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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 154105 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 77001 through 77500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Saundra Lang 4245 Angeles Vista Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900084403
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 260.00
Saundra Lang 4245 Angeles Vista Blvd
Los Angeles, California 900084403
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 260.00
Scott Lang 105 Lynnehaven Drive
Winchester, Virginia 22602
Nacha / Senior Vice President Credit Card Chargeback
04/23/2008 -500.00 1800.00
Stephen Lang 181 Marlborough St
Boston, Massachusetts 021161803
Not employed / Not employed
04/27/2008 100.00 400.00
Stephen Lang 181 Marlborough St
Boston, Massachusetts 021161803
Not employed / Not employed
04/22/2008 100.00 400.00
Steve Lang 1711 Junction Ct Suite 350
San Jose, California 951121000
Altec Packaging Inc. / Manager
04/15/2008 250.00 700.00
Steve Lang 1711 Junction Ct Suite 350
San Jose, California 951121000
Altec Packaging Inc. / Manager
04/29/2008 200.00 700.00
Frances Lang Labaree 85 Kenwood St
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462412
Brookline Center / Social Worker
04/23/2008 254.00 1004.00
Marsha Lang-Collins 2265 Melvin Rd
Oakland, California 946022032
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 100.00 315.00
Eric Langan 2502 Baywater Canyon Dr
Pearland, Texas 775844310
Rick's Cabaret International Inc. / CEO
04/23/2008 250.00 350.00
Kelly Langan #2
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/24/2008 250.00 460.00
Paul Langan 3014 Fifth Street
Voorhees, New Jersey 08043
Townsend Press / Writer / Editor
04/25/2008 50.00 475.00
Paul Langan 3014 Fifth Street
Voorhees, New Jersey 08043
Townsend Press / Writer / Editor
04/30/2008 100.00 475.00
Dr Robert Langan 225 Carroll St
Brooklyn, New York 112314203
Self employed / Physician
04/07/2008 25.00 595.00
Surisa Langbell 4425 Ellenwood Dr
Los Angeles, California 900413216
Martin & Martin / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 325.00
Catherine Langberg 469 Park Ave
Leonia, New Jersey 076051242
Self employed / Classical Musician
04/30/2008 100.00 863.45
Catherine Langberg 469 Park Ave
Leonia, New Jersey 076051242
Self employed / Classical Musician
04/23/2008 50.00 863.45
John Langdon 1926 Brandywine St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191303203
Self employed / Artist
04/28/2008 200.00 470.95
Michelle Langdon 9400 Litchford Rd
Raleigh, North Carolina 276152314
Labcorp / Attorney
04/23/2008 25.00 299.00
Peter Langdon 104 Minick Dr.
Newburg, Pennsylvania 17240
Self employed / Internet Sales
04/28/2008 25.00 775.40
Peter Langdon 104 Minick Dr.
Newburg, Pennsylvania 17240
Self employed / Internet Sales
04/28/2008 25.00 775.40
Peter Langdon 104 Minick Dr.
Newburg, Pennsylvania 17240
Self employed / Internet Sales
04/28/2008 25.00 775.40
Peter Langdon 104 Minick Dr.
Newburg, Pennsylvania 17240
Self employed / Internet Sales
04/28/2008 25.00 775.40
Peter Langdon 104 Minick Dr.
Newburg, Pennsylvania 17240
Self employed / Internet Sales
04/28/2008 100.00 775.40
Peter Langdon 104 Minick Dr.
Newburg, Pennsylvania 17240
Self employed / Internet Sales
04/30/2008 100.00 775.40
Robert Langdon 911 Main St
Lexington, Missouri 640671342
Self-employed / Attorney
04/15/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Susan Langdon 17128 Western Cir
Omaha, Nebraska 681182887
Self employed / Fiber Artist
04/17/2008 100.00 2300.00
Susan Langdon 17128 Western Cir
Omaha, Nebraska 681182887
Self employed / Fiber Artist
04/28/2008 118.75 2300.00
Susan Langdon 17128 Western Cir
Omaha, Nebraska 681182887
Self employed / Fiber Artist
04/22/2008 250.00 2300.00
Susan Langdon 17128 Western Cir
Omaha, Nebraska 681182887
Self employed / Fiber Artist
04/18/2008 15.00 2300.00
William Langdon PO Box 71777
Phoenix, Arizona 850501013
Schwab / Broker
04/29/2008 100.00 450.00
Ann Lange 1468 Redondo Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 841053710
LDS Hospital / Psychologist
04/23/2008 50.00 500.00
Ann Lange 1468 Redondo Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 841053710
LDS Hospital / Psychologist
04/28/2008 100.00 500.00
Dennis Lange 14550 Deer Park Ct
Los Gatos, California 950326620
Kidney Specialists Medical Corporation / Physician
04/28/2008 742.75 2300.00
Eric Lange 4550 Crystal Springs Dr NE
Bainbridge Island, Washington 981102080
Mmetrics.Com / Programmer
04/22/2008 150.00 450.00
Eric Lange 4550 Crystal Springs Dr NE
Bainbridge Island, Washington 981102080
Mmetrics.Com / Programmer
04/22/2008 100.00 450.00
Mr. Fred E Lange, Jr 2233 Old Farm Rd
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 070762113
Not Employed / Retired
04/21/2008 50.00 260.00
Jeffrey Lange 5009 Tomahawk Trl
Madison, Wisconsin 537051368
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 760.00
Margie Lange 7018 44th Ave NE
Olympia, Washington 98516
WA State Senate / Sr. Legislative Asst.
04/19/2008 50.00 330.00
Margie Lange 7018 44th Ave NE
Olympia, Washington 98516
WA State Senate / Sr. Legislative Asst.
04/28/2008 100.00 330.00
Margie Lange 7018 44th Ave NE
Olympia, Washington 98516
WA State Senate / Sr. Legislative Asst.
04/30/2008 30.00 330.00
Margie Lange 7018 44th Ave NE
Olympia, Washington 98516
WA State Senate / Sr. Legislative Asst.
04/19/2008 50.00 330.00
Mary Lange P.O. Box 2020
Sequim, Washington 98382
Dr. Richard Elmer / Dental Hygienist
04/15/2008 25.00 281.81
Mary Lange P.O. Box 2020
Sequim, Washington 98382
Dr. Richard Elmer / Dental Hygienist
04/23/2008 25.00 281.81
Mary Lange P.O. Box 2020
Sequim, Washington 98382
Dr. Richard Elmer / Dental Hygienist
04/28/2008 30.00 281.81
Mary Lange P.O. Box 2020
Sequim, Washington 98382
Dr. Richard Elmer / Dental Hygienist
04/30/2008 25.00 281.81
Mary Lange P.O. Box 2020
Sequim, Washington 98382
Dr. Richard Elmer / Dental Hygienist
04/05/2008 15.00 281.81
Maureen Lange 536 Cross Creek Cir
Sebastian, Florida 329588316
Sebastian River Medical Center / Registered Nurse
04/15/2008 25.00 230.00
Maureen Lange 536 Cross Creek Cir
Sebastian, Florida 329588316
Sebastian River Medical Center / Registered Nurse
04/07/2008 25.00 230.00
Maureen Lange 536 Cross Creek Cir
Sebastian, Florida 329588316
Sebastian River Medical Center / Registered Nurse
04/29/2008 25.00 230.00
Maxine Lange 826 Madison St
Evanston, Illinois 602022207
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Paul K Lange 36 Birch Cres
Rochester, New York 146071006
Self-employed / Attorney
04/25/2008 200.00 400.00
Robert Lange 1814 Ontario Pl NW
Washington, DC 200092109
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 50.00 275.00
Scott Lange 1246 Gracewood Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303162666
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 100.00 607.91
Scott Lange 1246 Gracewood Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303162666
Not employed / Not employed
04/08/2008 100.00 607.91
Sebastian Lange 4755 Thackeray Pl NE
Seattle, Washington 981054845
Microsoft / Engineer
04/08/2008 75.00 255.00
Steve Lange 4402 157th Ave SE
Bellevue, Washington 980064522
Self employed / Ins. Consultant
04/15/2008 25.00 274.00
Steve Lange 4402 157th Ave SE
Bellevue, Washington 980064522
Self employed / Ins. Consultant
04/23/2008 25.00 274.00
Steven Lange 310 State St
Vicksburg, Michigan 490971228
Pfizer Inc. / Purchasing Technician
04/23/2008 250.00 450.00
Suzanne Lange 13649 Christian Barrett Dr
Moorpark, California 930212836
