erabelli 1100 Shipman Ln
McLean, Virginia 221012137
Blue Ridge Technologies Corp / Software Architect
06/07/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Joshua Tate 3315 Daniel Ave
Dallas, Texas 752051439
SMU Dedman School of Law / Associate Professor
04/19/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jason Williams 3600 Litchfield Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28211
Lowe's Companies / Merchant
06/30/2015 116.64 230.36
Robert Jones 200 Congress Ave Unit 18F
Austin, Texas 787014538
Pfizer / Attorney
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Madeline Mayhew 172 Jacinto Way
Sunnyvale, California 940867029
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 225.00 225.00
Ted Skidmore 110 N Vista St
Los Angeles, California 900362710
Walt Disney Company / Entertainment Marketing
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeff Gates 88 Central Park W Apt 9N
New York, New York 100235299
Gates Capital Management Inc. / Finance
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lindsey Dodge 459 Lorraway Dr
Castle Rock, Colorado 801089066
N/A / Homemaker
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Robin Noyes 118 Bowsprit Dr
North Palm Beach, Florida 334085051
N/A / Homemaker
05/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kyle Faget 915 Curve St
Carlisle, Massachusetts 017411050
Sanofi / Attorney
05/16/2015 100.00 300.00
Samuel Bradley 4824 27th Pl N
Arlington, Virginia 222072710
N/A / Retired
06/12/2015 100.00 440.00
Jeffrey Honickman 130 S 18th St Unit 3301
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191034932
Pepsi-Cola and National Brand Bev. / Executive
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frances Fusco PO Box 128
Hillsdale, New York 125290128
Self-Employed / Communications Director/Coach
06/26/2015 100.00 1849.00
Parag Mehta 1391 Pennsylvania Ave SE Unit 514
Washington, DC 200033089
U.S. Department of Health & Human Serv / Chief of Staff to the Surgeon General
06/30/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Jill Harker 9711 Nottingham Dr
Omaha, Nebraska 681143812
JK Harker, PC, LLO / Attorney
06/29/2015 75.00 285.00
Steven Goble 17350 Temple Ave Spc 4
La Puente, California 917444625
Provident Escrow, Inc. / Retired
06/12/2015 10.00 259.78
Betty Bergstrom 2626 N Lakeview Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606146173
Pearson Education / Senior Research Advisor
06/29/2015 125.00 225.00
Richard Libby 36 Sandpoint Dr
Richmond, California 948044524
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/12/2015 250.00 500.00
Neal Zucker 1040 N Lake Shore Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606111165
Corporate Cleaning Services / Business Owner
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Archana Gupta 1218 La Forestiere Ct
Dyer, Indiana 463113710
N/A / Student
06/09/2015 10.00 202.00
Paul Bryant 6340 Lonesome Trl
Odessa, Texas 797669024
Surplus City / Part Owner
04/30/2015 250.00 250.00
Morley Klausner 130 W 30th St
New York, New York 100014004
N/A / Retired
04/14/2015 2700.00 2725.00
William Ward 9701 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 902122020
ROAR / Talent Manager
04/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Justin Brock 4915 42nd Pl
Hyattsville, Maryland 207812018
HUD / Homeless Programs Specialist
06/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Peggy Landi-Tate 1202 Seagler Rd Apt 89
Houston, Texas 770422070
VendStream Corp. / Business Broker
05/06/2015 25.00 201.00
David Ulevitch 135 Bluxome St
San Francisco, California 941071507
OpenDNS / Executive
04/19/2015 500.00 2700.00
Jennifer Egan 43 S Portland Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112171301
Self-Employed / Writer
05/21/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Leslie Gordon 2442 Belmont Rd NW
Washington, DC 200081610
Korn Ferry International / Consultant
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Louis Nayman 2734 Cassedy St
Silver Spring, Maryland 209101215
N/A / Retired
06/10/2015 250.00 250.00
John Starling 1180 Tom Gurney Dr
Winter Park, Florida 327891213
Starling Chevrolet Cadillac / President
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jonathan Moss 333 S Hope St Fl 43
Los Angeles, California 900711422
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LL / Attorney
