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There are a total of 1423 Itemized Receipts

Displaying 1 through 500

Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
James Adomian 4940 Franklin Ave
Los Angeles, California 900274062
Self / Comedian Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/26/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/26/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Hale N Alpern 250 W 39th Street
New York, New York 100184414
HMS productions Inc / Mfr Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/29/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/29/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Hale Alpern 250 W 39th St
New York, New York 100184414
HMS productions, inc / Mfr Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/20/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/20/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None
08/30/2015 20.16 204.40
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/31/2015 5.00 209.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/31/2015 5.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/08/2015 3.00 212.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/08/2015 3.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/09/2015 20.00 232.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/09/2015 20.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/16/2015 3.00 235.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/16/2015 3.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/17/2015 5.00 240.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/17/2015 5.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/21/2015 5.00 245.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/21/2015 5.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Amory 228 Squires Ave # R1
Endicott, New York 137602946
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/24/2015 3.00 248.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/24/2015 3.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Clifford Anderson 1408 La Sierra Drive
Sacramento, California 958643035
California State University Sacramento / Teacher Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/23/2015 25.00 425.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/23/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Clifford Anderson 1408 La Sierra Drive
Sacramento, California 958643035
California State University Sacramento / Teacher
07/30/2015 50.00 475.00
Clifford Anderson 1408 La Sierra Drive
Sacramento, California 958643035
California State University Sacramento / Teacher
08/30/2015 50.00 525.00
Clifford Anderson 1408 La Sierra Drive
Sacramento, California 958643035
California State University Sacramento / Teacher Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/12/2015 20.16 545.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/12/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Clifford Anderson 1408 La Sierra Drive
Sacramento, California 958643035
California State University Sacramento / Teacher
09/30/2015 50.00 595.16
David Anderson 1878 N Orchard Street
Chicago, Illinois 606148923
Not employed / Not employed
08/13/2015 12.50 387.50
David Anderson 1936 W Blaylock Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850851715
n/a / Not Employed
08/27/2015 100.00 300.00
David Anderson 1878 N Orchard Street
Chicago, Illinois 606148923
Not employed / Not employed
09/13/2015 12.50 400.00
David Anderson 1936 W Blaylock Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 850851715
n/a / Not Employed
09/27/2015 100.00 400.00
BEAVERTON, Oregon 970066440
Intel / Technician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/13/2015 200.00 220.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/13/2015 200.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Alan Appleford 6284 Clive Ave
Oakland, California 94611
n/a / Retired
07/24/2015 100.00 650.00
Alan Appleford 6284 Clive Ave
Oakland, California 94611
n/a / Retired
08/21/2015 100.00 750.00
Alan Appleford 6284 Clive Ave
Oakland, California 94611
n/a / Retired
09/18/2015 100.00 850.00
Rona Armillas 34 Plaza Street E
Brooklyn, New York 112385038
nnot employed / Not employed
07/02/2015 25.00 220.16
Rona Armillas 34 Plaza Street E
Brooklyn, New York 112385038
nnot employed / Not employed
07/13/2015 10.08 230.24
Rona Armillas 34 Plaza Street E
Brooklyn, New York 112385038
nnot employed / Not employed
08/02/2015 25.00 255.24
Rona Armillas 34 Plaza Street E
Brooklyn, New York 112385038
nnot employed / Not employed
08/13/2015 10.08 265.32
Rona Armillas 34 Plaza Street E
Brooklyn, New York 112385038
nnot employed / Not employed
09/02/2015 25.00 290.32
Rona Armillas 34 Plaza Street E
Brooklyn, New York 112385038
nnot employed / Not employed
09/13/2015 10.08 300.40
David Arms 1666 W Hollywood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606604013
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/20/2015 100.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/20/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
David Arms 1666 W Hollywood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606604013
Not employed / Not employed
08/31/2015 50.00 300.00
David Arms 1666 W Hollywood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 606604013
Not employed / Not employed
09/30/2015 50.00 350.00
Joel Aronoff 11243 Caravel Cir
Fort Myers, Florida 339083919
n/a / self
07/31/2015 100.00 350.00
Joel Aronoff 11243 Caravel Cir
Fort Myers, Florida 339083919
n/a / self
08/28/2015 100.00 450.00
Joel Aronoff 11243 Caravel Cir
Fort Myers, Florida 339083919
n/a / self
09/30/2015 100.00 550.00
Robert Askren 11366 Tacito Creek Dr S
Jacksonville, Florida 322237933
Kelly Educational Staffing / Teacher Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/07/2015 100.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/07/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Margaret Asprey 731 Linden Ave
Los Altos, California 940221630
self-employed / Researcher
09/22/2015 50.00 250.00
Elaine Attias 527 N Elm Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210
Not employed / writer/jounalist
09/04/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Margaret Bannerman 176 Stanyan Street
San Francisco, California 941184241
PAR Anesthesiology / Anesthesiologist
07/18/2015 25.00 525.00
Richard Barker 61 Bridgegate Dr
San Rafael, California 949031095
Self / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/17/2015 100.00 220.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/17/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Richard Barker 61 Bridgegate Dr
San Rafael, California 949031095
Self / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/22/2015 100.00 320.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/22/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Richard Barker 61 Bridgegate Dr
San Rafael, California 949031095
Self / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/17/2015 100.00 420.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/17/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Richard Barker 61 Bridgegate Dr
San Rafael, California 949031095
Self / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/22/2015 100.00 520.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/22/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Richard Barker 61 Bridgegate Dr
San Rafael, California 949031095
Self / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 113.00 633.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 113.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Linda Basham 1501 Gerrard Ave Apt B