Ocean View School District / Principal
04/30/2008 25.00 293.85
Suzanne Lange 13649 Christian Barrett Dr
Moorpark, California 930212836
Ocean View School District / Principal
04/15/2008 25.00 293.85
Kathy Lange-Novak 2744 Marledge St
Fitchburg, Wisconsin 537115283
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 50.00 275.00
Kathy Lange-Novak 2744 Marledge St
Fitchburg, Wisconsin 537115283
Not employed / Homemaker
04/23/2008 25.00 275.00
Christopher Langeler 11522 SW Riverwood Rd
Portland, Oregon 972198451
Chrstiecare / Teacher Counselor
04/17/2008 25.00 300.00
Gwyneth Langeler 23 Woodside Ln
New Hope, Pennsylvania 189389281
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 250.00 791.86
Elizabeth Langen 406 Avondale Dr
Springfield, Illinois 627041427
State of Illinois / Public Administrator
04/30/2008 50.00 225.00
Elizabeth Langen 406 Avondale Dr
Springfield, Illinois 627041427
State of Illinois / Public Administrator
04/12/2008 25.00 225.00
Diane Langenfus 36 Sidewinder Loop
Clancy, Montana 596349824
Self employed / Hairdresser
04/25/2008 5.00 282.61
Diane Langenfus 36 Sidewinder Loop
Clancy, Montana 596349824
Self employed / Hairdresser
04/29/2008 30.00 282.61
Diane Langenfus 36 Sidewinder Loop
Clancy, Montana 596349824
Self employed / Hairdresser
04/29/2008 15.00 282.61
Diane Langenfus 36 Sidewinder Loop
Clancy, Montana 596349824
Self employed / Hairdresser
04/16/2008 20.00 282.61
Diane Langenfus 36 Sidewinder Loop
Clancy, Montana 596349824
Self employed / Hairdresser
04/23/2008 25.00 282.61
Diane Langenfus 36 Sidewinder Loop
Clancy, Montana 596349824
Self employed / Hairdresser
04/28/2008 25.00 282.61
Vida Langenkamp 4460 N Lake Dr
Shorewood, Wisconsin 532111775
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 30.00 1230.00
Vida Langenkamp 4460 N Lake Dr
Shorewood, Wisconsin 532111775
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 1230.00
Vida Langenkamp 4460 N Lake Dr
Shorewood, Wisconsin 532111775
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 1230.00
Dan Langer 12932 W Glacier Dr
Evansville, Wisconsin 53536
Data Farm Consulting / Consultant
04/30/2008 250.00 1000.00
David Langer 43 Woodlawn Avenue
New Rochelle, New York 10804
Latham & Watkins LLP / Lawyer
04/05/2008 250.00 250.00
Keiran Langer 444 Redwood Rd
San Anselmo, California 949602766
Not Employed / Homemaker
04/28/2008 677.62 1117.62
Norbert Langer P.O. Box 56
Lakewood, Wisconsin 54138
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 255.00
Norbert Langer P.O. Box 56
Lakewood, Wisconsin 54138
Not employed / Retired
04/02/2008 25.00 255.00
Stephen Langer 175 NE Knowledge St
Prineville, Oregon 977542055
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 15.00 323.00
Stephen Langer 175 NE Knowledge St
Prineville, Oregon 977542055
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 33.00 323.00
Steven Langer 4961 E. Vassar Ln.
Denver, Colorado 80222
Panache Catering, Inc. / Caterer
04/29/2008 100.00 465.00
Alexander Langerman 1646 N Leavitt St
Chicago, Illinois 606475410
University of Chicago Hospitals / Physician
04/30/2008 100.00 1000.00
Alexander Langerman 1646 N Leavitt St
Chicago, Illinois 606475410
University of Chicago Hospitals / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 1000.00
Thomas Langerud 206 Chapel St
Forest City, Iowa 504361829
Winnebago Industries / Supervisor
04/15/2008 100.00 240.00
Jerimiah Langfeldt 3259 Park Pl
Evanston, Illinois 602014907
Educational Services of America / Director
04/17/2008 25.00 282.25
John Langfitt 972 Bungalow Ave
Winter Park, Florida 327894921
Self employed / Developer
04/28/2008 100.00 250.00
Claire Langford 901 Stone Box Ct
Brentwood, Tennessee 370274377
Carlson Wagonlit Travel / Account Manager
04/30/2008 100.00 843.38
Claire Langford 901 Stone Box Ct
Brentwood, Tennessee 370274377
Carlson Wagonlit Travel / Account Manager
04/23/2008 100.00 843.38
Susan Pease Langford 3353 Peachtree Rd NE Ste M20
Atlanta, Georgia 303261063
Peck Shaffer / Attorney
04/15/2008 1000.00 1100.00
Sylvia Langford 7 Arbor Way
Amherst, Massachusetts 010021694
University of Massachusetts Amherst / Administrator
04/27/2008 25.00 350.00
A J Langguth 1922 Whitley Ave
Los Angeles, California 900683233
USC / Professor Emeritus
04/30/2008 50.00 325.00
A J Langguth 1922 Whitley Ave
Los Angeles, California 900683233
USC / Professor Emeritus
04/23/2008 50.00 325.00
A J Langguth 1922 Whitley Ave
Los Angeles, California 900683233
USC / Professor Emeritus
04/15/2008 50.00 325.00
Jesse Langham 1354 Utah St
San Francisco, California 941103535
Pillar Data Systems / Advanced Support Engineer
04/15/2008 25.00 423.50
Lewis Langham 28284 Golf Pointe Blvd
Farmington Hills, Michigan 483312937
Thomas M. Cooley Law School / Attorney/Professor
04/23/2008 250.00 1289.20
Lewis Langham 28284 Golf Pointe Blvd
Farmington Hills, Michigan 483312937
Thomas M. Cooley Law School / Attorney/Professor
04/17/2008 100.00 1289.20
Lindsay Langholz 6808 Fallbrook Ct
Colleyville, Texas 760346571
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz / Paralegal
04/22/2008 50.00 255.00
Kirsten Langhorne 43685 Red House Dr
Leesburg, Virginia 201763853
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 50.00 464.00
Rob Langi 150 Rugby Pl
Woodbury, New Jersey 080961806
Bob Langi / Real Estate Development
04/29/2008 100.00 344.82
Robert Langi 150 Rugby Pl
Woodbury, New Jersey 080961806
Self employed / Real Estate Developer
04/17/2008 250.00 1000.00
Charles Langille 39 Grove St #2
Peterborough, New Hampshire 034581408
Jaffrey Rindge Coop School District / School Counselor
04/28/2008 25.00 1025.17
Sharon Langlais 38 Albert Dr
Parlin, New Jersey 088591831
Bellmarc Property Management / Property Manager
04/23/2008 25.00 260.00
Jerry Langland 648 W Aldine Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606573499
Software Guru, Inc. / IT Consultant
04/23/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Penny Langland 1014 Oakland Park Rd
Thief River Falls, Minnesota 567013912
Meritcare / Physician
04/18/2008 200.00 580.00
Penny Langland 1014 Oakland Park Rd
Thief River Falls, Minnesota 567013912
Meritcare / Physician
04/22/2008 250.00 580.00
Cynthia Langley 620 A Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Aarp / Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 327.70
Cynthia Langley 620 A Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Aarp / Manager
04/07/2008 50.00 327.70
Mary Langley 26711 Ironwood Ave
Moreno Valley, California 925551906
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 310.00
Nicole Langley PO Box 521
Fort Garland, Colorado 811330521
Transforma R&D / Nonprofit Consulant
04/28/2008 25.00 385.10
Nicole Langley PO Box 521
Fort Garland, Colorado 811330521
Transforma R&D / Nonprofit Consulant
04/14/2008 25.00 385.10
Nicole Langley PO Box 521
Fort Garland, Colorado 811330521
Transforma R&D / Nonprofit Consulant
04/29/2008 15.00 385.10
Donald Langlois 534 Cilley Rd
Manchester, New Hampshire 031034551
U.S. Postal Service / Distribution Clerk
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Mark Langlois 330 S. Burnside Ave
Los Angeles, California 90036
Bigtkt Pictures / Accountant
04/23/2008 25.00 275.00
Carolyn D Langlotz 1617 Amber Ln
Plano, Texas 750755513
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 300.00
Carolyn D Langlotz 1617 Amber Ln
Plano, Texas 750755513
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Curtis Langlotz 719 Iron Post Rd
Moorestown, New Jersey 080571861
University of Pennsylvania / Physician
04/29/2008 200.00 1155.21
James Langman 4635 E. Links Dr.
