Federal Election Commission, United States of America (logo). Link to FEC Home Page
Federal Election Commission





AirSign Inc.

12 NW 5th Pl
Williston, Florida 326961622

Purpose of Expenditure: Aerial Advertising
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Brown
Candidate ID: S4NH00120
Office Sought: Senate
State is New Hampshire in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/03/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $3300.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $1074482.40

Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC

1140 Connecticut Ave NW
Ste 800
Washington, DC 200364010

Purpose of Expenditure: Digital Advertising - ESTIMATE
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Brown
Candidate ID: S4NH00120
Office Sought: Senate
State is New Hampshire in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/21/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $71982.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $1074482.40

Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC

1140 Connecticut Ave NW
Ste 800
Washington, DC 200364010

Purpose of Expenditure: Digital Advertising - ESTIMATE
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Cory Gardner
Candidate ID: S4CO00395
Office Sought: Senate
State is Colorado in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/21/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $7007.78
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $780082.02

Markham Group

1000 W 3rd St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722012006

Purpose of Expenditure: Aerial Advertising
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Brown
Candidate ID: S4NH00120
Office Sought: Senate
State is New Hampshire in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/03/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $140.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $1074482.40

Markham Group

1000 W 3rd St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722012006

Purpose of Expenditure: Billboard Advertising - ESTIMATE
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Cory Gardner
Candidate ID: S4CO00395
Office Sought: Senate
State is Colorado in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/21/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $3410.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $780082.02

The Pivot Group, Inc.

1720 I St NW
Ste 550
Washington, DC 200063741

Purpose of Expenditure: Direct Mail
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Joni Ernst
Candidate ID: S4IA00129
Office Sought: Senate
State is Iowa in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/22/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $59150.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $130650.50

Waterfront Strategies, Inc.

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075122

Purpose of Expenditure: Television Advertising
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Cory Gardner
Candidate ID: S4CO00395
Office Sought: Senate
State is Colorado in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/19/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $680760.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $780082.02

Waterfront Strategies, Inc.

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075122

Purpose of Expenditure: Television Production - ESTIMATE
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Cory Gardner
Candidate ID: S4CO00395
Office Sought: Senate
State is Colorado in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/19/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $36455.24
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $780082.02

Waterfront Strategies, Inc.

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075122

Purpose of Expenditure: Television and Radio Advertising
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Brown
Candidate ID: S4NH00120
Office Sought: Senate
State is New Hampshire in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/21/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $909539.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $1074482.40

Waterfront Strategies, Inc.

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075122

Purpose of Expenditure: Television, Radio & Digital Production - ESTIMATE
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Brown
Candidate ID: S4NH00120
Office Sought: Senate
State is New Hampshire in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 08/21/2014
Person Completing Form: Rita Copeland
Date Signed = 08/21/2014

Amount Expended = $47100.90
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $1074482.40

Subtotal of Itemized Independent Expenditures = $1818844.92
Subtotal of Unitemized Independent Expenditures = $0
Total Expenditures This Period = $1818844.92

Generated Tue Feb 11 23:13:39 2025