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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 154105 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 78501 through 79000

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Denise Lee 1580 Southgate Ave 206
Daly City, California 940152262
Santa Clara County / Attorney
04/11/2008 60.00 585.00
Denise Lee 1580 Southgate Ave 206
Daly City, California 940152262
Santa Clara County / Attorney
04/25/2008 100.00 585.00
Doran Lee PO Box 206
Overgaard, Arizona 859330206
Not Employed / Retired
04/21/2008 25.00 216.60
Edward Lee 8228 Sierra Bonita Ave
Rosemead, California 917704050
Mercer / Health Consultant
04/24/2008 100.00 840.01
Edwin Lee 1617 NW Albany Ave
Bend, Oregon 977013107
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 30.00 350.00
Edwin Lee 1617 NW Albany Ave
Bend, Oregon 977013107
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 100.00 350.00
Eleanore Lee 2560 Hilgard Ave
Berkeley, California 947091105
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 50.00 615.00
Eleanore Lee 2560 Hilgard Ave
Berkeley, California 947091105
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 615.00
Eleanore Lee 2560 Hilgard Ave
Berkeley, California 947091105
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 615.00
Elizabeth Lee 612 South St
Easton, Maryland 216013810
Comptroller of Maryland / IT Manager
04/29/2008 50.00 425.00
Elizabeth Lee 3802 N Hermitage Ave #2
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Jones Apparel Group / Account Executive
04/18/2008 50.00 824.00
Elizabeth Lee 3802 N Hermitage Ave #2
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Jones Apparel Group / Account Executive
04/18/2008 50.00 824.00
Elizabeth Lee 3802 N Hermitage Ave #2
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Jones Apparel Group / Account Executive
04/18/2008 100.00 824.00
Elroyce E Lee 14435 Freemanville Rd
Alpharetta, Georgia 300043176
Not Employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 375.00
Ervin Lee 2417 Waterstone Dr
Cedar Hill, Texas 751042402
Equity Custom Builders,Llc / General Contractor/Owner
04/28/2008 250.00 250.00
Eunice Lee 807 N. Edgemont St
Los Angeles, California 90029
Crossroads Films / Development Executive
04/22/2008 55.37 355.37
Eunice Lee 807 N. Edgemont St
Los Angeles, California 90029
Crossroads Films / Development Executive
04/29/2008 50.00 355.37
Eve Lee 27135 W. Wilmot Road
Antioch, Illinois 60002
Eve B. Lee & Associates / Real Estate Development
04/21/2008 50.00 600.00
Eve Lee 27135 W. Wilmot Road
Antioch, Illinois 60002
Eve B. Lee & Associates / Real Estate Development
04/28/2008 50.00 600.00
Faye Lee 108 El Campo Dr
South San Francisc, California 940804154
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 705.00
Gale Lee 3605 N Baltimore St
Tacoma, Washington 984073510
Not employed / Retired
04/07/2008 82.29 1085.86
Gale Lee 3605 N Baltimore St
Tacoma, Washington 984073510
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 250.00 1085.86
Gary Lee 1203 Mission Rd
Harrisonville, Missouri 647012955
Universal Asset Management / Engineer
04/14/2008 100.00 550.00
George Lee 2468 Lamaku Pl
Honolulu, Hawaii 968163417
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 1450.00
George Lee 2468 Lamaku Pl
Honolulu, Hawaii 968163417
Not employed / Retired
04/17/2008 25.00 1450.00
George Lee 1602 E Garfield St Apt D
Seattle, Washington 981122833
Youthcare / Youth Social Worker
04/30/2008 50.00 346.10
George Lee 1602 E Garfield St Apt D
Seattle, Washington 981122833
Youthcare / Youth Social Worker
04/15/2008 25.00 346.10
Gerald Lee 6556 44th Ave. NE
Seattle, Washington 98115
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 550.00
Glenda Lee 4606 Finley Dr
Austin, Texas 787315921
Self employed / Teacher, Musician
04/29/2008 50.00 295.00
Glenell Lee 484 Idlewild Dr
Greenville, Mississippi 387017724
Mvsu / Assistant Professor
04/23/2008 100.00 550.00
Gloria Lee 9019 Lakeside Forest Dr
Houston, Texas 770881221
Comprehensive Plus Home Health / Registered Nurse
04/24/2008 100.00 250.00
Grady Lee 4365 Alla Rd Apt 7
Marina del Rey, California 902927605
Rockcorps / COO
04/30/2008 100.00 450.00
Hanna Lee 1714 4th St NW Apt A
Washington, DC 200011912
Georgetown University / Program Coordinator
04/22/2008 100.00 496.95
Hanna Lee 1714 4th St NW Apt A
Washington, DC 200011912
Georgetown University / Program Coordinator
04/30/2008 30.00 496.95
Hanna Lee 1714 4th St NW Apt A
Washington, DC 200011912
Georgetown University / Program Coordinator
04/30/2008 12.95 496.95
Headley Lee 9956 Equus Cir
Boynton Beach, Florida 334724320
Ecocomp Enterprizes / Executive Officer
04/30/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Heather Lee 2929 S Smedley St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191454825
Vanguard / Financial Services
04/30/2008 100.00 425.00
Heather Lee 2929 S Smedley St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191454825
Vanguard / Financial Services
04/23/2008 100.00 425.00
Heather Lee 2929 S Smedley St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191454825
Vanguard / Financial Services
04/04/2008 75.00 425.00
Henrietta Lee 10 High St
Budd Lake, New Jersey 078282415
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/15/2008 100.00 300.00
Ick-Whan Lee PO Box 25055
Seattle, Washington 981651955

04/24/2008 100.00 300.00
IN Lee 80 Knolls Cres apt.4k
Bronx, New York 104636303
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 50.00 900.00
IN Lee 80 Knolls Cres apt.4k
Bronx, New York 104636303
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 900.00
Ivy Lee 23 Michaels Woods Dr
Hampton, Virginia 236665612
Hampton City Schools / Social Worker
04/18/2008 100.00 400.00
James E Lee 136 Germonds Rd
West Nyack, New York 109941137
TPG Architecture, LLC / Architect
04/29/2008 100.00 470.00
Mr James E. Lee, Jr. 16500 N Park Dr Apt 1117
Southfield, Michigan 480754751
Not Employed / Retired
04/15/2008 50.00 390.00
Janet Lee 116 Elm Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209124628
Self employed / Psychologist
04/29/2008 50.00 250.00
Janet Lee PO Box 17351
Salt Lake City, Utah 841170351
Wells Fargo Bank / Admin Assistant
04/15/2008 25.00 532.15
Janet Lee PO Box 17351
Salt Lake City, Utah 841170351
Wells Fargo Bank / Admin Assistant
04/29/2008 30.00 532.15
Janet Lee PO Box 17351
Salt Lake City, Utah 841170351
Wells Fargo Bank / Admin Assistant
04/22/2008 25.00 532.15
Jason Lee 680 Mission St Apt 22G
San Francisco, California 941054034
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 50.00 301.27
Jean Lee 13 Yeadon Ave
Charleston, South Carolina 294077327
Evans Carter Kunes & Bennett, P.A. / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 550.00
Jean Lee 13 Yeadon Ave
Charleston, South Carolina 294077327
Evans Carter Kunes & Bennett, P.A. / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 550.00
Jean Lee 13 Yeadon Ave
Charleston, South Carolina 294077327
Evans Carter Kunes & Bennett, P.A. / Attorney
04/17/2008 100.00 550.00
Jean Lee 1610 Beekman Pl NW Apt A
Washington, DC 200094022
Dewey & Leboeuf LLP / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Jean Lee 7126 Farmington Way
Madison, Wisconsin 537171335
University of Wisconsin / Professor
04/30/2008 100.00 250.00
Jeffrey Lee 7 Stubbs Road Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Isl
Turks & Caicos Isl, Florida 33134
Self employed / Architect
04/17/2008 250.00 250.00
Mr. Jerome G Lee 9080 1st St W
Watson, Minnesota 562951129
Self employed / Farmer
04/30/2008 50.00 335.00
Mr. Jerome G Lee 9080 1st St W
Watson, Minnesota 562951129
Self employed / Farmer
04/23/2008 50.00 335.00
Jessica Lee 200 west 18th street apt 4G
new york, New York 10011
Skadden Arps / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 433.80
Jim Lee 34061 B Ruby Lantern
Dana Point, California 92629
Saddleback Valley Unified School Distr / Principal
04/30/2008 100.00 600.00
Jimmy Lee, Jr 4483 Ellendale Rd
Bartlett, Tennessee 381351103
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 200.00 500.00
Jiwon Lee 185 North El Monte Avenue
Los Altos, California 94022
Not employed / Not employed
04/11/2008 1000.00 1100.00
Joann Lee 8710 Cedardale Dr