Centennial, Colorado 80122
Environmental Cost Management, Inc. / Geologist
04/23/2008 50.00 400.00
Jeffrey Langner 1211 Orleans Dr
Mundelein, Illinois 600604858
Profile Products / Marketing Assistant
04/29/2008 30.00 215.90
John P Langowski 6752 Riesling Way SE
Salem, Oregon 973069003
Sunwest Management / CIO
04/24/2008 50.00 350.00
John P Langowski 6752 Riesling Way SE
Salem, Oregon 973069003
Sunwest Management / CIO
04/16/2008 100.00 350.00
Steven Langs 18815 Clover Hill Ln
Olney, Maryland 208321209
White Oak Technologies / Computer Scientist
04/30/2008 50.00 250.00
Steven Langs 18815 Clover Hill Ln
Olney, Maryland 208321209
White Oak Technologies / Computer Scientist
04/23/2008 50.00 250.00
Mr. Philip Langsdorf 1 Cutter Way
Middletown, Delaware 197098979
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/09/2008 100.00 300.00
Keith Langseth Rr 2
Glyndon, Minnesota 56547
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 135.00 551.00
Lillian Langseth PO Box 680
Palisades, New York 109640680
Not Employed / Retired
04/18/2008 50.00 250.00
Howard Langshaw 17559 SW 54th St
Miramar, Florida 330295084
Glhomes / CIO
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Eric Langshur 1465 W Cullom Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606131309
Carepages Inc.
04/14/2008 500.00 500.00
Bill Langston 13276 East Sunset
Los Altos Hills, California 94022
Parkinson's Institute / Physician
04/16/2008 50.00 524.00
Bill Langston 13276 East Sunset
Los Altos Hills, California 94022
Parkinson's Institute / Physician
04/22/2008 50.00 524.00
Bill Langston 13276 East Sunset
Los Altos Hills, California 94022
Parkinson's Institute / Physician
04/29/2008 25.00 524.00
Bill Langston 13276 East Sunset
Los Altos Hills, California 94022
Parkinson's Institute / Physician
04/29/2008 25.00 524.00
Judy Ann Langston 5501 Glen Cove Dr
Knoxville, Tennessee 379198607
Self employed / Marital & Family Therapist
04/25/2008 200.00 900.00
Lee Ann Langston 1628 N Country Club Rd
Muskogee, Oklahoma 744031119
Steps, Inc. / President/Executive Director
04/15/2008 50.00 215.20
Senate Langston 146 Jameson Way
Seven Fields, Pennsylvania 160464324
Respironics, Inc. / Software Professional
04/28/2008 100.00 520.00
Shyrese Langston 5172-B Redmon Rd
Elm City, North Carolina 278228246
RBC Bank / Sr. Mgr., International Pensions & Ben
04/07/2008 250.00 250.00
Trevor Langton 1406 Greenwich Dr
Allen, Texas 750134681
Countrywide Financial / Manager
04/30/2008 75.00 399.47
Trevor Langton 1406 Greenwich Dr
Allen, Texas 750134681
Countrywide Financial / Manager
04/22/2008 100.00 399.47
Alissar Langworthy 6417 N 39th St
Augusta, Michigan 490129767
Self employed / Artist
04/15/2008 50.00 550.00
Mr. John M Lanham 1350 Inglewood Ave
Eugene, Oregon 974011714
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Barbara Lanier 1869 San Ramon Ave
Berkeley, California 947071623
Self employed / Attorney
04/24/2008 100.00 550.00
Odysseus M Lanier 3523 Rolling Green Ln
Missouri City, Texas 774594030
McConnell Jonas Lanier And Murphy LLp / Consultant
04/15/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Mr. Eugene D. Lanigan 492 Ridgewood Rd
Maplewood, New Jersey 070402137
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 100.00 500.00
Tim Lank 6346 Meriwether Ln
Springfield, Virginia 221501006
Uspto / IT Specialist
04/23/2008 100.00 636.90
Tim Lank 6346 Meriwether Ln
Springfield, Virginia 221501006
Uspto / IT Specialist
04/29/2008 100.00 636.90
Jamila Lankford 5203 Woodlawn Place
Bellaire, Texas 77401
Self employed / Author
04/22/2008 50.00 460.00
Scott Lankford 1476 st. annes ct.
concord, North Carolina 28027
Southeast Radiation Oncology / Physician
04/15/2008 50.00 375.00
Scott Lankford 1476 st. annes ct.
concord, North Carolina 28027
Southeast Radiation Oncology / Physician
04/15/2008 50.00 375.00
Scott Lankford 1476 st. annes ct.
concord, North Carolina 28027
Southeast Radiation Oncology / Physician
04/15/2008 50.00 375.00
Gwendolyn Y Lankster 1411 W 156th St
Compton, California 902203511

04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
David Lanner 1343 N Calaveras St
Fresno, California 937282003
California Department of Transportatio / Environmental Planner
04/09/2008 25.00 522.98
Joyce Lannert 35 Park Dr
Ossining, New York 105623925
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Susan D Lannin 7100N N Greenview Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60626
Not employed / Student
04/23/2008 250.00 775.00
Robert Lanning 21 Burgess Ave
Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067
NJ / Buyer
04/03/2008 250.00 250.00
Patricia Lanoff 1406 29th St NW
Washington, DC 200073147
Not employed / Not employed
04/24/2008 1000.00 2000.00
Kevin Lanoha 8641 E 29th Ave
Denver, Colorado 802382666
Qwest Corporation / Lawyer
04/23/2008 100.00 531.86
Kevin Lanoha 8641 E 29th Ave
Denver, Colorado 802382666
Qwest Corporation / Lawyer
04/08/2008 106.86 531.86
Elizabeth Lanoue 26203 W Tallgrass Trl
Channahon, Illinois 604108739
Troy School District 30 / Teacher
04/20/2008 25.00 342.89
Maria Lans 5711 Sanderling Way
Blaine, Washington 982309369
Mslans, LLC / Consultant
04/23/2008 250.00 750.00
Gregg Lansing 1592 Union St # 385
San Francisco, California 941234531
Gogenius LLC / IT Professional / Consultant
04/22/2008 50.00 215.00
Lisa Lansing 78 Pierce Ln
West Cornwall, Connecticut 067961521
Town of Cornwall / Retired
04/26/2008 50.00 230.00
Mary Lansing 6439 Ace Ct
Longmont, Colorado 805038330
Self employed / Ophthalmologist
04/17/2008 1500.00 1500.00
Mary Lansing 66 Lovell Ave
Mill Valley, California 949414804
City of Mill Valley / Special Projects
04/22/2008 100.00 925.13
Mary Lansing 66 Lovell Ave
Mill Valley, California 949414804
City of Mill Valley / Special Projects
04/30/2008 100.00 925.13
Steve Lansing 6304 23rd Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981157007
United Food and Commercial Workers, Lo / Community Organizer
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Townsend Lansing 1508 Riparian Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605654179
Bank of America / Investment Banking
04/03/2008 250.00 275.00
Townsend Lansing 1508 Riparian Dr
Naperville, Illinois 605654179
Bank of America / Investment Banking
04/23/2008 25.00 275.00
Diana Lansing Antwine 2274 Sir Amant Dr
Lewisville, Texas 750565551
Republic Title of Texas, Inc. / Senior VP, Escrow Officer
04/28/2008 30.00 280.00
Diana Lansing Antwine 2274 Sir Amant Dr
Lewisville, Texas 750565551
Republic Title of Texas, Inc. / Senior VP, Escrow Officer
04/16/2008 25.00 280.00
Diana Lansing Antwine 2274 Sir Amant Dr
Lewisville, Texas 750565551
Republic Title of Texas, Inc. / Senior VP, Escrow Officer
04/15/2008 25.00 280.00
Dorothy Lansing Barron 71 Puakea Pl
Kula, Hawaii 967908129
Self employed / Marketing
04/24/2008 100.00 620.00
David Lansky 554 Clipper St
San Francisco, California 941143605
Pacific Business Group on Health / President & CEO
04/22/2008 500.00 500.00
Michael Lansky 2830 N. Swan Rd Suite 160
Tucson, Arizona 85712
Enroute Telecom / Executive
04/15/2008 100.00 350.00
Kathryn Lanthier 19 Pearson St
Fort Thomas, Kentucky 410752316
Self employed / Counselor
04/21/2008 92.89 242.89
Jackie Lantz 19840 Linnet St
Woodland Hills, California 913643621
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 25.00 243.50
