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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 154105 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 76001 through 76500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Kesavan Kutty, MD W140N7866 Lilly Rd
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 530514418
The Medical College of Wisconsin / Professor of Medicine
04/30/2008 100.00 600.00
Ann Kutudis-Kenien 421 Whispering Oak Ln
Apopka, Florida 327123936
Unemployed / Nurse Practitioner, Rehabilitation cou
04/23/2008 251.00 351.00
Julie Kutz 2317 Krogh Ct NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871042508
URS Corp / Biologist
04/12/2008 48.86 298.86
Julie Kutz 2317 Krogh Ct NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871042508
URS Corp / Biologist
04/24/2008 50.00 298.86
John Kutzbach 1138 Shorewood Blvd
Madison, Wisconsin 537051425
University of Wisconsin-Madison / Professor Emeritus
04/23/2008 30.00 345.00
Danny Kuwatani 17615 Raccoon Court
Morgan Hill, California 95037
Websense, Inc. / Sales Manager
04/22/2008 100.00 350.00
Patricia Kuwayama 119 West 22nd Street, 1st floor
New York City, New York 10011
Jpmorgan Chase Bank / Economist
04/30/2008 250.00 500.00
Bonnie Kuykendall 388 S Convent Ave
Tucson, Arizona 857012255
Self employed / Studio Owner
04/24/2008 250.00 600.00
Clarence Kuykendall 4745 Brooke St
Wentzville, Missouri 633856350
ICS / Software Developer
04/22/2008 100.00 300.00
Crystal Kuykendall 8925 Harvest Square Ct
Potomac, Maryland 208544475
Self employed / Attorney/Educator/Motivational Speake
04/29/2008 100.00 1250.00
Ryan Kuykendall 2506 E. Ward St.
Seattle, Washington 98112
Evri.Com / Software Developer
04/16/2008 100.00 970.00
Ryan Kuykendall 2506 E. Ward St.
Seattle, Washington 98112
Evri.Com / Software Developer
04/29/2008 100.00 970.00
Virginia Kuykendall PO Box 213
Upton, Massachusetts 015680213
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 30.00 255.00
Virginia Kuykendall PO Box 213
Upton, Massachusetts 015680213
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 255.00
Virginia Kuykendall PO Box 213
Upton, Massachusetts 015680213
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 255.00
Virginia Kuykendall PO Box 213
Upton, Massachusetts 015680213
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 255.00
James A Kuzdrall PO Box 1247
Nashua, New Hampshire 030611247
Intrel Service Company / Engineer
04/30/2008 100.00 450.00
Ilyana Kuziemko 10 Magazine St Apt 901
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393330
Not employed / Student
04/06/2008 13.50 1455.30
Ilyana Kuziemko 10 Magazine St Apt 901
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393330
Not employed / Student
04/06/2008 23.90 1455.30
Ilyana Kuziemko 10 Magazine St Apt 901
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393330
Not employed / Student
04/17/2008 100.00 1455.30
Ilyana Kuziemko 10 Magazine St Apt 901
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393330
Not employed / Student
04/22/2008 250.00 1455.30
S Gary Kuzina 2450 Louisiana St Ste 400-707
Houston, Texas 770062380
Self employed / Economist
04/23/2008 100.00 500.00
Robert D Kuzman 5033 Washington Blvd
Indianapolis, Indiana 462051042
Self-employed / Attorney
04/15/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic 1300 Central St Apt 104
Evanston, Illinois 602011678
Northwestern University / Professor
04/17/2008 50.00 350.00
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic 1300 Central St Apt 104
Evanston, Illinois 602011678
Northwestern University / Professor
04/29/2008 50.00 350.00
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic 1300 Central St Apt 104
Evanston, Illinois 602011678
Northwestern University / Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 350.00
Simki Kuznick 7910 Maryknoll Ave
Bethesda, Maryland 208172925
BAE Systems / Editor
04/30/2008 100.00 350.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/13/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/14/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/16/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/28/2008 79.95 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/23/2008 100.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/23/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Original Transaction
04/30/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation To
04/30/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Original Transaction
04/30/2008 50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -50.00 2400.00
Karen Kuzniczci 719 Ridge Trce
San Antonio, Texas 782586917
Not employed / Not employed Redesignation To
04/30/2008 50.00 2400.00
Ruth Kverndal 9102 Fortuna Dr Apt 2202
Mercer Island, Washington 980403170
Not employed / Not employed
04/18/2008 25.00 425.00
Mr Roy Kveton 19 Plum Ridge Rd
Huntsville, Texas 773201580
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 40.00 285.00
Harold Kwalwasser 4580 Indian Rock Ter NW
Washington, DC 200072567
Self employed / Consultant
04/07/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Veronika Kwan-Rubinek 16145 Woodvale Rd
Encino, California 914363448
Warner Bros. / Executive
04/17/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Rebecca Kwart Wilson 11532 W Gecko Ct
Surprise, Arizona 853742686
AAA Arizona / Travel Agent
04/30/2008 25.00 650.00
Rebecca Kwart Wilson 11532 W Gecko Ct
Surprise, Arizona 853742686
AAA Arizona / Travel Agent
04/15/2008 25.00 650.00
Rebecca Kwart Wilson 11532 W Gecko Ct
Surprise, Arizona 853742686
AAA Arizona / Travel Agent
04/23/2008 50.00 650.00
Ernest Kwarteng 5177 Richmond Ave suite 1275
Houston, Texas 770566707
Self-Mployed / Attorney at law
04/30/2008 25.00 205.00
Ernest Kwarteng 5177 Richmond Ave suite 1275
Houston, Texas 770566707
Self-Mployed / Attorney at law
04/23/2008 25.00 205.00
Ernest Kwarteng 5177 Richmond Ave suite 1275
Houston, Texas 770566707
Self-Mployed / Attorney at law
04/16/2008 25.00 205.00
Nada Kwiatkowski 5744 Pinecroft Dr
Toledo, Ohio 436152750
Toledo Public Schools / Teacher
04/20/2008 100.00 325.00
Nada Kwiatkowski 5744 Pinecroft Dr
Toledo, Ohio 436152750
Toledo Public Schools / Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 325.00
Louis Kwiker 1200 9th St
Manhattan Beach, California 902666018
Louis Kwiker & Associates LLC / President
04/10/2008 250.00 250.00
Korey Kwilinski 6811 State Rd
East Lansing, Michigan 488239439
Emergent Biosolutions Inc. / Computer System Validation Specialist
04/29/2008 30.00 355.00
Korey Kwilinski 6811 State Rd
East Lansing, Michigan 488239439
Emergent Biosolutions Inc. / Computer System Validation Specialist
04/17/2008 50.00 355.00
David Kwock 46-373 Hololio St
Kaneohe, Hawaii 967444223
Blue Planet Software, inc / Attorney + businessperson
04/23/2008 100.00 600.00
Constance Kwon 63 E 7th St Apt 15
New York, New York 100038182
Chopra Center spa @ Dream / Aesthetician
04/28/2008 30.00 310.00
Constance Kwon 63 E 7th St Apt 15
New York, New York 100038182
Chopra Center spa @ Dream / Aesthetician
04/15/2008 25.00 310.00
Constance Kwon 63 E 7th St Apt 15
New York, New York 100038182
Chopra Center spa @ Dream / Aesthetician
04/23/2008 25.00 310.00
Sunho Kwon 4 Hardwood Ct
Warren, New Jersey 070592700
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 210.00
Marion Kyhos 26456 E. Bonfield Road
Oxford, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 15.00 350.00
Marion Kyhos 26456 E. Bonfield Road
Oxford, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 60.00 350.00
Marion Kyhos 26456 E. Bonfield Road
Oxford, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Bernard Kyle 115 Pryer Ter
New Rochelle, New York 108044425
Suny/West Comm College / Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 1952.25
Brian Kyle 33331 Ocean Hill Dr
Dana Point, California 926291122
Xtreme Cables / Self Employed/Audio Accessories Mfg.