Columbus, Ohio 432122661
Bel Columbus / Optical Technician
09/11/2015 25.00 225.00
Wendy Basser-Orange Villa Tuscana 1434 Jefferson Avenu
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
C/O Private House / Author Activist
07/03/2015 20.16 1020.16
Wendy Basser-Orange Villa Tuscana 1434 Jefferson Avenu
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
C/O Private House / Author Activist
07/03/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Steven Batipps 29739 Monterey Circle
Farmington, Michigan 483361307
Meridian Health Plan / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/09/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/09/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Steven Batipps 29739 Monterey Circle
Farmington, Michigan 483361307
Meridian Health Plan / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/09/2015 250.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/09/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
peter Bauer 1177 S Denning Drive
Winter Park, Florida 327895631
Retired / Retired
08/04/2015 250.00 250.00
Patricia Bauman 2358 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200082801
Bauman Foundation / Executive
07/17/2015 2700.00 5420.16
Patricia Bauman 2358 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200082801
Bauman Foundation / Executive Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/17/2015 2700.00 5420.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Intermediary MEMO
07/17/2015 5400.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Lloyd Bean 2500 East Ave Ph W
Rochester, New York 14610
n/a / Retired
07/03/2015 150.00 250.00
Lloyd Bean 2500 East Ave Ph W
Rochester, New York 14610
n/a / Retired
09/25/2015 150.00 400.00
Toby Berger 810 Gilliams Mountain Ct
Charlottesville, Virginia 229039708
Uva / Professor in School of Engineering
07/19/2015 20.16 359.28
Toby Berger 810 Gilliams Mountain Ct
Charlottesville, Virginia 229039708
Uva / Professor in School of Engineering
08/07/2015 126.00 485.28
Jeffrey Bergida 540 Trinity Ln N Apt 3103 Apt. 3103
St Petersburg, Florida 337161315
Planet Financial Group LLC / attorney
09/11/2015 100.00 240.32
Lynn And David Berlesman 238 Acadia Ter
Celebration, Florida 347475004
self-employed / Retired
08/28/2015 25.00 225.00
Lynn And David Berlesman 238 Acadia Ter
Celebration, Florida 347475004
self-employed / Retired
09/18/2015 25.00 250.00
Patricia Berman 21174 Hamlin Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334337433
Retired / Retired
07/24/2015 50.00 760.00
Patricia Berman 21174 Hamlin Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334337433
Retired / Retired
07/31/2015 180.00 940.00
Patricia Berman 21174 Hamlin Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334337433
Retired / Retired
08/21/2015 50.00 990.00
Patricia Berman 21174 Hamlin Dr
Boca Raton, Florida 334337433
Retired / Retired
09/25/2015 50.00 1040.00
Dale Beuning 5644 36th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981262828
None / Not Employed
08/08/2015 20.14 201.26
Dale Beuning 5644 36th Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981262828
None / Not Employed
09/08/2015 20.14 221.40
Emanuel Blackman 5360 James Ave
Oakland, California 946181104
Retired / Printer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/22/2015 500.00 1000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/22/2015 500.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Sylvia Black 11511 SW 39th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972197407
None / None
09/20/2015 10.00 210.00
Sylvia Black 11511 SW 39th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972197407
None / None Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/29/2015 10.00 220.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/29/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Sylvia Black 11511 SW 39th Ave
Portland, Oregon 972197407
None / None
09/30/2015 10.00 230.00
Claudine Blackwell 1020 Penman Springs Rd
Paso Robles, California 934469360
self-employed / Winery
08/15/2015 100.00 220.00
Claudine Blackwell 1020 Penman Springs Rd
Paso Robles, California 934469360
self-employed / Winery Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/15/2015 100.00 320.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/15/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Scott Blau 41 Prospect Drive
Yonkers, New York 10705
n/a / Not Employed
07/29/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Kevin Block-Schwenk 92 Gordon St Apt 403
Brighton, Massachusetts 021356219
Berklee College of Music / Professor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/09/2015 500.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/09/2015 500.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Gina Boonshoft 321 W 104th St
New York, New York 100254132
n/a / Freelance Film/TV Producer
09/03/2015 100.00 250.00
Gina Boonshoft 321 W 104th St
New York, New York 100254132
n/a / Freelance Film/TV Producer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 50.00 300.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Rita Bornstein 1110 SW Ivanhoe Blvd #4 Apt. 4
Orlando, Florida 328046323
Rollins College / President Emerita & Professor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/13/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/13/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Donna Bova 13650 W 249th St
Louisburg, Kansas 660538289
self-employed / Homemaker
09/30/2015 200.00 400.00
Carolyn Boynton 11 Chester Ave
Fairfax, California 949301201
Self / Outsource Book Keeper
09/04/2015 200.00 600.00
Nancy Briley 350 Golden Gate Pt
Sarasota, Florida 342366671
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/16/2015 500.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/16/2015 500.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Frank Broadbent 10 Baxter Ln
Brunswick, Maine 040117834
Not employed / Not employed
09/05/2015 20.14 200.28
Robert Broedel PO Box 20049
Tallahassee, Florida 323160049
Florida State University / Engineer
09/09/2015 20.16 210.48
Edward Bromberg 10027 Crystalline Court
Orlando, Florida 328366024
GeNO LLC / scientist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/20/2015 3.00 253.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/20/2015 3.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Kate Bronfenbrenner 207 Cobb St
Ithaca, New York 148504909
Cornell University / Professor
09/11/2015 50.00 300.00
Adam Bronfman 2300 Lucky John Dr
Park City, Utah 840606913
Mighty Bum LLC / Consultant Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/28/2015 250.00 375.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/28/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Galen Brooks 125 4th St NE
Washington, DC 200025931
None / Not employed
07/29/2015 100.00 800.00
Robert Brosius Jr 5700 Etiwanda Ave
Tarzana, California 913562556
self-employed / Accountant
09/04/2015 20.16 201.60
LUCY BROWN 122 Old River Rd
Lincoln, Rhode Island 028651334
Lucy J Brown, Md, Llc / Physician
08/08/2015 20.14 201.40
LUCY BROWN 122 Old River Rd
Lincoln, Rhode Island 028651334
Lucy J Brown, Md, Llc / Physician
09/08/2015 20.14 221.54
Debbie Bruell 238 Euclid Ave
Carbondale, Colorado 816232127
n/a / N/A
08/07/2015 25.00 325.00
Debbie Bruell 238 Euclid Ave
Carbondale, Colorado 816232127
n/a / N/A
09/04/2015 25.00 350.00
Debbie Bruell 238 Euclid Ave
Carbondale, Colorado 816232127
n/a / N/A
09/30/2015 25.00 375.00
