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Line #: 12


Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
GALLEGO ALLRED VICTORY FUND 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 143
Washington, DC 200034303

02/16/2024 40000.00 100000.00
Elizabeth Berry PO Box 9100
Seattle, Washington 981090100
State Of Washington / State Representative MEMO
02/05/2024 2500.00 2500.00 LIMITS
Steven Boal PO Box 3719
Park City, Utah 840603719
Matia Mobility / CEO MEMO
01/08/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Jonathan Bridge 2833 Magnolia Blvd W
Seattle, Washington 981992410
Ben Bridge, Inc. / CEO MEMO
01/16/2024 5000.00 5000.00 LIMITS
Catherine Brock 9270 E Thompson Peak Pkwy Unit 349
Scottsdale, Arizona 852554547
Interior Logic Group / Division President MEMO
01/16/2024 2400.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Christine Charbonneau 1531 Sunset Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981161648
ReproHub / Executive MEMO
02/05/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Martha Cohen Roe 1924 E Mcgraw St
Seattle, Washington 981122629
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/08/2024 125.00 900.00 LIMITS
Leslie Decker 4119 E Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE
Sammamish, Washington 980759603
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
01/16/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Sara Dickerman 917 22Nd Ave E
Seattle, Washington 981123514
Self Employed / Writer MEMO
01/29/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Ben Doko 7810 Beverly Ln
Everett, Washington 982036408
5Th And Madison Residences / Concierge Manager MEMO
01/31/2024 125.00 255.00 LIMITS
Geralyn Dreyfous 2233 E Fardown Ave
Holladay, Utah 841211410
Self Employed / Film Producer MEMO
01/08/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Kristina Garcia 909 5Th Ave
Seattle, Washington 981642005
Kushman And Wakefield / Real Estate MEMO
01/22/2024 25.00 25.00 LIMITS
Kristina Garcia 909 5Th Ave
Seattle, Washington 981642005
Kushman And Wakefield / Real Estate MEMO
02/05/2024 500.00 525.00 LIMITS
Jane Gavens 726 Holmby Ave
Los Angeles, California 900243320
Compass / Real Estate Broker MEMO
01/08/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Nancy Gilbert 39 White Pine Canyon Rd
Park City, Utah 840606508
01/16/2024 1250.00 1250.00 LIMITS
Christin Gilmer 715 Martin Luther King Jr Way S Un
Seattle, Washington 981448444
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/31/2024 525.00 525.00 LIMITS
Christin Gilmer 715 Martin Luther King Jr Way S Un
Seattle, Washington 981448444
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/05/2024 25.00 550.00 LIMITS
Mace Hack 1301 Ptarmigan Ct
Park City, Utah 840985988
The Nature Conservancy / Executive Director MEMO
01/08/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Elizabeth Hanley 1814 38Th Ave E
Seattle, Washington 981123138
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender / Attorney MEMO
01/16/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Karen Kalish 2821 2Nd Ave Apt 2001
Seattle, Washington 981211250
ReWired / Serial Social Entrepreneur MEMO
01/31/2024 50.00 150.00 LIMITS
Mairi Leining 1045 Quarry Mountain Ln
Park City, Utah 840986620
People's Health Clinic / CEO MEMO
01/22/2024 1250.00 1250.00 LIMITS
Suzan Levine 1535 9Th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981193226
Brown University / Senior Fellow MEMO
01/31/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Nell McCaw 321 82Nd Ave NE
Medina, Washington 980394721
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
01/22/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Jennifer Meeker 5433 Beach Dr SW
Seattle, Washington 981361045
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/22/2024 500.00 550.00 LIMITS
Yazmin Mehdi 16 Comstock St
Seattle, Washington 981093211
Not Employed / Community Volunteer MEMO
01/22/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Yazmin Mehdi 16 Comstock St
Seattle, Washington 981093211
Not Employed / Community Volunteer MEMO
02/12/2024 500.00 2500.00 LIMITS
Nancy Noble 2911 Queen Anne Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981091729
Self Employed / Business Consultant MEMO
01/22/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Leslie Ray 12033 12Th Ave NW
Seattle, Washington 981774620
Laurel Crest Capital / Administrator MEMO
01/16/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Leslie Redd 1700 N 40Th St
Seattle, Washington 981038210
Google / Program Manager MEMO
01/31/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Eric Redman 1521 2Nd Ave Apt 3403
Seattle, Washington 981014527
