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Line #: 17A


There are a total of 154105 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 74001 through 74500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Ann Knollman 8213 Saulsbury Cir
Arvada, Colorado 800031618
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 25.00 500.00
Ann Knollman 8213 Saulsbury Cir
Arvada, Colorado 800031618
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 25.00 500.00
Henri Knoop 30 Lake St Apt 5I
White Plains, New York 106034012
Bloomingdales / Sales
04/10/2008 35.00 505.61
Henri Knoop 30 Lake St Apt 5I
White Plains, New York 106034012
Bloomingdales / Sales
04/02/2008 56.30 505.61
Christopher E Knopf 910 25th St
Santa Monica, California 904032110
Not Employed / Retired
04/04/2008 25.00 250.00
Karen Knopf 138 Bellington Lane
Saint Louis, Missouri 63141
Turistemps / Retired
04/23/2008 200.00 850.00
Morris Knopf 2225 Irving Ave S # 2
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554052524
Best & Flanagan LLP / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.00 500.00
Morris Knopf 2225 Irving Ave S # 2
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554052524
Best & Flanagan LLP / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 500.00
Morris Knopf 2225 Irving Ave S # 2
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554052524
Best & Flanagan LLP / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.00 500.00
Solomon Knopf 81 W. Garrison Circle
Smyrna, Delaware 19977
Wachovia Mortgage, FSB / Mortgage Consultant
04/23/2008 25.00 205.00
Richard Knoph 2808 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE
Redmond, Washington 980525913
Westtek LLC / Software Engineer
04/23/2008 500.00 500.00
Jane Knops 509 S Fairfax St
Alexandria, Virginia 223143811
National Association of Children's Hos / Part-Time Associate, MIS
04/15/2008 100.00 400.00
Jeff Knorr 126 White Oaks Ln
Carmel Valley, California 939249650
University-Defense / Professor & Chairman of Department
04/17/2008 50.00 328.00
Leon Knosp PO Box 47
Stanley, Idaho 832780047
First Citizens Bank / Programmer Analyst
04/23/2008 50.00 300.00
Leon Knosp PO Box 47
Stanley, Idaho 832780047
First Citizens Bank / Programmer Analyst
04/14/2008 50.00 300.00
Linda Knote 10017 Knox Drive
Overland Park, Kansas 66212
Not employed / Homemaker
04/18/2008 100.00 300.00
Ruth Knote 183 Ericson Rd
Cordova, Tennessee 380187334
First Tennessee Bank / Attorney
04/25/2008 25.00 211.38
Debora Knott 204 East Palmer Street
Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067
Bristol-Myers Squibb / Meeting Manager
04/23/2008 50.00 300.00
Ms Estelle K Knowland 54 Sand Harbor Rd
Alameda, California 945026466
Not Employed / Retired
04/07/2008 100.00 550.00
David Knowles 1200 Esplanade #314
Redondo Beach, California 902774933
Kaiser / EMT
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
David Knowles 1200 Esplanade #314
Redondo Beach, California 902774933
Kaiser / EMT
04/30/2008 50.00 350.00
Donna Knowles 30066 NW West Union Rd
North Plains, Oregon 971338383
Macy's Federated Dept. Stores / Sales Associate - Seasonal
04/20/2008 15.00 552.00
Edna Knowles 37 Crittenden ST NE
Washington, DC 20011
Not employed / Retired
04/04/2008 50.00 300.00
Gerald Knowles 105 A, M and M Lane
Salida, Colorado 81201
Not employed / Consultant
04/23/2008 25.00 225.00
Gerald Knowles 105 A, M and M Lane
Salida, Colorado 81201
Not employed / Consultant
04/29/2008 25.00 225.00
Harold M Knowles 3065 Highland Oaks Ter
Tallahassee, Florida 323013837
Knowles & Randolph / Attorney
04/28/2008 250.00 250.00
James Knowles 1223 Wilshire Blvd Ste 585
Santa Monica, California 904035400
Snap-Pix, Inc. / Paparazzo
04/30/2008 60.00 357.45
Marie Knowles 2659 Sacramento St
San Francisco, California 941152217
Limina Application Office / Consultant
04/23/2008 100.00 450.00
Mary T Knowles 218 Cedar St
Dedham, Massachusetts 020263306
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 100.00 425.00
Noah Knowles 900 Lawton St.
San Francisco, California 94122
U.S. Geological Survey / Research Hydrologist
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Ramsey Knowles 829B Piedmont Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Taylor, Busch / Attorney
04/15/2008 800.00 2300.00
Ramsey Knowles 829B Piedmont Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Taylor, Busch / Attorney
04/23/2008 440.00 2300.00
Timothy Knowles 5605 S Dorchester Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606371721
University of Chicago / Educator
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Brendan Knowlton 3 Cappavilla Village
Castletroy, NA 00000
Comhaltas / IT Professional
04/28/2008 25.00 304.58
Steven Knowlton 125 Bellevue Maltings
dublin, NA 00000
Dublin City University / Professor
04/23/2008 100.00 450.00
Ann Knox 9001 Willowbrook Dr
Richmond, Virginia 232282242
Union-Psce / Librarian
04/28/2008 50.00 285.00
Barbara Knox 16 Hemenway Dr
Canton, Massachusetts 020211037
Thayer Academy / Teacher
04/14/2008 15.00 240.00
Barbara Knox 16 Hemenway Dr
Canton, Massachusetts 020211037
Thayer Academy / Teacher
04/14/2008 5.00 240.00
Barbara Knox 16 Hemenway Dr
Canton, Massachusetts 020211037
Thayer Academy / Teacher
04/23/2008 20.00 240.00
Barbara Knox 16 Hemenway Dr
Canton, Massachusetts 020211037
Thayer Academy / Teacher
04/30/2008 25.00 240.00
Carolyn Knox 5196 Orchestra
Interlochen, Michigan 49643
Woodsong Cottage Studio / Artist/ Educator
04/29/2008 5.00 690.56
Carolyn Knox 5196 Orchestra
Interlochen, Michigan 49643
Woodsong Cottage Studio / Artist/ Educator
04/30/2008 25.00 690.56
Carolyn Knox 5196 Orchestra
Interlochen, Michigan 49643
Woodsong Cottage Studio / Artist/ Educator
04/24/2008 5.00 690.56
Carolyn Knox 5196 Orchestra
Interlochen, Michigan 49643
Woodsong Cottage Studio / Artist/ Educator
04/19/2008 5.00 690.56
Carolyn Knox 5196 Orchestra
Interlochen, Michigan 49643
Woodsong Cottage Studio / Artist/ Educator
04/14/2008 5.00 690.56
Carolyn Knox 5196 Orchestra
Interlochen, Michigan 49643
Woodsong Cottage Studio / Artist/ Educator
04/14/2008 5.00 690.56
Charles Knox 34785 Simpson Rd
Hemet, California 925459494
Not employed / Retired
04/27/2008 50.00 305.00
Charles Knox 50 Cherry Hill Rd
Magnolia, Delaware 199623168
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 450.00
Charlotte Knox 392 Central Park W # 18
New York, New York 100255860
Freelance / Illustrator
04/24/2008 25.00 300.00
Charlotte Knox 392 Central Park W # 18
New York, New York 100255860
Freelance / Illustrator
04/30/2008 25.00 300.00
Mr. Clarence Knox 114 Stubbs Dr
Dayton, Ohio 454263020
Not Employed / Retired
04/10/2008 50.00 250.00
Corey Knox 4342 E La Cienega St
Tucson, Arizona 857121114
Univeristy of Arizona / Researcher
04/03/2008 25.00 208.50
Diana Knox 3432 Edgefield Rd
Greensboro, North Carolina 274099005
Information Requested / Retired
04/28/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Eric Knox 4315 Fremont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554091720
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 450.45
Eric Knox 4315 Fremont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554091720
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 450.45
Ethel Knox 3778 Vermont Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia 303191209
Unemployed / R.N.