Georges Brun-Cottan 34 Baker St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024784025
EMC / Engineer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/08/2015 20.00 220.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/08/2015 20.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Georges Brun-Cottan 34 Baker St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024784025
EMC / Engineer
07/31/2015 50.00 270.00
Georges Brun-Cottan 34 Baker St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024784025
EMC / Engineer
08/31/2015 50.00 320.00
Georges Brun-Cottan 34 Baker St
Belmont, Massachusetts 024784025
EMC / Engineer
09/30/2015 50.00 370.00
John Landrum Bryant 2358 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200082801
Not employed / Not employed
07/13/2015 2700.00 2700.00
John Bryant 2358 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 200082801
Self / Self-employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/13/2015 2400.00 2400.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/13/2015 2400.00 566800.11 LIMITS
William Bua 13201 N Point Ln
Laurel, Maryland 207082354
UCAR / Project Scientist
09/26/2015 20.14 201.40
William Bua 13201 N Point Ln
Laurel, Maryland 207082354
UCAR / Project Scientist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/27/2015 20.00 221.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/27/2015 20.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stuart Buchanan 647 Bourne Pl
Orlando, Florida 32801
Information Requested / Information Requested
09/23/2015 500.00 500.00
Douglas Bucher 1824 Owens Rd
Leesburg, Florida 347489634
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/30/2015 50.00 210.42
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/30/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Douglas Bucher 1824 Owens Rd
Leesburg, Florida 347489634
n/a / Not Employed
09/29/2015 20.14 230.56
Douglas Bucher 1824 Owens Rd
Leesburg, Florida 347489634
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 50.00 280.56
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Barry Bunes 711 Copeland Ct Apt 4
Santa Monica, California 904054475
Cedars Sinai / bio medical equipment specialist
07/30/2015 20.14 286.12
Barry Bunes 711 Copeland Ct Apt 4
Santa Monica, California 904054475
Cedars Sinai / bio medical equipment specialist
08/30/2015 20.14 306.26
Barry Bunes 711 Copeland Ct Apt 4
Santa Monica, California 904054475
Cedars Sinai / bio medical equipment specialist
09/30/2015 20.14 326.40
Lucinda Bunnen 3910 Randall Mill Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303273102
self-employed / photographer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/21/2015 100.00 285.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/21/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Lucinda Bunnen 3910 Randall Mill Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303273102
self-employed / photographer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/25/2015 35.00 320.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/25/2015 35.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Lucinda Bunnen 3910 Randall Mill Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303273102
self-employed / photographer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/29/2015 50.00 370.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/29/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Volker Burkert 237 Huntstree Pl
Newport News, Virginia 236028347
Jefferson Lab / Physicist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/27/2015 100.00 300.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/27/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Volker Burkert 237 Huntstree Pl
Newport News, Virginia 236028347
Jefferson Lab / Physicist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/27/2015 100.00 400.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/27/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Volker Burkert 237 Huntstree Pl
Newport News, Virginia 236028347
Jefferson Lab / Physicist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/30/2015 50.00 450.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/30/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Volker Burkert 237 Huntstree Pl
Newport News, Virginia 236028347
Jefferson Lab / Physicist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/27/2015 100.00 550.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/27/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Volker Burkert 237 Huntstree Pl
Newport News, Virginia 236028347
Jefferson Lab / Physicist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/27/2015 50.00 600.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/27/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Volker Burkert 237 Huntstree Pl
Newport News, Virginia 236028347
Jefferson Lab / Physicist Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 50.00 650.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Patricia Burson 1400 Munoz Pl
Placentia, California 928707200
Santa Monica College / Librarian
07/03/2015 10.00 286.12
Patricia Burson 1400 Munoz Pl
Placentia, California 928707200
Santa Monica College / Librarian
09/03/2015 10.00 296.12
Patricia Burson 1400 Munoz Pl
Placentia, California 928707200
Santa Monica College / Librarian Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/27/2015 50.00 346.12
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/27/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
robert bush 507 County Road 32050
Brookston, Texas 754212513
Not employed / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 100.00 300.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Dean Byrd 400 Lake St Ste 202
Roselle, Illinois 601723572
Self / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/25/2015 30.00 210.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/25/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Patrick Cannon 5042 Beach Dr SW
Seattle, Washington 981361040
None / Not employed
07/31/2015 100.00 900.00
Patrick Cannon 5042 Beach Dr SW
Seattle, Washington 981361040
None / Not employed
08/31/2015 100.00 1000.00
Patrick Cannon 5042 Beach Dr SW
Seattle, Washington 981361040
None / Not employed
09/30/2015 100.00 1100.00
Thomasina Canty 416 Mcpherson Ave
Lansing, Michigan 48915
n/a / Retired
08/21/2015 25.00 250.00
Thomasina Canty 416 Mcpherson Ave
Lansing, Michigan 48915
n/a / Retired
09/18/2015 25.00 275.00
Ralph Carroll 581 Muskingum Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902724252
n/a / N/A
07/31/2015 50.00 423.43
Ralph Carroll 581 Muskingum Ave
Pacific Palisades, California 902724252
n/a / N/A
09/18/2015 100.00 523.43
Donald Cassata 14700 Akron St
Brighton, Colorado 806025711
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/23/2015 100.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/23/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Donald Cassata 14700 Akron St
Brighton, Colorado 806025711
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/23/2015 100.00 600.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/23/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Michele Catellier 12844 Lincoln Ave
Clive, Iowa 503257409
st of ia / sme
07/26/2015 50.00 400.00
Michele Catellier 12844 Lincoln Ave
Clive, Iowa 503257409
st of ia / sme
08/26/2015 50.00 450.00
Michele Catellier 12844 Lincoln Ave
Clive, Iowa 503257409
st of ia / sme
09/26/2015 50.00 500.00
Lorna Caulkins 1314 Elm St
Grinnell, Iowa 501121542
n/a / Reutred
08/21/2015 100.00 450.00