Thunderbolt Clean Energy LLC / Energy & Climate Professional MEMO
01/22/2024 505.00 505.00 LIMITS
Evelyn Richter 6533 Seaview Ave NW Apt 601A
Seattle, Washington 981176075
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
02/12/2024 5000.00 5000.00 LIMITS
Jamie Robinson 166 Boundary Ln NW
Shoreline, Washington 981778003
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/05/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Ross Romero 1386 E Laird Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 841051935
Zions Bank / Lawyer/Banker MEMO
01/08/2024 125.00 300.00 LIMITS
Ruthanne Roth 7897 Aster Ct
Park City, Utah 84060
Aster Talent / Executive Search MEMO
01/08/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Brad Senet 6300 Sagewood Dr Ste H263
Park City, Utah 840987502
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/16/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Rodney W. Sharp 2330 43Rd Ave E Apt 106
Seattle, Washington 981122782
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/16/2024 1000.00 1025.00 LIMITS
Sally Sheck 5757 Overlook Ave NE
Tacoma, Washington 984221432
Blue Origin / Accountant MEMO
01/08/2024 25.00 261.46 LIMITS
Sally Sheck 5757 Overlook Ave NE
Tacoma, Washington 984221432
Blue Origin / Accountant MEMO
02/05/2024 25.00 321.46 LIMITS
Lisa Shine 3263 Meadows Dr
Park City, Utah 840607573
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/16/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Sheree Wen 3245 Evergreen Point Rd
Medina, Washington 980391029
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/31/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Monika Wiener 7523 Franklin Ave
Los Angeles, California 900462241
University Of Southern California / Educator MEMO
01/22/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Barbara Woo 3001 120Th Ave NE
Bellevue, Washington 980051517
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/22/2024 100.00 567.00 LIMITS
Kimberly Wright 4746 48Th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981164317
SF Impact Services LLC / Social Worker MEMO
02/12/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
GALLEGO ALLRED VICTORY FUND - Unitemize 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 143
Washington, DC 200034303
02/16/2024 1167.50 1167.50 LIMITS
GALLEGO ALLRED VICTORY FUND 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 143
Washington, DC 200034303

03/05/2024 5200.00 105200.00
Jodi Green 3707 E Highland Dr
Seattle, Washington 981124435
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/05/2024 1600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Lembhard Howell 814 Lakeside Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981443318
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/05/2024 500.00 1250.00 LIMITS
Karen Kalish 2821 2Nd Ave Apt 2001
Seattle, Washington 981211250
ReWired / Serial Social Entrepreneur MEMO
03/05/2024 100.00 250.00 LIMITS
Michele Rosen 2201 40Th Ave E
Seattle, Washington 981122405
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/05/2024 1250.00 3750.00 LIMITS
Stanley Rosen PO Box 5003
Bellevue, Washington 980095003
Rosen Investment Co / Business Owner MEMO
03/05/2024 1250.00 1250.00 LIMITS
Rodney W. Sharp 2330 43Rd Ave E Apt 106
Seattle, Washington 981122782
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/05/2024 500.00 1525.00 LIMITS
Sally Sheck 5757 Overlook Ave NE
Tacoma, Washington 984221432
Blue Origin / Accountant MEMO
03/05/2024 25.00 386.46 LIMITS
GALLEGO ALLRED VICTORY FUND - Unitemize 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 143
Washington, DC 200034303
03/05/2024 126.12 126.12 LIMITS
Washington, DC 200355322

03/29/2024 222000.00 333100.00
Gail Alexander 1100 Holly Hill Dr
Franklin, Tennessee 370646708
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/26/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Michael Allen 5738 Sherier Pl NW
Washington, DC 200165320
Relman Colfax PLLC / Civil Rights Attorney MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
John Ashkenas 491 Brunswick Ave
Toronto, ON M5R 2Z6
Self Employed / Medical Writer * US CITIZENSHIP CONFIRMED MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Kathleen Barry 17281 Willow Creek Rd
Occidental, California 954659345
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Karen Berman 1301 N Tamiami Trl Apt 413
Sarasota, Florida 342362423
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 200.00 500.00 LIMITS
Andrea Biren 401 Western Dr
Richmond, California 948013740
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 2500.00 2500.00 LIMITS
Barry Blechman 3156 27TH St NW
Washington, DC 20008
