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There are a total of 881 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 1 through 500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
David Abbott 16 Willway Ave
Richmond, Virginia 232261334
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
Kyle Adams 210 Lavaca St Apt 2706
Austin, Texas 787014594
KKA Advisors / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 500.00 500.00
Lee Adrean 744 Conway Glen Dr NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303273601
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 900.00 2900.00
Jamiel Akhtar 2300 N Field St Ste 2200
Dallas, Texas 752012477
HBK Investments / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Lauren Alberti PO Box 830
Bethany Beach, Delaware 199300830
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby's / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/29/2021 500.00 500.00
Kenneth Aldridge 844 E Rockland Rd
Libertyville, Illinois 600483358
Aldridge Electric / Owner
11/24/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Norman Alpert 115 Central Park W Apt 32CD
New York, New York 100234161
Vestar Capital Partners / Private Equity
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Norman Alpert 115 Central Park W Apt 32CD
New York, New York 100234161
Vestar Capital Partners / Private Equity
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Richard Anderson 3700 N Capital Of Texas Hwy Ste 420
Austin, Texas 787463454
163 / Real-Estate Development
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Richard Anderson 3700 N Capital Of Texas Hwy Ste 420
Austin, Texas 787463454
163 / Real-Estate Development
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Matthew Andresen 3311 Westlake Dr
Austin, Texas 787461901
Headlands / Founder * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Jeff Annis 549 Cedar Rock Dr
Augusta, Georgia 309074984
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/01/2021 250.00 250.00
Allan J Arffa 132 Perry St Apt 5
New York, New York 100147812
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Anne R. Arnold 1050 Monocacy Blvd
Frederick, Maryland 217015963
Retired / Retired
12/07/2021 250.00 500.00
Julie K. Arthur 7713 Timber Top Dr
Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas 780154570
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/24/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Julie K. Arthur 7713 Timber Top Dr
Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas 780154570
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/24/2021 2900.00 5800.00
William H. Arthur 7713 Timber Top Dr
Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas 780154570
Retired / Retired
10/24/2021 2900.00 5800.00
William H. Arthur 7713 Timber Top Dr
Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas 780154570
Retired / Retired
10/24/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Sean Aurigemma 345 Bedford Rd
Ridgewood, New Jersey 074501210
Pier 88 / Portfolio Manager * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
Rick Avendano 3264 Hoanoho Pl
Honolulu, Hawaii 968162508
BP Ventures / Clean Energy Incubation * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/11/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Aviles 6604 Canon Wren Dr
Austin, Texas 787463805
Self Employed / Business Consulting
12/26/2021 750.00 916.66
Carlos Ayala 1529 Woodland Rd
Salisbury, Maryland 218016738
Self-Employed / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 202.02 404.04
Mark Baker 3282 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian, Michigan 492211144
Foundation Realty / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/24/2021 1500.00 1500.00
Paul Bankhead 1345 Fairway Dr
Los Altos, California 940245358
Masterclass / CPO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 250.00 250.00
Mike Bannister 2070 W Valley Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483042159
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/04/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Andrew Barbour 108 E Howell Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223011306
The Smith-Free Group / Government Affairs * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/17/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Ric Barklund 19518 Williams Dr
Culpeper, Virginia 227018266
Information Requested / Information Requested
11/09/2021 223.00 223.00
Stanko Barle 2 Old Field Woods Rd
Setauket, New York 117331618
Renaissance Technologies LLC / Finance Researcher * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/04/2021 100.00 800.00
Stanko Barle 2 Old Field Woods Rd
Setauket, New York 117331618
Renaissance Technologies LLC / Finance Researcher * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/13/2021 50.00 800.00
Stanko Barle 2 Old Field Woods Rd
Setauket, New York 117331618
Renaissance Technologies LLC / Finance Researcher * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 50.00 800.00
Stanko Barle 2 Old Field Woods Rd
Setauket, New York 117331618
Renaissance Technologies LLC / Finance Researcher * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/12/2021
12/12/2021 100.00 800.00
Ben Barnes PO Box 81676
Austin, Texas 787081676
Ben Barnes Group / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Hoyt Barnett 5815 Live Oak Rd
Lakeland, Florida 338133082
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Donald Barney 333 Sunset Dr Apt 202
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333012638
CT Co. LLC / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 500.00 500.00
Scott Barshay 10 Carpenter Way
Armonk, New York 105041451
PAUL, WEISS, RIFKIND, WHARTON & GARRIS / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 1000.00 3000.00
Scott Barshay 10 Carpenter Way
Armonk, New York 105041451
12/26/2021 1900.00 3000.00
Scott Barshay 10 Carpenter Way
Armonk, New York 105041451
12/26/2021 100.00 3000.00
John Bartholdson 3198 Hollow Rd
Malvern, Pennsylvania 193558651
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/16/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Curtis Bashaw 29 Perry St
Cape May, New Jersey 082041460
Self-Employed / Hotelier
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Michael Batten 79 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 320821311
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 1000.00 1500.00
Donald R. Beall 161 Shorecliff Rd
Corona Del Mar, California 926252657
Chairman Emeritus, Retired Chairman/CE / Partner, Dartbrook Partners, LLC
12/26/2021 1000.00 2000.00
Laurence Berg 11 Beverly Park
Beverly Hills, California 902101540
Apollo Management / Senior Partner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Laurence Berg 11 Beverly Park
Beverly Hills, California 902101540
Apollo Management / Senior Partner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Steven Berglund 180 Zanzibar Dr
Aptos, California 950035541
Trimble Inc / Chair
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Gene Bernstein 31 S Hill St
Southampton, New York 119684514
Northville Industries / Executive
12/26/2021 1000.00 5125.00
Joseph Bial 4300 Old Dominion Dr Apt 302
Arlington, Virginia 222073224
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garris / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 500.00 500.00
Leonard Bickwit 2821 Dumbarton St NW
Washington, DC 200073336
Miller & Chevalier Chartered / Lawyer
12/17/2021 2000.00 2500.00
Keith Biggs 3445 Stratford Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303261733
Sotheby's International Realty / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
10/01/2021 500.00 500.00
Gregory Bird 640 Taylor St Ste 2400
Fort Worth, Texas 761024846
Jetta Operating Co / Engineer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Eugene Bissell 5 Wicklow Ct
Wayne, Pennsylvania 190873945
KTSF / Board Member
12/26/2021 2000.00 2500.00
Debra Black 445 Park Ave Ste 1401
New York, New York 100228626
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/25/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Debra Black 445 Park Ave Ste 1401
New York, New York 100228626
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/25/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Elizabeth Blake 3406 Old Plantation Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272426
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Peter Blitzer 1248 Shadow Ln
Fort Myers, Florida 339017733
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/17/2021 250.00 250.00
Bill Bloomfield 1776 Park Ave Ste # 4
Park City, Utah 840605149
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 400.00 4400.00
Bill Bloomfield 1776 Park Ave Ste # 4
Park City, Utah 840605149
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 1500.00 4400.00
Susan Bloomfield 1776 Park Ave Ste # 4
Park City, Utah 840605149
Retired / Retired
10/10/2021 1000.00 2900.00
Susan Bloomfield 1776 Park Ave Ste # 4
Park City, Utah 840605149
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 1900.00 2900.00
Paul Bock 4319 Alton Pl NW
Washington, DC 200162019