06/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Chad Halfaker 4710 N Wolcott Ave Apt 3W
Chicago, Illinois 606404326
US Cellular / Design & Construction Manager
06/30/2015 156.00 201.00
Kimberly Lienesch 8 Woodlawn St # 3
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 021304102
TJX / Sales Associate
05/26/2015 67.49 289.45
Bruce Heiman 9512 Brooke Dr
Bethesda, Maryland 208172207
K & L Gates LLP / Attorney
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Sheila Anthony 4561 SW Parkgate Blvd
Palm City, Florida 349904420
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 100.00 1300.00
John Crews 1623 Main St Apt 801
Dallas, Texas 752014797
Exponent Technologies / Quality Assurance Engineer
04/13/2015 250.00 750.00
Eduardo Serafin 610 Georgia St
Vallejo, California 945906124
UC Berkeley ITS Tech Transfer / Transportation Engineer & Planner
05/16/2015 10.00 373.63
Shelley Effman 11 Varian Ln
Scarsdale, New York 105832115
Young & Rubican / Advertising
04/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Blake Corley 101 10th St E Apt 530
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551012567
N/A / Student
05/27/2015 60.92 843.76
Andrew Bowen 5000 Montrose Blvd Unit 20A
Houston, Texas 770066564
Oracle Corporation / Talent Management Consultant
04/30/2015 50.00 250.00
Scott Cairns 2358 Riverside Ave Apt 804
Jacksonville, Florida 322044641
McGuireWoods LLP / Lawyer
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lorena Fimbres 1221 24th St NW
Washington, DC 200371130
Diversified / Information Requested
04/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Brandon Schlenker 100 Grand Ave 1212 United States
Oakland, California 946123078
Yerdle / Software Engineer
06/28/2015 50.00 241.96
Donald Moseman 808 Foote Hollow Rd
Stamford, New York 121671826
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/27/2015 250.00 250.00
Holly Turner Unit 8600 Box 1193
DPO, AP 965151193
U.S. Department of State / Foreign Service Officer
04/12/2015 100.00 242.88
Peter Pike 11 Scott Pl
Greenbrae, California 949043026
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 250.00 1750.00
Adam Zeplain 1500 B Barton Hills Drive
Austin, Texas 78704
Chat ID / Senior Director
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Susan Pfeifer 1846 Great Hwy
San Francisco, California 941223924
N/A / Retired
05/26/2015 141.33 518.74
Jennifer Glaudemans 1633 Q St NW Apt 602
Washington, DC 200096351
N/A / Not Employed
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kasie Cregger 438 Dalewood Ave
Salem, Virginia 241534161
Meridium / Accountant
06/13/2015 60.00 369.65
Tom Harrington 5412 Summer Blvd
Galena, Ohio 430219545
Self-Employed / Marketing
04/19/2015 1000.00 1025.00
Robert Glovsky 10 Rowes Wharf Apt 901
Boston, Massachusetts 021103324
The Colony Group / Wealth Manager
06/03/2015 67.89 2767.89
Margot Harris 43 Oak Hills Rd
Edison, New Jersey 088203603
Self-Employed / Clinical Social Worker
04/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Lewis Farsedakis 17605 Circle Pond Ct
Boca Raton, Florida 334961002
Blinc Inc. / CEO
05/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gloria Pickar 719 Terra Pl
Maitland, Florida 327514583
Retired / Private Consultant
06/13/2015 3.00 460.00
Michael Ketchmark 15454 Iron Horse Cir
Leawood, Kansas 662243852
Ketchmark & McCreight, PC / Attorney
05/06/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Robert Holley 4515 Willard Ave Apt 1409S
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153619
Moroccan American Center for Policy / Consultant
05/09/2015 200.00 400.00
George Kitzmiller 601 Monroe St
Denver, Colorado 802064450
Kaiser Permanente / Executive Director of Operations
06/09/2015 25.00 325.00
Justyna Burr 3816 Cathedral Ave NW
Washington, DC 200165413
Neustar / Attorney
04/14/2015 250.00 2950.00
Robert Visconti 5510 Back Bay Bnd Apt 110
N Ft Myers, Florida 339179002
N/A / Retired
05/13/2015 500.00 500.00
Edwin Quinones PO Box 19417
San Juan, Puerto Rico 009101417
Quinones And Arbona / Lawyer
06/13/2015 15.00 2815.00
Val Muchowski 2333 Guntley Rd
Philo, California 954669428
N/A / Retired
05/09/2015 25.00 277.49
Judith Lonnquist 1523 11th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981193204
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/28/2015 51.59 2951.59
Ryan Schultz 3940 Eola Dr NW
Salem, Oregon 973044146