Houston, Texas 770554809
Exxon Mobil Corporation / Attorney
04/01/2008 250.00 750.00
Joanne Lee 3921 Harrison St NW
Washington, DC 200151937
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 250.00 750.00
Johann Lee 7240 Archlaw Dr
Clifton, Virginia 201242128
Alston & Bird LLP / Attorney
04/17/2008 250.00 250.00
John Lee 5637 12th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981052603
University of Washington / College Professor
04/16/2008 50.00 273.00
John Lee 5637 12th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981052603
University of Washington / College Professor
04/22/2008 50.00 273.00
John Lee 3127 S 3380 E
Salt Lake City, Utah 841094226
Harman Music Group / Engineer Inkind
04/30/2008 20.00 2905.00
John Lee 1814 NW Garryanna St
Corvallis, Oregon 973302060
IGT / Software Developer
04/06/2008 25.00 250.00
John-Michael Lee 16636 Kelsloan St
Van Nuys, California 914062823
County of Los Angeles / Deputy Public Defender
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Jonathan Lee 954 Fontmore Rd Apt D
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809041678
Colorado College / Professor of Philosophy
04/22/2008 100.00 420.00
Jonathan Lee 11465 Cherry Hollow Dr
Chardon, Ohio 440249629
North Coaset Center inc / Healthcare Administrator
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Jonathan Lee 27950 Elena Rd
Los Altos Hills, California 940222453
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 50.00 250.00
Josh Lee 2321 N McKinley St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722073523
Federal Courts / Attorney
04/28/2008 50.00 225.00
Joy L Lee 4326 E Madison Park
Chicago, Illinois 60615
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 1200.00 2300.00
Joyce Lee 2126 Monongahela Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 108.55 222.65
Joyce Lee 2126 Monongahela Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 30.70 222.65
Joyce Lee 2126 Monongahela Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 26.00 222.65
Judith Lee 36 Wellington Rd
Delmar, New York 120543320
State of New York / Attorney
04/16/2008 100.00 225.00
Karen Lee 1725 S 10th St
Mount Vernon, Washington 982745029
Self employed / Nurse Practitioner
04/28/2008 50.00 380.00
Karen Lee 1725 S 10th St
Mount Vernon, Washington 982745029
Self employed / Nurse Practitioner
04/02/2008 25.00 380.00
Katherine Lee 307 Yoakum Pkwy Apt. 1416
Alexandria, Virginia 223044051
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 225.00
Katherine Lee 307 Yoakum Pkwy Apt. 1416
Alexandria, Virginia 223044051
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 225.00
Kelly Lee 8621 Mirada del Sol Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 891288207
Law Offices of James Lee / Las Vegas
04/15/2008 100.00 350.00
Mr Kenneth K Lee 4145 SE Franklin St
Portland, Oregon 972021742
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 60.00 260.00
Kenneth Lee 1725 I St NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 200062403
Self employed / Attorney
04/23/2008 250.00 750.00
Kenneth Lee 5111-C Inker St
Houston, Texas 77007
Exxonmobil / Supervisor
04/29/2008 100.00 725.00
Kenneth Lee 5111-C Inker St
Houston, Texas 77007
Exxonmobil / Supervisor
04/28/2008 100.00 725.00
Kenneth Lee 5111-C Inker St
Houston, Texas 77007
Exxonmobil / Supervisor
04/30/2008 50.00 725.00
Kenneth Lee 5111-C Inker St
Houston, Texas 77007
Exxonmobil / Supervisor
04/30/2008 50.00 725.00
Kenneth Lee 5111-C Inker St
Houston, Texas 77007
Exxonmobil / Supervisor
04/17/2008 50.00 725.00
Maj. Kenneth Lee, III 6000 Sycamore Woods Blvd
Trotwood, Ohio 454265801

04/30/2008 50.00 260.00
Larry Lee 807 Loma Linda Dr
West Lake Hills, Texas 787462831
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 325.00
Larry Lee 807 Loma Linda Dr
West Lake Hills, Texas 787462831
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 325.00
Larry Lee 807 Loma Linda Dr
West Lake Hills, Texas 787462831
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 75.00 325.00
Lily Lee 1849 23rd Ave
San Francisco, California 941224425
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 25.00 300.00
Lily Lee 1849 23rd Ave
San Francisco, California 941224425
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 300.00
Lily Lee 1849 23rd Ave
San Francisco, California 941224425
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 300.00
Linda Lee 2702 Running Springs Loop
Oviedo, Florida 327659633
Orlando VA / Physician
04/13/2008 25.00 235.00
Linda Lee 2702 Running Springs Loop
Oviedo, Florida 327659633
Orlando VA / Physician
04/23/2008 25.00 235.00
Lisa Lee 5651 Olympia Dr
Houston, Texas 770564015
Self employed / Attorney
04/28/2008 25.00 257.95
Lisa Lee 5651 Olympia Dr
Houston, Texas 770564015
Self employed / Attorney
04/14/2008 50.00 257.95
Lisa Lee 5651 Olympia Dr
Houston, Texas 770564015
Self employed / Attorney
04/23/2008 50.00 257.95
MEMPHIS, Tennessee 381172367
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 100.00 600.00
Lynn Lee 369 Montezuma Ave # 113
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875012835
Not employed / Retired
04/02/2008 49.92 449.92
Madeline Lee 1435 Lexington Ave Apt. 4F
New York, New York 101281625
Self employed / Consultant to Non-Profits
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Makau Lee 183 Parke Dr
Ridgeland, Mississippi 391579495
Jackson Med Clinic / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 407.95
Mandy Lee 8634 Fauntleroy Way SW
Seattle, Washington 981362440
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender / Attorney
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Margaret Lee 461 2nd St Unit 461
San Francisco, California 941071498
Sun Microsystems / Manager
04/22/2008 100.00 433.74
Mark Lee 112 N 2nd St Unit 2A
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191061936
Schander Harrison Segal and Lewis / Attorney
04/05/2008 100.00 230.08
Mary Lee 200 Hunters Dr
Litchfield, Connecticut 067592832
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 720.00
Melinda Lee 653 E Pine St
Altadena, California 910011936
Self employed / Broadcaster
04/28/2008 500.00 500.00
Melinda Lee 8095 Orchid Ln N
Maple Grove, Minnesota 553112117
Information Requested / Unemployed
04/29/2008 50.00 225.00
Michael Lee 1004 Golf View Dr
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 716038116
Unemployed / Attorney
04/15/2008 50.00 260.00
Michael Lee 1004 Golf View Dr
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 716038116
Unemployed / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 260.00
Mike Lee 804 Inverness Way
Sunnyvale, California 940874801
Adobe Systems / Marketing
04/24/2008 50.00 350.00
Mike Lee 804 Inverness Way
Sunnyvale, California 940874801
Adobe Systems / Marketing
04/16/2008 25.00 350.00
Mike Lee 804 Inverness Way
Sunnyvale, California 940874801
Adobe Systems / Marketing
04/16/2008 25.00 350.00
Minja Lee 1547 Klamath Dr
Sunnyvale, California 940874145
Not Employed / Not Employed
04/30/2008 150.00 400.00
Nathan Lee 15200 Memorial Dr
Houston, Texas 770792602
Entersys Group / Managing Director
04/28/2008 100.00 2300.00
Nathan Lee 15200 Memorial Dr
Houston, Texas 770792602
Entersys Group / Managing Director
04/23/2008 95.00 2300.00
Nathan Lee 15200 Memorial Dr
Houston, Texas 770792602
Entersys Group / Managing Director
04/19/2008 100.00 2300.00
Mr. Neville V Lee 2032 Rossmoor Rd
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 441182515
City of Cleveland / Firefighter
04/15/2008 75.00 624.89
Nicole Lee 16 Blade Way
Walnut Creek, California 945951205
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 100.00 500.00
Olden C Lee 4720 Royal Ln
Dallas, Texas 752294205
Self-employed / Consultant
04/29/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Otis L Lee, Jr 510 Panorama Rd
Earlysville, Virginia 229369691
Self employed / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 469.50
Pat Lee 321 S Bedford Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902123724
HBO / Producer
04/24/2008 250.00 350.00
Patrick Lee 1310 E Orange Grove Blvd No. 209
Pasadena, California 911043057
NBC Universal / News Editor
04/28/2008 50.00 813.95
Paul Lee 39 1st St
Pelham, New York 108031402