04/25/2008 100.00 250.00
Jason Kyle 135 E Placita Lago del Mago
Sahuarita, Arizona 856298769
Raytheon RMS / Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Mary Kyle 503 North Main Street
Hightstown, New Jersey 08520
Creative Automation / Sales
04/23/2008 100.00 1000.00
Mr Robert Kyle 720 4th Ave Ste 100
Kirkland, Washington 980338136
ibm / Manager
04/25/2008 100.00 350.13
Sheils Kyle 729 Lansing Station Road
Lainsing, New York 14882
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 25.01 491.07
Sheils Kyle 729 Lansing Station Road
Lainsing, New York 14882
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 30.00 491.07
Meerim Kylychbekova 332 Gates St
San Francisco, California 941106063
Pacific Environment / Program Associate
04/30/2008 15.95 210.58
Meerim Kylychbekova 332 Gates St
San Francisco, California 941106063
Pacific Environment / Program Associate
04/30/2008 25.00 210.58
Meerim Kylychbekova 332 Gates St
San Francisco, California 941106063
Pacific Environment / Program Associate
04/16/2008 25.00 210.58
Carol Kyrimes 279 N Main St
Washington, Pennsylvania 153014323
Wash com Mhmr / Psychotherapist
04/25/2008 50.00 300.00
Barbara Kyser 558 Deodara Dr
Los Altos, California 940247139
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Richard Kyte 565 Central St
Mapleville, Rhode Island 028391216
Self employed / Attorney
04/14/2008 25.00 288.20
Richard Kyte 565 Central St
Mapleville, Rhode Island 028391216
Self employed / Attorney
04/23/2008 25.00 288.20
William Kyte 180 East Pearson
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 500.00 500.00
Ray Kytle 542 nw portofino lane
port saint lucie, Florida 34986
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 50.00 250.00
Mia Kytola 1329 W Lunt Ave #2D
Chicago, Illinois 606263058
aw Stavish Designs / Interior Designer
04/30/2008 100.00 1095.00
Mr. David E Kyvig 2600 Greenwood Acres Dr
DeKalb, Illinois 601154913
Northern University / Professor
04/17/2008 75.00 425.00
Kaiper L P 17725 Crenshaw Blvd Ste 300
Torrance, California 905044138
Kiaper LP
04/30/2008 350.00 350.00
Judith L'amoureux 44 N. Vail Avenue
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005
Not employed / Not employed
04/24/2008 50.00 360.00
Michelle L'ecuyer 5455 8th St Unit 42
Carpinteria, California 930132438
QAD Inc / Accountant
04/15/2008 25.00 591.55
Michelle L'ecuyer 5455 8th St Unit 42
Carpinteria, California 930132438
QAD Inc / Accountant
04/18/2008 25.00 591.55
Michelle L'ecuyer 5455 8th St Unit 42
Carpinteria, California 930132438
QAD Inc / Accountant
04/28/2008 50.00 591.55
Daniel L'italien 310 Cumberland St Apt 2
Brooklyn, New York 112386402
Capstone Holdings / Derivatives Trader
04/22/2008 250.00 250.00
Mignonne M La Chapelle p.o. box 377
Oxford, MD, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 300.00 1917.95
Mignonne M La Chapelle p.o. box 377
Oxford, MD, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 50.00 1917.95
Mignonne M La Chapelle p.o. box 377
Oxford, MD, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 50.00 1917.95
Mignonne M La Chapelle p.o. box 377
Oxford, MD, Maryland 21654
Not employed / Retired
04/06/2008 100.00 1917.95
Kenneth La Cruz 1720 Southwind Dr
Brandon, Florida 335102049
Not employed / Retired
04/17/2008 100.00 315.70
Laurie La Follette 107 Randall St
Boise, Idaho 837051508
Special Olympics Idaho / CEO
04/23/2008 25.00 290.00
Laurie La Follette 107 Randall St
Boise, Idaho 837051508
Special Olympics Idaho / CEO
04/29/2008 25.00 290.00
Lois La Grenade 1220 Blair Mill Rd # 1100
Silver Spring, Maryland 209104862
Dhhs/FDA / Federal Employee
04/28/2008 25.00 567.64
Lois La Grenade 1220 Blair Mill Rd # 1100
Silver Spring, Maryland 209104862
Dhhs/FDA / Federal Employee
04/30/2008 25.00 567.64
Marguerite P La Motte 2521 13th Ave
Los Angeles, California 900181718
LA USD / School Board Member
04/29/2008 300.00 300.00
Margaret La Pointe 1021 South Arnold Way
Half Moon Bay, California 94019
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Michael La Porte 1720 N Marshfield Ave Apt 201
Chicago, Illinois 606221484
Foley & Lardner, LLP / TM Attorney
04/15/2008 20.08 330.32
Michael La Porte 1720 N Marshfield Ave Apt 201
Chicago, Illinois 606221484
Foley & Lardner, LLP / TM Attorney
04/21/2008 20.08 330.32
Michael La Porte 1720 N Marshfield Ave Apt 201
Chicago, Illinois 606221484
Foley & Lardner, LLP / TM Attorney
04/23/2008 20.08 330.32
Michael La Porte 1720 N Marshfield Ave Apt 201
Chicago, Illinois 606221484
Foley & Lardner, LLP / TM Attorney
04/30/2008 20.08 330.32
David La Raus 4146 38th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981262628
State of Washington / Lawyer
04/30/2008 100.00 600.00
Robert La Rocca 37-50 87th Street, Apt. 6B
Jackson Heights, New York 11372
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Robert La Rocca 37-50 87th Street, Apt. 6B
Jackson Heights, New York 11372
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Robert La Rocca 37-50 87th Street, Apt. 6B
Jackson Heights, New York 11372
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 100.00 300.00
Katherine La Rocco 20 10th St S
Naples, Florida 341026221
Self employed / Antiques Dealer
04/14/2008 100.00 1150.00
Katherine La Rocco 20 10th St S
Naples, Florida 341026221
Self employed / Antiques Dealer
04/29/2008 100.00 1150.00
Katherine La Rocco 20 10th St S
Naples, Florida 341026221
Self employed / Antiques Dealer
04/23/2008 100.00 1150.00
Humberto La Roche 21 Pal Drive
Ocean, New Jersey 07712
Alcatel-Lucent / Engineer
04/23/2008 25.00 500.00
Humberto La Roche 21 Pal Drive
Ocean, New Jersey 07712
Alcatel-Lucent / Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 500.00
Humberto La Roche 21 Pal Drive
Ocean, New Jersey 07712
Alcatel-Lucent / Engineer
04/22/2008 50.00 500.00
Stephen La Rocque 3419 Sherbourne Dr
Culver City, California 902327439
Self employed / Consultant
04/15/2008 25.00 291.25
Mair La Touche PO Box 115
Rosemont, New Jersey 085560115
Self employed / Mountmaker
04/30/2008 250.00 350.00
Mair La Touche PO Box 115
Rosemont, New Jersey 085560115
Self employed / Mountmaker
04/19/2008 100.00 350.00
Ms Yvette M La Vigne 6630 S Sherbourne Dr
Los Angeles, California 900562124
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/09/2008 200.00 500.00
Stephen Laaper 728 W Jackson Blvd #312
Chicago, Illinois 60661
Accenture / Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 280.00
David Labaree 2579 Greer Rd
Palo Alto, California 943033515
Stanford University / Professor
04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Robert Labaree 85 Kenwood St
Brookline, Massachusetts 024462412
New England Conservatory / Teacher
04/28/2008 300.00 2300.00
Mark Labarre 5526 Besley Ct Apt 106
Rockville, Maryland 208512429
3M HIS / Database Administrator
04/17/2008 100.00 721.00
Mark Labarre 5526 Besley Ct Apt 106
Rockville, Maryland 208512429
3M HIS / Database Administrator
04/17/2008 100.00 721.00
Polly Labarre 261 Broadway Apt 12A
New York, New York 100072305
Self employed / Journalist
04/23/2008 100.00 600.00
Noel Labat-Comess 800 West End Avenue Apt 8C
New York, New York 10025
Tom Cat Bakery, Inc. / President
04/29/2008 500.00 1750.00
Justin Labaw-Rivers 5535 Westlawn Ave Apt#306
Los Angeles, California 900667058
Tonic / Creative Director
04/22/2008 68.02 277.87
Jim Labbe 6325 N Albina Ave
Portland, Oregon 972171862
Audubon Society of Portland / Urban Conservationist
04/21/2008 25.00 250.00
Jim Labbe 6325 N Albina Ave
Portland, Oregon 972171862
Audubon Society of Portland / Urban Conservationist
04/21/2008 25.00 250.00
Rico Labbe 7804 Lindsay Hill Ter
Potomac, Maryland 208542991
Self employed / Film Director
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Justin Label 3018 Steiner Street
San Francisco, California 94123
Bessemer Venture Partners / Venture Capital
04/12/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Lisa Labella 9 Sally Ann Dr
Trumbull, Connecticut 066111807
CT Against Gun Violence / Executive Director
04/23/2008 50.00 227.30
Susan Labin 8517 Rayburn Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208173827
Self employed / Program & Policy Evauation
04/30/2008 100.00 320.00
Zev Labins 250 West 90th Street
New York, New York 10024
Self employed / Physician
04/26/2008 17.81 517.81
Mr. Robert H. LaBlanc 3114 Scott Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503171439
Not Employed / Retired
04/18/2008 100.00 1025.00
Mr. Robert H. LaBlanc 3114 Scott Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 503171439
Not Employed / Retired
04/07/2008 100.00 1025.00
Elizabeth Labolt 130 6th Ave
La Grange, Illinois 605252432
Self employed / Various
