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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

01/03/2016 Credit card processing fee 2.67

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

01/10/2016 Credit card processing fee 48.83

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

01/17/2016 Credit card processing fee 195.57

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

01/24/2016 Credit card processing fee 12.82

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

01/31/2016 Credit card processing fee 301.83

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

02/07/2016 Credit card processing fee 57.95

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

02/14/2016 Credit card processing fee 125.13

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

02/21/2016 Credit card processing fee 15.29

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

02/28/2016 Credit card processing fee 59.44

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

03/06/2016 Credit card processing fee 36.66

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

03/13/2016 Credit card processing fee 215.10

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

03/20/2016 Credit card processing fee 630.10

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

03/27/2016 Credit card processing fee 594.79

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

03/31/2016 Credit card processing fee 184.22

Aetna PO Box 9610
Cranbury, New Jersey 085129600

01/05/2016 Health insurance 1475.79

Aetna PO Box 9610
Cranbury, New Jersey 085129600

02/02/2016 Health insurance 1475.79

Aetna PO Box 9610
Cranbury, New Jersey 085129600

03/02/2016 Health insurance 1475.79

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

01/21/2016 Office supplies 48.23

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

01/21/2016 Office supplies 283.85

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

02/29/2016 Office supplies 73.40

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/08/2016 Office supplies 82.29

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/08/2016 Office supplies 8.12

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/08/2016 Office supplies 105.72

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/31/2016 Office supplies 33.82

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/31/2016 Office supplies 33.82

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/31/2016 Office supplies 33.82

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/31/2016 Office supplies 23.37

Amazon.com 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, Washington 981095210

03/31/2016 Office supplies 31.33

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

01/21/2016 Airfare 11.20

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

01/21/2016 Airfare 75.00

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

02/08/2016 Airfare 551.70

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

02/12/2016 Airfare 288.60

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

02/12/2016 Airfare 343.60

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

02/26/2016 Airfare 681.20

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

03/23/2016 Airfare 547.00

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

03/23/2016 Airfare 492.00

American Airlines 4333 Amon Carter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 761552664

03/30/2016 Airfare 9.99

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

01/15/2016 Ground transportation 161.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

01/15/2016 Ground transportation 249.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

01/15/2016 Ground transportation 88.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/04/2016 Ground transportation 49.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/08/2016 Ground transportation 15.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 189.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 305.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 38.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/18/2016 Ground transportation 77.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

03/23/2016 Ground transportation 20.00

Andrea Butler 5030 Henry Hudson Pkwy E
Bronx, New York 104713216

03/14/2016 Salary 91.22

Andrea Butler 5030 Henry Hudson Pkwy E
Bronx, New York 104713216

03/25/2016 Salary 566.77

Anne Lewis Strategies, LLC 1140 19th St NW Ste 300
Washington, DC 200366601

01/03/2016 Online/email consultant 12500.00

Anne Lewis Strategies, LLC 1140 19th St NW Ste 300
Washington, DC 200366601

02/09/2016 Online/email consultant 5000.00

Anne Lewis Strategies, LLC 1140 19th St NW Ste 300
Washington, DC 200366601

02/29/2016 Online/email consultant 5000.00

AT&T PO Box 536216
Atlanta, Georgia 303536216

01/05/2016 Telephone 270.35

AT&T PO Box 536216
Atlanta, Georgia 303536216

01/06/2016 Telephone 422.99

AT&T PO Box 536216
Atlanta, Georgia 303536216

02/02/2016 Telephone 318.43

AT&T PO Box 536216
Atlanta, Georgia 303536216

03/02/2016 Telephone 275.84

Atlas Star Ltd 1136 Route 9 Ste L2
Wappingers Falls, New York 125904905

03/02/2016 Office supplies 1250.00

Atlas Star Ltd 1136 Route 9 Ste L2
Wappingers Falls, New York 125904905

03/10/2016 Office supplies 197.87

Bistro Bis 15 E St NW
Washington, DC 200011501

03/15/2016 Catering/meals 141.60

Blue State Digital 62187 Collection Center Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606930621

01/26/2016 Online consulting 2326.52

Blue State Digital 62187 Collection Center Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606930621