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/24/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
James Blume 23 Vicente Rd
Berkeley, California 947051603
Blume Capital / Inv.Adv. MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 1700.00 LIMITS
Michelle Boyers 330 Mountain Home Rd
Woodside, California 940622513
Give Forward Foundation / CEO MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Peter Bray 237 Garfield Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112152262
Retired / Retired MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 200.00 LIMITS
Markeeta Brown 223 N Guadalupe St # 314
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875011868
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Frank Bua 178 Manhasset Woods Rd
Manhattan, New York 10030
Great Neck Public Schools / Educator MEMO
03/18/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Lisa Buchberg 2520 Russell St
Berkeley, California 947052108
Self Employed / Psychologist MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Lois Buckner 2706 Vinings Central Dr SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303396786
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Elizabeth Cafferty 536 E 79Th St Apt 5K
New York, New York 100751513
Self Employed / Independent Consultant MEMO
03/18/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Marie Carter 28 -05 23 St Apt 1E
Astoria, New York 11102
Self Employed / Writer MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1500.00 LIMITS
Marie Carter 28 -05 23 St Apt 1E
Astoria, New York 11102
Self Employed / Writer MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 1500.00 LIMITS
Julie Caskey 782 Kingston Ave
Piedmont, California 946114411
Office Of Oakland Mayor / Lawyer MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Edward Cavazuti 1600 S Macdill Ave Apt 301
Tampa, Florida 336295243
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 500.00 LIMITS
Cedric Chao 6114 La Salle Ave No 602
Oakland, California 946112802
Chao ADR PC / Arbitrator And Lawyer MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Davin J Chew 1065 Park Ave Apt 10D
New York, New York 101281001
Odeko / Engineer MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 4000.00 LIMITS
Henry Cohen 21 MATTHIESSEN Park
Irvington, New York 10533
Sullivan & Cromwell / Attorney MEMO
03/18/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Ronald Cohn 13 Via Del Zorro
Carmel Valley, California 939249421
Self Employed / Investment Management MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1003.00 LIMITS
Herbert Cohrs PO Box 40065
Bay Village, Ohio 441400065
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 300.00 LIMITS
Jill Crary 4349 Mount Jeffers Ave
San Diego, California 921174740
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 50.00 315.50 LIMITS
Michael Donovan 3521 Colfax Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554084053
Delta Air Lines / Pilot MEMO
03/10/2024 25.00 375.00 LIMITS
Glenn Engelmann 1412 Hopkins St NW
Washington, DC 200365904
Engelmann PLLC / Attorney MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Seattle, Washington 981993327
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 300.00 300.00 LIMITS
Dan Farthing 17 Knoll Way
San Rafael, California 949033830
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Anna May Feige 205 W 57Th St Apt 9B
New York, New York 100192105
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/25/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Ellen Ferguson 1414 41St Ave E
Seattle, Washington 981123804
Museum Administrator / Burke Museum MEMO
12/27/2023 300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Dundas I. Flaherty 3749 Malibu Vista Dr
Malibu, California 902655606
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 106.00 LIMITS
Gerald Flannelly 100 Trowbridge St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021383102
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
David Forbes-Watkins 45 Main St Apt 2A
Hastings On Hudson, New York 107061643
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 951.00 LIMITS
Stephen Forrest 336 Rock Creek Ct
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481041857
University Of Michigan / Professor MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
JOHN FORYS 8 Parkdale Dr
Lancaster, New York 140862630
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/07/2024 50.00 150.00 LIMITS
JOHN FORYS 8 Parkdale Dr
Lancaster, New York 140862630
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/04/2024 50.00 200.00 LIMITS
JOHN FORYS 8 Parkdale Dr
Lancaster, New York 140862630
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/03/2024 50.00 250.00 LIMITS
