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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 154105 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 77501 through 78000

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Nell Lasch 4521 Auger Hole Rd.
South Newfane, Vermont 05351
Not employed / Not employed
04/14/2008 50.00 1724.00
Ginny Lasco 250 Lauriston St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191283772
Self employed / Artist/Painter
04/29/2008 15.00 312.41
Ginny Lasco 250 Lauriston St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191283772
Self employed / Artist/Painter
04/23/2008 25.00 312.41
Ginny Lasco 250 Lauriston St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191283772
Self employed / Artist/Painter
04/01/2008 10.00 312.41
Ginny Lasco 250 Lauriston St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191283772
Self employed / Artist/Painter
04/18/2008 25.00 312.41
Linda Lascola 3900 Connecticut Ave NW 101F
Washington, DC 200082412
Self employed / Market Research Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Ruth Lasell 1001 McAndrew Rd
Ojai, California 930238314
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 100.00 850.00
Armand Laselva 28 Mast Cove Rd
Eliot, Maine 039031713
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 600.00
Armand Laselva 28 Mast Cove Rd
Eliot, Maine 039031713
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 600.00
Elizabeth Lasensky 844 Fremont St Apt 3
Menlo Park, California 940255035
Stanford University / Administrator
04/23/2008 25.00 295.00
Joel Laseter 100 Montgomery Ferry Dr NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303092713
Joel Laseter Architect PC / Architect
04/23/2008 250.00 600.00
Claire Lash 73 Seagull Dr
Richmond, California 948047408
Gap Inc. / IT
04/30/2008 50.00 500.00
Eric Lash 13490 Bevelheimer Rd
Westerville, Ohio 430819682
Lash Chevrolet / Sales
04/23/2008 250.00 750.00
Joseph Lash 316 Elmhurst Cir
Sacramento, California 958256661
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 667.00
Joseph Lash 316 Elmhurst Cir
Sacramento, California 958256661
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 667.00
Timothy Lash 646 Prospect Place Apt 3R
Brooklyn, New York 11238
International Rescue Committee / Development Officer
04/30/2008 25.00 353.18
Wendy Lash 151 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750417
Not employed / Not employed Original Transaction
04/30/2008 50.00 2550.00
Wendy Lash 151 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750417
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -50.00 2550.00
Wendy Lash 151 E 79th St
New York, New York 100750417
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation To
04/30/2008 50.00 2550.00
Stephen Lashen 55 Lakeshore Dr
Rockaway, New Jersey 078661405
Self employed / Dentist
04/28/2008 25.00 225.00
Patricia Lasher 3711 San Felipe St Unit 4A
Houston, Texas 770274043
The Fullenweider Firm / Attorney Original Transaction
04/22/2008 50.00 2600.00
Patricia Lasher 3711 San Felipe St Unit 4A
Houston, Texas 770274043
The Fullenweider Firm / Attorney Redesignation From
04/22/2008 -50.00 2600.00
Patricia Lasher 3711 San Felipe St Unit 4A
Houston, Texas 770274043
The Fullenweider Firm / Attorney Redesignation To
04/22/2008 50.00 2600.00
Deborah Lashever 9648 Lubao Ave
Chatsworth, California 91311
Self employed / Business Owner
04/03/2008 250.00 250.00
Amy Lashinsky 11 Pembridge Crescent
London, NA 00000
Alaco Limited / Consultant
04/03/2008 300.00 300.00
Farshid Lashkari 2028 De La Vina Apt. C
Santa Barbara, California 93105
Worldviz / Software Engineer
04/06/2008 50.00 400.00
Chad Lashley 4603 Windstar Way
Lexington, Kentucky 40515
Eci2 / Programmer
04/10/2008 5.00 650.00
Chad Lashley 4603 Windstar Way
Lexington, Kentucky 40515
Eci2 / Programmer
04/29/2008 25.00 650.00
Chad Lashley 4603 Windstar Way
Lexington, Kentucky 40515
Eci2 / Programmer
04/22/2008 50.00 650.00
Chad Lashley 4603 Windstar Way
Lexington, Kentucky 40515
Eci2 / Programmer
04/11/2008 25.00 650.00
Chad Lashley 4603 Windstar Way
Lexington, Kentucky 40515
Eci2 / Programmer
04/11/2008 20.00 650.00
Karina Lashley 707 Long Rd
Glenview, Illinois 600253457
French Language Services, Inc. / Translator
04/07/2008 40.00 201.90
Thomas Lasinski 2204 Jeffrey St
Livermore, California 945506463
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
John Laskaris 47 LAUREL AVE
SEA CLIFF, New York 10065
Fellan Florist Floral Galleria / Florist/Owner
04/05/2008 50.00 250.00
John Laskaris 47 LAUREL AVE
SEA CLIFF, New York 10065
Fellan Florist Floral Galleria / Florist/Owner
04/25/2008 25.00 250.00
Karl Laskas 10518 Arrowood St
Fairfax, Virginia 220323705
Honeywell / VP - Global Trade
04/23/2008 100.00 580.00
Cynthia Lasker 218 N Beacon St
Hartford, Connecticut 061052247
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 250.00 250.00
Mr. Jonathan L. Lasker 555 8th Ave Rm 2002
New York, New York 100184579
Self employed / Painter
04/04/2008 300.00 1000.00
Roz Lasker 155 E 76th St Apt. 3G
New York, New York 100212810
New York Academy of Medicine / Physician
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Zephrin Lasker 29 Tiffany Pl 4J
Brooklyn, New York 112312996
The North Road Group / CEO
04/23/2008 250.00 525.00
Angela Laskey 123 N. King Ave
Midwest City, Oklahoma 73130
Dept of Defense / Usaf
04/18/2008 112.53 212.53
R C Laskey 120 Harbor Hill Rd
Roslyn Heights, New York 115771531
Nassau County / Attorney
04/29/2008 100.00 269.00
Paul Lasko 207 Stephen Way
Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502
Mcgill University / Professor
04/14/2008 50.00 250.00
Paul Lasko 207 Stephen Way
Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502
Mcgill University / Professor
04/30/2008 100.00 250.00
Leonard Laskow 1939 Tamarack Pl
Ashland, Oregon 975203542
Not employed / Not employed
04/08/2008 100.00 265.15
Mr. Michael B Laskowski 2649 E Barclay Ct
Green Valley, Arizona 856146261

04/25/2008 50.00 600.00
Nicholas Laskowski 3027 Westfield Ave
San Jose, California 951284049
Moreland School District / School Bus Driver
04/09/2008 50.00 584.11
Carol Lasky 30 The Fenway
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Cahoots / Graphic Design
04/23/2008 25.00 290.00
Carol Lasky 30 The Fenway
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Cahoots / Graphic Design
04/28/2008 15.00 290.00
Carol Lasky 30 The Fenway
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Cahoots / Graphic Design
04/16/2008 50.00 290.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/10/2008 25.00 500.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/10/2008 10.00 500.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/14/2008 25.00 500.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/15/2008 25.00 500.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/21/2008 25.00 500.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/30/2008 15.00 500.00
Rachel Lasky 7023 Oak Pointe Curv
Bloomington, Minnesota 554383402
Kamlot Investments LLC / Investment Advisor
04/28/2008 25.00 500.00
Tamar Lasky 5510 Nevada Ave NW
Washington, DC 200151746
Evers / Real Estate Agent
04/14/2008 25.00 1262.78
Tamar Lasky 5510 Nevada Ave NW
Washington, DC 200151746
Evers / Real Estate Agent
04/23/2008 100.00 1262.78
Tamar Lasky 5510 Nevada Ave NW
Washington, DC 200151746
Evers / Real Estate Agent
04/28/2008 150.00 1262.78
Tamar Lasky 5510 Nevada Ave NW
Washington, DC 200151746
Evers / Real Estate Agent
04/14/2008 50.00 1262.78
Tamar Lasky 5510 Nevada Ave NW
Washington, DC 200151746