02/24/2016 Online consulting 581.63

Blue State Digital 62187 Collection Center Dr
Chicago, Illinois 606930621

03/15/2016 Online consulting 581.63

Campaign Compliance, Inc. 3242 Cummins Way
Missoula, Montana 598023222

01/03/2016 Accounting fee 2003.43

Campaign Compliance, Inc. 3242 Cummins Way
Missoula, Montana 598023222

01/06/2016 Accounting fee 2004.90

Campaign Compliance, Inc. 3242 Cummins Way
Missoula, Montana 598023222

02/09/2016 Accounting fee 2006.37

Campaign Compliance, Inc. 3242 Cummins Way
Missoula, Montana 598023222

03/23/2016 Accounting fee 2181.67

Compass Air 7500 Airline Dr # 130
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554501101

01/15/2016 Airfare 397.39

Conrad Consulting Group Ltd. 410 1st St SE Ste 310
Washington, DC 200031819

01/12/2016 Fundraising consultant 9000.00

Conrad Consulting Group Ltd. 410 1st St SE Ste 310
Washington, DC 200031819

02/24/2016 Reimbursement(vendors that aggregate ove 17.53

Conrad Consulting Group Ltd. 410 1st St SE Ste 310
Washington, DC 200031819

02/24/2016 Fundraising consultant 9000.00

Cory Miller 1274 Pacific St Apt 8
Brooklyn, New York 112163131

03/14/2016 Salary 630.48

Cory Miller 1274 Pacific St Apt 8
Brooklyn, New York 112163131

03/25/2016 Salary 1298.01

D Yannitelli Ltd 55 Chestnut St
Cold Spring, New York 105162604

03/08/2016 Catering/meals 268.97

D Yannitelli Ltd 55 Chestnut St
Cold Spring, New York 105162604

03/08/2016 Catering/meals 106.19

Danielle Losi 325 Carter Ave
Newburgh, New York 125508402

03/25/2016 Salary 275.04

Del Frisco's 1201 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 200042401

03/24/2016 Catering/meals 1619.09

Delta Air PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

01/27/2016 Airfare 572.10

Delta Air PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

02/02/2016 Airfare 1199.60

Washington, DC 200034024

03/23/2016 In-kind- Events 6.70

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

01/05/2016 Credit card processing fee 1248.52

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

01/05/2016 Credit card processing fee 1116.49

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

01/05/2016 Credit card processing fee 13.40

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

02/04/2016 Credit card processing fee 1162.52

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

02/04/2016 Credit card processing fee 249.91

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

02/04/2016 Credit card processing fee 5.60

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

03/03/2016 Credit card processing fee 4.70

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

03/03/2016 Credit card processing fee 297.17

Direct Connect 3901 Centerview Dr Ste W
Chantilly, Virginia 201513229

03/03/2016 Credit card processing fee 301.82

Enterprise Rent-A-Car 221 Thompson St
New York, New York 100122694

02/08/2016 Ground transportation 189.08

Foam and Wash 20 Merritt Blvd
Fishkill, New York 125242943

01/21/2016 Ground transportation 5.00

Frame of Mine 522 8th St SE
Washington, DC 200032834

02/18/2016 Gift 128.22

Guardian Self Storage 24 Liner Rd
Newburgh, New York 125505001

01/06/2016 Storage 220.00

Guardian Self Storage 24 Liner Rd
Newburgh, New York 125505001

02/05/2016 Storage 231.00

Guardian Self Storage 24 Liner Rd
Newburgh, New York 125505001

03/03/2016 Storage 36.77

Guardian Self Storage 24 Liner Rd
Newburgh, New York 125505001

03/08/2016 Storage 231.00

Harris Beach PLLC 333 Earle Ovington Blvd Ste 901
Uniondale, New York 115533622

02/18/2016 Legal fees 10000.00

Hertz 20 Morris St
New York, New York 100062901

02/25/2016 Ground transportation 21.49

Hotels.com 10440 N Central Expy Ste 400
Dallas, Texas 752312228

02/08/2016 Lodging 259.42

Hotels.com 10440 N Central Expy Ste 400
Dallas, Texas 752312228

03/10/2016 Lodging 104.83

Hotels.com 10440 N Central Expy Ste 400
Dallas, Texas 752312228

03/10/2016 Lodging 211.68

Hyatt Hotel Baltimore 511 S Central Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212024372

01/21/2016 Lodging 1400.00

Hyatt Hotel Baltimore 511 S Central Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212024372