04/24/2008 100.00 293.80
Isabella Knox 4416 43rd Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981055129
University of Washington / Physician
04/23/2008 250.00 500.00
Kathleen Knox 2245 Sul Ross St
Houston, Texas 770982419
Harris County/Rice University / Library Assistant
04/14/2008 25.00 205.00
Mrs Lina S Knox 500 N Ride
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 250.00 1050.00
Marlene Knox 14 Martling Rd
San Anselmo, California 949601154
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 92.45 2300.00
Naphtali Knox 1025 Forest Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013031
Self employed / Urban Planning Consultant
04/22/2008 25.00 350.00
Naphtali Knox 1025 Forest Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013031
Self employed / Urban Planning Consultant
04/23/2008 25.00 350.00
Naphtali Knox 1025 Forest Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013031
Self employed / Urban Planning Consultant
04/18/2008 25.00 350.00
Naphtali Knox 1025 Forest Ave
Palo Alto, California 943013031
Self employed / Urban Planning Consultant
04/18/2008 25.00 350.00
Nicole Knox 7621 S 9th Way
Phoenix, Arizona 850426621
Salt River Project / Customer Service
04/29/2008 15.00 265.00
Patricia Knox 2607 Friendship St
Iowa City, Iowa 522455006
Self employed / Artist
04/15/2008 100.00 350.00
Robert Knox 6610 Montresor Pl
Rancho Cucamonga, California 917374372
GTT International / VP of Sales
04/21/2008 100.00 377.95
Scott J Knox 5917 Church St
Morton Grove, Illinois 600532473
Not employed / Caregiver
04/24/2008 250.00 750.00
Scott J Knox 5917 Church St
Morton Grove, Illinois 600532473
Not employed / Caregiver
04/25/2008 300.00 750.00
Thurmon Knox, Jr P.O. Box 2005
McDonough, Georgia 30253
Navcon, Llc. / President
04/22/2008 100.00 400.00
Thurmon Knox, Jr P.O. Box 2005
McDonough, Georgia 30253
Navcon, Llc. / President
04/29/2008 100.00 400.00
Jean Knox 229 Bishop Ave Richmond, CA 94801
Richmond, California 948014006
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 200.00 2515.00
Jean Knox 229 Bishop Ave Richmond, CA 94801
Richmond, California 948014006
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -200.00 2515.00
Jean Knox 229 Bishop Ave Richmond, CA 94801
Richmond, California 948014006
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 200.00 2515.00
Jean Knox 229 Bishop Ave Richmond, CA 94801
Richmond, California 948014006
Not employed / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 15.00 2515.00
Jean Knox 229 Bishop Ave Richmond, CA 94801
Richmond, California 948014006
Not employed / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -15.00 2515.00
Jean Knox 229 Bishop Ave Richmond, CA 94801
Richmond, California 948014006
Not employed / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 15.00 2515.00
Mr. John Knudsen 313 N 8th St
Mount Vernon, Washington 982733324
Mt. Vernon Women's Clinic / Physician
04/25/2008 25.00 405.00
Silas Knudsen 400 Cambridge Dr
Richardson, Texas 750803427
Unemployed / Executive
04/23/2008 100.00 295.00
Gary Knudson PO Box 297 4446 Tree Lane
Wilseyville, California 95257
Not employed / Retired
04/27/2008 25.00 224.00
Inge Knudson 106 Riverdale Rd
Concord, Massachusetts 017423454
Mclean Hospital / Biologist
04/29/2008 25.00 250.00
James Knudson 11260 Overland Ave Apt 20I
Culver City, California 902305542
Self employed / Podiatrist
04/15/2008 250.00 2100.00
Julie Knudson 4440 Upton Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554101930
NA / Self
04/29/2008 15.00 515.00
Paul Knudson 1400 San Raymundo Rd
Hillsborough, California 94010
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 250.00 1000.00
Paul Knudson 1400 San Raymundo Rd
Hillsborough, California 94010
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 1000.00
Paul Knudson 1400 San Raymundo Rd
Hillsborough, California 94010
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 1000.00
Paul Knudson 1400 San Raymundo Rd
Hillsborough, California 94010
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1000.00
Paul Knudson 1400 San Raymundo Rd
Hillsborough, California 94010
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1000.00
Carmen Knudson-Martin 2885 NW Rolling Green Dr
Corvallis, Oregon 973303523
Loma Linda University / Professor
04/18/2008 25.00 201.25
Herbert Knudten, Jr 1841 Sunset St
Grinnell, Iowa 501121046
Trinity Lutheran Church / Minister
04/19/2008 100.00 300.00
Dan Knup 45 Myrtle St #27
Boston, Massachusetts 021144544
Bain & Company / Consultant
04/23/2008 25.00 525.00
Sarah Knup 2400 Webster St Apt 1
San Francisco, California 941151340
The Parthenon Group / Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 440.00
Katharine Knuth Luebecker Str. 149
Schwerin, Germany, NA 19059
Not employed / Not employed
04/21/2008 50.00 550.00
K Eric Knutsen 7 Pell Pl
Riverside, Connecticut 06878
Not Employed / Retired
04/07/2008 500.00 500.00
Kirk Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
The Meadows School / Teacher
04/12/2008 250.00 1480.00
Kirk Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
The Meadows School / Teacher
04/14/2008 200.00 1480.00
Kirk Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
The Meadows School / Teacher
04/14/2008 50.00 1480.00
Kirk Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
The Meadows School / Teacher
04/21/2008 250.00 1480.00
Kirk Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
The Meadows School / Teacher
04/29/2008 200.00 1480.00
Martha Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
Pediatrix Medical Group / Physician
04/30/2008 30.00 380.00
Martha Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
Pediatrix Medical Group / Physician
04/15/2008 250.00 380.00
Martha Knutsen 4100 Mansion Hall Ct
Las Vegas, Nevada 891293665
Pediatrix Medical Group / Physician
04/19/2008 100.00 380.00
Cynthia Knutson 2116 N Fremont Blvd
Flagstaff, Arizona 860010955
Nadc / Physician
04/29/2008 15.00 265.00
Daniel Knutson 403 Abbeywood Dr
Saint Charles, Illinois 601755136
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 615.05
Kirbie J Knutson 626 Lake Ave
Wilmette, Illinois 600911722
MJ DePaul University / Law Professor
04/25/2008 100.00 400.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/22/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/30/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/22/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/21/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/21/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/25/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/29/2008 25.00 535.00
Laura Knutson 2755 S Locust St #208
Denver, Colorado 802227126
Self employed / Social Work
04/15/2008 25.00 535.00
Nancy Knutson 41341 Drive 710
Wilsonville, Nebraska 690464625
Self employed / Production Agriculture
04/30/2008 100.00 656.00
Nancy Knutson 41341 Drive 710
Wilsonville, Nebraska 690464625
Self employed / Production Agriculture
04/14/2008 100.00 656.00
Neil Knutson 11330 Cedar Pointe Dr N
Minnetonka, Minnesota 553052987
Daugherty Business Solutions / IT Consultant
04/22/2008 25.00 275.00
Sheryl Knutson 197 Locust Ave
San Rafael, California 949012238
Not employed / Not employed
04/21/2008 50.00 874.12
Evelyn KO 360 S. Rexford Dr. #8
Beverly Hills, California 90212
Directv / Marketing Manager
04/24/2008 50.00 450.00
Evelyn KO 360 S. Rexford Dr. #8
Beverly Hills, California 90212
Directv / Marketing Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 450.00
Yangsuk KO 11014 Myers Ranch Ct
Bakersfield, California 933112897
Csub / Professor
04/17/2008 50.00 350.00
Ms. Doris T Koani 435 Drake Ln
Squaw Valley, California 936759790
Not Employed / Retired
04/14/2008 30.00 205.00
Roger Kobak 20 Middleton Ln
Landenberg, Pennsylvania 193509386
University of Delaware / Professor
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Linda Koban 1013 Union Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 212111821
Self employed / Attorney/Child Advocate
04/16/2008 50.00 495.00
Brian Kobashikawa 1600 Villa St Apt. 102
Mountain View, California 940411167
Yahoo!, Inc. / Principal Designer
04/30/2008 250.00 650.00
Emily Kobayashi 6736 27th St N
Arlington, Virginia 222131205
non / College English Instructor
04/28/2008 30.00 275.00
Robin Kobayashi 17610 Lemay St
Van Nuys, California 914065329
Lexisnexis / Editor
04/04/2008 50.00 405.64
Robin Kobayashi 17610 Lemay St
Van Nuys, California 914065329
Lexisnexis / Editor
04/23/2008 50.00 405.64
Robin Kobayashi 17610 Lemay St
Van Nuys, California 914065329
Lexisnexis / Editor
04/20/2008 25.00 405.64
Mr Dennis W Kobelin 4645 NW Cascade St
Silverdale, Washington 983839243
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Susan Kober 828 Tenderfoot Dr
Larkspur, Colorado 801188712
Sun Microsystems / Program Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Jasperdean Kobes 304 Fairview Dr
Kutztown, Pennsylvania 195301020
Bamboula Ltd. / Executive - African Imports
04/30/2008 25.00 250.00
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 50.00 1017.01
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 40.00 1017.01
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 100.00 1017.01
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 25.00 1017.01
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 250.00 1017.01
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/24/2008 7.00 1017.01
Jayne Kobliska 4 Quail Run Ln
East Sandwich, Massachusetts 025371216
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 25.01 1017.01
Olga Kobozeva 932 Lundy Ln
Los Altos, California 940245940
lsi / Engineer
04/23/2008 100.00 250.00
Natasha Kobran 100 E Church St
Frederick, Maryland 217015476
Not employed / Homemaker
04/29/2008 15.00 265.00
Ms. Brenda Kobrin 35 Noonan Ranch Cir
Santa Rosa, California 954038064
Self employed / Insurance Sales
04/09/2008 250.00 750.00
Leda Kobziar 1015 NW 12th Ave.