Capitol Hill Strategies / Government Affairs * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 1000.00 2000.00
Denise Bode 28389 Catalpa Point Rd
Easton, Maryland 216018579
Michael Best / Partner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Lyndon Boozer 5533 Devon Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208141009
Capitol Counsel / Lobbyist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/12/2021 1000.00 2000.00
Gregory Borchardt 210 Wells Rd
Palm Beach, Florida 334803625
CED Marine / President * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 2900.00 2900.00
James Bosshart 5055 W King Crest Ln
Littleton, Colorado 801231579
Calcon Constructors Inc. / General Contractor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 500.00 500.00
Dorothy Botsoe 107 N Broadway Apt 208
White Plains, New York 106034826
Dorothy Jensen Realty Inc. / Real Estate Broker * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/29/2021 500.00 1000.00
Todd Bowland 16029 Glen Miro Dr
Huntersville, North Carolina 280782258
JGR / Engr * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/01/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Scott Bradley 1618 Pine Harrier Cir
Sarasota, Florida 342313353
Barrington Group Inc. / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/04/2021 250.00 250.00
Alexander Brauer 6016 Preston Haven Dr
Dallas, Texas 752302967
Bailey Brauer PLLC / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Steven Breeden 587 Gaither Rd
Sykesville, Maryland 217845824
Security Development / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 250.00 250.00
Clay Brock 2 Kent Rd
Winnetka, Illinois 600931816
Hadley Capital / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Peter Brock 4650 Donald Ross Rd Ste 200
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334185102
Self-Employed / Business Owner
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Michael Brooks 312 Millingstone Way
Altamont, New York 120094003
Austin & Co / Insurance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/27/2021 500.00 500.00
Norman Brown 204 Ferris Hill Rd
New Canaan, Connecticut 068403830
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 1000.00 2250.00
Reginald Brown 317 Mansion Dr
Alexandria, Virginia 223022904
Wilmerhale / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/19/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Martin Bryant 3809 Piaffe Ave
Mint Hill, North Carolina 282270515
Wastequip LLC / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 1250.00
Erin Burgess 10303 Kline Ave
Lubbock, Texas 794247890
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/06/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Nathan Burgess 10303 Kline Ave
Lubbock, Texas 794247890
Texas Tech Univ Health Sciences / Associate Program Director
10/06/2021 2900.00 2900.00
James Burkholder 221 Winston Ave NE
North Canton, Ohio 447202657
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 12/17/2021
12/24/2021 500.00 500.00
Steven Burleson PO Box 2479
Midland, Texas 797022479
Self-Employed / Geologist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Roy Burns 152 W Newton St
Boston, Massachusetts 021181203
TA Associates / Venture Capitalist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/16/2021 2800.00 2800.00
David Butler 501 Hermleigh Rd
Silver Spring, Maryland 209021607
Morgan Lewis & Bockius / Attorney
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Gregory Butler 66 Governors Way
Madison, Connecticut 064432178
Ebersource Energy / Executive VP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/27/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Zachary Calinoff 100 S Prospect Dr
Coral Gables, Florida 331337006
YCH / Fast Food * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Kevin Callwood 1111 11Th St NW
Washington, DC 200014348
Total Spectrum / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/05/2021
11/30/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Daniel G Calugar 1 Hughes Center Dr Unit 1404
Las Vegas, Nevada 891696717
Self-Employed / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 12/21/2021
12/24/2021 500.00 500.00
David Caluori 40 E 94Th St Apt 17C
New York, New York 101280735
WCAS / Partner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2250.00 2250.00
Mac Campbell 3950 E Bridgewater Ln
Fayetteville, Arkansas 727034665
Capitol Counsel / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/22/2021 1000.00 1000.00
William W. Campbell 2720 Hemlock Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223051801
Interstate Natural Gas Assn Of America / President And CEO
11/17/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Steve Candler 281 Noel C Conaway Rd
Guyton, Georgia 313125734
Savannah Area Realtors / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/29/2021 1000.00 2000.00
John Carrig 3305 Amherst St
Houston, Texas 770053333
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
William Casazza 229 Cold Spring Rd
Avon, Connecticut 060014014
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Richard Cascarano 205 Fox Run Rd
Libertyville, Illinois 600482421
Self-Employed / Trader * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 250.00 250.00
Mark Cenit 26 Bodwell Ter
Millburn, New Jersey 070411202
Applied Partners / Business Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/05/2021
12/05/2021 250.00 2000.00
Mark Cenit 26 Bodwell Ter
Millburn, New Jersey 070411202
Applied Partners / Business Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 500.00 2000.00
Trevor B. Chadderton 363 Aragon Ave
Coral Gables, Florida 331345071
TBCCPA / CPA * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 11/04/2021
11/02/2021 500.00 1250.00
Raymond G. Chambers 310 South St Ste 4
Morristown, New Jersey 079607301
Wesray Social Investments LP / Owner
12/28/2021 900.00 4000.00
Raymond G. Chambers 310 South St Ste 4
Morristown, New Jersey 079607301
Wesray Social Investments LP / Owner
12/28/2021 1100.00 4000.00
Alfred Chang 5370 Oak Hill Ter
Cumming, Georgia 300401747
Self-Employed / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/11/2021 250.00 250.00
Samuel P Chapman 1040 Yale St
Santa Monica, California 904034716
Berman Institute / President * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/02/2021 100.00 600.00
Stuart Chapman 3909 Albemarle St NW
Washington, DC 200161839
Thorn Run Partners / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/31/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Charles Chase PO Box 156
Villanova, Pennsylvania 190850156
FirstService Brands / CEO
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
John Cheadle 10024 Kings Hwy
King George, Virginia 224853427
RE Investor / Self Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 500.00 500.00
Muriel Cheng 90 Crooked Stick Rd
Jackson, New Jersey 085274035
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Paul Cheng 6002 Rose Grove Ct
Dallas, Texas 752482182
The Good Fruit Company / Owner * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 12/19/2021
12/24/2021 500.00 500.00
Ken Clark 1043 20Th St
West Des Moines, Iowa 502652206
VIA Group LLC / Realtor
12/26/2021 500.00 1000.00
Martin Clark 407 Fairoaks Cir
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 275161605
Self-Employed / Media Producer-Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/23/2021 500.00 500.00
Stephen Clark 1601 S Mopac Expy Ste 175
Austin, Texas 787467092
Cypress Invest / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/22/2021 500.00 500.00
Thomas Clawson 6205 Gold Dust Trl
Greensboro, North Carolina 274559241
Self-Employed / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 50.00 250.00
Lewis R Clayton 400 W End Ave
New York, New York 100245750
Paul Weiss Rifkind / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 1500.00 1500.00
Chris Clementi 1244 Anastasia Ave
Coral Gables, Florida 331346340
AEG / COO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 500.00 500.00
John Cline 904 Ann Lewis Rd
Charles Town, West Virginia 254144697
Cline Strategic Consulting LLC / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Scott Clungeon 1862 N Rainbow Dr
Memphis, Tennessee 381073111
KTG USA / Electrician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
Robert Coleman 13313 Balmoral Heights Pl
Clifton, Virginia 201241545
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
William Combs 6 High Rd
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania 196102500
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/01/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Gisela Connelly 20435 Starshine Rd
Walnut, California 917893540
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 12/23/2021
12/30/2021 250.00 250.00
Cheryl Cooper 4420 Shull Rd
Columbus, Ohio 432301951
Woda Cooper / Real Estate Development * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 250.00 250.00
George Cooper 139 Grafton St
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208153409
Forbes Tate / Lobbyist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/29/2021 1000.00 1500.00
J Lewis Cooper, III 411 Country Club Ln
Grosse Pointe Farm, Michigan 482362904