01/29/2016 Catering/meals 98.96

Intermedia.net, Inc. 156 W 56th St Ste 1601
New York, New York 100193878

01/06/2016 Email 76.93

Intermedia.net, Inc. 156 W 56th St Ste 1601
New York, New York 100193878

02/04/2016 Email 65.94

Intermedia.net, Inc. 156 W 56th St Ste 1601
New York, New York 100193878

03/03/2016 Email 65.94

Jayson Kimbrough 44 Grand St
Newburgh, New York 125504610

03/25/2016 Salary 512.02

John Austin 7 Cora Rose Ln
Huguenot, New York 127465301

03/14/2016 Salary 126.29

John Austin 7 Cora Rose Ln
Huguenot, New York 127465301

03/25/2016 Salary 757.01

Kevin Davis 2410 Bathgate Ave Apt 3
Bronx, New York 104585908

03/14/2016 Salary 183.30

Kevin Davis 2410 Bathgate Ave Apt 3
Bronx, New York 104585908

03/25/2016 Salary 1040.88

Lashicka Hicks 128 Lander St
Newburgh, New York 125504533

03/25/2016 Salary 507.44

Levittown Printing, Inc. 1433 Haines Rd
Levittown, Pennsylvania 190575033

01/03/2016 Printing 9327.78

Maria Martinez 32 Plympton St Apt 2
New Windsor, New York 125536719

03/14/2016 Salary 711.39

Maria Martinez 32 Plympton St Apt 2
New Windsor, New York 125536719

03/25/2016 Salary 952.26

Matthew Martini 141 Roosevelt Rd
Hyde Park, New York 125382327

03/14/2016 Salary 684.55

Matthew Martini 141 Roosevelt Rd
Hyde Park, New York 125382327

03/25/2016 Salary 1298.01

Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

02/09/2016 Petty Cash 100.00

Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

02/10/2016 Reimbursement(vendors that aggregate ove 73.00

Amtrak.com 50 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200024214

02/10/2016 Ground transportation 73.00
Megan Durand 5 Sherwood Frst
Wappingers Falls, New York 125905719

03/14/2016 Salary 68.88

Megan Durand 5 Sherwood Frst
Wappingers Falls, New York 125905719

03/25/2016 Salary 173.07

Mindful Catering 212 7th St SE
Washington, DC 200034311

03/24/2016 Catering/meals 2038.20

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy St SE
Washington, DC 200034071

01/12/2016 Catering/meals 45.00

New York, New York 101700038

02/29/2016 VAN access 6600.00

NGP Van, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

01/06/2016 Computer support 1650.00

NGP Van, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

03/04/2016 Computer software 33.60

NGP Van, Inc. 1101 15th St NW Ste 500
Washington, DC 200055006

03/18/2016 Computer software 70.00

NY Prints, LLC 1105 44th Dr
Long Island City, New York 111015107

03/08/2016 Printing 489.94

NY Prints, LLC 1105 44th Dr
Long Island City, New York 111015107

03/24/2016 Printing 381.06

NY Prints, LLC 1105 44th Dr
Long Island City, New York 111015107

03/24/2016 Printing 555.26

NYC Taxi 24-25 BQE
Woodside, New York 11377

01/22/2016 Ground transportation 19.55

NYC Taxi 24-25 BQE
Woodside, New York 11377

03/03/2016 Ground transportation 12.30

NYSTA 200 Southern Blvd PO Box 189
Albany, New York 122092098

01/07/2016 Ground transportation 165.00

NYSTA 200 Southern Blvd PO Box 189
Albany, New York 122092098

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 165.00

NYSTA 200 Southern Blvd PO Box 189
Albany, New York 122092098

03/17/2016 Ground transportation 165.00

Office of Tax and Revenue PO Box 419
Washington, DC 200440419

03/16/2016 Payroll taxes 1583.02

Oriental Trading Company PO Box 2308
Omaha, Nebraska 681032308

03/02/2016 Catering/meals 193.76

Oriental Trading Company PO Box 2308
Omaha, Nebraska 681032308

03/10/2016 Catering/meals 88.92

Patrick O'Hara 14 Birch St
Fishkill, New York 125242726

03/14/2016 Salary 265.24

Patrick O'Hara 14 Birch St
Fishkill, New York 125242726

03/25/2016 Salary 952.26

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/01/2016 Payroll(vendors that aggregate over $200 4476.44

Harold Leath 1 Douglas Ln
Cold Spring, New York 105163510

01/01/2016 Salary 638.54
Kevin Golden 1517 12th St NW
Washington, DC 200054433

01/01/2016 Salary 1516.01
Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

01/01/2016 Salary 2321.89
Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/01/2016 Payroll taxes 1937.76

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/01/2016 Payroll taxes 731.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/01/2016 Payroll expenses 57.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/15/2016 Payroll(vendors that aggregate over $200 4482.27