Evers / Real Estate Agent
04/09/2008 150.00 1262.78
Teri Lasky 319 San Rafael Ave
Belvedere, California 949202333
IBM Corporation / Finance
04/24/2008 100.00 225.00
Matthew Lasley 3717 11th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554072627
Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP / Attorney
04/29/2008 50.00 350.00
Matthew Lasley 3717 11th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554072627
Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP / Attorney
04/23/2008 50.00 350.00
Matthew Lasley 3717 11th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554072627
Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP / Attorney
04/15/2008 50.00 350.00
Claudia Laslie 29 Benton Ave
Great Barrington, Massachusetts 012301701
Self employed / Rental Property Management
04/14/2008 100.00 1107.20
Claudia Laslie 29 Benton Ave
Great Barrington, Massachusetts 012301701
Self employed / Rental Property Management
04/23/2008 100.00 1107.20
Claudia Laslie 29 Benton Ave
Great Barrington, Massachusetts 012301701
Self employed / Rental Property Management
04/30/2008 50.00 1107.20
Louise Lasnick 5547 Barnard St
Simi Valley, California 930633573
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 250.00 1205.00
Salvatore Laspada 237 W 15th St Apt 2B
New York, New York 100116405
Institute for Philanthropy / Information Requested
04/24/2008 1300.00 2300.00
David Lasserre 710 West MeadeDrive
Nashville, Tennessee 37205
Self employed / Therapist
04/26/2008 100.00 1107.95
David Lasserre 710 West MeadeDrive
Nashville, Tennessee 37205
Self employed / Therapist
04/17/2008 25.00 1107.95
Kathleen Lasseter 550 Stone Canyon Way
Brea, California 928212614
Ggusd / Library Media Teacher
04/17/2008 25.00 610.00
Kathleen Lasseter 550 Stone Canyon Way
Brea, California 928212614
Ggusd / Library Media Teacher
04/22/2008 25.00 610.00
Kathleen Lasseter 550 Stone Canyon Way
Brea, California 928212614
Ggusd / Library Media Teacher
04/28/2008 30.00 610.00
Kathleen Lasseter 550 Stone Canyon Way
Brea, California 928212614
Ggusd / Library Media Teacher
04/30/2008 25.00 610.00
Kathleen Lasseter 550 Stone Canyon Way
Brea, California 928212614
Ggusd / Library Media Teacher
04/14/2008 25.00 610.00
Kathleen Lasseter 550 Stone Canyon Way
Brea, California 928212614
Ggusd / Library Media Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 610.00
Virginia Lasseter 722 Colorado Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212102126
Johns Hopkins / Genetic Analyst
04/30/2008 25.00 250.00
Dominique Lasseur 60 Furnace Brook Road Apt 6B
New York, New York 10025
Self employed / Film Producer
04/23/2008 100.00 750.00
Frank Lassise, Jr 4345 Gladys Ave
Santa Cruz, California 950624509
Pajaro Valley Veterinary Hospital / Veterinarian
04/30/2008 50.00 261.58
Daniel Lassiter 419 50th St # 1
Brooklyn, New York 112201912
New York University / Graduate Teacher
04/28/2008 30.00 281.25
Daniel Lassiter 419 50th St # 1
Brooklyn, New York 112201912
New York University / Graduate Teacher
04/23/2008 50.00 281.25
Karen Lassiter 221 Columbus Ave Apt 401
Boston, Massachusetts 021164895
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 120.00 470.00
Sarah Lassiter 104 Dogwood Dr
Bridgewater, Virginia 228129559
The Heiskell School / Asst Development
04/29/2008 100.00 450.00
Prescott Lassman 4605 30th St NW
Washington, DC 200082128
Wilmerhale / Attorney
04/30/2008 300.00 2300.00
Vivienne Lassman 2801 New Mexico Ave NW 1209
Washington, DC 200073921
Self employed / art Consultant
04/21/2008 250.00 250.00
Richard D Lassor 15 Pond Hollow Rd
Averill Park, New York 120189778
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 100.00 300.00
Luisa Lassova 1119 Spruce St Apt 3A
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191076768
Upenn / Scientist
04/25/2008 100.00 530.00
Scott Laster 10840 Carrara Cv
Alpharetta, Georgia 300224761
At&T / Engineer
04/15/2008 15.00 392.00
Tammi Laster 3037 NW Market St Apt C-215
Seattle, Washington 981074291
Sharebuilder / Operations Specialist
04/01/2008 6.95 211.26
Michael Lastoria 2330 Anchor Ln
Southold, New York 119712230
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
John Laswick 2120 16th St NW Apt. 500
Washington, DC 200096506
US Dept. HUD / CPD Specialist
04/30/2008 100.00 514.30
Matthew Laszewski 2642 Park Pl
Madison, Wisconsin 537053712
Asian Institute of Technology / Teacher
04/29/2008 100.00 350.00
Rebekah Laszlo 1102 Fir Ave
Tillamook, Oregon 971413744
Not employed / Homemaker
04/23/2008 25.00 207.42
Rebekah Laszlo 1102 Fir Ave
Tillamook, Oregon 971413744
Not employed / Homemaker
04/07/2008 60.00 207.42
Deanna Latendresse 4233 4th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981056513
Not employed / Homemaker
04/23/2008 25.00 400.00
Deanna Latendresse 4233 4th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981056513
Not employed / Homemaker
04/17/2008 50.00 400.00
Deanna Latendresse 4233 4th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981056513
Not employed / Homemaker
04/15/2008 50.00 400.00
David Latham 12189 PEAK DRIVE
SPRINGDALE, Ohio 45246
Not employed / Not employed
04/16/2008 150.00 250.00
Julia Latham 1601 W School St #203
Chicago, Illinois 606572140
Schiff Hardin / J.D.
04/23/2008 250.00 550.00
Linda Latham 11950 Mayes Dr
La Mirada, California 906381539
University of Phoenix / Instructor
04/30/2008 100.00 900.00
Mary Latham 9727 Lake Shore Blvd NE
Seattle, Washington 981152647
Amadeus Wine Distributors / Wine Representative
04/23/2008 50.00 250.00
Pauline Latham 96 Charles St
Boston, Massachusetts 021144607
Self employed / Information Requested
04/29/2008 50.00 425.00
Chad Latham 309 W Hampshire Ave
Anaheim, California 928055152
IFF Advisors, Inc. / Consultant Original Transaction
04/28/2008 25.00 2350.00
Chad Latham 309 W Hampshire Ave
Anaheim, California 928055152
IFF Advisors, Inc. / Consultant Redesignation From
04/28/2008 -25.00 2350.00
Chad Latham 309 W Hampshire Ave
Anaheim, California 928055152
IFF Advisors, Inc. / Consultant Redesignation To
04/28/2008 25.00 2350.00
Mary Lathan PO Box 41207
Baltimore, Maryland 212036207
Self employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 280.70
Mary Lathan PO Box 41207
Baltimore, Maryland 212036207
Self employed / Retired
04/16/2008 70.64 280.70
Warren Lathe 193 Haight St
San Francisco, California 941025710
Openhelix / Biologist
04/03/2008 25.00 1408.64
Jeremy Lathen 1355 Bay St Apt 9
San Francisco, California 94123
Genentech / Project Manager
04/15/2008 100.00 825.00
Dinesh Lathi 4173 El Camino Real Apt 24
Palo Alto, California 943064030
Ebay / Executive
04/28/2008 250.00 850.00
Dennis J Lathrop 4221 Sugar Bush
Grant, Michigan 493278596
Same day Delivery / Truck Driver
04/18/2008 25.00 325.00
Elvira Lathrop 9209 Pioneer Forest Dr
Austin, Texas 787447943
Scott, Douglass & Mcconnico, LLP / Case Clerk
04/29/2008 25.00 207.95
Ata Latif 3656 Bay Pt
Martinez, Georgia 309079133
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 35.00 215.00
Ata Latif 3656 Bay Pt
Martinez, Georgia 309079133
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/09/2008 35.00 215.00
Alex Latifi 15 Asbury Rd SE
Huntsville, Alabama 358011101
Axion Corp / ceo
04/22/2008 250.00 750.00
Ben Latigo 17917 Calabar Dr
Gaithersburg, Maryland 208771050
University of the District of Columbia / Dean and Professor
04/28/2008 100.00 400.00
Brooke Latimer 49 Siscowit Rd
Pound Ridge, New York 105762129
Beval Saddlery, Ltd. / Operations Mgr.
04/23/2008 10.00 206.38
Brooke Latimer 49 Siscowit Rd
Pound Ridge, New York 105762129
Beval Saddlery, Ltd. / Operations Mgr.
