Line #: 17
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
Doug Gratzer |
1900 W Cessna Way
Tucson, Arizona 857558894 |
06/22/2015 | In-kind:Event Catering | 800.00 |
Mr. Colin P. McCavitt |
4115 N 62nd St
Scottsdale, Arizona 852513001 |
05/22/2015 | In-kind:Event Catering | 200.00 |
Jean Gratzer |
1900 W Cessna Way
Tucson, Arizona 857558894 |
06/22/2015 | In-kind:Event Catering | 700.00 |
Mrs. Deborah G. Carstens |
7101 N Desert Fairways Dr
Paradise Valley, Arizona 852533338 |
05/22/2015 | In-kind:Event Catering | 218.37 |
Mrs. Jeanne C. Rose |
13540 E Camino La Cebadilla
Tucson, Arizona 857498612 |
05/07/2015 | In-kind:Event Catering | 1200.00 |
Robert W Assenmacher |
6851 E Potawatami Dr
Tucson, Arizona 857153243 |
05/11/2015 | In-kind:Event Catering | 2961.25 |
American Express |
PO Box 53852
Phoenix, Arizona 850723852 |
04/01/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 7.95 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/01/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 13.11 |
Wright Vision Events LLC |
7236 W Emile Zola Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 853815507 |
04/01/2015 | Fundraising Consulting | 5174.77 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
04/02/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 39.95 |
Response America LLC |
211 N Union Street
Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 223142643 |
04/02/2015 | Creatives Fees | 17666.13 |
Capitol Hill Lists |
1252 Rambling Rill Circle
Statham, Georgia 306663602 |
04/02/2015 | Credit Card Fees | 600.00 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/02/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.59 |
Visual Impact Design |
211 N Union Street
Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 223142643 |
04/02/2015 | Graphic Design | 500.00 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
04/02/2015 | Campaign Strategy Consulting | 5470.00 |
Win Right Data Company LLC |
1252 Rambling Rill Circle
Statham, Georgia 306663602 |
04/02/2015 | Data Work | 474.00 |
Direct Mail Processors |
1150 Conrad Court
Hagerstown, Maryland 217405905 |
04/02/2015 | Caging and Escrow | 2309.51 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
04/03/2015 | Campaign Strategy Consulting | 13000.00 |
Merchant Bank |
1 Sprague Square
Caledonia, Minnesota 55921 |
04/03/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 136.07 |
American Express |
PO Box 53852
Phoenix, Arizona 850723852 |
04/06/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 39.92 |
MDI Imaging |
21955 Cascades Parkway
Dulles, Virginia 201669211 |
04/06/2015 | Direct Mail Postage | 5122.95 |
Aristotle Inc |
205 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Washington, DC 200031164 |
04/07/2015 | Database Software | 600.00 |
MDI Imaging |
21955 Cascades Parkway
Dulles, Virginia 201669211 |
04/07/2015 | Direct Mail Postage | 4446.76 |
Constant Contact |
Reservoir Place
1601 Trapelo Rd
Waltham, Massachusetts 024517333 |
04/09/2015 | E-Marketing | 210.80 |
Verizon Wireless |
PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108 |
04/10/2015 | Telephone | 131.77 |
4400 Broadway LLC |
4400 E Broadway, Ste 600
Tucson, Arizona 857113554 |
04/11/2015 | Office Rent | 722.63 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/11/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 1.03 |
Verizon Wireless |
PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108 |
04/13/2015 | Telephone | 193.84 |
Sarah Pacheco |
1291 Heather Dr
Sierra Vista, Arizona 856354940 |
04/13/2015 | Void of Previous-Expense Not Owed | -345.88 |
Aztec Flooring |
1215 E Warehouse Ave
Tucson, Arizona 857196755 |
04/13/2015 | Office Repair | 250.00 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
04/13/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 75.63 |
Ace Graphics |
11287 E Placita Molino
Tucson, Arizona 857499215 |
04/13/2015 | Promotional Items - T-shirts | 410.61 |
MDI Imaging |
21955 Cascades Parkway
Dulles, Virginia 201669211 |
04/13/2015 | Direct Mail Postage | 22858.18 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
04/13/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 425.32 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
04/13/2015 | CC Transactions Fees | 1253.43 |
United Bank |
500 Virginia St E
Charleston, West Virginia 253012164 |
04/15/2015 | Bank Fees | 45.68 |
Talay Thai Restaurant |
406 First St
Washington, DC 200031869 |
04/15/2015 | Meeting Expense | 140.25 |
William B Canfield, III |
1900 M St NW
Ste 600
Washington, DC 200363519 |
04/17/2015 | Compliance Consulting | 500.00 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 First Street SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
04/17/2015 | Meeting Expense | 243.11 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 First Street SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
04/17/2015 | Meeting Expense | 246.35 |
Southwest Publishing |
4000 SE Adams Street
Topeka, Kansas 666091481 |
04/21/2015 | Postage | 15170.53 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/21/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 13.92 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/22/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 3.82 |
Arizona Federation of Republican Women |
8275 E Bell Road #1150
Scottsdale, Arizona 852601048 |
04/23/2015 | Event Sponsorship | 1500.00 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/23/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 1.03 |
Professional Data Services, Inc. |
824 S Milledge Ave, Ste 101
Athens, Georgia 306051332 |
04/23/2015 | Compliance Consulting | 2045.45 |
Verizon Wireless |
PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108 |