Louis Lantz 11432 E Blue Wash Rd
Cave Creek, Arizona 853312861
Self employed / Real Estate Lender
04/29/2008 100.00 235.00
Lee Lanza 8 Hayward St
Malden, Massachusetts 021481013
RTI Health Solutions / Epidemiologist
04/20/2008 100.00 1512.95
Lee Lanza 8 Hayward St
Malden, Massachusetts 021481013
RTI Health Solutions / Epidemiologist
04/05/2008 100.00 1512.95
Lee Lanza 8 Hayward St
Malden, Massachusetts 021481013
RTI Health Solutions / Epidemiologist
04/30/2008 100.00 1512.95
Jonathan Lanzkowsky 71 Homestead Rd
Tenafly, New Jersey 076701108
Self employed / Physician-Ob/gyn
04/30/2008 250.00 683.36
Jonathan Lanzkowsky 71 Homestead Rd
Tenafly, New Jersey 076701108
Self employed / Physician-Ob/gyn
04/01/2008 33.36 683.36
Leeann Lanzo 10432 Fawns Way
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 553475117
Disney / Sales
04/13/2008 82.40 282.40
Leeann Lanzo 10432 Fawns Way
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 553475117
Disney / Sales
04/30/2008 25.00 282.40
Summer Laolagi 5731 Capetown St
Lakewood, California 907131505
Dane Elec Corp / Sales Admin Manager
04/30/2008 30.00 237.58
Summer Laolagi 5731 Capetown St
Lakewood, California 907131505
Dane Elec Corp / Sales Admin Manager
04/30/2008 15.00 237.58
Summer Laolagi 5731 Capetown St
Lakewood, California 907131505
Dane Elec Corp / Sales Admin Manager
04/30/2008 67.58 237.58
Summer Laolagi 5731 Capetown St
Lakewood, California 907131505
Dane Elec Corp / Sales Admin Manager
04/18/2008 25.00 237.58
Nimanong Laoverachai 1641 NE 163rd St
North Miami Beach, Florida 331624730
Po Seng Tong / Herbalist Healthcare
04/18/2008 25.00 542.19
Nimanong Laoverachai 1641 NE 163rd St
North Miami Beach, Florida 331624730
Po Seng Tong / Herbalist Healthcare
04/18/2008 25.00 542.19
Nimanong Laoverachai 1641 NE 163rd St
North Miami Beach, Florida 331624730
Po Seng Tong / Herbalist Healthcare
04/18/2008 50.00 542.19
Sylvia Lapan 3 Torneo Ct
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875088345
Self employed / Bookkeeper
04/30/2008 25.00 340.00
Maja Lapcevic 4641 W Frankfort Dr
Rockville, Maryland 208532724
Freelance / Journalist
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Mark Lapekas 3314 Watermarke Pl
Irvine, California 926125618
Manhattan Associates / Sales
04/23/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Patrick Lapensee 3822 Bosworth Ct
Fairfax, Virginia 220313807
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 100.00 250.00
Janet Lapey 59 Randolph Ave
Milton, Massachusetts 021863404
Not employed / Homemaker
04/14/2008 100.00 400.00
Elisabeth Lapeyre PO Box 2666
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 875572666
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 25.00 355.00
Elisabeth Lapeyre PO Box 2666
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 875572666
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 355.00
Elisabeth Lapeyre PO Box 2666
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 875572666
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 355.00
Elisabeth Lapeyre PO Box 2666
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 875572666
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 355.00
Tonya Lapeyrolerie 2419 Cobb Parkway
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
La'seviance Etc Hair Spa Salon / Owner/Hair Stylist
04/28/2008 50.00 250.00
Tonya Lapeyrolerie 2419 Cobb Parkway
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
La'seviance Etc Hair Spa Salon / Owner/Hair Stylist
04/16/2008 25.00 250.00
Timothy Lapham 61 Pelican Rd
Quincy, Massachusetts 021692625
Tufts Health Center / Surgrical Fellow
04/15/2008 100.00 300.00
Toone Lapham PO Box 2203
Asheville, North Carolina 288022203
Self employed / Home
04/23/2008 50.00 350.00
Sharon Lapid 1810 Avenida del Mundo Unit 1507
Coronado, California 921184050
na / Retired
04/30/2008 200.00 1350.00
Ginger Lapid-Bogda 1106 21st Street
Santa Monica, California 90403
Self employed / Management Consultant
04/16/2008 40.00 2300.00
Harvey Lapides 5910 Acacia Ave
Oakland, California 946181852
Self employed / Physician
04/28/2008 150.00 1300.00
Harvey Lapides 5910 Acacia Ave
Oakland, California 946181852
Self employed / Physician
04/15/2008 100.00 1300.00
Ira Lapidus 182 Adams Rd
Williamstown, Massachusetts 012672931
Self employed / Physician
04/23/2008 50.00 300.05
Ira Lapidus 182 Adams Rd
Williamstown, Massachusetts 012672931
Self employed / Physician
04/15/2008 50.00 300.05
Kimberlee Lapie 2732 18th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222014028
Unemployed due to Mortgage Crisis / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 700.00
Jerome M Lapin 3019 S Lakeridge Trl
Boulder, Colorado 803029375
Not Employed / Retired
04/29/2008 1000.00 2000.00
Katherine Lapin 319 S Clark Dr Apt. 301
Los Angeles, California 900483222
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 831.00
Katherine Lapin 319 S Clark Dr Apt. 301
Los Angeles, California 900483222
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 831.00
Katherine Lapin 319 S Clark Dr Apt. 301
Los Angeles, California 900483222
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 100.00 831.00
Regina A Lapin 3019 S Lakeridge Trl
Boulder, Colorado 803029375
Not Employed / Retired
04/29/2008 1000.00 2100.00
James Lapine 65 CPW #14B
NYC, New York 10023
Self employed / Playwright
04/22/2008 250.00 250.00
Joseph Lapinski 181 Newman St
Metuchen, New Jersey 088402662
Self employed / Engineer
04/17/2008 15.00 1282.20
Joseph Lapinski 181 Newman St
Metuchen, New Jersey 088402662
Self employed / Engineer
04/15/2008 100.00 1282.20
Dominice Laporte 827 Winfal Dr
Schaumburg, Illinois 601736192
Xperior Solutions, Inc. / Consultant, Human Resources
04/23/2008 300.00 1690.05
Ms Laura Laporte 909 Charles Hill Rd
Santa Cruz, California 950659702
Self employed / Attorney
04/21/2008 200.00 450.00
Alice Laporte-Fuller 4 Hampshire Dr
Concord, New Hampshire 033015914
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/17/2008 50.00 225.00
Alice Laporte-Fuller 4 Hampshire Dr
Concord, New Hampshire 033015914
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/23/2008 50.00 225.00
Andrea Lappen 902 Curtis St
Albany, California 947062108
Self employed / Paychologist
04/21/2008 500.00 1000.00
Nicholas Lappos 6027 Dowlingwood Dr
Beaufort, South Carolina 299026301
Gulfstream Aerospace / VP Government Programs
04/19/2008 100.00 300.00
Gretchen Lapres PO Box 871
Pahoa, Hawaii 967780871
Hidoe / Teacher
04/17/2008 100.00 250.00
Daniel Lapsley 52633 Brookdale Dr
South Bend, Indiana 466373002
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/07/2008 100.00 504.40
Jon Laqueur 17 Butlerville Rd
Somers, New York 105892401
Idea-Ware LLC / Marketing
04/23/2008 100.00 500.00
Jon Laqueur 17 Butlerville Rd
Somers, New York 105892401
Idea-Ware LLC / Marketing
04/30/2008 100.00 500.00
Carlos Lara 3606 springview wy
Palmdale, California 93551
Self employed / Music Producer
04/23/2008 100.00 460.00
Carlos Lara 3606 springview wy
Palmdale, California 93551
Self employed / Music Producer
04/17/2008 100.00 460.00
Carlos Lara 3606 springview wy
Palmdale, California 93551
Self employed / Music Producer
04/29/2008 100.00 460.00
Dinah Lara PO Box 490
Chino Hills, California 917090017
Federal Govt / Retired
04/22/2008 100.00 300.00
Robert Laramee 9905 Metherly Hill Rd.