Gainesville, Florida 32601
University of Florida / Professor
04/15/2008 50.00 250.00
Norma Kobzina 505 Wimbledon Rd
Walnut Creek, California 945982339
Not employed / Retired
04/24/2008 200.00 500.00
Christina Kocan 46 Monterey Dr
Vernon Hills, Illinois 600612330
Novell, Inc / Information Systems
04/30/2008 100.00 564.06
Suzanne Kocchi 1530 O St, NW
Washington, DC 20005
US EPA / Policy Analyst
04/15/2008 25.00 435.00
Suzanne Kocchi 1530 O St, NW
Washington, DC 20005
US EPA / Policy Analyst
04/28/2008 25.00 435.00
Andreas Koch 3133 Frontera Way Apt 113
Burlingame, California 940105759
Juniper Networks / Director Marketing
04/22/2008 50.00 310.00
Christopher Koch 709 McDonald St SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303123318
Terracon Consultants / Archaeologist
04/23/2008 100.00 428.63
Ms Connie Lee Koch 8555 S Lewis Ave # 2B
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741371218
Not Employed / Retired
04/09/2008 100.00 800.00
Douglas Koch 2303 Dunstan Rd
Houston, Texas 770052613
Baylor College of Medicine / Physician
04/27/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Emily Koch 3400 S. Main St. #F4
Santa Ana, California 92707
Lpa, Inc. / Designer
04/29/2008 30.00 358.58
Ms. Eunice M. Koch 1094 Driftwood Ln
Ventura, California 930013825
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 52.80 602.80
George Koch 385 Springdale St
Athens, Georgia 306064237
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 310.00
Harriet Koch 1506 E California Blvd
Pasadena, California 911064104
Self employed / Attorney
04/01/2008 1000.00 1100.00
Harriet Koch 1506 E California Blvd
Pasadena, California 911064104
Self employed / Attorney
04/23/2008 100.00 1100.00
Mr Herbert J Koch 1513 E Lowden Ln
Mount Prospect, Illinois 600562709
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 40.00 390.00
Kala Koch 19540 129th Ct NE
Bothell, Washington 980112538
Volt Services / Analyst
04/25/2008 100.00 206.00
Kim Koch 261 Stanford Ave
Palo Alto, California 943061145
Self employed / Mother
04/22/2008 100.00 300.00
Leianne Koch 1959 Blue Mountain Rd
Longmont, Colorado 805046208
Stitchables LLC / Owner
04/23/2008 25.00 277.86
Leianne Koch 1959 Blue Mountain Rd
Longmont, Colorado 805046208
Stitchables LLC / Owner
04/14/2008 50.00 277.86
Leianne Koch 1959 Blue Mountain Rd
Longmont, Colorado 805046208
Stitchables LLC / Owner
04/29/2008 50.00 277.86
Nanette J Koch 127 S Hamilton St
Poughkeepsie, New York 126014826
Self employed / Musician/Teacher
04/23/2008 15.00 220.00
Pamela Koch 1308 Bellair Way
Menlo Park, California 940256615
N.A. / N.A.
04/30/2008 100.00 675.00
Mr. Robert Koch 645 Paseo de La Playa Unit 208
Redondo Beach, California 902776575
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 100.00 600.00
Stephen Koch 8445 E. Holly St.
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257
Santy / Advertising Executive
04/08/2008 25.00 225.00
Susan Koch 6532 75th St
Cabin John, Maryland 208181421
Self employed / Filmmaker
04/22/2008 50.00 893.89
Tracy B Koch 13212 Chesdin Landing Dr
Chesterfield, Virginia 238383241
Not Employed / Retired
04/28/2008 200.00 600.00
Trixanna Koch 906 S 22nd Ave
Yakima, Washington 989024143
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 550.00
Trixanna Koch 906 S 22nd Ave
Yakima, Washington 989024143
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 550.00
Trixanna Koch 906 S 22nd Ave
Yakima, Washington 989024143
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 550.00
Trixanna Koch 906 S 22nd Ave
Yakima, Washington 989024143
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 550.00
Wendy Koch 37 Iselin Ter
Larchmont, New York 105382628
Self employed / Writer
04/28/2008 50.00 1000.00
Wendy Koch 37 Iselin Ter
Larchmont, New York 105382628
Self employed / Writer
04/28/2008 100.00 1000.00
Wendy Koch 37 Iselin Ter
Larchmont, New York 105382628
Self employed / Writer
04/28/2008 25.00 1000.00
Wendy Koch 37 Iselin Ter
Larchmont, New York 105382628
Self employed / Writer
04/28/2008 25.00 1000.00
Wendy Koch 37 Iselin Ter
Larchmont, New York 105382628
Self employed / Writer
04/28/2008 50.00 1000.00
Zachary Koch 1402 S Water St
Wichita, Kansas 672135214
Wichita State University / Graduate Assistant
04/30/2008 25.00 209.25
Darrell Kocha 193 Tumon Ln Apt 1205
Tamuning, Guam 96913
United States Air Force / Computer Operator
04/08/2008 70.00 600.00
Nicholas Kocharhook 427 Duboce Ave
San Francisco, California 94117
Apple, Inc. / Software Engineer
04/30/2008 200.00 1141.84
Nicholas Kocharhook 427 Duboce Ave
San Francisco, California 94117
Apple, Inc. / Software Engineer
04/30/2008 50.00 1141.84
Mr David Kochbeck 4667 18th St
San Francisco, California 941141833
Live Nation Worldwide, Inc. / Information Requested
04/25/2008 60.00 790.00
Rustam Kocher 16645 SW Rigert Ter
Beaverton, Oregon 970075825
Nike / Analyst
04/17/2008 25.01 451.95
Rustam Kocher 16645 SW Rigert Ter
Beaverton, Oregon 970075825
Nike / Analyst
04/30/2008 25.00 451.95
Rustam Kocher 16645 SW Rigert Ter
Beaverton, Oregon 970075825
Nike / Analyst
04/15/2008 3.00 451.95
Nathan Kochly 256 Stranahan Cir
Clayton, California 945171456
At&T / Network Engineer
04/23/2008 50.00 250.00
Christine Kochmann 14 Estok Rd
Edison, New Jersey 088174118
Johnson & Johnson / Paralegal
04/23/2008 100.00 325.02
Ken Kocienda 943 Bluebonnet Dr
Sunnyvale, California 940866753
Apple, Inc. / Software Enginner
04/22/2008 250.00 965.00
Angie Kocken 6333 Walking Lane
Alexandria, Virginia 22312
BIO / Operations Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 206.90
William Kocol 8670 Allenwood Rd
Los Angeles, California 900461049
Nlrb / Judge
04/30/2008 750.00 2300.00
Janeen Koconis 17 rue Saint-Roch
Paris, NA 75001
Self-Employed, Koco NY Inc. / Graphic Artist, Writer
04/23/2008 150.00 1500.00
Janeen Koconis 17 rue Saint-Roch
Paris, NA 75001
Self-Employed, Koco NY Inc. / Graphic Artist, Writer
04/04/2008 250.00 1500.00
Jennifer Kocour 703 Elm St
Winnetka, Illinois 600932507
North Shore Comm Bank / Banker
04/12/2008 25.00 223.16
Benjamin Kocs-Meyers 605 Stannage Ave # 1
Albany, California 947061234
Goodtree, INC / Executive Manager
04/25/2008 100.00 428.58
Benjamin Kocs-Meyers 605 Stannage Ave # 1
Albany, California 947061234
Goodtree, INC / Executive Manager
04/29/2008 100.00 428.58
Francis Kocum 374 Eastbury Hill Rd
Glastonbury, Connecticut 060333914
Self employed / Engineering Consultant
04/28/2008 100.00 300.00
Joseph Kocy 822 Autumn Cir
Columbia, South Carolina 292064993
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Harold Koda 975 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10028
Metropolitan Museum of Art / Curator
04/15/2008 300.00 2300.00
Pratap Kode 1601 Gouda Ct
Cedar Park, Texas 786131751
Momentum si / Consultant
04/16/2008 100.00 225.00
D Kevin Kodrick 19529 Hunter Trl
Mokena, Illinois 604488844
L.A.Sites,Inc / Owner
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Lynn Kodrick 19529 Hunter Trl
Mokena, Illinois 604488844
L.A. Sites, Inc. / Co-Owner