04/23/2008 354.00 2300.00
Richard Labonte 73 W Wilshire Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850031024
Street's Edge Productions / Architect
04/23/2008 100.00 415.00
Priscilla Labovitz 7303 Birch Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209124255
Self employed / Attorney
04/28/2008 100.00 500.00
Trudy Labovitz 504 Sleepy Hollow Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152282638
Plumcircle LLC / Online Bookstore Employee
04/18/2008 30.00 270.65
Trudy Labovitz 504 Sleepy Hollow Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152282638
Plumcircle LLC / Online Bookstore Employee
04/29/2008 25.00 270.65
Irene Labrada 1733 Puesta del Sol St
Pomona, California 917684123
Labrada Sales, Inc / Produce Broker
04/23/2008 500.00 500.00
Todd Labrie 28025 Dorothy Dr Suite 104
Agoura Hills, California 913012638
Self employed / Carwraps? President and CEO
04/22/2008 25.00 225.00
Todd Labrie 28025 Dorothy Dr Suite 104
Agoura Hills, California 913012638
Self employed / Carwraps? President and CEO
04/15/2008 25.00 225.00
Shawn Labrier PO Box 388
Socorro, New Mexico 878010388
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 15.00 658.78
Shawn Labrier PO Box 388
Socorro, New Mexico 878010388
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 30.00 658.78
Shawn Labrier PO Box 388
Socorro, New Mexico 878010388
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 44.00 658.78
Shawn Labrier PO Box 388
Socorro, New Mexico 878010388
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 44.00 658.78
Michael Labriola PO Box 8476
Portland, Maine 041048476
Self employed / Computer Consultant
04/04/2008 100.00 2300.00
Michael Labriola PO Box 8476
Portland, Maine 041048476
Self employed / Computer Consultant
04/13/2008 200.00 2300.00
Michael Labriola PO Box 8476
Portland, Maine 041048476
Self employed / Computer Consultant
04/11/2008 100.00 2300.00
Michael Labriola PO Box 8476
Portland, Maine 041048476
Self employed / Computer Consultant
04/11/2008 100.00 2300.00
Michael Labriola PO Box 8476
Portland, Maine 041048476
Self employed / Computer Consultant
04/17/2008 300.00 2300.00
Robin Labrunerie 611 S Greenwood Ave
Columbia, Missouri 652032768
Catholic Charities / Social Worker
04/14/2008 25.00 467.25
Robin Labrunerie 611 S Greenwood Ave
Columbia, Missouri 652032768
Catholic Charities / Social Worker
04/14/2008 100.00 467.25
Robin Labrunerie 611 S Greenwood Ave
Columbia, Missouri 652032768
Catholic Charities / Social Worker
04/01/2008 113.80 467.25
Patricia Laca 1840 44th St
Sacramento, California 958194714
Hewlett Packard Company / Marketing Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 362.58
Bree Lacasse 20 West St
Portland, Maine 041023427
Ilap / Development Director
04/30/2008 100.00 1950.00
Bree Lacasse 20 West St
Portland, Maine 041023427
Ilap / Development Director
04/23/2008 50.00 1950.00
Bree Lacasse 20 West St
Portland, Maine 041023427
Ilap / Development Director
04/14/2008 100.00 1950.00
Bree Lacasse 20 West St
Portland, Maine 041023427
Ilap / Development Director
04/29/2008 150.00 1950.00
Joel Lacasse 4186 Richard Pl
Pittsburg, California 945656408
j&l Bookkeeping / tax Preparer
04/29/2008 30.00 438.58
Joel Lacasse 4186 Richard Pl
Pittsburg, California 945656408
j&l Bookkeeping / tax Preparer
04/22/2008 25.00 438.58
Joel Lacasse 4186 Richard Pl
Pittsburg, California 945656408
j&l Bookkeeping / tax Preparer
04/21/2008 50.00 438.58
Joel Lacasse 4186 Richard Pl
Pittsburg, California 945656408
j&l Bookkeeping / tax Preparer
04/12/2008 50.00 438.58
Regina Lacava 2931 W Eastwood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606253721
Chicago Public Schools / Teacher
04/12/2008 25.00 292.80
Kristen Lacefield 7 Shepherd Ln
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 275143312
University of North Carolina / Teaching Fellow
04/17/2008 20.00 250.95
Jovan Lacet 30 Cedar St
Boston, Massachusetts 021262925
Self employed / Attorney
04/10/2008 60.00 420.00
Jovan Lacet 30 Cedar St
Boston, Massachusetts 021262925
Self employed / Attorney
04/25/2008 25.00 420.00
Janet Lacetera 1006 Whitaker Mill Rd
Joppa, Maryland 210851013
Fasttrack Technologies Inc. / Senior Scientist
04/09/2008 50.00 300.00
Ahmed Lacevic 30-15 Hobart Street
Woodside, New York 11377
Cuny RF / Software Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 275.00
Barbara Lacewell 745 Greenvine Pl
Roswell, Georgia 300762821
TOM Jumper Chevrolet / Customer Service
04/29/2008 25.00 227.30
Barbara Lacewell 745 Greenvine Pl
Roswell, Georgia 300762821
TOM Jumper Chevrolet / Customer Service
04/25/2008 25.00 227.30
Ann Lacey 1321 Devonshire Ct
El Cerrito, California 945302543
Claremont Rug Co. / Rug Restorer
04/25/2008 25.00 325.00
Ann Lacey 1321 Devonshire Ct
El Cerrito, California 945302543
Claremont Rug Co. / Rug Restorer
04/15/2008 25.00 325.00
Ann Lacey 1321 Devonshire Ct
El Cerrito, California 945302543
Claremont Rug Co. / Rug Restorer
04/23/2008 25.00 325.00
Ann Lacey 1321 Devonshire Ct
El Cerrito, California 945302543
Claremont Rug Co. / Rug Restorer
04/29/2008 25.00 325.00
Frederick B Lacey, Jr 1083 N Collier Blvd # 389
Marco Island, Florida 341452539
CVS Pharmacy / Associate
04/23/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Jacquelyn Lacey 5535 Maricopa Dr
Simi Valley, California 930632021
Los Angeles County Dist. Attorney / Assistant District Attorney
04/30/2008 500.00 1550.00
Patricia Lacey 1719 New Scotland Rd
Slingerlands, New York 121593623
Unemployed / Attorney
04/17/2008 250.00 300.00
Patricia Lacey 1719 New Scotland Rd
Slingerlands, New York 121593623
Unemployed / Attorney
04/29/2008 50.00 300.00
William Lacey 1601 SE 87th Ct
Vancouver, Washington 986642868
Self employed / Attorney
04/07/2008 25.00 237.50
William Lacey 1601 SE 87th Ct
Vancouver, Washington 986642868
Self employed / Attorney
04/17/2008 25.00 237.50
William Lacey 1601 SE 87th Ct
Vancouver, Washington 986642868
Self employed / Attorney
04/15/2008 27.50 237.50
Mary Lachapelle 2803 30th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981992713
Cprs / Auditor
04/28/2008 50.00 650.00
Mary Lachapelle 2803 30th Ave W
Seattle, Washington 981992713
Cprs / Auditor
04/17/2008 250.00 650.00
Peggy Lachapelle P. O. Box 644
Ocean Park, Washington 98640
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 25.00 225.00
Mortimer Lacher 1755 York Ave
New York, New York 101286849
Lymphoma Foundation / Physician - Administrator
04/28/2008 50.00 300.00
Mortimer Lacher 1755 York Ave
New York, New York 101286849
Lymphoma Foundation / Physician - Administrator
04/08/2008 100.00 300.00
Mortimer Lacher 1755 York Ave
New York, New York 101286849
Lymphoma Foundation / Physician - Administrator
04/22/2008 50.00 300.00
Patricia Lachiondo 168 south villa pl
boise, Idaho 83712
Not employed / Not employed
04/16/2008 100.00 235.00
Andrew Lachman 8211 Blackburn Ave
Los Angeles, California 900484255
Paramount Pictures Corporation / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 670.00
Andrew Lachman 8211 Blackburn Ave
Los Angeles, California 900484255
Paramount Pictures Corporation / Attorney
04/11/2008 200.00 670.00
Linda Lachot 8353 E Cheryl Dr
Scottsdale, Arizona 852581347
Not employed / Homemaker
04/15/2008 50.00 400.00
Linda Lachot 8353 E Cheryl Dr
Scottsdale, Arizona 852581347
Not employed / Homemaker
04/15/2008 50.00 400.00
Lloyd Lachow 7A Deer Cross Ct
Reisterstown, Maryland 211365936
Self employed / Negotiator
04/22/2008 10.00 210.95
Lloyd Lachow 7A Deer Cross Ct
Reisterstown, Maryland 211365936
Self employed / Negotiator
04/11/2008 5.95 210.95
Lloyd Lachow 7A Deer Cross Ct
Reisterstown, Maryland 211365936
Self employed / Negotiator
04/21/2008 10.00 210.95
Phyllis S Lachs 101 Cheswold Ln Apt 1H
Haverford, Pennsylvania 190411866

04/14/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Bethany Lacina 1075 Santa Cruz Ave Apartment 3
Menlo Park, California 940254619
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 250.00 250.00
James R Lackey 2604 Legion St
Carlsbad, New Mexico 882203236
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 50.00 1000.00
James R Lackey 2604 Legion St
Carlsbad, New Mexico 882203236
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 50.00 1000.00
Keith Lackey 820 E Key Ave
Eustis, Florida 327264630
Weta Digital / 3d Artist
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Toni Lackey 263 Leon St
Delta, Colorado 814162221
Spirits, Inc / Owner, Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
A Billiet Lackner 301 Kings Hwy
Carnegie, Pennsylvania 151061014
Belgium / Honorary Consul of Belgium
04/21/2008 500.00 500.00
Diana Lackner 1545 W. Mountain Dr.