04/24/2015 | Telephone | 297.63 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/27/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 4.23 |
Ace Graphics |
11287 E Placita Molino
Tucson, Arizona 857499215 |
04/27/2015 | Printed Materials | 323.61 |
Wright Vision Events LLC |
7236 W Emile Zola Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 853815507 |
04/27/2015 | Fundraising Consulting | 5056.19 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/28/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 1.03 |
America Direct Inc |
4601 E 43rd Street
North Little Rock, Arkansas 721172649 |
04/30/2015 | Postage | 8885.46 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
04/30/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 4.70 |
Communications Corporation |
13195 Freedom Way
Boston, Virginia 227134114 |
05/01/2015 | Postage and Delivery | 90977.85 |
American Express |
PO Box 53852
Phoenix, Arizona 850723852 |
05/01/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 7.95 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
05/01/2015 | Campaign Strategy Consulting | 5470.00 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/01/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 6.10 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/02/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.59 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
05/04/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 39.95 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
05/05/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 512.56 |
American Express |
PO Box 53852
Phoenix, Arizona 850723852 |
05/05/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 311.39 |
Mr. Samuel J Douglas |
6440 E Beverly Ln
Scottsdale, Arizona 852541432 |
05/05/2015 | Web Hosting,Printing | 944.10 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
05/06/2015 | Postage | 5.75 |
Aristotle Inc |
205 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Washington, DC 200031164 |
05/08/2015 | Database Software | 1800.00 |
Compass Bank |
5045 E Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, Arizona 857113613 |
05/11/2015 | Bank Fees | 200.00 |
Constant Contact |
Reservoir Place
1601 Trapelo Rd
Waltham, Massachusetts 024517333 |
05/11/2015 | E-Marketing | 210.80 |
Communications Corporation |
13195 Freedom Way
Boston, Virginia 227134114 |
05/11/2015 | Postage and Delivery | 300.54 |
Remington Research Group |
1420 NW Vivion Road, Ste 113
Kansas City, Missouri 641184511 |
05/11/2015 | Research | 2500.00 |
4400 Broadway LLC |
4400 E Broadway, Ste 600
Tucson, Arizona 857113554 |
05/11/2015 | Office Rent | 722.63 |
Verizon Wireless |
PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108 |
05/11/2015 | Telephone | 131.84 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
05/12/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 38.90 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
05/12/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 100.27 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
05/12/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 443.54 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
05/12/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 83.24 |
Professional Data Services, Inc. |
824 S Milledge Ave, Ste 101
Athens, Georgia 306051332 |
05/13/2015 | Compliance Consulting | 2012.96 |
Dodson Photography |
5016 E Baker Street
Tucson, Arizona 857112159 |
05/13/2015 | Photography | 564.36 |
United Bank |
500 Virginia St E
Charleston, West Virginia 253012164 |
05/14/2015 | Bank Fees | 136.42 |
FedEx Office |
3875 Airways
Module H3 Department 4634
Memphis, Tennessee 381165070 |
05/14/2015 | Shipping | 348.07 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 First Street SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
05/18/2015 | Meeting Expense | 309.65 |
APC Direct |
770 Spirit of St Louis Blvd
Chesterfield, Missouri 630051003 |
05/18/2015 | Printing | 848.76 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 First Street SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
05/18/2015 | Meeting Expense | 71.73 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/21/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.45 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/22/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.59 |
i360, LLC |
PO Box 37046
Baltimore, Maryland 212973046 |
05/22/2015 | Database Software | 519.40 |
i360, LLC |
PO Box 37046
Baltimore, Maryland 212973046 |
05/22/2015 | Database Software | 250.00 |
Talay Thai Restaurant |
406 First St
Washington, DC 200031869 |
05/22/2015 | Meeting Expense | 186.48 |
Mr. Samuel J Douglas |
6440 E Beverly Ln
Scottsdale, Arizona 852541432 |
05/26/2015 | Recount Consulting | 2750.00 |
Republic Strategies, LLC |
3502 Halcyon Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 223051330 |
05/26/2015 | Strategy Consulting | 28960.93 |
Verizon Wireless |
PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108 |
05/26/2015 | Telephone | 529.46 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/27/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 3.20 |
University Club of Phoenix |
39 East Monte Vista
Phoenix, Arizona 850041434 |
05/28/2015 | Event Catering | 573.78 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
05/28/2015 | Postage | 3000.00 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/28/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 1.03 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/30/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 2.34 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
05/31/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 2.36 |
