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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 20A


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
Carol Adams 300 Willow Valley Lakes Dr # B
Willow Street, Pennsylvania 175849442

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/13/24 1000.00

Jorunn W. Allersma 1365 Ada St
Berkeley, California 947021101

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 250.00

Michael Anderson 1650 E Crimson Canyon Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857379045

04/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/30/24 2500.00

Jon Austin 130 E Bonita Way
Tempe, Arizona 852816615

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 500.00

Jeanne Baldwin 40 Valley Rd
Monroeville, New Jersey 083432829

04/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 250.00

John Keith Behner 809 San Antonio Plsce
San Diego, California 92106

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 3300.00

Walter Behrman, Jr 124 Sleight Plass Rd
Poughkeepsie, New York 126036130

04/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 3500.00

Sylvia Benavides 9309 S I St
Tacoma, Washington 984444277

06/19/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/17/24 500.00

Thomas Blinkhorn 3830 9Th St N Ofc 801
Arlington, Virginia 222035852

04/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/5/24 15.00

Sara Blocker 1471 W Black Island Rd SE
Darien, Georgia 313054429

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/22/24 1000.00

Norman Browner 20304 NE 34Th Ct
Aventura, Florida 331803309

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 12.50

Norman Browner 20304 NE 34Th Ct
Aventura, Florida 331803309

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/10/24 20.00

Norman Browner 20304 NE 34Th Ct
Aventura, Florida 331803309

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 25.00

Norman Browner 20304 NE 34Th Ct
Aventura, Florida 331803309

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/28/24 25.00

Sandra Campbell 7466 Seacroft Cv
Bradenton, Florida 342025289

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 300.00

Da Chang 18607 Rue Beauvais
Lutz, Florida 335587112

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 2750.00

Roy Chapman 3115 SW 34Th St
Redmond, Oregon 977567200

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/13/24 1000.00

Marcelle Chase PO Box 3411
Carefree, Arizona 853773411

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 2000.00

Marcelle Chase PO Box 3411
Carefree, Arizona 853773411

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 400.00

Young Hee Cho 147 Devon Dr
Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 166482846

06/19/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/17/24 25.00

Young Hee Cho 147 Devon Dr
Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 166482846

06/19/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/20/24 25.00

Young Hee Cho 147 Devon Dr
Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 166482846

06/19/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/17/24 25.00

Dan Cohen 80 Perry St
New York, New York 100143256

06/05/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/20/24 5.00

Dan Cohen 80 Perry St
New York, New York 100143256

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/13/24 30.00

Dan Cohen 80 Perry St
New York, New York 100143256

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/28/24 20.00

Dan Cohen 80 Perry St
New York, New York 100143256

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/28/24 25.00

Linda Colgan 564 Donelson Rd
Seward, Pennsylvania 159549115

06/26/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/5/2024 100.00

Robert Connors 8415 Leader St
Houston, Texas 770365522

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 4000.00

Michael Cooper 1420 Terry Ave Unit 2204
Seattle, Washington 981011985

04/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/10/24 2024.00

Linda Coulston 951 Ronald Ave Apt 412
Missoula, Montana 598014359

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/13/24 250.00

Stewart Davidson 3901 Lake Rd Spc 4
West Sacramento, California 956913401

06/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/31/202 25.00

Stewart Davidson 3901 Lake Rd Spc 4
West Sacramento, California 956913401

06/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/2024 25.00

Cate Deluca 27281 N Skipping Rock Rd
Peoria, Arizona 853838923

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/20/24 25.00

Cate Deluca 27281 N Skipping Rock Rd
Peoria, Arizona 853838923

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/17/24 25.00

Cate Deluca 27281 N Skipping Rock Rd
Peoria, Arizona 853838923

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/17/24 25.00

Cate Deluca 27281 N Skipping Rock Rd
Peoria, Arizona 853838923

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/17/24 25.00

CARLISLE DICKSON 10101 W Wisconsin Ave Apt 1120
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 532264864