David Friedman 2637 Larkin St
San Francisco, California 941091512
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Poppi Georges-Massey 3632 Inverness Dr
Houston, Texas 770191102
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Marcy Golde 116 Fairview Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095360
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Bruce Golden 2500 Steiner St Unit 10
San Francisco, California 941151187
Self Employed / Investor MEMO
02/29/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Gregory Goldstein 169 W 78Th St
New York, New York 100246738
Self Employed / Sales MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Pam Grissom 11849 S Cienega Crossing Pl
Vail, Arizona 856419046
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 5000.00 LIMITS
Lauren Groh-Wargo 571 Moreland Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303161854
Self Employed / Consultant MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Albert Harclerode 2087 N Rain Tree Rd
Flagstaff, Arizona 860049212
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/04/2024 2.00 289.00 LIMITS
Jerry Harder 303 W Old Hickory Blvd
Madison, Tennessee 371153607
State Of Tennessee / Statistical Programmer MEMO
12/31/2023 50.00 400.00 LIMITS
Jerry Harder 303 W Old Hickory Blvd
Madison, Tennessee 371153607
State Of Tennessee / Statistical Programmer MEMO
01/14/2024 50.00 450.00 LIMITS
Jerry Harder 303 W Old Hickory Blvd
Madison, Tennessee 371153607
State Of Tennessee / Statistical Programmer MEMO
02/18/2024 50.00 500.00 LIMITS
Jerry Harder 303 W Old Hickory Blvd
Madison, Tennessee 371153607
State Of Tennessee / Statistical Programmer MEMO
03/03/2024 50.00 550.00 LIMITS
David Harris 32 W 88Th St
New York, New York 100242502
Executive / CREI MEMO
03/18/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
William Harris 25 Central Park W Apt 5Q
New York, New York 100237210
Executive / CREI MEMO
03/18/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Joyce Hodel 929 Washington St Apt 203
Evanston, Illinois 602022251
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Kris Hoffmann 621 Sawmill Creek Rd
Sitka, Alaska 998357451
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 12.00 213.00 LIMITS
Patricia Hogan 6750 Epping Forest Way N Apt 113
Jacksonville, Florida 322172657
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Vicki Holleman 322 W 72Nd St
New York, New York 100232676
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Dorine Holsey Streeter 3125 Claremont Ave
Berkeley, California 947052707
Self Employed / Real Estate Investor MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Shaia Hosseinzadeh 2 River Ter Apt 17C
New York, New York 102821252
OnyxPoint Global Management / Managing Partner MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Gay Hugo-Martinez 1366 Via Alta
Del Mar, California 920142560
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Diane Irvin 4047 Wyandot St
Denver, Colorado 802112140
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 75.00 181.00 LIMITS
Steve Israel 80 Highwood Cir
Oyster Bay, New York 117713206
Chairman / DCCC MEMO
02/18/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Thomas Jordan 21 Inwood Ln
Andover, Massachusetts 018106303
T&T Marketing / Managing Director MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Barbara Karplus 4041 Barcelona Pl
Thousand Oaks, California 913202803
Self Employed / Income Tax Practitioner MEMO
03/20/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Marcy Kates 301 Highland Ave
Piedmont, California 946114023
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Jonathan Kaufelt 351 17Th St
Santa Monica, California 904022223
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Gail Kennedy 505 S Sawmill Gardens Dr
Cottonwood, Arizona 863265351
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/14/2024 10.00 192.00 LIMITS
Gail Kennedy 505 S Sawmill Gardens Dr
Cottonwood, Arizona 863265351
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/11/2024 10.00 212.00 LIMITS
Elise Kirban 2109 Broadway Apt 1342
New York, New York 100232392
Aon / Attorney MEMO
02/18/2024 3300.00 4150.00 LIMITS
Elise Kirban 2109 Broadway Apt 1342
New York, New York 100232392
Aon / Attorney MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 5225.00 LIMITS
Robert Knight 1395 Rifle Range Rd
El Cerrito, California 945302573
UC Berkeley / Neuroscientist MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Julie Leach 624 S Palm Ave
Sarasota, Florida 342366938
Westcoast Black Theatre / Executive Director MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Washington, DC 200051048