VA Medical Center / Physician
04/25/2008 250.00 500.00
Peter P.Y. Lee PO Box 1763
Morgan Hill, California 950381763
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 200.00 300.00
Phil Lee 3403 Hummingbird Ct
Ijamsville, Maryland 217548935
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 50.00 250.00
Rachel Lee 1415 SE Lexington St
Portland, Oregon 972026043
PPS / 8th Grade Teacher
04/22/2008 25.00 430.00
Raymond Lee 4400 Meanderwood Drive
Burtonsville, Maryland 20866
Self employed / Retired
04/15/2008 250.00 750.00
Richard Lee 1750 Kalakaua Ave Apt 3160
Honolulu, Hawaii 968263750
RL Consulting, Inc. / Business & Life Consultant
04/23/2008 25.00 308.11
Richard Lee 1750 Kalakaua Ave Apt 3160
Honolulu, Hawaii 968263750
RL Consulting, Inc. / Business & Life Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 308.11
Richard Lee 600 N. Dearborn St. #805
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Greer Burns & Crain, Ltd / Attorney
04/28/2008 30.00 234.20
Richard Lee 600 N. Dearborn St. #805
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Greer Burns & Crain, Ltd / Attorney
04/23/2008 25.00 234.20
Robert Lee 2151 Pacific Ave #A204
Costa Mesa, California 926273995
QSC Audio Products, LLC / Applications Engineer
04/23/2008 50.00 300.00
Mr. Robert E Lee 2111 S Clark St Apt 1509
Chicago, Illinois 606161443
Park Tower / Doorman
04/30/2008 100.00 450.00
Robert Lee 5804 Lone Oak Dr
Bethesda, Maryland 208141844
Federal Government / Management Analysis
04/20/2008 100.00 400.00
Robert Lee 6595 S. Vandecar Road
Mount Pleasant, Michigan 488589557
Central Michigan University / University Professor
04/02/2008 40.90 601.98
Robert E Lee, Jr 1535 Rugby Rd
Charlottesville, Virginia 229031242
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Mr Robert W Lee, Sr 3 Mayfaire Cir
Westampton, New Jersey 080604423
Not Employed / Retired
04/07/2008 50.00 250.00
Robert J Lee 11019 Lydia Estates Dr E
Jacksonville, Florida 322186943
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 350.00
Robin Lee 85 Briar Rd
Kentfield, California 949042805
Lucasfilm / Film Editor
04/28/2008 100.00 225.00
Roger Lee 26 Park St
Belfast, Maine 049156217
Fish & Richardson P.C. / Patent Lawyer
04/18/2008 50.00 1575.05
Roger Lee 26 Park St
Belfast, Maine 049156217
Fish & Richardson P.C. / Patent Lawyer
04/18/2008 50.00 1575.05
Roger Lee 26 Park St
Belfast, Maine 049156217
Fish & Richardson P.C. / Patent Lawyer
04/23/2008 100.00 1575.05
Roger Lee 26 Park St
Belfast, Maine 049156217
Fish & Richardson P.C. / Patent Lawyer
04/30/2008 50.00 1575.05
Ronald Lee 2716 Marion St
Denver, Colorado 802054459
Fair Collections and Outsourcing / Debt Collector
04/22/2008 100.00 940.00
Ronald Lee 2716 Marion St
Denver, Colorado 802054459
Fair Collections and Outsourcing / Debt Collector
04/05/2008 25.00 940.00
Mr Ronnie Lee 12 McDonald Cir
Albany, New York 122042324
NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation / Environmental Engineer
04/14/2008 75.00 482.95
Mr Ronnie Lee 12 McDonald Cir
Albany, New York 122042324
NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation / Environmental Engineer
04/28/2008 75.00 482.95
Rozelle Lee 6 Locksley Ave Apt 1C
San Francisco, California 941223837
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1000.00
Rozelle Lee 6 Locksley Ave Apt 1C
San Francisco, California 941223837
Not Employed / Retired
04/24/2008 100.00 1000.00
Sandy Lee 516 East 78th Street Apt. 6i
NEW YORK, New York 10021
D. E. Shaw & Co. / Finance
04/30/2008 100.00 1700.00
Sarah Lee 5125 S Kenwood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606154052
Not employed / Student
04/23/2008 50.00 362.95
Scott Lee 1515 S. Prairie Ave. #1408
Chicago, Illinois 60605
United / Pilot
04/28/2008 25.00 205.90
Shin Lee 5573 Spring Hill Dr
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481059552
General Seal Corporation / Manager
04/18/2008 50.00 250.00
Stacy Lee 1296 Doney Way
Bozeman, Montana 597187326
Self employed / Mother/Cultural Researcher
04/15/2008 5.00 259.00
Stacy Lee 1296 Doney Way
Bozeman, Montana 597187326
Self employed / Mother/Cultural Researcher
04/15/2008 50.00 259.00
Stacy Lee 1296 Doney Way
Bozeman, Montana 597187326
Self employed / Mother/Cultural Researcher
04/15/2008 5.00 259.00
Steven Lee 220 West 104th St. PHR
New York, New York 10025
BBS Academy / Teacher
04/23/2008 50.00 275.00
Steven Lee 220 West 104th St. PHR
New York, New York 10025
BBS Academy / Teacher
04/23/2008 50.00 275.00
Suji Lee 2324 30th Ave S
Seattle, Washington 981445514
Group Health Permanente / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Susan Lee 15550 Cedar Grove Ln
Wellington, Florida 334146306
Not employed / Homemaker
04/29/2008 50.00 300.00
Susan Lee 15550 Cedar Grove Ln
Wellington, Florida 334146306
Not employed / Homemaker
04/18/2008 50.00 300.00
Susan Lee 15550 Cedar Grove Ln
Wellington, Florida 334146306
Not employed / Homemaker
04/06/2008 50.00 300.00
Sylvia Lee 27 Sunset Pl
Emerson, New Jersey 076301725
Ctr. for Asthma + Allergy / Physician
04/06/2008 77.64 303.76
Sylvia Lee 27 Sunset Pl
Emerson, New Jersey 076301725
Ctr. for Asthma + Allergy / Physician
04/30/2008 64.56 303.76
Sylvia Lee 27 Sunset Pl
Emerson, New Jersey 076301725
Ctr. for Asthma + Allergy / Physician
04/16/2008 61.56 303.76
Tamara Lee 1506 Beasley St
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama 360882502
Alabama Small Business Capital / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Terri Lee 1704 Trees of Kennesaw Pkwy NW
Kennesaw, Georgia 30152
Tandem Logistics / Business Development
04/16/2008 25.00 200.21
Terry Lee 237 Franklin St Apt. 17J
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393929
Not employed / Retired
04/05/2008 25.00 240.60
Terry Lee 237 Franklin St Apt. 17J
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393929
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 240.60
Terry Lee 237 Franklin St Apt. 17J
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393929
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 25.00 240.60
Terry Lee 237 Franklin St Apt. 17J
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393929
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 25.00 240.60
Terry Lee 410 11th St NE Apt 5
Washington, DC 200026139
U.S. Department of Commerce / Attorney
04/30/2008 120.00 520.00
Terry Lee 410 11th St NE Apt 5
Washington, DC 200026139
U.S. Department of Commerce / Attorney
04/10/2008 200.00 520.00
Terry Lee 4700 Hilltop Dr
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 395646000
KMI / Illustrator
04/30/2008 25.00 967.86
Terry Lee 4700 Hilltop Dr
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 395646000
KMI / Illustrator
04/29/2008 25.00 967.86
Terry Lee 4700 Hilltop Dr
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 395646000
KMI / Illustrator
04/23/2008 25.00 967.86
Terry Lee 4700 Hilltop Dr
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 395646000
KMI / Illustrator
04/15/2008 25.00 967.86
Thomas Lee 638 BLUE HILL AVE
MILTON, Massachusetts 021861344
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 100.00 600.00
Tina Lee 12231 English Brook Cir
Humble, Texas 773463278
Texas Medical Center / Vice President
04/20/2008 25.00 715.00
Tina Lee 12231 English Brook Cir
Humble, Texas 773463278
Texas Medical Center / Vice President
04/14/2008 25.00 715.00
Tina Lee 12231 English Brook Cir
Humble, Texas 773463278
Texas Medical Center / Vice President
04/23/2008 25.00 715.00
Tina Lee 12231 English Brook Cir
Humble, Texas 773463278
Texas Medical Center / Vice President
04/05/2008 25.00 715.00
Tina Lee 12231 English Brook Cir
Humble, Texas 773463278
Texas Medical Center / Vice President
04/30/2008 25.00 715.00
Tom Lee 2317 Pappas Pl
Hayward, California 945422372
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 500.00
Tsung C Lee 1080 Chestnut St Apt 12B
San Francisco, California 941091207
Not Employed / Retired
04/14/2008 250.00 250.00
Valerie Lee 7510 Arundel Rd
Trotwood, Ohio 454263802
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 30.00 380.00
Victor Lee 5683 Orchard Ave
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 551102347
Thomson Reuters / Programmer
04/30/2008 25.00 397.95
Victor Lee 5683 Orchard Ave