04/17/2008 10.00 206.38
Cary R Latimer 432 W Oakdale Ave Apt 3
Chicago, Illinois 606576606
Latimer LeVay Turaseh / Attorney
04/07/2008 50.00 400.00
Cary R Latimer 432 W Oakdale Ave Apt 3
Chicago, Illinois 606576606
Latimer LeVay Turaseh / Attorney
04/16/2008 50.00 400.00
Thomas Latimer 5043 Huntwick Parc Ct
Houston, Texas 770693420
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 300.00 1350.00
Thomas Latimer 5043 Huntwick Parc Ct
Houston, Texas 770693420
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 250.00 1350.00
Dee Latimore PO Box 338
Grantville, Georgia 302200338
Not employed / Retired
04/10/2008 76.00 386.30
Kathleen Latini 8682 Salt Lake Dr
Huntington Beach, California 926463242
Ocpac / Head Usher
04/05/2008 60.00 902.00
Kathleen Latini 8682 Salt Lake Dr
Huntington Beach, California 926463242
Ocpac / Head Usher
04/24/2008 50.00 902.00
Margaret Latkin 3425 Farm Hill Dr
Falls Church, Virginia 220441236
Not employed / Homemaker
04/24/2008 100.00 450.00
Scott Laton 200 W 58th St # 8A
New York, New York 100191432
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP / Attorney
04/15/2008 100.00 350.00
Joseph M Latona 106 Florence Ave
Buffalo, New York 142142645
Self-employed / Attorney
04/15/2008 500.00 500.00
Ms. Mary A Latorre 31546 Sassafras River Ave
Galena, Maryland 216351349
Inner Visions / RN
04/25/2008 25.00 225.00
Timothy A Latorre 731 9th Ave Apt 4B
New York, New York 100198300
VF Sportswear, Inc. / Visual Manager
04/23/2008 25.00 663.00
Bruce G Latta 78695 Via Corrido
La Quinta, California 922532468
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 50.00 250.00
Andrew Lattanzi 2182 Jordan Pl
Boulder, Colorado 803041913
State of Colorado / Probation Officer
04/12/2008 100.00 450.00
Conrad Lattes 873 8th St
Boulder, Colorado 803027408
Boulder County / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Vera Lattimore-Rowe 35 Forest Hills Dr
Farmington, Connecticut 060323072
The Hartford / Senior Counsel
04/23/2008 51.91 301.91
Vera Lattimore-Rowe 35 Forest Hills Dr
Farmington, Connecticut 060323072
The Hartford / Senior Counsel
04/23/2008 250.00 301.91
Magda Lattin 1590 Shirley Ave
Los Altos, California 940245351
Self employed / Designer
04/29/2008 250.00 500.00
James M Lattis 1824 Rowley Ave
Madison, Wisconsin 537264126
Univ of Wisconsin / Teacher
04/07/2008 150.00 250.00
Michael Latz 6036 38th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981263024
Kol Haneshamah / Rabbi
04/23/2008 50.00 352.13
Paul Latz 30521 Horseshoe Dr
Coarsegold, California 936149186
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 15.00 265.00
Bonnie Lau 2390 Powell St #303
San Francisco, California 94133
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP / Attorney
04/03/2008 1000.00 1550.00
Girard Lau 583 Kamoku St Apt 2803
Honolulu, Hawaii 968265236
Department of the Attorney General / Government Lawyer
04/07/2008 80.05 207.75
Hugh Lau 151 Alice B Toklas Pl Apt 406
San Francisco, California 941096960
Mayway Corp. / Business Admin
04/23/2008 50.00 589.95
Jesse Lau 259 11th Ave
San Francisco, California 941182101
Lecg / Consulting
04/15/2008 50.00 230.00
Jesse Lau 259 11th Ave
San Francisco, California 941182101
Lecg / Consulting
04/28/2008 30.00 230.00
Jesse Lau 259 11th Ave
San Francisco, California 941182101
Lecg / Consulting
04/23/2008 25.00 230.00
Karen Lau 8803 41st St. W
University Place, Washington 98466
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 375.00
Karen Lau 8803 41st St. W
University Place, Washington 98466
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 375.00
Karen Lau 8803 41st St. W
University Place, Washington 98466
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 375.00
Patricia Lau 1608 Hill St
Santa Monica, California 904054842
Not Employed / Not Employed
04/09/2008 250.00 500.00
Dorothy Laub 3000 Post Oak Blvd
Houston, Texas 770566501
Bechtel / Mechanical Engineer
04/28/2008 30.00 267.29
Ms Joanne Laub 520 S 46th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191432144
Refused / Refused
04/30/2008 50.00 277.83
Jeffrey Laubach 290 Roemerville Rd APT 2
Greentown, Pennsylvania 184264461
Evergreen Community Charter School / Teacher
04/30/2008 100.00 1100.76
Jeffrey Laubach 290 Roemerville Rd APT 2
Greentown, Pennsylvania 184264461
Evergreen Community Charter School / Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 1100.76
Jeffrey Laubach 290 Roemerville Rd APT 2
Greentown, Pennsylvania 184264461
Evergreen Community Charter School / Teacher
04/28/2008 100.00 1100.76
Mark Laubacher 4617 Clausen Ave
Western Springs, Illinois 605581641
The Laubacher Company / Real Estate Finance Advisor
04/30/2008 500.00 750.00
Kris Laubscher 401 Morris Ln
Wallingford, Pennsylvania 190866914
Self employed / Customer Service Agent
04/03/2008 125.44 1363.58
Kris Laubscher 401 Morris Ln
Wallingford, Pennsylvania 190866914
Self employed / Customer Service Agent
04/29/2008 500.00 1363.58
Lauren Lauchli 915 E University St
Bloomington, Indiana 474015039

04/15/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Kathryn L Lauck PO Box 222
Ross, California 949570222
Ashfield & Co / Investment Manager
04/14/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Kristen Lauckhart 616 Beacon St
Oakland, California 946103608
Nelson Nygaard / Transportation Planner
04/29/2008 25.00 314.95
Kristen Lauckhart 616 Beacon St
Oakland, California 946103608
Nelson Nygaard / Transportation Planner
04/23/2008 25.00 314.95
Janna Laudato 3910 Jenifer St NW
Washington, DC 200151950
Customized Private Equity / Financial Research
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Joan Laudeman 20511 Pierce Rd
Lakeville, Indiana 465369790
Not employed / Not employed
04/21/2008 250.00 1826.54
Mark Laudeman 20511 Pierce Rd
Lakeville, Indiana 465369790
Moody's Risk Management / Consultant
04/30/2008 150.00 1000.00
Mark Laudeman 20511 Pierce Rd
Lakeville, Indiana 465369790
Moody's Risk Management / Consultant
04/23/2008 250.00 1000.00
Mark Laudeman 20511 Pierce Rd
Lakeville, Indiana 465369790
Moody's Risk Management / Consultant
04/18/2008 100.00 1000.00
Irene Laudeman 2383 Dumbarton Ave
East Palo Alto, California 943031517
Align Technology / Program Manager Original Transaction
04/21/2008 100.00 2850.00
Irene Laudeman 2383 Dumbarton Ave
East Palo Alto, California 943031517
Align Technology / Program Manager Redesignation From
04/21/2008 -100.00 2850.00
Irene Laudeman 2383 Dumbarton Ave
East Palo Alto, California 943031517
Align Technology / Program Manager Redesignation To
04/21/2008 100.00 2850.00
Diane Lauderdale 4839 S Kenwood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606152015
University of Chicago / Professor
04/15/2008 25.00 475.00
Diane Lauderdale 4839 S Kenwood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606152015
University of Chicago / Professor
04/30/2008 25.00 475.00
Patricia Laudisio 3328 Sentinel Dr
Boulder, Colorado 803015476

04/03/2008 50.00 358.00
Milton C Lauenstein 4 Fieldstone Ct
Exeter, New Hampshire 038335322
Not Employed / Retired
04/17/2008 500.00 600.00
Diane Lauer 1030 Redwood Drive
Loveland, Colorado 80538
Thompson School District / Educator
04/30/2008 50.00 258.98
Jonathan D Lauer One College Ave.