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Nate Koechley 701 First Ave
Sunnyvale, California 94089
Yahoo! Inc / Designer
04/29/2008 50.00 540.05
Peter Koechley 257 Flatbush Ave # 2
Brooklyn, New York 112172487
Expansion Co-Director / Moveon.Org Political Action
04/16/2008 50.00 1106.70
Martina Koeckritz PO Box 2634
Mill Valley, California 949422634
Self employed / Tour Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 400.00
Martina Koeckritz PO Box 2634
Mill Valley, California 949422634
Self employed / Tour Consultant
04/30/2008 50.00 400.00
Martina Koeckritz PO Box 2634
Mill Valley, California 949422634
Self employed / Tour Consultant
04/30/2008 25.00 400.00
Jennifer Koegel 1462 3 3/8 St
Turtle Lake, Wisconsin 548898819
Miro Technologies / Computer Programmer
04/30/2008 25.00 268.70
James Koehler 1128 Wilderness Tr
Richardson, Texas 75080
Not employed / Retired
04/01/2008 250.00 250.00
Joshua Koehler 125 Rutland Blvd
West Palm Beach, Florida 334055056
City of West Palm Beach / Staff Attorney
04/28/2008 50.00 297.36
Kathleen Koehler 4000 Massachusetts Ave NW Apt 821
Washington, DC 200165105
US Dept of Health and Human Services / Program Analyst
04/22/2008 100.00 1100.00
Keith D Koehler 102 Old Course Rd
Summerville, South Carolina 294856205
US Government / Professional
04/24/2008 109.00 344.26
Lisa Koehler 10475 cr 24
Watertown, Minnesota 55388
Not employed / Not employed
04/23/2008 25.00 785.02
Lisa Koehler 10475 cr 24
Watertown, Minnesota 55388
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 25.00 785.02
Mike Koehler 28 Fremont St
Somerville, Massachusetts 021451417
Commonwealth of Massachusetts / Attorney
04/22/2008 250.00 465.00
Pat Koehler 220 madison ave
ft.washington, Pennsylvania 19034
Keystone Kidney Center / RN
04/28/2008 100.00 264.29
Pat Koehler 220 madison ave
ft.washington, Pennsylvania 19034
Keystone Kidney Center / RN
04/01/2008 24.00 264.29
Peter Koehler 312 Juniata Ct
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152082610
University of Pittsburgh / Professor
04/06/2008 150.00 300.00
Stephanie Koehler 4128 Cooke St
Duluth, Minnesota 558041944
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 300.00
Steven Koehler 775 Witmer Rd
York, Pennsylvania 174029371
Shumaker Williams, PC / Attorney
04/27/2008 92.00 206.95
Carolee Koehn 1735 Aspen St
Gering, Nebraska 693413937
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 35.00 204.25
Ms. Susan Koehn 335 Whippoorwill Rd
Chappaqua, New York 105142312
04/04/2008 250.00 500.00
Larry Koehnk box 400
jewell, Iowa 50130
Self employed / Veterinarian
04/28/2008 480.00 2300.00
David Koehser 1817 Irving Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554032822
Self employed / Attorney
04/30/2008 50.00 250.00
Rebecca Koelzer 709 Fennec Fox Preserve
Crestview, Florida 325365438
Usaf / Engineer
04/22/2008 100.00 525.00
Rebecca Koelzer 709 Fennec Fox Preserve
Crestview, Florida 325365438
Usaf / Engineer
04/30/2008 100.00 525.00
Rebecca Koelzer 709 Fennec Fox Preserve
Crestview, Florida 325365438
Usaf / Engineer
04/15/2008 100.00 525.00
Susan Koen 58 West St
Portland, Maine 041023418
Round-The-Clock Systems / CEO
04/29/2008 250.00 750.00
Ben Koenig 20 Birchwood Dr
Princeton, New Jersey 085407963
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 100.00 1135.00
Ben Koenig 20 Birchwood Dr
Princeton, New Jersey 085407963
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 25.00 1135.00
Ben Koenig 20 Birchwood Dr
Princeton, New Jersey 085407963
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 50.00 1135.00
Ben Koenig 20 Birchwood Dr
Princeton, New Jersey 085407963
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 1135.00
Brian Koenig 1420 Creekside Dr Apt 11
Walnut Creek, California 945965528
Havok.Com Inc / Software Engineer
04/30/2008 25.00 330.22
Brian Koenig 1420 Creekside Dr Apt 11
Walnut Creek, California 945965528
Havok.Com Inc / Software Engineer
04/18/2008 12.95 330.22
Brian Koenig 1420 Creekside Dr Apt 11
Walnut Creek, California 945965528
Havok.Com Inc / Software Engineer
04/03/2008 82.27 330.22
Brian Koenig 1420 Creekside Dr Apt 11
Walnut Creek, California 945965528
Havok.Com Inc / Software Engineer
04/23/2008 25.00 330.22
Darin Koenig 17123 West Bernardo Drive #101
San Diego, California 92127
Evault, Inc. / Software Engineer
04/28/2008 100.00 825.13
Ray Koenig 4853 N Winthrop Ave No. 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606406949
Peck Bloom Austriaco & Mitchell, LLC / Attorney
04/15/2008 100.00 1100.00
Ray Koenig 4853 N Winthrop Ave No. 1N
Chicago, Illinois 606406949
Peck Bloom Austriaco & Mitchell, LLC / Attorney
04/23/2008 250.00 1100.00
Stephen Koenig 231 E Spring St
Alexandria, Virginia 223012149
LKA / Architect
04/28/2008 25.00 600.00
Stephen Koenig 231 E Spring St
Alexandria, Virginia 223012149
LKA / Architect
04/28/2008 25.00 600.00
Stephen Koenig 231 E Spring St
Alexandria, Virginia 223012149
LKA / Architect
04/28/2008 50.00 600.00
Stephen Koenig 231 E Spring St
Alexandria, Virginia 223012149
LKA / Architect
04/01/2008 100.00 600.00
Thomas Koenig 183 Oakland St Apt F
Manchester, Connecticut 060422186
University of Connecticut / Librarian
04/23/2008 200.00 650.00
Denise Koenigs 6757 N Santa Monica Blvd
Fox Point, Wisconsin 532173940
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/23/2008 100.00 350.00
Adam Koenigsberg 71 S Ellicott St
Williamsville, New York 142216937
Erie County / Senior Computer Operator
04/22/2008 25.00 282.95
Andrew Koenigsberg 3 Smith St
Westborough, Massachusetts 015811723
Evergreen Solar / Applications Developer
04/23/2008 25.00 250.00
Andrew Koenigsberg 3 Smith St
Westborough, Massachusetts 015811723
Evergreen Solar / Applications Developer
04/15/2008 50.00 250.00
Diane Koenker 504 W Pennsylvania Ave
Urbana, Illinois 618014923
University of Illinois / History Professor
04/24/2008 200.00 600.00
Mr. John Koepf 2041 Carriage Ln
Arroyo Grande, California 934204909
Self-employed / Fisherman
04/17/2008 100.00 300.00
Gary Koepke 31 Aaron Way
Carlisle, Massachusetts 017411324
Modernista! / Co-Founder, Chairman and Ceo, Advertis
04/30/2008 1300.00 2300.00
Rebecca Koepnick 452 W 23rd St Apt 4A
New York, New York 100112128
City of New York / Staff Analyst
04/30/2008 100.00 320.00
Amy Koeppel 5946 SE Circle St
Hobe Sound, Florida 334557514
Palm Beach County School District / Substitute Teacher
04/22/2008 25.00 330.00
Amy Koeppel 5946 SE Circle St
Hobe Sound, Florida 334557514
Palm Beach County School District / Substitute Teacher
04/28/2008 25.00 330.00
Amy Koeppel 5946 SE Circle St
Hobe Sound, Florida 334557514
Palm Beach County School District / Substitute Teacher
04/29/2008 25.00 330.00
Amy Koeppel 5946 SE Circle St
Hobe Sound, Florida 334557514
Palm Beach County School District / Substitute Teacher
04/23/2008 25.00 330.00
Kevin Koeppel 12433 Admiralty Way Apt D403
Everett, Washington 982048094
Verizon / Equipment Technician