Martin Celnick 520 S 2nd St Apt 300
Springfield, Illinois 627011723
NA / Software Devolper
09/30/2015 200.00 800.00
John Cerullo 254 Meehan Rd
Margaretville, New York 124552013
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/21/2015 254.00 274.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/21/2015 254.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Linda Chapin 2022 Hoffner Avenue
Orlando, Florida 328093530
Not employed / Not employed
09/11/2015 250.00 250.00
Barbara Chinitz 422 Oakland Valley Rd
Cuddebackville, New York 127295131
Citizens Environmental Coalition / Executive Director Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/10/2015 250.00 350.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/10/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Barbara Chinitz 422 Oakland Valley Rd
Cuddebackville, New York 127295131
Citizens Environmental Coalition / Executive Director Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/10/2015 250.00 600.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/10/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Albert Chiodi 705 Terrace Blvd
Orlando, Florida 328033218
Self / Re Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/07/2015 500.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/07/2015 500.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Michael Christiano 5200 N Diversey Blvd Apt 102
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin 532175171
Sommers Inc / Finance Manager
07/24/2015 50.00 350.00
Michael Christiano 5200 N Diversey Blvd Apt 102
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin 532175171
Sommers Inc / Finance Manager
08/21/2015 50.00 400.00
Michael Christiano 5200 N Diversey Blvd Apt 102
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin 532175171
Sommers Inc / Finance Manager
09/25/2015 50.00 450.00
Dom Cicchetti 94 Linsley Lake Rd
North Branford, Connecticut 064711248
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/28/2015 150.00 300.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/28/2015 150.00 566800.11 LIMITS
William J. Cleary Jr. 3624 Rosewood Ave
Los Angeles, California 900663030
None / Retired Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/02/2015 100.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/02/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
L Mason Cobb 3013 S 363rd Street
Federal Way, Washington 980037249
Victoria Healthcare / Physician
07/19/2015 20.14 261.12
L Mason Cobb 3013 S 363rd Street
Federal Way, Washington 980037249
Victoria Healthcare / Physician
08/19/2015 20.14 281.26
L Mason Cobb 3013 S 363rd Street
Federal Way, Washington 980037249
Victoria Healthcare / Physician
09/19/2015 20.14 301.40
Edward Coburn 6184 corning rd
Cocoa, Florida 329278861
n/a / Not Employed
09/07/2015 20.00 210.00
Edward Coburn 6184 corning rd
Cocoa, Florida 329278861
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/15/2015 50.00 260.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/15/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Edward Coburn 6184 corning rd
Cocoa, Florida 329278861
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/25/2015 30.00 290.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/25/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Edward Coburn 6184 corning rd
Cocoa, Florida 329278861
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/29/2015 100.00 390.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/29/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Edward Coburn 6184 corning rd
Cocoa, Florida 329278861
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/29/2015 30.00 420.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/29/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Nancy Cohen 340 Riverside Dr
New York, New York 100253423
Nyu / Professor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/16/2015 1000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Cohen 340 Riverside Dr Apt 8-B
New York, New York 10025
Nyu / Professor
08/16/2015 1000.00 1000.00
Stephen Cohen 340 Riverside Dr Apt 8-B
New York, New York 10025
Nyu / Professor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/03/2015 1000.00 2000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/03/2015 1000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Paul Coladonato 288 S Devon Ave
Wayne, Pennsylvania 190872928
Self / Consultant
09/19/2015 2300.00 5000.00
Paul Coladonato 288 S Devon Ave
Wayne, Pennsylvania 190872928
Self / Consultant Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/19/2015 2700.00 5000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Intermediary MEMO
09/19/2015 5000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Collins 1964 3rd Ave
Walnut Creek, California 945972515
n/a / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/13/2015 3.00 203.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/13/2015 3.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Collins 1964 3rd Ave
Walnut Creek, California 945972515
n/a / self Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/22/2015 35.00 238.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/22/2015 35.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Paul Condon 2895 Blue Jay Way
Lafayette, Colorado 800269059
n/a / Retired
08/14/2015 50.00 450.00
Paul Condon 2895 Blue Jay Way
Lafayette, Colorado 800269059
n/a / Retired
08/21/2015 100.00 550.00
Paul Condon 2895 Blue Jay Way
Lafayette, Colorado 800269059
n/a / Retired
09/18/2015 50.00 600.00
Larry Conley 1912 Arden Dr
Allison Park, Pennsylvania 151012804
Sto-Rox School District / Civics Teacher
07/31/2015 20.14 216.28
Larry Conley 1912 Arden Dr
Allison Park, Pennsylvania 151012804
Sto-Rox School District / Civics Teacher
08/31/2015 20.14 236.42
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed
08/08/2015 50.00 230.00
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed
08/08/2015 50.00 230.00
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/20/2015 10.00 240.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/20/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/03/2015 10.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/03/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/05/2015 10.00 260.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/05/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed
09/08/2015 50.00 310.00
Catherine Connell 151 San Francisco Blvd
San Anselmo, California 949601652
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/28/2015 20.00 330.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/28/2015 20.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Liam Connell 111 West Westminster
Lake Forest, Illinois 600452124
Not employed / Not employed
08/13/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Liam Connell 111 West Westminster
Lake Forest, Illinois 600452124
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/13/2015 2700.00 5400.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Intermediary MEMO
08/13/2015 5400.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Michael Connolly 150 Nassau St Apt 7F
New York, New York 100381545
Morrison Cohen LLP / lawyer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/14/2015 100.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/14/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Michael Connolly 150 Nassau St Apt 7F
New York, New York 100381545
Morrison Cohen LLP / lawyer
08/07/2015 50.00 300.00
Michael Connolly 150 Nassau St Apt 7F
New York, New York 100381545