Bakersfield, California 93312
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 225.00
Tim Laramie 16633 37th Dr SE
Bothell, Washington 980128819
National Credit Union Administration / Problem Case Officer
04/30/2008 25.00 375.00
Tim Laramie 16633 37th Dr SE
Bothell, Washington 980128819
National Credit Union Administration / Problem Case Officer
04/23/2008 250.00 375.00
Tim Laramie 16633 37th Dr SE
Bothell, Washington 980128819
National Credit Union Administration / Problem Case Officer
04/21/2008 100.00 375.00
Cynthia Laramore 2918 Hunters Glen Dr
Plainsboro, New Jersey 085362922
University of Pennsylvania / Research Specialist
04/23/2008 25.00 650.00
Cynthia Laramore 2918 Hunters Glen Dr
Plainsboro, New Jersey 085362922
University of Pennsylvania / Research Specialist
04/21/2008 50.00 650.00
Cynthia Laramore 2918 Hunters Glen Dr
Plainsboro, New Jersey 085362922
University of Pennsylvania / Research Specialist
04/29/2008 25.00 650.00
Maria Laramore 3671 Yorba Linda Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 891224711
Harrahs Entertainment / Operations Manager
04/01/2008 50.00 375.56
Danielle Laraque 4579 Boston Post Rd
Pelham, New York 108032806
Mount Sinai School of Medicine / Pediatrician
04/16/2008 100.00 250.00
Troy Laraviere 5130 WNot employed 186th
Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478
Cps / Assistant Principal
04/28/2008 25.00 220.30
Grace Larayne 3033 S 55th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532193351
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 60.00 310.00
Karen Larbalestier 6994 Standing Pines Ln
Tallahassee, Florida 323129675
Self employed / Piano Teacher
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Janie Lardner 1730 N Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 606145883
University of Chicago / Admin. Asst.
04/14/2008 25.00 365.00
Janie Lardner 1730 N Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 606145883
University of Chicago / Admin. Asst.
04/23/2008 25.00 365.00
Janie Lardner 1730 N Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 606145883
University of Chicago / Admin. Asst.
04/29/2008 25.00 365.00
Janie Lardner 1730 N Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 606145883
University of Chicago / Admin. Asst.
04/30/2008 100.00 365.00
Michael Lardner 848 Huntington Pl
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Wide World of Golf / Executive
04/17/2008 250.00 1625.00
Michael Lardner 848 Huntington Pl
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Wide World of Golf / Executive
04/30/2008 300.00 1625.00
Michael Lardner 848 Huntington Pl
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Wide World of Golf / Executive
04/01/2008 300.00 1625.00
Michael Lardner 848 Huntington Pl
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Wide World of Golf / Executive
04/23/2008 250.00 1625.00
Kango Lare-Lantone 1435 Fourth Street, SW
Washington,, DC 20024
Undp / Democratic Governance Adviser
04/03/2008 250.00 250.00
Jan Laret Laret 220 Rancho Dr
Tiburon, California 949202669
University of California, San Francisc / Hospital CEO
04/23/2008 250.00 1450.00
Jan Laret Laret 220 Rancho Dr
Tiburon, California 949202669
University of California, San Francisc / Hospital CEO
04/14/2008 250.00 1450.00
Philip Largay 2318 8th Ave
St James City, Florida 339562179
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 908.28
Philip Largay 2318 8th Ave
St James City, Florida 339562179
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 908.28
Lisa L Large 725 Lincoln Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013330
Palo Alto VA Hospital / Physician
04/30/2008 100.00 876.51
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/30/2008 25.00 355.00
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/30/2008 25.00 355.00
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/20/2008 25.00 355.00
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/14/2008 50.00 355.00
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/14/2008 25.00 355.00
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/29/2008 30.00 355.00
Laura Larios 14500 SW 110th St
Miami, Florida 331866626
Alphanet / Accountant
04/23/2008 25.00 355.00
Grey R Larison 1002 4 Mile Rd NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495252651
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Serv / Psychologist
04/25/2008 100.00 500.00
Sarah Lariviere 1266 North Ave
Beacon, New York 125081477
Self employed / Writer
04/23/2008 10.00 345.00
Alice Lark 603 Ludington Drive
Houston, Texas 77035
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 850.00
Alice Lark 603 Ludington Drive
Houston, Texas 77035
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 850.00
Alice Lark 603 Ludington Drive
Houston, Texas 77035
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 100.00 850.00
Mr. Earnest R. Larkey 3716 Viola Dr
N Highlands, California 956605635
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 50.00 475.00
Kandis Larkey 18722 Double Fork Rd
San Antonio, Texas 782584640
Utsa / Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 710.00
Amy Larkin 75 W End Ave Apt P31B
New York, New York 100237879
Greenpeace / Executive
04/30/2008 250.00 1472.65
Ms. Carolyn D Larkin 4 Pinecrest Ct
Greenbelt, Maryland 207701909
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 100.00 400.00
Christine Larkin 8100 Luisa Way
Windsor, California 954927740
Weight Watchers / Manager
04/28/2008 20.00 205.00
Colles Larkin 7 Yellow Birch Rd
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 551101413
N.A. / Housewife/ Volunteer
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Colles Larkin 7 Yellow Birch Rd
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 551101413
N.A. / Housewife/ Volunteer
04/25/2008 25.00 225.00
Ms. Diane O Larkin 3230 W Morgan Rd
Tucson, Arizona 857459104
Self employed / Artist
04/15/2008 50.00 360.60
Ms. Diane O Larkin 3230 W Morgan Rd
Tucson, Arizona 857459104
Self employed / Artist
04/30/2008 50.00 360.60
Greg Larkin 414 W 120th St Apt 210
New York, New York 100276705
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 15.00 372.30
Greg Larkin 414 W 120th St Apt 210
New York, New York 100276705
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 30.00 372.30
Greg Larkin 414 W 120th St Apt 210
New York, New York 100276705
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 30.00 372.30
Greg Larkin 414 W 120th St Apt 210
New York, New York 100276705
Not employed / Student
04/23/2008 25.00 372.30
Judi Larkin 122 Richmond Rd
Paoli, Pennsylvania 193011822
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/29/2008 50.00 454.00
Judi Larkin 122 Richmond Rd
Paoli, Pennsylvania 193011822
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/08/2008 50.00 454.00
Kevin Larkin 468 E 180 S
Kanab, Utah 847413737
Usda Forest Service / Program Manager
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Lynn Larkin 8834 Pardee Road
St Louis, Missouri 63123
Christner Inc / Business Development Credit Card Chargeback
04/07/2008 -45.00 166.57
Michael Larkin 405 W Franklin St
Tucson, Arizona 857018209
Self-employed / Attorney
04/14/2008 100.00 300.00
Peter Larkin 496 Cross St
Boylston, Massachusetts 015051432
Self employed / State Government Consulting
04/02/2008 500.00 1000.00
Daniel Larkins 1371 48th Ave Apt 102
San Francisco, California 941221081
Health Net / Social Worker
04/28/2008 250.00 1025.00
Daniel Larkins 1371 48th Ave Apt 102
San Francisco, California 941221081
Health Net / Social Worker
04/22/2008 100.00 1025.00
Mr. Richard G Larkins 13108 Quail Creek Ct
Silver Spring, Maryland 209043588
Erust & Young LLP / CPA
04/15/2008 100.00 520.00
Leonard Larks 1028 Blue Drive
West Covina, California 91790
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 463.47
Leonard Larks 1028 Blue Drive
West Covina, California 91790
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 50.00 463.47
Leonard Larks 1028 Blue Drive
West Covina, California 91790
Not employed / Retired
04/17/2008 25.00 463.47
Leonard Larks 1028 Blue Drive
West Covina, California 91790
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 50.00 463.47
Kevin Larmee 2060 W Farwell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606454964
Chicago Board of Education / Teacher
04/14/2008 25.00 312.10
Kevin Larmee 2060 W Farwell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606454964
Chicago Board of Education / Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 312.10
Linda Larmett 14 Sutton Pl S
New York, New York 100223071
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 250.00 750.00
Charles Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Brown University / Professor of Philosophy
04/30/2008 250.00 1150.00