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 551102347
Thomson Reuters / Programmer
04/15/2008 25.00 397.95
Victoria Lee 864 Rawlins St SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303152049
CDC / Visual Information Specialist
04/30/2008 50.00 250.00
Wai Tung Lee 2316 Honey Grove Ln
Knoxville, Tennessee 379231083
Oak Ridge National Laboratory / Scientist
04/10/2008 100.00 300.00
Wai-Nung Lee 410 Highland Dr
Seattle, Washington 981093326
Self employed / Real Estate
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Warren Lee 5365 Spalding Bridge Ct
Norcross, Georgia 300927604
W3 Business and Tax Consultants / Tax Attorney and Financial Planner
04/30/2008 100.00 625.00
Wendy Lee 3686 Woodlawn Terrace Pl
Honolulu, Hawaii 968221475
Punahou School / Program Coordinator
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Wendy Lee 3686 Woodlawn Terrace Pl
Honolulu, Hawaii 968221475
Punahou School / Program Coordinator
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Mr. William S. Lee 68 S La Senda Dr
Laguna Beach, California 926516735
Not Employed / Retired
04/10/2008 150.00 650.00
William Lee 213 north new york av apt. b
atlantic city, New Jersey 08401
Harrah's Casino / Limousine Driver
04/01/2008 120.00 320.00
Woody Lee 2724 Lake Way Dr
Grand Prairie, Texas 750528792
Pfizer / Sales
04/18/2008 50.00 437.39
Woody Lee 2724 Lake Way Dr
Grand Prairie, Texas 750528792
Pfizer / Sales
04/02/2008 47.28 437.39
Woody Lee 2724 Lake Way Dr
Grand Prairie, Texas 750528792
Pfizer / Sales
04/21/2008 37.95 437.39
Wyatt Lee 203 Heady Ave
Louisville, Kentucky 402073917
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 5.00 505.00
Yong Lee 12602 Springbrook Dr Unit D
San Diego, California 921285014
Ucsd (Part Time) / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 500.00
Zack Lee P O Box 281 24945 W Long Lake Rd
Willow, Alaska 966880281
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 250.00
Zack Lee P O Box 281 24945 W Long Lake Rd
Willow, Alaska 966880281
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 250.00
Patti Lee-Crawford 948 Quentin St
Aurora, Colorado 800116310
National Commercial Services / Marketing Director
04/22/2008 37.55 436.92
Patti Lee-Crawford 948 Quentin St
Aurora, Colorado 800116310
National Commercial Services / Marketing Director
04/29/2008 20.00 436.92
Patti Lee-Crawford 948 Quentin St
Aurora, Colorado 800116310
National Commercial Services / Marketing Director
04/28/2008 25.00 436.92
Patti Lee-Crawford 948 Quentin St
Aurora, Colorado 800116310
National Commercial Services / Marketing Director
04/23/2008 25.00 436.92
Patti Lee-Crawford 948 Quentin St
Aurora, Colorado 800116310
National Commercial Services / Marketing Director
04/15/2008 25.00 436.92
Patti Lee-Crawford 948 Quentin St
Aurora, Colorado 800116310
National Commercial Services / Marketing Director
04/08/2008 20.00 436.92
Bonda Lee-Cunningham 283 Marlborough Rd
Brooklyn, New York 112264532
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agenc / Director
04/02/2008 250.00 500.00
Mandy Lee-Fyke 1 Harborside Place, Pier Apartment
Jersey City, New Jersey 07311
Goldman Sachs & Co. / Executive Assistant
04/30/2008 50.00 250.00
Audrey Lee-Gulotty 150-25 Grand Central Parkway #B
Jamaica, New York 11432
Not employed / Not employed
04/22/2008 50.00 310.00
Rhoady Lee 3639 Hunts Point Rd
Hunts Point, Washington 980041115
Not Employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/09/2008 1500.00 3000.00
Rhoady Lee 3639 Hunts Point Rd
Hunts Point, Washington 980041115
Not Employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/09/2008 -700.00 3000.00
Rhoady Lee 3639 Hunts Point Rd
Hunts Point, Washington 980041115
Not Employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/09/2008 700.00 3000.00
John Lee 3127 S 3380 E
Salt Lake City, Utah 841094226
Harman Music Group / Engineer Original Transaction
04/23/2008 250.00 2905.00
John Lee 3127 S 3380 E
Salt Lake City, Utah 841094226
Harman Music Group / Engineer Redesignation From
04/23/2008 -250.00 2905.00
John Lee 3127 S 3380 E
Salt Lake City, Utah 841094226
Harman Music Group / Engineer Redesignation To
04/23/2008 250.00 2905.00
Dana Lee 208 Satin Mist Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891444319
Self employed / Community Activist Original Transaction
04/29/2008 50.00 2350.00
Dana Lee 208 Satin Mist Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891444319
Self employed / Community Activist Redesignation From
04/29/2008 -50.00 2350.00
Dana Lee 208 Satin Mist Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891444319
Self employed / Community Activist Redesignation To
04/29/2008 50.00 2350.00
Andrea Leeb 2041 Louella Ave
Venice, California 902914014
United Health / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 1070.00
Derek Leebaert 4545 Connecticut Ave NW Apt 1002
Washington, DC 200086023
Self-employed / Management Consultant
04/28/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Ms Edith Leech 700 Americana Dr Apt A3
Annapolis, Maryland 214033344
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/09/2008 60.00 290.00
Timothy Leech 310 Great Oak Dr
Athens, Georgia 306054507
Self employed / Stay-At-Home Parent
04/29/2008 100.00 400.00
Charles Leedom 6524 Truman Ln
Falls Church, Virginia 220431821
Mlr, LLC / Patent Attorney
04/15/2008 50.00 550.00
Charles Leedom 6524 Truman Ln
Falls Church, Virginia 220431821
Mlr, LLC / Patent Attorney
04/23/2008 150.00 550.00
Larry Leedom 16274 Avenida Venusto Unit C
San Diego, California 921283276
Unemployed / IT
04/29/2008 15.00 215.00
Larry Leedom 16274 Avenida Venusto Unit C
San Diego, California 921283276
Unemployed / IT
04/23/2008 25.00 215.00
Larry Leedom 16274 Avenida Venusto Unit C
San Diego, California 921283276
Unemployed / IT
04/30/2008 25.00 215.00
Larry Leedom 16274 Avenida Venusto Unit C
San Diego, California 921283276
Unemployed / IT
04/16/2008 25.00 215.00
Larry Leedom 16274 Avenida Venusto Unit C
San Diego, California 921283276
Unemployed / IT
04/28/2008 25.00 215.00
Gary Leeds 865 Kalmia Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80304
Gorman Health Group / Executive
04/07/2008 1000.00 1500.00
Robert Leeds 13651 N. Placita Montanas de Oro
Oro Valley, Arizona 85755
Insider Software / Executive
04/23/2008 50.00 260.00
Steve Leeds 229 Peachtree St NE Ste 2700
Atlanta, Georgia 303031609
Rogers & Hardin LLP / Attorney Original Transaction
04/01/2008 83.44 2450.84
Steve Leeds 229 Peachtree St NE Ste 2700
Atlanta, Georgia 303031609
Rogers & Hardin LLP / Attorney Redesignation From
04/01/2008 -83.44 2450.84
Steve Leeds 229 Peachtree St NE Ste 2700
Atlanta, Georgia 303031609
Rogers & Hardin LLP / Attorney Redesignation To
04/01/2008 83.44 2450.84
Isabel Leek 10904 Rollingwood Dr
Fredericksburg, Virginia 224071672
Mcguirewoods LLP / Senior Paralegal
04/15/2008 25.00 350.00
Isabel Leek 10904 Rollingwood Dr
Fredericksburg, Virginia 224071672
Mcguirewoods LLP / Senior Paralegal
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Mavourneen Leek PO Box 714
Hingham, Massachusetts 020430714
Hcsm.Org / Social Worker/Program Director
04/23/2008 50.00 305.00
Mavourneen Leek PO Box 714
Hingham, Massachusetts 020430714
Hcsm.Org / Social Worker/Program Director
04/30/2008 25.00 305.00
Susan D Leeman 715 Albany St Department of Pharmacology
Boston, Massachusetts 021182526
Boston University Med School / Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 835.00
Nancy Leeming 3 Pinewood Cir
White Plains, New York 106032512
Self employed / Psychotherapist
04/28/2008 50.00 450.00
Michael Leemputte 167 Old Woking Road
Woking, Surrey, NA 00000
Societe Generale / Banker
04/24/2008 250.00 250.00
Peter Leemputte 1565 Kathryn Lane
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045
Brunswick Corporation / CFO
04/22/2008 650.00 1900.00
Mike Leenhouts 5901 Montford Dr
Colleyville, Texas 760345208
ICS / Consultant
04/29/2008 100.00 225.00
Arthur Leeper 24 Beach Rd
Belvedere, California 949202300
Self employed / Sales
04/22/2008 250.00 1300.00
Arthur Leeper 24 Beach Rd
Belvedere, California 949202300
Self employed / Sales
04/21/2008 100.00 1300.00
Arthur Leeper 24 Beach Rd
Belvedere, California 949202300
Self employed / Sales