Great Lakes Wine & Spirits / Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Thomas Corbett 19 Fox Hole Rd
Ladera Ranch, California 926941503
Alliant Insurance Srvcs / Insurance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 500.00 500.00
Peter Costantino 20 Andrews Farm Rd
Greenwich, Connecticut 068313100
Self / Surgeon * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 100.00 600.00
Cirila Cothran PO Box 1676
Morehead City, North Carolina 285571676
Cirila Cothran Real Estate LLC / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 500.00 500.00
David Crane 2485 Broadway St
San Francisco, California 941151111
Govern For California / President
12/26/2021 1000.00 2000.00
John Crawford 20128 Chateau Dr
Saratoga, California 950704310
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
B Keith Crosthwaite 509 Close Ln
Nashville, Tennessee 372052717
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/04/2021 1000.00 2000.00
G. Steven Cullen 10320 Hawk Ravine St
Las Vegas, Nevada 891783530
Information Requested / Information Requested
12/29/2021 250.00 250.00
William Cunningham PO Box E
Austin, Texas 787138905
UT Austin / Professor
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Bernard Curry 727 Central Ave
Scarsdale, New York 10583
Curry Management Corp. / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
William Curry 502 N Elm St
Elk Point, South Dakota 570252214
Self-Employed / Farmer * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 12/18/2021
12/24/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Larry Curtis 211 Ipswich Rd
Boxford, Massachusetts 019211619
WinnDevelopment / RE Development * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/05/2021
11/29/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Larry Curtis 211 Ipswich Rd
Boxford, Massachusetts 019211619
WinnDevelopment / RE Development * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/28/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Marla Glanzer Curtis 211 Ipswich Rd
Boxford, Massachusetts 019211619
Self-Employed / Architect
12/17/2021 1000.00 1000.00
John Cushman, III 6408 TWIN CREAK Ln
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Cushman & Wakefield Inc. / Commercial Real Estate
12/31/2021 2900.00 5000.00
John Cushman, III 6408 TWIN CREAK Ln
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Cushman & Wakefield Inc. / Commercial Real Estate
12/31/2021 2100.00 5000.00
David N. Cutler 8448 Midland Rd
Medina, Washington 980395336
Information Requested / Information Requested
12/29/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Scott Dabney 8150 N Central Expy Ste 750
Dallas, Texas 752061832
D&D Financial / Real Estate Broker * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/03/2021 750.00 1250.00
Seth Dailey 8015 Corporate Dr
Baltimore, Maryland 212365917
The Dailey Group / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Hans Dau PO Box 1767
Jackson, Wyoming 830011767
MMG Management Consulting / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Jonathan Davis 393 Lumber Ln
Bridgehampton, New York 11932
Kirkland & Ellis LLP / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/14/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Randy Day 755 N Main St
Moab, Utah 845322132
Self-Employed / Broker * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/18/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Dearing PO Box 13529
Jackson, Wyoming 830023529
Harrison Metal / Founder * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Daniel C. Deer, III PO Box N
Saint Michaels, Maryland 216630420
AKJ Industries / CEO
12/17/2021 2000.00 2000.00
John Delatour 3541 Southwestern Blvd
Dallas, Texas 752257455
Self-Employed / Real Estate
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Alex DelPizzo 9703 Layminster Ln
Vienna, Virginia 221824405
Thorn Run Partners / Government Affairs * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 500.00 500.00
George Dempsey 27371 E Lakeview Dr
Aurora, Colorado 800162512
Kcooper Brands / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/25/2021 250.00 250.00
Dinyar S. Devitre 211 Central Park W Apt 10G
New York, New York 100246020
Self-Employed / Business Executive
11/01/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Michael Di Severia 40745 Hannah Dr
Waterford, Virginia 201971221
Potomac Foods Company / Restaurant Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 1000.00 3100.00
Michael Di Severia 40745 Hannah Dr
Waterford, Virginia 201971221
Potomac Foods Company / Restaurant Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/03/2021 100.00 3100.00
Michael Di Severia 40745 Hannah Dr
Waterford, Virginia 201971221
Potomac Foods Company / Restaurant Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/03/2021 1000.00 3100.00
Michael Di Severia 40745 Hannah Dr
Waterford, Virginia 201971221
Potomac Foods Company / Restaurant Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 200.00 3100.00
Michael Di Severia 40745 Hannah Dr
Waterford, Virginia 201971221
Potomac Foods Company / Restaurant Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 800.00 3100.00
Tasar Dienes 578 Washington Blvd # 113
Marina Del Rey, California 902925421
Information Requested / Information Requested * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/28/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Jake Dinkel 8025 Bonhomme Ave Apt 2003
Saint Louis, Missouri 631053531
Total Access Urgent Care / Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1005.00
Jake Dinkel 8025 Bonhomme Ave Apt 2003
Saint Louis, Missouri 631053531
Total Access Urgent Care / Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 5.00 1005.00
Kathleen Dolan 3608 Sandy Ct
Kensington, Maryland 208951421
US Govt / Manager * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/13/2021 5.00 890.00
Kathleen Dolan 3608 Sandy Ct
Kensington, Maryland 208951421
US Govt / Manager * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/13/2021 5.00 890.00
Kathleen Dolan 3608 Sandy Ct
Kensington, Maryland 208951421
US Govt / Manager * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/13/2021 5.00 890.00
Thomas Donohue 4109 N Randolph Ct
Arlington, Virginia 222074863
Retired / Retired
10/18/2021 2900.00 5000.00
Thomas Donohue 4109 N Randolph Ct
Arlington, Virginia 222074863
Retired / Retired
10/18/2021 2100.00 5000.00
Michael Donovan 3 Crown Cir
Bronxville, New York 107084908
Welsh Carson / Private Equity * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Michael Donovan 3 Crown Cir
Bronxville, New York 107084908
Welsh Carson / Private Equity * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Michael Donovan 7718 Walinca Ter
Clayton, Missouri 631052042
Lewis Rice LLC / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 250.00 250.00
Everett Dowling 2005 Main St
Wailuku, Hawaii 967931648
Dowling Company Inc. / Developer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Stephanie Drescher 150 E 72Nd St
New York, New York 100214365
Apollo Mangement / Finance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Stephanie Drescher 150 E 72Nd St
New York, New York 100214365
Apollo Mangement / Finance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Michael Drews 2111 Plum St Ste 288
Aurora, Illinois 605063268
Charles Doss Realtors / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/27/2021 500.00 500.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/03/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/08/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/14/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/17/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/19/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/26/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/29/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/31/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/02/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/04/2021 35.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/08/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/16/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/12/2021
12/08/2021 25.00 420.00
Ross Driver PO Box 126
Southport, Connecticut 068900126
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 25.00 420.00
Jerry Drum 3314 Eagles Trce
Winter Haven, Florida 338842872
Anesthesia Associates / Physician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/06/2021 250.00 250.00
Richard DuBusc 2 Barberry Ln
Short Hills, New Jersey 070783218
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/09/2021 500.00 500.00
Lawrence Duncan, III 8600 York Manor Way
Potomac, Maryland 208545474
Monument Advocacy / Lawyer-Lobbyist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/04/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Dorsey Dunn PO Box 3196
Pinehurst, North Carolina 283743196
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Jackson Dunn 144 F St SE
Washington, DC 200032603
FTI Consulting / Senior Managing Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/21/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Ann Dynes 373 Coast Blvd S Unit 7
La Jolla, California 920374671
Retired / Retired