Grantham, Pennsylvania 17027
Messiah College / Librarian
04/28/2008 30.00 274.30
Polly Lauer 581 5th Ave 3A
Brooklyn, New York 112158407
Community Access, Inc. / Director of Development
04/23/2008 25.00 250.00
Mary Jane Laufenberg 329 Draeger Dr
Moraga, California 945562113
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 210.00
Erich Lauffer 5229 36th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981262807
Self employed / 3d Animation
04/23/2008 60.00 203.64
Erich Lauffer 5229 36th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981262807
Self employed / 3d Animation
04/24/2008 25.00 203.64
Dwaine Laughlin 1604 Hallam Ave
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809111407
Unemployed / Test Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Dwaine Laughlin 1604 Hallam Ave
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809111407
Unemployed / Test Engineer
04/14/2008 25.00 225.00
Dwaine Laughlin 1604 Hallam Ave
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809111407
Unemployed / Test Engineer
04/23/2008 25.00 225.00
Erica Laughlin 2901 Portage Rd
Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Foundation Realty LLC / Real Estate Broker/Owner
04/15/2008 25.00 235.00
Mr. Jack M Laughlin 1141 Vallejo Way
Sacramento, California 958182920

04/30/2008 70.00 455.00
John Laughlin 1218 E Jefferson St
Boise, Idaho 83712
Not employed / Not employed
04/06/2008 59.06 309.06
John Laughlin 1218 E Jefferson St
Boise, Idaho 83712
Not employed / Not employed
04/01/2008 100.00 309.06
Ledlie I Laughlin 791 S 2nd St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191473426
St Peters Church / Episcopal Priest
04/09/2008 250.00 300.00
Ms. Rebecca Laughlin PO Box 206
East Charleston, Vermont 058330206

04/09/2008 100.00 500.00
Tami Laughlin 2137 Wildflower Ct
Bellingham, Washington 982295371
Not employed / Student
04/29/2008 25.00 365.00
Tami Laughlin 2137 Wildflower Ct
Bellingham, Washington 982295371
Not employed / Student
04/20/2008 10.00 365.00
Thomas Laughlin 92 Sanchez Street
San Francisco, California 94114
Healdsburg Unified School District / Teacher
04/09/2008 250.00 250.00
Mr. James Laun 1150 E Palm Canyon Dr Unit 35
Palm Springs, California 922649173

04/09/2008 25.00 220.00
Tara Lyn Launer 43059 Zander Ter
Ashburn, Virginia 201477428

04/04/2008 20.00 300.00
Claudia Launer-Campos 2222 Leavenworth St #202
San Francisco, California 941332252
Macy's Inc / Attorney
04/17/2008 25.00 335.06
Claudia Launer-Campos 2222 Leavenworth St #202
San Francisco, California 941332252
Macy's Inc / Attorney
04/17/2008 60.06 335.06
Stewart Lauper 10251 West 44th Ave. #2-207
Wheatridge, Colorado 80033
PMA / Teacher
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Deborah Laupheimer 4 Acorn Ln
Weston, Massachusetts 024931342
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 100.00 350.00
Deborah Laupheimer 4 Acorn Ln
Weston, Massachusetts 024931342
Not employed / Homemaker
04/07/2008 250.00 350.00
Joseph Laur 313 Farley Rd
Wendell, Massachusetts 013799721
Greenopolis.Com / Executive
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Brenda Laurel 14004 Madrone Pl
Los Gatos, California 950338296
California College of the Arts / Educator
04/15/2008 25.00 710.60
Jill Lauren 510 East 85th Street 9E
New York, New York 10028
Self employed / Teacher/Author
04/22/2008 100.00 610.00
Jill Lauren 510 East 85th Street 9E
New York, New York 10028
Self employed / Teacher/Author
04/30/2008 50.00 610.00
Jonathan Laurence 567 Tremont St
Boston, Massachusetts 021183727
Jonathan Laurence / Boston College
04/28/2008 15.00 277.28
Rob Laurence 4379 Three Bridge Rd
Powhatan, Virginia 231394818
Meadwestvaco Corp / IT Manager
04/23/2008 50.00 400.00
Stephen Laurence 32 Bankhouse Road
Sheffield, NA S6 3TL
University of Sheffield / Professor
04/23/2008 100.00 600.00
Stephen Laurence 32 Bankhouse Road
Sheffield, NA S6 3TL
University of Sheffield / Professor
04/08/2008 100.00 600.00
Lynnezy Laurencin 1100 Irvine Blvd #281
Tustin, California 927803529
Not employed / Homemaker
04/28/2008 250.00 250.00
Bertrand Laurent 77 NW 101 St
Miami Shores, Florida 33150
The Caribbean Institute / President
04/24/2008 100.00 700.00
Bertrand Laurent 77 NW 101 St
Miami Shores, Florida 33150
The Caribbean Institute / President
04/29/2008 100.00 700.00
BO Laurent 485 Horn Ave
Santa Rosa, California 954078249
Bo Laurent / Nonprofit Manager
04/18/2008 100.00 400.00
Charles Lauria, Jr 1689 Walden Pond Road
Suwanee, Georgia 30024
Ciba Vision Corporation / Manager, Clinical Logistics
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Alison Lauriat 469 Lowell Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017421729
Self employed / Potter
04/30/2008 100.00 1100.00
Alison Lauriat 469 Lowell Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017421729
Self employed / Potter
04/30/2008 1000.00 1100.00
Julia M Laurin 1448 Severn St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152171304
Round Table Group / Researcher
04/07/2008 13.00 213.00
Julia M Laurin 1448 Severn St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152171304
Round Table Group / Researcher
04/07/2008 100.00 213.00
Lili Anne Laurin 41 Huntington Rd
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 079203700
Self employed / artist
04/14/2008 50.00 411.30
Lili Anne Laurin 41 Huntington Rd
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 079203700
Self employed / artist
04/22/2008 50.00 411.30
Lili Anne Laurin 41 Huntington Rd
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 079203700
Self employed / artist
04/29/2008 25.00 411.30
Paul Laurin 1540 Calmar Ct
Los Angeles, California 900245347
Self employed / Attorney
04/29/2008 100.00 350.00
Gary Lauritsen 3670 SW Othello St
Seattle, Washington 981263246
Microsoft / Program Manager
04/30/2008 100.00 350.00
Jeannette Lauritsen 3555 Kingsway Dr
Columbus, Ohio 432214701
Not Employed / Retired
04/29/2008 50.00 260.00
Anne Lauritzen 147 Charles St
Easton, Pennsylvania 180426208
Not employed / Homemaker
04/28/2008 30.00 355.00
Anne Lauritzen 147 Charles St
Easton, Pennsylvania 180426208
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 100.00 355.00
Helen Lauritzen 325 33rd St
Port Townsend, Washington 983685023
Information Requested / Retired
04/23/2008 50.00 258.00
Mr. Knud Laurlund 1148 Fairlawn Ct Apt 3
Walnut Creek, California 945952870
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 25.00 450.00
Karen Lausa 6 Mountain Willow Dr
Littleton, Colorado 80127
Not employed / Not employed
04/08/2008 500.00 500.00
Jude Lausten 527 Woodland Drive
Sierra Madre, California 91024
Lausten & Cossutta Design / Designer
04/17/2008 25.00 225.00
Barbara Lauter 518 John Doy Ct
Lawrence, Kansas 660494256
Self employed / Communications/PR
04/23/2008 50.00 555.13
Mr Charles Lauter 3092 Gibraltar Rd
Fish Creek, Wisconsin 542129482
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 800.00
Louis Lauter 3629 T Street NW
Washington, DC 20007
U.S. Congress / Senior Legislative Assistant
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Debra Lauterbach 711 Catherine St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481041505
Not employed / Student
04/21/2008 5.00 255.00
Katherine Lauterbach 716 Michigan Ave
Evanston, Illinois 602022512
Self employed / Dentist
04/30/2008 100.00 700.00
Steve Lauterbach PO Box 4397
Camp Connell, California 952234397
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 50.00 380.00
Eileen Lauterborn 30 Frank Ave
Farmingdale, New York 117355337
Not employed / Retired
04/27/2008 100.00 400.00
Eileen Lauterborn 30 Frank Ave
Farmingdale, New York 117355337
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Mary Lou Lauterhahn 43 Glen Park Rd
East Orange, New Jersey 070171813
Essex County Vocational High School / Teacher
04/22/2008 25.00 285.00
Mary Lou Lauterhahn 43 Glen Park Rd
East Orange, New Jersey 070171813
Essex County Vocational High School / Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 285.00
David Lauterstein 1405 W 39th 1/2 St
Austin, Texas 787563907
Lauterstein-Conway Massage School / School Owner
04/28/2008 100.00 954.00
Jo-Ann Or Dan Lautman 485 Loring Ave
Los Angeles, California 900242642
Therapist / Self
04/30/2008 500.00 500.00
Barbara Lauver 301 Maple Ave.