03/11/2024 50.00 1100.00 LIMITS
Karl Leal 1113 W Parr Ave
Campbell, California 950086410
Self Employed / Financial Advisor MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Mark Lemley 1000 Loyola Dr
Los Altos, California 940245952
Stanford Law School / Professor MEMO
03/10/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Gina Maria Leonetti 321 W 104Th St
New York, New York 100254132
Self / Freelance Film/TV Producer MEMO
03/10/2024 150.00 1750.00 LIMITS
Bevis Longstreth 322 Central Park W
New York, New York 100257629
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Henry Lord 313 Audubon Ct
New Haven, Connecticut 065101203
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 1350.00 LIMITS
Margaret Lourenco 16799 Estrella Dr
Sonoma, California 954763105
Self Employed / Business Owner And Manager MEMO
02/29/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Diana MacArthur 219 Sena St
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875058832
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 1350.00 LIMITS
Kerry Mack 101 S Mango St
Englewood, Florida 342233223
Mack Law Firm Chartered / Trial Lawyer MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Tony Mackey 1339 Heathbrook Cir
Asheville, North Carolina 288032474
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 562.50 LIMITS
Chris Mann 321 W 82Nd St Apt 1
New York, New York 100245337
Columbia University / Educator MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Robert McCarthy 322 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100193701
Spinnaker Asset Management / Fund Management MEMO
02/29/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Mary McCutcheon 250 Via Barranca
Greenbrae, California 949041210
Farella Braun + Martel / Attorney MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Michelle Mercer 2500 Steiner St Unit 10
San Francisco, California 941151187
Self Employed / Philanthropist MEMO
02/29/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Paulette Meyer 1515 Union St Unit 2C
San Francisco, California 941234547
Self Employed / Nonprofit Consultant MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Sarah Meyohas 117 E 24Th St
New York, New York 100102919
Self Employed / Artist MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Sarah Min 363 Lafayette St Fl 9
New York, New York 100122719
Self Employed / Media Consultant MEMO
03/14/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
David Mitchell 1179 Maplewood Ave
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 038013542
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 150.00 450.00 LIMITS
Andrew Monach 112 Pala Ave
Piedmont, California 946113740
Morrison & Foerster LLP / Lawyer MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Marilyn Monter 421 Berry Hill Rd
Syosset, New York 117911117
Holiday Management Associates / Executive MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Barbara Moore 219 Clinton St
Brooklyn, New York 112016192
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/18/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
John Mullen 5365 Montrose Dr
Dallas, Texas 752095615
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 1100.00 LIMITS
John Mullen 5365 Montrose Dr
Dallas, Texas 752095615
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1100.00 LIMITS
Charles Myers 116 E 68Th St Apt 5C
New York, New York 100655995
Signum Global Advisors / Banker MEMO
02/25/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Charles Myers 116 E 68Th St Apt 5C
New York, New York 100655995
Signum Global Advisors / Banker MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Douglas Myers 955 Massachusetts Ave Apt 342
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393233
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Ross Nese 5050 N Ocean Dr
Riviera Beach, Florida 334042698
Healthcare / Executive Business Assoc. MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Julie Anne Newman 1323 Rodman St
Hollywood, Florida 330192223
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 250.00 275.00 LIMITS
Kevin Parker 36324 N 105Th Pl
Scottsdale, Arizona 852623484
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 750.00 LIMITS
Nancy Parrish 1111 Ritz Carlton Dr
Sarasota, Florida 342365594
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Charles Patterson 1640 School St
Moraga, California 945561119
MacKenzie Capital Management LP / Financial Consultant MEMO
03/24/2024 5000.00 5000.00 LIMITS
Laurence Pearson 11356 NW 3Rd Pl
Coral Springs, Florida 330717964
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
01/14/2024 25.00 300.00 LIMITS
Ashley Pease 5057 Topeka Dr