04/28/2008 100.00 400.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/28/2008 50.00 570.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/28/2008 25.00 570.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/16/2008 50.00 570.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/16/2008 25.00 570.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/16/2008 25.00 570.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 570.00
Eva Koepsell PO Box 410
Penfield, New York 145260410
NA / Retired
04/28/2008 25.00 570.00
Nancy Koerber 100 Sandpiper Palisades St
Hendersonville, North Carolina 287929258
Self-New Dawn Midwifery / Midwife/Practice Adminstrator
04/26/2008 50.00 350.00
Nancy Koerber 100 Sandpiper Palisades St
Hendersonville, North Carolina 287929258
Self-New Dawn Midwifery / Midwife/Practice Adminstrator
04/23/2008 50.00 350.00
Joshua Koerner 1 Landmark Sq
Port Chester, New York 105733348
Choice / Executive Director
04/30/2008 100.00 482.24
Andel Koester 26 E 105th St Apt 5C
New York, New York 100294455
Ss+K / Communications
04/15/2008 25.00 255.00
Henry Koester 209 N. Prairie St. POBox 31
Bellflower, Illinois 61724
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 200.00 325.00
John Koester 205 W 19th St Apt 5R
New York, New York 100114013
Columbia University / Professor
04/28/2008 200.00 400.00
Stephanie Koetting 1822 Fox Run Rd
Reno, Nevada 895231821
Self employed / Court Reporter
04/14/2008 50.00 350.00
Katharine Koeze 3211 Bonnell Ave SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495063137
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/27/2008 100.00 479.40
Katharine Koeze 3211 Bonnell Ave SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495063137
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/15/2008 100.00 479.40
Katharine Koeze 3211 Bonnell Ave SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495063137
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/17/2008 50.00 479.40
David Koff 1736 Wollam St
Los Angeles, California 900652628
Self employed / Filmmaker
04/28/2008 25.00 525.00
David Koff 1736 Wollam St
Los Angeles, California 900652628
Self employed / Filmmaker
04/14/2008 25.00 525.00
David Koff 1736 Wollam St
Los Angeles, California 900652628
Self employed / Filmmaker
04/22/2008 25.00 525.00
Harold Kofman 5 Sherman Pl
Morristown, New Jersey 079603763
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland Perretti L / Attorney
04/17/2008 150.00 325.00
Harold Kofman 5 Sherman Pl
Morristown, New Jersey 079603763
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland Perretti L / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 325.00
Harold Kofman 5 Sherman Pl
Morristown, New Jersey 079603763
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland Perretti L / Attorney
04/17/2008 150.00 325.00
Thomas Kofoed 5139 SE 31st St
Gresham, Oregon 970808210
Not employed / Student
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Laura Kofoid 3920 North Lake Shore Drive Apartment 7
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Self employed / Business
04/30/2008 663.10 2300.00
Linda Kofstad 68540 300th St
Hartland, Minnesota 560424081
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 25.00 280.00
Linda Kofstad 68540 300th St
Hartland, Minnesota 560424081
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 50.00 280.00
Linda Kofstad 68540 300th St
Hartland, Minnesota 560424081
Not employed / Retired
04/12/2008 25.00 280.00
Linda Kofstad 68540 300th St
Hartland, Minnesota 560424081
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 30.00 280.00
Yefim Kogan 1602 Barwick Dr
Norman, Oklahoma 730723224
University of Oklahoma / Scientist
04/29/2008 25.00 250.00
Robin Kogelnik 6100 Princeton Ave
Glen Echo, Maryland 208121126
Self employed / Market Research
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Helen Koger 11230 N.E. 68th St Apt. B
Kirkland, Washington 98033
Boeing / Database Administration
04/23/2008 220.00 520.00
Jeanne Koger 1420 Kershaw Dr
Raleigh, North Carolina 276096324
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 250.00 250.00
Jeffrey Kogut 5642 3rd Ave NW
Seattle, Washington 981072702
4D Architects / Architect
04/23/2008 25.00 210.05
Tanner Kogut 2608 Morning Glory
Columbia, Missouri 65202
Kogut Co. / Remodeling Contractor
04/23/2008 20.08 225.10
Barry Koh 27033 Rigbylot Rd
Easton, Maryland 216017667
University of Maryland / Adjunct Faculty
04/17/2008 50.00 300.00
Susan Koh 27033 Rigbylot Rd
Easton, Maryland 216017667
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 275.00
Dorothy Mills Kohak 31 SWAMP RD, SHARON 31 SWAMP RD, SHARON
Jaffrey, New Hampshire 034520355
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 50.00 850.00
Dorothy Mills Kohak 31 SWAMP RD, SHARON 31 SWAMP RD, SHARON
Jaffrey, New Hampshire 034520355
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 50.00 850.00
Dorothy Mills Kohak 31 SWAMP RD, SHARON 31 SWAMP RD, SHARON
Jaffrey, New Hampshire 034520355
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 850.00
Daniel Kohanski 912 Cole St # 230
San Francisco, California 941174316
Not employed / Retired
04/22/2008 250.00 1689.02
Daniel Kohanski 912 Cole St # 230
San Francisco, California 941174316
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 100.00 1689.02
Daniel Kohanski 912 Cole St # 230
San Francisco, California 941174316
Not employed / Retired
04/09/2008 39.02 1689.02
Ronald Kohanski 6085 Covington Rd
Columbia, Maryland 210443934
National Institutes of Health / Program Officer
04/22/2008 100.00 400.00
Jennifer Kohl 3015 Legation St. NW
Washington, DC 20015
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings / Press Secretary
04/15/2008 50.00 395.00
Jennifer Kohl 3015 Legation St. NW
Washington, DC 20015
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings / Press Secretary
04/22/2008 50.00 395.00
Jennifer Kohl 3015 Legation St. NW
Washington, DC 20015
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings / Press Secretary
04/30/2008 30.00 395.00
Jennifer Kohl 3015 Legation St. NW
Washington, DC 20015
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings / Press Secretary
04/30/2008 15.00 395.00
Jennifer Kohl 3015 Legation St. NW
Washington, DC 20015
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings / Press Secretary
04/30/2008 25.00 395.00
Karyn Kohl 800 Holladay Rd
Pasadena, California 911064150
Brighton Collectibles inc / Director of Corporate Giving
04/30/2008 500.00 1500.00
Velma Kohl 1985 SW Palm City Rd Apt J
Stuart, Florida 349944359
Not employed / Not employed
04/30/2008 50.00 585.00
Barbara Kohl-Spiro 777 N Prospect Ave
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532024000
Information Requested / Artist
04/17/2008 200.00 700.00
Jeanne Kohl-Welles 301 W Kinnear Pl
Seattle, Washington 981193732
Washington State Senate / State Senator
04/12/2008 60.00 460.00
Jeanne Kohl-Welles 301 W Kinnear Pl
Seattle, Washington 981193732
Washington State Senate / State Senator
04/23/2008 50.00 460.00
Karen Kohlberg PO Box 1198
Rancho Santa Fe, California 920671198
Karen Kohlberg / Philanthropist
04/29/2008 250.00 250.00
Mike Kohle 3770 Blueridge Rd.