Charles Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Brown University / Professor of Philosophy
04/14/2008 100.00 1150.00
Charles Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Brown University / Professor of Philosophy
04/23/2008 250.00 1150.00
Charles Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Brown University / Professor of Philosophy
04/28/2008 250.00 1150.00
Amey Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Rhode Island School of Design / Teacher/Writer Original Transaction
04/25/2008 40.97 2498.91
Amey Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Rhode Island School of Design / Teacher/Writer Redesignation From
04/25/2008 -40.97 2498.91
Amey Larmore 86 Elmgrove Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 029064136
Rhode Island School of Design / Teacher/Writer Redesignation To
04/25/2008 40.97 2498.91
Bernard Larner 34 Martha Rd
Orinda, California 945633536
Self employed / Physician
04/28/2008 50.00 500.00
Joseph Larocca 616 E St NW Apt 1122
Washington, DC 200042291
National Retail Federation / VP, Loss Prevention
04/17/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Sal Laroche 4081 Sandyland Rd. 231
Carpinteria, California 93013
South Korea's Department of Education / English Teacher
04/30/2008 100.00 225.00
James Larocque 9 Duncan Dr
Bourbonnais, Illinois 609141007
Applied Systems, Inc. / Team Lead
04/23/2008 100.00 400.00
Elisabeth Laroe 3900 Cathedral Ave NW Apt 208A
Washington, DC 200165201
Not employed / Retired
04/20/2008 63.53 263.53
Ms Marilyn W Laros 1209 21st Ave Apt C314
Rock Island, Illinois 612017933
Not Employed / Not Employed Original Transaction
04/07/2008 200.00 2600.00
Ms Marilyn W Laros 1209 21st Ave Apt C314
Rock Island, Illinois 612017933
Not Employed / Not Employed Redesignation From
04/07/2008 -200.00 2600.00
Ms Marilyn W Laros 1209 21st Ave Apt C314
Rock Island, Illinois 612017933
Not Employed / Not Employed Redesignation To
04/07/2008 200.00 2600.00
Christopher Larosa 136 Porter Dr
Annapolis, Maryland 214012257
Securities Investor Protection Corpora / Lawyer
04/23/2008 100.00 600.00
Darisse Larose 3 Castlebridge Court
Hilton Head, South Carolina 29928
NCM Equestrian LLC / Attorney-At-Law
04/15/2008 250.00 1000.00
Darisse Larose 3 Castlebridge Court
Hilton Head, South Carolina 29928
NCM Equestrian LLC / Attorney-At-Law
04/15/2008 250.00 1000.00
Darisse Larose 3 Castlebridge Court
Hilton Head, South Carolina 29928
NCM Equestrian LLC / Attorney-At-Law
04/15/2008 500.00 1000.00
Mary Larose 312 W 4th St
Edwardsville, Illinois 620251561
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 200.00 1150.00
Margareth Larose-Pierre 8760 SW 9th Ct
Pembroke Pines, Florida 330251459
Florida A & M University / Pharmacist
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Margareth Larose-Pierre 8760 SW 9th Ct
Pembroke Pines, Florida 330251459
Florida A & M University / Pharmacist
04/21/2008 50.00 300.00
Connie Larossa 2480 16th St NW Apt 427
Washington, DC 200096703
Department of Defense Contractor / Policy
04/28/2008 45.00 415.00
Connie Larossa 2480 16th St NW Apt 427
Washington, DC 200096703
Department of Defense Contractor / Policy
04/22/2008 100.00 415.00
Constance Larrabee 15 Under Pin Hill Rd
Harvard, Massachusetts 014511345
Harvard Press / Copy Editor
04/23/2008 50.00 250.00
Cassandra Larratt 9390 Peter Roy Ct
Burke, Virginia 220154249
Everest College / Nursing Advisor
04/22/2008 25.00 250.00
Carrie Larrier 191 Willoughby St Apt 8C
Brooklyn, New York 112015451
The Bank of New York / Marketing
04/29/2008 25.00 431.30
Dale Larrimore 704 Southwinds Dr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102043
Larrimore & Farnish, LLP / Attorney
04/29/2008 120.00 220.00
Jacob Larrimore 4419 N. Drake Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Bethel New Life / Grantwriter
04/30/2008 250.00 1400.00
Jacob Larrimore 4419 N. Drake Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Bethel New Life / Grantwriter
04/30/2008 250.00 1400.00
Jacob Larrimore 4419 N. Drake Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Bethel New Life / Grantwriter
04/30/2008 250.00 1400.00
Jacob Larrimore 4419 N. Drake Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Bethel New Life / Grantwriter
04/14/2008 25.00 1400.00
Jacob Larrimore 4419 N. Drake Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Bethel New Life / Grantwriter
04/06/2008 100.00 1400.00
Jacob Larrimore 4419 N. Drake Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Bethel New Life / Grantwriter
04/30/2008 250.00 1400.00
Scott Larrivee 1900 E Capitol Dr Apt 307
Shorewood, Wisconsin 532112333
Mueller Communications / Public Relations
04/30/2008 30.00 280.00
Pierre Larroque 7414 Honesty Way
Bethesda, Maryland 208175550
Self employed / Consultant Finance
04/17/2008 250.00 2300.00
Pierre Larroque 7414 Honesty Way
Bethesda, Maryland 208175550
Self employed / Consultant Finance
04/30/2008 550.00 2300.00
John Larroquette 10100 Santa Monica Blvd. 13th floo c/o Nigro Karlin Segal & Feldstein
Los Angeles, California 90067
Self employed / Actor/Director/Producer/Puppetmaster
04/24/2008 250.00 1250.00
Gwendolyn Larry 600 NE 36th St unit 217
Miami, Florida 331373929
Miami Dade County Public Schools / Educator
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Gwendolyn Larry 600 NE 36th St unit 217
Miami, Florida 331373929
Miami Dade County Public Schools / Educator
04/28/2008 100.00 225.00
Michael Larscheid 3016 Via Conquistador
Carlsbad, California 920093000
EPM Live / Business Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Ms. Barbara A Larsen 129 Ronada Ave
Piedmont, California 946113911
Not Employed / Retired
04/25/2008 100.00 550.00
Bea Larsen 151 W 7th St
Cincinnati, Ohio 452022324
Cfrd / Mediator/Attorney
04/23/2008 50.00 350.00
Christine Larsen 95 Fairbanks Ave
Wellesley, Massachusetts 024815230
Unemployed / House Wife
04/28/2008 100.00 650.00
Elizabeth Larsen 4644 Grand Ave
Western Springs, Illinois 605581547
Kirkland & Ellis LLP / Attorney
04/23/2008 500.00 1962.90
Gimi Larsen 18103 SE 16th Street
Vancouver, Washington 98683
Not employed / Homemaker
04/23/2008 100.00 1050.00
Jay Larsen 4019 Medford Dr SE
Huntsville, Alabama 358021215
Innovative Solutions INX / Operations Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 204.70
Jeff Larsen 4236 Wentworth Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554091924
Shps / Programmer
04/29/2008 50.00 320.00
Joanne Larsen 5205 Tonyawatha Trl
Monona, Wisconsin 537162918
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1561.35
Joanne Larsen 5205 Tonyawatha Trl
Monona, Wisconsin 537162918
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 1561.35
Joanne Larsen 5205 Tonyawatha Trl
Monona, Wisconsin 537162918
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 1561.35
Judith Larsen 37 Harris St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021402207
Self employed / Artist
04/30/2008 250.00 625.00
Larry Larsen 22 Captain Leach Dr
Mandan, North Dakota 585544703
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 30.00 398.01
Lauren Larsen 503 Northstar Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803041087
Self employed / Writer/Professional Speaker
04/03/2008 100.00 2232.18
Lauren Larsen 503 Northstar Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803041087
Self employed / Writer/Professional Speaker
04/14/2008 100.00 2232.18
Lauren Larsen 503 Northstar Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803041087
Self employed / Writer/Professional Speaker
04/23/2008 100.00 2232.18
Lauren Larsen 503 Northstar Ct
Boulder, Colorado 803041087
Self employed / Writer/Professional Speaker
04/22/2008 100.00 2232.18
Michael Larsen 4853 Kieran Court
Santa Rosa, California 95405
Self employed / Attorney
04/23/2008 25.00 285.00
Patti Larsen 100 Briarwood Ct
Clemson, South Carolina 296312248
Clemson University / Research Specialist
04/28/2008 25.00 255.00
Patti Larsen 100 Briarwood Ct
Clemson, South Carolina 296312248
Clemson University / Research Specialist
04/28/2008 25.00 255.00
Patti Larsen 100 Briarwood Ct
Clemson, South Carolina 296312248
Clemson University / Research Specialist
04/30/2008 25.00 255.00
Patti Larsen 100 Briarwood Ct
Clemson, South Carolina 296312248
Clemson University / Research Specialist
04/15/2008 25.00 255.00
Patti Larsen 100 Briarwood Ct
Clemson, South Carolina 296312248
Clemson University / Research Specialist
04/23/2008 25.00 255.00
Peik Larsen 37 Harris St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021402207
Self employed / Artist
04/28/2008 100.00 450.00
Suzanne Larsen 6 Fessenden Way
Lexington, Massachusetts 024202302
Self employed / Psychologist
04/30/2008 25.00 550.00
Suzanne Larsen 6 Fessenden Way
Lexington, Massachusetts 024202302
Self employed / Psychologist