Harold Leath 1 Douglas Ln
Cold Spring, New York 105163510

01/15/2016 Salary 638.53
Kevin Golden 1517 12th St NW
Washington, DC 200054433

01/15/2016 Salary 1517.68
Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

01/15/2016 Salary 2326.06
Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/15/2016 Payroll expenses 228.30

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/15/2016 Payroll taxes 1931.93

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/15/2016 Payroll taxes 731.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/29/2016 Payroll(vendors that aggregate over $200 4482.28

Harold Leath 1 Douglas Ln
Cold Spring, New York 105163510

01/29/2016 Salary 638.54
Kevin Golden 1517 12th St NW
Washington, DC 200054433

01/29/2016 Salary 1517.68
Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

01/29/2016 Salary 2326.06
Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/29/2016 Payroll taxes 1931.92

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/29/2016 Payroll taxes 667.30

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

01/29/2016 Payroll expenses 57.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/12/2016 Payroll(vendors that aggregate over $200 4482.27

Harold Leath 1 Douglas Ln
Cold Spring, New York 105163510

02/12/2016 Salary 638.53
Kevin Golden 1517 12th St NW
Washington, DC 200054433

02/12/2016 Salary 1517.68
Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

02/12/2016 Salary 2326.06
Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/12/2016 Payroll taxes 1931.93

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/12/2016 Payroll taxes 603.30

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/12/2016 Payroll expenses 57.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/29/2016 Payroll(vendors that aggregate over $200 4482.27

Harold Leath 1 Douglas Ln
Cold Spring, New York 105163510

02/29/2016 Salary 638.53
Kevin Golden 1517 12th St NW
Washington, DC 200054433

02/29/2016 Salary 1517.68
Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

02/29/2016 Salary 2326.06
Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/29/2016 Payroll expenses 57.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/29/2016 Payroll taxes 1931.93

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

02/29/2016 Payroll taxes 568.30

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/15/2016 Payroll(vendors that aggregate over $200 4482.27

Harold Leath 1 Douglas Ln
Cold Spring, New York 105163510

03/15/2016 Salary 638.53
Kevin Golden 1517 12th St NW
Washington, DC 200054433

03/15/2016 Salary 1517.68
Maura Hagerty 415 L St NW Apt 750
Washington, DC 200012945

03/15/2016 Salary 2326.06
Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/15/2016 Payroll taxes 1931.93

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/15/2016 Payroll taxes 533.81

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/15/2016 Payroll expenses 57.80

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/31/2016 Payroll expenses 107.70

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/31/2016 Payroll taxes 2086.48

