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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17

Committee: CARVIN 2012

Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
Affiliated Photographic Services, Inc. PO Box 61H
Scarsdale, New York 105838561

10/25/2012 Campaign photography 845.58

Alliance Systems Group, LLC 2 Goldwin Street
Rye, New York 105803802

10/26/2012 Consulting--GOTV 5000.00

Alliance Systems Group, LLC 2 Goldwin Street
Rye, New York 105803802

10/26/2012 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Postage 122.00

American Express PO Box 53773
Phoenix, Arizona 850723773

11/05/2012 Credit card acceptance fee 7.95

American Express PO Box 53773
Phoenix, Arizona 850723773

11/09/2012 Credit card acceptance fee 395.36

Clarkstown Republican Party PO Box 332
New City, New York 109560332

11/06/2012 Political Contribution: Brunch event 500.00

Constant Contact 1601 Trapelo Road
Waltham, Massachusetts 024517333

10/24/2012 E-mail blasts 85.90

Counterspace Technologies 139 Betsy Brown Road
Port Chester, New York 105732229

11/02/2012 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Website 180.00

CSC Capital 38 Condon Road
Stillwater, New York 121701914

11/06/2012 Consultant--fundraiser 1500.00

Digiworks Media 304 Federal Road Suite 310
Brookfield, Connecticut 068042418

10/31/2012 Advertising: Shooting video 3500.00

FLS Connect 7300 Hudson Boulevard N Suite 270
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551287143

10/25/2012 Campaign calls 27.37

FLS Connect 7300 Hudson Boulevard N Suite 270
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551287143

11/02/2012 Campaign calls 2666.50

FLS Connect 7300 Hudson Boulevard N Suite 270
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551287143

11/13/2012 Campaign calls 200.00

FLS Connect 7300 Hudson Boulevard N Suite 270
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551287143

11/16/2012 Campaign calls 200.00

Focus Media, Inc. 10 Matthews Street
Goshen, New York 109241959

10/31/2012 Advertising: TV ads 20000.00

Focus Media, Inc. 10 Matthews Street
Goshen, New York 109241959

11/08/2012 Advertising: Radio ads 4000.00

Greenburgh Republican PO Box 143
Hartsdale, New York 105300143

10/23/2012 donation to committee 250.00

McLaughlin & Associates 566 Route 303
Blauvelt, New York 109131916

10/25/2012 Polling: Polling 3000.00

Merchant Bank 2753 State Road 580 Suite 212
Clearwater, Florida 337613345

11/05/2012 Credit card acceptance fee 154.52

Murphy's Restaurant 355 Kear Street
Yorktown Heights, New York 105984415

10/23/2012 Fundraising: Food 378.00

NationBuilder 1100 S Hope Street Apt. 1513
Los Angeles, California 900152194

10/25/2012 Database fee 47.00

Qgiv 53 Lake Morton Drive Suite 110
Lakeland, Florida 338015344

11/02/2012 Credit card acceptance fee 228.72

Skyline Consulting 3050 Skyline Drive
Schenectady, New York 123066446

11/06/2012 Advertising: Robo calls 3441.18

USPS 41 Purdy Avenue
Rye, New York 105807500

10/18/2012 Administrative/Salary/Overhead: Postage 45.00

Videoware Corporation 53 Doral Greens Drive W
Rye Brook, New York 105735403

10/25/2012 Consulting--media 800.00

Wiley Rein LLP 1776 K Street NW
Washington, DC 200062304

11/21/2012 Legal fees 2268.75

Ms. Kelsey Dean 4 Longledge Drive
Rye Brook, New York 105731946

11/06/2012 Consulting--scheduler 6000.00

Ms. Meghan Deltry 10B Windy Hill
Ballston Lake, New York 120199031

11/06/2012 Travel: Travel--mileage 243.90

Ms. Donna Held 128 Laurel Road
New City, New York 109564820

11/06/2012 Hanging signs 250.00

Mr. Ryan Johnson 25 Major Andre Drive
Stony Point, New York 109802740

11/06/2012 Hanging signs 250.00

Mr. Eric Madden 3 Col Conklin Drive
Stony Point, New York 109803640

11/06/2012 Hanging signs 250.00

Mr. John Miele 26 Tamarac Avenue
New City, New York 109566305

11/06/2012 Hanging signs 250.00

Ms. Laura Schwartz 55 Overlook Drive
Ridgefield, Connecticut 068773711

11/21/2012 Consultant: accounting 1500.00

Mr. James Walsh, Esq. 20 Church Avenue
Ballston Spa, New York 120201956

10/26/2012 Legal fees 2500.00

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 61087.73
Total Memo Amount 0
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 34
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Wed Feb 12 03:02:27 2025