05/27/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 8.00

Susan Dietz 3905 Ventura Canyon Ave
Sherman Oaks, California 914234712

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/26/202 125.00

Susan Dietz 3905 Ventura Canyon Ave
Sherman Oaks, California 914234712

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/24/202 250.00

Lynne Dobson 501 Rocky River Rd
West Lake Hills, Texas 787465341

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/5/2024 500.00

Susanne Drolet 230 W Marlboro Rd
Oro Valley, Arizona 857558945

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/8/24 100.00

Susanne Drolet 230 W Marlboro Rd
Oro Valley, Arizona 857558945

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/5/24 100.00

Susanne Drolet 230 W Marlboro Rd
Oro Valley, Arizona 857558945

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/6/24 100.00

Susanne Drolet 230 W Marlboro Rd
Oro Valley, Arizona 857558945

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/5/24 100.00

Susanne Drolet 230 W Marlboro Rd
Oro Valley, Arizona 857558945

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/8/24 100.00

Susanne Drolet 230 W Marlboro Rd
Oro Valley, Arizona 857558945

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/6/24 100.00

Sandra Ellis 1058 N 120Th St
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 532263306

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 500.00

Nanci Felice 1503 Barbara St
Austin, Texas 787571301

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/24/24 50.00

Molly Fitzmaurice 370 Cornwall Bridge Rd
Sharon, Connecticut 060692514

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/5/24 50.00

Janet Flynn 16504 S Sun Meadow Dr
Lockport, Illinois 604415078

06/12/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/13/24 500.00

Miriam Fond 888 8Th Ave Apt 11F
New York, New York 100195711

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 1000.00

Deborah Forcine 5026 N Burton Ave
San Gabriel, California 917762010

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 290.00

Joyce Fuller 3735 Colorado St
Sarasota, Florida 342321403

06/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 500.00

Sandra Galindo 2885 Wiese Way
Sacramento, California 958332855

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 500.00

William Gately 560 W 165Th St
New York, New York 100324908

06/19/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/17/24 50.00

Jon Gaynor 9963 W Villa Lindo Dr
Peoria, Arizona 853839210

06/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/5/24 25.00

Jon Gaynor 9963 W Villa Lindo Dr
Peoria, Arizona 853839210

06/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/5/24 50.00

Jon Gaynor 9963 W Villa Lindo Dr
Peoria, Arizona 853839210

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 250.00

Jon Gaynor 9963 W Villa Lindo Dr
Peoria, Arizona 853839210

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/24/202 250.00

Marc Gonzales 1358 Jackson St NE
Washington, DC 200174025

06/28/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/28/202 3300.00

Anthony Gonzalez 3701 38Th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222074825

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/30/23 1000.00

Bobette Gorden 2248 S Forest Ave
Tempe, Arizona 852822145

06/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/5/24 125.00

Carmen D Gray 8515 Carroll Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 209033034

06/05/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/3/24 500.00

Christine Groah 3460 MANOR GLEN Cir
Glen Allen, Virginia 23059

05/13/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/29/24 1000.00

Robert Gurfield 632 Estrellita Way
Los Angeles, California 900492118

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/28/24 25.00

Robert Gurfield 632 Estrellita Way
Los Angeles, California 900492118

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/31/23 15.00

Kelly Guziejka 1788 Doc Fronske
Flagstaff, Arizona 860054229

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 377.00

Jeammi Harrison 13865 Freeport Rd
San Diego, California 921293206

04/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/3/24 250.00

KENT HEATH 10800 E Cactus Rd Unit 17
Scottsdale, Arizona 852592504

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 1700.00

Eric Hodachok 2082 Van Tuyl Pl
Falls Church, Virginia 220431763

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/27/24 142.86

Timonie Hood 1350 Hull Dr
San Carlos, California 940702221

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/20/202 2850.00

Doris Hudson 4421 Hurd Ave
Orlando, Florida 328128036

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 1000.00

Francis Jackson 139 Hartley St
Portland, Maine 041033232

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/8/2024 3300.00

Arthur Jacobs 7523 Ascot Ct
Bradenton, Florida 342012367

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/3/24 45.00

Alan Johnson 801 Connecticut St
Lawrence, Kansas 660442731

05/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/27/24 250.00

Gary Jones 7182 N Finger Rock Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857181406