Paychex 1551 S Washington Ave
Piscataway, New Jersey 088546700

03/31/2016 Payroll taxes 3616.39

Timothy Persico 450 Cross Creek Rd
Shavertown, Pennsylvania 187089508

01/03/2016 Reimbursement(vendors that aggregate ove 32.00

Priceline.com 800 Connecticut Ave
Norwalk, Connecticut 068541625

02/02/2016 Lodging 538.16

Priceline.com 800 Connecticut Ave
Norwalk, Connecticut 068541625

03/02/2016 Lodging 168.76

Priceline.com 800 Connecticut Ave
Norwalk, Connecticut 068541625

03/03/2016 Lodging 265.82

Renee Richardson, LLC 3023 18th St S
Arlington, Virginia 222045215

01/03/2016 Printing 602.00

Renee Richardson, LLC 3023 18th St S
Arlington, Virginia 222045215

03/11/2016 Printing 265.00

Rite Aid Newburgh 657 Broadway
Newburgh, New York 125505131

01/15/2016 Office supplies 49.00

Rite Aid Newburgh 657 Broadway
Newburgh, New York 125505131

02/26/2016 Office supplies 81.00

Rodgers Theatre 226 W 46th St
New York, New York 100361408

01/29/2016 Events 334.00

Ryan Chase 181 Barrett Hill Rd
Mahopac, New York 105412504

03/25/2016 Salary 885.54

Sea Fire Grill 158 E 48th St
New York, New York 100171224

01/22/2016 Catering/meals 2385.48

Sean Patrick Maloney 383 Lane Gate Rd
Cold Spring, New York 105163524

01/08/2016 Mileage 152.57

Sean Patrick Maloney 383 Lane Gate Rd
Cold Spring, New York 105163524

01/31/2016 Mileage 159.88

Sean Patrick Maloney 383 Lane Gate Rd
Cold Spring, New York 105163524

02/24/2016 Mileage 623.00

Seth Molwitz 69 Maryanne Dr
Monroe, Connecticut 064683209

03/25/2016 Salary 219.11

Shawn Marseille 15 Alexander Dr
Washingtonville, New York 109921203

03/25/2016 Salary 484.52

Shoprite 384 Windsor Hwy
New Windsor, New York 125537988

02/16/2016 Catering/meals 247.86

Siahmed Fhaili 1814 Parsons Blvd Apt 2
Whitestone, New York 113573042

03/14/2016 Salary 91.22

Siahmed Fhaili 1814 Parsons Blvd Apt 2
Whitestone, New York 113573042

03/25/2016 Salary 475.34

Staples 1250 H St NW
Washington, DC 200053952

01/29/2016 Office supplies 205.73

Statistical Analysis, Inc. 302 N Water St
Newburgh, New York 125506849

02/29/2016 Rent 13600.00

Sudz Car 285 Main St
Beacon, New York 125082735

01/15/2016 Ground transportation 20.00

Sudz Car 285 Main St
Beacon, New York 125082735

02/05/2016 Ground transportation 25.00

Sudz Car 285 Main St
Beacon, New York 125082735

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 21.00

Sudz Car 285 Main St
Beacon, New York 125082735

02/26/2016 Ground transportation 21.00

Sunoco New Palz 270 Main St
New Paltz, New York 125611612

03/24/2016 Ground transportation 250.00

Taste 1600 Fitzgerald Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 223022004

03/24/2016 Catering/meals 415.52

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

01/05/2016 Ground transportation 16.36

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

01/08/2016 Ground transportation 15.15

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

01/21/2016 Ground transportation 10.25

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/02/2016 Ground transportation 45.22

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/02/2016 Ground transportation 11.03

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/02/2016 Ground transportation 4.68

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/02/2016 Ground transportation 4.35

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/02/2016 Ground transportation 4.35

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/02/2016 Ground transportation 5.00

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/05/2016 Ground transportation 10.09

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/11/2016 Ground transportation 46.03

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/12/2016 Ground transportation 12.03

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 13.53

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 4.23

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/16/2016 Ground transportation 8.29

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/18/2016 Ground transportation 5.00

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/18/2016 Ground transportation 2.53

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/22/2016 Ground transportation 4.00

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/26/2016 Ground transportation 15.46

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

02/26/2016 Ground transportation 33.61

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/02/2016 Ground transportation 21.40

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/03/2016 Ground transportation 29.69

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/03/2016 Ground transportation 26.38

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/15/2016 Ground transportation 5.00

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/15/2016 Ground transportation 6.21

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/15/2016 Ground transportation 5.00

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/17/2016 Ground transportation 12.68

Uber 82 Howard St Ste 8
San Francisco, California 941051644

03/17/2016 Ground transportation 28.89

US House Gift Shop Longworth Ofc BUILDING
Washington, DC 205150001

01/15/2016 Gift 36.00

US House Gift Shop Longworth Ofc BUILDING
Washington, DC 205150001

02/18/2016 Gift 36.00

US House Gift Shop Longworth Ofc BUILDING
Washington, DC 205150001

02/26/2016 Gift 72.00

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/02/2016 Postage 5.75

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/05/2016 Postage 220.00

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/06/2016 Postage 100.00

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/08/2016 Postage 5.75

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/15/2016 Postage 5.75

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/15/2016 Postage 5.75

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/21/2016 Postage 5.75

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/21/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/22/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

01/29/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

02/11/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

02/18/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

02/26/2016 Postage 6.94

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

02/26/2016 Postage 392.00

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

02/29/2016 Postage 98.00

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

03/03/2016 Postage 12.90

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

03/04/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

03/09/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

03/18/2016 Postage 7.15

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

03/24/2016 Postage 6.45

USPS 217 Liberty St
Newburgh, New York 125504933

03/30/2016 Postage 6.45

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

01/02/2016 Telephone 30.00

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

01/12/2016 Telephone 130.08

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

01/21/2016 Telephone 131.21

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

02/04/2016 Telephone 30.00

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

02/22/2016 Telephone 129.29

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

03/03/2016 Telephone 30.00

Verizon Wireless PO Box 15062
Albany, New York 122125062

03/23/2016 Telephone 130.50

Verizon PO Box 15124
Albany, New York 122125124

01/12/2016 Telephone 36.94

Verizon PO Box 15124
Albany, New York 122125124

02/12/2016 Telephone 35.31

William A. Smith & Son Insurance 380 Broadway
Newburgh, New York 125505304

03/03/2016 Insurance 1591.70

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 198721.68
Total Memo Amount 26960.8
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 255
Number of Transactions (Memo) 19

Generated Wed Jan 22 06:27:52 2025