Santa Barbara, California 93103
Self employed / Artist/Designer/Landlord
04/28/2008 50.00 345.00
Vincent F Lackner, Jr 301 Kings Hwy
Carnegie, Pennsylvania 151061014
The Ladier Group / Attorney
04/30/2008 1800.00 1800.00
Gertrud Lackschewitz 6322 Woods Rd
Missoula, Montana 598025325

04/12/2008 25.00 225.00
Paul Laclair 22 Terrace Pl
Kearny, New Jersey 070321622
The Gucciardo Law Firm / Attorney
04/22/2008 100.00 350.00
Jean Lacombe 33868 Verbena Ave
Murrieta, California 925634414
Restful Homes, Inc. / CEO
04/19/2008 50.00 405.00
Jean Lacombe 33868 Verbena Ave
Murrieta, California 925634414
Restful Homes, Inc. / CEO
04/30/2008 25.00 405.00
Mary Lacombe 4733 Cobra Ct
Sparks, Nevada 894368732
Univ. of Nevada Reno / Admin. Faculty
04/21/2008 25.00 455.00
Mary Lacombe 4733 Cobra Ct
Sparks, Nevada 894368732
Univ. of Nevada Reno / Admin. Faculty
04/23/2008 25.00 455.00
Mary Lacombe 4733 Cobra Ct
Sparks, Nevada 894368732
Univ. of Nevada Reno / Admin. Faculty
04/29/2008 50.00 455.00
Vivienne Lacour 8019 Tremolo Ct
Antelope, California 958434863
no Employer / Rtired
04/23/2008 25.00 269.37
Albert Lacourt 10 Marshall St Apt. #7N
Irvington, New Jersey 071118701
Office Depot / Major Accounts Manager
04/28/2008 50.00 450.00
Albert Lacourt 10 Marshall St Apt. #7N
Irvington, New Jersey 071118701
Office Depot / Major Accounts Manager
04/17/2008 50.00 450.00
Cara Lacy 1717 NW 27th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972102408
Oregon State Bar / lawyer
04/23/2008 22.29 322.29
Cara Lacy 1717 NW 27th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972102408
Oregon State Bar / lawyer
04/22/2008 100.00 322.29
Cynthia Lacy 15381 Calle Juanito
San Diego, California 921291012
San Diego Gas & Electric / Bus. Systems Analyst II
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Doug Lacy 42 S Washington St
Denver, Colorado 802092027
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 250.00 720.00
Doug Lacy 42 S Washington St
Denver, Colorado 802092027
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/23/2008 100.00 720.00
Erin Lacy 3529 East Broadway Apt. 2
Long Beach, California 90803
Harbor Ucla Medical Center / Postdoctoral Fellow
04/23/2008 50.00 300.00
Ms. Margaret S Lacy 501 Welch Ave
Madison, Wisconsin 537045854
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 35.00 305.00
Shawn Lacy 2337 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, California 900271253
Biscuit Filmworks / Exec Producer
04/24/2008 50.00 384.79
Yvonne Lacy 2011 Anderson Ave
Manhattan, Kansas 665023605
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 225.00
Yvonne Lacy 2011 Anderson Ave
Manhattan, Kansas 665023605
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 225.00
Yvonne Lacy 2011 Anderson Ave
Manhattan, Kansas 665023605
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 225.00
Yvonne Lacy 2011 Anderson Ave
Manhattan, Kansas 665023605
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 225.00
Yvonne Lacy 2011 Anderson Ave
Manhattan, Kansas 665023605
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 25.00 225.00
Patrick Lacz 3917 Paseo del Prado St
Boulder, Colorado 803011526
Google / Software Engineer
04/23/2008 150.00 500.00
Karen Laday 7672 Rolling Acres Dr
Dallas, Texas 752485613
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 100.00 357.20
Marion Ladbrook 6424 Washington St Spc 53
Yountville, California 945999458
Four Sisters Inns / Front Desk Clerk
04/26/2008 10.00 259.00
Marion Ladbrook 6424 Washington St Spc 53
Yountville, California 945999458
Four Sisters Inns / Front Desk Clerk
04/26/2008 25.00 259.00
Christine Robitscher Ladd 7117 Braeburn Pl
Bethesda, Maryland 208174909
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/28/2008 25.00 417.79
Christine Robitscher Ladd 7117 Braeburn Pl
Bethesda, Maryland 208174909
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/28/2008 25.00 417.79
Greg Ladd 7048 Cedar Ave S
Richfield, Minnesota 55423
Printing Arts, Inc / Mailing
04/23/2008 50.00 220.08
Jeff Ladd 4739 University Way NE # 1212
Seattle, Washington 981054412
Self employed / bus Consult
04/15/2008 50.00 425.00
Louise K M Ladd 302 Calle Estado
Santa Fe, New Mexico 875011020
Self employed / Jewelry Designer
04/29/2008 100.00 400.00
William Ladd 2082 W 29th Pl
Los Angeles, California 900183034
Self employed / Actor/Screenwriter
04/14/2008 50.00 372.40
Edward Ladd 125 Claybrook Rd
Dover, Massachusetts 020302116
Standish / Economist Original Transaction
04/20/2008 1300.00 3600.00
Edward Ladd 125 Claybrook Rd
Dover, Massachusetts 020302116
Standish / Economist Redesignation From
04/20/2008 -1300.00 3600.00
Edward Ladd 125 Claybrook Rd
Dover, Massachusetts 020302116
Standish / Economist Redesignation To
04/20/2008 1300.00 3600.00
Stavros Ladeas 9 Club Court
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360
Hickory Valley Farm Restaurant / Co-Owner/ General Manager
04/05/2008 47.90 572.90
Stavros Ladeas 9 Club Court
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360
Hickory Valley Farm Restaurant / Co-Owner/ General Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 572.90
Stavros Ladeas 9 Club Court
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360
Hickory Valley Farm Restaurant / Co-Owner/ General Manager
04/05/2008 500.00 572.90
Chris Ladegaard 4642 Willis Avenue Apartment #101
Sherman Oaks, CA, California 91403
Comcast Entertainment / Video Editor
04/13/2008 120.00 220.00
Chris Ladegaard 4642 Willis Avenue Apartment #101
Sherman Oaks, CA, California 91403
Comcast Entertainment / Video Editor
04/29/2008 100.00 220.00
Bunny Laden P.O. Box 307
Saratoga, California 95071
Apple, Inc / Technical Writer
04/29/2008 50.00 470.00
Barry Ladendorf 9488 Chabola Rd
San Diego, California 921294904
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1000.00
Barry Ladendorf 9488 Chabola Rd
San Diego, California 921294904
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 1000.00
Rhonda Ladendorf 9488 Chabola Rd
San Diego, California 921294904
Office of the Cal. Attorney General / Supervising Deputy Attorney General
04/30/2008 100.00 850.00
Carol Ladewig 3246 Ettie Street, #15
Oakland, California 94608
Self employed / Artist
04/01/2008 50.00 350.00
Carol Ladewig 3246 Ettie Street, #15
Oakland, California 94608
Self employed / Artist
04/15/2008 50.00 350.00
Sarah Ladislaw 1201 Braddock Pl APT 705
Alexandria, Virginia 223141695
Center for Strategic and International / Fellow
04/29/2008 100.00 450.00
Detola Laditan 7548 Maury Rd
Baltimore, Maryland 212444002
Primewise Investments / Analyst
04/24/2008 500.00 1500.00
Detola Laditan 7548 Maury Rd
Baltimore, Maryland 212444002
Primewise Investments / Analyst
04/11/2008 500.00 1500.00
Ninni Ladjevardi 284 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100123355
b Five Studio / Interior Designer Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/15/2008 250.00 2468.62
Ninni Ladjevardi 284 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100123355
b Five Studio / Interior Designer Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/22/2008 250.00 2468.62
Ninni Ladjevardi 284 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100123355
b Five Studio / Interior Designer Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/17/2008 25.00 2468.62
Ninni Ladjevardi 284 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100123355
b Five Studio / Interior Designer Original Transaction
04/23/2008 500.00 2468.62
Ninni Ladjevardi 284 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100123355
b Five Studio / Interior Designer Redesignation From
04/23/2008 -168.62 2468.62
Ninni Ladjevardi 284 Lafayette St
New York, New York 100123355
b Five Studio / Interior Designer Redesignation To
04/23/2008 168.62 2468.62
Helen Ladner 1020 N Corona St