Mt. Gretna, Pennsylvania 17064
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 250.00
David Laux 1184 w.100 south
danville, Indiana 46122
Midwest Medical Management / Physician
04/15/2008 323.62 1683.67
David Laux 1184 w.100 south
danville, Indiana 46122
Midwest Medical Management / Physician
04/28/2008 100.00 1683.67
Michael Laux 69 E 16th St #3
Chicago, Illinois 606161276
James D. Montgomery & Assoc. / Attorney
04/15/2008 500.00 550.00
Michael Laux 69 E 16th St #3
Chicago, Illinois 606161276
James D. Montgomery & Assoc. / Attorney
04/23/2008 50.00 550.00
Pat Laux 72 Greywolf
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506
Zylomed / President
04/14/2008 250.00 250.00
Cheryl Laux 1184 w. 100 south
danville, Indiana 46122
Laux Merann Designs / Interior Design Original Transaction
04/28/2008 100.00 3832.12
Cheryl Laux 1184 w. 100 south
danville, Indiana 46122
Laux Merann Designs / Interior Design Redesignation From
04/28/2008 -100.00 3832.12
Cheryl Laux 1184 w. 100 south
danville, Indiana 46122
Laux Merann Designs / Interior Design Redesignation To
04/28/2008 100.00 3832.12
Richard Lauzau 19885 Detroit Rd # 310
Rocky River, Ohio 441161815
Riemer Reporting Service / Data Transfer Specialist
04/17/2008 3.57 253.57
Richard Lauzau 19885 Detroit Rd # 310
Rocky River, Ohio 441161815
Riemer Reporting Service / Data Transfer Specialist
04/17/2008 25.00 253.57
Richard Lauzau 19885 Detroit Rd # 310
Rocky River, Ohio 441161815
Riemer Reporting Service / Data Transfer Specialist
04/23/2008 25.00 253.57
Judy Lauzen 1706 Belleair Forest Dr Apt 212
Belleair, Florida 337561554
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 100.00 350.00
Judy Lauzen 1706 Belleair Forest Dr Apt 212
Belleair, Florida 337561554
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 350.00
Adam Lavail 1234 Calle de Comercio
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875073103
Meridiansix / Web Design
04/07/2008 120.00 769.42
Adam Lavail 1234 Calle de Comercio
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875073103
Meridiansix / Web Design
04/14/2008 49.42 769.42
John Lavalle 1171 Westbend Rd
Westlake Village, California 913625619
Row 44, Inc. / Chief Operating Officer
04/23/2008 150.00 400.00
Marc Lavallee 1718 17th St NW
Washington, DC 200092426
Socialtext / Software Developer
04/30/2008 50.00 300.00
Susan Lavanway 1788 Dodge Lake Rd
Gaylord, Michigan 497359573
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 50.00 600.00
Susan Lavanway 1788 Dodge Lake Rd
Gaylord, Michigan 497359573
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 600.00
ED Lavarnway R Eel Weir Dr
Ogdensburg, New York 13669
Frederic Remington art Museum / Museum Director
04/29/2008 25.00 281.25
ED Lavarnway R Eel Weir Dr
Ogdensburg, New York 13669
Frederic Remington art Museum / Museum Director
04/17/2008 35.00 281.25
Mehdi Lavassani 1510 Braeburn Dr
Richardson, Texas 750823038
Self employed / Teacher/Coach
04/23/2008 100.00 1500.00
James Lavecchia 2629 Britannia Rd
Sarasota, Florida 342314972
Self employed / Musician / Artist
04/24/2008 25.00 351.47
James Lavecchia 2629 Britannia Rd
Sarasota, Florida 342314972
Self employed / Musician / Artist
04/29/2008 25.00 351.47
Catherine Lavelle 3003 Van Ness Street, NW W428
Washington, DC 20008
Jolly/Rissler, Inc. / Legislative Associate
04/04/2008 309.00 393.15
John Lavelle, Jr. 816 Gatemore Rd
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102937
Ballard Spahr / Attorney
04/28/2008 150.00 2294.89
Nancy Lavelle 112 Crestwood Dr
McKnight, Pennsylvania 152371716
Allegheny Intermediate Unit / Special Education Teacher
04/30/2008 100.00 460.00
Nancy Lavelle 112 Crestwood Dr
McKnight, Pennsylvania 152371716
Allegheny Intermediate Unit / Special Education Teacher
04/30/2008 60.00 460.00
Nancy Lavelle 112 Crestwood Dr
McKnight, Pennsylvania 152371716
Allegheny Intermediate Unit / Special Education Teacher
04/28/2008 100.00 460.00
Nancy Lavelle 112 Crestwood Dr
McKnight, Pennsylvania 152371716
Allegheny Intermediate Unit / Special Education Teacher
04/26/2008 50.00 460.00
Susan Lavelle 3535 Vernon Ave
Brookfield, Illinois 605131420
Morton East High school / Teacher
04/07/2008 100.00 440.00
Susan Lavelle 3535 Vernon Ave
Brookfield, Illinois 605131420
Morton East High school / Teacher
04/28/2008 100.00 440.00
Hendrik Laverge 120 E 81st St
New York, New York 100281428
Not employed / Not employed
04/24/2008 250.00 1157.95
Elizabeth Laverriere 665 Saint Paul St Apt A
Baltimore, Maryland 212022391
Not employed / Student
04/18/2008 25.00 385.90
Elizabeth Laverriere 665 Saint Paul St Apt A
Baltimore, Maryland 212022391
Not employed / Student
04/18/2008 50.00 385.90
Elizabeth Laverriere 665 Saint Paul St Apt A
Baltimore, Maryland 212022391
Not employed / Student
04/18/2008 25.00 385.90
Barbara Lavery 132 Presidio Ave
San Francisco, California 941151614
Zoomedia / CEO
04/17/2008 100.00 260.00
Barbara Lavery 132 Presidio Ave
San Francisco, California 941151614
Zoomedia / CEO
04/30/2008 100.00 260.00
Daniel Lavery 3439 Lawrenceville Rd
Princeton, New Jersey 085404717
Chromocell Corporation / Scientist
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Julianna Lavery 728 Austin Ave
Grants, New Mexico 870203404
Durango-Mckinley Paper / AR Coord
04/30/2008 50.00 425.00
Julianna Lavery 728 Austin Ave
Grants, New Mexico 870203404
Durango-Mckinley Paper / AR Coord
04/23/2008 75.00 425.00
Michael Lavery 4296 Gleneagles Dr
Boynton Beach, Florida 334364902
Michael J. Lavery P.A. / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 275.00
Martha Lavey 758 W North Ave C/O STC
Chicago, Illinois 606101047
Steppenwolf Theatre Company / Artistic Director
04/25/2008 150.00 2300.00
Martha Lavey 758 W North Ave C/O STC
Chicago, Illinois 606101047
Steppenwolf Theatre Company / Artistic Director
04/17/2008 500.00 2300.00
Joseph Lavezzo 601 E 20th St Apt 5D
New York, New York 100107631
Dtcc / Analyst
04/29/2008 25.00 210.00
Joseph Lavezzo 601 E 20th St Apt 5D
New York, New York 100107631
Dtcc / Analyst
04/15/2008 25.00 210.00
Jennifer Lavia 1503 Lee Ave
Tallahassee, Florida 323035823
FSU College of Law / law Professor
04/28/2008 250.00 1365.34
Marc Lavietes 35 Mercer St Apt 4W
New York, New York 100135809
New Jersey Medical School / Academic Physician
04/15/2008 100.00 506.00
Barbara Lavigne 9550 Meadowbriar Ln
Houston, Texas 770633813
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Barbara Lavigne 9550 Meadowbriar Ln
Houston, Texas 770633813
04/14/2008 100.00 400.00
Barbara Lavigne 9550 Meadowbriar Ln
Houston, Texas 770633813
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Jonathan Lavigne 38672 Country Ter
Fremont, California 945366273
Stanford University / Computer Programmer
04/30/2008 25.00 425.00
Jonathan Lavigne 38672 Country Ter
Fremont, California 945366273
Stanford University / Computer Programmer
04/22/2008 25.00 425.00
Michael Lavigne 36 Parker Ave
San Francisco, California 941182615
Self employed / Writer
04/30/2008 25.00 400.00
Michael Lavigne 36 Parker Ave
San Francisco, California 941182615
Self employed / Writer
04/30/2008 25.00 400.00
Michael Lavigne 36 Parker Ave
San Francisco, California 941182615
Self employed / Writer
04/30/2008 25.00 400.00
Michael Lavigne 36 Parker Ave
San Francisco, California 941182615
Self employed / Writer
04/30/2008 25.00 400.00
Arthur Lavin 18502 Lynton Rd
Shaker Heights, Ohio 441223426
Advanced Pediatrics / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Mary Lavin 2756 Rutger St
Saint Louis, Missouri 631041932
Saint Louis University / Associate Professor
04/17/2008 25.00 422.66
Michael Lavin 3195 Foxcroft Rd # F214
Miramar, Florida 330254189
USPS / Mail Handler
04/07/2008 50.00 225.00
Shirley Lavin 1431 Three Chopt Rd
Kents Store, Virginia 230842122
Tascon Group Inc. / RE Asst.
04/30/2008 35.00 561.08
Shirley Lavin 1431 Three Chopt Rd
Kents Store, Virginia 230842122
Tascon Group Inc. / RE Asst.
04/17/2008 50.00 561.08
Shirley Lavin 1431 Three Chopt Rd
Kents Store, Virginia 230842122
Tascon Group Inc. / RE Asst.
04/09/2008 50.00 561.08
Gregory Lavine 113 Rivington St Apt 2
New York, New York 100022203
UN / Data Assistant
04/22/2008 10.00 270.00
Gregory Lavine 113 Rivington St Apt 2
New York, New York 100022203
UN / Data Assistant
04/30/2008 10.00 270.00
Amanda Lavoie 328 Ocean Ave
Portland, Maine 041035708
Prudential Financial / Insurance UW
04/23/2008 25.00 326.83
Amanda Lavoie 328 Ocean Ave
Portland, Maine 041035708
Prudential Financial / Insurance UW
04/23/2008 25.00 326.83
Benjamin Lavoie 4843 Woodlawn Blvd
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554171345
Lindell & Lavoie, LLP / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 255.00
Craig Lavoie 228 Waterfront Dr
Norman, Oklahoma 730712135
University of Oklahoma / Fellow, Honors College Leadership Cent
04/28/2008 30.00 283.65
Lauren Lavoie 410 Malden Ave E Apt D
Seattle, Washington 981124598
Microsoft Corporation / Program Manager
04/29/2008 200.00 1200.00
Diane Law 2326 Forest Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152354932
my Family / Trouble-Maker
04/09/2008 17.90 200.80
Georgia Law 22260 Cupertino Rd
Cupertino, California 950141042
Memoryten, Inc. / Accountant
04/14/2008 25.00 1395.00
Jack Law 134 Kapahulu Ave # 200
Honolulu, Hawaii 968154014
Pacific Bar Associates / Ltd.