Morrison Cohen LLP / lawyer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/19/2015 20.16 320.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/19/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Michael Connolly 150 Nassau St Apt 7F
New York, New York 100381545
Morrison Cohen LLP / lawyer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/22/2015 75.00 395.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/22/2015 75.00 566800.11 LIMITS
John D Cooke 113 Olde Maple Ct
Galena, Illinois 610362011
None / Retired Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/17/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/17/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Clarice M Corell 873 Guerrero St
San Francisco, California 941102222
Landor / Executive Assistant
08/13/2015 500.00 500.00
E. Thomas Costello 3244 Sundance Cir
Naples, Florida 341098923
self-employed / coach Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/09/2015 100.00 220.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/09/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
John Costo 26 E Main Street # 74
Lucas, Ohio 448439701
Information Requested / Information Requested
09/24/2015 150.00 250.00
Allison Coudert 2728 Portola Way
Sacramento, California 958183534
University of California at Davis / Professor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/01/2015 250.00 310.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/01/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Allison Coudert 2728 Portola Way
Sacramento, California 958183534
University of California at Davis / Professor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/11/2015 250.00 560.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/11/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Llona Crane 2101 Main Street Suite 111
Baker City, Oregon 978142676
part-time proofreader / self
09/30/2015 20.14 201.40
Pedro Cuatrecasas 7912 Entrada De Luz E
San Diego, California 921272559
n/a / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/09/2015 20.16 210.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/09/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Pedro Cuatrecasas 7912 Entrada De Luz E
San Diego, California 921272559
n/a / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/16/2015 20.16 230.64
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/16/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Roy Curtiss 2312 NW 23rd Ter
Gainesville, Florida 326052807
Information Requested / Information Requested
09/24/2015 250.00 250.00
Scott Daley 7750 Joyce Dr
Sebastopol, California 954722651
Self / Self-employed
09/09/2015 100.00 300.00
Carol Daniels 14860 David Dr
Fort Myers, Florida 339081640
Retired / Retired
08/19/2015 20.14 211.40
Carol Daniels 14860 David Dr
Fort Myers, Florida 339081640
Retired / Retired Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/05/2015 10.00 221.40
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/05/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Carol Daniels 14860 David Dr
Fort Myers, Florida 339081640
Retired / Retired
09/19/2015 20.14 241.54
Clyde Daughhetee PO Box 1241
Pecos, Texas 797721241
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/25/2015 75.00 220.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/25/2015 75.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Diane Davidson 8927 Bloomfield Blvd
Sarasota, Florida 342384452
Self / Writer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/08/2015 100.00 203.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/08/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
April D Davis 3501 Hannett Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871061116
Klarus / RN
08/21/2015 25.00 225.00
April D Davis 3501 Hannett Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871061116
Klarus / RN
09/18/2015 25.00 250.00
James Davis 2350 Eaglemount Rd
Port Townsend, Washington 983689326
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/19/2015 20.16 235.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/19/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
James Davis 2350 Eaglemount Rd
Port Townsend, Washington 983689326
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/19/2015 20.16 255.32
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/19/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
James Davis 2350 Eaglemount Rd
Port Townsend, Washington 983689326
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/19/2015 20.16 275.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/19/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/09/2015 20.16 229.16
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/09/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/09/2015 20.16 249.32
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/09/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/21/2015 30.00 279.32
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/21/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/27/2015 30.00 309.32
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/27/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/31/2015 30.00 339.32
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/31/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/09/2015 20.16 359.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/09/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/22/2015 30.00 389.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/22/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jan Debont 501 S Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, California 902124562
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 30.00 419.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 30.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Mario DeCorso 1261 Post House Rd
Media, Pennsylvania 190632004
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/17/2015 50.00 235.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/17/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Benjamin DeCosta 1343 Cascade Falls Ct SW
Atlanta, Georgia 303113674
DeCosta Consulting LLC / Aviation Consultant Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/20/2015 100.00 300.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/20/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Deshpande Limited Partnership 1945 W Wesley Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021
07/20/2015 2600.00 10000.00
Sheila Deshpande 1945 W. Wesley Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021
Deshpande Limited Partnership / Partner Partnership: Deshpande Limited Partnership MEMO
07/20/2015 2600.00 10000.00 LIMITS
Deshpande Limited Partnership 1945 W Wesley Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021
07/20/2015 2000.00 10000.00
Sheila Deshpande 1945 W. Wesley Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021
Deshpande Limited Partnership / Partner Partnership: Deshpande Limited Partnership MEMO
07/20/2015 2000.00 10000.00 LIMITS
Deshpande Limited Partnership 1945 W Wesley Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021

07/20/2015 2700.00 10000.00
Sheila Deshpande 1945 W. Wesley Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021
Deshpande Limited Partnership / Partner Partnership: Deshpande Limited Partnership MEMO
07/20/2015 2700.00 10000.00 LIMITS
Deshpande Limited Partnership 1945 W Wesley Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021

07/20/2015 2700.00 10000.00
Sheila Deshpande 1945 W. Wesley Rd NW
Atlanta, Georgia 303272021