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809032502
Not employed / Not employed
04/28/2008 25.00 696.55
Helen Ladner 1020 N Corona St
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809032502
Not employed / Not employed
04/22/2008 100.00 696.55
Helen Ladner 1020 N Corona St
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809032502
Not employed / Not employed
04/14/2008 50.00 696.55
Helen Ladner 1020 N Corona St
Colorado Springs, Colorado 809032502
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 25.00 696.55
Joyce Ladner 7471 Botanica Pkwy
Sarasota, Florida 342384445
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 1500.00
Robert Ladner 3827 Green Valley Rd
Ijamsville, Maryland 217549108
Dyax.Com / Scientist
04/03/2008 400.00 960.00
Sherrie Laduke 1901 6th Ave N Ste 2400
Birmingham, Alabama 352032618
Maynard, Cooper & Gale / Paralegal
04/17/2008 100.00 350.00
Sherrie Laduke 1901 6th Ave N Ste 2400
Birmingham, Alabama 352032618
Maynard, Cooper & Gale / Paralegal
04/17/2008 50.00 350.00
Kurt Ladusky 4338 River Rd NW
Washington, DC 200164512
Manager / Computer
04/27/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Steph Lady 5541 Cartwright Ave
North Hollywood, California 916012822
Self employed / Screenwriter
04/30/2008 25.00 334.46
Lucy Laederich 21 Bd Lefebvre xxx
Paris, NA 75015
Self employed / Translator
04/29/2008 100.00 700.00
Lucy Laederich 21 Bd Lefebvre xxx
Paris, NA 75015
Self employed / Translator
04/07/2008 250.00 700.00
Lisa Laehy 516 W. Portola Avenue
Los Altos, California 94022
Not employed / Retired Reattribution/Redesignation Requested
04/11/2008 2300.00 2325.00
Lisa Laehy 516 W. Portola Avenue
Los Altos, California 94022
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 25.00 2325.00
Lisa Laehy 516 W. Portola Avenue
Los Altos, California 94022
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -25.00 2325.00
Lisa Laehy 516 W. Portola Avenue
Los Altos, California 94022
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 25.00 2325.00
Fern Laethem 1749 Carmelo Dr
Carmichael, California 956085718
Sacramento County / Lawyer
04/23/2008 50.00 274.67
Charles Lafave 9939 Music Street
Novelty, Ohio 44072
Netbiz Marketing Inc. / Internet Marketer
04/06/2008 750.00 750.00
Jeremy Lafaver 3131 Adams St. NE E 15
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871310001
University of New Mexico / Administration
04/23/2008 25.00 275.00
Susan Lafayette 32638 N 71st St
Scottsdale, Arizona 852667169
Acge, Inc. / Research Director
04/29/2008 20.00 450.00
Susan Lafayette 32638 N 71st St
Scottsdale, Arizona 852667169
Acge, Inc. / Research Director
04/15/2008 25.00 450.00
Susan Lafayette 32638 N 71st St
Scottsdale, Arizona 852667169
Acge, Inc. / Research Director
04/22/2008 25.00 450.00
Brian Lafferty 1005 Stanwood St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191111509
Not employed / Student
04/25/2008 25.00 230.01
John Lafferty 812 Violet Pl
Silver Spring, Maryland 209104917
Howard Community College / Professor
04/29/2008 50.00 250.00
Lucy Laffitte 110 Hudson St
Raleigh, North Carolina 27608
Not employed / Homemaker
04/02/2008 25.00 316.00
Donald Laffoon 29606 Sea Horse Cv
Laguna Niguel, California 926771668
Stop Gap / President
04/16/2008 50.00 1499.50
Donald Laffoon 29606 Sea Horse Cv
Laguna Niguel, California 926771668
Stop Gap / President
04/29/2008 50.00 1499.50
Nathan Laffoon 20 sayan drive
harbor springs, Michigan 49740
On-Line Productions, inc / Marketing Consultant
04/04/2008 75.00 300.00
Stacey Lafitte 2617 Werlein Ave
Houston, Texas 770053957
Law Office of Dennis B. Kelly / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Stacey Lafitte 2617 Werlein Ave
Houston, Texas 770053957
Law Office of Dennis B. Kelly / Attorney
04/14/2008 25.00 350.00
Stacey Lafitte 2617 Werlein Ave
Houston, Texas 770053957
Law Office of Dennis B. Kelly / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 350.00
Kevin Lafleur 3224 Wisconsin Avenue APT 11
Washington, DC, DC 20016
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 25.00 215.00
Kevin Lafleur 3224 Wisconsin Avenue APT 11
Washington, DC, DC 20016
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 25.00 215.00
Les Lafollette 1601 Elderberry Dr
Libertyville, Illinois 600485310
Sports 11, inc / Sporting Goods
04/21/2008 50.00 380.00
Les Lafollette 1601 Elderberry Dr
Libertyville, Illinois 600485310
Sports 11, inc / Sporting Goods
04/29/2008 100.00 380.00
Megan Lafollette 9505 Cedar Look Dr
Louisville, Kentucky 402913017
Humana Insurance Co. / Customer Care Specialist
04/07/2008 10.00 266.17
Megan Lafollette 9505 Cedar Look Dr
Louisville, Kentucky 402913017
Humana Insurance Co. / Customer Care Specialist
04/07/2008 10.00 266.17
Megan Lafollette 9505 Cedar Look Dr
Louisville, Kentucky 402913017
Humana Insurance Co. / Customer Care Specialist
04/07/2008 5.00 266.17
Anne Lafond 77 Waites Landing Rd
Falmouth, Maine 041051939
Self employed / Domestic Engineer
04/30/2008 500.00 1873.45
Ms. Tessa Lafond 11840 Metropolitan Ave Apt 6K
Kew Gardens, New York 114152012
City of New York / Pedaguegue
04/15/2008 35.00 225.00
Don Lafontaine 1880 Century Park E Ste 1600 Gelfand Breslauer
Los Angeles, California 900671667
Self employed / Voice Actor
04/23/2008 250.00 2300.00
Don Lafontaine 1880 Century Park E Ste 1600 Gelfand Breslauer
Los Angeles, California 900671667
Self employed / Voice Actor
04/30/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Pascale Lafontant 118 Stephenville Pkwy
Edison, New Jersey 08820
A&L Consulting / Accountant
04/14/2008 100.00 400.00
Serge Lafontant Calle 66 # 482A x 55 y 57 Centro Yucatan State, Mexico 97000
Merida, Yucatan St, NA 97000
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 250.00 1000.00
Mary Lafontise 453 S Race St
Denver, Colorado 802092706
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 50.00 1013.22
Roxann Laforcarde 341 Mayfield Cir
Suisun City, California 945853768
Self employed / Daycare Provider
04/21/2008 54.55 404.55
David Laforest 2489 Sun Valley Ct
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543045039
Family Services of Northeastern Wiscon / Case Manager
04/30/2008 50.00 225.00
Marie-Helene Laforest via Carlo Poerio 86
Naples, NA 80121
University of Naples L'orientale / Professor
04/28/2008 50.00 700.00
Chera Laforge 1506 Lincolnshire Dr Apt 2
Champaign, Illinois 618215563
University of Illinois / Teaching Assistant
04/23/2008 50.00 325.00
Stephen Laforge 838 Monarch St
Kalamazoo, Michigan 490013701
Jolt Electric Service / Electrician
04/21/2008 50.00 250.00
Stephen Laforge 838 Monarch St
Kalamazoo, Michigan 490013701
Jolt Electric Service / Electrician
04/30/2008 25.00 250.00
Stephen Laforge 838 Monarch St
Kalamazoo, Michigan 490013701
Jolt Electric Service / Electrician
04/06/2008 50.00 250.00
Bruce Laforse 425 Dayton Towers Dr APT 14P
Dayton, Ohio 454101198
Wright State University / Professor
04/28/2008 50.00 625.00
Bruce Laforse 425 Dayton Towers Dr APT 14P
Dayton, Ohio 454101198
Wright State University / Professor
04/14/2008 50.00 625.00
Bruce Laforse 425 Dayton Towers Dr APT 14P
Dayton, Ohio 454101198
Wright State University / Professor
04/04/2008 100.00 625.00
Bruce Laforse 425 Dayton Towers Dr APT 14P
Dayton, Ohio 454101198
Wright State University / Professor
04/23/2008 100.00 625.00
Paul Lafortezza 160 west 95th street
new york, New York 10025
lam Design Assoc inc / Creative Director
04/01/2008 250.00 750.00
Mary Lafountain 7916 Manitonka Dr
Weidman, Michigan 488939310
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe / Compliance Officer
04/17/2008 100.00 400.00
Douglas Lagally 3605 Napoli Ln Apt 3
Middleton, Wisconsin 535622156
Sonoplot, Inc. / Engineer
04/10/2008 100.00 410.19
Henry Lagan PO Box 475
Okeene, Oklahoma 737630475
Okeene Municipal Hospital / Physician
04/09/2008 200.00 400.00