11/14/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Mary Eleanor Eaddy 35 Dalton St
Daniel Island, South Carolina 294927960
Retired / Retired
11/15/2021 250.00 250.00
Sanford Ehrenkranz 375 Park Ave
New York, New York 101523804
Ehrenkranz Partners LP / Investment Advisor
12/26/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Karen Eisner 2700 Virginia Ave NW
Washington, DC 200371909
Self-Employed / Event Planner
11/07/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Jason Elk 337 Ridge Ave
Clarendon Hills, Illinois 605141312
Karetas Brewing / President * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 100.00 300.00
James Richard Elliott 107 N Court St
Florence, Alabama 356304733
Ricatoni's Italian Grill / Restauranteur
12/29/2021 250.00 500.00
James Richard Elliott 107 N Court St
Florence, Alabama 356304733
Ricatoni's Italian Grill / Restauranteur
12/29/2021 250.00 500.00
Matthew Erickson 10 Butte Ave # 186
Crested Butte, Colorado 81224
Vero Fiber Networks / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
Mary Eriksson 19489 11 Mile Rd
Battle Creek, Michigan 490148469
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 250.00 250.00
James L. Ervin 410 1St St SE Ste 300
Washington, DC 200031866
Ervin Graves Strategy Group / Chairman
10/20/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Phillip Estes 277 Mill Race Loop
Carson City, Nevada 897056943
Horizon Holdings LLC / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/12/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Jeffrey Eves 101 Via Capri
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334186202
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 250.00 250.00
Robert Fariss 13429 Burnt Woods Pl
Germantown, Maryland 208743920
NIH / BioMedical Research * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 300.00 300.00
Jay D. Farner 1931 E Valley Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483042156
Rocket Companies / CEO
12/17/2021 2900.00 2900.00
James Fenton 5371 28Th St NW
Washington, DC 200151329
Exelixis Inc. / Executive Director Government Affairs * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/15/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Paul Ferber 151 Sawgrass Corners Dr
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 320823553
The Ferber Company / Real Estate Development
12/26/2021 2100.00 5800.00
Paul Ferber 151 Sawgrass Corners Dr
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 320823553
The Ferber Company / Real Estate Development
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Craig Fernsler PO Box 121
Dresher, Pennsylvania 190250121
KW Commercial Real Estate / Commercial Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 500.00 500.00
Joe Feshbach 778 Park Ave
New York, New York 100213554
Self-Employed / Stock Market
12/26/2021 1000.00 2000.00
Charles Fichtner 558 Mobley Way Ct
Coppell, Texas 750193984
Large Practice Sales / Sales * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/21/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Catherine Finley 205 Summers Dr
Alexandria, Virginia 223012444
Thorn Run Partnerd / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Shannon Finley 2640 44Th St NW
Washington, DC 200071107
Capitol Council / Partner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/31/2021 2500.00 5300.00
Paul Finnegan 1133 Michigan Ave
Evanston, Illinois 602021437
Madison Dearborn Partners / Private Equity * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/21/2021 5000.00 5000.00
David C. Fischer 11 Upland Dr
Chappaqua, New York 105142803
Loeb & Loeb LLP / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/29/2021 250.00 250.00
David T. Fischer 1795 Maplawn Dr
Troy, Michigan 48084
Suburban Collection Holdings / Chairman
12/20/2021 2900.00 5800.00
David T. Fischer 1795 Maplawn Dr
Troy, Michigan 48084
Suburban Collection Holdings / Chairman
12/20/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Jennifer M. Fischer 1795 Maplelawn Dr
Troy, Michigan 480844609
Retired / Retired
12/20/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Jennifer M. Fischer 1795 Maplelawn Dr
Troy, Michigan 480844609
Retired / Retired
12/20/2021 2900.00 5800.00
John F. Fish 776 Boylston St Ph 2A
Boston, Massachusetts 021997854
Suffolk Construction Company / Chairman And CEO
10/23/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Joel Fogel 9417 Duxbury Rd
Los Angeles, California 900341024
Gabriel J Holdings / Investment Management * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
Norman Fogelsong 48 Patricia Dr
Atherton, California 940273921
IVP / Venture Capitalist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 2800.00 2800.00
John A. Folino 316 Tiffany Ct
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 150446212
Retired / Retired
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Karin Folino 316 Tiffany Ct
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 150446212
Self-Employed / Homemaker
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Karin Folino 316 Tiffany Ct
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 150446212
Self-Employed / Homemaker
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Sean Ford 6716 Nicholson Rd
Falls Church, Virginia 220424139
Ernst & Young / Knowledge Management * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 100.00 250.00
W. H. Fox 7925 Kieldon Ct
Charlotte, North Carolina 282772572
Woodlo Inc / Business Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
James C. France PO Box 2875
Daytona Beach, Florida 321202875
International Speedway Corporation / Chairman
10/29/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Charles Franchino 4023 NW 2Nd Ln
Delray Beach, Florida 334453942
MHM Services / Physician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 500.00 500.00
Scott Frantz 123 Meadow Rd
Riverside, Connecticut 068782521
HCo / Banker * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 2800.00 2800.00
H.E. Ted Frech, III 484 Arango Dr
Santa Barbara, California 931111901
UC Santa Barbara / Prof. Of Economics * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 250.00 250.00
Joyce Freeman 4330 Olea Ct
San Luis Obispo, California 934017674
UMCC / Preschool Teacher * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/21/2021 100.00 300.00
Joyce Freeman 4330 Olea Ct
San Luis Obispo, California 934017674
UMCC / Preschool Teacher * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 100.00 300.00
Brad Freitag 255 Uplands Dr
Hillsborough, California 940106942
Claris, An Apple Company / CEO
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Milton L. Fuller 7682 Maple Rd
Baldwinsville, New York 130278108
Retired / Retired
12/30/2021 500.00 500.00
Daniel Fulton PO Box 1185
Zillah, Washington 989531185
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 1000.00 2000.00
Larry Fuschino 9722 Hillspring Dr
Huntersville, North Carolina 280782620
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/04/2021 250.00 250.00
Wilbur Gantz 72 Indian Hill Rd
Winnetka, Illinois 600933937
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Joseph Garcia 29 Ward Ln
Stamford, Connecticut 069071030
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/29/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Dozier Gardner 220 Allandale Rd Apt A
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 024673240
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Terry Gardner 6629 Wanita Pl
Houston, Texas 770072034
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Jason Garner 2505 Rosewood Ln
Edmond, Oklahoma 730137622
Crawley Petroleum Corporation / Engineer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 250.00 250.00
Sam Geduldig 3303 Water St NW Unit 3A
Washington, DC 200073575
CGNC Group / Co-CEO
10/22/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Roger Gendron 33 Silver St Ste 200
Portland, Maine 041014132
SSDC Inc / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/21/2021 1000.00 1000.00
John Georgius 466 Fenton Pl
Charlotte, North Carolina 282071918
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Malcolm D. Gibson 5120 Woodway Dr Ste 8002
Houston, Texas 770561758
M.D. Gibson & Bolen PC / Attorney
10/29/2021 250.00 250.00
Kenneth Gilman 154 Swamp Rd
East Hampton, New York 119372561
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/01/2021 500.00 500.00
Debra Gisriel 403 Main St
Klamath Falls, Oregon 976016029
EXp Realty LLC / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/27/2021 500.00 500.00
Henry Glover 3755 Village Ln
Mountain Brk, Alabama 352232700
Altasurance Alabama / Insurance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 250.00 250.00
Will Glusac 500 Duke Dr
Franklin, Tennessee 370672948
Turnkey Processing Solutions LLC / President
11/05/2021 500.00 500.00
John M. Goda 239 Dove Trl
Bradenton, Florida 342122963
Self-Employed / Insurance
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
John M. Goda 239 Dove Trl
Bradenton, Florida 342122963
Self-Employed / Insurance
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Paul Goeld 280 Cinnabar Rd
Woodside, California 940622306