04/30/2008 25.00 550.00
Ms. Dinah W. Larsen PO Box 623
Tualatin, Oregon 970620623
Not Employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/25/2008 500.00 2500.00
Ms. Dinah W. Larsen PO Box 623
Tualatin, Oregon 970620623
Not Employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/25/2008 -200.00 2500.00
Ms. Dinah W. Larsen PO Box 623
Tualatin, Oregon 970620623
Not Employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/25/2008 200.00 2500.00
Allan Larson 2160 Century Park E APARTMENT 1702
Century City, California 900672244
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Annette Larson chemin de l'union 24
chardonne, NA 1803
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Barbara Larson 1480 Vista Ln
Pasadena, California 911031938
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 300.00
Barbara Larson 1480 Vista Ln
Pasadena, California 911031938
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 50.00 300.00
Bonnie Larson 125 SW Campus Dr Apt 15-303
Federal Way, Washington 980238365
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center / Professional Support Specialist
04/28/2008 25.00 275.00
Bonnie Larson 125 SW Campus Dr Apt 15-303
Federal Way, Washington 980238365
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center / Professional Support Specialist
04/23/2008 50.00 275.00
Bonnie Larson 125 SW Campus Dr Apt 15-303
Federal Way, Washington 980238365
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center / Professional Support Specialist
04/09/2008 50.00 275.00
Bradley Larson 312 Hidden Creek Ln
North Aurora, Illinois 605421156
Community HS Dist 94 / Teacher
04/15/2008 20.00 320.05
Ms Carol J Larson 102 Green Bay Rd
Glencoe, Illinois 600222140
Self employed / landlady
04/29/2008 500.00 1100.00
Ms Carol J Larson 102 Green Bay Rd
Glencoe, Illinois 600222140
Self employed / landlady
04/25/2008 25.00 1100.00
Carole Larson 1974 County Rd E
Wahoo, Nebraska 680664054
Self employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 561.37
Cathy Larson 4163 Waipua St
Kilauea, Hawaii 967545334
Self employed / Humanitarian
04/30/2008 25.00 622.00
Cathy Larson 4163 Waipua St
Kilauea, Hawaii 967545334
Self employed / Humanitarian
04/23/2008 25.00 622.00
Cathy Larson 4163 Waipua St
Kilauea, Hawaii 967545334
Self employed / Humanitarian
04/18/2008 100.00 622.00
Cathy Larson 4163 Waipua St
Kilauea, Hawaii 967545334
Self employed / Humanitarian
04/14/2008 25.00 622.00
Chris Larson 585 E. Coyote Drive
Victor, Idaho 83455
The Software Ranch LLC / Software Engineer
04/23/2008 25.00 225.00
Chris Larson 585 E. Coyote Drive
Victor, Idaho 83455
The Software Ranch LLC / Software Engineer
04/17/2008 50.00 225.00
Darla Larson 5921 SW Admiral Way
Seattle, Washington 981162823
Group Health Cooperative of Puget Soun / Registered Nurse
04/30/2008 50.00 900.00
Darryl L Larson 3386 Bailey Ln
Eugene, Oregon 974017055
Not Employed / Retired
04/17/2008 250.00 289.87
Darryl L Larson 3386 Bailey Ln
Eugene, Oregon 974017055
Not Employed / Retired
04/24/2008 11.00 289.87
Darryl L Larson 3386 Bailey Ln
Eugene, Oregon 974017055
Not Employed / Retired Inkind Contribution
04/09/2008 28.87 289.87
David Larson 14232 Blackberry Dr
Wellington, Florida 334148238
Devonshire at Wellington Green, LLC / Accountant
04/30/2008 250.00 617.36
David Larson 3822 Iona Way SW
Alexandria, Minnesota 563084802
na / na
04/09/2008 25.00 350.00
David Larson 3822 Iona Way SW
Alexandria, Minnesota 563084802
na / na
04/29/2008 25.00 350.00
David Larson 56 Sunnyhill Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152281535
PFC Energy / Economist/Consultant
04/30/2008 20.00 672.80
David Larson 56 Sunnyhill Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152281535
PFC Energy / Economist/Consultant
04/30/2008 100.00 672.80
Debra Larson 544 Weatherfield Ln
Saint Louis, Missouri 631223053
Self employed / Graphic Designer
04/23/2008 50.00 325.00
Donald Larson, Mr 512 6th St
Pacific Grove, California 93950
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 30.00 273.00
Donald Larson, Mr 512 6th St
Pacific Grove, California 93950
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 35.00 273.00
Donna Larson 3901 N Ridgeview Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222074664
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 30.00 1265.00
Donna Larson 3901 N Ridgeview Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222074664
Not employed / Not employed
04/14/2008 50.00 1265.00
Donna Larson 3901 N Ridgeview Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222074664
Not employed / Not employed
04/28/2008 50.00 1265.00
Donna Larson 3901 N Ridgeview Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222074664
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 50.00 1265.00
Donna Larson 3901 N Ridgeview Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222074664
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 100.00 1265.00
Donna Larson 3901 N Ridgeview Rd
Arlington, Virginia 222074664
Not employed / Not employed
04/17/2008 50.00 1265.00
Eliot Larson 508 Mahoney Dr
Downingtown, Pennsylvania 193354849
Self employed / Educational Consultant
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Gayle Larson 2727 Borregas Dr
Aptos, California 950033204
Mvlauhsd / Administrator
04/30/2008 100.00 500.00
Heather Larson 512 Newton St Apt 203
Seattle, Washington 981092655
University of Washington / Website Manager
04/25/2008 75.00 203.58
James Larson 2265 Magnolia Ln
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543044817
Services Plus / Traffic Coordinator
04/22/2008 100.00 1325.00
James Larson 2265 Magnolia Ln
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543044817
Services Plus / Traffic Coordinator
04/18/2008 100.00 1325.00
Jeanne Larson 24297 Lake Rd
Cashton, Wisconsin 546198190
Scenic Energy LLC / Accountant
04/15/2008 50.00 225.00
Jeff Larson 411 W Wing St
Arlington Heights, Illinois 600051440
Self employed / Software Engineer
04/28/2008 100.00 2189.34
Jeff Larson 210 21st St Apt 2L
Brooklyn, New York 112321386
New York University / Administrator/Adjunct Faculty
04/29/2008 50.00 225.00
Jennifer Larson 1181 Hamline Ave N
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551082625
Three Rivers Community Action / Non-Profit Manager
04/23/2008 25.00 300.08
Jennifer Larson 1181 Hamline Ave N
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551082625
Three Rivers Community Action / Non-Profit Manager
04/03/2008 79.30 300.08
Jerrold Larson 1780 Lamplight Dr
Woodbury, Minnesota 551251565
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 700.00
Joe Larson 24418 214th Ave SE
Maple Valley, Washington 980388561
Mcdonald's Usa, LLC / Real Estate
04/30/2008 70.00 320.00
Jonathan Larson 2925 S Clayton St
Denver, Colorado 802106701
Self employed / Arbitrator/Mediator
04/23/2008 25.00 300.00
Jonathan Larson 2925 S Clayton St
Denver, Colorado 802106701
Self employed / Arbitrator/Mediator
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Jonathan Larson 2925 S Clayton St
Denver, Colorado 802106701
Self employed / Arbitrator/Mediator
04/14/2008 25.00 300.00
Ms. Joyce Larson 715 Ash St
Central Point, Oregon 975022607
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 270.00
Judith Larson 81C Sherwood Place
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
Self employed / Architect
04/15/2008 100.00 400.00
Karen Larson 933 Collier Ct
Marco Island, Florida 341456575
Karen A. Larson, PA / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 550.00
Karl Larson 41 Arch St
Redwood City, California 940621401
Rearden Labs / Systems Administrator
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Katherine Larson 4543 Euclid Ave
San Diego, California 921153224
San Diego Jewish Academy / Teacher
04/25/2008 50.00 325.00
Katherine Larson 4543 Euclid Ave
San Diego, California 921153224
San Diego Jewish Academy / Teacher
04/30/2008 50.00 325.00
Kathleen Larson 2731 40th Ave
San Francisco, California 941162707
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 25.00 870.00
Kathleen Larson 2731 40th Ave
San Francisco, California 941162707
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 50.00 870.00
Kathleen Larson 2731 40th Ave
San Francisco, California 941162707
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 25.00 870.00
Kathleen Larson 2731 40th Ave
San Francisco, California 941162707
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 870.00
Kathleen Larson 2731 40th Ave
San Francisco, California 941162707
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 250.00 870.00
Kathryn Larson 7121 Heather Oaks Dr
Pensacola, Florida 325063894
Children's Home Society of Florida / Volunteer Coordinator
04/30/2008 30.00 518.68
Kathryn Larson 7121 Heather Oaks Dr