Mr. Loretta M Lagana 24 Narwood Ave
Merrick, New York 115663924
Not Employed / Retired
04/25/2008 100.00 300.00
Charlotte Lagarde 182 Grand View Ave
San Francisco, California 94114
Swell Cinema / ED
04/02/2008 115.50 215.50
Lucinda Lagasse 381 Dutton Rd
Sudbury, Massachusetts 017762509
E. Catlin Donnelly & Associates / Admin Associate
04/24/2008 100.00 500.00
Calvin Lagator 130 Jane St. 1B
New York, New York 10014
Nowhound Inc. / Media
04/18/2008 100.00 444.88
Calvin Lagator 130 Jane St. 1B
New York, New York 10014
Nowhound Inc. / Media
04/30/2008 25.00 444.88
Cheryl Lagay 35 Rocky Hill Rd
Princeton, New Jersey 085409491
not Applicable / Attorney
04/22/2008 100.00 550.00
Cheryl Lagay 35 Rocky Hill Rd
Princeton, New Jersey 085409491
not Applicable / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.00 550.00
Ellen Lagemann 31 Gardina Ln
Ghent, New York 120751700
Bard College at Simon's Rock / Professor
04/23/2008 500.00 1007.95
Jonathan Lagemann PO Box 325
Chatham, New York 120370325
Self employed / Attorney
04/24/2008 250.00 250.00
Eric Lager 2400 Chestnut St Apt 3302
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191034326
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/28/2008 100.00 204.40
Paul Lagergren 819 High St Apt 209
Bellingham, Washington 982255546
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 438.58
Janice Lagerlof 305 Yerba Buena Ave
San Francisco, California 941272125
Self employed / Attorney
04/28/2008 150.00 400.00
Richard Lagerstrom 411 Lotus Ln
Mountain View, California 940434509
Not Employed / Retired
04/21/2008 200.00 400.00
Younes Lagha 4384 NW 36th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731122730
City Auto Repair / Manager/Tech
04/28/2008 50.00 250.00
Younes Lagha 4384 NW 36th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731122730
City Auto Repair / Manager/Tech
04/17/2008 50.00 250.00
Luis Lagrandier 37 Windsor Blvd
Londonderry, New Hampshire 030533695
Skyworks Solutions Inc / Technical Development Mgr.
04/29/2008 300.00 1000.00
Lois Lagrenade 1220 Blair Mill Rd # 1100
Silver Spring, Maryland 209104862
Dhhs/FDA / Federal Employee
04/23/2008 100.00 672.64
Lois Lagrenade 1220 Blair Mill Rd # 1100
Silver Spring, Maryland 209104862
Dhhs/FDA / Federal Employee
04/12/2008 50.00 672.64
Anne m Lagrippe 1450 Gulfstar Dr S
Naples, Florida 341126402
Not employed / Not employed
04/28/2008 100.00 1325.00
Sharky Laguana 655 Hampshire St
San Francisco, California 941102114
Bandago / Business Owner
04/28/2008 100.00 325.00
Jean K Laguerre 145 Chadwick Pl
Glen Rock, New Jersey 074523114
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Daniel Lah 904 Thorndale St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462143705
Eli Lilly & Company / Sr. Systems Analyst
04/19/2008 100.00 895.00
Daniel Lah 904 Thorndale St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462143705
Eli Lilly & Company / Sr. Systems Analyst
04/11/2008 25.00 895.00
Daniel Lah 904 Thorndale St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462143705
Eli Lilly & Company / Sr. Systems Analyst
04/10/2008 25.00 895.00
Daniel Lah 904 Thorndale St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462143705
Eli Lilly & Company / Sr. Systems Analyst
04/28/2008 25.00 895.00
Daniel Lah 904 Thorndale St
Indianapolis, Indiana 462143705
Eli Lilly & Company / Sr. Systems Analyst
04/23/2008 25.00 895.00
Chris Lahey 863 Massachusetts Ave Apt 41
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021393051
Participatory Culture Foundation / Programmer
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Karen Lahey 5319 231st Ave SE
Issaquah, Washington 980299227
Amazon.Com / Programmer
04/30/2008 15.00 265.00
Michael Lahey 1525 SE Beaver Creek Ln
Troutdale, Oregon 970602228
Legacy Healthcare / Respiratory Therapist
04/23/2008 100.00 375.00
Stephen Lahey 8 Maywood Rd
Delmar, New York 120542117
Lahey Consulting, LLC / Executive Recruiter
04/28/2008 32.45 431.23
Jason Lahman 11000 SW 25th St
Davie, Florida 333245610
Not employed / Student
04/17/2008 200.00 508.95
Mickey Lahmann 4217 Amber Ct SE
Olympia, Washington 985014206
Powerful Teaching & Learning / Education Consultant
04/23/2008 100.00 634.38
Mickey Lahmann 4217 Amber Ct SE
Olympia, Washington 985014206
Powerful Teaching & Learning / Education Consultant
04/30/2008 50.00 634.38
Alison Lahnston 1 Elm Rd
Princeton, New Jersey 085402501
Self employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 850.00
Cheryl Lahr 9236 Butterwood Ct
Littleton, Colorado 80126
Adventure Unlimited / Marketing & Communications
04/26/2008 100.00 435.00
Cheryl Lahr 9236 Butterwood Ct
Littleton, Colorado 80126
Adventure Unlimited / Marketing & Communications
04/22/2008 25.00 435.00
Jack Lahr 6 Stehle St
Annapolis, Maryland 214013419
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Mark Lahti 21214 NE 167th Ave
Battle Ground, Washington 986049278
Pfsc / Systems Engineer
04/15/2008 50.00 329.37
Mark Lahti 21214 NE 167th Ave
Battle Ground, Washington 986049278
Pfsc / Systems Engineer
04/28/2008 50.00 329.37
Mark Lahti 21214 NE 167th Ave
Battle Ground, Washington 986049278
Pfsc / Systems Engineer
04/30/2008 100.00 329.37
Mark Lahti 21214 NE 167th Ave
Battle Ground, Washington 986049278
Pfsc / Systems Engineer
04/30/2008 29.37 329.37
Sharon Lahti 913 Quincy St
Hancock, Michigan 499301904
Not Employed / Retired
04/11/2008 50.00 280.00
Rhonda Lahue-Mordy 713 Sturbridge Dr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102082
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/21/2008 26.38 3527.12
Rhonda Lahue-Mordy 713 Sturbridge Dr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102082
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/21/2008 -26.38 3527.12
Rhonda Lahue-Mordy 713 Sturbridge Dr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 190102082
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/21/2008 26.38 3527.12
Steve Lai 5104 Ruffino Ter
San Jose, California 951295117
Santa Clara County / Physician
04/15/2008 25.00 606.27
Steve Lai 5104 Ruffino Ter
San Jose, California 951295117
Santa Clara County / Physician
04/15/2008 25.00 606.27
Steve Lai 5104 Ruffino Ter
San Jose, California 951295117
Santa Clara County / Physician
04/15/2008 25.00 606.27
Steve Lai 5104 Ruffino Ter
San Jose, California 951295117
Santa Clara County / Physician
04/01/2008 62.27 606.27
Steve Lai 5104 Ruffino Ter
San Jose, California 951295117
Santa Clara County / Physician
04/23/2008 25.00 606.27
William Lai 2619 110th Ave NE
Bellevue, Washington 980042052
Achtung! LLC / CEO
04/23/2008 25.00 385.95
Carl Laib 714 SW Great Exuma Cv
Port St Lucie, Florida 349863450
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Daniel Laidman 638 Bound Brook Rd. #1
Dunellen, New Jersey 08812
Capital Contracting & Design / Receiving Manager
04/22/2008 50.00 260.00
Daniel Laidman 638 Bound Brook Rd. #1
Dunellen, New Jersey 08812
Capital Contracting & Design / Receiving Manager
04/14/2008 50.00 260.00
Cherry Lail 3724 SE 21st Pl
Cape Coral, Florida 339045092
VIP Realty / Accountant
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Cherry Lail 3724 SE 21st Pl
Cape Coral, Florida 339045092
VIP Realty / Accountant
04/15/2008 25.00 225.00
Chris Laine 729 n. michigan ave
pasadena, California 91104
Self employed / Cinematographer
04/02/2008 1150.00 2300.00
Ann Laing p.o. box 2010
leavenworth, Washington 98826
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 27.73 377.73
Ann Laing p.o. box 2010
leavenworth, Washington 98826
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 377.73
Carl Laing 2132 E. Bermuda St. #301
Long Beach, California 90814
Self employed / Independent Usana Associate
04/19/2008 50.00 310.00
Carl Laing 2132 E. Bermuda St. #301
Long Beach, California 90814
Self employed / Independent Usana Associate