06/24/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution made 5/ 200.00

Al Kamen 425 E 58Th St
New York, New York 100222300

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/24/202 1000.00

Al Kamen 425 E 58Th St
New York, New York 100222300

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/24/202 500.00

Al Kamen 425 E 58Th St
New York, New York 100222300

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 500.00

Al Kamen 425 E 58Th St
New York, New York 100222300

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 500.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/12/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/26/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/24/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/28/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/26/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/27/24 15.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/26/24 13.00

Elizabeth Keeney 6 Society Hill Way
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 077243800

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 13.00

William Kehaly 2900 Coast Line Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891173524

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 3400.00

Diana Kelly 3625 Bernard St Unit 10
Bakersfield, California 933063063

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 1000.00

Ronald Kent PO Box 818
Jamul, California 919350818

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/6/24 500.00

Paul Kiesel 8648 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 902112910

06/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/12/24 100.00

Batya Klein 280 SE 28Th Ave
Pompano Beach, Florida 330625437

06/12/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/12/24 1045.00

Bonnie Kuykendall 3238 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, Arizona 857163934

05/13/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution 262.00

Rebecca Leffingwell 1899 Continental View Dr
Louisville, Colorado 800272409

05/13/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution 30.00

Patti Levenson 57 Chestnut Rd
Ogunquit, Maine 039073538

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/17/202 1000.00

Elizabeth Lewis 413 Mount Olive Rd
Winchester, Virginia 226021684

04/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/6/24 1000.00

Kathleen Lieberman PO Box 25401
Tempe, Arizona 852855401

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/5/24 500.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/31/23 15.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/31/23 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/31/23 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/25/20 10.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/24/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/26/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/24/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/24/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/26/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/24/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/15/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/14/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/13/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/10/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/12/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/10/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/10/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/4/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/3/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/6/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 12/31/23 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/22/24 10.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/21/24 10.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/20/24 10.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/22/24 10.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/22/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/22/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/20/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/22/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/17/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/18/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/17/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/17/24 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/17/24 2.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/18/24 2.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/17/24 2.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/17/24 2.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/8/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/7/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/5/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/8/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/2024 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 11/1/24 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 10/23/23 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 10/18/23 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 10/18/23 25.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 9/18/23 3.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 10/18/23 2.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 11/1/23 5.00

Diane Lindstrom 16636 N 102Nd Ave
Sun City, Arizona 853511145

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 11/1/23 5.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

05/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/20/24 2000.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/15/202 1000.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/8/2024 1000.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/31/202 1000.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/31/202 500.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/30/202 250.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/20/202 1000.00

Linda Linthicum 16140 W Piccadilly Rd
Goodyear, Arizona 853958082

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/27/202 1000.00

Raul Lomeli 3318 Sable Crk
San Antonio, Texas 782592219

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/23/202 6600.00

Roberto Lopez 5374 Sonora St
Sierra Vista, Arizona 856358279

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/29/24 1000.00

Roxanne Lorans 6111 E Red Bird Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 852668703