Creston, California 93432
Poly Vector Company / Self Employed
04/28/2008 50.00 700.00
Mike Kohle 3770 Blueridge Rd.
Creston, California 93432
Poly Vector Company / Self Employed
04/17/2008 50.00 700.00
Linda Kohlenberg 491 N Williamsbury Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483012515
John R Medical Clinica / A
04/29/2008 100.00 764.65
Linda Kohlenberg 491 N Williamsbury Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483012515
John R Medical Clinica / A
04/24/2008 100.00 764.65
Linda Kohlenberg 491 N Williamsbury Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483012515
John R Medical Clinica / A
04/22/2008 100.00 764.65
Linda Kohlenberg 491 N Williamsbury Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483012515
John R Medical Clinica / A
04/15/2008 100.00 764.65
Ms. Eleanor L Kohler 379 Johns St
Delafield, Wisconsin 530181730
Not Employed / Retired
04/07/2008 70.00 455.00
Ms. Eleanor L Kohler 379 Johns St
Delafield, Wisconsin 530181730
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 140.00 455.00
Mr. Frederick Kohler PO Box 69606
Los Angeles, California 900690606
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/25/2008 100.00 350.00
John Kohler 8209 Hidden Glen Ave NE
Canton, Ohio 447211746
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 205.00
John Kohler 8209 Hidden Glen Ave NE
Canton, Ohio 447211746
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 30.00 205.00
Ms. Julilly W. Kohler 1674 N. Marshall
milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
Self employed / Real Estate Developer
04/30/2008 250.00 750.00
Mera Kohler 6439 Peninsula Dr
Traverse City, Michigan 496861919
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Mera Kohler 6439 Peninsula Dr
Traverse City, Michigan 496861919
Not employed / Homemaker
04/14/2008 25.00 225.00
Miriam Kohler 233 Skyline Dr
Millington, New Jersey 079461901
Long Hill Township BOE / Teacher
04/17/2008 25.00 225.00
Nancy Kohler 77 Garrison Loop
Ladera Ranch, California 926940604
na / na
04/30/2008 25.00 450.00
R Gwen Kohler PO BOX 299
ACWORTH, New Hampshire 03601
Self employed / Artist
04/17/2008 100.00 300.00
Susan Kohler 349 22nd St NW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524053656
Not employed / Retired
04/17/2008 25.00 224.52
Susan Kohler 349 22nd St NW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524053656
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 224.52
Susan Kohler 349 22nd St NW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524053656
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 224.52
Susan Kohler 349 22nd St NW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 524053656
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 25.00 224.52
Jonathan Kohler 28 Fayerweather St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021383330
Partners Healthcare / Physician Original Transaction
04/22/2008 100.00 2400.00
Jonathan Kohler 28 Fayerweather St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021383330
Partners Healthcare / Physician Redesignation From
04/22/2008 -100.00 2400.00
Jonathan Kohler 28 Fayerweather St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021383330
Partners Healthcare / Physician Redesignation To
04/22/2008 100.00 2400.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/26/2008 25.00 725.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 5.00 725.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 100.00 725.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 10.00 725.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 25.00 725.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 10.00 725.00
Sydney Kohlmeier 601 Bayside Rd
Bellingham, Washington 982257807
Not employed / Retired
04/19/2008 100.00 725.00
Herman Kohlmeyer 900 State St
New Orleans, Louisiana 701185909
Wachovia Securities / Stock Broker
04/21/2008 250.00 500.00
Joel Kohlmeyer 2275 16 3/4 Ave
Rice Lake, Wisconsin 548688786
Not Employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 225.00
Apara Kohls P O BOX 230663
Encinitas, California 92023
Self employed / Financial Advisor
04/28/2008 100.00 350.00
Adeline Kohn 7426 Crossway Rd.
Fox Point, Wisconsin 53217
Adeline Kohn / Home
04/28/2008 100.00 700.00
Adeline Kohn 7426 Crossway Rd.
Fox Point, Wisconsin 53217
Adeline Kohn / Home
04/30/2008 50.00 700.00
Adeline Kohn 7426 Crossway Rd.
Fox Point, Wisconsin 53217
Adeline Kohn / Home
04/30/2008 50.00 700.00
Bruce Kohn 400 N. Clinton Unit 702
Chicago, Illinois 60654
Advanced Messenger Service, Inc. / Owner
04/30/2008 100.00 520.00
Carole Kohn 2120 Saint Johns Ave Unit E
Highland Park, Illinois 600352475
Social Security Administration / Attorney
04/24/2008 25.00 230.00
Carole Kohn 2120 Saint Johns Ave Unit E
Highland Park, Illinois 600352475
Social Security Administration / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 230.00
Carole Kohn 2120 Saint Johns Ave Unit E
Highland Park, Illinois 600352475
Social Security Administration / Attorney
04/17/2008 25.00 230.00
David Kohn 639 W End Ave Apartment 3D
New York, New York 100257343
Not employed / Retired
04/01/2008 100.00 375.00
David Kohn 639 W End Ave Apartment 3D
New York, New York 100257343
Not employed / Retired
04/15/2008 25.00 375.00
David Kohn 639 W End Ave Apartment 3D
New York, New York 100257343
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 375.00
Jan Kohn 10 Hanover Sq Apt. 22Z
New York, New York 100053510
Godiva Chocolatier / Creative Services
04/06/2008 50.00 600.00
Jan Kohn 10 Hanover Sq Apt. 22Z
New York, New York 100053510
Godiva Chocolatier / Creative Services
04/14/2008 50.00 600.00
Jan Kohn 10 Hanover Sq Apt. 22Z
New York, New York 100053510
Godiva Chocolatier / Creative Services
04/30/2008 50.00 600.00
Jewel Kohnke 89 Boone Ln
Columbia, Mississippi 394298352
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 300.00
Marion Kohnke 143 CARMODY CIR
FOLSOM, California 956301541
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/01/2008 100.00 400.00
Marion Kohnke 143 CARMODY CIR
FOLSOM, California 956301541
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/14/2008 100.00 400.00
Linda Kohnstamm 7727 19th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 981154433
Retires / Retired
04/29/2008 25.00 249.50
Dennis Koho 1142 Larchwood St NE
Keizer, Oregon 973033666
Self employed / Attorney
04/15/2008 100.00 450.00
Kathy Kohout 14017 227th Ave NE
Woodinville, Washington 980775885
Not employed / Homemaker
04/23/2008 250.00 1550.00
Kathy Kohout 14017 227th Ave NE
Woodinville, Washington 980775885
Not employed / Homemaker
04/30/2008 50.00 1550.00
Daniel Kohrman 3606 McKinley St NW
Washington, DC 200152516
Aarp Foundation / Attorney
04/23/2008 250.00 750.00
Scott Kohtz 369 Hilliard Dr
Fayetteville, North Carolina 283112649
US Army / Physician
04/02/2008 34.30 284.30
Carmon Koile 7204 W Rim Dr
Austin, Texas 787312027
Not Employed / Homemaker
04/24/2008 50.00 300.00
Dr Earl Koile 7204 W Rim Dr
Austin, Texas 787312027
University of Texas @ Austin / Professor Emeretus
04/24/2008 50.00 250.00
Jacqueline Koiner 3706 Cary Street Rd
Richmond, Virginia 232212607
Not employed / Retired
04/16/2008 10.00 500.00
Jacqueline Koiner 3706 Cary Street Rd
Richmond, Virginia 232212607
Not employed / Retired
04/18/2008 15.00 500.00
Jacqueline Koiner 3706 Cary Street Rd
Richmond, Virginia 232212607
Not employed / Retired
04/21/2008 100.00 500.00
Eric Koivisto 1915 Taylor Ave N #6
Seattle, Washington 981092677
Marketrange / Marketing
04/23/2008 200.00 2007.25
Jeff Koke 7516 Doswell Ln
Austin, Texas 787392072
Koke Creative / Graphic Designer
04/30/2008 100.00 280.00
Ron Kokish 450 Mosier Ct
Trinidad, California 955709624
Not employed / Retired
04/01/2008 25.00 250.00