Deshpande Limited Partnership / Partner Partnership: Deshpande Limited Partnership MEMO
07/20/2015 2700.00 10000.00 LIMITS
Anand Deshpande 8839 Southern Breeze Drive
Orlando, Florida 328365034
Deshpande, Inc. / Developer
07/20/2015 2700.00 200.00
Anand Deshpande 8839 Southern Breeze Drive
Orlando, Florida 328365034
Deshpande, Inc. / Developer
07/20/2015 2700.00 200.00
Ruth Dick 3560 Redwood Ave.
Los Angeles, California 900663024
n/a / Not Employed
09/03/2015 20.16 201.46
Jay Doegey 3400 McKamy Oaks Trl
Arlington, Texas 760173541
City of Arlington Texas / Municipal Attprney Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/09/2015 100.00 300.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/09/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jay Doegey 3400 McKamy Oaks Trl
Arlington, Texas 760173541
City of Arlington Texas / Municipal Attprney Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/10/2015 25.00 325.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/10/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Dowdy 27445 Stagecoach Rd
Conifer, Colorado 804337223
self-employed / Recruiter
08/21/2015 100.00 250.00
Paul Droluk 6124 Villa Flora
Bonsall, California 920036223
IBSCO / CEO - Founder Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/09/2015 250.00 350.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/09/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Elihu Druckman PO Box 146
Chehalis, Washington 985320146
N?a / Retired
09/09/2015 20.14 210.42
Tim Duda 340 Queen Anne Ct
San Antonio, Texas 782096625
None / Not employed
09/30/2015 25.00 225.00
Leroy Duvall 1005 Lake Claire Dr
Annapolis, Maryland 214094727
USDA/NRCS / intl development Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/25/2015 10.00 205.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/25/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jack Edelman 1221 Ocean Avenue Apt. 903
Santa Monica, California 904011046
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/22/2015 250.00 256.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/22/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Joseph Egan 711 Park Lake Cir
Orlando, Florida 328033910
Egan Lev & Siwica / lawyer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/17/2015 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/17/2015 1000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Joseph Egan 711 Park Lake Cir
Orlando, Florida 328033910
Egan Lev & Siwica / lawyer Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/17/2015 1000.00 2000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/17/2015 1000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Paul Egerman 77 Westcliff Rd
Weston, Massachusetts 024931409
None / Not employed
09/30/2015 2700.00 5400.00
Paul Egerman 77 Westcliff Rd
Weston, Massachusetts 024931409
None / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 2700.00 5400.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Intermediary MEMO
09/30/2015 5400.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Timothy Ehritt 2341 Aztec Avenue
Ventura, California 930014405
Self / attorney Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/12/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/12/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Rich Eide 728 Clark St Apt 202
Evanston, Illinois 602013760
Northwestern University / Research Analyst
09/20/2015 20.16 201.60
Cheryl Einhorn 57 Brevoort Lane
Rye, New York 105801005
Information Requested / Information Requested
07/31/2015 2700.00 2700.00
Cheryl Einhorn 57 Brevoort Lane
Rye, New York 105801005
Information Requested / Information Requested
08/07/2015 2700.00 5400.00
David Einhorn 57 Brevoort Lane
Rye, New York 105801005
Information Requested / Information Requested
07/31/2015 2700.00 2700.00
William Eisenhauer 354 9th St Ne
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
n/a / Retired
09/11/2015 25.00 225.00
James Ellis 1540 Cherry Ridge Dr
Heathrow, Florida 327461902
Self / Retired
07/31/2015 250.00 250.00
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/06/2015 20.16 210.32
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/06/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/07/2015 50.00 280.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/07/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/07/2015 20.16 230.48
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/07/2015 20.16 566800.11 LIMITS
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
07/26/2015 20.16 300.64
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
07/29/2015 10.00 310.64
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
07/31/2015 10.00 320.64
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
08/06/2015 20.16 340.80
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
08/07/2015 20.16 360.96
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
08/26/2015 20.16 381.12
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
08/29/2015 10.00 391.12
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/30/2015 15.00 406.12
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/30/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/31/2015 15.00 421.12
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/31/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
09/06/2015 20.16 441.28
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
09/07/2015 20.16 461.44
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/24/2015 15.00 476.44
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/24/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
09/26/2015 20.16 496.60
Louis Ellman 7667 San Carlos St
Boynton Beach, Florida 334376638
N/A / Not Employed
09/29/2015 10.00 506.60
Bob Epstein 618 Santa Barbara Rd
Berkeley, California 947071718
None / Retired Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/20/2015 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/20/2015 1000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Patricia Erkan 21918 48th Avenue W
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 980433415
self-employed / Business owner
07/01/2015 20.16 485.16
Patricia Erkan 21918 48th Avenue W
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 980433415
self-employed / Business owner
07/14/2015 35.00 520.16
Patricia Erkan 21918 48th Avenue W
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 980433415
self-employed / Business owner
08/14/2015 35.00 555.16
Patricia Erkan 21918 48th Avenue W
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 980433415
self-employed / Business owner
09/14/2015 35.00 590.16
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/18/2015 50.00 215.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/18/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed
08/25/2015 10.00 225.00
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/27/2015 15.00 240.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/27/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/18/2015 50.00 340.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/18/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/18/2015 50.00 340.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/18/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed
09/25/2015 10.00 350.00
Marion T Etheredge 2917 Columbia Avenue
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/27/2015 15.00 365.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/27/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
James Fahey 2120 Ne 40th Terr
Ocala, Florida 344703170
Self / Retired