06/27/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 1800.00

Steve Maass 9333 Fox Ln
Sebastopol, California 954722123

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/202 2000.00

Steve Maass 9333 Fox Ln
Sebastopol, California 954722123

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/29/202 142.86

Pam L Masten 37807 Eold Pink Hill Rd
Oak Grove, Missouri 64075

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 10.00

Pam L Masten 37807 Eold Pink Hill Rd
Oak Grove, Missouri 64075

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/20/24 3.00

Pam L Masten 37807 Eold Pink Hill Rd
Oak Grove, Missouri 64075

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/10/24 5.00

Pam L Masten 37807 Eold Pink Hill Rd
Oak Grove, Missouri 64075

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/28/24 10.00

Pam L Masten 37807 Eold Pink Hill Rd
Oak Grove, Missouri 64075

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/28/24 10.00

Pam L Masten 37807 Eold Pink Hill Rd
Oak Grove, Missouri 64075

04/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/21/24 10.00

San Fernando, California 913402022

05/06/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/1/24 500.00

Gail Merritt 2863 E Fountain St
Mesa, Arizona 852135446

06/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/10/24 3.00

Lucille Mills 6515 N 25Th Way
Phoenix, Arizona 850168935

05/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/27/24 500.00

Lucille Mills 6515 N 25Th Way
Phoenix, Arizona 850168935

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/30/202 500.00

Lucille Mills 6515 N 25Th Way
Phoenix, Arizona 850168935

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/30/202 25.00

Marta Morando 4744 E Roadrunner Pl
Paradise Valley, Arizona 852532921

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 650.00

James Morici 816 N Merrill St
Park Ridge, Illinois 600682746

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/30/202 250.00

Alec Neibauer 4554 Rio Vista Dr
Billings, Montana 591061577

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/29/24 1000.00

Barbara Nelson 15655 W Bethesda Ct
Surprise, Arizona 853746388

05/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 9/30/23 500.00

Barbara Nelson 15655 W Bethesda Ct
Surprise, Arizona 853746388

05/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 9/30/23 100.00

Barbara Nelson 15655 W Bethesda Ct
Surprise, Arizona 853746388

06/17/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/6/24 25.00

Mary Neptune 14005 SE 38Th St
Vancouver, Washington 986833908

06/26/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 1650.00

Irene Neumeister 450 Paradise Rd
Salinas, California 939079114

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 30.00

Susannah Newman 401 Russell Ave
Gaithersburg, Maryland 208772810

06/19/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/17/24 1000.00

Martin Nickerson 1810 4Th St
Bellingham, Washington 982257702

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 1500.00

Martin Nickerson 1810 4Th St
Bellingham, Washington 982257702

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 1500.00

Martin Nickerson 1810 4Th St
Bellingham, Washington 982257702

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 400.00

Harold Nixon 1804 Lakesview Dr
Oxford, Michigan 483714548

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/8/24 25.00

Michael Nushawg 318 E Port Au Prince Ln
Phoenix, Arizona 850223667

05/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/17/24 250.00

Michael Nushawg 318 E Port Au Prince Ln
Phoenix, Arizona 850223667

05/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/17/24 200.00

Susan Ott 5002 N Camino Real
Tucson, Arizona 857185926

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 100.00

Susan Parsons 3144 Aristotle Ave
North Las Vegas, Nevada 890310800

06/05/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/31/24 500.00

Dorothy Perrich 1 Bristol St
Lynbrook, New York 115631805

05/13/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution 950.00

Julie Pindzola 7645 N Boxwood Dr
Prescott, Arizona 863057759

05/20/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/15/24 250.00

Janis Pinnelli PO Box 50038
Austin, Texas 787630038

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 9/30/202 500.00

Jane Pollard 15 Belle Ave
San Anselmo, California 949602806

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/20/24 15.00

Pamela Powers 10280 W Middle Place Rd
Prescott, Arizona 863059480

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/26/202 5000.00

Linda Riggs 78739 Iron Bark Dr
Palm Desert, California 922112631

06/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/20/24 25.00

Charles Rodgers 100 Belvidere St Unit 8-G
Boston, Massachusetts 021997622

06/27/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution 1500.00

Paul Rosser 2469 Greenglade Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303453881

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/15/24 25.00

Cappy Rothman 1261 Las Lomas Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902722437