Cherry City Metals / Manager
06/12/2015 18.00 201.00
Deborah Farley 2 Loring Hill Rd
Hingham, Massachusetts 020433453
Rafanelli Events / Managing Director
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Dustin Wilsor 135 Fleming Ave Fl 2
Newark, New Jersey 071054011
Gymboree Play & Music / Teacher
06/03/2015 36.69 202.87
Raymond Groth 2035 Sherwood Ave
Charlotte, North Carolina 282072117
Axum Capital Partners / Investments
04/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Sarah Cannon-Holden PO Box 6347
Lincoln, Massachusetts 017736347
Self-Employed / Lawyer
06/28/2015 25.00 201.00
Carol Parish 10007 Radcliffe Dr
Tampa, Florida 336262511
Retired / Brand Strategy
04/14/2015 250.00 325.00
Gerard Restaino 1346 the Hideout
Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania 184369535
Self-Employed / Arbitrator
06/27/2015 250.00 1105.00
Arthur Meehan 5 Fox Run Rd
Dover, Massachusetts 020301718
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 750.00 750.00
Mohammed A. Rahbani 38 Montpelier Square UK
London, ____
SAFID / Chairman & CEO
04/19/2015 2700.00 0.00
Mistee King PO Box 162
Cypress, Illinois 629230162
State of Illinois / Social worker
04/13/2015 50.00 210.00
William Kasper 1404 Mansur Dr
Neenah, Wisconsin 549566600
Affinity Medical Group / Pediatrician
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
James Melton 4501 Arlington Blvd Apt 603
Arlington, Virginia 222032773
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 50.00 250.00
Kara MacDonald 409 Oneida St
Denver, Colorado 802206057
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC / Insurance
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Stephen Rapp 237 N 6th St Null Null
Quincy, Illinois 623012938
Law Office of Stephen P. Rapp / Lawyer
05/27/2015 287.27 787.27
David Roady PO Box 292
Hillsdale, New York 125290292
FTI Consulting / Communications Executive
05/09/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jacqueline Snook 185 Rolex Pt
Lake Mary, Florida 327463591
Optimal Phone Interpreters / COO
06/12/2015 100.00 517.49
Amy Harsch 290 Crestwood Rd
Fairfield, Connecticut 068247611
American Securities LLC / Private Equity
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Khaalisha Ajala 333 Nelson St SW Unit 437
Atlanta, Georgia 303136201
Sound Physicians / Physician
06/08/2015 500.00 500.00
Sylvia Reynolds 14 Heron Dr
Mill Valley, California 949413271
N/A / Retired
05/09/2015 25.00 975.00
Karen Buttacavoli 150 Overlook Ave
Peekskill, New York 105663004
NYS Office of Mental Health / Licensed Master Social Worker
06/30/2015 25.00 250.00
Lori Nuckolls 1237 Paddock Hills Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
BlankRome LLP / Attorney
05/30/2015 113.35 322.70
Bart Fisher 9009 Potomac Forest Dr
Great Falls, Virginia 220664110
Law Office of Bart S. Fisher / Attorney
06/19/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Donald Barry 1121 Quaker Hill Ct
Alexandria, Virginia 223144742
Defenders of Wildlife / Conservationist
05/10/2015 250.00 250.00
Jill Dolan 2 E Shore Dr
Princeton, New Jersey 085407410
Princeton University / Professor
04/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Anthony McAdoo 3637 Hyacinth St
Eugene, Oregon 974047013
University of Oregon / Education Administration
06/30/2015 51.00 201.00
Charles Gervais 10 Ripley Ln
Weston, Massachusetts 024931329
GCD Consultants LLC / Retail Real Estate Consultant
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gretchen Boehm 1919 31st Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981444904
The Bush School / Education
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Sally Paxton 4112 Military Rd NW
Washington, DC 200152930
The Paxton Group. LLC / Consultant
06/08/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Sheard 34 Dawson Way
East Falmouth, Massachusetts 025364001
Retired / Scientist
06/12/2015 25.00 201.00
Pamela Hoerster 4423 Champions Ct
League City, Texas 775737261
Pamela S. Hoerster / Attorney
05/16/2015 250.00 750.00
Alexandra Rand 1314 Goucher St
Pacific Palisades, California 902722621
N/A / Retired
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Tim Warner 6405 Chevy Chase Ave
Dallas, Texas 752252602
Cinemark Inc / Business Executive
04/29/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Suzanne C. Brook 6112 W Longview Dr
East Lansing, Michigan 488239739