Tarzana, California 913563909
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 300.00 700.00 LIMITS
Terry Pelster PO Box 191
Putnam Valley, New York 105790191
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Carol Pensky 4821 W St NW
Washington, DC 200071519
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/24/2024 1000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Carol Pensky 4821 W St NW
Washington, DC 200071519
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/24/2024 1000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Ann Pforzheimer 890 W End Ave
New York, New York 100253526
City University Of New York / Adjunct Professor MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Steve Phillips 553 Arkansas St
San Francisco, California 941072828
Self Employed / Writer MEMO
03/18/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Arthur Piccinati 6816 N Joshua Tree Ln
Paradise Valley, Arizona 852533258
Not Employed / Retired Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 35.00 510.00 LIMITS
Susanna Place PO Box 102
Georgetown, Maine 045480102
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Carol Port 441 Lakeside Ter
Glencoe, Illinois 600221760
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
John Pringle 940 Siskiyou Dr
Menlo Park, California 940257012
Stanford University / Professor MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Susan Riseling 250 Sunset Dr
Sedona, Arizona 863365400
The Riseling Group LLC / Public Safety Consultant MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Laura Roberts 1715 Cambridge St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021384301
Self Employed / Consultant MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Stephanie Robinson 36 Hill Dr
Kentfield, California 949041076
Stephanie Robinson / Investor MEMO
02/25/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Barry Rosenstein PO Box 237168
New York, New York 100230031
Self Employed / Investor MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Lizanne Rosenstein PO Box 237168
New York, New York 100230031
Three Rose III Corp / Investor MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Jon Ross 1149 Marlborough Rd
Hillsborough, California 940107136
Self Employed / Physician MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Jeffrey Russell 9516 Crosby Rd
Silver Spring, Maryland 209101541
DC Government / Admin Law Judge MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Robert Sachs 451 Marlborough St Apt 2W
Boston, Massachusetts 021151229
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Thomas Safran 11811 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900495001
Thomas Safran & Associates / Chairman MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Sara Sanderson 1009 Creston Rd
Berkeley, California 947081503
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 550.00 LIMITS
Francesco Scattone 8500 Flourtown Ave
Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 190387971
Renaissance Technologies / Finance MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Katherine Schuelke 17220 Buena Vista Ave
Los Gatos, California 950302348
Seagate Technology / Attorney MEMO
03/18/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Richard Shapiro 100 Eucalyptus Rd
Berkeley, California 947052804
Farella Braun + Martel / Attorney MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Christina Shea 1871 N Moon Valley Pl
Tucson, Arizona 857459657
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 2600.00 LIMITS
Henry Shea 1971 N MOON VALLEY Pl
Tucson, Arizona 85745
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 3000.00 LIMITS
Sally Sheck 5757 Overlook Ave NE
Tacoma, Washington 984221432
Blue Origin / Accountant MEMO
03/10/2024 11.00 397.46 LIMITS
Liz Simons 383 Walsh Rd
Atherton, California 940276456
Not Employed / Philanthropist MEMO
03/24/2024 3300.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Richard Simons 6589 Bellhurst Ln
Castro Valley, California 945521654
Dba Furtado Jaspovice & Simons / Attorney MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Michael Simonson 272 W 107Th St Apt 19A
New York, New York 100257835
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/18/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
Ted Smith 465 S 15Th St
San Jose, California 951122240
Self Employed / Consultant MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 350.00 LIMITS
Charles Spurr 139 Broadway St
Wakefield, Massachusetts 018803105
Retired / Software Engineer Retired MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 3000.00 LIMITS
Mary Stacie 145 Westerly Ter
East Hartford, Connecticut 061183459