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/02/2021 250.00 500.00
Paul Goeld 280 Cinnabar Rd
Woodside, California 940622306
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 500.00
Daniel Goelzer 5941 Searl Ter
Bethesda, Maryland 208162022
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/16/2021 100.00 400.00
Alexander Goering 14310 Metcalf Ave
Overland Park, Kansas 662232987
BHGRE Kansas City Homes / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 500.00 500.00
Steven Goldblatt 215 Little City Rd
Higganum, Connecticut 064414316
Hebrew Health Care / Physician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/03/2021 25.00 925.00
Steven Goldblatt 215 Little City Rd
Higganum, Connecticut 064414316
Hebrew Health Care / Physician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/03/2021 25.00 925.00
Steven Goldblatt 215 Little City Rd
Higganum, Connecticut 064414316
Hebrew Health Care / Physician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/05/2021
12/03/2021 25.00 925.00
H. P. Goldfield 555 13Th St NW Ste 3W
Washington, DC 200041109
Hogan Lovells LLP / Attorney * In-Kind: Catering
10/18/2021 2887.50 2887.50
Edward Goldsmith 9812 Middle Meadow Rd
Ellicott City, Maryland 210426200
State Of Maryland / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/01/2021 100.00 350.00
Edward Goldsmith 9812 Middle Meadow Rd
Ellicott City, Maryland 210426200
State Of Maryland / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/03/2021 50.00 350.00
Keith Goldstein 1420 N Lake Shore Dr Apt 12A
Chicago, Illinois 606106690
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 250.00 350.00
Keith Goldstein 1420 N Lake Shore Dr Apt 12A
Chicago, Illinois 606106690
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 100.00 350.00
Catherine L Goodall 170 W End Ave Apt 3B
New York, New York 100235422
Paul Weiss Rifkind / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 500.00 500.00
Raymond Goodson 5032 Birkdale Dr
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481039743
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Rory Gopaul 4155 Louisiana St
San Diego, California 921041693
Carbon Solutions Group / Electric Vehicle Charging * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/12/2021
12/06/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Steven H. Gordon 122 C St NW Ste 540
Washington, DC 200012102
Total Spectrum / Legislative Affairs
12/30/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Bruce Goren 16854 Mooncrest Dr
Encino, California 914363509
PICOA Inc. / Real Estate Investments
12/26/2021 500.00 1125.00
Thomas Graves 2001 Westmoreland Rd
Red Oak, Texas 751545859
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Ron Gravette PO Box 1289
Salado, Texas 765711289
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 500.00 500.00
John Green PO Box 71474
Los Angeles, California 900710474
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/18/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Jeffrey Greiner 4760 Lodge Ln
Greenwood, Minnesota 553319287
Northern Pacific Group / Private Equity
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
John Grillos 35 Belcaro Cir
Nashville, Tennessee 372156110
Self-Employed / CEO Coach
12/26/2021 500.00 1500.00
Gita Grossman 10 Cedar Row
Lakewood, New Jersey 087011510
Lightstone Group / Controller * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/19/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Randall Guynn 463 N Wilton Rd
New Canaan, Connecticut 068402321
Davis Polk / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/16/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Haddad 1500 Fox River Dr
De Pere, Wisconsin 541152401
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Jon Hagstrom 317 Hudson Ave
Clarendon Hills, Illinois 605141331
Retired / Retired
10/14/2021 200.00 650.00
David Haley 1500 Alta Dr
Fort Worth, Texas 761071526
HBK Capital Management / Investment Management
10/17/2021 2000.00 2000.00
David Haley PO Box 65349
Tacoma, Washington 984641349
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/28/2021
11/22/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Jeffrey Halis 941 Park Ave Apt 3C
New York, New York 100280318
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/19/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Jeffrey Halis 941 Park Ave Apt 3C
New York, New York 100280318
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/19/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Alan Halperin 3 Wayside Ln
Scarsdale, New York 105832907
Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Halpin 1620 Pine Ave Ste APT
Winter Park, Florida 327892016
Historic Holdings Inc / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Michael Hamilton 312 W 23Rd St
Houston, Texas 770082031
King & Spalding LLP / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/02/2021 500.00 500.00
James Hamner PO Box 2335
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 354032335
Hamner Real Estate LLC / Real Estate Broker * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/29/2021 500.00 1000.00
James Hamner PO Box 2335
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 354032335
Hamner Real Estate LLC / Real Estate Broker * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
10/06/2021 500.00 1000.00
Andrew Hananel 2250 N Janssen Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606143018
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
Joe Hanauer 1200 S Coast Hwy Ste 204
Laguna Beach, California 926513184
Combined Investments LLC / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 500.00 500.00
Tonya Harden 3001 28Th Ave NE
Norman, Oklahoma 730717805
FAA / Engineer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
John Harlow 115 Jones Hill Rd
Enfield, New Hampshire 037483307
Self-Employed / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/29/2021
10/21/2021 100.00 350.00
John Harlow 115 Jones Hill Rd
Enfield, New Hampshire 037483307
Self-Employed / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 350.00
Ryan Harper 95 Franklin St Apt 5A
New York, New York 100133471
WCAS / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2250.00 2250.00
Gerald T. Harrington 601 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 200042601
Capitol City Group / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 1500.00 1500.00
David Harris 303 Timberwilde Ln
Houston, Texas 770246925
ManhattanLife / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/09/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Mark Harris 11 Lakeshore Dr
Douglas, Michigan 494065184
Winston & Strawn LLP / Lawyer
12/31/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Mark Harris 11 Lakeshore Dr
Douglas, Michigan 494065184
Winston & Strawn LLP / Lawyer
12/31/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Peter Harvey 1364 Rock Rimmon Rd
Stamford, Connecticut 069031104
Information Requested / Information Requested
10/14/2021 200.00 300.00
Peter Harvey 1364 Rock Rimmon Rd
Stamford, Connecticut 069031104
Information Requested / Information Requested
12/30/2021 100.00 300.00
Robert Hatch 2411 N Wychwood Ct
Tucson, Arizona 857498403
VIP Mortgage / Vice President - Branch Manager * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 500.00 500.00
Jay Hatfield 2373 Broadway Apt 1927
New York, New York 100242841
ICM / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/03/2021 100.00 5600.00
Jay Hatfield 2373 Broadway Apt 1927
New York, New York 100242841
ICM / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/03/2021 2700.00 5600.00
Chris Hawkins 1502 Ridgewood Ave
Omaha, Nebraska 681241317
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
William Hawkins 3800 SW Cottage Ln
Bentonville, Arkansas 727135263
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/24/2021 250.00 250.00
Bert Headden 2200 Victory Ave Apt 1502
Dallas, Texas 752197680
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Nancy Hector 1025 S Alhambra Cir
Coral Gables, Florida 331463701
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 2000.00 2000.00
H D Hemmerdinger 555 5Th Ave
New York, New York 100172416
ATCO / Executive
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
John Hendricks 2430 Del Lago Dr
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333162302
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/08/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Russell Herman 17 Avenue Of Two Rivers S
Rumson, New Jersey 077601812
White Pine Capital Management / Finance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Dealey D. Herndon 2903 Tarry Trl
Austin, Texas 787031106
Retired / Retired
12/07/2021 500.00 500.00
Frances Higgins 599 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100226030
WCAS / IR * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2000.00 2000.00
S Dale High PO Box 11087
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 176051087
High Company LLC / Chair Emeritus
12/26/2021 1400.00 3000.00
S Dale High PO Box 11087
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 176051087
High Company LLC / Chair Emeritus
12/26/2021 100.00 3000.00
John Hill PO Box 646
Spencer, West Virginia 252760646