N/A / Retired
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Josh Becker 2098 Valparaiso Ave
Menlo Park, California 940256054
New Cycle Capital / General Partner/Co-Founder
04/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Valerie Malter 16 Sea Spray Rd
Westport, Connecticut 068806931
Matarin Capital Management / Investment Management
06/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Bonnie Berry 215 5th St SE
Washington, DC 200031195
Smithsonian Institution / Special Assistant to Director
05/29/2015 500.00 1100.00
Michael Conway 452 Oakdale Ave
Glencoe, Illinois 600222113
Foley & Lardner LLP / Retired Partner
05/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Melvin Gitler 205 W End Ave
New York, New York 100234804
N/A / Retired
06/03/2015 270.00 1118.58
Brandon Schlenker 100 Grand Ave 1212 United States
Oakland, California 946123078
Yerdle / Software Engineer
05/27/2015 20.87 241.96
David Alpert 179 Central Pkwy
Mount Vernon, New York 105521131
Riverside Memorial Chapel / Funeral Director
06/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Marilyn Booker 15 Benvenue Ave
West Orange, New Jersey 070523228
Morgan Stanley & Co / Banker
04/30/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Susan Dilkes 2443 Park Oak Dr
Hollywood, California 900682539
Retired / Executive Director, Non-Profit
05/11/2015 100.00 210.00
Caroline Billet 102 W 74th St
New York, New York 100232335
Squire Patton Boggs LLP / Attorney
04/23/2015 2200.00 2700.00
Edward Thompson 6 Wright Pl
Cresskill, New Jersey 076261032
N/A / Retired
05/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Lisa Christensen 304 Riviera Cir
Larkspur, California 949391544
Self-Employed / Strategy Consultant
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ida Nelson 1229 W 2nd St
Elmira, New York 149051331
N/A / Retired
04/12/2015 100.00 201.00
Douglas Finnemore 2107 Northcrest Dr
Ames, Iowa 500105107
N/A / Retired
05/28/2015 100.00 400.00
Bruce Smithback 228 Water St Apt 1C8
Lake Mills, Wisconsin 535511673
N/A / Retired
04/29/2015 300.00 300.00
Julio Salinas 42 Troutman St
Brooklyn, New York 112066104
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/19/2015 250.00 750.00
Lisa Spatt 910 5th Ave
New York, New York 100214155

06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Grace Galliano 10842 N 9th Pl
Phoenix, Arizona 850205832
Retired / Faculty
06/22/2015 45.00 295.00
Theodore Canty 87 Freemont Turn
Palm Coast, Florida 321378416
FedEx / Sales
06/22/2015 50.00 335.00
Nancy H. Green 2774 Andrews Dr NW Apt 9
Atlanta, Georgia 303052956
Not Employed / Community Volunteer
05/06/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Marilyn Kopp 3 Hilaire Dr
Huntington, New York 117433716
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 100.00 225.00
Bradley Phillips 15027 Mc Kendree Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902722637
Munger Tolles & Olson LLP / Attorney
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Andrea Timmons 7185 Mesquite Rdg
Sanger, Texas 762667588
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/28/2015 25.00 486.69
John Wertman 6006 Burnside Landing Dr
Burke, Virginia 220152548
Association of American Geographers / Senior Program Manager for Government
05/28/2015 26.05 201.05
Susan Groshen 4530 Starling Way
Los Angeles, California 900655004
USC/Keck School of Medicine / Statistician
04/20/2015 250.00 250.00
Linda Campbell 1636 Little Raven St
Denver, Colorado 802026140
Not Employed / Community Volunteer
05/11/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Jayson Valcik 60 W 23rd St Apt 528
New York, New York 100105285
NYU / Healthcare
04/24/2015 10.00 203.00
Tom Mounteer 1724 Corcoran St NW
Washington, DC 200092469
Paul Hastings LLP / Attorney
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Julie Shackleton 64 Frost St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021402224
Self-Employed / Lawyer
06/10/2015 150.00 237.00
Mark Schellberg 224 Avondale St
Houston, Texas 770063216
FMC Texhnologies, Inc / Project Manager
06/25/2015 100.00 275.00
Lisa Kountoupes 2016 Rhode Island Ave
McLean, Virginia 221014921
Kountoupes Denham / Consultant Lobbyist
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Nancy Zirkin 5630 Wisconsin Ave Apt 1703
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208154458