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 20.00 224.00 LIMITS
Elizabeth Stevens 3050 Avon Ln NW
Washington, DC 200072908
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/24/2024 250.00 500.00 LIMITS
Edward Stiepleman 6753 Woodbridge Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334344271
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Josh Taylor 324 Sackett St
Brooklyn, New York 112314995
NYU / Administrator MEMO
03/03/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
John Thacher 2482 Spring Mountain Rd
Saint Helena, California 945741761
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 500.00 LIMITS
Henry Tisch 115 Central Park W Apt 14C
New York, New York 100234198
Key To The City Productions / Producer MEMO
02/29/2024 2000.00 2000.00 LIMITS
James Topic 240 Tim Ct
Danville, California 945263240
Protective / Physician MEMO
02/29/2024 50.00 250.00 LIMITS
ROY VAGELOS 685 3Rd Ave Fl 4
New York, New York 100178408
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/25/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Bill Vogler 9010 N 83Rd Way
Scottsdale, Arizona 852582460
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 50.00 532.50 LIMITS
Leslie Wagner 180 Village Blvd
Incline Village, Nevada 894519450
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
02/18/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Hope Warschaw 514 Palisades Beach Rd
Santa Monica, California 904022604
Warland / Investor MEMO
03/10/2024 3300.00 3300.00 LIMITS
Paulette Washington 420 E 111Th St Apt 1510
New York, New York 100293024
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 15.00 1175.50 LIMITS
Charlotte Watson 18 Willowbrook Rd
Asheville, North Carolina 288051431
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Judy Wax 120 Sharon Dr
York, Pennsylvania 174033820
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 20.00 1375.00 LIMITS
Michael Wehrle 3150 W Teal Rd
Jackson, Wyoming 830019417
Self Employed / Investor MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Andrew Weil 2200 E River Rd Ste 111
Tucson, Arizona 857186577
Univ Of Arizona / MD MEMO
03/18/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Eliot Weinstein 5482 S Hyde Park Blvd
Chicago, Illinois 606155802
University Of Chicago / Graduate Student MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 600.00 LIMITS
Elizabeth Weiss 7 Tranquility Way
Winthrop, Washington 988629618
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/18/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Carolyn Whittle 70 Schooner Hl
Oakland, California 946182335
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Jeanne Williams 725 St Marys Rd
Lafayette, California 945495338
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/03/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Kevin Williams 24415 Wayman St
Newhall, California 913212715
Not Employed / Retired MEMO
03/10/2024 3300.00 4403.00 LIMITS
Mike Williams 725 St Marys Rd
Lafayette, California 945495338
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/03/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Doreen Wise 6075 N June Grass Rd
Jackson, Wyoming 830019571
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 1000.00 1000.00 LIMITS
Rod Womer 4041 Barcelona Pl
Newbury Park, California 913202803
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS
Carol Wyant 140 N Euclid Ave
Oak Park, Illinois 603021681
Pathfinder Consulting President / Consultant MEMO
03/10/2024 500.00 600.00 LIMITS
Chesley Yellott PO Box 1677
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 254431677
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/24/2024 2000.00 5000.00 LIMITS
Michael Young 3940 Lander Rd
Jefferson, Maryland 217557817
Not Employed / Not Employed MEMO
03/10/2024 250.00 250.00 LIMITS
Neyda Zibilich 9357 Fontainebleau Blvd Apt D418
Miami, Florida 331724263
University Of Miami Miller School Of M / Sr. Director Development Resources MEMO
03/10/2024 100.00 300.00 LIMITS
George Zimmer PO Box 7150
Fremont, California 945377150
Generation Tux / Entrepreneur MEMO
03/18/2024 500.00 1500.00 LIMITS
GALLEGO VICTORY FUND - Unitemized PO Box 65322
Washington, DC 200355322
03/29/2024 6954.00 6954.00 LIMITS
Salem, Massachusetts 019706213

03/05/2024 6420.73 6420.73
David Peeler 15 Buckingham St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021382219
Berkshire Partners / Finance MEMO
03/05/2024 6600.00 6600.00 LIMITS

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $273620.73
Total Memo Amount $289237.62
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 4
Number of Transactions (Memo) 216

Generated Fri Feb 7 23:20:52 2025