04/01/2008 100.00 1300.00
Eric Leeper 2376 Linden Hill Dr
Bloomington, Indiana 474018179
Indiana University / Economist
04/30/2008 200.00 300.00
Henry Leeper 1338 Saint Charles St
Alameda, California 945013926
Lockheed Martin Corp / Field Engineer
04/01/2008 1000.00 2000.00
Patty Leeper 152 Belvedere Ave
San Carlos, California 940704819
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Andrea Leerman 713 Kenmare Rd
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 190042109
Self employed / Education Consultant
04/30/2008 50.00 260.00
Andy Lees 616 East 84th Street
Bloomington, Minnesota 55420
Gray Plant Mooty / Document Specialist
04/21/2008 25.00 250.00
Andy Lees 616 East 84th Street
Bloomington, Minnesota 55420
Gray Plant Mooty / Document Specialist
04/11/2008 75.00 250.00
David Lees 5864 Marbury Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208176076
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
David Lees 5864 Marbury Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208176076
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 50.00 300.00
David Lees 5864 Marbury Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208176076
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Jason Lees 385 grand street
New York, New York 10002
Morgan Stanley / Attorney
04/17/2008 15.00 345.00
Jason Lees 385 grand street
New York, New York 10002
Morgan Stanley / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 345.00
Joanna Lees 7301 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191191726
Jack Russell's Pub / Waitress
04/21/2008 25.00 228.75
Joanna Lees 7301 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191191726
Jack Russell's Pub / Waitress
04/21/2008 25.00 228.75
Linda Lees 49 Saint Nicholas Ave
New York, New York 100263419
Sotheby's Institute of art / Academic Director
04/23/2008 25.00 300.00
Linda Lees 49 Saint Nicholas Ave
New York, New York 100263419
Sotheby's Institute of art / Academic Director
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Linda Lees 49 Saint Nicholas Ave
New York, New York 100263419
Sotheby's Institute of art / Academic Director
04/17/2008 50.00 300.00
Celia Lees-Low P.O.Box 67
Yarmouthport, Massachusetts 02675
Elizabeth Stone House / Child Care Facilitator
04/28/2008 25.00 215.00
Celia Lees-Low P.O.Box 67
Yarmouthport, Massachusetts 02675
Elizabeth Stone House / Child Care Facilitator
04/17/2008 25.00 215.00
Philip Leese 24659 Gunderson Rd
Mount Vernon, Washington 982738090
Boeing / Management
04/22/2008 100.00 325.01
Ms. Emily Leeser 340 E 57th St
New York, New York 100222951

04/25/2008 50.00 225.00
Bruce Leet 14500 Cartwright Way
North Potomac, Maryland 20878
Not employed / Retired
04/03/2008 250.00 250.00
Ms Jane Ann Leeves 1860 White Oak Dr Apt 383 Apt 383
Houston, Texas 770097554
Self employed / Psychiatrist
04/26/2008 100.00 1772.05
Laurie Leevy 507 N. Latches Lane
Merion, Pennsylvania 19066
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 333.40
George Lefave 1411 Edgehill Pl
Pasadena, California 911031130
mg Entertainment / DVD Distributor
04/14/2008 25.00 335.00
Bruce Lefavour PO Box 209
Saint Helena, California 945740209
Self employed / Retired
04/24/2008 100.00 803.00
Nicole Lefavour 1210 N 11th St
Boise, Idaho 837024101
State of Idaho / Legislator, Teacher
04/29/2008 100.00 708.00
Karolyn Lefchik 1008 Olympia St
Lititz, Pennsylvania 175438399
Curves-Temp / Fitness
04/30/2008 25.00 525.00
Karolyn Lefchik 1008 Olympia St
Lititz, Pennsylvania 175438399
Curves-Temp / Fitness
04/17/2008 10.00 525.00
Lucien Lefcourt Gracie Station Gracie Station
New York, New York 100280010
Acted / Non-Profit Administrator
04/24/2008 25.00 205.00
Lucien Lefcourt Gracie Station Gracie Station
New York, New York 100280010
Acted / Non-Profit Administrator
04/30/2008 25.00 205.00
Peter Lefcourt 999 N Doheny Dr Apt 906
West Hollywood, California 900693151
Self employed / Writer
04/14/2008 250.00 750.00
Carole Lefcourte 618 13th St
Bellingham, Washington 982256125
Bellingham Anesthesia Associates / Chief Executive Officer
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
David Lefebvre 571 Pinewoods Ave
Troy, New York 121807139
NY State Dept. of Health / Systems Administrator
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Karen Lefever 3963 Coolidge Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90066
Ucla / Administrator
04/22/2008 100.00 413.10
Frank Lefevre 3301 N Seeley Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606186221
Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundatio / Physician
04/27/2008 100.00 550.00
Gordon Lefevre 618 Sanchez St
San Francisco, California 941142611
Method Home / Sr. Director of Finance
04/21/2008 250.00 250.00
Andy Leff 2300 Walnut Street Suite 423
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
7Mainstreet.Com / CEO
04/14/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Arnold Leff 534 Ralston Rdg
Boulder Creek, California 950068686
Self employed / Physician
04/14/2008 100.00 450.00
Jonah Leff 323 4th St
Brooklyn, New York 112152804
Small Arms Survey / Researcher
04/29/2008 100.00 450.00
Jonathan Leff 102 Cliff Ave
Pelham, New York 108032007
Warburg Pincus LLC / Private Equity Investing
04/28/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Laurel Leff 141 Steele Rd
West Hartford, Connecticut 061191047
Northeastern University / Professor
04/24/2008 100.00 831.50
Robert Leffers 200 West Washington Square #1506
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
The University of the Arts / Vice President & Dean
04/13/2008 100.00 1117.40
Robert Leffers 200 West Washington Square #1506
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
The University of the Arts / Vice President & Dean
04/17/2008 100.00 1117.40
Robert Leffers 200 West Washington Square #1506
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
The University of the Arts / Vice President & Dean
04/30/2008 60.00 1117.40
Robert Leffers 200 West Washington Square #1506
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
The University of the Arts / Vice President & Dean
04/21/2008 25.00 1117.40
Nicholas Lefferts 1150 S. Milwaukee Street
Denver, Colorado 80210
Kent Denver School / Teacher
04/29/2008 100.00 400.00
Kathryn Leffler 6 Proctor Ave
Kennebunkport, Maine 040467243
Coldwell Banker Residential Brkg / Realtor
04/30/2008 50.00 220.00
Melvyn Leffler 1612 Concord Dr
Charlottesville, Virginia 229013135
University of Virginia / Professor
04/30/2008 200.00 700.00
Thomas Leffler 5985 NW 61st Ave
Johnston, Iowa 501311522
Pioneer Hi-Bred International / Information Manager
04/24/2008 50.00 350.00
William Leffler 1841 Columbia Rd NW #501
Washington, DC 200092005
Sotheby's Realty / Realtor
04/22/2008 25.00 300.00
William Leffler 1841 Columbia Rd NW #501
Washington, DC 200092005
Sotheby's Realty / Realtor
04/17/2008 25.00 300.00
William Leffler 1841 Columbia Rd NW #501
Washington, DC 200092005
Sotheby's Realty / Realtor
04/15/2008 25.00 300.00
Robert A Lefko 851 W Webster Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606143615
Priority Sports / Sports Marketing
04/30/2008 250.00 750.00
Robert Lefkowits 28515 Matadero Creek Ln
Los Altos Hills, California 940222457
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 1100.00
Robert Lefkowitz 5203 Piney Hollow Ct
Durham, North Carolina 277058541
Howard Hughes Medical Institute / Professor of Medicine
04/21/2008 100.00 700.00
Barry Leflore 2143 310th St
Rockwell City, Iowa 505797654
Not employed / Not employed
04/13/2008 30.00 260.00
Marcus Leflore 7439 Hollister Spg
Houston, Texas 770406838
Aldine Independent School District / Teacher
04/30/2008 50.00 261.89
Frederique Leforestier 375 Harbor Ct
Key Biscayne, Florida 331491231
no / no
04/25/2008 30.00 220.00
Karen Leftridge 908 Jamesview Ln
Bowie, Maryland 207216206
Dhs-Tsa / Federal Employee
04/30/2008 50.00 267.95
Dan Leftwich 1295 Wildwood Rd
Boulder, Colorado 803055641
Berry & Leftwich / Attorney
04/29/2008 554.00 2300.00
June Leftwich 6208 La Vista Dr
Dallas, Texas 752144311
Not Employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 500.00
Norma B Leftwich 1732 Shepherd St NW
Washington, DC 200115355
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 500.00 500.00