Ron Kokish 450 Mosier Ct
Trinidad, California 955709624
Not employed / Retired
04/17/2008 25.00 250.00
Soberekon Koko 8961 Enclave Dr
Burr Ridge, Illinois 605278394
Wexford Health Sources / Physician
04/28/2008 100.00 400.00
Jonah Kokodyniak 86 Bergen St # 1
Brooklyn, New York 112016310
Global Kids, Inc. / Development Director
04/22/2008 35.00 345.00
John Kokontis 5840 S Stony Island Ave Apt 8F
Chicago, Illinois 606372048
University of Chicago / Research Scientist
04/23/2008 50.00 275.00
Blake Kokus 6404 Boulevard Vw
Alexandria, Virginia 22307
Self employed / Business Executive
04/30/2008 500.00 500.00
JO Kolanda 12921 N Colony Dr
Mequon, Wisconsin 530972303
Not employed / Retired
04/02/2008 100.00 300.00
Charles Kolb 1021 45th Street
Des Moines, Iowa 503113411
Not employed / Retired
04/04/2008 50.00 225.00
Denny Kolb 11742 Aspen View Dr
San Diego, California 921285286
Dne Information Services, Llc / Software Engineer
04/30/2008 410.00 410.00
Erik Kolb 3321 Utah St
Riverside, California 925073961
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 50.00 331.58
Harold Kolb 6855 Heards Mountain Rd
Covesville, Virginia 229311506
Not employed / Not employed
04/10/2008 100.00 1630.85
Michael Kolb 148 West St
Newburgh, New York 125504222
Larkin Axelrod Ingrassia & Tetenbaum, / Attorney
04/15/2008 25.00 385.00
Michael Kolb 148 West St
Newburgh, New York 125504222
Larkin Axelrod Ingrassia & Tetenbaum, / Attorney
04/18/2008 25.00 385.00
Michael Kolb 148 West St
Newburgh, New York 125504222
Larkin Axelrod Ingrassia & Tetenbaum, / Attorney
04/13/2008 25.00 385.00
Michael Kolb 148 West St
Newburgh, New York 125504222
Larkin Axelrod Ingrassia & Tetenbaum, / Attorney
04/26/2008 25.00 385.00
Michael Kolb 148 West St
Newburgh, New York 125504222
Larkin Axelrod Ingrassia & Tetenbaum, / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 385.00
Herb Kolbe 201 Peters Dr
Glenshaw, Pennsylvania 151161225
Coalition for Christian Outreach / Campus Minister
04/30/2008 25.00 225.00
Steven Kolber 14 Dunwoody Springs Dr NE
Sandy Springs, Georgia 303284552
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 25.00 525.00
Steven Kolber 14 Dunwoody Springs Dr NE
Sandy Springs, Georgia 303284552
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 35.00 525.00
Anna Kolchinsky 220 Boylston St
Boston, Massachusetts 021163929
Not employed / Student
04/30/2008 25.00 914.21
John Kolden 600 N. McClurg Court 3801A
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Oracle / Development
04/30/2008 25.00 460.00
John Kolden 600 N. McClurg Court 3801A
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Oracle / Development
04/23/2008 25.00 460.00
John Kolden 600 N. McClurg Court 3801A
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Oracle / Development
04/15/2008 25.00 460.00
Anna E Kolder 39 N 7th Ave
Iowa City, Iowa 522453301
Not employed / Retired
04/01/2008 50.00 400.00
Anna E Kolder 39 N 7th Ave
Iowa City, Iowa 522453301
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 50.00 400.00
Julia Kole 1017 meadowbrook av.
los angeles, California 90019
the Jacobandkole Agency / Talent Agent
04/16/2008 250.00 500.00
Temitope Koledoye 1125 Duncan Avenue
Yeadon, Pennsylvania 19050
Eresearchtechnology, Inc. / Sr. Director
04/30/2008 25.00 532.88
Temitope Koledoye 1125 Duncan Avenue
Yeadon, Pennsylvania 19050
Eresearchtechnology, Inc. / Sr. Director
04/17/2008 50.00 532.88
Temitope Koledoye 1125 Duncan Avenue
Yeadon, Pennsylvania 19050
Eresearchtechnology, Inc. / Sr. Director
04/23/2008 25.00 532.88
Judith Kolesinsky 517 N Street Ext
Willimantic, Connecticut 062261638
Information Requested / Information Requested
04/21/2008 35.00 255.00
Nancy Kolger 524 SW 17th St
Richmond, Indiana 473745137
Not employed / Not employed
04/02/2008 27.68 302.68
Nancy Kolger 524 SW 17th St
Richmond, Indiana 473745137
Not employed / Not employed
04/05/2008 50.00 302.68
Brent Kolhede 109 Beechwood Dr
Oakland, California 946182013
Laboratory Equipment Co. / Sales Rep
04/23/2008 100.00 1507.01
Bob Kolin 1221 Westview Lane Apt. 307
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
Self employed / Licensed Massage Therapist
04/23/2008 100.00 320.00
Burton F Kolinsky 5023 SE Gladstone St
Portland, Oregon 97206
Not Employed / Retired
04/29/2008 70.00 240.00
Mr. Warren Kolinsky 814 Alan Dr
Wantagh, New York 117931002

04/09/2008 25.00 205.00
Donna Kolis 17893 Lake Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 441071046
Friedman Domiano and Smith / Attorney
04/30/2008 761.80 2300.00
Donna Kolis 17893 Lake Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 441071046
Friedman Domiano and Smith / Attorney
04/20/2008 1000.00 2300.00
Donna Kolis 17893 Lake Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 441071046
Friedman Domiano and Smith / Attorney
04/21/2008 100.00 2300.00
Jimmy Kolker 1746 Hobart St NW
Washington, DC 200092908
Unicef / Associate Director
04/22/2008 100.00 400.00
Linda Kolko 117 Sherman Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209125745
Inter-American Foundation / Vice President for Operations
04/23/2008 25.00 205.00
Linda Kolko 117 Sherman Ave
Takoma Park, Maryland 209125745
Inter-American Foundation / Vice President for Operations
04/29/2008 30.00 205.00
Matthew Koll 6912 Nevis Rd
Bethesda, Maryland 208174643
Revolution Health / Internet Executive
04/17/2008 2300.00 2300.00
Katherine Kollar 1226 Smithwood Dr
Los Angeles, California 900351127
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/29/2008 100.00 1489.45
Katherine Kollar 1226 Smithwood Dr
Los Angeles, California 900351127
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/22/2008 100.00 1489.45
Katherine Kollar 1226 Smithwood Dr
Los Angeles, California 900351127
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/17/2008 100.00 1489.45
Katherine Kollar 1226 Smithwood Dr
Los Angeles, California 900351127
Self employed / Interior Designer
04/04/2008 100.00 1489.45
Rosa Kollar 2325 Gregory Ave
Palmdale, California 935507046
Whitmor/Wirenetics / Account Administrator
04/23/2008 25.00 385.00
William Koller 829 E Knapp St Apt 28
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532022758
Ab&K / Construction
04/24/2008 100.00 815.90
Charles Kollerer 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd # 311
Sacramento, California 958257684
Keller Williams Realty / Retired Credit Card Chargeback
04/16/2008 -80.99 1430.96
Charles Kollerer 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd # 311
Sacramento, California 958257684
Keller Williams Realty / Retired
04/30/2008 100.00 1430.96
Chakravarthy Kolli 19 Conkling St
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
AIG / Lead Enterprise Architect
04/21/2008 50.00 250.00
Chakravarthy Kolli 19 Conkling St
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
AIG / Lead Enterprise Architect
04/23/2008 25.00 250.00
Raja Kolli 492 Kuliouou Rd
Honolulu, Hawaii 968212266
us Army / Physician
04/15/2008 25.00 230.00
Raja Kolli 492 Kuliouou Rd
Honolulu, Hawaii 968212266
us Army / Physician
04/29/2008 35.00 230.00
Nancy Kolliner 1544 Valley View Dr
Los Osos, California 934024438
Self employed / art
04/29/2008 1150.00 2300.00
Nancy Kolliner 1544 Valley View Dr
Los Osos, California 934024438
Self employed / art
04/03/2008 250.00 2300.00
Karen Anne Kolling 587 Shore Acres Ave
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 028524533
Not employed / Retired
04/28/2008 50.00 600.00
Karen Anne Kolling 587 Shore Acres Ave
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 028524533
Not employed / Retired
04/23/2008 100.00 600.00
Manfred Kollmeier 15 Middle St
Amherst, Massachusetts 010023009
Not employed / Retired
04/14/2008 25.00 252.00
Chadwick Kollross 318 S. Lake Park Ave.