04/23/2008 25.00 310.00
Denise Laing 20756 Cross Timber Dr
Ashburn, Virginia 201474470
Rockwell Collins / Sr, Contracts Coordinator
04/29/2008 50.00 342.40
Denise Laing 20756 Cross Timber Dr
Ashburn, Virginia 201474470
Rockwell Collins / Sr, Contracts Coordinator
04/14/2008 25.00 342.40
James D Laing PO Box 110
South Gibson, Pennsylvania 188420110

04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Judi Laing 3230 Lowry Rd
Los Angeles, California 900272207
Self employed / Entrepreneur
04/14/2008 25.00 1212.14
Judi Laing 3230 Lowry Rd
Los Angeles, California 900272207
Self employed / Entrepreneur
04/22/2008 100.00 1212.14
Judi Laing 3230 Lowry Rd
Los Angeles, California 900272207
Self employed / Entrepreneur
04/21/2008 10.00 1212.14
Paulita Laing-Carpenter 2525 Glengyle Dr
Vienna, Virginia 221815523
BT Americas / Financial Analyst
04/28/2008 25.00 225.00
Paulita Laing-Carpenter 2525 Glengyle Dr
Vienna, Virginia 221815523
BT Americas / Financial Analyst
04/28/2008 25.00 225.00
Mari Laino 1025 S Shepherd Dr
Houston, Texas 770193631
BP America / VP
04/28/2008 300.00 1350.00
Mari Laino 1025 S Shepherd Dr
Houston, Texas 770193631
BP America / VP
04/05/2008 25.00 1350.00
Mari Laino 1025 S Shepherd Dr
Houston, Texas 770193631
BP America / VP
04/15/2008 50.00 1350.00
Mari Laino 1025 S Shepherd Dr
Houston, Texas 770193631
BP America / VP
04/23/2008 100.00 1350.00
Claudia Lainson 9760 Isabelle Rd
Lafayette, Colorado 800269104
Self employed / Therapeutic Educator
04/30/2008 100.00 506.00
Claudia Lainson 9760 Isabelle Rd
Lafayette, Colorado 800269104
Self employed / Therapeutic Educator
04/01/2008 106.00 506.00
Claudia Lainson 9760 Isabelle Rd
Lafayette, Colorado 800269104
Self employed / Therapeutic Educator
04/24/2008 100.00 506.00
Claudia Lainson 9760 Isabelle Rd
Lafayette, Colorado 800269104
Self employed / Therapeutic Educator
04/24/2008 100.00 506.00
Claudia Lainson 9760 Isabelle Rd
Lafayette, Colorado 800269104
Self employed / Therapeutic Educator
04/25/2008 100.00 506.00
Daniel Lair 4438 S Elati St
Englewood, Colorado 801105652
University of Denver / Assistant Professor
04/14/2008 25.00 350.00
Daniel Lair 4438 S Elati St
Englewood, Colorado 801105652
University of Denver / Assistant Professor
04/29/2008 25.00 350.00
Daniel Lair 4438 S Elati St
Englewood, Colorado 801105652
University of Denver / Assistant Professor
04/17/2008 25.00 350.00
Doriot Lair 2388 Vancouver Ave
San Diego, California 92104
Ucsd / Manager
04/16/2008 25.00 253.58
Doriot Lair 2388 Vancouver Ave
San Diego, California 92104
Ucsd / Manager
04/16/2008 25.00 253.58
Amy Laird 4514 8th Ave NE Apt 1
Seattle, Washington 981051710
Not employed / Student
04/18/2008 25.00 225.00
Mr Carlton Laird 4703 Otterbein Ct
Godfrey, Illinois 620354804
Not employed / Retired
04/25/2008 50.00 650.00
Joanne Laird 9979 Arcola Ct N
Stillwater, Minnesota 550829523
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 100.00 225.00
John Laird 4086 Cody Rd
Sherman Oaks, California 914035023
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 20.00 385.00
John Laird 4086 Cody Rd
Sherman Oaks, California 914035023
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 385.00
John Laird 4086 Cody Rd
Sherman Oaks, California 914035023
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 25.00 385.00
John Laird PO Box 64
Kittery Point, Maine 03905
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 700.00
Kathy Laird 344 N Vassar St
Wichita, Kansas 672083219
Not employed / Not employed
04/15/2008 10.00 280.00
Kathy Laird 344 N Vassar St
Wichita, Kansas 672083219
Not employed / Not employed
04/22/2008 5.00 280.00
Kathy Laird 344 N Vassar St
Wichita, Kansas 672083219
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 25.00 280.00
Kathy Laird 344 N Vassar St
Wichita, Kansas 672083219
Not employed / Not employed
04/04/2008 10.00 280.00
Kathy Laird 344 N Vassar St
Wichita, Kansas 672083219
Not employed / Not employed
04/13/2008 5.00 280.00
Linda Laird 380B S Paseo Madera
Green Valley, Arizona 856140747
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 25.00 618.25
Linda Laird 380B S Paseo Madera
Green Valley, Arizona 856140747
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 50.00 618.25
Catalina Laires 2463 SW Ritchie Dr
Port Orchard, Washington 983679489
Comprehensive Mental Health / Geriatric Mental Health Specialist
04/14/2008 50.00 650.00
Catalina Laires 2463 SW Ritchie Dr
Port Orchard, Washington 983679489
Comprehensive Mental Health / Geriatric Mental Health Specialist
04/22/2008 100.00 650.00
Catalina Laires 2463 SW Ritchie Dr
Port Orchard, Washington 983679489
Comprehensive Mental Health / Geriatric Mental Health Specialist
04/29/2008 100.00 650.00
Arlo Laitin 104 Ashmont Ln
Durham, North Carolina 277138886
Centro / Sales
04/23/2008 25.00 407.40
Arlo Laitin 104 Ashmont Ln
Durham, North Carolina 277138886
Centro / Sales
04/17/2008 50.00 407.40
Arlo Laitin 104 Ashmont Ln
Durham, North Carolina 277138886
Centro / Sales
04/29/2008 25.00 407.40
Marc Laitin 819 Euclid St NW
Washington, DC 200012227
Wired for Change / Consultant
04/23/2008 31.30 231.30
Judith Laitman 1 Hodgson Ct
Madison, Wisconsin 537171190
Knowledge Unlimited / Executive
04/28/2008 30.00 215.00
Robert Laitres 2099 Spring Dr
Delta, Colorado 814168811
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 812.25
Ronald D Laitres 73 Carroll St
Bronx, New York 104641463
TAHL Prop Equities / Accountant
04/30/2008 50.00 350.00
Maryellen Lajeunesse 17817 N 57th Pl
Scottsdale, Arizona 852546458
Not employed / Not employed
04/29/2008 100.00 240.00
Lee Ann Lajoie 5 Amanda Ct
Tijeras, New Mexico 870597825
Self employed / massage therapist
04/16/2008 15.00 450.00
Lee Ann Lajoie 5 Amanda Ct
Tijeras, New Mexico 870597825
Self employed / massage therapist
04/16/2008 10.00 450.00
Lee Ann Lajoie 5 Amanda Ct
Tijeras, New Mexico 870597825
Self employed / massage therapist
04/14/2008 25.00 450.00
Lee Ann Lajoie 5 Amanda Ct
Tijeras, New Mexico 870597825
Self employed / massage therapist
04/29/2008 20.00 450.00
Lee Ann Lajoie 5 Amanda Ct
Tijeras, New Mexico 870597825
Self employed / massage therapist
04/23/2008 25.00 450.00
Lee Ann Lajoie 5 Amanda Ct
Tijeras, New Mexico 870597825
Self employed / massage therapist
04/29/2008 25.00 450.00
Christina Lakatos 1712 U St., NW, Apt. 2
Washington, DC 20009
International Food Policy Research Ins / Communications Specialist
04/23/2008 25.00 260.00
Christina Lakatos 1712 U St., NW, Apt. 2
Washington, DC 20009
International Food Policy Research Ins / Communications Specialist
04/30/2008 25.00 260.00
Bruce Lake 41650 Calle Pino
Murrieta, California 925627143
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 25.00 500.00
Bruce Lake 41650 Calle Pino
Murrieta, California 925627143
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 25.00 500.00
Bruce Lake 41650 Calle Pino
Murrieta, California 925627143
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 500.00
Bruce Lake 41650 Calle Pino
Murrieta, California 925627143
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 50.00 500.00
Edward K Lake 7260 SW 161st Pl
Miami, Florida 331932931

04/23/2008 100.00 300.00
Jeremiah Lake PO Box 851
Ennis, Montana 597290851
Moonlight Basin / F&B Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 275.00
Jeremiah Lake PO Box 851
Ennis, Montana 597290851
Moonlight Basin / F&B Manager
04/24/2008 250.00 275.00
Kevin Lake 197 w cale monte Vista
Tempe, Arizona 85284
Self employed / Sales
04/22/2008 25.00 215.00
Lisa G Lake 530 Park Creek Way
Alpharetta, Georgia 300223491
GA Public Defender Standards Council / Attorney
04/17/2008 50.00 250.00
Lorene Lake 620 Harry S Truman Dr
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 207742062
Chrysalis House, Inc. / Executive Director
04/17/2008 50.00 425.00
Natalie Lake 1711 Bauerle Ave.