Michel Legagneur 254 New Hyde Park Rd garden city
Garden City, New York 115302326
Memorial Hospital / Engineer
04/09/2008 35.00 245.00
Michel Legagneur 254 New Hyde Park Rd garden city
Garden City, New York 115302326
Memorial Hospital / Engineer
04/29/2008 25.00 245.00
Mary Legallet 2018 6th St
Santa Monica, California 904051258
Toyota Motor Sales / Marketing
04/22/2008 250.00 775.00
Kenneth Legan, Sr 8930 Arrowhead Trl
Shabbona, Illinois 605504094
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 200.00 880.90
Mr. James Legas 2657 S Johnson Cir
Lakewood, Colorado 802272878
Not Employed / Retired
04/25/2008 50.00 385.00
Jamelle Legaspi 4709 Snowden Ave
Lakewood, California 907132405
Brown and Streza, LLP / Network Administrator
04/17/2008 100.00 255.05
Steve Legato 1205 Manor Rd
Havertown, Pennsylvania 190833618
Self employed / Photographer
04/30/2008 250.00 400.00
Adrien L Leger 7607 13th St NW
Washington, DC 200121429
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Adrien L Leger 7607 13th St NW
Washington, DC 200121429
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 100.00 300.00
Christopher Leger 1101 S Joyce St Apt 2210
Arlington, Virginia 222022070
Covington & Burling LLP / Litigation Project Analyst
04/30/2008 50.00 250.00
Yeshewaget Legesse 4224 Clearview Ct
Sachse, Texas 750486630
thr / RN
04/16/2008 50.00 250.00
Mr Edward P Legg PO Box 519
Kennebunk, Maine 040430519
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 800.00
NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas 78132
Not employed / Retired
04/03/2008 500.00 500.00
Ken Legg PO Box 302
Monument Beach, Massachusetts 025530302
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 200.00 602.80
Thomas Legg 9704 S.E. Henry Street
portland, Oregon 97266
Self employed / art Imports
04/25/2008 25.00 225.00
Jeanne Legge 150 Sunken Forest Dr # 1-108
Forsyth, Missouri 656538121
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 212.95
Claire Leggett 18 Vine St
Manchester, Massachusetts 019441347
Not employed / Homemaker Credit Card Chargeback
04/01/2008 -1000.00 1150.00
Ms Paula K Leggett 900 Drake Trl
Flower Mound, Texas 750287287
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 50.00 400.00
Tracy Leggett 3031 Holstein Rd.
Chaska, Minnesota 55318
School Dist 112 Minnesota / Parent Involvement Coordinator
04/15/2008 50.00 253.80
Richard Leggio 4503 Reiger Ave
Dallas, Texas 752461233
Srm, Inc. / Consultant
04/16/2008 50.00 530.00
Richard Leggio 4503 Reiger Ave
Dallas, Texas 752461233
Srm, Inc. / Consultant
04/21/2008 100.00 530.00
Gemma Leghorn 40 Linden St
Needham, Massachusetts 024922318
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 125.00 398.00
Joseph Leghorn 40 Linden St
Needham, Massachusetts 024922318
Nixon Peabody LLP / Lawyer
04/24/2008 100.00 1800.00
Theresa K Leghorn 207 Wellington Rd
New Rochelle, New York 108043724
New Rochelle Fund for Educational Exce / Museum Director
04/25/2008 100.00 391.00
Ray Legler 1645 N Oakley Ave Apt 3
Chicago, Illinois 606475286
After School Matters / Research & Evaluation
04/01/2008 250.00 450.00
Robert Legner 208 E. Richard Street
Odell, Illinois 60460
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Stephen Legomsky 7431 Tulane Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631302937
Washington University / Professor
04/14/2008 100.00 400.00
Adam Legrand 746 S 2nd St Apt 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191473448
Ballinger / Architect
04/21/2008 50.00 487.70
Adam Legrand 746 S 2nd St Apt 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191473448
Ballinger / Architect
04/21/2008 50.00 487.70
Juanita A Legree 3720 Daggerwing Ct
Tallahassee, Florida 323097013
Alpha Eye Clinic / Optician Nurse
04/28/2008 250.00 625.00
Juanita A Legree 3720 Daggerwing Ct
Tallahassee, Florida 323097013
Alpha Eye Clinic / Optician Nurse
04/28/2008 250.00 625.00
James Legro 4809 N 29th St
Tacoma, Washington 984073921
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 625.00
Archie Legrone 11508 Moorpark St Apt. A
North Hollywood, California 916021991
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. / Fire Alarm Sales Engineer
04/24/2008 250.00 500.00
Archie Legrone 11508 Moorpark St Apt. A
North Hollywood, California 916021991
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. / Fire Alarm Sales Engineer
04/24/2008 250.00 500.00
Ronald Legros 2205 Delaware St Apt 1
Huntington Beach, California 926485916
Northrop Grumman / Field Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 225.05
Ronald Legros 2205 Delaware St Apt 1
Huntington Beach, California 926485916
Northrop Grumman / Field Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 225.05
Tiffany Leherr 6504 Springwood Cir
Texarkana, Texas 755030581
Self employed / Business Owner
04/25/2008 50.00 360.00
Christopher Lehew 1009 Wade Ave Apt 535
Raleigh, North Carolina 276051854
Red Hat / Software Developer
04/01/2008 500.00 500.00
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/17/2008 25.00 987.23
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 987.23
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/10/2008 100.00 987.23
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/03/2008 67.06 987.23
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 987.23
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 987.23
Michael Lehigh 931 Oak St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 446631734
Not employed / Retired
04/20/2008 100.00 987.23
Alice Lehman 78 10th St E Unit 2702
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551012289
Ramsey County Mental Health Center / RN
04/29/2008 30.00 255.00
Beth Lehman 6 E Monroe St Ste 1004
Chicago, Illinois 606032721
Self employed / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 237.00
Caroline Lehman 1252 Waters Path
Woodbury, Minnesota 551295244
Self employed / Feng Shui Consultant
04/15/2008 25.00 355.00
Clarence Lehman 1040 Sierra Ave
Martinez, California 945532840
4Matix, Inc / Manager
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Dana Lehman 3307 Northland Dr Ste 180
Austin, Texas 787314941
Self employed / Counselor
04/30/2008 100.00 938.72
Dana Lehman 3307 Northland Dr Ste 180
Austin, Texas 787314941
Self employed / Counselor
04/23/2008 100.00 938.72
Dana Lehman 3307 Northland Dr Ste 180
Austin, Texas 787314941
Self employed / Counselor
04/15/2008 100.00 938.72
Diana Lehman 53 Blake St
Needham, Massachusetts 024922204
Boston University / Administrative Assistant
04/23/2008 75.00 450.00
Diana Lehman 53 Blake St
Needham, Massachusetts 024922204
Boston University / Administrative Assistant
04/15/2008 75.00 450.00
Diana Lehman 53 Blake St
Needham, Massachusetts 024922204
Boston University / Administrative Assistant
04/30/2008 25.00 450.00
Diana Lehman 53 Blake St
Needham, Massachusetts 024922204
Boston University / Administrative Assistant
04/30/2008 25.00 450.00
Donald Lehman 72 Lincoln St
Melrose, Massachusetts 021763205
Akamai Technologies, Inc. / Software Performance Engineer
04/15/2008 25.00 1233.80
Donald Lehman 72 Lincoln St
Melrose, Massachusetts 021763205
Akamai Technologies, Inc. / Software Performance Engineer
04/23/2008 100.00 1233.80
James Lehman 3411 S Margo Dr
Tempe, Arizona 852824416
retired / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 345.00
Jaynie Lehman PO Box 672
Somerset, California 956840672
Intelmail Usa, Inc. / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 265.00
Judith Lehman 2516 E Hoover Ave
Orange, California 928676245
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 275.00
Maria Lehman 6 Tidewater Dr
Seaford, Delaware 199739768
Harry A Lehman III MD PA / Registered Nurse
04/30/2008 100.00 478.37
Mark Paul Lehman 6103 Ivydene Ter
Baltimore, Maryland 212093521
Hogan & Hartson LLP / attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Mark Paul Lehman 6103 Ivydene Ter
Baltimore, Maryland 212093521
Hogan & Hartson LLP / attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Mark Paul Lehman 6103 Ivydene Ter
Baltimore, Maryland 212093521
Hogan & Hartson LLP / attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Mark Paul Lehman 6103 Ivydene Ter
Baltimore, Maryland 212093521
