FILING FEC-1235239
National Association of REALTORS
430 N Michigan AveChicago, Illinois 606114011
Purpose of Expenditure: Consulting Services
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Daniel Keller Hamilton
Candidate ID: H8SC04276
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is South Carolina in District 04
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/29/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018
Amount Expended = $630.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $393051.00
Strategic Partners & Media, Inc
PO Box 480Arnold, Maryland 210120480
Purpose of Expenditure: Online Ad buy and production costs
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Daniel Keller Hamilton
Candidate ID: H8SC04276
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is South Carolina in District 04
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/29/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018
Amount Expended = $39000.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $393051.00
Strategic Partners & Media, Inc
PO Box 480Arnold, Maryland 210120480
Purpose of Expenditure: TV Ad buy and production costs
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Daniel Keller Hamilton
Candidate ID: H8SC04276
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is South Carolina in District 04
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/29/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018
Amount Expended = $182260.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $393051.00
National Association of REALTORS
430 N Michigan AveChicago, Illinois 606114011
Purpose of Expenditure: Consulting Services
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Hammond
Candidate ID: H8NV03119
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Nevada in District 03
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/30/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018
Amount Expended = $105.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $41622.50
720 Strategies LLC
1111 19th St NWWashington, DC 200363603
Purpose of Expenditure: Facebook Ad Costs
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Scott Hammond
Candidate ID: H8NV03119
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Nevada in District 03
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/30/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018
Amount Expended = $1650.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $41622.50
720 Strategies LLC
1111 19th St NWWashington, DC 200363603
Purpose of Expenditure: Facebook Ad Costs
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Daniel Keller Hamilton
Candidate ID: H8SC04276
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is South Carolina in District 04
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/30/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018
Amount Expended = $1650.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $394806.00
National Association of REALTORS
430 N Michigan AveChicago, Illinois 606114011
Purpose of Expenditure: Consulting Services
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Daniel Keller Hamilton
Candidate ID: H8SC04276
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is South Carolina in District 04
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 05/30/2018
Person Completing Form: Thomas Riley
Date Signed = 05/30/2018