08/28/2015 50.00 250.00
Far Out Solutions 8000 S Orange Ave Ste 203
Orlando, Florida 328096748

09/24/2015 600.00 600.00
Edward Farmilant 2350 E Elm Street
Tucson, Arizona 857194333
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/26/2015 2000.00 2200.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/26/2015 2000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Diana Farris 501 Melody Ln S
Socorro, New Mexico 878015108
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/11/2015 25.00 225.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/11/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Diana Farris 501 Melody Ln S
Socorro, New Mexico 878015108
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/01/2015 38.00 263.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/01/2015 38.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Diana Farris 501 Melody Ln S
Socorro, New Mexico 878015108
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/11/2015 25.00 288.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/11/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Richard Fell 30 Grace Church St.
Rye, New York 105803925
Self Employed / Self Employed
07/07/2015 2300.00 5000.00
Richard Fell 30 Grace Church St.
Rye, New York 105803925
Self Employed / Self Employed
07/07/2015 2700.00 5000.00
Theodosia Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001
Vital Systems / Facilitator Educator Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/23/2015 1000.00 1000.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/23/2015 1000.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Theodosia Ferguson 1642 Milvia St Apt 4
Berkeley, California 947092001
Vital Systems / Facilitator Educator Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/29/2015 100.00 1100.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/29/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Harvey Fernbach MD MPH 8600 Split Oak Cir
Bethesda, Maryland 208176934
Self / Physician
07/01/2015 50.00 510.00
Harvey Fernbach MD MPH 8600 Split Oak Cir
Bethesda, Maryland 208176934
Self / Physician
07/03/2015 100.00 610.00
Harvey Fernbach MD MPH 8600 Split Oak Cir
Bethesda, Maryland 208176934
Self / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/09/2015 300.00 910.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/09/2015 300.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Harvey Fernbach MD MPH 8600 Split Oak Cir
Bethesda, Maryland 208176934
Self / Physician
08/03/2015 100.00 1010.00
Harvey Fernbach MD MPH 8600 Split Oak Cir
Bethesda, Maryland 208176934
Self / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/09/2015 300.00 1310.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/09/2015 300.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Rick Fiala 198 Clyde Rd
Athens, Georgia 306053814
Not employed / Not employed
09/08/2015 50.00 213.00
Rick Fiala 198 Clyde Rd
Athens, Georgia 306053814
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 38.00 251.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 38.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Figler 5367 Ogan Rd
Carpinteria, California 930131546
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/21/2015 10.00 202.50
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/21/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Figler 5367 Ogan Rd
Carpinteria, California 930131546
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/23/2015 10.00 212.50
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/23/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Figler 5367 Ogan Rd
Carpinteria, California 930131546
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 10.00 222.50
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Stephen Figler 5367 Ogan Rd
Carpinteria, California 930131546
N/A / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 10.00 232.50
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Chris Findlater 6538 Collins Ave
Miami Beach, Florida 331414694
Self / Tech Investor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/15/2015 2700.00 2700.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/15/2015 2700.00 566800.11 LIMITS
William Fite 2508 Marzel Avenue
Orlando, Florida 328065705
Dept. of Veterans Affairs. / Research Administrator
09/06/2015 20.14 201.40
Allan Fix 1815 Highland Pl
Berkeley, California 947091009
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/09/2015 100.00 292.50
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/09/2015 100.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Allan Fix 1815 Highland Pl
Berkeley, California 947091009
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/19/2015 10.00 302.50
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/19/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Mary Flavan 2890 Atascadero Road
Morro Bay, California 934421869
Self / Physician
09/30/2015 20.14 201.40
George Forester 16580 Maple Circle
Lake Oswego, Oregon 970345628
Self / Inventor Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
07/07/2015 25.00 225.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
07/07/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
George Forester 16580 Maple Circle
Lake Oswego, Oregon 970345628
Self / Inventor
08/07/2015 25.00 250.00
George Forester 16580 Maple Circle
Lake Oswego, Oregon 970345628
Self / Inventor
09/07/2015 25.00 275.00
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/08/2015 10.00 210.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/08/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/10/2015 25.00 238.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/10/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/10/2015 3.00 213.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/10/2015 3.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/12/2015 25.00 263.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/12/2015 25.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/14/2015 15.00 278.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/14/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/15/2015 10.00 288.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/15/2015 10.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/16/2015 15.00 303.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/16/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/17/2015 20.00 343.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/17/2015 20.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/17/2015 20.00 323.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/17/2015 20.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/19/2015 15.00 358.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/19/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/22/2015 50.00 408.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/22/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/24/2015 35.00 443.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/24/2015 35.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/24/2015 35.00 478.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/24/2015 35.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/28/2015 50.00 528.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/28/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/29/2015 15.00 543.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/29/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 15.00 608.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Charles Forwerck 3847 CREEKSIDE DR.