Hogan & Hartson LLP / attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Mary Lehman 16204 Julie Ln
Laurel, Maryland 207072790
Maryland Department of Legislative Ser / Legislative Aide
04/22/2008 150.00 350.00
Mary C Lehman Post Office Box 3438
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 50.00 330.00
Ms Mary V Lehman 318 S Crismon Rd Lot 82
Mesa, Arizona 852081857
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 200.00 625.00
Pat Lehman 515 Manlo Drive
wichita, Kansas 67204
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 400.00
Steven Lehman 333 Sycamore Rd
Sewickley, Pennsylvania 151439329
Federated Investors / Investment Manager
04/30/2008 100.00 205.95
Steven Lehman 333 Sycamore Rd
Sewickley, Pennsylvania 151439329
Federated Investors / Investment Manager
04/07/2008 5.95 205.95
Aimee Lehmann 107 Cornell St
Ithaca, New York 148504827
Not employed / Not employed
04/19/2008 100.00 500.00
Aimee Lehmann 107 Cornell St
Ithaca, New York 148504827
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 100.00 500.00
David Lehmann 27 W 10th St Apt 5R
New York, New York 100118772
Starlight Children's Foundation / Children's Services
04/30/2008 50.00 216.30
Jean Lehmann 20 River Rd Apt 16G
Roosevelt Island, New York 100441100
The Rockefeller University / Research
04/17/2008 25.00 213.95
Richelle Lehmann 2847 Century Harbor Rd
Middleton, Wisconsin 535621826
Madison Computer Works / Marketing Director
04/30/2008 100.00 850.00
Stephen Lehmann 300 Harvard Ave
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 190811632
University of Pennsylvania / Librarian
04/30/2008 100.00 550.00
Noah Lehmann-Haupt 258 Harvard St # 308
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462904
NLH Consulting, Inc. / Consultant
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
D. J. Lehmbecker 923 Sunrise Dr
Manson, Washington 988319576
Viu Du Hae Winery / Winery Grunt
04/07/2008 200.00 400.00
Justin Lehmicke 27 Wallingford Ave Apt A-10
Wallingford, Pennsylvania 19086
Department of the Treasury / Tax Examiner
04/12/2008 50.00 234.17
Mr Stanford Lehne 14150 N Lobelia Way
Oro Valley, Arizona 857557149
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 488.00
AL Lehner Oohiradai 3-5-3
Akita, NA 02184
Akita International University / Professor
04/27/2008 300.00 550.00
Edward Lehner 359 Plantation Dr
Columbus, Mississippi 397051126
Self employed / Management Consultant
04/30/2008 250.00 1000.00
Kristen Lehner 928 S. Mayfield Ave.
Chicago, Kansas 60644
Kroll / Investigator
04/17/2008 50.00 300.00
Marla Lehner 395 S Burnside Ave
Los Angeles, California 900363212
Time Warner / Entertainment Editor
04/07/2008 100.00 350.00
Julie Lehnert 1423 Powells Tavern Pl
Herndon, Virginia 201705717
Reston Hospital Center / Registered Nurse
04/29/2008 120.00 220.00
Susan Lehnhardt N673 Mill Rd
Juda, Wisconsin 535509743
Applied Ecological Services, Inc. / Ecologist
04/23/2008 100.00 600.00
David Lehnherr 4708 Cheyenne Trl
Billings, Montana 591069614
Billings Clinic / Physician
04/16/2008 50.00 257.95
Magda Lehovich 4015 51 Street NW
Washington, DC 20016
Not employed / Not employed
04/03/2008 300.00 300.00
Robert J Lehr P.O.B 34
Bisbee, Arizona 85603
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 450.00
Victoria N Lehr PO Box 590
Pittsford, New York 145340590

04/21/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Desiree Lehrbaum 381 Bryce Drive
Morgan Hill, California 95037
Lumen Consulting / Principal Consultant
04/24/2008 50.00 375.00
Patricia Lehrburger 143 Trails End
Irvington, New York 105331849
Not employed / Information Requested
04/30/2008 500.00 500.00
Ms Kalista Lehrer 3093 Lockport Olcott Rd
Newfane, New York 141089731
Not Employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 400.00
Kevin Lehrer 7850 Gannon Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631303705
TRG Group / Sales
04/28/2008 30.00 394.30
Kevin Lehrer 7850 Gannon Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 631303705
TRG Group / Sales
04/16/2008 15.00 394.30
Randy Lehrer 210 East 68thst
New York, New York 10065
Self employed / Psychotherapist
04/27/2008 49.84 1963.75
Toni Lehtinen 1850 Yale Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 841081838
Eccles Foundation / Grants Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Toni Lehtinen 1850 Yale Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 841081838
Eccles Foundation / Grants Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Lesla Lehtonen 15 Maybeck Twin Drive
Berkeley, California 94708
ca Cable & Telecom Association / Attorney
04/15/2008 100.00 1150.00
Reiner Leibe 612 37th St
Richmond, California 948051758
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 500.00
Chris Leibig 108 N Alfred St
Alexandria, Virginia 223143053
Zwerling, Leibig, And Moseley / Attorney
04/07/2008 1000.00 1039.28
Kevin Leiblein 1881 Fairmount Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 974031796
Rexius / Manager
04/22/2008 25.00 385.00
Kevin Leiblein 1881 Fairmount Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 974031796
Rexius / Manager
04/14/2008 10.00 385.00
Kevin Leiblein 1881 Fairmount Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 974031796
Rexius / Manager
04/30/2008 10.00 385.00
Mary Leibman 1104 North Signal Street
Ojai, California 93023
Self employed / Information Requested
04/30/2008 50.00 450.00
Vadim Leibman 22835 Dolorosa St
Woodland Hills, California 913674320
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/30/2008 4600.00 4600.00
Vadim Leibman 22835 Dolorosa St
Woodland Hills, California 913674320
Not employed / Not employed Original Transaction
04/28/2008 4599.00 4600.00
Vadim Leibman 22835 Dolorosa St
Woodland Hills, California 913674320
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation From
04/28/2008 -2300.00 4600.00
Vadim Leibman 22835 Dolorosa St
Woodland Hills, California 913674320
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation To
04/28/2008 2300.00 4600.00
Josh Leibner 217 Longview Rd
Bridgewater, New Jersey 088072091
Millennium Management Consulting Inc / Business Consultant
04/15/2008 100.00 900.00
Josh Leibner 217 Longview Rd
Bridgewater, New Jersey 088072091
Millennium Management Consulting Inc / Business Consultant
04/15/2008 100.00 900.00
Josh Leibner 217 Longview Rd
Bridgewater, New Jersey 088072091
Millennium Management Consulting Inc / Business Consultant
04/29/2008 100.00 900.00
Benjamin Leibowitz 221 Dorset Rd
Devon, Pennsylvania 193331620
UPS / Hub Specialist
04/24/2008 100.00 250.00
Mr. Curt D. Leibowitz 343 Maple St
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 601373811
Super Value Foods / Grocery Service Clerk
04/25/2008 30.00 542.80
Mr. Curt D. Leibowitz 343 Maple St
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 601373811
Super Value Foods / Grocery Service Clerk
04/09/2008 25.00 542.80
Donald Leich 85 Castles Dr
Wayne, New Jersey 074705526
Intelligent Light / Software Developer
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Original Transaction
04/03/2008 100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation From
04/03/2008 -100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation To
04/03/2008 100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Original Transaction
04/19/2008 100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation From
04/19/2008 -100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation To
04/19/2008 100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Original Transaction
04/23/2008 100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation From
04/23/2008 -100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation To
04/23/2008 100.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Original Transaction
04/30/2008 250.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -250.00 3150.00
Elizabeth Leicht 103 Spruce Mill Ln
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070763179
ATT / District Manager Redesignation To
04/30/2008 250.00 3150.00
Jennife Leichter 17 Wayland Hills Rd
Wayland, Massachusetts 017783809
Not employed / Not employed
04/28/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Ethel Leichti 1100 S. Scoville Ave.