04/19/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Lindsay Law 44 Cherniske Rd
New Milford, Connecticut 067764920
Yale University / Lecturer on Screenwriting;
04/18/2008 50.00 1025.00
Lindsay Law 44 Cherniske Rd
New Milford, Connecticut 067764920
Yale University / Lecturer on Screenwriting;
04/29/2008 50.00 1025.00
Adeyemi Lawal 1910 NORHARDT DRIVE
Brookfield, Wisconsin 53045
Medical College of Wisconsin / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Fola Lawal 1030 9th St Apt 405
Miami Beach, Florida 331395610
Self employed / Physical Therapy
04/25/2008 100.00 300.00
Julia Lawall 108 Bollingwood Rd
Charlottesville, Virginia 229031706
University of Copenhagen / Professor
04/16/2008 25.51 575.51
Julia Lawall 108 Bollingwood Rd
Charlottesville, Virginia 229031706
University of Copenhagen / Professor
04/30/2008 25.00 575.51
Willa Lawall 108 Bollingwood Rd
Charlottesville, Virginia 229031706
Not Employed / Retired
04/25/2008 25.00 675.00
Courtney Lawellin 12 Church Ln
Livingston, Montana 590474124
Karl Knuchel, PC / Attorney
04/29/2008 50.00 275.00
Marc Lawes 14146 73rd Pl NE H-104
Bothell, Washington 980114980
Apex Systems / IT Analyst
04/24/2008 100.00 300.00
Tania Lawes 1977 Dutch Broadway
Elmont, New York 110034244
New Hope Lutheran Church / Administration
04/22/2008 25.00 300.00
Tania Lawes 1977 Dutch Broadway
Elmont, New York 110034244
New Hope Lutheran Church / Administration
04/22/2008 25.00 300.00
Tania Lawes 1977 Dutch Broadway
Elmont, New York 110034244
New Hope Lutheran Church / Administration
04/22/2008 100.00 300.00
Tania Lawes 1977 Dutch Broadway
Elmont, New York 110034244
New Hope Lutheran Church / Administration
04/22/2008 50.00 300.00
Simone Lawhun 630 San Vicente Blvd Apt. G
Santa Monica, California 904021858
Civic Resource Group / IT Project Manager
04/22/2008 50.00 250.00
Arthur Lawida 6016 E Surrey Ave
Scottsdale, Arizona 852543843
Self employed / Consultant
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Michael Lawitts 323 COBBLER LANE
BUFFALO GROVE, Illinois 60089
FL Viscosity OIL / Operations Manager
04/15/2008 30.00 350.00
Michael Lawitts 323 COBBLER LANE
BUFFALO GROVE, Illinois 60089
FL Viscosity OIL / Operations Manager
04/14/2008 10.00 350.00
Michael Lawitts 323 COBBLER LANE
BUFFALO GROVE, Illinois 60089
FL Viscosity OIL / Operations Manager
04/14/2008 10.00 350.00
Michael Lawitts 323 COBBLER LANE
BUFFALO GROVE, Illinois 60089
FL Viscosity OIL / Operations Manager
04/24/2008 50.00 350.00
Anthony Lawler 4713 Woodland Ave
Western Springs, Illinois 605581744
Man Group / Investment Management
04/15/2008 300.00 1300.00
Bill Lawler 711 Marin Dr
Mill Valley, California 949413918
Mccann Worldgroup / Vice President
04/28/2008 25.00 405.00
Bill Lawler 711 Marin Dr
Mill Valley, California 949413918
Mccann Worldgroup / Vice President
04/23/2008 20.00 405.00
Inga Lawler 4311 Stoneleigh Rd
Bloomfield, Michigan 483022157
Not employed / Homemaker
04/29/2008 15.00 515.00
Jerry Lawler 109 w randall st
baltimore, Maryland 21230
Self employed / Psychologist
04/14/2008 250.00 250.00
John Lawler 2102 Acton St
Berkeley, California 947021913
Discovertown Tours / Tour Sales
04/29/2008 25.00 245.01
John Lawler 2102 Acton St
Berkeley, California 947021913
Discovertown Tours / Tour Sales
04/17/2008 50.00 245.01
Laura Lawler 14036 N.E. 5th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98007
Millward Brown / Marketing Research
04/02/2008 500.00 500.00
R Michael Lawler 9808 Wenonga Ln
Leawood, Kansas 662062443
Lawler and Associates Consulting / Consultant
04/30/2008 100.00 410.00
Jennifer Lawless 14000 Fm 2769 Unit 3
Leander, Texas 786416153
Round Rock ISD / Teacher
04/15/2008 25.00 215.00
Jennifer Lawless 14000 Fm 2769 Unit 3
Leander, Texas 786416153
Round Rock ISD / Teacher
04/30/2008 25.00 215.00
Jennifer Lawless 14000 Fm 2769 Unit 3
Leander, Texas 786416153
Round Rock ISD / Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 215.00
Jennifer Lawless 14000 Fm 2769 Unit 3
Leander, Texas 786416153
Round Rock ISD / Teacher
04/24/2008 25.00 215.00
Kimberly Lawless 325 Transylvania Park
Lexington, Kentucky 405083021
Central Ky Hearing Care, Inc. / Audiologist
04/11/2008 5.00 573.00
Kimberly Lawless 325 Transylvania Park
Lexington, Kentucky 405083021
Central Ky Hearing Care, Inc. / Audiologist
04/18/2008 5.00 573.00
Kimberly Lawless 325 Transylvania Park
Lexington, Kentucky 405083021
Central Ky Hearing Care, Inc. / Audiologist
04/16/2008 10.00 573.00
Michael Lawless 247 4th St suite 302
Oakland, California 946074302
Yahoo! Inc. / Product Manager
04/23/2008 25.00 340.13
Adam Lawlor 263 Central Ave
San Francisco, California 941172030
Legato Capital Management LLC / Portfolio Manager
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Dyan Lawlor 4008 Creamery Rd
Collegeville, Pennsylvania 194261045
Upper Dublin Lutheran Church / Pastor
04/29/2008 50.00 300.00
Dyan Lawlor 4008 Creamery Rd
Collegeville, Pennsylvania 194261045
Upper Dublin Lutheran Church / Pastor
04/23/2008 50.00 300.00
Donald Lawn 2428 35th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981993206
Donald Lawn / Self/Real Estate Inspector
04/26/2008 100.00 451.55
Mr. Charles Lawner 379 Martling Ave
Tarrytown, New York 105914712
Not Employed / Retired
04/21/2008 100.00 218.00
Simon Lawrance 4361 Sunbury Rd
Galena, Ohio 430219317
Otterbein College / College Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 234.13
Aaron G Lawrence 2444 Spring Rose Cir
Verona, Wisconsin 535938922
Not employed / Student
04/14/2008 25.00 230.00
Bruce Lawrence 5717 Buck Quarter Rd
Hillsborough, North Carolina 272787866
Duke University / University Professor Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/27/2008 2300.00 2329.30
Carol Lawrence 1821 Settlers Lndg
Virginia Beach, Virginia 234533529
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 25.00 449.84
Carol Lawrence 1821 Settlers Lndg
Virginia Beach, Virginia 234533529
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 449.84
Carol Lawrence 1821 Settlers Lndg
Virginia Beach, Virginia 234533529
Not employed / Retired
04/13/2008 50.00 449.84
Carrie Lawrence 543 Buckelew Ave
Monroe Township, New Jersey 088312975
the Center for Professional Advancemen / Director, Client Site Programs
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Christopher Lawrence 71 Messenger St Unit 508
Plainville, Massachusetts 027622230
Not employed / Student
04/29/2008 30.00 208.65
Claudia Lawrence 1670 Lombardy Dr Boulder CO 80304
Boulder, Colorado 803041540
Self employed / Psychotherapist
04/28/2008 50.00 265.95
Claudia Lawrence 1670 Lombardy Dr Boulder CO 80304
Boulder, Colorado 803041540
Self employed / Psychotherapist
04/07/2008 50.00 265.95
D Lawrence 30 Evergreen Dr
Kentfield, California 949042839
Self employed / Wordsmith
04/30/2008 50.00 850.00
D Lawrence 30 Evergreen Dr
Kentfield, California 949042839
Self employed / Wordsmith
04/30/2008 100.00 850.00
D Lawrence 30 Evergreen Dr
Kentfield, California 949042839
Self employed / Wordsmith
04/30/2008 50.00 850.00
D Lawrence 30 Evergreen Dr
Kentfield, California 949042839
Self employed / Wordsmith
04/30/2008 25.00 850.00
D Lawrence 30 Evergreen Dr
Kentfield, California 949042839
Self employed / Wordsmith
04/30/2008 25.00 850.00
D Lawrence 30 Evergreen Dr
Kentfield, California 949042839
Self employed / Wordsmith
04/23/2008 250.00 850.00
David Lawrence 186 Grant St
Lexington, Massachusetts 024202120
Andover Public Schools / Teacher
04/29/2008 100.00 600.00
Hugh Lawrence 3481 Sitio Borde
Carlsbad, California 920098926
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 500.00
Hugh Lawrence 3481 Sitio Borde
Carlsbad, California 920098926
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 50.00 500.00
James Lawrence 632 Albany Tpke
Old Chatham, New York 121362309
Self employed / Writer/Photographer
04/23/2008 25.00 220.00