Pensacola, Florida 325063894
Children's Home Society of Florida / Volunteer Coordinator
04/05/2008 50.00 518.68
Kirk Larson P.O. Box 15465
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Self employed / Investor
04/23/2008 150.00 450.00
Lynne Larson 12212 N Paradise Village Pkwy S Ap
Phoenix, Arizona 850320600
Paradise Valley Schools / Substitute Teacher
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Marilyn Larson 1832 Kenyon St NW
Washington, DC 200102619
Self employed / Business Owner
04/30/2008 25.00 325.00
Martha Larson 2211 Commonwealth Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223011413
Arlington Co. Public Schools / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 512.80
Martha Larson 2211 Commonwealth Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 223011413
Arlington Co. Public Schools / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 512.80
Matt Larson 138 Union St Apt 3F
Brooklyn, New York 112312982
Ove Arup & Partners PC / Structural Engineer
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Meredith Larson 1003 Dennis Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 209012161
Amnesty International USA / Campaign Director
04/18/2008 100.00 300.00
Ms. Myra Larson 3575 E Huron River Dr
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481044237
Not Employed / Retired
04/25/2008 100.00 550.00
Ms. Myra Larson 3575 E Huron River Dr
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481044237
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 100.00 550.00
Patricia Larson 7005 East Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156015
Self-Empoyed / Environmental Consultant
04/19/2008 100.00 2232.95
Patricia Larson 7005 East Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156015
Self-Empoyed / Environmental Consultant
04/19/2008 7.95 2232.95
Patricia Larson 7005 East Ave
Chevy Chase, Maryland 208156015
Self-Empoyed / Environmental Consultant
04/14/2008 75.00 2232.95
Patricia Larson 2567 Shale Is
Ely, Minnesota 557318455
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Paul Larson 17 Armory St
Ilion, New York 133571811
Not employed / Not employed
04/25/2008 10.00 303.80
Paul Larson 17 Armory St
Ilion, New York 133571811
Not employed / Not employed
04/27/2008 10.00 303.80
Paul Larson 17 Armory St
Ilion, New York 133571811
Not employed / Not employed
04/24/2008 10.00 303.80
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.00 664.00
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/12/2008 50.00 664.00
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/14/2008 50.00 664.00
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/18/2008 25.00 664.00
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/18/2008 25.00 664.00
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/22/2008 50.00 664.00
R Alexandra Larson 1224 Livingston Avene
North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902
Self employed / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.00 664.00
Raphael Larson 2425 L St NW Apt 510
Washington, DC 200372425
Public Company Actg Oversight Board / Attorney
04/23/2008 50.00 410.00
Renee Larson 2703 Bridle Path
Austin, Texas 787032809
Self employed / Property Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 600.00
Mr. Ronald Larson 5701 Sugarloaf St
Anacortes, Washington 982212965
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 100.00 300.00
Ronald Larson PO Box 951
Southampton, New York 11969
Eric Rothfeld / Estate Manager
04/28/2008 25.00 655.00
Ronald Larson PO Box 951
Southampton, New York 11969
Eric Rothfeld / Estate Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 655.00
Ronald Larson PO Box 951
Southampton, New York 11969
Eric Rothfeld / Estate Manager
04/23/2008 25.00 655.00
Ronald Larson PO Box 951
Southampton, New York 11969
Eric Rothfeld / Estate Manager
04/17/2008 25.00 655.00
Ronald Larson PO Box 951
Southampton, New York 11969
Eric Rothfeld / Estate Manager
04/17/2008 25.00 655.00
Roy Larson 1111 Brickell Ave
Miami, Florida 331313112
Baker & Mckinsey / Attorney
04/17/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Susan Larson 460 Dunsmore Ct
Encinitas, California 920242420
Self employed / ATTORNEY
04/27/2008 79.30 260.78
Tanya Larson 2525 Tara Cir
State College, Pennsylvania 168032274
Penn State Univ / Professor of Geosciences
04/01/2008 250.00 250.00
Theresa Larson 1119 Kempsford Dr
Katy, Texas 774503018
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic C / Music Director, Bulletin Editor
04/23/2008 50.00 525.00
Thomas Larson 2101 Diamond Pt
Waconia, Minnesota 553878612
IBM / Technical Consultant
04/30/2008 250.00 1965.00
Thomas Larson 2101 Diamond Pt
Waconia, Minnesota 553878612
IBM / Technical Consultant
04/23/2008 250.00 1965.00
Thomas Larson 2101 Diamond Pt
Waconia, Minnesota 553878612
IBM / Technical Consultant
04/15/2008 300.00 1965.00
Timothy Larson 30540 Balewood St
Southfield, Michigan 480761560
Peace Lutheran Church / Pastor
04/30/2008 100.00 350.00
Vicki Larson 3930 W 105th Dr
Westminster, Colorado 800311915
s and h Products / Owner
04/17/2008 50.00 204.00
Victoria Larson 14232 Blackberry Dr
Wellington, Florida 334148238
Dr. Beharrie / Registered Nurse
04/29/2008 50.00 750.00
Wilma S Larson 835 Sligo Creek Pkwy
Takoma Park, Maryland 209125807

04/09/2008 50.00 950.00
Wilma S Larson 835 Sligo Creek Pkwy
Takoma Park, Maryland 209125807

04/30/2008 25.00 950.00
Gayle Larson 2295 Hamilton St
North Bend, Oregon 974592705
Self employed / Anesthesia Original Transaction
04/17/2008 25.00 2350.00
Gayle Larson 2295 Hamilton St
North Bend, Oregon 974592705
Self employed / Anesthesia Redesignation From
04/17/2008 -25.00 2350.00
Gayle Larson 2295 Hamilton St
North Bend, Oregon 974592705
Self employed / Anesthesia Redesignation To
04/17/2008 25.00 2350.00
Jan Larsson 570 Huckleberry Ln
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 074172317
Versa Products Co., Inc. / President
04/29/2008 500.00 1570.00
Jim Larsson 2713 San Pablo Ave
Berkeley, California 947022201
Knutek Inc / President
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Karole Larsson 500 east 85th street new york
ny, New York 10028
Bergdorf Goodman / Sales
04/06/2008 250.00 500.00
Francine Larstein 368 White Rd
Watsonville, California 950769626
Self employed / Artist/Small Business Owner
04/24/2008 50.00 350.00
Francine Larstein 368 White Rd
Watsonville, California 950769626
Self employed / Artist/Small Business Owner
04/28/2008 50.00 350.00
Derek Larthey 140 James St
Elizabethville, Pennsylvania 170238622
UPS / Driver
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Cleophus Larue 114 Ross Stevenson Cir
Princeton, New Jersey 085401932
Princeton Theological Seminary / Professor
04/03/2008 100.00 550.00
Don Larue 7227 W 15th Ave
Kennewick, Washington 993381221
Fluor / Engineer
04/23/2008 500.00 1500.00
Gaynette Larue 119 Linden Ave
Hampton, Virginia 236694129
Wachovia Securities / Financial Advisor
04/29/2008 60.00 335.00
Lewis Larue 275 Turnpike Rd
Lexington, Virginia 244506108
Washington and Lee University / Professor
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Suzanne Larue 236 Johnson Ct
Castle Rock, Colorado 801042172
Douglas County Libraries / Librarian
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Mr. Thomas Larusso 65423 Tweed Rd
Bend, Oregon 977019219
Not Employed / Retired
04/21/2008 100.00 275.00
Valerie Larzelere 5264 Marione Dr
Carmichael, California 956085711
Not employed / Not employed
04/28/2008 30.00 205.00
Valerie Larzelere 5264 Marione Dr
Carmichael, California 956085711
Not employed / Not employed
04/15/2008 25.00 205.00
Kristin Lasagna 1123 Shiloh Rd
charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Starsia Lacrosse Camps / Bookkeeper
04/23/2008 100.00 206.00
Jeanne Lasala 946 Waverly Way NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303072511
Mckinsey & Company / Manager
04/23/2008 250.00 857.95
Stephen Lasalle 7156 Hertfordshire Way
Victor, New York 145641171
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 419.30
Richard Lasasso 5228 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, Oregon 972153364
Tonkon Torp LLP / law Librarian and Editor
04/14/2008 25.00 250.00
Daniel Lascell 639 Airlie Rd
Wilmington, North Carolina 284033711
Pokertek, Inc. / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 333.37
Nell Lasch 4521 Auger Hole Rd.
South Newfane, Vermont 05351
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 100.00 1724.00
Nell Lasch 4521 Auger Hole Rd.
South Newfane, Vermont 05351
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 100.00 1724.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $30732459.12
Total Memo Amount $45759.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Fri Feb 14 02:48:18 2025