MDI Imaging |
21955 Cascades Parkway
Dulles, Virginia 201669211 |
06/01/2015 | Direct Mail Production | 25793.56 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
06/01/2015 | Campaign Strategy Consulting | 5470.00 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/01/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 6.10 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/02/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.59 |
American Express |
PO Box 53852
Phoenix, Arizona 850723852 |
06/02/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 7.95 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
06/02/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 39.95 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
06/03/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 393.84 |
Response America LLC |
211 N Union Street
Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 223142643 |
06/05/2015 | Creative Fees | 2500.00 |
American Express |
PO Box 53852
Phoenix, Arizona 850723852 |
06/05/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 182.65 |
Applied Research Coordinates Ltd. |
10514 Providence Way
Fairfax, Virginia 220303106 |
06/08/2015 | Research | 2000.00 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
06/08/2015 | Mail Box Rental | 80.00 |
Constant Contact |
Reservoir Place
1601 Trapelo Rd
Waltham, Massachusetts 024517333 |
06/09/2015 | E-Marketing | 210.80 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
06/10/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 80.03 |
United Bank |
500 Virginia St E
Charleston, West Virginia 253012164 |
06/10/2015 | Bank Fees | 180.51 |
Caid Industries, Inc. |
2275 E Ganley Rd
Tucson, Arizona 857064550 |
06/10/2015 | Storage | 410.00 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
06/10/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 554.03 |
| |
PO Box 947
American Fork, Utah 840030947 |
06/10/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 200.14 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/11/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 1.03 |
Verizon Wireless |
PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108 |
06/11/2015 | Telephone | 131.84 |
APC Direct |
770 Spirit of St Louis Blvd
Chesterfield, Missouri 630051003 |
06/17/2015 | Printing | 1039.32 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 First Street SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
06/17/2015 | Meeting Expense | 71.34 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/21/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.45 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/22/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 0.59 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
06/22/2015 | Postage | 2000.00 |
Professional Data Services, Inc. |
824 S Milledge Ave, Ste 101
Athens, Georgia 306051332 |
06/23/2015 | Compliance Consulting | 2070.21 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
06/25/2015 | Campaign Strategy Consulting | 5470.00 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/27/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 4.23 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/28/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 1.03 |
Wright Vision Events LLC |
7236 W Emile Zola Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 853815507 |
06/29/2015 | Fundraising Consulting | 5000.00 |
4400 Broadway LLC |
4400 E Broadway, Ste 600
Tucson, Arizona 857113554 |
06/30/2015 | Office Rent | 1472.06 |
Stripe |
3180 18th Street
Suite 100
San Francisco, California 941102043 |
06/30/2015 | CC Transaction Fees | 289.63 |
Wright Vision Events LLC |
7236 W Emile Zola Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 853815507 |
05/26/2015 | See Memo Entries | 5430.73 |
Staples |
500 Staples Drive
Framingham, Massachusetts 017024478 |
05/26/2015 | Printing | 347.87 |
Wright Vision Events LLC |
7236 W Emile Zola Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 853815507 |
05/26/2015 | Fundraising Consulting | 5000.00 |
UPS Store |
7739 E Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, Arizona 857103941 |
05/26/2015 | Shipping | 33.92 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
05/12/2015 | See Memo Entries | 1729.77 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
05/12/2015 | Postage | 58.54 |
American Valet |
880 E 2nd St
Tucson, Arizona 857194838 |
05/12/2015 | Event Parking | 565.00 |
Axiom Strategies LLC |
1251 NW Briarcliff Parkway
Suite 85
Kansas City, Missouri 641161780 |
04/03/2015 | Debt Repayment: Campaign Strategies | 50000.00 |
Craft Media |
706 7th Street St SE
Washington, DC 20003 |
04/03/2015 | Debt Repayment: Media Consulting | 25000.00 |
Laurus LLC |
4400 E Broadway
Tucson, Arizona 857113517 |
06/29/2015 | See Memo Entries | 469.88 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
06/29/2015 | Postage | 17.47 |
Circle K |
97 N Garden Avenue
Sierra Vista, Arizona 856353805 |
06/29/2015 | Fuel | 176.78 |
Mrs. Kristen K. Douglas |
4818 22nd Rd N
Arlington, Virginia 222072515 |
04/23/2015 | See Memo Entries | 889.76 |
1099 S Pantano Road
Tucson, Arizona 857105812 |
04/23/2015 | Postage | 25.00 |
Amtrak |
04/23/2015 | Travel Expense | 357.00 |
Talay Thai Restaurant |
406 First St
Washington, DC 200031869 |
04/23/2015 | Meeting Expense | 44.49 |
Compass Bank |
5045 E Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, Arizona 857113613 |
04/13/2015 | See Memo Entry | 35.44 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 0 |
Total Memo Amount | 0 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 133 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 10 |