Oak Park, Illinois 60304
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 230.00
Ethel Leichti 1100 S. Scoville Ave.
Oak Park, Illinois 60304
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 230.00
Ethel Leichti 1100 S. Scoville Ave.
Oak Park, Illinois 60304
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 30.00 230.00
Robert Leick 4223 Heathcote Rd
Wayzata, Minnesota 553913643
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Kathleen Leid 3808 Kramer St
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171094046
Not Employed / Retired
04/18/2008 100.00 300.00
Barbara Leiden 2200 Golf Rd
Glenview, Illinois 600254903
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 125.00 250.00
Barbara Leiden 2200 Golf Rd
Glenview, Illinois 600254903
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 125.00 250.00
Craig Leiding 2665 Marcey Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222075231
Office of Naval Research / Program Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 255.00
Craig Leiding 2665 Marcey Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222075231
Office of Naval Research / Program Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 255.00
William Leier 13800 NW Mill Creek Dr
Portland, Oregon 972295723
Contrary Capital LLC / Computers Inkind Contribution
04/27/2008 350.00 350.00
Deborah Leifer 6398 Mallard Ln
Lothian, Maryland 207119751
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 250.00 600.00
Nicole Leifer 36 E 36th St Apt 5J
New York, New York 100163463
Not Employed / Student
04/07/2008 50.00 300.00
Bob Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Rsna / Manager, Fund Development
04/29/2008 25.00 405.00
Bob Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Rsna / Manager, Fund Development
04/20/2008 100.00 405.00
Diane Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Baker & Mckenzie LLP / Legal Secretary
04/28/2008 25.00 789.70
Diane Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Baker & Mckenzie LLP / Legal Secretary
04/17/2008 25.00 789.70
Diane Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Baker & Mckenzie LLP / Legal Secretary
04/22/2008 25.00 789.70
Diane Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Baker & Mckenzie LLP / Legal Secretary
04/20/2008 25.00 789.70
Diane Leigh 920 Royal Saint George Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605632323
Baker & Mckenzie LLP / Legal Secretary
04/13/2008 100.00 789.70
Fredric Leigh 7768 Glade Ct
Manassas, Virginia 201127536
KTA Global Partners, LLC / Consultant
04/17/2008 25.00 250.00
Fredric Leigh 7768 Glade Ct
Manassas, Virginia 201127536
KTA Global Partners, LLC / Consultant
04/07/2008 50.00 250.00
Jamie Leigh 301 Perkins St
Boone, North Carolina 286075313
Jamie S Leigh CPA PA / CPA
04/23/2008 50.00 526.80
Janet Leigh 55 Dogwood Ln
Cotuit, Massachusetts 026352408
Mass. Department of Public Health / Registered Nurse
04/23/2008 50.00 375.00
Janet Leigh 55 Dogwood Ln
Cotuit, Massachusetts 026352408
Mass. Department of Public Health / Registered Nurse
04/30/2008 25.00 375.00
Janna Leigh 2631 Burlington Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75211
UT Southwestern / Occupational Therapist
04/15/2008 50.00 324.34
Leslie Leigh 2977 Silvermere Ln
Duluth, Georgia 300974325
Gwinnett Neonatology PC / Physician
04/20/2008 1000.00 2000.00
Mary R Leigh 6466 E Timber Ridge Rd
Mount Crawford, Virginia 228412517
Not Employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 528.00
Mary R Leigh 6466 E Timber Ridge Rd
Mount Crawford, Virginia 228412517
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 528.00
Susannah Leigh 700 Sligo Ave Apartment 402
Silver Spring, Maryland 209104768
Matrix Consulting Group / Management Consultant
04/28/2008 50.00 325.00
Vincent Leigh 911 Maple Ave Unit 1S
Evanston, Illinois 602024934
Nike, Inc. / Associate Brand Manager
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Sally Leighninger 1398 Albany Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551082501
Applied Policy Research, Inc. / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Jean Leighton 1316 Nicolet Pl
Detroit, Michigan 482072838
Not Employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 400.00
Michael Leighton 1853 Mountain Ranch Ave.
Henderson, Nevada 89012
Clark County, Nevada / Programmer
04/26/2008 100.00 270.00
Ralph Leighton 578 Virginia Dr
Tiburon, California 949201335
Self employed / Editor
04/15/2008 25.00 475.00
Ralph Leighton 578 Virginia Dr
Tiburon, California 949201335
Self employed / Editor
04/29/2008 25.00 475.00
Soni Leighton 40 Los Ranchitos
Alamo, California 945072660
Self employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 225.00
Wesley Leighton 1004 BUCK HILL DR
VEAZIE, Maine 044017000
Us Dot FAA / Air Traffic Controller
04/26/2008 50.00 320.00
Mr. Jim Leik 2236 Susitna Dr
Anchorage, Alaska 995171145
Perkins Coie Alaska PC / Attorney
04/30/2008 200.00 400.00
Larry Leiken 5053 N Rock Canyon Rd
Tucson, Arizona 857506003
Fetired / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 325.00
Anthony Leiker 8202 Bangor Ave
Lubbock, Texas 794243425
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.01 730.22
Anthony Leiker 8202 Bangor Ave
Lubbock, Texas 794243425
Not employed / Retired
04/12/2008 25.00 730.22
Anthony Leiker 8202 Bangor Ave
Lubbock, Texas 794243425
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 730.22
Janie Leikind 307 Moosehead Dr
Aptos, California 950034517
Not employed / Not employed
04/02/2008 145.45 245.45
Kristin Leimkuhler 1624 Delaware St
Berkeley, California 947031211
Tencue Productions / Event Producer
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Ms Marybelle Leimonas 122 Trenton St Apt 1
Boston, Massachusetts 021282537
Germaine Lawrence School / Child Care Worker
04/25/2008 50.00 850.00
Ms. Patricia S Lein 900 University St Apt 1703
Seattle, Washington 981013729
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 800.00
Ms. Patricia S Lein 900 University St Apt 1703
Seattle, Washington 981013729
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 100.00 800.00
Albert D Leinbach 3574 Spring Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 974054468
Not Employed / Retired Inkind Contribution
04/26/2008 123.01 213.36
Albert D Leinbach 3574 Spring Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 974054468
Not Employed / Retired Inkind Contribution
04/26/2008 60.35 213.36
Kevin Leinbach 3574 Spring Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 974054468
Self employed / Landlord
04/28/2008 250.00 1350.00
Sarah Leinbach 67 Francis St
Brookline, Massachusetts 024466638
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $30732459.12
Total Memo Amount $45759.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Fri Feb 14 03:52:42 2025