Leadership Conference On Civil And Hum / Lobbyist
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Chloe Fratesi 3601 Mobile St
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 716019668
Self-Employed / Information Requested
04/24/2015 50.00 1266.35
Aliza Goldsmith 5141 Babcock Ave
Valley Village, California 916072903
The Jewish Federation of Greater Los A / NonProfit
04/13/2015 250.00 250.00
Harold Figg 1003 W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Apt A
Austin, Texas 787011069
Retired / CPA
06/13/2015 101.09 266.09
Bryan White 425 Berry Ave
Birmingham, Alabama 352095105
Commercial Metals Company / Senior HR Manager
06/12/2015 25.00 220.00
David Lindsey 502 Merrymont Dr
Martinez, Georgia 309071520
General Dynamics / Teacher
04/12/2015 500.00 600.00
Venetia Kudrle 4650 Fremont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554195263
Retired / Health Care Executive
04/20/2015 250.00 457.00
Craig L Auster 636 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200026006
League of Conservation Voters / Donor Advocacy Manager
05/16/2015 25.00 374.45
Stephen Lennon 5351 Macarthur Blvd NW
Washington, DC 200162539
U.S. Government / International Affairs
04/20/2015 250.00 250.00
Charles Sanders 3200 Rugby Rd
Durham, North Carolina 277075429
N/A / Retired
04/16/2015 2000.00 2000.00
Edward Gee 302 96th St Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 112097829
Empire State Realty Trust / Systems Manager
06/27/2015 100.00 300.00
Kathleen Mooney 3841 Alameda De Las Pulgas
Menlo Park, California 940256254
Theranos / Director of Integrated Production
04/26/2015 10.00 260.00
Eva Tardos 312 Comstock Rd
Ithaca, New York 148502263
Cornell University / Professor
04/13/2015 100.00 300.00
Elise Pizzi 8601 Thomas Mill Ter
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191281139
Villanova University / Assistant Professor
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Diana Bennett 6650 Via Austi Pkwy Ste 150
Las Vegas, Nevada 891193551
Paragon Gaming / Chairman of the Board
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lon Chapman 3990 Folsom St
San Francisco, California 941106138
Chapman Cubine Adams + Hussey / Marketing Consultant
04/16/2015 1350.00 2700.00
Alexander Sanders 19 Water St
Charleston, South Carolina 294012725
College of Charleston / Teacher
06/08/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Cynthia Jasso Rotunno 531 8th St NE
Washington, DC 200025235
SJG Corp / Governmental Consultant
05/27/2015 0.16 2720.32
Lan Bentsen 18 Eaton Sq
Houston, Texas 770273109
Retired / Civic Entrepreneur
06/03/2015 1700.00 2700.00
Loren Blackford 53 W 68th St
New York, New York 100235301
N/A / Environmentalist Volunteer
05/11/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Nancy Bacher 330 W 72nd St Apt 3D
New York, New York 100232644
Mount Sinai Hospital / Medical Social Worker
04/23/2015 200.00 2700.00
Richard Ruben 10 Gracie Square, Apt 5B
New York, New York 10022
Ruben Companies / CEO
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cynthia Jasso Rotunno 531 8th St NE
Washington, DC 200025235
SJG Corp / Governmental Consultant
06/08/2015 20.16 2720.32
Carol Von Arx 5003 SW 71st Pl
Miami, Florida 331555606
Retired / Former foundation executive
06/19/2015 200.00 300.00
Randy Fiser 1401 S St NW Apt 709
Washington, DC 200095989
American Society of Interior Designers / CEO
06/03/2015 100.00 450.00
Jane Hilder 5707 Norton Rd
Alexandria, Virginia 223031027
N/A / Retired
05/01/2015 300.00 300.00
Kerby Alvy 10975 Bluffside Dr Apt 1422
Studio City, California 916044448
Center for the Improvement of Child Ca / Executive Director
06/28/2015 25.00 226.00
Lisa Boule 3715 Congress Ave
Dallas, Texas 752194809
Education Management Corporation / Academic Advisor
04/13/2015 100.00 210.00
Sharon Jernigan 477 Country Club Dr
Longwood, Florida 327506805
Self-Employed / Teacher
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Kessler 505 Hiram Rd
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 194621271
Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP / Attorney
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Doug Teitelbaum 641 Fifth Ave, #Ph4
New York, New York 10022
Homewood Capital, LLC / Principal
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Ira Resnick 111 W 67th St
New York, New York 100235956
Self-Employed / Art Dealer
