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Federal Election Commission



FILING FEC-1266982

Committee: WOMEN VOTE

76 Words

1121 5th St NW
Fl 1
Washington, DC 200013605

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: STELLA YVETTE HERRELL
Candidate ID: H8NM02156
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is New Mexico in District 02
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $5622.50
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $265274.84

AL Media

222 W Ontario St
Ste 600
Chicago, Illinois 606543655

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: LINDA COLEMAN
Candidate ID: H8NC02110
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is North Carolina in District 02
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $5775.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $220800.00

AL Media

222 W Ontario St
Ste 600
Chicago, Illinois 606543655

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: GEORGE E MR. HOLDING
Candidate ID: H2NC13110
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is North Carolina in District 02
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $5775.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $220800.00

Deliver Strategies, LLC

4301 Fairfax Dr
Ste 550
Arlington, Virginia 222031627

Purpose of Expenditure: Mailhouse
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: RANDY HULTGREN
Candidate ID: H0IL14080
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Illinois in District 14
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $32194.17
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $292773.55

Dixon / Davis Media Group, LLC

1028 33rd St NW
Ste 300
Washington, DC 200073571

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: THEODORE BUDD
Candidate ID: H6NC13129
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is North Carolina in District 13
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $17330.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $140196.95


2400 S 4th St
Austin, Texas 787045306

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: MARTHA MCSALLY
Candidate ID: S8AZ00221
Office Sought: Senate
State is Arizona in District 00
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $12214.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $419554.00

Putnam Partners, LLC

1100 Vermont Ave NW
Ste 1200
Washington, DC 200056334

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: RODNEY L DAVIS
Candidate ID: H2IL13120
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Illinois in District 13
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $10952.04
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $658341.37

Shorr Johnson Magnus

100 N 20th St
Ste 201
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191031454

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: JOSHUA DAVID HAWLEY
Candidate ID: S8MO00160
Office Sought: Senate
State is Missouri in District 00
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $12394.22
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $4326362.86

The Pivot Group, Inc.

1509 16th St NW
Fl 3
Washington, DC 200361461

Purpose of Expenditure: Mailhouse
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: CARLOS MR. CURBELO
Candidate ID: H4FL26038
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Florida in District 26
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $33012.03
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $219906.06

The Strategy Group Inc

730 N Franklin St
Ste 404
Chicago, Illinois 606547205

Purpose of Expenditure: Mailhouse
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: BRIAN MAST
Candidate ID: H6FL18097
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Florida in District 18
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $16167.98
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $127064.26

The Strategy Group Inc

730 N Franklin St
Ste 404
Chicago, Illinois 606547205

Purpose of Expenditure: Mailhouse
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: LAUREN BAER
Candidate ID: H8FL18028
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Florida in District 18
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $16167.98
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $127064.26

Three Point Media, LLC

290 Broadway
Ste 120
Methuen, Massachusetts 018446827

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: JOHN CULBERSON
Candidate ID: H0TX07055
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Texas in District 07
Date of Disbursement or Obligation =
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $5488.68
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $553370.16

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: MARTHA MCSALLY
Candidate ID: S8AZ00221
Office Sought: Senate
State is Arizona in District 00
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $156068.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $419554.00

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: RODNEY L DAVIS
Candidate ID: H2IL13120
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Illinois in District 13
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $475992.60
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $658341.37

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: JOSHUA DAVID HAWLEY
Candidate ID: S8MO00160
Office Sought: Senate
State is Missouri in District 00
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $2361689.39
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $4326362.86

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: GEORGE E MR. HOLDING
Candidate ID: H2NC13110
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is North Carolina in District 02
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $104625.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $220800.00

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: LINDA COLEMAN
Candidate ID: H8NC02110
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is North Carolina in District 02
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $104625.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $220800.00

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: THEODORE BUDD
Candidate ID: H6NC13129
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is North Carolina in District 13
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $122866.95
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $140196.95

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: JOHN CULBERSON
Candidate ID: H0TX07055
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Texas in District 07
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $405430.03
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $553370.16

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy Digital
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: JOHN CULBERSON
Candidate ID: H0TX07055
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Texas in District 07
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/04/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $33245.17
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $553370.16

Waterfront Strategies

3050 K St NW
Ste 100
Washington, DC 200075161

Purpose of Expenditure: Media Buy TV
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: STELLA YVETTE HERRELL
Candidate ID: H8NM02156
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is New Mexico in District 02
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/05/2018
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/09/2018
Person Completing Form: Caroline Fines
Date Signed = 10/10/2018

Amount Expended = $259652.34
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $265274.84

Subtotal of Itemized Independent Expenditures = $4197288.08
Subtotal of Unitemized Independent Expenditures = $0
Total Expenditures This Period = $4197288.08

Generated Tue Feb 11 15:04:57 2025