Star Weld / President * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Ray Hilliard 323 N High St
Denver, Colorado 802184021
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
John Hiraoka 1617 Clark St Apt 701
Honolulu, Hawaii 968224805
Self-Employed / Self-Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/13/2021 10.00 230.00
John Hiraoka 1617 Clark St Apt 701
Honolulu, Hawaii 968224805
Self-Employed / Self-Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/13/2021 10.00 230.00
John Hiraoka 1617 Clark St Apt 701
Honolulu, Hawaii 968224805
Self-Employed / Self-Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/13/2021 10.00 230.00
Jordan Hitch 26 Peirce Rd
Wellesley, Massachusetts 024811357
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Thomas E. Hoaglin 43 Preston Rd
Columbus, Ohio 432091652
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Thomas E. Hoaglin 43 Preston Rd
Columbus, Ohio 432091652
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Mitchell Hochberg 10 Gracie Sq Apt 12GS
New York, New York 100288031
Lightstone Group / Real Estate Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Mitchell Hochberg 10 Gracie Sq Apt 12GS
New York, New York 100288031
Lightstone Group / Real Estate Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Suzan Hochberg 10 Gracie Sq Apt 12GS
New York, New York 100288031
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Suzan Hochberg 10 Gracie Sq Apt 12GS
New York, New York 100288031
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Janet Hodges 306 W 7Th St Ste 701
Fort Worth, Texas 761024906
Self-Employed / Homemaker
11/29/2021 2900.00 4200.00
Janet Hodges 306 W 7Th St Ste 701
Fort Worth, Texas 761024906
Self-Employed / Homemaker
11/29/2021 1300.00 4200.00
L. Allen Hodges, III 306 W 7Th St Ste 701
Fort Worth, Texas 761024906
Self-Employed / Businessman
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
L. Allen Hodges, III 306 W 7Th St Ste 701
Fort Worth, Texas 761024906
Self-Employed / Businessman
11/29/2021 2900.00 5800.00
John Hoel 416 Berry St SE
Vienna, Virginia 221804811
Altria Client Services / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/16/2021 1500.00 1500.00
John Hoffmann 4019 Spring Is
Okatie, South Carolina 299094030
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Hank Holland 200 Dorado Beach Dr
Dorado, Puerto Rico 006462073
Pegasus Growth Capital / Investments * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/16/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Lawis Holland 1156 SE Macarthur Blvd
Stuart, Florida 349964923
AB MTG / Exec * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/17/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Lawis Holland 1156 SE Macarthur Blvd
Stuart, Florida 349964923
AB MTG / Exec * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/17/2021 2100.00 5800.00
Lawis Holland 1156 SE Macarthur Blvd
Stuart, Florida 349964923
AB MTG / Exec * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/28/2021 4200.00 5800.00
Lawis Holland 1156 SE Macarthur Blvd
Stuart, Florida 349964923
AB MTG / Exec * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/28/2021 800.00 5800.00
Fletcher Hollingsworth 1471 Mccarter Hollow Rd
Sevierville, Tennessee 378627248
Hollingsworth Enterprises / Owner * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/22/2021 250.00 750.00
Kay Holmes 601 Vista Valinda
San Clemente, California 926722359
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 500.00 500.00
Steven Holzman 3305 S Moorings Way
Miami, Florida 331336536
Self-Employed / Investment Advisor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/27/2021 2900.00 5000.00
Steven Holzman 3305 S Moorings Way
Miami, Florida 331336536
Self-Employed / Investment Advisor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/27/2021 2100.00 5000.00
Merrill F. Hoopengardner 1881 N Highland St
Arlington, Virginia 222015128
NTCIC / President
12/17/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Christopher Hooper 40 Del Mar Dr
Belvedere Tiburon, California 949201401
WCAS / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2250.00 2250.00
Jennifer Hopkins 3900 S Gilpin St
Cherry Hills Villa, Colorado 801134016
12/26/2021 1000.00 3900.00
Alissa Horn 465 Winthrop Rd
Teaneck, New Jersey 076662969
SH Managment / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 500.00 500.00
Jeffrey Hornberger 430 N Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606114011
Womens Council Of Realtors / Executive Vice President * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/27/2021 1500.00 1500.00
John Horning 17450 W North Ave
Brookfield, Wisconsin 530454337
Hamner Real Estate LLC / Real Estate Broker * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
10/06/2021 500.00 500.00
Richard Horvitz 100 Park Ave Ste 215
Beachwood, Ohio 441228201
Moreland Management Co. / Attorney/Investor
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Thomas Huckle 1844 Williamsport St
Henderson, Nevada 890527009
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 500.00
James Huffines 4012 Gillon Ave
Dallas, Texas 752053119
Self-Employed / Private Investments
10/06/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Patty Huffines 4012 Gillon Ave
Dallas, Texas 752053119
Retired / Retired
10/06/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Pamela P. Humphrey 131 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 021162347
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra / Vice President
11/07/2021 1000.00 2275.00
Pamela P. Humphrey 131 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 021162347
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra / Vice President
12/26/2021 500.00 2275.00
Reed Hundt 6416 Brookside Dr
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156649
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Glenn Hutchins 44 Island Dr
Rye, New York 105804306
North Island / Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Glenn Hutchins 44 Island Dr
Rye, New York 105804306
North Island / Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/22/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/26/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/27/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/28/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/29/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/08/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/10/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/17/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/21/2021
11/19/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/14/2021 50.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/15/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/14/2021 50.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 100.00 3450.00
Daniel Hyslop 1921 Lake Ave
Whiting, Indiana 463941521
Natural Gas Trader / BP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/31/2021
12/31/2021 100.00 3450.00
James Iodice 294 E Brown St
Birmingham, Michigan 480096205
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/08/2021
09/30/2021 500.00 500.00
Matthew Iorio 210 Via Linda
Palm Beach, Florida 334803405
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Janell Israel 500 Lunalilo Home Rd Apt 28H
Honolulu, Hawaii 968251734
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/05/2021 250.00 250.00
Ali Jahangiri 96 Discovery
Irvine, California 926183105
Outclick Media / Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/22/2021 500.00 500.00
Susan Jandernoa 171 Monroe Ave NW Ste 410
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495032634
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/17/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Susan Jandernoa 171 Monroe Ave NW Ste 410
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495032634
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/17/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Jonathan Jencks 17 Hidden Valley Ct
Fishersville, Virginia 229392057
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/13/2021 250.00 250.00
Blakey Jerry 33 El Alamo Ct
Danville, California 945261455
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Kirk Johansen 10446 E Palo Brea Dr
Scottsdale, Arizona 852623332
Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/29/2021 250.00 250.00
Daryl Johnson 16064 Bristol Isle Way
Delray Beach, Florida 334462378
HealthCare Appraisers Inc. / Professional * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/26/2021
12/23/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Ronald Johnson 13 Crossland Rd
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809064301
Central Bancorp / Clerk * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
Paul Jonjak 10437 E Goose Haven Dr
Lafayette, Colorado 800269700
Self-Employed / Businessman
12/30/2021 1000.00 1000.00
John Josephson 211 Central Park W Apt 9K
New York, New York 100246054
SESAC Holdings, Inc. / CEO
12/31/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Robert Judelson 800 N Michigan Ave Apt 4101
Chicago, Illinois 606112157
Retired / Retired