Austin, Texas 78704
Self employed / Midwife
04/30/2008 300.00 300.00
Prudence Lake 4601 47th St NW
Washington, DC 200164436
St. Columba's Church / Director of Development
04/24/2008 500.00 2300.00
Prudence Lake 4601 47th St NW
Washington, DC 200164436
St. Columba's Church / Director of Development
04/30/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Rebecca Lake 3580 Brighton Pl
Marietta, Georgia 300626245
Care / Dir. of Development, Foundations
04/27/2008 50.00 608.80
Rene Lake 4222 46th St NW
Washington, DC 200162472
Self employed / Business Executive
04/25/2008 100.00 1381.03
Rene Lake 4222 46th St NW
Washington, DC 200162472
Self employed / Business Executive
04/29/2008 300.00 1381.03
Rene Lake 4222 46th St NW
Washington, DC 200162472
Self employed / Business Executive
04/22/2008 50.00 1381.03
Rene Lake 4222 46th St NW
Washington, DC 200162472
Self employed / Business Executive
04/28/2008 25.00 1381.03
Sara Lake 2970 Mossy Oak Cir Apt 59
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543117129
The Lake Companies, Inc. / Marketing Specialist
04/25/2008 25.00 292.15
Sara Lake 2970 Mossy Oak Cir Apt 59
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543117129
The Lake Companies, Inc. / Marketing Specialist
04/15/2008 50.00 292.15
Sara Lake 2970 Mossy Oak Cir Apt 59
Green Bay, Wisconsin 543117129
The Lake Companies, Inc. / Marketing Specialist
04/28/2008 30.00 292.15
Sean Lake 10746 Francis Pl Apt 100
Los Angeles, California 900346252
Ucla Department of Physics / Graduate Physics
04/22/2008 40.00 220.00
Steve Lake 2729 N.E. BRAZEE COURT
PORTLAND, Oregon 97212
Not employed / Retired
04/01/2008 250.00 1040.00
Terry Lake 2369 Pappas Pl
Hayward, California 945422372
Workshare Technology / Sr. QA Manager
04/30/2008 100.00 1023.26
Terry Lake 2369 Pappas Pl
Hayward, California 945422372
Workshare Technology / Sr. QA Manager
04/22/2008 50.00 1023.26
Terry Lake 2369 Pappas Pl
Hayward, California 945422372
Workshare Technology / Sr. QA Manager
04/21/2008 25.00 1023.26
Terry Lake 2369 Pappas Pl
Hayward, California 945422372
Workshare Technology / Sr. QA Manager
04/01/2008 50.00 1023.26
Ms Julie B Lakehomer 833 W Belle Plaine Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606132192
Not employed / Retired
04/04/2008 100.00 500.00
Donald Lakey 20315 Caron Cir
Carson, California 907463151
BT INS / Network Engineer
04/29/2008 100.00 525.00
Fred Lakey 3736 Olympiad Dr
Los Angeles, California 900431127
Raytheon Company / Contracts Manager
04/30/2008 100.00 425.29
Jacqueline Lakey 3736 Olympiad Dr
Los Angeles, California 900431127
Los Angeles Unified School District / School Psychologist
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Leigh Lakey 301 Dawn Ave
Rockford, Illinois 611075008
Rockford Public Schools / Teacher
04/17/2008 50.00 250.00
Afreen Lakhani 1111 23rd St NW Apt. PH2A
Washington, DC 200373317
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 25.00 600.00
Afreen Lakhani 1111 23rd St NW Apt. PH2A
Washington, DC 200373317
Not employed / Not employed
04/14/2008 100.00 600.00
Afreen Lakhani 1111 23rd St NW Apt. PH2A
Washington, DC 200373317
Not employed / Not employed
04/25/2008 50.00 600.00
Afreen Lakhani 1111 23rd St NW Apt. PH2A
Washington, DC 200373317
Not employed / Not employed
04/20/2008 25.00 600.00
Jamie Lakin 6860 N Casas Adobes Dr
Tucson, Arizona 857046126
Jamie Lakin / Child and Family Therapist
04/15/2008 500.00 500.00
Jennifer Lakin 7010 Reynolds St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082852
Not employed / Student
04/03/2008 15.45 946.90
Jennifer Lakin 7010 Reynolds St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082852
Not employed / Student
04/16/2008 25.00 946.90
Jennifer Lakin 7010 Reynolds St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082852
Not employed / Student
04/22/2008 25.00 946.90
Jennifer Lakin 7010 Reynolds St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082852
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 15.00 946.90
Jennifer Lakin 7010 Reynolds St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082852
Not employed / Student
04/28/2008 25.00 946.90
Jennifer Lakin 7010 Reynolds St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082852
Not employed / Student
04/28/2008 25.00 946.90
Jeremy Lakin 2525 E 28th St
Oakland, California 946011311
State of California / Attorney
04/24/2008 25.00 374.50
Frederick Lakine 2411 Cove Lake Rd
Lithonia, Georgia 300581838
Carecentric / Technical Support
04/25/2008 50.00 303.48
Robert Lakos P.O. Box 215116
Dubai, UAE, NA 80112
Echostar Holding / VP Mobile TV
04/30/2008 200.00 800.00
Robert Lakos P.O. Box 215116
Dubai, UAE, NA 80112
Echostar Holding / VP Mobile TV
04/30/2008 50.00 800.00
Jyotsana Lal 243 S East Ave # 2
Oak Park, Illinois 603023211
ANL / Scientist
04/22/2008 25.00 400.00
Jyotsana Lal 243 S East Ave # 2
Oak Park, Illinois 603023211
ANL / Scientist
04/29/2008 25.00 400.00
Shyam Lal 3388 Clay St
San Francisco, California 941182007
Mckinsey & Co., Inc / Consultant
04/30/2008 800.00 2300.00
Sunil Lala 1 Hemingway St
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 015453968
Apex Systems / Consultant
04/22/2008 25.00 225.00
Sunil Lala 1 Hemingway St
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 015453968
Apex Systems / Consultant
04/29/2008 25.00 225.00
Despina Lalaki 32-42 41st street #2A
Astoria, New York 11103
New York University / Lecturer
04/30/2008 50.00 244.00
Christine Lalande 331 North Steele RD
West Hartford, Connecticut 06117
Wesleyan University / Visiting Instructor
04/30/2008 25.00 450.00
Linda Lalande 21313 San Miguel St
Woodland Hills, California 913643227
Health Net / Communications Manager
04/29/2008 10.00 247.30
Marc Lalande 331 North Steele Road
West Hartford, Connecticut 06117
University of Connecticut / Professor
04/30/2008 25.00 600.00
Marc Lalande 331 North Steele Road
West Hartford, Connecticut 06117
University of Connecticut / Professor
04/23/2008 75.00 600.00
Marc Lalande 331 North Steele Road
West Hartford, Connecticut 06117
University of Connecticut / Professor
04/30/2008 25.00 600.00
Jacob Lalezari 2300 Sutter St #202
San Francisco, California 941153037
Self employed / Physician
04/23/2008 250.00 600.00
James G Lalich 140 E 46th St Apt 7C
New York, New York 100172621
Paradyszmatera / Market Research
04/30/2008 100.00 650.00
Paula Lalinde 255 W 24th St Apt 501
Miami Beach, Florida 331404697
Not Employed / Student
04/15/2008 500.00 1875.00
Swami Lalitananda 3199 S Ocean Dr # 308E
Hallandale Beach, Florida 330097229
Broward County Public Schools / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 263.00
Paul Lall 4513 Sleaford Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208144629
Steptoe & Johnson LLP / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 820.00
Martha Lallis 1401 Rosemary Ct
Mitchellville, Maryland 207212242
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 50.00 375.00
Anne Lally 507 W 113th St Apt 63
New York, New York 100258075
Independently Employed / Human Rights Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 425.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $30732459.12
Total Memo Amount $45759.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Thu Feb 13 20:39:28 2025