Hobart, Indiana 46342
Hopewell School / Principal
04/24/2008 50.00 205.00
Bruce Kolman 5872 Teal Lane
Long Grove, Illinois 60047
Self employed / Trader
04/28/2008 100.00 550.00
Chloe Kolman 90 Lakewood Pl
Highland Park, Illinois 600355008
Environmental Law and Policy Center / Policy Associate
04/24/2008 50.00 350.00
Ms. Judith S Kolman 342 Merion Rd
Merion Station, Pennsylvania 190661532
Self employed / Psychologist
04/30/2008 300.00 750.00
Ms. Judith S Kolman 342 Merion Rd
Merion Station, Pennsylvania 190661532
Self employed / Psychologist
04/04/2008 200.00 750.00
Ludwig Kolman 90 Lakewood Pl
Highland Park, Illinois 600355008
Vedder Price, PC / Attorney
04/30/2008 100.00 550.00
Mark Kolman 4805 Fort Sumner Dr
Bethesda, Maryland 208162464
Dickstein Shapiro LLP / Attorney
04/28/2008 200.00 450.00
Ms. Constance Kolo 9331 170th Pl
Orland Hills, Illinois 604877257

04/23/2008 50.00 335.00
Ms. Constance Kolo 9331 170th Pl
Orland Hills, Illinois 604877257

04/07/2008 50.00 335.00
Ruth Kolodney 1 Charles St S Unit 1006
Boston, Massachusetts 021165456
Harvard University / Manager
04/30/2008 50.00 300.00
Carol Kolodny P.O. Box 1238
Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts 02568
Kolodny Dorr Media Design / Graphic Design
04/14/2008 25.00 228.00
Merritt Kolodny 2431 Bissonnet St
Houston, Texas 770051451
Unique Optical / Optician
04/23/2008 50.00 360.00
Sheila Kolodny 98 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100245323
Self employed / Import/Wholesale
04/23/2008 50.00 360.00
Sheila Kolodny 98 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100245323
Self employed / Import/Wholesale
04/29/2008 50.00 360.00
Edward Kolodziej 711 W University Ave
Champaign, Illinois 618203919
University of Illinois / Professor
04/23/2008 50.00 250.00
Val Kolokoff P.O. Box 194
Monitor, Washington 98836
Cashmere Medical Center / Physician
04/23/2008 50.00 266.95
Bernard Koloski PO Box 522
Mansfield, Pennsylvania 169330522
Not employed / Retired
04/29/2008 100.00 600.00
Nadine Kolowrat 527 Old Lancaster Rd.
Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041
Swarthmore College / Grantwriter
04/06/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Jane Kolp-Andrews 4445 44th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 554064060
ISD #273 / Teacher
04/20/2008 25.00 215.00
Richard Kolsby 3306 Paces Ferry Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia 303393738
Not employed / Not employed
04/24/2008 250.00 250.00
Shelley Kolton 622 Greenwich St #3B
New York, New York 100143305
Downtown Women Obgyn Associates / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 698.02
Barbara Kolucki 354 Stone Road
Dalton, Pennsylvania 18414
Self employed / Self-Employed
04/21/2008 100.00 600.00
Barbara Kolucki 354 Stone Road
Dalton, Pennsylvania 18414
Self employed / Self-Employed
04/11/2008 100.00 600.00
Barbara Kolucki 354 Stone Road
Dalton, Pennsylvania 18414
Self employed / Self-Employed
04/29/2008 100.00 600.00
David Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
St. Joseph's Hospital / Physician
04/23/2008 100.00 1699.36
David Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
St. Joseph's Hospital / Physician
04/29/2008 125.00 1699.36
David Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
St. Joseph's Hospital / Physician
04/16/2008 200.00 1699.36
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Original Transaction
04/15/2008 100.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation From
04/15/2008 -21.44 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation To
04/15/2008 21.44 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Original Transaction
04/23/2008 100.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation From
04/23/2008 -100.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation To
04/23/2008 100.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 50.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -50.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 50.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Original Transaction
04/30/2008 25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation From
04/30/2008 -25.00 2546.44
Olga Kolva 12 Whitetail Cir
Oswego, New York 131264158
Owego p s / Retired Redesignation To
04/30/2008 25.00 2546.44
Brock Komar 748 Bedford Dr
Crystal Lake, Illinois 600148404
Sherman Hospital / Pharmacist
04/22/2008 250.00 923.65
Daniel Komarek 1550 Bay St D349
San Francisco, California 941231763
Kirkland and Ellis LLP / Attorney
04/29/2008 50.00 400.00
Jay Koment 212 E Broadway
New York, New York 100025561
Self employed / art Dealer
04/23/2008 250.00 250.00
Shana Komitee 5 Emmons Pl # 2
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021383206
Harvard University - Writing Project / Grant Writer
04/29/2008 18.00 215.00
Tomoko Komiyama 1811 Crestland St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481046331
University of Michigan / Researcher
04/25/2008 50.00 400.00
Tomoko Komiyama 1811 Crestland St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 481046331
University of Michigan / Researcher
04/30/2008 100.00 400.00
Bharati Kommineni 4203 Cat Mountain Dr
Austin, Texas 787313704
Oracle Corporation / Software Sales
04/22/2008 100.00 362.32
Bharati Kommineni 4203 Cat Mountain Dr
Austin, Texas 787313704
Oracle Corporation / Software Sales
04/01/2008 25.00 362.32
Jimilee Komolafe 3827 Gawayne Ter
Silver Spring, Maryland 209062656
Beers + Cutler / Administrative Assistant
04/23/2008 25.00 285.00
Alex Komoroske 2022 Santa Cruz Ave.
menlo Park, California 94025
Ritchie Capital Management / Investment Professional
04/22/2008 25.00 375.00
Mary Komoroski 132 Hillcrest Dr
Amherst, Virginia 245213120
Not employed / Retired
04/30/2008 650.00 1900.00
Elaine Komorski 538 Glen Garry Rd
Cary, Illinois 600132538
Anderson Associates Inc / Office Manager
04/30/2008 25.00 250.05
Ronnie Kon 113 Albert Ct
Los Gatos, California 95032
Not employed / Not employed
04/03/2008 39.35 289.35
Mala Konar 17 Brownstone Blvd
Voorhees, New Jersey 080433453
na / Attorney
04/22/2008 250.00 700.00
Rae Konata 1010 Hazelwood Dr
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191501515

04/10/2008 1000.00 1000.00
Ms. Betty R Kondayan 90 Woodridge Ln
Lexington, Virginia 244503758
Not Employed / Retired
04/30/2008 50.00 470.00
Karen Kondell 2462 Bay Isle Ct
Weston, Florida 333271410
Akerman Senterfitt / Attorney
04/30/2008 25.00 275.00
Karen Kondell 2462 Bay Isle Ct
Weston, Florida 333271410
Akerman Senterfitt / Attorney
04/21/2008 150.00 275.00
Michi Kondo 2550 Thorndyke Ave W Apt 302
Seattle, Washington 981993537
Not Employed / Retired
04/18/2008 100.00 450.00
Rachel Kondo 1326 N Fairfax Ave
West Hollywood, California 900464713
Ewt, LLC / Executive Assistant
04/23/2008 25.00 230.00
Rachel Kondo 1326 N Fairfax Ave
West Hollywood, California 900464713
Ewt, LLC / Executive Assistant
04/29/2008 30.00 230.00
Tina Kondo 3400 25th Ave W Apt 304
Seattle, Washington 981992247
Washington State / Attorney
04/24/2008 100.00 1000.00

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $30732459.12
Total Memo Amount $45759.98
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 500
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Sat Feb 15 15:57:25 2025