04/24/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gloria Tristani 4219 Leland St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156048
Self-Employed / Attorney
06/03/2015 500.00 1500.00
Mark Turner 15 Fox Ridge Dr
Malvern, Pennsylvania 193552876
Turner Investments / Senior Portfolio Manager, Founder
06/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
James John 6117 Buena Vista Dr
Vancouver, Washington 986617607
CE John Company / Owner/Development
04/23/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Carlin 1208 Wyndham Heights Dr
Manhattan, Kansas 665038676
Kansas State University / Teacher
06/23/2015 200.00 400.00
Cindy Timchal 55 Baldridge Rd
Annapolis, Maryland 214012269
NAAA / Coach
06/26/2015 100.00 201.00
Carl Lee 6622 Waggoner Dr
Dallas, Texas 752305236
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP / Attorney
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Julie Dobo 110 Cambridge Pl Apt 2B
Brooklyn, New York 112382484
Cedar Lake Dance, Inc / Production Manager
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Matt Varilek 2824 Charles Dunn Dr
Vienna, Virginia 221807448
U.S. Small Business Administration / COO
06/12/2015 250.00 250.00
Marianne Dillow 304 Oak St
Anna, Illinois 629061733
N/A / Retired
06/09/2015 10.00 296.25
Erika Michael 22200 Chinook Rd
Woodway, Washington 980207200
Self-Employed / Art Historian
06/03/2015 16.09 2716.09
Raymond Ferrell 7322 Canadian Dr
Irving, Texas 750393326
Dex Media / Attorney
06/30/2015 251.00 311.00
Kelley Cox 20431 Brentwood St
Livonia, Michigan 481522014
Michigan Surgical Hospital / Registered Dietitian
06/30/2015 200.00 272.00
Sheila Thompson 553A Clipper St
San Francisco, California 941143604
Facebook / Marketing
04/24/2015 2600.00 2700.00
James Winkler 800 N Washington St Apt 909
Denver, Colorado 802033370
N/A / Retired
06/23/2015 250.00 250.00
David Altman 8 Tuscarora Dr
Centerport, New York 117211532
Brown & Altman, LLP / Attorney
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
James Oberthaler 7618 Broomsedge Ct
Lakewood Ranch, Florida 342024190
N/A / Retired
04/13/2015 50.00 225.00
Richard Perry 1 Sutton Pl S PH
New York, New York 100222493
Perry Capital / Investor
06/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Selema Masekela 16000 Ventura Blvd
Encino, California 914362744
Alekesam Inc / Film/Television/Music
06/19/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peter Chiu 58 Morton Way
Palo Alto, California 943033034
Retired / Physician
04/12/2015 100.00 250.00
Barbara Johnson 21718 Winsome Rose Ct
Cypress, Texas 774336134
Apache Corporation / Technical Coordinator
06/30/2015 116.00 216.00
Barry L. Howard 3910 Telegraph Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483021420
Self-Employed / Attorney
05/10/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Anthony Miller 2701 Motoazabu Hills 1-3-1 Motoazabu, Minato Ku, Japan
Tokyo, ____
PAG Japan Limited / CEO
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Gina Swoboda 3526 N 83rd St
Scottsdale, Arizona 852515872
N/A / Homemaker
04/13/2015 100.00 200.90
James Nunemacher 2501 Mission St
San Francisco, California 941102511
Self-Employed / Real Estate Sales
06/03/2015 2700.00 0.00
Rachel Boynton 6550 Eagle Ridge Way
Lakeland, Florida 338135683
Lifeshare Management Group / Senior Vice President, Human Services
04/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Philip Scott 201 Red Pheasant Dr
Vacaville, California 956877750
Carlton Senior Living / Executive
06/29/2015 100.00 1511.53
Terry Rumery PO Box 211
Chillicothe, Missouri 646010211
Self-Employed / Consultant
05/19/2015 250.00 750.00
Delphine B. Mason 565 Chestnut Rose Ln
Atlanta, Georgia 303274883
N/A / Homemaker
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Denis Mukoka 102 Choptank Ct Unit A5
Cary, North Carolina 275133206
Wake County Public School System / Building Assistant Manager/Custodian
06/12/2015 50.00 892.09
Gail Schoettler 11855 Daley Cir
Parker, Colorado 801346022
Self-Employed / Business
04/12/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Bryan McGreal 470 W 24th St Apt 15J
New York, New York 100111238
NYU / Physician
06/23/2015 100.00 400.00
Joe Goldman 95 Monterey Blvd
San Francisco, California 941313261
Jewish Community Relations Council / Program Associate
04/12/2015 25.00 275.00
Theresa Fulton 17 Bridle Ln
Dryden, New York 130539768