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
David A. Kalunian 908 Wycliffe Ct
Modesto, California 953554734
Kalunian Milliken / CPA
11/15/2021 500.00 500.00
Alexander Kamil 525 Crestlake Dr
San Francisco, California 941321324
Etsy / Software Engineer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/28/2021
11/22/2021 250.00 250.00
Emmanuel A Kampouris 622 Van Beuren Rd
Morristown, New Jersey 079606462
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 500.00 500.00
Stephen Kaplan 434 Marguerita Ave
Santa Monica, California 904021916
Nalpak Capital / Investor
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Stephen Kaplan 434 Marguerita Ave
Santa Monica, California 904021916
Nalpak Capital / Investor
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Stephen Katcher 11309 Dona Lola Dr
Studio City, California 916044320
Declined To Provide / Declined To Provide * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 250.00 250.00
Alex Katz 77 W 55Th St Apt 3D
New York, New York 100194919
Blackstone / Managing Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/14/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Samuel Katz 101 Central Park W # 2B
New York, New York 100234250
TZP Group LLC / Managing Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 2900.00 5000.00
Samuel Katz 101 Central Park W # 2B
New York, New York 100234250
TZP Group LLC / Managing Director * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 2100.00 5000.00
Vicki Katz 101 Central Park W # 2B
New York, New York 100234250
Self-Employed / Social Worker * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 2900.00 5000.00
Vicki Katz 101 Central Park W # 2B
New York, New York 100234250
Self-Employed / Social Worker * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 2100.00 5000.00
Michael Kaufman 6 W 77Th St Apt 14AB
New York, New York 100245125
MAK Capital / CEO * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/02/2021 500.00 500.00
John Keller 7445 SE Golfhouse Dr
Hobe Sound, Florida 334558009
Keller Group, Inc. / Chairman
12/26/2021 500.00 1500.00
Patty Kelley 8430 W Lake Mead Blvd Ste 100
Las Vegas, Nevada 891287674
Signature Real Estate Group / Realtor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/02/2021
09/23/2021 500.00 500.00
Shoshana Kern 4 Grand Park Dr
Monsey, New York 109521034
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Shoshana Kern 4 Grand Park Dr
Monsey, New York 109521034
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Bob Kerrey 33 5Th Ave # 15CD
New York, New York 100034377
Kerrey And Company / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 2500.00 5800.00
Bob Kerrey 33 5Th Ave # 15CD
New York, New York 100034377
Kerrey And Company / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 400.00 5800.00
Brian Kim 178 E 80Th St Apt 3A
New York, New York 100750451
Paul Weiss Rifkind / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/06/2021 1500.00 1500.00
Pat Kimbell 928 El Morro Ave
Los Osos, California 934021632
Self-Employed / Contractor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
James D King 1033 Skokie Blvd Ste 660
Northbrook, Illinois 600624107
Five Crowns Capital LLC / Financial Investor
12/26/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Douglas Kittenbrink 917 Field Club Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152382128
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Scott Kleinman 18 Heathcote Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105834418
Apollo Global Management / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/14/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Scott Kleinman 18 Heathcote Rd
Scarsdale, New York 105834418
Apollo Global Management / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/14/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Frederick Kneip 94 Remsen St
Brooklyn, New York 112013420
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Jack Knox 3878 Oak Lawn Ave
Dallas, Texas 752194460
Self / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 10/29/2021
10/26/2021 1000.00 3000.00
Jack Knox 3878 Oak Lawn Ave
Dallas, Texas 752194460
Self / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/26/2021 900.00 3000.00
Jack Knox 3878 Oak Lawn Ave
Dallas, Texas 752194460
Self / Investor * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/26/2021 100.00 3000.00
Barry Kombol 30411 234Th Ave SE
Black Diamond, Washington 980101241
Self-Employed / Attorney
12/29/2021 500.00 500.00
Harlan Korenvaes 5423 Park Ln
Dallas, Texas 752202149
Korenvaes Management LLC / Investment Manager
12/26/2021 2700.00 5800.00
Harlan Korenvaes 5423 Park Ln
Dallas, Texas 752202149
Korenvaes Management LLC / Investment Manager
12/26/2021 2300.00 5800.00
Jonathan Kott 400 Massachusetts Ave NW Apt 1102
Washington, DC 200016816
Capitol Counsel / Lobbyist * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Randall Krakauer 29 Lorrie Ln
Princeton Junction, New Jersey 085505112
University Medical Center / Physician
12/26/2021 1000.00 2625.00
Barry Kramer 281 Stanford Ave
Palo Alto, California 943061145
Fenwick & West / Lawyer
12/26/2021 400.00 4500.00
Barry Kramer 281 Stanford Ave
Palo Alto, California 943061145
Fenwick & West / Lawyer
12/26/2021 1600.00 4500.00
Barnett (Sandy) Kress 1400 Hardouin Ave
Austin, Texas 787032517
Self-Employed / Consultant
12/26/2021 1000.00 2000.00
Barry T. Kringstein 3315 Collins Ave Apt 10B
Miami Beach, Florida 331404176
Herman Kay Co. / President
10/26/2021 2900.00 5000.00
Barry T. Kringstein 3315 Collins Ave Apt 10B
Miami Beach, Florida 331404176
Herman Kay Co. / President
10/26/2021 2100.00 5000.00
Christina Lee Kringstein 3315 Collins Ave Apt 10B
Miami Beach, Florida 331404176
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/26/2021 2900.00 5000.00
Christina Lee Kringstein 3315 Collins Ave Apt 10B
Miami Beach, Florida 331404176
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/26/2021 2100.00 5000.00
David Brett Krone 71 Laight St Apt 5A
New York, New York 100132094
Self-Employed / Consultant
10/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Jeffrey Kubik 6905 Clover Ct
Darien, Illinois 605613680
EBRM / Executive * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Robert Kunkler 623 Central Ave
Wilmette, Illinois 600911947
Abbott / General Manager
12/26/2021 250.00 250.00
James Lacy 24921 Seagate Dr
Dana Point, California 926291920
Wewer & Lacy LLP / Lawyer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/01/2021 250.00 250.00
Elaine A. Langone 211 Sands Point Rd
Sands Point, New York 110501127
Retired / Retired
12/31/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Elaine A. Langone 211 Sands Point Rd
Sands Point, New York 110501127
Retired / Retired
12/31/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Kenneth G. Langone 375 Park Ave
New York, New York 101523804
Invnemed / Executive
12/31/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Kenneth G. Langone 375 Park Ave
New York, New York 101523804
Invnemed / Executive
12/31/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Greg Lau 145 E 81St St Apt PHA
New York, New York 100281868
WCAS / Finance * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/20/2021 2250.00 2250.00
Janet Lavine 3344 Peachtree Rd NE Unit 4502
Atlanta, Georgia 303264822
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Lawrence Lawson 6 E Scott St
Chicago, Illinois 606102321
Lincoln International / Entrepreneur
12/19/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Eric Lee 245 E 87Th St Apt 15A
New York, New York 101283245
WCAS / INVESTOR * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Eric Lee 245 E 87Th St Apt 15A
New York, New York 101283245
WCAS / INVESTOR * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Tony Lefebvre 1348 Bayview Dr
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333041704
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/28/2021
11/22/2021 250.00 250.00
Harrison Tucker LeFrak 40 W 57Th St Fl 23
New York, New York 100194001
LeFrak Organization / Real Estate Development
12/23/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Harrison Tucker LeFrak 40 W 57Th St Fl 23
New York, New York 100194001
LeFrak Organization / Real Estate Development
12/23/2021 2900.00 5800.00
James LeFrak 40 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100194001
LeFrak Organization / Real Estate Development
12/23/2021 2900.00 5800.00
James LeFrak 40 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100194001
LeFrak Organization / Real Estate Development
12/23/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Richard S. LeFrak 40 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100194001
LeFrak Organization / Real Estate Development
12/23/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Richard S. LeFrak 40 W 57Th St
New York, New York 100194001
LeFrak Organization / Real Estate Development
12/23/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Stephen Lehner PO Box 1479
Lakeville, Connecticut 060398479
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 250.00 250.00
Thomas Leiser 3012 Hanover St
Dallas, Texas 752257822