James Lawrence PO Box 378
Little Compton, Rhode Island 028370307
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 300.00 1800.00
Janice Lawrence 6752 Landis Ave
Carmichael, California 956083965
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 100.00 650.00
Janice Lawrence 1924 Breen Ln
Superior, Colorado 800278120
Thoutt Bros Concrete Contr Inc. / Vice President
04/30/2008 120.00 220.00
Jean Lawrence 1708 William Henry Ct
Los Altos, California 940246143
Santa Clara County / Library Supervisor
04/30/2008 25.00 279.00
Jean Lawrence 1708 William Henry Ct
Los Altos, California 940246143
Santa Clara County / Library Supervisor
04/28/2008 30.00 279.00
Jean Lawrence 1708 William Henry Ct
Los Altos, California 940246143
Santa Clara County / Library Supervisor
04/07/2008 25.00 279.00
Joseph Lawrence 1290 Avenue of The Americas 41st Floor
New York, New York 101040101
Morrison & Foerster / Attorney
04/28/2008 180.00 2000.00
Joseph Lawrence 113 Caraway Rd
Reisterstown, Maryland 211362699
Self employed / Attorney
04/22/2008 25.00 421.90
Joseph Lawrence 113 Caraway Rd
Reisterstown, Maryland 211362699
Self employed / Attorney
04/27/2008 50.00 421.90
Karen Lawrence 2019 N Spur Rd
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875054568
Prediction Company / CEO
04/23/2008 800.00 2300.00
Kathy Lawrence 23 Royal Tern Ln Aliso Viejo
Aliso Viejo, California 926561211
Irvine Unified School District / Teacher
04/15/2008 25.00 280.00
Kathy Lawrence 23 Royal Tern Ln Aliso Viejo
Aliso Viejo, California 926561211
Irvine Unified School District / Teacher
04/15/2008 25.00 280.00
Kathy Lawrence 23 Royal Tern Ln Aliso Viejo
Aliso Viejo, California 926561211
Irvine Unified School District / Teacher
04/30/2008 25.00 280.00
Mr Kenneth L Lawrence 990 E 54th St
Brooklyn, New York 112341638

04/14/2008 300.00 900.00
Lisa Lawrence 3003 Fischer Store Rd
Wimberley, Texas 786764633
Native Son Landscape & Tree Care / Bookkeeper
04/23/2008 25.00 240.00
Mark Lawrence 2003 Waterleaf Way
Mitchellville, Maryland 207212274
Deloitte Consulting LLP / Consultant
04/30/2008 500.00 500.00
Ms. Martha Lawrence 601 Wildflower Pl
Escondido, California 920261228
The Ken Blanchard Companies / Writer/Editor
04/14/2008 33.50 248.50
Ms. Martha Lawrence 601 Wildflower Pl
Escondido, California 920261228
The Ken Blanchard Companies / Writer/Editor
04/30/2008 10.00 248.50
Ms. Martha Lawrence 601 Wildflower Pl
Escondido, California 920261228
The Ken Blanchard Companies / Writer/Editor
04/30/2008 10.00 248.50
Ms. Martha Lawrence 601 Wildflower Pl
Escondido, California 920261228
The Ken Blanchard Companies / Writer/Editor
04/23/2008 10.00 248.50
Ms. Martha Lawrence 601 Wildflower Pl
Escondido, California 920261228
The Ken Blanchard Companies / Writer/Editor
04/15/2008 5.00 248.50
Ms. Mary Harrel Lawrence PO Box 1940
Avon, Colorado 816201940
Glenwood Medical Assoc / Nurse Practioner
04/30/2008 50.00 302.80
Mary Lawrence 1012 Legends Pass Dr
Valrico, Florida 335943732
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/15/2008 100.00 300.00
Miriam Lawrence 115 E 9th St Apt 17L
New York, New York 100035423
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 250.00 250.00
Monica Lawrence 2301 Shady Cove Ct
Pearland, Texas 775841340
Sixta & Associates, P.C. / Attorney
04/30/2008 10.00 415.01
Monica Lawrence 2301 Shady Cove Ct
Pearland, Texas 775841340
Sixta & Associates, P.C. / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.01 415.01
Monica Lawrence 2301 Shady Cove Ct
Pearland, Texas 775841340
Sixta & Associates, P.C. / Attorney
04/21/2008 10.00 415.01
Monica Lawrence 2301 Shady Cove Ct
Pearland, Texas 775841340
Sixta & Associates, P.C. / Attorney
04/23/2008 25.00 415.01
Monica Lawrence 2301 Shady Cove Ct
Pearland, Texas 775841340
Sixta & Associates, P.C. / Attorney
04/29/2008 15.00 415.01
Nancy Lee Lawrence PO Box 205
Saint James, New York 117800205
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/28/2008 30.00 330.00
Nancy Lee Lawrence PO Box 205
Saint James, New York 117800205
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/15/2008 30.00 330.00
Nick Lawrence 2801 San Pablo Ave
Berkeley, California 947022259
911 inc / Manager
04/23/2008 100.00 225.00
Patricia Lawrence 1318 Putnam Ave
Plainfield, New Jersey 070601924
NJ Institute of Technology / Director of Benefits Administration
04/30/2008 50.00 520.00
Patricia Lawrence 1318 Putnam Ave
Plainfield, New Jersey 070601924
NJ Institute of Technology / Director of Benefits Administration
04/30/2008 50.00 520.00
Paula Lawrence 505 E. 79 Street
New York, New York 10075
The Starr Foundation / Philanthrophy
04/23/2008 100.00 750.00
Peter Lawrence 1391 Pennsylvania Ave SE Unit 224
Washington, DC 200033077
Enterprise Community Partners / Senior Policy Director
04/30/2008 250.00 1200.00
Robert Lawrence 1111 E 48th #15
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105
Wright Business School / Teacher
04/30/2008 25.00 205.01
Robert Lawrence 2088 Union St Ste 1
San Francisco, California 941234117
Self employed / Trustee
04/29/2008 250.00 850.00
Robert Lawrence Highfield House 1112 4000 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Johns Hopkins University / Professor
04/30/2008 50.00 686.95
Robert Lawrence Highfield House 1112 4000 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Johns Hopkins University / Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 686.95
Robert Lawrence Highfield House 1112 4000 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Johns Hopkins University / Professor
04/14/2008 50.00 686.95
Ms. Rosemarie Lawrence 2104 Ikenberry Ct
Urbana, Illinois 618028621
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 70.00 480.00
Ms. Rosemarie Lawrence 2104 Ikenberry Ct
Urbana, Illinois 618028621
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/25/2008 50.00 480.00
Ruth Lawrence 3028 Pine Ridge Dr
Eagan, Minnesota 551211908
Thomsonreuters / Attorney editor
04/30/2008 25.00 355.00
Ruth Lawrence 3028 Pine Ridge Dr
Eagan, Minnesota 551211908
Thomsonreuters / Attorney editor
04/14/2008 25.00 355.00
Ruth Lawrence 3028 Pine Ridge Dr
Eagan, Minnesota 551211908
Thomsonreuters / Attorney editor
04/23/2008 25.00 355.00
Ruth Lawrence 3028 Pine Ridge Dr
Eagan, Minnesota 551211908
Thomsonreuters / Attorney editor
04/28/2008 25.00 355.00
Ryan Lawrence 970 NE Clear Creek Way
Fairview, Oregon 970242650
Cantel Sweeping / Manager
04/15/2008 200.00 2150.00
Sally Lawrence 4358 Poydras St
Lake Charles, Louisiana 706054400
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 30.00 205.00
Sally Lawrence 4358 Poydras St
Lake Charles, Louisiana 706054400
Not employed / Retired
04/20/2008 25.00 205.00
Sandra Lawrence 11408 183rd Pl NE Apt K3033
Redmond, Washington 980527400
Arthur J Gallagher Rms, Inc / Area VP, Commercial Lines
04/14/2008 50.00 300.00
Sara Lawrence 1336 Brooks Ave
Raleigh, North Carolina 276073704
RTI International / Analyst
04/24/2008 250.00 475.00
Scott Lawrence 560 Old Marlboro Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017424042
Bluesocket / Software Engineer
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Shannon Lawrence 6360 Tunis Pl
Dulles, Virginia 201896360
International Rivers / Policy Analyst
04/22/2008 500.00 500.00
Steven Lawrence 531 Esplanade #307
Redondo Beach, California 902774058
Self employed / Physician
04/30/2008 100.00 400.03
Steven Lawrence 531 Esplanade #307
Redondo Beach, California 902774058
Self employed / Physician
04/23/2008 50.00 400.03
Thomas Lawrence 21823 Via Regina
Saratoga, California 950704861
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 50.00 950.00
Thomas Lawrence 21823 Via Regina
Saratoga, California 950704861
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 50.00 950.00
Tracy Lawrence 6763 Radlock Ave
Los Angeles, California 900562219
Russell Reynolds Assiociates / Executive Recruiter