Nature Source Genetics, LLC / Director of Operations
06/28/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Angela Darby Dickerson 3807 105th St
Lubbock, Texas 794238102
Texas Tech University / Law School Dean and Professor
04/24/2015 500.00 2700.00
Patti Kukula 494 Shoreham Rd
Grosse Pointe Wood, Michigan 482362468
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frank van der linden 570 Timber Ln
Boulder, Colorado 803040484
Oracle Corporation / Software Engineer
06/30/2015 100.00 700.00
Sarah Kovner 27 W 67th St
New York, New York 100236258
Self-Employed / Consultant
04/20/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Craig McGahey 181 28th Ave
San Francisco, California 941211052
Digital Realty / Commercial Real Estate
04/25/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Charlene Vezina 521 Redwood Dr
Grand Prairie, Texas 750526732
U.S. Postal Service / Letter Carrier
06/30/2015 250.00 350.00
Megan Chernin 2327 La Mesa Dr
Santa Monica, California 904022330
LA Fund / CEO
05/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
David Haus 59 Buell Dr Apt A
Rochester, New York 146212930
N/A / Disabled
06/09/2015 10.00 201.89
Julie Mason 3612 Brandywine St NW
Washington, DC 200082913
Albright Stonebridge Group / Communications
06/27/2015 1500.00 1500.00
Talmadge Cooper 37 Linden Ave
Atherton, California 940272147
Stanford University / Physician
06/27/2015 70.12 389.85
Judy Glaubinger 50 Delray Rd
Rochester, New York 146101211
Rochester City / Physical Education Teacher, Retired
05/31/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peter Schelfhaudt PO Box 171
Greens Farms, Connecticut 068380171
Creative Partners West / Public Relations
04/26/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Amy Koenigsberger 12 Quail Hill Rd
Huntington, New York 117431019
Self-Employed / Planner
04/27/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Hannah Quackenbush 3208 Monroe St
Columbia, South Carolina 292052639
N/A / Student
06/15/2015 1000.00 1029.23
Kenneth Ziffren 8383 Wilshire Blvd Ste 400
Beverly Hills, California 902112400
Ziffren Law / Attorney
04/28/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Neena Raj 2612 Amanda Ct
Vienna, Virginia 221806800
Rock Creek / Senior Associate
04/28/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Julianna Smoot 614 S Troy St Unit 204
Royal Oak, Michigan 480672755
STG / Partner
04/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Jeffery Hughes 1231 Battersea Ave
Spring Hill, Florida 346095511
Register Chevrolet / Sales
04/29/2015 150.00 350.00
Jennifer Treat 3250 Tennyson St NW
Washington, DC 200152463
Self-Employed / Fundraising Consultant
04/13/2015 100.00 210.00
Steve Wiggins 981 Ruth Ave
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 322503167
N/A / Retired
05/03/2015 100.00 425.00
Maria Nemeth 5918 Country Manor Pl
Sacramento, California 958352152
Xerox / Program Director
06/03/2015 450.00 450.00
S Clark PO Box 331
Soap Lake, Washington 988510331
N/A / Retired
05/14/2015 539.00 539.00
Joel Young 1 Lakeside Dr Apt 413
Oakland, California 946124627
AC Transit / Board Member
05/03/2015 500.00 1500.00
Howard Sherwood 719 N Rexford Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902103313
Self-Employed / Jeweler
04/14/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Frantz Lanoix 49 Long Ln
Levittown, New York 117563610
N/A / Not Employed
06/05/2015 25.00 276.34
Joseph Smallhoover 57 rue Vasco de Gama France 75015
Paris, ____
Bryan Cave LLP / Attorney
06/08/2015 2420.00 2700.00
Mollye Smolkin 3663 Behrman Pl Apt 25
New Orleans, Louisiana 701140930
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/22/2015 250.00 250.00
Bridget Siegel 222 W 83rd St Apt 8G
New York, New York 100244915
Self-Employed / Writer/Consultant * In-Kind: Catering, Food & Beverages
05/15/2015 707.29 2123.98
Judith Abeles 6370 Caminito Del Cervato
San Diego, California 921116853
N/A / Retired
06/30/2015 71.00 201.00
Mareva Georges 910 Oxford Way
Beverly Hills, California 902102812
N/A / Homemaker
05/05/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Chase Flowers 812 Shepard St United States
Morehead City, North Carolina 285574250
Harborview Rehabilitation and Health C / Healthcare Administration
06/23/2015 100.00 673.09
Carmelita B Lopez 12083 Calle De Montana Unit 218
El Cajon, California 920194959