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/31/24 1000.00

Judy Rubin 911 Park Ave
New York, New York 100750337

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/13/202 3300.00

Karen Saeger PO Box 1172
Crested Butte, Colorado 812241172

04/03/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/27/24 1000.00

Santa Rosa Rancheria 16835 Alkali Dr
Lemoore, California 932459463

05/28/2024 Refund of contribution received 8/10/23 1500.00

Alexander Sapiens 3890 S KINGSBRIDGE Pl
Meridian, Idaho 83642

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/22/24 100.00

Alexander Sapiens 3890 S KINGSBRIDGE Pl
Meridian, Idaho 83642

05/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/22/24 100.00

Wayne Schall 5425 Station Rd
Blissfield, Michigan 492289691

05/27/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/29/24 1000.00

Victoria Schmitt 6 Queensberry Ln
Rochester, New York 146244308

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/18/24 10.00

Victoria Schmitt 6 Queensberry Ln
Rochester, New York 146244308

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/18/24 10.00

Steve Shannon 1752 E Augusta Ave
Chandler, Arizona 852494002

04/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/10/24 10.00

Steve Shannon 1752 E Augusta Ave
Chandler, Arizona 852494002

04/15/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/10/24 5.00

Steve Shannon 1752 E Augusta Ave
Chandler, Arizona 852494002

04/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/3/24 25.00

James Sheppard 31 Mahalo Nui Pl
Kihei, Hawaii 967537156

06/26/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/29/202 100.00

Mariana Shulstad 1769 Dupont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554033066

05/01/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/29/24 500.00

Barbara Silverstein 918 Potts Ln
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102919

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/21/24 25.00

Barbara Silverstein 918 Potts Ln
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102919

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 2/28/24 50.00

Barbara Silverstein 918 Potts Ln
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102919

05/27/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/25/24 25.00

Barbara Silverstein 918 Potts Ln
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102919

05/27/2024 Refund of contribution received 1/28/24 50.00

Barbara Silverstein 918 Potts Ln
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102919

05/27/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/27/24 50.00

Laurence Sloss 133 Hyslop Rd
Brookline, Massachusetts 024455727

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/17/23 5.00

Laurence Sloss 133 Hyslop Rd
Brookline, Massachusetts 024455727

06/10/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/13/24 5.00

G Spake PO Box 156
Cocoa, Florida 329230156

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/24/24 25.00

G Spake PO Box 156
Cocoa, Florida 329230156

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/24/24 25.00

G Spake PO Box 156
Cocoa, Florida 329230156

04/29/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/24/24 25.00

Tracy Spicer 5105 Nahant St
Bethesda, Maryland 208162335

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 2000.00

Richard Stephens 1714 N Richmond Dr
Wichita, Kansas 672031848

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 3/6/24 1000.00

Catherine Stiefel 809 San Antonio Pl
San Diego, California 921063020

06/30/2024 Refund of overlimit contribution receive 3300.00

Paul Stone 1179 Lemasa Dr
Cordova, Tennessee 380188856

05/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/10/24 250.00

Gary Sugarman 4101 N Ocean Blvd Apt 1108
Boca Raton, Florida 334315315

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/3/2024 500.00

Susan Swope 242 Granby Rd
Guildhall, Vermont 059058942

06/12/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/10/24 250.00

Miguel Taime 2788 Aldworth Dr
San Jose, California 951482101

04/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/3/24 125.00

Jere Tannenbaum 430 Ewing St
Princeton, New Jersey 085402704

05/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/20/24 500.00

John Varley 2872 Kelly Sq
Vienna, Virginia 221816140

04/08/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/3/24 100.00

Marian Weaver 16 Manzanita St
Bisbee, Arizona 856039749

06/30/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/18/202 1000.00

Susan Weddig 15 Abbott Rd
Waltham, Massachusetts 024527814

06/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 6/19/202 200.00

Ann Rush Woods PO Box 522
Ellendale, Tennessee 380290522

04/22/2024 Refund of contribution received 4/15/24 500.00

Gary Youmans 8573 N Gaetano Loop
Tucson, Arizona 857428500

06/24/2024 Refund of contribution received 5/30/24 469.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 117613.22
Total Memo Amount 0
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 267
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Tue Feb 11 11:40:15 2025