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 496847218
n/a / Not Employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/30/2015 50.00 593.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/30/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Michael Fox 719 52nd St N
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337106517
Self / political consultant Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/24/2015 250.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/24/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Michael Fox 719 52nd St N
Saint Petersburg, Florida 337106517
Self / political consultant Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/24/2015 250.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/24/2015 250.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Abbe Franklin 376 Heritage Hls Unit A
Somers, New York 105894097
n/a / Retired
07/24/2015 200.00 400.00
John Frantz 420 Beach Road No. 403 Apt 403
Sarasota, Florida 342421963
The Sutton Companies / Chairman Of The Board
08/14/2015 50.00 210.00
John Frantz 420 Beach Road No. 403 Apt 403
Sarasota, Florida 342421963
The Sutton Companies / Chairman Of The Board Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/05/2015 50.00 260.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/05/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
John Frantz 420 Beach Road No. 403 Apt 403
Sarasota, Florida 342421963
The Sutton Companies / Chairman Of The Board
09/14/2015 50.00 310.00
Janet Frey 1080 Marsh Ave
Reno, Nevada 895092532
n/a / R.n.
07/24/2015 100.00 400.00
William Frey 10 Glenville Road
Greenwich, Connecticut 068315332
Information Requested / Information Requested DEBT RETIREMENT
07/07/2015 2500.00 10000.00
William Frey 10 Glenville Road
Greenwich, Connecticut 068315332
Information Requested / Information Requested DEBT RETIREMENT
07/07/2015 2400.00 10000.00
William Frey 10 Glenville Road
Greenwich, Connecticut 068315332
Information Requested / Information Requested DEBT RETIREMENT
07/07/2015 2400.00 10000.00
William Frey 10 Glenville Road
Greenwich, Connecticut 068315332
Information Requested / Information Requested DEBT RETIREMENT
07/07/2015 200.00 10000.00
William Frey 10 Glenville Road
Greenwich, Connecticut 068315332
Information Requested / Information Requested DEBT RETIREMENT
07/07/2015 2500.00 10000.00
Carolyn Honey Friedman 9605 Jefferson Hwy Ste I
New Orleans, Louisiana 701232550
Not employed / Not employed Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/04/2015 50.00 250.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/04/2015 50.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Carolyn Honey Friedman 9605 Jefferson Hwy Ste I
New Orleans, Louisiana 701232550
Not employed / Not employed
08/10/2015 100.00 350.00
Vidor Friedman 13061 Water Point Blvd
Windermere, Florida 347865818
Florida Emergency Physicians / Physician Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
09/25/2015 500.00 550.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
09/25/2015 500.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Chandra Friese 3675 Clay St.
San Francisco, California 941181803
Mayne / Real Estate Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/24/2015 500.00 500.00
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/24/2015 500.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Anne Furman PO Box 722
Trumansburg, New York 148860722
Not employed / Not employed
07/31/2015 20.00 200.16
Anne Furman PO Box 722
Trumansburg, New York 148860722
Not employed / Not employed
08/31/2015 20.00 220.16
Anne Furman PO Box 722
Trumansburg, New York 148860722
Not employed / Not employed
09/30/2015 20.00 240.16
Marian Galbraith 4596 Rock Creek Rd
Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388
Tullahoma / Reporter/ Writer
09/04/2015 25.00 225.00
Marian Galbraith 4596 Rock Creek Rd
Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388
Tullahoma / Reporter/ Writer
09/30/2015 25.00 250.00
John Garfolo 28 Marin Street
San Rafael, California 949014938
Self Employed - Stephan-Hill / Designer
08/06/2015 25.00 225.00
John Garfolo 28 Marin Street
San Rafael, California 949014938
Self Employed - Stephan-Hill / Designer
09/06/2015 25.00 250.00
Debra Garoutte 4349 Midway Ave
Grants Pass, Oregon 975277505
n/a / Peer Support Specialist
08/21/2015 25.00 225.00
Debra Garoutte 4349 Midway Ave
Grants Pass, Oregon 975277505
n/a / Peer Support Specialist
09/25/2015 25.00 250.00
Jon Christopher Geissmann PO Box 435
Brooklandville, Maryland 210220435
FreedomCar / Driver
07/31/2015 20.14 336.12
Jon Christopher Geissmann PO Box 435
Brooklandville, Maryland 210220435
FreedomCar / Driver Earmarked (Non-Directed) through ActBlue
08/27/2015 15.00 351.12
ActBlue 14 Arrow Street Suite 11
Cambridge, Massachusetts 021385106
Conduit Memo Total MEMO
08/27/2015 15.00 566800.11 LIMITS
Jon Christopher Geissmann PO Box 435
Brooklandville, Maryland 210220435
FreedomCar / Driver
08/31/2015 20.14 371.26

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $263463.08
Total Memo Amount $123744.16
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 338
Number of Transactions (Memo) 162

Generated Wed Feb 19 15:51:56 2025