Retired / Psychiatrist
06/30/2015 50.00 250.00
Robin Moneypenny 215 Brian Ct
Spartanburg, South Carolina 293073104
Retired / RN
06/30/2015 10.00 450.00
Daniel Aronson 2021 Humboldt Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554052508
EPIQ Partners LLC / Investment Management
06/10/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kenneth Astrin 763 Eastern Pkwy Apt B9
Brooklyn, New York 112133420
NY College of Podiatric Medicine / Professor
04/12/2015 100.00 300.00
Rhonda Schladerbach 130 W 24th St Apt 4B
New York, New York 100111938
XpresSpa / COO
06/11/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Judy A. Beck 2001 N Kenilworth St
Arlington, Virginia 222053130
Zimmerman Associates, Inc. / Manager
04/21/2015 500.00 500.00
Mary Horvitz 330 Waverly Way
Kirkland, Washington 980335305
N/A / Retired
05/08/2015 500.00 550.00
Gregory Guice 3706 N Pershing Dr
Arlington, Virginia 222033519
Akin Gump / Senior Counsel
04/21/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Howard Serkin 712 Spinnakers Reach Dr
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 320823405
Heritage Capital Group / Chairman
04/22/2015 500.00 500.00
Donald L Fowler 2725 Devine St Ste 1
Columbia, South Carolina 292052438
Fowler Communications / CEO
05/11/2015 1000.00 2700.00
Mitchell Cobey 30 W Oak St
Chicago, Illinois 606108721
N/A / Retired
05/16/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Lisa Cowell Shams 1234 Stradella Rd
Los Angeles, California 900772612
Westfield / Executive
04/14/2015 25.00 2700.00
Gregory Anderson 1145 14th St N
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337051160
Highland Mri / Marketing Manager
05/21/2015 1350.00 1350.00
Nancy Everett 7 Saint Alfred Rd
Saint Louis, Missouri 631324118
Retired / Attorney
04/12/2015 100.00 2700.00
Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo 169 Hudson St
New York, New York 100132153
Enriquez Bocobo Constructs LLC / Principal, Designer
04/20/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Kathleen Smith 3100 Parkside Ln
Williamsburg, Virginia 231857696
N/A / Homemaker
04/23/2015 100.00 350.00
Berta Walker 208 Bradford St
Provincetown, Massachusetts 026572436
Berta Walker Gallery / President & Curator
06/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Joelle Nole 555 Encina Ave
Menlo Park, California 940251822
Guidespark / Director
06/10/2015 50.00 250.00
Judy Gordon Conde PO Box 9022254
San Juan, Puerto Rico 009022254
Self-Employed / Producer
04/30/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Peter Alexander 1127 Cedar Ridge Dr
Carbondale, Illinois 629015484
Indiana Tech / Consultant
06/28/2015 50.00 250.00
Jeff Bingaman 72 Arroyo Hondo Trail
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
N/A / Retired
05/29/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Kathleen Morner 7205 Ticonderoga Rd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871095082
Retired / Teacher/Writer
06/30/2015 160.00 370.00
Amy Bohutinsky 16524 Shore Dr NE
Lake Forest Park, Washington 981555631
Zillow Group / Chief Marketing Officer
06/03/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Alexander Osmond 240 W 16th St Apt E2
New York, New York 100116185
Credit Suisse / Finance
04/23/2015 100.00 270.00
Esther Beynon 2560 Hill Cir
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809041111
Information Requested / Information Requested
05/01/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Sayeeda Chaudhry 6126 Ramshorn Dr
McLean, Virginia 221012332
Self-Employed / International Relations
06/22/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Claudia Lewis 8484 Harold Way
Los Angeles, California 900691903
Fox Searchlight Pictures / Film Executive
04/12/2015 100.00 2836.41
Sue McMahon 23 Sergeant Street
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Macy's / Group Vice President
05/30/2015 136.41 236.41
Patricia McClelland 1919 Beechwood St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722072003
Information Requested / Information Requested
06/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Julie Frohlich 31 Hancock St
Arlington, Massachusetts 024741315
N/A / Retired
06/28/2015 50.00 227.49

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $38840010.85
Total Memo Amount $259175.84
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Tue Feb 18 23:55:23 2025