Bandera Ventures / Commercial RE Development * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/14/2021
11/08/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Mark Levitt 7411 Denton Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208142339
Nellis Corporation / Real Estate Investment
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Tim Leyh 115 Mill St
Amherst, New York 142215550
UB / Sales * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
David Lichtenstein 1985 Cedarbridge Ave
Lakewood, New Jersey 087017031
Lightstone Group / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
David Lichtenstein 1985 Cedarbridge Ave
Lakewood, New Jersey 087017031
Lightstone Group / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Moshe Lichtenstein 4 Grand Park Dr
Monsey, New York 109521034
Lightstone Group / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Moshe Lichtenstein 4 Grand Park Dr
Monsey, New York 109521034
Lightstone Group / Real Estate * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Shifra Lichtenstein 1985 Cedarbridge Ave Ste 1
Lakewood, New Jersey 087017031
Self-Employed / Life Coach * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Shifra Lichtenstein 1985 Cedarbridge Ave Ste 1
Lakewood, New Jersey 087017031
Self-Employed / Life Coach * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Peter Lilly 1535 Marsh Wren Ln
Naples, Florida 341052792
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 500.00 500.00
Mark Ling 393 Mill Creek Bnd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303071176
Epiphany Dermatology / Physician * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/04/2021 250.00 250.00
Arnold Lively 257 Mount Breeze Dr
Cool Ridge, West Virginia 258259474
Lively & Hardesty CPA / CPA
11/09/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Nicholas Long 3618 Tuxedo Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303051047
Bridger Growth Partners / Founding Partner
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/04/2021 100.00 685.00
David Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/28/2021 100.00 685.00
Luann Longtin 7502 Heatherton Ln
Potomac, Maryland 208543231
Valiant Integrated Services / Insurance Risk Manager * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/07/2021 250.00 250.00
Simon Lorne 7301 N FM 620 Rd Ste Pm 155
Austin, Texas 787264537
MPG Operations LLC / Executive
12/26/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Darnell Losak 5704 Twin Brooks Dr
Dallas, Texas 752524931
Retired / Retired
10/06/2021 2900.00 2900.00
Matt Luecke 704 Kittyhawk Way
North Palm Beach, Florida 334084710
Nextera Energy / Analyst * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
Philip Lustbader 111 Via Capri
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 334186202
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1000.00 1000.00
D. Scott Mackesy 599 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100226030
WCAS / MP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
D. Scott Mackesy 599 Lexington Ave
New York, New York 100226030
WCAS / MP * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/17/2021
10/15/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Samuel Todd Maclin 2828 Hood St Apt 1702
Dallas, Texas 752197812
Maclin Management / Private Investor
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Samuel Todd Maclin 2828 Hood St Apt 1702
Dallas, Texas 752197812
Maclin Management / Private Investor
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Esther A. Malamud 10 West St Apt 28E
New York, New York 100043407
Information Requested / Information Requested
10/24/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Esther A. Malamud 10 West St Apt 28E
New York, New York 100043407
Information Requested / Information Requested
10/24/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Joseph Mandato 765 Market St Apt 29D
San Francisco, California 941032039
DeNovo Ventures / Venture Capital
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
William Manias 3923 Marquette St
Houston, Texas 770054311
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through Votesane PAC on 12/18/2021
12/24/2021 250.00 250.00
Kristin A. Mannion 2137 Bancroft Pl NW
Washington, DC 200084019
Aura Leadership And Development / Professional Recruiter * In-Kind: Catering
10/18/2021 2887.50 2887.50
Michael Marconi 1107 Waterford Dr
Dallas, Texas 752182847
Self-Employed / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/10/2021
10/05/2021 25.00 925.00
Michael Marconi 1107 Waterford Dr
Dallas, Texas 752182847
Self-Employed / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/05/2021 25.00 925.00
Michael Marconi 1107 Waterford Dr
Dallas, Texas 752182847
Self-Employed / Attorney * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/05/2021
12/05/2021 25.00 925.00
Cricket Markl 3364 Lakewood Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981447232
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/03/2021
10/01/2021 500.00 500.00
Andrew Marks 7 Hubert St
New York, New York 100132063
Freemark Partners / Investment * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/27/2021 2800.00 2800.00
John Marshall 6800 Paragon Pl Ste 202
Richmond, Virginia 232301656
JM Partners LLC / Consultant * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/27/2021 250.00 250.00
J. Anthony Martin 1000 Potato Roll Ln
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 172028897
Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe / Executive VP
10/14/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Jennifer L Martin 600 S 2Nd St Unit 406
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554012143
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 1500.00 1500.00
Jim A. Martin 7366 Horst Rd
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 172027237
Martin's Famous Pastery Shoppe / Executive
10/14/2021 2500.00 2500.00
Erickson Matthew 950 Gilbert St
Boulder, Colorado 803027142
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/18/2021 250.00 250.00
Bryan Matusic 104 Saddle Ridge Dr
Oakdale, Pennsylvania 150713726
RAE / Doc * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/24/2021
10/19/2021 100.00 350.00
Bryan Matusic 104 Saddle Ridge Dr
Oakdale, Pennsylvania 150713726
RAE / Doc * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/17/2021 250.00 350.00
Robert Maxfield 701 N US Highway 281
Marble Falls, Texas 786545168
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 2800.00 2800.00
Tony Mayer 1074 S Gilpin St
Denver, Colorado 802094523
Captiva Resources / Founder
12/26/2021 200.00 5800.00
Samuel McCachern 116 W Gaston St
Savannah, Georgia 314014903
Thomas & Hutton / Engineer * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/20/2021
12/20/2021 250.00 250.00
Mark McClain 301 West Ave Apt 5603
Austin, Texas 787014758
SailPoint / CEO
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Mark McClain 301 West Ave Apt 5603
Austin, Texas 787014758
SailPoint / CEO
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Steve McClain 6015 E Exeter Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona 852513055
Strategic Solar Energy LLC / CEO
12/26/2021 500.00 500.00
Lesa Phillips McCulley 6621 Wilbanks Rd
Knoxville, Tennessee 379121314
Information Requested / Information Requested
11/01/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Lesa Phillips McCulley 6621 Wilbanks Rd
Knoxville, Tennessee 379121314
Information Requested / Information Requested
11/01/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Sharon L. McCutchin PO Box 802043
Dallas, Texas 753802043
Self-Employed / Homemaker
10/06/2021 2900.00 2900.00
John McDonnell 1 Serendipity Ln
Saint Louis, Missouri 631311307
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 100.00 5800.00
John McDonnell 1 Serendipity Ln
Saint Louis, Missouri 631311307
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 2900.00 5800.00
Bruce McEver PO Box 960
Naples, Florida 341060960
Not Employed / Not Employed
12/26/2021 2000.00 2000.00
Carol Mcfadden 2929 Weslayan St
Houston, Texas 770275433
Self-Employed / Manufacturing * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 11/07/2021
11/02/2021 1000.00 1300.00
Carol Mcfadden 2929 Weslayan St
Houston, Texas 770275433
Self-Employed / Manufacturing * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 300.00 1300.00
David McGrath 78 Porter Rd
Andover, Massachusetts 018104847
Self-Employed / Veterinarian * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/19/2021
12/19/2021 250.00 250.00
Christopher McGratty 5434 Preston Fairways Cir
Dallas, Texas 752524948
Not Employed / Not Employed * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/21/2021
12/21/2021 1000.00 1000.00
Robert McKinney PO Box 770
Pineville, West Virginia 248740770
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 10/31/2021
10/30/2021 10.00 380.00
Robert McKinney PO Box 770
Pineville, West Virginia 248740770
Retired / Retired * Earmarked Contribution through ACTBLUE on 12/05/2021
11/30/2021 10.00 380.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $1190272.02
Total Memo Amount $598139.72
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Wed Feb 12 18:41:14 2025