04/28/2008 100.00 550.00
Mary Lawrence Gallagher 415 Church St Apt 2103
Nashville, Tennessee 372191840
Walton's Antique & Estate Jewelry / Sales
04/21/2008 50.00 425.00
Bruce Lawrence 5717 Buck Quarter Rd
Hillsborough, North Carolina 272787866
Duke University / University Professor Original Transaction
04/30/2008 29.30 2329.30
Bruce Lawrence 5717 Buck Quarter Rd
Hillsborough, North Carolina 272787866
Duke University / University Professor Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -29.30 2329.30
Bruce Lawrence 5717 Buck Quarter Rd
Hillsborough, North Carolina 272787866
Duke University / University Professor Redesignation To
04/30/2008 29.30 2329.30
Steve Lawrenz 11 W Raye St
Seattle, Washington 981192361
Perkins Coie llp / Attorney
04/28/2008 25.00 275.00
Gretchen Lawrie 6033 North Sheridan Unit 20J
Chicago, Illinois 60660
Kpmg LLP / Manager
04/04/2008 25.00 375.00
Steven Lawry 34 Goden St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024783003
Harvard University / Senior Research Fellow
04/28/2008 100.00 350.00
Candace Laws 815 E Broadway
South Boston, Massachusetts 021272346
Goodwin Procter LLP / Secretary/Paralegal
04/15/2008 50.00 250.00
Godfrey M Laws 3509 Hurdle Mills Rd
Roxborn, North Carolina 00000
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/10/2008 100.00 400.00
Godfrey M Laws 3509 Hurdle Mills Rd
Roxborn, North Carolina 00000
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/25/2008 300.00 400.00
Pamela Laws 100 Jay St Apt 14H
Brooklyn, New York 112011571
Self employed / Writer
04/30/2008 100.00 250.00
Priscilla Laws 10 Douglas Ct
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 170131714
Dickinson College / Part Time Research Professor of Physic
04/29/2008 50.00 250.00
Susan Laws 1921 Kalorama Road NW #101
Washington, DC 20009
Learning Objects, Inc. / Finance
04/23/2008 50.00 700.00
Daniel Lawson 156 Highview Rd
Milford, Pennsylvania 183379319
Self employed / Computer Network Consultant
04/01/2008 150.00 2300.00
Daniel Lawson 156 Highview Rd
Milford, Pennsylvania 183379319
Self employed / Computer Network Consultant
04/29/2008 1050.00 2300.00
Daniel Lawson 156 Highview Rd
Milford, Pennsylvania 183379319
Self employed / Computer Network Consultant
04/21/2008 250.00 2300.00
David Lawson 1632 Saint Matthews Rd
Orangeburg, South Carolina 291182439
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1302.06
David Lawson 1632 Saint Matthews Rd
Orangeburg, South Carolina 291182439
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 1302.06
David Lawson 1632 Saint Matthews Rd
Orangeburg, South Carolina 291182439
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 1302.06
Dawn Lawson 8826 Surveyors Pl
Springfield, Virginia 221522217
U.S. Dept of the Army / Deputy Program Manager
04/28/2008 50.00 310.00
Debbie Lawson 910 Hadley Ln
Marietta, Ohio 457501538
Self employed / Retail Sales - Toys & Games
04/28/2008 50.00 212.50
Deborah Lawson 310 Glenway St
Madison, Wisconsin 537055234
Rrestaino and Assoicates / Real Estate Sales
04/17/2008 50.00 525.00
Ms. Dolores Lawson 35 Harrison Pl
Irvington, New Jersey 071114303
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 25.00 425.00
Donald Lawson 707 Hawthorne Ave
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53172
Unico Inc. / Electrical Engineer
04/18/2008 25.00 225.00
Donald Lawson 707 Hawthorne Ave
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53172
Unico Inc. / Electrical Engineer
04/06/2008 50.00 225.00
Mrs. Eloise Lawson 321 N Lamon Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606442638
Not Employed / Retired
04/25/2008 200.00 1650.00
Mrs. Eloise Lawson 321 N Lamon Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606442638
Not Employed / Retired
04/07/2008 200.00 1650.00
Frederick A Lawson 34 Elm Ct
South Orange, New Jersey 070792319
Infinity Handling System of NY / Journeyman Tech
04/21/2008 150.00 250.00
Gene Lawson 4615 191 St SW
Lynnwood, Washington 98036
Self employed / Locksmith
04/30/2008 500.00 800.00
Herbert Lawson 29 North Rd
Stony Brook, New York 117901009
Stony Brook University / Mathematician
04/20/2008 250.00 500.00
Janet Lawson PO Box 96
Duxbury, Massachusetts 023310096
Self employed / Teacher
04/05/2008 7.95 257.95
Marina Lawson 2802 Sabinal Trl
Cedar Park, Texas 786135302
Self employed / Real Estate Broker / Builder
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Norita Lawson 926 S Crockett St
Sherman, Texas 750907928
Texas Instruments Inc. / Cost Accountant
04/21/2008 100.00 450.00
Norita Lawson 926 S Crockett St
Sherman, Texas 750907928
Texas Instruments Inc. / Cost Accountant
04/16/2008 25.00 450.00
Norita Lawson 926 S Crockett St
Sherman, Texas 750907928
Texas Instruments Inc. / Cost Accountant
04/14/2008 25.00 450.00
Norita Lawson 926 S Crockett St
Sherman, Texas 750907928
Texas Instruments Inc. / Cost Accountant
04/11/2008 25.00 450.00
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/13/2008 100.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/15/2008 100.00 2567.95
Rodney Lawson 901 Main St Suite 5500
Dallas, Texas 752023707
Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenta / Lawyer
04/19/2008 100.00 300.00
Stephanie Lawson 13628 Stanford Drive
Westfield, Indiana 46074
Not employed / Student
04/03/2008 500.00 500.00
Steven Lawson 176 Maple Ave
Metuchen, New Jersey 088401421
Rutgers University / History Professor
04/23/2008 200.00 542.30
Thomas Lawson 18 Willoughby Ave
Brooklyn, New York 112053308
Muzinich & Co., Inc / Banker
04/17/2008 250.00 500.00
Zarina Lawson 8918 Chatsworth Dr
Houston, Texas 770243710
Martha Turner Properties / Realtor
04/30/2008 100.00 350.00
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/23/2008 200.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/23/2008 -50.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/23/2008 50.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/28/2008 100.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/28/2008 -100.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/28/2008 100.00 2567.95
Kelli Lawson 6509 Curry Manor Ct
Bethesda, Maryland 208173000
Dell / Global Brand Innovation Director Original Transaction
04/28/2008 30.00 2530.00
Kelli Lawson 6509 Curry Manor Ct
Bethesda, Maryland 208173000
Dell / Global Brand Innovation Director Redesignation From
04/28/2008 -30.00 2530.00
Kelli Lawson 6509 Curry Manor Ct
Bethesda, Maryland 208173000
Dell / Global Brand Innovation Director Redesignation To
04/28/2008 30.00 2530.00
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/27/2008 17.95 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/27/2008 -17.95 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/27/2008 17.95 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 100.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -100.00 2567.95
Peter Lawson PO Box 563
Valley Ford, California 949720563
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 100.00 2567.95
Suzanne Lawter 1719 North Glebe Rd
Arlington, Virginia 22207
Self employed / Business Owner
04/28/2008 250.00 742.25
Ms. Susan M Lawther 1107 W. Grand River
E. Lansing, Michigan 48823
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Barbara Lawton 15555 W 67th Ave
Arvada, Colorado 800077041
University of Colorado / Professor
04/30/2008 50.00 310.00
Ms Bess M Lawton PO Box 170
Summerville, South Carolina 29484
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 900.00
Eileen Lawton 8 Sherwood Close
Hillsborough, New Jersey 088444222
Not employed / Retired
04/03/2008 100.00 350.00
James Lawton P.O. Box 470521
Brookline, Massachusetts 02447
Self employed / Bookseller
04/12/2008 25.00 330.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $30732459.12
Total Memo Amount $45759.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Fri Jan 24 16:18:14 2025